+Garrus Vakarian "Look I just need my men to go out there and die in an expedient manner to hold that requisition point." "Yes sir, but protocol 3-01 dictates that I must use this holy oil and lube myself up before blessing this Leman Russ' exhaust port-" "You know what? Fuck it. Put our entire tank regiment on horseback and send them into the Orks. I'm done."
A Better Tomorrow "Um, Sir?" "What! Can't you see I'm trying to evacuat our troops so that we can just exterminautus the Orks, after the cavalry we sent out fails!" "That's just the thing sir, the cavalry didn't fail sir." "... Wait, What?" "I can't believe it eather sir, but apparently those horse riders we sent out were able to come up with a number of tactics which wilted down the Orks numbers and now the only green skins left are eather on the defensive or are running around getting their asses kicked."
The Omnissiah is displeased with your lack of faith. I hereby command the machine spirit of your personal cogitator to publicly display all lewd materials to any social media networks. All praise to the Omnissiah, God of all Machines!!!
And so thay they can slay in the most honourable way the Imperium’s indoctrinated into the culture of its subjects : Slaying Xenos and heretics with blades
+Arch Warhammer Awww. Honestly when you said that there was true shock cavalry, I thought you were talking about bloodcrushers and not the furry marines and their overgrown Chihuahuas. I guess they just have too copius amounts of badass for anybody to question why they're in 40k.
Fun fact: Putting soldiers on motorcycles for the very reasons given was such an 'actually not shit' idea, the US military actually did it! You can still find antique Harley Davidson motorcycles with military markings and paint to this day.
Erm....the u.s. military still uses motorcycles for scouting and for socom to this day though they are more dirt bike looking now and often electronic (quieter)
I've got to topics that would be great if you could do videos on: 1. Civil life in the empire of mankind. 2. Why is there no technological or scientific progress or even loss of technology in the empire?
Arch! I was reading Horus Heresy "A Thousand Sons" when one of Magnus's close advisers has a flashback on a discusion he had with the legion's Primarch regarding the wolves on Fenris. After a roundabout conversation where Magnus won't give him any concrete answers on the subject, Magnus finally mentions that in his forays into the Warp, "where the veil of time is lifted," he has seen in the Dark Age of Technology the scientist and engineers "manufacture genes" like the Imperium would make guns or armor. After his advisor asks him what his point is , Magnus simply tells him "there are no wolves on Fenris." It is actually a very cool lore piece, if you chance upon it while digging through the mountain of lore that makes up the Warhammer 30k-40k universe. While this does not answer the question as to how the Thunderwolves became so big, it "could"-and this is one massive could- be that a variety of gene sequences were included in the "wolves" genetic make-up during their design process that causes gigantism when a possible threat (such as a massive space marine with glorious Fenrisian facial hair) is within the "wolves" territory for a long enough period of time. I am aware this is the worst type of speculation, but I think it is worth mentioning. And that was a great video Arch. I can not wait for the "Why is there ______ in 40K" Series.
The same reason there is melee in 40k, to add variety so that people dont get bored playing the tabletop with just range units and if they dont get bored that means no end times which is a win-win for everyone :)
Mounted soldiers are pretty useful. In Afghanistan in 2001-2 the northern alliance used mountain horses backed up by US special forces and air strikes which was a very mobile and devastating combination against the Taliban. They had a very light logistics footprint and could go pretty much anywhere.
We'd have done better with prop planes as suggested by privateers rather than new age aircraft there in many cases as well. People using public funds don't much care about the costs of what they do though.
+nordicberserk Eh... because it makes the models look the same and boring? And many of them are. It's just the few that aren't are blown out of proportions by people who just can't be happy if they don't find a flaw in their favorite hobby.
***** Imperial space craft: Huge cathedral like penises. Empire Space craft: Huge dildo shaped ships. It's Sci-Fi after all, logic and reason doesn't really apply to both of these universes.
I always figured it was mostly a supply thing. Horses and other animals by and large breed themselves. Easily replaced on the long voyages between war zones. Mean while vehicles take resources and skilled labor to build and maintain. So for long campaigns away from easy supply lines I always figured Rough riders were a good choice.
Q: Why is there not more mention of aircraft if fighting over a planet (like in our wars aircraft owns battlefields but only spacecraft is mentioned a lot in 40k)
+stephen stewart Actually there is a massive use of aircraft by nearly all factions. Its also quite important. Its just that they take a hugh role in the fluff (like Titans) while as table top element (or in Videogames) they are not really important. A cool air battle can be seen in the Space Marine Videogame.
"Thunderwolves are stupid because it isn't biologically possible." "Drop pods are great and totally viable, but only for Space Marines which can come out fresh from landing battle-ready while normal humans would be turned into paste." *Makes Sense*
That's pretty simple though. Astartes can take A LOT more strain than a regular human. So the G-force dampeners needed to keep them alive during a drop assault don't need to be as powerful, meaning the can be smaller, meaning there is more space for other systems in the drop-pods or enabeling the drop-pod to be smallers.
+dIRECT0R Um have you read about the capabilities of plasma cannons? Think 100 meter diameter sun conveniently placed wherever you aim. They make tactical nukes worthless because as soon as they're done you don't have to deal with radiation issues.
+dIRECT0R Okay let's for the moment say you're the head of an Imperial Crusade and you have access to the imperial arsenal. If you're taking a world in order to populate it you'll avoid nukes because you don't want to irradiate your citizenry. Chances are you'll also seek to keep the planet's animal and plantlife there as well so you further limit yourself. However if you have no interest in taking the planet or it is overrun then you can just use virus bombs which kill everything and when the virus burns itself out you can just light the gas it puts off with your fleet's bombardment and no more heretics. Either way, nukes aren't helpful.
With this, I have now watched every single one of Arch's lore videos. I feel incomplete now, as if something was now missing in my daily life. In short: BIG BOZZ! MAKE DEM SHOOTA BOYZ MOAR VIDZ! WAAAGH!
+Rudevald The wolves home planet is populated entirely by barbarian tribes... Because that's what Russ wanted. All of their recruits come from these tribes, who are by their nature very spiritual and superstitious. Their nature tends to bleed over. And as to Archs point about why would the space wolves put so much effort into bio-engineering wolves capable of carrying a space marine for extended periods and fighting... Well I imagine the wolves thought it would be awesome. Which it is, hang the sense of it.
*cough*Psychic-Bloodangle-flying-dreadnought*cough* Seriously, My buddy is a fan of spacemarines and even he did a double take at some of the blood angle units. Curse you matt ward...
Why not jump pack dreadnoughts when we´re at it? the shit-your-pants-death-is-coming scenario that would kill nobs by heart attack and give nightmares of raining dreadnoughts for weeks to any warboss
Psychoangel Well they are a logistical nightmare in the first place. the body (or soul or whatever the fuck is left inside of the venerated ones) that has to be kept together. And the ridiculous amount of other shit required to keep them operational. And you want to add a highly explosive massive fuel tank and jet engines to the mix? *Though yeah that would be terrifying as shit.*
SpectreDragon "Oh a few scouts. i can handle that. Wait whats that noi- HOLY SHIT WHAT THE F-!" - Last words of a chaos space marine, that this bloody pulp was just a second ago
Will you do a video about warhammer fan theories? Like victories of Kaldor Draigo are dreams, Emperor of Man kind knew that some Primarchs will betray him (one word: Angron), or Tau being descendant of Necrontyr colony etc.
There is cavalary in use to this day, actually, forpolicing forces. Iknow of a city that actually uses bulls in it’s police forces due to the harsh terrains being unpassable by wheeled vehicles and hard for horses to cross
lots of people think that the cavalry charge died out after world war 1 but that's not true (January 16, 1942): US 26th Cavalry Regiment made mounted pistol charges against Japanese positions, the last mounted charge in battle by conventional United States troops. (August 24, 1942): the last cavalry charge of Italian history against a regular enemy formation. It was mounted against a Soviet artillery position along the River Don by 700 men of the Italian 3rd 'Savoia' Cavalry Regiment. This is often reported as "the last successful cavalry charge in history". and here is a picture of us special forces riding horses with northern alliance allies in 2001 upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7b/US_soldiers_on_horseback_1991_Afghanistan.jpg
I'm pretty new to Warhammer but playing into the universe's ridiculousness I think I would be cool if cavalry got the space marine treatment. Genetically modify the horse and give it power armor, have the rider have power armor. Then you have knightly heavy cavalry, pretty cool to me.
Did my mandatory stunt in a barracks that has a horse detachment. It's mainly used for high mountain range supply transports. Every once in a while, a horse or two escaped onto the parkinglot. The concerns were aleviated with the statement "The horses don't like running into things and cars taste horrible."
I might argue that the sheer scope of the warhammer universe can allow for cavalry to be fielded in a main-line battle role, but not in the traditional "Knights charging in" sort of way and more along the lines of attacks ranging from the Eastern and Arabic fronts of the Great War to the auxiliary and guerrilla combatants you had mentioned in your video. I mean, seeing as how there could it could be possible, even probable, that there are planets dedicated to growing beasts of burden for the Imperium of Man and the massive Imperial Guard, we could even argue that the lives of horses could be spent just as easily as the lives of humans. Also surprised you never mentioned Ork bikerz and Boar Riderz, essentially the same thing and another good example of 'mass frontline cavalry', or the Krootox used by the Tau's chicken pals, the Kroot.
I don't have a problem with calvary being used, especially since A) The Adeptus Mechanicus makes it extremely annoying to get out machines without months of blessings B) Mounts don't need to be blessed, unlike Bikes which may need blessings C) On certain worlds, mounts can live off of the lands thus allowing greater usage without the dependence on a battery or fuel D) Many of the Mounts that exist in WH40k are super horses or better alternatives. Krieg Horses, that are more monster than horse, velociraptors that can attack with their own weapons, or even felines with wings that allows the user to fly Those are the benefits. The issue I have is that they make use of melee only... anyone forget that much of our history has had ranged weapons, both bows AND guns, used on mounts? I would think that a Lasgun Carbine would be a good weapon, hell maybe even a Meltagun, since any sense of recoil that could impact the mount is.... absent. Hell, you know what horses can be used for? Moving artillery and heavy weapons. It seems that many are stationary unless you have specific vehicles like the Centaur or so forth... and Heavy Weapon Squads and Mortar teams are rather slow. Why not have a Leman Russ Battle Cannon or a Mortar tied to a horse to give it mobility? Hell, the ability to use twin-linked Lascannons and so forth doesn't seem to be a problem if you just add a horse or two to it. Just put some wheels on the artillery/weapon piece and either have the men or another mount carrying the supplies of ammunition if necessary.
In real history cavalry was massively employed by USSR in WWII. Red Army had 7 cavalry cores. They were used both as replacement for mechanized infantry and for pursuit disorganized enemy. In second case they usually fought on a horse back.
Here's a good question, why are the Eldar such smarmy, self sure, hard to work with bastards? I mean.. how many bad things could the Eldar of stopped if they just.. WARNED everyone else?
I always thought of them as rich, highly educated assholes. They will deal with things that directly affect them such as Necrons, but other than that they don't give a fuck about the rest of the world. Also they are like THE oldest civilisation out there (besides the Orc, but they aren't civilised). Talking with other races would be like trying to discuss quantum physics with a newly discovered amazon tribe, that has never meet someone like you before. *Tiring as hell. ANd they are going to do whatever the hell they want anyway.* There is also the fact that, unless they REALLY need their help, Imperial units are just as likely to try to murder them as listen to them. THEY ARE Heretic Xenos filth to them after all. :)
Well, to add in, the Eldar have another particular problem involved with them. As some of the Silver Skulls Stories point out, the Imperium, even Space Marines who should "know better" (Due to Deathwatch Education being passed through the chapter by battle-brothers returning from the Long Vigil, that's one of the points of the Deathwatch after all) don't actually know that there is a difference between Dark Eldar and "Light" Eldar so to speak. Consider both of them use the webway, both of them use hit and run raids, and both of them "look the same" in the vague sense of these agile barely armored punks with lots of hover vehicles, etc... the fact that one of them is sadistic bastards giving All Space Elves a bad name does mean it's hard to strike up a treaty to work together. By comparison I mean it'd be like you walking up to someone and say "Okay I know someone that looks just like me and spoke my language and used similar gear from your primitive monkeigh point of view just came in, murderfucked your wife, kidnapped your children for a fate you don't want to imagine, and took your testicles as a trophy... but I'm TOTALLLY not that person who looks exactly like me so you should trust me when I say we should work together..." And that's kind of the uphill battle you have to go against. Granted SOMETIMES in lore it does work out that way. For example Ravenor, the filthy heretical radical Inquisitor was totally doing the bidding of an Eldar Farseer at one point (As seen in the last of the Eisenhorn Omnibus). But also keep in mind that most Humans in a position of power don't trust "Witchcraft" anyway. Even among Inquisitors Mono-Dominants are a significant fashion. Inquisitors that reject everything but pure human grit and determination (In fact Eisenhorn's Inquisitor who trained him was one). So coming to them with a tale of "Our Witch totally saw a vision in the warp saying if you don't kill that guy over there eventually his family tree will spawn a line that will cause this entire world to get swallowed up in the warp". And that is how the Eldar operate after all. They don't have the sheer numbers to be everywhere they need to be while things are happening. They have to do preemptive problem solving. Adding another layer of difficulty.
Plus they'd rather not interact with others, mainly because that may lead to death, and as almost everyone knows, they're a dying species. The majority of them were consumed by Slaanash and are still to the day being hunted by Slaanash. That and the inability to reproduce has led to a stagnant and dying species.
tradition of showing bravery against the emprors foes they usualy hurridly put them on before battle and to Identify important people on the table top space wolves cause ultra noses
According to the Lore, Leman Russ was practically raised by thunderwolves until a hunting party had killed his "Mother" if I recall correctly. Which places Thunderwolves on Fenris before the Space Wolves.
I just want to say thank you arch. Ever since your bit on abhumans in the imperial guard summery. I have built two squads of centaur rough riders. Thank you for the inspiration and thank you for providing long enjoyable rants
+mikael lagdameo the nids also destroyed some ratling worlds if I am correct but regardless the concept of abhumans were basically put in the background
It has been almost 40,000 years, horses would have evolved into a different species by then, in fact there would be many species across the galaxy that would be descended from the horse, some of them may be unrecognizable. Hell, the same would happen to humans, like the Squats and Ogryns.
As one of the few that makes and fields Imperial Guard Rough Riders, I thank you for the video. It's worth noting that a couple of editions again, IG Rough Riders were much better. This was because they were not forced to take the lance and had a much wider array of weapons and gear they could be equipped with (same as all the other IG units).
the main point for me is yes I see the uses of horses, but why give the guys on top a melee weapon? a simple lasgun would make them more effective against low-tech forces, just as effective as regular guadsmen only with all the benefits of the mobility and low fuel cost of the horse. I get that melee has a place in the 40K universe but not for guardsmen, on horseback or not.
I get why someone would genetically engineer a big ass wolf... but then ride them? That seems like a waste. You have a Wolf capable of carrying a Spacemarine.... why not set them lose among the enemy instead of locking them down because the Spacemarine is to lazy to walk?
What about Chaos or xenos cavalry? I understand you focused on the human use of cavalry here but I would love to hear a little more about Tau Krootox or Blood Crushers and Daemonettes on Steeds of Slaanesh!!
Hey Arch, have you seen the new state trooper design? Look at the new facebook video on the total war facebook - for some reason the instagram one, while higher quality, doesn't show them.
A good example is looking at Afghanistan. There are places in the mountains where your only choices to get there are hoof, foot, or air b/c of the terrain.
Yea the Tau are actually bit friendly and even sent message to human to treat any Tau garrisons nicely or just dont bother them at all..well that doesnt work perfectly.
Tau: Space communists. They are completly convinced, that not only is their way the only correct way, but that it NEEDS to be achieved for everyone. Imperium: Hates Xenos and Heretics, and not for no reasons. Orks: War is their diplomacy. Necrons: they want to kill everyone, so... Tyranids: They are animals: Eat or get eaten. Dark Eldar: Life upon other peoples pain. And Chaos: It wants war. Of course, there is diplomacy, but it doesnt get covered, because its not that interesting. Tau and Imperium have ceasefires and cooperation against orks and tyranids, but both, especially the imperium, will stop that in the moment they smell weakness. The Eldar also engage in diplomacy, but since they only do so, if it helps, the higher ups rightly dont trust them. Also, humans dont really know the difference between Eldar and Dark Eldar and if someone gets to you and wants to cooperate, and someone looking like that guy but with more spikes murdered and raped everyone you know, well, you wouldnt trust them either. So in short: One half activly wants war/needs war and the other half cant allow itself diplomacy. But if possible, Inquisitors and the like do attempt diplomacy.
In some battlefields with large plains having calvery units would be a advantage as the regiment would presumably be harder to detect by sensors that normally dectect energy sources IE tanks or APCs also a man and horse regiment can more easily scatter than a armoured platoon because in theory pretty much every soilder can ride off in a different direction.
My question is why are the IG rough rider on tabletop so SHITE! Initiative, strength and toughness 3, 5+ save, -1- attack base "melee" unit... that can't charge after outflanking due to rules, so can come in on the amazing turn 2 then get shot and die.
Frank G He did apparently have a hand in writing the current between-6-and-7th IG codex. Also, their removal of so may special characters makes me sad.
I have cavalry conversions in my Dark Eldar army - because they are sitting on such a high horse anyway. :p Also, honorable mentions: Eldar Dragon Knights Exodite Eldar, who don't rely as much on technology as other Eldar and tend to live on plantes covered in jungle, consider these their elite troops. However, their main role is not so much to fight enemy forces, but to hunt wild animals that endanger the local Eldar population. Dark Eldar Reavers and Hellions These are not so much formal troops, but essencially biker gangs. They are usually hired as mercenaries by the Kabals, or sometimes just tag along on a raid out of mutual interest. While Reavers are shock cavalry, using their jetbikes pretty much to just run enemies over, Hellions fullfill a role more akin to shock-paratroopers. Adeptus Mechanicus Dragoons Due to the AdMech's messed up religious values, they couldn't have their soldiers riding on walkers, oh no. Instead, they are riding mindless cyborg slaves that are wired to these... sacred machines.
Really cool video, love the way you explain all the different aspects of cavalry. I think you have been a Prussian general or something like that in a previous life.
Hey Arch, have you considered playing the Sundering: Rise of the Witch King Mod for Medieval II? The campaigns focus on the elven civil war, but there are Skaven, at least for multiplayer, and also flying units and models that look really good.
Something I am curious about is why we see/read about machines like servitors writing things on parchment. Surely they could save it to a memory file to be uploaded to the nearest terminal rather than a long scroll.
Chaos cavalry - any info, thoughts, opinions? Cause they do have a potential for some really weird but also deadly options in that regard, it would seem, but I have never seen it mentioned anywhere...
A good RW precedent for mounted troops in Sci Fi settings are the US Special Forces teams who sometimes ride horses for mobility in places like Afganistan.
Don't forget use as snipers, mine droppers, and other things for behind enemy lines. Mobility and hiding as you said, but plenty of front lines harassment, such as hiding behind enemy lines over rough terrain can mark targets or such that mechanicals can't reach as easy.
I think the Space Wolves Wolf Mounts actually used to be space marines that succumbed to the Wulfen. Don't know if that makes sense within the canon, but I got that impression from one of the Horus Heresy books that kept saying "There are no Wolves on Fenris".
So many questions to ask. Such as why are there torches and candles in 40k, and why is there paper and books in 40k when they got dataslates? Why are there robes in 40k?
The primary purpose of cavalry in 40k is scouting, after that screen, guard, cover missions in offensive and defensive operations. The garrison mission is a secondary reason. Totally agree with your thunderwolf cav comments.
you can hit the tau and elder with cav you just got to know where they drop off the supplies or the warp gate is at and hit them as they come out for the elder or for the tau hit them as they unload the supplies.
Hey. Love your channel. Anyways, the main reason for the space wolves to enhance and use wolves as mounts isn't so much a tactical choice as it is a part of the culture. The Space Wolves are modeled after Vikings or Norseman and as such they venerate the wolf (The term fenrisian comes from the wolf god fenris in Nordic lore). They are only considered men after they have hunted and come back alive from the tundra with one of these wolves thrown over one shoulder. So it goes without saying that they respect them as both vicious man-slayers, and a spiritual figurehead among their culture. Also, the purpose of fielding a genetically enhanced cyborg wolf isn't the same as a horse being mainly a mode of transportation and to carry supplies. Wolves are companions and fellow warriors in their culture and they use them for their canine senses while tracking an enemy as well as released to finish off men fleeing on foot or to spread fear or to break a battle line. They aren't so much mounts as they are holy manifestations of their culture and shock troops as well as being capable of sniffing out traps and such. Just thought you might be interested in understanding why a space marine chapter would ever care about a living breathing creature versus a motorcycle or other equipment that can't replace a dog in battle.
What about boar boys and the slightly wacky cy-boars? You've left them out, although listening to other video's I think you like them. The progression being boar, cyboar, bike and then truck or seeing if you can get a bike to fly and making a dethcopter as orks get more tech savy. Will we get another video on them and demon cavalerie? Concerning demons couldn't one argue that since they savor fear that striking fast is a bit odd and suggests army balance that should- in theory be beyond them?
Very good Vid Arch, as always :) There's one thing about bikes that I believe should be mentioned though - you can, with some training, use it even more effective than a horse. Why? Well you can balance the bike with your body, even on a low speed. Moreover you'll still be on the move and as you may know - cav is as good as dead when they are stopped. Granted you can train horse to be of much more benefit to you on the other hand though bike is rather immune to all psychological effects if you will :) Cheers
Dear Arch, love the videos. Is there any lore defining what mankind used in the dark age of technology before the construction of the astronomicom to guide warp travel?
Eldar have the Shining Spears, which has the nice little charge bonuses with their laser lances, Also, the Eldar Exodite Dragon Lords have been statted in multiple versions.
22:40 there are several different breeds of wolf on Fenris. your standard fenrisian wolf (if such a word can be used to describe one) is probably a bit bigger than a dire wolf. Blackmane wolves meanwhile can be as tall and large as a medieval warhorse. Thunderwolves meanwhile as even larger and I can only assume must be the size of a damn triceratops to carry a fully armored space marine.
You know, for a "Why is there..." question. How about Jump Packs? They seem to fly fairly slowly from what I've seen in games/videos. Rarely (If ever) used to traverse elevation (Cliffs, Buildings, etc) that I've seen in stories. In terms of the "Rapid Assault" role they seem to be slower than say, a Rhino transporting a squad, as well as far more fragile and easier to hit (Slow units in the air rather than heavily armored vehicle that could use terrain as cover).
I know why the Imperium has calvary. It's so the Adeptus Mechanicus doesn't spend 5 hours blessing a horse.
+Garrus Vakarian "Look I just need my men to go out there and die in an expedient manner to hold that requisition point."
"Yes sir, but protocol 3-01 dictates that I must use this holy oil and lube myself up before blessing this Leman Russ' exhaust port-"
"You know what? Fuck it. Put our entire tank regiment on horseback and send them into the Orks. I'm done."
A Better Tomorrow "Um, Sir?"
"What! Can't you see I'm trying to evacuat our troops so that we can just exterminautus the Orks, after the cavalry we sent out fails!"
"That's just the thing sir, the cavalry didn't fail sir."
"... Wait, What?"
"I can't believe it eather sir, but apparently those horse riders we sent out were able to come up with a number of tactics which wilted down the Orks numbers and now the only green skins left are eather on the defensive or are running around getting their asses kicked."
either, not eather
The Omnissiah is displeased with your lack of faith. I hereby command the machine spirit of your personal cogitator to publicly display all lewd materials to any social media networks. All praise to the Omnissiah, God of all Machines!!!
@@Colonel_Overkill sex is hersey! Blam!
A horse that can "live off the land"of a Deathworld is by all means a Demon.
you obviously never seen a krieg mount
Matthew Burger those bastards must have half the toughness of a juggernaut and three times The foraging capability of a goat
Where do you think they got the material to modify the krieg horses with. On the bright side the horses can now EAT the enemy bootstraps and all.
bruh i like your picture
To get closer with their swords, obviously.
I thought tanks covered that XD
Plus, horsies don't have all those irrelevant gun thingies attached to them.
And so thay they can slay in the most honourable way the Imperium’s indoctrinated into the culture of its subjects : Slaying Xenos and heretics with blades
"Not biologically possible"
**giant wolf has metal bones**
I just imagined a space marine riding a bicycle I can't stop laughing help
Ma I need to go to school now! Bye! * tryes to jump on bike but falls over*
Well they do have motorbikes
Look up Boreale encounters a wizard...
+emirhan ekşioğlu
thanks for that. i really needed a new meme.
Hive Mind he’s talking pedaling bikes
No mention of Bloodcrushers?
*Tear rolls down eye*
*Tear goes back into eye because must be manly for Khorne.*
Khorne:YOU CRIEING WEAKLING!!!!!!!!???!!?!!???!!!!!!????!???!!!!!!
+James Adams N-No! All good here!
*Nervously countinues slaughter*
+Vanilla Physics Demons don't count!
*gives a long, awkward, judging stare but then continues hacking through a space marines neck with a chain axe.
+Arch Warhammer Awww. Honestly when you said that there was true shock cavalry, I thought you were talking about bloodcrushers and not the furry marines and their overgrown Chihuahuas. I guess they just have too copius amounts of badass for anybody to question why they're in 40k.
Fun fact: Putting soldiers on motorcycles for the very reasons given was such an 'actually not shit' idea, the US military actually did it! You can still find antique Harley Davidson motorcycles with military markings and paint to this day.
as did the British and Germans pre-WW2
not just pre-ww2, german soldiers and italian and russian soliders used bikes in combat with magine guns mounted in side cars or on the handlebars
Erm....the u.s. military still uses motorcycles for scouting and for socom to this day though they are more dirt bike looking now and often electronic (quieter)
Ok that is the best spelling of cavalry I have ever seen
+Tom R i think its the french way so meh
+TheM3nt0ss i think i would been chevalier then not sure. but indeed cavalry comes from the french so its correct anyway^^
+Tom R its cuz hes a disgusting nonmerican
+TheM3nt0ss I see
+Tom R well in dutch cavalerie is good
I've got to topics that would be great if you could do videos on:
1. Civil life in the empire of mankind.
2. Why is there no technological or scientific progress or even loss of technology in the empire?
@ppmi2002 Yes.
Arch! I was reading Horus Heresy "A Thousand Sons" when one of Magnus's close advisers has a flashback on a discusion he had with the legion's Primarch regarding the wolves on Fenris. After a roundabout conversation where Magnus won't give him any concrete answers on the subject, Magnus finally mentions that in his forays into the Warp, "where the veil of time is lifted," he has seen in the Dark Age of Technology the scientist and engineers "manufacture genes" like the Imperium would make guns or armor. After his advisor asks him what his point is , Magnus simply tells him "there are no wolves on Fenris." It is actually a very cool lore piece, if you chance upon it while digging through the mountain of lore that makes up the Warhammer 30k-40k universe.
While this does not answer the question as to how the Thunderwolves became so big, it "could"-and this is one massive could- be that a variety of gene sequences were included in the "wolves" genetic make-up during their design process that causes gigantism when a possible threat (such as a massive space marine with glorious Fenrisian facial hair) is within the "wolves" territory for a long enough period of time. I am aware this is the worst type of speculation, but I think it is worth mentioning.
And that was a great video Arch. I can not wait for the "Why is there ______ in 40K" Series.
The same reason there is melee in 40k, to add variety so that people dont get bored playing the tabletop with just range units and if they dont get bored that means no end times which is a win-win for everyone :)
No end times you say?
@@Matihood1 oh y’all had no idea
With Battlefleet Gothic on the horizon, will you be covering anything about space combat in 40k?
+Sultan I asked him about the game and he said he is waiting for it (asking for preview copy) and wants to use it to make such videos.
Horse+tough mountain men+RPG/Stinger missile launcher.....this worked VERY well versus the Russian military in a modern war proof they have a place.
the 40k playlist is the best to fall a sleep to get the best dreams that voice helps to
Oh, silly Arch, it's not spelled cavalerie, it's spelled D-I-G-G-A-N-O-B-Z
+The Emperor of Mankind So this is going to become a thing now?
+The Emperor of Mankind Which one is the imposter and which one is real
+Castlerea 12 Both of us and neither of us
Castlerea 12 He is me and I am him and we are both glorious. End.
So you both got crippled by your son who you indirectly helped turn to chaos :^)
Mounted soldiers are pretty useful. In Afghanistan in 2001-2 the northern alliance used mountain horses backed up by US special forces and air strikes which was a very mobile and devastating combination against the Taliban. They had a very light logistics footprint and could go pretty much anywhere.
We'd have done better with prop planes as suggested by privateers rather than new age aircraft there in many cases as well. People using public funds don't much care about the costs of what they do though.
Generous to say "pretty useful". They seem very specific to a certain type of operation or terrain imo.
Why are the 40k imperial flyers not aerodynamic?
Seems like a good topic to me
I think it's because imperial flyers are all flying tanks, and their engines are powerful enough to compensate for the weight and drag.
+Madman1234855 Most of them don't even have aerofoil-shaped wings.
+nordicberserk Eh... because it makes the models look the same and boring?
And many of them are. It's just the few that aren't are blown out of proportions by people who just can't be happy if they don't find a flaw in their favorite hobby.
Rule of Cool.
***** Imperial space craft: Huge cathedral like penises. Empire Space craft: Huge dildo shaped ships. It's Sci-Fi after all, logic and reason doesn't really apply to both of these universes.
I always figured it was mostly a supply thing. Horses and other animals by and large breed themselves. Easily replaced on the long voyages between war zones. Mean while vehicles take resources and skilled labor to build and maintain. So for long campaigns away from easy supply lines I always figured Rough riders were a good choice.
Why Cavalry? Because it looks cool, it's a Fantasy Setting, not everything has to be logical.
+1stshockarmy no fun in an answer like that.
+1stshockarmy I thought the Warp kinda throws logic out of the window.
+1stshockarmy Yu little humies wit yur wittle theories, weh ere da Owks und we dunt doo non off dat stuff.
eh, WW2 had cavalry. Drones make them obsolete but we know how the imperium views those.
Except Cavalry is logical. Either from today or in the 40k universe. I do not see the final death of cavalry happening anytime soon.
Q: Why is there not more mention of aircraft if fighting over a planet (like in our wars aircraft owns battlefields but only spacecraft is mentioned a lot in 40k)
Because aircraft use too much fuel?
mm they use prometheum to a considerable degree for all kind of things
+stephen stewart
Aircraft is still huge in 40k. Lightnings, Valkyries, Barracudas, Thunderbolts, you name it.
Take a spaceship. Bring it into atmosphere. Your air force has arrived.
+stephen stewart Actually there is a massive use of aircraft by nearly all factions. Its also quite important. Its just that they take a hugh role in the fluff (like Titans) while as table top element (or in Videogames) they are not really important. A cool air battle can be seen in the Space Marine Videogame.
"Thunderwolves are stupid because it isn't biologically possible."
"Drop pods are great and totally viable, but only for Space Marines which can come out fresh from landing battle-ready while normal humans would be turned into paste."
*Makes Sense*
That's pretty simple though. Astartes can take A LOT more strain than a regular human. So the G-force dampeners needed to keep them alive during a drop assault don't need to be as powerful, meaning the can be smaller, meaning there is more space for other systems in the drop-pods or enabeling the drop-pod to be smallers.
Regiment > Battalion > Company > Platoon > Squad
For future references.
Arch, has anyone told you that you have an excellent command of the English language?
We do not talk about nuclear weapons in 40k.
+dIRECT0R Unless you are the Death Korps.
+Reichtangle Come on.. tactical nukes pretty much invalidate 90% of weaponry in 40k xD
+dIRECT0R Um have you read about the capabilities of plasma cannons? Think 100 meter diameter sun conveniently placed wherever you aim. They make tactical nukes worthless because as soon as they're done you don't have to deal with radiation issues.
+Laurence Martin Yes, we wouldn't want to irradiate heretics :)
+dIRECT0R Okay let's for the moment say you're the head of an Imperial Crusade and you have access to the imperial arsenal. If you're taking a world in order to populate it you'll avoid nukes because you don't want to irradiate your citizenry. Chances are you'll also seek to keep the planet's animal and plantlife there as well so you further limit yourself. However if you have no interest in taking the planet or it is overrun then you can just use virus bombs which kill everything and when the virus burns itself out you can just light the gas it puts off with your fleet's bombardment and no more heretics. Either way, nukes aren't helpful.
If Dawn of War was made by bethesda, you can expect armor for these horses.
And they would be the best all-terrain transportation available. Plus they would report crimes seen.
Only in DLC though.
They would be a paid mod.
Its sad that this is still relevant.
"Its like they turned a Space Marine into a wolf."
Me, after all this time: THERE ARE NO WOLVES IN FENRIS.
This is unrelated, but Call of Warhammer 1.6 is out. You, yes YOU can now play as great-strong Skaven!
With this, I have now watched every single one of Arch's lore videos. I feel incomplete now, as if something was now missing in my daily life. In short: BIG BOZZ! MAKE DEM SHOOTA BOYZ MOAR VIDZ! WAAAGH!
+Rudevald shh, we don't talk about Space Furries
+Rudevald we're talking about marines that shun teleporter technology, jump packs and psykers over mere superstitions.
There is no such thing as superstition in wh40k. Remember bro CHAOS
+Rudevald The wolves home planet is populated entirely by barbarian tribes... Because that's what Russ wanted. All of their recruits come from these tribes, who are by their nature very spiritual and superstitious. Their nature tends to bleed over.
And as to Archs point about why would the space wolves put so much effort into bio-engineering wolves capable of carrying a space marine for extended periods and fighting... Well I imagine the wolves thought it would be awesome. Which it is, hang the sense of it.
Bro i know Lore :X
I like the idea of giant man eating wolves that can carry space marines and can bite through space marine armour is bad ass
I want to see jump pack dreadnoughts
*cough*Psychic-Bloodangle-flying-dreadnought*cough* Seriously, My buddy is a fan of spacemarines and even he did a double take at some of the blood angle units. Curse you matt ward...
Why not jump pack dreadnoughts when we´re at it?
the shit-your-pants-death-is-coming scenario that would kill nobs by heart attack and give nightmares of raining dreadnoughts for weeks to any warboss
Psychoangel Well they are a logistical nightmare in the first place. the body (or soul or whatever the fuck is left inside of the venerated ones) that has to be kept together. And the ridiculous amount of other shit required to keep them operational. And you want to add a highly explosive massive fuel tank and jet engines to the mix? *Though yeah that would be terrifying as shit.*
SpectreDragon "Oh a few scouts. i can handle that. Wait whats that noi- HOLY SHIT WHAT THE F-!" - Last words of a chaos space marine, that this bloody pulp was just a second ago
Three years later and your wish has been granted by Forge World.
Cavalry in 40k is like melee combat in 40k, it does not make sense but fits game's fantasy roots.
Will you do a video about warhammer fan theories? Like victories of Kaldor Draigo are dreams, Emperor of Man kind knew that some Primarchs will betray him (one word: Angron), or Tau being descendant of Necrontyr colony etc.
We'll get to this eventually. Hopefully anyways.
+Luckiller 01 Go look up 40k theories, he makes a lot of theories on 40k.
Chaos Marine55 Actually 40k Theories is a reason why I wrote that comment XD
Luckiller 01
There is cavalary in use to this day, actually, forpolicing forces. Iknow of a city that actually uses bulls in it’s police forces due to the harsh terrains being unpassable by wheeled vehicles and hard for horses to cross
lots of people think that the cavalry charge died out after world war 1 but that's not true
(January 16, 1942): US 26th Cavalry Regiment made mounted pistol charges against Japanese positions, the last mounted charge in battle by conventional United States troops.
(August 24, 1942): the last cavalry charge of Italian history against a regular enemy formation. It was mounted against a Soviet artillery position along the River Don by 700 men of the Italian 3rd 'Savoia' Cavalry Regiment. This is often reported as "the last successful cavalry charge in history".
and here is a picture of us special forces riding horses with northern alliance allies in 2001
*cough* Polish cavalry regiments during campaing against invading Germans *cough*
I'm pretty new to Warhammer but playing into the universe's ridiculousness I think I would be cool if cavalry got the space marine treatment. Genetically modify the horse and give it power armor, have the rider have power armor. Then you have knightly heavy cavalry, pretty cool to me.
'To say the absolute least'' i hear this so much each episode.
Did my mandatory stunt in a barracks that has a horse detachment. It's mainly used for high mountain range supply transports.
Every once in a while, a horse or two escaped onto the parkinglot. The concerns were aleviated with the statement "The horses don't like running into things and cars taste horrible."
arch have you ever watched "if the emperor had and text to speech device" it's fan-freaking -tastic
I hope so. Arch, if you're listening, watch it!!!!!!
+Tristan Bigornia he knows of it but does not like there humor. Check out arch Q and A video he talks about the show a bit cause it comes up.
considering the power output of the power packs for the flashlights and the ease of recharge electric bikes would be a choice.
I might argue that the sheer scope of the warhammer universe can allow for cavalry to be fielded in a main-line battle role, but not in the traditional "Knights charging in" sort of way and more along the lines of attacks ranging from the Eastern and Arabic fronts of the Great War to the auxiliary and guerrilla combatants you had mentioned in your video. I mean, seeing as how there could it could be possible, even probable, that there are planets dedicated to growing beasts of burden for the Imperium of Man and the massive Imperial Guard, we could even argue that the lives of horses could be spent just as easily as the lives of humans.
Also surprised you never mentioned Ork bikerz and Boar Riderz, essentially the same thing and another good example of 'mass frontline cavalry', or the Krootox used by the Tau's chicken pals, the Kroot.
I don't have a problem with calvary being used, especially since
A) The Adeptus Mechanicus makes it extremely annoying to get out machines without months of blessings
B) Mounts don't need to be blessed, unlike Bikes which may need blessings
C) On certain worlds, mounts can live off of the lands thus allowing greater usage without the dependence on a battery or fuel
D) Many of the Mounts that exist in WH40k are super horses or better alternatives. Krieg Horses, that are more monster than horse, velociraptors that can attack with their own weapons, or even felines with wings that allows the user to fly
Those are the benefits. The issue I have is that they make use of melee only... anyone forget that much of our history has had ranged weapons, both bows AND guns, used on mounts? I would think that a Lasgun Carbine would be a good weapon, hell maybe even a Meltagun, since any sense of recoil that could impact the mount is.... absent.
Hell, you know what horses can be used for? Moving artillery and heavy weapons. It seems that many are stationary unless you have specific vehicles like the Centaur or so forth... and Heavy Weapon Squads and Mortar teams are rather slow. Why not have a Leman Russ Battle Cannon or a Mortar tied to a horse to give it mobility? Hell, the ability to use twin-linked Lascannons and so forth doesn't seem to be a problem if you just add a horse or two to it. Just put some wheels on the artillery/weapon piece and either have the men or another mount carrying the supplies of ammunition if necessary.
In real history cavalry was massively employed by USSR in WWII. Red Army had 7 cavalry cores. They were used both as replacement for mechanized infantry and for pursuit disorganized enemy. In second case they usually fought on a horse back.
Here's a good question, why are the Eldar such smarmy, self sure, hard to work with bastards? I mean.. how many bad things could the Eldar of stopped if they just.. WARNED everyone else?
I always thought of them as rich, highly educated assholes. They will deal with things that directly affect them such as Necrons, but other than that they don't give a fuck about the rest of the world.
Also they are like THE oldest civilisation out there (besides the Orc, but they aren't civilised). Talking with other races would be like trying to discuss quantum physics with a newly discovered amazon tribe, that has never meet someone like you before. *Tiring as hell. ANd they are going to do whatever the hell they want anyway.*
There is also the fact that, unless they REALLY need their help, Imperial units are just as likely to try to murder them as listen to them. THEY ARE Heretic Xenos filth to them after all. :)
Well, to add in, the Eldar have another particular problem involved with them. As some of the Silver Skulls Stories point out, the Imperium, even Space Marines who should "know better" (Due to Deathwatch Education being passed through the chapter by battle-brothers returning from the Long Vigil, that's one of the points of the Deathwatch after all) don't actually know that there is a difference between Dark Eldar and "Light" Eldar so to speak.
Consider both of them use the webway, both of them use hit and run raids, and both of them "look the same" in the vague sense of these agile barely armored punks with lots of hover vehicles, etc... the fact that one of them is sadistic bastards giving All Space Elves a bad name does mean it's hard to strike up a treaty to work together.
By comparison I mean it'd be like you walking up to someone and say "Okay I know someone that looks just like me and spoke my language and used similar gear from your primitive monkeigh point of view just came in, murderfucked your wife, kidnapped your children for a fate you don't want to imagine, and took your testicles as a trophy... but I'm TOTALLLY not that person who looks exactly like me so you should trust me when I say we should work together..."
And that's kind of the uphill battle you have to go against.
Granted SOMETIMES in lore it does work out that way. For example Ravenor, the filthy heretical radical Inquisitor was totally doing the bidding of an Eldar Farseer at one point (As seen in the last of the Eisenhorn Omnibus).
But also keep in mind that most Humans in a position of power don't trust "Witchcraft" anyway. Even among Inquisitors Mono-Dominants are a significant fashion. Inquisitors that reject everything but pure human grit and determination (In fact Eisenhorn's Inquisitor who trained him was one). So coming to them with a tale of "Our Witch totally saw a vision in the warp saying if you don't kill that guy over there eventually his family tree will spawn a line that will cause this entire world to get swallowed up in the warp".
And that is how the Eldar operate after all. They don't have the sheer numbers to be everywhere they need to be while things are happening. They have to do preemptive problem solving. Adding another layer of difficulty.
Plus they'd rather not interact with others, mainly because that may lead to death, and as almost everyone knows, they're a dying species.
The majority of them were consumed by Slaanash and are still to the day being hunted by Slaanash. That and the inability to reproduce has led to a stagnant and dying species.
they did have good relations with the interax and they did trie to warn the emperor. thus its probably more the imperium's falt
The Japanese had bicycle divisions. Entire divisions on bikes.
why there are space marines without helmet?
tradition of showing bravery against the emprors foes they usualy hurridly put them on before battle and to Identify important people on the table top space wolves cause ultra noses
+The Mango Baron they shave their heads to become bahld and fewlish
The rule of cool, my friend.
Martin D You must be new around here
It gives them an extra layer of Plot Armor.
According to the Lore, Leman Russ was practically raised by thunderwolves until a hunting party had killed his "Mother" if I recall correctly. Which places Thunderwolves on Fenris before the Space Wolves.
Thunder Wolf Cavalry....HELL YA!!!
I just want to say thank you arch. Ever since your bit on abhumans in the imperial guard summery. I have built two squads of centaur rough riders. Thank you for the inspiration and thank you for providing long enjoyable rants
why did GW get rid of abhumans as an idea?
+dansku97 but squats, ratlings and countless others have been forced into obscurity and almost non-existance.
+Evan Diaz there are still rattling snipers they are in the lore squats got eaten by the nids.
+mikael lagdameo the nids also destroyed some ratling worlds if I am correct but regardless the concept of abhumans were basically put in the background
+Evan Diaz Matt Ward. He is responsible for the majority of the flaws of 40K.
+Frank G him and his dumbass ultrasmurfs
It has been almost 40,000 years, horses would have evolved into a different species by then, in fact there would be many species across the galaxy that would be descended from the horse, some of them may be unrecognizable. Hell, the same would happen to humans, like the Squats and Ogryns.
we have cavalry so we can charge at people with grenades on sticks.
How about a giant lore vid about 40k that I can listen to when waking up tomorrow xD?
As one of the few that makes and fields Imperial Guard Rough Riders, I thank you for the video. It's worth noting that a couple of editions again, IG Rough Riders were much better. This was because they were not forced to take the lance and had a much wider array of weapons and gear they could be equipped with (same as all the other IG units).
the main point for me is yes I see the uses of horses, but why give the guys on top a melee weapon? a simple lasgun would make them more effective against low-tech forces, just as effective as regular guadsmen only with all the benefits of the mobility and low fuel cost of the horse. I get that melee has a place in the 40K universe but not for guardsmen, on horseback or not.
I get why someone would genetically engineer a big ass wolf... but then ride them? That seems like a waste. You have a Wolf capable of carrying a Spacemarine.... why not set them lose among the enemy instead of locking them down because the Spacemarine is to lazy to walk?
Using them as cavalry mounts is more useful
You know, I think a lot of things in the 40k universe can be boiled down to "because it's really cool".
Real horses aren't cool though. A mechanical nuclear powered horse would however be rather badass.
Also, you can eat a horse.
Because the idea of melta bomb on a stick is honestly to epic to bass up.
didn't thunder wolves have cybernetics to carry them... oh, yes their the sons of the wolf god. cybenetics were when they were injured
What about Chaos or xenos cavalry? I understand you focused on the human use of cavalry here but I would love to hear a little more about Tau Krootox or Blood Crushers and Daemonettes on Steeds of Slaanesh!!
Why are there pants in the 40k universe?
Cause they need to give the Jean Stealers, something to do.
Holy shit I am tearing up from laughing so much XD
Hey Arch, have you seen the new state trooper design? Look at the new facebook video on the total war facebook - for some reason the instagram one, while higher quality, doesn't show them.
portable food storage duh
The Thunderwolves... putting a new look on Leman Russ' words of: "Have you no wolves?!"
Because it's cool. BOOM took 3 seconds.
A good example is looking at Afghanistan. There are places in the mountains where your only choices to get there are hoof, foot, or air b/c of the terrain.
Why is there sooooo much war in 40k? like no diplomatics between races n stuff??
John Saf I know about humans but what about like tau and elder?
John Saf I meant what about tau being diplomatic or elder being dimplomatic with tau or something
Yea the Tau are actually bit friendly and even sent message to human to treat any Tau garrisons nicely or just dont bother them at all..well that doesnt work perfectly.
Afnan Zahran Well oh sad :( but tau seem to be more humany than actuall humans
Tau: Space communists. They are completly convinced, that not only is their way the only correct way, but that it NEEDS to be achieved for everyone. Imperium: Hates Xenos and Heretics, and not for no reasons. Orks: War is their diplomacy. Necrons: they want to kill everyone, so... Tyranids: They are animals: Eat or get eaten. Dark Eldar: Life upon other peoples pain. And Chaos: It wants war.
Of course, there is diplomacy, but it doesnt get covered, because its not that interesting. Tau and Imperium have ceasefires and cooperation against orks and tyranids, but both, especially the imperium, will stop that in the moment they smell weakness. The Eldar also engage in diplomacy, but since they only do so, if it helps, the higher ups rightly dont trust them. Also, humans dont really know the difference between Eldar and Dark Eldar and if someone gets to you and wants to cooperate, and someone looking like that guy but with more spikes murdered and raped everyone you know, well, you wouldnt trust them either.
So in short: One half activly wants war/needs war and the other half cant allow itself diplomacy. But if possible, Inquisitors and the like do attempt diplomacy.
In some battlefields with large plains having calvery units would be a advantage as the regiment would presumably be harder to detect by sensors that normally dectect energy sources IE tanks or APCs also a man and horse regiment can more easily scatter than a armoured platoon because in theory pretty much every soilder can ride off in a different direction.
My question is why are the IG rough rider on tabletop so SHITE! Initiative, strength and toughness 3, 5+ save, -1- attack base "melee" unit... that can't charge after outflanking due to rules, so can come in on the amazing turn 2 then get shot and die.
+Steve Miner And the Hunting Lance is a One use only Specialist Weapon which sucks.
+Steve Miner Matt Ward.
Frank G
2nd ed - Rick Priestley
3rd ed - Jervis Johnson and Gavin Throper
5th ed - Robin Cruddace
6th ed - unknown (probably Cruddace again)
Frank G He did apparently have a hand in writing the current between-6-and-7th IG codex. Also, their removal of so may special characters makes me sad.
GrandAdmThrawn You are the first person I have met that does not not blame Matt Ward for everything wrong with Warhammer 40K/
I have cavalry conversions in my Dark Eldar army - because they are sitting on such a high horse anyway. :p
Also, honorable mentions:
Eldar Dragon Knights
Exodite Eldar, who don't rely as much on technology as other Eldar and tend to live on plantes covered in jungle, consider these their elite troops. However, their main role is not so much to fight enemy forces, but to hunt wild animals that endanger the local Eldar population.
Dark Eldar Reavers and Hellions
These are not so much formal troops, but essencially biker gangs. They are usually hired as mercenaries by the Kabals, or sometimes just tag along on a raid out of mutual interest. While Reavers are shock cavalry, using their jetbikes pretty much to just run enemies over, Hellions fullfill a role more akin to shock-paratroopers.
Adeptus Mechanicus Dragoons
Due to the AdMech's messed up religious values, they couldn't have their soldiers riding on walkers, oh no. Instead, they are riding mindless cyborg slaves that are wired to these... sacred machines.
"Orks that have not yet develops gunpowder"
More like have never seen and looted some.
Really cool video, love the way you explain all the different aspects of cavalry. I think you have been a Prussian general or something like that in a previous life.
Hey Arch, have you considered playing the Sundering: Rise of the Witch King Mod for Medieval II? The campaigns focus on the elven civil war, but there are Skaven, at least for multiplayer, and also flying units and models that look really good.
Something I am curious about is why we see/read about machines like servitors writing things on parchment. Surely they could save it to a memory file to be uploaded to the nearest terminal rather than a long scroll.
Chaos cavalry - any info, thoughts, opinions? Cause they do have a potential for some really weird but also deadly options in that regard, it would seem, but I have never seen it mentioned anywhere...
ohhh arch.. you made me love warhammer fantasy and 40k... thank you...
A good RW precedent for mounted troops in Sci Fi settings are the US Special Forces teams who sometimes ride horses for mobility in places like Afganistan.
Don't forget use as snipers, mine droppers, and other things for behind enemy lines. Mobility and hiding as you said, but plenty of front lines harassment, such as hiding behind enemy lines over rough terrain can mark targets or such that mechanicals can't reach as easy.
I think the Space Wolves Wolf Mounts actually used to be space marines that succumbed to the Wulfen. Don't know if that makes sense within the canon, but I got that impression from one of the Horus Heresy books that kept saying "There are no Wolves on Fenris".
So many questions to ask. Such as why are there torches and candles in 40k, and why is there paper and books in 40k when they got dataslates? Why are there robes in 40k?
Arch, could you please ver explain the Old Ones ? I know very little about them and Im sureyou could dig upp some lore about them.
Why is Ciaphas Cain and Jurgen not a character unit yet?
I feel like the noise from a bolt pistol would spook any regular horse.
The primary purpose of cavalry in 40k is scouting, after that screen, guard, cover missions in offensive and defensive operations.
The garrison mission is a secondary reason. Totally agree with your thunderwolf cav comments.
you can hit the tau and elder with cav you just got to know where they drop off the supplies or the warp gate is at and hit them as they come out for the elder or for the tau hit them as they unload the supplies.
Hey. Love your channel. Anyways, the main reason for the space wolves to enhance and use wolves as mounts isn't so much a tactical choice as it is a part of the culture. The Space Wolves are modeled after Vikings or Norseman and as such they venerate the wolf (The term fenrisian comes from the wolf god fenris in Nordic lore). They are only considered men after they have hunted and come back alive from the tundra with one of these wolves thrown over one shoulder. So it goes without saying that they respect them as both vicious man-slayers, and a spiritual figurehead among their culture. Also, the purpose of fielding a genetically enhanced cyborg wolf isn't the same as a horse being mainly a mode of transportation and to carry supplies. Wolves are companions and fellow warriors in their culture and they use them for their canine senses while tracking an enemy as well as released to finish off men fleeing on foot or to spread fear or to break a battle line. They aren't so much mounts as they are holy manifestations of their culture and shock troops as well as being capable of sniffing out traps and such. Just thought you might be interested in understanding why a space marine chapter would ever care about a living breathing creature versus a motorcycle or other equipment that can't replace a dog in battle.
Great work, really enjoyed watching that
why is there oxygen in 40k?
What about boar boys and the slightly wacky cy-boars? You've left them out, although listening to other video's I think you like them. The progression being boar, cyboar, bike and then truck or seeing if you can get a bike to fly and making a dethcopter as orks get more tech savy. Will we get another video on them and demon cavalerie? Concerning demons couldn't one argue that since they savor fear that striking fast is a bit odd and suggests army balance that should- in theory be beyond them?
In the Ciaphas Cain book "THE GREATER GOOD" some krieg rough riders show up, and they have some heavy weaponry flamers, lasguns and grenade launchers.
Very good Vid Arch, as always :)
There's one thing about bikes that I believe should be mentioned though - you can, with some training, use it even more effective than a horse. Why? Well you can balance the bike with your body, even on a low speed. Moreover you'll still be on the move and as you may know - cav is as good as dead when they are stopped. Granted you can train horse to be of much more benefit to you on the other hand though bike is rather immune to all psychological effects if you will :)
will you do a necromunda or gorkamorka video?
Love youre work Arch, i wonder if you can do a vidio on why you hait the Dark angels , or on Primarks and where they are now ?
Dear Arch, love the videos. Is there any lore defining what mankind used in the dark age of technology before the construction of the astronomicom to guide warp travel?
For the wolves, maybe they wanted to see how big they could make them and then had too find a use for them. I could see the space wolves doing that.
when will we get more Why is there?
Eldar have the Shining Spears, which has the nice little charge bonuses with their laser lances, Also, the Eldar Exodite Dragon Lords have been statted in multiple versions.
22:40 there are several different breeds of wolf on Fenris. your standard fenrisian wolf (if such a word can be used to describe one) is probably a bit bigger than a dire wolf. Blackmane wolves meanwhile can be as tall and large as a medieval warhorse. Thunderwolves meanwhile as even larger and I can only assume must be the size of a damn triceratops to carry a fully armored space marine.
You know, for a "Why is there..." question. How about Jump Packs? They seem to fly fairly slowly from what I've seen in games/videos. Rarely (If ever) used to traverse elevation (Cliffs, Buildings, etc) that I've seen in stories. In terms of the "Rapid Assault" role they seem to be slower than say, a Rhino transporting a squad, as well as far more fragile and easier to hit (Slow units in the air rather than heavily armored vehicle that could use terrain as cover).