I'm going to use this with my class! "Patriotism = Loving one's country for what it does; Nationalism = Loving one's country no matter what it does" I think that's a great, simple distillation
That seems like a rather myopic description of Nationalism. Nationalism does not inherently force a love for all actions by one’s nation, only that the citizens who operate under Nationalism seek the best outcomes for their country. A good example of Nationalism is restricting access to your country from immigrant groups who commit a high level of crime. Sweden is a good example: with Sub-Saharan Africans and Middle Easterners committing rape and murder of women (particularly children) at excessively high rates. Nationalism might be a saving grace to countries such as Sweden, Italy and Germany.
I think the biggest mistake in explaining patriotism is made by mentioning love. Patriotism does not need love, it needs critical thinking and striving to make the country a better place to live for everyone. Nationalism needs love, unconditional love and this is what makes it destructive in most cases as it puts that unconditional love above everything else. If you love your country because it is a great place to live and you as well do everything in your power to keep it that way, you are a patriot. If you love your country only because it is yours, then you are a nationalist. So it is not only about one's feelings, but about everyday deeds, this is what separates the two.
here in sweden, patriots= loving your county no matter what political pary rules and dosnt matter what they do with the country. Nationalist love their contry and go agenst anything that can harm the country or its people (if you identifies as swedish race dosnt matter)!
Nationalism is not when you just put your country first. That's an oversimplification and a self-report. It's cult-like devotion to your nation where your country can do no wrong no matter what and its interests go above any other group of people. Stealing the resources of another group of people so you can have some cheaper coffee beans back home? Nothing wrong there according to a nationalist. In an increasingly global world (whether you like it or not), the world needs to come together to do what's best for all of us. We produce and waste enough food for 10 billion people and yet half of the world lives in extreme hungry. That's due to exploitation and pre-existing discrimination. The West doesn't need to be more nationalistic, it's already nationalistic enough as it is. The disregard for half of the world despite playing a major role in the poverty of that half is a clear piece of evidence of that.
“By NATIONALISM, I mean the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognising no other duty than that of advancing its interests. Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. Both words are normally used in so vague a way that any definition is liable to be challenged, but one must draw a distinction between them, since two different and even opposing ideas are involved. By ‘patriotism’ I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality.” ~George Orwell
I believe that America is a great country, but not the GREATEST. If it were, it wouldn’t be so divided. Nonetheless, I am still proud to be an American. 🇺🇸
Nationalism doesn't have to mean those things. Nationalism is a stronger word than patriotism and is like patriotism with a tinge of aggression. Kind of like being a hawkish sports fan. Nationalism is a beautiful thing. It can also mean interest in the formation/preservation of a nation/country as he said
Look at where Nationalism has taken world governments. It's not good and sounds like you didn't watch the video. To be fair the dude said Zionism is good but 40,000 people being killed by a nationalist country isn't good
I would say that nationalism vs patriotism is more of a spectrum of ideas. Some people would have beliefs from both sides. Some might believe that they live on the greatest country ever, but also criticize it for the bad things it has done. Some people think that they should put there country first, while also believing that the input of other countries is important.
Before we have Patriotism we must establish the real Dictatorship of the Proletariat. !!!! The correct approach to ensure a prosperous and just society is a free market economy with corrective mechanisms working on the side in parallel and independently to compensate for the market's inherent problems (those are the creation of Extreme concentration of Wealth and poverty a.k.a Empty houses and homeless people). Those mechanisms are 1) The Real UBI (for perpetual re-distribution of Wealth) , 2) The Perpetual Limited Speed Purge Allowance (PLSPA) , 3) A voting system called 'Most liked, least hated' gets elected, which, together, implement the true, real meaning of 'Dictatorship of the Proletariat'. !!!!
@@madkhaliqfarhan Because this fella didn't explain it well at all. A patriot loves his state, a nationalist loves his nation. There is nothing wrong with loving your nation, and it does not entail distrust for 'others' or unconditional loyalty to the state. Quite to the contrary actually, nationalists are quite clear when they feel that the interest of 'the people' does not match the course or politics of the state.
I watch many videos and read books for this said topic but only you explain it so well and for the first time I truly understand their differences. So thank you.
Nationalism, as I've always understood it, is the desire to see your country succeed even at the detriment to other nations. This then justifies acts like annexation, colonisation, etc. They also tend to downplay or outright deny the atrocities their country has committed against others.
Really good video!! I'm happy that at the end of the video you a did a part dedicated to the question of "Is Nationalism always bad?" so that you could keep this video unbiased and pass different arguments for both sides!! Anyways thanks alot for this educational video, really well done!!
Nationalism isnt faciscm, faciscm is the feeling of supremacy over all other peoples and countries, nationalism is pride in ones ethnicity and hope for unity
As a french *nationalist* myself, I can confirm that you have perfectly explained the differences between nationalism and patriotism, giving the pros and cons of both! Keep up the good work man 👍
For me personally, a nationalist is someone who puts his own nation's interests first and other nations' last. Nationalism is not necessarily synonymous with racism, chauvinism or supremacy of one ethnicity over the other. A nation can consist of many different ethnicities who are all equal before the law.
Nationalism is the most extreme of the two, closing borders to foreign trade, or even overseas talent, fiercely rejecting foreign imports no matter what.
Nationalism was the idea that tribes should be nation states rather than provinces of empires, particularly foreign empires. That's it, nothing more. Patriotism is simply the live of was one country. Most tribes exhibit some degree of Patriotism. Anyone who suggests that either is a negative is mislead and/or trying to mislead you. I promise you that.
@@travelinman790 literally this is the only real argument for sustaining this definition of nationalism as inherently bad and it is a logical fallacy and I am not even a nationalist.
''Patriotism is the love you have for your country, nationalism is when the hatered you have for other countries is bigger than the love for your own''
Nope, I identify as a Nationalist. What you describe is ultra-nationalism, which is almost always generalized as nationalism. Nationalism itself is basically just Patriotism with slightly more emphasis on national identity. This doesn’t at all mean racism or prejudice against other ethnicities, as I myself am a culturally Progressive Nationalist.
@@IllustratetoEducate idk maybe in ur cucked western world u were told false meaning of nationalism in schools for Croatia nationalism is patriotism + caring about specificaly your people in that regard, your volk thats literaly what it means, but go ahead make up your own definitions, gas light people pure of heart see how far ul go
In your video you defined patriotism as "the love for your country", but your country is basically your government. How can you love a country that has done terrible, horrible atrocities all around the world and it has always been like that, at least during the course of my life. I mean, I cant be proud of smth that happened in 1700s or smth. This concept of patriotism suggests that you live in a country that does smth to be proud of. I believe that the state(aka the government) and the nation should be separate from each other. For instance, Muhammad is not proud of being Iraqi, but is proud of being a part of the Iraqi nation, the culture, the history, the cuisine and the people.
Too many people lump Patriotism with Nationalism. Patriotism is the love and pride of one's country, and many people who identify themselves as Patriotism aren't afraid to criticize the past wrongdoings or current wrongdoings of their country. Nationalism is the devoted loyalty of one's country no matter what they do, good or bad, without taking into consideration the input of other countries. Many consider America's schools singing the Star-Spangled Banner and citing The Pledge of Allegiance is Nationalism, but it's supposed to make the children singing it feel united and have something to relate to with each other, to be united as Americans. Tribalistic tendencies like saying that there is no core identity, like the Prime Minister of Canada said, and no core identity that's supposed to unite a country's inhabitants causes conflict over bickering of whose culture and whatnot is the best, and that already can be observed with religiously motivated wars and attacks.
So weird.. I thought all this time patriotism and nationalism are more less the same. It's usually just the americans who keep insisting they are different since they think nationalism= Mussolini. If this is the actual definition then I see most americans as Nationalist than patriots since they always see themselves higher than anyone else. Patriotism is super rare nowadays since most people are individualistic.
It has also an almost orwellian function when you think about it, with this definition put into the head of americans and americanized people, basically they can condemn the nationalist of other parts of the world (specially europe) as filo nazis while their American patriotism is the superior way. Nationalism was a More used term during the european revolutions(1848 and things like that) because it was about different ethnos(nations) reclaiming a sovereign state. Patriotism was used in American revolution because it was a war interior to the Anglo ethnic group/nation but with the patriots having developed their own manners and identity in their land. That's why patriotism was more used in America and nationalism more used in Europe, literally that's all.
Almost every person on this planet has been a type of nationalist: tribalism, nationalism, it's a natural thing for living beings of different species. In most cases it's unnatural to not be a nationalist, it would be like a bird living with fishes or a bear moving to the desert to hang with scorpions.
Except you have to be more specific about what constitutes "being equal enough to be of the same kind" here. This almost always ends up being purely subjective and it's why there are so many types of nationalism that often conflate with eachother, from Pan European Nationalism trying to unite the entirety of Europe to "classical" ethnonationalism between smaller ethnic groups who do not even have a current nation state to represent them and also Civic Nationalism, which is based around a piece of paper rather than personal background. And we've got the more "crazy, unconventional" types of nationalism such as religious nationalism and Marxist Nationalism (because of course there is one...). When you analyse all of it it all comes down to a mere game of Set Theory between humans to justify the legitimacy of different types of "collectives". And this is why I always prefer individualism over collectivism. Nationalism has trapoed me to a flag I never wished to be loyal to. And for some reason it says that I _should_ be loyal because I and anyone else living under it is somewhat magically ""defined"" by it. The way I see it, Nationalism is no different from globalism being applied on a smaller geographical scale.
@@mekingtiger9095 Wouldn't it be better to have no sets than, so no individualism either? Only individualism for the individuals, (or is individualism not egoism? idk i look it up after this) Looking beyond the sets, even the Humanity-globalism set. sets are useful to have words for, but maby not for forming a world. i dont realy know, just typeing, and reading 4 hours of wikis (and clicking from link to link) from when i started this this typing just from trying to spell humainity, and i stil have not looked up individualism and egoism idk i read things when i read um i guess.
I love my country and I love the culture and the people but the government and all that is just not good and I hope that can be changed but I still love my country. What is that? Patriotism or nationalism?
Patriotism is a right-wing, authoritarian, manipulative, idealistic, and irrational ideology (morality, attitude, value system) that consists of: - Subordinating an individual's (man's) entire existence to the interests of the state, unconditional loyalty to "their" state, a sense of duty and gratitude to it, and love for it more than any other state and often more than anything else. - A tendency to prioritize "their" state by designating it and its existence as the highest value, and the interests of "their" state as more important than anything else, including men's rights and human rights in general. - Bias, a sense of pride and exclusivity based on belonging to "their" state, identifying oneself primarily through "their" state and "their" nation, exalting and idealizing their "special features" (quotes emphasize that these "features" may not be unique, inherent only to this state and nation) and their "historical mission." - Willingness to endure suffering, death, murder, cruelty, deceit, betrayal, etc., for the interests of "their" state, in short, any deprivation, violence, and injustice within the permitted or beyond. This definition does not contradict common dictionary definitions of patriotism. Historical Context: Patriotism spread in modern times with the development of capitalism and the "promotion" of stationary bandits to so-called national states. National states imposed conscription on the male population, an early version of modern conscription slavery, thereby building their sovereignty on the expendability of men. Accompanying patriotism served and continues to serve as a means of instilling beneficial sentiments (delusions) in men to ensure the number and motivation of state armed formations. Ideological processing proved effective and deeply rooted in public consciousness: many men still see no other life and death than under and for the state. Patriotism has always been primarily aimed at men, with some components directed exclusively at men. Patriotism is cultivated everywhere, promoting division among groups such as men, workers, racial-ethnic minorities, the opposition, etc. As a result, exploited men subjected to patriotic manipulations gain false confidence that they have more in common with "their" women and exploiters than with "foreign" men, workers, and other oppressed groups. The state benefits and even needs the oppressed (primarily men) to see "foreigners" (primarily men) as enemies, competitors, or simply frighteningly incomprehensible, rather than as similarly oppressed individuals - friends and brothers. Thus, patriotism is a means of stirring up discord and hostility, brainwashing working men by breaking down and replacing their identity and diverting their attention from real problems. Goals of Patriotism: The goals of patriotism are: 1. Uniting men, workers, etc., around the elites, the state, and fears of threats to the state, often fictional. 2. Dividing men along national lines and destroying international solidarity among oppressed workers. Women often trust authorities more and therefore more actively propagate state narratives, and they are the most active in shaming men trying to avoid conscription slavery, leaving the country, and not wanting to support the war. In military propaganda, "foreign" men are portrayed as threats primarily to "their" women, whom "their" men must protect at the cost of their own lives if they are not cowards, traitors, etc. Women patriots willingly embrace the role of helpless innocents in distress, while remaining safe and indirectly sending thousands of men to death. Patriotism is categorically incompatible with the ideas of liberating groups like men and workers, and with humanistic values as such. In countries like Russia, China, the USA, and other colonial artificial formations, patriotism extends beyond gender and class issues, becoming synonymous with full acceptance of the oppressed status of previously captured racial and ethnic groups, denying them the right to self-determination and escape from the prison of nations. In these countries, patriotism is inseparable from aggressive imperialism and racial-ethnic intolerance, directed both outwardly and inwardly. Much of the above also applies to nationalism, a variation of patriotism that values the nation (instead of the state) as the highest value. Distinguishing patriotism and nationalism should be done in the context of more detailed studies; otherwise, it makes little sense. Exceptions: National liberation struggles - conflicts of state-oppressed ethnic groups seeking independence and the states seeking to keep subjugated peoples in submission - can be considered exceptions to the general rule. In such cases, attacks on patriotism (nationalism) become problematic due to possible accusations of sympathizing with colonialism and statism and various forms of intolerance and bias, as the object of adoration - the oppressor (state) - is replaced by the oppressed masses (people). Nonetheless, even in these seemingly noble examples of patriotism (nationalism), the presence of gender-biased manipulators (e.g., leaders of national-oriented parties and armed formations) pushing or openly forcing only the male population to self-sacrifice is always evident. A consistent advocate for men's rights cannot be a patriot because he places men's interests and benefits above those of social constructs like the state and nation, rejects the value (in meanings close to "high morality," "sacredness," "holiness") of these constructs, and sees their debunking and complete overcoming as a necessary step towards his goal.
Could somebody please explain to me why nationalism is bad? If every nation strove to make themselves the best they could be would that not make the whole world better?
@@travelinman790 And when exactly was the last time the US expanded its borders? Last I looked Japan,Germany, Iraq, Iran, are all still there and not part of the US. Even Mexico and Canada are still there. I don't think the word means what you think it means... If it does then calling the US a national state would be a lie.
@@travelinman790 And nearly every single one of those countries want us there to help protect them against a mutual enemy. This has nothing to do with imperialism or an attempt to take over their country. Don't you just love it when somebody misrepresents another person's actions or intentions by replacing them with their own in an attempt to support their false narrative? I learned how to recognize this logic fallacy when I was in the 5th grade, how about you?
Nationalism isn't bad, people think it is either because they get their education from social medias where you're considered a fascist when you say something slightly negative about the foreigners living in your country, or by the occidental education system that promotes internationalism and free trade, and therefor teaches us that nationalism is a very big meanie and evil idea promoted by racist people such as Hitler or Mussolini.
2:06 Nationalism is the prioritizing ones Nation & its persons over others. Like Washington choosing not to get in the France vs Brit war or USA not caring about nazis until it was a threat to us, if the bear was never poked then we would have let them continue; expanding military resources stresses the nation unnecessarily. Which is why I'm a Nationalist. American Patriotism differ from others due to the english/anglo-saxon/western culture mixed with Masculine Will to Power/Independence & Strong Christian belief (I'm a Luciferican, took me awhile to accept that😂😂). Nationalism is the frame that hold the picture of patriotism. Without it the pic falls, like the american regime getting us into forever wars. Washington's farewell speech was pretty Nationalistic so its a great start. Patriotism is a community - State govt thing, Nationalism is more Federal thing.
@@travelinman790 Imperialism - a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force Hitler wanted to recreate Germania, at best you can say Franco more so is a Nationalist, he killed communist & liberal-factions (they originally pushed a illegitimate Ruler). Washington, Hamilton, James Wilson, Lincoln, etc Nationalist policies built the nation I live in Could be worst, could be liberal-democracy
Are you serious you didn't fit Zionism into the overall definition of Nationalism you introduced on this video? How do you explain the colonial practices Israel has promoted against Palestinians in name of the Jewish nation?
The major difference you left out is the patriotism loves a country- it has a government. But a nation doesn’t always have a country. Kurds for example. Or poles pre WWI. It would be possible for a polish nationalist living i. Russian before the creation of Poland to say I love my nation but not my country. I am a polish nation but my passport is Russian, for example
In my own understanding simply mean patriots is refers to your love for your country no matter what it does while the nationalist is all about your loyalty to your country that's why nationalist always proud no matter what it does just becoz that's how they run thier country Simple illustration: Examples philippines Patriots: Filipino are identify as lovable, respectful, while on the other hand Nationalist: Filipino fight for the sake of our nation just like our culture, and territory, we fight for it against another country. Correct me if I'm wrong 😃
Nationalism is good. It has nothing to do with race, It has to do that you are for your culture your people to succed if a person of any color joins a nationalistic country they would have high demands to respect the nations flag,culture,history.(Like todays immigrants dont do) and it has nothing to do with tramping on other countries Nationalistic countrys respect eachother Look at Hungary/Poland. Hitler destroyed the word nationalism becoming an imperialist. Socialists or Social democrats have offcoused blamed it on Nationalism. like you do in this video.
Hungary and Poland are both led by right wing governments. Both countries have been backlashing against migrants arriving from Africa. Immigrants of the past that you romanticize were Europeans so they are ok in your books.
@@liverturcxdanpavs Because that's wrong, and I couldn't think of any other country that has such state autonomy other than the US. So welp, I assumed you were american, mb bro
@@gggo1789 It is not wrong. Nor was I talking about individual federal member states. I’m assuming you are French so i.e. the French Republic, NOT Bretagne or whatever. Patriot: pour l’etat versus nationalist: pour le peuple.
@@liverturcxdanpavs Oh, sorry I thought you meant ''patriot for his state'' as in patriot for California, Texas, all that kinda stuff for example. My bad bro
I think America is the best country and nationalism for the most part doesn't seem as bad as people make it out to be. Its mostly about putting your country first from the definitions I've seen and I see no reason you should not or would not want to put your country above another country. Its the countries job to provide for its people first not second or third. You also said its at the expense of immigrants and people who some people think dont belong in a country and I was wondering where you get that from since the whole point is to put your country first which would include immigrants and minorities.
There are a lot of different takes on Nationalism. You’re right, there’s nothing wrong about providing for your country first. But I think the line that many views draw is when it’s at the expense of other countries. For example, look at Hitler, and the Nazis and how they how they invaded other countries and did horrible things to the Jews (religion). But like I said in the end Nationalism isn’t alway bad necessarily. It can be a uniting force against injustice.
Sorry but this video isnt objective. generally in social sciences (which linguistics is part of) there positivism isnt really recognised as a valide stance anymore. They way you describe patriotism as something inherently positive is already biased. Your definition and interpretation is fine but please don´t call it objective because its just not. Its very americanized. talkt with a german or an austrian and they will probably heavily disagree on your interpretations of the words.
I would argue this definition sounds somewhat more akin to Chauvinism, which is defined as thoughts of superiority over other cultures/peoples with a right to dominate and lord over them, usually with a militaristic bent. Things like National Socialism, colonialism, Ultrazionism (formation of greater Israel), and some individuals in American neo-conservative circles (Middle East wars) are good examples. Things like BREXIT, the rise of the ethnic populist-right (Meloni, AfD, Orban, Swedish Democrats, Salvini. European nations are more tied to ethnicity unlike America/Canada), and protectionism in trade are more Nationalistic for the simple fact they believe in a concept of/or to aid a national collective in contrast to cosmopolitan globalism. There's no thoughts of superiority or supremacy where it's not appropriate.
Patriotism is passive and weak, waving your flag with your national anthem in the background and singing kumbaya. Nationalism on the other hand invites action to that, it means upholding your national identity as something sacred and worthy of protecting.
@@maximilianogarciachirinos3663 maybe the political spectrum is different in my country .The communists and socialists in my country favour China .while the Nationalists speak openly against Pakistan which tries to terrorise my country .This made my country feel that The Communists will sell the nation if possible .That's why we elected a Right- Wing by a landslide in 2019.when we use the word 'Nationalists ' it applies to the right wing groups in my country .Maybe your country is lucky and the left is also nationalist in your country.
Nationalism isn't about hate, its about love, love for your nation( a group of people that share the same heritage, culture, history,religion). I am ethnic greek living in Greece,i love my nation the greek people because we are a big family.
@@righthook9000 Have you ever heard of xenophobia? This is the act of hurting foreigners! Even though they come from another country, they're still humans!
@@madkhaliqfarhan agree with you, hurting or disrespecting other is never a good thing, but the key thing to know as a foreigner is to know the country you are in their way of life, culture, so your not disrespectful to the people of this nation and so you don't find you self into a dangerous situation. If you are respectful you will be fine. For example i will not go to Saudi Arabia and disrespect Islam or go to the UK and disrespect the royal family those particular societies are passionate about those particular things.
This video is really misleading, I am a nationalist . I want people of all cultures and walks of life who are AMERICAN to advance , it has nothing to do with race or religion but citizenship. I want the American black kid in detroit to be more educated than the Canadian next door. I want the white guy out in west virginia mining coal to earn more than the one in England. Nationalism is about pride in a nation and its advancement, you clearly didnt pay attention in civics class.
Well considering civics class was a couple decades ago, who’s to say whether I paid attention or not. My grades would beg to differ. I don’t think my video is misleading. It just does not align with your viewpoint on Nationalism and Patriotism. Sorry you don’t agree with it. Hope you find something that you agree with out there.
@@madkhaliqfarhan As a nationalist, I can confirm that no, you're mistaken. Nationalism is putting your country's interests before other countries', that doesn't mean considering them ''inferior'' in any racial or ethnic way.
Patriotism is warmongering. Nationalism is putting the interests of your own nation first. A nationalism that is not that concerned with foreign affairs is easy to picture. Imagine a non interventionist patriot.
Decent video but I think the last bit is off. The laws of most, if not all nations, even those which embrace European "rationalism", are ultimately rooted in "ambiguous religious laws" lol
United world is stupid becuase you can’t convince 7 billion people to live under 1 when people are either starving to death, working in forced labor camps, being homeless in poverty, living a rich fancy life or working wages for hours a day. With that comes different views of life. Want to enforce it? Sure try! The oppressed people will liberate themselves only through struggles.
@@Nachovargaistheman Weeell, congrats, you've just described a phenomenon that already exists even inside nations. It's called "social inequality" and it very rarely ever results in actual separatism.
I stand for the American ideals laid out in the constitution. I love my country and always will. I will defend my values with my life and defend my country with my life as well. Even if this country delves into civil war, I will ALWAYS remain loyal to the United States of America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅📜📜📜🗣️🗣️🗣️💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥📜📜📜🔫🔫🔫🍔🍔🍔🗿🗿🗿 In other words I am American Nationalist AND Patriot
The greatest country? I think you need to define what you mean by greatest & what factors you think make it "the" greatest! ……. Maybe you think it’s the greatest country because it has the biggest GDP & economy in the world. Or because it has a huge military that it spends millions of billions of dollars on. Or because it has big buildings & structures & some unique natural wonders. … OR maybe there are other things that the USA has like an alright education system but one where college is not affordable & accessible for all Americans. It has increasing homelessness & people living below the poverty line & in debt; partly due to the massively inequality in wealth distribution. There are over 18 million millionaires & no doubt many more than that who live in poverty, despite working two jobs & ridiculously long hours - with little or no employee rights or benefits, like paid vacation days, sick pay & parental leave, or even a minimum wage in some places. And of course there’s the government & the ingrained fear that they will become tyrannical & taking away God given civil liberties & freedoms, not to mention the political system that turns every election into a touring circus for months on end only to result in a clown being elected as President. Out of 300 million people surely there is at least one sensible non insane or demented old person who wants the top job - & who shouldn’t have to be personally wealthy or have to elicit millions in campaign donations just to fund their run for office, when doing so obviously means their campaign promises & opinions on certain issues are being swayed & bought by corporations & big business that ultimately are out for themselves….. And then there’s the risk of natural disasters. Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanoes, wildfires, great freezes & Yellowstone is going to blow half of continental USA up at some point & cover the rest of it with ash anyway…. And gosh, there’s the huge crime rate & propensity for violence. Over 100 gun massacres so far this year already & it’s still only February. The FBI estimate of between 50-200 active serial killers roaming about the place at any one time & there’s gangs & holdups & drive by shootings & riots. Per head of population Americans are more violent - people sleep with guns beside them. Plus maybe you forget or don’t know what the US doesn’t have that most all other western countries have. FREE access to public health care, massively subsidised medicines, mental health care, dentistry & even ambulance or air ambulance trips don’t cost anything in most places. Social welfare & support is massively lacking hence the amount of homelessness…. Population density is gross & in the big cities traffic is a nightmare….. American people are not taught about the rest of the world in school so they don’t know about other places or countries or global issues that don’t involve themselves directly. History class mostly only goes back 250-300 years, despite many thousands of years of human civilisation all over the globe having come before it….. And Americans live by a document some men wrote over 200 years ago in what was a completely different time & vastly different world. No human alive in the 1700s could possibly have envisaged or predicted the incredible global & technological advancements that have so very massively changed the world these last few centuries. Nor did they probably imagine that their citizens would worship the words they wrote at the time & use them as a crutch to stay stuck living in the past for no good reason. I’m sure that’s why they added the amendments they did - so that the country could still keep moving forward & change, as needed, with the times. [ I really do wonder what they would think of their great idea to create a constitution if they knew what it would mean for the country today - I bet they couldn’t even imagine the firepower they were inevitably putting in the hands of future generations with all semi automatic & automatic & long range guns that now now freely available, even at some Walmart”s. Nor would they have imagine their fellow citizens would one day use these guns to go into schools & shoot dead classrooms full of little kids & movie theatres & well nowhere is safe now in America really. And patriotism is a joke too. A love for your country, for its land, its people & their wellbeing, for the greater good of society & the unified progress of country & people…… No. Everyone is scared of their fellow countrymen coming to murder them & their family in the night that so many of them all feel the “need” to keep guns on their nightstand for “self protection .” These things don’t happen in other countries in the west. Not hardly ever at all. It’s certainly not something you’d think about or be worried about unless you’re maybe a hardcore criminal or you’ve made some serious enemies. AMERICA is a good place to live on a global scale, but it certainly is NOT the greatest. The UK, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Portugal, Spain & yes even Canada would all be far better places to live. As OECD liveability reports show!! Watch some of the American Reacts videos & you’ll find so many Americans blown away by how well the rest of the west live in comparison. And watch John Oliver on gun control in Australia from recently, it kind of says it all really. And Jim Jeffries as well.
While these definitions are very fluid, I would say that nationalism is usually belief in one's nation being superior to another, and Nazism was a form a nationalism.
Nationalism brought us two world wars with more than 85 million deaths! Today we are seeing nationalism resurfacing all over the world with many negative consequences, we only think about Trump and Brexit. That's why I made a song entitled 'The plague of nationalism': th-cam.com/video/BUBWVXsnYVM/w-d-xo.html This expression comes from the well-known Austrian writer Stefan Zweig, born in 1881. He had already experienced the First World War and when he saw the outbreak of the Second Wolrd War, in 1942 he committed suicide together with his wife. Albert Einstein compared nationalism to measles, a disease that always rears its head and is difficult to eradicate.
I ain't even gonna bother explaining to you, you're like the 4th comment of this type. Ima just say the very common thing that everybody should know : Nationalism ≠ nazism.
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What about a song th-cam.com/video/angaA09FOHE/w-d-xo.html
“Nationalism isn’t always bad for example it gave us Zionism”
Me: 😬
Тhat sure aged like fine wine
Same reaction
I thought they were insulting our intelligence with the zionism example
Patriotism: earth kingdom
Nationalism: fire nation
But seriously, great video , can’t wait for the next one
nailed it
There is no war in ba sing se
More like Nationalism: Avatar
Fire nation in the last Airbender would be more of imperialism and the earth kingdom in legend of korra is nationalism
I'm going to use this with my class! "Patriotism = Loving one's country for what it does; Nationalism = Loving one's country no matter what it does" I think that's a great, simple distillation
That’s really the main difference right there! Thanks for sharing and watching!
That would be a very biased and adoctrinating definition...
That seems like a rather myopic description of Nationalism. Nationalism does not inherently force a love for all actions by one’s nation, only that the citizens who operate under Nationalism seek the best outcomes for their country.
A good example of Nationalism is restricting access to your country from immigrant groups who commit a high level of crime. Sweden is a good example: with Sub-Saharan Africans and Middle Easterners committing rape and murder of women (particularly children) at excessively high rates.
Nationalism might be a saving grace to countries such as Sweden, Italy and Germany.
I think the biggest mistake in explaining patriotism is made by mentioning love.
Patriotism does not need love, it needs critical thinking and striving to make the country a better place to live for everyone.
Nationalism needs love, unconditional love and this is what makes it destructive in most cases as it puts that unconditional love above everything else.
If you love your country because it is a great place to live and you as well do everything in your power to keep it that way, you are a patriot.
If you love your country only because it is yours, then you are a nationalist.
So it is not only about one's feelings, but about everyday deeds, this is what separates the two.
here in sweden, patriots= loving your county no matter what political pary rules and dosnt matter what they do with the country. Nationalist love their contry and go agenst anything that can harm the country or its people (if you identifies as swedish race dosnt matter)!
Patriotism pretty much lead to nationalism in any ways possible.
Patriot: i like my country
Nationalist:i put my country first
Patriot: Best friend
Nationalist: School bully
I don't think anything is wrong with puting one's own country first.
nationalism all the way
Nationalism is not when you just put your country first. That's an oversimplification and a self-report. It's cult-like devotion to your nation where your country can do no wrong no matter what and its interests go above any other group of people.
Stealing the resources of another group of people so you can have some cheaper coffee beans back home? Nothing wrong there according to a nationalist.
In an increasingly global world (whether you like it or not), the world needs to come together to do what's best for all of us. We produce and waste enough food for 10 billion people and yet half of the world lives in extreme hungry. That's due to exploitation and pre-existing discrimination. The West doesn't need to be more nationalistic, it's already nationalistic enough as it is. The disregard for half of the world despite playing a major role in the poverty of that half is a clear piece of evidence of that.
No one explained it better than you. Keep on educating people. God bless!
Yes! I’m happy to hear that! Thanks for watching. 🙏🏼
Yeah I agree with that
“By NATIONALISM, I mean the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognising no other duty than that of advancing its interests. Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. Both words are normally used in so vague a way that any definition is liable to be challenged, but one must draw a distinction between them, since two different and even opposing ideas are involved. By ‘patriotism’ I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality.” ~George Orwell
@@JaSamZaljubljen ok
So the USA is a nacionalist country?
Rare Orwell L
I believe that America is a great country, but not the GREATEST. If it were, it wouldn’t be so divided. Nonetheless, I am still proud to be an American. 🇺🇸
That's a great attitude and perspective!
I agree. Same with Australia too. I am Australian and I have the same view on both nations and love both nations!
@Hi Y’all I do have a video on What is the Libertarian Party? You should go check it out! th-cam.com/video/h3UvpRkBoOI/w-d-xo.html
What country is better?
Its so divided because its made up of multiple different cultures
Instructions unclear, ended up in jingoism.
Seriously though, good video as usual.
Hello fellow libertarian
Nationalism doesn't have to mean those things. Nationalism is a stronger word than patriotism and is like patriotism with a tinge of aggression. Kind of like being a hawkish sports fan. Nationalism is a beautiful thing. It can also mean interest in the formation/preservation of a nation/country as he said
Look at where Nationalism has taken world governments. It's not good and sounds like you didn't watch the video. To be fair the dude said Zionism is good but 40,000 people being killed by a nationalist country isn't good
I would say that nationalism vs patriotism is more of a spectrum of ideas. Some people would have beliefs from both sides. Some might believe that they live on the greatest country ever, but also criticize it for the bad things it has done. Some people think that they should put there country first, while also believing that the input of other countries is important.
Yeah I think you bring up a really good point. Thanks for sharing that.
Like I’m a British patriotic and i love my country but my government sucks
@@IllustratetoEducate the better divide is Jingoism vs patriotism as both are a slider of nationalism
Like protectionism vs globalisation
@@Jesse_Richardson08 and your government has been inundated with Russian blood money
YESSS!!! Finally an unbiased take at this topic!
Thank you! Tough topic, but glad you liked it.
@MidwestBoy15 that would be amazing!
Before we have Patriotism we must establish the real Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
!!!! The correct approach to ensure a prosperous and just society is a free market economy with corrective mechanisms working on the side in parallel and independently to compensate for the market's inherent problems (those are the creation of Extreme concentration of Wealth and poverty a.k.a Empty houses and homeless people).
Those mechanisms are
1) The Real UBI (for perpetual re-distribution of Wealth) ,
2) The Perpetual Limited Speed Purge Allowance (PLSPA) ,
3) A voting system called 'Most liked, least hated' gets elected,
which, together, implement the true, real meaning of 'Dictatorship of the Proletariat'.
Literally the video has a clear anti nationalist bias LOL
i thought i am a nationalist. now after hearing this video i am a full blown patriot
Me too! This is why I don't want to be called "nationalist" anymore!
@@madkhaliqfarhan Because this fella didn't explain it well at all. A patriot loves his state, a nationalist loves his nation. There is nothing wrong with loving your nation, and it does not entail distrust for 'others' or unconditional loyalty to the state. Quite to the contrary actually, nationalists are quite clear when they feel that the interest of 'the people' does not match the course or politics of the state.
I watch many videos and read books for this said topic but only you explain it so well and for the first time I truly understand their differences. So thank you.
Glad it was helpful! :) thank you 🙏🏼
Nationalism, as I've always understood it, is the desire to see your country succeed even at the detriment to other nations.
This then justifies acts like annexation, colonisation, etc. They also tend to downplay or outright deny the atrocities their country has committed against others.
Really good video!!
I'm happy that at the end of the video you a did a part dedicated to the question of "Is Nationalism always bad?" so that you could keep this video unbiased and pass different arguments for both sides!!
Anyways thanks alot for this educational video, really well done!!
Thank you! It means a lot that you like it.
Nationalism isnt faciscm, faciscm is the feeling of supremacy over all other peoples and countries, nationalism is pride in ones ethnicity and hope for unity
As a french *nationalist* myself, I can confirm that you have perfectly explained the differences between nationalism and patriotism, giving the pros and cons of both! Keep up the good work man 👍
Thank you so much! Appreciate it.
Your a great person
Respect from the Netherlands🇳🇱🤝🇫🇷
@@DUTCH-CHRISTIAN2008 Thanks man
@@gggo1789 no problem
I'm a South Korean nationalist and a American Patriot, and I think both can linked together.❤🇰🇷🇺🇸❤
You love the nation you sre descended from and you love the country you reside in?
For me personally, a nationalist is someone who puts his own nation's interests first and other nations' last. Nationalism is not necessarily synonymous with racism, chauvinism or supremacy of one ethnicity over the other. A nation can consist of many different ethnicities who are all equal before the law.
Excellent once again!!!. Could you make Nationalism vs. Globalism?
Yeah that's a great idea. I was running into that with researching this one. I'll put it on the list.
How about internationalism vs globalism
@@dovinghtaukishi Same thing
Nationalism is the most extreme of the two, closing borders to foreign trade, or even overseas talent, fiercely rejecting foreign imports no matter what.
I'm an English Nationalist and I approve this video.
Nationalism was the idea that tribes should be nation states rather than provinces of empires, particularly foreign empires. That's it, nothing more.
Patriotism is simply the live of was one country. Most tribes exhibit some degree of Patriotism.
Anyone who suggests that either is a negative is mislead and/or trying to mislead you. I promise you that.
This channel deserves much more subscribes
This is a great video. Although as a nationalist myself i dont think it best explained what nationalism was
I agree, it’s portraying Nationalism as if it’s a bad thing
@@elijahjosephm.faustino8823 that's cause it is. Hitler was a nationalist.
@@travelinman790It’s all based on what that nationalism is, either economic, or political, etc.
@@travelinman790 literally this is the only real argument for sustaining this definition of nationalism as inherently bad and it is a logical fallacy and I am not even a nationalist.
thank you i needed this for homework
''Patriotism is the love you have for your country, nationalism is when the hatered you have for other countries is bigger than the love for your own''
Nope, I identify as a Nationalist. What you describe is ultra-nationalism, which is almost always generalized as nationalism. Nationalism itself is basically just Patriotism with slightly more emphasis on national identity. This doesn’t at all mean racism or prejudice against other ethnicities, as I myself am a culturally Progressive Nationalist.
@@JoeBiden007 .
@@-SteampunkTraveler- What?
Nationalism starts at school...
As a nationalist I can confirm that this sentence is bullshit, tho it is very used by political amateurs, ignorants, or simply anti-nationalists.
This is an important topic in the modern world, you did a good job as always, definitely will share this.
Thank you so much! Please do share. It helps a ton!
@@IllustratetoEducate idk maybe in ur cucked western world u were told false meaning of nationalism in schools for Croatia nationalism is patriotism + caring about specificaly your people in that regard, your volk thats literaly what it means, but go ahead make up your own definitions, gas light people pure of heart see how far ul go
In your video you defined patriotism as "the love for your country", but your country is basically your government. How can you love a country that has done terrible, horrible atrocities all around the world and it has always been like that, at least during the course of my life. I mean, I cant be proud of smth that happened in 1700s or smth. This concept of patriotism suggests that you live in a country that does smth to be proud of. I believe that the state(aka the government) and the nation should be separate from each other. For instance, Muhammad is not proud of being Iraqi, but is proud of being a part of the Iraqi nation, the culture, the history, the cuisine and the people.
Promise me when your chanels at a million subs you'll still make good quality
That’s a guarantee!
Thanks for the information that you succinctly shared with us. Short and informative
Too many people lump Patriotism with Nationalism. Patriotism is the love and pride of one's country, and many people who identify themselves as Patriotism aren't afraid to criticize the past wrongdoings or current wrongdoings of their country. Nationalism is the devoted loyalty of one's country no matter what they do, good or bad, without taking into consideration the input of other countries. Many consider America's schools singing the Star-Spangled Banner and citing The Pledge of Allegiance is Nationalism, but it's supposed to make the children singing it feel united and have something to relate to with each other, to be united as Americans. Tribalistic tendencies like saying that there is no core identity, like the Prime Minister of Canada said, and no core identity that's supposed to unite a country's inhabitants causes conflict over bickering of whose culture and whatnot is the best, and that already can be observed with religiously motivated wars and attacks.
Couldn’t have said it better. Thanks for sharing this.
So according to what you're saying, nationalists are delusional idiots that refute their country's past mistakes out of ''devotion'' and ''loyalty'' ?
I personally consider myself a patriot because I’m proud of the United States’ early history and I want to return to that
Which part? Slavery?
Boy probably wants to relive the manifest destiny times 🤣
@@isadeporzzi2287 partly. without the killing of native americans and without the authoritarian presidents
@@sugarday8201 no
@Louis Gregorio Diaz this. i hoped people knew that i meant without the slavery and sexism
So weird.. I thought all this time patriotism and nationalism are more less the same. It's usually just the americans who keep insisting they are different since they think nationalism= Mussolini.
If this is the actual definition then I see most americans as Nationalist than patriots since they always see themselves higher than anyone else.
Patriotism is super rare nowadays since most people are individualistic.
It has also an almost orwellian function when you think about it, with this definition put into the head of americans and americanized people, basically they can condemn the nationalist of other parts of the world (specially europe) as filo nazis while their American patriotism is the superior way.
Nationalism was a More used term during the european revolutions(1848 and things like that) because it was about different ethnos(nations) reclaiming a sovereign state.
Patriotism was used in American revolution because it was a war interior to the Anglo ethnic group/nation but with the patriots having developed their own manners and identity in their land. That's why patriotism was more used in America and nationalism more used in Europe, literally that's all.
Almost every person on this planet has been a type of nationalist: tribalism, nationalism, it's a natural thing for living beings of different species.
In most cases it's unnatural to not be a nationalist, it would be like a bird living with fishes or a bear moving to the desert to hang with scorpions.
Except you have to be more specific about what constitutes "being equal enough to be of the same kind" here. This almost always ends up being purely subjective and it's why there are so many types of nationalism that often conflate with eachother, from Pan European Nationalism trying to unite the entirety of Europe to "classical" ethnonationalism between smaller ethnic groups who do not even have a current nation state to represent them and also Civic Nationalism, which is based around a piece of paper rather than personal background. And we've got the more "crazy, unconventional" types of nationalism such as religious nationalism and Marxist Nationalism (because of course there is one...). When you analyse all of it it all comes down to a mere game of Set Theory between humans to justify the legitimacy of different types of "collectives".
And this is why I always prefer individualism over collectivism. Nationalism has trapoed me to a flag I never wished to be loyal to. And for some reason it says that I _should_ be loyal because I and anyone else living under it is somewhat magically ""defined"" by it. The way I see it, Nationalism is no different from globalism being applied on a smaller geographical scale.
@@mekingtiger9095 Wouldn't it be better to have no sets than, so no individualism either? Only individualism for the individuals, (or is individualism not egoism? idk i look it up after this) Looking beyond the sets, even the Humanity-globalism set. sets are useful to have words for, but maby not for forming a world. i dont realy know, just typeing, and reading 4 hours of wikis (and clicking from link to link) from when i started this this typing just from trying to spell humainity, and i stil have not looked up individualism and egoism idk i read things when i read um i guess.
This video is a good way of explaining both Nationalism and Patriotism. Good job Illustrate to Educate!
I love my country and I love the culture and the people but the government and all that is just not good and I hope that can be changed but I still love my country. What is that? Patriotism or nationalism?
Finally got satisfied with ur explanation...thank you!
Glad it helped!
Patriot 🇺🇸
I choose patriotism over Nationalism
Nationalist 🇺🇸
Great job. Thank you again! This is an awesome 👏 channel.
Glad you liked it! Thanks again for the suggestion!
Patriotism is a right-wing, authoritarian, manipulative, idealistic, and irrational ideology (morality, attitude, value system) that consists of:
- Subordinating an individual's (man's) entire existence to the interests of the state, unconditional loyalty to "their" state, a sense of duty and gratitude to it, and love for it more than any other state and often more than anything else.
- A tendency to prioritize "their" state by designating it and its existence as the highest value, and the interests of "their" state as more important than anything else, including men's rights and human rights in general.
- Bias, a sense of pride and exclusivity based on belonging to "their" state, identifying oneself primarily through "their" state and "their" nation, exalting and idealizing their "special features" (quotes emphasize that these "features" may not be unique, inherent only to this state and nation) and their "historical mission."
- Willingness to endure suffering, death, murder, cruelty, deceit, betrayal, etc., for the interests of "their" state, in short, any deprivation, violence, and injustice within the permitted or beyond.
This definition does not contradict common dictionary definitions of patriotism.
Historical Context:
Patriotism spread in modern times with the development of capitalism and the "promotion" of stationary bandits to so-called national states. National states imposed conscription on the male population, an early version of modern conscription slavery, thereby building their sovereignty on the expendability of men. Accompanying patriotism served and continues to serve as a means of instilling beneficial sentiments (delusions) in men to ensure the number and motivation of state armed formations. Ideological processing proved effective and deeply rooted in public consciousness: many men still see no other life and death than under and for the state.
Patriotism has always been primarily aimed at men, with some components directed exclusively at men. Patriotism is cultivated everywhere, promoting division among groups such as men, workers, racial-ethnic minorities, the opposition, etc. As a result, exploited men subjected to patriotic manipulations gain false confidence that they have more in common with "their" women and exploiters than with "foreign" men, workers, and other oppressed groups. The state benefits and even needs the oppressed (primarily men) to see "foreigners" (primarily men) as enemies, competitors, or simply frighteningly incomprehensible, rather than as similarly oppressed individuals - friends and brothers. Thus, patriotism is a means of stirring up discord and hostility, brainwashing working men by breaking down and replacing their identity and diverting their attention from real problems.
Goals of Patriotism:
The goals of patriotism are:
1. Uniting men, workers, etc., around the elites, the state, and fears of threats to the state, often fictional.
2. Dividing men along national lines and destroying international solidarity among oppressed workers.
Women often trust authorities more and therefore more actively propagate state narratives, and they are the most active in shaming men trying to avoid conscription slavery, leaving the country, and not wanting to support the war. In military propaganda, "foreign" men are portrayed as threats primarily to "their" women, whom "their" men must protect at the cost of their own lives if they are not cowards, traitors, etc. Women patriots willingly embrace the role of helpless innocents in distress, while remaining safe and indirectly sending thousands of men to death.
Patriotism is categorically incompatible with the ideas of liberating groups like men and workers, and with humanistic values as such. In countries like Russia, China, the USA, and other colonial artificial formations, patriotism extends beyond gender and class issues, becoming synonymous with full acceptance of the oppressed status of previously captured racial and ethnic groups, denying them the right to self-determination and escape from the prison of nations. In these countries, patriotism is inseparable from aggressive imperialism and racial-ethnic intolerance, directed both outwardly and inwardly.
Much of the above also applies to nationalism, a variation of patriotism that values the nation (instead of the state) as the highest value. Distinguishing patriotism and nationalism should be done in the context of more detailed studies; otherwise, it makes little sense.
National liberation struggles - conflicts of state-oppressed ethnic groups seeking independence and the states seeking to keep subjugated peoples in submission - can be considered exceptions to the general rule. In such cases, attacks on patriotism (nationalism) become problematic due to possible accusations of sympathizing with colonialism and statism and various forms of intolerance and bias, as the object of adoration - the oppressor (state) - is replaced by the oppressed masses (people). Nonetheless, even in these seemingly noble examples of patriotism (nationalism), the presence of gender-biased manipulators (e.g., leaders of national-oriented parties and armed formations) pushing or openly forcing only the male population to self-sacrifice is always evident.
A consistent advocate for men's rights cannot be a patriot because he places men's interests and benefits above those of social constructs like the state and nation, rejects the value (in meanings close to "high morality," "sacredness," "holiness") of these constructs, and sees their debunking and complete overcoming as a necessary step towards his goal.
Simple Definition:
Patriotism: Proud of What it does
Nationalism: Proud No Matter What it Does
Great video 👍
Nailed it!
Could somebody please explain to me why nationalism is bad?
If every nation strove to make themselves the best they could be would that not make the whole world better?
Part of nationalism is ever expanding your empire using military force at the detriment of others. It's a disease, Hitler was a nationalist
@@travelinman790 And when exactly was the last time the US expanded its borders?
Last I looked Japan,Germany, Iraq, Iran, are all still there and not part of the US. Even Mexico and Canada are still there.
I don't think the word means what you think it means... If it does then calling the US a national state would be a lie.
@@GSpotter63 we have like 700 military bases across the globe , if you don't consider that imperialism, I don't know what Is
And nearly every single one of those countries want us there to help protect them against a mutual enemy. This has nothing to do with imperialism or an attempt to take over their country.
Don't you just love it when somebody misrepresents another person's actions or intentions by replacing them with their own in an attempt to support their false narrative?
I learned how to recognize this logic fallacy when I was in the 5th grade, how about you?
Nationalism isn't bad, people think it is either because they get their education from social medias where you're considered a fascist when you say something slightly negative about the foreigners living in your country, or by the occidental education system that promotes internationalism and free trade, and therefor teaches us that nationalism is a very big meanie and evil idea promoted by racist people such as Hitler or Mussolini.
I am a Nationalist
You're dangerous...
@@madkhaliqfarhan And you're scared, somehow ?
@@gggo1789 He must be an Imperialist
@@triomemes8510 Booooooo
2:06 Nationalism is the prioritizing ones Nation & its persons over others. Like Washington choosing not to get in the France vs Brit war or USA not caring about nazis until it was a threat to us, if the bear was never poked then we would have let them continue; expanding military resources stresses the nation unnecessarily. Which is why I'm a Nationalist.
American Patriotism differ from others due to the english/anglo-saxon/western culture mixed with Masculine Will to Power/Independence & Strong Christian belief (I'm a Luciferican, took me awhile to accept that😂😂).
Nationalism is the frame that hold the picture of patriotism. Without it the pic falls, like the american regime getting us into forever wars. Washington's farewell speech was pretty Nationalistic so its a great start. Patriotism is a community - State govt thing, Nationalism is more Federal thing.
Part of nationalism is a ever expanding empire thru military force. Nationalism is disease. Hitler was a nationalist
@@travelinman790 Imperialism - a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force
Hitler wanted to recreate Germania,
at best you can say Franco more so is a Nationalist,
he killed communist & liberal-factions (they originally pushed a illegitimate Ruler).
Washington, Hamilton, James Wilson, Lincoln, etc
Nationalist policies built the nation I live in
Could be worst, could be liberal-democracy
What an informative video! Thank you
You’re welcome! Thanks for watching. Consider subscribing for more informative videos that come out weekly.
Are you serious you didn't fit Zionism into the overall definition of Nationalism you introduced on this video? How do you explain the colonial practices Israel has promoted against Palestinians in name of the Jewish nation?
The major difference you left out is the patriotism loves a country- it has a government. But a nation doesn’t always have a country. Kurds for example. Or poles pre WWI. It would be possible for a polish nationalist living i. Russian before the creation of Poland to say I love my nation but not my country. I am a polish nation but my passport is Russian, for example
I always forget that country doesn't equal nation. Ty!
In my own understanding simply mean patriots is refers to your love for your country no matter what it does while the nationalist is all about your loyalty to your country that's why nationalist always proud no matter what it does just becoz that's how they run thier country
Simple illustration:
Examples philippines
Patriots: Filipino are identify as lovable, respectful, while on the other hand
Nationalist: Filipino fight for the sake of our nation just like our culture, and territory, we fight for it against another country.
Correct me if I'm wrong 😃
Thank you, there is so much confusion going on between both terms
You’re welcome! :)
So a MAGA Patriot is an oxymoron!
Amazing. Well done, sir.
Glad you liked it!
Nice nice nice very nice thank you for teaching me , my teacher gave me this video and it is very useful 😀
You are welcome 😊
This was helpful thank you
Glad it was helpful!
Excellent 👍👍
Nationalism is good. It has nothing to do with race, It has to do that you are for your culture your people to succed if a person of any color joins a nationalistic country they would have high demands to respect the nations flag,culture,history.(Like todays immigrants dont do) and it has nothing to do with tramping on other countries Nationalistic countrys respect eachother Look at Hungary/Poland. Hitler destroyed the word nationalism becoming an imperialist. Socialists or Social democrats have offcoused blamed it on Nationalism. like you do in this video.
Hungary and Poland are both led by right wing governments. Both countries have been backlashing against migrants arriving from Africa. Immigrants of the past that you romanticize were Europeans so they are ok in your books.
I don't agree at all. The distinction, simply put, is that a patriot has love for his state, and a nationalist has love for his nation/people.
Out of pure curiosity, are you american ?
@@gggo1789 I am not American. Why would you ask?
@@liverturcxdanpavs Because that's wrong, and I couldn't think of any other country that has such state autonomy other than the US. So welp, I assumed you were american, mb bro
@@gggo1789 It is not wrong. Nor was I talking about individual federal member states. I’m assuming you are French so i.e. the French Republic, NOT Bretagne or whatever. Patriot: pour l’etat versus nationalist: pour le peuple.
@@liverturcxdanpavs Oh, sorry I thought you meant ''patriot for his state'' as in patriot for California, Texas, all that kinda stuff for example. My bad bro
You’re welcome! Thanks for watching!
Good info, thanks
Romanian patriot ( I'm born in Germany but proud of my Romanian blood and one day I will go back) Trăiască România 🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴
fantastically presented
Thank you!!
@@IllustratetoEducate well deserved haha, keep up the good work - educating people!
I think America is the best country and nationalism for the most part doesn't seem as bad as people make it out to be. Its mostly about putting your country first from the definitions I've seen and I see no reason you should not or would not want to put your country above another country. Its the countries job to provide for its people first not second or third. You also said its at the expense of immigrants and people who some people think dont belong in a country and I was wondering where you get that from since the whole point is to put your country first which would include immigrants and minorities.
There are a lot of different takes on Nationalism. You’re right, there’s nothing wrong about providing for your country first. But I think the line that many views draw is when it’s at the expense of other countries. For example, look at Hitler, and the Nazis and how they how they invaded other countries and did horrible things to the Jews (religion). But like I said in the end Nationalism isn’t alway bad necessarily. It can be a uniting force against injustice.
@@IllustratetoEducate I think most people draw the line at the same spot and its more of just the definition of the word that you think is correct
@@BigGeorgeSteppa I agree.
Sorry but this video isnt objective. generally in social sciences (which linguistics is part of) there positivism isnt really recognised as a valide stance anymore. They way you describe patriotism as something inherently positive is already biased. Your definition and interpretation is fine but please don´t call it objective because its just not. Its very americanized. talkt with a german or an austrian and they will probably heavily disagree on your interpretations of the words.
I would argue this definition sounds somewhat more akin to Chauvinism, which is defined as thoughts of superiority over other cultures/peoples with a right to dominate and lord over them, usually with a militaristic bent. Things like National Socialism, colonialism, Ultrazionism (formation of greater Israel), and some individuals in American neo-conservative circles (Middle East wars) are good examples. Things like BREXIT, the rise of the ethnic populist-right (Meloni, AfD, Orban, Swedish Democrats, Salvini. European nations are more tied to ethnicity unlike America/Canada), and protectionism in trade are more Nationalistic for the simple fact they believe in a concept of/or to aid a national collective in contrast to cosmopolitan globalism. There's no thoughts of superiority or supremacy where it's not appropriate.
Nationalism does not equal racism
Not all Nationalists are racists, but all racists seem to be Nationalists...
Can't spell Patriot without Riot. Thanks
I’ve stopped being proud to be American and I doubt I will be until I see a country worth being patriotic for
Third world country with a Gucci belt
Patriotism is passive and weak, waving your flag with your national anthem in the background and singing kumbaya.
Nationalism on the other hand invites action to that, it means upholding your national identity as something sacred and worthy of protecting.
Muy gran vídeo, tengo que recurrir al inglés para encontrar buen contenido, Saludos!
Very nycly explained 👍🏻
I hope Children and young minds find this page (channel)
I hope so too! :)
Sahi kaha yar india me log Bollywood ki chutiya movies hi dekne me lage rehte hai
Nationalism = Far right
Patriotism = Centre right
@@c-onethirty please elaborate
@@c-onethirty for someone seemingly left leaning you quoted trump pretty good there 😂
I am left leaning but still am kind of a patriot
@@44-aditimishra12Nationalism belong to both right and left wing spectrum
@@maximilianogarciachirinos3663 maybe the political spectrum is different in my country .The communists and socialists in my country favour China .while the Nationalists speak openly against Pakistan which tries to terrorise my country .This made my country feel that The Communists will sell the nation if possible .That's why we elected a Right- Wing by a landslide in 2019.when we use the word 'Nationalists ' it applies to the right wing groups in my country .Maybe your country is lucky and the left is also nationalist in your country.
18th century
The idea was stated by France in the French Revolution
Good video
Thank you for watching! 😊
I’m confused, ?Are they just the same this but with different names.
I am UltraNationalist .
Nationalism is the best mode to operate as a citizen.
Nationalism is the same as racism, except it involves countries...
Nationalism isn't about hate, its about love, love for your nation( a group of people that share the same heritage, culture, history,religion).
I am ethnic greek living in Greece,i love my nation the greek people because we are a big family.
@@righthook9000 I know, but we should never hurt foreigners!
@@madkhaliqfarhan can you explain please, English is my second language
@@righthook9000 Have you ever heard of xenophobia? This is the act of hurting foreigners! Even though they come from another country, they're still humans!
@@madkhaliqfarhan agree with you, hurting or disrespecting other is never a good thing, but the key thing to know as a foreigner is to know the country you are in their way of life, culture, so your not disrespectful to the people of this nation and so you don't find you self into a dangerous situation.
If you are respectful you will be fine.
For example i will not go to Saudi Arabia and disrespect Islam or go to the UK and disrespect the royal family those particular societies are passionate about those particular things.
Can someone say me what are the similarities between nationalism and patriotism???? pleaseeee
Nationalism 👍
It's a disease
You monster!!!
@@madkhaliqfarhan the monster is called a communist
@@madkhaliqfarhanNationalism is a normal thing.
@@travelinman790 Explain further,
They are literally the same thing, unless you ask a liberal
I agree with most of the nationalism definition but not all of it.
This video is really misleading, I am a nationalist . I want people of all cultures and walks of life who are AMERICAN to advance , it has nothing to do with race or religion but citizenship. I want the American black kid in detroit to be more educated than the Canadian next door. I want the white guy out in west virginia mining coal to earn more than the one in England. Nationalism is about pride in a nation and its advancement, you clearly didnt pay attention in civics class.
Well considering civics class was a couple decades ago, who’s to say whether I paid attention or not. My grades would beg to differ. I don’t think my video is misleading. It just does not align with your viewpoint on Nationalism and Patriotism. Sorry you don’t agree with it. Hope you find something that you agree with out there.
@@IllustratetoEducate No , your definition is wrong just look it up in a dictionary it says nothing of religion or race
@@Skylar_Spirit I’m glad your civics class taught you out of the dictionary. But my video is a bit more complex than the dictionary.
hm what about white nationlism, being patriot is the true chad
@@axios7603 White nationalists want what I describe but only for white people.
Than what is it called when you devoted to your nation but without all the Nazi stuff?
Nationalism lmao.
Ur drawing is good
Coz it's better than mine
Can an individual be nationalistic but NOT patriotic OR patriotic but NOT nationalistic
Nationalistic = You belittle other countries because they're inferior
Patriotic = You respect other countries because they're unique
@@madkhaliqfarhan As a nationalist, I can confirm that no, you're mistaken.
Nationalism is putting your country's interests before other countries', that doesn't mean considering them ''inferior'' in any racial or ethnic way.
You can't be a nationalist without being a patriot.
Patriotism is warmongering. Nationalism is putting the interests of your own nation first. A nationalism that is not that concerned with foreign affairs is easy to picture. Imagine a non interventionist patriot.
Decent video but I think the last bit is off. The laws of most, if not all nations, even those which embrace European "rationalism", are ultimately rooted in "ambiguous religious laws" lol
nice representation
One of the reasons why we dont have an united world
United world is stupid becuase you can’t convince 7 billion people to live under 1 when people are either starving to death, working in forced labor camps, being homeless in poverty, living a rich fancy life or working wages for hours a day. With that comes different views of life. Want to enforce it? Sure try! The oppressed people will liberate themselves only through struggles.
@@Nachovargaistheman then tell me what is good about nationalism
@@Nachovargaistheman Weeell, congrats, you've just described a phenomenon that already exists even inside nations. It's called "social inequality" and it very rarely ever results in actual separatism.
@@Nachovargaistheman nobody is talking about one world government. we just need to stop thinking in countrys that much.
yeah actually
I stand for the American ideals laid out in the constitution. I love my country and always will. I will defend my values with my life and defend my country with my life as well. Even if this country delves into civil war, I will ALWAYS remain loyal to the United States of America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅📜📜📜🗣️🗣️🗣️💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥📜📜📜🔫🔫🔫🍔🍔🍔🗿🗿🗿
In other words I am American Nationalist AND Patriot
America is my country it has issuises but it is still the greatest, but before we can help other countrires effictively we must help our selfs
The greatest country? I think you need to define what you mean by greatest & what factors you think make it "the" greatest! ……. Maybe you think it’s the greatest country because it has the biggest GDP & economy in the world. Or because it has a huge military that it spends millions of billions of dollars on. Or because it has big buildings & structures & some unique natural wonders. …
OR maybe there are other things that the USA has like an alright education system but one where college is not affordable & accessible for all Americans. It has increasing homelessness & people living below the poverty line & in debt; partly due to the massively inequality in wealth distribution. There are over 18 million millionaires & no doubt many more than that who live in poverty, despite working two jobs & ridiculously long hours - with little or no employee rights or benefits, like paid vacation days, sick pay & parental leave, or even a minimum wage in some places. And of course there’s the government & the ingrained fear that they will become tyrannical & taking away God given civil liberties & freedoms, not to mention the political system that turns every election into a touring circus for months on end only to result in a clown being elected as President. Out of 300 million people surely there is at least one sensible non insane or demented old person who wants the top job - & who shouldn’t have to be personally wealthy or have to elicit millions in campaign donations just to fund their run for office, when doing so obviously means their campaign promises & opinions on certain issues are being swayed & bought by corporations & big business that ultimately are out for themselves….. And then there’s the risk of natural disasters. Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanoes, wildfires, great freezes & Yellowstone is going to blow half of continental USA up at some point & cover the rest of it with ash anyway…. And gosh, there’s the huge crime rate & propensity for violence. Over 100 gun massacres so far this year already & it’s still only February. The FBI estimate of between 50-200 active serial killers roaming about the place at any one time & there’s gangs & holdups & drive by shootings & riots. Per head of population Americans are more violent - people sleep with guns beside them.
Plus maybe you forget or don’t know what the US doesn’t have that most all other western countries have.
FREE access to public health care, massively subsidised medicines, mental health care, dentistry & even ambulance or air ambulance trips don’t cost anything in most places. Social welfare & support is massively lacking hence the amount of homelessness…. Population density is gross & in the big cities traffic is a nightmare….. American people are not taught about the rest of the world in school so they don’t know about other places or countries or global issues that don’t involve themselves directly. History class mostly only goes back 250-300 years, despite many thousands of years of human civilisation all over the globe having come before it…..
And Americans live by a document some men wrote over 200 years ago in what was a completely different time & vastly different world. No human alive in the 1700s could possibly have envisaged or predicted the incredible global & technological advancements that have so very massively changed the world these last few centuries. Nor did they probably imagine that their citizens would worship the words they wrote at the time & use them as a crutch to stay stuck living in the past for no good reason. I’m sure that’s why they added the amendments they did - so that the country could still keep moving forward & change, as needed, with the times.
[ I really do wonder what they would think of their great idea to create a constitution if they knew what it would mean for the country today - I bet they couldn’t even imagine the firepower they were inevitably putting in the hands of future generations with all semi automatic & automatic & long range guns that now now freely available, even at some Walmart”s. Nor would they have imagine their fellow citizens would one day use these guns to go into schools & shoot dead classrooms full of little kids & movie theatres & well nowhere is safe now in America really.
And patriotism is a joke too. A love for your country, for its land, its people & their wellbeing, for the greater good of society & the unified progress of country & people…… No. Everyone is scared of their fellow countrymen coming to murder them & their family in the night that so many of them all feel the “need” to keep guns on their nightstand for “self protection .” These things don’t happen in other countries in the west. Not hardly ever at all. It’s certainly not something you’d think about or be worried about unless you’re maybe a hardcore criminal or you’ve made some serious enemies.
AMERICA is a good place to live on a global scale, but it certainly is NOT the greatest.
The UK, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Portugal, Spain & yes even Canada would all be far better places to live. As OECD liveability reports show!!
Watch some of the American Reacts videos & you’ll find so many Americans blown away by how well the rest of the west live in comparison.
And watch John Oliver on gun control in Australia from recently, it kind of says it all really.
And Jim Jeffries as well.
Still confused😣😣...but you are great Sir😊😊😊😊😊
Nationalist 🇺🇸 🇵🇸
I care about my own country, Europe and the countries we created - "America" and "Australia".
While these definitions are very fluid, I would say that nationalism is usually belief in one's nation being superior to another, and Nazism was a form a nationalism.
I’m not patriotic towards the U.S. 🤣
And I constantly feel stressed here, I think I may be in the wrong city/state.
Nationalism brought us two world wars with more than 85 million deaths! Today we are seeing nationalism resurfacing all over the world with many negative consequences, we only think about Trump and Brexit. That's why I made a song entitled 'The plague of nationalism': th-cam.com/video/BUBWVXsnYVM/w-d-xo.html
This expression comes from the well-known Austrian writer Stefan Zweig, born in 1881. He had already experienced the First World War and when he saw the outbreak of the Second Wolrd War, in 1942 he committed suicide together with his wife.
Albert Einstein compared nationalism to measles, a disease that always rears its head and is difficult to eradicate.
I ain't even gonna bother explaining to you, you're like the 4th comment of this type. Ima just say the very common thing that everybody should know : Nationalism ≠ nazism.