There should be a hand that pops down from the overhead panel and smacks the pilot right over the head as a last resort if they continue to ignore the airplane SCREAMING at them to not land the plane and go around!
Then the pilot falls into shock or gets knocked out cold cause of the unexpected wack on the head which might be a little too hard due to functional issues...
@@asmartbajan I beg to differ. He asked if it's a joke and then made sure to point out that it's "a terrible idea" which clearly indicates he was taking me at least some what seriously.
For those interested, the aircraft ditched in shallow water, not far from the airport. The crew and passengers were rescued by local people in small boats. The passenger who died successfully exited the plane but drowned before rescuers reached the scene. RIP.
I’m Micronesian and this hits home. I remember people going on FB live and they showed people on the boats coming to help save the passengers. Thanks to all those people who helped
They were flying dangerously low for some time ... It's amazing how the engineer pulled out his phone and got to record the moment before they crashed. The copilot realised they were too low but why was nothing done to increase altitude? Its sad 1 person lost their life but this could have been so much more catastrophic. RIP
@@methujeraya I think the engineer dindt know that something was up, i think he just wanted to record the landing, because its cool to see a landing in weather conditions like this.
Copilot realized? Is reading the instruments somehow supplementary studies? Or does this aircraft somehow lack an altimeter....?? You would think when landing an aircraft it would somehow be standard to take the altitude into account..... by watching it on the instruments....
Except that every cockpit instrumentation looks computerized and essentially the same, even on old or small planes. To me, that's an issue, as even still pictures of the actual plane's cockpits would have made it feel more real.
@@sharepremium8614 Never said it was easy. I simply said what I said, stated what I though. (I am a "software engineer" of sorts, although not in the field of games, but in electronics and compilers.)
My only complaint is that sometimes incidents are covered right after they happen. I think it shouldn’t be until the investigation has concluded to make a video on it
I've watched almost all the videos on this channel (great job!) and I think this is the first time I've seen a video where two experienced pilots, without any mechanical failure, with proper instrument warnings, and without a word to each other, calmly fly a plane straight into the sea. I've watched the relevant minutes several times now and I just can't for the life of me figure out what in the world they are thinking.
I agree, I'm not a pilot but I don't understand how with the audible warning and the altitude reading staring them in the face that they continued with no adjustments. I honestly question whether they meant to do this on purpose because it makes no logical sense why they continued without any change.
They were probably mad at each other and weren't on speaking terms and thought they could land a plane without communicating to each other. I bet that was the cause. Because when emotion takes over, all logic goes out the window.
There is one other video on this channel...can't remember which...similar situation. The common denominator in both scenarios is a "guest" in the cockpit. In both instances I would wager to say it is machismo that causes both accidents. "I'm going to show this guy I'm not scared and I can land this plane in bad conditions."
As an instrument-rated pilot myself, i'm going with get-there-itis. I'm assuming this crew has flown into this airport many times, flying this same approach, knew there were no obstacles as they were over the sea and if they just flew along at decision altitude they'd eventually find the runway. They knew it was there, they'd see the lights and land. I'm constantly cautioned never to push limits beyond the MDA, DH or MAP, just go missed-approach. Small aircraft pilots do it when they are familiar with the airfield and the weather is getting worse, they just want to get down. Sometimes it kills them.
I'm not sure how I stumbled on this channel or how it got recommended to me, but I'm glad it did. I'm addicted to binging these videos. The work you do is incredible. Awesome job!
@@JFH-te4lu the one that named as The Aviation Channel , i’m amost lost my channel because this guy have a brainwashed followed , i’m best forget this mad guy
Ive been on a binge lately, including rewatching some older video, so Ive gotten to follow the progression over the time. The videos were ok at first, basically sims with no real info. Then better sims, information text also evolving over time. Transcripts from communications and CVR. Info from the investigation reports. Original video clips when available. Original audio when available. Every time something new came on, it was a great improvement. And he tops himself. Again. And again. And again. U can really see, how he has learned and evolved and gotten so incredibly good at this. I cant wait to see the next improvement. I have no idea, what could possibly make it better, but he keeps surprising me, always for the better!
The airline I work for used to have an inordinate number of unstable approaches due to pilots improvising their own procedures to "make it in." The airline changed procedures to require a 1000-foot callout by the pilot flying(PF) stating his altitude, airspeed, and rate of descent. This served to remind the Pilot flying if he was descending at an excessive rate of descent, or if he was far off his VREF (approach) airspeed. Our airline also adopted a procedure by which the PF is obligated to conduct a go-around when at minimums with no runway environment in sight, at the MAP, or whenever ANYONE in the cockpit calls "GO AROUND!". In training, it is stressed that a go-around is yet another successful outcome to an instrument or visual approach. When I'm not flying for my airline (a scheduled U.S. carrier with several hundred 737s and 737s only), I teach in Cessnas and Piper single and multiengine airplanes. I stress the need for cockpit discipline and how a deliberately executed go-around is the mark of a true professional. Keep up the good work, Flight Channel. I enjoy watching your videos on my overnights and sharing them with crewmembers and students. After all, we are all students in an airplane.
Very good of your airline to redefine a go-around as not a missed approach (i.e., a failure), but as a technique when certain conditions exist. The more negative connotations that can be removed in regards to pilot performance, the better. How many of these videos have we seen where disaster occurred because a pilot was concerned about appearing inept.
Can pilots not lose their licence for doing their "own thing"? I thought procedures were very defined and quite rigid. And is it not slightly arrogant, because they do so without the knowledge or consent of the passengers, who in fact pay the wages ? Sometimes ego ruins professionalism & in piloting or medicine or politics, it can be disastrous for others. Also was this not poor Crew Resource Management ? I'm surprised that the flight engineer wasn't ( even if privately) keeping his eyes & ears on the Captain & FO because you just never know if someone misses something obvious ( even if you trusted them not to).
This is correct that if you are not sure or you missed the correct speed or in doubt or no visual or any other reason you must go around. Landing is the most critical in flying
@@gabe-po9yi I agree, especially since unexpected weather can pop up any second .. a nasty patch of fog, or rain can be the reason for a go around.. seems like so many continue on to try to make it hoping to get visual of runway.etc...
Its happened before, it'll happen again. Captains probably flown that approach many times and thought he was somewhere where he wasn't. Captain was head up so it was up to the PNF to be heads down and communicate what the instruments are indicating. CRM failure.
“And…..touchdown. Reverse thrust on….damn these brakes are great today. And in the rain too!……….major rain on the runway today. Tower, where do you want us?” “Bruh”
Lucky that engineer started filming, must have helped a lot with the investigation. It makes me wonder why there aren't cameras in the flight deck, constantly uploading to the Black Box.
You said it... I am actually completely amazed that in 2021 there are not regulations requiring multiple security cameras in place on every commercial aircraft including in cockpit such as "dash cam" and "instrument cam"; and also strategically placed exterior cameras that can all be monitored on the flight deck to get a better understanding of any exterior situations that may arise in flight which cannot be seen from the interior of the plane... IMO its a no brainer for every new aircraft produced!..... and the flight recorders- what the heck is the deal with that? only 30 minutes or 2 hours? that is nonsense... In 1990 maybe that had to suffice, but 30 years later the digital technology is available... each CVR should record no less than 40 hours before looping and the FDR should be able to go back a few flights as well... And each recorder box should also be fitted with a GPS device that sends its position to a remote server in case it ends up in water so that its last location is known and thus the ULB can be quickly found... /rant
@@world2give78 I think it's because accidents are so rare, that it's hard to justify the extra weight/infrastructure changes needed to make this a reality.
It's been proposed, at least in the U.S., but pilots are absolutely dead-set against it. They see the potential for airline management to micromanage every aspect of their flying by reviewing video of flights and disciplining them for perceived rule violations, and on a more basic level, they consider it an invasion of their privacy. I can see their perspective, to a point, but they are also one of the few groups of workers who aren't currently subject to constant on-the-job monitoring. A lot of long-haul trucking companies have added cameras facing into the cab and out the front windshield, not just for insurance purposes in case of a collision, but also to monitor their drivers for unsafe habits.
Every time I get onto one of these small, regional carriers in less developed countries, I tell myself that the pilots are professional and don’t want to die anymore than I do. It has worked for me so far.
I’m not 100% certain, but I believe the autopilot capabilities on newer 737’s allowed them to simply flip a switch and hit a button to have the aircraft TOGO safely. Even without this, merely pushing the throttle forward and slowly raising the nose would have certainly saved them as you note.
I’m willing to bet that wasn’t a coincidence. My guess is he wanted to document these yahoos headed for a cell on final. I’m also willing to bet when he pulled out his phone he wasn’t expecting to pull two thirds of a triathlon to get to the gate. Looked like a shitshow from TOD ‘til splashdown. Before anyone starts crying foul, yes, I have experience in both type and region. Not that either of those matter because when the EGPWS starts yelling at you and you can’t see out the window, AND you’re well below the VNAV PTH, you better GTFOD in a hurry no matter the type! It’s bad to fly a perfectly good aircraft into a mountainside, yet when details become know, understandable as to how they got there. It’s completely unfathomable how they flew this into the ocean. Sad. #WiTuLo #whoknew
@@c_hube3694 - I was thinking the same thing. if he was just recording for fun, I would think he would have "accidentally" dropped his phone in the sea to cover for the pilots. I dont believe he has any authority to tell the pilots what to do and he is not a pilot, but he can show his company what they did, in case they try to blame it on Boeing.
On VMC (Visual Meteorological Conditions, meaning good weather and runway insight from far) we can disregard some warnings (not all) and use our judgment to continue the approach since sometimes (but rarely) the GPWS ( ground proximity warning system) might not be working properly and giving false indications. But never in IMC (instrument meteorological conditions, poor visibility and navigation is done by the aircraft instruments), never and I’ll say again, never. Especially passing the minimum descent altitude where most warnings are already inhibited to make sure only the big safe related warnings are heard.
There is more to it than just complacency. In aviation we have topics regarding poor pilot responses and you can find these lengthly discussion in Human Factors and CRM. Pilot Fatigue as well as Confirmation Bias are things that interfere with good pilot judgement. The FO has the duty to monitor and call the deviation once it started. Culture issues and the cockpit environment adds a lot to the mix as well. Complacency is just a tiny part of the chains that led to this event.
@@lilchris617 Minimum altitudes and other safety parameters are about double the true minimum, in order to allow for error and minor mechanical malfunctions. They are calculated to allow pilots time to react, so without them accidents would increase tenfold.
Geez. The airplane even had the courtesy to tell them they were at Decision Height (or "minimums"), and they still didn't go around. Now, I had a flying buddy who was instrument rated, and I flew with him both in actual instrument conditions and as his safety pilot when he would practice approaches "under the hood" (vision restricting device). The rule was simple: at decision height, he looks up. If he sees the runway, he continues on and lands. If he doesn't, we go around. Simple, no second guessing. How could this have gone so wrong?
@@Shadoefax760 Yes. Interesting that none of the investigations mention this aspect but I'm sure it plays a big part. Do they not have a union to protect them ? And seeing that everything is recorded, they can prove their reasons? And the co pilot & engineer can also testify ?
@@Shadoefax760 That is not happening in that company. I was making the same route the previous week before the accident. This video is not accurate. I have watched the clip recorded by my colleague. Starting Loftleider has no engineers its just a financial and leaser company. The reason of the ditching was a severe micro-burst ( windshear) that took the plane from 2000 feet down to 600 ft in 2 seconds and next call out on the next second was at 400 then at 100 and minimums. Meanwhile the co-pilot got a glance of the runway that's why he said we're too low... What is shown in this video is just a very well edited simulation no real footage at all.
OK.....this is why every time I get on a flight regardless of what country I'm in, I realize that my life is no longer my own....and that two to three people own it.......and I pray right after the flight attendants do their cute little "in case of an emergency routine" that the flight will arrive safely.
I watch a lot of plane crash videos. Somehow they make me feel more calm because, really, as soon as you're on a plane and it takes off, there are only two ways down: safely or not. People are terrified of flying but, really, that's the pact you mentally sign every time you fly and you just have to accept it. Fortunately, plane crashes are not terribly common.
There’s no such thing as fear of flying. It’s fear of crashing. And it’s fear over the human element involved. Because humans make mistakes. A plane has never, ever crashed on its own. It’s always: Pilot error or Mechanical error. Or Air traffic controller.
@@kevinfinnerty8414 "There's no such thing as a fear of flying" Holy shit Kevin. There are literally people scared of heights. "Fear of flying" is called "Aerophobia." It's absolutely a thing and you just tried to sound smart while sounding like a fucking dumbass.
Chuuk is in the middle of nowhere. I wonder what his fuel state was. I wonder if there was any fuel available at Chuuk and he was tankering for the next leg which would necessitate landing at the first attempt. Many questions to answers which well never know.
I really don't know why people are disliking TFC's videos. It's like being disrespectful to the people in the flight. And it's like being disrespectful to the dead people.
No, it's not disrespectful to the dead people. How would you interpret that to be the case? If somebody doesn't like the quality, they don't like the quality. Stop desparately reaching.
Whoever you are behind this channel, I am happy to say that I really appreciate your work. Your work is great and it is not wrong for me to say that your channel is one of the best channels ever on youtube for flight content. Very detailed, easy to understand, interesting and very helpful. It is not impossible that one day this platform will become a source of learning or historical reference. Great, keep working!
@@BlackSkyMusicTV I’m not even a pilot and I can tell from that how massively screwed they are. Are they even going through checklists trying to solve this problem.
@@PrinceOfTheCity1 No, they weren't doing anything at all related to keeping that aircraft in the air until intended. I think they were both looking outside, trying to "cheat" a little by getting just a littttle bit lower to get visual, but it ended up being an optical illusion and they didn't realize they were too low until it was too late. Essentially there were three pilots in that cockpit and no one challenged a thing. Lucky they didn't kill more people.
Perhaps the pilot had "bent the rules" before with no consequences, which led him to a false sense of security. Do airlines review black box data for all flights to sniff out "bad habits", or do they rely on crews to rat each other out?
The Cockpit Voice Recorder only stores the most recent 30 minutes of flight, overwriting earlier recordings. I think it's because only a limited length of magnetic recording tape can be managed within the unit. And, yes, vintage mag tape has the greatest (almost infinite) shock resistance - which modern Flash RAM can't equal.
I LOVE everything about this channel. Your soundtracks, concise detail, natural sound effects, etc, are all superb and well executed. THANK YOU for your hard work and diligence.
Wow! This is my new favorite Channel. The details and visualization, plus the research and data makes these videos captivating. All you ever hear on the TV is that a "plane crashed" or if an incident is not newsworthy you never hear anything at all. There is little comfort in any of these tragic episodes other than that the loss of life in many cases causes the industry to improve itself and its safety measures to avoid future incidents. The mechanical failures make you sad, the human errors make you angry. Overall the viewer is left with a sense of heightened awareness... the devil is in the details, we can all improve and lengthen our lives by paying attention to the little things and sometimes making our decisions based on experience and common sense instead of what redundancy tells us to do.
Makes me wonder what was going through the minds of three people in the cockpit, any one of those could have taken action and completely avoided this. You’ve featured quite a few crashes where audible alarms have been ignored. Same results.
@@graciegjj if you look at these crash investigation channels you’re going to notice that one of the main things is “what could have been done differently.” All of the answers to my point do this, except yours. Most of the comments on this video also do that. But there’s always some sub genius in the group, what?
"The crazy thing is the F/O did see and say they were too low before the impact happenend" The subtitles seemed to ignore that point when they say 10:18 that the copilot was oblivious to the rapidly unfolding unsafe situation.
between co-pilot realizing they are too low, and the moment of impact is just seconds it seems. not enough time to "properly" take control. any sudden movement input while in low speed and low alt can be dangerous too i guess in short, a tad bit too late
Brilliant reconstruction of the tragic series of events. The “minimums” call out being dismissed is just the start of the catastrophe. Very sad that one soul perished.
I often wonder if it is it incompetence, arrogance, or pilot exhaustion? Surely they would be able to get some idea what the cause was from the flight recorder. I wish the results of the investigation were included in the video.
I still don't understand this, the plane was giving a glideslope and sink rate warning, the pilot knew he was too low so that means he was looking at the instruments or at least the altitude, why didn't they climb?
"The flight crew disregards the alerts and does not acknowledge them." SMH. And unfortunately these are some of the people in whose hands we have to place our lives when we fly. I hope both pilots were grounded and sent back to flight school for further intense training.
I just stumbled upon this channel and i became a huge fan.Come on guys lets appreciate the hard work this guy puts into his videos.I gained a lot of knowledge from his videos bit i started to become scared of flying on an airplane because of all the crash stuff in this channel.I started watching aviation channels that are much more brighter and talk less about crashes.I currently still do not watch this channel much but i do watch a few videos like this one.I am going to say thank you for putting hardwork into your videos i know its not easy making these kind of videos it must take hours to make these.Btw the pilots must be like we are doing a successful landing and then suddenly the sea says hello and goodbye lol
Don't worry. Dead people never get disturbed: they cannot perceive disturbance since they are dead. Don't you have any knowledge, experience or understanding of death? I will terminate this comment with a complete iteration of everything that can possibly factually happen after death. Ready? OK, here it all comes: cremation, or preservation, or consumption, or putrefaction.
@@sylviekins Clearly a fan of ignorance. I know where I will be after I die, no illusions at all: nowhere, being nothing, doing nothing. The only comfort for people who do not understand death is that they will not be able to perceive any disappointment at the finality of their situation. Life after death is one of a set of lies designed to enable the leaders of a cult to have power over the gullible..The beauty of that particular fraud is that the gullible subject themselves to it voluntarily, even ramming their offspring into the abused masses. Christianity exploits one of the most atrocious lies of all: that "god" created mankind in his own image. That god is portrayed as an ancient white male, so if you are a black female, for example, you are inferior because you are not in "god's" image. (That is the bedrock of racism.) With my marriage to my wife and the birth of our children my family, with this generation and its four preceding generations, now comprises 8 ethnicities. None of us are inferior, no people like us are inferior, no people not like us are inferior, even though few of us and/or them are white males.
Thank you for the incredible time and effort you put into your videos. They are so professionally executed, educational and enjoyable. In this case it is as if all responsible were asleep at the wheel. Difficult to fathom their mindsets.
I've seen almost all other big aviation channels, channels with less subs & more money but nothing close to your production value. This is just amazing & you literally found the perfect storytelling apparatus. Nobody can top this. *Didn't wanna say vehicle* 😂
Why the heck did they try to land? In the cellphone video, you can only barely see the runway. That’s dangerous. They should’ve immediately have done a go around.
The plane thinks that they are too low. Pilots think that these alarms are annoying and misused and didn't have proper training. That is how we see today's pilots. We shouldn't ignore them. When warning starts, immediately react. That's all a pilot should do.
After watching these videos, I feel some pilots have no compassion for the passengers. They disregard rules & are reckless with peoples lives. My last job required I fly to different countries. I’m retired now, but after watching these I’m really glad I’m not flying anymore.
Aircraft: warning!!! Pilots: ignore it, they’ll just go away!! Flight engineer: tiktok video in the making.....all the while you’re “second’s from disaster” 😞
Wow the quality of your videos is astonishing. I'm getting addicted even though I'm one of those people who shivers at the slighest movement on an airplane. Bravo! Cheers from Italy.
Here's a question I always wondered. The vertical speed reminded me of it. The plane descends at 944ft/pm. Now if a person steps on a scale on the plane while it's descending, will the weight be less than if the plane wasn't descending? Because essentially if the plane fell fast enough a person would experience weightlessness. So perhaps on a slow descent the weight is diminished slightly.
That may depends on more than just the descent rate as measuring in ft/pm can have different effects depending on airspeed. A slower plane will have a steeper angle to maintain the same vertical speed whereas a fast plane will fly at a much shallower angle.
"WHOOP WHOOP, PULL UP" would probably have made no difference with this crew! Pilot literally flew the airplane into the drink, with the F/O watching him do it...I have NO words!!!!!
I’m no pilot, just a girl with a former flying phobia that studies astrological alignments of plane crashes. If I were a passenger on that flight I would have known we were gonna crash and proceeded to the exit row. Vest on. Blown up. Holding seat cushion floatation device. Waiting to exit on wing or raft. 🏊♀️
2018!!!???? That was only 3 years ago. I probably heard about it on the news and totally forgot about this. Thanks FlightChannel for doing this video!!!👍🏽
I disagree that a Whoop-whoop aural would have been effective. The crew ignored all parameters and at least two other aural warnings. That pilot was determined to land no matter what.
Being a pilot is like bidding at an auction. You need to set your limits clearly before the auction and then stick to those limits. Otherwise red mist can set in.
Superb video, as always, many thanks for the doubtless long hours spent in production. RIP the one soul who perished. Amazing that with so many flying hours they managed to crash, complacent?
There should be a hand that pops down from the overhead panel and smacks the pilot right over the head as a last resort if they continue to ignore the airplane SCREAMING at them to not land the plane and go around!
Then the pilot falls into shock or gets knocked out cold cause of the unexpected wack on the head which might be a little too hard due to functional issues...
joke right? that's a terrible idea.
@@Maplelust My God man of course it's a joke 🙄
@@crazypk The fact Boris wondered if it was a joke was itself a joke. LOL
@@asmartbajan I beg to differ. He asked if it's a joke and then made sure to point out that it's "a terrible idea" which clearly indicates he was taking me at least some what seriously.
For those interested, the aircraft ditched in shallow water, not far from the airport. The crew and passengers were rescued by local people in small boats. The passenger who died successfully exited the plane but drowned before rescuers reached the scene. RIP.
Dang. That's crazy...
Thanks very much for that extra information!
Wow. What an awful way to go. So sad. Kind of upset, like where were the rafts or safety vests. That was a big plane for only a few people.
Ahh, yes, I was very curious! Thanks
Thanks for elaborating on the details!
I’m Micronesian and this hits home. I remember people going on FB live and they showed people on the boats coming to help save the passengers. Thanks to all those people who helped
Wtf is a micronasion?
Can we appreciate how much effort this channel puts in to maintain an upload schedule?
Indeed, who dislikes these? They should be ashamed and go elsewhere!
Yes lol
If only the thumbs down on comments still worked, we'd downvote attention seeking comments like yours.
Brilliant work...truly..
One of the underappreciated attributes to these videos is the subtitles, which allow you to watch them while you pretend to work.
Lol I thought I was the only one who did that 😂
I dont think theyre underappreciated... since without the subtitles there would be no narration lmao
Make sure your boss is not watching this video too lol..
They also allow people who are deaf to enjoy the video.............
@@rrknl5187 very good point
They were flying dangerously low for some time ... It's amazing how the engineer pulled out his phone and got to record the moment before they crashed. The copilot realised they were too low but why was nothing done to increase altitude? Its sad 1 person lost their life but this could have been so much more catastrophic. RIP
You're hired.
imo I think that engineer knew something was up and recorded it so that TheFlightChannel could add it in the video
@@methujeraya I think the engineer dindt know that something was up, i think he just wanted to record the landing, because its cool to see a landing in weather conditions like this.
Copilot realized? Is reading the instruments somehow supplementary studies? Or does this aircraft somehow lack an altimeter....?? You would think when landing an aircraft it would somehow be standard to take the altitude into account..... by watching it on the instruments....
Who gives a damn about 1 person?
Best aviation channel around, hands down, zero questions asked.
Except that every cockpit instrumentation looks computerized and essentially the same, even on old or small planes. To me, that's an issue, as even still pictures of the actual plane's cockpits would have made it feel more real.
@@herrbonk3635 your comment is useless. Maybe you should be a software engineer and design such a game if yiu think its that easy
@@sharepremium8614 Never said it was easy. I simply said what I said, stated what I though. (I am a "software engineer" of sorts, although not in the field of games, but in electronics and compilers.)
My only complaint is that sometimes incidents are covered right after they happen. I think it shouldn’t be until the investigation has concluded to make a video on it
Roger that.
Lesson learned: when the plane tells you to pull up, you pull up!
You would think 🙄
Not when Ur stalling
when you're stalled and you get a gpws alert, you pray
Me too : when the plane says 1000 that's because you're at 1000ft!
Why no Whoop Whoop??
I've watched almost all the videos on this channel (great job!) and I think this is the first time I've seen a video where two experienced pilots, without any mechanical failure, with proper instrument warnings, and without a word to each other, calmly fly a plane straight into the sea. I've watched the relevant minutes several times now and I just can't for the life of me figure out what in the world they are thinking.
Probably.....naaa...we got this.
I agree, I'm not a pilot but I don't understand how with the audible warning and the altitude reading staring them in the face that they continued with no adjustments. I honestly question whether they meant to do this on purpose because it makes no logical sense why they continued without any change.
They were probably mad at each other and weren't on speaking terms and thought they could land a plane without communicating to each other. I bet that was the cause. Because when emotion takes over, all logic goes out the window.
There is one other video on this channel...can't remember which...similar situation. The common denominator in both scenarios is a "guest" in the cockpit. In both instances I would wager to say it is machismo that causes both accidents. "I'm going to show this guy I'm not scared and I can land this plane in bad conditions."
As an instrument-rated pilot myself, i'm going with get-there-itis. I'm assuming this crew has flown into this airport many times, flying this same approach, knew there were no obstacles as they were over the sea and if they just flew along at decision altitude they'd eventually find the runway. They knew it was there, they'd see the lights and land. I'm constantly cautioned never to push limits beyond the MDA, DH or MAP, just go missed-approach. Small aircraft pilots do it when they are familiar with the airfield and the weather is getting worse, they just want to get down. Sometimes it kills them.
I'm not sure how I stumbled on this channel or how it got recommended to me, but I'm glad it did. I'm addicted to binging these videos. The work you do is incredible. Awesome job!
Thanks a lot! I’m glad you appreciate the content ☺️
@@theflightchannel Did you know that there is a channel that plagiarizes everything that is yours and you did not comment on it?
@@theflightchannel but the plane u use ia air Bus
@@andrewilliamcesardossantos1555 Which one, if I may ask?
@@JFH-te4lu the one that named as The Aviation Channel , i’m amost lost my channel because this guy have a brainwashed followed , i’m best forget this mad guy
These videos have tremendously improved. Your effort into these is insane!
Dude is hard working probably sober living I appreciate his hustle.
@@brucelee4996 he copied you
Still grammatical issues
@@Greatlakeskyle. always.. always.
Ive been on a binge lately, including rewatching some older video, so Ive gotten to follow the progression over the time. The videos were ok at first, basically sims with no real info. Then better sims, information text also evolving over time. Transcripts from communications and CVR. Info from the investigation reports. Original video clips when available. Original audio when available.
Every time something new came on, it was a great improvement. And he tops himself. Again. And again. And again. U can really see, how he has learned and evolved and gotten so incredibly good at this. I cant wait to see the next improvement. I have no idea, what could possibly make it better, but he keeps surprising me, always for the better!
The airline I work for used to have an inordinate number of unstable approaches due to pilots improvising their own procedures to "make it in." The airline changed procedures to require a 1000-foot callout by the pilot flying(PF) stating his altitude, airspeed, and rate of descent. This served to remind the Pilot flying if he was descending at an excessive rate of descent, or if he was far off his VREF (approach) airspeed.
Our airline also adopted a procedure by which the PF is obligated to conduct a go-around when at minimums with no runway environment in sight, at the MAP, or whenever ANYONE in the cockpit calls "GO AROUND!".
In training, it is stressed that a go-around is yet another successful outcome to an instrument or visual approach. When I'm not flying for my airline (a scheduled U.S. carrier with several hundred 737s and 737s only), I teach in Cessnas and Piper single and multiengine airplanes. I stress the need for cockpit discipline and how a deliberately executed go-around is the mark of a true professional.
Keep up the good work, Flight Channel. I enjoy watching your videos on my overnights and sharing them with crewmembers and students. After all, we are all students in an airplane.
Very good of your airline to redefine a go-around as not a missed approach (i.e., a failure), but as a technique when certain conditions exist. The more negative connotations that can be removed in regards to pilot performance, the better. How many of these videos have we seen where disaster occurred because a pilot was concerned about appearing inept.
Can pilots not lose their licence for doing their "own thing"?
I thought procedures were very defined and quite rigid.
And is it not slightly arrogant, because they do so without the knowledge or consent of the passengers, who in fact pay the wages ?
Sometimes ego ruins professionalism & in piloting or medicine or politics, it can be disastrous for others.
Also was this not poor Crew Resource Management ?
I'm surprised that the flight engineer wasn't ( even if privately) keeping his eyes & ears on the Captain & FO because you just never know if someone misses something obvious ( even if you trusted them not to).
This is correct that if you are not sure or you missed the correct speed or in doubt or no visual or any other reason you must go around. Landing is the most critical in flying
@@gabe-po9yi I agree, especially since unexpected weather can pop up any second .. a nasty patch of fog, or rain can be the reason for a go around.. seems like so many continue on to try to make it hoping to get visual of runway.etc...
yes, a go-around is not a sign of failure, but success in keeping the plane and passengers safe.
They just casually flew her right into the drink.
Its happened before, it'll happen again. Captains probably flown that approach many times and thought he was somewhere where he wasn't. Captain was head up so it was up to the PNF to be heads down and communicate what the instruments are indicating. CRM failure.
Must have thought they were in the simulator
“And…..touchdown. Reverse thrust on….damn these brakes are great today. And in the rain too!……….major rain on the runway today. Tower, where do you want us?”
....crazy right...nobody added some power while the plane settled into the ocean...and with all those audible alerts...good grief...
@@dblackout1107 Outstanding!
Lucky that engineer started filming, must have helped a lot with the investigation. It makes me wonder why there aren't cameras in the flight deck, constantly uploading to the Black Box.
That's a really good idea!
Right? Why do they not have a camera installed in all commercial cockpits by now?
You said it... I am actually completely amazed that in 2021 there are not regulations requiring multiple security cameras in place on every commercial aircraft including in cockpit such as "dash cam" and "instrument cam"; and also strategically placed exterior cameras that can all be monitored on the flight deck to get a better understanding of any exterior situations that may arise in flight which cannot be seen from the interior of the plane... IMO its a no brainer for every new aircraft produced!..... and the flight recorders- what the heck is the deal with that? only 30 minutes or 2 hours? that is nonsense... In 1990 maybe that had to suffice, but 30 years later the digital technology is available... each CVR should record no less than 40 hours before looping and the FDR should be able to go back a few flights as well... And each recorder box should also be fitted with a GPS device that sends its position to a remote server in case it ends up in water so that its last location is known and thus the ULB can be quickly found... /rant
@@world2give78 I think it's because accidents are so rare, that it's hard to justify the extra weight/infrastructure changes needed to make this a reality.
It's been proposed, at least in the U.S., but pilots are absolutely dead-set against it. They see the potential for airline management to micromanage every aspect of their flying by reviewing video of flights and disciplining them for perceived rule violations, and on a more basic level, they consider it an invasion of their privacy. I can see their perspective, to a point, but they are also one of the few groups of workers who aren't currently subject to constant on-the-job monitoring. A lot of long-haul trucking companies have added cameras facing into the cab and out the front windshield, not just for insurance purposes in case of a collision, but also to monitor their drivers for unsafe habits.
Every time I get onto one of these small, regional carriers in less developed countries, I tell myself that the pilots are professional and don’t want to die anymore than I do. It has worked for me so far.
Reminder: when the plane starts yelling at you for being too low, THROTTLE FORWARD AND NOSE UP.
Ya got to wonder what the heck were they thinking? Definitely belong in an "Idiots at work" video.
Or just yell back at it. Who the hell the plane think it is, no one tells me what to do.
I’m not 100% certain, but I believe the autopilot capabilities on newer 737’s allowed them to simply flip a switch and hit a button to have the aircraft TOGO safely. Even without this, merely pushing the throttle forward and slowly raising the nose would have certainly saved them as you note.
I love how the engineer records at the right time
I hope the passengers were discounted for the 1500’ they were shorted.
I’m willing to bet that wasn’t a coincidence. My guess is he wanted to document these yahoos headed for a cell on final. I’m also willing to bet when he pulled out his phone he wasn’t expecting to pull two thirds of a triathlon to get to the gate. Looked like a shitshow from TOD ‘til splashdown.
Before anyone starts crying foul, yes, I have experience in both type and region. Not that either of those matter because when the EGPWS starts yelling at you and you can’t see out the window, AND you’re well below the VNAV PTH, you better GTFOD in a hurry no matter the type! It’s bad to fly a perfectly good aircraft into a mountainside, yet when details become know, understandable as to how they got there. It’s completely unfathomable how they flew this into the ocean. Sad.
#WiTuLo #whoknew
@@c_hube3694 - I was thinking the same thing.
if he was just recording for fun, I would think he would have "accidentally" dropped his phone in the sea to cover for the pilots.
I dont believe he has any authority to tell the pilots what to do and he is not a pilot, but he can show his company what they did, in case they try to blame it on Boeing.
OMG, I swear to god you make these soo realistic, it's awesome!
Why use the our creators name in vain over nothing you should quit doing that!!! It shows your ignorance
And lack of relationship it appears
@@jopete681 ?
@@jopete681 Goddam it! Stop ordering others to do what YOU think is right! Christ on a stick!
Do Pilots just become so complacent that they percieve these warnings as meaning, "use your discretion ... who am I to judge?"
Not judging at all. Your question is quite appropriate.
@@dakg8034 Phinneus wasn't asking who he was to judge, he was still talking as if he was the warning
On VMC (Visual Meteorological Conditions, meaning good weather and runway insight from far) we can disregard some warnings (not all) and use our judgment to continue the approach since sometimes (but rarely) the GPWS ( ground proximity warning system) might not be working properly and giving false indications. But never in IMC (instrument meteorological conditions, poor visibility and navigation is done by the aircraft instruments), never and I’ll say again, never. Especially passing the minimum descent altitude where most warnings are already inhibited to make sure only the big safe related warnings are heard.
@@daspotato895 Lol... OK got it. Thanks. LoL
There is more to it than just complacency. In aviation we have topics regarding poor pilot responses and you can find these lengthly discussion in Human Factors and CRM. Pilot Fatigue as well as Confirmation Bias are things that interfere with good pilot judgement. The FO has the duty to monitor and call the deviation once it started. Culture issues and the cockpit environment adds a lot to the mix as well. Complacency is just a tiny part of the chains that led to this event.
TFC is one of my top 3 youtubes that I always watch, been watching it for years. Great work, Thanks again !
Uploaded 12 minutes ago and almost 2K views. Incredible but you deserve it!
It appears that having a large number of flight hours makes some captains and F/O's too complacent and they ignore obvious warning signals.
@@lilchris617 Minimum altitudes and other safety parameters are about double the true minimum, in order to allow for error and minor mechanical malfunctions.
They are calculated to allow pilots time to react, so without them accidents would increase tenfold.
This channel always educates me on crashes that I never would've known existed, in extremely high quality and detail. Keep it up!
Geez. The airplane even had the courtesy to tell them they were at Decision Height (or "minimums"), and they still didn't go around. Now, I had a flying buddy who was instrument rated, and I flew with him both in actual instrument conditions and as his safety pilot when he would practice approaches "under the hood" (vision restricting device). The rule was simple: at decision height, he looks up. If he sees the runway, he continues on and lands. If he doesn't, we go around. Simple, no second guessing. How could this have gone so wrong?
I agree, its incomprehensible that a go around was not applied.
It's not really their faults, the airliner pressures their pilots into completing flights ahead of time & bonuses to fly unsafe planes. It's insane.
Interesting that none of the investigations mention this aspect but I'm sure it plays a big part.
Do they not have a union to protect them ?
And seeing that everything is recorded, they can prove their reasons?
And the co pilot & engineer can also testify ?
@@Shadoefax760 That is not happening in that company. I was making the same route the previous week before the accident. This video is not accurate. I have watched the clip recorded by my colleague. Starting Loftleider has no engineers its just a financial and leaser company. The reason of the ditching was a severe micro-burst ( windshear) that took the plane from 2000 feet down to 600 ft in 2 seconds and next call out on the next second was at 400 then at 100 and minimums. Meanwhile the co-pilot got a glance of the runway that's why he said we're too low... What is shown in this video is just a very well edited simulation no real footage at all.
Terrifying but beautifully illustrated video. Magnificent work as always.
OK.....this is why every time I get on a flight regardless of what country I'm in, I realize that my life is no longer my own....and that two to three people own it.......and I pray right after the flight attendants do their cute little "in case of an emergency routine" that the flight will arrive safely.
I watch a lot of plane crash videos. Somehow they make me feel more calm because, really, as soon as you're on a plane and it takes off, there are only two ways down: safely or not. People are terrified of flying but, really, that's the pact you mentally sign every time you fly and you just have to accept it.
Fortunately, plane crashes are not terribly common.
There’s no such thing as fear of flying. It’s fear of crashing. And it’s fear over the human element involved. Because humans make mistakes. A plane has never, ever crashed on its own. It’s always: Pilot error or Mechanical error. Or Air traffic controller.
@@kevinfinnerty8414 "There's no such thing as a fear of flying" Holy shit Kevin. There are literally people scared of heights. "Fear of flying" is called "Aerophobia." It's absolutely a thing and you just tried to sound smart while sounding like a fucking dumbass.
Lol I agree with you.
Me to
At mapt if u don't see the runway, full throttle go around, it's like one of the most important things in flight school during an approach
Chuuk is in the middle of nowhere. I wonder what his fuel state was. I wonder if there was any fuel available at Chuuk and he was tankering for the next leg which would necessitate landing at the first attempt. Many questions to answers which well never know.
Ahh that notification popping up puts a smile on my face
Try to be original, you clown. "Notification squad. Whoop whoop!". Just go away if you have nothing amusing or original to say.
@@ARedMotorcycle I think he was just saying that, not as a joke
@@ARedMotorcycle Be nice, they are just trying to show the creator they like some support. If you have nothing nice to say dont say it
I really don't know why people are disliking TFC's videos. It's like being disrespectful to the people in the flight. And it's like being disrespectful to the dead people.
No, it's not disrespectful to the dead people. How would you interpret that to be the case? If somebody doesn't like the quality, they don't like the quality. Stop desparately reaching.
Small kids and people on phones hit it by accident
Always looking forward to TFC latest uploads. Great job mate!
Another superb upload. The lone passenger who died should not have as these pilots were negligent. Thank you TFC as this crash was unknown to me.
There are only two channels on TH-cam that I will always watch ASAP and this is the first. Thank you!
and the other?
The quality of this video is absolutely magnificent and astonishing. Excellent job, "TFC".
Whoever you are behind this channel, I am happy to say that I really appreciate your work. Your work is great and it is not wrong for me to say that your channel is one of the best channels ever on youtube for flight content. Very detailed, easy to understand, interesting and very helpful. It is not impossible that one day this platform will become a source of learning or historical reference. Great, keep working!
You are a female pakistani pilot?
@@ItsameAlex huh?
@@ItsameAlex 😂😂😂
I liked the in cabin CGI. Very realistic.
That was the actual video recorded from the copilot vro
Someone doesn’t read
@@BlackSkyMusicTV I’m not even a pilot and I can tell from that how massively screwed they are. Are they even going through checklists trying to solve this problem.
@Brad James no I don’t think so.
@@PrinceOfTheCity1 No, they weren't doing anything at all related to keeping that aircraft in the air until intended. I think they were both looking outside, trying to "cheat" a little by getting just a littttle bit lower to get visual, but it ended up being an optical illusion and they didn't realize they were too low until it was too late. Essentially there were three pilots in that cockpit and no one challenged a thing. Lucky they didn't kill more people.
This without execption is the closest I have ever come to feeling like I was in the plane ready to crash. Thank you so much
Perhaps the pilot had "bent the rules" before with no consequences, which led him to a false sense of security. Do airlines review black box data for all flights to sniff out "bad habits", or do they rely on crews to rat each other out?
Excellent question!
They do look at data. Atleast us carriers do. It’s called FOQA or flight operations quality assurance
The Cockpit Voice Recorder only stores the most recent 30 minutes of flight, overwriting earlier recordings. I think it's because only a limited length of magnetic recording tape can be managed within the unit. And, yes, vintage mag tape has the greatest (almost infinite) shock resistance - which modern Flash RAM can't equal.
This channel deserves each and everyone of it's subscribers and many many more. Good work, man!
I LOVE everything about this channel. Your soundtracks, concise detail, natural sound effects, etc, are all superb and well executed. THANK YOU for your hard work and diligence.
Sounds like the pilot broke the very first rule of piloting. "Dont catch get there itis."
Wow! This is my new favorite Channel. The details and visualization, plus the research and data makes these videos captivating. All you ever hear on the TV is that a "plane crashed" or if an incident is not newsworthy you never hear anything at all. There is little comfort in any of these tragic episodes other than that the loss of life in many cases causes the industry to improve itself and its safety measures to avoid future incidents. The mechanical failures make you sad, the human errors make you angry. Overall the viewer is left with a sense of heightened awareness... the devil is in the details, we can all improve and lengthen our lives by paying attention to the little things and sometimes making our decisions based on experience and common sense instead of what redundancy tells us to do.
Makes me wonder what was going through the minds of three people in the cockpit, any one of those could have taken action and completely avoided this. You’ve featured quite a few crashes where audible alarms have been ignored. Same results.
Man, if i was in the right seat i would have asked Captain "what are you aiming for?" then proceed to push the throttles to go around.
All he had to do was say "go around", I bet the captain would have jumped at the chance, all about ego here.
You arm chair quarterback you think the best captains are always on shore what the heck would you have done to prevent this?
@@graciegjj called out 'go around'
@@graciegjj if you look at these crash investigation channels you’re going to notice that one of the main things is “what could have been done differently.” All of the answers to my point do this, except yours. Most of the comments on this video also do that. But there’s always some sub genius in the group, what?
The crazy thing is the F/O did see and say they were too low before the impact happenend.... why tf did he not take control of the aircraft? Scary
"The crazy thing is the F/O did see and say they were too low before the impact happenend"
The subtitles seemed to ignore that point when they say 10:18 that the copilot was oblivious to the rapidly unfolding unsafe situation.
He did see it but I guess they were already too low at that point and it was too late.
impact occurred about 1 second after he said they were too low.
The video is here.
between co-pilot realizing they are too low, and the moment of impact is just seconds it seems. not enough time to "properly" take control. any sudden movement input while in low speed and low alt can be dangerous too i guess
in short, a tad bit too late
These pilots give new meaning to the term, "sleeping at the switch "
Brilliant reconstruction of the tragic series of events. The “minimums” call out being dismissed is just the start of the catastrophe. Very sad that one soul perished.
Always excellent and quality content
You are not first
you are not last
but most importantly... no one asked
Grow Up
@@AviationAlex I think he’s talking to me alex
@@Jack-russell103 probably lol
Interesting how nobody can pull up when the alarm kicks in
...amazing a pilot can descend into the unknown and not care what his altitude is...same thing happened to the 777 in SF....some pilots????
I often wonder if it is it incompetence, arrogance, or pilot exhaustion?
Surely they would be able to get some idea what the cause was from the flight recorder.
I wish the results of the investigation were included in the video.
they would have if they could.. obviously.
@@kyliepechler Or stalling? When you stall and are like 500 feet low, you can not pull up, since your plane does not have speed.
@@kostan55 There was no stall alarm.
I still don't understand this, the plane was giving a glideslope and sink rate warning, the pilot knew he was too low so that means he was looking at the instruments or at least the altitude, why didn't they climb?
I'm amazed that more people didn't perish that crash. Good lord, how many mistakes can a crew make? I hope they were all fired.
Amazing videos and hard work as always.
Thank you Flight Channel. I am enjoying and appreciating great productions here.
"The flight crew disregards the alerts and does not acknowledge them." SMH. And unfortunately these are some of the people in whose hands we have to place our lives when we fly. I hope both pilots were grounded and sent back to flight school for further intense training.
I hope they went to prison
@@vanessac622 Just no
I love your channel! Keep up the good work! 🥳
The cinematics of TFC's videos are getting better and better.... Nice Good Job
*loving the glow up with the quality of video looks so real!!*
the fact that this was uploaded on april 1 scares me
April fools :(
can he do one on friday 13th
@@xenoshane3777 april.. fools..?
@@kostan55 yeah,every april 1 st is april fools, but this crash is not a april fools crash.
I just stumbled upon this channel and i became a huge fan.Come on guys lets appreciate the hard work this guy puts into his videos.I gained a lot of knowledge from his videos bit i started to become scared of flying on an airplane because of all the crash stuff in this channel.I started watching aviation channels that are much more brighter and talk less about crashes.I currently still do not watch this channel much but i do watch a few videos like this one.I am going to say thank you for putting hardwork into your videos i know its not easy making these kind of videos it must take hours to make these.Btw the pilots must be like we are doing a successful landing and then suddenly the sea says hello and goodbye lol
Now, this is rather inexplicable.
Usual terrific job. Thanks.
This channel is without doubt, hands down the best air disaster channel around!!! Compulsive viewing! 👍👉🙏🇨🇮
When the Plane is telling you that your sink rate and glideslope are wrong, your sink rate and glideslope are wrong.
The passenger who died was recovered by rescue divers, may he rest in peace.♥🌹 Thanks FlightChannel ✔✈
Don't worry. Dead people never get disturbed: they cannot perceive disturbance since they are dead. Don't you have any knowledge, experience or understanding of death? I will terminate this comment with a complete iteration of everything that can possibly factually happen after death. Ready? OK, here it all comes: cremation, or preservation, or consumption, or putrefaction.
Never mind about the comment by Mr Jackson. I know what you meant!
The person escaped the plane but drowned unfortunely.
@@sylviekins Clearly a fan of ignorance. I know where I will be after I die, no illusions at all: nowhere, being nothing, doing nothing. The only comfort for people who do not understand death is that they will not be able to perceive any disappointment at the finality of their situation.
Life after death is one of a set of lies designed to enable the leaders of a cult to have power over the gullible..The beauty of that particular fraud is that the gullible subject themselves to it voluntarily, even ramming their offspring into the abused masses.
Christianity exploits one of the most atrocious lies of all: that "god" created mankind in his own image. That god is portrayed as an ancient white male, so if you are a black female, for example, you are inferior because you are not in "god's" image. (That is the bedrock of racism.) With my marriage to my wife and the birth of our children my family, with this generation and its four preceding generations, now comprises 8 ethnicities. None of us are inferior, no people like us are inferior, no people not like us are inferior, even though few of us and/or them are white males.
@@towmlvb3423 Sir this is a youtube comment section. Maybe go discuss your edgy death ideas on reddit.
Thank you for the incredible time and effort you put into your videos. They are so professionally executed, educational and enjoyable. In this case it is as if all responsible were asleep at the wheel. Difficult to fathom their mindsets.
The graphics were next level in this recreation. Amazing work.
love watching 10 dudes fight out who was first
The flight channel always comes with great video quality and great editing!Keep it up!!
This is one of the best channels on TH-cam.
I've seen almost all other big aviation channels, channels with less subs & more money but nothing close to your production value. This is just amazing & you literally found the perfect storytelling apparatus. Nobody can top this.
*Didn't wanna say vehicle* 😂
Amazing video love it
WOW this is the most epic intro/intro music I ever seen on your channel! You must use this intro/intro music on more of your future videos
I never knew the exact reason why the plane crashed. TFC helped a lot. Tq.
His hard work deserves 10 million subscribers
another insane video !!!! an amazing job!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Shut up.
@@ARedMotorcycle u shutup , go mind ur own business😡😡😡
@@ARedMotorcycle i didn't talk to u .... so u shut up
You’re videos are incredible! Thank you for your work, I totally binge on them!
Your videos are very nice😄
Why the heck did they try to land? In the cellphone video, you can only barely see the runway. That’s dangerous. They should’ve immediately have done a go around.
The plane thinks that they are too low. Pilots think that these alarms are annoying and misused and didn't have proper training. That is how we see today's pilots. We shouldn't ignore them. When warning starts, immediately react. That's all a pilot should do.
*immediately react accordingly as per your training
Thomas Mortimore YES sir. You are right.
All that cpu equipment costing millions ignored.
A Red Motorcycle True
Great Work on this videos✌
Very nice mate
Very high quality video! Congratulations! 👏👍
Good video dude 👍
As always, amazing graphics. You notice really the small details, like the tropical surroundings and the sea before the aircraft comes into view.
These videos get more realistic and cinematic!
I love it more than my girlfriend
It feels like a movie
After watching these videos, I feel some pilots have no compassion for the passengers. They disregard rules & are reckless with peoples lives. My last job required I fly to different countries. I’m retired now, but after watching these I’m really glad I’m not flying anymore.
I'm amazed the amount of research and effort that goes into each one of these videos! Keep it up and I appreciate it! Thank you! 🏅🏆🏆🎖️🎖️
Another great vid! I appreciate all the dedication you make into each video👏
Aircraft: warning!!! Pilots: ignore it, they’ll just go away!! Flight engineer: tiktok video in the making.....all the while you’re “second’s from disaster” 😞
Yet, the video documented how the crash happened.
@@QuaintMelissaK Didnt show anything really.
@@jamesharris9816 The creator edited out the pilots voices. The inspectors saw the whole video.
Thank you so much- you are an excellent content creator
This is why tfc is legend
The Flight Channel
@@donnafromnyc I wonder why he didn't say that.
Wow the quality of your videos is astonishing. I'm getting addicted even though I'm one of those people who shivers at the slighest movement on an airplane. Bravo! Cheers from Italy.
Here's a question I always wondered. The vertical speed reminded me of it. The plane descends at 944ft/pm. Now if a person steps on a scale on the plane while it's descending, will the weight be less than if the plane wasn't descending? Because essentially if the plane fell fast enough a person would experience weightlessness. So perhaps on a slow descent the weight is diminished slightly.
That may depends on more than just the descent rate as measuring in ft/pm can have different effects depending on airspeed. A slower plane will have a steeper angle to maintain the same vertical speed whereas a fast plane will fly at a much shallower angle.
That will only happen as the plane transitions from level flight to decent. Acceleration, not velocity, causes the change in weight.
You deserve way more subscribers. Really good content all round
"WHOOP WHOOP, PULL UP" would probably have made no difference with this crew! Pilot literally flew the airplane into the drink, with the F/O watching him do it...I have NO words!!!!!
I heard they also voted for Trump, go figure. ☹️
@@tradeladder146 really. The Flight Channel is where you go to make meaningless political commentary?
I’m no pilot, just a girl with a former flying phobia that studies astrological alignments of plane crashes. If I were a passenger on that flight I would have known we were gonna crash and proceeded to the exit row. Vest on. Blown up. Holding seat cushion floatation device. Waiting to exit on wing or raft. 🏊♀️
@@jlynnmenzel If you blow up your vest inside the plane, while wearing it, you will find it very difficult if at all possible to exit onto the wing!
@Tim A. the engineer in the jump seat having nothing better to do than playing with his favourite toy.
2018!!!???? That was only 3 years ago. I probably heard about it on the news and totally forgot about this. Thanks FlightChannel for doing this video!!!👍🏽
I disagree that a Whoop-whoop aural would have been effective. The crew ignored all parameters and at least two other aural warnings. That pilot was determined to land no matter what.
amazing work done by this channel ❤️👍
Being a pilot is like bidding at an auction. You need to set your limits clearly before the auction and then stick to those limits. Otherwise red mist can set in.
Superb video, as always, many thanks for the doubtless long hours spent in production. RIP the one soul who perished.
Amazing that with so many flying hours they managed to crash, complacent?
two aural view of the runway..ehh think ill land mate.
Literally the reason that a319 crash landed in italy
Great vid! Thanks TFC.