Great results. I'm trying for 3 weeks Macte Nettuno with canotto/biga pizza. Atm I think 480C top heater and 380C is ok for 70-80s bake, it's around 490-505C on stone. What is Your preference for settings? And thanks again for advice about Macte really nice ovens!
@@radoslawstaszczak I usually bake on 420-440 Cdeg measured on the stone with laser. This is that I target to get with whatever setting. Every heat element every stone every oven is individual. But normally I have the higher value on bottom heater and not on the top.
Hiya. Fab Videos & Fab Tutorials thank you. question please, on this zbiga 48 at the end taking the dough balls from the fridge you ddo not specify how long or what internal temp of the dough ball is before you stretch the pizza and cook. could you possibly explain please. thank you
@@Dragonolivegardendeli Hi! Thank you! Sure! I start the streching if the dough ball reach 17-18Cdeg. Beyond this temperature you are good! Time it takes what it takes, up to your environment. Usually 30-60 min minimum.
@@szabogabor4787 mármint, hogy olyan sokkal vagy olyan kevessel bir el? Hogy erted? Amugy en biztos hogy konyhai robotgep vonalon csakis csupafem, tenyleg fullosan fem gepet vennek. Ez altalaban KitchenAid vagy Kenwood. Nekem az utobbi mellett esett a valasztasom. Toretlenul hasznalom es szeretem. Meg a spriral dagaszto arnyekaban is!
@@zsoltkaman-pizzaiolo a lényeg hogy 1 kiló liszttel simán elbírjon és a felett se legyen neki problémája dagasztás közben. Neked melyik kenwood géped van? Vagy melyik típust ajánlanád?
@@Bluntedrea the goal is to reach (regardless of set values) is around 440-450 Cdeg laser measured on the biscotto stone. Preheat time is 30-40min minimum to get proper heat distribution in depth of the stone too. My set value according to painted scale was like: top 400 bottom 375
@@zsoltkaman-pizzaiolo I had my first attempt today and unfortunately it didn't work, according to Macte I should set 450 on top and 350 on the bottom but the stone itself was already at around 410° after 25 minutes and then the pizza was completely burnt after 70 seconds and the bottom was burnt
@@Bluntedrea as I wrote the painted scale set value is missleading. If you check the top and bottom scale are different. So it does not tell what it set for I guess. So just ignore those numbers. They do not reflect reality. What counts is that you measure on the stone with laser! You target 440-450 Cdeg on the stone measured! It will work! Do not worry! Macte ovens are great!
@@Bluntedrea set value of 450 on top is too much and 350 is low on the bottom. I am not surprised that it was burnt. Play to reach 440-450 on the stone stabelized and minor adjust to keep it stable by the oven’s control. I would run empty and monitor/ minor adjust for 1-2 hours. Than you find the values. Than next time you will know.
@@samson4839 I can recommend both for you. They are one to one comparable in technical content and results. So it is individual decision. Check on your local service support availability. Usually Macte is relative cheaper in price. You cannot make bad decision with any.
@@tamaskurucsai1213 Köszönöm szépen! Ettől aranybarnábbra sül. Optikailag szebb lesz. Ez a legfőbb oka. De egyben kicsi ízt is ad hozzá és nem utolsó sorban eteti az élesztőt is.
Köszönjük, szuper a videó!
ui: jó a paupcsod! nekem is ilyen van! :)
Ez nagyon-nagyon jó lett!
Great results. I'm trying for 3 weeks Macte Nettuno with canotto/biga pizza. Atm I think 480C top heater and 380C is ok for 70-80s bake, it's around 490-505C on stone. What is Your preference for settings? And thanks again for advice about Macte really nice ovens!
@@radoslawstaszczak I usually bake on 420-440 Cdeg measured on the stone with laser. This is that I target to get with whatever setting. Every heat element every stone every oven is individual. But normally I have the higher value on bottom heater and not on the top.
Hiya. Fab Videos & Fab Tutorials thank you. question please, on this zbiga 48 at the end taking the dough balls from the fridge you ddo not specify how long or what internal temp of the dough ball is before you stretch the pizza and cook. could you possibly explain please. thank you
@@Dragonolivegardendeli Hi! Thank you! Sure! I start the streching if the dough ball reach 17-18Cdeg. Beyond this temperature you are good! Time it takes what it takes, up to your environment. Usually 30-60 min minimum.
Great. Need that for my twin voyager. Where i can buy?
See my other comment for the source
do you really need to turn the pizza while cooking in the oven ? The heat isn't homogeneous ?
@@edouardshadow yes, I prefer, as none of the ovens are so precise in operation
Szia Zsolt, tudnál ajánlani olyan konyhai robotgépet ami elbír 1kg liszttel?
Előre is köszönöm a segítséget.
@@szabogabor4787 mármint, hogy olyan sokkal vagy olyan kevessel bir el? Hogy erted? Amugy en biztos hogy konyhai robotgep vonalon csakis csupafem, tenyleg fullosan fem gepet vennek. Ez altalaban KitchenAid vagy Kenwood. Nekem az utobbi mellett esett a valasztasom. Toretlenul hasznalom es szeretem. Meg a spriral dagaszto arnyekaban is!
@@zsoltkaman-pizzaiolo a lényeg hogy 1 kiló liszttel simán elbírjon és a felett se legyen neki problémája dagasztás közben. Neked melyik kenwood géped van?
Vagy melyik típust ajánlanád?
@@szabogabor4787 Chef XL
@@zsoltkaman-pizzaioloköszönöm szépen a segítséget 😇
Hi, can you tell me what temperatures you set and how long you should preheat
@@Bluntedrea the goal is to reach (regardless of set values) is around 440-450 Cdeg laser measured on the biscotto stone. Preheat time is 30-40min minimum to get proper heat distribution in depth of the stone too. My set value according to painted scale was like: top 400 bottom 375
@@zsoltkaman-pizzaiolo I had my first attempt today and unfortunately it didn't work, according to Macte I should set 450 on top and 350 on the bottom but the stone itself was already at around 410° after 25 minutes and then the pizza was completely burnt after 70 seconds and the bottom was burnt
@@Bluntedrea as I wrote the painted scale set value is missleading. If you check the top and bottom scale are different. So it does not tell what it set for I guess. So just ignore those numbers. They do not reflect reality. What counts is that you measure on the stone with laser! You target 440-450 Cdeg on the stone measured! It will work! Do not worry! Macte ovens are great!
@@Bluntedrea set value of 450 on top is too much and 350 is low on the bottom. I am not surprised that it was burnt. Play to reach 440-450 on the stone stabelized and minor adjust to keep it stable by the oven’s control. I would run empty and monitor/ minor adjust for 1-2 hours. Than you find the values. Than next time you will know.
@@zsoltkaman-pizzaiolo thx will try
Nagyon jol nez ki
Voyager or effeuno what can you recommend of these two ?
@@samson4839 I can recommend both for you. They are one to one comparable in technical content and results. So it is individual decision. Check on your local service support availability. Usually Macte is relative cheaper in price. You cannot make bad decision with any.
Szia Zsolt. Nagyon szép lett a pizza egy kérdést azért feltennék. Mi célt szolgál a maláta szirup a tésztában?
@@tamaskurucsai1213 Köszönöm szépen! Ettől aranybarnábbra sül. Optikailag szebb lesz. Ez a legfőbb oka. De egyben kicsi ízt is ad hozzá és nem utolsó sorban eteti az élesztőt is.
Ma amikor újból megnéztem a videód felmerült egy kérdés bennem. Miért nem ZSIGA lett az eljárás neve? :D
@@davidszucs5789 ;-) ez tetszik! ;-)
Szia, mennyi volt hidratáció, hogy ilyen szépen kijött a famagból? :)
@@hardendurobucky 68%
Szia Zsolt, milyen sajtot használtál?
@@kornelbogdan7817 Fior Di Latte a Szarvasitól