I love how the mystery element is so intriguing that Josh can't help but actually go solve the case instead of just creating mayhem and forgetting the plot
@@12b_engineer It's legit. The cities are tiny (the biggest city you can make is 5x4 blocks in size and has 700 residents), but it's one of those rare cases where an EA game actually already delivers what it says on the store page. It's definitely got some jank to it, but given how much the game simulates, I'm amazed it doesn't have more jank. My favorite thing about it is how many options you have for finding out information. One of my earliest cases had me searching for a person and all I had was their phone number, their fingerprint, and their salary. Out of those three pieces of information, their fingerprint was the most useless: doing what Josh did (going through gov records one by one until you find the matching fingerprint) is doing it the stupid way. Instead, you just call their number. If they pick up, they'll tell you their first name. That may or may not be enough to find them in the gov database right away. If not, you might be able to get them to tell you their last name. If they don't answer at all, you can still trace the call you made using the call junction boxes in all the buildings to find the address you rang. From there, you break in, and you'll always be able to find something in their apartment to tell you who lives there.
I have watched 5 people play this game (Josh included) and he is the first person I have witnessed out of those five that solved the case. Josh, out of all people. I am amazed by this.
So the way the hospital works in this game is that it takes 20% of your current money total if you accept treatment. Josh had no money on hand so it cost nothing, and still chose to illegally escape the hospital despite his treatment literally being free lmao
@@liamsteamwalsh8421 i mean, it is basically a company ran world with every action being watched by cameras but free healthcare when broke seems pretty worth it lol
Imagine sitting in your living room wearing a red and white striped shirt, and then some lunatic throws a trashcan through your window, yells, "hey Waldo, just wanted to let you know I found you!" and then walks away like nothing happened.
Josh is literally the worst case scenario kind of robber. He beats up a man, takes his keys, breaks into his house, robs and vandalizes it, covers his bathroom with blood, leaves the man's son bloody, beaten, and unconscious inside a shower with a broken glass pane, and then dives out the bedroom window
I can't decide which is my favorite part, the coma crashing Josh's computer or the fact that Josh did actually solve the case in the most difficult and time-consuming way possible
Just like when I bang my head somewhere or stub my toe. Wich happens a lot, because I'm an idiot. So living around me has the amazing benefit of getting used to this kind of sreams.
Fun fact: The entry wound changing mid-case happened to me too. It's a weird bug, hope they fix it soon Edit: I honestly could not believe Josh's evidence board would look clean compared to mine
I’ve been going through a rough patch lately. My car was broken into a couple weeks back and they stole my wallet. And last week my brother died of an overdose. So needless to say, it’s been quite the somber ordeal for me. I haven’t laughed or smiled much in the last couple weeks, and tonight decided to watch a few of your videos. I was in tears of laughter from the zaniness, and it felt good to be happy again. Thanks man. I really needed this.
First, as someone who literally reads the dictionary and thesaurus for fun, I approve the use of oeuvre in a sentence. Second, thanks for the new word I've never heard Third, yes, I do find it entertaining to learn vocabulary. There are some funny words out there
imagine you're just chilling in your house and some psycho barges in, breaks a window with your coffee pot, hurls a snack jar at you and escapes by diving through the air vent
Meh I imagine its more like when you reward a parrot for a good trick, but instead of peanuts its more game keys or something of equally chaos granting nature. So they're sitting there sliding things over or adding things to a group they send after a job well done
8:40 Forcing yourself to be in a 1 year long coma and just getting out of bed without having severe muscle atrophy that would easily require weeks of physical therapy. Sounds about right.
for an early access game, this looks pretty damn good, and the fact you can go into every room in every building and they're all furnished and have people and items to interact with is so cool
>sets timer for a year >complains about time moving too slowly >gets interrupted, saving him several hours >"we can't have that" >resumes coma god i love josh
Haha Josh’s Holistic Detective Agency. He could team up with Dirk Gently. Not sure they’d solve any crimes (on purpose), but man it would be a train wreck of random hilarity.
I love that josh not even four minutes into the video already figured out how to cause chaos just imagine you're a regular citizen in the town, just y'know, going out on a walk then suddenly, a loud crash and a kettle flies through Josh's i dunno like third fourth ish story apartment window, quickly followed by the man himself
"I need to make a mess before I start taking this too seriously" is this entire channel summed up perfectly 😂 thank you for doing what you do Josh! I needed this today!
There were a lot of other good games he played (and broke) without making more content. Although I don’t care what he plays, I always prioritize his videos.
I've been having way too much fun with this game. Just get a sword and it's very easy to search everyone and get their prints If you use the sync discs you can become a god, absorbing damage, negating falls, even making yourself so tall you can't fit through doors.. Absolute GOTY
Mechabellum is honestly the only game that is actually worth playing from the sponsored TH-cam ads, even though the ad makes it look like some mobile trash when it is in fact a really good and fun PC game. Like seriously, that's one bad ad, if I saw that before getting the game I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole.
@LordDragox412 I literally just finished watching another TH-camr play Mechabellum after being sponsored to do and, after seeing the game looks fun then coming to this video, had the same exact reaction as you. But hearing that Josh actually played the game on stream would've made me slightly intrigued.
I’m honestly surprised josh solved the case at all, and with all of the objectives completed at that. Truly a lawful chaotic evil. 10/10 would hire as my private investigator.
Josh would be the character in the movie that is the last resort. The main protaganist goes into a mental hospital with a "To find the pyscho. We need a pyscho." And its just Josh sitting at his computer doing this.
I waited a year to watch this video because I didn't want to get spoiled for what shenanigans you can do in Shadows of Doubt, but now I have finally watched it. Also today I learned that if you are under stairs you can beat people unconcious through the stairs! Only found one place so far where I can use that knowledge, but it's shenanigans you can do!
After all these years we finally get to see Josh's morning routine. 1. Trash his apartment. 2. Jump 7 stories out of his window onto a dumpster in the streets below. 3. Commit assault with a kettle.
Beep bop... I'm the Philosophy Bot. Here, have a quote: "As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being" ~ Carl Jung
this game looks incredible. I've long dreamed of an open world game that has AI running all the citizens persistently where you feel like you actually live in that world, and this simulates a bit of it.
@@32BitJunkie actually, the tutorial that it has is not that big, BUT the game is pretty intuitive, so you could play it without ever touching the tutorial.
I could imagine other people setting the game to sleep for an entire year. But once the game crashes, armed with the knowledge that sleep can't be canceled and time doesn't move very fast, only Josh would resume the sleep.
Everyone's talking about how Josh is breaking into people's homes, but that's just normal Shadows of Doubt gameplay. What gets me is how he keeps scampering out of the hospital without paying his medical bills, completely without consequence.
I thought this was gonna be a video essay going over how psychopaths could be detectives due to their manipulative nature being able to figure out what someone would do to achieve their goals.... And then I saw it was posted by you lmao
As soon as he said "until we get caught, by... ourselves" I was about to make a Memento joke and then a second later he proceeds to make one himself. Josh is cultured
I'm always surprised how far you can get without doing anything the game wants you to do 😀. I love seeing new and/or indie games and what you do to them!
After binge watching all of Lets game it out videos , my head cannon is that he use to be a beta tester but went too far into a game and went insane. Now an insane beta tester turned youtuber. This guy is great 👍🏾.
Love this game for how it looks similar to Teardown and also the fact that procedural generation + mystery detective is quite a unique combo for a game, couple that with Josh's chaotic nature really just dials up the comedy to 11
Check out Mechabellum today: play.paradoxinteractive.com/letsgameitout
And you too can see why I've been obsessed with it since it launched!
when's the next satisfactory video?
I love how the mystery element is so intriguing that Josh can't help but actually go solve the case instead of just creating mayhem and forgetting the plot
The devs did pretty well. Sandbox mystery games are prob one of the hardest games to code.
@@sdsign4229 Solo developer I think, so even more impressive
Did you miss the first half of the video? Lol but I get what you mean. It's surprising josh actually played the game as intended at all 😂
Well if Josh actually played the game as intended (to some degree) then I'd say that the game is darn good
Josh would make a great detective because he knows the ins-and-outs of being a monster
bro takes the human rights and makes them the human wrongs...
If you can’t beat them, join them
why don't you like detectives
@@captainjames4649 its a joke bro
I love the fact that Josh threw out a paper that had the first initial and last name of the killer, but still got the case correct through brute force
200+ citizen report printed later, he finally found someone with Type F Fingerprint
This game has an incredible amount of things to do that make no sense for a detective, but absolutely perfect for Josh to cause mayhem
I never even heard of this before but I'm amazed how detailed it is
@@12b_engineer It's legit. The cities are tiny (the biggest city you can make is 5x4 blocks in size and has 700 residents), but it's one of those rare cases where an EA game actually already delivers what it says on the store page. It's definitely got some jank to it, but given how much the game simulates, I'm amazed it doesn't have more jank.
My favorite thing about it is how many options you have for finding out information. One of my earliest cases had me searching for a person and all I had was their phone number, their fingerprint, and their salary. Out of those three pieces of information, their fingerprint was the most useless: doing what Josh did (going through gov records one by one until you find the matching fingerprint) is doing it the stupid way. Instead, you just call their number. If they pick up, they'll tell you their first name. That may or may not be enough to find them in the gov database right away. If not, you might be able to get them to tell you their last name. If they don't answer at all, you can still trace the call you made using the call junction boxes in all the buildings to find the address you rang. From there, you break in, and you'll always be able to find something in their apartment to tell you who lives there.
@@Tantalus010thats awesome
@@Tantalus010 Josh doing it the "stupid way" is the whole reason this channel exists, the man spent 24 REAL hours just....laying in a bed
I have watched 5 people play this game (Josh included) and he is the first person I have witnessed out of those five that solved the case. Josh, out of all people. I am amazed by this.
It's because he's willing to go through ANY means necessary to solve it...
He's a loose cannon but gets results, dammit! Lol
What do you mean “out of all people”? The guy is a genius. He just prefers to use his powers for chaos
@@hailatlantis Exactly, he can always figure out optimal ways to cause havok in even the most peaceful of games.
@@felipesalazar1599 He needs a partner who is a rule loving rookie to complete the cycle.
So the way the hospital works in this game is that it takes 20% of your current money total if you accept treatment. Josh had no money on hand so it cost nothing, and still chose to illegally escape the hospital despite his treatment literally being free lmao
@@liamsteamwalsh8421 i mean, it is basically a company ran world with every action being watched by cameras but free healthcare when broke seems pretty worth it lol
@@Yggdrasil9872tough to send enforcers to the house of a homeless person
@@The_Archer-he2ft I would think a society with no privacy whatsoever would see a drastic change for the better.
@@puppergump4117dont care didnt ask.
Josh, PLEASE make a series of this. I’d sit through hours of you solving crimes in your own demented way
ditto. this could be a goldmine josh.
yes this would be great
I say that to myself for every game he plays.
Other than satisfactory, and hydroneer of course.
I need a demented 'hardboiled detective' monologue.
❤ it
Imagine sitting in your living room wearing a red and white striped shirt, and then some lunatic throws a trashcan through your window, yells, "hey Waldo, just wanted to let you know I found you!" and then walks away like nothing happened.
That feels like something that could actually happen in any sufficiently large city.
That hit me right in the funny bone 😂
@@CmogVTso did the trash can
average day in nyc
Two accomplishments that I’m proud of Josh for:
1. He solved the case
2. He found Waldo
he also found 2 bugs, one floats people and the other changes clues. unless the floating person had creative mode.
Here before it blows up
@@smelyfart800 Nah, it was very clearly Mary Poppins, they had an umbrella
@@theplaguedoctaLMAO 😂😂😂
@@smelyfart800Nah that person in creative mode changed the clue.
Josh accidentally trapping himself in a coma seemed like poetic justice for all the games he's violated
And yet, in purest Josh fashion, when he's granted an escape he goes "nope I'm going to finish what I started" and finishes the coma.
It looked like he was just waiting and not sleeping.
Josh being a Coma completionist is pretty on-brand.
Josh is immortal
Quite literally the definition of "You made your bed, now lie in it"
By some insane stroke of luck the guy shooting Josh at 21:57 (with a RIFLE I might add) is actually the murderer.
When Josh said "Jesus, where did you get that gun?" I remember thinking "ha, it'd be funny if this was the murderer"
This is the innocuous detail in every mystery novel.
Somehow Josh made a comedy detective noir that still works as a mystery novel.
josh is just killing the murderer
Josh is literally the worst case scenario kind of robber.
He beats up a man, takes his keys, breaks into his house, robs and vandalizes it, covers his bathroom with blood, leaves the man's son bloody, beaten, and unconscious inside a shower with a broken glass pane, and then dives out the bedroom window
How whoud you even explain this the judge?
@xdivert5014 not me but the game dev
@xdivert5014 no the game dev whoud put him to comic jail for how he play
Sounds like Batman if he started just tormenting innocent people instead of criminals.
I can't decide which is my favorite part, the coma crashing Josh's computer or the fact that Josh did actually solve the case in the most difficult and time-consuming way possible
I'm most surprised that he was able to sleep in reverse time. I tried that once and got fired from my job.
I'm more surprised he actually solved a case instead of just causing rampant mayhem.
Honestly I keep forgetting Josh is “supposed” to be a private investigator and not a criminal
I mean, it IS easier to solve the crime when I personally know the criminal.
@@spankyjeffro5320 "It is easier to solve a crime if said crime is done by me."
that would be a nice twist mode to the game you gotta commit the crime and then get away with it.
josh is what happens if a drunk raccoon would become a PI
@@spankyjeffro5320 111th 👍
13:49 That scream the lady made. Made me laugh so hard. Like a cross between severe pain and severely pissed off mode.
That was terrifying!
Just like when I bang my head somewhere or stub my toe.
Wich happens a lot, because I'm an idiot.
So living around me has the amazing benefit of getting used to this kind of sreams.
That was 100% Anna Navarre's death scream from Deus Ex
i replayed it 5 times
I laughed too
"If you want to catch criminals, You need to *be* a criminal!"
-Josh, probably
He is wanted in Hydroneer after all 👍
Unironically what criminal psychologists do.
The only one who can stop a bad criminal, is a good criminal!
I think Insym was the first one to say it and also have it in the title or in thumbnail :D
Josh: can I have your fingerprints?
Citizen: not a chance!
Also citizen: *proceeds to rise to heaven*
Dude this actually made me laugh
lmao thanks for this
I lost it completely when that happened
The civilian is Mary Poppins
Funniest part of the whole game.
Fun fact: The entry wound changing mid-case happened to me too. It's a weird bug, hope they fix it soon
Edit: I honestly could not believe Josh's evidence board would look clean compared to mine
Nah, he just opened the wrong paper. There are 2 papers, the wound and the forensic report.
Josh is the last person I would want to have qualified immunity.
The very last.
The very last. The very last.
@@Cheesyrat0 not even the last, the world would have sent him to mars by now
And yet, he is not off the list.
Dude he uploaded 2 minutes ago....?
I love how Josh just forgot for half an hour he was a detective and not some random burglar
And breaking windows for no apparent reason, not even stealing.
You either die a detective or live long enough to become a random burglar
I’ve been going through a rough patch lately. My car was broken into a couple weeks back and they stole my wallet. And last week my brother died of an overdose. So needless to say, it’s been quite the somber ordeal for me. I haven’t laughed or smiled much in the last couple weeks, and tonight decided to watch a few of your videos. I was in tears of laughter from the zaniness, and it felt good to be happy again.
Thanks man. I really needed this.
so sorry, man. Hope life has gotten a little easier for you ❤
Hope you're doing better now
19:36 he punched through the glass to get in, and then proceeded to use the door to get out. What a gentleman!
20:37 “I wasn’t asking, I-well, nevermind. If you were the killer, I think you’ve eluded me.” I am deceased!!!
"I'm at my happiest when I'm running around making a mess" is possibly the best one sentence descriptor of Josh's whole oeuvre
You just leveled up my Vocab skill fr
First, as someone who literally reads the dictionary and thesaurus for fun, I approve the use of oeuvre in a sentence.
Second, thanks for the new word I've never heard
Third, yes, I do find it entertaining to learn vocabulary. There are some funny words out there
Josh is legit the only person I know that would figure out a way to put himself in a coma and also suffer the consequences in a game
imagine you're just chilling in your house and some psycho barges in, breaks a window with your coffee pot, hurls a snack jar at you and escapes by diving through the air vent
While saying, "and like a banshee into the night let's escape into the ducts"
such an underrated comment lmao
not to mention busting down your door with you right behind it
Each time Josh reads a sponsored script I imagine the marketing rep from the company holding a gun to his head
They only hold a gun to his head in fear of what josh is and can do
@Obscure Wondering I don't think corporeal means what you think it means
Meh I imagine its more like when you reward a parrot for a good trick, but instead of peanuts its more game keys or something of equally chaos granting nature. So they're sitting there sliding things over or adding things to a group they send after a job well done
Really though if the company cares about what they're doing Josh is a great resource. He finds ways to screw everything up!
@@chemical2401 He is too corporeal, the bullets simply bounce off of him
I'm 90% sure the person who shot him at 21:55 was the person who he ended up being the killer with that same rifle lol
It probably won't happen, but you should really play more of this game. This episode was hilarious.
He needs to throw more stuff out of the windows
@@N-N_Collectables or figure out how to ascend into the sky like that worker with the umbrella that refused to give out fingerprints
@@maysee2515 yes, THAT is what he needs to do 😂
He has made a lot of videos on hydroneer and zoo tycoon so it's likely we will see more of this
I'm surprised that josh solved the case at all
very nice
extremely nice
8:40 Forcing yourself to be in a 1 year long coma and just getting out of bed without having severe muscle atrophy that would easily require weeks of physical therapy. Sounds about right.
when a game is so fun josh actually plays it as intended, who'd knew that would happen
But he committed theft, B&E, assault, shall I go on? 😂 Not to mention repeatedly hospitalizing himself
@@lynxbelow6922 I mean, all those things do tend to be par for the course for a lot of the playthroughs I've seen so far 🤣
Was expecting a buggy game but this one actually looks legit and fun
@@Yggdrasil9872 I think with the type of game this is the bugs give you some entertainment
As someone who owns the game, it’s super fun lmao
But still in development
for an early access game, this looks pretty damn good, and the fact you can go into every room in every building and they're all furnished and have people and items to interact with is so cool
That actually made me want to read a crime novel with a main character-detective beeing as chaotic as Josh is here
Yes, or an manga
One with isekeis and so
You'd like John Dies at the End.
Bet, give me a day or two
@@dudemcfurgusson7179 oh, I heard about this one before, I may check it out later
@@Faceplates330 alr, I can wait 👀
Josh is the perfect "Stress Test" for the developers.
how much stress can the devs handle while watching this.... only one way to find out~
@@axelaction2290 24 Hours later.
@@DoomedMarine666 *Josh-themed Elevator Music plays*
Another reason why he gets keys for games
I'd love to see the reaction of a dev to josh playing their game tbh. I'm sure it would be hilarious
>sets timer for a year
>complains about time moving too slowly
>gets interrupted, saving him several hours
>"we can't have that"
>resumes coma
god i love josh
Josh: (Asks citizen for their fingerprints)
Citizen: Not a chance! (Mary Poppins their way up to their apartment via umbrella)
The guy that killed Josh with the gun earlier was the suspect lmao that's gold.
I didnt even realise lol
Can I get a timestamp so i can laugh?
I hadn't even realized until I saw your comment, which makes it even more hilarious!
People in the city: Yeah, it´s nice living here-
Josh: Is a detective.
Also Josh: Becomes the cities greatest criminal.
Josh's detective work is like the begining of Batman the movie (1966) he literally takes every unnoticed bit and sums it up to a big conspiracy
Haha Josh’s Holistic Detective Agency. He could team up with Dirk Gently. Not sure they’d solve any crimes (on purpose), but man it would be a train wreck of random hilarity.
“Hey Waldo, just wanted to let you know I found you”-my favorite lgio quote of all time
I love that josh not even four minutes into the video already figured out how to cause chaos
just imagine you're a regular citizen in the town, just y'know, going out on a walk
then suddenly, a loud crash and a kettle flies through Josh's i dunno like third fourth ish story apartment window, quickly followed by the man himself
"I need to make a mess before I start taking this too seriously" is this entire channel summed up perfectly 😂 thank you for doing what you do Josh! I needed this today!
I think Josh is the best beta tester ever. He is able to show us things we would never even think need fixing.
This games feels like it needs a series of videos, not just one. There's so much potential for Josh to tap into here.
I’m sure he’ll come back to it after some content updates. He’ll have more game mechanics to break and exploit
There were a lot of other good games he played (and broke) without making more content. Although I don’t care what he plays, I always prioritize his videos.
This game is a definite keeper. I expect a full series on my desk every month, for the rest of the year.
I've been having way too much fun with this game. Just get a sword and it's very easy to search everyone and get their prints
If you use the sync discs you can become a god, absorbing damage, negating falls, even making yourself so tall you can't fit through doors.. Absolute GOTY
20:40 is my quarterly reminder as to why it's a terrible idea for me to drink a beverage while watching Josh play games
Fun fact: you can abuse the base building in this game to place furniture outside of your home. I’d love to see what Josh could do with that…
I need Josh to be a QA tester for a AAA game company and make execs realise what we REALLY want from a game
Honestly, if you care for it, I'd love to see more of this game. Seeing you solve crime in true LGO fashion is hilarious.
With Josh lurking the streets, we might need something a little stronger then glass for windows
That's why they put plywood up, lol
The fact that he eventually played the game right is… new…
I kinda like it.
Josh is the only one who would make me actually play a game from a youtube ad.
Mechabellum is honestly the only game that is actually worth playing from the sponsored TH-cam ads, even though the ad makes it look like some mobile trash when it is in fact a really good and fun PC game. Like seriously, that's one bad ad, if I saw that before getting the game I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole.
@LordDragox412 I literally just finished watching another TH-camr play Mechabellum after being sponsored to do and, after seeing the game looks fun then coming to this video, had the same exact reaction as you. But hearing that Josh actually played the game on stream would've made me slightly intrigued.
I’m honestly surprised josh solved the case at all, and with all of the objectives completed at that.
Truly a lawful chaotic evil. 10/10 would hire as my private investigator.
Well, cannot be Lawful and Chaotic, but I would say Chaotic Good in this case. Although, he normally plays Chaotic Evil.
@@TommyBo42 lawful chaotic.
Car safety systems have come a long way, but he was out to prove they could be outsmarted.
Josh would be the character in the movie that is the last resort. The main protaganist goes into a mental hospital with a "To find the pyscho. We need a pyscho." And its just Josh sitting at his computer doing this.
"Here let me give you my card"
*Slams door into man's face*
That was a fantastic one liner. Truly the world's greatest detective
I waited a year to watch this video because I didn't want to get spoiled for what shenanigans you can do in Shadows of Doubt, but now I have finally watched it. Also today I learned that if you are under stairs you can beat people unconcious through the stairs! Only found one place so far where I can use that knowledge, but it's shenanigans you can do!
Josh is the epitome of why commit a single crime and go to jail when you can commit all of them and become a legend
After all these years we finally get to see Josh's morning routine. 1. Trash his apartment. 2. Jump 7 stories out of his window onto a dumpster in the streets below. 3. Commit assault with a kettle.
…something like that lmao
Beep bop... I'm the Philosophy Bot. Here, have a quote:
"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being"
~ Carl Jung
@@philosophy_bot4171 this isn't reddit
i feel like josh being a detective is probably one of the worst things humanity could see
For every crime solved by him, five new ones would be commited.
Or one of the best
He’ll have the eccentricities of L while having the psychopathic ruthlessness of Light
@@4ndr00med4 Only 5?
@@SomeOne-vf1rs we would only know 5 of those, but there's around 100
Dude barging thru that door and sending that guy flying killed meee😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
this game looks incredible. I've long dreamed of an open world game that has AI running all the citizens persistently where you feel like you actually live in that world, and this simulates a bit of it.
Yeah this game looks really complex, it's impressive. It must have a lot of tutorials and explanations josh didn't show
@@32BitJunkie actually, the tutorial that it has is not that big, BUT the game is pretty intuitive, so you could play it without ever touching the tutorial.
Love how he immediately turns it into burglar simulator
He’s not just a psychopathic who makes a good detective. He’s also a time traveling psychopath, who makes a good detective.
I could imagine other people setting the game to sleep for an entire year. But once the game crashes, armed with the knowledge that sleep can't be canceled and time doesn't move very fast, only Josh would resume the sleep.
I know he doesn't make many series videos on one single game, but I feel like this would be a fun one to revisit
There has to be a Grace somewhere, she must be found made to suffer
@@toreyzyre You're right!! He hasn't tortured Grace in this one!!
@@toreyzyre This is the Way
He did make a hydroneer series
Fear strikes through everybody, as Josh becomes a detective. 40-1, that is the death and saved ratio.
Every time josh plays a game, you know the devs are just like "Oh no, he's back"
Everyone's talking about how Josh is breaking into people's homes, but that's just normal Shadows of Doubt gameplay.
What gets me is how he keeps scampering out of the hospital without paying his medical bills, completely without consequence.
Wow, this game is so amazingly immersive!
It's like, if you could take it one step further, you would be a real life detective.
Josh and "whats the goofiest and most broken way this could go in" attitude go well together like peanut butter & jelly
You and him both posted 2 minutes ago...
Correction: Josh IS the embodiment of "what's the goofiest and most broken way this could go in" 😂
@the Architect Same, he just keeps on popping up
@@Boosharoo Yeah becous he comments everywhere.
I thought this was gonna be a video essay going over how psychopaths could be detectives due to their manipulative nature being able to figure out what someone would do to achieve their goals....
And then I saw it was posted by you lmao
2:07 That picture looks like Iron Man running from a burning building! 😂😂😂
Only Josh would put himself in a coma in a detective game.
Just imagine being knocking on random doors and just smashing them open the moment you hear the person inside coming to answer.
As soon as he said "until we get caught, by... ourselves" I was about to make a Memento joke and then a second later he proceeds to make one himself. Josh is cultured
@@pleasejustletmebeanonymous6510 This is the first video I've watched of Josh in a few years,does he really mention memento often?
this man never fails at curing my boredom
I love the fact that you just immediately start explaining after saying hi
This is singlehandedly the most and best chaotic Josh video in years and I'm here for part 2, 3, 15 of it 😂
i just love how he puts so much times on the game to brake it any way posible and being funny at the same time this is like my favourite youtuber
According to legend, the sleeping woman who threw trash at Josh, broke his leg, and then sent him to the hospital was named... GRACE.
Grace from parkitect😂
i thought she was named josh's karma.
Grace from state farm
D f did I just comment
@andrei_chikatil0no, grace is just a joke that somehow started on his channel. Grace was never a real human
23:25 the way the guy denies the search but he just busts through the door anyway and knocks the dude out. I’m dead 😭😭😭
I'm always surprised how far you can get without doing anything the game wants you to do 😀. I love seeing new and/or indie games and what you do to them!
Only Josh would play a game and willingly choose to be in a coma for a year
After binge watching all of Lets game it out videos , my head cannon is that he use to be a beta tester but went too far into a game and went insane. Now an insane beta tester turned youtuber.
This guy is great 👍🏾.
Love this game for how it looks similar to Teardown and also the fact that procedural generation + mystery detective is quite a unique combo for a game, couple that with Josh's chaotic nature really just dials up the comedy to 11
I think Josh is a framerate vampire and he feeds on the missing frames.
First time I ever bought a game from a TH-cam video, great job bro. I’ve been loving this game so much so thank you for showing me this!
The more you watch Josh everything get's normal
Josh: Throws the peanut at Clamu.
Also Josh: Let the investigation begin!
I cant wait to open new Zelda gameplay and hear "Hey its just welcome back to lets game it out"
I think we can all agree Let's Game It Out is a real psychopath at this point
@@EEEEEEEE stop saying E 😡
And that's why we love him.
Yes, but he's the world's favorite psychopath.
I just love a game with high levels of interactivity with the most mundane stuff.
Just got the notification now 5 days later lol
18:20 'Fashion style 'Make me look AI Generated'' sounds like an amazing insult actually