The Indigenous Slavs of Germany - Meet the Sorbians

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 388

  • @maciejkwiatkowski7558
    @maciejkwiatkowski7558 3 ปีที่แล้ว +65

    Ignac and his wife delighted me, his self-awareness and determination, his Slavicness, which he inherits from so many generations of Sorbian Slavs! ... I am amazed that you managed to preserve your individuality despite so many centuries of Germanization. As a Pole, I did not expect to see it on German soil. I wish you perseverance and that your language, tradition and religion will survive!

    • @polskiszlachcic3648
      @polskiszlachcic3648 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Meanwhile, Silesians/Ślůnzoki claim they're Germans 🤡 when you have other Slavic people living across the Oder River who defend their Slavicness

    • @maciejkwiatkowski7558
      @maciejkwiatkowski7558 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@polskiszlachcic3648 Those Silesians who claimed to be Germans left for Germany a long time ago. If you told the rest of them that they were German, you would have to worry about your sore face for a long time.

    • @rodoljubmutavdzic1386
      @rodoljubmutavdzic1386 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @maciejkwiatkowski7558
      @maciejkwiatkowski7558 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@rodoljubmutavdzic1386 Are you saying that Serbs are not Slavs?

    • @rodoljubmutavdzic1386
      @rodoljubmutavdzic1386 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @dolnyserbzjadnosonejeuzycy3770
    @dolnyserbzjadnosonejeuzycy3770 2 ปีที่แล้ว +58

    Thank you for this video!
    Źěkujom se za to wideo! 🔵🔴⚪

    • @RomaForLife
      @RomaForLife 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5


    • @illyrian3057
      @illyrian3057 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@RomaForLife Germanuc+Illyric >>>Slavic 🚜

    • @ЗоранХулк
      @ЗоранХулк 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@illyrian3057 goatic🐐+donkydonian= iliryian

    • @Vectivius
      @Vectivius 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      @@illyrian3057*turkish + slavic = albanian

    • @illyrian3057
      @illyrian3057 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Vectivius you wish lol

  • @Comrade2face
    @Comrade2face 3 ปีที่แล้ว +117

    Greetings to my cousins the Sorbs from the Serbs

    • @branislavpavlovic9918
      @branislavpavlovic9918 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Био сам баш јуче у Будишину. Они себе зову Сербима, Немци их зову Сорб. -Мислио сам да постоје два огранка од два дијалекта и да се једни зову Сорби а други Серби, али човек ми је на улици баш тако објаснио,просто, код Немаца они су "Сорб" у изговору и писању , или Венди , а себе зову другачије. Као што рекох -Серби. Тако да би твоја реченица могла глат да гласи -"Greeting to my cousin's the Serbs from the Serbs." Да не кажем Srbs.-

    • @branislavpavlovic9918
      @branislavpavlovic9918 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hersekdin Био сам у Будишину(Бауцену) пре месец дана. Лично тамо их је само 5% остало иако им је то административни центар. Више живе около. Судећи по фацама Немаца које сам у Будишину упознао, поредећи их са Србима из Босне , Србије ...то ...што си написао можеш свом тати исто да кажеш за 2%. Небитно што сте ти као и твоји преци и најмање 50% савремених Хрвата у ствари, Срби Римокатолици. Наравно да јесу плављи и углавном су нордијци за разлику од нас који смо доста Динариди и мешане расе не само нордијци и највише је динарског уплива на Балкану и то је тако одвајкада и етногенезе али проучавајући људе у Београду, Загребу , Франкфурту, дошао сам до закључка да је то мање више један те исти народ. Зависно од регије. Али расно исти народ. Нарочито ако се задржимо на чињеници да је читава источна Немачка словенска тачније речено- српска , и да је и Берлин српски град до 12.века. Да ти отворим очи , горњоЛужичани нису исти као ДоњоЛужичани, Срби из Македоније(до 1946) нису исти као Срби из Војводине или Шумадије, али су Срби ..ако имају свест о томе за разлику од тебе који си због Ватикана постао мрзитељ свог рода. За разлику од комунистичке историографије,лепо си рекао и схватио, ми нисмо у АВНОЈ границама, ми смо велики народ и корен Словенства па и Европејства, тако и Анонимус Бавариус рече у 9.веку (распитај се о генететској сличности Швеђана и Срба на пример) а тако рече и Далимил Чех у 14.веку -

    • @branislavpavlovic9918
      @branislavpavlovic9918 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      за српску земљу која се зове Хрватска (!?)- Наравно , сви су Срби , лепо си рекао одавде па до Индије и Србинде из Рг Веда. И Руси су Раси и ми смо Рашани не само Боснијани и Дукљани. И Пољаци су Срби ,и Чеси ...И Украјинци ... нацисти исто као и ви. Бивши Срби и бивши Словени. -

    • @hersekdin
      @hersekdin 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@branislavpavlovic9918 sve u redu stari gledaj kako hoces, meni ljudi iz istocne j srednje evrope nisu simpaticni niti imam osjecaj da se licimo, osim eto naravno u jeziku. I ja zivim u njemackoj ima ovdje svacega. A balkanci su vazda medju sebe dal bio bosnjak, arnsut, hrvat ili srbin. Bolje se razumijem i sa turcima nego s poljacima, rusima. I ja mislim da na balkanu nije niko vise od 20% Slaven i da smo kako kazes original Dinaridi, ljudi za sebe. Sto bi mi bili neki druci braca. A jedini problem koji imam s vama Srbima je da mislite da je sve srpsko, ime bosona i ljiljani su puno stariji od vas, ali ima svak svoju legitimaciju da bude dje jeste

    • @branislavpavlovic9918
      @branislavpavlovic9918 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hersekdin Види матори, и ти гледај како хоћеш, мени је Бог дао очи. Кад већ помињеш 20% , годину дана сам скоро сад био у Немачкој, 80% Немаца су ми ружни, али ретко ружни људи. 20% су лепи људи, има и прелепих , али више у лицу, и наше жене (нарочито Београђанке и Новосађанке ) их шију по згодности. У Загребу такође нису нешто, и доста има германског утицаја, шиљатих носића и плавих лепотица, али ниских и нимало лепо грађених. Сада ако је с динарским упливом нешто се променило али , 3-4 генетска типа можеш визуелно да приметиш. Или неке супротност од тога , даске од 2,30 cm и мушко и женско, небитно , или ниске Панонце. Плављи јесу у глобалу Загребчани, као што и чистије говоре српски од Срба док ми 60% користимо латинске речи. Али лепши смо...код нас на улици ме 3-4 него 14-16 "генетских типова",уопште шаренило физиономија и то је нормално, и само мешањем се добија нешто боље, или квари, додуше Београд је већи град, али ми и немамо толико сличности са тих 80% Немаца, кужиш, ми смо 345 год. били под Турцима... саставни део Отоманског царства, утицаја Византије ,Келта ...Београд је део Винче и Лепенског вира а она је КОЛЕВКА ЕВРОПЕ. Одавде су људи сви кренули./ Жене су од немачких у Србији, боље у ногама, куковима, задњицама, грудима. Иста ствар са Словакињама , Аустријом и Немачком. Значи бољи смо за две класе (лепши) Иста трансверзала према Немачкој , ретко да видиш лепу жену, згоднију још теже. Одмах приметиш на улици ко је Украјинка, Пољакиња, или је девојка из Сарајева...Шалу на страну , има лепих Немица , чистих у лицу, има и згодних , али ређе кажем. У шали увек говорим , и то што је лепо код њих, од Лужичких Срба је.-Али тих "20% " лепих људи код Немаца, по мени лично , не можеш да разликујеш ни од Руса лепих , нити Енглеза нити Срба нити Француза. То је исти тип људи , иста раса, као огледало. У Београду разговараш са девојком која личи на Анђелину Џоли, у Франкфурту нађеш њену двојницу, у Москви такође. Капираш сад ко смо ми Европљани ?- Што се тиче осталих твојих погледа, Турци су много добри и људи по мени, и радници.Имају поштовање према другоме , као наши људи са села. Цене те као човека у душу, тога на Западу уопште нема. Душа не постоји,углавном. То је мој став, радио сам с њима. Што се тиче генетике , прошле године сам као возач крана (иначе сам проф. Историје) сусрео се са на грађевини у Београду са доста Турака, и био сам фрапиран. 50-60% људи имали су светлу пут, плаве очи. - Плављи од нас , али углавном су ниски људи. Ми смо високи Динарци , у неким случајевима и дивови за њих. Теби је то чудно , нарочито по питању Срба, али мислим да не знаш неке чињенице и зашто Срби све својатају. Прво , да ти кажем у лице поново , не само ти Турци него и ти ...ви сте Срби. 1595. после банатског устанка, читав Београд је у знак одмазде ,пресељен у Истамбул. И дан данас,постоји "Белиград махала" , "Белград ормани" (шума београдска), и у околини Истамбула 3 милиона , а званично у целој Турској око 10.000.000 људи говори српским језиком , и то су углавном или потомци јаничара или Срби муслимани Босне , Санџака, Косова , Македоније итд. који су отишли у Турску након пропасти Отомана на Балкану. - Не зна се тачан број , али ако нађеш десетине топонима попут ГордоСерв(б)он и сл. онда знај да исте миграције у Малој Азији, покретали су византијски цареви за словенски живаљ. А питање је и пре самог Рима па и Александра Великог "Прото Словени" колики утицај су имали на тај простор. Александар Македонски прелази реку "Граник" . Етимолози немају кључ али велика вероватноћа је да је он само прешао "Границу ".
      Теби сметају Срби ...знам ...ви би волели да су то Босанци ,или Хрвати, ти то схваташ као српско присвајање , али морам да те разочарам , до 28.9.1993. не постоји народ Бошњака или Босанаца, (Од Кулина бана-Твртка до Гаврила Принципа и Милорада Додика) постоји река Босна , постоји и "Босона" вероватно на римским картама , али ако отвориш Појтингерову мапу Плинија и Птоломеја из 1.века, наћи ћеш у Босни данашњој топоним "Servitium-Serbinon" потом Serbinum у Илирику целом итд.- Старо име за све Словене је СРБИ и то нисам ја рекао него неки Шафарик, Добровски Бавариус Анонимус и др.А ти се распитај како се Загреб звао у античко доба, ко су Далмати, Буњевци, Херцеговци, Босанци и откуд нови католици тј.Хрвати од 18-20.века. -То је опрости, историјски процес , Срби ништа не присвајају , то је тако како јесте, мени је жао али статистички минимум 50% савремених Хрвата су Срби. 99% Бошњака 99% Црногораца. -Цар Душан се крунисао у Скопљу, мени је жао ,није се крунисао у Београду , то је историјски процес и Македонце је осмислио Тито 1946. Кијев је стара престоница Русије ....зар ниси учио то у школи?....

  • @lunaotto8839
    @lunaotto8839 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    Hi! I‘m from Bórkowy near Chóśebuz! Thank you for bringing attention to us Sorbs!

  • @PeachPlastic
    @PeachPlastic ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I'm sad that my own sorbian cultural heritage is lost on me, because my sorbian great-grandparents did not teach the language to their children after the persecution. My grandmother grew up in the Spreewald with the traditional clothing and some of the ritual practices and folklore, but after the family relocated and scattered, most of the already repressed culture was lost. Only splinters remain. Having been moved to the Northwest of Germany ever since I first went to school, I have always felt somewhat estranged and lost. It's a strangely lost piece of my identity; I don't know if it can ever be recovered. If I traveled East to learn about the traditions, I would feel like a tourist. I'm not sure how to compensate for that.

    • @ЗоранХулк
      @ЗоранХулк 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Yes you can, if you have a strong can

    • @cyclonewehner3778
      @cyclonewehner3778 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Sorbian culture is enjoying a renaissance. There is even rap. There are summer language programs. But we need to ensure there is no more erasure

    • @123skillax
      @123skillax 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      my friend i am a bulgarian, my girlfriend a serb which is a tribe of the sorbs as we call it as you may know that we slavs have loads off tribes , and my girlfriend came to germany to study so i followed suit and honestly i also feel lost here, i am thinking if returning home but its been 2-3 yeara now so i also feel like i will be a tourist. best thng you can do is go there and maybe even settle. especially since you guys are endangered !

    • @Ultima-Signa
      @Ultima-Signa 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I am saying this as someone of that regional Slavic ancestry myself: Assimilating yourself is not persecution. And not being able to speak your own language that much anymore due to the state you live and the bigger community around you and traders speaking a different language is not being repressed. It’s only natural and happened everywhere, even to Germans in Eastern Europe and elsewhere. Be truthful and stop spreading misinformation.
      The German governments granted the Slavs autonomous rights already in medieval times and even do support sorb culture and community with a lot of tax payer money. Even the natzis been fairly tolerant (until the 1940s when they started a germanization campaign). And the natzi time was the only time there has been a discrimination and repression. But even they did not persecute them. That’s a reach. It should be your first duty to actually learn about Sorbian history after you found out about Sorb ancestry, and to be truthful about sorbian history.
      Also what rituals?? Sorbs are proud Catholics. Catholicism was proud to Sorbs via Germans….

    • @Ultima-Signa
      @Ultima-Signa 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ⁠@@cyclonewehner3778There’s no erasure and never has been (except during last 5 years of natzi government)… don’t just blindly believe anything that some people tell you because they like to generalize natzi rule with all of german history… funny thing is that there’s actually repression of other non-majority native cultures in countries such as Poland and other Slavic countries so no idea why some people from those countries cry out so much about something like that (which they made up)… ( Poland literally came to be by annexing Slavic and Baltic neighbors and making them polish).
      Those programs and summer camps or the revival in general you are referring to are literally a thing because of the support of the German government. You even have Germans nowadays searching for their slavicness and learning Sorbian language due to some sorbian ancestor of a few centuries ago that they recently found out about… so no idea what supposed erasure you’re referring to..?

  • @olafgunter1329
    @olafgunter1329 3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Nice Doku, ich schau mit die gleich nochmal an!

  • @LilyVain
    @LilyVain 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    *Hello Sorbian brothers from Macedonians !* 🇲🇰❤️💋

  • @TheBrezelboy
    @TheBrezelboy ปีที่แล้ว +29

    I enjoyed hearing ignac and his wife. Similar to the wife, my grandmother came from lower lusatia (Spreewald), where she would wear the traditional costume growing up, but never spoke any sorbian. Lower lusatia in Brandenburg unfortunately, has been ethnically cleansed more aggressively than in saxony. It’s crazy to me that most people in Germany don’t even know that the sorbs exist!!

    • @StraszyFyFy
      @StraszyFyFy 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      they know, just don't want to admit it, same for pomerania...

  • @CzowiekWojny
    @CzowiekWojny ปีที่แล้ว +2

    thank you for these interviews!

  • @yyzidman
    @yyzidman 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Amazing video! Thank you!

  • @daniel89ph
    @daniel89ph ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Excellent work! I would also research whether there are still certain differences in mentality between Germans and Sorbians.

    • @cyclonewehner3778
      @cyclonewehner3778 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      East Germans are different to West even now and Sorbs are definitely different culturally

  • @Oleksa-Derevianchenko
    @Oleksa-Derevianchenko 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    18:18 are there any publicly available recordings of court proceedings in Sorbian? That would be interesting to see.

    • @duckbillattack1548
      @duckbillattack1548 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      No, not really. These court cases are mostly about everyday crimes and are therefore usually too irrelevant for recording. As a matter of fact, court cases are not usually recorded, unless the press is interested, which as I said is almost never the case. In addition, I do not know that the defendants, who must first speak Sorbian, really often make use of this right. One cannot deny that many Sorbs strongly mix their language with German, which is why many would have problems with a purely Sorbian court case or purely Sorbian court papers.

    • @mareksicinski3726
      @mareksicinski3726 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@duckbillattack1548not civil or administrative cases?

  • @mayabernot8592
    @mayabernot8592 3 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Sorbi Serbi 🙏🏿❤️🇷🇸

    • @Valchee9192631770
      @Valchee9192631770 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Nikola Tesla bio je Sorb.

    • @R-Benini
      @R-Benini 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Valchee9192631770 bio je vanzemaljac

    • @psihodelija8917
      @psihodelija8917 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@Valchee9192631770 Nikola Tesla Je bio Srbin iz Like.

  • @aleksandarilic7666
    @aleksandarilic7666 3 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Hey guys, love from Serbia. Don't mind my countrymen with "alternative history" in the comments. They're getting so bad that even our church had to make a proclamation about their stupidity.
    I wanted to ask how you view the connection with us, because we're thought at school that we're connected at the origin but I'm seeing a lot of comments denying this connection at all. We also learn we come from Carpathia (at least as just one of the possibilities) but our languages are very different as far as I can tell. I'd also love to read something credible about your culture and history but I can only read Serbian and English so I'd appreciate a recommendation.
    All the best!

    • @tonkirainforest5441
      @tonkirainforest5441  3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Hello Aleksander,
      concerning the linguistic connection, Sorbian and Serbian are both Slavic languages. However, the Slavic language family divides further into West, East and South Slavic branches. As the geographical position suggests, Sorbian is West Slavic, while Serbian is South Slavic. The interviewees all told me, that can easily speak with speakers of Polish, Czech and Slovakian, even though they sometimes have to speak slowly.
      The communication between speakers of West Slavic and South Slavic languages, will most likely also encounter very many similar words and expressions, but the fully fledged conversation might be challenging.
      As far as identity goes, it's a subjective matter I guess. Historically, there have been pan-slavic movements, and there is still a political connection to the Czech Republic as Prague and Bautzen have many joint projects.
      As it goes for literature, English open-source material is quite difficult to find, but in case you have access to a university or digital library login to jstor, you can find some material online.

    • @aleksandarilic7666
      @aleksandarilic7666 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      ​@@tonkirainforest5441 Thanks for your response dude.
      I'm familiar with most things that you mentioned. I was hoping to get a response from a Sorbian and see their view on this connection. The Serbs, for the most part, are thaught that we were one Slavic tribe at some point and then we went to the Balkans at the invitation of the Byzantines and they stayed at the boarder with Francia and later became a part of Samo's Kingdom.
      Still, while the separation is a long one (1400 years roughly), most people view Sorbs as long lost cousans in Serbia. We can't understand each other anymore but we still view it as a "connection" of sorts. I was interested in the attitude they have towards that and how they learn their etnogensis.
      Thanks for the advice about jstor and thank you for the great video.

    • @ПредрагКосанчић
      @ПредрагКосанчић 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Did you consider ever that the so called "current history" can be also bad? For you the "alternative history" is bad because you're limited as we were taught that in western and later communist schools, that of course will not search for the real history of the Serbian or Slavic people. Just a thought about your comment above.

    • @aleksandarilic7666
      @aleksandarilic7666 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@ПредрагКосанчић I did but honestly if theres one thing i learned about history it’s if a historian is telling you your nation is at the center of the universe and you’re the best then there is something fishy going on. Our nation is not a nation of saints~ never was never will be. Mistakes are a part of human nature and i am proud of my heritage but accept the mistakes we made along the way. Not sure if u can do the same.

    • @chethnik
      @chethnik ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Serbian is the language closest to proto slavic language and old church slavonic, my theory that serbs(slavs) gave theyre culture to all other slavs, west slavs are heavily germanized and east slavs are somehow barbars

  • @mb4439
    @mb4439 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Some serbian users here are wrong, because sorbians are an own cultural folk who is linguistically related to czech and slovak people, as well polish and kashubian's.

    • @holger_p
      @holger_p 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      But Slavians is an overall term for these group of people.

    • @KarelNovak-z6z
      @KarelNovak-z6z 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I think Slavic languages diverged only later. There are villages and towns named after Serb and Croats in Czechia (far from German border). At the time they arrive there the language was basically one.

    • @KarelNovak-z6z
      @KarelNovak-z6z 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Slavic languages diverged later. They arrive there the same time Anglo Saxons arrived to England. Is English the same as modern German?

    • @holger_p
      @holger_p 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@KarelNovak-z6z how and why should serbs and croats arrive in czechia ? It's 1000km apart.

    • @KarelNovak-z6z
      @KarelNovak-z6z 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@holger_p Czechia and Slovakia formed one state together with south Slavic people before arrival of Hungarians. Was called Moravia.

  • @10hawell
    @10hawell 2 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Lusatia is the only part of Germany i could move to with clear conscience, it would be extremely easy for Pole like me to assimilate into Lusatian community, but I'm already partially a member of other ethnic minority in Poland so i need to stay here and work on spreading my ancestral tongue and culture through my region.
    I would love to one day see Lusatia as equal to others Bundesland.
    Also for Polish part of Lusatia to be it's own poviatship (or two since by the rules poviats shouldn't be that big, but they could be exception)

    • @liqiz1755
      @liqiz1755 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Are you kashubian?

  • @daniel89ph
    @daniel89ph ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I think that in a case of Sorbians a good example of some political solutions could be the hungarian model of local authonomy of national minorities self-governing local councils. That could be the way of certain political self-expression.

    • @holger_p
      @holger_p 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No, it's not a regional thing, it's too mixed. The idea of putting one people into one area is overcome and outdated. Think on palestine, they try your model.

  • @alistairknox5381
    @alistairknox5381 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    My Prussian paternal great grandfather emigrated to London from Gross Libolye(Lubolz), Spreewald. 1926 Canadian shipping register entry also stated he spoke German, bit puzzling that he used the Sorb name, so maybe he also spoke Sorb like his Lutheran forefathers. I hadn't known about German West Slavs till l investigated my secretive grandmother's German origins(her mother was daughter of immigrants also, evidently from eastern Germany, possibly part Yiddish). I see a lot of German surnames look Slavic, even prominent Nazis: the 'ke' suffix rather common as in my grandmother's Noschke, same as the Polish/Russian 'ky' or 'ki'. Among Poles the 'ky' indicates Catholic, 'ki' Jewish so an Israeli friend of Polish origin with the wrong suffix told me(his surname was supposed to end with 'ki').
    Another surprise on my mother's side: paternal Coetzer(originally Kutza) Afrikaner grandmother descended from Sudetenland ancestor from Zakupy/Reichstadt near Prague(Czech).

    • @ekesandras1481
      @ekesandras1481 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ramelow, Kretschmer, Kretschmann, Kubicky, Chrupalla, Bystron, Ryglewski, Luksic, Kowalski, Schimanski, Kubitschek, ...

  • @cimbalok2972
    @cimbalok2972 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Very interesting. I can understand written Sorbian but not spoken. I speak Slovak and Polish, some Czech, some Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian (counts as just one, but don't tell them that 🤐and a little Romanian.) Thank you for your video. Lusatian Sorbs should be recognized as a valid ethnic minority. And their folk music is awesome!

    • @markeedeep
      @markeedeep ปีที่แล้ว +5

      There's only Serbian, no "Croatian" or "Bosnian". In this particular context of Germany, for example, that would be like saying I speak German, Bavarian and Westphalian. It makes no sense. No, actually a far better example would be to say one speaks German, Austrian and Swiss. Neither Austrians or the Swiss speak "Austrian" or "Swiss", but German. Same with so called Croatians and Bosnians, they speak Serbian language. Of course they'll deny it now forcefully, but Bosnia for example has a native Serbian population just under 50%, and they speak exactly the same language as Serbians from Serbia proper. There is absolutely no difference, except for slight variations in regional accent. But it's exactly the same with the Muslim population, only they have loaned more Turkish and Arabic words into their everyday vocabulary, that's literally it.

    • @cimbalok2972
      @cimbalok2972 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@markeedeep However, there's no country called Bavaria, or Westphalia or Thuringia, they are part of one country called Germany. Croatia and Bosnia are not part of Jugoslavija anymore, they are autonomous. I helped Bosnians get their citizenship here in the US, and they refer to themselves as Bosnians. I dated a Croat and he referred to himself as Croatian, not Jugoslavijan. I agree the languages are very similar and that Bosnian has a lot of loan words from Turkish and Arabic. I'm not into south-east European politics. I like all the languages and their variants/dialects.

    • @SievaRahojsha
      @SievaRahojsha 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@cimbalok2972 they refer to themselves as Bosnians. but they don't want to live in Bosnia.

    • @ЗоранХулк
      @ЗоранХулк 11 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @adamknopp6631
    @adamknopp6631 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    It would have been nice to hear the language spoken.

  • @woodworm2501
    @woodworm2501 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Dźakuju za wulkotny přinošk. 😊

  • @LaraDankovic
    @LaraDankovic 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Srbicu su ocigledno odavno zaboravili😢😢 ovaj divan Srpski
    narod izmenjene fizionomien❤❤naselili su zapadnu evropu i uneli dosta Srpskog u mentalitetu i uzrecicima...

  • @psihodelija8917
    @psihodelija8917 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Braca Srbi ! 💙

  • @YU-mv3ku
    @YU-mv3ku 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Sorabi,sorbi,serbi,srbi... Serbs live antiles river Rayna...

  • @stanislav295
    @stanislav295 3 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Support aus Serbien 🇷🇸😉💪🏼

  • @sorblife2308
    @sorblife2308 3 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    They need to start counting the population of Texas and Australian Sorbs/Wends when they say only 60,000 identify as Sorbian.

    • @tonkirainforest5441
      @tonkirainforest5441  3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Interesting aspect I stumbled upon during my research. It might be something to dig into more in a follow-up

    • @IvarDaigon
      @IvarDaigon 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      There are probably a lot more than 60,000 people who are descended from Sorbs here in Australia but we don't consider ourselves sorbs (or even wends) because the customs and language have largely died out. My grandfather's generation were probably the last to even speak German and there aren't many of them alive anymore.
      As for the Sorbian language, I don't think it really survived in Australia after the first generation of immigrants because most of them intermarried with other German ethnic groups and the lingua franca that they used was German up until about the 1920s - 1940s

    • @mehanikal5639
      @mehanikal5639 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@IvarDaigon Really sad

    • @Oleksa-Derevianchenko
      @Oleksa-Derevianchenko 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That's an interesting point!
      Are there any studies on how Sorbian emigrants are doing and how their language changed in a foreign land?

    • @bojanpalink5471
      @bojanpalink5471 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Spreading the lies of German scholars of the 19th century again ... whom no one believes anymore ... Serbs have not immigrated anywhere from some Carpathian mountains .... but they have always been here ..... this is indicated by many documents and artifacts

  • @draganpaunovic-l7r
    @draganpaunovic-l7r 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Северна браћа Срби.Све сте асимилари што сте могли на вама својстен начин.Воли вас Србин са КиМ.❤❤❤❤❤

    • @goranbras4767
      @goranbras4767 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Oni su vaspitani da sa nama nemaju veze ,ja sam nemačkog porekla i osećam srpski identitet a oni mrze Srbe ,tako su vaspitani ,vidiš da ne smeju svoj srpski jezik govoriti !Čak i ne komuniciraju sa nama ovde na portalu ili retko ,skoro nikada!

    • @ЗоранХулк
      @ЗоранХулк 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​@@goranbras4767Primetio sam,👍.Imao sam nekoliko konverzacija, ali ostali,većina su tako ispranog mozga da je prosto tuž znati istoriju

  • @Oleksa-Derevianchenko
    @Oleksa-Derevianchenko 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    OMG this would be useful for many Ukrainians and Belarusians!
    Would you add subtitles if I provide them?

  • @aleksandarjovanovic6955
    @aleksandarjovanovic6955 3 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    Serb brothers.

    • @ronasarile9595
      @ronasarile9595 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      anyone in here native speaker of sorbian

    • @aleksandarjovanovic6955
      @aleksandarjovanovic6955 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@ronasarile9595 hello, I speak Serbian.

    • @ronasarile9595
      @ronasarile9595 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@aleksandarjovanovic6955 thank you

    • @luridthingsCO
      @luridthingsCO 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@aleksandarjovanovic6955 Serbs or Sorbs, we Czech plus minus understand you both.

    • @milovanilic317
      @milovanilic317 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@ronasarile9595 i speak only original Serbian :)))

  • @MilaJovic-gw4ti
    @MilaJovic-gw4ti ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Srbi su namelijk zapadnu eropuit i najstarija su zemljs Europe. Nekima smeta to da su Srbi zauzeli predivnu lokaciju
    Tada su mogli da biraju. Tu su doslu pre zisusa Hrista. Bili su jedini....
    da biraju

  • @Spinnradler
    @Spinnradler 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    18:04 Nimska jo jano dwójorěcna? Rownož dajo juž DWĚ słowjańske rěcy how... tam?
    Domorodne (žywe) rĕcy Zwězkoweje Republiki Nimska su:
    1. Górnoserbšćina
    2. Dolnoserbšćina
    3. Dolnonimšćina
    4. Wusokonimšćina
    5. Dańšćina
    6. Pódpołnocnofrizišćina
    7. Pódzajtšnofrizišćina
    Som rěc zabył?

    • @alareiks742
      @alareiks742 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jaka to je mova/jazyk/rič? Czesjka czy slovensjka?

  • @1114-j7o
    @1114-j7o 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It is amazing that girl and guy are without any makeup typically Slav white, red hair-beard and blue-green eyed people. So proud at you, greetings from Serbia.

    • @Andrei-ev7du
      @Andrei-ev7du 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Slavs look diverse depend of etnic grup, a serb look total diferent from a sorb, sorbs look much north european(light hair,light eyes, are tall, aslo serbs especially from west Serbia are tall but that is only a phisical feature ,similarity)

    • @1114-j7o
      @1114-j7o 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Andrei-ev7du Bro, all Slavic tribes was ONE once before split, variations are many due Slavic adaptive temperament so we mix with other tribes true. Yet as i recall we had that typical red/brown hair and blue/green eyes. With incursions of various conquerors proto-germanic, nordish, tatar, mongol we lost some of protoslavic setup in colors of body, yet if u look at DNA table of Europe youll see all is as it was 2k years ago. Not to mention that Slavic dna is so strong that we saw all those conquerors wanted exactly our Blood either on thrones or at various borders, as leaders or soldiers. How else we could explain all those Slavs all over Europe!? We certanly didnt migrated in 6th century as Germanic tribes said! :)

    • @Andrei-ev7du
      @Andrei-ev7du 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@1114-j7o Slavs were young etnic grup, how you say that they have red hair 😂😂😂 red hair is rare everywhere in the world even in Ireland and Scotland is rare ,slavs are sarmatians who have litle nordic(germanic and baltic )cultural influences, now not exist slavic culture o genetic

    • @1114-j7o
      @1114-j7o 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Andrei-ev7du Bro if you dont believe me, you can always check facts like dna and colors among Slavic tribes. Because TOPONYMS, DNA and ROCK tell no lies when inscripted in.
      What you mean btw we are "young" we are older then most tribes in Europe?!

    • @Andrei-ev7du
      @Andrei-ev7du 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@1114-j7o No , slavs are not older, they are young than germanic,latin,finnic and baltic peoples , slavic Dna not exist,is sarmatian DNA, some slavs like north poles ,belarussians bohemian czechs not have this DNA like ukrainians o slovaks,south west russians ,south est poles o croats,bulgarians etc

  • @mparosa
    @mparosa ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I wonder if nowadays Sorbs are afraid to learn their heritage language because of fear of persecution still. I mean it is centuries of persecution and still these anti-Sorb sentiments persist in Germany.
    I wonder if there are efforts made to connect Sorb communities from parts of Czech and Polish Lusatia as well.
    I don’t think is the nation states that are dangerous for ethnic minorities. I think it is the empires that have done and continue to do more damage.

  • @ЗоранХулк
    @ЗоранХулк 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I have a solution!Similar to "kosovo" isue,German,Poland and Chezh goverments emediatly to recognize Luzatia! Greatings from Serbia🇷🇸

    • @phartbay327
      @phartbay327 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Most people in Lusatia are germans, tho. Different situation than in Kosovo

    • @ЗоранХулк
      @ЗоранХулк 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@phartbay327 so was on Kosovo, etnic cleansing was comited against Searbs in Kosovo in Last 70 years, Searbs was leaving Kosovo unther presure during komunist and Albanians

    • @phartbay327
      @phartbay327 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@ЗоранХулк And that's terrible! No one deserves that

  • @brattuccino9034
    @brattuccino9034 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    If someone thinks that Sorbs from Lusatia and Serbs from Serbia are not historically and genetically does one can explain all this slippers there are all wearing when in side the house??? 18:15

    • @andrzejdobrowolski9523
      @andrzejdobrowolski9523 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Other Slavs do that too

    • @DiskusGames
      @DiskusGames 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      German here, we have those slippers too. I live in East Germany though, so it still may be a Slavic thing. But it’s certainly not prove of a Sorb/Serb connection.

    • @andrzejdobrowolski9523
      @andrzejdobrowolski9523 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@DiskusGames Exactly . Genetic studies have prooven that Sorbs are closer to Poles and Czechs but Serbs are closer to other Balkan nations . Whole eastern Germany used to be Slavic . The Polabian language in Brandenburg and Mecklemburg died out in the XVIII century.

    • @mariuszlech9173
      @mariuszlech9173 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@DiskusGames What kind of evidence do you expect? It is written in the chronicles that in the eighth century Serbs and Croats set out south from these territories. Croats from South-Eastern Poland and Serbs from Western Poland and Eastern Germany.

    • @mmr1137
      @mmr1137 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I saw just hot girl didn't pay attention on that 😂

  • @Darkdarkdark123
    @Darkdarkdark123 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The only thing I would like to ask is whay Sorb's,whay not Polish or Russian or Chek's or Slovak's? Don't take me wrong I love fakt that thay have that name becouse I am Serbian...I whish all the best to all good people in this world incuded Sorb's.

  • @tonkirainforest5441
    @tonkirainforest5441  3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Hello everybody, thank you so much for all the feedback on my very first project of this sort. Interestingly, there have been some comments on the section about the Great Migration Period, that slavs had been in the region for thousands of years.
    Some said I was spreading some kind of propaganda, but TH-cam deleted them by itself. I personally don't like deleting comments. Don't really know what kind of propaganda that would be tbh anyway :D It is safe to say, that the ethnolinguistic group that today goes under the exonym "Sorbian" (not to be confused with Serbian :D), moved to Lusatia in the sixth century.
    If someone tells you, that a certain linguistic group was in a certain geographical place more than 9.000 years ago, think about what we know about such distant history, especially language-wise :D Hope to have some more video input ready soon!

    • @Jelena042
      @Jelena042 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      They call themselves Serbs, not Sorbs, so no reason to call them Sorbs in English. They have same DNA as Balkans nations, so what is a problem? It's not so hard to do DNA test.

    • @ПредрагКосанчић
      @ПредрагКосанчић 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      So you are sure that Germanic and other tribes in the area were there from 9 thousands years ago, but not the Slavic tribes? Languages are good way of telling, but as you can see in this example almost all Sorbs were assimilated and now speak German or English etc. The better way is Anthropology, or DNA. Just to make sure that I am not blaming you, just want to make sure that today history is not the complete history what really happened.

    • @PeachPlastic
      @PeachPlastic ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@Jelena042 Didn't you pay attention to the first interview? There is no DNA testing for people's heritage being done because of Germany's history of persecution.

    • @vesnajelovac3951
      @vesnajelovac3951 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​​@@PeachPlasticI think they have been DNA tested. They are similar to their west slavic brothers.

  • @JuraMalopolska
    @JuraMalopolska 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    bardzo podobny język do polskiego

    • @mariuszlech9173
      @mariuszlech9173 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Bo Serbołużycznie to też plemię "Lechickie" jak my Polacy, ich język to nasz język z przed jakiś 800 -1000 lat . To najbliżsi genetycznie nam Polakom naród . Nie żadni Ukraińcy czy Słowacy , tylko właśnie oni Serbołużycznie .

    • @mirconi7413
      @mirconi7413 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mariuszlech9173 💪💪💪

  • @dijalog6284
    @dijalog6284 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bissmarck's grandmother was Serbian and it is not true that they arrived in the sixth or seventh century.

    • @Andrei-ev7du
      @Andrei-ev7du 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Sorb not serb

    • @mmr1137
      @mmr1137 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@Andrei-ev7duWe on the Balkans are south Sorbs

  • @arizonad8012
    @arizonad8012 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    We should not let that upper and lower Sorbian languages go extinct.

    • @cyclonewehner3778
      @cyclonewehner3778 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      There are summer language classes coming up! There is even Sorb rap music. Lots happening

    • @holger_p
      @holger_p 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      In the same way as Latin is not going extinct ? No baby is learning it probably. And you want to force them ?

  • @ЗоранХулк
    @ЗоранХулк 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Sorbs ARE Searbs!
    Lusatian Searbs are our ancestors(our direct relatives),Balkan Searbs🇷🇸, we came from them before 1300-1400 years ago.But much before that, WE came together in central Euorpe from delta of river Volga...
    Because of that,some arheologist (specialy from Rusia),think that we have Sarmatian dnk...

    • @Andrei-ev7du
      @Andrei-ev7du 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sorbs are nordic genetically, they are light haired,light eyed,tall etc not look sarmatian like south est slavs, sarmatians lived in Ukraine and south west Russia, sorbs come from north Poland anf west Belarus, they were slavized north europeans, their traditions,culture etc is very diferent from serbian o ukrainian culture

    • @ЗоранХулк
      @ЗоранХулк 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​@@Andrei-ev7du you can not relay on color of a hair or eyes and to specify nation.We on Balkan also have a huge number of people with light hair and blue,green my self.Only scandinavians and other "north" nation can separate by color of skin,hair and eyes...Also south Slavs are one of the tallest nations, do some resarch.
      They mixed with other slavic tribes, same as we mixed here on Balkan with pure nation,with no mixes are hard to find...

    • @Andrei-ev7du
      @Andrei-ev7du 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ЗоранХулк Sorbs come from north est Poland region and are slavized balts(nordic peoples) they are not est europeans in nothing

    • @ЗоранХулк
      @ЗоранХулк 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@Andrei-ev7du nordic?...and why they dont speak swedish or finish, or danmark...then?

    • @ЗоранХулк
      @ЗоранХулк 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Andrei-ev7du then Pols are balts too?

  • @dexteros5770
    @dexteros5770 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13


  • @christianpenk
    @christianpenk 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    My mamy tež evangelskich Serbow pći nas. W Slĕpjańskem wosadże se praj, "to jo jednucne a najmjeńše wosad w cylej němsćinje a cylej Łužice". Jo to prawje?

  • @ronasarile9595
    @ronasarile9595 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Anyone in here Native sorbian speaker?

    • @krowaswieta7944
      @krowaswieta7944 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Well, i can understand some Sorbian as a Pole. Tbh its a lot more understandable than any other slavic language (maybe except Czech/Slovakian) for me (perhaps because its kind of Polish/Czech with German accent; i also do speak German).

  • @holger_p
    @holger_p 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm born in the area, and never met one speaking sorbian all my life. All the street signs are in dual language, I don't know for whom or for what.
    I think the language is kept up artificially and nobody speaks it at home.
    When you listen to speakers on videos, you notice it never feels very fluid, more like a language you learned in school with very exakt articulation.
    It's impossible to survive in Germany without speaking german. The former idea of "if you stick to your village all your life, you theoreticlly could, if we make all the signs bilingual". But today people like to travel. They don't even work in their village.

  • @keithstevens5614
    @keithstevens5614 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So are the Sorbs related to Serbs? I've heard that Sorbs are White Serbs, White meaning Western Serbs. On the other hand, Sorbs are Western Slavs while Serbs are Southern Slavs. So which is the correct interpretation of their origins and cultural heritage?

    • @peka003
      @peka003 ปีที่แล้ว

      i dont know really im serb from serbia and i know very little about sorbs,we might be very close relatives or its just that our names are similiar,i never saw eastern and western slavs as some relatives since we are very different

    • @ЗоранХулк
      @ЗоранХулк 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yes,Lusatian Searbs(Sorbs) are our ancestors(Searbs on Balkan 🇷🇸), we came from them before 1300-1400 years ago.Before that we both came to Europe from delta river of Volga...greatings from Balkan Searb 🇷🇸

    • @vesnajelovac3951
      @vesnajelovac3951 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@user-xt6mf1wk8w They look at us as very mixed people, what we are, mix of Slavs and paleo-balkan people. The opposite, they intermerried a lot in order to preserve their own identity.

    • @ЗоранХулк
      @ЗоранХулк 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@vesnajelovac3951 yes, but their number is havely reduced, around 60000...

    • @vesnajelovac3951
      @vesnajelovac3951 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@ЗоранХулк They were assimilated by Germans. It is amazing that they resisting assimilation so long.

  • @katerfindus8998
    @katerfindus8998 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    They did not come in 6th century, Slavs lived in the region long before Germans came to it:

    • @Mike8827
      @Mike8827 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Your link literally says :
      “From the late first millennium CE, Slavic tribes (collectively referred to as Wends) settled in Germania Slavica.”
      Before that Time it was not Slavs who settled there but again Germanic tribes like the Goths, Vandals, Burgundians, who settled as Far East as Vistula river and were displace by the Huns at the time of the collapse of the Roman Empire , so at about 500 AD. It was most likely the Huns who made the Slavs move west and south too at that time .

    • @george3697
      @george3697 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@Mike8827 hahahaha this is sad... it's trully sad

    • @miroslavmilentijevic5927
      @miroslavmilentijevic5927 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@Mike8827 The Indo European theory of languages is a false theory and there was no migration of peoples, but there were movements of armies and the Goth, Vandal and Burganian armies were Slavic armies moving around and they even went to Spain where the Slavic armies were called Suebian and they set up kingdoms. The Slavic languages are all very close and any Slav can learn any other Slavic language in a couple of days.The people of Germany are all basically Slavic[ Sorbian or Suebian] but they have all been brainwashed and forgotten that the Deutsch language was invented only about 1000 years ago by catholic monks and perfected by Luther and only the British use the name Germany because after Deutschland was united in the 19th century the British Empire gave them an ugly name to stop competition and forever drive a wedge between the Deutsch and British people.

    • @bojanpalink5471
      @bojanpalink5471 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Spreading the lies of German scholars of the 19th century again ... whom no one believes anymore ... Serbs have not immigrated anywhere from some Carpathian mountains .... but they have always been here ..... this is indicated by many documents and artifacts......even Name Schwaben comes from = tribe Suebi= Sorbi = Serbi

  • @robertab929
    @robertab929 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    It is weird that interviews were made in the language of the oppressor (German).

    • @СергейПичайкин
      @СергейПичайкин 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Так они все свободно говорят на немецком и намного чаще чем на сорбском!сорбский для них как факультатив...они очень сильно онемечены и немецкий для них родной язык а сербский это дань традиции и повыделываться!

    • @robertab929
      @robertab929 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@СергейПичайкин Szkoda, że po II wojnie światowej Łużyce nie były przyłączone do Czechosłowacji. Miałyby wówczas największą szansę na utrzymanie języka.
      Zresztą Serbołużyczanie chcieli być przyłączeni do Czechosłowacji, albo Polski, ale Stalin się nie zgodził.

    • @СергейПичайкин
      @СергейПичайкин 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@robertab929 ни тогда не тем более сейчас они не хотели ни в Чехию ни в Польшу!все это были хотелки и мечты лужицкой интеллигенции! После создания германской империи в 1870 ассимиляция лужичан пошла в геометрической прогрессии! На рубеже 19-20 веков произошёл массовый переход сорбов на немецкий язык! Число активных носителей сербского языка у верхних лужичан 20000 человек , у нижних лужичан 6000человек

    • @robertab929
      @robertab929 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@СергейПичайкин Próba utworzenia w 1919 roku własnego, łużyckiego państwa ściśle związanego z Czechosłowacją, zakończyła się niepowodzeniem. Na Kongresie Wersalskim Edvard Benesz w imieniu Czechosłowacji postulował przyłączenie Łużyc do tego kraju. Za tym samym rozwiązaniem lub za autonomią w ramach Niemiec wypowiedział się przywódca Łużyczan Arnoszt Bart, jednak delegacji łużyckiej na Konferencję Wersalską nawet nie dopuszczono.

    • @robertab929
      @robertab929 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@СергейПичайкин Po II wojnie światowej działacze łużyccy podzielili się na trzy opcje; Domowina, kierowana przez Pawoła Nedę, dążyła do autonomii w ramach państwa niemieckiego; Łużycko-Serbski Komitet Narodowy w Pradze zabiegał o przyłączenie do Czechosłowacji, natomiast grupa, która w latach trzydziestych studiowała w Polsce m. in. działacze narodowi Wójciech Kóczka, Pawoł Nowotny, Anton Nawka oraz współpracujący z Polakami na terenie Niemiec Jurij Cyż, chciała oprzeć niepodległe Łużyce o Polskę. Utworzyli oni w Budziszynie Serbołużycką Radę Narodową i Serbołużycki Komitet - rząd kierowany przez Jurija Cyża.

  • @rrk5832
    @rrk5832 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow 🤩 I never know that

  • @Katafrakt_
    @Katafrakt_ ปีที่แล้ว

    Bro be looking like the custom character in a video game cutscene.

  • @МирославМедан
    @МирославМедан 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Поздрав из Српске🇷🇸

  • @Gželina
    @Gželina ปีที่แล้ว +1

    После этого видео хочется выучить верхнелужицкий, делать на нëм субтитры и троллить ультрасов. Да в России есть люди, которым не пофиг.

  • @george3697
    @george3697 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    In 6th century Germans came, not Sorbs. You just said that they never established the state, even if we count the years, Serbian state were far longer existed in Germany, than Germany itself. Ridiculous

    • @thepretorian5292
      @thepretorian5292 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Ridiculous germans lived in that area in the time of the roman empire way before the slavs existed. The slavs came after the forced migratition of the germanic tribes by the huns. The slavs orthe slaves came from asia to replace those germanic tribes. The whole of germany till today belarus was inhabitated by the germanic tribes. The germans simply reconquered those areas back from those slavs and made them slaves.

    • @ousarlxsfjsbvbg8588
      @ousarlxsfjsbvbg8588 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@thepretorian5292 you seem to be very confused. Belarus was never inhabited by Germanic tribes. The Slavs came and colonized what is now eastern Germany from their homeland in Polesia, which roughly corresponds to modern day Belarus and Ukraine. The Slavs also hadn’t even reached Asia at that point so I’m not sure where you get the idea that they came from Asia (ingrained trauma from the Huns perhaps?). I think you should just be grateful that after the Slavs came and reconquered their territory in 1945 they, for the most part, let the Germans live.

    • @thepretorian5292
      @thepretorian5292 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ousarlxsfjsbvbg8588 just look at the maps dude it's not hard to find. The area of magna germania run from Netherlands to today's Belarus. Slavs did not even exist at that time period. There were no roman sources of existence of slavs. The slavs migration in eastern germany came way after the roman empire, when the huns pushed/wiped back the eastern Germanics living in today's Poland Belarus. Then the slavs came to take those sparsely populated areas. In short the slavs are the immigrants not Germans. The Germans simply took back their land under which was their to begin with. The slavs were the most recent immigrants in europe, the balkans was populated by illyrians and samarthians the slavs genocided and replaced those tribes, the slavs has always been living on stolen lands.

    • @ousarlxsfjsbvbg8588
      @ousarlxsfjsbvbg8588 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@thepretorian5292 you are wrong about basically everything lol. The Slavs didn’t immigrate to Europe, they have been there since their inception as a distinct Indo-European peoples. Roman sources mentioned Slavic tribes. And magna germania was just a region made up by the Romans and associated with Germanic tribes. That does not mean all the tribes located in magna germania were Germanic. The easternmost tribe identified in this region, the venedi, is in fact seen as Slavic, so there goes your theory that Germanic tribes inhabited Belarus. The actual homeland of the Germanic peoples is this tiny area in southern Scandinavia and northern Germany linked to the Nordic Bronze Age, so most of the territory the Germanic peoples now live on actually belonged to other groups first. Also, the Slavs never genocided anyone. The Illyrians, Sarmatians and all the others the Slavs encountered simply got assimilated.

    • @Andrei-ev7du
      @Andrei-ev7du 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@thepretorian5292Slavs are not slaves, slav mean glory in slavic languages
      Yes slavs are young etnic grup, they are sarmatians who have some north european influences in their culture from balts and germanics, from north Ukraine to nortb Latvia lived balts, germanics lived maximum to Vistula river, est of Vistula were baltic tribes

  • @whiro8945
    @whiro8945 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Kia ora from your Māori family 👋🏻

  • @robertab929
    @robertab929 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Maybe partial solution. Sorbians could go to university in Czechia or Poland.

  • @Shandina1
    @Shandina1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6


  • @mikamus1
    @mikamus1 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @SerbskiUkrainer
    @SerbskiUkrainer 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They established "Serbin" in Texas, not "Sorbin".

  • @daDinoCat
    @daDinoCat 6 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Kandy1343
      @Kandy1343 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi lol

  • @lanasales9619
    @lanasales9619 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Lusatien and Ukrainian languages contain certain common archaic grammar forms. Ukrainians can understand Lusatiens, at least in writing.

    • @thesalansaloon9197
      @thesalansaloon9197 ปีที่แล้ว

      When I was in Poland, one Ukrainian Uber driver only spoke Ukrainian and he could understand me more easily than my polish friend.
      He was like “where are you from” and when I said Australia he was like “wtf?! Why can i understand you?” 🤣

  • @mparosa
    @mparosa ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Persevere with language politics. There is no reason for Sorbian to become a dead language. If Hebrew could be made undead. I believe same Sorbian speakers community could grow and also Polabian can be reconstructed.

  • @draganpaunovic-l7r
    @draganpaunovic-l7r 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Наша Сеерна браћа.Срби.❤❤❤

  • @incognito3089
    @incognito3089 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I see that a lot of people are arguing in rhe comments about the origins of the sorabs. Some are saying that they are names sorabs/sorbs and not serbs. The language used here is in english. When you study the origins of populations, you study the etymology of their name in their language. Sorabs in their language, if i am not mistaken, call themselves serb- (i am taking directly the roots) and serbs srb-. In the other slavic languages serbs are called serb- with the e. And even without that you can make the link. So why do they have the same name? You can search it ln the internet if you do not believe it but it s because they are from the same tribe. Historians agree on that. The serbs settled in the north and where the sorabs are actually, they moved after to the balkan for byzantin. Some of them stayed. Now are they the same people?
    I think its a subjective decision.
    Language: it s not the same for sure but even sorbs have divisions as the serbs have. The dialects are proper to a region or a city. In serbia technically its the belgrad dialect that took the spotlight because its an important city and where people could study in the past. But in some cities u can still here a little of dialects if its not an important one. But they still consider themselves as the same even though some ppl speaking the (belgrade dialect) can make fun of the ones that sometimes have like an accent or else.
    Genetic. Its normal to have the genetic influence from where u are located. As the sorabs have the genetic of the north, serbs have the genetic of the balkan but some of them have still traces of northern slavic genetics(as in my family). Before the serbs tribe arrived where the sorabs are today(from the main theory saying serbs come from caucasius) they didnt have that genetic, it was completely different. Now still its the main theory but maybe the truth is something else.
    Culture. As the language and genetics, your culture and religion is influenced on your surroundings. As in every group population, the culture on the north is different than the one in the south, maybe completely, maybe not. What can be said for Slavic ppl in general is that the conservation of their culture is really impressive and especially in the balkan because they were under the ottomans. Serbs are not only in Serbia but in Bosnia, North macedonia, Croatia which makes them have a lot of different clothes, but you can find a lot similarities with the other slavics.
    So from my perspective, I don't think we should divide the two because they kept a name and I dont think its for nothing. Like sure they are different but you can be part of the same population and be different. The language is not a barrier. I know serbs that don't understand the southern dialects and would more understand the sorbians ones lmao. I think for serbs, learning about sorbs culture would be like a serb from south serbia learning the custome of the serbs from Croatia. So I would see it like the ones who stayed and the ones who left. And then keeping and creating ttaditions. It would be really interesting to see what we have in common and after to compare it with the other slavics. It can help retrace the origins of some traditions and to determine what was specific or no to who or what is more common that we thought.
    In any case, I send love to all the «serbi» and hope we can get along and share more to learn about ourselves.

  • @robertrobski1013
    @robertrobski1013 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Sorbs are not serbs they are completely different tribes

    • @ddimi1395
      @ddimi1395 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      No actually, serbs migrated from white serbia to balkans and some of them stayed and kept the land of white serbia and those are today called sorbs

    • @ЗоранХулк
      @ЗоранХулк 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Not true, we know our history.Greatings from Seebia🇷🇸

    • @holger_p
      @holger_p 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ddimi1395 That's just big nonsense. You make this up cause word sounds similiar.
      In the time before state borders existed, of course people mixed, Germans lived in todays czechia and czechs lifed in todays Germany. And once you create borders, the exchange stopped and people develope differently. Polish is very unlikely cause the polish border was just moved close to the area in 1945.

  • @Ultima-Signa
    @Ultima-Signa 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Seems to be that the creator of this video (or video title) has a misunderstanding of what ˋindigenousˋ means. Being a migratory people who migrated to that region (although granted old migrants from the early medieval ages) after other peoples already have lived there natively is not what indigenous means. Their culture is also Catholic Christian which they have gotten from German missionaries. And also those ˋslavsˋ nowadays are completely mixed with Germans and were actually about to stop existing at all until the East German government started funds to stop the downhill trend, which the reunified Germany continued after 1990, until today.

    • @holger_p
      @holger_p 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If you are strict, there is no indegenious people in the world anywhere. They all migrated (from the east african rift valley).
      Consider idingenous as beeing there since 1000 years. Is that enough ? Or lets say more than 10 generations ?
      Many other cultures in Germany got lost, or are kept for touristic reasons, like robes, festivals etc.
      But that's just called "german tribes" and this label is not applicable to the sorbs. Since this is not touristic, it's actually very much alive. People do it for themselves, not for anybody to watch.

  • @piotrsupski354
    @piotrsupski354 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The Sorbs were not Lechites, but Serbs. Lower Lysatia with Cottbus even more. The western Lechites are, more to the north, the Wieleci and Obodrites, the central Lechites, still today the Kashubians, are Pomerania, and the eastern Lechites are called the Polish ones. Poland left with the Duchy of Lithuania for Ruthenia and Lithuania, leaving Silesia and the Lower Silesian dialect died out due to assimilation with Germans. Also during the partitions, when Russia gave autonomy to Masovia, there was a risk of the Eastern Lechites separating from Krakow and Poznań, as before from Silesia, which would result in the separation of these regions from Poland, as happened with Silesia, and today the Silesians are lost with their identity because they actually belong to the group of Eastern languages. Lechites, while Kashubia is a separate Lechitic language from Polish

    • @Andrei-ev7du
      @Andrei-ev7du 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Serbian troll? sorbs are their own grup , genetically are similar to north polish peoples and aslo to baltic and skandinavian peoples, not serbs, they are even distant from serbs genetically like are distant from french 😂😂😂

    • @Mulmgott
      @Mulmgott 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Andrei-ev7du Bro what do you expect from Serbs. They claim that Albanians come from the caucasus mountain range and that they were in the Balkans before us. Even though 60% of our vocabulary comes from Latin because we were romanized very early on in history. Dont try to make sense of their historic revisionism. Southern Slavs are crazy when it comes to that. Just look at northern Macedonias supposed "history".

    • @LucianI-s7z
      @LucianI-s7z 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Andrei-ev7du polish people are mongol have nothing to do with pure arian race.

    • @LilyVain
      @LilyVain 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      ​@@Mulmgott Shush Arnaut u come from mountains primitive people or from Arabia Azerbaijan 🐐 😂
      *Get out from Macedonian land* 🇲🇰☦️🦁

  • @gletcher4300
    @gletcher4300 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Wer ist das, das rechts sitzt? Frau oder Mann, entweder etwas Drittes?

  • @mehanikal5639
    @mehanikal5639 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Amazing video

  • @kalumander
    @kalumander 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's not "sir-bee-yan", but "sore-bee-yan".

  • @ems7623
    @ems7623 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Honestly, Germany could easily address this situation. Lusatia could be a devolved microstate in which Sorbian is the official language and German a second language.
    Honestly, this kind of arrangement could be used in all sorts of regions of the EU where a very small ethnic minority would benefit from recognition and limited self-governance - limited only because they probably are not viable independebt states.

    • @Bln-f9u
      @Bln-f9u 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      They proposed an autonomous sub-region during re-unification, but Helmut Kohl declined

  • @pepamethodman
    @pepamethodman ปีที่แล้ว +2

    They are Serbs, the term Sorb is a mock german exonym.

    • @holger_p
      @holger_p 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You are racist, if you deny the existence of people.

  • @anonymousxxx9513
    @anonymousxxx9513 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ach du Schei*e, schon bluten meine Ohren.😂 Wer glaubt, dass Sorbisch seine Hauptsprache ist, wird wohl selig.

  • @grumpyoldman925
    @grumpyoldman925 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yeah mein boy Santy in da house 🔥

  • @theChaosKe
    @theChaosKe ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I find it a bit sad that Ignac doesnt feel german. For me sorbs are as much a part of germany as saxons and bavarians. I always felt proud that germany had its own indigenous slav's.

    • @Gželina
      @Gželina ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Your words smell of imperialism. If you are being forced to be someone, it's time for you to reconsider your views.

    • @theChaosKe
      @theChaosKe ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@Gželina I dont think it can be called imperialsim if there is no initiative for independence imo.
      I am partly sorbic.

    • @Gželina
      @Gželina ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@theChaosKe I find it sad that the Germans do not recognize the Slavic identity of the Lusatians. They cannot admit that these are not the wrong Germans, but people with a different language and culture. And everything is much worse, because anti-Slavism activists refuse to recognize the Slavic peoples, and they declared our self-designation pejorative.

    • @theChaosKe
      @theChaosKe ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@Gželina I dont know what you are talking about. Everyone knows that the sorbs are slavic, their language is protected and they have their own seim and offices.
      In saxony and brandenburg every german can declare sorbic identity by law.

    • @Pajdas610
      @Pajdas610 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Why should a Slav feel German?

  • @michaelbildstein4895
    @michaelbildstein4895 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Es ist für einen muttersprachlichen Schwaben eine sehr schwer zu erlernende Sprache, aber es lohnt sich der Versuch es zu erlernen. Sorbisch ist eine elegante schöne Sprache mit einer extrem reichen Kultur. Luby rjana Łužica.

  • @tamaskravecz9039
    @tamaskravecz9039 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Svabe slav?

  • @ognjandavidovic6503
    @ognjandavidovic6503 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    They didn't migrate "from the Carpathian Mountains" but from Serbia....and they are not "Sorbian" but Serbs.

    • @Userius1
      @Userius1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ethnically closer to other west Slavs than Serbs.

    • @ognjandavidovic6503
      @ognjandavidovic6503 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Userius1 Every Slavs are closer to Serbs then any other Slavs.

    • @MT-ow2xl
      @MT-ow2xl ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@ognjandavidovic6503Any genetic PCA plot says otherwise

    • @Andrei-ev7du
      @Andrei-ev7du 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ognjandavidovic6503Sorbs not have est european traditions,mentality etc, they are close to north europeans like north germans,kashubians,north poles,baltic peoples and even litle similar to belarussians, they originate from baltic region, even their look is very nordic(light hair and light eyes aslo tall)

  • @apollo268
    @apollo268 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    They aren’t indigenous to it. Protoslavs conquered the eastern part of Germany and forced the west Germans back. When the Germans kicked them out, they Serbians along with many other Slavs migrated to the balkans. And those Slavs in the videos are among the ones who have stayed.

    • @yome7580
      @yome7580 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      And Germans aren’t indigenous, they migrated there in 1. century BC from Sweden

    • @Bln-f9u
      @Bln-f9u 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Slavic migration-routes re-populated abandoned shires and assimilated the remaining population into their creed. People didn’t care about race, but only loyalty towards their community, creed and duke. It was beneficial for remaining germanic farmfolk (the minority) to join/help establish slavic tribes as they had to defend themselves from the Franks and Frankian taxes. The germanic heritage is however stronger within the Polabian speaking population.

    • @10hawell
      @10hawell 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@yome7580 Give all of Europe to the Irish since Celts were first Indo-Europeans there, or better to Basques since they aren't even Indo-European! And if not maybe let's stop bidding who was there first or longest, and let's appreciate that they were there for 1400 years and still survive.
      Also the idea of Western Slavs migrating south after germans "kicked them out" is historical fantasy, Sorbs and Serbs having similar name is coincidental. Slavs migrated to balkans at the same time as they went west going through Ostrava Gap and Pannonian Basin, during 6 century. Germans left on their own volition between 5-6 century to conquer western Rome, slavs settled depopulated land and fought eastern Rome, Germans who "re" conquered Lusatia weren't even close to the tribes that left since they became French (treble fate, i know).

    • @Steph-sk3xb
      @Steph-sk3xb 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If they are Slavic, they aren’t indigenous to the area because the first Slavic tribes came from somewhere near east Ukraine if I recall correctly.

    • @rafal9405
      @rafal9405 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      There is no such thing as german in terms of ethnicity.

  • @ПредрагКосанчић
    @ПредрагКосанчић 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    There was no migration of Slavic (Serbs) in 6th century. If there was Slavic migration then there was also German migrations at the same time. This is German explanation for taking over Slavic (in this case Serbian land). Slavic nations were there in the same time as others, as there are documents of Roman army enlisting Rascians Serbs recruits from today Serbia and former Yugoslavia by their names. We (southern Serbs) also are taught in our schools about Slavic migrations, but where German and other west Europe nations migrated? According to their explanation they lived there before Slavic people which is lie. Everything east of Elbe river was Se(o)rbian kingdom under the king Samo and Dervan. The first guy is following policy of occupation and accepted story that Serbs in Lusatia are newcomers which is lie. In our southern Serbia state we still learn the same lies, because our first linguist and historians after liberation from Turkish occupation (and some before from west and north Serbia that were under AustroHungarian rule), all finished their studies in Vienna or under German school of thought so they spread and teach these lies to our people.

    • @ПредрагКосанчић
      @ПредрагКосанчић 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Just to clarify when I mentioned former Yugoslavia, I meant to the geographic are that former Yugoslavia covered, and not that name Yugoslavia existed longer that from 1918 after South Slavs unification.

    • @SkyForceOne2
      @SkyForceOne2 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ПредрагКосанчић gemanic tribes did indeed migrate, but it started in late 4th century. it is well-documented, because they conquered the roman territories. to dispute that is just ignorance.

    • @ПредрагКосанчић
      @ПредрагКосанчић 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SkyForceOne2 I don't know about germanic tribes (regarded as barbarians by Romans, but some accepted Roman rule), but in the Roman military Serbs (Rascians) were centuries back included in regulary military service.

    • @SkyForceOne2
      @SkyForceOne2 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ПредрагКосанчић There were alot of groups in roman service, germanics, gauls, rascians, etc.
      To draw the conclusion that today´s serbs are the rascians from roman times is just false, since it was simply a name given to an area. It saw alot of intermixing and cultures coming and going. 2000 years before is NO today.

    • @ПредрагКосанчић
      @ПредрагКосанчић 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SkyForceOne2So then today germans are also not as 2000 years before (especially after second world war, ex. 10% islamic). Before that, after fall of se(o)rbian kingdom whole east prussia and even barljin (city of swamp water), branimir (defender of peace), Drezden (type of bird in slavic), leipzig derived from the Slavic word Lipks, type of tree called lipa) were slavic, and today germanized?

  • @goranbras4767
    @goranbras4767 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Zašti ne govoriš Srpski ,verboten ?😂

  • @milovanilic317
    @milovanilic317 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Србски дом,im impressed how in Serbian schools we dont learn antthing about this,Serbians im Germany wow not immigrants just they always been there,it push my mind to think what is that in history somebody is hiding from us Serbs its not just coincidence that we have native Serbs in Germany Balkan who call themselves Serbs

    • @yyzidman
      @yyzidman 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      There are so many theories about the Serbs in RS and the Sorbs in Deutchland. In my opinion those two ethnic groups are totally different. I don't want to say something stupid, but the Serbs from Serbia are completely different.

    • @juliannyca
      @juliannyca 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      *Sorbs, not Serbians.

    • @MT-ow2xl
      @MT-ow2xl ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@scorpioredBecause apart from some ancient ancestry, being Slavic is largely constituted by culture & linguistics rather than genetics. Polabian Sorbs are more genetically related to non-Slavic Germans. Serbs are more genetically similar to non-Slavic Greeks or Albanians than they are western or eastern Slavs.

    • @MT-ow2xl
      @MT-ow2xl ปีที่แล้ว

      @@scorpiored The word Slavic itself comes from "Slovo" meaning word. Peoples of a similar tongue. Hence why Germans in Slavic languages are called Niemcy meaning "mute" or "unintelligible".
      I understand R1a is touted as the "Slavic Haplogroup" but it simple comes from Corder Ware migrations. Even the earliest Slavic & Scythian remains tested have been found to bear various paternal lines including R1b & J. But if you are going off of that, Serbs themselves are only 15% R1a. The most prominent in the Balkans is I2a.

    • @MT-ow2xl
      @MT-ow2xl ปีที่แล้ว

      @@scorpiored Haplogroup I comes from Western Hunter Gather peoples who occupied Europe for thousands of years before any Indo European speaking peoples ever set for in those territories. It is not Slavic.

  • @NewPolishScientist
    @NewPolishScientist ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Germans did a lot in past to destroy this culture and language. 😔 Hopefully this language will not die like polabian language

    • @thepretorian5292
      @thepretorian5292 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      They are pretty much preserved but you cant say the same about prussian germans sudeten germans or muslims in serbia, they were wiped out by those respective countries 😔

    • @ousarlxsfjsbvbg8588
      @ousarlxsfjsbvbg8588 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thepretorian5292 there are still many Muslims in Serbia. As for the Germans in Eastern Europe, good riddance. They did nothing but cause problems.

    • @roberturbanczyk204
      @roberturbanczyk204 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@thepretorian5292germans in Prussia were germanised prussians and masurians mixed with colonists. Germans were not indegenous population in that places. German herritage in present Poland was mostly distroyed by Red army after ww2. Drunk soldiers were burning postgerman buildings for ,,fun" while milions were homeless. Russian ,,modernisations" especially in Legnica are a long topic. We have revitalised only most important parts of old towns, for example most of Gdańsk old town area is an empty space waiting for better time

  • @srdjanstankovic9608
    @srdjanstankovic9608 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Was ist das von Journalist 😬🤦‍♂️

  • @EgonKowalski-s4n
    @EgonKowalski-s4n 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    His pronunciation still is very german

  • @allasdrinski926
    @allasdrinski926 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sorab or Serb

  • @Боба-г5ч
    @Боба-г5ч ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You mean Serbian. Why Sorbian!?

    • @user-sn6dw8iu1j
      @user-sn6dw8iu1j ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sorben sind keine Serben sind je nach Region genetisch und sprachlich mehr mit Polen oder Tschechen verwandt

    • @PeachPlastic
      @PeachPlastic ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No, Sorbs are an indigenous Slavic tribe that has settled in Germany. Serbia is a separate country with its own people. Sorbian and Serbian are different from one another.

  • @LaraDankovic
    @LaraDankovic 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    😅 uci srpski svabo jer si od Srba postao

  • @matt4176
    @matt4176 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    They should break away and join poland... we'll treat em right

    • @RacerA8
      @RacerA8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Why would we tho

    • @thesalansaloon9197
      @thesalansaloon9197 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Lol but you didn’t. You kicked us all out with the Germans on cattle trucks after wwII because our “polish” sounded so funny, you decided we were German and deported us from the land we are indigenous to.

    • @matt4176
      @matt4176 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@thesalansaloon9197 yeah our government is different now…

    • @ariannasalan26
      @ariannasalan26 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@matt4176 lol yes, but still don't recognise Sorbs, Silesians or Kaszubs as ethnic minorities despite us all being indigenous populations. We'll see how things go once you kick out PiS. I have hope for Poland, and still feel I would rather live there than Germany if I was to move back to Lusatia.

    • @Reytan-e8x
      @Reytan-e8x 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@ariannasalan26 Tusk is Prussian German and anti Slav.

  • @miroman6860
    @miroman6860 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    West Serbian people

  • @thebegungler7333
    @thebegungler7333 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Sorbs are not indigenous, they migrated to the region in the middle ages, just like the other West Slavs.

    • @NotraceOfRay
      @NotraceOfRay 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Well yes, but at what point in history do you draw the line? The germans came later and i say that as a german living and having been born in the Lausitz.

    • @thebegungler7333
      @thebegungler7333 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@NotraceOfRay Germanic tribes settled the area in 100 BC, 700 years before any Slavs lived there. Germans are the closest to what we could call indigenous to the area.

    • @cyclonewehner3778
      @cyclonewehner3778 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      We are an indigenous minority, people don't understand the term. Hopefully it will be formally recognised soon

    • @fredengels8188
      @fredengels8188 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      and the celts?

    • @thebegungler7333
      @thebegungler7333 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@fredengels8188 Celts lived just south of this area, in Bohemia. But they didn't live north of Bohemia.

  • @molecatcher3383
    @molecatcher3383 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Is This comedy ?

    • @happyfelix1440
      @happyfelix1440 6 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @molecatcher3383
      @molecatcher3383 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@happyfelix1440 A drag show comedy ?

  • @soderlund3610
    @soderlund3610 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    What, a woman with a beard?

    • @hgzhhghj1275
      @hgzhhghj1275 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Conchislava Wurstovich

  • @osamiremeqeneshqiptare8222
    @osamiremeqeneshqiptare8222 ปีที่แล้ว

    In 6cenuty slavs was there , after in 7 u imigration in balkan 😂😂😂😂

    • @zule2098
      @zule2098 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Serbs are 80% dna autochthonous people on balkan and Albanians are only 10%.

    • @Mulmgott
      @Mulmgott 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@zule2098 Absolutely bonkers claim. Research with less bias next time pls.

    • @LilyVain
      @LilyVain 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Arnauts get out from
      *Macedonian land* 🇲🇰☦️🦁👑☀️

  • @bataalexander9703
    @bataalexander9703 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ovako su verovatno izgledali i stari Srbi, svetli i plavooki. Mi južni Srbi smo se dosta opoganili mešajući se sa kojekakvim nižim rasama, zbog čega smo većinom tamniji. Buduća nauka treba da pronađe tehnologiju koja će omogućiti da se ti problematični geni identifikuju i eliminišu(na dobrovoljnoj osnovi, naravno).

    • @yome7580
      @yome7580 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I oni su puno mjesali sa germanima. Stari Srbi nijesu bili potpuno svjetli ni tamni

    • @serboslav1389
      @serboslav1389 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Kakvo je ovo germansko-fašističko sranje? Istoričar Prokopije je zabeležio da su originalni Sloveni, ne previše plavi, niti tamni, već nešto između, visoki i snažni, smeđe kose sa blagim tenom, znači najbliži opisu današnjih Srba i ostalih južnih Slovena. A nijedna nacija nije etnički "čista", zapadni Sloveni, pa i Sorbi, su pomešani sa Germanima, dok smo mi najviše pomešani sa Paleo-Balkanskim narodima - Dačanima, Tračanima i Ilirima. Takođe i sama klima utiče na boju i ten populacije. Taj idiotski "Arijevski" koncept da je plavo = superiorno, a tamno = inferiorno je daleko od istine. Svaki Srbin ko misli tako i nije pravi Srbin.

    • @bataalexander9703
      @bataalexander9703 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Pa kud ćeš gorih varvara od Ilira? Pogledaj samo šta antički istoričari pišu o njima. To se proteže do današnjih dana - albanska mafija, orkovski mentalitet Šiptara. Ili kad čuješ za Avare. Šta dobro može da proistekne od njih? Pa već samo ime nagoveštava da je to neka gamad. Naš balkanski mentalitet - sklonost podvalama, vrljavost, nesistematičnost itd je dobrim delom uzrokovan tim genetskim uplivima. Tamnoputi su retko gde stvorili respektabilna društva (u smislu da su prihvatljiva za naše pojmove dobrog života). Ne otimamo se mi da živimo kod njih, nego se oni otimaju da žive kod nas. I gde god se oni pojave, uvek je neki problem, uvek ih treba štititi. I naravno da na boju kože utiče klima, ali je to na daleko dužim vremenskim skalama od razmatranih.

  • @bdrazic1
    @bdrazic1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Official history is false 80-90%, All Slavs lived alongside river Danube up to Ural last 8.000 years .
    German tribes WASN'T SCANDINAVIAN , GERMANS WAS FRANKS as first KATHOLIC tribes, after Scandinavians become hristians. Rugen was slavic , as all Sweden for exampel. Real name of Lusitian is SERBS , FRANKS called gram Sorbs. All Scandinavia was full of Slavica tribes when GERMANS ( franks, and other KATHOLIC christian tribes invide them, a long them " germans" was a kod of Slavic tribes. GERMANS is not Ethnic category but religius . CHristianity was spred in vestern and Norton Europe from Spain and France, and first christians in western Europe was not friendly to dobar religius, that behave more like today ISIS , or Al Kaida , radical religius movement. All Germany was Slavic as Swedeen, as Poland etc . Old name for slavic tribes was SERBS. U could find a lot of toponomis throughout western Europe and Scandinavia with prefix Serb. Up to 13 century a lot of western and north Slavs WASN'T CHRISTIANS!!!

    • @PikaPluff
      @PikaPluff 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      are russians sIavic or mixed? and scythians were in europe before too.

  • @ragnarostbrok1254
    @ragnarostbrok1254 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    digga warum sitzt da ne frau mit bart

  • @miroman6860
    @miroman6860 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Sorbian = Serbian

    • @RacerA8
      @RacerA8 ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @miroman6860
      @miroman6860 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @RacerA8 to German not but all Slavic nations know the truth: Dresden, Leipzig...Spreewald..."Berlin=Barlin" = was Slavic land

    • @RacerA8
      @RacerA8 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@miroman6860 i know I live in the Lausitz a Germanic Slavic part of germany

  • @nikolazuzic
    @nikolazuzic ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There is no ,,sorbs,, but only Serbs .

  • @hermannarminius7757
    @hermannarminius7757 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Dann verlass doch Deutschland. Wie der rumjammert, junge gib deinen deutschen Pass ab und zieh weg.

    • @Spinnradler
      @Spinnradler 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Warum soll er seine angestammte Heimat verlassen? Die Sorben waren vor den Deutschen in dem Gebiet, das heute Ostdeutschland genannt wird.

    • @egbront1506
      @egbront1506 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Warum soll der seine Heimat denn verlassen?

    • @ems7623
      @ems7623 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      Why so hateful? Lusatia is part of Germany. He is in his home land, silly.

    • @holger_p
      @holger_p 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Wer keine Flüchtlinge mag, kann ja auch einfach dahin gehen, wo keine sind. Problem gelöst.

  • @serbianboss3294
    @serbianboss3294 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    POZDRAV BRACO!!!!!!!!!