He made his situation very complicated and suspicious. Yet he is blaming those who asked him to clarify his situation and his activities in Ethiopia. Ismail why don't you ask him which government does he work for? Bcz he said that he is a diplomat.
One more thing, Yoel if you are a resident of the United States or England, have you registered officially to be a member of Birged Nihamedu in the United States or in England and do you pay membership fees?? And why were you kicked out from the meetings of Birgednihamedu in the United States and as well as in the UK??
Yoel, please try to be logic. How you could be a yiakil member if you do not have any contact with the elected leaders and founders of Yiakil or birged nihamedu. So please do not try to fool yourself. If you are a genuine justice seeker try to work with other justice seekers rather than to be selfelected birged nihamedu and to fight with other justice seekers and to weaken the struggle of the justice seekers. Personally, I could not be convinced by any of your responses::
He was in Coventry.......he could not get to the standard came to London joined to metropolitan......it took longe time,he was on study......He desperate for money. He doesn't have a culture of work........in particularly financially depend on single mams . The source of income milking victims and vulnerable eritreans .
What is your position on this unity.....please do not mess up the answering........your are making a big diplomat yourself. Minia kolol. He is the legacy of Issays leadershp.
What is his original name ?where he was born, where does he has elementary,secondery,and high school if he did.this should be veryfief.was he on military service ?
kkk seb gena afu kikefit kelo haknet alewo do yebilun seb kigmito yikiel eu. Miknyatu kemti adetat ziblio kab ekli seb yisfer slezkone;; And thank you Mohammed for asking Yoel the questions of the majority.
He made his situation very complicated and suspicious. Yet he is blaming those who asked him to clarify his situation and his activities in Ethiopia. Ismail why don't you ask him which government does he work for? Bcz he said that he is a diplomat.
ሓሳዊ ሎቅማጽ%%
እዚ …….
👉🏿ዘይ ንጹር ናይ ስራሕ ቦታ
👉🏿ዘይንጹር ውክልና
👉🏿ዘይንጹር ጥርናፌ
👉🏿ዘይወግዓዊ ካብን ናብን ምንቅስቃስ
……… ዘካይድ ሰብ ሓደገኛንነቱ ከቢድ ይመስል።
እዚ ሰብ እዚ ምስብጾተይ ድብላ ቃላት ይደጋግመን ብጾት መቃልስቲ ዋላ ሐደሰብ የብሉን ክጽናዕ ዘለዎ ሰብ ዩ
ግን ተቓላሳይ ኮኑ ኣይፈልጥን ዩ በተሰብ ክህልው ይኽእሉ መቃልስቲ ግን የብሉን
ኣብ ኣየናይ መዓስከር ኢዩ ናይ ይኣክል ነይሩ ኣብ መዓስከራት ይኣክል ኣይነበረን
One more thing, Yoel if you are a resident of the United States or England, have you registered officially to be a member of Birged Nihamedu in the United States or in England and do you pay membership fees?? And why were you kicked out from the meetings of Birgednihamedu in the United States and as well as in the UK??
ገለ ሰባት ኣብ ኩሉ ምንቅስቓስ ከም ፍሉጣት ርኣዩኒ ርኣዪኒ ናይ ምባል ጠባይ ኣብ ዝኾነ ብዘይሕፍረት ጠብሎቅሎቅ ዝብሉ ተውቦ ናይ ምልላይ ዘሎዎም ኣለዉ።እዚ ባሕሪ ከመይ ቱማእዝኖ ወሳኒ ኢዩ።
መጽናዕቲ ዲጋጊምካ ዘቕረብካዮ ኣሎ ዶ ወይ ፓብሊሽ ዝገበርካዮ። ናይ ቆልዑት ዝበልካዮ።
ኣባላትና ዝብሎም ኣበይ ዘለው ኣባላት እዮም ?
Yoel, please try to be logic. How you could be a yiakil member if you do not have any contact with the elected leaders and founders of Yiakil or birged nihamedu. So please do not try to fool yourself. If you are a genuine justice seeker try to work with other justice seekers rather than to be selfelected birged nihamedu and to fight with other justice seekers and to weaken the struggle of the justice seekers. Personally, I could not be convinced by any of your responses::
He was in Coventry.......he could not get to the standard came to London joined to metropolitan......it took longe time,he was on study......He desperate for money.
He doesn't have a culture of work........in particularly financially depend on single mams . The source of income milking
victims and vulnerable eritreans .
He is laying , USA YEAKLE is formed before yours .he was asking for help from the experience of Yeakle of USA on Tedi media.
ኣሉ ቀጣን ቃራና ልቢ ፈገር
ዩኤል ህዝቢ ኢፎ ኢልካ ኢዩ ኣነ ህዝቢ ኣብ ቃልሲ ተኣለ ኢልካ ዛይትእለ ሓሳዊ ስለዝኮንካ ክትርብሽ ትርኤ ተራ ሰብ ኮይንካ ተቃለስ ወላ ኩሉ ዘረባካ ሓሳዊ ኢካ ቁሩብ ኣይትሓፍርን ዲካ
What is your position on this unity.....please do not mess up the answering........your are making a big diplomat yourself. Minia kolol. He is the legacy of Issays leadershp.
እዚ ወዲ'ዚ ብምንታይ'ዩ ዝማሓደር እንታይ'ዩ ምንጪ እቶቱ መንዩ'ኸ ዝምውሎ ብጣዕሚ ሚስጥራዊ (very elusive suspicious personality) ቡዙሕ ሕቶታት እዩ ዘምጻኣልካ ንዝቐርበሉ ሕቶታት ፈጺሙ ኣይምልሶን'ዩ ሎቕማጽ ሓሳዊ።
Brother Mohammed accept the truth
What is his original name ?where he was born, where does he has elementary,secondery,and high school if he did.this should be veryfief.was he on military service ?
Ezi seb ezi kqnxel zelewo xere hzbna,,,seleyi hgdef b mekerana zhgos banda iyu,,,,kqnxel alewo
ሚን ፈራዲ ገይሩካ ብዘይ ጭብጢ ወይ ፍርዲ ክትቅንጽል ትፈርድ እዚ ባሕሪያት ህግደፍ ኢዩ
Entay aynet seb muquanu Kulu delayi fthi yfelto iyu….comment anbb zqbelo seb yelen,,,kemzi kemaka tedenagexti tray iyom zs’ebwo
Hasot knsemer gzyena qetilna yuel hasawi a zkone mnqdqas kbtn zteatqe tyu hasawi aderash geza meenewi zetalelkayo genzeb mles afka kea nhawaru exolekbat ndka wehdurayn hade ikum
Tigrina is tigrina where ever they are
Kufe haseaw fegerr
እንታይ እዩ ታ ጠራዕራዕ ዝብል እዚ ማሓመድ ካብ ናይ ዩኤል ሲ ናቱ ገርምና ምስክናይ 😂😂😂
Beja selten gah bol serakiy hsweayyyyyyy beka selten selten kidyy fegerrr
Izi wedi wala akaydeu ksab hiji ayteredeanin, msmen tewedibu iyu zserh? wala wala ayberehaleyn. Hade hade smat yiteqs iyu gn akali aykonen
Mohammed 100% 👌
Ezi akayida Yoel, Falulnet do kinbelo keydi betek zigerim eu. Ab zezitejemere kalsi Yoel ab laeleway merihnet alo wela etom laelewot merihnet aflito zeybilu entekone !! Zigerim eu!!
ኣነ ኤረትራዊ ኢየ ግን ኤርትራ ሃገረይ ናይዜግነት ሃገር እምበር ናይ መንነት ሃገር ዘይሙኻና ይኣምን ምክንያቱ ምስቶም 8ቢሄራት አብ ኤርትራ ዘለዋ ብሃገር እምበር ብኩሉ ስርዓተ ኣናባብራና ሓደ ኣይኮንናን በዚ መንጽር ክኣ ኤርትራ ናይ ዜግነት ሃገር እምበር ናይ መንነት ሃገር ኣይኮነትን
ስለዚ ነዚ ሓቂ ዚ ንቅድም ንቀበሎ
መንነትን ዜግነትን ፈላሊና እንተዘይፈሊጥናዮ ክንባላሾ ኢና
ጽልኢ ካልእዩ ሓቂ እንዳፈለጥካ ዘይምቅባል ዘይየርባሓካ ፖለቲካ ምስራሕ ሰልቹዩና
ኢትዮጵያ ኣቲካ ምቅላስ ምስ ትግራይ ዘታሓሕዝ ክህልዎ የብሉን
He is sick , his sicknesses more or less like Tesfasion Agazian.dreaming to make money
By mischieving on his way he has a dream to be a leader.
Did you gave him money .? Show us proof,
He never gives you receipt.
Something is fishy?? He goes round round why he isn’t getting to the point?
Hiw does he came to UK......?
ኣብታ ማይኖሪቲ የለን ዝበልካዮ ኣሎን ፍረቓን ብዝሒ ትግረን ትግርኛን /ሳሆን ማዕረ ዲዩ ብዝሑ?
ኩቡር ሓው መሓመድ እስማዒል ዜግነተይ ኤርትራዊ መንነተይ ትግራዋይ ንዝብሉ ሰባት ርእይቶካ እንታይ እዩ ኢልካ ሕተቶ ?
ልኡኽ ህግደፍ እዩ በጺሒናዮ አለና ስለያ እዩ
Cheap talk isn’t enough. Proof it!
Kolel kfetu ezi wedi gn beal men eyom bxot ke kemana do aykonun teqalesti nmntay eyu zshfen nhna do gele gele abrhayo
ኣነስ ጉዳይ ናይዚ ወዲ ይገርመኒ ክሳብ ሕጂ መንነቱ ከይተረጋገጸ ብይኸውን ካብ ዘርእዮ ምንቅስቃስ ጥራሕ ኣብ መደምደምታ ምብጻሕ ቅኑዕ ኣይመስለንን ደምበ ፍትሒ ነዛ ጉዳይ ከረጋግጻ ኔርዎ ዝብል ርእይቶ ኣሎኒ እንተኾነውን ምውጣሩ ዘኾነ ቀሪብካ ኪግበር ዝግብኦ ምግባር ውን ካልእ ኣማራጺ ምኾነ። ዳርጋ 8ዓመት ምዕባለ ዘይተርኢ ሓበሬታ ኢያ።
Dipolmat kkkkk he is emotionally unstable
Thesis and certificate ኣቕርብ ተባሂልካስ ክንድዚ ሓራእራእ። ጥቕላላ ሸሪኡ ዝወዲ። ኣንቱም ክንደይ ክሓምቕ ወዲ። ብላሽ። እዚ ወዲ ወላ ህግደፍ ኣይኹን፡ ብርግጽ ዝጠቅም ሰብ ውን ኣይኮነን። ክንድዚ ምስሉይነትን ሓሶትን። ምስሉይነት ሓሶት ወሊዱ፡ ሓሶት insecurity ወሊዱ፡ insecurity ሽንቲ ወሊዳ፡ በቃ ሓራእራእ ኮይና መሬት። መሓመድ ግን ትሑትን ጅግናን ብዘይ-ቀልዓለም። ቀጽሎ።
ንስኻ ትመርሖ ኣስማተን ዘይትፈልጦ። ወይ ላጌጫ። ኣየ ብዓል ዮኤል ዓፍራ። ዮኤል ሓተላ እንዲኻ። እቶም ብኣኻ ዝምርሑ ግን ኣብ መሬት ስም ኣይተረኽቦምን ዘሎ።
እነተ ሓሜ ግን ፈጥፈጥ ኣቢልካዮ። ክሳብ ዝርህጽ። ብፍላይ እዛ ትግራይ ትግራይ ዝብልዋ ዝነበሩ ሱቕ ኣቢልካዮም ኣለኻ። ድሮ ኳ እዚ ሓተላ ወይኔ ወይኔ ኣቢልካዮ ዚ ወያኔ። ወድሓንኩም።
ሰላምኩም ይብዛሕ የሕዋት፡እዚ ወዲ ነታ ዘይትድገም ሂወቱ ንሓርነት ወፍየ ይቃለስ ኣለኩ እድሕር ኢሉና ስለምንታይ ኢና ከነዕንቅፎ ንፍትን፡ተኪኢልና ንሓርነትን ፍትሕን ድሞክራስን ኣብ ጉኑ ኮይና ንቃለስን ነተባብዓዮን።ኤርትራውያን ክሳብ መዓስ ኒና ነንሕሕድና ከይተኣማመንና ክንነብር።
Proof it. So we will know
ቅድም ፍለጥ ድሓር ርእይቶኻ ተቐምጥ። ብላሽ ኣይትኹን። ንዓኻ ክሕሸካ። ምስ ናይ ኣኽብሮት።
ኣነ ነዚ ጋዘጠኛ ፈትየዮ የቕንየልና ንኤሪሳት ግን ክትጥንቀቐሎ ኣለካ
ኢትዮጵያውያን ገና አላወቋቸውም እናንተ ለሀገራችሁ ያልሆናችሁ ለሰው አገር ትሆናላቹ ብሎ የሚያስብ ሰው ካለ ሞኝ ነው
ዮኤል መታለሊ መጽናዕነቲ ንምግባር የ ንትግራይ እኽይድ ኢልካ ዘቕረብካዮ 28:38 ኣሎ ዶ? ኣበይ ኣእቲኻዮ ዝሃብናካ $100 ድኣክል? እንታይዩ ዝምድናኻ ምስ ህግደፍ? እስኻስ ደይናቓሕና ትብለናሲ ንምንታይ ጠላም ምኹዋንካ ክትሽፍን?
kkk seb gena afu kikefit kelo haknet alewo do yebilun seb kigmito yikiel eu. Miknyatu kemti adetat ziblio kab ekli seb yisfer slezkone;; And thank you Mohammed for asking Yoel the questions of the majority.
Hade beleley hasot
እዚ ሓውና ከምዚ ኸልቢ ውራይ ዶ ኽንብል ንኽእል ፧
እዚ ድዩ ዓቅምካ ጸርፊ ናይ ድኹማት ኢዩ
@@haregubereketeab3799ንስኺ ካኣ ሱቕ በሊ። ናይ መልሓስ ጨለ። እንታይ ትፈልጥዮ ኣለኪ። ናዓል ኣቡኽ። ዲስግራስያቶ። ቧዕ።
ዩኤል ሰላዪ ናይ ኢሳያስ'ዩ። ይቃለስ ኣለኹ'ዩ ዝብል ግን ዋላሓንቲ ፍረ ከየፍረየ ካብ ዓዲ ናብ ዓዲ'ዩ ዝሳግም። ብናይ መን ወጻኢታት? ስለዚ ዩኤል ብዘይ ጥርጥር ልኡኽ ኢሳያስ'ዩ። እቲ ኣብ ክሳዱ ሰቒልዎ ዘሎ ባንዴራ መለይ ንምድንጋር'ዩ። ዝጠፈሸ ህግደፍ ንከም ብዓል ዩኤል ብቐሊሉ ክልለዩ ዝኽእሉ ምልኣኹ ዝለኣኾ ሰብ ከምዝሰኣነ ምስክር'ዩ።
Ab mongo Akarixeyo b senki ezi Hatatay bqat Albo Hatatay 0000
ዮኤል መታለሊ መጽናዕነቲ ንምግባር የ ንትግራይ እኽይድ ኢልካ ዘቕረብካዮ 28:38 ኣሎ ዶ? ኣበይ ኣእቲኻዮ ዝሃብናካ $100 ድኣክል? እንታይዩ ዝምድናኻ ምስ ህግደፍ? እስኻስ ደይናቓሕና ትብለናሲ ንምንታይ ጠላም ምኹዋንካ ክትሽፍን?