This will be my fourth year in the Philippines. Before I came here I had chatted a young woman and figured she would hang around "the old man" for a few months just to see what I was about and move on. Well, she stayed and we're still together. She is the sweetest woman I have ever known. I guess I should mention I am 60 years old and 38 years older than she. For the guys who may think she's in it for the money, I let her handle the finances because she can save money better than I can and certainly much better than any western woman I've had in my life. Her photo is next to the definition of thrifty in the dictionary. Want a sweet woman who will be loyal and take care of you better than any woman you've dreamed about? Come to the Philippines.
These May-December reltionships are truly weird. Old men dreaming of getting young women are nuts. It's NOT NORMAL for any young girl to get involved with a much older man, WHATEVER NATIONALITY THEY BOTH MIGHT BE. Sooner or later, the younger girl will look for a much younger man simply because they would have common interests and she will always have the justification that the older man won't be able to satisfy the young female. I have counselled hundreds of cases and level-headed girls would not want old men, unless the young female has pressing financial reasons. Once the man has financial difficulties, it's goodbye. For the old men to think that they are loved for what they are is truly dumb. This is true in any country.
Jules De Vera, I personally am not looking for one hundred younger girls. I am happy to spend time with the one that is happy just the way I am. It is also fine by me if the younger woman is looking for security from an older guy. I will not reject her if she does not fit a mold of a "same age" relationship. If she gets bored with me, that is also fine. I will help her carry her luggage to a taxi. hehe I think that you will find that "younger girlfriend" relationships are more common in Asia than in the Western world. Am I right? -Nils
I lived and worked in East Asia for 25 years and I've been to PH many times. My two cents on this topic: young, well-educated, decent (non-scammer), very pretty Makati-type girls like Camille with her hot looks, good job (casino dealer) and probably from a middle-class or higher background won't be hunting for foreign guys on Filipino Cupid, Asian Dating or Pina Love. Of any age. And that's because they don't have to: girls like her won't be worrying about where her next meal will be coming from and there'll be no shortage of young, good-looking, affluent Filipino guys lining up to date her. Sorry to say this, but foreigners generally get the left-overs and it was mostly the same when I was living in Japan and Thailand. My understanding is that Camille is married to a young Filipino guy, not an old foreigner, so I don't know why she was asked to comment on this subject?! She is hardly going to say that Filipinas only marry old guys for money when she is sitting next to an ... ahem, older foreign gent on YT! Filipinas who actively hunt foreign men, especially old ones on dating sites, are likely to be from poor(er) backgrounds, the provinces, probably unemployed or selling fish in a market/working in a shopping mall, doing laundry etc, or a single mom with a kid(s) to feed, and her looks/class won't be in the same league as Camille's, who is flight attendant standard. Dating site women are more likely to be short(er), with a wide nose, darker skin and have that 'provincial' look about them. They regard landing an old foreign guy as a substitute for an employer who pays them a monthly salary = support for her and her family. If you see profile pics on FC that look like models, these are likely copied from the net and used by scammers. That is NOT to denigrate genuine/non-scammer women on dating sites, just that we're talking about apples and oranges here. Any Filipina seen walking around with a foreign guy in Phils, and especially an old one, will be assumed by her compatriots to be an escort girl, bar girl, poor single mom or a Filipino Cupid gold-digger. The only way you can pull a Filipina of Camille's caliber is if you're young (e.g. 30-45), single, good-looking and have a respectable, high-paying job e.g. working in Makati in finance/IT etc. And ideally you meet her in PH because, again, such girls tend not to join dating sites and spend all day scamming/chatting to dozens of foreign guys on Filipino Cupid or being asked for nude pics/webcam strip shows by them. YMMV (your mileage may vary). PS Nils, just curious how much an apartment of that standard in Makati is per month, short-term or long-term, one bedroom is ok. I couldn't live in the provinces due to having to listen to screaming chickens, noisy motorbikes and barking dogs all day, and I need to be near Japanese restaurants = MNL or Cebu.
@sugoidessho, thanks for sharing your views. I agree with most of what you said, except for some issues I will mention below. A high quality Western standard 1-bedroom apartment in Makati will cost you around $850/month on a long-term lease. For short-term rentals through Airbnb, you are looking at double this price. Utilities might run you $100-200 per month depending on aircon use. Camille comes from a very humble background. However, like any tall light-colored Filipina (typically with Chinese roots), will normally have a pick of the litter when it comes to Filipino mates. But, always remember a "perceived rich" foreigner (at any age) will also have his pick of the litter in the Philippines. Camille is very social and has Filipina friends all over the place. She knows what dating a foreigner is like, even if she is now married to a regular nice Filipino guy. He is also not affluent - despite what you think. Girls are looking for security i.e. money, not good looks. It is programmed in their genes and may not even know it consciously. Sorry, I do not agree with your statement that foreigners get the "left-overs". I think it has more to do with the foreigner's mind-set and that he 'does not know' he could do better. The local guys would consider a top-shelf girl from the Philippines to be light-colored skin, pretty, college degree, tall and intelligent. Most foreigners will fall for ANY Filipina that showers him with the friendly, love, and affection that Filipinas are so well known for. It is so opposite of what an older guy can expect in the USA or Europe. Most Filipinas are lovely to be around - especially if he normally does not receive any attention in the USA. Also, most foreigners think dark-skinned girls are more attractive, but that is just his mindset. Little does he know that he could also date Filipinas that the local Filipinos would consider attractive. But this is the fault of the foreigner, not because of some of the left-over girls that the locals do not want. But be warned, there are scammers who are bad apples in any country. Choose the girl carefully..
@@AsianRomance What I hear you saying is be patient and realize your worth. Expats need to not shoot too high or too low, and they will be much higher in value, compared to what they are in the West. A girl like Camile isn't going to date a broke expat that hangs out in the bar all day. Personally I think she would be a catch, but maybe other girls would be better for other guys.
I have not been to the Phillipines or Thailand etc but I have been to Malaysia and had a relationship with a Malay woman. I have also had a relationship with an Indian woman who by Indian standards was wealthy. Yet she abused my generosity. The honest truth is that there is no real difference between womens 'drives' in any country. Western women value the security of affluence and generosity just as much as any other. What does vary widely is economic security and familial dependency / respect. Generally in the West you marry the woman, elsewhere you marry the family. I had the opposite problem with my Malay girlfriend, her father was a junior government minister. The family were well off and well respected in the community. I was a poor lowly working class registered nurse. I met her father. The answer was a very polite but firm. No. The effect that the family pressure had on her was frankly disastrous. She was 'forced' into a bad 'suitable' marriage. Was divorced 2 years later had problems with depression, alcohol, drugs and mental illness. It broke my heart to see what family honour can bring. If there are women who are willing to stand up against tradition or familial pressures then my view is that it should be encouraged. Too often I hear western men saying 'they' are gold-diggers or sluts who latch on to any westerner. Yet how can they sleep around with westerners if westerners are not doing it too? It is the old double standard again. A woman who feels insecure and pressured in her family life WILL seek solace elsewhere, using the only talents that she possesses, since if she had other resources the westerner wouldn't be needed would they? If those from whom she seeks help and solace abuse that, then what lesson is she learning? If the western mans attitude is, as soon as the cultural differences become a problem to me 'move on' then why shouldn't she adopt such a tactic? If you have encountered an Asian woman who has deceived, used and mislead you, the probability is that she learned it from a western man first. Try asking her. Anyone who engages with another culture and doesn't make allowances for that culture are going to have difficulty. Independence of thought and action is one of the most valued characteristics for any westerner, male or female. Comparing behaviour between affluent and poorer areas of the world and giving the same validity to what constitutes a meaningful relationship between 2 consenting adults, no matter the local circumstance, is being far too simplistic. Does anyone who walks the streets of Manilla and sees the poverty leading to a begging culture not think that those who have grown up in it, and lived with it, see it as a thing to be feared above all else? The affluent westerner response that it is a nuisance and unpleasant is a high minded one. Try living in mortal dread of it for a few years and see how your attitude changes. Are there deceitful people? Yes, you find them in any country. Russia is famous for it. I have met a few deceitful American, Canadian and European women. In African culture it is seen a sign of deep affection for a woman to hand feed her man with her fingers. I'm not talking about a playful mouthful of convenience snack. I'm talking a full meal. As if feeding her small child. In the west it is seen as a demeaning, disrespectful act. We don't generally eat with our fingers and certainly not from someone elses fingers. It would likely be greeted with irritation, perhaps even anger if they did it in public. We just don't do that here. Asians see a partners relationship with the extended family as an integral part of their personal relationship with you. It is an honor bestowed only on those for whom the highest respect is given to be included in the family since 'face' is very important to Asians. They would not want outsiders in their community or locale to be able to point and make disrespectful remarks about their extended family. While it may appear demanding and even close to begging, including you in the structure of the family groups financial security is part of that respect. You are being accepted into the extended family unit. You can say no, but if her family are seen to struggle while she lives in obviously better circumstances this is deeply shaming to both her and the rest of her family. Why doesn't she care about her family? Why would he take her and not her family? would be the questions the community would be asking. It is a fact, those with the least tend to share the most. Westerners tend to have a 'what is mine is mine' attitude and we accept the disjointed, fractured, unequal family group as the norm. The rich uncle, while the siblings and theirs freeze or starve working 18 hrs a day. Single relatively affluent western men leaving family and culture behind only proves the point. You sacrificed culture and family for a dream of.. what? Asians do not. They would not think of leaving family behind without some way to continue support, either bringing them with, or sending money back. If the woman you have had a long term relationship with is left back home and starts asking you to contribute despite separation, she is asking no more than would be expected from any other member of the family. They see the family as one unit. Westerners see Asian family requests as 'grabbing' from the rich outsider since they no longer have a culture of caring for the older respected family member. By helping the family you will get that security of familial support later down the line. Whether you can adapt to their culture and accept it as something to be valued above material gain is up to you. You can negotiate the level of support, but to withhold it completely is signalling to the family, they have been used. The valued period of a breeding age female in the marriage market has been stolen. That demeans and impoverishes the whole family. The one piece of advice I would give to anyone beginning a relationship with someone who has grown up in such a population of financial disparity is, look from their perspective. If family is virtually all they have, willingness to share that with you is a gift beyond measure. I would encourage you to explain to Asians that westerners frequently value independence, industriousness and self reliance above family. Most westerners would rather die than ask for help. We find it demeaning because we know, those we ask will never view us with the same trust and respect again. Indeed if we have a family member or friend who is too frequently in need of help we tend to remove them from our lives. That isn't to say westerners are not generous, we just like to initiate the offer of help. We see the offer as a positive thing and the request as a negative thing. Americans particularly have a deep dislike of what they see as dependence culture. In the UK and Europe we have a welfare state that tries to guarantee that no member of the community goes to extreme poverty and so a 'begging' approach is seen as both unnecessary and demeaning, a lack of self respect. You should try to view the extended Asian family as they do, a form of survival welfare where no other is provided. In asking things from you the family are looking for displays of loyalty and affection. It is no surprise that it should come from the girls mother first, it is she who identifies with her daughter more than any other. This is also true of western women. Neglecting or mistreating the future mother-in-law will not earn you brownie points. Westerners give in secret, those giving and receiving support do not like to broadcast it. With Asian cultures the opposite is true. Giving should be accompanied by ceremony, magnanimity and public verbal displays of affection for the family unit. It gives you status within the family, and status to the whole family from without. It cements your bond to the family, it is a public betrothal. You being publicly part of the family unit becomes a source of pride for that family. You thought you might be lucky and get the love and respect of one woman, shouldn't you be proud to have it from 4 - 5 - 10+ other individuals within her family? To Asians I would say: Try to worry less about 'face' between you and your partner and communicate more. Westerners value frank and open honest communication in a relationship above all else. To westerners I would say: Don't be so quick to dismiss the offer of sharing as begging. If you take a partner from another culture, try to adapt to that culture. It is not charity that is being asked of you, it is investment in the futures of both you and any children you have as far as they see it. Would you rather spend your last days in a nursing home in an American metropolis being visited out of 'duty', or nestled in the bosom of an extended family that values, respects and loves you? If an Asian woman is asking for financial support and yet not trying to include you in the wider family unit, that is a big red flag. If you are serious about a relationship with the woman you should be nagging your girlfriend to let you take a gift to her parents, and always, always, always, choose a special gift for her mother. Expensive perfume works a charm, it will delight her and please the husband. When you do visit the family, treat your 'woman' like a queen. Pay particular attention to how you look at her. Her mother should see you looking (respectfully admiring) at her daughter the way she always wished a man would look at her. Make her mother fall in love with you a little.
Well..., you need to understand that in the Philippines there are millions of young girls who are now single Moms because the very instant that her Filipino boyfriend found out she was pregnant he DISAPPEARED!!! He will never pay her even one single peso for child support and the courts don't force the boy to pay to support his own child. The boy's parents will also refuse to lend a hand to support their own grandchild! This is an epidemic in the Philippines. Abortion is illegal. The Catholic church condemns any form of birth control. These Filipinas either already have a child and no means of support or they have a sister, cousin or girlfriends who are also single Moms. This is very well known problem in the Philippines. They don't want to have anything to do with Filipino boys or men because of this. They think that they'll have a much better chance with a Foreign guy, a chance to have a stable family situation. AND some want a Foreign guy simply for the cash. It's case by case.
John Seipp taking this to the next logical step, the filipina dreams of meeting a foreigner, marrying him and moving to his world. Ends up leaving the child or children with her family in the hopes of one day saving enough money to reunite the family. What usually happens is the children left behind grow up never really knowing the mother. Only through video chats. It may take years or even decades to get these families back together. If it ever happens. I know this because I know families this has happened to. The mother was so excited to come to America that she loses all hope for the little girl she leaves behind. No worries, she has another child in America. Now the little girl in the Philippines is a teenager with a half brother in America that she has never seen. This teen is angry at the world. She feels abandoned. Rightfully so. She was replaced by a little boy and a new country.
Mary dialoding from padada Philippine and I loved each other. We were close to getting married. Last time I met her she was planning to work in Saudi Arabia. She told me if she had a small business, she would not have to go to Saudi. I helped her to open a small business. Her business was going good till last November. And then she found a Norwegian boyfriend. And then last December her business went down. I didn't notice what happened till this April. I loved her kids so much. I supported them. And then one of her relatives told me that she has a boyfriend 60 years old, who was Norwegian, a retired army guy. Then I told Mary, but she didn't like it. She she sent her new sexy pic’ told me if I do not sent her money what I going miss her’ She emotionally and mentally damaged me because she was living with this guy 5 months or more and I didn't know it. She was honeymooning with this guy all the time, so she was also hurting me with mean words. But I learned from my experience: when your age is different from the girl, when you're older, she is interested in money -not love! And I'm hoping to share my experience so that nobody makes the same mistake I did.
Sorry to hear about your experience....but that doesn't mean you have to stop to fall in love and to be loved is beautiful but for the right person...she is not the right one for you...continue searching til you get the right one....
filipina here, I don't agree on that dating a younger filipina because of looking for true LOVE, love means what? may be looking for a big dreams and security , common i looking for someone who stay with you and take care of you if your sick, and real relationship! well! good luck!
I think it wrong most older guys don't know that Filipino woman is taking advantage of the older American guy I have a factory full of Filipinos right here in America that are using 80 year old man for moneyI'm very fortunate to be dating a Filipina woman that's in her 40s that is not like these typical Filipino women who take advantage of older men and get married to an older man I'm actually 36 years of age and I'm dating a 42 year old Filipino woman so I'm going to change the balance of the way it's going because in today's world is going backwards and it's not right and it's not fair
Some say that filipinas marry for money. All I have to say is that most american woman marry for money and prestige at a much higher rate than filipinas. American woman want a nice big house, fenced yard, nice cars, nice clothes, jewelry, and prestige. So to want to marry for money is also among filipinas but not the same. What a filipina considers marrying for money is not the same as american woman. Filipinas want a house but not a mansion, they want food to eat, and some clothes to wear, maybe some nice furniture. Their needs are much less than a american woman. To have a nice 2 bedroom apartment is rich to filipinas. To have 3 meals a day is rich to filipinas. The prestige is different to, they want a american-filipino child is their prestige. To say they have a good american husband is their prestige and honor. To american woman, you know what their prestige is, to look high class and good in society. The difference is about 180% in almost everything.
My partner is 41 years old. I am 62. 21 years difference. I have helped a man 69 to help him have a relationship with another lady aged 40. In England he would not be able to find a woman like his new Pinay partner. Go to the Philippines & meet the Filipina women. It is cheaper than Europe to go on holiday. While you are there you will have the choice of dating many women. Be a man & give them what they want. Romance them. Take them to a restaurant and feed them well. The cost will be very little compared to dating in the UK. A hotel room is also much cheaper.. You wine and dine the Pinay & treat her as a lady. When you both connect it can be as simple as that to begin a relationship. Most Filipino men earn little. Maybe you are a shy & not a confident western man with women. You must lead a Pinay they will follow if you have shown you are a real man.
Hi guys, been to Philipinnes many times. First relationship didn't go well, but now with a beautiful Filipina from Cebu. Will be there over Xmas and new year.
Cool video. While any pinay will tell you, "oh, love has no age," I think there are many other reasons why they desire a foreigner who is double, or TRIPLE their age. It is a matter of dependence and desperation, really. As a coach, i want to instill HOPE and CONFIDENCE in the many young pinays who settle, frankly, for much less than they deserve. We are best aligned with those within our age groups, that's a fact. As little girls, you'd never hear a pinay say: "I hope to one day meet a foreign man who is older than my Daddy." :o -Blazer, bullwits, BF Turnbull God bless and Salamat.
Camille, it is very interesting for me as a foreigner to hear your thoughts on dating and relationships. I have met many filipinas from poor backgrounds who seek a foreign man, at least in part, to have “a better life”. The life of a filipina with a high paying job living in Makati is very different, they already have a very good life. How does that effect their dating choices? Are they still interested in foreign men in the same way? Tell us about your life… what is your work? Is your family rich or poor? What future do you aspire to? What are your interests or hobbies? I am interested to learn about the Makati lifestyle because I have not experienced it.
happyPhil - Although I'm short for a Western man, Filipinas don't seen to have a problem with that. But, the few I do seem to attract, only want marriage, visas, money and family. How do you find a bright eyed young Filipina who just wants to live with you when you travel there and is NOT a red-zone girl? The dating sites are useless, but closely mirror the results I get IRL. Hitting the tarmac there hasn't been any better for me. My ability at spotting interested girls may be poor and I'm not good at PUA. But I'm not shy about looking at them, saying "hi" and showing I'm available. I just don't get the rock star effect I hear other men getting who claim they can't get out of the airport without hot young Filipinas pulling their clothes off and giving them free group action. What are these guys doing to be the "rock stars"?
Women are attracted to charismatic men of any age or size. The alpha male who boldly states who and what he is with is mannerisms. The alpha male does not have "game". His confidence allows him to be calm and in control. Women will be naturally attracted to him.
camille is beautiful , and it seems inside as well,, good person,,,, She is a true adult at her age, and thats what distinguishes the women at her age in the western world,, Western women at her age are still lost and are not mature,, they seem to be but by there actions you see them for what they are,, In phils, they are mature since they are forced to grow up fast and thats a good thing, Camille seems to be that type of woman, shes mature, educated, seems to know what she wants , respectful etc,, you dont see that in the USA from almost any woman under lets say 27,,,,,, its reality
Welcome Nils, and for your response back.... She really is a good looker,,, And we in the western world have taught the wrong ideas of what a relationship should mean,,, and you learn that any over the threshold age of being an adult is ok to be involved with. Love has no age, and shes right,,, i wish we all in the world could learn that lesson....
Good for you , Nils , hope you end up one of the lucky to get the one percent of the Filipinas that are going to love you for the rest of your life and not one of those who got ditched after spending all their money .
Neil Salmon, no I am not the lucky 1 percent. I am part of the 99% that takes and enjoys life as it comes. If the girl wants to leave, I will help her carry the luggage. If the girls want to stay, I will enjoy each day while I can. NO need to make it much more complicated. (smile) -Nils
I have a younger Philippina Wife, She is 59,I am 65 not a big difference But I have friends that date women much younger then them.Some women like older men but I certainly do not mean 10,20 yrs difference.
Another interesting video Nil...congrats for seniors who found their young partner in crime...Age is only a number...My partner is 28yrs younger and getting along real well...
Good to see that u have a older men and it's good coz some of Philippines they don't like to work its better u chosen the right person u like.GOD bless u.
You are right, if you are online. Don't go online to meet someone. Visit the Philippines yourself and then leave the cities. Go to the provinces. The provinces are relaxed and happy. To me, it is the real Philippines. Places like Calbayog City, where I live, (really just a town), Then go into the shops and restaurants. Say "hi" to a pretty woman. Not just a "pretty" woman. Say "hello" to a girl that you can't even believe is so beautiful. She will look at you like you're Brad Pitt. Ask her if she's single and if she'd like to have dinner with you. She'll be thrilled! You'll see it in her eyes.
don't listen to these guys who say the young girl loves them It's for the money only no other reason ,I am 49 from London and I am In Philippines right now I came here 2015 If I wanted to I could go out today and by the end of the night I could get fixed up with a least 5 of the most beautiful young girls saying there like me and want to be with me even though I Just met them, them men are muppets who think the girls love them
Jameel hammad, yes that is 100% true. However, there is nothing wrong with dating a girl that wants a better life. If all parties are happy, it should be full steam ahead. -Nils
Asian Romance look my friend If the girl wanted a better life and would be loyal to her foreign man and was not scamming him then that's different, but most are scammers I know It and you know It, I for one at 49 are not In to young lady's I would say youngest for me would be 37 to say 45 ,the girl with you may look beautiful to people who have never been to Philippines but If they came here there would see real exotic beautiful girls,the girl on the video Is average I would say for a Filipina was she a bar girl? but to be honest beauty for you and beautiful for me I believe would be totally different there as to be a lot more about a woman than looks and hanky panky, I'm In the Philippines for some Important business and not looking for girl or sex so the Filipina who fake flirt round me are wasting their time and the P me of when there do that thinking I am mug who would spend my money on them I like a good English lady
Jameel hammad, all expats have different goals in life. Some like to party and with two local girls on their arms, some like to relax on the beach and some like to have a deep conversation with a "mature" woman. We are all different with a unique path, as it should be. -Nils
eddie schiaffo, always use Airbnb and find an apartment in Legazpi Village in Makati. Use my link to save $40 on your first booking: -Nils
What people seem to forget is that a individual choice of who they want to be with is their choice and not subject to criticism. In the US, the divorce rate is 50%. Most marry around their age. Statistics say that there is a 95% increase in divorce among older men marrying younger woman by 20 years in the US. However, many sources indicate and prove that marriages between americans and filipinas have a high success rate. So to me, the differences is that among americans marrying americans there is a high divorce rate and americans marrying filipinas have a high success rate. If you ever met a genuine filipina, you will see why there is a high success rate.
Randy Moose, very interesting. I also feel Filipinas make great wives, as long as you do not bring them to the USA. They quickly lose their sweet attitude and become spoiled. -Nils
So true. My friend is married to a filipina for 22 years now and she does not like the filipinas she knows locally. All they talked about is how rich they are and their possessions. They become Americanized and loose that sweetness they had in the Philippines. I have dated several filipinas in usa near me and all seem to become americanized and sad to see.
zellkingpromotions zellking, I did not see a question mark in your comment. However, if you asking what I think you should do whatever makes you happy that does not break any hearts. -Nils
Ignore the judges sir immature men who cannot comprehend a friendship between two people coz they never had such a luxury in there sad lives and see all females as a sexual object as oppose to a person gbu
To most men, woman are sexual objects....... except for guys who like guys. Like Kevin Saunders. Sex is what attracts men to woman.... who the woman are as people determins if we stay with the woman or move on.
Well I am not so sure about it, which man is more "mature", the one who takes the girl to his hotel tasting phil food together for one hour or the one treating her like a sexual object for an hour ... 8-)
Sophisticated girls are not going for any guy who thinks about surviving on $500 to $1500 a month, no matter what Nils nor this girl says. Also, a guy who asks questions about what young women look for in a man is not going to get one. Might as well pay for pleasure when needed. Better than getting taken.
John Cruz, it depends what 'you' mean by sophisticated girls. I know plenty of nice ladies that live on tight budgets, hard working, college educated and not drinking starbucks coffee every day. -Nils
If you go to the phillipines with 10,000 in deposit, and a fat pension, and 500k-1M in the bank, yet live on $1000, she'll dream of the day your body goes rigid beneath her, you turn blue, and she can take your debit and credit cards to the province for a new life with a young guy.
Hi Nils, you come across being a nice Swedish family father, even though you are searching the love in the Philippines, maybe it is the panic age that is showing its face? 😐
I said MAYBE it is the panic age. Symptoms could be that you feel you are in a hurry to find a good woman to stay with, before you become that old, that you no longer can enjoy and give sex because of age. It could also be that you wanna show you still can do what you could when you were young. You wanna show that you have money to spend, the so-called playboy role. etc. etc.
globe255, thanks for the clarification. I understand you now. I had some of those thoughts in my 20s and 30s. I like to think I am much more mature now. I enjoy being single and refuse any suggestions by ladies that want to get married or move in with me. I already have a great social life. I suggest any expat that wants to visit the Philippines to slow down and understand how the game of love is being played in the Philippines. It is not at all like in the USA, and the guy usually has many more of options. -Nils
I've been wondering that some Filipino women's videos have been watching and they married older men over their fathers' own age. Isn't that something weird when they're 40 years old. Their men are 70..Doesn't a woman need a strong, healthy man who can protect them?
A practical's all about the wallet not the age 😂 come on guys if you want a pretty woman, car or house it's going to cost getting around it. Men and Women to be polite claim it's all about Love..what ever that is? Honestly guys want women that look nice out in public hanging off your arm. They also want women that are Complete Tigers in bed. Women want Financial security from men that won't cheat on them. As long as they both get what they want, it works...the other subtile differences don't matter.
Wow! Your gf is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen! I really need help you guys! I have dated young filipinas for 10 years and all of them seem to want only my money. Please please how can I find a girl that will love me with no money involved? Your gf even has a job??? None of the girls i have met even have a job! 10 years and i can't find a single girl with a job!
Bryan Stark, she is not my girlfriend - but I am dating a girl that I consider just as nice. hehe Security and money are always involved when dating - both in the US as well as in the Philippines. It sounds like you are looking for girls in all the wrong places. There are 100 million people in the Philippines and lots of girls that have day jobs. -Nils
Bryan Stark what possible reason would a young pinay be interested in you besides money. You have nothing else to bring to the table for a young girl trying to get out of poverty. Why don’t you just stick to dating your own kind, meaning age and race. Maybe you will find better luck.
You have no idea what you're talking about. My Filipina wife never wanted to leave the Philippines, (and neither of her sisters wants to leave the Philippines, and only one of her many, many girl friends want to leave), but she went to the U.S. for me. She didn't like it at all. No culture, no friends to talk to, no fiestas every month, have to drive everywhere and she doesn't know how to drive, no family there, the food is different and hard to get used to. My beautiful wife rarely complained, but I knew she was unhappy in the U.S. I sent her back to the "home" she loved, I sold everything, and followed her 4 months later. Neither of us has ever been happier.
I always warned my caucasians friends not to get involved with these young filipinas, because most of the time money issues would always creeps up on you once you get hitched with them.
Jose Kho, money is always an issue, when you do not have enough of it. That is perfectly normally and expected. It is the same everywhere in the world. -Nils
Jose Kho, What do you base this on? Do you have any statistics or sources for this? Or have you been rejected by a filipina? Or, and this is the big one, are you just broke?
Gee, it appears that, despite the clear references, many people don't get that you are not a couple. Anyway, having been married to a Filipina my age, I can attest to the fact that age is not the sole consideration when choosing a mate; compatibility, communication and trust & honesty are what really matters. Still, foreign guys, like myself, shouldn't delude ourselves into believing that we are Brad Pitt, in a young woman's eyes, even an older one for that matter. Guys & women should heed my advice; have a long courtship, so that, hopefully, any issues that may arise, do, before the paperwork is signed.
who is that girl you are with? Is she your girlfriend? Anyway, I am coming to the Phil for the first time in my life in a few weeks time here and I got to say that I am simultaneously excited and petrified that I will get shot and/or mugged between Manila airport and the taxi-ride to Makati LOL Oh well, I am done with living out here, so wtf here goes because fortune favors the bold eh? LOL
Kevin Fogarty, Camille is a fantastic lady and she also has a super nice and young Filipino husband. I do not show my current girlfriend on camera, but I can tell you with a little bit of extra social/dating skills you easily meet your dream woman. Also, the Filipinas make such good girlfriends or wives. -Nils
Kevin Fogarty Dont look for Filipino women to be your lover in the Philippines, the educated people wil date co Filipinos and if you will date poor or single mom, they want somebody to help them financially, the tip is to find your Filipino lover in the country where you ben like Filipino immigrants
Katherine Lao you do sound like you are either jealous or a very bitter old woman who was rejected by an expat and you just never recovered from your experience. You try to sound like you speak from experience but what comes out is just the opposite. Filipinas in fact do like older foreigners. They appreciate the stability they offer and of course the financial aspect is also appealing. But the older men aren’t drunks or players. They aren’t going the cheat on the young ladies. They know they will love them. In the end, isn’t that what we all are looking for? Stop making this all about your life experience. We get it, you had a bad experience. That doesn’t mean everyone else will.
i have a girlfriend here thats 34 years younger then me. whos business is it was her answer when i asked her about us. she is good looking too and went to college . i like her . she is cool.
I would love to come to the Philippines someday. I would have to go alone and have no friends there. You would have no problem showing anyone around if they come to Makati?
Lee King, I always enjoy meeting people for lunch or coffee/juice and share some dating tips. If you want some more in-depth help, we can set up a consultation via Skype. Just send me a private message. -Nils
I totally disagree on this question that if older guys(65 -70) dating young girls as young as 20-24 years old can ever be could be a few exceptions but not all guys relationships could be successful...I dont think filipinas are in love with older foreigner guys its just they are crazy over white skin and blue eyes and with dollars in their pockets ....exceptions yes could be there ...but 90% the relationships are just for sex and money ...he is satisfying himself and the girl needs money for herself and her family...I have an Italian friend of mine stil living in phil who is settled with a filipina woman who is a single mom but her age around 32 and the guys age around 64 ...though his life is running ok without marrying that lady.....but its not goes with every body...secondly a man and a woman should have a healthy bedroom life ( hope u know what i mean)...u think an older guy could really satisfy a woman of 22 years to impossible ...thats why only 2-3 years age gap is sufficient not more than that
Scott, you are 100% correct. You will see at least 2 girls per day that are marriage material - just walking around inside or outside the malls. It is sooo different from living in USA.
Also if you learn Tagalog, or whatever language of the country you're in, you have built in reason to approach girls. "Excuse me miss, how do you say "banana" or "cucumber" or "python" in Tagalog. Ohhh thank you.
The age thing is so crazy. I met a very young filipina girl, less than a week after her 19th birthday. I am almost three times that age. She was a lovely tiny thing. She put the full court press on and I guess I was a little slow to respond sometimes. It was pretty funny that she said the EXACT opposite of what a Western girl would: "you don't like me because you think I am too young! I promise I am fully grown up!!!" Can you image a college sophomore telling you that? It's an absolutely crazy mix of utter stunning beauty, huge family values and amazing sweetness, but bottomless stupidity and abject poverty
Patrick Warfel, exactly - the tables are turned in the Philippines. In the US a handsome young guy is desired, in the Philippines, it is a drawback. They think young handsome guys are not good for a long-term relationship! Enjoy the relationship, but do not call the girl stupid. The girl is just following her survival instinct. You would do the same. -Nils
Hello .good Morning From Saudi .. I'm 46 years old guess not young not old tho hehe , I'm seeking Good guys don't know where find him ,.Will Happy Your Vedio its inspire me thanks God Bless
This will be my fourth year in the Philippines. Before I came here I had chatted a young woman and figured she would hang around "the old man" for a few months just to see what I was about and move on. Well, she stayed and we're still together. She is the sweetest woman I have ever known. I guess I should mention I am 60 years old and 38 years older than she. For the guys who may think she's in it for the money, I let her handle the finances because she can save money better than I can and certainly much better than any western woman I've had in my life. Her photo is next to the definition of thrifty in the dictionary.
Want a sweet woman who will be loyal and take care of you better than any woman you've dreamed about? Come to the Philippines.
Yes, I agree with you Jack. They know how to make good women in the Philippines....
You found one of the unicorns. How long did that take? Most, especially online, seek some sucker chump for marriage and a family. Yuck.
These May-December reltionships are truly weird. Old men dreaming of getting young women are nuts. It's NOT NORMAL for any young girl to get involved with a much older man, WHATEVER NATIONALITY THEY BOTH MIGHT BE.
Sooner or later, the younger girl will look for a much younger man simply because they would have common interests and she will always have the justification that the older man won't be able to satisfy the young female.
I have counselled hundreds of cases and level-headed girls would not want old men, unless the young female has pressing financial reasons. Once the man has financial difficulties, it's goodbye. For the old men to think that they are loved for what they are is truly dumb.
This is true in any country.
Jules De Vera, I personally am not looking for one hundred younger girls. I am happy to spend time with the one that is happy just the way I am. It is also fine by me if the younger woman is looking for security from an older guy. I will not reject her if she does not fit a mold of a "same age" relationship. If she gets bored with me, that is also fine. I will help her carry her luggage to a taxi. hehe
I think that you will find that "younger girlfriend" relationships are more common in Asia than in the Western world. Am I right?
I lived and worked in East Asia for 25 years and I've been to PH many times. My two cents on this topic: young, well-educated, decent (non-scammer), very pretty Makati-type girls like Camille with her hot looks, good job (casino dealer) and probably from a middle-class or higher background won't be hunting for foreign guys on Filipino Cupid, Asian Dating or Pina Love. Of any age. And that's because they don't have to: girls like her won't be worrying about where her next meal will be coming from and there'll be no shortage of young, good-looking, affluent Filipino guys lining up to date her. Sorry to say this, but foreigners generally get the left-overs and it was mostly the same when I was living in Japan and Thailand. My understanding is that Camille is married to a young Filipino guy, not an old foreigner, so I don't know why she was asked to comment on this subject?! She is hardly going to say that Filipinas only marry old guys for money when she is sitting next to an ... ahem, older foreign gent on YT! Filipinas who actively hunt foreign men, especially old ones on dating sites, are likely to be from poor(er) backgrounds, the provinces, probably unemployed or selling fish in a market/working in a shopping mall, doing laundry etc, or a single mom with a kid(s) to feed, and her looks/class won't be in the same league as Camille's, who is flight attendant standard. Dating site women are more likely to be short(er), with a wide nose, darker skin and have that 'provincial' look about them. They regard landing an old foreign guy as a substitute for an employer who pays them a monthly salary = support for her and her family. If you see profile pics on FC that look like models, these are likely copied from the net and used by scammers. That is NOT to denigrate genuine/non-scammer women on dating sites, just that we're talking about apples and oranges here. Any Filipina seen walking around with a foreign guy in Phils, and especially an old one, will be assumed by her compatriots to be an escort girl, bar girl, poor single mom or a Filipino Cupid gold-digger. The only way you can pull a Filipina of Camille's caliber is if you're young (e.g. 30-45), single, good-looking and have a respectable, high-paying job e.g. working in Makati in finance/IT etc. And ideally you meet her in PH because, again, such girls tend not to join dating sites and spend all day scamming/chatting to dozens of foreign guys on Filipino Cupid or being asked for nude pics/webcam strip shows by them. YMMV (your mileage may vary). PS Nils, just curious how much an apartment of that standard in Makati is per month, short-term or long-term, one bedroom is ok. I couldn't live in the provinces due to having to listen to screaming chickens, noisy motorbikes and barking dogs all day, and I need to be near Japanese restaurants = MNL or Cebu.
@sugoidessho, thanks for sharing your views. I agree with most of what you said, except for some issues I will mention below.
A high quality Western standard 1-bedroom apartment in Makati will cost you around $850/month on a long-term lease. For short-term rentals through Airbnb, you are looking at double this price. Utilities might run you $100-200 per month depending on aircon use.
Camille comes from a very humble background. However, like any tall light-colored Filipina (typically with Chinese roots), will normally have a pick of the litter when it comes to Filipino mates. But, always remember a "perceived rich" foreigner (at any age) will also have his pick of the litter in the Philippines.
Camille is very social and has Filipina friends all over the place. She knows what dating a foreigner is like, even if she is now married to a regular nice Filipino guy. He is also not affluent - despite what you think.
Girls are looking for security i.e. money, not good looks. It is programmed in their genes and may not even know it consciously.
Sorry, I do not agree with your statement that foreigners get the "left-overs". I think it has more to do with the foreigner's mind-set and that he 'does not know' he could do better.
The local guys would consider a top-shelf girl from the Philippines to be light-colored skin, pretty, college degree, tall and intelligent.
Most foreigners will fall for ANY Filipina that showers him with the friendly, love, and affection that Filipinas are so well known for. It is so opposite of what an older guy can expect in the USA or Europe. Most Filipinas are lovely to be around - especially if he normally does not receive any attention in the USA.
Also, most foreigners think dark-skinned girls are more attractive, but that is just his mindset. Little does he know that he could also date Filipinas that the local Filipinos would consider attractive. But this is the fault of the foreigner, not because of some of the left-over girls that the locals do not want.
But be warned, there are scammers who are bad apples in any country. Choose the girl carefully..
@@AsianRomance What I hear you saying is be patient and realize your worth. Expats need to not shoot too high or too low, and they will be much higher in value, compared to what they are in the West. A girl like Camile isn't going to date a broke expat that hangs out in the bar all day. Personally I think she would be a catch, but maybe other girls would be better for other guys.
If the two people involved are mature adults and they are happy in the relationship then that's all that matters. Nice video:)
Australian & Philippine Adventures Travel, you ar right.
I have not been to the Phillipines or Thailand etc but I have been to Malaysia and had a relationship with a Malay woman. I have also had a relationship with an Indian woman who by Indian standards was wealthy. Yet she abused my generosity. The honest truth is that there is no real difference between womens 'drives' in any country. Western women value the security of affluence and generosity just as much as any other. What does vary widely is economic security and familial dependency / respect. Generally in the West you marry the woman, elsewhere you marry the family. I had the opposite problem with my Malay girlfriend, her father was a junior government minister. The family were well off and well respected in the community. I was a poor lowly working class registered nurse. I met her father. The answer was a very polite but firm. No. The effect that the family pressure had on her was frankly disastrous. She was 'forced' into a bad 'suitable' marriage. Was divorced 2 years later had problems with depression, alcohol, drugs and mental illness. It broke my heart to see what family honour can bring.
If there are women who are willing to stand up against tradition or familial pressures then my view is that it should be encouraged. Too often I hear western men saying 'they' are gold-diggers or sluts who latch on to any westerner. Yet how can they sleep around with westerners if westerners are not doing it too? It is the old double standard again. A woman who feels insecure and pressured in her family life WILL seek solace elsewhere, using the only talents that she possesses, since if she had other resources the westerner wouldn't be needed would they? If those from whom she seeks help and solace abuse that, then what lesson is she learning? If the western mans attitude is, as soon as the cultural differences become a problem to me 'move on' then why shouldn't she adopt such a tactic? If you have encountered an Asian woman who has deceived, used and mislead you, the probability is that she learned it from a western man first. Try asking her.
Anyone who engages with another culture and doesn't make allowances for that culture are going to have difficulty. Independence of thought and action is one of the most valued characteristics for any westerner, male or female. Comparing behaviour between affluent and poorer areas of the world and giving the same validity to what constitutes a meaningful relationship between 2 consenting adults, no matter the local circumstance, is being far too simplistic. Does anyone who walks the streets of Manilla and sees the poverty leading to a begging culture not think that those who have grown up in it, and lived with it, see it as a thing to be feared above all else? The affluent westerner response that it is a nuisance and unpleasant is a high minded one. Try living in mortal dread of it for a few years and see how your attitude changes. Are there deceitful people? Yes, you find them in any country. Russia is famous for it. I have met a few deceitful American, Canadian and European women.
In African culture it is seen a sign of deep affection for a woman to hand feed her man with her fingers. I'm not talking about a playful mouthful of convenience snack. I'm talking a full meal. As if feeding her small child. In the west it is seen as a demeaning, disrespectful act. We don't generally eat with our fingers and certainly not from someone elses fingers. It would likely be greeted with irritation, perhaps even anger if they did it in public. We just don't do that here.
Asians see a partners relationship with the extended family as an integral part of their personal relationship with you. It is an honor bestowed only on those for whom the highest respect is given to be included in the family since 'face' is very important to Asians. They would not want outsiders in their community or locale to be able to point and make disrespectful remarks about their extended family. While it may appear demanding and even close to begging, including you in the structure of the family groups financial security is part of that respect. You are being accepted into the extended family unit. You can say no, but if her family are seen to struggle while she lives in obviously better circumstances this is deeply shaming to both her and the rest of her family. Why doesn't she care about her family? Why would he take her and not her family? would be the questions the community would be asking.
It is a fact, those with the least tend to share the most. Westerners tend to have a 'what is mine is mine' attitude and we accept the disjointed, fractured, unequal family group as the norm. The rich uncle, while the siblings and theirs freeze or starve working 18 hrs a day. Single relatively affluent western men leaving family and culture behind only proves the point. You sacrificed culture and family for a dream of.. what? Asians do not. They would not think of leaving family behind without some way to continue support, either bringing them with, or sending money back. If the woman you have had a long term relationship with is left back home and starts asking you to contribute despite separation, she is asking no more than would be expected from any other member of the family. They see the family as one unit. Westerners see Asian family requests as 'grabbing' from the rich outsider since they no longer have a culture of caring for the older respected family member. By helping the family you will get that security of familial support later down the line. Whether you can adapt to their culture and accept it as something to be valued above material gain is up to you. You can negotiate the level of support, but to withhold it completely is signalling to the family, they have been used. The valued period of a breeding age female in the marriage market has been stolen. That demeans and impoverishes the whole family.
The one piece of advice I would give to anyone beginning a relationship with someone who has grown up in such a population of financial disparity is, look from their perspective. If family is virtually all they have, willingness to share that with you is a gift beyond measure. I would encourage you to explain to Asians that westerners frequently value independence, industriousness and self reliance above family. Most westerners would rather die than ask for help. We find it demeaning because we know, those we ask will never view us with the same trust and respect again. Indeed if we have a family member or friend who is too frequently in need of help we tend to remove them from our lives.
That isn't to say westerners are not generous, we just like to initiate the offer of help. We see the offer as a positive thing and the request as a negative thing. Americans particularly have a deep dislike of what they see as dependence culture. In the UK and Europe we have a welfare state that tries to guarantee that no member of the community goes to extreme poverty and so a 'begging' approach is seen as both unnecessary and demeaning, a lack of self respect. You should try to view the extended Asian family as they do, a form of survival welfare where no other is provided. In asking things from you the family are looking for displays of loyalty and affection. It is no surprise that it should come from the girls mother first, it is she who identifies with her daughter more than any other. This is also true of western women. Neglecting or mistreating the future mother-in-law will not earn you brownie points.
Westerners give in secret, those giving and receiving support do not like to broadcast it. With Asian cultures the opposite is true. Giving should be accompanied by ceremony, magnanimity and public verbal displays of affection for the family unit. It gives you status within the family, and status to the whole family from without. It cements your bond to the family, it is a public betrothal. You being publicly part of the family unit becomes a source of pride for that family. You thought you might be lucky and get the love and respect of one woman, shouldn't you be proud to have it from 4 - 5 - 10+ other individuals within her family?
To Asians I would say: Try to worry less about 'face' between you and your partner and communicate more. Westerners value frank and open honest communication in a relationship above all else.
To westerners I would say: Don't be so quick to dismiss the offer of sharing as begging. If you take a partner from another culture, try to adapt to that culture. It is not charity that is being asked of you, it is investment in the futures of both you and any children you have as far as they see it. Would you rather spend your last days in a nursing home in an American metropolis being visited out of 'duty', or nestled in the bosom of an extended family that values, respects and loves you?
If an Asian woman is asking for financial support and yet not trying to include you in the wider family unit, that is a big red flag. If you are serious about a relationship with the woman you should be nagging your girlfriend to let you take a gift to her parents, and always, always, always, choose a special gift for her mother. Expensive perfume works a charm, it will delight her and please the husband. When you do visit the family, treat your 'woman' like a queen. Pay particular attention to how you look at her. Her mother should see you looking (respectfully admiring) at her daughter the way she always wished a man would look at her. Make her mother fall in love with you a little.
s1rmunchalot Great comment my friend!
s1rmunchalot, what a wealth of insight and thought. I'd like to print it out so I can study it more. Thank you.
Well..., you need to understand that in the Philippines there are millions of young girls who are now single Moms because the very instant that her Filipino boyfriend found out she was pregnant he DISAPPEARED!!!
He will never pay her even one single peso for child support and the courts don't force the boy to pay to support his own child. The boy's parents will also refuse to lend a hand to support their own grandchild! This is an epidemic in the Philippines. Abortion is illegal. The Catholic church condemns any form of birth control.
These Filipinas either already have a child and no means of support or they have a sister, cousin or girlfriends who are also single Moms. This is very well known problem in the Philippines. They don't want to have anything to do with Filipino boys or men because of this. They think that they'll have a much better chance with a Foreign guy, a chance to have a stable family situation. AND some want a Foreign guy simply for the cash. It's case by case.
John Seipp taking this to the next logical step, the filipina dreams of meeting a foreigner, marrying him and moving to his world. Ends up leaving the child or children with her family in the hopes of one day saving enough money to reunite the family. What usually happens is the children left behind grow up never really knowing the mother. Only through video chats. It may take years or even decades to get these families back together. If it ever happens. I know this because I know families this has happened to. The mother was so excited to come to America that she loses all hope for the little girl she leaves behind. No worries, she has another child in America. Now the little girl in the Philippines is a teenager with a half brother in America that she has never seen. This teen is angry at the world. She feels abandoned. Rightfully so. She was replaced by a little boy and a new country.
Mary dialoding from padada Philippine and I loved each other. We were close to getting married. Last time I met her she was planning to work in Saudi Arabia. She told me if she had a small business, she would not have to go to Saudi. I helped her to open a small business. Her business was going good till last November. And then she found a Norwegian boyfriend. And then last December her business went down. I didn't notice what happened till this April. I loved her kids so much. I supported them. And then one of her relatives told me that she has a boyfriend 60 years old, who was Norwegian, a retired army guy. Then I told Mary, but she didn't like it. She she sent her new sexy pic’ told me if I do not sent her money what I going miss her’ She emotionally and mentally damaged me because she was living with this guy 5 months or more and I didn't know it. She was honeymooning with this guy all the time, so she was also hurting me with mean words. But I learned from my experience: when your age is different from the girl, when you're older, she is interested in money -not love! And I'm hoping to share my experience so that nobody makes the same mistake I did.
Sorry to hear about your experience....but that doesn't mean you have to stop to fall in love and to be loved is beautiful but for the right person...she is not the right one for you...continue searching til you get the right one....
filipina here, I don't agree on that dating a younger filipina because of looking for true LOVE, love means what? may be looking for a big dreams and security , common i looking for someone who stay with you and take care of you if your sick, and real relationship! well! good luck!
Lynn A., thanks for watching. Yes, life is not guaranteed. It has many twists and turns, and I hope I manage more good choices than bad choices.
I think it wrong most older guys don't know that Filipino woman is taking advantage of the older American guy I have a factory full of Filipinos right here in America that are using 80 year old man for moneyI'm very fortunate to be dating a Filipina woman that's in her 40s that is not like these typical Filipino women who take advantage of older men and get married to an older man I'm actually 36 years of age and I'm dating a 42 year old Filipino woman so I'm going to change the balance of the way it's going because in today's world is going backwards and it's not right and it's not fair
Some say that filipinas marry for money. All I have to say is that most american woman marry for money and prestige at a much higher rate than filipinas. American woman want a nice big house, fenced yard, nice cars, nice clothes, jewelry, and prestige. So to want to marry for money is also among filipinas but not the same. What a filipina considers marrying for money is not the same as american woman. Filipinas want a house but not a mansion, they want food to eat, and some clothes to wear, maybe some nice furniture. Their needs are much less than a american woman. To have a nice 2 bedroom apartment is rich to filipinas. To have 3 meals a day is rich to filipinas. The prestige is different to, they want a american-filipino child is their prestige. To say they have a good american husband is their prestige and honor. To american woman, you know what their prestige is, to look high class and good in society. The difference is about 180% in almost everything.
Randy Moose, great summary!
Randy the Moose i am disabled and I have a Filipino gf. I cannot get a western woman because they not like disabled men
My partner is 41 years old. I am 62. 21 years difference. I have helped a man 69 to help him have a relationship with another lady aged 40. In England he would not be able to find a woman like his new Pinay partner. Go to the Philippines & meet the Filipina women. It is cheaper than Europe to go on holiday. While you are there you will have the choice of dating many women. Be a man & give them what they want. Romance them. Take them to a restaurant and feed them well. The cost will be very little compared to dating in the UK. A hotel room is also much cheaper.. You wine and dine the Pinay & treat her as a lady. When you both connect it can be as simple as that to begin a relationship. Most Filipino men earn little. Maybe you are a shy & not a confident western man with women. You must lead a Pinay they will follow if you have shown you are a real man.
Glad to see Camille again Serup
Thanks for watching.
Hi guys, been to Philipinnes many times. First relationship didn't go well, but now with a beautiful Filipina from Cebu. Will be there over Xmas and new year.
markbrave, glad to hear your success!
Cool video. While any pinay will tell you, "oh, love has no age," I think there are many other reasons why they desire a foreigner who is double, or TRIPLE their age. It is a matter of dependence and desperation, really. As a coach, i want to instill HOPE and CONFIDENCE in the many young pinays who settle, frankly, for much less than they deserve. We are best aligned with those within our age groups, that's a fact. As little girls, you'd never hear a pinay say: "I hope to one day meet a foreign man who is older than my Daddy." :o -Blazer, bullwits, BF Turnbull God bless and Salamat.
Camille, it is very interesting for me as a foreigner to hear your thoughts on dating and relationships.
I have met many filipinas from poor backgrounds who seek a foreign man, at least in part, to have “a better life”. The life of a filipina with a high paying job living in Makati is very different, they already have a very good life. How does that effect their dating choices? Are they still interested in foreign men in the same way?
Tell us about your life… what is your work? Is your family rich or poor? What future do you aspire to? What are your interests or hobbies? I am interested to learn about the Makati lifestyle because I have not experienced it.
I will pass your question along to Camille. Thanks your interest in these topics.
happyPhil - Although I'm short for a Western man, Filipinas don't seen to have a problem with that. But, the few I do seem to attract, only want marriage, visas, money and family. How do you find a bright eyed young Filipina who just wants to live with you when you travel there and is NOT a red-zone girl? The dating sites are useless, but closely mirror the results I get IRL. Hitting the tarmac there hasn't been any better for me. My ability at spotting interested girls may be poor and I'm not good at PUA. But I'm not shy about looking at them, saying "hi" and showing I'm available. I just don't get the rock star effect I hear other men getting who claim they can't get out of the airport without hot young Filipinas pulling their clothes off and giving them free group action. What are these guys doing to be the "rock stars"?
Women are attracted to charismatic men of any age or size. The alpha male who boldly states who and what he is with is mannerisms. The alpha male does not have "game". His confidence allows him to be calm and in control. Women will be naturally attracted to him.
Bob Bruce, I have discussed this with Camille and will post a video about it soon.
Jack, I agree with your statement 100%.
The Filipina commentator is simply adorable
If I find a girl like Camille I'll be completely happy
Jose Velez, yeah - she is great.
anyone being happy with out hurting someone else is the way .
camille is beautiful , and it seems inside as well,, good person,,,, She is a true adult at her age, and thats what distinguishes the women at her age in the western world,, Western women at her age are still lost and are not mature,, they seem to be but by there actions you see them for what they are,, In phils, they are mature since they are forced to grow up fast and thats a good thing, Camille seems to be that type of woman, shes mature, educated, seems to know what she wants , respectful etc,, you dont see that in the USA from almost any woman under lets say 27,,,,,, its reality
Thanks for the good words about Camille and thanks for watching.
Welcome Nils, and for your response back.... She really is a good looker,,, And we in the western world have taught the wrong ideas of what a relationship should mean,,, and you learn that any over the threshold age of being an adult is ok to be involved with. Love has no age, and shes right,,, i wish we all in the world could learn that lesson....
+BenFern kay I have to agree with what you say...
Good for you , Nils , hope you end up one of the lucky to get the one percent of the Filipinas that are going to love you for the rest of your life and not one of those who got ditched after spending all their money .
Neil Salmon, no I am not the lucky 1 percent. I am part of the 99% that takes and enjoys life as it comes.
If the girl wants to leave, I will help her carry the luggage. If the girls want to stay, I will enjoy each day while I can. NO need to make it much more complicated. (smile)
What does Camille do for a living?
She works as a casino dealer.
I have a younger Philippina Wife, She is 59,I am 65 not a big difference But I have friends that date women much younger then them.Some women like older men but I certainly do not mean 10,20 yrs difference.
tony manzi its alright up to 20.
The best reason to date a Filipina is having to visit Western Union offices
Jesus christ No! You can go to WU online now lol
Lol lol lol
Yes, especially, when it is for her sick about to die NEED MONEY RIGHT NOW parents/brother/cousin/daughter/son/uncle/fairy-god-mother.
Another interesting video Nil...congrats for seniors who found their young partner in crime...Age is only a number...My partner is 28yrs younger and getting along real well...
Manny Santos, agreed. If the relationship is a win-win for both parties keep going!
Good to see that u have a older men and it's good coz some of Philippines they don't like to work its better u chosen the right person u like.GOD bless u.
I saw the golf clubs in your room. How is the golf there?
sean mann, I do not play golf. The clubs belongs to the landlord.
If a couple are happy and compatible then age not matter at all
Nice....cute disposition. Very strong feminine energy.
Some of these things could be true
But also there's a lot of female scammers coming from there
You are right, if you are online. Don't go online to meet someone. Visit the Philippines yourself and then leave the cities. Go to the provinces. The provinces are relaxed and happy. To me, it is the real Philippines. Places like Calbayog City, where I live, (really just a town), Then go into the shops and restaurants. Say "hi" to a pretty woman. Not just a "pretty" woman. Say "hello" to a girl that you can't even believe is so beautiful. She will look at you like you're Brad Pitt. Ask her if she's single and if she'd like to have dinner with you. She'll be thrilled! You'll see it in her eyes.
frist question are u still married ??? I see u are wearing a wedding ring . WE are married for 5 yrs now 2018
Joe Steffe, I am not married and do not wear a wedding ring!
@@AsianRomance He is talking about her finger,
Nila ur swell enjoy ur honesty waiting ur arrival in NYC
Michael Federman, who is your message for?
don't listen to these guys who say the young girl loves them It's for the money only no other reason ,I am 49 from London and I am In Philippines right now I came here 2015 If I wanted to I could go out today and by the end of the night I could get fixed up with a least 5 of the most beautiful young girls saying there like me and want to be with me even though I Just met them, them men are muppets who think the girls love them
Jameel hammad, yes that is 100% true. However, there is nothing wrong with dating a girl that wants a better life. If all parties are happy, it should be full steam ahead.
Asian Romance look my friend If the girl wanted a better life and would be loyal to her foreign man and was not scamming him then that's different, but most are scammers I know It and you know It, I for one at 49 are not In to young lady's I would say youngest for me would be 37 to say 45 ,the girl with you may look beautiful to people who have never been to Philippines but If they came here there would see real exotic beautiful girls,the girl on the video Is average I would say for a Filipina was she a bar girl? but to be honest beauty for you and beautiful for me I believe would be totally different there as to be a lot more about a woman than looks and hanky panky, I'm In the Philippines for some Important business and not looking for girl or sex so the Filipina who fake flirt round me are wasting their time and the P me of when there do that thinking I am mug who would spend my money on them I like a good English lady
Asian Romance I'm In bulacan where are you makati maybe?
Jameel hammad, yes Makati.
Jameel hammad, all expats have different goals in life. Some like to party and with two local girls on their arms, some like to relax on the beach and some like to have a deep conversation with a "mature" woman. We are all different with a unique path, as it should be.
Is it really to meet a girl and not get ripped off. Do you know of save place where I can stay for a couple of weeks...hotel..ect...
eddie schiaffo, always use Airbnb and find an apartment in Legazpi Village in Makati. Use my link to save $40 on your first booking:
My pinay gf had an age limit of 35years old. That's why chose her bcause she just wasn't going for any guy.
Im 51 my fillpino is 36
Michael J, yeah - that will work.
Very good interview
older men trying to get their rocks off. nothing wrong with that. enjoy. LOL
What people seem to forget is that a individual choice of who they want to be with is their choice and not subject to criticism. In the US, the divorce rate is 50%. Most marry around their age. Statistics say that there is a 95% increase in divorce among older men marrying younger woman by 20 years in the US. However, many sources indicate and prove that marriages between americans and filipinas have a high success rate. So to me, the differences is that among americans marrying americans there is a high divorce rate and americans marrying filipinas have a high success rate. If you ever met a genuine filipina, you will see why there is a high success rate.
Randy Moose, very interesting. I also feel Filipinas make great wives, as long as you do not bring them to the USA. They quickly lose their sweet attitude and become spoiled.
So true. My friend is married to a filipina for 22 years now and she does not like the filipinas she knows locally. All they talked about is how rich they are and their possessions. They become Americanized and loose that sweetness they had in the Philippines. I have dated several filipinas in usa near me and all seem to become americanized and sad to see.
lol they think of the meaning of love- MONEY
In the Phillipines age difference ok. Bring her to the states forget it. A small percentage will stick with you
Gregory Chalmers, I agree 100%.
Asian Romance I don't wanna marry one just lease for a year or two after 2 years she can go after that is that possible and is it worth it
zellkingpromotions zellking, haha.
U didnt answer the question
zellkingpromotions zellking, I did not see a question mark in your comment. However, if you asking what I think you should do whatever makes you happy that does not break any hearts.
Damn! you have a pretty girlfriend.
Just watch out for the dreaded TAMPO.
Ignore the judges sir immature men who cannot comprehend a friendship between two people coz they never had such a luxury in there sad lives and see all females as a sexual object as oppose to a person gbu
Kevin Saunderson, I could not have said it better myself. ha-ha
To most men, woman are sexual objects....... except for guys who like guys. Like Kevin Saunders.
Sex is what attracts men to woman.... who the woman are as people determins if we stay with the woman or move on.
Well I am not so sure about it, which man is more "mature", the one who takes the girl to his hotel tasting phil food together for one hour or the one treating her like a sexual object for an hour ... 8-)
im 50 my gals 27 we get it on nicely. haha ! im from UK and i love phil chicks
Andy Gill, glad to hear it.
Asian Romance
Sophisticated girls are not going for any guy who thinks about surviving on $500 to $1500 a month, no matter what Nils nor this girl says. Also, a guy who asks questions about what young women look for in a man is not going to get one. Might as well pay for pleasure when needed. Better than getting taken.
John Cruz, it depends what 'you' mean by sophisticated girls.
I know plenty of nice ladies that live on tight budgets, hard working, college educated and not drinking starbucks coffee every day.
If you go to the phillipines with 10,000 in deposit, and a fat pension, and 500k-1M in the bank, yet live on $1000, she'll dream of the day your body goes rigid beneath her, you turn blue, and she can take your debit and credit cards to the province for a new life with a young guy.
Scott Johnson sounds like a good way to go to me as long as she is kind hearted and stays with you to the end.
Hi Nils, you come across being a nice Swedish family father, even though you are searching the love in the Philippines, maybe it is the panic age that is showing its face? 😐
globe255, what is a panic age?.
It is said to be when you are around 50-60
globe255, I have not noticed anything. What are the symptoms?
I said MAYBE it is the panic age. Symptoms could be that you feel you are in a hurry to find a good woman to stay with, before you become that old, that you no longer can enjoy and give sex because of age. It could also be that you wanna show you still can do what you could when you were young. You wanna show that you have money to spend, the so-called playboy role. etc. etc.
globe255, thanks for the clarification. I understand you now.
I had some of those thoughts in my 20s and 30s. I like to think I am much more mature now. I enjoy being single and refuse any suggestions by ladies that want to get married or move in with me. I already have a great social life.
I suggest any expat that wants to visit the Philippines to slow down and understand how the game of love is being played in the Philippines. It is not at all like in the USA, and the guy usually has many more of options.
Damn! High five dude!
Thanks for watching.
I've been wondering that some Filipino women's videos have been watching and they married older men over their fathers' own age. Isn't that something weird when they're 40 years old. Their men are 70..Doesn't a woman need a strong, healthy man who can protect them?
Many women think a fat wallet is a clear sign of protection.
She seems nice, sweet, and likeable...but her taste in men is questionable.
A practical's all about the wallet not the age 😂 come on guys if you want a pretty woman, car or house it's going to cost getting around it. Men and Women to be polite claim it's all about Love..what ever that is? Honestly guys want women that look nice out in public hanging off your arm. They also want women that are Complete Tigers in bed. Women want Financial security from men that won't cheat on them. As long as they both get what they want, it works...the other subtile differences don't matter.
Chang Journeys very true comment.....
Prove it!!!
Wayne Mathews, prove what?.
2:15 - 2:32 bolabola...- thats my experiance.
Wow! Your gf is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen! I really need help you guys! I have dated young filipinas for 10 years and all of them seem to want only my money. Please please how can I find a girl that will love me with no money involved? Your gf even has a job??? None of the girls i have met even have a job! 10 years and i can't find a single girl with a job!
Bryan Stark, she is not my girlfriend - but I am dating a girl that I consider just as nice. hehe
Security and money are always involved when dating - both in the US as well as in the Philippines. It sounds like you are looking for girls in all the wrong places. There are 100 million people in the Philippines and lots of girls that have day jobs.
Maybe you're looking for girls in all the wrong places?like bars,clubs?for sure those girls wants to party all day!
Bryan Stark what possible reason would a young pinay be interested in you besides money. You have nothing else to bring to the table for a young girl trying to get out of poverty. Why don’t you just stick to dating your own kind, meaning age and race. Maybe you will find better luck.
Every filipino girl dream is go western country and its not easy for them so go old western man to get visa so silly lol
You have no idea what you're talking about.
My Filipina wife never wanted to leave the Philippines, (and neither of her sisters wants to leave the Philippines, and only one of her many, many girl friends want to leave), but she went to the U.S. for me. She didn't like it at all. No culture, no friends to talk to, no fiestas every month, have to drive everywhere and she doesn't know how to drive, no family there, the food is different and hard to get used to. My beautiful wife rarely complained, but I knew she was unhappy in the U.S. I sent her back to the "home" she loved, I sold everything, and followed her 4 months later. Neither of us has ever been happier.
Nice looking woman there!Greetings from Norway
Mange takk, Hord!
I look for olde Philana
Not thinking of age but finance 😂. I usually go for a pinay who has an age limit. Obviously if she's in her twenties
....makes me want to go eat chocolates....
I always warned my caucasians friends not to get involved with these young filipinas, because most of the time money issues would always creeps up on you once you get hitched with them.
Jose Kho, money is always an issue, when you do not have enough of it. That is perfectly normally and expected. It is the same everywhere in the world.
Jose Kho, What do you base this on? Do you have any statistics or sources for this? Or have you been rejected by a filipina? Or, and this is the big one, are you just broke?
Gee, it appears that, despite the clear references, many people don't get that you are not a couple. Anyway, having been married to a Filipina my age, I can attest to the fact that age is not the sole consideration when choosing a mate; compatibility, communication and trust & honesty are what really matters.
Still, foreign guys, like myself, shouldn't delude ourselves into believing that we are Brad Pitt, in a young woman's eyes, even an older one for that matter.
Guys & women should heed my advice; have a long courtship, so that, hopefully, any issues that may arise, do, before the paperwork is signed.
who is that girl you are with? Is she your girlfriend? Anyway, I am coming to the Phil for the first time in my life in a few weeks time here and I got to say that I am simultaneously excited and petrified that I will get shot and/or mugged between Manila airport and the taxi-ride to Makati LOL Oh well, I am done with living out here, so wtf here goes because fortune favors the bold eh? LOL
Kevin Fogarty, Camille is a fantastic lady and she also has a super nice and young Filipino husband.
I do not show my current girlfriend on camera, but I can tell you with a little bit of extra social/dating skills you easily meet your dream woman. Also, the Filipinas make such good girlfriends or wives.
Kevin Fogarty
Dont look for Filipino women to be your lover in the Philippines, the educated people wil date co Filipinos and if you will date poor or single mom, they want somebody to help them financially, the tip is to find your Filipino lover in the country where you ben like Filipino immigrants
Katherine Lao, I see nothing wrong with dating poor or single moms. They are great people with great hearts, and most of them look fantastic.
Kevin Fogarty download the Grab App! And, rent a condo. You can get a condo for as low as ₱25000 a month. Or stay in a condotel if you not stay long
Katherine Lao you do sound like you are either jealous or a very bitter old woman who was rejected by an expat and you just never recovered from your experience. You try to sound like you speak from experience but what comes out is just the opposite. Filipinas in fact do like older foreigners. They appreciate the stability they offer and of course the financial aspect is also appealing. But the older men aren’t drunks or players. They aren’t going the cheat on the young ladies. They know they will love them. In the end, isn’t that what we all are looking for? Stop making this all about your life experience. We get it, you had a bad experience. That doesn’t mean everyone else will.
Sweet Lady
Martin Bonventre, I agree.
i have a girlfriend here thats 34 years younger then me. whos business is it was her answer when i asked her about us. she is good looking too and went to college . i like her . she is cool.
Gorgeous gal. Does she have a hot sister?
Oceans808, I believe she is the only child. However, if you come to Makati I will be happy to show you where to meet high caliber females.
I would love to come to the Philippines someday. I would have to go alone and have no friends there. You would have no problem showing anyone around if they come to Makati?
Lee King, I always enjoy meeting people for lunch or coffee/juice and share some dating tips.
If you want some more in-depth help, we can set up a consultation via Skype. Just send me a private message.
Nice vid
I totally disagree on this question that if older guys(65 -70) dating young girls as young as 20-24 years old can ever be could be a few exceptions but not all guys relationships could be successful...I dont think filipinas are in love with older foreigner guys its just they are crazy over white skin and blue eyes and with dollars in their pockets ....exceptions yes could be there ...but 90% the relationships are just for sex and money ...he is satisfying himself and the girl needs money for herself and her family...I have an Italian friend of mine stil living in phil who is settled with a filipina woman who is a single mom but her age around 32 and the guys age around 64 ...though his life is running ok without marrying that lady.....but its not goes with every body...secondly a man and a woman should have a healthy bedroom life ( hope u know what i mean)...u think an older guy could really satisfy a woman of 22 years to impossible ...thats why only 2-3 years age gap is sufficient not more than that
I would like to talk to you. You seem like you have a big heart and that you are a very great person.
Peter Gapsis, who you wish to talk with?
Does she have a twin sister that would like to live in Hawaii? :o)
Haha, thanks.
Wish that girl add me lol
your cute.
How do you meet a lovely woman such a camille
You should consider trying:
1) Dating sites
2) Malling (walking around in the mall and meeting people)
3) Go to fashion shows and mingle
Walk outside in Makati
Scott, you are 100% correct. You will see at least 2 girls per day that are marriage material - just walking around inside or outside the malls. It is sooo different from living in USA.
Robert Jones Want to meet a medium quality woman? Go to any bank in Makati.
Also if you learn Tagalog, or whatever language of the country you're in, you have built in reason to approach girls. "Excuse me miss, how do you say "banana" or "cucumber" or "python" in Tagalog. Ohhh thank you.
The age thing is so crazy. I met a very young filipina girl, less than a week after her 19th birthday. I am almost three times that age. She was a lovely tiny thing. She put the full court press on and I guess I was a little slow to respond sometimes. It was pretty funny that she said the EXACT opposite of what a Western girl would: "you don't like me because you think I am too young! I promise I am fully grown up!!!" Can you image a college sophomore telling you that? It's an absolutely crazy mix of utter stunning beauty, huge family values and amazing sweetness, but bottomless stupidity and abject poverty
Patrick Warfel, exactly - the tables are turned in the Philippines.
In the US a handsome young guy is desired, in the Philippines, it is a drawback. They think young handsome guys are not good for a long-term relationship!
Enjoy the relationship, but do not call the girl stupid. The girl is just following her survival instinct. You would do the same.
Bottomless stupidity? What a bottomlessly stupid thing to say.
.good Morning From Saudi ..
I'm 46 years old guess not young not old tho hehe , I'm seeking Good guys don't know where find him ,.Will Happy Your Vedio its inspire me thanks God Bless