I am currently facing depersonalization and derealization and have terrifying dreams of going mad, but this meditation is helping, it is my first time doing it. Thank you god bless you sir.
Hi Workdove. Great that it is so useful for you. JIC, the "Guided Meditation" playlist @ th-cam.com/play/PLuH37Fyz9VEMrD8dcreiCNKGROGlOENhL.html has all of them. FYI, if you look under "Show More" in any of these vids, you'll see links to all of "my stuff", all free in some format. stillness
For me Gary coming back, this meditation is kind of an absolute in that it says everything . I am it, everything, everywhere..there's a sense of joy and freedom here. Thank you
Have just ordered Mr. Weber's Happiness Beyond Thought from Amazon. Very much looking forward to it. Indeed, you could cut the anticipation with a cricket stump.
Hi Gary - I love your teachings. Thanks. For me, the greatest obstacle for people is the demand that they amount to something as individuals. For all their efforts, they really feel a need to remain important. In fact, they are nothing - an illusion. If they could just get over that fact progress would be swift.
Hi Holy Moly. Great that you are finding the work useful. JIC, if you look under "Show More" above, you'll see links to my "stuff", all free in some format. stillness
Hi vijey. Interesting you should ask today...it just went up on Amazon. "Dancing Beyond Thought: Bhagavad Gita Verses and Dialogues for Awakening". It is 60 selected verses from the Bhagavad Gita w/Devanagari, transliteration, translation and commentary in a word-by-word comparison, arranged in a Q&A format on everything from being disrespected to the nature of the Self. Video up on uTube tomorrow w/my chanting the 60 verses. Second half of book is selected dialogues from blogposts.
Terrific video. I would have thought the visualizations or sensations of the arrow turning direction or the falling off at the end of the breath would have been more "story" or concepts or thoughts BUT I followed this guided meditation and truly sank in to it somehow. You guide is deep in to doing the watching and turn around to inquire who is there, this is just terrific. I'll practice this for quite a while I believe. Thank you!
Hi vijey. The best and most likely solution is for you to download the e-book, which is not yet available, but should be this week. Will keep you posted. stillness..
Hi vijey. "Dancing Beyond Thought: Bhagavad Gita Verses and Dialogues on Awakening" is now available @ Scribd as a free download @ the URL shown in the "About" section. stillness.
Hi Adrian. Great that you found it useful. you might also find "When am I?" useful. See if Adrian is always there, and if the same Adrian shows up for every meeting, every relationship, etc., or if there are a thousand different Adrians that show up on an ad-hoc basis. stillness
Hi Gary, I did like your meditation...and going down in you body with breath is a good way to reach calmness and stillness. Even thoughts can go on without loosing touch with that calm silent presence. After reading some comments, I saw that there is some confusion about the I or awareness.. Me personally I feel everlasting presence/ awareness, when asking where am I in my consciousness. In fact the I is not important as for the state of being , nor i could find it really. Hard to point where or what the I is. Being presence is important to me. I also had some experience in my life that all became One. This is very hard to explain, because words can not describe this. But I was sitting in my garden and all over sudden I realized that my essence stays regardless the manifestations in my life and somehow all became One although everything also is different. I also knew that this experience is for now and tomorrow it will be different. This was an important insight for me. So I know there is an deeper/other level of consciousness and also this experiences varies in time. So I keep practicing each day. Being quit and exploring. Believe it's the best to make it effortless. Just be and see , calmness or stillness. If my essence want me to let me know/understand something it will let me know.
Hi DeLaGroov. It sounds like you have had some great experiences and are in a good place now. Perhaps this is the something "that will let you know" message from your essence. you can move further on and make the experience more lasting and deeper if you do a couple of simple exercises described in the blogposts "Feeling your way to nondual awakening" @ happinessbeyondthought.blogspot.com/2015/04/feeling-your-way-to-nondual-awakening.html and "Letting go of your attachments to awaken - why/how/when". The videos "Upgrading Your Mental Operating System" @ th-cam.com/video/EK8pcUt4gio/w-d-xo.html and "The End of Suffering and the Default Mode Network" @ th-cam.com/video/oX1IFUDNtto/w-d-xo.html can also be useful. Also, if you look under "Show More" in any of my videos, you'll see lots of links to all of my stuff, all free in some format. you're doing really well. stillness and letting go gary
Hi vijey. Keep me posted on how it goes. There have been many business books drawing on Zen and Taoist principles. Biz folk could benefit, IMHO, If they understood the deep and elegant, timeless psychological teachings that are in the Bhagavad Gita. i was resistant to it for a long time, but it has become a deep passion. So many verses are so useful in everyday life, and in dealing w/folk. What better biz teaching could there be than the Karma Yoga sections of the Gita? stillness
Hi Denise Wagner. Great that you found it useful. BTW, if you look under "Show More" above, you'll see links to all of my stuff including free book downloads. stillness
Hi again Gary. This is fundamental and immensely helpful. I have been caught up ( once again in a familiar trap) why this and that , why do I do that etc struggling to understand in order to ease pain. My skin expresses this dis-ease and it's easy to stay here with the constant itching.. I'm interested that you say that the body is one of our principle attatchments. I agree and at the same time I follow Reggie Ray's teachings on the body because like this medition "where am I?" I find the focus on the bodie's capacity to 'hang on" to 'stuff ' a necessary aspect of the path to this letting go. I have had moments of true 'nothingness' through exploration of the body and all of it's parts, releasing body tension, passing through these barriers, and into..what? like the breath, I don't know.. I'm very interested in whether or not you are familiar with Reggie Ray's teachings and your thoughts on this way of 'working' and I find that the more I acknowledge my body the more I am able to ignore it or leave it where it is..It's hard to find words that fit and I hope this makes some sense? Thanks Gary
+caroline gregory. i really don't have the time, or interest, to know what everybody else is teaching, so can't comment meaningfully on Reggie Ray's approach. "my" work does use both "i am not this body" negations as well as moving into exploration of the body and finding where we hold traumas, stories, suffering, etc. Then there is welcoming, and moving into and exploring those areas, and releasing them by either saying "yes" or if you can feel and discover the "story" that is locked in there, to explore it with the Sedona Method or Byron Katie techniques and then let go of it. This is covered in the blogpost "Surrendering the 'I', letting go of suffering". If you've read my first book, "Happiness Beyond Thought", or checked out the video on "Using Yoga Posture Flows for NonDual Awakening", you will see that i am a strong advocate for physical practices to release bodily traumas, stories and tensions. Folk who just sit and meditate will never release, or even access those areas. If you look under "show more" above, you'll see links to all of my stuff - all of it is free in some format. The blog and youTube are easily searchable. stillness
Thank you, Gary. Can you explain the end of this meditation, with the stillness and fullness? Would you ever consider doing a guided meditation in this format on “when am I?”
Please continue to do guided meditations. They are much easier to listen to (in a deeper way) than the talks with Rich which stimulate much thinking (for me.) Love lots of silence and few words!
Hi eoharafisher. Make sure you check out the Guided Meditation playlist @ th-cam.com/play/PLuH37Fyz9VEMrD8dcreiCNKGROGlOENhL.html. Encourage you to look at the rest of my material, including blog, website, books, etc. under "Show More" in any of my youTube videos, all free in some format. you may find silence there as well. stillness
Hi Trevor. you're more than welcome. Great that you found it useful. If you look under "Show More" in any of my vids, you'll see links to all of my stuff, all free in some format. stillness
I know that using the bhagavad gita to look at management practices is akin to using sandalwood for cooking breakfast (words of my instructor :-)) but to me its a start to start looking at this book full of profound wisdom...let's see where it leads me...
The universe conspiring.. ;-) I was exploring some books to review as a part of a course that I have taken up in a business school.this course emphasizes how ancient Indian wisdom is very relevant to management practices.since I have been following your blog I wanted to take upthe gita and explore how recognizing and awakening to aspects beyond mechanistic management practices can have sustainable and holistic outcomes.
Hi Gary, I have been trying to get your new book but except Amazon(which does not service India) I have not been able to find your book elsewhere in India. please point me to some source in India from where I can procure a Copy.
Good night Gary, First of all, thank you very much for your videos and your books. They are being very useful for me ( in my path) and for my patients. If you don't mind, i would like to ask you what did you mean when you said " anything you can objectify can't be you"? can you explain it a little bit more? Thank you
Hi vijey. i've run the links several times, they point to the two different books. Are you clicking the "preview" for the tinyurl once you get to the tinyurl site? It takes two clicks to get to the book. If you are having trouble, just go to Scribd and put in the titles.
Gary, Where am I? is a very interesting inquiry question. This feeling of "I am" is a formless feeling of being located in the "center" of my senses - it has a feeling of location, that upon inspection, always shows up to be just an unquestioned bias the brain likes to revert back to. It's odd how the various inquiry questions can bring you back to the same place through seemingly different access points. Hope all is well, much gratitude for your constant support and guidance, - Beau
Hi Beau. Great to hear from you, as always. Yes, i gravitated to "Where am I?" as one of my core questions as it was the most unequivocal one and the one that most confounded the analytical, scientific, perspective i was trained in as a scientist. This was something that "I" already knew, or thought it did, but as you point out, it was soon clear that was a misconception. Similarly with "Who hears?", another thing that "I" was certain of, but again it was a mistaken conception. As the only sense that we can really work with in this way, as the others are too fast to get "in the middle of", it provided a different, but equally-valuable "different access point" as you point out. IME, it takes many different access points and practices to get at all aspects of the egos/Is and their fears, stories, traumas and attachments, and they are very sneaky. stillness gary
Gary, Thanks for your reply, I didn't notice it right away. Gary I agree that Who hears? is very effective, especially vs trying things like "who is seeing" etc. Some of my earliest memories with musical instruments were really this inquiry into sound. It's invisible, yet I know it's there - What is at play here? What is this? The question of "who" never came into my mind, but the nature of the inquiry was there. All the best Gary, - Beau
Hi vijey. Do you have the "preview" feature "enabled" in tinyurl? The "preview" feature is used to require two clicks so that folk aren't scammed by someone jumping into the stream and redirecting to another site, which can happen. stillness.
Pretty helpful stuff, but I have a few comments and questions, my friend. Intellectually, I grasp that there's just what happens of itself with no particular outsider plucked in it, pushing it along. During your meditation, I became confused, for I was assuming you were referring to the awareness in which thoughts arise in and not the ego, which is the concept that arises in awareness that we confuse as "me". How can one in meditation try and see a clear distinction between the two, so no confusion is made? Because I often feel that is my battle; I can get aspects of nondualism and not-self pretty clearly - especially in the sciences - but when it comes to acting out in the world, I consistently feel as if I am an ego looking at an external world, that I have free will and am a doer of deeds, even if the core profundity of such meditations is to show such illusions to such distinctions. It's as if I am somehow battling against the innate seen and tasted as the foreground, only to be moved into the background and the illusions supercede it and become front and center. Perhaps someone such as yourself can help me, because I am perhaps at the intellectual limit of understanding, and it seems I am lacking an "experience" that takes the data of what we can actually prove of the world and have it as something to digest, not as simply as knowing it as the innate state, but knowing it "in my bones" as it were.
Hi +ShakinJamacian. A very useful practice can be looking for what doesn't change in the middle of apparently ceaseless change. Looking back over your life, can you get a sense that "beingness" hasn't changed, even as your body, intellect, relationships, thoughts, stories, memories, etc. have changed. During your day, see if you can feel that there is an unchanging "watching" which is untouched by the changing "foreground". Feel yourself, as is in many of these guided meditations, as a watching/watcher on the banks of a river seeing a stream roaring by, the stream of all the changeable objects mentioned earlier, which doesn't affect you in any way. you may, from time to time, get pulled into the stream by some attractive object in it, but ultimately it passes and you find yourself naturally back in this awaring/watching, until you are drawn again back into the stream. you are that unchanging beingness. you might find the blogpost "Feeling your way to nondual awakening" (URL under "show more" above) useful. IME, it is really critical to get this "feel" of what is changing and what isn't. Trust this is useful. stillness
I struggled with exactly what you are talking about for a long time. I had an intellectual grasp of the teachings of Nisargadatta, Ramana Maharshi, Advaita, etc. and was trying desperately to map these concepts onto my way of Being in the world. It finally dawned on me that I was trying to attain non-self status as a self. I wanted to be there to experience my own absence,haha!! Once this error was recognized I "was left with my spiritual pants down" - as paul hedderman so eloquently states. I never pulled them back up and haven't felt the need to constantly seek. I Am what I'm looking for and it had always been that way.
Hey, Gary.. I know it's all predetermined.. but why do some people have such successful lives while others have suffering and setback?? What's the criteria??
Hi save the oceans. It's like Einstein said: Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper."...Only the piper knows. stillness
I don't understand what you mean by the "watcher - watching the breath" my experience tells me there is no watcher. It sounds like you are insinuating subject/object dualism
I am currently facing depersonalization and derealization and have terrifying dreams of going mad, but this meditation is helping, it is my first time doing it. Thank you god bless you sir.
Among the best guided mediation that I've ever done. Did it three times in one sitting. Thank you
Hi Workdove. Great that it is so useful for you. JIC, the "Guided Meditation" playlist @ th-cam.com/play/PLuH37Fyz9VEMrD8dcreiCNKGROGlOENhL.html has all of them.
FYI, if you look under "Show More" in any of these vids, you'll see links to all of "my stuff", all free in some format.
For me Gary coming back, this meditation is kind of an absolute in that it says everything . I am it, everything, everywhere..there's a sense of joy and freedom here. Thank you
Have just ordered Mr. Weber's Happiness Beyond Thought from Amazon. Very much looking forward to it. Indeed, you could cut the anticipation with a cricket stump.
Hi Gary - I love your teachings. Thanks.
For me, the greatest obstacle for people is the demand that they amount to something as individuals. For all their efforts, they really feel a need to remain important. In fact, they are nothing - an illusion. If they could just get over that fact progress would be swift.
Hi Holy Moly. Great that you are finding the work useful. JIC, if you look under "Show More" above, you'll see links to my "stuff", all free in some format. stillness
Hi banjosmudge. Great that it was useful for you. Stillness and good things to you as well.
Thank you, Gary. That was beautiful. Stillness, good things...J.
Thank you Gary ❤️🙏
Hi vijey. Interesting you should ask today...it just went up on Amazon. "Dancing Beyond Thought: Bhagavad Gita Verses and Dialogues for Awakening". It is 60 selected verses from the Bhagavad Gita w/Devanagari, transliteration, translation and commentary in a word-by-word comparison, arranged in a Q&A format on everything from being disrespected to the nature of the Self. Video up on uTube tomorrow w/my chanting the 60 verses. Second half of book is selected dialogues from blogposts.
Terrific video. I would have thought the visualizations or sensations of the arrow turning direction or the falling off at the end of the breath would have been more "story" or concepts or thoughts BUT I followed this guided meditation and truly sank in to it somehow. You guide is deep in to doing the watching and turn around to inquire who is there, this is just terrific. I'll practice this for quite a while I believe. Thank you!
Hi +Rodney Clang. Great that you found it so useful. stillness
The most powerful mediation I had ever had👍
Hi vijey. The best and most likely solution is for you to download the e-book, which is not yet available, but should be this week. Will keep you posted. stillness..
Hi vijey. "Dancing Beyond Thought: Bhagavad Gita Verses and Dialogues on Awakening" is now available @ Scribd as a free download @ the URL shown in the "About" section. stillness.
Many thanks for this Gary.
Hi Adrian. Great that you found it useful. you might also find "When am I?" useful. See if Adrian is always there, and if the same Adrian shows up for every meeting, every relationship, etc., or if there are a thousand different Adrians that show up on an ad-hoc basis. stillness
Hi Gary,
I did like your meditation...and going down in you body with breath is a good way to reach calmness and stillness. Even thoughts can go on without loosing touch with that calm silent presence.
After reading some comments, I saw that there is some confusion about the I or awareness..
Me personally I feel everlasting presence/ awareness, when asking where am I in my consciousness. In fact the I is not important as for the state of being , nor i could find it really. Hard to point where or what the I is. Being presence is important to me. I also had some experience in my life that all became One. This is very hard to explain, because words can not describe this. But I was sitting in my garden and all over sudden I realized that my essence stays regardless the manifestations in my life and somehow all became One although everything also is different. I also knew that this experience is for now and tomorrow it will be different.
This was an important insight for me. So I know there is an deeper/other level of consciousness and also this experiences varies in time.
So I keep practicing each day. Being quit and exploring. Believe it's the best to make it effortless. Just be and see , calmness or stillness. If my essence want me to let me know/understand something it will let me know.
Hi DeLaGroov. It sounds like you have had some great experiences and are in a good place now. Perhaps this is the something "that will let you know" message from your essence.
you can move further on and make the experience more lasting and deeper if you do a couple of simple exercises described in the blogposts "Feeling your way to nondual awakening" @ happinessbeyondthought.blogspot.com/2015/04/feeling-your-way-to-nondual-awakening.html and "Letting go of your attachments to awaken - why/how/when".
The videos "Upgrading Your Mental Operating System" @ th-cam.com/video/EK8pcUt4gio/w-d-xo.html and "The End of Suffering and the Default Mode Network" @ th-cam.com/video/oX1IFUDNtto/w-d-xo.html can also be useful.
Also, if you look under "Show More" in any of my videos, you'll see lots of links to all of my stuff, all free in some format.
you're doing really well.
stillness and letting go
Wonderful, thank you :)
Hi vijey. Keep me posted on how it goes. There have been many business books drawing on Zen and Taoist principles. Biz folk could benefit, IMHO, If they understood the deep and elegant, timeless psychological teachings that are in the Bhagavad Gita. i was resistant to it for a long time, but it has become a deep passion. So many verses are so useful in everyday life, and in dealing w/folk. What better biz teaching could there be than the Karma Yoga sections of the Gita? stillness
Hi Gary...Got the URL this time..just had to refresh the browser.Thanks again for the E-Copy
Thank you
Hi Denise Wagner. Great that you found it useful. BTW, if you look under "Show More" above, you'll see links to all of my stuff including free book downloads. stillness
Hi again Gary. This is fundamental and immensely helpful. I have been caught up ( once again in a familiar trap) why this and that , why do I do that etc struggling to understand in order to ease pain. My skin expresses this dis-ease and it's easy to stay here with the constant itching.. I'm interested that you say that the body is one of our principle attatchments. I agree and at the same time I follow Reggie Ray's teachings on the body because like this medition "where am I?" I find the focus on the bodie's capacity to 'hang on" to 'stuff ' a necessary aspect of the path to this letting go. I have had moments of true 'nothingness' through exploration of the body and all of it's parts, releasing body tension, passing through these barriers, and into..what? like the breath, I don't know.. I'm very interested in whether or not you are familiar with Reggie Ray's teachings and your thoughts on this way of 'working' and I find that the more I acknowledge my body the more I am able to ignore it or leave it where it is..It's hard to find words that fit and I hope this makes some sense? Thanks Gary
+caroline gregory. i really don't have the time, or interest, to know what everybody else is teaching, so can't comment meaningfully on Reggie Ray's approach.
"my" work does use both "i am not this body" negations as well as moving into exploration of the body and finding where we hold traumas, stories, suffering, etc. Then there is welcoming, and moving into and exploring those areas, and releasing them by either saying "yes" or if you can feel and discover the "story" that is locked in there, to explore it with the Sedona Method or Byron Katie techniques and then let go of it. This is covered in the blogpost "Surrendering the 'I', letting go of suffering".
If you've read my first book, "Happiness Beyond Thought", or checked out the video on "Using Yoga Posture Flows for NonDual Awakening", you will see that i am a strong advocate for physical practices to release bodily traumas, stories and tensions. Folk who just sit and meditate will never release, or even access those areas. If you look under "show more" above, you'll see links to all of my stuff - all of it is free in some format. The blog and youTube are easily searchable. stillness
+Gary Weber Okay Gary. Thanks . There are similarities which is great, is all.
Hi amoyaan0. Great that you found it useful. Tks for feedback. stillness.
Thank you, Gary. Can you explain the end of this meditation, with the stillness and fullness?
Would you ever consider doing a guided meditation in this format on “when am I?”
Please continue to do guided meditations. They are much easier to listen to (in a deeper way) than the talks with Rich which stimulate much thinking (for me.) Love lots of silence and few words!
Hi eoharafisher. Make sure you check out the Guided Meditation playlist @ th-cam.com/play/PLuH37Fyz9VEMrD8dcreiCNKGROGlOENhL.html. Encourage you to look at the rest of my material, including blog, website, books, etc. under "Show More" in any of my youTube videos, all free in some format. you may find silence there as well. stillness
Thank you for this! :)
Hi Trevor. you're more than welcome. Great that you found it useful. If you look under "Show More" in any of my vids, you'll see links to all of my stuff, all free in some format. stillness
@@GaryWeber Thanks again Gary, I very much appreciate it, all the best! :)
I know that using the bhagavad gita to look at management practices is akin to using sandalwood for cooking breakfast (words of my instructor :-)) but to me its a start to start looking at this book full of profound wisdom...let's see where it leads me...
Hi Gary,both the links to Scribd point to your previous book "Happiness beyond thoughts". Could you please the right link to Dancing beyond thoughts.
The universe conspiring.. ;-) I was exploring some books to review as a part of a course that I have taken up in a business school.this course emphasizes how ancient Indian wisdom is very relevant to management practices.since I have been following your blog I wanted to take upthe gita and explore how recognizing and awakening to aspects beyond mechanistic management practices can have sustainable and holistic outcomes.
Hi Gary, I have been trying to get your new book but except Amazon(which does not service India) I have not been able to find your book elsewhere in India. please point me to some source in India from where I can procure a Copy.
Good night Gary,
First of all, thank you very much for your videos and your books. They are being very useful for me ( in my path) and for my patients.
If you don't mind, i would like to ask you what did you mean when you said " anything you can objectify can't be you"? can you explain it a little bit more? Thank you
excellent, simple and helpful. thanks for sharing this :)
Hi vijey. i've run the links several times, they point to the two different books. Are you clicking the "preview" for the tinyurl once you get to the tinyurl site? It takes two clicks to get to the book. If you are having trouble, just go to Scribd and put in the titles.
Where am I? is a very interesting inquiry question. This feeling of "I am" is a formless feeling of being located in the "center" of my senses - it has a feeling of location, that upon inspection, always shows up to be just an unquestioned bias the brain likes to revert back to. It's odd how the various inquiry questions can bring you back to the same place through seemingly different access points.
Hope all is well, much gratitude for your constant support and guidance,
- Beau
Hi Beau.
Great to hear from you, as always. Yes, i gravitated to "Where am I?" as one of my core questions as it was the most unequivocal one and the one that most confounded the analytical, scientific, perspective i was trained in as a scientist. This was something that "I" already knew, or thought it did, but as you point out, it was soon clear that was a misconception.
Similarly with "Who hears?", another thing that "I" was certain of, but again it was a mistaken conception. As the only sense that we can really work with in this way, as the others are too fast to get "in the middle of", it provided a different, but equally-valuable "different access point" as you point out.
IME, it takes many different access points and practices to get at all aspects of the egos/Is and their fears, stories, traumas and attachments, and they are very sneaky.
Thanks for your reply, I didn't notice it right away.
Gary I agree that Who hears? is very effective, especially vs trying things like "who is seeing" etc.
Some of my earliest memories with musical instruments were really this inquiry into sound. It's invisible, yet I know it's there - What is at play here? What is this? The question of "who" never came into my mind, but the nature of the inquiry was there.
All the best Gary,
- Beau
Hi vijey. Do you have the "preview" feature "enabled" in tinyurl? The "preview" feature is used to require two clicks so that folk aren't scammed by someone jumping into the stream and redirecting to another site, which can happen. stillness.
Hi Gary....when can I expect your second book to come out....?
Pretty helpful stuff, but I have a few comments and questions, my friend.
Intellectually, I grasp that there's just what happens of itself with no particular outsider plucked in it, pushing it along. During your meditation, I became confused, for I was assuming you were referring to the awareness in which thoughts arise in and not the ego, which is the concept that arises in awareness that we confuse as "me". How can one in meditation try and see a clear distinction between the two, so no confusion is made? Because I often feel that is my battle; I can get aspects of nondualism and not-self pretty clearly - especially in the sciences - but when it comes to acting out in the world, I consistently feel as if I am an ego looking at an external world, that I have free will and am a doer of deeds, even if the core profundity of such meditations is to show such illusions to such distinctions. It's as if I am somehow battling against the innate seen and tasted as the foreground, only to be moved into the background and the illusions supercede it and become front and center.
Perhaps someone such as yourself can help me, because I am perhaps at the intellectual limit of understanding, and it seems I am lacking an "experience" that takes the data of what we can actually prove of the world and have it as something to digest, not as simply as knowing it as the innate state, but knowing it "in my bones" as it were.
Hi +ShakinJamacian. A very useful practice can be looking for what doesn't change in the middle of apparently ceaseless change. Looking back over your life, can you get a sense that "beingness" hasn't changed, even as your body, intellect, relationships, thoughts, stories, memories, etc. have changed. During your day, see if you can feel that there is an unchanging "watching" which is untouched by the changing "foreground".
Feel yourself, as is in many of these guided meditations, as a watching/watcher on the banks of a river seeing a stream roaring by, the stream of all the changeable objects mentioned earlier, which doesn't affect you in any way. you may, from time to time, get pulled into the stream by some attractive object in it, but ultimately it passes and you find yourself naturally back in this awaring/watching, until you are drawn again back into the stream. you are that unchanging beingness.
you might find the blogpost "Feeling your way to nondual awakening" (URL under "show more" above) useful. IME, it is really critical to get this "feel" of what is changing and what isn't.
Trust this is useful.
I struggled with exactly what you are talking about for a long time. I had an intellectual grasp of the teachings of Nisargadatta, Ramana Maharshi, Advaita, etc. and was trying desperately to map these concepts onto my way of Being in the world. It finally dawned on me that I was trying to attain non-self status as a self. I wanted to be there to experience my own absence,haha!! Once this error was recognized I "was left with my spiritual pants down" - as paul hedderman so eloquently states. I never pulled them back up and haven't felt the need to constantly seek. I Am what I'm looking for and it had always been that way.
Hey, Gary.. I know it's all predetermined.. but why do some people have such successful lives while others have suffering and setback?? What's the criteria??
Hi save the oceans. It's like Einstein said: Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper."...Only the piper knows.
@@GaryWeber thank you for replying Gary!!🌹🙏
Hi save the oceans. you're more than welcome. stillness
I don't understand what you mean by the "watcher - watching the breath" my experience tells me there is no watcher. It sounds like you are insinuating subject/object dualism
Hi J LaReaux. There is a comprehensive conversation with Red Pill Philosophy that is now "pinned" for this vid on the subject. stillness
Lovely and you disappear into quantum space :)
Hi Claude. Yeah, it's like that...stillness