Incidentally, I've made provision to use a separate low-noise receive antenna on my HW-8. Just lift the capacitor to the receive circuits and add it there. A couple of 1N4148 diodes across the receive input helps protect it, but the muting circuits still works. Now I can hear stuff that was buried under noise from my wire antenna that I now only use for transmitting.
Great little old rigs! I've had quite a few HW-8s through my hands. As you say they all have their individual quirks! They can't compete with modern rigs, but that's not the point is it?
I agree. For me, CW QRP rigs are just fun to tinker with and modify. They help me learn a little about analog electronics and provide that warm, fuzzy feeling when I can get a nice flea powered QSO :) VY 73 DE KA8SYV
Good job Frank! A lot of the fun of these radios is getting them up and running and making your own modifications to make 'em work that much better. Glad the LED strip worked out for you, it was an almost perfect solution to lighting the dial. Recommend John KC9ON (kc9on dot com) for lots of goodies to fix up QRP rigs. Have fun! 73 - Dino KL0S
@@ka8syv203 What a nice surprise to see you relooked the comments for your video. Hopefully you've had time to do some of the other mods and are still enjoying your rig. 73 - Dino KLØS
Incidentally, I've made provision to use a separate low-noise receive antenna on my HW-8. Just lift the capacitor to the receive circuits and add it there. A couple of 1N4148 diodes across the receive input helps protect it, but the muting circuits still works. Now I can hear stuff that was buried under noise from my wire antenna that I now only use for transmitting.
Great little old rigs! I've had quite a few HW-8s through my hands. As you say they all have their individual quirks! They can't compete with modern rigs, but that's not the point is it?
I agree. For me, CW QRP rigs are just fun to tinker with and modify. They help me learn a little about analog electronics and provide that warm, fuzzy feeling when I can get a nice flea powered QSO :) VY 73 DE KA8SYV
Good job Frank! A lot of the fun of these radios is getting them up and running and making your own modifications to make 'em work that much better. Glad the LED strip worked out for you, it was an almost perfect solution to lighting the dial. Recommend John KC9ON (kc9on dot com) for lots of goodies to fix up QRP rigs. Have fun! 73 - Dino KL0S
Thanks, Dino. Not sure why this video didn't upload in HD ... I'll be sure to double check that next time. 73
@@ka8syv203 What a nice surprise to see you relooked the comments for your video. Hopefully you've had time to do some of the other mods and are still enjoying your rig. 73 - Dino KLØS