Why I Choose To Watch Old DVD Boxsets Over Modern TV


ความคิดเห็น • 37

  • @aquaevitae
    @aquaevitae ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have never had pay TV channels, and I have never subscribed to any streaming service either. I watch what comes on TV, although nowadays I watch very little TV because there is so rarely anything worth watching. I am also a big fan of old movies and TV series. I have a large DVD/ Blu-Ray collection of old movies and TV series. I think that movies and TV series used to be much better in old days. But on the other hand, people also have a tendency get tangled to the entertainment of their youth, but I guess there is nothing bad or wrong in that either. It would be nice to hear the opinions of today's youth on this matter.

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You make a very good point. Maybe I could get a younger viewer to come on for a chat and we can discuss their thoughts on current entertainment 👍
      Thanks for commenting and putting forward the idea. I will look into it.

  • @snickel2584
    @snickel2584 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    51 years old, only new tv program in current production I watch is new Fraser show

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว

      Is that any good? I used to love Fraser but haven't yet watched the new one?

  • @jonathanhodapp8735
    @jonathanhodapp8735 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I watch older stuff too and on vhs if I have it

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I too return to vhs when there isn't another option. So many great things have been lost to time.

  • @TripleGcomics
    @TripleGcomics ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Recently tried watching buffy season 1 with my kids, fair to say it’s not aged well. Gets better in later seasons though. I watch a mix of old stuff and new, despite what some may say, there are quality programs being released if you look for them. Cool vid

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      100% agree. I've found some great TV shows in recent years!
      The only downside, is how the Streaming Business Mindset treats shows compared to older network TV...
      Alot of these great streaming shows never continue after 1 of 2 seasons! So for me to invest I need to know I atleast get that from them.
      I feel like Network TV was given more of a chance to grow and improve with many seasons greenlit from the off

    • @TripleGcomics
      @TripleGcomics ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@HydraCollectables I don’t know if it’s still a thing in the states but there was certainly a “syndication” goal where if shows hit a certain number of series they could be sold and basically play forever making money, such as friends, buffy etc that pushed the studios to keep making stuff even if it was t making mega ratings. Not sure if that’s still a thing

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TripleGcomics Sounds like an idea for another video 😉 Let the research begin 🙌

    • @Deadman1957TEB
      @Deadman1957TEB ปีที่แล้ว

      Think it used to be 100 episodes to go into syndication, but can't imagine that being the case now? @@HydraCollectables

  • @Louispierce
    @Louispierce ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I totally get where you're coming from with your love for older TV series and movies! Nostalgia has a powerful way of connecting us to the past, and it's amazing how those classic shows and films can transport us back in time. Your passion for retro action figures and physical media really emphasizes your appreciation for the "good ol' days".
    However, it's essential to consider that clinging solely to the past may have its drawbacks. While older content holds a special place in our hearts, it's important to recognize the innovation and creativity in today's entertainment landscape. There's a vast array of fresh and diverse stories being told that can resonate just as deeply.
    Moreover, the nostalgia filter might unintentionally lead to overlooking some fantastic modern content. With the explosion of TV channels, production houses, and streaming services, the sheer volume of options can be overwhelming. It might take a bit more time and effort to sift through the plethora of choices, but there are undoubtedly hidden gems waiting to be discovered.
    Embracing both the classics and the contemporary can offer a well-rounded viewing experience. It allows us to appreciate the evolution of storytelling and witness the continuous growth of the entertainment industry. So, while indulging in nostalgia is a beautiful thing, let's not miss out on the exciting narratives and groundbreaking productions that define our present era.

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว

      I 100% understand and agree with what you are saying here.
      As mentioned in the video. I do indeed watch and enjoy new stuff also.
      My only issue with current shows, particularly those made for streaming is that they often get cancelled after one or two seasons. Therefore I prefer to begin a show after it has found its legs.
      I also realise that if everyone done this, shows would get axed pretty quickly as viewership is important but alas it is just where I am at right now.
      Thank you so much for watching and taking the time to comment. This is why I make these videos. I love the discussions we can all have 🙏

  • @Mr.Goodkat
    @Mr.Goodkat ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The original Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, Hitchcock Presents, Columbo, The Ray Bradbury Theatre, Tales of the Unexpected, The A-Team, Dragon Ball, Digimon and Death Note are some I like.

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh man! I remember alot of these myself. Definitely ones I need to go back and rewatch 👍

  • @Deadman1957TEB
    @Deadman1957TEB ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I started to make a comment and found myself listing all the old programmes I loved as a kid and young adult, there were just too many, and I'm old enough to remember just two channels! I do have a lot of box sets with the stuff I liked then and also what I like now. Even though there is a 1000% more than there used to be it does seem to be very samey, they have an "original" idea for a programme, like the repair shop (a lovely programme, I get very emotional most episodes, something to do with my age) 6 months later you can't move for repair or recycling programmes of one kind or another. They did the same with food competitions, I mean Christ, how many versions of Masterchef are there? I remember that programme in the early 90's on a Sunday afternoon with Loyd Grossman, just a gentle competition. They are doing the same with quiz programmes either revamping old shows, or umpteen versions of the Chase! I know TV has been going for nearly a hundred years now, but the mid 50's is when it really started as far as different genres of programmes were concerned, you had your Westerns, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Comedy, Situation Comedy, Police Dramas, Soap Operas, Kitchen Sink Dramas, News etc. Most of the programme styles I've listed are still on, in different forms but basically the same. But I find a lot of the programmes made today are made for a "niche" audience that actually doesn't exist, so we have to comb through a hell of a lot of the dross to actually find something we like. Back in '92 Bruce Springsteen wrote 57 channels and nothing on, he should rewrite that now to 5700 channels and nothing on, lol!

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Haha, love that final comment on Springsteen 😅
      Your absolutely right. So much of what we see now is reworks of old formulas. It's crazy!
      It's actually pretty sad that so little is actually new...

  • @fuzzydunlop_1
    @fuzzydunlop_1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Im the same, i rarely watch things as they drop. Ive always been a binger. Ive always rewatched TV Series that i liked multipletimes, some I have watched 5 or 6 times easily.
    The Wire, West Wing, Sopranos , 6 Feet Under, Oz, Gomorrah, True Blood ,24, Homeland, Treme, Generation Kill, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Newsroom, i could go on forever.
    Channels like HBO and Showtime really gave us some of the best episodic and serialised Television of all time. The past 20yrs have been flawless.

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      So great to hear I'm not alone.
      I often feel left behind when we discuss such things on the live streams, as I have rarely watched the latest shows that the others are excited for. However I do take note of what is said and check them out when I have time.

    • @fuzzydunlop_1
      @fuzzydunlop_1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @HydraCollectables I honestly think we're more the norm these days. I can go one further, I've never used Netflix once in my life. So Stranger Things - never seen a second of it. Amazon Prime we have just like everyone pretty much nowadays and Disney+ I've only really got because it came free with my mobile contract for 6 months but didn't charge me for over 3 years 😃 I watch a LOT of TV. More than movies but actually very little "geeky TV". I'm a much more drama/crime/ thriller/HBO-type fan and that doesn't age. It stands the test of time much better imo.

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว

      I do love a good crime drama 👍 Which is your favourite overall? The Wire?

    • @fuzzydunlop_1
      @fuzzydunlop_1 ปีที่แล้ว

      @HydraCollectables The Wire and The Sopranos are my favourites,The Wire is still the show I measure everything against tho. I went thru a big phase of buying foreign shows, The Bridge, The Killing, The Bureau, Spiral. Some people can't handle subtitled series but after the first episode it never bothered me. In fact I often enjoyed them more because you have to concentrate all the time.
      I'm actually re watching Deadwood just now, if you haven't seen that it's tremendous. Ian McShane and Timothy Olyphant in wild West gold rush. We'll worth a watch 👍

  • @sammcbride2149
    @sammcbride2149 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My favorite decade for TV comedy is the 1960's and my favorite decade for movie comedy is the 1930's and my favorite music is hundreds of years old so I have no problem with "older" stuff. Not everything new is better.

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว

      Well said. And Great to hear 👍

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@NielDickinson I love my Laurel and Hardy dvd boxset. Would love to upgrade it to bluray if given a chance 👍

  • @jayd5360
    @jayd5360 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Most of shat I watch is older stuff. Very little today is of quality

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว

      There are afew gems out there but for the most part I agree 👍

  • @nickthompson4978
    @nickthompson4978 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I was born in 1979.rasied in the 80’s so tv was better I watched shows like the suite life of Zack and Cody the suite life on deck and I’d even watch concert specials like weird Al theirs no going home and jonnylang live in concert from Walt Disney world on disneychannel or KEAEN and kel and Drake and Josh on nickoldeon And the rugrats and Doug cartoons so I really like old tv shows from back than that we’re way funnier and even Halrious like achie bickers place and all in the famliy the new shows and movies that get. Showed on tv nowadays aren’t funny at all😊

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah, so many great shows are being lost. Most won't ever make it to streaming and Blu-Ray.

  • @bothbarrelsbell
    @bothbarrelsbell ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Heros, true blood for more recent.... But then land of the giants, planet of the apes, original star trek, 60's batman..
    All sublime.

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว

      Can't believe I missed True Blood off the list! Yes another Great show I have gone back to watch!

  • @brazil-y2y
    @brazil-y2y ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I don't watch today's TV, quit paying a TV licence seven years ago? It's all crap these days. Like you I watch DVDs Buffy, the X-Files, Babylon 5, Space above and beyond… To name a few timeless classics when TV was more about entertainment than "the message".

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Exactly! So glad to hear I am not alone in all this! Thank you for taking the time to watch and comment 🙏

  • @MaadXXX
    @MaadXXX ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I recently discovered Miami Vice and am blown away at a beautifully shot smartly written cop drama from the 1980s.

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Such a Great Show!
      Yes I 100% agree.
      Alot of these older shows were filmed on location and look fantastic 👏

    • @MaadXXX
      @MaadXXX ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@HydraCollectables That's a great point, it becomes a wonderful time capsule of real life 80s Miami. And they put so much effort into the cinematography, combined with the great rock music soundtrack, it makes some episodes come off like an extended music video.

    • @HydraCollectables
      @HydraCollectables  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MaadXXX Movies and TV shows are without doubt the perfect time capsules for us to look back on 👍