Hi Manuel, thank you for your comment! To sort your boards into folders on Newline Engage Cloud, click on the board you'd like to move in your "Manage Boards" list. Then, drag that board into the desired folder. :) If you have further questions, please feel free to reach out to your Newline Training Specialist (you can find her email here: newline-interactive.com/usa/training-team/). Thank you!
How can I sort files into folders? I have created folders but cannot find a way to organize my files into folders. Please help.
Hi Manuel, thank you for your comment! To sort your boards into folders on Newline Engage Cloud, click on the board you'd like to move in your "Manage Boards" list. Then, drag that board into the desired folder. :) If you have further questions, please feel free to reach out to your Newline Training Specialist (you can find her email here: newline-interactive.com/usa/training-team/). Thank you!