NOTE: You can select a menu option that allows you to simply hold a button to reel in fish instead of wiggling the analogue stick in circles and destroying your thumb.
I mean to be fair that guy was being a fucking weirdo and acting tough on a video game where literally everyone is 1-2 shot. Insane behavior AFTER you bullied and threatened a River hobo for his food. Kinda fucked up tbh. Deserved imo
Final Fantasy XV’s fishing would be right up your alley. Feels like you’re on a road trip with the boys, setting up camp, cooking around the campfire and then setting off to a fishing spot in the morning. Solid vibes.
as someone who's been obsessed with fishing MINI games for like, my entire gaming career, this video was made for me, which is why i did, in fact, give you that brofist at the end
Valheim's fishing, combine with its cooking and brewing, is good. Being able to sail to different waters to get different fish while listening to a great OST. And harpoon fishing sea monsters
I'd say it's actually relaxing. And a good way to get decent food. Not to mention harpooning serpents. There's a "raft" mod that lets you build custom boats, so I made a 'whaling' ship. Drag them up the ramp, bash them with a club like baby seals.
this is the gaming equivalent of shitting so hard you clog your toilet. i'm talking about the ones where you know you gotta flush before you even wipe bc you alr know you're pushing the limits of what's possible and humane
My first experience with optional fishing in a game was in Digimon World on PS1. It's pretty good, different fish require different bait/ time of day. It even unlocks hidden optional content that benefits the player with upgrades to their own gym, and a new tournament.
Cruelty squad's fishing allows you to catch fish in different spots of differents maps being ponds, pools, lakes, toxic waste, sewage. All these fish habe a value in a specific tab of the stock market and it allows you to generate a healthy fish portfolio that WILL pay you more than the assasination missions you do as the main game.
@GeneralSam There is a shack in one of the early missions with the man inside offering you to take his rod and with that equipped in one of your gun slots you can fish in basically any spot with a liquid surface for unique fishes with some being worth like 1,000,000 which is enough to purchase the house in the item store. And of course the fish market does allow you to speculate over fish value stocks on top of that.
@@GeneralSam its very obscure and you have to go quite a bit out of your way to get the fishing rod, you are almost guaranteed to miss it unless you have been told about it.
@@GeneralSam also you can put the radio in your arm slot, throw it on the fishing spot and have it play whatever tunes you have configured whilst you fish.
Dark Cloud had a cool fishing mini game built in, you could get different fish depending on where you were, you could even fish on the moon. You got fishing points from what you caught, and you could sell the fish to certain vendors, there was even a legendary fish that you could catch if you fished enough.
Gotta remember FATE, where you think you're just chilling with a rod there to catch up dinner but then fish out a legendary two milllion dollar sword of eternal asskicking + 3.
Bro my worlds are colliding with my nerf hobby I picked up for the youth group I lead a church and my internet degenerate lifestyle I lead at home... I binge both of your channels and now I feel justified knowing you also watch Sam lolol
I picked FATE up again about a year ago after loving it as a kid, I might have just been playing it wrong, but I did not think it was a good game after all these years. The fishing still ruled just like I remembered tho.
Idk if my game was bugged but about every 7th fish was giving a gold item. Guess there were entire schools of fish swimming around with cleavers, spears, staffs, chestplates, shields in their stomachs 😂
Hell yeah, fishing minigames are the actual game. Wether you're a badass Yakuza or a deadly cowboy you always gotta take a break to fish. Usually spending way too much time doing it. Your scene with fish gifs is a masterpiece btw, the vibes are certified.
Stranded Deep. I love that game. Just swimming around, poking fish with a spear or looking thru wrecks for random junk, bulding a shack or just sailing around. Very relaxing. Of cause new players may want to turn off "agressive animals" and/or turn down difficulty settings. I usually play the game when im on a vacation too.
Not mentioning Sea of Thieves is criminal. It has all the good aspects of fishing. Reeling, fighting, different locations of fish species, fish rarities, commendations. All the goodies.
I'm surprised he didn't mention Pokemon. The fishing itself isn't that good but it's so iconic and the fact that different areas have different Pokemon and then you have shinies and stuff. Like everyone knows about the good rod and super rod and stuff
I couldn’t get into the fishing in Sea of Thieves, but I WANTED TO so bad. I like how you have to use specific bait in different parts of the map and at certain times, but I thought it took way too long to fight for a fish, and the line snaps too unexpectedly. Maybe I’ll come back to it someday and go for the commendations.
that whole DayZ section had me in stitches. Also the intro... my brother loves fishing games so I feel like you just called him out and that was hillarious.
"I promise I won't use admin to steal your limbs." Yeah... he'll probably replace them with fishing rods then you can really "Troll" while you "Trawl".
Pro tip for Farcry 5: Fish from a boat with a buddy in coop. One holds the pole, the other one steers the boat. Drive up to the location of the fish that's at the hook, and it will be automatically pulled out of the water. You can easily catch the hardest fishes of the games in 10 seconds like this.
IN Rust you can also fish with traps from the relative safety of your base. Plot down like 10 of them use bear meat for bait at first. If you have a farm, you get "grubs" from picking your plants in which you can also use for bait.
Im a former arkaholic gamer, i use to play ark survival evolved and they had fishing that's so neglected they buffed it to give loot with high quality, but you cant free style it similar to Skyrim but you can select the spot. the fishing had a mini game where you need to select certain pop up buttons to reel in
I was holding my breath at the end like “he better say red dead or he’s dead to me” fishing is so frustrating and tedious in that game it’s just like real life accept I my beer stays cold and I don’t get bit by mosquitos. Should have included Sea of Thieves tho too. It doesn’t fit ur criteria perfectly but it’s pretty solid
I think Farcry 5 definitely had the most enjoyable fishing mini game. The different weight record boards in the different counties, and the environment was nice.
Every once in a while you release a straight up perfect video. At this point it’s kinda cliche to say but your editing is so good man. Been watching for years and it was real cool to see you revisit a bunch of games you haven’t played in years
Fond memories of dark cloud 2. Where you can fish in the dungeons and towns... And then you have to take pictures to get the idea to invent an aquarium. The purpose of which is to store your live fish and engage in fish breeding the purpose of which is create more powerful fish using fish foods and the battle tank. Certain fish pairs will result in rarer species of fish, some of which can only be made if you use preexisting rare fish that you need to go to specific locations at specific times and use special bait to catch. Rarer fish are worth more fishing points of course which you use to upgrade your rods the basic rod being decent but not capable of bringing in the larger more impressive fish. For that you need to unlock the lure rod which you must use rare lures, some requiring time travel to obtain. With these lures you must wiggle and reel your line just right to attract tge fush... But not too much or you'll scare them off. Now that you have a large fish you can breed it's size into your main fish that you've been training the stats of in the aquarium resulting in a fish that is both large AND powerful. With this fish you have a reasonable chance of winning the 'Finney Frenzy' an event that will trigger at inconvenient times while you're clearing the games subplot of saving the world and correcting the timeline or whatever... Anyway the Finney frenzy will arrive in town for a few short days and you can enter your fish to compete in a race with other fish that NPCs have caught and there are prizes for winning. One of which is a rare sword based on a legendary gay fish that you can catch if you know the correct bait and location.
you should look into the complexity and depth of final fantasy xiv fishing. there is a small minigame portion but the main portion is crazy imagine waiting for the in-game time, weather, day-night cycle, what the past 5 days weather was like, what the fish like in terms of bait, what the fish likes in terms of other fish, and you have a system where people wait literal months just to have a chance to catch a fish in a 1 hour window of time 😂
When I first played Abiotic Factor with my friends I immediately went to fishing. At first it looked basic and then I found out that you could make special crossbow ammo and armor from a special fish which combines with a trinket you find later. I haven't had that much fun in a game in a while lol.
The fishing minigames in Breath Of Fire 3 are Peak, different lures do different things, fish have effects in game, they can be sold to special merchants (who are fishmen you also fish up) for unique gear, you can jig your line at certain rythyms to attract fish, the fish are visible and you drag your lure over top of them, theres also a fishing leveling system, different spots have different fish too. All in an awesome rpg from 1997. Run it on a ps1 emulator like epsxe.
Dark Cloud on the PS2 has amazing fishing and one of the best OST of all time! Yeah the ponds are fixed but the logic is sound and the rewards when fishing the hard stuff is well worth it!
To be fair, Samuel is someone who enjoys games as he plays them, he doesn’t really give a shit about them so he can’t be bothered to remember even the simplest stuff.
Tarkov needs something like this. A card table in the hideout, built and maybe upgradable, where you can invite friends/search for lobbies and bet bullets or whatever. Would be cool to take the small amounts of like, MAI AP, M80A1, SSA AP etc that you’ve found and gamble them. Also, if it’s a card game like, Pazaak, you’d be able to add cards to the loot table to find in jackets or wherever.
I am no joke hype for the potential of GTA VI to incorporate FL fishing into the game. Deep sea, inshore, lakes, the ever glades? It would be unmatched. Rockstar dont let me down
You'll never see this, but one of my favorite "fishing" games of all time is a little indie title called Unreal World. It's an isometric sandbox survival/rpg that takes place in iron age Finland. I swear no matter what starting scenario or character I am trying to build, I always end up going back to fishing because it is so fun trying not to starve on some shithole river, pulling out tiny fish until you finally level your fishing skill enough to get decent fish. Big recommend.
@@nikj246Im pretty sure that joke is that fishing poles exist as a joke item that does absolutely nothing. Atleast thats what they did 5+ years ago, not sure if they actually made a use, but probably not based on how the game plays.
@ They expanded the joke a bit, more of like a half-hearted ARG at this point. I wasn't kidding about the secret uniques, for example there is a ring that can only drop from certain enemies, while you are wearing specific unique items, WHILE the enemy is actively fleeing from you. Unless all those conditions are met, it literally can't drop, but even with all of them met, it;s a stupidly rare drop, it took years to confirm the method for obtaining it.
man oh man Sam, i really appreciate you. It's been cool to be here through so much of the degen arc then all l the way through to the 'recovery' / dad arc. It's incredible, feels as if I've watched for as long as I can reasonably remember and what's truly fascinating is after all this time I still manage to forget about that absolutely massive billboard the man calls a forehead.
how have you not included Final Fantasy 15? The best part is the fishing, you even have fishing bossfights, and between fishing youre just on a roardtrip with the boys.
I think my favorite fishing mini game has to be Sea of Thieves, it requires your active attention, you have to catch certain fish in certain areas, there’s rarer versions of existing fish, they can be sold, or cooked offering better food than the stuff you find normally, and is great downtime on the boat while you’re sailing long distances
“Fishing games are for old dudes that don’t pee no good anymore” Ahhh, so I’m thinking two or three years until we start seeing the channel shift heavily to fishing game content
Personal honorable mention, warframe fishing. It’s only spear fishing but there’s different fish for different locations and different times on 3 different planets, and different spears for different kinds of fish, and vendors for trading in or cutting up the fish for parts to build stuff.
I would like to give mention to Final Fantasy XV, not to be confused with the previously mentioned Final Fantasy XIV of course, or XV is just an RPG, and not an MMORPG. Most of the time. The fishing in FFXV is so cool because it's like. A battle. With the fish. You can go out to sea later on in the game and catch massive tuna and stuff, and it's like wow. I fought for and EARNED this fish. And then you eat it in a dish for a stat boost you'll barely even notice. It's incredible.
Collecting, immersion but not too tedious, fun, achievement hunting, unique fish variants, lures with different effects/stats, customization (of pole and lures) Otherwise the fishing game isn't that fun, unless you're into that sort of thing. I used to somewhat be but it got stale after years of the same exact type and style of fishing games. Oh and the chance to fish up something weird or random is always a fun or exciting thing to make you want to keep playing a while longer, especially if you don't know what those items could be.
Can we just take a moment t9 thank Sam for genuinely being a good dude, no controversy besides his words, consistently puts out bangers on two channels, and hes a scum lord like the rest of us. Thanks for your work General Sam
if your into fishing in video games, cruelty squad has a fishing mechanic where you can see how much the fish you catch go for on the fish stock market.
Now his videos gonna say this i bet but hes right the difference between a fishing simulator and fishing in red dead or day z is that a majorty of time your playing it’s relatively chaotic. So those moments of fishing actually feel relaxing . Its like how i actually get cozy sitting next to camp fires in survival games
Ultima online had one of the best fishing things I've ever seen. have to start your fishing up basic stuff, and then you start fishing up sea monsters and treasure chests.
Leaving out sea of thieves is criminal, immaculate vibes in the game, and you can catch different types of fish depending on what part of the map, time of day and weather.
Sea of theives could be a mention for its complicated fishing. You can just pop your ship up beside and island and catch you some little fellas OR Attempt to catch a storm fish in the zone where volcanos are constantly erupting and your boat is constantly trying to sink itself due to a thunderstorm. The variation and complexity is Magnific 👌
hey sam, the vibe of your recent videos has been rad man, hope all is well. wish you the best and I hope your family stays great. thanks for the vids man
make sure to brofist at the end guys
not even mentioning sea of thieves fishing is criminal
No flyknight fishing?
okay but how did you rate abiotics fishing???
@@jonlondry8920 its good because you can pull fish out of a swimming pool. 12 / 15
Red Dead Redemption 2 only existed because Roskstar wanted to make a fishing game but had to market it to gamers under the age of 40
Honestly the hunting overall is so good in that game I probably have 20 plus hours just hunting and fishing in that game
You can select a menu option that allows you to simply hold a button to reel in fish instead of wiggling the analogue stick in circles and destroying your thumb.
@@lynxk7667good thing you sent that 40 seconds ago. next time i hop on rd i’ll get that setup
it really is amazing for the fishing. not only can you fish but you can sell the fishes and the meat
@@dehvun7 i spent so much time hunting dude that shit ruled
"just kidding" *Sam pulls out his loaded rifle and shoots the guy* "I'm not"... cold as hell, love it.
I'm not really sure what the guy he shot thought would happen with the trackrecord that Sam has. xD
So cold dawwwwg. hella badass
I mean to be fair that guy was being a fucking weirdo and acting tough on a video game where literally everyone is 1-2 shot. Insane behavior AFTER you bullied and threatened a River hobo for his food. Kinda fucked up tbh. Deserved imo
Had some Doc Holliday vibes...
"I was just playing around..."
"I wasn't."
“Yeah I’m friendly”
9:05 lol dude really didn't realise the gun wasn't loaded and tried to play it off as "just kidding"
I definitely got that vibe but his boy also didn’t retaliate so i have no idea
"Don't be lazy. Be autistic." This feels personal and somewhat justified. I *am* on the spectrum and I *have* let myself slip. Thanks, Sam.
isn't everyone
@@jamesdrummond7684 That's the point of the spectrum. Now no one is left out! And being autistic means nothing.
@@jamesdrummond7684 If it’s truly a spectrum, then everyone exists somewhere on it.
Sam hitting us with the subtle "Hyperfixate or don't even bother" expectation
The several "you, maybe" responses during Far Cry made me cry laughing
The Deputy's just built different.
My favorite part about fishing is spending all day next to another man holding his own rod
Bromantic moment 🖤
True fisherman ❤️
It's the little things in life you should appreciate the most.
Real bros hold each others rods
@@ohmanthatguy2443 ie: my weinor
Final Fantasy XV’s fishing would be right up your alley. Feels like you’re on a road trip with the boys, setting up camp, cooking around the campfire and then setting off to a fishing spot in the morning. Solid vibes.
..And all that with super gay cat people!
"Solid vibes".
@ Been a few years since I played it but I don’t recall any cat people or stuff like that. What are you talking about?
@ ..Apparently I was thinking of FFXIV.
FFXV seems to be the part where everybody looks like an edgy emo boy or a hardrock leather p0rnstar.
@@sukottodjahes just trying to let everyone know he’s too cool for anime style games, he has too much testosterone for such things
@christianmarshall9289 if not associating with a known pedophilic community is considered "too cool" then yes. Im "too cool".
Probably the fish but I'm no scientist
I think you're on to something.
The waters dope too tho don't get me wrong chiefs
You are in abiotic factor which does have fishing.
I think you might be onto something big dawg
as someone who's been obsessed with fishing MINI games for like, my entire gaming career, this video was made for me, which is why i did, in fact, give you that brofist at the end
"Fishing games are for old dudes that dont pee good no more."
So, these games are for you, Sam.
Christ, they're for me.
"before i could pee over a vw bettle, now i cant piss into the toiltet bowl" - Forehead Fables in like 2022
Valheim's fishing, combine with its cooking and brewing, is good. Being able to sail to different waters to get different fish while listening to a great OST. And harpoon fishing sea monsters
Ayy another Valheimer, always a pleasure! Love that game
he's a gay noob he won't play that game
I'd say it's actually relaxing. And a good way to get decent food. Not to mention harpooning serpents. There's a "raft" mod that lets you build custom boats, so I made a 'whaling' ship. Drag them up the ramp, bash them with a club like baby seals.
Valheim fishing is dogwater
Was gonna mention this
caught an 8.56Kg muskie in RDR2 so large it crashed my game, haven't had a prouder gaming moment since
Beyond Based
this is the gaming equivalent of shitting so hard you clog your toilet. i'm talking about the ones where you know you gotta flush before you even wipe bc you alr know you're pushing the limits of what's possible and humane
@@ddude1212 I flush and it starts spraying shit across the wall spelling out ERR_GFX_STATE
Above the waterline ftw!@@ddude1212
My first experience with optional fishing in a game was in Digimon World on PS1. It's pretty good, different fish require different bait/ time of day. It even unlocks hidden optional content that benefits the player with upgrades to their own gym, and a new tournament.
Cruelty squad's fishing allows you to catch fish in different spots of differents maps being ponds, pools, lakes, toxic waste, sewage.
All these fish habe a value in a specific tab of the stock market and it allows you to generate a healthy fish portfolio that WILL pay you more than the assasination missions you do as the main game.
I didn’t even know Cruelty Squad had fishing and I’ve played it lmao
@GeneralSam There is a shack in one of the early missions with the man inside offering you to take his rod and with that equipped in one of your gun slots you can fish in basically any spot with a liquid surface for unique fishes with some being worth like 1,000,000 which is enough to purchase the house in the item store. And of course the fish market does allow you to speculate over fish value stocks on top of that.
@@GeneralSam its very obscure and you have to go quite a bit out of your way to get the fishing rod, you are almost guaranteed to miss it unless you have been told about it.
this is the comment i was looking for
@@GeneralSam also you can put the radio in your arm slot, throw it on the fishing spot and have it play whatever tunes you have configured whilst you fish.
Dark Cloud had a cool fishing mini game built in, you could get different fish depending on where you were, you could even fish on the moon.
You got fishing points from what you caught, and you could sell the fish to certain vendors, there was even a legendary fish that you could catch if you fished enough.
Gotta remember FATE, where you think you're just chilling with a rod there to catch up dinner but then fish out a legendary two milllion dollar sword of eternal asskicking + 3.
Bro my worlds are colliding with my nerf hobby I picked up for the youth group I lead a church and my internet degenerate lifestyle I lead at home... I binge both of your channels and now I feel justified knowing you also watch Sam lolol
FATE is the standard of all fishing mini games I encounter. None have been yet more chill than FATE.
I picked FATE up again about a year ago after loving it as a kid, I might have just been playing it wrong, but I did not think it was a good game after all these years. The fishing still ruled just like I remembered tho.
Will YOU tempt fate? That game rocks
Idk if my game was bugged but about every 7th fish was giving a gold item. Guess there were entire schools of fish swimming around with cleavers, spears, staffs, chestplates, shields in their stomachs 😂
Hell yeah, fishing minigames are the actual game. Wether you're a badass Yakuza or a deadly cowboy you always gotta take a break to fish.
Usually spending way too much time doing it.
Your scene with fish gifs is a masterpiece btw, the vibes are certified.
Riverrun is definitely my favorite place in skyrim right between whiterun and riverwood.
Literally the starting village my dude you don't need to explain where it is...
@zyourzgrandzmaz riverrun isnt real sam just had a fake gamer moment AND SO DID YOU STUPID STUPID STUPID
@@zyourzgrandzmazyes he does because I didn't know what he was talking about.
@zyourzgrandzmaz yo shut your trap!!!
@@zyourzgrandzmaz yeah bro, riverrun, not riverwood or anything its definitely riverrun 100%
Stranded Deep. I love that game. Just swimming around, poking fish with a spear or looking thru wrecks for random junk, bulding a shack or just sailing around. Very relaxing. Of cause new players may want to turn off "agressive animals" and/or turn down difficulty settings. I usually play the game when im on a vacation too.
Not mentioning Sea of Thieves is criminal.
It has all the good aspects of fishing. Reeling, fighting, different locations of fish species, fish rarities, commendations. All the goodies.
I'm surprised he didn't mention Pokemon. The fishing itself isn't that good but it's so iconic and the fact that different areas have different Pokemon and then you have shinies and stuff. Like everyone knows about the good rod and super rod and stuff
Amen, its the only reason im reinstalling it rn
I couldn’t get into the fishing in Sea of Thieves, but I WANTED TO so bad. I like how you have to use specific bait in different parts of the map and at certain times, but I thought it took way too long to fight for a fish, and the line snaps too unexpectedly. Maybe I’ll come back to it someday and go for the commendations.
Genuinely the only part of that game I actually liked
@ Real shit. I sit for like 2 hours straight fishing. Trying to 100% all the commendations for fishing.
More J1mmy and Sam content. You two are both so funny. Had no idea J1mmy was in your video
"Just kidding"
"I'm not"
That was the most deserved Sam-ism I have ever seen.
For me their has to be a mystery element like catching an unidentified item or some other important resource that isnt just fish
That hair cut is like aircraft hangar for Sam's forhead
0:22 im surprised club penguin didn't make the list
Club Penguin is just a meme barely a game. RuneScape shoulda been included though.
Hyrule may be burning around me, but I'll be damned if I'm saving it before I catch that 22lb fish.
I was pretty proud of myself when I found the secret lure.
Big Lunker
I cannot stress enough how happy it makes me to see General Sam playing Stardew Valley in this, the year of our lord and savior.
Sam’s idea of a fishing trip with the kids is co-op DayZ while at home
Luckily he has a daughter and not a son
RDR2 is my favorite fishing game. It has a lot of mini games such as horseback riding to other fishing spots.
What a complex assessment of fishing in games! I never knew how much I appreciate it! Makes me all soggy!
you really didn't have to say that
that whole DayZ section had me in stitches. Also the intro... my brother loves fishing games so I feel like you just called him out and that was hillarious.
"I promise I won't use admin to steal your limbs." Yeah... he'll probably replace them with fishing rods then you can really "Troll" while you "Trawl".
Pro tip for Farcry 5:
Fish from a boat with a buddy in coop. One holds the pole, the other one steers the boat. Drive up to the location of the fish that's at the hook, and it will be automatically pulled out of the water. You can easily catch the hardest fishes of the games in 10 seconds like this.
In Minecraft you used to have a rare chance to fish up diamonds. Increasing with rod enchants. It was my fav way to get them.
Completely useless information
damn, the sam dad we need to help us age into our early 40's can't do no better than to bless us here.
I'm 28 chill
18:00 no, no I'm not
I am..
IN Rust you can also fish with traps from the relative safety of your base. Plot down like 10 of them use bear meat for bait at first. If you have a farm, you get "grubs" from picking your plants in which you can also use for bait.
Im a former arkaholic gamer, i use to play ark survival evolved and they had fishing that's so neglected they buffed it to give loot with high quality, but you cant free style it similar to Skyrim but you can select the spot. the fishing had a mini game where you need to select certain pop up buttons to reel in
I have no idea what the point was for commenting, i think its just nostalgic damn im old af
@@crim8684 It's okay friend, I'm a recovering arkaholic also, so I understand.
I never figured out how to actually fish in that game.... I made the rod, I made a chair and then I got lost lol
I was holding my breath at the end like “he better say red dead or he’s dead to me” fishing is so frustrating and tedious in that game it’s just like real life accept I my beer stays cold and I don’t get bit by mosquitos. Should have included Sea of Thieves tho too. It doesn’t fit ur criteria perfectly but it’s pretty solid
Red dead had goated fishing my dude. I still use your salmon tip and spot
I think Farcry 5 definitely had the most enjoyable fishing mini game. The different weight record boards in the different counties, and the environment was nice.
Every once in a while you release a straight up perfect video. At this point it’s kinda cliche to say but your editing is so good man. Been watching for years and it was real cool to see you revisit a bunch of games you haven’t played in years
Fond memories of dark cloud 2. Where you can fish in the dungeons and towns...
And then you have to take pictures to get the idea to invent an aquarium. The purpose of which is to store your live fish and engage in fish breeding the purpose of which is create more powerful fish using fish foods and the battle tank. Certain fish pairs will result in rarer species of fish, some of which can only be made if you use preexisting rare fish that you need to go to specific locations at specific times and use special bait to catch. Rarer fish are worth more fishing points of course which you use to upgrade your rods the basic rod being decent but not capable of bringing in the larger more impressive fish. For that you need to unlock the lure rod which you must use rare lures, some requiring time travel to obtain. With these lures you must wiggle and reel your line just right to attract tge fush... But not too much or you'll scare them off. Now that you have a large fish you can breed it's size into your main fish that you've been training the stats of in the aquarium resulting in a fish that is both large AND powerful. With this fish you have a reasonable chance of winning the 'Finney Frenzy' an event that will trigger at inconvenient times while you're clearing the games subplot of saving the world and correcting the timeline or whatever... Anyway the Finney frenzy will arrive in town for a few short days and you can enter your fish to compete in a race with other fish that NPCs have caught and there are prizes for winning. One of which is a rare sword based on a legendary gay fish that you can catch if you know the correct bait and location.
you should look into the complexity and depth of final fantasy xiv fishing. there is a small minigame portion but the main portion is crazy
imagine waiting for the in-game time, weather, day-night cycle, what the past 5 days weather was like, what the fish like in terms of bait, what the fish likes in terms of other fish, and you have a system where people wait literal months just to have a chance to catch a fish in a 1 hour window of time 😂
Just like the real deal then. Neat.
When I first played Abiotic Factor with my friends I immediately went to fishing. At first it looked basic and then I found out that you could make special crossbow ammo and armor from a special fish which combines with a trinket you find later. I haven't had that much fun in a game in a while lol.
Brother, that fisheye lens in the beginning isn't doing your forehead any favours.
He plays into the big forehead meme so he can get comments like yours to gain activity in his vids
@and i will gladly give him that engagement.
That's the joke, stoopid
Works every time
It’s promo for the podcast actually
The fishing minigames in Breath Of Fire 3 are Peak, different lures do different things, fish have effects in game, they can be sold to special merchants (who are fishmen you also fish up) for unique gear, you can jig your line at certain rythyms to attract fish, the fish are visible and you drag your lure over top of them, theres also a fishing leveling system, different spots have different fish too. All in an awesome rpg from 1997. Run it on a ps1 emulator like epsxe.
Sea of thieves has a great fishing mechanic, especially since it fits the setting so well
Dark Cloud on the PS2 has amazing fishing and one of the best OST of all time! Yeah the ponds are fixed but the logic is sound and the rewards when fishing the hard stuff is well worth it!
3:15 Riverrun? And to think you used to play Skyrim...
Rookie mistake
lol that’s from game of thrones
it's just up the road from whitewood
To be fair, Samuel is someone who enjoys games as he plays them, he doesn’t really give a shit about them so he can’t be bothered to remember even the simplest stuff.
On that note, IIRC, Riverrun was an old janky voiced mod where you basically ruled the place as a king.
8:45 wait... was that circumsoldier?
Tarkov needs something like this. A card table in the hideout, built and maybe upgradable, where you can invite friends/search for lobbies and bet bullets or whatever. Would be cool to take the small amounts of like, MAI AP, M80A1, SSA AP etc that you’ve found and gamble them. Also, if it’s a card game like, Pazaak, you’d be able to add cards to the loot table to find in jackets or wherever.
Actually an incredible idea. Reminds me of FNV caravan with the cards
I am no joke hype for the potential of GTA VI to incorporate FL fishing into the game. Deep sea, inshore, lakes, the ever glades? It would be unmatched. Rockstar dont let me down
Dark Cloud was my first fishing mini game and I’ve been hooked ever since.
Fellow Dark Cloud enjoyer. Super underrated game.
Playing dark chronicle today, absolutely love the fishing. Second to that series is red dead though
Definitely, when you craft the fish tank you can raise, battle, and breed your fish
youve been..... "hooked"....?
@ this guy gets it
Using the Sega Bassfishing Duel ost is such a vibe
No game is complete without a fishing minigame. 🎣
I didn’t know the lore of video game fishing could be so in-depth and fascinating… another classic
its about time the fishing gods have bestowed such a video in front of my pulsating third leg
My favorite fishing minigame was in Dark Cloud 2, after clearing a dungeon level you could just relax filling your inventory with fish
Seeing 10:29 on twitter weeks ago just to see it now in this video was extremely unexpected but hilarious
Holy shit, fishing minigames in bigger games is a long time passion of mine. Glad to see someone finally giving that topic some attention!
the yakuza series has one of the best fishing minigame
Ahhhhh! I've been scrolling looking for this! It depends on which game in the series you try it in though.
You'll never see this, but one of my favorite "fishing" games of all time is a little indie title called Unreal World. It's an isometric sandbox survival/rpg that takes place in iron age Finland. I swear no matter what starting scenario or character I am trying to build, I always end up going back to fishing because it is so fun trying not to starve on some shithole river, pulling out tiny fish until you finally level your fishing skill enough to get decent fish. Big recommend.
15:40 out on a limb? Bro you could have said out on a line....and made a fishing pun. Lost opportunities
16:35 Shooting your friend’s fish to ruin it out of jealous is monstrous, Salm.
Path of Exile has the best fishing minigame, hands down. Unique fishing poles, exotic fish, secret unique items, it's got everything.
I have yet to play that but Warframe's fishing sounds similar to that and it's real fun
@@nikj246Im pretty sure that joke is that fishing poles exist as a joke item that does absolutely nothing. Atleast thats what they did 5+ years ago, not sure if they actually made a use, but probably not based on how the game plays.
damn it was 10 years ago.. thats crazy lol
@ They expanded the joke a bit, more of like a half-hearted ARG at this point. I wasn't kidding about the secret uniques, for example there is a ring that can only drop from certain enemies, while you are wearing specific unique items, WHILE the enemy is actively fleeing from you. Unless all those conditions are met, it literally can't drop, but even with all of them met, it;s a stupidly rare drop, it took years to confirm the method for obtaining it.
man oh man Sam, i really appreciate you. It's been cool to be here through so much of the degen arc then all l the way through to the 'recovery' / dad arc. It's incredible, feels as if I've watched for as long as I can reasonably remember and what's truly fascinating is after all this time I still manage to forget about that absolutely massive billboard the man calls a forehead.
6:55 did you just cross lines with another man?
The funniest and most influential youtube period of my life -
Sam: "A period between when I was a Skyrim Guy and a Tarkov guy"
how have you not included Final Fantasy 15? The best part is the fishing, you even have fishing bossfights, and between fishing youre just on a roardtrip with the boys.
I think my favorite fishing mini game has to be Sea of Thieves, it requires your active attention, you have to catch certain fish in certain areas, there’s rarer versions of existing fish, they can be sold, or cooked offering better food than the stuff you find normally, and is great downtime on the boat while you’re sailing long distances
I love fishing minigames. FF15 and Stardew are some of my favorites.
ff15 was great. but sams a gay noob who doesn't like mmo's. he likes games where he can be a dick for no reason
The far cry 5 fishing mechanic took over my life for a month, trued to beat all the records in new hope valley on the board
Strapping in for another big one
Strapping on*
Thats what she said
glad to know im not alone on this 😂every game that doesnt have to do with fishing whatsoever is the game i decide i need to fish in
“Fishing games are for old dudes that don’t pee no good anymore”
Ahhh, so I’m thinking two or three years until we start seeing the channel shift heavily to fishing game content
crazy how i have started replaying red dead 2 and spending most of my time fishing. then sam uploads this. love it!
Personal honorable mention, warframe fishing. It’s only spear fishing but there’s different fish for different locations and different times on 3 different planets, and different spears for different kinds of fish, and vendors for trading in or cutting up the fish for parts to build stuff.
I would like to give mention to Final Fantasy XV, not to be confused with the previously mentioned Final Fantasy XIV of course, or XV is just an RPG, and not an MMORPG. Most of the time.
The fishing in FFXV is so cool because it's like. A battle. With the fish. You can go out to sea later on in the game and catch massive tuna and stuff, and it's like wow. I fought for and EARNED this fish. And then you eat it in a dish for a stat boost you'll barely even notice. It's incredible.
Collecting, immersion but not too tedious, fun, achievement hunting, unique fish variants, lures with different effects/stats, customization (of pole and lures) Otherwise the fishing game isn't that fun, unless you're into that sort of thing. I used to somewhat be but it got stale after years of the same exact type and style of fishing games. Oh and the chance to fish up something weird or random is always a fun or exciting thing to make you want to keep playing a while longer, especially if you don't know what those items could be.
Can we just take a moment t9 thank Sam for genuinely being a good dude, no controversy besides his words, consistently puts out bangers on two channels, and hes a scum lord like the rest of us. Thanks for your work General Sam
if your into fishing in video games, cruelty squad has a fishing mechanic where you can see how much the fish you catch go for on the fish stock market.
Now his videos gonna say this i bet but hes right the difference between a fishing simulator and fishing in red dead or day z is that a majorty of time your playing it’s relatively chaotic. So those moments of fishing actually feel relaxing . Its like how i actually get cozy sitting next to camp fires in survival games
Ultima online had one of the best fishing things I've ever seen. have to start your fishing up basic stuff, and then you start fishing up sea monsters and treasure chests.
the fact that ff15 isnt here is criminal would love to see sams reaction to playing as someone in a boy band while fishing
Leaving out sea of thieves is criminal, immaculate vibes in the game, and you can catch different types of fish depending on what part of the map, time of day and weather.
Sea of theives could be a mention for its complicated fishing. You can just pop your ship up beside and island and catch you some little fellas
Attempt to catch a storm fish in the zone where volcanos are constantly erupting and your boat is constantly trying to sink itself due to a thunderstorm.
The variation and complexity is
Magnific 👌
hey sam, the vibe of your recent videos has been rad man, hope all is well. wish you the best and I hope your family stays great. thanks for the vids man
Sam looking like he's zoinked out of his fucking gourd yet being able to speak coherently makes these intros such gems
The Brazil Nut back and forth immediately brought back memories of thanksgiving and Christmas with my racist Great Grandpa.
I miss him
“Yeah you maybe” has me rolling, been a bit since we got premium content like this
the use of the fish-eye lens is just.. *chefs kiss*
I like that he sees fishing as a hobby and entertainment only, forgetting the survival aspects of catching food to eat.
Alaskan hunting and fishing on the Xbox 360 was an extremely fun game to fish in cause you can do it while hunting too
Finally a video that is exactly what I look for in games.
Ocarina of Time still has the best fishing minigame of all time imo. Getting the big lunker was the most dopamine I have got as a child
My favorite fishing minigame was in Dark Cloud 2 because you could roast your fish or use it for racing, it was neat
I never thought id see Sam play Stardew Valley, but now i need more
The last few seconds is the cherry on top.