One thing I've been doing for a while now is to place a "If Found" text file on the root of the SD card of any camera I fly. This way, if it does get lost and someone finds it, they can contact me.
Just now saw this video...why not take an Estes or other camera's 'guts' and put it in a tube that just 'plugs into' a standard rocket tube (BT-60, etc) with access to the SD card when you take this small tube out....but for now why not print your existing covers in orange and not grey.
Understand about the gray color, but no one will paint over it. We loose cameras all the time because they're painted ridiculous. Again, why not make a complete camera kit that fits into a tube that doesn't stick out and produce drag...and who needs WiFi or touch screens....just an SD card is enough. The market is there for it.
RunCam 2 4K is nice when it works. It's a completely temperamental PoS with lackluster support. I own two of them and I also own the Mobius Pro Mini.
One thing I've been doing for a while now is to place a "If Found" text file on the root of the SD card of any camera I fly. This way, if it does get lost and someone finds it, they can contact me.
Thats definetly a great idea, I'll have to try that on my future flights
Is there a recommended position on the rocket where you mount the camera? Above or below the center of gravity?
Above CG
Do you have those 3D specs.
Where do you buy the mounts from?
The mounts can be bought from my store (link is in the description) or Additive Aerospace
Just now saw this video...why not take an Estes or other camera's 'guts' and put it in a tube that just 'plugs into' a standard rocket tube (BT-60, etc) with access to the SD card when you take this small tube out....but for now why not print your existing covers in orange and not grey.
Interesting concept, I print in gray solely because it is the easiest color to paint over to match whatever aesthetic the flyer may desire.
Understand about the gray color, but no one will paint over it. We loose cameras all the time because they're painted ridiculous. Again, why not make a complete camera kit that fits into a tube that doesn't stick out and produce drag...and who needs WiFi or touch screens....just an SD card is enough. The market is there for it.