
  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 มิ.ย. 2024
  • [KiniNews] There is no need to take action under the Sedition Act against Dr Mahathir Mohamad over the former prime minister’s criticism of the government, Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said.
    However, Saifuddin said he would leave it fully to the police to take appropriate action if necessary.
    Meanwhile, in a separate story, the Finance Ministry has denied that one of its officers had signed off on revoking the Albukhary Foundation's tax-exempt status.
    This is believed to be in reference to allegations made by blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin and others that a senior officer in the ministry's tax division had signed off on the cancellation while Lim Guan Eng was in office.
    “The Finance Ministry, whether through the previous minister and or its officers, has never revoked the tax exemption given to the Albukhary Foundation,” it said in a statement today.
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ความคิดเห็น • 98

  • @user-rt4ys8wl3d
    @user-rt4ys8wl3d ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Leave Mahadey alone, soon he will become the PM of Persekutuan Tanah Kubor.
    He can continue to fight for real bumikubor.

  • @BharaniStar1
    @BharaniStar1 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Please tell Tun Mahathir... stop fooling around the Malaysian citizens..... Malaysia doesn't have any problem from Pak Lah.... since Pak Lah was also former Prime Minister, but he did not cause any trouble in Malaysia... Najib Razak was former prime minister also... but he did not make any trouble in Malaysia.....
    Why Mahathir Muhammad has always been a troublemaker since the time of Tunku Abdul Rahman....
    May GOD curse this Tun Mahathir and save our country ....

  • @taipan0886
    @taipan0886 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Frankly, he (Atok) needs to be schooled...

  • @pangchengng9999
    @pangchengng9999 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Tun Mahathir has lost his grip on power, as the voters want him to perfectly retire. It is a pity Tun Mahathir is not able to realise he is now 98 years , no body , especially the prudent and capable young politicians of Malaysia who clearly see the final stage of Tun Mahathir’s stage of sinking in politics, dare not stand to close to him, as Tun Mahathir’s political agenda non other than on political racial issues. A number of prominent politicians from East Malaysia voice out their views on negative racial issues.
    The government has made clear not use sedition act to detain Tun Mahathir, that doesn’t mean Tun Mahathir is in the right track. All Malaysians are able to value those , social well known personnel, conscientious politicians stand forward to defend the Perpaduan Government , under the leadership of Anwar Ibrahim.

  • @osmanosman9226
    @osmanosman9226 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    No sedition charge.but call for charge for abuse of power.LKS called for it.

  • @pangchengng9999
    @pangchengng9999 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Tun Mahathir instigates the authorities to take actions against him, but the government is more prudent and take precautionary steps against those culprits to create unrest in the country.

    • @yvvonelee5026
      @yvvonelee5026 ปีที่แล้ว

      Since Mahathir had lost his election deposit, he is trying to make himself relevant again with cheap publicity. From the height of "My Way" to lowering himself for cheap publicity, is ......

    • @leongtyansea5622
      @leongtyansea5622 ปีที่แล้ว

      why is there no need to use the Sedition Acf? if what MM said something within the 4 corners of the sedition act. Tbis would help to callm him down

    • @pangchengng9999
      @pangchengng9999 ปีที่แล้ว

      Tun Mahathir’s purpose is to arose the sentiments of the Malay, once he achieves that , the opportunity for him to become sole hero among the people.
      The best way is to ignore him, and put him within control by cutting the masses off. ( masses off: lesser people from hearing the his extremism on racial issues )

    • @yvvonelee5026
      @yvvonelee5026 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@pangchengng9999 I read through the reporting during PKR last herding, old boy, he took off his gloves.

    • @pangchengng9999
      @pangchengng9999 ปีที่แล้ว

      Usually doctors took off their masks and gloves, the operation theatres red lights were off, next of kins, friends were standing outside the theatre with operation doctor came out , the patient ‘s operation done.
      Old boy took off the gloves, seemed matters were over

  • @PeteIskandar
    @PeteIskandar ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Our world is not divided by race, color, gender or religion. Our world is divided into two - wise people and fools. And fools divide themselves by race, color, gender and religion. - NELSON MANDELA
    Dunia kita tidak dibahagikan mengikut bangsa, warna kulit, jantina atau agama. Dunia kita terbahagi kepada dua - orang bijak dan orang bodoh. Dan orang bodoh membahagikan diri mereka mengikut bangsa, warna kulit, jantina dan agama. - NELSON MANDELA

  • @sunnyram8839
    @sunnyram8839 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    No need to use lor on irrelevant old Fools!! Just have a good laugh and put him aside

    • @choomenglee2404
      @choomenglee2404 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Dr Makmathir won't last long, just ignore him

    • @lepakbrawlstars4840
      @lepakbrawlstars4840 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@choomenglee2404 12 yrs ago we say the same thing but still around..you will be supprise 10 yrs from now he still talk bad PM lol

    • @limchyehock6722
      @limchyehock6722 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@choomenglee2404 Before he goes make him return everything stolen from Rakyat and Nation. No wonder he keeps saying Malays are poor except this self proclaimed "Malay".

  • @socratesii91
    @socratesii91 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Kenapa nk bagi muka dekat org tua ni?? Org tua ni dulu masa memerintah tak bg muka dkat org yg nk lawan kerajaan. Pihak berkuasa kena ambik tindakan jika org tua ni mainkan isu Agama & perkauman.

    • @zulzuli3603
      @zulzuli3603 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Nk tangkap pun x de faedah...entah2 x sempat di tangkap, dh pergi x kembali lgi!

    • @thunderawal9373
      @thunderawal9373 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Dia ada POWER di dunia.. Haha !! tp di kubur, alam akhirat, jangan harap lah..

  • @sylvesterajah9886
    @sylvesterajah9886 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Malaysia's government is run based on the Rule of Law and Federal Constitution, and a System of Justice.
    If Dr. Mahathir has violated the laws in the country he should be made accountable for his alleged violaton of the country's laws. The famous adage :No one is above the LAW .

    • @jonaafr
      @jonaafr ปีที่แล้ว

      Nothing can be done to the old crook. No politician can be a billionaire, even a long serving PM. All his children are millionaire or billionaire. Mahathir is so corrupted that it is impossible now to make him answer for his crimes, especially Ops Lalang where so many Chinese were killed. If there is 1 criminal that got away it is Mahathir. Even Najib is squatting in jail. Mahathir is a fake and a con, he destroyed Malaysia's future with his short sightness, religious and race hatred. He is a economic idiot, no economy knowledge except launching mega projects like Twin Towers and Sepang circuits so that him and his children can steal from the mega projects for themselves. Ferdinand Marcos was not the only dictator and thief, at least he was chased from power. Mahathir is a parasite that never be rid of because the Malays take him as their Saviour. In fact he is the devil that destroyed the Malays. Mahathir instigated them to be racist and hate other religions. Mahathir should be striped of his Tun title, haul into court for all the crimes he committed. No use putting him in jail but his fake legacy must be revealed and destroyed. Send investigators to Taiwan or demand thru diplomatic channels to open the secret bank accounts Diam opened for Mahathir. Najib will look like a innocent baby compared to Mahathir.

    • @ishaks8152
      @ishaks8152 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mahadev said "rule of law".

    • @limchyehock6722
      @limchyehock6722 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ishaks8152 His own law.

  • @JeffWong-xv8cv
    @JeffWong-xv8cv ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Should use the Sedition Act against him to let him tastes it which he had used it repeatedly against his political enemies in the past

  • @ten9195
    @ten9195 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Just stop giving him a voice to air his tirades in public and he will retire for good into ignominy

  • @paulr.2919
    @paulr.2919 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    "The empty vessel makes the most noise."

  • @yvvonelee5026
    @yvvonelee5026 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Dr Mahathir, have you not done enough damage to Malaysia?

  • @mattyw8811
    @mattyw8811 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Tangkap aje atuktua, terus sumbat ke dalam macam dia buat kat pemimpin2 pelajar dulu.

    • @chinhockchuachinhock3682
      @chinhockchuachinhock3682 ปีที่แล้ว

      Anwar tidal ada batang tangkap Mahathier dalam sugei BULOH Anwar also hirimau kretas €paper tiger ) talked only tidak ada bodek dengan Mahatheir nampak Mahatheir buntuk dah masok Zubu Anwar.

  • @mystictraveller7031
    @mystictraveller7031 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    If he's just an ordinary citizen, he would have been remanded for several days for investigation.

    • @realme5pro658
      @realme5pro658 ปีที่แล้ว

      i disagree. any one can see that. how could u be so blind

    • @limchyehock6722
      @limchyehock6722 ปีที่แล้ว

      Isn't he an ordinary citizen now?

  • @tarasubramaniam6191
    @tarasubramaniam6191 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    He was given 22 years as 4th PM
    He could have appointed one of his Sons as his successor or even his daughter... Marina...No one would have criticised.him or asked sny
    Questions. Did he or the PMs who succeeded him need ISA at all..?
    It was left behind by the British..
    What oppisition did he snd his successors have??

  • @bagavanmaruthamuthu3673
    @bagavanmaruthamuthu3673 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    No one Dare to apply sedition acts.

    • @pangchengng9999
      @pangchengng9999 ปีที่แล้ว

      A need indeed in need, sedition act at one time was wrongly used, some detainees were locked up for more than 2 years without being trial and charged, this was the dirtiest record in the history of Malaysia, could never be erased. The responsibility for those who involved in catching the innocents and putting them in jail for year were the among the greatest crimes committed. Justice might be late, it is sure justice will never be absent!

  • @CyrilXavier-tz7pz
    @CyrilXavier-tz7pz ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Kini News, your English subtitles are appaling. Spelling is wanting to say the least.

  • @acm9616
    @acm9616 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @laimuntat900
    @laimuntat900 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yesterday, yesterday and yesterday? Shall I call you KiniTV Yesterday?!

  • @alexgomel5805
    @alexgomel5805 ปีที่แล้ว

    Media or politicians. Get it right .

  • @viswanathan2054
    @viswanathan2054 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ignore him. If he persist on condemning PMX then arrest him. Mamak is a real poison.

  • @rabidranathnair5473
    @rabidranathnair5473 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @acesuffian6944
      @acesuffian6944 ปีที่แล้ว

      majority malaysians are ill informed and mis informed.

  • @bagavanmaruthamuthu3673
    @bagavanmaruthamuthu3673 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    He done everything Good in modified

  • @cfyong1838
    @cfyong1838 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That guy is hopeless trying to reinvent himself. We have enough of him. He don’t even know who he is. He has cultural dilemma.

  • @yapsweeleng
    @yapsweeleng ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I think it is due to the fact, he was given the title “Tun” where he is untouchable.

  • @boharimyamin4222
    @boharimyamin4222 ปีที่แล้ว

    Halau keluar kerana sikap

  • @theresayongly
    @theresayongly 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Law is for EVERYONE, otherwise it is NOT fair. which country has 2 types of Law?

  • @tomastan4944
    @tomastan4944 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Why no need to use the sedition act on kutty mahatir. He weaponised this act against anyone who opposed him during his time as pm, it should be used against him accordingly. Many were locked up without trial when he was pm...

    • @thunderawal9373
      @thunderawal9373 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He got POWER in Malaysia.. haha !! lol 😅

    • @tomastan4944
      @tomastan4944 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thunderawal9373he has no such power anymore.. He is just very lucky that Malaysia has now got a good pm Anwar who is kind and forgiving to him. Look at all the billions he stole for himself, his sons, his cronies and Daim. Then play the race card to get out of it. If you read the article of the bangkok post written by george soros, you will then see how corrupt, threatening and pea brain this kutty mahatir is. He says he wants to help the poor malays. Now his sons, cronies, himself and families are billionaires the Malay people are still poor. Is this a joke or he is taking the malays for a ride around their kampongs to see what else he can steal from them.

    • @thevindictive6145
      @thevindictive6145 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes he still has lots of power. Remember he choosed all the previous PM after him. He got Anwar out of jail with a snap of his finger. He owns this country.

    • @tomastan4944
      @tomastan4944 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thevindictive6145 that mahatir is the most corrupt and racist pm of Malaysia. He uses the isa and the race card to further his own agenda to make his sons and cronies to be billionaires stealing from the country then blamed the chinese and other races for his failed policies. He stole without fear of retribution and so the other pms play follow the leader. In my opinion he was a poor leader, the best teacher of corruption and najib's corruption is petty cash compared to mahatir's sons and cronies. Now he still cries foul play saying malay rights are been stifled. The malays in Singapore are laughing at the malays in Malaysia as that evil mahatir makes them complacent. Hopefully Anwar will put things right. In 6 months Anwar has done more than that kutty mahatir did in 23 years...Mahatir is famous and is called out by George Soros as Mr 20%. He dare not sue George Soros but he dares to threaten Anwar forgetting he put Anwar in jail using false evidence of sodomy against him. This mahatir needs to rot somewhere. His time will come soon. The malay people are gradually waking up to the harm he has caused to them throwing crumbs to them all those years while he, his family, his sons and cronies all dined on steaks. Let the Macc on him, his children and cronies, then the whole world can see how corrupt he is.

  • @vivosamsung3020
    @vivosamsung3020 ปีที่แล้ว

    Apa nak kesian se musanah negeri

  • @samang9597
    @samang9597 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Who pay attention to him anymore?

  • @datoabdulmanafabdulhamid3158
    @datoabdulmanafabdulhamid3158 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Newscasters should be properly attired

    • @Wntr446
      @Wntr446 ปีที่แล้ว

      I totally agreed! Looks like wearing pyjamas with untidy long hair. Should prepare herself neat as a news reader.

    • @alexgomel5805
      @alexgomel5805 ปีที่แล้ว

      Which newscaster,?? They all are very well attired.

  • @goldeneagle2197
    @goldeneagle2197 ปีที่แล้ว

    There will be chaos if he is remanded.

  • @pckuching3374
    @pckuching3374 ปีที่แล้ว

    Back by usa to creact instability to malaysia

  • @khookahhock9031
    @khookahhock9031 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Kutty time no number 2 kikiki

  • @irinejessjohnson7132
    @irinejessjohnson7132 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @user-pe8hf5mp5g
    @user-pe8hf5mp5g 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nature will take care of Mahathir soon.

  • @ishaks8152
    @ishaks8152 ปีที่แล้ว

    Che gu bad kena tumbuk muka dengan tuanku.

  • @samueltan7343
    @samueltan7343 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mahathir is a toothless tiger now. There are nothing he can do to harm the Anwar's Government of the day. Honestly, the old man is insanely barking at the wrong tree 🌴.

  • @chinhockchuachinhock3682
    @chinhockchuachinhock3682 ปีที่แล้ว

    The public opinion is the most dangerous weapon .whether to bring u up or to bring you liked dominoes. Bear that in mind Anwar you are not the greatest the public is the greatest besides Allah

  • @chinhockchuachinhock3682
    @chinhockchuachinhock3682 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anwar dont always walk with your head high if you dont do what the voters want you to do in your next election you will become the back benchers you will be again back in the cell. Your enemies will see you for that. Mahatheir will not die so soon to see back in jailed again before he died in peace 😊

  • @carolyetyet9022
    @carolyetyet9022 ปีที่แล้ว

    Tun is old now. He is no more young now. He keep repeating saying the same things. Boring

  • @chinhockchuachinhock3682
    @chinhockchuachinhock3682 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why I said Anwar is powerless he wanted her daughter to be his adviser without pay protested by the opposition Anwar just gave in that's show he got no fighting spirit that's gave Mahatheir and Haji Bawang to see his weakness in Anwar being PM . ANWAR YOU ARE NOW HOLDING THE ACE OF SPADE BUT YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO USED THE ACE OF SPADE TO BEAT THEM

  • @chinhockchuachinhock3682
    @chinhockchuachinhock3682 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you let Mahatheir and Haji Bawang spread his proper gender will trunished your image Anwar I warned you. Will do you more harm than good.

  • @jonaafr
    @jonaafr ปีที่แล้ว

    Mahathif should close his claps. A failed politician but especially a failed human being. The most incompetant PM ever in Malaysian politics. The Agong should tell him to shut his claps instead of stirring racial and religious hatred. His racism must be exposed and stopped.

    • @acesuffian6944
      @acesuffian6944 ปีที่แล้ว

      Talk is cheap.. Anwar and his government are all talk but nothing to show act..hopeless government..

    • @limchyehock6722
      @limchyehock6722 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@acesuffian6944 Yes "Walk The Talk"

  • @bayaavarn4349
    @bayaavarn4349 ปีที่แล้ว

    ...do not cross the line....the Angel is protecting mahathir for his 23 years of work for the country..
    Their father is strong...

  • @kumyutkwong6903
    @kumyutkwong6903 ปีที่แล้ว

    Tun is seeking publicity since he isn't so popular anymore

  • @galat2710
    @galat2710 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Clearly, Madani has ' no balls ' against seditious MahaTAHI !