For anyone wondering if this recipe turned out perfect, I'd say YES! Soft, fluffy, right amount of sweetness. This is by far the best 鸡蛋糕 recipe I came across
yes you can but honestly that will taste different . Probably too dry . This cake shape can keep the moisture in some sense and the shape is its speciality too
@@QG.Kitchen.Maomao oh really!!! I thought can bake faster n at the same time keep the cake moist.. just discover yr channel 👍👍.. will definitely try this...
Hi, I have the same loaf pan. Will the cake slide out if turn upside down for cooling ? Which rack did you bake the cake in the oven? Thank you, I'm very keen to try this 😊
@@QG.Kitchen.Maomao it turned out well. I only used 4 eggs and the cake is very tall already. I took out after 15 minutes to make a slit in the middle then continue to bake. Total baking time 1 hour for me. It turned it upside down to cool and it worked well. Thank you.
毛毛老師,我今天試了同時烤兩條金枕蛋糕,依您指導的 用310度F,放第5層,烤了 55分鐘,用長竹籤試中央部位~不沾粉,表面上色也夠了,就出爐啦⋯⋯成功!
只是在混合好 蛋糕糊後,我分成兩兩份,💕一半做原味金枕,💕另一半我加了一些葱綠和肉鬆一起混合,表面 我灑些葱綠和肉鬆,再用美乃滋擠Z字形在表面,口味也很不錯喔。預定明天練習 巧克力金枕😊。
以上,小小心得 和大家分享。謝謝🙏老師的指導。
好样的 加油!!
For anyone wondering if this recipe turned out perfect, I'd say YES!
Soft, fluffy, right amount of sweetness. This is by far the best 鸡蛋糕 recipe I came across
Thank you :) this is extended from a commercial bakery recipe !
😋😋😍DELICIOUS!! I have a question: can we used parchment paper in the pan? Thank you for your delicious recipe!
yes you can
@@QG.Kitchen.Maomao 😊👍Thank you for your answer!
毛毛老師 我的原味金枕吐司 🔥一次成功啦🔥😄!因為第一次 所以只做一條,中心最高點 有12公分,蛋黃5個 84克,小蛋蛋白 5個剛好 160克,300度F 放第五層(大烤箱 有7⃣️層),最底層我用9*13 裝了一些水~穩定均控熱度,共烤了 50分鐘,再加旋風4⃣️分鐘,出爐後,顏色和高度 都挺滿意的。脫模後 兩側的線條也非常明顯漂亮,真的顏值很高,非常適合送禮與朋友分享。哈哈⋯又多了一款 拿的出手的招牌款。💕冷卻後 我又擠入前中後 三個點的 抹茶蜜紅豆卡士達醬(昨天做紙杯蛋糕用剩的💕果然遵照老師的recipe,肯定會成功!
❤️謝謝🙏老師的指點,明天再試 一次做兩條,希望也能有好成果。再次感謝🙏您的分享❤️
很棒很棒 抹茶粉 6~10g都可以 取决于你的品质 替代等量低粉就可以
謝謝老師的指導,明天我試試。3Q 🙏。
The egg white beat to soft peaks?
Firm not too stiff
Thank you. I also tried your choco version but not so good I will do this again, for Choco one, the egg white also firm peak ?
Can bake using muffin pan with liners?
yes you can but honestly that will taste different . Probably too dry . This cake shape can keep the moisture in some sense and the shape is its speciality too
@@QG.Kitchen.Maomao oh really!!! I thought can bake faster n at the same time keep the cake moist.. just discover yr channel 👍👍.. will definitely try this...
温度没有掌控好 多半偏高了 中心和边缘的膨胀不一致呢
Hi, I have the same loaf pan. Will the cake slide out if turn upside down for cooling ? Which rack did you bake the cake in the oven? Thank you, I'm very keen to try this 😊
nor really, it still hold there. If your pan is really non stick, no need to flip it over. I bake in the lower rack
@@QG.Kitchen.Maomao just worry it might collapse if I don't flip over. Thank you for your reply. I'll try and see :)
@@QG.Kitchen.Maomao it turned out well. I only used 4 eggs and the cake is very tall already. I took out after 15 minutes to make a slit in the middle then continue to bake. Total baking time 1 hour for me. It turned it upside down to cool and it worked well. Thank you.
@@WhatToCookToday excellent , this is a true recipe from a bakery store
全蛋打发 配方需要调整 采用海绵蛋糕做法 可以放底层 垫个烤盘比较保险 每个烤箱不一样 我还真的不能一概而论
@QG.Kitchen.Maomao 好的我研究一下,谢谢你您建议!🙏
老師, 我的吐司模, 並非不沾模具, 如果在四週+底都圍了烘焙紙, 是否有機會令到蛋糕縮腰???
不会的 烘烤合适的话 一样的
应该是位置不对 你放在哪一层烤的
是的 不要太干 否则不好翻拌哈
烤箱都是要预热的, 预热时间取决与你的烤箱升温的速度, 当你面糊做好之前, 保证你的烤箱已经升到了你需要的温度并且最好持续5分钟以上了,我的视频里面都是默认了提前预热烤箱的
这个蛋糕本身比较高 所以烘烤温度挺重要的 缩腰往往不是因为面糊不稳定 或者就是外面的烤好了 里面的支撑不起来 调整一下烘烤温度 位置试试
温度增高5度 时间估计得多个5~10分钟 记得两个模具之间要有间隙哦 否则会塌腰
@@QG.Kitchen.Maomao 謝謝您指導
@@瑩美余 这款底部凹陷是属于正常范围的 因为比较高 不要纠结
@@QG.Kitchen.Maomao 我超開心的,第一次跟隨您的食譜操作就屬成功,謝謝您。
450g長方形不粘吐司模 160烤55分鐘,我放第4層 蛋糕底部有些凹陷是底火太高嗎? 新西蘭朋友 請回复 謝謝
对 基本上都是下火太高了 中间部分膨胀厉害 冷了自然就会回缩大