@@R19L894 Realmente me surpreende, a você não? Meu comentário não fez nenhuma consideração moral a respeito das nossas leis. Não falei nada a respeito de estarem certas ou erradas. Você está inventando um sentido oculto que não existe no meu texto. Inclusive porque sou autista, então quase sempre o que eu disse é o que eu disse, sem nenhum significado oculto kkkkk
I don't know about Australia l, but US and Europe laws are equal or worse than ours. In the US, the police may stop you for basically anything they'd like.
@@pizzanofornokkkk vou te falar que ele teve muita sorte, podia ter sido tudo muito pior. Graças a Deus ele ta bem mano, agora é só ficar alguns dias parado e esfriar a cabeça.
take this oportunity to explore more of Brazi. Go to São Paulo countryside, cities like Campos do Jordão, Piranapiacaba, Ubatuba, and others in Rio like Petropolis and Nova Friburgo. Ouro Preto and Tiradentes in Minas Gerais
Esse cara faz uns comentários meio xenofóbicos, ele faz um monte de merda, conversa em espanhol com os brasileiros e ainda acha que está certo. No começo eu estava gostando de acompanhar ele, mas depois que ele chegou nas cidades grandes comecei a sentir é RAIVA desse cara.
@@TaicowFox achei bem estranho o cara não ter estudado nada sobre o nosso país. Passou pelo litoral todo da região Sul e só parou em locais ermos e nada turísticos. No início só falava que o BR era perigoso, depois mudou o discurso quando viu que tinha muitos BR assistindo e comentando a respeito. Acha que vai conseguir dirigir nas autoestradas americanas com tuk tuk? Improvável.
@@TaicowFoxa parte de conversar com brasileiros em espanhol é simplesmente porque ele fala espanhol. Tanto que a viagem se inicia em países que falam espanhol. Mas se você ver ele vem melhorando o português dele. Da mesma forma que muitos brasileiros vão pra Argentina e falam português o contrário também acontece.
I know you are aussies, but in the US it's even easier to get fined for this sort of stuff. I mean, you may be fined even for your wheel not coming to a complete stop in the STOP sign. As for speeding... well, just pay attention to the limits. Automatic speeding cameras are everywhere in the country.
I know bro im tired of this kind of dudes that thinks hey we are in latin america, lets do w/e we want, but then when they are at their own countries or in merica, they would stop on every block and act civil.
@@bushidowarrior8961 I don´t think they thought they could have their own way. They obviously got by accident on the wrong hand and speed limits are easy to tresspass by acident, specially when you are learning to drive in the place and trying to pay attention to EVERYTHING and finding your way around. I know I drove in the US and made some idiot things that deserved fines if cops caught me, that I didn´t do in Brazil because i am USED to drive here.
@@rogeriopenna9014 He is even has the aggravating sympton of being Australian, so he has to adjust to driving in the left side of the vehicle, since he was driving in the middle seat in the tuk tuk.
@@henriquesoares2343this is totally true. I noticed when he turned on the wipes thinking it was the left sign. I did that a lot and I still do this mistake. It is so frustrating when you spray your front mirror instead of flashing the lights. Oh man, I can’t drive in São Paulo anymore. For sure I will do something terrible wrong… 😂😂😂
Very easy, especially if you are trying to open a business, sell a house. You just have to wait 6 to 10 months, very fast, no burocract at all. It's so fricking easy.
@@Moraes.S it's crazy here isn't it. I'm trying to get my Brazilian car license, but they won't accept my Australian drivers licence as it doesn't have a commencement date. Only an expiry date.. 😳. And was told this after several visits and completing all the other 16 easy steps.
@@willh1846 you know, l learned one thing in Brazil, sometimes trying to do stuff myself, rather then hiring a lawyer or some other kind of middleman (despachante) turned out to be a huge waste of time and money in my case so in the future what i’ll try to do is get well informed before trying to get stuff done myself.
I just discovered you channel today with the border (UR/BR) crossing video, got worried with the accident video and now I`m watching you record a walk in my neighbourhood (Lapa, you were one block away from my home). One of my weirdest (and enjoyable) experience in this channel!
Every country got it's rules. nice to see Patti is in good spirit and do not leave her alone in those high building balconies. Take care driving and keep positive.
I worked behind that cool red bricks church (Nossa Senhora da Lapa), pretty nostalgic. And got robbed exactly where you said there was lots of people coming by (middle of the day, going to the train station), they hit me with the tip of the gun in the head, normal exchange they left with my phone and I left with a bloody ear :)
Existe um app que se chama radar boot, quando vc dirigir, deveria usar ele, ele sempre alerta quando tem radares próximos e a distancia que esta do radar, se estiver acima do limite ele vai apitar
Lapa market is great! I’d actually recommend that as a good place visit. Foreigners know about Federal Police in Lapa. It’s a good neighborhood really. That’s where we get our documents done. It’s not as bad as it seems really. They’re just particular about certain documents and signatures and fees.
Dude, I'm sorry most of this has happened. To avoid any other fines, don't go over 50km/h inside the cities and you will be mostly fine. Most radars are easily spotted(they paint the roads with the limits) and google maps even warns you about those. And do not park on yellow lines, on E crossed signs(🚫or ❌), on avenues or in front of any garage. If you MUST, do not do it on an avenue or on a E❌ sign, let someone inside the car and turn on the blinkers⚠, do what you gotta do QUICKLY (a minute tops). Also, most Taxis, Ubers and delivery drivers here break traffic rules, so don't ask any law to them. (you can ask directions though). About the officer mistake on the document: that sucks, but it could happen to anyone, fortunately they will fix it soon. On a happy note, I'm glad you found a market and an açaí shop on your walk. Hope only good things come your way from now on.
Cara vocês são muito legais, foi muito triste quando aconteceu o acidente com seu tuck tuck fiquei feliz por não detonar vocês,.. espero que ocorreu bem com vocês, moro em São Paulo, próximo a polícia federal da zona oeste SP. Você mandou bem .
The General Theorem of Bureaucracy (GTB) goes as follows: Give them the papers that they demand, and in return they might give you the papers that you have been begging for.
In Brazil, it's impossible to obey all the laws all the time, because there is a lot of things that are crimes, just to fine people and get more money for the gov. You may not know, but you are already breaking a law right now, by the constitution it's prohibited to be anonymous, and your channel doesn't have your name on it.
The Lead-footed Ryan 😂😂 who knew 🚙💨💨, can’t wait to see what you got planned for your Toriii. Stay safe and positive, you definitely got this 🤗 🏃♂️🐕🛺💨
Mate, the tuk tuk accident was bad...but now you got lots of new content. As you staying longer over here you will start getting a good amount of followers. You will see Brazilian youtube power, happens with every good content creator from abroad!! Keep rocking and good luck
We had a pioneer traveler hiking from Alaska and his dog (Shurastey or Shuragow) named Jesse. he unfortunately had an accident with his Beetle Dondongo in the USA and he and his dog died in the accident. Ride a Beetle in his honor. I'm sure that a huge legion of Brazilians will be with you on the journey to Alaska  Feedback
Ride a Beatle mate, in Brazil they call it as Fusca. There was a Brazilian that has done what you are doing, but unfortunately he crushed his Fusca in USA mainland or In Alasca already and he had a dog as well (unfortunately they past on the accident). Ride a Fusca in his honour, I bet many Brazilians will support you, think about 200 million people, and they are well known for big gestures as supporters. Your feed will get crazy mate. Good luck, From Perth, Danilo
I used to work at O'Malleys brother! I live on the SP coast in Bertioga. I've navigated visas, police and my BIL is a lawyer if you need help. I'll be up in SP for the F1 this weekend. Fellow Aussie x
Rapaz no Brasil existe a tal indústria da multa, aqui a multa não é utilizada como uma forma de punição no trânsito, e sim como uma forma de arrecadação pro Governo. E já que vc tá passando aqui em SP, visite ilha bela l, um dos lugares mais lindos do Brasil.
Relax, no need to worry, you only need to pay the fines, the points do not go towards your driving license, the infractions are with the vehicle rental company.
The rental company will transfer the points towards the license provided for the rental, as per contract. If they don’t, they will get fined themselves for that too
I am not far from where you are staying. I’m on rua Sampaio Vidal (jardim paulistano neighborhood). Let me know if I can be of any help. Glad to see your outlook on things, particularly on Brazil and especially after the unfortunate accident, is still high. Take care.
Man, what a shame you have to deal with Brazilian bureaucracy because of an incompetent truck driver. I hope this doesn’t give you a negative view of Brazil.
May God Allmighty watch over you fellas. Peace at mind, Love in your Heart and health for you 3. Good health is Essential, the Rest can Always bê achieved/recovered
Tente ir em Paranapiacaba, uma antiga estação ferroviária, da época do Brasil Império, onde os trens subiam e desciam a Serra do Mar, levando café e trazendo bens. Você pode ir de trem que sai da Estação da Luz para lá, deve ser uma viagem de +- 1 hora.
Your friend Ajurna is still in need to have a CT scan procedure done on him. He may have, still unnoticed, a subdural hematoma (internal bleeding). It is something that must be checked everytime one has an accident in the head. São Paulo has excellent hospitals for that. Don't vacilate!
Aproveita a interrupção da viagem e aproveita para conhecer alguns lugares, você subiu a estrada da Graciosa no Paraná, mas não passou em Curitiba, algo inaceitável para um Aussie. Caso reosolva fazer o rolê, aproveita e pega o trem de morretes!
Btw you have to get your license if you are there for more than 6 months, I believe. The trick to avoid points on your own license seems to be to register the vehicle on a business (CNPJ instead of CPF). Wave warns me of speed traps.
OMG!! It is so nice to see the 3 of you sound and safe 💚🙏💚 Please, guys...take care! Brazilians has a reputation regarding their driving 🤔😬 But, i don't have to tell you that 😅 God bless you guys 🙌
Ahora que no estás arriba del tuk tuk vas a conocer realmente Latinoamérica con sus cosas... Espero que la realidad no te decepcione tanto como para no querer continuar tu camino... Suerte!
What bad luck! Good thing nothing worse happened. Why don’t you reach out to the folks at TDS Garage to restore and upgrade your tuk-tuk? You don’t need to leave Brazil to get it fixed. I believe you’ll find a better, safer, and more affordable solution here than sending the tuk-tuk abroad
2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1
The nowaday limit points is 40 (the limit is ressetted every year), and if you reach the limit... You have to perform some classes to regain your license. Annnnd... Where in Brazil... If you manage to find someone to get the points from you (by paying this other person), then you'll be free of those points (You know... "Money talks", and there's an "industry" behind police fines... Capitalism + "jeitinho brasileiro" = corruption).
I hope you're keeping a running total of all of the money you've had to unnecessarily spend due to this accident, (Patti's vet bills, your lodging, Visa extension cost, all of the transportation costs you've incurred, etc.) because you should submit that to the insurance company too. Often those types of incidentals are considered along with physical damage during pay out by the Insurance company. (I'm an Insurance Agent in the US, I understand it may not be that way everywhere, but it doesn't hurt to try, especially due to the severity of the accident)
Now you are seeing more of the real Brazil. Crazy traffic, burocracy, mess... Glad you guys are ok! Talk to your Brazilian friend for more safety tips!
You guys should start your Brazilian jiu jitsu journey while travelling … learn something genuinely Brazilian We are like Freemasons , everywhere these days 🤣
@@samil5601 hahaha na man , Jiu Jitsu is the gentle art . Good fun , good network . And most importantly a space to stay everywhere you go around the world , I guarantee
@@samil5601 compared to trauma based Martial arts , BJJ is a pretty gentle one . And also involves lots of thinking , in an endless learning curve . Highly recommend
The guy commits several traffic violations and still complains about being stopped by the police? And he still says he never wants to drive in "Latin America" again. Friend, Brazil is the 5th largest country in the WORLD, please RESPECT THE LAWS, do you foreigners think that Latin America is a party where you can do anything without consequences?
If in a normal car you are not safe in Brazilian traffic, imagine in a tuk tuk Give up on the idea and go live your adventure in another country, have love for your life. What happened was a warning, normally things only happen twice in Brazil, the first serves as a warning
Going to some Brazil government entity is like entering a time machine. After you time travelled you gained nothing. I went to the DETRAN time machine, that was the worst. Getting a CPF was easy though, I still did it in person at the prefeitura but I think you can do it online now.
Considering our laws, I'm surprised you made it from the South to Rio and back to São Paulo only with two fines lol
Totally agree! 😂 he was sooooo lucky…
My thoughts exactly
@@R19L894 Leia de novo, com atenção e calma. Ninguém aqui disse que a lei está errada ou que não é pra respeitá-la.
@@R19L894 Realmente me surpreende, a você não? Meu comentário não fez nenhuma consideração moral a respeito das nossas leis. Não falei nada a respeito de estarem certas ou erradas. Você está inventando um sentido oculto que não existe no meu texto. Inclusive porque sou autista, então quase sempre o que eu disse é o que eu disse, sem nenhum significado oculto kkkkk
I don't know about Australia l, but US and Europe laws are equal or worse than ours. In the US, the police may stop you for basically anything they'd like.
Sinceramente vendo toda a trajetória dele aqui no Brasil ele teve foi "sorte" de ser parado apenas duas vezes
orra, tudo de ruim aconteceu com esse cara aqui kkkkkkkkkk
@@pizzanofornokkkk vou te falar que ele teve muita sorte, podia ter sido tudo muito pior. Graças a Deus ele ta bem mano, agora é só ficar alguns dias parado e esfriar a cabeça.
Walking in the streets with his camera... Police was the last of his worries kkk lol
ele é branco kkkkkk
@@wolfbleckmoor994 a me poupa
Miss Patti is ready to get back on the road. She looked excited when y’all got in the car!
Yeah -and I think she preferred the car to the tuktuk ;)
take this oportunity to explore more of Brazi. Go to São Paulo countryside, cities like Campos do Jordão, Piranapiacaba, Ubatuba, and others in Rio like Petropolis and Nova Friburgo. Ouro Preto and Tiradentes in Minas Gerais
That's it. Got to make use of the extra 90 days.
Countryside não significa interior. Significa areas não urbanas. Melhor dizer cities and towns in the state of São Paulo.
Gotta learn how to sweet talk the cops 😂 "I was lost because there's so much to see in this beautiful country"
Haha. Boa.
O cara comete 728 infrações aqui e ganhou duas multas só (até o momento). Agradeça man!
E ainda reclama dizendo que não vai dirigir mais na América Latina.
Esse cara faz uns comentários meio xenofóbicos, ele faz um monte de merda, conversa em espanhol com os brasileiros e ainda acha que está certo. No começo eu estava gostando de acompanhar ele, mas depois que ele chegou nas cidades grandes comecei a sentir é RAIVA desse cara.
@@TaicowFox achei bem estranho o cara não ter estudado nada sobre o nosso país. Passou pelo litoral todo da região Sul e só parou em locais ermos e nada turísticos. No início só falava que o BR era perigoso, depois mudou o discurso quando viu que tinha muitos BR assistindo e comentando a respeito. Acha que vai conseguir dirigir nas autoestradas americanas com tuk tuk? Improvável.
Quem é que gosta de receber multas. É pra deixar qualquer um nervoso, pois sabemos que muito desses radares são pra arrancar nosso dinheiro.
@@TaicowFoxa parte de conversar com brasileiros em espanhol é simplesmente porque ele fala espanhol. Tanto que a viagem se inicia em países que falam espanhol. Mas se você ver ele vem melhorando o português dele. Da mesma forma que muitos brasileiros vão pra Argentina e falam português o contrário também acontece.
I know you are aussies, but in the US it's even easier to get fined for this sort of stuff. I mean, you may be fined even for your wheel not coming to a complete stop in the STOP sign.
As for speeding... well, just pay attention to the limits. Automatic speeding cameras are everywhere in the country.
I know bro im tired of this kind of dudes that thinks hey we are in latin america, lets do w/e we want, but then when they are at their own countries or in merica, they would stop on every block and act civil.
@@bushidowarrior8961 I don´t think they thought they could have their own way. They obviously got by accident on the wrong hand and speed limits are easy to tresspass by acident, specially when you are learning to drive in the place and trying to pay attention to EVERYTHING and finding your way around.
I know I drove in the US and made some idiot things that deserved fines if cops caught me, that I didn´t do in Brazil because i am USED to drive here.
@@rogeriopenna9014 He is even has the aggravating sympton of being Australian, so he has to adjust to driving in the left side of the vehicle, since he was driving in the middle seat in the tuk tuk.
@@henriquesoares2343this is totally true. I noticed when he turned on the wipes thinking it was the left sign. I did that a lot and I still do this mistake. It is so frustrating when you spray your front mirror instead of flashing the lights.
Oh man, I can’t drive in São Paulo anymore. For sure I will do something terrible wrong… 😂😂😂
@@marcioyoshisaki3418 Try driving in Rio, it's 100% worse.
Welcome to a Braza life living in Aussie … driving lost on the opposite side of road .. getting fined every Friday for like a year 🤣🤣🤣
To do anything in Brazil always takes 17 easy steps.
Very easy, especially if you are trying to open a business, sell a house. You just have to wait 6 to 10 months, very fast, no burocract at all. It's so fricking easy.
@@Moraes.S it's crazy here isn't it.
I'm trying to get my Brazilian car license, but they won't accept my Australian drivers licence as it doesn't have a commencement date. Only an expiry date..
And was told this after several visits and completing all the other 16 easy steps.
@@willh1846 you know, l learned one thing in Brazil, sometimes trying to do stuff myself, rather then hiring a lawyer or some other kind of middleman (despachante) turned out to be a huge waste of time and money in my case so in the future what i’ll try to do is get well informed before trying to get stuff done myself.
go back to australia
@@willh1846 mafia
Burocracia, contando as moedinha do busão, AGORA SIM kkkkk
Deixando a cara que tava atrás passar tb kkkk
Exato, a verdadeira experiência brasileira apenas começando kkk
@@teacher_fher sendo xingado pelos carros ao atravessar a rua
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, ele finalmente viveu uma BRAZILIAN LIFESTYLE EXPERIENCE
a experiência completa de Brasil
LIVIN BROTHA!!! I honestly wasn’t even expecting a video. So happy to see your happy and getting everything sorted. ✌️👍🏼🤩
As least you saw a bit more of São Paulo, is such a massive and dense place to be ignored.
You should pay attention to the legal period for reporting a traffic accident to the insurance company.
I just discovered you channel today with the border (UR/BR) crossing video, got worried with the accident video and now I`m watching you record a walk in my neighbourhood (Lapa, you were one block away from my home). One of my weirdest (and enjoyable) experience in this channel!
Glad to see yall are doing good. 😊
Great to know you and Patti are safe! I hope that many biker brothers will support you on this trip through Brazil!
You need to visit the (Iguaçu water falls )in south of Brazil the name of the city is Foz do Iguaçu ,the water falls is pretty like Niagara
Ta na rota original dele man. Mas até resolve o b.o do tuktuk, vai levar um tempinho.
@@elfarole137ele é estadunidense, acho que não vai te entender
@@kaykysoares9152 Problema dele
@@kaykysoares9152 ele é australiano
Australiano @@kaykysoares9152
Every country got it's rules. nice to see Patti is in good spirit and do not leave her alone in those high building balconies. Take care driving and keep positive.
I worked behind that cool red bricks church (Nossa Senhora da Lapa), pretty nostalgic.
And got robbed exactly where you said there was lots of people coming by (middle of the day, going to the train station), they hit me with the tip of the gun in the head, normal exchange they left with my phone and I left with a bloody ear :)
Existe um app que se chama radar boot, quando vc dirigir, deveria usar ele, ele sempre alerta quando tem radares próximos e a distancia que esta do radar, se estiver acima do limite ele vai apitar
Lapa market is great! I’d actually recommend that as a good place visit. Foreigners know about Federal Police in Lapa. It’s a good neighborhood really. That’s where we get our documents done. It’s not as bad as it seems really. They’re just particular about certain documents and signatures and fees.
Dude, I'm sorry most of this has happened.
To avoid any other fines, don't go over 50km/h inside the cities and you will be mostly fine. Most radars are easily spotted(they paint the roads with the limits) and google maps even warns you about those.
And do not park on yellow lines, on E crossed signs(🚫or ❌), on avenues or in front of any garage. If you MUST, do not do it on an avenue or on a E❌ sign, let someone inside the car and turn on the blinkers⚠, do what you gotta do QUICKLY (a minute tops).
Also, most Taxis, Ubers and delivery drivers here break traffic rules, so don't ask any law to them. (you can ask directions though).
About the officer mistake on the document: that sucks, but it could happen to anyone, fortunately they will fix it soon.
On a happy note, I'm glad you found a market and an açaí shop on your walk. Hope only good things come your way from now on.
Açaí de 4 dólares , 😅😂
Cara vocês são muito legais, foi muito triste quando aconteceu o acidente com seu tuck tuck fiquei feliz por não detonar vocês,.. espero que ocorreu bem com vocês, moro em São Paulo, próximo a polícia federal da zona oeste SP. Você mandou bem .
brazil has too much bureaucracy to process papers we know😓 I wish everything works just fine for you guys! best wishes and good luck! ☺️
Boa Marcelo !! Cheio de gente para criticar, mas poucos para ajudar ! Parabens pela atitude !
Muito obrigado!
Boa man!
The General Theorem of Bureaucracy (GTB) goes as follows: Give them the papers that they demand, and in return they might give you the papers that you have been begging for.
Não pare com seus vídeos, alegram meus dias ❤
Just try to obey the laws of whatever country you are in, and you likely will have no trouble. And above all, be totally honest!!
In Brazil, it's impossible to obey all the laws all the time, because there is a lot of things that are crimes, just to fine people and get more money for the gov. You may not know, but you are already breaking a law right now, by the constitution it's prohibited to be anonymous, and your channel doesn't have your name on it.
Constituição Federal de 1988, artigo 5º, parágrafo IV.
@@impostoreverso Beleza minion
[7:51] The PRF had *one job only* but managed to mess it up entirely: filling the frickin' accident report corectly.
This vehicle is insane, how can someone even feel safe driving across countries like that.
I enjoy your videos. Sorry you have so many issues on this leisurely drive from Rio to SP! You seem to keep an up beat attitude through it all
The Lead-footed Ryan 😂😂 who knew 🚙💨💨, can’t wait to see what you got planned for your Toriii.
Stay safe and positive, you definitely got this 🤗 🏃♂️🐕🛺💨
Mate, the tuk tuk accident was bad...but now you got lots of new content. As you staying longer over here you will start getting a good amount of followers. You will see Brazilian youtube power, happens with every good content creator from abroad!! Keep rocking and good luck
We had a pioneer traveler hiking from Alaska and his dog (Shurastey or Shuragow) named Jesse. he unfortunately had an accident with his Beetle Dondongo in the USA and he and his dog died in the accident. Ride a Beetle in his honor. I'm sure that a huge legion of Brazilians will be with you on the journey to Alaska

Ride a Beatle mate, in Brazil they call it as Fusca. There was a Brazilian that has done what you are doing, but unfortunately he crushed his Fusca in USA mainland or In Alasca already and he had a dog as well (unfortunately they past on the accident). Ride a Fusca in his honour, I bet many Brazilians will support you, think about 200 million people, and they are well known for big gestures as supporters. Your feed will get crazy mate. Good luck, From Perth, Danilo
Bom vídeo mano! Seja bem vindo ao Brasil❤
I used to work at O'Malleys brother! I live on the SP coast in Bertioga. I've navigated visas, police and my BIL is a lawyer if you need help.
I'll be up in SP for the F1 this weekend.
Fellow Aussie x
Hey man!
If you come back to Rio, gotta the BR 101, it's a amazing road between SP/Rio! You'll gonna see the most beautiful beaches of Brazil!
Oh man, that name thing on the accident report was such a screw up by whomever wrote it, such a streak of bad luck.
Loved to see Patti is great. ❤❤❤
Oi gata
@@picadediamante8492 Gado
Rapaz no Brasil existe a tal indústria da multa, aqui a multa não é utilizada como uma forma de punição no trânsito, e sim como uma forma de arrecadação pro Governo. E já que vc tá passando aqui em SP, visite ilha bela l, um dos lugares mais lindos do Brasil.
Tava demorando pra aparecer alguém falando besteira. 🤐
@eduardoalbuquerque4300 realmente, mas olha vc ai, demorou mas apareceu
Relax, no need to worry, you only need to pay the fines, the points do not go towards your driving license, the infractions are with the vehicle rental company.
The rental company will transfer the points towards the license provided for the rental, as per contract. If they don’t, they will get fined themselves for that too
burocracy, public transport, shit beer, helll yeah boy, now you had an brazilian life experience 😂 come to mato grosso boysss
I am not far from where you are staying. I’m on rua Sampaio Vidal (jardim paulistano neighborhood). Let me know if I can be of any help. Glad to see your outlook on things, particularly on Brazil and especially after the unfortunate accident, is still high. Take care.
Bro is going to leave brazil hating the country hahahahaha what a terrible experience so far... bruhhh
Not going to happen. Warts and all, Brazil is the most delightful country on the planet.
I can wait to see the Central América Season…
Tuc tuc is made for countries without infra estructure…
@@UserName92149 I'm not quite following, sorry?
You are right about the Russians, of course.
A culpa é dele por ser irresponsável, o cara vem pro Brasil achando que é festa e depois reclama
Man, what a shame you have to deal with Brazilian bureaucracy because of an incompetent truck driver. I hope this doesn’t give you a negative view of Brazil.
Por culpa dele tbm dois mula quando se junta da ruim
O cara comete várias infrações de trânsito desde que chegou no Brasil e depois se faz de vítima.
Bro the bureaucracy and incompetence here in Latin America is next level , its a nightmare it will test all your patience LOL
Na Europa é bem pior acredite, nada é digital, nos EUA também não é lá essas coisas não...
I hope everything is okay! And welcome to Brazilian bureaucracy!
great video!
gosh that’s allot to go through, hoping for some relaxed days for you
May God Allmighty watch over you fellas. Peace at mind, Love in your Heart and health for you 3.
Good health is Essential, the Rest can Always bê achieved/recovered
Welcome to Brazilian bureaucracy 😅
BANG BANG NINER GANG! Saw my Niners on TV in Brazil!!! Epic!
Much love❤
Tente ir em Paranapiacaba, uma antiga estação ferroviária, da época do Brasil Império, onde os trens subiam e desciam a Serra do Mar, levando café e trazendo bens. Você pode ir de trem que sai da Estação da Luz para lá, deve ser uma viagem de +- 1 hora.
Don't lose your driver license just yet 🤣
Happy things seems to be going alright. The Irish bar looked pretty cool !
I think you became Brazilian. 😂
O cara só se ferrou nesse dia , mds kkkk , calma q tem caminho pela frente ainda e vai melhorar
Your friend Ajurna is still in need to have a CT scan procedure done on him.
He may have, still unnoticed, a subdural hematoma (internal bleeding).
It is something that must be checked everytime one has an accident in the head.
São Paulo has excellent hospitals for that. Don't vacilate!
Each country has its habits and rules. When we are out of our own country, we have to understand how the laws and the habits work.
Aproveita a interrupção da viagem e aproveita para conhecer alguns lugares, você subiu a estrada da Graciosa no Paraná, mas não passou em Curitiba, algo inaceitável para um Aussie. Caso reosolva fazer o rolê, aproveita e pega o trem de morretes!
Btw you have to get your license if you are there for more than 6 months, I believe. The trick to avoid points on your own license seems to be to register the vehicle on a business (CNPJ instead of CPF).
Wave warns me of speed traps.
yes, but if you use a CNPJ you also double the fine for not taking in the points
the way they switched around the names is sooooooooo frustrating (and brazilian).. nothing in Brazil is ever just done in the first try hahah .
Dude, just get a Tuktuk in São Paulo, no need to go to Peru. São Paulo have EVERYTHING yoy can possibly need.
Hasn't got a beach...
I’ll try to meet with the dealership and record how it goes. It’ll be in the next video
@@samil5601 Antigamente até tinha praia de rio, mas aterraram a maioria e os que não aterraram tão tudo pobre kkkkkkkkk
Mesmo coisa aqui em Londres.
@@samil5601 Não tem praia? Acho que você tá precisando de umas aulas de geografia
Bro, you can pay things with some app like pic pay ..
OMG!! It is so nice to see the 3 of you sound and safe 💚🙏💚
Please, guys...take care! Brazilians has a reputation regarding their driving 🤔😬
But, i don't have to tell you that 😅
God bless you guys 🙌
Ahora que no estás arriba del tuk tuk vas a conocer realmente Latinoamérica con sus cosas... Espero que la realidad no te decepcione tanto como para no querer continuar tu camino... Suerte!
Bro, try to avoid deserted lanes and streets in Brazil. Even during the day can be dangerous.
Saw the notification and immediately clicked on the video tkm bro saludos a patti y exitos consiguiendo a toriii 2 😭
We are ready to go yeah 😀 new tuk tuk 😊
be careful with the phone/camera in the streets of sao paulo
@@jonasaimedesa8978 He is not wrong... be careful...
@@leandrodmsi 🙄🙄
@@cesarbarc quem discorda não mora em SP, ou é boyzinho do jardin Europa 3 Alphaville
14:12 aquele cara tava mal intencionado
Bro can't get a break here in Brazil 😂
He is on a permanent break, man!
It's not as if he has to work for a living!
I think you should consider selling the tuktuk, and getting a safer car...it doesn't have to be a boring car, just safer.
Take care, mate!
I literally grew up there, in Largo da Lapa, São Paulo. It never gets better. Always messy, dirty,😅😅😅😅
What bad luck! Good thing nothing worse happened. Why don’t you reach out to the folks at TDS Garage to restore and upgrade your tuk-tuk? You don’t need to leave Brazil to get it fixed. I believe you’ll find a better, safer, and more affordable solution here than sending the tuk-tuk abroad
The nowaday limit points is 40 (the limit is ressetted every year), and if you reach the limit... You have to perform some classes to regain your license.
Annnnd... Where in Brazil... If you manage to find someone to get the points from you (by paying this other person), then you'll be free of those points (You know... "Money talks", and there's an "industry" behind police fines... Capitalism + "jeitinho brasileiro" = corruption).
Aussie ask the Australian embassy in Brazil for help, they should definitely help you with the bureaucracy, and other things
I hope you go back to Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia to purchase your new torito. Happy travels amigo!
I hope you're keeping a running total of all of the money you've had to unnecessarily spend due to this accident, (Patti's vet bills, your lodging, Visa extension cost, all of the transportation costs you've incurred, etc.) because you should submit that to the insurance company too. Often those types of incidentals are considered along with physical damage during pay out by the Insurance company. (I'm an Insurance Agent in the US, I understand it may not be that way everywhere, but it doesn't hurt to try, especially due to the severity of the accident)
Ok, you're the same age as my grandsons. Please take your foot off the gas petal, no more tickets please be careful, like to see you make it to Alaska
O cara foi na lapa kkkkk que loucura
Sim. E andou de trem 🤪
you gonna loose your cell soon😅😅
Bro be careful walking with tour cellphone or camera in you4 hands on those big avenues, lots of pickpockets. Cheers
Now you are seeing more of the real Brazil. Crazy traffic, burocracy, mess... Glad you guys are ok! Talk to your Brazilian friend for more safety tips!
Everything he saw previously was not real Brazil? Okay.
More like just São Paulo and Rio.
The country is huge, and in different areas of Brazil some things are smoother than others. It's not all the same.
Use waze. In Argentina speed cameras are in waze😊
Os cara da TDS garagem podia ajudar a consertar e melhorar o tuk-tuk do cara seria um ótimo colab entre os canais, marca lá galera!
Que Deus abençoe a jornada de vocês ♥️🙏🏻
Being fined everywhere... Welcome to Braziiiil budddyyy! HEHE
No entiendo porque ya no sale en español 😢
to collect the fine the police were quick to send the email. welcome to brazil
Você pode recorrer a essas multas com um advogado
You guys should start your Brazilian jiu jitsu journey while travelling … learn something genuinely Brazilian
We are like Freemasons , everywhere these days 🤣
He's just been hit by a truck and you want him beaten up, too?
@@samil5601 hahaha na man , Jiu Jitsu is the gentle art . Good fun , good network .
And most importantly a space to stay everywhere you go around the world , I guarantee
Gentle? It's tough as hell. Certainly for beginners.
Great community sport like most martial arts.
@@samil5601 compared to trauma based Martial arts , BJJ is a pretty gentle one . And also involves lots of thinking , in an endless learning curve . Highly recommend
@@brunogiordano1903well it is gentle until your bro gets you on an armlock and you feel something popping on your elbow lol.
Um dia sem dificuldades e contratempos não é um dia no Brasil.
The guy commits several traffic violations and still complains about being stopped by the police?
And he still says he never wants to drive in "Latin America" again. Friend, Brazil is the 5th largest country in the WORLD, please RESPECT THE LAWS, do you foreigners think that Latin America is a party where you can do anything without consequences?
Malandro é malandro e mané é mané😂
1:44 I thought you had a big greenscreen for a second.
If in a normal car you are not safe in Brazilian traffic, imagine in a tuk tuk
Give up on the idea and go live your adventure in another country, have love for your life. What happened was a warning, normally things only happen twice in Brazil, the first serves as a warning
Going to some Brazil government entity is like entering a time machine. After you time travelled you gained nothing. I went to the DETRAN time machine, that was the worst. Getting a CPF was easy though, I still did it in person at the prefeitura but I think you can do it online now.
I feel this may go from bad to worse soon