I had an experience in the late 70's when I was a teenager. The first thing I remember was a voice in my head saying "get comfortable "; I did not awaken but I immediately turned onto my back and adjusted my head on my pillow. The next thing I felt a sensation starting at my feet and went over my body; I felt as if it was scanning me. Anyone else have a similar experience?
he says a lot - people talking in his head and it's the future human race and they contact him because he is much more special than you are and he cries and his wife asks him if it's happy tears
Good for you to go public with this,i got a download and was told i will remember when i need it,so far it seems it’s not needed yet,but i have a feeling it’s coming 😂!.
My family were visited by the Tall Nordic Angelic Whites 1983 Christmas Eve Firetrail Road Marysville, Wa 3 Part Visitation and it is the greatest experience of my life.
@@joshcummings9750 I believe there are places that are geomagnetically attractive to UFO pilots. Lived in one 1991-2003 in a part of Canada that has 80% of the World's minerals (types of), and understand that Mt.Shasta is also such a region.
@@patriciareilly8841 You're Absolutely 1000% Correct. A friend (in our teens in the late 80's) came to our house at around 2-3am her parents were out of town. I was awake, answered the door & my dad came the living room. She collapsed in my arms crying uncontrollably. My dad woke my mom, went to get her a box of tissue & something to drink. When she calmed down, she said she Saw something in the sky that she couldn't explain. we comforted her cuz We are a Military family w/A lot of pilots. We grew up together & knew she wasn't a Lying.
It's a taught/learned technique, especially popular with executives, leaders, and public speakers (predating DEI communication techniques) but, yes, it can be annoying to the point of coming off as contrived.
No. Dr. Masters has explained in great detail what occurred with him. Either watch the entire interview or find the clip. He's shared this in other interviews as well.
I dont believe that the future has already happened so I'm glad that he didn't try to change my mind.Im not sure if he is truthful but I'm open and willing to give him a chance and withhold my judgement.
Regardless, it may just be mindf****ry from something we still do not understand masquerading as "humans from the future"....in the same way we tell small kids Santa is real.
Great point. I think many people are so eager to believe this or that theory that they make themselves a bit *too* vulnerable and open. I think it would be prudent to have a healthy skepticism about the whole thing.
@@TimeWaster_Eliteexactly, people are so awestruck by the entities or the experience that they just take everything they say at face value, and maybe they should be a little bit more discerning
People believe what they want to believe....An Open mind is essential ...even if you experience something ...recount the story....but....still keep an Open Mind.....We are beings that can think ....use that ability ...in a rationale way.....and ...wonder....what if.....
I think they meant that we will be like them in future with larger heads and spaceships. I got believe that's what was meant. I think you go forward in time but I can't understand backwards, but I have no idea how. It just seems impossible to go backwards on anything. 1 change could cause huge crash in timeline.
Going back in time would require rewinding every atom in the universe in concert. The Langoliers comes to mind. I dont believe the past exists anymore. I believe in object permanence, so I believe the molecules have moved and thus, that arrangement no longer exists, the past does NOT exist, its only remembered.
Oh! So this is just a teaser for your paid service. I'm paying TH-cam for premium just to get rid of commercials only to have commercials put inside of the videos. unsubed, bu-bye.
People will stare at you blankly when they are reading your face. Looking for a sign that you are nuts. Because it’s hard for someone to believe what happened
😢 Beware of the whole group of Gog of Magog, refer to Ezekiel 38 and 39 😮 they have been judged as wicked and cast down to the vicinity of the earth awaiting their execution no later than at Armageddon if not sooner via an accident. Complete deception is what they present.
"Homo Posterus" (future humans) does not necessarily mean humans who have travelled into the past from the future. Another interpretation could be human beings that embody (in advance) characteristics "Homo Nunc" will evolve into...
We were never told what was said in his traumatic telepathic thing, they just talked about it, but never what was said?! Did I miss it, it's early in the morning I'm confused.
I don't understand why they need to be "future humans". If they can read or be aware of his thoughts to quit then that can be reacted to live, no need to see him quit in the future and come back to counter it.
The aliens realize these “Christ udderers” are completely brainwashed and nothing can be done with them, so they leave to find a rightly open-minded person. Kind of like when Jehovah Witnesses or Mormons knock on a door, and the person isn’t receptive to their Christian BS.
He’s the current-day human that apparently “channeled” the “future human” entity’s messages to Michael Masters when Michael was at a conference as a guest speaker. Hope that makes a little sense.
It's been a few days now and still nothing no information and nothing about a few things, also there was mention of nothing valuable. Great waste of time with a lot of name droppings. Terrible. I think it's the way this Grey haird allien communicates. Genius
Don't get me wrong, I believe and have seen many "woowoo" and weird supernatural stuff... But this dude is a liar and a good enough one to make people listen. I don't even know why I am. I guess because I want to be entertained, but honestly lying doesn't entertain me, it pisses me off
I don't think it''s 'magical', I think it's 'spiritual'. God is The Creator. We are made in His image. He likes to remind us that we are creative, and therefore, bestows His energy on us, so we can be creative as He is creative. It's His gift to us, to keep us aware, and to make us seek after Him. He provides us His creative energy and we express our hearts, empowered by His energy. Sometimes, He will provide 'Happy' energy so we will write 'Happy' songs. When you have Love in your heart, you will write about that. When you have darkness and negativity in your heart, you will write about that. His energy will empower that which exists inside your heart. This writing process can be a healing process, exposing the troubles and the challenges in your heart. In song form, a mirror of who you were at the time you wrote it.
This God BS is from a book. A book of stories. One or more “humans” wrote that book. Just because some men wrote this book doesn’t make the stories in the book real. There is NO demonstrable evidence that supports 99% written in that book. The only thing possibly true is a few place names (many of those are suspect too) and maybe one name of a person referenced in other writings from about the same time period. Your confidence in the statements you wrote is totally unwarranted.
@@dovmerrill804 The Bible says a thing and then that hing is discovered to exist. There are so many Biblical statements that have been discovered as real, true, things and events, that only a fool would say 'Their is no God'. Have men, in attempts to mismanage these writings introduced error, mistakes, and alterations? Yes. The evidence for scriptural changes is also real. Examples include, Samaritan's altered their Pentatuch, but they were from Mesopotamia, Sidon, and didn't have a preservation mentality. They were foreign god worshipers who had to observe Torah so they wouldn't die from animal attacks. The First century Talmoodists, calling themselves 'The Interpreters', or Perushim, made themselves the authority on interpretation of Torah. Perushim is tranliterated as Pharisee today because of how Greek works. These 'Pharisee's' agreed with the Samaritan Pentatuch alterations and made alterations of their own. As one example, in Genesis 11, the Pharisees removed a total of 1300 years from the lives of the patriarchs in order to have the text conform to their Talmoodic view. Pharisees are today The Mesoretes, their altered Bible is called the Mesoretic Text. The Greeks/Romans, circa 400 CE, through Augustine, produced a 'Septuagint' Which altered previous texts and introduced texts that were not originally part of Jeromes collection of books. The original Bible of 400 CE, composed by Jerome, did not contain the works of Paul. The works of Paul were added by Augustine. Their letters discourse, arguing about what should be included, is evidence of the Bibles composition in 400 CE. Jeromes Bible, as he composed it, no longer exists, Augustine, outliving Jerome, succeeded in altering Jeromes work to agree with his work. A Tale of the Two Vulgates., Then, their is the rise of the Catholics, who have further contributed misinformation. There is Both evidence from the text to prove some of it's information is historically correct, and there is also information that proves alterations in the texts of the Bible have taken place. Without studying the Bible and it's composition history you wouldn't know that. You would be someone making uninformed baseless statements.
@@dovmerrill804 "There is NO demonstrable evidence that supports 99% written in that book." Red Sea Crossing, where Moses crossed, was memorialized by Solomon. Two Pillars, one on the 'Egyptian' Side and one on the Saudi Side. You can visit the pillars today. In the water, 90' deep, are 18 Dynasty Chariot parts strewn across the sea floor. This is the shallowest part of the Red Sea, BTW, the only crossable area if the water was plowed out of the way.
@ Thanks for your reply. I spent several hours doing some Google searches on your Red Sea Crossing comments. Your information concerns work done by Ron Wyatt in 1978. He was not a mainstream archeologist, but a nurse-anethesiologist from Wisconsin who did some private scuba diving searches looking for evidence of the Red Sea Crossing story. He claims to have found evidence, as you’ve mentioned, of chariot wheels and bones at the Nuweiba Beach, Egypt, water area of Gulf of Aqaba. The photo of what looks to be a vertical-oriented chariot wheels and axle encrusted by coral may be chariot wheels, or may just be a coral formation that looks like a chariot axle with wheels. We don’t know since Not Wyatt or anybody else has pulled it to the surface for legitimate academic study. Also, in about 1999, I think, the acedemic “Stratford Brothers” (can’t recall the spelling) wrote a book refuting the claims of Wyatt. It is also not likely that the human bones of 3500 year old Pharaoh soldiers would have survived in the Gulf for Wyatt to find. We’re there hundreds or thousands of these artifacts at Wyatt’s crossing location or just one or two? Even if a small number were found, skeptics said it doubtful they could be linked specifically to 18th Dynasty Rameses army and not some other period (regardless of Wyatt’s claims). Plenty of biased Biblical archeologists repeat Wyatt’s findings, but no archeologists have dove to confirm his work, that I could find. Also, the “traditional” Red Sea Crossing point was thought to be at the tip or mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba, further south. By the way, Wyatt and other folks point to “Mount Sinai in Arabia” at “Al-Lawz”, rather than the previous discussions of Mount Sinai in the mountains to the north-west of the mouth of Gulf of Aqaba, in the Sinai Desert side of the Gulf. Debates go on. As for the red granite “Red Crossing Pillar” monuments, one of which Wyatt found in 1978, and the other in 1984, I agree they are interesting, but I found no legitimate archeologist critiquing them. Wyatt seems to have found them at the Nuweiba Beach, Egypt, “crossing point”. The Egyptian one, found in water, had markings worn off, but is now placed upright, in concrete base, on the Beach. The Arabia side one had markings, with The name Solomon, Moses, Yahweh, Pharaoh, Death, etc., according to Ron Wyatt’s interpreter of the Canaanite Phoenician archaic Hebrew, but I couldn’t find other archeologists that confirms this. This string of words seems awfully convenient to me. Also, if Solomon supposedly did erect the pillars, this would of been about 500 years after the alleged “Exodus” about 1445 BC, so Solomon, if he actually existed (clear archeological evidence is not there, I believe) would have used “what” for his evidence of crossing at Nuweiba. Also, a skeptic pointed out that if Pharaoh had cornered the Israelites at Nuweiba Beach, there were four plausible escape routes the Israelites could have taken without having to cross the waters there at Nuweiba. By the way, the “underwater land bridge” at Nuweiba Beach is still pretty deep and was supposedly made by the silt that washed down from the mountains leading to Nuweiba. It is highly likely the “underwater land bridge” would have been even lower 3500 years ago, prior to more silt running off in intervening years up to today. Anyway, all this conjecture by Wyatt and his supporters seems quite speculative to me and not enough for me to take the Old Testament more seriously (and I am “Jewish” by birth).
@@dovmerrill804 FYI, Ron Wyatt had an Israel Antiquities Authority Permit to excavate at the Garden Tomb. The director of the IAA was a Kernel in the IDF. Wyatt's work was considered 'Sensitive' and the permit came with restrictions on publicizing the discoveries. In Wyatt's book, there is a picture of him with the IAA Director and his IAA Permit in the photo. After his discoveries, his lectures about his experiences and that photo is the only evidence available that he didn't fabricate his experience. As an Official Archaeologist working for the IAA he was required to report everything he found, including "The Red Sea Crossing' material and accounts. The Ivory Pomegranate Wyatt found is on display at the IAA, but they won't reveal, when, where, how, or who discovered it. The IDF's goal is to limit problems from religious zealots who might create destruction to promote their agenda. Only recently, has the IAA published publicly the location of the Temple as being in the City of David. They have withheld the evidence because of the Religious who want a Temple on the Dome of The Rock location, and want to limit things that could lead to War.
I wish i had the silver tongue and imagination to grift like this guy and Greer 😂😂😂. Absolutely show zero evidence, ever, but are able to go from one podcast to the next spewing their BS and obviously getting paid to do it. What a sweet scam 😂🙌🏼🙌🏼🙄
The lliad was thought fictional because it was only passed through stories until evidence was found because of excavations in the 1870s. Don't immediately dismiss something because of lack of evidence. Being skeptical is healthy.
I don’t believe or trust anyone who claims they are special and God just had to choose them and give them a message to give to me, seems like if God wanted me to know something he would jus tell me directly he doesn’t need a person to speak for him
Greer has the DPIA archive with mounds of docs and videos and first hand accounts. I can see why people don't trust him, but after looking at his evidence, you can't completely write him off either.
This dude wasted almost 14 minutes of my life without saying a single thing
Future human race talks to him in his head and he cries and his wife asks him if they are happy tears - this is life changing stuff here
Thanks for saving me the time
@@StevenJaeger-k8e 🫡
Taking the time to read comments can sometimes save you an enormous amount of time
Actually, you wasted 14 minutes of your life. Take some accountability. Lol
I find this type of person extremely annoying and frustrating to endure. What a load of absolute bs
I had an experience in the late 70's when I was a teenager. The first thing I remember was a voice in my head saying "get comfortable "; I did not awaken but I immediately turned onto my back and adjusted my head on my pillow. The next thing I felt a sensation starting at my feet and went over my body; I felt as if it was scanning me. Anyone else have a similar experience?
Yup. A couple years ago. Same experience.
Yes...then she charged me $50😊
sounds like kundilini.did it start at ur feet?
@@susanboosguy9483 that doesn’t sound anything like kundalini.
This guy talks and rambles a lot - but doesn’t say much.
he says a lot - people talking in his head and it's the future human race and they contact him because he is much more special than you are and he cries and his wife asks him if it's happy tears
@@northernstar2064 😂😂😂😂🤷🏾♂️
Good for you to go public with this,i got a download and was told i will remember when i need it,so far it seems it’s not needed yet,but i have a feeling it’s coming 😂!.
My family were visited by the Tall Nordic Angelic Whites 1983 Christmas Eve Firetrail Road Marysville, Wa 3 Part Visitation and it is the greatest experience of my life.
Good ol 🍄🍄🍄 Washington State
Share it here please.
@@joshcummings9750 I believe there are places that are geomagnetically attractive to UFO pilots. Lived in one 1991-2003 in a part of Canada that has 80% of the World's minerals (types of), and understand that Mt.Shasta is also such a region.
@@patriciareilly8841 You're Absolutely 1000% Correct. A friend (in our teens in the late 80's) came to our house at around 2-3am her parents were out of town. I was awake, answered the door & my dad came the living room. She collapsed in my arms crying uncontrollably. My dad woke my mom, went to get her a box of tissue & something to drink. When she calmed down, she said she Saw something in the sky that she couldn't explain. we comforted her cuz We are a Military family w/A lot of pilots. We grew up together & knew she wasn't a Lying.
By all means, please tell the story
For some reason it always bothers me when someone says that is a good question and he says that quite a bit.
Agree makes it sound scripted
It's a taught/learned technique, especially popular with executives, leaders, and public speakers (predating DEI communication techniques) but, yes, it can be annoying to the point of coming off as contrived.
"Having said that" gets me.
Maybe he knew he'd say that
Usually, from my experience, if I use the words "that's a good question " for me it's an indicator that I'm challenged or I don't know how to answer.
I would not want someone in my head I think to many awful things.I believe him. I had an experience of some reading my thoughts
Just recite lime in the coconut over and over in your its what I do. flawless defense
What was he told....? I didn't hear it in this clip....
Right!? I skipped thru it and a bunch of the same old stuff.Fluff
@BEEFYONE111 click bait
Said Pee Wee Hermon was a Alien
@@BEEFYONE111 Same old scripts
No. Dr. Masters has explained in great detail what occurred with him. Either watch the entire interview or find the clip. He's shared this in other interviews as well.
When your wife goes along with your psychosis.
Because she's banging your best friend
I dont believe that the future has already happened so I'm glad that he didn't try to change my mind.Im not sure if he is truthful but I'm open and willing to give him a chance and withhold my judgement.
Time doesn’t exist. There are no future humans. You can’t time travel.
Look at some of Wolfgang smith’s material.
Jacque valee and John keel. The phenomenon disguises itself as what you expect it to be.
I keep saying that, but I know I want to believe. Buuut, those orbs are turning into drones… 🤷🏻♂️
So what did they want us to know?
Regardless, it may just be mindf****ry from something we still do not understand masquerading as "humans from the future"....in the same way we tell small kids Santa is real.
Great point. I think many people are so eager to believe this or that theory that they make themselves a bit *too* vulnerable and open. I think it would be prudent to have a healthy skepticism about the whole thing.
@@TimeWaster_Eliteexactly, people are so awestruck by the entities or the experience that they just take everything they say at face value, and maybe they should be a little bit more discerning
@@djones1770 I have hope. I don’t know if you saw, but Billy Carson has been exposed as being a fraudulent, narcissistic lunatic.
People believe what they want to believe....An Open mind is essential ...even if you experience something ...recount the story....but....still keep an Open Mind.....We are beings that can think ....use that ability ...in a rationale way.....and ...wonder....what if.....
Likely self-F#&@kery by way of LOTS of LSD.
I never thought talking about alien abduction could be this boring. Struggled to listen to this guy for 3 minutes lol
I’ve had a telepathic experience myself. It’s a hard thing to explain.
I think they meant that we will be like them in future with larger heads and spaceships. I got believe that's what was meant. I think you go forward in time but I can't understand backwards, but I have no idea how. It just seems impossible to go backwards on anything. 1 change could cause huge crash in timeline.
Going back in time would require rewinding every atom in the universe in concert. The Langoliers comes to mind. I dont believe the past exists anymore. I believe in object permanence, so I believe the molecules have moved and thus, that arrangement no longer exists, the past does NOT exist, its only remembered.
Anyone else got tears?😮
Oh! So this is just a teaser for your paid service. I'm paying TH-cam for premium just to get rid of commercials only to have commercials put inside of the videos. unsubed, bu-bye.
Welcome to TH-cam. You must be new.
It that dear sir cost you an UNSUBSCRIBE! Money grubbing not even caring what you post hack.
Is this a part two to another video? How can we access that since they are obviously talking about something that isn't described herein.
People will stare at you blankly when they are reading your face. Looking for a sign that you are nuts. Because it’s hard for someone to believe what happened
😢 Beware of the whole group of Gog of Magog, refer to Ezekiel 38 and 39 😮 they have been judged as wicked and cast down to the vicinity of the earth awaiting their execution no later than at Armageddon if not sooner via an accident. Complete deception is what they present.
Poor boy. You have been abducted by the Bible. Another lost soul that is lost forever.
Omg. lol
"Homo Posterus" (future humans) does not necessarily mean humans who have travelled into the past from the future. Another interpretation could be human beings that embody (in advance) characteristics "Homo Nunc" will evolve into...
I’m 99% sure I was abducted but even my own family doesn’t believe me
To Be or Not To Be that is The Question!
A Dalek Exterminate
We were never told what was said in his traumatic telepathic thing, they just talked about it, but never what was said?! Did I miss it, it's early in the morning I'm confused.
I am a time saver consultant .....read comments before watching.☺
I don't understand why they need to be "future humans". If they can read or be aware of his thoughts to quit then that can be reacted to live, no need to see him quit in the future and come back to counter it.
And many people have stopped these interactions by simply proclaiming Christ to the demon or interdimensional being
Yeah, I'd walk away too.
The aliens realize these “Christ udderers” are completely brainwashed and nothing can be done with them, so they leave to find a rightly open-minded person. Kind of like when Jehovah Witnesses or Mormons knock on a door, and the person isn’t receptive to their Christian BS.
nuckin futs
When I talk about I only get negative feedback
Who is the Eric Mitchell character and .. so many questions
He’s the current-day human that apparently “channeled” the “future human” entity’s messages to Michael Masters when Michael was at a conference as a guest speaker. Hope that makes a little sense.
So wtf did they tell him?
Stop lying!
Also see The works of the late Michael heisner
This guy is fos
Yeah, this guy I don’t believe at all.
& you believed them why! Do you have any history of them being truthful.... NO
Wtf did I just listen to? Shit… pay me and I can make up a bunch of stories for your show too.
Rosetta Stoned
They allowed him to ask a question? Humans are easily impressed with the fallen ones. Wait till they turn on you.
Exactly believe any bullshit....
Just take alook at all the shite channelers are spewing out daily!
This is total bs. Shame on these two scam clowns.
How arrogant to say ur aliens are future humans. Isnt this from a movie? They're coming to take ur eggs
I've heard about this, they are supposed to be from humans but have evolved into a different species.
This guy did not share s.....
Well that was alot of nothin.
I detest when you post half an interview and this is a prime example. What experience? What happened? Absolutely no context. My takeaway is "huh"?
Soooo.... I guess we don't get to hear what he was told during his TRAUMATIC telepathic experience? clickbait title...
It's Magik, it's tragic...
Its Umbongo
It's been a few days now and still nothing no information and nothing about a few things, also there was mention of nothing valuable. Great waste of time with a lot of name droppings. Terrible. I think it's the way this Grey haird allien communicates. Genius
Dude talks like he was abducted right out of bill and teds excellent adventure or dude where's my saucer
I loath the sounds that come out when this guy says anything with an s, on it.
When people wake up from surgery from being out from anesthesia, people wake up crying for no reason or laughing uncontrollably
Don't get me wrong, I believe and have seen many "woowoo" and weird supernatural stuff... But this dude is a liar and a good enough one to make people listen. I don't even know why I am. I guess because I want to be entertained, but honestly lying doesn't entertain me, it pisses me off
I don't think it''s 'magical', I think it's 'spiritual'.
God is The Creator. We are made in His image.
He likes to remind us that we are creative, and therefore, bestows His energy on us, so we can be creative as He is creative.
It's His gift to us, to keep us aware, and to make us seek after Him.
He provides us His creative energy and we express our hearts, empowered by His energy.
Sometimes, He will provide 'Happy' energy so we will write 'Happy' songs.
When you have Love in your heart, you will write about that.
When you have darkness and negativity in your heart, you will write about that.
His energy will empower that which exists inside your heart.
This writing process can be a healing process, exposing the troubles and the challenges in your heart.
In song form, a mirror of who you were at the time you wrote it.
This God BS is from a book. A book of stories. One or more “humans” wrote that book. Just because some men wrote this book doesn’t make the stories in the book real. There is NO demonstrable evidence that supports 99% written in that book. The only thing possibly true is a few place names (many of those are suspect too) and maybe one name of a person referenced in other writings from about the same time period. Your confidence in the statements you wrote is totally unwarranted.
@@dovmerrill804 The Bible says a thing and then that hing is discovered to exist.
There are so many Biblical statements that have been discovered as real, true, things and events, that only a fool would say 'Their is no God'.
Have men, in attempts to mismanage these writings introduced error, mistakes, and alterations? Yes. The evidence for scriptural changes is also real.
Examples include, Samaritan's altered their Pentatuch, but they were from Mesopotamia, Sidon, and didn't have a preservation mentality. They were foreign god worshipers who had to observe Torah so they wouldn't die from animal attacks.
The First century Talmoodists, calling themselves 'The Interpreters', or Perushim, made themselves the authority on interpretation of Torah. Perushim is tranliterated as Pharisee today because of how Greek works.
These 'Pharisee's' agreed with the Samaritan Pentatuch alterations and made alterations of their own. As one example, in Genesis 11, the Pharisees removed a total of 1300 years from the lives of the patriarchs in order to have the text conform to their Talmoodic view. Pharisees are today The Mesoretes, their altered Bible is called the Mesoretic Text.
The Greeks/Romans, circa 400 CE, through Augustine, produced a 'Septuagint' Which altered previous texts and introduced texts that were not originally part of Jeromes collection of books.
The original Bible of 400 CE, composed by Jerome, did not contain the works of Paul.
The works of Paul were added by Augustine.
Their letters discourse, arguing about what should be included, is evidence of the Bibles composition in 400 CE. Jeromes Bible, as he composed it, no longer exists, Augustine, outliving Jerome, succeeded in altering Jeromes work to agree with his work. A Tale of the Two Vulgates.,
Then, their is the rise of the Catholics, who have further contributed misinformation.
There is Both evidence from the text to prove some of it's information is historically correct, and there is also information that proves alterations in the texts of the Bible have taken place.
Without studying the Bible and it's composition history you wouldn't know that. You would be someone making uninformed baseless statements.
@@dovmerrill804 "There is NO demonstrable evidence that supports 99% written in that book."
Red Sea Crossing, where Moses crossed, was memorialized by Solomon. Two Pillars, one on the 'Egyptian' Side and one on the Saudi Side. You can visit the pillars today.
In the water, 90' deep, are 18 Dynasty Chariot parts strewn across the sea floor.
This is the shallowest part of the Red Sea, BTW, the only crossable area if the water was plowed out of the way.
@ Thanks for your reply. I spent several hours doing some Google searches on your Red Sea Crossing comments. Your information concerns work done by Ron Wyatt in 1978. He was not a mainstream archeologist, but a nurse-anethesiologist from Wisconsin who did some private scuba diving searches looking for evidence of the Red Sea Crossing story. He claims to have found evidence, as you’ve mentioned, of chariot wheels and bones at the Nuweiba Beach, Egypt, water area of Gulf of Aqaba. The photo of what looks to be a vertical-oriented chariot wheels and axle encrusted by coral may be chariot wheels, or may just be a coral formation that looks like a chariot axle with wheels. We don’t know since Not Wyatt or anybody else has pulled it to the surface for legitimate academic study. Also, in about 1999, I think, the acedemic “Stratford Brothers” (can’t recall the spelling) wrote a book refuting the claims of Wyatt. It is also not likely that the human bones of 3500 year old Pharaoh soldiers would have survived in the Gulf for Wyatt to find. We’re there hundreds or thousands of these artifacts at Wyatt’s crossing location or just one or two? Even if a small number were found, skeptics said it doubtful they could be linked specifically to 18th Dynasty Rameses army and not some other period (regardless of Wyatt’s claims). Plenty of biased Biblical archeologists repeat Wyatt’s findings, but no archeologists have dove to confirm his work, that I could find. Also, the “traditional” Red Sea Crossing point was thought to be at the tip or mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba, further south. By the way, Wyatt and other folks point to “Mount Sinai in Arabia” at “Al-Lawz”, rather than the previous discussions of Mount Sinai in the mountains to the north-west of the mouth of Gulf of Aqaba, in the Sinai Desert side of the Gulf. Debates go on.
As for the red granite “Red Crossing Pillar” monuments, one of which Wyatt found in 1978, and the other in 1984, I agree they are interesting, but I found no legitimate archeologist critiquing them. Wyatt seems to have found them at the Nuweiba Beach, Egypt, “crossing point”. The Egyptian one, found in water, had markings worn off, but is now placed upright, in concrete base, on the Beach. The Arabia side one had markings, with The name Solomon, Moses, Yahweh, Pharaoh, Death, etc., according to Ron Wyatt’s interpreter of the Canaanite Phoenician archaic Hebrew, but I couldn’t find other archeologists that confirms this. This string of words seems awfully convenient to me. Also, if Solomon supposedly did erect the pillars, this would of been about 500 years after the alleged “Exodus” about 1445 BC, so Solomon, if he actually existed (clear archeological evidence is not there, I believe) would have used “what” for his evidence of crossing at Nuweiba. Also, a skeptic pointed out that if Pharaoh had cornered the Israelites at Nuweiba Beach, there were four plausible escape routes the Israelites could have taken without having to cross the waters there at Nuweiba. By the way, the “underwater land bridge” at Nuweiba Beach is still pretty deep and was supposedly made by the silt that washed down from the mountains leading to Nuweiba. It is highly likely the “underwater land bridge” would have been even lower 3500 years ago, prior to more silt running off in intervening years up to today. Anyway, all this conjecture by Wyatt and his supporters seems quite speculative to me and not enough for me to take the Old Testament more seriously (and I am “Jewish” by birth).
@@dovmerrill804 FYI, Ron Wyatt had an Israel Antiquities Authority Permit to excavate at the Garden Tomb. The director of the IAA was a Kernel in the IDF. Wyatt's work was considered 'Sensitive' and the permit came with restrictions on publicizing the discoveries. In Wyatt's book, there is a picture of him with the IAA Director and his IAA Permit in the photo. After his discoveries, his lectures about his experiences and that photo is the only evidence available that he didn't fabricate his experience. As an Official Archaeologist working for the IAA he was required to report everything he found, including "The Red Sea Crossing' material and accounts.
The Ivory Pomegranate Wyatt found is on display at the IAA, but they won't reveal, when, where, how, or who discovered it.
The IDF's goal is to limit problems from religious zealots who might create destruction to promote their agenda.
Only recently, has the IAA published publicly the location of the Temple as being in the City of David. They have withheld the evidence because of the Religious who want a Temple on the Dome of The Rock location, and want to limit things that could lead to War.
doesn’t say much
This fella is boring, the headlines are just click bait.
Lame show 🎉
This guy is a fraud
He talking 🐂 shi+
No evidence of anything.
It’s a conversation not a court room
way to much LSD??
I wish i had the silver tongue and imagination to grift like this guy and Greer 😂😂😂. Absolutely show zero evidence, ever, but are able to go from one podcast to the next spewing their BS and obviously getting paid to do it. What a sweet scam 😂🙌🏼🙌🏼🙄
The lliad was thought fictional because it was only passed through stories until evidence was found because of excavations in the 1870s. Don't immediately dismiss something because of lack of evidence. Being skeptical is healthy.
I don’t believe or trust anyone who claims they are special and God just had to choose them and give them a message to give to me, seems like if God wanted me to know something he would jus tell me directly he doesn’t need a person to speak for him
Greer has the DPIA archive with mounds of docs and videos and first hand accounts. I can see why people don't trust him, but after looking at his evidence, you can't completely write him off either.
The sweetest lol