There is a slight error with the tanks strategy for intemperance. The strat in the video will work, but will lead to a damage down for one of the tanks. Also, thank you to commenters below, who have pointed out that knockback immunity will NOT work on Pitiless Flail.
I've usually done it where MT would stay north and OT would go north with them. Then on the third set of hot/cold, the tanks would rotate one over to the left. so OT south west, MT north east.
Amazingly clear and concise guide, best one i've seen outta the creators so far. Hope you keep doing these, will definetly be taking my notes off yours as long as possible
Thank you so much, most guides I have found on youtube have the flashing and fighting so I can't see what I'm supposed to actually be looking for, plus I have a learning disability. This helped so much
Decided to check a bit of P3S because people were complaining about it a lot. But tonight I'll be raiding with the static for the first time and your guides are incredible, thanks for the amazing work.
Just a heads up for anyone running pug pf on shackles. The typical strat is now Reds stand where A/B/C/D are at max melee and the purples can move up to just under the boss in cardinal spots.
Thank you very much for the guide! I've watched another video and couldn't understand some mechanics but they became way clearer with yours and you explain very well. Thanks again! I'll definitely watch your other guides in the future!
thanks for putting out a guide that clearly explains what the mechanics are and WHY you're supposed to do certain things. Easily the best guide on this I've seen.
A note, if it resolves all at once your timer strat is rather high on downtime for any melee/tank and it can be done safely with uptime. If you position the 4 reds on inter-cardinals at max melee you won't hit anyone while the purples are at radius reach on the cardinals. Player with 3s red moves to closest inter-cardinal, the rest of the reds move away. Players with purple then move in on the cardinals to minimum range to not clip each other. They no longer have to move. Everyone is easily in healing range, nobody loses uptime and can be shielded/mitigated for the following mechanic.
Dude I like these guides keep up the great work I'm sure you're channel will pop off quickly if you stick to the straight forward simple approach to raid guides.
@11:00 it doesn't matter where the red ones go. They can be lined up on one side, 2 in the same corner, or other formations etc... This part is misleading as the aoes aren't as big as projected here and over complicates the mechanic. Purple in and spread. Red just go out and give enough space.
Yeah agree with most people here, I'm just starting to do savage for the first time, and I've been watching various guides videos, this is BY FAR the best one, clear and concise. Cheers!
Can a corner ever have 2 of the same colour + purple and its adjacent verticle tank tile being the same colour? e.g. A = Red, Purple, Red and 1 = Red, Red, Blue. which would cause the ranged person to have to run from A down to 3 to flip their colour, then back to A?
If you are full hp and have food buff, you'll live without mitigation but you will be anywhere between 4000 to a couple hundred hp. I'd use mitigation anyway because you potentially die to an auto attack from the boss if the main tank doesn't provoke right away
During the second Intemperance, when I go back to my quadrant, there are some times where the color is the same as the color as my guy, like my quadrant is blue when I go back but I'm blue. What am I supposed to do at that point?
For Intemperance I think it's easier if the OT and one DPS, either SW or SE, swap, so for the sake of the example let's say it's SW. Healers should go E or W to S to their original positions. 3 DPS go Corner to Mid to their original positions. So in that pattern of Ice-Ice-Fire North and Fire-Fire-Ice South, MT can go North to get Ice, Mid to skip and back to North for Fire. OT goes South to get Fire, moves to N to get Ice and the moves to SW to get Fire. The DPS in SW, goes SW to get Ice and then moves to S to get Fire and stays there to get Ice. No need for damage down on tanks.
everything looks cool, but why such a mess with positions? one time r1 its north one time its south, same with melees ?? just unify them and make so melees or ranged are always south/east
Good catch! Just an error from making the guide so quick. R1 and R2 should always have their own intercardinal, the same one for intemperance and chains.
I dont know who you are or where you came from, but you should have WAY more subs than 296. This is expertly done and explained.
This is, hands down, the best guide that could've been published on day 1. It is clear, concise, and easy to follow. Well done, man.
this is unironically the best style of guide ive ever found for these things. Please please make more for the other fights :D
this is the best guide for people like me who have a bad English, thank you so much, everything is very clear for me now.
super thankful for this video its very easy to understand and very VERY good for a day 1 guide
There is a slight error with the tanks strategy for intemperance. The strat in the video will work, but will lead to a damage down for one of the tanks. Also, thank you to commenters below, who have pointed out that knockback immunity will NOT work on Pitiless Flail.
for the tank bit for clear we've just been taking the damage down at this point
Where does the debuff come from?
I've usually done it where MT would stay north and OT would go north with them. Then on the third set of hot/cold, the tanks would rotate one over to the left. so OT south west, MT north east.
Absolutely incredible guide for being so early oh my god
I think I like your guide the most.
It definitely helped me understand the fight.
Off to Round2
I saw everything. This one is the best guide
This guide is the reason I cleared P1S, thanks brother
Great guide. The way you explained hot/cold tiles is extremely clear and helped a lot with understanding.
Great guide, got my static it's first clear! Ty so much!
Just want to say, this is an awesome format and probably one of the best guides I've seen. Keep it up!
Love the detailed guide man.
hands down best guide out there, we need more of these!
Amazingly clear and concise guide, best one i've seen outta the creators so far. Hope you keep doing these, will definetly be taking my notes off yours as long as possible
wish i would have found this days ago, very good, time to clear
Yay best guide ever. even i cleared the p1s when read back this guide i stil got learn something on it, thank you so much for the efford
Thank you so much, most guides I have found on youtube have the flashing and fighting so I can't see what I'm supposed to actually be looking for, plus I have a learning disability. This helped so much
Decided to check a bit of P3S because people were complaining about it a lot. But tonight I'll be raiding with the static for the first time and your guides are incredible, thanks for the amazing work.
This guide was so helpful ! Thank you and subbed and liked !
Best guide ever. thank you so much!
Finally, raid guides I can actually follow, understand, and execute after the first watch.
Thanks man. Very inciteful. Shared thisbwith my buddy.
As a nice note for uptime, for the OUT spikey ball flail, you can still hit the boss at max melee range and not get hit
10/10 diagram guide really good
Just a heads up for anyone running pug pf on shackles. The typical strat is now Reds stand where A/B/C/D are at max melee and the purples can move up to just under the boss in cardinal spots.
subbed for maybe more guides! This is sooo good! well done
YOOOO ive been sharing you shit since 2 Hours after release Best guide!
Thank you very much for the guide! I've watched another video and couldn't understand some mechanics but they became way clearer with yours and you explain very well. Thanks again! I'll definitely watch your other guides in the future!
thanks for putting out a guide that clearly explains what the mechanics are and WHY you're supposed to do certain things. Easily the best guide on this I've seen.
Fantastic guide my friend
A note, if it resolves all at once your timer strat is rather high on downtime for any melee/tank and it can be done safely with uptime.
If you position the 4 reds on inter-cardinals at max melee you won't hit anyone while the purples are at radius reach on the cardinals.
Player with 3s red moves to closest inter-cardinal, the rest of the reds move away.
Players with purple then move in on the cardinals to minimum range to not clip each other. They no longer have to move.
Everyone is easily in healing range, nobody loses uptime and can be shielded/mitigated for the following mechanic.
Dude I like these guides keep up the great work I'm sure you're channel will pop off quickly if you stick to the straight forward simple approach to raid guides.
Just a heads up, you CANNOT arm's length the tank swap, you will still get pushed back
thanks for the guide!
Fantastic guide ty!
@11:00 it doesn't matter where the red ones go. They can be lined up on one side, 2 in the same corner, or other formations etc... This part is misleading as the aoes aren't as big as projected here and over complicates the mechanic. Purple in and spread. Red just go out and give enough space.
This was such a great guide thank you so much! And I hope we see more from you!
Oh damn, I used to raid with you! Hope you're doing well mate.
Wow that is so awesome 😎
best guide
Yeah agree with most people here, I'm just starting to do savage for the first time, and I've been watching various guides videos, this is BY FAR the best one, clear and concise. Cheers!
CAT AT 00:48
I couldn’t get it to work on my runs but I don’t think you can use anti knockback against the tank buster line aoe
Love the video
Can a corner ever have 2 of the same colour + purple and its adjacent verticle tank tile being the same colour? e.g. A = Red, Purple, Red and 1 = Red, Red, Blue. which would cause the ranged person to have to run from A down to 3 to flip their colour, then back to A?
Does the flare from purgation require mitigation? This vid should serve as a model on how to do these. Earned a sub from me
If you are full hp and have food buff, you'll live without mitigation but you will be anywhere between 4000 to a couple hundred hp. I'd use mitigation anyway because you potentially die to an auto attack from the boss if the main tank doesn't provoke right away
thank god i don't have to watch mr happy's guide
During the second Intemperance, when I go back to my quadrant, there are some times where the color is the same as the color as my guy, like my quadrant is blue when I go back but I'm blue. What am I supposed to do at that point?
During the 2nd explosion you can use north or south to change the color debuff
the knock back on the tank buster ignores kb prevention/arm’s length….found out the hard way
It would be cool if you had a video of you doing these strats but regardless thank for the guide it helped me out a lot :D
I'd say melee position doesn't matter. Boss will be center not north of the map.
For Intemperance I think it's easier if the OT and one DPS, either SW or SE, swap, so for the sake of the example let's say it's SW.
Healers should go E or W to S to their original positions.
3 DPS go Corner to Mid to their original positions.
So in that pattern of Ice-Ice-Fire North and Fire-Fire-Ice South, MT can go North to get Ice, Mid to skip and back to North for Fire.
OT goes South to get Fire, moves to N to get Ice and the moves to SW to get Fire.
The DPS in SW, goes SW to get Ice and then moves to S to get Fire and stays there to get Ice.
No need for damage down on tanks.
everything looks cool, but why such a mess with positions? one time r1 its north one time its south, same with melees ?? just unify them and make so melees or ranged are always south/east
Good catch! Just an error from making the guide so quick. R1 and R2 should always have their own intercardinal, the same one for intemperance and chains.
u can maxmelee the Ballaetherflail so u dont lose uptime at all
Why isnt this the standard for raid guides?
do you have a cat? pretty sure i heard a meow.