Remember what Anderson Dawes said in an earlier episode: "Earthers get to walk outside into the light, breathe pure air, look up at a blue sky and see something that gives hope. And what do they do, they look past that light past that blue sky they see the stars and they think mine." Sums it up pretty good.
Just a quick explanation for Amos calling Clarissa Mao "Peaches". She had been using the alias "Melba Koh" while plotting against Holden in Season 3. "Peach Melba" is the name of a famous dessert invented in the 1890s by legendary French chef Escoffier while he was working at the Savoy hotel in London. He named it in honour of of Dame Nellie Melba, the late 19thC/ early 20thC superstar of opera. I totally get not immediately warming to her, but I think Amos bears in mind that she is genuinely sorry for the evil she has done, faced up to the consequences and not least, saved the human species from extinction.
Yeah, it's a real shame we didn't get to see more of her semi-redemption at the end of the last season, though I totally get why (it would have been out of place in the narrative and they'd already had to compress the book into two thirds of a season). Amos has an incredible amount of forgiveness in him and offered to be her guard in order for her to be let out of her makeshift cell during the long trip back to Earth. I'm pretty sure he said something along the lines of being willing to put her down without hesitation, but knew that it wouldn't be necessary. By the end of Book 3, you certainly don't love Clarissa, but you definitely don't hate her either.
@@lordorion5776 More than that, he gives her chances to kill herself to get out of it. However, by that point, she'd decided to take Anna's advice to face the consequences of her actions.
That scene with Naomi stepping off the Rosci is absolutely incredible! Can you imagine what it would be like to see a sky for the first time in your life? She didn’t fall down from the gravity (she’s had plenty of experience in 1G) it was seeing the sky that overwhelmed her. Beautiful.
I also think that when you live your life with a hard barrier between you and hard vacuum, a sky is a lot of faith. As an engineer she knows Illus can hold an atmosphere, but emotionally that has to be terrifying. Nothing between you and death but gas.
One of the things that bugged me in this episode: it would be the same for Alex. He grew up in a gravity well on Mars so he doesn't need the drugs, but he would never have been _outside_ either, at least not without a at the least he should be struggling with it just as much as the Martian delegation at the UN did when Bobbie had to testify on Earth. But they never address that.
@@putinscat1208 The books mention that ships typically thrust under 1/3 g, similar to Mars, which is relatively comfortable both for Earthers and Belters. Larger stations such as Tycho and Ceres are also spun to create a similar g force. The issue is that many Belters spend significant portions of their childhood in lower, or zero, g, which does affect their bodies; Belters on the whole are much taller and thinner than Inners, which the show briefly demonstrated in season 1 but couldn't do for all Belter characters because of budget constraints. That stacks up scientifically, at least in theory; I recall reading about an experiment some time back where one identical twin spent time on the ISS, and upon returning to Earth was found to be very slightly taller than his sibling just from that relatively brief time in zero gravity, even as a fully developed adult. At any rate, we can assume that the gravity on Ilus is close to that on Earth, which is why it affects Belters far more than Earthlings or Martians. And there is indeed a significant difference between spending relatively short time frames in "high" gravity of .3g vs. spending days or more on a planet with higher gravity.
@@mikeclemens795 G.O.T. is pretty damn amazing at it as well. I think with Babylon 5 a lot of the character 180° turns are due to season one missteps. Season one feels like a different show. I think the 5 year arc was far more fluid than written in stone. Either way Babylon 5 is easily one of my favorites. Not as perfect as the Expanse but still great.
Just one of the many shout outs by the show to thank reactors like The Normies and fan groups (screaming firehawks) that helped save the show by spreading petitions via social media.
@@m.e.3862 I wouldn't have watched the show if it wasn't for The Normies, I mean I had heard of it before but thought it was just some generic sci-fi show
Alex was test firing the Roci's new rail gun. He fired it at some random rock, just as a test, and was satisfied with the sheer power of the demonstration. My take on "take that, blue goo" was that he meant it sort of metaphorically or aspirationally. He wasn't actually firing at protomolecule, he was sort of saying "now we are armed enough to take on any enemy, even the protomolecule itself." Honestly, it was kind of a weird line, but I think that was the gist of how it was meant. If anyone else has a better explanation, I'd love to hear it; that's the best I've ever been able to come up with. This season, like the book it was based on, is a bit controversial among the fan base. People seem to either really dig it or really hate it; not a lot of middle ground. Well, "hate" maybe is too strong a word, but if you ask fans to rank the seasons in order of preference, a lot of people put 4 near the bottom, but also a lot put it near the top. I think it kind of depends on what you are looking for from the show. To some, the season feels a little "small" because it spends a fair amount of time on the Ilus/New Terra story line - not a lot of different locations, not a lot of space battles, though there definitely are some. Beyond that, I probably shouldn't say any more. I will say that I really enjoyed this season for its moments of exploration and wonder, and for what I think are some of the stronger character moments on the show to date (Naomi's first steps on an actual planet being one of them). I also really love the writing this season; there are a lot of quotable lines and a lot of thought provoking moments. So I would actually give Season 4 a good score if you forced me to rate it... I think you may feel the same, based on some of what you've said. But we'll see. One thing that nearly everyone agrees on (even the people who don't care much for Season 4) - even a relatively weak season of The Expanse is better than 90% of the other crap on TV. So there's that. Oh, and the cinematography this season is next level.
So ya the way you saw the blue goo scene makes sense only thing I would add is they are travelling to a world through a gate to a plane in Alex's mind is probably blue goo town based on experience but regardless its cool 😎 👌
Season/Book 4 is a fantastic story, but it feels like a drastic shift in tone from the high-energy, high-stakes stuff that happened in season/book 3. I compltely understand why people might consider it the worst season, even though I disagree. Well, kinda, maybe it _is_ the worst, but only because an 8.5 out of 10 is the lowest score I'd give any season of the show. It's also _significantly_ better as a book than a show, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work as a show, just that it might be slightly more confusing as a show. (though they did make several good choices during the adaptation, like show-Ashford, show-Drummer, and tail-landing the Roci instead of landing it on its side, why did they think that was a good idea?)
What makes it confusing to me is that the random rock is spherical. I'm no expert, but i thought small rocks like that are usually not so perfectly formed.
Re-watching the series through reactions really lets you appreciate how amazing the show was, a whole different experience from watching it live when it originally aired, especially with the wrangling over Netflix ditching the show and it looking bleak before Amazon stepped in and kept it going.
If the stars align again in a few years, we might get a bit more. Maybe. If we are all good boys and girls. Stranger things have happened in this new media landscape.
@@PHDiaz-vv7yo Not played, just referenced. The Normies drew a big interest to the show with their reaction series during the uncertain days of its cancellation by SyFy before Amazon confirmed they were picked up, enough so that they got the attention of Ty Franck & Daniel Abraham (collectively known as James S.A. Corey) at a convention. They mustve hit it off because in the end the writers decided to give Rana's name to someone who was onscreen for about 3 seconds :D
@@theKonfusion Like Ty said when you get yourself a really great actor give them ALL the roles .. thats what they did with both Cara Gee and David Strathairn.. both characters are combinations of multiple ones from the books
I love the showrunners' and writers' willingness to adapt. They could have stuck closer to the book, but gave us more of these characters that were so well played (and written) and beloved by the fans.
The Ilus landing scene, the way it is shot, the music, Dominique Tipper performance is one of those scenes that stays with you. It doesn't need any guns blazing, no dialog, and yet I get the same awe and emotion every time I watched it. For me a profound appreciation of mother earth, the sky, the ground the air, life itself really, everything I take for granted every single moment are actually one of the rarest treasure in the entire solar system .
Fun fact, in the book Dimitri Havelock (Miller's partner) is on the Israel as a security officer and plays a key role at specific times. Would have been great to see in the show. There's also more of an explanation about the Roci getting a bunch of upgrades. A newly added rail gun and the legs it lands with. Cool thing about the rail gun, every time it fires the ship's engine briefly flares to counteract the push back 'cause it's a big weapon for a ship that small.
A bit of context about Ilus/New Terra and RCE (Royal Charter Energy): The Belters who jumped the gun reported finding lithium on the planet in huge quantities. While lithium on earth isn't super rare (it's in seawater), it's very expensive to refine from those sources, so a source of it that is in ready-to-mine condition would be worth trillions. Even in today's real-world economy, lithium is being gobbled up to make the next generation of battery technology. So the UN has effectively told the Expanse-verse's equivalent of Exxon/BP they can go check it out, in the name of science and exploration, wink wink. RCE has geologists and biologists on the payroll (Elvi and Fayez, who you saw chatting), but being a megacorporation it has its own private security division that protects itself wherever they go - and Murtry (Burn Gorman) just inherited the chief position of "keeping order and protecting company interests" after the crash killed his boss. As Ty Franck and Naren Shankar have said in interviews, Season 4 is a Western in many respects, and while the Belters may not be indigenous to Ilus, they can very well be considered homesteaders who happened to settle on a huge oil tract by happenstance, and in swoops the petro-barons to lay claim to a thing no one really "owns", considering civilization is months away even in the fastest ship. As the movie about oil barons says, there will be blood, but I doubt Daniel Plainview ever had to deal with an intelligent alien nano-goo.
The economics of The Expanse never made any sense. If they can move spaceships around as fast as they do and in such large numbers, they have so much energy available to them that even the poorest human in the system would be like a trillionaire today. And we don't have any trillionaires yet. It would be effectively a post-scarcity economy, and something as simple as lithium extraction would be a trivial issue even at such vast quantities it boggles the mind. But I get it. A story needs conflict, and economic conflict is as good as any to drive a story forward. It's just funny to me that in a show like this, the blue glue isn't even the most unrealistic part of the setting. The most unrealistic part is that they don't have enough water, one of the most abundant substances in the solar system, and the Belters are living inside of moon-sized rocks literally made of the stuff. My theory is that they keep spacing people all the time, whereas if they simply recycled the bodies Fremen-style, there'd be no shortages.
@@fakecubed The problem with your idea is that while the Epstein Drive is a magic drive but it really doesn't have any real economic effect beyond cutting down transit time and making interplanetary travel and exploitation cheaper. From the beginning The Expanse has always been about resource shortages - Earth because it has so many people, Mars because they are trying to terraform the planet, and the Belt because of the demands of the other two. It's definitely not a post-scarcity setting, and that is what is driving the story.
@@fakecubed "Belters are living inside of moon-sized rocks literally made of the stuff." They literally aren't. They live in asteroids made of rock, not ice...which is actually fairly scarce in the asteroid belt in any form that is relatively easy to be converted into water, hence the haulers moving back and forth from the rings of Saturn. The point wasn't whether or not they had's that it's incredibly expensive. Also, they DO recycle bodies...the series and the books make a point of telling us this already. "If they can move spaceships around as fast as they do..." They don't have warp speed, you know. It still takes weeks/months to move between the planets/belt objects/moons/etc. This is addressed multiple times. Additionally, 30 billion humans take more of a toll on resources and economies than our "paltry" 8 billion do, so it's hardly a 1-to-1 comparison. Not to be rude, but you have watched the show, right? This stuff is all in there. On a side note, it's funny you mention that as DUNE is canon in the Expanse, seeing as how Julie references it in her journal.
@@TheSirUno I’m talking about real life. Ceres is 25% ice by mass. And the Earth’s resources could easily support 30 billion humans, since you brought that up. I never claimed they have warp drive, but the Epstein drive works by fusion. Fusion produces an absurd amount of energy.
I think Ashford's reluctance to transmit the access codes it's because those inner planets navy vessels guarding the ring gate, would have known his ship. That he was operating out Medina, and what he was doing (working to keep the OPAs agreement with the inner planets), but still probably every time he comes back they make him identify, as a way of flexing their power, of showing him that he's really not the sheriff around there. At least I think that's how he would have felt about it. So he resents it
The UN calls the planet "New Terra" because they have the right to name the planets beyond the rings, not the Belter "squatters" who call the planet "Illus." Remember what Anderson Dawes said about Inners looking at the expanse of space and claiming it for their own.
Naomi on Earth vs Illus. I think it's in part a timing thing. But there's also there's a Belter/Earth dynamic. And just a Belter / gravity well dynamic as Drummer highlights. A heads up - the actor who played Avasarala"s husband wasn't available so they replaced him. For a show that was kinda cancelled twice it's kind of amazing how they retained their actors so well.
Oh, favourite thing in this ep for me is Naomi walking on Illus. It's amazing how they put you in her shoes and make walking on a planet seem so foreign. Which is kinda wild since most of us havn't known anything but that. But in that scene we see it through her eyes. That sky is its own terrifying expanse.
It's nice to see the actors' names under "Producer" titles later on, I'm assuming they were so invested in the show and their characters, they *literally* invested in it
I thought they showed her reaction to the news story to justify that her part of her motivation was that this Belter issue wasn't going to be settled only by the Inners on her crew. She wanted to be there in person to affect results.
Thanks for giving me the realization that my favorite weekly TH-cam content will eventually come to an end. I am not going to take this for granted now. I really enjoy re-experience this wonderful series through your reactions.
The bright side is that there still will be reactions to other shows and movies. 😊 Maybe the next sci-fi show she watches will be another one that you enjoyed, like Firefly.
Amos understands Clarissa. He also struggled with his own demons before he met Naomi & decided that she would be his moral compass...she's not terribly unlike what he must have been, save perhaps for scale. The fear of allowing people through the gates is that the protomolecule _built_ all of the gates, and therefore might still be active in the systems on the other sides. To say nothing of whatever killed the species which created the protomolecule. At least, that's it officially...I'm sure behind the diplomatic scenes there would also be concerns regarding governance, trade regulations, taxation, sovereignty, etc. But primarily there's the very real concern that some group of refugees might accidentally trigger yet another existential crisis for humanity.
We don’t know if Naomi was given enough notice of the earth visit to prep for landing there. To get to Illus she knew she has many months. Also, the Illus assignment made Naomi realize that they MIGHT have to go to A LOT of planets throughout their future and she doesn’t want to be stuck in space for all of them while her crew gets to go to the surfaces.
Am I the only one that believes the music while they were landing was the so good? That help make that seen so powerful. The up the good work, love your reactions.
Naomi had already started treatments for surviving planetary gravity, her body just wasn't strong enough yet when Holden was on Earth. She had the extra time from Earth to Illus to keep doing the treatments to be ready for the Illus landing.
The Rosi got some refits while at Earth. Landing legs added, the spinal mount rail gun, probably a few other modifications, ect. Alex was testing the railgun by firing on a random asteroid. "Take that blue goo" was Alex saying to himself "yeah, we got a bigger gun now!!"
The Roci landing and the walk out of the ship to the settlement, hands down my favourite scene from The Expanse, especially combined with the two pieces of music used, To Illus and First Steps!
It was actually _because_ Naomi hadn't done it to visit Earth that she decided to do it when going to Ilus. She hadn't realized how much she wanted to go down to meet his parents in person and figured that Holden would eventually want to retire to Earth and would want to raise any kids they might have on Earth. So Ilus is like a trial run for her, in her mind, being able to live in 1g is the only way her and Holden have a future.
However, when the RCE crew landed, they did not bother with asking the Belters what they had encountered, or what their experience might have been. Their sole focus has been to get the Belters off of "New Earth" so that they can assert their claim to the world.
Alex is test-firing the Rocinante's new railgun (reverse-engineered from the Anubis-class stealth ships) and using an asteroid as a target. "Take that blue goo," is Alex expressing that they now have a better weapon for destroying proto-molecule targets.
As always another great reaction. I felt the same way growing up with Star Trek, and even more so with Star Wars when I saw it in the theater. I find myself say "just wait" or "you'll see" because the way you are interacting with the audience. I really enjoy that. Donkey balls.
My favourite choice they made this season was to use a different aspect ratio for Ilus than the rest of the show. You'll notice that the show is shot in the usual 16:9 aspect ratio but for scenes on Ilus this switches to a *Super* wide 2.39:1 aspect ratio. They did this the emphasise the wide-open vista of Ilus.
11:00 That scene still makes me tear up. Lost my ma in 2016 very suddenly and it left my 21 year old self lost without a guide. God I love this show, thank you for the amazing reactions too. ❤️
What you do when you have finished the series and am craving more is start binging reactor watches! Its like getting to see it through fresh new eyes all over again
This season in particular has been great to watch through reactors. I think I watched this season in four or five hours when it was released. It was not a satisfying binge watch. Seeing it again via reactors who don't speed watch it has made me appreciate this season more.
Oh god, Mary Cherry is exasperating a LOT of times. So many things flew over her head that i was genuinely asking myself if she was really watching the same thing i was. Zygart was great, gave a lot of attention to minute details.
LM reactions did a good run of the Expanse. Between the two of them, they rarely missed a beat, and caught all the details. Good stuff. Neil Talks is a little behind our gal here, and at one ep a week, he won’t catch up, but he’s doing a really good job. Besides being attentive, he’s in the Vancouver tv production business, so he can both be engaged in the show and comment on the “meta” from time to time. But Mary Cherry? I tried, but she’s not the most attentive, and like mufana1 said it’s exasperating. That’s me being diplomatic about it. Just skip it, you won’t miss it. The Normies are a bit too animated for me, but might be good
Blind wave caught up with the Expanse and did season 6 live. I personally find their content high quality albeit not all shows are my cup of tea. Their reactions and discussions were pretty good.
@@Austin-si I loved the Ep they did from S1 where Miller is using the giant needle to extract the chip from the Data Brokers corpse - one of their guys had a huge needle phobia and did not take it well :)
You are right. You can only experience it for the first time once. It's enjoyable a 2nd and 3rd time, but not the same. Watching you experience it for the first time is as close as we'll get. Thank you!
The "Andor" series gave me the same excitement again that this series did. It is an elite drama level show. Have fun with your vacation! Oh I was so glad they did that moment with Naomi's first steps on a planet. Beautiful scene both setup and shots.
In the books the Klaes Ashford character was only in book 3. A lot of substance was added for the tv series. David Strathaim enjoyed the experience and hinted that he would enjoy to stay on for more than just the one season. So Ashfords arc was extended. This was mentioned on the podcast, when they discussed how the scheduling for actors work and not being able to rebook Brian George as Arjun
42:25 Alex actually wore that hat in the first few episodes of season 1, but we never saw it again - seemingly it was left on the Donnager when they escaped. The actor promised he would get it back on screen if the fan campaign to revive the show after season 3 was successful and a lot of people were excited about it (back then we didn't really know what a scumbag he was)
Remember part of the hesitance about the ring planets, and the reason for the Rosi going to Illis is to check for proto-molecule. If they were to let people go through, before checking things out, there could be some bad shit.
That is the thing. Naomi WOULD have gone through the regimen to visit Earth with Holden, however, Holden would not ask that of her. Now she has insisted that she'll have the time to build herself up while they make the run to Illus/New Earth (twice as long as coming from the ring to Earth).
I remember when Season 4 came out on Amazon Prime. They released all the episodes at once.....I watched all in one day and couldn't wait for the next season. They went back to one episode a week for Season 5.
I, unfortunately, had to work that night. The good news it was a slow night with half of the persons I supported were gone with family. In my ten hour shift I managed to get just over half way through the season. I finished it when I got home.
I put off the last season for so long because I didn’t want it to end. I rewatched the entire series then put it off even more. It’s amazing btw. I started to delve into the Expanse world like the ships, the books, the Churn light novel etc… love your reactions
I may not be recalling correctly, but I believe Ilus has lower gravity than earth, meaning that belters can more easily adapt to it after going through the medical regime.
I’m sitting here with you going “Is there something there? Eww!” Like… yea, so the emotionless terminator on the crew can’t have a pen pal girlfriend in prison that tried to kill him and his boss previously? It’s literally match made in the Stars 😂 It’s obviously not perfect but after his life he deserves some semblance of happiness, even if it isn’t peaceful.
Nothing is like a 1st experience, but I genuinely enjoy rewatches/rereads/relistens to all of my favorite works of art more than the first time. So much depth is revealed, and your understanding of the characters deepens your appreciation of them as you understand all of their motivations. Just wanted to provide an alternate perspective after watching that first bit. Rewatches are better than first watches... if it's truly good at least, just my opinion of course, but I stand by it.
@16:59 LOLOLOLOL!!!!!! I legit laughed out loud at that Rana (from the Normies) shoutout. Was that you or Xander who did that? I remember when that happened in real time when the Normies met the show writers during a Con or something like that and I believe it was Ty Abraham (one of the book writers and show's Executive Producer) who told them that they watch reactors on TH-cam reacting to their show and that the Normies were one of their favorites. And then Season 4 comes along and they threw in that Rana reference and shoutout like it was nothing. It's part of the reason why this show has such a loyal and fantastic fanbase, when the writers themselves and the show producers are so supportive of the viewer and things like reaction channels and the reacting culture.
0:39 "You can only see it for the first time, once" That is exactly why people watch reactors, because they could only see it for the first time once and are chance that experience vicariously through the reactor (aka You!)... that could be just me though. Thank you for sharing your journey through this show for the first time with us. I'm sure people have told you this before, no matter how fantastic the show is the books are even better. I personally highly recommend the audiobook.
The arrival on Ilus was the third of those scenes I was really looking forward to you seeing. Not just Naomi's wonder at seeing a planetary surface (and it was a neat choice to make her first planetary surface an alien one instead of the more obvious Earth - it made the treatments she was getting feel more like something she was getting for herself rather than for Holden). But also... I can't point at anything specific the production team did - the lighting, the look, the music - but they really made it feel like an alien world.
It's so moving seeing Naomi experience being planetside for the first time. That was literally the first time she's ever been outside. The first sky she's seen. The first time seeing a horizon. And it was an alien world that she was one of the first humans to ever set foot on.
Beside everything else, it's the attention to details in even the most little things that makes this show so great. Like Holden still wearing his (more and more bleached out) Pur&Clean t-shirt, or them all using "Tachi" bags on Ilus. Or how the time-delay gets slightly longer when Alex talks in real-time with Bobby while they're passing near Mars. It's also those little things, and all the hidden foreshadowing and easter-eggs that make this show so much worth to watch several times. Although you are probably the most attentive Expanse reactor I've seen that far, you will discover missed things on your rewatch(es). And I know you will rewatch. Everybody does. Everybody should. ;)
I seem to remember from the books that Naomi didn't want to go to Earth because it's the homeland of the oppressors of the Belters. She loves Holden, but there's too much baggage that comes with his home planet.
The thing with Naomi is, that she startet to take the bonedensity medics aus they left earth. The travel to the other planet takes several weeks, so she had a little more time. For example in the book, where they got picked up by the Donager, they were 13 days on the "Knight" after the Canterbury explodes. The Series cann't deliver such big timesteps :-)
Regarding Naomi not taking the gravity drugs for Earth but taking for Ilus. The travel time to Ilus from Earth takes 2 1/2 months longer (than to Earth from Sol Gate) which gave her a chance to have the drugs take effect.
At the end of the series. It would be cool to rewatch on your own time to see and catch all the details the writers added and the forshadowing involved. Some of the dialogue will have deeper meaning as well. Enjoy the 4th season its another good one. Also pay attention to the openin sequence. Cool details are thrown in.
Amos calls her "Peaches" in reference to peach melba, he connects with her because he relates with having a messed up life experience and being uncontrollably violent as a result.
One thing you've gotta watch out for is the change in aspect ratio! It signals a change in location (Ilus has a narrower screen, elsewhere the screen is wider.)
Good pick up but you got it backwards. The rest of the show is shot in the usual 16:9 ratio, the scenes on Ilus a much wider, not narrower, anamorphic 2.39:1 ratio
@@The_Other_Dan Could be wrong, but I think OP was referring to the 2.39:1 as narrower top-to-bottom, since the screen space is objectively smaller in this format. I know technically they're wider shots, but I didn't think twice about their description until I saw your reply.
"I can only see it once for the first time" well that's halfway through that's the reason why we watch people like you. So we could see it again for the first time through your eyes. That's literally the reason anybody watches reactions. 😌
38:00 You're right that this isn't the Oregon trail, this is literally space. That's kind of the scary part. While our sophistication has gone up, so did the challenge here. A wrong move, a mistake on an alien planet, a new disease, an awakened ancient device, any number of things could spell the end of not just those colonists, but all of humanity. They gotta tread carefully, but everyone just sees the gold. Nobody likes the cool head that wants to take things slow and steady.
You need to read The Churn, it's a Novella in the series you get all of Amos's back story in it, it's touched on some in the last season of the show but the novella gives you some really good info. There is a reason he asked what Avasarala was wearing...
The books give more depth to Drummer’s comment to Naomi “within two generations, they’ll be Inners”. The drugs Belters need as children for bone density, etc, were mostly made on Ganymede, along with the storage of sperm and eggs (in season 1, Holden mentions having “swimmers on ice” after he and Miller get irradiated, meaning he had healthy sperm in storage somewhere). So when Ganymede got majorly messed up, and everyone’s resources got redirected to Ring exploration, the drugs simply stopped being produced, meaning not only cultural death for the Belt, but a kind of genocide by neglect. The books have a lot more of “what does it mean to be ‘my people’” kind of content than would have fit well into the pacing of a tv show.
Chrisjen Avarsarela remembers when Eros was headed for Earth, and what happened when the first people when through the Sol-Ring, so she wants a thorough risk assessment before she risks the lives of citizens she is responsible for on untried worlds.
I've rewatched this series about three or four times now, the first seasons more than the latter ones, and I always pick up on something new even though I have also Audibled the books.
I think that Naomi decided to undergo the treatments so that she didn't have to miss any more opportunities with Holden. It wasn't that she'd do it for another world, but not Earth. We're making a list of characters you hated, then liked. I don't know anything about Peaches beyond what we've watched together, but it'll be interesting to see if she makes the list. Shuriken wasps? No thank you. 12999 systems left after I abandon that one at full speed. Hope you have a fun vacation! If you're going past Winnipeg wave as you pass. (Or stop in for coffee!)
Sreen Actors Guild rules require a title credit if they appear in a minimum of six episodes of a series. below that threshold a guest star, or special guest star billing iii given.
@@funnylilgalreacts I'm putting money down now and predicting that you'll come to love Peaches. Mark this post and come back and apologize after I've been proved right.
Seeing how it was for Martians to stand in under open sky .. considering they at least had big domes back on Mars cant imagine what it would be for Belters who are acostumed to life in small confined spaces...
Remember what Anderson Dawes said in an earlier episode: "Earthers get to walk outside into the light, breathe pure air, look up at a blue sky and see something that gives hope. And what do they do, they look past that light past that blue sky they see the stars and they think mine." Sums it up pretty good.
YUP the inners like to take everything they can, and take everything for granted.
Just a quick explanation for Amos calling Clarissa Mao "Peaches". She had
been using the alias "Melba Koh" while plotting against Holden in Season 3. "Peach Melba" is the name of a famous dessert invented in the 1890s by legendary French chef Escoffier while he was working at the Savoy hotel in London. He named it in honour of of Dame Nellie Melba, the late 19thC/ early 20thC superstar of opera. I totally get not immediately warming to her, but I think Amos bears in mind that she is genuinely sorry for the evil she has done, faced up to the consequences and not least, saved the human species from extinction.
Yeah, it's a real shame we didn't get to see more of her semi-redemption at the end of the last season, though I totally get why (it would have been out of place in the narrative and they'd already had to compress the book into two thirds of a season). Amos has an incredible amount of forgiveness in him and offered to be her guard in order for her to be let out of her makeshift cell during the long trip back to Earth. I'm pretty sure he said something along the lines of being willing to put her down without hesitation, but knew that it wouldn't be necessary. By the end of Book 3, you certainly don't love Clarissa, but you definitely don't hate her either.
@@StarkRG in the books he offers her execution as a way out of permanent imprisonment
Not just "the human species" -- she saved the ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM from destruction.
@@lordorion5776 More than that, he gives her chances to kill herself to get out of it. However, by that point, she'd decided to take Anna's advice to face the consequences of her actions.
@@StarkRG that is very correct honestly she's one of my favs from the series
That scene with Naomi stepping off the Rosci is absolutely incredible!
Can you imagine what it would be like to see a sky for the first time in your life? She didn’t fall down from the gravity (she’s had plenty of experience in 1G) it was seeing the sky that overwhelmed her. Beautiful.
I also think that when you live your life with a hard barrier between you and hard vacuum, a sky is a lot of faith. As an engineer she knows Illus can hold an atmosphere, but emotionally that has to be terrifying. Nothing between you and death but gas.
One of the things that bugged me in this episode: it would be the same for Alex. He grew up in a gravity well on Mars so he doesn't need the drugs, but he would never have been _outside_ either, at least not without a at the least he should be struggling with it just as much as the Martian delegation at the UN did when Bobbie had to testify on Earth. But they never address that.
@@putinscat1208 it was an issue in the books, so I don't think the actress has anything to do with it.
@@putinscat1208 High G for few minutes does not equal moderate G for days. Why would you expect it similar?
@@putinscat1208 The books mention that ships typically thrust under 1/3 g, similar to Mars, which is relatively comfortable both for Earthers and Belters. Larger stations such as Tycho and Ceres are also spun to create a similar g force. The issue is that many Belters spend significant portions of their childhood in lower, or zero, g, which does affect their bodies; Belters on the whole are much taller and thinner than Inners, which the show briefly demonstrated in season 1 but couldn't do for all Belter characters because of budget constraints. That stacks up scientifically, at least in theory; I recall reading about an experiment some time back where one identical twin spent time on the ISS, and upon returning to Earth was found to be very slightly taller than his sibling just from that relatively brief time in zero gravity, even as a fully developed adult.
At any rate, we can assume that the gravity on Ilus is close to that on Earth, which is why it affects Belters far more than Earthlings or Martians. And there is indeed a significant difference between spending relatively short time frames in "high" gravity of .3g vs. spending days or more on a planet with higher gravity.
This show is soooo good at making you loathe people and then later find ways to like them. It's a true testament to both the writing and the actors.
Piggybacking off of this, season five is gonna be fun to see her react to.
@@arishunt9125 I was thinking the exact same thing. 😂 REEEEEEAALLY looking forward to seeing her react to season 5.
The only other show I feel does this exceptionally is Babylon 5.
@@mikeclemens795 G.O.T. is pretty damn amazing at it as well. I think with Babylon 5 a lot of the character 180° turns are due to season one missteps. Season one feels like a different show. I think the 5 year arc was far more fluid than written in stone. Either way Babylon 5 is easily one of my favorites. Not as perfect as the Expanse but still great.
Absolutely agree I genuinely hated Naomi for the majority of the show, despite me have some moments I liked her in season 4.
I remember how you didn't care for Miller, how you didn't care for Bobbie, how you didn't care for Ashford. This is The Expanse. It'll get you
16:58 Rana from The Normies getting a character named after her by the writer of the books because he saw one of their reaction videos. So cool.
Just one of the many shout outs by the show to thank reactors like The Normies and fan groups (screaming firehawks) that helped save the show by spreading petitions via social media.
WAIT was that actually a reference to her?!
@@bcross9109 yes. Ty and Daniel confirmed it to the normies
@@m.e.3862 I wouldn't have watched the show if it wasn't for The Normies, I mean I had heard of it before but thought it was just some generic sci-fi show
Really? I just assumed because it was a common middle eastern name.
Alex was test firing the Roci's new rail gun. He fired it at some random rock, just as a test, and was satisfied with the sheer power of the demonstration. My take on "take that, blue goo" was that he meant it sort of metaphorically or aspirationally. He wasn't actually firing at protomolecule, he was sort of saying "now we are armed enough to take on any enemy, even the protomolecule itself." Honestly, it was kind of a weird line, but I think that was the gist of how it was meant. If anyone else has a better explanation, I'd love to hear it; that's the best I've ever been able to come up with.
This season, like the book it was based on, is a bit controversial among the fan base. People seem to either really dig it or really hate it; not a lot of middle ground. Well, "hate" maybe is too strong a word, but if you ask fans to rank the seasons in order of preference, a lot of people put 4 near the bottom, but also a lot put it near the top. I think it kind of depends on what you are looking for from the show.
To some, the season feels a little "small" because it spends a fair amount of time on the Ilus/New Terra story line - not a lot of different locations, not a lot of space battles, though there definitely are some. Beyond that, I probably shouldn't say any more. I will say that I really enjoyed this season for its moments of exploration and wonder, and for what I think are some of the stronger character moments on the show to date (Naomi's first steps on an actual planet being one of them). I also really love the writing this season; there are a lot of quotable lines and a lot of thought provoking moments. So I would actually give Season 4 a good score if you forced me to rate it... I think you may feel the same, based on some of what you've said. But we'll see. One thing that nearly everyone agrees on (even the people who don't care much for Season 4) - even a relatively weak season of The Expanse is better than 90% of the other crap on TV. So there's that.
Oh, and the cinematography this season is next level.
For cinematography, notice that the aspect ratio changes from time to time for that Western feel
So ya the way you saw the blue goo scene makes sense only thing I would add is they are travelling to a world through a gate to a plane in Alex's mind is probably blue goo town based on experience but regardless its cool 😎 👌
6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1. That's it. That's the ranking.
Season/Book 4 is a fantastic story, but it feels like a drastic shift in tone from the high-energy, high-stakes stuff that happened in season/book 3. I compltely understand why people might consider it the worst season, even though I disagree. Well, kinda, maybe it _is_ the worst, but only because an 8.5 out of 10 is the lowest score I'd give any season of the show. It's also _significantly_ better as a book than a show, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work as a show, just that it might be slightly more confusing as a show. (though they did make several good choices during the adaptation, like show-Ashford, show-Drummer, and tail-landing the Roci instead of landing it on its side, why did they think that was a good idea?)
What makes it confusing to me is that the random rock is spherical. I'm no expert, but i thought small rocks like that are usually not so perfectly formed.
Re-watching the series through reactions really lets you appreciate how amazing the show was, a whole different experience from watching it live when it originally aired, especially with the wrangling over Netflix ditching the show and it looking bleak before Amazon stepped in and kept it going.
If the stars align again in a few years, we might get a bit more. Maybe. If we are all good boys and girls.
Stranger things have happened in this new media landscape.
Slight correction, it wasn't a Netflix original. It aired on SyFy for the first 3 seasons.
Agree 100%. That’s why I’m always on the look out for new reaction videos to the series I love!
The sequence where the Roci landed and Naomi’s first time on a planet was beautifully shot and choreographed.
Xander catching the Normies shout out - nice!
Ah! I wondered what the weird face overlay was, thanks :)
@@blackpaw29 Yeah. The Normies went all in on getting the series renewed, and the show's writers gave them some shout-out as thanks.
Hang on - explain. Bobbie’s sister in law played by one of the Normies??? How did I miss that???
@@PHDiaz-vv7yo Not played, just referenced. The Normies drew a big interest to the show with their reaction series during the uncertain days of its cancellation by SyFy before Amazon confirmed they were picked up, enough so that they got the attention of Ty Franck & Daniel Abraham (collectively known as James S.A. Corey) at a convention. They mustve hit it off because in the end the writers decided to give Rana's name to someone who was onscreen for about 3 seconds :D
If you watch the Normies react to this episode, the look on the real Rana's face when she hears "bye Rana" is priceless.
Ashford and Drummer have a lovely friendship. I love that the show continued to evolve that and let us see it.
These are relationships we dont see in the book, so that's really freat they give greater purpose to those characters (+ Insane casting!)
@@theKonfusion Like Ty said when you get yourself a really great actor give them ALL the roles .. thats what they did with both Cara Gee and David Strathairn.. both characters are combinations of multiple ones from the books
I love the showrunners' and writers' willingness to adapt. They could have stuck closer to the book, but gave us more of these characters that were so well played (and written) and beloved by the fans.
"Breathe in, breathe out, eat, sleep, shit. Take whatever they give. Give nothing in return."
I love this quote. Very Amos.
I get chills every time I see that Rocinante landing sequence, all the way through Naomi's first steps on land.
Agreed. Very powerful scene. The show did a great job of having us experience setting foot on a planet through Naomi’s eyes.
The Ilus landing scene, the way it is shot, the music, Dominique Tipper performance is one of those scenes that stays with you. It doesn't need any guns blazing, no dialog, and yet I get the same awe and emotion every time I watched it. For me a profound appreciation of mother earth, the sky, the ground the air, life itself really, everything I take for granted every single moment are actually one of the rarest treasure in the entire solar system .
I always love Ashford and Drummer scenes. They have such good chemistry together. Also the Rana face was a nice touch. Well done Xander.
"It's fucked enough already." Chrisjen has an amazing way with words. :D
She never disappoints
Fun fact, in the book Dimitri Havelock (Miller's partner) is on the Israel as a security officer and plays a key role at specific times. Would have been great to see in the show. There's also more of an explanation about the Roci getting a bunch of upgrades. A newly added rail gun and the legs it lands with. Cool thing about the rail gun, every time it fires the ship's engine briefly flares to counteract the push back 'cause it's a big weapon for a ship that small.
A bit of context about Ilus/New Terra and RCE (Royal Charter Energy):
The Belters who jumped the gun reported finding lithium on the planet in huge quantities. While lithium on earth isn't super rare (it's in seawater), it's very expensive to refine from those sources, so a source of it that is in ready-to-mine condition would be worth trillions. Even in today's real-world economy, lithium is being gobbled up to make the next generation of battery technology.
So the UN has effectively told the Expanse-verse's equivalent of Exxon/BP they can go check it out, in the name of science and exploration, wink wink. RCE has geologists and biologists on the payroll (Elvi and Fayez, who you saw chatting), but being a megacorporation it has its own private security division that protects itself wherever they go - and Murtry (Burn Gorman) just inherited the chief position of "keeping order and protecting company interests" after the crash killed his boss.
As Ty Franck and Naren Shankar have said in interviews, Season 4 is a Western in many respects, and while the Belters may not be indigenous to Ilus, they can very well be considered homesteaders who happened to settle on a huge oil tract by happenstance, and in swoops the petro-barons to lay claim to a thing no one really "owns", considering civilization is months away even in the fastest ship.
As the movie about oil barons says, there will be blood, but I doubt Daniel Plainview ever had to deal with an intelligent alien nano-goo.
The economics of The Expanse never made any sense. If they can move spaceships around as fast as they do and in such large numbers, they have so much energy available to them that even the poorest human in the system would be like a trillionaire today. And we don't have any trillionaires yet. It would be effectively a post-scarcity economy, and something as simple as lithium extraction would be a trivial issue even at such vast quantities it boggles the mind.
But I get it. A story needs conflict, and economic conflict is as good as any to drive a story forward. It's just funny to me that in a show like this, the blue glue isn't even the most unrealistic part of the setting. The most unrealistic part is that they don't have enough water, one of the most abundant substances in the solar system, and the Belters are living inside of moon-sized rocks literally made of the stuff. My theory is that they keep spacing people all the time, whereas if they simply recycled the bodies Fremen-style, there'd be no shortages.
@@fakecubed The problem with your idea is that while the Epstein Drive is a magic drive but it really doesn't have any real economic effect beyond cutting down transit time and making interplanetary travel and exploitation cheaper. From the beginning The Expanse has always been about resource shortages - Earth because it has so many people, Mars because they are trying to terraform the planet, and the Belt because of the demands of the other two. It's definitely not a post-scarcity setting, and that is what is driving the story.
@@fakecubed "Belters are living inside of moon-sized rocks literally made of the stuff." They literally aren't. They live in asteroids made of rock, not ice...which is actually fairly scarce in the asteroid belt in any form that is relatively easy to be converted into water, hence the haulers moving back and forth from the rings of Saturn. The point wasn't whether or not they had's that it's incredibly expensive. Also, they DO recycle bodies...the series and the books make a point of telling us this already.
"If they can move spaceships around as fast as they do..." They don't have warp speed, you know. It still takes weeks/months to move between the planets/belt objects/moons/etc. This is addressed multiple times. Additionally, 30 billion humans take more of a toll on resources and economies than our "paltry" 8 billion do, so it's hardly a 1-to-1 comparison. Not to be rude, but you have watched the show, right? This stuff is all in there.
On a side note, it's funny you mention that as DUNE is canon in the Expanse, seeing as how Julie references it in her journal.
@@TheSirUno I’m talking about real life. Ceres is 25% ice by mass. And the Earth’s resources could easily support 30 billion humans, since you brought that up. I never claimed they have warp drive, but the Epstein drive works by fusion. Fusion produces an absurd amount of energy.
I think Ashford's reluctance to transmit the access codes it's because those inner planets navy vessels guarding the ring gate, would have known his ship. That he was operating out Medina, and what he was doing (working to keep the OPAs agreement with the inner planets), but still probably every time he comes back they make him identify, as a way of flexing their power, of showing him that he's really not the sheriff around there. At least I think that's how he would have felt about it.
So he resents it
The UN calls the planet "New Terra" because they have the right to name the planets beyond the rings, not the Belter "squatters" who call the planet "Illus." Remember what Anderson Dawes said about Inners looking at the expanse of space and claiming it for their own.
Naomi on Earth vs Illus. I think it's in part a timing thing. But there's also there's a Belter/Earth dynamic. And just a Belter / gravity well dynamic as Drummer highlights.
A heads up - the actor who played Avasarala"s husband wasn't available so they replaced him. For a show that was kinda cancelled twice it's kind of amazing how they retained their actors so well.
Oh, favourite thing in this ep for me is Naomi walking on Illus. It's amazing how they put you in her shoes and make walking on a planet seem so foreign. Which is kinda wild since most of us havn't known anything but that. But in that scene we see it through her eyes. That sky is its own terrifying expanse.
It's nice to see the actors' names under "Producer" titles later on, I'm assuming they were so invested in the show and their characters, they *literally* invested in it
I thought they showed her reaction to the news story to justify that her part of her motivation was that this Belter issue wasn't going to be settled only by the Inners on her crew. She wanted to be there in person to affect results.
Thanks for giving me the realization that my favorite weekly TH-cam content will eventually come to an end. I am not going to take this for granted now. I really enjoy re-experience this wonderful series through your reactions.
I appreciate you 🖤
The bright side is that there still will be reactions to other shows and movies. 😊 Maybe the next sci-fi show she watches will be another one that you enjoyed, like Firefly.
@@ImAlsoMerobiba Shiny
Honestly my favorite little thing from this episode is when Dr. Okoye says "I'll name a new bug after you!"
Amos understands Clarissa. He also struggled with his own demons before he met Naomi & decided that she would be his moral compass...she's not terribly unlike what he must have been, save perhaps for scale.
The fear of allowing people through the gates is that the protomolecule _built_ all of the gates, and therefore might still be active in the systems on the other sides. To say nothing of whatever killed the species which created the protomolecule. At least, that's it officially...I'm sure behind the diplomatic scenes there would also be concerns regarding governance, trade regulations, taxation, sovereignty, etc. But primarily there's the very real concern that some group of refugees might accidentally trigger yet another existential crisis for humanity.
We don’t know if Naomi was given enough notice of the earth visit to prep for landing there. To get to Illus she knew she has many months.
Also, the Illus assignment made Naomi realize that they MIGHT have to go to A LOT of planets throughout their future and she doesn’t want to be stuck in space for all of them while her crew gets to go to the surfaces.
Am I the only one that believes the music while they were landing was the so good? That help make that seen so powerful. The up the good work, love your reactions.
Naomi had already started treatments for surviving planetary gravity, her body just wasn't strong enough yet when Holden was on Earth. She had the extra time from Earth to Illus to keep doing the treatments to be ready for the Illus landing.
The Rosi got some refits while at Earth. Landing legs added, the spinal mount rail gun, probably a few other modifications, ect. Alex was testing the railgun by firing on a random asteroid. "Take that blue goo" was Alex saying to himself "yeah, we got a bigger gun now!!"
Watching reactions like yours is how you rewatch it for the first time.
Every time i watch season 4 again, i forget how good it is.
The Roci landing and the walk out of the ship to the settlement, hands down my favourite scene from The Expanse, especially combined with the two pieces of music used, To Illus and First Steps!
This is why I love reactors. I can experience a show, or a scene, or whatever, once. But I can relive it again through the reaction of others.
30:22 What got me about this was that it looked like everyone got a single cut from that swarm-almost like it was sampling them or something 😬
It was actually _because_ Naomi hadn't done it to visit Earth that she decided to do it when going to Ilus. She hadn't realized how much she wanted to go down to meet his parents in person and figured that Holden would eventually want to retire to Earth and would want to raise any kids they might have on Earth. So Ilus is like a trial run for her, in her mind, being able to live in 1g is the only way her and Holden have a future.
However, when the RCE crew landed, they did not bother with asking the Belters what they had encountered, or what their experience might have been. Their sole focus has been to get the Belters off of "New Earth" so that they can assert their claim to the world.
Alex is test-firing the Rocinante's new railgun (reverse-engineered from the Anubis-class stealth ships) and using an asteroid as a target. "Take that blue goo," is Alex expressing that they now have a better weapon for destroying proto-molecule targets.
As always another great reaction. I felt the same way growing up with Star Trek, and even more so with Star Wars when I saw it in the theater.
I find myself say "just wait" or "you'll see" because the way you are interacting with the audience. I really enjoy that.
Donkey balls.
My favourite choice they made this season was to use a different aspect ratio for Ilus than the rest of the show. You'll notice that the show is shot in the usual 16:9 aspect ratio but for scenes on Ilus this switches to a *Super* wide 2.39:1 aspect ratio. They did this the emphasise the wide-open vista of Ilus.
Re-watching the Expanse (maybe for the 4th times) with Angie is such a fun journey, thank you💙
I have lost track of how many times I have rewatched the Expanse, Season 4 is my favourite. I am still marveling at your insight, enjoy the ride:)
The access code demanded by the Inner military is a way in which they can exert power over the Belters to "keep them in their place."
I must rewatch your expanse uploads about 20 times before the next one comes out, it's awesome to see someone the show as much as I do!
Awww thanks Jim!
11:00 That scene still makes me tear up. Lost my ma in 2016 very suddenly and it left my 21 year old self lost without a guide.
God I love this show, thank you for the amazing reactions too. ❤️
Ashford is one of the Belt's most renowned pirates - Whom better to send out, to hunt them down. 🏴☠️
What you do when you have finished the series and am craving more is start binging reactor watches! Its like getting to see it through fresh new eyes all over again
This season in particular has been great to watch through reactors. I think I watched this season in four or five hours when it was released. It was not a satisfying binge watch. Seeing it again via reactors who don't speed watch it has made me appreciate this season more.
Oh god, Mary Cherry is exasperating a LOT of times. So many things flew over her head that i was genuinely asking myself if she was really watching the same thing i was.
Zygart was great, gave a lot of attention to minute details.
LM reactions did a good run of the Expanse. Between the two of them, they rarely missed a beat, and caught all the details. Good stuff.
Neil Talks is a little behind our gal here, and at one ep a week, he won’t catch up, but he’s doing a really good job. Besides being attentive, he’s in the Vancouver tv production business, so he can both be engaged in the show and comment on the “meta” from time to time.
But Mary Cherry? I tried, but she’s not the most attentive, and like mufana1 said it’s exasperating. That’s me being diplomatic about it. Just skip it, you won’t miss it.
The Normies are a bit too animated for me, but might be good
Blind wave caught up with the Expanse and did season 6 live. I personally find their content high quality albeit not all shows are my cup of tea. Their reactions and discussions were pretty good.
@@Austin-si I loved the Ep they did from S1 where Miller is using the giant needle to extract the chip from the Data Brokers corpse - one of their guys had a huge needle phobia and did not take it well :)
You are right. You can only experience it for the first time once. It's enjoyable a 2nd and 3rd time, but not the same. Watching you experience it for the first time is as close as we'll get. Thank you!
The "Andor" series gave me the same excitement again that this series did. It is an elite drama level show. Have fun with your vacation!
Oh I was so glad they did that moment with Naomi's first steps on a planet. Beautiful scene both setup and shots.
In the books the Klaes Ashford character was only in book 3. A lot of substance was added for the tv series. David Strathaim enjoyed the experience and hinted that he would enjoy to stay on for more than just the one season. So Ashfords arc was extended.
This was mentioned on the podcast, when they discussed how the scheduling for actors work and not being able to rebook Brian George as Arjun
42:25 Alex actually wore that hat in the first few episodes of season 1, but we never saw it again - seemingly it was left on the Donnager when they escaped. The actor promised he would get it back on screen if the fan campaign to revive the show after season 3 was successful and a lot of people were excited about it (back then we didn't really know what a scumbag he was)
Gotta talk about that ride, kid. Next clue to the case.
Remember part of the hesitance about the ring planets, and the reason for the Rosi going to Illis is to check for proto-molecule. If they were to let people go through, before checking things out, there could be some bad shit.
Sure. But honestly I was always on the other side of Aversarala in this season. She was just way too proud and way too cautious.
That is the thing. Naomi WOULD have gone through the regimen to visit Earth with Holden, however, Holden would not ask that of her. Now she has insisted that she'll have the time to build herself up while they make the run to Illus/New Earth (twice as long as coming from the ring to Earth).
I remember when Season 4 came out on Amazon Prime. They released all the episodes at once.....I watched all in one day and couldn't wait for the next season. They went back to one episode a week for Season 5.
I, unfortunately, had to work that night. The good news it was a slow night with half of the persons I supported were gone with family. In my ten hour shift I managed to get just over half way through the season. I finished it when I got home.
Your editor is hilarious! The Rana cameo was Classic 😂
8:52 Miller in the flesh? Might be more accurate to say "Miller in the Non-Local Quantum Hologram " but I get you.
Post Expanse Depression is definitely a real thing you don't have to check just trust me.
"Peaches" - classic Amos nick name, Melba => Peach Melba, Peaches.
I took me reading the books and two re-watches of the show to figure out that 'Peaches' is a reference to Peach Melba. I'm kinda slow.
I put off the last season for so long because I didn’t want it to end. I rewatched the entire series then put it off even more. It’s amazing btw. I started to delve into the Expanse world like the ships, the books, the Churn light novel etc… love your reactions
Ahhhh im so excited for the things to come
Awesome how quickly your uploading these episodes. This series was amazing
I may not be recalling correctly, but I believe Ilus has lower gravity than earth, meaning that belters can more easily adapt to it after going through the medical regime.
It's actually slightly higher, 1.1 g.
Also, many belter culd not acclimatize and had to return to their ship in orbit.
I’m sitting here with you going “Is there something there? Eww!” Like… yea, so the emotionless terminator on the crew can’t have a pen pal girlfriend in prison that tried to kill him and his boss previously? It’s literally match made in the Stars 😂 It’s obviously not perfect but after his life he deserves some semblance of happiness, even if it isn’t peaceful.
Nothing is like a 1st experience, but I genuinely enjoy rewatches/rereads/relistens to all of my favorite works of art more than the first time. So much depth is revealed, and your understanding of the characters deepens your appreciation of them as you understand all of their motivations.
Just wanted to provide an alternate perspective after watching that first bit. Rewatches are better than first watches... if it's truly good at least, just my opinion of course, but I stand by it.
Alex was Testing their rad new Railgun mounted in the front of the Roci. (she now can go atmosphere & land and is meaner then before!)
I legit laughed out loud at that Rana (from the Normies) shoutout.
Was that you or Xander who did that?
I remember when that happened in real time when the Normies met the show writers during a Con or something like that and I believe it was Ty Abraham (one of the book writers and show's Executive Producer) who told them that they watch reactors on TH-cam reacting to their show and that the Normies were one of their favorites.
And then Season 4 comes along and they threw in that Rana reference and shoutout like it was nothing.
It's part of the reason why this show has such a loyal and fantastic fanbase, when the writers themselves and the show producers are so supportive of the viewer and things like reaction channels and the reacting culture.
FWIW, back in season 2, Amos tells Miller that Naomi had packed some patch refills for him, after he got kicked off the Roci for killing Dresden.
0:39 "You can only see it for the first time, once"
That is exactly why people watch reactors, because they could only see it for the first time once and are chance that experience vicariously through the reactor (aka You!)... that could be just me though.
Thank you for sharing your journey through this show for the first time with us.
I'm sure people have told you this before, no matter how fantastic the show is the books are even better. I personally highly recommend the audiobook.
Holders mom gave him Don Quixote, Don quixote s horse was named Rocinante, and talk about a dreamer that chased monsters....Great estar egg.
Rosinante is a old worn out horse and is the name of Don Quixote’s horse . Kinda cool :)
The arrival on Ilus was the third of those scenes I was really looking forward to you seeing. Not just Naomi's wonder at seeing a planetary surface (and it was a neat choice to make her first planetary surface an alien one instead of the more obvious Earth - it made the treatments she was getting feel more like something she was getting for herself rather than for Holden).
But also... I can't point at anything specific the production team did - the lighting, the look, the music - but they really made it feel like an alien world.
Not sure why no one ever mentioned it anywhere, in any reaction video I have ever seen, ever, but Don Quixote's horse was named Rocinante.
This show is a good one to rewatch. You will notice so many things you didn't the first time around.
It's so moving seeing Naomi experience being planetside for the first time. That was literally the first time she's ever been outside. The first sky she's seen. The first time seeing a horizon. And it was an alien world that she was one of the first humans to ever set foot on.
You basically said all of that after I commented it lol
Beside everything else, it's the attention to details in even the most little things that makes this show so great. Like Holden still wearing his (more and more bleached out) Pur&Clean t-shirt, or them all using "Tachi" bags on Ilus. Or how the time-delay gets slightly longer when Alex talks in real-time with Bobby while they're passing near Mars.
It's also those little things, and all the hidden foreshadowing and easter-eggs that make this show so much worth to watch several times. Although you are probably the most attentive Expanse reactor I've seen that far, you will discover missed things on your rewatch(es).
And I know you will rewatch. Everybody does. Everybody should. ;)
I seem to remember from the books that Naomi didn't want to go to Earth because it's the homeland of the oppressors of the Belters. She loves Holden, but there's too much baggage that comes with his home planet.
33:23, She didn't have time. the trip to earth was far shorter than the trip past Saturn, through two ring gates, and then all the way to Illus.
The thing with Naomi is, that she startet to take the bonedensity medics aus they left earth. The travel to the other planet takes several weeks, so she had a little more time. For example in the book, where they got picked up by the Donager, they were 13 days on the "Knight" after the Canterbury explodes. The Series cann't deliver such big timesteps :-)
Regarding Naomi not taking the gravity drugs for Earth but taking for Ilus. The travel time to Ilus from Earth takes 2 1/2 months longer (than to Earth from Sol Gate) which gave her a chance to have the drugs take effect.
At the end of the series. It would be cool to rewatch on your own time to see and catch all the details the writers added and the forshadowing involved. Some of the dialogue will have deeper meaning as well. Enjoy the 4th season its another good one. Also pay attention to the openin sequence. Cool details are thrown in.
Amos calls her "Peaches" in reference to peach melba, he connects with her because he relates with having a messed up life experience and being uncontrollably violent as a result.
One thing you've gotta watch out for is the change in aspect ratio! It signals a change in location (Ilus has a narrower screen, elsewhere the screen is wider.)
Good pick up but you got it backwards. The rest of the show is shot in the usual 16:9 ratio, the scenes on Ilus a much wider, not narrower, anamorphic 2.39:1 ratio
@@The_Other_Dan Could be wrong, but I think OP was referring to the 2.39:1 as narrower top-to-bottom, since the screen space is objectively smaller in this format. I know technically they're wider shots, but I didn't think twice about their description until I saw your reply.
"I can only see it once for the first time" well that's halfway through that's the reason why we watch people like you. So we could see it again for the first time through your eyes.
That's literally the reason anybody watches reactions. 😌
38:00 You're right that this isn't the Oregon trail, this is literally space. That's kind of the scary part. While our sophistication has gone up, so did the challenge here. A wrong move, a mistake on an alien planet, a new disease, an awakened ancient device, any number of things could spell the end of not just those colonists, but all of humanity. They gotta tread carefully, but everyone just sees the gold. Nobody likes the cool head that wants to take things slow and steady.
You need to read The Churn, it's a Novella in the series you get all of Amos's back story in it, it's touched on some in the last season of the show but the novella gives you some really good info. There is a reason he asked what Avasarala was wearing...
I love the names Amos comes up with lol
Nice job Xander with the Rana shout out🎉
The books give more depth to Drummer’s comment to Naomi “within two generations, they’ll be Inners”. The drugs Belters need as children for bone density, etc, were mostly made on Ganymede, along with the storage of sperm and eggs (in season 1, Holden mentions having “swimmers on ice” after he and Miller get irradiated, meaning he had healthy sperm in storage somewhere). So when Ganymede got majorly messed up, and everyone’s resources got redirected to Ring exploration, the drugs simply stopped being produced, meaning not only cultural death for the Belt, but a kind of genocide by neglect. The books have a lot more of “what does it mean to be ‘my people’” kind of content than would have fit well into the pacing of a tv show.
Sillylil is fun. Have a great holiday!
Alex was just testing the new railgun installed on the Rocinante
Chrisjen Avarsarela remembers when Eros was headed for Earth, and what happened when the first people when through the Sol-Ring, so she wants a thorough risk assessment before she risks the lives of citizens she is responsible for on untried worlds.
Love you and reactions!!
I've rewatched this series about three or four times now, the first seasons more than the latter ones, and I always pick up on something new even though I have also Audibled the books.
"thank you for the explanation..." "who gives a f" your face was priceless
She's forever Kween Wordsmith, lmao.
One of my top three TV characters of all time.
I think that Naomi decided to undergo the treatments so that she didn't have to miss any more opportunities with Holden. It wasn't that she'd do it for another world, but not Earth.
We're making a list of characters you hated, then liked. I don't know anything about Peaches beyond what we've watched together, but it'll be interesting to see if she makes the list.
Shuriken wasps? No thank you. 12999 systems left after I abandon that one at full speed.
Hope you have a fun vacation! If you're going past Winnipeg wave as you pass. (Or stop in for coffee!)
Sreen Actors Guild rules require a title credit if they appear in a minimum of six episodes of a series. below that threshold a guest star, or special guest star billing iii given.
New book, who dis? HAHAHAHA! Perfect.
Bobbie's "trial" was a court-martial for treason.
lol your reaction to Amos and Melba getting along was perfect
I'm putting money down now and predicting that you'll come to love Peaches.
Mark this post and come back and apologize after I've been proved right.
@@Cbricklyne This is basically a spoiler.
@@Cbricklyne you're the worst
@@Cbricklyne I hope she hasn't read this spoiler comment.
Seeing how it was for Martians to stand in under open sky .. considering they at least had big domes back on Mars cant imagine what it would be for Belters who are acostumed to life in small confined spaces...