The researcher should have submitted something to the ethics board without confronting who she should have seen was a dangerous, underhanded person. I'm not talking about hindsight or dramatic irony -- like that was the obvious course of action.
I think she understood she was stepping into a trap. That transcript wouldn't be part of the official record otherwise. I believe she simply sacrificed herself to get the proof the site director was overstepping his bounds. Even if she forwarded that ahead of time there was no proof it was real and accurate. The bastard was too clever for that. So a gambit where she either got confirmation it was just a load of nonsense or proof, and thus victory, of his treachery. Doesn't matter if you erase the person if they made sure all evidence, including your own self incrimination, survives the assault.
If you want to think about this in-universe, the fact we're hearing all this is proof those emails got out somehow. Maybe she was smart enough to prepare a contingency plan after all...
Agreed. Fact is these elements are not hidden behind an addendum or another short story or link. They seem to be from the style, integrated into the very entry itself. Not just some addition to the side but an actual part of it. If that's true, then I think her back up plan was not to email the ethics committee, which could easily be blocked by the site director putting a block on her ability to send out information, but instead to modify the entry itself. It be one hell of a way to get attention, and I doubt the site director would anticipate that as her course of action. And it be an action that likely get the attention of those who monitor the database as a whole for edits. In truth, it be a hell of a back up plan.
I think this is the first one in a while I've had to skip through because of the voice acting. The women are like hearing a fucking screwdriver to the temple. And that doesn't even make sense. I honestly was put off by "indian dude" in the past, but at least I could listen to that. This one is just a straight up no. Almost like a screamer because you never know when one's coming.
You know you’ve got a problem when, in an organization as morally dubious as the SCP, you have a site leader who feels compelled to act like Colonel Jessup from “A Few Good Men” and hits his subordinates with a good old *YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH*
@@slyfox7452unlikely Not everything has to be a one size fits all for ideology In a organization as wast as scpf Different directors in the hundreds of sites it operates will inevitably have different ideas of how they run those sites
Yeah, just listening to what Graham did gave me Site 13 vibes the whole way through, and that is NOT what you wanna think about when you're learning about someone who's a SITE DIRECTOR. Reminds me way too much of the same GoC dumbass that turned 13 into an anomalous death camp...
I wonder how the O5 Council and/or Ethics Committee would react to some uppity Site Director going out of his way to destroy almost a half-dozen anomalies without approval from any Foundation authority. Pretty sure the chain of command exists above and below the Site Director to keep any attempts to decommission an anomaly shelved until it is proven to be worth the potential risks and all such risks are known. We've seen what attempting to decommission an anomaly without all the facts, or rushing into the attempt too quickly, can do to make a given anomaly more dangerous/harder to contain before.
@@Foxxie0kun well said, a dangerous anomaly today could be the answer to an XK-class scenario, such as able 073, he's been employed in a special mtf to fight stuff, just because you dont understand it or it looks bad, it does not mean it is bad, could be like the fruit god that does things but is not aware of what or how it is doing them.
If you listened closely, everyone who inhabited each of those rooms was killed by the site director who was a control freak and power hungry. No one was saved
@@dillasoul2228 No, you weren't listening closely. The reality warper said "But I'm not finished. I can still raise the dead. And I can keep 'em safe. It'd kill me, but… I can do it." All the inhabitants were killed, but the reality warper who created 4415 sacrificed himself to bring them back.
I checked some wiki page about SCP-4051 and it seems that Dr. Graham got his comeupance after all as the result of SCP-7777, at least in that canon in particular.
@@Droopsnooot Bedtime SCP just put an exellent version out.He is super talented and some new views and subs would be deserved.He is a killer voice actor and his interviews and journal reads are great.
My copium is that if Natalie was smart enough to detect the kill agents during her digging, she took precautions in case the director attempted to thwart her plan.
This one has a nice balance of being given enough information to have a good guess about what's going on before the reveal without it being devoid of surprise. I could tell that the room was probably some reality's Foundation, but was surprised it was this reality (mostly). I expected the final email to have memetics, but I thought they would be kill agents.
a site director becoming a petty king, a despot ruling using amnestics and working on ambitious and cruel projects in his little kingdom is a hell of a concept
Headcanon: Natalie wasn’t dumb. She forwarded the email chain to the ethics committee as soon as she got the reply. You don’t confront someone who likes to use amnestics with damning evidence and not have a backup plan or witness.
I know many people have commented this about SCPtubers they like, but I like to consider in my canon that O5-7 is in-universe Dr. J. Millar, in charge of the anomaly training wing (HQ Site-82 ;)?) with other orientators having contact with him. The way TheVolgun calls his supporters O5 Council may translate in-universe to him not being into the idea of acting authoritarian, and instead kindly saying "you're my O5 Council" to the people. He may have gotten up there in honor after the boom in anomaly training videos in the 2020s, and his anomaly? Literally the avatar of a Swann entity. I wonder if other people also use headcanon to interpret SCP videos in-universe.
Lemme elaborate: The idea of interpreting SCP media in-universe started with someone in r/SCP talking about how they feel like SCP Explained is run by the SH, I replied that maybe they're orientation videos, implying that The Infographics Show works for the SCPF in-universe... Which I find amusing. Later, I was making my own view of the O5 Council and got stuck at Seven. None of them in the Dossier convinced me for my canon AND felt like they had a reason to be in Overwatch. So... I thought something else and then thought Dr. Millar. Then I had made up the entire plot of The Infographics Revolution. Many archivists like Steve, J. Millar and Dr. Maxwell had the idea to read out their final work and kill 2 birds with one stone, letting personnel have articles read out to them. And suddenly around the year 2020, The Infographics Show somehow found out about the existence of the Foundation. They agreed to keep secrecy if they joined in making anomaly training media, inspiring even more people: Researcher Lavis, Dr. Yoder, plus an anomalous fellow who was found completely unharmed from anomalous events since he was an infant. He had a pretty rough day when he witnessed SCP-6096 vanquishing Dr. Coffee (who was making a lecture on SCP-908). However, some anomalies blended in, spreading infohazards disguised as training media - yup, careless farms now in-universe. As Dr. Huxtable (PeppersGhost) and Sherman amongst others took notice of this, operations were launched to decommission these wolves in sheep clothing. Professor Raddagher made counteragent videos that successfully struck SCP-V01-D, gaining it the decommissioned status. After the Infographics Revolution was settled, so was the anomaly training wing with Millar being promoted to O5-7 in honor, who then agreed to settle it as a more democratic Foundation facet: Site-82, where trainers are given access to high clearance documents to read them out.
See ive always thought of millar as an scp themselves. A single "agent" that seems to be able to access and distribute I formation about any scp they choose.
I think this entry is a great exploration of A. The power an SCP Site Director has at their disposal. And B. Why the organization’s name IS SCP. Secure. Contain. Protect. This is why they do not eliminate these things, unless there’s no possible alternative. You think you’re doing the foundation a favor, but you really just create a new problem to contain. Maybe more. Or worse, the inability to contain
Really; they guy's lucky that the reality bender chose to resurrect his friends and give them a home; and not be petty and delete the sun or something. even in the best case scenario, he could have deleted the site director from existence; or he could have irreparable torn reality asunder in his death throes. If the reality bender was a nuke that could set itself off, his choice was to hit it with a sledgehammer and hope the outcome was good.
@@marin8141 no, the chaos insurgency doesn't generally destroy anomalies. the serpents hand *also* wants a lifted veil scenario, but I absolutely was not thinking of them. the goc's explicit goal is to destroy anomalies, whereas the chaos insurgency's goal is to, shocker, incite chaos. beyond that their goals are up to any given author's needs, they're the ill defined "other" to the scp foundation that can act as a universal antagonistic writing tool.
@@thalmorjusticiar1 the GOC doesn't destroy all anomalies, they use anomalies a lot more than the foundation too, you also wrote that the chaos insurgency is about freeing anomalies which is a 100% false, Weaponizing and utilizing , sure,even more than the GOC But freeing? No.
@@thalmorjusticiar1 regarding the chaos insurgency wanting a lifted veil scenario, they don't care to be fair, if the veil protocol collapses, it's mostly a side effect of their M.O Primary directive will always be acquiring anomalies for control and advancement of their arsenal. Meanwhile veil protocol collapsing *IS* the end goal of the Serpents hand Very different things.
This is one of those articles that’s less about the actual anomaly and more so using the SCP lore to tell a story. It’s by all means a really good story. However does anyone else feel it slightly breaks their immersion? I mean if this all really happened how would the Foundation have access to these emails and why is Dr Miller including them in his lecture? I won’t to reiterate I don’t think any of the quality here is bad. It’s a fantastic story with a great triple plot twist!
No one working for the SCP foundation is dumb. Especially not a researcher. They probably expected to be killed and set up some way to copy anything sent to them with anti-memetic measures then automatically send it out to higher ups under the condition that either they die or it contains a cognito-hazard.
In all honesty I sometimes find it hard to go through a 10+ minute video, but I can absolutely listen to these for hours. I might not be able to deal with the nightmares afterwards, but I love this channel and all the content you provide.
If you're going to work with the foundation. Always assume someone is holding a run of some kind to your head. Keep backups around but keep them secrete and secure. Best find a friend outside the foundation to support you. Perhaps you can befriend the church of the broken god or GOC. It's your best chance to not fall victim to someone else's games.
I hope this is followed up with a Tale of some kind, because she read in the transcript that the Director had been setting up ventilation amnestics and using kill agents frequently and also wasn’t scared of unethically using anomalies to achieves his goals so there’s no way she’d try to blackmail him without having reasonable protections for herself right?
"He's lucky I was keeping myself in this cell so I didn't erase his power tripping ass with the full weight of time and space." is a very powerful quote
Ooh, this was old school. I liked it! Very naive of the Researcher, but also weird that these emails would appear within the document unless the ethics committee did eventually discover them.
When you have a hook like SCP and you put out time and time again with top notch readings, and the tales are creepy and scary, and plausible and yet flights of fancy.
I love the new female voice actress (at least I think she's new, I only remember her from the theme park one). She fits in perfectly with the rest of the cast/theme of the channel
It sounds like him with the voice pitched, the cadence of speech is the same. The notable hard stops at the end of sentences, slight uprising of his pitch on the last words and the general tone
You've probably been asked a hundred times... Who does the female voices in your videos? Is it a relative or spouse or do you do it yourself? I wouldn't doubt it after your really good old lady impression in "This thing a quiet madness made" lol :)
I've been watching your vids for a long time and I'm wondering if you could do scp 469? Its my favorite and almost nobody's heard of it. Even if you dont, I can't wait for any and all future videos, take care of yourself dude!
And this is why you don't THREATEN to go to the authorities, you GO to the authorities. I watch a lot of true crime, and I say this a lot in the comments when the topic is about someone suspecting someone else of abuse or murder. You threaten to go to the cops and nothing happens, it makes that person bolder and their abuse escalate. Worse, it gives them a chance to harm their intended target, maybe even to kill them. THAT is why you don't threaten, you call. I don't just come by this knowledge watching true crime either. I've known three abusive couples in my neighborhood. When I called the cops, the police would never quietly roll up on that couple. And the abuser would always stop and be all smiles and cheer with the police with no sign of what they'd been doing before. The very next day, the abuser would be at it again, louder and angrier.
I actually have hope that the site director faced judgment from the Foundation because the emails and diary seem to be part of the official record. I assume the Ethics Committee ended up doing that investigation after all.
Has the idea been explored where a researcher gives themselves Memento-esque clues to guide them on an investigation where they are constantly given amnestics to keep them from prying? They won’t magically gain their memories or anything but they just discover that they already discovered something.
Um... professor? Should we be hearing this? If you have that letter um... shouldn't you bring it immediately to the 05 council instead of dumbly reading it out to us as if you can't think on your... oh... oh no... everyone get out now!
This still has that trademark of more recent articles of straying away from relevant SCP details into a completely different story and unprofessional documentation for a researcher that should be left for SCP tales. But this isn't an 8 hour book and i can still remember what the SCP is, so that's good for a newer SCP.
The director of Site 17 is murdering anomalous humanoids and wiping people's memories so they don't know. Site director tries to kill a reality bender with a dagger meant to kill reality benders, but fails. The reality bender uses what power they have left to create a place where the people the director kills can be resurrected; and live in peace. A researcher finds out about this and emails the director; telling them to justify their actions or they'll be reported to some very powerful people, the director then wipes the researchers memory.
the researcher found evidence that 4415 was created by site director Graham's abuse of power & threatened to tell the ethics committee. one of those ethical abuses was constantly using the vents at site-17 to distribute amnestics to make people forget things without the knowledge of the people being amnesticized, & upon receiving her email he sent his response which had a trigger to sent amnestics to her office to make her forget about the things she found
I got a bright idea, let's give the guy with an itchy trigger finger for amnestics and memetics a warning. Maybe he had a memetic put on her so she would give warnings.
Surely Natalie, having learned what she did about Dr. Graham's activities, would have arranged some form of dead man's switch for the filing of her report to the Council ..(?)
There is a problem with this SCP. If her memory will be erased, why did he even bother writing the message in the first place? To be placed as damning record on file? Pretty weird man
Why would you drop a casual e-mail to a site director that you know has access to memetic agents, amnestics, and causality manipulating agents at his disposal? I guess she couldn't bear the thought of going on anymore.
I really hope she was able to send something to the ethics committee. If she was a smart researcher she’d understand that Graham has or would most likely use an amnestic against her. So, hopefully she had a backup plan for this and I hope Graham gets sent to scp 682 or an scp that’ll torture him, like he did to others.
Soooo what about all the researchers that find these last two transcripts? Unless the site director is flooding amnesia gas into every room of someone that happens to read them (which would get the attention of others pretty fast) seems like a plot hole to me that they aren’t deleted and can even be accessed 🤔
does anyone know what volgun uses for those alternate voices, like the female one? it sounds like a voice changer, or some kind of AI tool. works very well
Didn’t site 17 undergo a huge reality bending event, that they had to clean up using the ‘robot’ (?or something) agents? Graham ended up tied to a giant living wheel or something? He’d been destroying anomalies and basically wiped the site off the map, unleashing untold anomalies and killing hundreds.
I know I might get some shit from people in the comment section, but I honestly struggle to find what director Graham did all that wrong. He reduced the threat of an extremely potent reality bender to something self containing and almost harmless.
Same could be said for a nuclear reactor, or for if you take it to the extreme: why allow people to have tools, because the difference between a weapon and a tool is how you use it
@@guunarlarsensmith7148 It is nowhere close to being the same since no tool can unravel the fabric of reality itself. And we aren't talking about a tool, we are talking about a person with an innate ability to do that.
? The site director is very plainly written as a morally corrupt individual. it's written clearly and concisely that what he has done is unacceptable. Destroying anomalies is far from the preference. It isn't what they exist specifically to do, & Destroying these anomalies was nothing but stupidity with a heavy helping of a massive power trip. These anomalies weren't even keter, the main one which would be classified as keter, was in there of their own free will! Their job is to Secure Contain Protect, doing unnecessary things risks that very mission. Potentially, the director directly caused a massive level event... pissing off a reality space and time bender has to be the award winning dum dum award.
This is exactly why you setup a kill switch, where if you're dead or have been hit with amnestics the data is automatically sent.
I’m really hoping this was the case, cause ain’t no way a researcher didn’t think of that.
The researcher should have submitted something to the ethics board without confronting who she should have seen was a dangerous, underhanded person.
I'm not talking about hindsight or dramatic irony -- like that was the obvious course of action.
I think she understood she was stepping into a trap. That transcript wouldn't be part of the official record otherwise. I believe she simply sacrificed herself to get the proof the site director was overstepping his bounds. Even if she forwarded that ahead of time there was no proof it was real and accurate. The bastard was too clever for that. So a gambit where she either got confirmation it was just a load of nonsense or proof, and thus victory, of his treachery. Doesn't matter if you erase the person if they made sure all evidence, including your own self incrimination, survives the assault.
"Too clever by half" is the term.
@@HedgehogSpeedSonic I choose to not use a colloquialism
If you want to think about this in-universe, the fact we're hearing all this is proof those emails got out somehow. Maybe she was smart enough to prepare a contingency plan after all...
Agreed. Fact is these elements are not hidden behind an addendum or another short story or link. They seem to be from the style, integrated into the very entry itself. Not just some addition to the side but an actual part of it. If that's true, then I think her back up plan was not to email the ethics committee, which could easily be blocked by the site director putting a block on her ability to send out information, but instead to modify the entry itself. It be one hell of a way to get attention, and I doubt the site director would anticipate that as her course of action. And it be an action that likely get the attention of those who monitor the database as a whole for edits. In truth, it be a hell of a back up plan.
Great voice acting on this one.I could almost feel the amnestic agents coming thru the heating ducts into my office.
Probably should have had that report drafted and put on a
Dead-man's-switch prior to threatening the site director.
No you couldn’t “almost feel the amnestics” because amnestics aren’t real so that just doesn’t make sense
Ah, I see you've already been dosed, excellent. Go about your day, citizen.
@@kaleb692 Neither is my office
I think this is the first one in a while I've had to skip through because of the voice acting. The women are like hearing a fucking screwdriver to the temple. And that doesn't even make sense. I honestly was put off by "indian dude" in the past, but at least I could listen to that. This one is just a straight up no. Almost like a screamer because you never know when one's coming.
You know you’ve got a problem when, in an organization as morally dubious as the SCP, you have a site leader who feels compelled to act like Colonel Jessup from “A Few Good Men” and hits his subordinates with a good old *YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH*
They want me on that site, they *need me* on that site!
The ethics of morality were just a suggestion for this site director, suggestions he clearly didn't agree with
The site direct is posibly a infiltrator from the chaos insurgency or the goc
Not everything has to be a one size fits all for ideology
In a organization as wast as scpf
Different directors in the hundreds of sites it operates will inevitably have different ideas of how they run those sites
The Site Director has the arrogance of the GOC. Two words come to mind about this SCP generated by his actions. Wood Chipper.
Leech boy.
@@JoshSweetvale Yeah, he doesn't seem far from starting a site 13 scenario, does he
Exactly...."The Helpful Chair," (or whatever its nickname/moniker)
Yeah, just listening to what Graham did gave me Site 13 vibes the whole way through, and that is NOT what you wanna think about when you're learning about someone who's a SITE DIRECTOR. Reminds me way too much of the same GoC dumbass that turned 13 into an anomalous death camp...
That wood chipper incident is very much one of the most tragic thing to happen to an SCP ever
A great example of why the directive of the foundation is to secure, contain, and protect anomalies rather than destroy them.
I wonder how the O5 Council and/or Ethics Committee would react to some uppity Site Director going out of his way to destroy almost a half-dozen anomalies without approval from any Foundation authority. Pretty sure the chain of command exists above and below the Site Director to keep any attempts to decommission an anomaly shelved until it is proven to be worth the potential risks and all such risks are known.
We've seen what attempting to decommission an anomaly without all the facts, or rushing into the attempt too quickly, can do to make a given anomaly more dangerous/harder to contain before.
Shit like that is why id release 682 within heartbeat.
Didn't he died or was tormented for what he did
@@Foxxie0kun well said, a dangerous anomaly today could be the answer to an XK-class scenario, such as able 073, he's been employed in a special mtf to fight stuff, just because you dont understand it or it looks bad, it does not mean it is bad, could be like the fruit god that does things but is not aware of what or how it is doing them.
@@nightinthewhite3817brother we are talking about a fictional universe where people write ex machinas for other stories.
Love this SCP it's true kindness and sympathy for the prisoners is the reason it exists no murder monsters just humans
If you listened closely, everyone who inhabited each of those rooms was killed by the site director who was a control freak and power hungry. No one was saved
@@dillasoul2228 No, you weren't listening closely. The reality warper said "But I'm not finished. I can still raise the dead. And I can keep 'em safe. It'd kill me, but… I can do it." All the inhabitants were killed, but the reality warper who created 4415 sacrificed himself to bring them back.
@@henrymcdowell3103you're right, definitely missed that part
In the end, aren't humans the real monsters of the world? No other known creature has ever remotely caused such sadistic harm, death and destruction.
No, there clearly is a monster in this one, and it's Thomas Graham.
I checked some wiki page about SCP-4051 and it seems that Dr. Graham got his comeupance after all as the result of SCP-7777, at least in that canon in particular.
I just read that one....god I want him to do a video on it
@@Droopsnooot The Exploring Series did one on 7777 but I'd love to see one from Volgun, too!
Just had to google the word comeupance.
Thanks for adding a new word to my personal english dictionary :D
ohh good!
@@Droopsnooot Bedtime SCP just put an exellent version out.He is super talented and some new views and subs would be deserved.He is a killer voice actor and his interviews and journal reads are great.
My copium is that if Natalie was smart enough to detect the kill agents during her digging, she took precautions in case the director attempted to thwart her plan.
The directors line about it not being the first time tells me no
Oh, 100%. But anmestics are another thing.
She'd be pretty dumb if she didn't. And she didn't seem dumb. Seems like she was setting him up.
That is likely how the ending got out
Kill agents? I thought he erased her memory.
This one has a nice balance of being given enough information to have a good guess about what's going on before the reveal without it being devoid of surprise. I could tell that the room was probably some reality's Foundation, but was surprised it was this reality (mostly). I expected the final email to have memetics, but I thought they would be kill agents.
a site director becoming a petty king, a despot ruling using amnestics and working on ambitious and cruel projects in his little kingdom is a hell of a concept
"What happened to site 13?"
Headcanon: Natalie wasn’t dumb. She forwarded the email chain to the ethics committee as soon as she got the reply. You don’t confront someone who likes to use amnestics with damning evidence and not have a backup plan or witness.
Imagine being the person responsible for creating something your own group has to contain. That must be rough.
Wow early!
This reminds me of "What Happened to Site 13" but on a much much smaller scale. Still hoping Volgun reads that one some day
You're my fave SCP youtuber, the others do not compare. Well, maybe Exploring Series, but you bring extra with your voice work. Never stop Volgun ^w^
100% agree…. Volgun captures the drama, Exploring Series is a great narrator and has a kind of ASMR effect on me.
I'm just glad we have them both.
I feel the same exact way they’re my go to source for this stuff
I know many people have commented this about SCPtubers they like, but I like to consider in my canon that O5-7 is in-universe Dr. J. Millar, in charge of the anomaly training wing (HQ Site-82 ;)?) with other orientators having contact with him. The way TheVolgun calls his supporters O5 Council may translate in-universe to him not being into the idea of acting authoritarian, and instead kindly saying "you're my O5 Council" to the people. He may have gotten up there in honor after the boom in anomaly training videos in the 2020s, and his anomaly? Literally the avatar of a Swann entity. I wonder if other people also use headcanon to interpret SCP videos in-universe.
I like this
Lemme elaborate:
The idea of interpreting SCP media in-universe started with someone in r/SCP talking about how they feel like SCP Explained is run by the SH, I replied that maybe they're orientation videos, implying that The Infographics Show works for the SCPF in-universe... Which I find amusing.
Later, I was making my own view of the O5 Council and got stuck at Seven. None of them in the Dossier convinced me for my canon AND felt like they had a reason to be in Overwatch.
So... I thought something else and then thought Dr. Millar. Then I had made up the entire plot of The Infographics Revolution.
Many archivists like Steve, J. Millar and Dr. Maxwell had the idea to read out their final work and kill 2 birds with one stone, letting personnel have articles read out to them. And suddenly around the year 2020, The Infographics Show somehow found out about the existence of the Foundation. They agreed to keep secrecy if they joined in making anomaly training media, inspiring even more people: Researcher Lavis, Dr. Yoder, plus an anomalous fellow who was found completely unharmed from anomalous events since he was an infant. He had a pretty rough day when he witnessed SCP-6096 vanquishing Dr. Coffee (who was making a lecture on SCP-908). However, some anomalies blended in, spreading infohazards disguised as training media - yup, careless farms now in-universe. As Dr. Huxtable (PeppersGhost) and Sherman amongst others took notice of this, operations were launched to decommission these wolves in sheep clothing. Professor Raddagher made counteragent videos that successfully struck SCP-V01-D, gaining it the decommissioned status.
After the Infographics Revolution was settled, so was the anomaly training wing with Millar being promoted to O5-7 in honor, who then agreed to settle it as a more democratic Foundation facet: Site-82, where trainers are given access to high clearance documents to read them out.
See ive always thought of millar as an scp themselves. A single "agent" that seems to be able to access and distribute I formation about any scp they choose.
@@remylebaux4721I like that, but it could perfectly work if he was in the council too.
I think this entry is a great exploration of A. The power an SCP Site Director has at their disposal. And B. Why the organization’s name IS SCP. Secure. Contain. Protect. This is why they do not eliminate these things, unless there’s no possible alternative. You think you’re doing the foundation a favor, but you really just create a new problem to contain. Maybe more. Or worse, the inability to contain
Really; they guy's lucky that the reality bender chose to resurrect his friends and give them a home; and not be petty and delete the sun or something. even in the best case scenario, he could have deleted the site director from existence; or he could have irreparable torn reality asunder in his death throes. If the reality bender was a nuke that could set itself off, his choice was to hit it with a sledgehammer and hope the outcome was good.
“Mom I want The Chaos Insurgency”
“We have The Chaos Insurgency at home”
The Chaos Insurgency at home:
you're thinking of the goc. the chaos insurgency is about freeing anomalies, they want a lifted veil scenario.
@@thalmorjusticiar1what you said is 100% false
Sorry :(
Your thinking of the Serpents hand
The OP was correct
@@marin8141 no, the chaos insurgency doesn't generally destroy anomalies. the serpents hand *also* wants a lifted veil scenario, but I absolutely was not thinking of them. the goc's explicit goal is to destroy anomalies, whereas the chaos insurgency's goal is to, shocker, incite chaos. beyond that their goals are up to any given author's needs, they're the ill defined "other" to the scp foundation that can act as a universal antagonistic writing tool.
@@thalmorjusticiar1 the GOC doesn't destroy all anomalies, they use anomalies a lot more than the foundation too, you also wrote that the chaos insurgency is about freeing anomalies which is a 100% false,
Weaponizing and utilizing , sure,even more than the GOC
But freeing?
@@thalmorjusticiar1 regarding the chaos insurgency wanting a lifted veil scenario, they don't care to be fair, if the veil protocol collapses, it's mostly a side effect of their M.O
Primary directive will always be acquiring anomalies for control and advancement of their arsenal.
Meanwhile veil protocol collapsing *IS* the end goal of the Serpents hand
Very different things.
Awesomely done as always man keep up the great work, love your videos!
OOOOO I love this one! Hope you're doing good Volgun!
This is one of those articles that’s less about the actual anomaly and more so using the SCP lore to tell a story. It’s by all means a really good story. However does anyone else feel it slightly breaks their immersion? I mean if this all really happened how would the Foundation have access to these emails and why is Dr Miller including them in his lecture? I won’t to reiterate I don’t think any of the quality here is bad. It’s a fantastic story with a great triple plot twist!
No one working for the SCP foundation is dumb. Especially not a researcher. They probably expected to be killed and set up some way to copy anything sent to them with anti-memetic measures then automatically send it out to higher ups under the condition that either they die or it contains a cognito-hazard.
Thank god that site director got turned into a permanent d class as a result of SCP-7777
In all honesty I sometimes find it hard to go through a 10+ minute video, but I can absolutely listen to these for hours. I might not be able to deal with the nightmares afterwards, but I love this channel and all the content you provide.
I had watched a video recently and found out you were the voice actor for the original scp-049. I love your voice so much
I cant believe I actually made it to the lecture on time this time \o/
If you're going to work with the foundation. Always assume someone is holding a run of some kind to your head. Keep backups around but keep them secrete and secure. Best find a friend outside the foundation to support you. Perhaps you can befriend the church of the broken god or GOC. It's your best chance to not fall victim to someone else's games.
That ending was chilling. I love myself a nice and short SCP with a little twist
nice argument, one problem, i am flooding amnestics in your room right now
I hope this is followed up with a Tale of some kind, because she read in the transcript that the Director had been setting up ventilation amnestics and using kill agents frequently and also wasn’t scared of unethically using anomalies to achieves his goals so there’s no way she’d try to blackmail him without having reasonable protections for herself right?
Oh man I remember first reading this one, you really knocked it out of the park man
Someone load this guy into scp-2000 ... good job as always bro!
Cool! New video and the model looks creepy as heck
"He's lucky I was keeping myself in this cell so I didn't erase his power tripping ass with the full weight of time and space." is a very powerful quote
Ooh, this was old school. I liked it! Very naive of the Researcher, but also weird that these emails would appear within the document unless the ethics committee did eventually discover them.
Yes. This the sequel to my most beloved tale on the entire site
What's the original?
@@GoblinWar its a tale titled "He Who Screws with Reality"
Thanks bro @@OverseerXIII
l love your videos keep up with the good work Volgun
Good afternoon Dr Millar. This is everyone.
Found this violently upsetting
Amazing work
Truly the copium is going full force with this one
seems like that site director really wanted the ethics committee to cone see him person
Damn it's been awhile since we've seen so much inner conflict in the SCP Foundation
seems like that site director really wanted the ethics committee to come see him person
STORYTELLING. You are masters
When you have a hook like SCP and you put out time and time again with top notch readings, and the tales are creepy and scary, and plausible and yet flights of fancy.
I love the new female voice actress (at least I think she's new, I only remember her from the theme park one). She fits in perfectly with the rest of the cast/theme of the channel
It sounds like him with the voice pitched, the cadence of speech is the same. The notable hard stops at the end of sentences, slight uprising of his pitch on the last words and the general tone
maybe im brain broken but all i herd was Miss Pauline.
@@WaallyOne that would be way cooler than "it's ai". Any hack could get ai to read scp entries for youtube.
Honestly, the first mistake Reems made when sending that message was believing that the Ethics Committee is real.
Read SCP-7777 for the followup to this
Wow, that's so sad
You've probably been asked a hundred times... Who does the female voices in your videos? Is it a relative or spouse or do you do it yourself? I wouldn't doubt it after your really good old lady impression in "This thing a quiet madness made" lol :)
i think it's AI generated
Oh shit... wasn't expecting you here! Love your Ninjago vids, they're pretty funny.
I've been watching your vids for a long time and I'm wondering if you could do scp 469? Its my favorite and almost nobody's heard of it. Even if you dont, I can't wait for any and all future videos, take care of yourself dude!
And this is why you don't THREATEN to go to the authorities, you GO to the authorities. I watch a lot of true crime, and I say this a lot in the comments when the topic is about someone suspecting someone else of abuse or murder. You threaten to go to the cops and nothing happens, it makes that person bolder and their abuse escalate. Worse, it gives them a chance to harm their intended target, maybe even to kill them. THAT is why you don't threaten, you call. I don't just come by this knowledge watching true crime either. I've known three abusive couples in my neighborhood. When I called the cops, the police would never quietly roll up on that couple. And the abuser would always stop and be all smiles and cheer with the police with no sign of what they'd been doing before. The very next day, the abuser would be at it again, louder and angrier.
Yeah cops don't do shit. If they believe you at all.
I actually have hope that the site director faced judgment from the Foundation because the emails and diary seem to be part of the official record. I assume the Ethics Committee ended up doing that investigation after all.
Has the idea been explored where a researcher gives themselves Memento-esque clues to guide them on an investigation where they are constantly given amnestics to keep them from prying? They won’t magically gain their memories or anything but they just discover that they already discovered something.
The series on antimemetics covers a similar topic, particularly 'CASE COLOURLESS GREEN'.
Dr. Millar: "I aint see shit. I aint hear shit. I aint no snitch."
Um... professor? Should we be hearing this? If you have that letter um... shouldn't you bring it immediately to the 05 council instead of dumbly reading it out to us as if you can't think on your... oh... oh no... everyone get out now!
This still has that trademark of more recent articles of straying away from relevant SCP details into a completely different story and unprofessional documentation for a researcher that should be left for SCP tales.
But this isn't an 8 hour book and i can still remember what the SCP is, so that's good for a newer SCP.
Nailed it
I really do prefer the more clinical tone of the older articles.
Damn, that one got spicy!
Damn this one is good
I'm confused what happened? I tried to follow along but it got confusing at the end
The director of Site 17 is murdering anomalous humanoids and wiping people's memories so they don't know. Site director tries to kill a reality bender with a dagger meant to kill reality benders, but fails. The reality bender uses what power they have left to create a place where the people the director kills can be resurrected; and live in peace. A researcher finds out about this and emails the director; telling them to justify their actions or they'll be reported to some very powerful people, the director then wipes the researchers memory.
every time I read or listen to an scp lol, can’t stop though
the researcher found evidence that 4415 was created by site director Graham's abuse of power & threatened to tell the ethics committee. one of those ethical abuses was constantly using the vents at site-17 to distribute amnestics to make people forget things without the knowledge of the people being amnesticized, & upon receiving her email he sent his response which had a trigger to sent amnestics to her office to make her forget about the things she found
I got a bright idea, let's give the guy with an itchy trigger finger for amnestics and memetics a warning. Maybe he had a memetic put on her so she would give warnings.
I love SCP writers. Dang.
I wanna see Graham get the Golden Experience Requiem treatment, it's only fair really
i loved this one.
Surely Natalie, having learned what she did about Dr. Graham's activities, would have arranged some form of dead man's switch for the filing of her report to the Council ..(?)
She did.
So, did the Ethics Committee ever investigate? Or did they just forget?
Site director got transferred to D-class following the events of SCP- 7777
The law is the law and noone is above reproach.
Thank you
There is a problem with this SCP. If her memory will be erased, why did he even bother writing the message in the first place? To be placed as damning record on file? Pretty weird man
Sour luck on my end, its sunday afternoon and im ready for a nap but the weekly video isnt ready
Fun Fact!
Dr. Graham would later get SHAFFTED by SCP-7777, and demoted to a Class D!
You should do a video on scp-4178 it would be pretty cool
Lovecraftian SCP? Sign me[Redacted]
Dr Miller. Have you told the Ethics Committee of this?
Why would you drop a casual e-mail to a site director that you know has access to memetic agents, amnestics, and causality manipulating agents at his disposal? I guess she couldn't bear the thought of going on anymore.
Because you had a backup on a timer.
Obviously the Ethics Committee/records got the message too. Otherwise his outlandish response wouldn't be included in the official file.
I really hope she was able to send something to the ethics committee. If she was a smart researcher she’d understand that Graham has or would most likely use an amnestic against her. So, hopefully she had a backup plan for this and I hope Graham gets sent to scp 682 or an scp that’ll torture him, like he did to others.
I’m pretty sure he does? There’s definitely an SCP about site 17 getting wiped off the map.
Soooo what about all the researchers that find these last two transcripts? Unless the site director is flooding amnesia gas into every room of someone that happens to read them (which would get the attention of others pretty fast) seems like a plot hole to me that they aren’t deleted and can even be accessed 🤔
Sounds like Director Graham would fit right in with Site-13…
the alternate site 13, fetcher probably is related to alternate emerson or somethimg idfl
So, this could test if someone is truly anomalous.
049-J can you see to a patient in this room please?
Rookie mistake. It's not the researcher's job to decide if an ethics violation took place.
My personal theory: Graham is a GOC operative.
Some smart guy FDR ed the infrastructure and now nobody knows how to fix it
when it comes to monsters this SCP is a silver bullet
I like the scary part.
I was expecting some counter-play to the final email. Ah well.
does anyone know what volgun uses for those alternate voices, like the female one? it sounds like a voice changer, or some kind of AI tool. works very well
So what are the chances that interaction was recorded to the sights black box
Didn’t site 17 undergo a huge reality bending event, that they had to clean up using the ‘robot’ (?or something) agents?
Graham ended up tied to a giant living wheel or something? He’d been destroying anomalies and basically wiped the site off the map, unleashing untold anomalies and killing hundreds.
That was SCP 1730 “Site 13”. The agents were MTF Tau-5: “Samsara” aka “Power Rangers”
Site director was actually pretty chill
This came juuuust right.
My FBI agent approves.
I never know this SCP anomalies
@TheVolgun i would love for you to try 3114
This is an emersive masterpiece like all. Ryan Reynolds shatters it with mint mobile worse than others, damn shame. Is there any other playforms??
All this is in the file! How is Graham still alive?
Oh this one definitely illicits emotions! Hope graham gets clapped.
I know I might get some shit from people in the comment section, but I honestly struggle to find what director Graham did all that wrong. He reduced the threat of an extremely potent reality bender to something self containing and almost harmless.
Same could be said for a nuclear reactor, or for if you take it to the extreme: why allow people to have tools, because the difference between a weapon and a tool is how you use it
@@guunarlarsensmith7148 It is nowhere close to being the same since no tool can unravel the fabric of reality itself. And we aren't talking about a tool, we are talking about a person with an innate ability to do that.
? The site director is very plainly written as a morally corrupt individual. it's written clearly and concisely that what he has done is unacceptable. Destroying anomalies is far from the preference. It isn't what they exist specifically to do, & Destroying these anomalies was nothing but stupidity with a heavy helping of a massive power trip. These anomalies weren't even keter, the main one which would be classified as keter, was in there of their own free will! Their job is to Secure Contain Protect, doing unnecessary things risks that very mission. Potentially, the director directly caused a massive level event... pissing off a reality space and time bender has to be the award winning dum dum award.
@@Single4ThaNite u team human i see …
what is this for Delta Green or what
I will sy, did we learn nothing from Ned Stark and GOT? Don't warn people, and let them know you've learned of their evil plan! just expose them!
Hm. Is Dr. Millar an SCP as well? :)
You wanna get Site 13? This is how you get Site 13
wow! that makes me seethe!
Is Graham GOC? Geez