"If fighting is to result in victory, then we must play the OBJECTIVE! Genji said that. And I think he knows a little more about fighting then you do pal, because he invented it. Then he took 2 of every hero on Earth, herded them onto a payload and then beat the living c**p out of every single one. And that's why anytime a push happens on Escort it's called Getjin On The Payload! Unless you're playing Control." - Pharrah 2016, pre-round pep-talk after discovering hats.
95% of the time if my team's support is on there and they were actively supporting, they get my vote. Overwatch's card system is a fantastic way to single out the support players for credit.
+Experiencing Lag if I remember correctly, 5 gives you a higher chance for more blue and purple drops, and 10 gives you a higher chance of purple and gold/yellow/orange.
I was watching your videos for 2 weeks waiting for the game to come out. Thanks for helping the wait be more bearable while teaching me how to play. Also thanks for having an accent.
Concussive blast is extremely useful to disengage when you're out of fuel and hitting the ground, often someone like mei or reaper will try to intercept you on descent and the concussive blast denies that.
I've got something you can try out. Use your rocket jump to position yourself diagonally up and behind the team when the're grouped together capturing the objective. Because of this, the opposing team has to split their damage and attention in multiple directions. This works especially well against Reinhardt, since he won't be able to keep up with you while guarding, making him an easy kill. I've saved capture points on overtime this way. Tanks can't do much about you anyway if you're very high up in the air.
Dude! We have ran into each other playing this game a couple days ago. You totally kicked my bum as Widow Maker. I didn't realize it was you until I saw your screen name in this video.
Ultimate Use Tip: Always keep an eye out for a character like DVa when you use your ult, as she can negate nearly all of your damage output with her projectile block abil
I've seen a lot of DVas just rocketing into the face of an ulting Pharah, so that Pharah kills herself due to the splash-damage. In most cases the DVa even survived. Kind regards, Meta Custom Computers
In between her long 10 seconds cooldown for jump boosts, you can use a rocket jump (jump + shoot at your own feet) for 40 HP, it can save your life. Coming from TF2, Pharah is actually easier than TF2's Soldier. Pharah's rocket splash isn't as big but she has extremely strong air control. Once you play the game a bit more and are able to predict player movement, Pharah becomes easy.
Since the beta I fell in love with Pharah, I have a video using her differently... depending on the map I tend to switch my gameplay. I posted a video of my own, be a assassin with her and don't be afraid to push on the ground either...
Hey Uni-Lost,you did a great job with this video ! one question : what mouse sensitivity are you using,especially for Pharah to land those direct hit rockets ? *(Sensitivity = Mouse-Dpi * Ingame Sensitivity)* ,for example "800 Dpi * 10 Ingame Sensitivity = 8000".
In your description, I think you mean "high learning curve." "Initial high skill ceiling" is an oxymoron, because skill ceiling is referring to how quickly your ability to do well with the character tops out/hits the ceiling. A low skill ceiling means that even the best will be about as good as someone who's only put in a moderate amount of time. For example, the world's best cowbell player could easily be upstaged by someone who's willing to put in a couple of months of serious practice. This is fortunate, because if there's one thing the world needs, it's more cowbell.
Much of the art of playing as Pharah involves staying airborne *as little as possible*. Instead you use her to reach high roofs and ledges and execute pop-out snipes down on the fight below. When you're in the air as Pharah you are super-vulnerable. Essentially treat her as having really high jumps, not as a character who flies.
KingKaitain I think that depends on how good your aim with her rockets is. I've seen players with really good rocket accuracy decimate enemy teams from the air because she kills everything before it can kill her. Pharahs that stay on the ground are easy prey for McCree, Tracer, Reaper, and Roadhog.
Not if they're in hard-to-reach high locations, they aren't. And Pharah can usually escape very rapidly. I'm saying that in my experience Pharah is best used as a kind of rocket sniper rather than as an airborne soldier.
something I do especially vs widow is drop down in elevation as i'm firing and strafing to try and make it harder to be hit. with this you can also stay in the air much longer. also she needs a shazzbot voice line.
A big part of Pharah is actually going for those direct hits. Direct hits do MUCH more damage than blast radius does. Also, being up in the air all the time is not something you want to be doing. Often, yes, but not as much as possible. In the air, you are the biggest target ever, and anybody with a medium/long range, fast projectile weapon will absolutely shred you.
Firing rockets at the ground is certainly a good strat if you start out with Pharah. But generally you are better off if you can hit people. It's actually not that hard as you make it out to be. If you have played shooters like UT, DOOM or Quake it pretty much feels like the rocket launcher from those games. The projectile is a tad slower maybe. The reason is, that you kill stuff a lot faster and have less downtime, bc her "mag size" is rather small and her reload speed is slow too.
Honestly i feel that for a push to work all you need is a good widow maker, a reinhardt who knows when to put down his shield to recharge, a competent healer and 3 damage dealing bros who knows what they are doing
As a Shootmania player, and with some interview of pro player too, Pharah is a rlly enjoyable character. Hit sm1 in the air, good feelings :D and these Pro Shootmania player are saying the same things, coz it's pretty similar, and they are doing awsome job with her ! ^^
You forgot about using concussive blast to either single out a hero from a group such as a Reinhardt or a healer, get that reaper outta yer face, deny McCree's ult, deny Soldier's ult, disorientate Hanzo's ult, deny Reaper's ult, deny Roadhog's ult, temporarily disable Tranquility's usefulness, temporarily piss of a dragonblade, knock a hero away from a health pack. You can also attempt to get D.Va's self destructing mech out of the way. There's just so many uses and opportunities. Becareful tho, you don't want to accidentally knock a ultimate into your team.
You're videos are handy man but a replay of what you're explaining to what you are doing at the time would be handy too. I mean I know what you're talking about but I wanna see distance and stuff.
I am having trouble in raked play. I think I am an ok player and after placement matching I was rank 49 and then moved to 50; then I went on a losing streak and dropped into rank 44 😣. know I can't get any good team members, unless I make a pre-made. what's a good way to brake this cycle?
Pharah is by far my favourite hero to play, additional tip: If you want to get REALLY good, go for direct hits, you can 2 shot a lot of heroes. Also, don't get too distracted with pharah v pharah mid air duels, you'll be an easy pickoff for the enemies on the ground. Finally, Illios is your friend and Dorado your mum.
One of my favorite moments with Pharah was when I somehow out sniped a Widowmaker by headshotting her with a rocket, not sure how I made that shot and I'm not sure I could ever make a shot like it again
My conclusion after playing Phara was that everything in Overwatch moves bit slower than in tf2, because I can't usualy land direct hits there with soldier, but here I do more often than not.
I thought it was "Justice Rains From Ab-AHHH!"
I get it because ultimate is fucking shiiiiit
Not shit, it just has a big Achilles Heel. You can get around it by being careful, or using teamwork.
Plus Parah cant move while in the action making it easy for your snipers to take her out... Fast.
+Lúcio Correia dos Santos at first I thought that said 4 snipers and I was like hat diggity this iant 2fort!
Back in my day we used to rocket jump.
at the cost of 40 health, you still can. Not as good as concussion blast though.
Rocket jump over pools of lava
+Melon Soda 40 healt? That seems familiar...
"If fighting is to result in victory, then we must play the OBJECTIVE! Genji said that. And I think he knows a little more about fighting then you do pal, because he invented it. Then he took 2 of every hero on Earth, herded them onto a payload and then beat the living c**p out of every single one. And that's why anytime a push happens on Escort it's called Getjin On The Payload! Unless you're playing Control." - Pharrah 2016, pre-round pep-talk after discovering hats.
Rocket jump? That sounds dangerous...
Take what I said back about supports getting no love. Played my first game as Mercy and got 8 votes! Felt good!
yup, always upvote support
95% of the time if my team's support is on there and they were actively supporting, they get my vote. Overwatch's card system is a fantastic way to single out the support players for credit.
i got a 4 man revive and the people were screaming for joy at me
What does the vote do?
+Experiencing Lag if I remember correctly, 5 gives you a higher chance for more blue and purple drops, and 10 gives you a higher chance of purple and gold/yellow/orange.
"And remember, shoot at the ground for the area of effect."
You mean justice rains from ab-knsbsihbx
Just.. uhh... *
More like "JUS-"
+Feels Goodman *hears rocketpack* J... Ugh...
hears rocketpack Ugh....
+Theodor Björkman Worth it though. If you succeed and live POTG
This guy is quite impressed with himself. makes an entertaining watch
He's a cheeky lad, he is!
One thing interesting about Pharah is that she is kind of a good counter to mei, so if you think mei is bae, consider switching into pharah
to junkrat even more
Mei can't even reflect... I'm having flashbacks to older times...
( that was a joke about w+m1 Pyros in TF2 )
I know right? She's like a Phlog pyro with mmph pumping all the time.
... and get icicle in the face.
Or Tracer. If you do nice moves, she can't freeze ur ass or even hit your head.
You and the two you suggested are the best in explaining overwatch here in TH-cam!
I was watching your videos for 2 weeks waiting for the game to come out. Thanks for helping the wait be more bearable while teaching me how to play. Also thanks for having an accent.
That intro is the best part of these guides xD. Great stuff man! Love the videos!
I really appreciate the red alert 2 music for the intro and outro, one of my favorite games
That intro got me good Unit. Thank you once again for another nice Overwatch guide.
Just got to love the depth of the game and how you have to play the different characters in a style to get the best out of them
Seagull is really good and entertaining to watch, glad you gave him a shout-out.
Pharah is probably my favourite damage dealing hero. Great video! :)
You can also use mouse 2 to use the hover as phara.
Concussive blast is extremely useful to disengage when you're out of fuel and hitting the ground, often someone like mei or reaper will try to intercept you on descent and the concussive blast denies that.
The concussion mine is also good to fire behind Reinhardt to bump him forward and expose his back to you and your team.
One of the tips I've learned is to bind concussion blast to right mouse click. planning on trying that.
I wish I'd see more plays of the game like that Reinharot one at the end, it was cool
Can't wait for you to cover Junkrat. He is my favorite character. I have taught myself a few tricks but want to see what you can do with him as well.
Pharah is one of my favorite heroes. This video was very helpful! Thanks!
I've got something you can try out.
Use your rocket jump to position yourself diagonally up and behind the team when the're grouped together capturing the objective. Because of this, the opposing team has to split their damage and attention in multiple directions. This works especially well against Reinhardt, since he won't be able to keep up with you while guarding, making him an easy kill. I've saved capture points on overtime this way. Tanks can't do much about you anyway if you're very high up in the air.
I love Pharah and was already doing most of this but not all so the guide is great!
Dude! We have ran into each other playing this game a couple days ago. You totally kicked my bum as Widow Maker. I didn't realize it was you until I saw your screen name in this video.
Great video learned a couple of things.
I've seen one of these Pharah's from planet mobility, she carried so hard xD
You've done it. Made me crack and bought it as soon as I've heard you can sort of Tribes around the map
Ah I miss Tribes, it was such a good game while the community supported it. If only Hi-Rez didn't abandon it.
Ultimate Use Tip: Always keep an eye out for a character like DVa when you use your ult, as she can negate nearly all of your damage output with her projectile block abil
and for road hog, I have seen people wait out his hook and then ult so he doesn't pull them out of the sky, which I thought was pretty tricky
+DatVocals! Or you could just chuck it to the ground.
I've seen a lot of DVas just rocketing into the face of an ulting Pharah, so that Pharah kills herself due to the splash-damage. In most cases the DVa even survived.
Kind regards,
Meta Custom Computers
yes I defense matrix'ed a Pharah's entire ult and it got me an achievement
That shot on Widow was fantastic! :D
Thank You So Much, Just got a thunderbird skin and I decided to start polishing my skills with her much. Video much appreciated.
I got the Raindancer.
filthy muggles LOL
Even though i am german, you're my favorite youtuber right now!
what does being german have to do with- Ohhhhhm you shouldn't give 2 shits about that. mistakes of the past.
+Aimanoo Gamer haha man i mean that not many germans watch english youtubers, not the past XD
''Precision German Engineering'' - Reinhardt (I'm german too :P)
I played the Tribes series for years so playing Pharah is beautiful. I love her.
I can't wait to play this afternoon!! Thanks for tips I want to play her more
This is useful for me as I need to get better at this girl. She is in my mind one of the play-changing characters.
In between her long 10 seconds cooldown for jump boosts, you can use a rocket jump (jump + shoot at your own feet) for 40 HP, it can save your life. Coming from TF2, Pharah is actually easier than TF2's Soldier. Pharah's rocket splash isn't as big but she has extremely strong air control. Once you play the game a bit more and are able to predict player movement, Pharah becomes easy.
reminds me of the old quake and UT plays where people would rain rocket launcher down after they use the jump boost node
love the guides any chance of doing team comp guides. also pharah and mercy are pretty nasty together
This takes me back to the good old days of jetpack flying and shooting people with the Disc Launcher in Tribes.
Hey thanks for all the great tips! Do you think you will be doing a junkrat guide?
Nice guide. Learned a little bit, thanks!
What am I doing here I'm not even getting the game.
lol k
heya :3 oneamongsmany sent me here to check out your channel.The quality is amazing. I am glad he told me about you :D
Pharah versus Genji is very similar to Soldier versus Pyro, aiming where they cannot deflect your projectiles.
Since the beta I fell in love with Pharah, I have a video using her differently... depending on the map I tend to switch my gameplay. I posted a video of my own, be a assassin with her and don't be afraid to push on the ground either...
Could you do some pure Gameplay videos, either with voice or commented over? Would love it!
definitely gonna main this one :D
reminds me of launcher gameplay in LOADOUT
Ilos, (something like that) is my favorite king of the hill map, the edges on that map are a-mei-zing
thank you very much this improved my pharah play veeery much. i dont find pharah that hard to play though
I love playing Pharah so much..I Overwatch my team from above..good scout good DD..and that ult..OMB.
lol just got overwatch yesterday and I love pharah! But I've been shooting straight at people instead of the ground! very helpful video! :D
Great guide! Thanks for the tips
What the hell Sty, you're already at 125,000 subs? See you in a week for the 200,000 subs video.
Hey Uni-Lost,you did a great job with this video ! one question : what mouse sensitivity are you using,especially for Pharah to land those direct hit rockets ?
*(Sensitivity = Mouse-Dpi * Ingame Sensitivity)* ,for example "800 Dpi * 10 Ingame Sensitivity = 8000".
In your description, I think you mean "high learning curve." "Initial high skill ceiling" is an oxymoron, because skill ceiling is referring to how quickly your ability to do well with the character tops out/hits the ceiling. A low skill ceiling means that even the best will be about as good as someone who's only put in a moderate amount of time. For example, the world's best cowbell player could easily be upstaged by someone who's willing to put in a couple of months of serious practice. This is fortunate, because if there's one thing the world needs, it's more cowbell.
I just got a legendary skin on loot box *sees it's a pharah skin* time to watch unit!
(Watches video) IMMA GO KICK SOME ASS AS PHARAH! (Gets into game and gets destroyed) maybe I'll switch back to D.Va xD
Hahaha, this was exactly me a few hours ago. :P
That's pretty much me. I always seem to get matched up against the people who have really good aim as Mccree or Soldier 76 when I play Pharah.
Much of the art of playing as Pharah involves staying airborne *as little as possible*. Instead you use her to reach high roofs and ledges and execute pop-out snipes down on the fight below. When you're in the air as Pharah you are super-vulnerable.
Essentially treat her as having really high jumps, not as a character who flies.
KingKaitain I think that depends on how good your aim with her rockets is. I've seen players with really good rocket accuracy decimate enemy teams from the air because she kills everything before it can kill her. Pharahs that stay on the ground are easy prey for McCree, Tracer, Reaper, and Roadhog.
Not if they're in hard-to-reach high locations, they aren't. And Pharah can usually escape very rapidly. I'm saying that in my experience Pharah is best used as a kind of rocket sniper rather than as an airborne soldier.
Pharah is basically the gundam version of Soldier in Tf2. Found her very easy to play unless there's a turrent near.
something I do especially vs widow is drop down in elevation as i'm firing and strafing to try and make it harder to be hit. with this you can also stay in the air much longer.
also she needs a shazzbot voice line.
I got knocked off the map one time with Lucio and was close enough to wall skate back up I was hype for the rest of the game and a few after lol
Great guide, thanks!
Always telling me to go to the loo at the end of your videos, I'm fine man I can handle scheduling that myself, geez
awesome overwatch channel! glad i found it :)
Was thinking of trying her
A big part of Pharah is actually going for those direct hits. Direct hits do MUCH more damage than blast radius does. Also, being up in the air all the time is not something you want to be doing. Often, yes, but not as much as possible. In the air, you are the biggest target ever, and anybody with a medium/long range, fast projectile weapon will absolutely shred you.
You can also fly by pressing LT,L2, or left click. It helps me play better with Pharah.
Great Video, Tips Helped Out xD
Firing rockets at the ground is certainly a good strat if you start out with Pharah. But generally you are better off if you can hit people. It's actually not that hard as you make it out to be. If you have played shooters like UT, DOOM or Quake it pretty much feels like the rocket launcher from those games. The projectile is a tad slower maybe. The reason is, that you kill stuff a lot faster and have less downtime, bc her "mag size" is rather small and her reload speed is slow too.
You can also use the jet pack by holding left click. Just so you know.
if you fire a rocket under you and jump its like a jump jet but it takes forty damage
your intro sounds just like dota 2's bat rider... xD golden
Honestly i feel that for a push to work all you need is a good widow maker, a reinhardt who knows when to put down his shield to recharge, a competent healer and 3 damage dealing bros who knows what they are doing
Definitely my favorite character!
heyy sty love your work mann, what do you use to record your gameplay?
Is it better to use right click or space bar to keep yourself in the air?
As a Shootmania player, and with some interview of pro player too, Pharah is a rlly enjoyable character. Hit sm1 in the air, good feelings :D and these Pro Shootmania player are saying the same things, coz it's pretty similar, and they are doing awsome job with her ! ^^
You forgot about using concussive blast to either single out a hero from a group such as a Reinhardt or a healer, get that reaper outta yer face, deny McCree's ult, deny Soldier's ult, disorientate Hanzo's ult, deny Reaper's ult, deny Roadhog's ult, temporarily disable Tranquility's usefulness, temporarily piss of a dragonblade, knock a hero away from a health pack. You can also attempt to get D.Va's self destructing mech out of the way. There's just so many uses and opportunities.
Becareful tho, you don't want to accidentally knock a ultimate into your team.
really helpful thanks mate
That play of the game was hysterical. xD
You're videos are handy man but a replay of what you're explaining to what you are doing at the time would be handy too. I mean I know what you're talking about but I wanna see distance and stuff.
I am having trouble in raked play. I think I am an ok player and after placement matching I was rank 49 and then moved to 50; then I went on a losing streak and dropped into rank 44 😣. know I can't get any good team members, unless I make a pre-made. what's a good way to brake this cycle?
After watching this video I tried Pharah and now she's my main 😊
I personally think Torbs turret is the hard-est Pharah counter cause it tracks SOOOO precisely, widow still takes skill
pro tip regular-jump look strait down concuss then jump-jet and hover forward its easier and you travel further
Will you be doing a guide for Lucio?
Pharah is by far my favourite hero to play, additional tip: If you want to get REALLY good, go for direct hits, you can 2 shot a lot of heroes. Also, don't get too distracted with pharah v pharah mid air duels, you'll be an easy pickoff for the enemies on the ground. Finally, Illios is your friend and Dorado your mum.
6:46 that skin on Genji makes him look like Black Panther :P
Pharah probably has the fewest counters next to Zarya but her counters are the strongest counters, litterally a sub par 76 will make light work of you
Who here wants to be able to disenchant things?
Me :/
One of my favorite moments with Pharah was when I somehow out sniped a Widowmaker by headshotting her with a rocket, not sure how I made that shot and I'm not sure I could ever make a shot like it again
I think proficient tf2 soldier players intuitively play pharah well due to weapon similarities and rocket jump movement planning.
Before I watch this vid, did he mention that how he leaves mistakes in his videos?
Dat Junkrat laugh at 4:13 !!
you can also use right click to hover.
Hey sty nice vid! So about the giveaway have you given the key yet? Just to knowso that I go buy the game...
If you can direct hit people consistently, then do so. You can 2 shot 250hp heroes and under, easily dealing with a tank exterminator like Reaper.
Can you link the youtube link to that guy Sigal that you mentioned earlier on the video
LOLOLOLOL That Widowmaker Hit! Hollywood shot. *Person runs away* *Slowmotion* *BAM* *goes down in slowmotion*
My conclusion after playing Phara was that everything in Overwatch moves bit slower than in tf2, because I can't usualy land direct hits there with soldier, but here I do more often than not.
Link to the channel you reference at 4:25 please?