I read some of comments regarding the riders attitude at 3:02 after his horse crashed into the 10ft panel. I found a 2019 article from the "Eventing Nation" interview with the rider Jack Pinkney. As per the article, "He was not having a temper tantrum". The rider's "Left rein broke" and he could not steer the horse away in time. The horse Raphael, being such a brave and honest boy, tried to jump the 10ft wall. The rider was not mad at his horse, he was mad at himself, for not stopping his horse. Hope this clarifies the incident.
Best falls and refusal videos shouldn't include those that led to be euthanized. You can see Felix Vogg's horse Archie Rocks can't even walk on his left front. The other horse to fall at that fence was also clearly lame in the front. Is have to watch again to verify which front. The ground underwater clearly had an issue. Maybe stirred up rock or a divet. RIP Archie Rocks
Someone needs to be sued for the footing in that water. Archie Rocks had a nice controlled canter, yet inexplicably tripped really badly and suffered the ultimate consequence for it. Nope.
Shame on the horses?I don’t think so.this is NOT the horses fault for not checking the water.like how stupid are you to think that horses and just check water.
@@crowgordon9403 jack is a respectable rider he explained in a post by the company that hosted the show he simply got frustrated as his left reign broke right at the end do your research before you speak
After watching hundreds of water jumps, if the water is deep, they don,t maintain the ground in the water, and the horse,s hooves make deep mud holes because the ground isn,t packed properly or prepared properly. You can see several horses before Archy Rocks stumbling in the same place. Poor guy. R.I.P. So tragic.
When the description says all the horses were fine, yet one was euthanized and another had stitches... Your definition of, “fine” is way off compared to other people’s...
Sigrid Nightwalker But yet my original comment was referring specifically to the horse who was euthanized and the other horse who had stitches. If you use the word, “fine” in the way that the uploader used it, you are basically telling people that no horses were injured throughout the video - which isn’t true. If the uploader was using it in the way you’re thinking or hoping it was used - they aren’t implying that at all and they should’ve been more specific. They also could’ve not used the two clips in the video either
Please remove the portion of your video with Felix Vogg and Archie Rocks.. I think it’s disrespectful to have a horses final fall in a clip that’s meant to be funny and light hearted. That fall shows Archie Rocks destroying his shoulder which led to him being put down by event Vets. I like your video, but please respect the great horse Archie Rocks was and take his clip out.. thanks
Melissa Ann Pate They definitely need to take this down. That is so disrespectful to keep that up their and put in the description all the horses are fine and the riders are ok. Archie Rocks did not survive. I totally agree with you
You might find it disrespectful but it’s the reality of eventing. In an instant your horse is forever changed. No, I’m not a fan of this type of discipline. I love my horses more than this.
There must have been a hole in that water with the arrowhead brush and I noticed Tim and felix' horses both stumble before the jump and some of the others as well
rex88moser I agree, Felix’s Horse Archie Rocks destroyed his shoulder and had to be put down after that fall.. it’s hard to imagine such a catastrophic injury from just a slip in a water feature
yes, a number of horses appeared to stumble prior to that fence ....ground prep not up to par...I'd be utterly furious with organisers if that was my horse and looking at my legal options. Tragic
Let me be clear in an event fan. I love the horses and the sport. These videos have education value but should not billed as entertainment where something should be enjoyed.
Water had to be super slippery and not even that deep . Looked like they were sliding on pool liners. Most horses had major trouble just staying upright.Lots of good horses and riders wiped out on that skinny and tragic ending for one. For such a well designed course this oversight had huge consequences.
Honestly people need to stop expecting their horses to do all of these crazy courses. If you mess up you mess up. You don’t need to throw a temper tantrum or beat your horse just because you weren’t supporting it. Give your horse a little grace now and then and even if you guys mess up tell them hey, it’s ok you tried your heart out and that’s all that matters. It’s not the horses fault you have weak little legs or never give it the recognition it deserves.
@@joanrichter8993 Wenn du meinen Kommentar gelesen hast habe ich auf keine besondere Aktion geantwortet - ich bin grundsätzlich froh wenn beide heil durchs Ziel kommen oder Stürze glimpflich ausgehen.... Dass das oft genug nicht der Fall ist, ist mir selbst klar....
please delete both video of felix vogg and archie rocks that is so disrespectful as the horse had to unfortunately be urbanized after the fall. at lest i wouldn’t want to see a video of how my horse passed away and i don’t think felix does either. before anybody involved in archie sees this video i would highly recommend deleted it. thanks have a nice day:)
@@OfficialMuffiin not entirely his fault he wasn't the first to stumble at that water the Stewart's should have checked it to see if there was a hole maybe where they couldn't see, not ment to offend,
carniato nathalie Oui mais juste détestable l’attitude du cavalier qui ne semble pas plus préoccupé par l’état de santé de son cheval. Il semble plus contrarié qu’autre chose
@@Hypancistrusspecies Il était contrarié car très enrevé contre lui-meme : il a cassé sa rene plus tôt sur le parcours eta décidé de continuer (malgré tout le danger et la folie que cela implique). C'est pourquoi il n'a pas pu diriger son cheval qui, avec un courage incroyable, a essayé de sauter cette palissade !
Hypancistrusspecies je connais ce cavalier, il jouait sa calcification pour badminton donc oui il n’a pas un comportement très respectueux envers son cheval mais il est partie au trot juste après, tu veux quand même pas qu’il lui cours après lol 😂
Some of these aren’t surprising. Sometimes they are so busy hitting the horse as hard as they can before a jump that they forget to actually ride. I’m a equestrian myself and understand the horse had to hold a tempo but they make themselves so heavy on the horse’s back while doing that so the horse has a hard time jumping.
Je trouves que les obstacles sont trop compliqué et trop rapproché, on voit bien que les chevaux savent ce qu'ils peuvent faire et ne pas faire. Et quand je vois le cheval a 7:30 ça me confirme que les chevaux ne sont pas non plus des machines et qu'il ne faut pas penser qu'au résultat... Mais ça malheureusement ça mettra longtemps a changer....
@@BuzzEquestrian This horse broke his shoulder and was euthanized. It's standard practice to not include any video clips where the horse or rider was seriously hurt. It doesn't look that bad, really. But it was a fatal accident.
Melissa White The other horse, Eilidh Costelloe’s Buddy (Westmur Quality), needed vet attention and a few stitches after the fall at the water, but will be fine
I didn't like to view the British rider, Jack Pinkney and his horse Raphael, when the poor horse mistakenly tries to jump the collecting ring fence. Instead of showing concern for his horse, he throws a tantrum for being eliminated ! Not nice Sir.
Yeah and they all look so tired... imagine jumping these huge obstacles over and over and over again, some are on steep hills and others are in water and on top of that you have a 100+ pound person on your back. That’s why when accidents happen, I’m more concerned about the horse. Most of the time, the rider chooses to be there, while the horse doesn’t get such a privilege as to choose whether they want to be there or not. And knowing just how often leg injuries can lead to euthanasia in horses...is it even worth it to risk an innocent animal’s life like that?
@@lumini3172 biggest problem is that the obstacles are solid, witch don't allow the horse to make any mistakes, all it takes is one jump that the horse doesn't clear perfectly and we have a dangerous situation
Matilda That is true. Whoever came up with cross country hated horses. And who came up with some of those jumps? Jumping over a wall into water? Going down a steep hill and then immediately needing to jump over something going up? I’ve seen some terrifying jumps in cross country.
@@lumini3172 cross country used to be a way to train and test military horses back in the day. Why people would put their horses at such risk today just for fun is beyond me
@@manonvanmolle5629 Je sais pas si on peut dire que c'était de la faute du cavalier, on voit bien qu'il est déstabilisé et qu'il ne contrôle plus rien dans les dernières foulées avec le choc. Aucun cavalier n'a envie de jeter son cheval (et lui-meme) dans un mur non ? Alors pourquoi l'aurait-il fait ?
@@lenastemetz6604 pas vraiment il était en train de récupérer sa rêne au lieu de regarder devant lui, en faisant ça il a tiré sur l'autre rêne sans même penser à surveiller la réaction de son cheval, il se serait tenu à sa place, le cheval aurait continué tout droit. D'ailleurs sa réaction n'était pas normale du tout, péter son câble au lieu de se soucier de son cheval qui a tout fait pour essayer de satisfaire son cavalier c'est pas acceptable
@@sylviedroogh6964 Je pense que personne ne s'attend à ce que son cheval rentre dans un mur, je me répète peut-être mais quel genre de personnes veut envoyer volontairement son cheval la dedans ? Et sa réaction me semble "normal" bien que pas prioritaire, ce sont des cavaliers professionnels si je ne dis pas de bêtises, se faire éliminer pour une faute de trajectoire ça doit faire mal, encore plus quand son cheval c'est risqué en s'empaler sur un mur
@@lenastemetz6604 d'ailleurs je corrige juste ce que j'ai dit avant. Sa rêne a cassé juste après son départ, il l'a dpnc pour cette raison perdue. Il regrette quand même d'avoir continué son parcours malgré ça (surtout que le cheval s'est cassé le chanfrein il me semble)
3:28 ...... what was that horse thinking? Edit: of course it wasn't the horse's fault it was the man riding him, i really dont know how he could drive the horse into that wall 😖
He was thinking “oh god I better try or this insane Brit will kill me.” What the rider was thinking I’m not sure. Not in my 17 years of jumping have I thought to myself “hey, let’s attempt a four meter walll” would record is smaller than that wall. That rider is an abuser.
Disgusted at Jack Pinkneys riding. Yes his reins broke 'allegedly ' but as a so called professional rider he should have pulled up once he hadn't 100% control after the water complex. I am a great supporter of this sport but to see that horse running blind and crashing into that large obstacle (not a fence) was painful to watch. Not only that, he had the nerve to throw a tantrum. I am also annoyed at the on the ground technical delegates not stopping this guy. His riding was a disgrace and one that should not be repeated for the goodness of the sport.
He didn’t “throw a tantrum”. He wasn’t as at himself for not being able to stop his beloved horse from crashing into the wall. Instead of hating on the poor dude who couldn’t do much in this situation. Instead of being an asshole, appreciate the fact the horse and rider were uninjured for the most part. Let’s also keep in mind that his horse TRUSTED him enough to attempt that jump without even questioning it. That’s a bond of trust if I ever saw one.
The rider( Jack something) who’s horse still attempted to jump the impossible, needs to care a damn site more for his horse than his ego. Poor horse could have lost his life.
he had interviews regarding the accident and he said that his rein snapped earlier. He had control until he lost it at a jump and he tried picking it up, but he couldn't. They just misunderstood each other at an very unfortunate time
It was horrible when the horse went into the wall! The rider can't just have a tantrum when firstly his horse is probably injured and secondly, if you look closely, he is mainly the reason why that happened. If he was being careful and concentrated, the horse wouldn't of slipped and then lost control! I hope they are okay though!?!?! 🐴❤
Harriet Johnson The horse and rider are fine. Jack’s rein snapped right before the incident and the horse took advantage of it, running both of them into the wall. Jack was upset with himself over the situation and has issued numerous apologies. You need to know the facts before talking.
@@meganproffitt424 "took advantage of it"? Are you saying that the horse chose to run into that fence? Are you saying it's the horse's fault? Oh and "The horse is fine" --> he broke his nasal bone; no he's not fine... So YOU need to know the fact before being condescending towards someone.
Sandra Anger You must be new to horses! Horses have a brain the size of a golf ball, for this reason they don’t always make the best decisions. For instance, a horse I used to work with ran through a fence. See? They aren’t always the smartest animals. A broken nose is not a tragic injury, it’s an injury, but it’s not life threatening or life changing in anyway. So yes, the horse has a broken nose, he is still fine and he’ll live.
@@meganproffitt424 No I'm not new to horses, I'm just considering them... And no matter the size of their brain (which is way bigger than a golf ball btw), they're not going to run in fences with no reason. It's either from fear, massive anxiety (that lots of those contest horses suffer), or behaviour issues (often due to mistreatment)... So no, this horse did NOT make the choice to crush in the fence by himself, for fun.
@@soleildhiver This comment shows how much you know about horses, it really does. Horses run into things all the time, it can be for anxiety, fear, etc. Often times, it is, "for fun". I can see your horse experience is limited, which is fine. I know not everyone has actual equine experience, but then don't be an Internet trainer. This is an event horse at the top level. I actually spoke with someone who is associated with the horse and she told me, the horse got locked onto the wall thinking it was a jump and went for it, so yes. I do consider that something the horse did, "for fun". I also did some research on the horse's supposed "broken nose" and the horse walked away perfectly fine. He had a scratch on his nose, big deal.
the guy who jumps his horse into a wall and then throws a tantrum. I hope this Horse is ok and this Guy is crazy and need to be Disqualifiziert.I would never abuse my horse's trust for such a dangerous pakur.This is Horse abuse no Sport at 7:28 broken Leg insane to risk , they dont care incomprehensible
Jack is a respectable rider and it was explained by the company who hosted the show in an article he simply got frustrated because his left regin broke right at the end do your research before you speak
I think this kind of jumping of horses should be banned!It is very risky to riders and horses but the horses are forced to do it.Just about all these horse end up with injuries.
I read some of comments regarding the riders attitude at 3:02 after his horse crashed into the 10ft panel.
I found a 2019 article from the "Eventing Nation" interview with the rider Jack Pinkney. As per the article, "He was not having a temper tantrum".
The rider's "Left rein broke" and he could not steer the horse away in time. The horse Raphael, being such a brave and honest boy, tried to jump the 10ft wall.
The rider was not mad at his horse, he was mad at himself, for not stopping his horse.
Hope this clarifies the incident.
Was the horse ok?
@@WarriorBeans Yes, it stated he was ok with no injuries.
@@bossmare1480 ok thank goodness
He was very clearly having a temper tantrum. Threw his whip and body protector around like a child rather than check on the welfare of his horse.
This helps a lot, I was not upset just confused and this helped a lot with clarification of this moment
Anyone else kind of impressed with the horse who tried jumping the wall? He barely questioned it lmao s
He's such a brave boiii❤
Best falls and refusal videos shouldn't include those that led to be euthanized. You can see Felix Vogg's horse Archie Rocks can't even walk on his left front.
The other horse to fall at that fence was also clearly lame in the front. Is have to watch again to verify which front. The ground underwater clearly had an issue. Maybe stirred up rock or a divet.
RIP Archie Rocks
Someone needs to be sued for the footing in that water. Archie Rocks had a nice controlled canter, yet inexplicably tripped really badly and suffered the ultimate consequence for it. Nope.
I like how in the first *fail* he just got up and didn’t care about him self. He went to see how his horse is doing
Several horses tripped in the water before the horse that euthanized and they didn’t think to check it out? Shame on them.
Shame on the horses?I don’t think so.this is NOT the horses fault for not checking the water.like how stupid are you to think that horses and just check water.
That poor horse at 3:36😢 he tried so hard he even tried to jump the fence/wall. I hope he got an extra tub of grain that night.
Bet he got a beating instead! Did you see that rider.
@@crowgordon9403 jack is a respectable rider he explained in a post by the company that hosted the show he simply got frustrated as his left reign broke right at the end do your research before you speak
Ah okay thank you! I didn’t see the reign break I know straight up that’s frustrating.
No, actually he was euthanized
Bad Apple different horse
After watching hundreds of water jumps, if the water is deep, they don,t maintain the ground in the water, and the horse,s hooves make deep mud holes because the ground isn,t packed properly or prepared properly. You can see several horses before Archy Rocks stumbling in the same place. Poor guy. R.I.P. So tragic.
When the description says all the horses were fine, yet one was euthanized and another had stitches...
Your definition of, “fine” is way off compared to other people’s...
I'm hoping "fine" means they have recovered now and are back to normal, or at least very close to normal.
Sigrid Nightwalker
But again, a horse was euthanized, but sure, if that’s, “fine” to you.
@@meganproffitt424 I meant other than that.
Sigrid Nightwalker
But yet my original comment was referring specifically to the horse who was euthanized and the other horse who had stitches. If you use the word, “fine” in the way that the uploader used it, you are basically telling people that no horses were injured throughout the video - which isn’t true. If the uploader was using it in the way you’re thinking or hoping it was used - they aren’t implying that at all and they should’ve been more specific. They also could’ve not used the two clips in the video either
@@meganproffitt424 I agree, but I meant otherwise.
Something had to have been wrong with the footing before the water jump. So many tripped in the same spot.
7:28 rip champion ❤
TSC'K RIDING Euh pourquoi RIP il est pas mort
@@vanessazebraburn2948 si il a ete euthanasié. Fracture trop importante de l'épaule
@@vanessazebraburn2948 he broke his shoulder and was pts
Please remove the portion of your video with Felix Vogg and Archie Rocks.. I think it’s disrespectful to have a horses final fall in a clip that’s meant to be funny and light hearted. That fall shows Archie Rocks destroying his shoulder which led to him being put down by event Vets. I like your video, but please respect the great horse Archie Rocks was and take his clip out.. thanks
Melissa, I totally agree it is disrespectful of horse and rider to replay that awful moment. Water footing was a disgrace!
Melissa Ann Pate They definitely need to take this down. That is so disrespectful to keep that up their and put in the description all the horses are fine and the riders are ok. Archie Rocks did not survive. I totally agree with you
You might find it disrespectful but it’s the reality of eventing. In an instant your horse is forever changed. No, I’m not a fan of this type of discipline. I love my horses more than this.
Respect the horse mean not do this and hurt all horses with this ridiculous sport . How you can enjoy watching a horse destroy
There must have been a hole in that water with the arrowhead brush and I noticed Tim and felix' horses both stumble before the jump and some of the others as well
rex88moser I agree, Felix’s Horse Archie Rocks destroyed his shoulder and had to be put down after that fall.. it’s hard to imagine such a catastrophic injury from just a slip in a water feature
yes, a number of horses appeared to stumble prior to that fence ....ground prep not up to par...I'd be utterly furious with organisers if that was my horse and looking at my legal options. Tragic
Let me be clear in an event fan. I love the horses and the sport. These videos have education value but should not billed as entertainment where something should be enjoyed.
Janet Carbone Agree100% already posted my comment also.
Just watching this in 2022, and the falls are horrendous. And poor Archie Rocks broke a leg. So sad 🐴😥😥😥😥
Water had to be super slippery and not even that deep . Looked like they were sliding on pool liners. Most horses had major trouble just staying upright.Lots of good horses and riders wiped out on that skinny and tragic ending for one. For such a well designed course this oversight had huge consequences.
Honestly people need to stop expecting their horses to do all of these crazy courses. If you mess up you mess up. You don’t need to throw a temper tantrum or beat your horse just because you weren’t supporting it. Give your horse a little grace now and then and even if you guys mess up tell them hey, it’s ok you tried your heart out and that’s all that matters. It’s not the horses fault you have weak little legs or never give it the recognition it deserves.
I hate it when they say best fails and falls like it’s not good
Remove this part with Felix Vogg... please.
The horse had to be put down after the fall
Time Price at 3:50 has the best reaction.
Ich bin immer wieder froh wenn beide aufstehen! LUSTIG finde ich dran nix....
Das Pferd archie Rocks hat sich die Schulter gebrochen, als es im Wasser gestürzt ist. Das was am Ende auf 3 Beinen geht.
@@joanrichter8993 Wenn du meinen Kommentar gelesen hast habe ich auf keine besondere Aktion geantwortet - ich bin grundsätzlich froh wenn beide heil durchs Ziel kommen oder Stürze glimpflich ausgehen.... Dass das oft genug nicht der Fall ist, ist mir selbst klar....
3:38 where the horse hit the freaking wall is INSANE. LIKE CANT PEOPLE NOT DO THAT TO THEIR FRIEAKING HORSES!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I love watching these people fall off their horses. No wonder the horses have refusals. What an inhumane sport. So brutal and abusive to the horses.
please delete both video of felix vogg and archie rocks that is so disrespectful as the horse had to unfortunately be urbanized after the fall. at lest i wouldn’t want to see a video of how my horse passed away and i don’t think felix does either. before anybody involved in archie sees this video i would highly recommend deleted it. thanks have a nice day:)
It's his fault his horse is dead, fuck him.
@@OfficialMuffiin not entirely his fault he wasn't the first to stumble at that water the Stewart's should have checked it to see if there was a hole maybe where they couldn't see, not ment to offend,
Urbanized 😂
C est incroyable de voir ce cheval se jeter sur la palissade... énorme mur en fait....ohhhhla
carniato nathalie
Oui mais juste détestable l’attitude du cavalier qui ne semble pas plus préoccupé par l’état de santé de son cheval. Il semble plus contrarié qu’autre chose
@@Hypancistrusspecies Il était contrarié car très enrevé contre lui-meme : il a cassé sa rene plus tôt sur le parcours eta décidé de continuer (malgré tout le danger et la folie que cela implique). C'est pourquoi il n'a pas pu diriger son cheval qui, avec un courage incroyable, a essayé de sauter cette palissade !
Hypancistrusspecies je connais ce cavalier, il jouait sa calcification pour badminton donc oui il n’a pas un comportement très respectueux envers son cheval mais il est partie au trot juste après, tu veux quand même pas qu’il lui cours après lol 😂
Some of these aren’t surprising. Sometimes they are so busy hitting the horse as hard as they can before a jump that they forget to actually ride. I’m a equestrian myself and understand the horse had to hold a tempo but they make themselves so heavy on the horse’s back while doing that so the horse has a hard time jumping.
Je trouves que les obstacles sont trop compliqué et trop rapproché, on voit bien que les chevaux savent ce qu'ils peuvent faire et ne pas faire. Et quand je vois le cheval a 7:30 ça me confirme que les chevaux ne sont pas non plus des machines et qu'il ne faut pas penser qu'au résultat... Mais ça malheureusement ça mettra longtemps a changer....
Please remove the segment at 7:20ish where Archie Rocks falls in the water complex.
Why should they? What’s wrong with it?
@@BuzzEquestrian This horse broke his shoulder and was euthanized. It's standard practice to not include any video clips where the horse or rider was seriously hurt. It doesn't look that bad, really. But it was a fatal accident.
i dont blame these horses for not jumping those jumps
Le mec qui se met en colère après que son cheval se soit pleine face la structure au lieu de s'inquiéter pour son cheval! 😤
One of the horse died due to there injuries from falling you should delete this video.
Does anyone know if Felix's horse is OK? That looked bad.
Also the one at 5:41? I'm not sure who that is
They probably are. Most horses recover fine x
Yeah, looked very bad.... and Felix VOGG was really preoccupied in the car when they've went to the vet... fingers crossed...
Melissa White sadly Archie Rocks fractured his shoulder in the fall and had to be euthanised
Melissa White The other horse, Eilidh Costelloe’s Buddy (Westmur Quality), needed vet attention and a few stitches after the fall at the water, but will be fine
Ok, so like what the hell happened with Pinkney and Raphael?
The animal's dont get a say in how much abuse they can handle!
Don't think this should be titled best falls as falling off is not a competition !!!!
“Best”? No fall or refuel is good :/
I didn't like to view the British rider, Jack Pinkney and his horse Raphael, when the poor horse mistakenly tries to jump the collecting ring fence. Instead of showing concern for his horse, he throws a tantrum for being eliminated ! Not nice Sir.
I know XC jumps are meant to. be big and impressive but damn..
Die armen Pferde 😥!
So eine Tierquälerei!
Wer soll das schön finden?
Crosscountry is so unfair to the horses :(
Yeah and they all look so tired...
imagine jumping these huge obstacles over and over and over again, some are on steep hills and others are in water and on top of that you have a 100+ pound person on your back.
That’s why when accidents happen, I’m more concerned about the horse. Most of the time, the rider chooses to be there, while the horse doesn’t get such a privilege as to choose whether they want to be there or not. And knowing just how often leg injuries can lead to euthanasia in horses...is it even worth it to risk an innocent animal’s life like that?
@@lumini3172 biggest problem is that the obstacles are solid, witch don't allow the horse to make any mistakes, all it takes is one jump that the horse doesn't clear perfectly and we have a dangerous situation
That is true.
Whoever came up with cross country hated horses.
And who came up with some of those jumps?
Jumping over a wall into water? Going down a steep hill and then immediately needing to jump over something going up? I’ve seen some terrifying jumps in cross country.
@@lumini3172 cross country used to be a way to train and test military horses back in the day. Why people would put their horses at such risk today just for fun is beyond me
3:32 wtf
Anna Gibbons n'empêche le cheval pensait que c'était un obstacle et il a essayé de le sauté. C'est de la faute du cavalier sur ce coup la...
@@manonvanmolle5629 Je sais pas si on peut dire que c'était de la faute du cavalier, on voit bien qu'il est déstabilisé et qu'il ne contrôle plus rien dans les dernières foulées avec le choc. Aucun cavalier n'a envie de jeter son cheval (et lui-meme) dans un mur non ? Alors pourquoi l'aurait-il fait ?
@@lenastemetz6604 pas vraiment il était en train de récupérer sa rêne au lieu de regarder devant lui, en faisant ça il a tiré sur l'autre rêne sans même penser à surveiller la réaction de son cheval, il se serait tenu à sa place, le cheval aurait continué tout droit.
D'ailleurs sa réaction n'était pas normale du tout, péter son câble au lieu de se soucier de son cheval qui a tout fait pour essayer de satisfaire son cavalier c'est pas acceptable
@@sylviedroogh6964 Je pense que personne ne s'attend à ce que son cheval rentre dans un mur, je me répète peut-être mais quel genre de personnes veut envoyer volontairement son cheval la dedans ? Et sa réaction me semble "normal" bien que pas prioritaire, ce sont des cavaliers professionnels si je ne dis pas de bêtises, se faire éliminer pour une faute de trajectoire ça doit faire mal, encore plus quand son cheval c'est risqué en s'empaler sur un mur
@@lenastemetz6604 d'ailleurs je corrige juste ce que j'ai dit avant. Sa rêne a cassé juste après son départ, il l'a dpnc pour cette raison perdue. Il regrette quand même d'avoir continué son parcours malgré ça (surtout que le cheval s'est cassé le chanfrein il me semble)
no they were not...edit your video
3:28 ...... what was that horse thinking?
Edit: of course it wasn't the horse's fault it was the man riding him, i really dont know how he could drive the horse into that wall 😖
his rein snapped long before that happened, it was in the water and he tried picking it up when they misunderstood each other and rode into the wall.
He was thinking “oh god I better try or this insane Brit will kill me.” What the rider was thinking I’m not sure. Not in my 17 years of jumping have I thought to myself “hey, let’s attempt a four meter walll” would record is smaller than that wall. That rider is an abuser.
People stop hating
He doesn’t even go to check on the horse
Which one?
Disgusted at Jack Pinkneys riding. Yes his reins broke 'allegedly ' but as a so called professional rider he should have pulled up once he hadn't 100% control after the water complex. I am a great supporter of this sport but to see that horse running blind and crashing into that large obstacle (not a fence) was painful to watch. Not only that, he had the nerve to throw a tantrum. I am also annoyed at the on the ground technical delegates not stopping this guy. His riding was a disgrace and one that should not be repeated for the goodness of the sport.
He didn’t “throw a tantrum”. He wasn’t as at himself for not being able to stop his beloved horse from crashing into the wall. Instead of hating on the poor dude who couldn’t do much in this situation. Instead of being an asshole, appreciate the fact the horse and rider were uninjured for the most part. Let’s also keep in mind that his horse TRUSTED him enough to attempt that jump without even questioning it. That’s a bond of trust if I ever saw one.
This makes me hate people. Poor horses.
This is disgusting, disrespectful. Horses Getting Hurt And Also People Falling And Getting Hurt Is NOT Funny
The rider( Jack something) who’s horse still attempted to jump the impossible, needs to care a damn site more for his horse than his ego. Poor horse could have lost his life.
His left rein broke so they were mostly out of control, although he admitted to the news he shouldve noped out as soon as it broke
This is barbaric. Reporting.
thumbnail 3:35
Jack needs to choose a new career you don’t grow a tantrum when you lead your horse into a wall!
he had interviews regarding the accident and he said that his rein snapped earlier. He had control until he lost it at a jump and he tried picking it up, but he couldn't. They just misunderstood each other at an very unfortunate time
he was frustrated with himself, not the horse
It was horrible when the horse went into the wall! The rider can't just have a tantrum when firstly his horse is probably injured and secondly, if you look closely, he is mainly the reason why that happened. If he was being careful and concentrated, the horse wouldn't of slipped and then lost control! I hope they are okay though!?!?! 🐴❤
Harriet Johnson
The horse and rider are fine. Jack’s rein snapped right before the incident and the horse took advantage of it, running both of them into the wall. Jack was upset with himself over the situation and has issued numerous apologies. You need to know the facts before talking.
@@meganproffitt424 "took advantage of it"? Are you saying that the horse chose to run into that fence? Are you saying it's the horse's fault?
Oh and "The horse is fine" --> he broke his nasal bone; no he's not fine...
So YOU need to know the fact before being condescending towards someone.
Sandra Anger
You must be new to horses! Horses have a brain the size of a golf ball, for this reason they don’t always make the best decisions. For instance, a horse I used to work with ran through a fence. See? They aren’t always the smartest animals.
A broken nose is not a tragic injury, it’s an injury, but it’s not life threatening or life changing in anyway. So yes, the horse has a broken nose, he is still fine and he’ll live.
No I'm not new to horses, I'm just considering them...
And no matter the size of their brain (which is way bigger than a golf ball btw), they're not going to run in fences with no reason. It's either from fear, massive anxiety (that lots of those contest horses suffer), or behaviour issues (often due to mistreatment)...
So no, this horse did NOT make the choice to crush in the fence by himself, for fun.
This comment shows how much you know about horses, it really does. Horses run into things all the time, it can be for anxiety, fear, etc. Often times, it is, "for fun". I can see your horse experience is limited, which is fine. I know not everyone has actual equine experience, but then don't be an Internet trainer.
This is an event horse at the top level. I actually spoke with someone who is associated with the horse and she told me, the horse got locked onto the wall thinking it was a jump and went for it, so yes. I do consider that something the horse did, "for fun".
I also did some research on the horse's supposed "broken nose" and the horse walked away perfectly fine. He had a scratch on his nose, big deal.
the guy who jumps his horse into a wall and then throws a tantrum. I hope this Horse is ok and this Guy is crazy and need to be Disqualifiziert.I would never abuse my horse's trust for such a dangerous pakur.This is Horse abuse no Sport at 7:28 broken Leg insane to risk , they dont care incomprehensible
Jack is a respectable rider and it was explained by the company who hosted the show in an article he simply got frustrated because his left regin broke right at the end do your research before you speak
I think this kind of jumping of horses should be banned!It is very risky to riders and horses but the horses are forced to do it.Just about all these horse end up with injuries.