  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 มิ.ย. 2024
  • Speaker
    Jordan Peterson
    Jordan Peterson Links:
    Website: jordanbpeterson.com/
    Patreon: / jordanbpeterson
    Self Authoring Program: selfauthoring.com/

ความคิดเห็น • 379

  • @THE______TRUTH
    @THE______TRUTH 3 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Honestly I'm liberal and I absolutely understand why trump was voted in power in contrast to Hillary.

    • @teeniequeenie8369
      @teeniequeenie8369 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      The Truth I “thought” i was liberal most of my life too! The truth always has a way of shinning through:)

    • @mrchii4908
      @mrchii4908 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I am liberal and I do support Trump , however I think that right now the only politician I respect is Bernie Sanders

    • @THE______TRUTH
      @THE______TRUTH 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@mrchii4908 Thats fair. I think bernie has good intentions though im not sure if his plans are realistic. I'd have to look more into him though.

    • @THE______TRUTH
      @THE______TRUTH 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@teeniequeenie8369 haha fair enough id probably call myself a independent tbh. I dont like the group think mentality of modern politics. Drives me nuts.

    • @Peayou...
      @Peayou... 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@THE______TRUTH not to be anoying but socialsm hasn't worked on the large spectrum. It may work in small area's of your life but as a whole I don't think it works.

  • @charleskaplan3567
    @charleskaplan3567 4 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    What is really clever about this is that it helps me realize that people are unaware that you do not have to align yourself with either left or right and make clear your political inclinations at every social gathering or work place. It is ok to be bipartisan and non ideological also to be on a certain part of the spectrum on certain issues and not the opposite side on other issues for various reasons. Again though each state in America is pretty powerful and independent from my understanding they do not rely heavily on the centralized power structure so who is at the head is not necessarily a reflection of those who are the governors of each state.

    • @cn7187
      @cn7187 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Exactly, that is what causes division among people, but still blame Trump for division. MSM has literally damage America to a point that it's might not be able to recover.
      Back then it was about the values you hold now it's just "oh you are a Trump supporter because you are conservative."
      But now, both sides are not listening to each other. Its either you are with me or against me.

    • @prioris55555
      @prioris55555 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I have been watching politics over 50 years. The left-right spectrum is a false paradigm. It is there to dumb one down. The political landscape is an illusion. Virtually all of it is FAKE. This is a world wide phenomenon. Unless one understands this in a deep way, ones ability to analyze politics is crippled..
      When he used a the phrase "radical left", it was a clear indication that he is fake and likely works for the intelligence agencies. If he is real, he is incredibly dumb as a stump about the world.
      Around 1970 when I was very young, I use to hear a lot of anticommunism propaganda. Being suspicious, I decided to learn what communism was. What did I learn ? That communism never existed in the 20th century. I told some people and they asked, what do you think China and USSR are? I said a bunch of violent organized crime factions that existed for thousands of years. They just use those terms to camouflage their true nature. Violent organized crime are where major countries have been derived from.
      It requires extreme naivete to think the democrat, republican, libertarians, sanders vermont party etc are opposition parties.
      The largest political party in the world is the Sociopath Party.
      Peterson is there to maintain the illusion and for simpletons.

    • @johnhorton5627
      @johnhorton5627 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah, it's clever to support far right politicians while pretending not to be far right. It's clever to want a theocratic far right Supreme Court while pretending not to be far right. He's definitely very clever as long as you are twelve years old. But if you are old enough to understand cause and effect, you'd realize the dude is a far right religious conservative.

    • @charleskaplan3567
      @charleskaplan3567 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@johnhorton5627 He is not pretending not to be far right he is anti left there is a difference. He is not theocratic he is retrograde it is a different approach. In some ways I could be 12 true but at least people at that age can learn something and listen to their elders. He for example called out Saudi Arabia for its mistreatment of women for one thing, not many theocratic people would do that. He also is on the side of the working class not for Trump he is saying that if he were in that position if he had that level of education and the lack of opportunities that the working class have had in America then that cause would effect his vote and he would conclude that Trump would be the best candidate. The guy openly talks about sex more constructively than many self proclaimed left wingers do, they act on sex but do not necessarily talk about it there is a difference or at least not talking publicly like he does. So he really is defying the far right by having constructive conversations about many topics which are off limits around dinner tables.

    • @johnhorton5627
      @johnhorton5627 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@charleskaplan3567 If you're voting for the far right candidate instead of the center left candidate, you're far right. Hillary just like Biden was the center candidate. Bernie was your far left candidate just in case JP has the memory of a goldfish. Had it been a far left candidate against a moderate Republican, you could make the case you're making. But to vote for a far right authoritarian who is guaranteed to lock in a theocratic Supreme Court for decades over a center left candidate, you're a child if you can't figure out what JP is. Further, Trump was never going to do anything for working class people and he didn't. He gave a huge tax cut with almost all the benefit going to the wealthiest people in America and that was the only policy he actually passed, or really, even attempted to pass before the pandemic forced the Republicans hands (which btw he passed in 2017, before JP made the comments that he would have voted for Trump). Point in fact, Trump was well known for stiffing working class people and threatening them with very expensive litigation if they didn't like it. You know, a guy who cares about the little man.
      Peterson is either willfully stupid or he's lying when it comes to his reasons for supporting Trump. I think he's a duplicitous asshole, so I'm going to go with lying. Again, you don't vote for the far right candidate over the centrist if you don't support a far right approach to politics. The Evangelicals understand this and they make up 50% of Republican voters. And that's before we've talked about conservative Catholics. Or the working class person who wants a strong man to steer the ship back to port. Most of the support for Trump came from people wanting either a theocrat in charge or a strong man. JP is one of those people who wants both which is why he supported Trump despite Trump representing none of the qualities JP claims are vital to a strong family, country, etc. Trump violates every principle JP claims to hold sacred, showing you exactly how much integrity JP actually has. You know, none.
      And btw, Biden hasn't put forward a bill that says every child must be taught "CRT" and has to admit America is evil to graduate from high school. He hasn't put forward a bill that forces every child to try gay sex for a while to see if they like it. He hasn't put forward a bill to force every child to live as another gender just to see if they might want to have sexual reassignment surgery sometime down the line. This stupid delusion from a JP that the left is solely devoted to the culture war is tiresome to listen too. But Republicans are passing legislation banning puberty blockers and threatening parents with jail time. They are banning books all over the country. They will throw doctors who perform a life saving abortion in jail. They are openly threatening to federally ban abortion The only thing Republicans care about is the culture war, tax cuts, and deregulation, all harming working class people in favor of theocrats and the rich. For JP to pretend it's the left obsessed with the culture war, it shows the extent to which JP shares a theocratic worldview where the only issues he actually gives a damn about are cultural.
      And finally, if JP doesn't think Evangelical Christians are "tribalizing" America, he's as big a f-ing idiot as there could possibly be. To scream at the left for identity politics while evangelicals will tell you they wouldn't vote for a non-Christian and that non-Christians can't truly be moral, he's so full of shit about who does identity politics. F his hypocrisy. Religious identity politics are the most dangerous form there are and he would have voted to put those identity politics into power? Should make you think, though it won't of course. There isn't a way for somebody to be a bigger hypocrite than him about identity politics. That or he agrees with the theocrats and doesn't see them actually doing identity politics above any other consideration. You know, because he agrees with them and doesn't see it as identity politics when he does it.

  • @zachkee7835
    @zachkee7835 4 ปีที่แล้ว +134

    The comments do a great job of showing how intelligence can fall in love with itself. Like picking between two terrible candidates acting like there is an obvious answer. He’s not saying trump is good he’s saying Hillary is that bad.

    • @neilshanahan8217
      @neilshanahan8217 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      His point goes even further in saying that the extreme left has caused the equivalent backlash of extremism from the right and that’s what Trump has built upon and attracted by becoming their figurehead and symbol. From outside of America it looks truly terrible. The US looks in complete disarray. Similar to the Brits actually and a similar attitude being built there and lead by a cartoon character too. Extremism of either side is simply destructive to society. It’s just a question of when we’ll see sense through all of this. Even before a pandemic the world wasn’t going in a good direction.

    • @anonymousFBninja
      @anonymousFBninja 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      N Sha from what prism do you make this observation that the rest of the world views America in disarray? While I do believe that a segment of the world population may share that exact sentiment, I would be willing to bet that that segment is based on what the obviously biased mainstream media complex has led them to believe. Taking away the segments of both sides of the for-Trump/against-Trump that live primarily in their own echo chambers, I would be willing to bet that the remaining free-thinking individuals would view the Trump administration as competent moreso than incompetent; doing more good than doing more bad. With all things considered, not least of them the nearly 100% negative coverage (I believe most studies have it anywhere from 95%-98%..a statistic that should convince anyone that the media has an agenda that is not aligned with objectivism), it’s quite remarkable that his presidency is not viewed as a complete failure just by propaganda alone. Just my thoights

    • @neilshanahan8217
      @neilshanahan8217 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      J Six You could bet on that and you would be wrong. He’s not remotely competent. We do not go on CNN/NBC or FOX partisan news formats. I live in Ireland for instance, the main news broadcaster is state-owned. Whoever has been in government here has been open to clear and impartial criticism and zero bias. If you fuck up you will be held accountable (for which there have been a good few I might add). Our coverage of American politics comes from the facts being presented as they happen. If a leader is talking out his ass and inciting hatred then that’s a terrible leader. That simple. Whatever way you look at Trump he contradicts himself and has to backtrack constantly. He also behaves like a spoiled child. It’s gotten to the stage where people in other countries pity the US at this stage. That’s shameful. The man is making your great country look like a laughing stock. However, the majority are all “in their prisms and echo chambers” and can only dream to be as enlightened as yourself. If you’ve the attitude that everybody is wrong except you then you’re delusional, not intelligent.

    • @kenjoneslee
      @kenjoneslee 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      What he said was that he wasn't sure how he would have voted because neither candidate was "good".

    • @tomato6460
      @tomato6460 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      How’s this holding up? JP always has a rationalisation for how he;s not political or why he’s following Don jr and Charlie Kirk around or focussing people on how the world’s 7 radical trans activists are more of a threat than highly organised wealthy fascists who own news networks and in the US, political parties.

  • @alisterbarratt4662
    @alisterbarratt4662 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Unless someone is willing to accept that many people on the (centre) right genuinely care just as much about people and society as many on the (centre) left do, but in doing so disagree on what approach works best for society... then there is no chance of either side constructively learning from the other’s perspective. If anyone is interested in my ‘opinion’, I could expand on what the humane perspective of the centre right is. In actual fact, the left/ right distinction mostly does not work as a model because there are often more than two opposing general perspectives on what ails society and how to fix it.

  • @karlafairbanks8353
    @karlafairbanks8353 3 ปีที่แล้ว +42

    So happy to find this. I was growing a little apprehensive about Peterson for his lack of comment on the problems of the far right. This helps me stay focused on his content without assuming he sits on a specific side, nor is swaying people to one side or the other. We need a third party.

    • @j7404
      @j7404 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      We have many parties

    • @Murasame13
      @Murasame13 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@UCauRTgzykUGhYLWZxgQ Facts brother.

    • @mpiper4781
      @mpiper4781 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes. But. Any 3rd party will initially hurt 1 party more than the other. Most likely not the incumbent party - and that being from the national to the local level. So anyone who is advocating for a 3rd party must take this into consideration - and be prepared for the long game. Imo the movement must move up from local politics. Either from local to district. Or even local to regional (bible belt, rust belt, corn belt, etc). But only a true 3rd party movement (as opposed to a 3rd party "candidate") would be constructive. And even it would require patience and sacrifice (initially helping the party the group has the biggest problem with) as the movement was being bult. It's growing increasingly harder for 3rd parties as societal machinery (internet, politics, culture, technology, etc) has grown in size, reach & complexity. It's been over 150 yrs since a 3rd party movement reached tangible national influence. There's a reason for that. A more likely outcome is for a third party movement to bubble up locally and grow into a national political force from inside 1 of the 2 major parties.

    • @brillyintt
      @brillyintt 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@UCauRTgzykUGhYLWZxgQ lol…poppycrock……... Peterson is highly respected by the entire American right and never single handedly dismantled anything….

    • @kqh123
      @kqh123 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@j7404 let's party all night 🥳

  • @andnowawordfromoursponsors4439
    @andnowawordfromoursponsors4439 4 ปีที่แล้ว +127

    What a brilliant guy, if only universities had more people like this

    • @goncalobaia1574
      @goncalobaia1574 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Naaah they just ban'em

    • @Imayrnn
      @Imayrnn 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Nope, only leftist professors brainwashing us and our kids

    • @manubishe
      @manubishe 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      If Shapiro stayed at a university.
      It's actually hard to stay balanced after all the books he read.
      Reading 1984, animal farm, brave new world, road to Wigan pier and now the Gulag archipelago, I seriously have quite the problem figuring out the moral question regarding the place of the devouring pattern, Evil and Malevolence in my life.
      That's really mindboggling, I can't make the proper decisions, especially the widespread lies in my community and culture.

    • @myles3856
      @myles3856 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Imayrnn yup

  • @harrypalmer3481
    @harrypalmer3481 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I hate the click-bait title & feel I've soiled myself for clicking on it however: I like Jordan Peterson, despite a couple of his points I might not agree with (although many I do), and I had to know his answer! I'm glad I listened & am glad of his, unsurprisingly, not simplistic & pleasingly detailed answer. There is a deficit good leaders in the world (as I'm writing this), the ones in USA, Russia & China seem to be particularly abhorrent, UK ones aren't a great deal better either - seem to smell like something I stepped recently.

    • @chris3407
      @chris3407 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Which points do you not agree with him on? Thanks

  • @brillyintt
    @brillyintt 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Trump was a vote for anything NOT politician.

    • @FlanaFugue
      @FlanaFugue 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's too bad he took to DC like a fish to water, becoming not only just as bad as eeryone there, but in the end - much much worse. He didn't drain the swamp, he became the swamp. I'm for third party by the way.

  • @harshvardhanjha4611
    @harshvardhanjha4611 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    7:09 he gets both the sides very well, both extremes are fundamentally wrong on there own

  • @rogblunt313
    @rogblunt313 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Career politician are proven to be worthless. Entrepreneurs are what’s needed now. Get busy people. Ps. Preempted Regulations required eh 🧐

  • @henrytang2203
    @henrytang2203 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Jordan Peterson is definitely a voice of reason.

    • @Kim-hg6cj
      @Kim-hg6cj ปีที่แล้ว

      No, he is a biggot. th-cam.com/video/AfYAuEcDLyU/w-d-xo.html

  • @williamhauser3686
    @williamhauser3686 3 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    I came to this video wanting to tear into Jordan Peterson, but I leave basically agreeing with all he says. Be open minded people

    • @BySixa
      @BySixa 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Rare asset not a days. Bravo

  • @markgirouard3327
    @markgirouard3327 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    If he was American I would vote for this man to be President of the United States.

    • @davidlagarde8470
      @davidlagarde8470 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I doubt he would want to be President of the current train wreck.

  • @kb.3589
    @kb.3589 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Jordan Peterson should be the next president of the USA!

  • @jonnykelleyy
    @jonnykelleyy 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wonder how many ppl saw the title of this video, grew angry and didn’t watch it

  • @ronniexfile7701
    @ronniexfile7701 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @reidwhitton6248
    @reidwhitton6248 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As an American voter it's a drag to have to vote for either candidate because you know the whole affair is a big con job worked by both parties who are simply serving the powerful business interests and the people are being played for chumps.

    • @FlanaFugue
      @FlanaFugue 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      something the people were slowly becoming aware of, and threatening with third parties, or independents, and then WHAM - Trump came along and made everyone take their two sides again.

  • @lopo191
    @lopo191 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The fact of the matter is that you're choosing from the lesser evils whether it's Trump or Hillary. There'll never be the O'great one that some Americans want. It's a shitty world.

  • @joysoul4089
    @joysoul4089 3 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    He said exactly what happened to me. I walked into the voting booth thinking I have a duty to vote for Clinton, and then at the last minute I said I am not voting for the same old same old. I thought he had no chance of winning ....when I opened the papers next morning ... I was flabbergasted, and thought, wow, Americans aren’t dead after all.

    • @JET7C0
      @JET7C0 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      ...and 4 years later, over 500,000 and counting of your fellow Americans are dead from a virus he politicized vs. treated like the public health threat _it was,_ corporate and capitol gains tax rates were slashed to the lowest level they've been since directly prior to the Great Depression, the Federal use of private prison corporations was reestablished, sending their stocks skyrocketing; his foreign policy was no less hawkish than Hillary's would've been - herself quite the neoliberal hawk - suddenly abandoning the Kurds (our long time regional allies) to die, unilaterally assassinating an Iranian general on Iraqi soil, nearly starting what could easily have been like the Iraq War but exponentially worse (despite claiming he was against the former), and as a bonus, he even pardoned a soldier who held up some guy he killed in Iraq like he was a trophy buck who most in his own unit, and the military at large openly said was a war criminal.
      Now, don't get me wrong, Clinton sucked too, but Trump despite appearances, _was_ the "same old, same old": pushing Reaganomics on steroids, further deregulating climate destroying and antiquated industries, drafting a huge weapons deal with the Saudis (a fascist theocracy) worth tens of billions, giving massive tax breaks for the hyper-wealthy and corporations, including huge multinationals (despite his so-called "America first" labor stance). He even said he'd sign off on a Republican congressional attempt to revert back to pre-ACA healthcare if passed, which yes - the ACA has problems - but before that: health insurance companies could deny you for "pre-existing conditions," AKA more excuses to not pay your medical bills while you buy their CEOs another yacht.
      The only difference between Trump and prior presidents? He was basically willing to not sound "PC" - depending, I guess (a nice distraction, from the fact he was all about the empty platform of the contemporary Republican party: "give more money to the extremely wealthy"). I suppose there was one other exception between him and prior presidents: he didn't have any regard for the sacredness of our democracy. He refused to concede even after hand-counted audits of physical ballots overseen by very red state governments, eventually attempting what history will consider at least a soft coup, involving, among other things, telling Georgia's Secretary of State to "find enough votes" to put him over the finish line, totally naïve to the blatant irony of that request considering his constant claims the election was "rigged" (only because he lost it).
      So yeah, great choice. You _really_ shook things up!

    • @rickDArula
      @rickDArula 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@JET7C0 damn you really typed all that lol dude 😂

    • @JET7C0
      @JET7C0 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@rickDArula I did, and not remotely ashamed about it. I can write quickly, so it's not like I spent hours writing it. It's not my fault if the only communication you're capable of in life is writing a few words and slapping an emoji on it. If you have a counterargument, go ahead and make one but I'm guessing this means you don't.

    • @rickDArula
      @rickDArula 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@JET7C0 im not even a trump dude but Jesus im not going to argue with a stranger on the internet.

    • @JET7C0
      @JET7C0 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@rickDArula Sure, debate - at least on the internet with strangers - isn't your thing, and there's nothing wrong with that, but apparently you still prefer to insult them. Maybe you should think about why that is.

  • @maxgax651
    @maxgax651 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Does this bloke realised elections are based on policy not ideology? I love JP but not sure if he’s right on this. Working class in America have always been abandoned by both parties because they don’t have a labour movement.

  • @bodichair
    @bodichair ปีที่แล้ว

    In retrospect?

  • @mikeg.4211
    @mikeg.4211 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Except that the right has abandoned the working class by lying to them and using them as suckers.

    • @mikeg.4211
      @mikeg.4211 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@-jfo- you’re correct, but the democrats did nothing on the blatantly massive scale of the republicans, including outright criminality and sedition, such as trying to overthrow democracy, and that’s not even including having a Supreme Cohrt that has started taking people’s rights away for the first time in history.

  • @arnolddavis383
    @arnolddavis383 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Rich people do vote for trump makes sense why poor vote for him doesn't make sense

    • @lilyscarlet2584
      @lilyscarlet2584 ปีที่แล้ว

      because trump cut taxes and regulations which gave them opportunity? and also didnt promise all this free stuff and entitlements which will put everyone deeper into poverty? also most of the rich people voted for hillary get your facts straight. shes easy to lobby while trump actually took the free market approach.

  • @steelcom5976
    @steelcom5976 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Jordan would have voted for Trump because of his knowledge of history. One lecture talked about how the Continental Army took the airport.

  • @AdDeRidder
    @AdDeRidder 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I appreciate that Peterson would voice an opinion in this hugely charged fight. He'll lose supporters for it.
    It sounds like he would vote against Hillary because she most closely resembles the people he hates the most - the extreme left.
    I'm surprised that JP did not consider voting for a third party given how much he disliked both choices.
    It's a sign of the fatal flaw in our democracy when we mostly all agree that we have two bad choices (Clinton v Trump) and still nobody votes third party.

    • @lilyscarlet2584
      @lilyscarlet2584 ปีที่แล้ว

      trump was actually good though and had better policies. idk why people say 2 bad choices hillary was a crook since day 1 and trump is a business man who was very successful and a tough negotiator and stood up to 91% negative media coverage. no human being is perfect and anyone who tries to hide it under a fake guise of moral virtue i trust the least. and the funny thing is all democrats ever do is blame groups and the other side while at least trump actually made an effort to get things done and he did so much like keep the taliban at bay made us energy independent and had better foreign policy and we were moving in a better direction but the corrupt politicians fought him every step so he had to act like a maniac out of self defense. in a normal non biased interview he was calm and a totally different person. the press and the democrat party didnt like that he was ruining their little scheme to stay in power and exposed alot of stuff. trump winning did the country a favor. just think about that. trump didnt set up a whole branch of government to spy on his opponents campaign like hillary did. he didnt spend the whole 4 years chasing after them like they did to him. if i were trump i would never been remotely as composed as he was under all that im surprised he could function at all with that down your neck 24/7. there is alot of small things he did too that made a big impact that you never hear about like prison reform and a move to replace obamacare and alot of the decisions that made it take too long werent his fault the left was against anything that would make trump look good. and there is no way the election wasnt rigged with those mail in ballots they have on tape ballots in dumpsters. even if it wouldnt have changed the outcome it doesnt matter we need voter id and we need to ensure there is no cheating and that should be non partisan. how could trump be up 95% in pennsylvania and they stop counting dead of night and all the sudden biden is way ahead. they have reports of 300% overvote in some states. and ever since the clintons got involved a few decades ago the government has been growing and forming a political machine used to keep people from finding out truths and big tech and the media are trying to keep people fooled so they vote in the same people who promise all this free stuff. if they get your vote no matter what what incentive do they have to do the right thing.

    • @AdDeRidder
      @AdDeRidder ปีที่แล้ว

      @Lily Scarlet Okay some tangible claims to work with
      > Keeping Taliban at bay.
      Yes, great work. So far only GW Bush failed at that one, but certainly good. No Taliban attack on US soil.
      > energy independent
      What actions caused this? I think this was market forces, like a drop in oil demand due to Covid, but maybe you know something Trump did to cause it.
      > foreign policy
      He was cruel to immigrants - kids in cages, muslim ban and immigration dropped. Could also covid-related too though. What else did you like?
      > all democrats do is blame.
      You blamed "corrupt politicians", "Hillary's spy network", "cheating at the ballot box", "the [hostile] press". That seems like plenty of blaming and two of those are fictional.
      > prison reform
      I'll drop in a sly comment about Trump and prison for lolz, but this does look like a good action - reducing the number of people in prison. That is good , honestly.
      You'll also like the sanctions and renegotiation of NAFTA. I didn't, but it wasn't overall bad. Maybe a small net gain.
      Trump tried to defund ACA healthcare, he never proposed or implemented an alternative.

      > Trump behavior ... self-defence
      Trump has been acting like a jerk since he entered politics - making fun of disabled people, cruel nicknames, dishonoring US POWs, lying constantly. Remember him drawing on the hurricane map with a marker to make a point that wasn't true?! The press called out his lies. I could name a dozen. That's not self-defense, that's self-inflicted. Press are hard on everyone with power, but press surpression is anti-democracy.
      Jan 6th is about more than ppl invading the Congress building. It's a John Eastman plan to subvert the vote - fake electors, VP refusing to count legitimate votes etc.
      Trump clearly asked Russia for emails from a US politician. I don't know how that isn't inviting foreign interference.
      Trump clearly asked Georgia to make up fake votes so he'd win the state. That is election fraud.
      Trump requested political evidence against Biden in exchange for aid to Ukraine from the USA. That is a 'high crime'. Trump deserved impeachment for all three of these.

    • @AdDeRidder
      @AdDeRidder ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lilyscarlet2584 successful businessman
      Part of that success came from refusing to pay contractors, lawyers and from filing false taxes. He is proud of this action. Do you support defrauding the government?
      NY AG Tish James is currently suing him for doing this to her state, and hopes national will do the same.

    • @lilyscarlet2584
      @lilyscarlet2584 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AdDeRidder that just isnt even true thats been debunked several times. marketing a business for more than its really worth is like a game business owners play everyone does that. and his policies were really good for the country and made us all better off by deregulating and lowering taxes and getting more fair trade deals. there is much that still needs to be done but at least he started something. i think taxes are way too high anyway and so tax fraud to me is not something i even take serious. there would be no tax fraud if taxes were much lower and the government stopped wasting so much money from the productive economy on nonsense like climate change and inflating gas prices.

  • @nabih2588
    @nabih2588 3 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Actually what he says extremely resounds with me , i have evey reason to hate trump , but i am so in love with the idea of voting for this guy , maybe he will intoxicate america until it burns out , but obviously trump shows consistency and manlihood that americans are thirsty for and hell the entire world is hungry for , i believe he uses the term fake news and berates reporters to only draw a clear demarcation line for the americans to see in his personality , he uses his energy wisely to polarise the forgotten majority of americans who were waiting for him to come .

    • @masamisannyas8892
      @masamisannyas8892 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I really like your comment! Well said.

    • @juicyjessica2298
      @juicyjessica2298 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@masamisannyas8892 I second this. very well written

    • @gurikn9289
      @gurikn9289 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Interesting that you say that. You still feel that way about Trump?

    • @marsdust332
      @marsdust332 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      "trump shows consistency and manlihood" Wtf??? Trump's a capricious child, i.e. neither of those things.

    • @Murasame13
      @Murasame13 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@marsdust332 lmaoo

  • @homeofmew
    @homeofmew 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Peterson isnt wrong "what is White" in White Supremecy
    And White Identity Politics

  • @shauna5466
    @shauna5466 ปีที่แล้ว

    Talk about Antifa,msm never talks about their violence!!

  • @sabejreid2072
    @sabejreid2072 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jordan Peterson is educated in the best sense / thoughtful and respectful of the audience but not indoctrinated like so many so called educated people - but he 'should' read Lord Black, Roger Stone and Doug Wead on him before he comments with confidence.

  • @adamrise1541
    @adamrise1541 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Identity politics began on the right with Newt Gingrich.

    • @savvy1856
      @savvy1856 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      And then the radical left just stole the ball from him and ran out of the stadium with it?

    • @adamrise1541
      @adamrise1541 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@savvy1856 nice name. Actually Fox news ran w it. Wokeness on the left is a reaction to right identity politics. Dont really matter who started it though. Both sides are acting like morons. Right pushes cultural marxism conspiracy theory. Left pushes systemic racism conspiracy theory. But jp is wrong saying it started w the left. My only point peace.

    • @savvy1856
      @savvy1856 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@adamrise1541 I respect your opinions but I disagree with much of it. I do agree that both parties are childish and not in the business of doing the people's bidding. Today's politician is out for themselves, not their constituents. There's a power grab and a money haul going on in DC and both sides are engaged in it. Billions in foreign money flowing around to muddy the waters and that's why all these politicians end up rich despite the fact that they don't earn that much money. Power is corruption and corruption is lucrative. It all needs to end.

  • @manubishe
    @manubishe 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Jo Jorgensen all the way !

  • @cristianlopez-mendez537
    @cristianlopez-mendez537 4 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Not understanding all the hate for JP

    • @kiddo145ish3
      @kiddo145ish3 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      they can't handle logic

    • @22424
      @22424 ปีที่แล้ว

      He speaks truth and it is a lot to handle for some

  • @johnathangreay987
    @johnathangreay987 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes. I did. And he won. Lol.

  • @johnnysalter7072
    @johnnysalter7072 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why hell yes he would have voted for Trump as he is just 1 more Republican.

  • @baconsenior9626
    @baconsenior9626 ปีที่แล้ว

    In short, he is a Republican.

  • @mingonmongo1
    @mingonmongo1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Disappointed to hear JP's 'logic', though maybe not surprised that such a big believer in the 'Dominance Hierarchy', could also manage to find his own _'reasons'_ to choose the more 'Authoritarian' candidate.

  • @jeffmots8872
    @jeffmots8872 ปีที่แล้ว

    Trump is super smart just arrogant but is always standing on what is right I think big government just can't run trump trump is for America but is not so reckless as current government on world stage he was respected he would have left ucrkane as a neutral country look how many lives on both sides lost why!

  • @ColeMelly
    @ColeMelly 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    5:00 is when he gets based.

  • @TheOneLiliad
    @TheOneLiliad ปีที่แล้ว

    Now I have lost respect for him.

  • @mateotinoco2393
    @mateotinoco2393 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    He sees nothing wrong with trump and his cult, and why does he care? He is Canadian

  • @lazedout8755
    @lazedout8755 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Trump participated in identity politics as well. Some would agree that he provoked the escalation in them

  • @TheFusedplug
    @TheFusedplug 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have a lot of respect for Jordan Peterson and I am glad he chose Trump. The only thing that worries me is why the hell he even CONSIDERED voting for Clinton. Because although I respect all of his books and bought 12 rules - it makes my mind hang in the balance on whether he's 100% or even 60% right (meaning his advice) I'd still buy a book from this guy - I wouldn't have bought a book if I thought he was for Clinton or Biden NO WAY

  • @ngiw02
    @ngiw02 ปีที่แล้ว

    how is Trump promoting identity politics?

  • @alexanderthompson3800
    @alexanderthompson3800 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Where we go 1 WE GO ALL

  • @stoicazoo7845
    @stoicazoo7845 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    so he says that trump was smart during his campaign but now somehow his lies were unscripted? Is he serious?

  • @Rickrealdeal
    @Rickrealdeal 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    divine intervention brought trump to give order to the chaos.

    • @WorldCitizen333
      @WorldCitizen333 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      So how orderly is America right now?

    • @aeternavictrix7861
      @aeternavictrix7861 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      World Citizen you mean the west? America isn’t the only country suffering from a neo Marxist revolution

    • @hijack69
      @hijack69 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@WorldCitizen333 you realize that the chaos is in blue states right?

    • @melovil9199
      @melovil9199 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hijack69 not really Alabama, Flint, all non blue cities in Texas , Florida, Arkansas are all still an utter shithole.

    • @himalayanhealthhut6656
      @himalayanhealthhut6656 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It’s actually the opposite. Trump is putting chaos into the Order. But in a good way.

  • @Zepha21
    @Zepha21 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Anyone who would have voted Trump and is a self proclaimed clinical psychiatrist, should go see an actual clinical psychiatrist.

  • @casey3506
    @casey3506 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Our Amercian cousins grew up and kicked his ass out of office in 2020.

  • @gurikn9289
    @gurikn9289 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Don't get me wrong, I like JP, but I don't like the cult following that he created. Evidently the man is not infallible, not to say that anybody is, but his "radical" fans will have you believe otherwise.

  • @RapidBlindfolds
    @RapidBlindfolds 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    4:09 YOU are playing identity politics. youre assuming 'the working class' have homogenous interests. whats so funny to me is that in almost every critique of identity politics, the person criticising it always deploys some form of identity politics themselves in said critique. so for example, peterson might say 'yuppie college professors and students are pushing critical theory onto the rest of society, and the working class feel left behind.' ok so, right there YOU'RE playing identity politics with intellectuals and the working class. feminists do it with men and women. black lives matter do it with blacks and whites. you just have to admit that a bit of identity politics is inevitable.

    • @CourageToB
      @CourageToB 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      u dont get identity politics:
      a tendency for people of a particular religion, race, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, moving away from traditional broad-based party politics.

    • @fladmuse7129
      @fladmuse7129 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Lol wrong🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Identity politics has nothing to do with something in your control such as how much money in your pocket, social class or standing, it has everything to do with not what's in your control such as race, sex/gender, ethnicity

    • @harrynac6017
      @harrynac6017 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@fladmuse7129 Ofcourse not mister "lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"🤪

    • @kenjoneslee
      @kenjoneslee 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      He was criticizing the "overuse" of identity politics, mostly coming from the Left. Please listen closely to his exact words. He tries very hard to accurately state his positions.

  • @EmilyTienne
    @EmilyTienne 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    JP: I was concerned about Hillary’s identity politics. WTF? And he’s saying this because Trump bares no identity politics traits?

  • @junevandermark952
    @junevandermark952 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I would NEVER have voted for Trump! He didn't have any intention of following any policies, or laws other than those created by his own dictates. He should have run as an independent.

  • @richardgardner8152
    @richardgardner8152 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    BS with a Ph.D. tells us that sex, race, and income doesn't really matter, we are all important. Politically, socially, and economically this is not the case. The U.S. History of sexism, racism, and poverty tells the truth. Peterson is an appologist for inequality.

  • @JohnDoe-ho6mc
    @JohnDoe-ho6mc 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    As it turns out, Peterson was wrong about this one. Division, tribalism and identity politics have all grown far, far more severe under Trump, not to mention all his other ridiculous inadequacies

    • @brianrobinson5667
      @brianrobinson5667 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Division and tribalism have grown under trump but that doesn't mean you can directly attribute them to him. You must have an IQ of 85 to come to that conclusion.

    • @JohnDoe-ho6mc
      @JohnDoe-ho6mc 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@brianrobinson5667 I did not directly attribute all divisions to trump. But ignoring his contributions to such is a stark rejection of reality. Making assumptions about what my point is in order to try and insert your own opinions and then furthermore assert your own supposed intellectual superiority is the hallmark of a weak and insecure person.

    • @gabrielmaddern6070
      @gabrielmaddern6070 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      What's funny about this is that now that biden "won" you have 70 million americans feeling unsure and arguably isolated from the other 70 million and those 70 million on the left mock and disparage the right. The lefts extreme investment in identity politics has forced the right to play the same game. Tribalism is going to take down this country thanks to a big push from the left.

    • @JohnDoe-ho6mc
      @JohnDoe-ho6mc 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@gabrielmaddern6070 it has not forced the right to do a damn thing. The fact is, if trump were never elected, this country would have less polarization and division. Both sides are equally responsible for the aftermath, including the left’s foolish “tribalism” and blind hostility towards trump, and the rights boneheaded acceptance and agreement with of whatever brainless, misinformed or downright false attempts to stir up emotions Trump gives. In addition to a re-emergence of powerful white supremacist groups that the left can foolishly attribute to being representative of a whole, or otherwise mobilize a fight against the right based upon. It’s the same but in reverse for radical leftists and antifa. But if trump were never elected, this would not be nearly as bad, regardless of who started what or who is to blame for what. Which, in my understanding, is roughly equal on both extremes.

  • @SenorJuan2023
    @SenorJuan2023 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    You have to wonder about a clinical psychologist publicly admitting he probably would have voted for a narcisstic sociopath. I have to admit we had 2 terrible choices, just like we do in 10 days.

    • @rimtutituki92
      @rimtutituki92 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You're missing Jordan's point. He's saying Trump was the lesser evil (and still is, comparing to Biden), with all the flaws he obviously has.

    • @SenorJuan2023
      @SenorJuan2023 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@rimtutituki92 That's MY point. Trump is NOT the lesser of two evils.......even they're both lousy. My dad was a poor man's version of Trump. Sociopaths are SCARY people, AND Trump is well below average IQ for a world leader.

    • @LoveLondon5
      @LoveLondon5 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You're also ignoring the narcissistic sociopath that is Hillary Clinton. You can't understand what narcissism or sociopathic qualities are, & not apply them to her. If fail to apply those terms to Clinton, then you also need to learn what hypocrisy means.

    • @SenorJuan2023
      @SenorJuan2023 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@LoveLondon5 Ignoring? I said we had 2 terrible choices, but Trump's pathology is far worse than Hillary's. I grew up with a Poor Donald Trump. These are VERY scary people.

  • @thereviewer4173
    @thereviewer4173 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jordan is obviously a liberal, but he will never admit it. Instead he speaks in double to avoid upsetting any liberal or conservative fan.

    • @savvy1856
      @savvy1856 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's interesting. On what issues do you see him as liberal?

    • @thereviewer4173
      @thereviewer4173 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      On a second thought, I would place him at a center left and not completely left as he is a Christian and has taken a firm stance against gender pronouns, although he does believe in the LGBT human rights, say, gay marriage (or at least I think). For sure, for sure, he’s not your typical hardcore conservative. A lot of times when he speaks, he almost never completely endorses a political position and tends to talk about the pros and cons without showing which one he really endorses, but as I have said, I think he probably is a liberal in most of those political issues and knows that his fan base in the US is mostly religious conservative, and he doesn’t want to upset his base.

    • @savvy1856
      @savvy1856 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thereviewer4173 I'm a Conservative and also believe in the human rights of the LGBT community. I also believe in a woman's right to choose, but don't agree with late term abortions. Many of my friends are Conservative and feel the same way. Not all of us are "hard core" Christians that pound you over the head with the bible. I certainly don't. I'm not religious at all. My point is that too many people put us Conservatives in a box. We aren't a monolith. We definitely ARE NOT group thinkers like leftists. We have free will and free thought. But I do take your points on JP. He is in no hurry to offend his base, which is absolutely Conservative here in the U.S.

    • @thereviewer4173
      @thereviewer4173 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      The problem is that we are all group thinkers to a certain extent, but some more than others. We are like gangs where you’re either a blood or a crip. Our brains are wired to think this way.
      Generally, anyone who follows any source that is widely known as leaning to a particular political side, say CNN or Fox News, is arguably biased and engaging in group thinking. It’s like going to church and having yours beliefs reinforced.
      One way to eliminate this issue is to blindly be told what the issue and the possible solutions are without knowing the stance of your peers or leaders. This obviously isn’t practical, and often times we seek our usual sources of information to know and understand our position when it comes to political issues. This is engaging in group thinking without even realizing it.
      Personally I find it funny how the people who claim to be the most unbiased are usually the most biased, but they cannot see it for themselves.

    • @savvy1856
      @savvy1856 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@thereviewer4173 Before Trump I would watch CNN. In particular, Rachel Maddow. I liked her. She's smart. Then, Trump came along and the un-corroborated conspiracy theories became rampant. That turned me off. I thought she was too smart for that. Turns out, she was marching to Jeff Zucker's drum, like the rest of CNN's employees. I've even heard audio of him outright telling them what to say on the air. Literally telling them what the prescribed message was to be. It's amazing. At that point, I was convinced there was no way to "reason" with the left. The "group-think" mentality with them is real, not perceived. Although, I am always willing to have dialogue with folks that don't see things my way. Everyone who is honest sees it. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Why should they, they have the media behind them to cover it all up and make it go away in a few news cycles. Then they move on to the next BS story that they conjured up. It really is evil.

  • @mymonitor1348
    @mymonitor1348 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I thought JP had common sense. Guess not.

    • @TaserTaser
      @TaserTaser 4 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      bruv he said he'd rather vote for Trump over Clinton. Dude how is that not common sense?

    • @cristianm_65
      @cristianm_65 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You’re an idiot. Enjoy another 4 years with the Don #KAG

    • @TaserTaser
      @TaserTaser 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@cristianm_65 me?

    • @forkimberly5
      @forkimberly5 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Do your research . Got listen to some Thomas Sowell . More years of wisdom then both of us put together.

  • @kenjoneslee
    @kenjoneslee 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm an Ohioan and can never vote for Trump because he doesn't explain his views with any sort of detail with an honest attempt to make them as clearly understood as Jordan Peterson does. Trump is not an analytical intellectual with excellent communication skills and that's what is needed to explain conservative views and to counter far Left ideals. If a person's views are correct and rational, there is no need to lie, exaggerate or use propagandic tactics to sway people. That's what Trump has done.

    • @CarinaShanahan
      @CarinaShanahan 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I understand your viewpoint, and I certainly agree that Trump is not an intellectual, analytical person, but I disagree that if a viewpoint is rational and true that one would never need to exaggerate or use similar tactics to sway people, purely because people in general act more based on emotion than rationality. Further, there's so much to explore and explain in politics, identity politics, policy, etc. that taking the time to clearly explain it all will lose most people's attention.
      Of course take this with a grain of salt, as I am no expert psychologist.

    • @kenjoneslee
      @kenjoneslee 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@CarinaShanahan I probably should have used a different verb....there "should" be no need to lie, exaggerate or paint false narratives if a certain perspective is worth having with a logical basis. What generally happens is that certain perspectives are clouded by personal interests. For example, I saw a docu that showed how electric corporations in the USA are trying very hard to dissuade consumers from installing solar panels on their houses, especially if the electric companies have to give credit for any excess solar generated electricity that goes back into the grid. The electric companies have a strong profit motive NOT to allow anyone or anything cut into their monopoly. So from their perspective, it's very logical to use unethical tactics to convince consumers that solar energy is a bad idea. It's unethical when motive/bias is not clearly stated and lies, distortions of the truth, etc. are used to persuade voters to not support other forms of energy solely because they may reduce long standing, guaranteed profits for the electric companies.

  • @jameswyrm8
    @jameswyrm8 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Trump 2024

    • @BubblewrapHighway
      @BubblewrapHighway 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You missed the point entirely. Study fungus, it'll get us out of this mess. 🍄🍄🍄

  • @drd0114
    @drd0114 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is sad... Even a smart man like Peterson has not objectively researched political ideologies enough to give accurate observations. It's like he's psychoanalizing a "radical left" strawman, without having conversation with any liberals anywhere on the spectrum from extreme to moderate.

    • @aaronyepez6148
      @aaronyepez6148 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I think if anyone has done their homework it’s Dr. JP.

    • @BudoGuy
      @BudoGuy 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@aaronyepez6148 sorry he actually doesn't

    • @aaronyepez6148
      @aaronyepez6148 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@BudoGuy the man has conversations with everyone, he knows more about humans than the guy in the main comment that’s for sure.

    • @BudoGuy
      @BudoGuy 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@aaronyepez6148 actually I'd doubt that too. Peterson exposed himself as a fraud in his debate with Zizek. He's an average Prof in psychology, but his takes on history and philosophy is ridiculous

    • @aaronyepez6148
      @aaronyepez6148 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@BudoGuy Fraud? Fraud at what? Thinking? The mans is like on top of it. Many young people look up to him, he’s like the father figure of many.

  • @pnelson00
    @pnelson00 4 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Amazing how someone so articulate and well educated can be so lacking in common sense.

    • @GooseBurt
      @GooseBurt 4 ปีที่แล้ว +36

      Peter Nelson JP lacks common sense because he wouldn’t ever vote for a Clinton? You should re-evaluate who’s lacking common sense here.

    • @19QKOO82
      @19QKOO82 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I just started listening to him discuss topics a few days ago and he sounds ridiculous right now because he's BS-ing. He knows Trump's a terrible leader but his audience (money) are Trump supporters. He is telling scripted lies.

    • @wutangenthuziest
      @wutangenthuziest 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      the irony of this statement is profound

    • @pnelson00
      @pnelson00 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@wutangenthuziest do you know what irony means? You're using as though it means contradictory, which it does not... Anyhow, it is entirely possible to be articulate and well educated and still lack common sense. There is nothing contradictory or ironic about it.

    • @davidmendizabal9892
      @davidmendizabal9892 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe you are possesed by an idea. Trump bad! Well ... Yeah he is an idiot, still he is not only stupid evil

  • @enri447
    @enri447 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    How can an academic consider voting for him, hmm

    • @melovil9199
      @melovil9199 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well he didn't consider it, if its an impulse vote then by definition it wasn't planned or taken into consideration.

    • @i1pro
      @i1pro 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      It's not voting for him. Is voting for freedom and the constitution. The Democrats have embraced radical left ideas. Is very scary! Even worse than Trump believe it or not...

    • @enri447
      @enri447 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jose Ignacio you want to talk about the constitution? Constitutional beliefs? Like accepting the results of an election? Like not playing around with the possibilities of ‘serving more than two terms? Undermining the USPS? Suppressing the vote in ways impressive even for the GOP itself. Democrats are the threat to our Constitution? Please stop it

    • @lesarbuckle2541
      @lesarbuckle2541 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@enri447 Hillary said Trump was an "Illegitimate president" and said he "Colluded with the Russians." Now we are finding out that it was HILLARY that ginned up the "dirty Dossier" and attempted a soft coup against Trump with the assistance of the FBI, CIA, and NSA.

  • @jo.k.4210
    @jo.k.4210 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    And I thought he was intelligent...

    • @savvy1856
      @savvy1856 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think everyone I disagree with is stupid.

    • @emilebichelberger7590
      @emilebichelberger7590 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Just because he has a different opinion means he’s stupid?

  • @miketomlin6040
    @miketomlin6040 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Peterson, view of Historians. ''Fascist''. He may regret his Trump vote?

    • @Mbrace818
      @Mbrace818 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      He never actually voted. There's nothing to regret.

    • @miketomlin6040
      @miketomlin6040 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Mbrace818 He told people he'd have voted for Trump, so sadly is now known as a pro-fascist.

    • @Mbrace818
      @Mbrace818 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@miketomlin6040 Hypothetically, therefore, it never happened. Therefore, nothing to regret.

    • @miketomlin6040
      @miketomlin6040 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Mbrace818 It did happen, it's on video! The fact he could not vote there, irrelevant. Why do you think Academics, Psychologists, the 'Educated' have such a negative view of him?

    • @Mbrace818
      @Mbrace818 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@miketomlin6040 It didn't happen. He didn't actually vote! wtf are you talking about?

  • @johnnyhshify
    @johnnyhshify 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Horseshit, Trump played the same identity politics as Clinton.

  • @cptKamina
    @cptKamina 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    -Because he is a fascist
    There, I saved you 9 minutes.

    • @DiligoBarba
      @DiligoBarba 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      No because he's SMART and wanted the American ECONOMY
      to be fixed for working-class people, you woke crybaby.

    • @FlanaFugue
      @FlanaFugue 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@DiligoBarba But... wait a minute... the right wants the government OUT of all private affairs of companies and people. How can they expect the government to step in now after years of voting Tea Party Republicans? The people wanted the government out, and that's what they got. Then they blamed all the problems that arose on the Democrats, and thought that Trump would fix it. But he didn't. Because he still doesn't have the sumpreme dictator power to order American companies to come back to the U.S. Look at GM.