No he couldn't have......He has always been in more trash movies than good movies....Chevy Chase has the same problem as Steve Martin, both have a few movies that everyone loves and the rest are trash.....The only good movies Chevy Chase has been in were Foul Play, Seems Like Old Times, 2 of 4 vacation movies, 1 Fletch movie, 1 Caddyshack movie and The Three Amigos...Nothing but Trouble was OK but it sure as hell wasn't because of Chevy Chase. Everything else he's been in are varying degrees of trash.
His Law& Order episode was very intense. The way he played someone so self absorbed that he would send his own son down the river to save his own skin is an icy masterpiece of acting.
@@petergriffin-tu6ug Ugh, that's what I thought too. I wouldn't be surprised, if ten or twenty years down, we learn he did torture/murder one or more.
Should have mentioned at the beginning that he grew up rich, worked comedy for the lols, not the money. It explains why he could turn down roles, challenge directors, avoid gigs that would inconvenience him, and be a general nuisance when he felt like it. Maybe also explains his love for Paul Simon :)
@@Yvolve I don't want to make excuses for Chevy Chase but I'm probably going to by saying this (I could easily be jealous of his family's money because he still has it & I'm piss poor right now with no hope in sight after being mutilated from 5 spine operations that went wrong, C2->L5, S1/S2 - last one being in 2021 - and my family's old money that I only added too for 25+ yearss was used against me the second I couldn't function anymore, so I was left with $1k a month (even government benefits I paid into have been taken from me) because I'm now completely 'defective' aka 'useless' to my parents, kind of like Joe Kennedy with Rosemary but she was put in a decent facility & had siblings who visited her where my only one who protected me died when I was age 18; I do feel sorry for Rosemary to the nth degree & I'm saying this because coming from wealth can often lead to a really screwed up upbringing because you're only a tool & nothing more; I also guess this proves the theory that often the richest people are often sociopaths or at least just have zero empathy). I think Chevy wanted to prove himself as something and didn't know how to relate that very well to a lot of people. His fall back unfortunately was that he showed a sense of superiority because of his upbringing but it was probably a hollow reaction. When someone says they don't care what others say so often, it usually means the opposite. His whole career seems to be a constant struggle to prove that he is the commsumate successful artist despite doing the opposite every time. At lot of wealthy families put the highest amount of pressure for their child(ren) to be successful despite fully neglecting them (some buy their child's success but if they are old money, which has a type of class that they wouldn't dare get caught doing that; it's hard enough like with Joe Kennedy to have their peers see that they produced a defective child but they will eventually find a way to explain that away even if they lie in every way possibly to do it to save face as that's nothing for them because they're already the best of the best to be found out when it comes to those types of untruths). So if Chevy had that type of pressure then every set he saw someone doing better than him it was threatening to him where he was compelled to prove himself over and over and over....He is his own worst enemy and for someone to become increasingly miserable throughout their life can not be living his 'best life' with his 'best self.' I think we saw a taste of what that could have been through the few people that believed in him (in addition to their big hearts) and even through some of his roles. If I'm right, I would bet anything he never sought help for multiple reasons (stubborness, generational idealism, inheriting some of his parents' image obsession whether he admits it or not, etc.). No matter what's the truth, I do know my experience and I do not want to look at this through a biased lens (I do love him in the National Lampoon's vacation movies and I wonder how he can be so relatabe...similar to how he adlibbed everything in Fletch too). The ONLY thing I'll say that he & I would definity have in common is that we were born in generations where there was no where to reach out to. I had to move out before I hit majority age (even though I already paid for my car, board before housing, college) but all mental & physical abuse - at leasst in my area in many others - was allowed until the '90s (they even spanked for minor infractions at my elementary school, although I never got in trouble and actually was an honors student with really good grades involved in activities to show off to my parents' peers throughout so I was the 'perfect child' in that respect). But instead of lashing out at others, I have only wanted to get along with everyone and NEVER treat anyone the way I was treated again. I've been told I've been pretty successful at that but I have been used a few times - esp. in my 20s & my early 30s where I'm still recovering but the silver lining is that will never happen to me again (I was dependent on someone to also help me with my health issues- i.e. daily injections, etc. - in addition to deeply loving them), but after even going through that (& being raped twice, knife & gun held to my chest & head, respectively, etc.), I refuse to give up on treating people the way I would want to be treated even if I haven't experienced it as much, I have learned to know what I should deserve to be treated as a human being. So that's the difference between Chevy and I if he went through trauma like I did. Working in Hollywood certainlly can make that more likely. So all and all, It's just that I can't dislike Chevy as a person as much as I HATE how he can treat people (as I would NEVER do that), but because he is just too miserable he continuously invites enough hatred for himself because I'm certain HE DOES CARE (again, he just says it too many times that he doesn't & his lashing out - i.e. SNL where that was more related to his time where he didn't feel appreciated). And, there's no need for coddling as that wouldn't help him in the slightest (only enable the toxicity), because if I'm right then this demons come from WAAAAYYY back and even thought they say it's never too late, well I do think there's an exception from time to time. So again, I don't hate the man as he's done enough of that for himself...the question is, is it fair he still has had more resoources throughout his life than the vast majority and at least enjoying that now if only to a minimal extent but he could never find a way to rise above his pain (mostly now self-inflicted)? As much as I feel hopeless in every way, is that still better than the torment he must endure for being such a miserable human being all the time, even at age 81 when many begin to 'mellow out' at that age (he says he's mellowing out but if he is critiqued he will go rigth back to his usual reaction in the same amount of miliseconds so that hasn't changed a bit)? It would be good if he could truly help someone one time (someone that he can really relate to...NOT me as there's a lot of generational misogyny so I'm told to excuse my paternal relation, so that wouldn't work anyway*). *I can't draw too much attention to my situation because I could have even worse done to me than what happened to Rosemary at the moment...but in 10 years then maybe I can help anyone like me, though I would just like to help anyone in general with what I have BUT I WISH I COULD DO THAT NOW AS THAT WOULD SAVE ME FROM EVERYTHING FROM THE CONSTANT MENTAL TORMENT AGAINST MY INCREASING PARALYSIS ON MY UPPER & LOWER EXTREMITIES BUT I CAN"T AFFORD TO LEAVE WHERE I'M AT & I'M ONLY HAVE USE OF A COMPUTER (ANY SUGGESTIONS WOULD BE HELPFUL BECAUSE I'M TRYING TO NOT GIVE UP & THEN END UP IN HELL AS I'VE RECENTLY LEARNED THAT COULD BE AN OPTON; I'VE CERTAINLY NEVER BEEN MORE DESPERATE IN MY LIFE AS I HAVE NOW BUT WHEN YOU ARE LOSING LITERALLY EVERYTHING DOWN TO ALL YOUR MAJOR PHYSICAL CAPABILITIES BECAUSE THEY PUT SO MUCH METAL SO ENCASED AROUND MY SPINE THAT IT CAN'T BE REMOVED BUT CAUSING NONSTOP PRESSURE ON SIGNIFICANT NERVES WHERE MY EMG & NERVE CONDUCTIVITY STUDIES SHOW I'M A 4/5 WITH 5 BEING THE WORST FOR COMPLETE DAMAGE; I JUST HAD HAND SURGERY TO PROLONG THAT ABILITY FOR A YEAR BUT THAT NERVE WILL FINALLY GIVE WAY AS I'M ALREADY PARTIALLY PARALYZED NOT TO MENTION THE AUTOIMMUNE NERBE DISORDERS I WAS BORN WITH, HENCE MY DEFECTIVENESS EARLY ON BUT I STILL COULD BE UTILIZED/EXPLOITED BY MY PARENTS FOR SEVERAL DECADES; I WISH SOMEONE COULD HAVE TOLD ME HOW BAD IT WAS GOING TO BE IN MY FUTURE AS I DIDN"T EVEN KNOW THE FULL EXTENT OF MY AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES BECAUSE THEY'RE A BIT RARE BUT STILL ENOUGH WAS KNOWN FOR ME TO BE TOLD EARLY ON...NOT TO MENTION A GREAT PART OF MY PARENTS' WEALTH CAME FROM MULTI=GENERATIONAL MEDICAL WITH THE EMPHASIS ON CHEMISTRY SO PHARMACEUTICALS WHERE I WAS OFTEN A GUINEA PIG FOR THAT TOO BUT THINK I WAS LUCKY IN THAT REPSECT THANKFULLY; I MEAN I COUNT MY BLESSINGS WHENEVER I CAN); I'm saying someone he can relate to because then maybe there is hope of him changing at least a little bit for the better by helping a reflection of himself, so a win-win situation). ~~SORRY FOR THE LENGTHY POST BUT PLEASE JUST GO PAST AS ANY EXTRANEOUS DETAILS ABOUT ME ARE INCLUDED BECAUSE I'M IN THE MOST DESPERATE SITUATION OF MY LIFE IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE (ASPERGER's IS ANOTHER ONE OF MY NEUROLOGICAL ISSUES) & THERE ISN'T ANY COUNSELING AVAILABLE (THAT I CAN AFFORD ANYWAY) IN MY AREA; I would do ANYTHING WITH EVERYTHING THAT I AM ABLE - SEE ABOVE - to make my situation better andI mean anything (except what is considered amoral). I apologize to this amazing Channel for putting out my desperation on it's platform. It wasn't something I ever intended and I never thought it could get this bad as I already did everything I could (so I thought) to ensure this wouldn't happen but money talks & illegal transfers happen & so on.~~
@@Yvolve his hated him apparently. It was said that his mom would randomly walk into his room when he was sleeping, beat the shit out of him, and then walk out. The next morning, she would act as if nothing ever happened
I think you spelled Glenda wong. But, yes... who could ever forget the funny and talented Glenda Radner...🤣 I feel like if you are going to point out thre flaws in a video that you are watching for free, you shouldn't do it in thre comments section. You should make a VIDEO about it! Everyone makes mistakes. Except maybe you. Except you spelled Glenda wrong, so I guess you do.
I met him twice once in 88 then again 2005 both times he was friendly that first time I was 10 and on vacation when I spotted him he stopped what he was doing to take a bunch of pictures with me . The last time I ran into him at a hotel i walked up to him and said this is the second time I ran into you on a vacation he laughed and said when was the first time I said in 88 he goes oh my that was a lifetime ago we both loled shook his hand and got another photo . The man's a legend
The problem with mentioning the films that 'got away' because he turned down the roles was that those films might not have been as epic or at least memorable with Chevy in them. By the sound of it he was difficult to work with on a good day and that's the sort of thing that can wreck an otherwise good film.
Very true. It's easy to say "oh well, so and so should have taken x role" after the fact. Some of those roles were very well done by those who took the role.
Surprised you didn’t mention the Comedy Central Roast of Chevy. It was noted for being extra cruel and Chase took a lot of the jokes extra personally. When it was over he looked in the camera and said “That hurt.” He spent the rest of the night crying and Paul Schaefer, who was the roast master, had to comfort him.
And to boot, NONE of his "friends" showed up, but instead had to be replaced by b and c list people lol. Thats what happens when you are a dickhead and think you are better than everybody around you. He once said that all the fame pretty much got to his head. Although nowadays, he has done almost a complete 180, and is fairly nice.
Pretty damn funny as Chevy Chase never gave a shit about those he insulted and demeaned over the years. . And he gets his panties in a wad, when someone treats him the same way? Sorry, I have no sympathy for him. . Yeah, once he was funny, but he spent more time being an A$$ to people.
if you lived in the late 70's and early 80's you know the power of Chevy Chase. He was on top of the world for about a decade and he gave us some truly hilarious roles before he started taking himself too seriously.
@John Boreman oh no doubt youre cool bro but my point was kind of obvious when you consider Nothing But Trouble, Cops n Robbers, Memoirs of the invisible Man or anything else he did after 1989 compares to the older stuff
He was over Rated he had no acting range if u took a five minute cut from ever movie he did you can splice them all into one movie and not tell the difference. Oh and nice profile pic if I remember correctly that was a wrestleing character from an NES game.
@@Dashoost didn't hert that HBO which was the top dog at the time played his movies to death. He was a perfect example of right place right time. Let's be honest if any of his cult classics was to be released today as New never been seen before Critics would have him labeled as a Wife cheating perv who falls for a living he would get torn to shreds by the internet.
@@deviant4204 yeah but let's be honest these internet raised generation won't get Chevy Chase but any of his movies are better comedies than anything over the last 10 15 years. Even his trash movies like Fletch lives is better. Just cause the internet made people's head soft don't mean what Chevy did in the 80s isn't good
@@Bob.Jenkins - Just imagine if they released a Chevy Chase DVD/Blue ray collection of, "ONLY the outtakes, never seen before clips!" That my new wish list!!😂
@Tristan Case Pretty sure hacking someone's password isn't legal lol Hell I forget mine all the time I may need you to hack mine so I don't have to make like my 50th account lol
That was a really well done Chevy Chase retrospective. I have to hand it to JoBlo. He showed the complicated ups and downs of one of the legends of comedy instead of just a hit piece or a love letter. Life isn't black and white, so why the "F" should the crazy ass life of a comedy genius and celebrity be any different?
@@Slice2099 Ya, I'm inhaling that sweet Norwegian oxygen right now. Chevy wasn't for me on community, basically solely because I knew prior to the show how he was acting outside of acting.
So I was deployed in the military family had donated a box of people magazine. This was about 2004, but the magazines were anywhere from 1 to 3 years old. In one of those people magazines there was a story about Chevy Chase. It was about how he had had his celebrity roasts I didn’t recognize any of the people that were there, they were all these young artists that he didn’t know, so when he went backstage he ran into the guy that owns SNL, and asked him where are my friends. He was told there are none, you ruined every relationship you’ve been in. Chevy Chase wrote in this people magazine how do you said made him realize he had been the problem all along. It was a very wellWritten piece that would explain Chevy’s career in the context that you are presenting. Love your videos thanks for all your hard work
Saw him live when he was on tour a couple years ago. Started off with a screening of Christmas Vacation, and then Chevy came out to tell stories and answer questions. The wheeled him on stage in a wheelchair. He did seem not well physically. He did legitimately have something wrong with his lungs, he had an inhaler and was short of breath. But about 40 minutes in, during the middle of a question he says "i gotta take a piss" he jumps out of his seat and walks straight off stage without issue lol. An entire theater full of people sat in silence as Chevy disappeared for at minimum 9 minutes, then he casually strolls back to stage and answers the question without hesitation :D Fuckin genius!
Such a bummer that he was so displeased with Community. He was fantastic on that show & it was a comeback of sorts for him. I was hoping he would use it as a launchpad for a return to film. Unfortunate situation really.
I effing LOVE your voice, narration, script, themes, clips, and attitude and compassion in your content. It kinda runs trough all your work I've seen so far. So a big Thank YOU 😊 🙏
Dan should have just left it alone. Chevy is a dick, but a clever and genuine dick, thats the point. Just talk to Norm and Artie, real comedians love the guy
What's most amazing about the "Call Me Al" song is that Chevy memorized the lyrics on the drive over to shoot the video. And those are some weird a** lyrics to memorize.
Well Chevy is a pretty accomplished musician himself. Even before comedy. He was an original member of an early incarnation of Steely Dan before they were called Steely Dan.
they are very interesting, but they could be so much more. Especially if the narrator would stop making absolutely horrible "word plays" Happens all the time: "They capture a certain wise ass thing. Thats whats chevy chase´ass is best at, beeing wise" whats funny about that??
I saw Memoirs of an Invisible Man in theaters as a kid. I never knew what it was called before now. All I remember was that I was so bored out of my mind, I couldn't sit still in my seat. The only other time in my life that happened was when I saw Eternals.
Considering his extremely limited talent, he really had a charmed career. He basically was able to parlay that into pretty decent Hollywood career, so IMO he actually hit above his weight. Nothing "happened" to him, his career naturally just petered out as people got tired of his schtick.
People got tired of working with "The Biggest A**hole in the World". BTW that wasn't really his middle name, just a moniker given him by Hollywood. Can anyone here find a single actor that will state that working with Chase was pleasent? ANYONE???
I loved Nothing but Trouble, watched it many times on VHS. It feels like a light-hearted House of a thousand corpses. He was so great in Community too, though I'm not surprised he was hated by most of the cast. The first few seasons of Community is top shelf!
Also, there was no mention of the infamous "Roast of Chevy Chase" ... Chase' roast did not go well, with many of the roasts being downright insulting and unfunny, Chase was visibly hurt and squeamish at times, but he toughed it out. After the roast, he reportedly went back to his hotel room, broke down and cried. This was in the early 2000s so maybe it was deserved?
I saw some of that back when it was new. I actually felt bad for the guy. They weren't even jokes like most roasts I've seen...It was like repeated gut punches about his drug abuse, etc.
The Call Me Al video was hilarious for one moment specifically. Chevy goes to set the whistle on the drum stand as if it were a glass table. The whistle drops straight through it to the floor. I don't know why, but that tiny hint of physical comedy slays me every time.
I read a long time ago that on his usual monologue, "Live from New York, it's Saturday Night" that there was a terrible accident with Chase falling off a ladder and seriously injuring his back and that he became addicted due to chronic pain. I even remember reading a newspaper about him or someone associated with him getting caught at Canada Customs have Percocet bottles because he needed them in order to work on a movie.
No mention that he was in a Swedish sitcom that nobody even watched here in Sweden. Some Swedish newspaper wrote an article about how sad it was at the time.
This is actually pretty sad... Although Chevy Chase is typically regarded as kind of an A-hole by fellow celebrities, it seems as if his own entitlement led him down a road of unhappiness. It’s like he’s a real-life version of a character from The Office; he just constantly fucks up only to show his more bitter side in the end which shocks us.
He is an A-hole. I met him in rehab😂. Lol. In …2016 I think. He alternated between trying to get attention from women because “” I’m Chevy Chase “ and being a dick to them. Me- I asked him for directions, completely ignoring the fact that he was…Chevy Chase. He gave me the directions to where I was trying to go- but looked confused- as in- “what, no recognition?” Which I thought was hilarious although obviously was not having the best time of my life. My personal comedy cameo appearance that no one saw- except him. 😂😂😂
Yeah I'm a fan of the fletch movies.. still have both of them! and of course the vacation movies. he's unique.. and that's what makes him greatly funny! EDIT: something about his face expressions and the way he laughs.. you know like Jim Carrey is unique.
This funny man was so influential to me since as long as I can remember. He's been apart of so many of of my favorite comedies. The man is a comedic legend... Thank you for this supremely assembled retrospective JoBlo!
Fletch and Three Amigos are the top films of his filmography. If I was stuck some place with only those two films to watch I probably wouldn't go insane.
Been watching that EVERY holiday season since 1989 or 1990. Whenever it released on VHS my parents bought it. Every single character was just comedic genius.
I think it's worth to mention that Chevy also stands in line with the best studio/session musicians that there have ever been... He was practically the first drummer of Steely Dan. Even though he didn't stay long enough to be officially associated with any of that because... guess what? He burned that bridge.
The main reason to watch it is Beverly D'Angelo. Yowza! The vision of her riding the horse in the movie, "HAIR" is forever emblazoned onto my hippocampus.
Chevy is a victim of his own success. He is a mountain of talent, but his own ego and semi-regular fight for control have always ended up being his own undoing. And there's no excuse to hit someone in the face like that.
He's become a Christmas staple, so in a way he'll have everlasting fame. People are gonna be watching that for decades to come. I was a little kid when Christmas Vacation came out, and like Home Alone and A Christmas Story, TODAY'S kids love it, too. So it's passed the first big test of time: it's just as big a hit with the new generation. And it has just enough adult humor that they won't shun it as something kiddy when they become teenagers.
According to Chevy himself, fame turned his head at one time, but since then he has changed and many people who met him later said that in life he is a rather kind person.
Most great comedians become so big and never evolve, they forget how to be funny cause it came so easy. Look at Eddie Murphy, Jim Carrey or Chevy Chase in interviews today, as they just walk out and people start laughing hysterically. It’s sad to watch them interviews as they are a shell of themselves in their heyday. Then you have a comedian like Steve Martin who evolved and doesn’t do ‘wild and crazy guy’ anymore, and he’s just as funny as he was in the 70’s.
Agree with you about Eddie Murphy, not so much with Jim Carrey. Carrey became a fine dramatic actor and Steve Martin did too. Both of those guys are much more talented that Eddie Murphy, who's comedy was very much "of a time" in the eighties. It you go back and watch any of his standup now, it's cringeworthy at best. His greatest moments were on SNL and 48 hours, after that it was steadily downhill but he's been riding that 80's wave for his entire career. IMO he's one of the most overrated superstars in entertainment history. Not only that, he's an insufferable egomaniac with no self awareness.
@@jaykay6387 I feel like he could've branched out to drama if he really put effort into it. But he seems content making watered down PG-13 comedies that are garbage.
Chase was pure comic gold for a decades. His was a young person's brand of humor and never really adapted as grew older. With the exception of Christmas Vacation which is a classic and was age appropriate.
My friend used to work at a fancy grocery store in the Hamptons, and one day Chevy Chase came in. He was making a big stink at the deli counter for some reason or another, and he inevitably asked, "Don't you know who I am?" My friend's coworker looked him dead in the eye and said, "Yeah, you're the asshole who hasn't made a good movie in 20 years." That's one of my favorite stories lol!
Thank you for the info on Chevy Chase. I am going to buy more of his movies to add to my collection. Good and bad, I love Chevy Chase as long as I live!
The only Chevy Chase movies I've seen are Caddy Shack, Three Amigos, Fletch, and the first three Vacation films and I've watched Community. So he's like unblemished in my eyes as a comedic actor. I've weirdly but genuinely not watched any of this other stuff for whatever reason.
I love Fletch to this day. Never understood why they didn't pursue the storyline. Sure, there was part two, but you know, there was much more potential for the character.
I actually liked Memoirs of an Invisible man. I thought it was an interesting premise and did some pretty clever things with it. Ill admit I havent seen it in years but I remember really enjoying it at the time.
It had groundbreaking CG effects done by ILM, they used early motion capture to scan his face in 3D in real time. That had never been done before at the time, they even created new software to capture all the data. I remember reading about it at the time.
7:58 love this scene. "No i did not just do that." and during or before, "you have very small breasts" makes me laugh every time. Goes so well with her reactions too.
I remember going to the universal studios with my family when I was 10. The tour guide told us of a time when she was giving a tour and Chevy was behind all the tourists. Chevy gestured to the tour guide pointing to himself. The tour guide took that as a cue to inform all the tourists that Chevy chase was behind them. As the tourists turned back to look, Chevy turned back as well. I thought that was a funny story and that stayed with me.
Before I watch: 1) His treatment of everyone around him combined with his ego 2) Bad movie choices 3) The Chevy Chase Show 4) His style of humor doesn't hold up well
He basically came along in the right place at the right time. He totally trashed modern SNL a couple of years back. But most of the stuff from the SNL of his era wouldn't be considered funny today.
You're on it. What is that -- the arrogant smirk? -- It's like we're set up to identify with him... then he winks at us and says-- now watch what I can do. "I'm on tv and you're not"... is more than a catch phrase-- it's a whole new philosophy of virtual living through another. There's something very very deep here I think-- and you nailed it.
The funniness of “Call me Al” is that he’s just BSing in front of the camera to do a video for his buddy. Not really much to it- not everyone’s cup-o-tea.
I live in Alberta Canada, there is a family that does a replica of the Christmas vacation house every year,it’s fantastically done. Come on down Chevy, the home owner asks for food bank donations. It’s located in Stony Plain Alberta 🎄🎄🎄
@@sewerface Nobody had the same chemistry on screen IMO. He brought his distinct comedy to the table, none of his replacements really did. More of fillers that were forgettable.
A lot of snowflakes hate the character pierce, but his character made the show funny and it made the other characters more funny because of the banter and such, show went off a cliff when he left
Chevy Chase could’ve been streets ahead from where he is now if he kept himself composed
He got dox for calling out jews
@@TheNeurotichi Oh, he pulled a Mel Gibson?
@@RexNicolaus I can't recall. Heard it somewhere, might be an over simplification of his view on hollywood.
Him not getting along with Belushi should’ve rang alarm bells. But, you know, hindsight.
No he couldn't have......He has always been in more trash movies than good movies....Chevy Chase has the same problem as Steve Martin, both have a few movies that everyone loves and the rest are trash.....The only good movies Chevy Chase has been in were Foul Play, Seems Like Old Times, 2 of 4 vacation movies, 1 Fletch movie, 1 Caddyshack movie and The Three Amigos...Nothing but Trouble was OK but it sure as hell wasn't because of Chevy Chase. Everything else he's been in are varying degrees of trash.
His Law& Order episode was very intense. The way he played someone so self absorbed that he would send his own son down the river to save his own skin is an icy masterpiece of acting.
Yeah, I think he could have done American Beauty.
Was it SVU or Criminal Intent?
@@billblaski9523 the original L&O
i dont think he was acting
@@petergriffin-tu6ug Ugh, that's what I thought too. I wouldn't be surprised, if ten or twenty years down, we learn he did torture/murder one or more.
Should have mentioned at the beginning that he grew up rich, worked comedy for the lols, not the money. It explains why he could turn down roles, challenge directors, avoid gigs that would inconvenience him, and be a general nuisance when he felt like it. Maybe also explains his love for Paul Simon :)
And why his real name is Cornelius, because your parents are either rich, ancient or hate you if they name you that.
@@Yvolve I don't want to make excuses for Chevy Chase but I'm probably going to by saying this (I could easily be jealous of his family's money because he still has it & I'm piss poor right now with no hope in sight after being mutilated from 5 spine operations that went wrong, C2->L5, S1/S2 - last one being in 2021 - and my family's old money that I only added too for 25+ yearss was used against me the second I couldn't function anymore, so I was left with $1k a month (even government benefits I paid into have been taken from me) because I'm now completely 'defective' aka 'useless' to my parents, kind of like Joe Kennedy with Rosemary but she was put in a decent facility & had siblings who visited her where my only one who protected me died when I was age 18; I do feel sorry for Rosemary to the nth degree & I'm saying this because coming from wealth can often lead to a really screwed up upbringing because you're only a tool & nothing more; I also guess this proves the theory that often the richest people are often sociopaths or at least just have zero empathy).
I think Chevy wanted to prove himself as something and didn't know how to relate that very well to a lot of people. His fall back unfortunately was that he showed a sense of superiority because of his upbringing but it was probably a hollow reaction. When someone says they don't care what others say so often, it usually means the opposite. His whole career seems to be a constant struggle to prove that he is the commsumate successful artist despite doing the opposite every time. At lot of wealthy families put the highest amount of pressure for their child(ren) to be successful despite fully neglecting them (some buy their child's success but if they are old money, which has a type of class that they wouldn't dare get caught doing that; it's hard enough like with Joe Kennedy to have their peers see that they produced a defective child but they will eventually find a way to explain that away even if they lie in every way possibly to do it to save face as that's nothing for them because they're already the best of the best to be found out when it comes to those types of untruths). So if Chevy had that type of pressure then every set he saw someone doing better than him it was threatening to him where he was compelled to prove himself over and over and over....He is his own worst enemy and for someone to become increasingly miserable throughout their life can not be living his 'best life' with his 'best self.' I think we saw a taste of what that could have been through the few people that believed in him (in addition to their big hearts) and even through some of his roles. If I'm right, I would bet anything he never sought help for multiple reasons (stubborness, generational idealism, inheriting some of his parents' image obsession whether he admits it or not, etc.). No matter what's the truth, I do know my experience and I do not want to look at this through a biased lens (I do love him in the National Lampoon's vacation movies and I wonder how he can be so relatabe...similar to how he adlibbed everything in Fletch too). The ONLY thing I'll say that he & I would definity have in common is that we were born in generations where there was no where to reach out to. I had to move out before I hit majority age (even though I already paid for my car, board before housing, college) but all mental & physical abuse - at leasst in my area in many others - was allowed until the '90s (they even spanked for minor infractions at my elementary school, although I never got in trouble and actually was an honors student with really good grades involved in activities to show off to my parents' peers throughout so I was the 'perfect child' in that respect). But instead of lashing out at others, I have only wanted to get along with everyone and NEVER treat anyone the way I was treated again. I've been told I've been pretty successful at that but I have been used a few times - esp. in my 20s & my early 30s where I'm still recovering but the silver lining is that will never happen to me again (I was dependent on someone to also help me with my health issues- i.e. daily injections, etc. - in addition to deeply loving them), but after even going through that (& being raped twice, knife & gun held to my chest & head, respectively, etc.), I refuse to give up on treating people the way I would want to be treated even if I haven't experienced it as much, I have learned to know what I should deserve to be treated as a human being. So that's the difference between Chevy and I if he went through trauma like I did. Working in Hollywood certainlly can make that more likely.
So all and all, It's just that I can't dislike Chevy as a person as much as I HATE how he can treat people (as I would NEVER do that), but because he is just too miserable he continuously invites enough hatred for himself because I'm certain HE DOES CARE (again, he just says it too many times that he doesn't & his lashing out - i.e. SNL where that was more related to his time where he didn't feel appreciated). And, there's no need for coddling as that wouldn't help him in the slightest (only enable the toxicity), because if I'm right then this demons come from WAAAAYYY back and even thought they say it's never too late, well I do think there's an exception from time to time. So again, I don't hate the man as he's done enough of that for himself...the question is, is it fair he still has had more resoources throughout his life than the vast majority and at least enjoying that now if only to a minimal extent but he could never find a way to rise above his pain (mostly now self-inflicted)? As much as I feel hopeless in every way, is that still better than the torment he must endure for being such a miserable human being all the time, even at age 81 when many begin to 'mellow out' at that age (he says he's mellowing out but if he is critiqued he will go rigth back to his usual reaction in the same amount of miliseconds so that hasn't changed a bit)? It would be good if he could truly help someone one time (someone that he can really relate to...NOT me as there's a lot of generational misogyny so I'm told to excuse my paternal relation, so that wouldn't work anyway*).
~~SORRY FOR THE LENGTHY POST BUT PLEASE JUST GO PAST AS ANY EXTRANEOUS DETAILS ABOUT ME ARE INCLUDED BECAUSE I'M IN THE MOST DESPERATE SITUATION OF MY LIFE IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE (ASPERGER's IS ANOTHER ONE OF MY NEUROLOGICAL ISSUES) & THERE ISN'T ANY COUNSELING AVAILABLE (THAT I CAN AFFORD ANYWAY) IN MY AREA; I would do ANYTHING WITH EVERYTHING THAT I AM ABLE - SEE ABOVE - to make my situation better andI mean anything (except what is considered amoral). I apologize to this amazing Channel for putting out my desperation on it's platform. It wasn't something I ever intended and I never thought it could get this bad as I already did everything I could (so I thought) to ensure this wouldn't happen but money talks & illegal transfers happen & so on.~~
@Yvolve I'm sorry to tag you with all this. I didn't think I was going to get this in depth or so personal due to my desperate circumstances.
@@Yvolve his hated him apparently. It was said that his mom would randomly walk into his room when he was sleeping, beat the shit out of him, and then walk out. The next morning, she would act as if nothing ever happened
@@doctorfeinstone6524 His mom sounds like she has some real issues going on, holy shit!
When asked about Chevy Chase, Johnny Carson once commented "He couldn't ad lib a fart after a baked bean dinner."
Chevy Chase is to acting as Billy Corgan is to music. You can't deny his greatness, whether you like him or not.
He's the greatest. Vacation, Caddyshack, the Fletch movies, Funny Farm, Seems Like Old Times are comedy classics.
Never heard of Billy corgan and have no intention of finding out.
@@briancohenthepfjmassive.4769 Good for you? LOL. Unreal. Psh.
@@briancohenthepfjmassive.4769congrats bud, want a medal or a chocolate chip cookie?
@@briancohenthepfjmassive.4769look out you're cool
Gilda Radner is a comedic legend. No excuse for calling her Glinda.
I think you spelled Glenda wong.
But, yes... who could ever forget the funny and talented Glenda Radner...🤣
I feel like if you are going to point out thre flaws in a video that you are watching for free, you shouldn't do it in thre comments section. You should make a VIDEO about it!
Everyone makes mistakes. Except maybe you. Except you spelled Glenda wrong, so I guess you do.
@@harleygerken747 Glinda is the Good Witch from The Wizard of Oz. Everyone makes mistakes though, right? Douche-nozzle...
To be fair, Good Witch of Comedy is about right. Ignore Hankey Gerkin
@@harleygerken747 What's xFoMxLo?
Yup her name was Gilda not Glenda
I met him twice once in 88 then again 2005 both times he was friendly that first time I was 10 and on vacation when I spotted him he stopped what he was doing to take a bunch of pictures with me . The last time I ran into him at a hotel i walked up to him and said this is the second time I ran into you on a vacation he laughed and said when was the first time I said in 88 he goes oh my that was a lifetime ago we both loled shook his hand and got another photo . The man's a legend
That's sounds great 👍🏿
Christmas vacation will forever have a special place in my heart
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣and the one where he and the fam went to Las Vegas🤣🤣
In the hearts of millions.
@@Allyssa2002 that one is the worst vacation movie. Also, you love tall white guys.
@@Mogamishu I enjoyed it, and no I don't, you can't just assume things about people like that and think you're right.
@@Mogamishu You don't even know me. What is your problem bruh??
The problem with mentioning the films that 'got away' because he turned down the roles was that those films might not have been as epic or at least memorable with Chevy in them. By the sound of it he was difficult to work with on a good day and that's the sort of thing that can wreck an otherwise good film.
Very true. It's easy to say "oh well, so and so should have taken x role" after the fact. Some of those roles were very well done by those who took the role.
That’s a really good point. Ghostbusters could have been ruined
Love the vid. Chevy was a huge part of my childhood. One of the funniest to ever be on tv.
Surprised you didn’t mention the Comedy Central Roast of Chevy. It was noted for being extra cruel and Chase took a lot of the jokes extra personally. When it was over he looked in the camera and said “That hurt.” He spent the rest of the night crying and Paul Schaefer, who was the roast master, had to comfort him.
That's awful ;
Evidently you've never heard of sarcasm
And to boot, NONE of his "friends" showed up, but instead had to be replaced by b and c list people lol. Thats what happens when you are a dickhead and think you are better than everybody around you. He once said that all the fame pretty much got to his head. Although nowadays, he has done almost a complete 180, and is fairly nice.
@@anonymousher0 Yeah, even Dan Akroyd was like: Nah bruh Imma head out.
Pretty damn funny as Chevy Chase never gave a shit about those he insulted and demeaned over the years. . And he gets his panties in a wad, when someone treats him the same way? Sorry, I have no sympathy for him. .
Yeah, once he was funny, but he spent more time being an A$$ to people.
Man, Beverly D'angelo i've always had the hots for. Even today she still looks good!!!
I dated a girl who looked like her. Too bad she was an absolute lunatic, and HATED me for saying that.
Hahaha, mate, that's the first time I've seen her since vacation movie.
Your right, she still looks incredible.
She got too much work done. She looked weird on Entourage
She's married to Al pachino
@@josieperez5828 They were partners. But never married. That ended back in 2003
if you lived in the late 70's and early 80's you know the power of Chevy Chase. He was on top of the world for about a decade and he gave us some truly hilarious roles before he started taking himself too seriously.
@John Boreman oh no doubt youre cool bro but my point was kind of obvious when you consider Nothing But Trouble, Cops n Robbers, Memoirs of the invisible Man or anything else he did after 1989 compares to the older stuff
He was over Rated he had no acting range if u took a five minute cut from ever movie he did you can splice them all into one movie and not tell the difference. Oh and nice profile pic if I remember correctly that was a wrestleing character from an NES game.
@@deviant4204 yeah not an academy winner but that wasn't my point. Dude was on fire like Eddie Murphy back in the 80s
@@Dashoost didn't hert that HBO which was the top dog at the time played his movies to death. He was a perfect example of right place right time. Let's be honest if any of his cult classics was to be released today as New never been seen before Critics would have him labeled as a Wife cheating perv who falls for a living he would get torn to shreds by the internet.
@@deviant4204 yeah but let's be honest these internet raised generation won't get Chevy Chase but any of his movies are better comedies than anything over the last 10 15 years. Even his trash movies like Fletch lives is better. Just cause the internet made people's head soft don't mean what Chevy did in the 80s isn't good
My OCD just got triggered... Nuclear is pronounced NEW CLEE ER not NUKE YOU LER. My apologies and thanks for the great video! Liked and subscribed.
This isn’t ocd it’s a pet peeve
I follow the Homer Simpson pronunciation.
"You ordered lunch here?"
"Well, this is where I thought my mouth would be."
The scene you showed where Chevy sings 'Moon River' & asks the doctor, "Ever served time?" Laughed for 4 straight minutes & had to rewind! Priceless.
And a lot of ppl won't get that joke
There is nothing funny about that moment
Ben Dover:)
@@sewerface Yeah it was! It was hilarious even as a guy I would be laughing afterwards if I were in his ... position 😆 lol
@@Bob.Jenkins - Just imagine if they released a Chevy Chase DVD/Blue ray collection of, "ONLY the outtakes, never seen before clips!" That my new wish list!!😂
Gilda not Glinda. she wasn't in the wizard of oz.
I was just gonna mention this. Blasphemy mispronouncing the great Gilda Radner
I was just going to post this!
I caught that. What else did he get wrong?
Kind of makes you not trust their ability to do any research at all😬
This happens way to often in these videos. No one ever does a simple Google pronunciation search! lol
Oh, no no it's not his real name... He was born 'Chevrolet Silverado Chase'
White Ford Bronco Chase is his cousin.
@@williamroberts5716 OJ for short.
@Tristan Case Pretty sure hacking someone's password isn't legal lol Hell I forget mine all the time I may need you to hack mine so I don't have to make like my 50th account lol
@Jeanmarie Radick So how did it work out for ya lol
That was a really well done Chevy Chase retrospective. I have to hand it to JoBlo. He showed the complicated ups and downs of one of the legends of comedy instead of just a hit piece or a love letter. Life isn't black and white, so why the "F" should the crazy ass life of a comedy genius and celebrity be any different?
"They flew on their private jets to tell us to stop polluting."
What a complicated dude. Love his work, but it's a good reminder to stay humble, otherwise people won't talk about the good you did.
He killed it on community he was easily one of the most funniest characters on the show in the first three seasons
I love watching the outtakes, but he comes off quite unappealing as a person.
@@GoingNorthObv what Are you on something
@@Slice2099 Ya, I'm inhaling that sweet Norwegian oxygen right now. Chevy wasn't for me on community, basically solely because I knew prior to the show how he was acting outside of acting.
He was easily the least funny of that original cast. He overacted his emotional beats and it was clear he wasn't acting whenever he was a dick.
I loved "Funny Farm", an often overlooked Christmas movie.
Yes one of my favs!
Me too! Was also one of my dads favorite movies as well
It’s on our Christmas movie playlist every year. Seems not many people know about that awesome film.
Overlooked! Yes! Thank you for not saying UNDERRATED!!!!
I think it's my second or third favorite film he did.
So I was deployed in the military family had donated a box of people magazine. This was about 2004, but the magazines were anywhere from 1 to 3 years old. In one of those people magazines there was a story about Chevy Chase. It was about how he had had his celebrity roasts I didn’t recognize any of the people that were there, they were all these young artists that he didn’t know, so when he went backstage he ran into the guy that owns SNL, and asked him where are my friends. He was told there are none, you ruined every relationship you’ve been in. Chevy Chase wrote in this people magazine how do you said made him realize he had been the problem all along. It was a very wellWritten piece that would explain Chevy’s career in the context that you are presenting. Love your videos thanks for all your hard work
Beverly D’Angelo, still gorgeous as ever 💜💜💜💜💜
Oh, yes! The shower scene. Hubba! Hubba!
Saw him live when he was on tour a couple years ago. Started off with a screening of Christmas Vacation, and then Chevy came out to tell stories and answer questions. The wheeled him on stage in a wheelchair. He did seem not well physically. He did legitimately have something wrong with his lungs, he had an inhaler and was short of breath. But about 40 minutes in, during the middle of a question he says "i gotta take a piss" he jumps out of his seat and walks straight off stage without issue lol. An entire theater full of people sat in silence as Chevy disappeared for at minimum 9 minutes, then he casually strolls back to stage and answers the question without hesitation :D Fuckin genius!
So that makes for "genius" in your world? You should do some reading for starters....history books maybe to see what a real "genius" is.
So he tried copying Chappelle?
So he is in a wheel chair but appears on stage. That is sad and sick.
@@artmcpharlin6730 Agree. Mocks truly disabled people and he thinks that's funny?
@@kendallevans4079 He was clearly mocking his old age
I always get upset thinking of how great he could have been if not held back by himself.
My childhood was filled with chevy chase movies, and I wouldn't have changed it for the world
Such a bummer that he was so displeased with Community. He was fantastic on that show & it was a comeback of sorts for him. I was hoping he would use it as a launchpad for a return to film. Unfortunate situation really.
I effing LOVE your voice, narration, script, themes, clips, and attitude and compassion in your content.
It kinda runs trough all your work I've seen so far. So a big Thank YOU 😊 🙏
he's ok; he relies too much on what he remembers growing up
It's a shame he didn't get along with Dan Harmon, because Peirce was hysterical on Community.
I've always heard Dan Harmon is every bit as bad
Harmon is a self admitted douche
Pierce is a garbage person who stays around way too long
Dan Harmon did Chevy dirty
Dan should have just left it alone. Chevy is a dick, but a clever and genuine dick, thats the point. Just talk to Norm and Artie, real comedians love the guy
What's most amazing about the "Call Me Al" song is that Chevy memorized the lyrics on the drive over to shoot the video. And those are some weird a** lyrics to memorize.
Well Chevy is a pretty accomplished musician himself. Even before comedy. He was an original member of an early incarnation of Steely Dan before they were called Steely Dan.
@@Geronimo_Jehoshaphat I did not know that, weird Wild Wacky stuf.
This WTF videos are actually really underrated and well edited. Excellent review of his career
They are terrible. He called Gilda GLINDA! Also, Chevy wasn’t an actor on SNL...he CREATED it!!!!!!
they are very interesting, but they could be so much more. Especially if the narrator would stop making absolutely horrible "word plays" Happens all the time: "They capture a certain wise ass thing. Thats whats chevy chase´ass is best at, beeing wise" whats funny about that??
He’s just another LIEberal douche has been!
IF you're a Chase fan.
Who is rating them at all? How can you be under rated without a rating.
I saw Memoirs of an Invisible Man in theaters as a kid. I never knew what it was called before now. All I remember was that I was so bored out of my mind, I couldn't sit still in my seat. The only other time in my life that happened was when I saw Eternals.
Considering his extremely limited talent, he really had a charmed career. He basically was able to parlay that into pretty decent Hollywood career, so IMO he actually
hit above his weight. Nothing "happened" to him, his career naturally just petered out as people got tired of his schtick.
People got tired of working with "The Biggest A**hole in the World". BTW that wasn't really his middle name, just a moniker given him by Hollywood.
Can anyone here find a single actor that will state that working with Chase was pleasent?
@@crankychris2 He's one of the few SNL hosts to get banned.
I loved Nothing but Trouble, watched it many times on VHS. It feels like a light-hearted House of a thousand corpses. He was so great in Community too, though I'm not surprised he was hated by most of the cast. The first few seasons of Community is top shelf!
its i poor movie, but somehow i still want to see it from time to time. I might see it tonight. Like all Chevy movies there are some good scenes 😍
A light-hearted House of 1000 Corpses! 🤣 Thank you for that!
Also, there was no mention of the infamous "Roast of Chevy Chase" ... Chase' roast did not go well, with many of the roasts being downright insulting and unfunny, Chase was visibly hurt and squeamish at times, but he toughed it out. After the roast, he reportedly went back to his hotel room, broke down and cried. This was in the early 2000s so maybe it was deserved?
Maybe he's a bit sensitive. I have seen roasts that would make folks run into traffic to get away🤣Roasts aren't for the easily offended.
Stephen Colbert's set during that roast was amazing. And amazingly harsh.
Yea it was deserved. Chevy was a prick to everyone. He had it coming.
I saw some of that back when it was new. I actually felt bad for the guy. They weren't even jokes like most roasts I've seen...It was like repeated gut punches about his drug abuse, etc.
@@stuartgorka989 Nothing is off limits in a roast.
Did that man just say "Glinda" Radner? It's Gilda.
Yeah! Unreal!!!
I love that man. Don't care. It's just how I feel.
The Call Me Al video was hilarious for one moment specifically. Chevy goes to set the whistle on the drum stand as if it were a glass table. The whistle drops straight through it to the floor. I don't know why, but that tiny hint of physical comedy slays me every time.
Man he is a old man now but in his young years he was amazing !!!
I read a long time ago that on his usual monologue, "Live from New York, it's Saturday Night" that there was a terrible accident with Chase falling off a ladder and seriously injuring his back and that he became addicted due to chronic pain. I even remember reading a newspaper about him or someone associated with him getting caught at Canada Customs have Percocet bottles because he needed them in order to work on a movie.
Fletch has to be my all time favorite comedy, its so fucking good.
The music in the movie is amazing too.
I could probably see that movie every day for the rest of my life without getting bored 😍
Yeah. I agree. Guilty pleasure movie.
“He’s listed at 6’1….. 6’8 with the Afro!”
True. I used to use the Fletch theme as my alarm.
Love what you did to the place. Must’ve cost you hundreds.
No mention that he was in a Swedish sitcom that nobody even watched here in Sweden. Some Swedish newspaper wrote an article about how sad it was at the time.
Japp. Det var riktigt jävla illa!!
That is a whole new level of pathetic
Vilken serie var det?
This is actually pretty sad... Although Chevy Chase is typically regarded as kind of an A-hole by fellow celebrities, it seems as if his own entitlement led him down a road of unhappiness. It’s like he’s a real-life version of a character from The Office; he just constantly fucks up only to show his more bitter side in the end which shocks us.
He is an A-hole. I met him in rehab😂. Lol. In …2016 I think. He alternated between trying to get attention from women because “” I’m Chevy Chase “ and being a dick to them.
Me- I asked him for directions, completely ignoring the fact that he was…Chevy Chase. He gave me the directions to where I was trying to go- but looked confused- as in- “what, no recognition?” Which I thought was hilarious although obviously was not having the best time of my life. My personal comedy cameo appearance that no one saw- except him. 😂😂😂
Yeah I'm a fan of the fletch movies.. still have both of them! and of course the vacation movies. he's unique.. and that's what makes him greatly funny! EDIT: something about his face expressions and the way he laughs.. you know like Jim Carrey is unique.
This funny man was so influential to me since as long as I can remember. He's been apart of so many of of my favorite comedies. The man is a comedic legend... Thank you for this supremely assembled retrospective JoBlo!
Fletch and Three Amigos are the top films of his filmography. If I was stuck some place with only those two films to watch I probably wouldn't go insane.
fletch was amnazing.. i still laugh
“Can I borrow your towel? My car just hit a water buffalo.” 😂
I saw Lampoon Christmas Vacation a couple of months ago, and it is still a lot of fun.
It holds up perfectly as a Christmas movie. Such a great movie.
It really does hold up really well. Still as funny as the first time I saw it! Sadly, that was the last great Chevy film I can remember.
Saw all of the 80s and 90s movies in the theater. Didn't see anything 2000 forward in any form. Looks like he had a good run
"Explain THIS, you son of a bitch!" Vacation. Classic scene with James Keach as the highway patrolman. TOO funny!
A unique name for a truly unique lady.
Chevy has the best “did someone see that” pose ever lol
say what you want about him, his clark w. griswold is comedy LEGEND!
Been watching that EVERY holiday season since 1989 or 1990. Whenever it released on VHS my parents bought it. Every single character was just comedic genius.
His only true claim to fame.
I love the three NASA was as amigos also really loved the Paul Simon video💟💞💕💞💟💕
He had a great career in comedy and retired on top. Way to go, Chevy Chase. Gotta love the name.
I think it's worth to mention that Chevy also stands in line with the best studio/session musicians that there have ever been... He was practically the first drummer of Steely Dan. Even though he didn't stay long enough to be officially associated with any of that because... guess what? He burned that bridge.
NL Christmas Vacation is definitely the best Christmas movie ever made. And one of the five best comedies ever made. We watch it every year.
The main reason to watch it is Beverly D'Angelo. Yowza!
The vision of her riding the horse in the movie, "HAIR" is forever emblazoned onto my hippocampus.
The best Christmas movie was "Gremlins."
I couldn't give a fuck but I do appreciate what the man has done. He is a legend. and GLINDA Radner? WTF dude?
Nothing But Trouble has always been one of my favorite movies. Just rewatched last year and still love it!
Love it also. I even love memoirs
Excellent video. Thank you.
Chevy is a victim of his own success. He is a mountain of talent, but his own ego and semi-regular fight for control have always ended up being his own undoing. And there's no excuse to hit someone in the face like that.
Maybe his breath smelled bad.
Also no excuse to tell Donald Glover “people only find you funny because you’re black”
@@mrcritical6751 that's hilarious, but still fucked up
He's become a Christmas staple, so in a way he'll have everlasting fame.
People are gonna be watching that for decades to come. I was a little kid when Christmas Vacation came out, and like Home Alone and A Christmas Story, TODAY'S kids love it, too. So it's passed the first big test of time: it's just as big a hit with the new generation.
And it has just enough adult humor that they won't shun it as something kiddy when they become teenagers.
I like Memoirs Of An Invisible Man , if not for the effects at least for the interesting premise.
That and Sam Neil makes a great villain. Plus Michael McKean elevates anything he's in.
@@johnallen3033 Very True
Me too I think was decent, not bad
I’ve always loved Spies like Us always cracks me up
Met him 2x at a convention recently, funny and very nice to the fans.
Thank you for including the Christmas vacation rant scene 👍 my absolute favorite scene from my favorite Christmas movie. Just legendary 😄
HBO running his movies over and over in the 80's certainly helped him out
I love the WTF Happened series! Thank you for this one, CHEVY CHASE RULES!!!
According to Chevy himself, fame turned his head at one time, but since then he has changed and many people who met him later said that in life he is a rather kind person.
He is not
The Community cast would say otherwise
@@tailsknuxfan101 many people would disagree look up his actions to Howard Stern
Chevy was so self centred that he left a clearly unstable Doug Kenny in Hawaii
All I know is that community was funny when Chevy was around
Besides the puns your channel is very entertaining, I’m sure I’ll get use to puns with enough videos
National Lampoon's Vacation still reigns as my favorite comedy. Nothing compares.
I will always love Chevy, born in 97 so I missed out on his prime, but he will always be a legend. Caddyshack is the best, Chevy Chase forever.
“Al” represents Alzheimer’s disease. Now listen to the song again and you should “get it”.
Most great comedians become so big and never evolve, they forget how to be funny cause it came so easy. Look at Eddie Murphy, Jim Carrey or Chevy Chase in interviews today, as they just walk out and people start laughing hysterically. It’s sad to watch them interviews as they are a shell of themselves in their heyday. Then you have a comedian like Steve Martin who evolved and doesn’t do ‘wild and crazy guy’ anymore, and he’s just as funny as he was in the 70’s.
You have a point there only 2 Steve Martin movie I like bow finger and all of me
He is a decent banjo player, too 😹
@@daleholbert3111 Plains, Trains & Automobiles is his best movie, IMO. Martin and Candy are perfect together.
Agree with you about Eddie Murphy, not so much with Jim Carrey. Carrey became a fine dramatic actor and Steve Martin did too. Both of those guys are much more talented that Eddie Murphy, who's comedy was very much "of a time" in the eighties. It you go back and watch any of his standup now, it's cringeworthy at best. His greatest moments were on SNL and 48 hours, after that it was steadily downhill but he's been riding that 80's wave for his entire career. IMO he's one of the most overrated superstars in entertainment history. Not only that, he's an insufferable egomaniac with no self awareness.
@@jaykay6387 I feel like he could've branched out to drama if he really put effort into it. But he seems content making watered down PG-13 comedies that are garbage.
I love that Call Me Al video! It harkens back to Sat Night Live for some reason and it's just funny to me.
Chase was pure comic gold for a decades. His was a young person's brand of humor and never really adapted as grew older. With the exception of Christmas Vacation which is a classic and was age appropriate.
My friend used to work at a fancy grocery store in the Hamptons, and one day Chevy Chase came in. He was making a big stink at the deli counter for some reason or another, and he inevitably asked, "Don't you know who I am?" My friend's coworker looked him dead in the eye and said, "Yeah, you're the asshole who hasn't made a good movie in 20 years." That's one of my favorite stories lol!
How did CC react to that?
@@mysoncrumphaseveryinjury3853 Good question
Chevy reminds me of Hulk Hogan
eventually became the character they played on TV in real life, which sadly alienated many of the people in their lives
So many classics. Just watched Caddyshack again and absolutely holds up.
Caddyshack will hold up forever. It is just one of those movies.
Thank you for the info on Chevy Chase. I am going to buy more of his movies to add to my collection. Good and bad, I love Chevy Chase as long as I live!
The only Chevy Chase movies I've seen are Caddy Shack, Three Amigos, Fletch, and the first three Vacation films and I've watched Community. So he's like unblemished in my eyes as a comedic actor. I've weirdly but genuinely not watched any of this other stuff for whatever reason.
Watch Fletch Lives, and Seems Like Old Times.
Glinda Radner?? Come on JoBlo!!!! She was a comedic genius! She deserves respect!!
No she wasn't. Other than SNL, she was non existent.
I must have seen the three amigos 20 times back in the days. It’s a classic, hard to believe it wasnt well received when it came out.
I remember back in the late 80’s it was on HBO all the time...
I love Fletch to this day. Never understood why they didn't pursue the storyline. Sure, there was part two, but you know,
there was much more potential for the character.
Fletch 2 is a great comedy even if its far away from the first movie.
@@AllAboutMusicMovies Yes, I agree. But why stop there? Maybe Chevy was impossible to work with. Who knows.
@@bitterbold because they didnt understood that the second wasnt that bad after all. I would have loved more Fletch movies 😀
@@AllAboutMusicMovies Yepp, true.
Well done! I appreciate your work.
I actually liked Memoirs of an Invisible man. I thought it was an interesting premise and did some pretty clever things with it. Ill admit I havent seen it in years but I remember really enjoying it at the time.
It had groundbreaking CG effects done by ILM, they used early motion capture to scan his face in 3D in real time. That had never been done before at the time, they even created new software to capture all the data. I remember reading about it at the time.
7:58 love this scene. "No i did not just do that." and during or before, "you have very small breasts" makes me laugh every time. Goes so well with her reactions too.
Looks like my dad, acts a lot like my dad who served me my first beer just like Clark did with Russ.
I can't watch him and not see my old man.
Everyone said he was the next Cary Grant and he believed them.
I remember going to the universal studios with my family when I was 10. The tour guide told us of a time when she was giving a tour and Chevy was behind all the tourists. Chevy gestured to the tour guide pointing to himself. The tour guide took that as a cue to inform all the tourists that Chevy chase was behind them. As the tourists turned back to look, Chevy turned back as well. I thought that was a funny story and that stayed with me.
I don’t care what he was (nice or good in his personal life) he will always be a legend and a tradition in my family.
Before I watch:
1) His treatment of everyone around him combined with his ego
2) Bad movie choices
3) The Chevy Chase Show
4) His style of humor doesn't hold up well
It's odd, I'd have thought the chat show format tailor-made for Chevy Chase, obviously not...
Barely even humor
He basically came along in the right place at the right time. He totally trashed modern SNL a couple of years back. But most of the stuff from the SNL of his era wouldn't be considered funny today.
He always had that smirk, with a certain arrogant faking-it quality in his eye.
You're on it. What is that -- the arrogant smirk? -- It's like we're set up to identify with him... then he winks at us and says-- now watch what I can do. "I'm on tv and you're not"... is more than a catch phrase-- it's a whole new philosophy of virtual living through another. There's something very very deep here I think-- and you nailed it.
The funniness of “Call me Al” is that he’s just BSing in front of the camera to do a video for his buddy. Not really much to it- not everyone’s cup-o-tea.
Loved your rendition of "The Ballad of Chevy Chase". Great singing voice. Come on now, we all know it was you...
I live in Alberta Canada, there is a family that does a replica of the Christmas vacation house every year,it’s fantastically done. Come on down Chevy, the home owner asks for food bank donations. It’s located in Stony Plain Alberta 🎄🎄🎄
Him on Community....pure gold. Without him it felt empty, still great, but not the same.
Pierce is a drag on the show. Every actor who replaced Chase makes Pierce’s absence even sweeter
@@sewerface Nobody had the same chemistry on screen IMO. He brought his distinct comedy to the table, none of his replacements really did. More of fillers that were forgettable.
A lot of snowflakes hate the character pierce, but his character made the show funny and it made the other characters more funny because of the banter and such, show went off a cliff when he left
His wit was amazing. Watch the Stern call to him from the early 90s.
There’s a Chevy Chase Blvd in Lexington KY. As a child I thought it was named after the Christmas Vacation guy.
Lol.. if you disagree…. Cassshh me ousiyd! 🤣 lol, your commentary is always good!
As a kid I thought he was the most funniest guy. I always wanted to meet him cause of how funny he was.