Issues : meningitis Causes Diplococci Small dark purple spear shaped , spiral shaped Innoculating cultures in laboratory with MacConkey agar which can ferment lactose .... Four stages of growth Lag phase Logarithmic phase Stationary phase Decline phase Bacteria growth by fission of cells in viable temperatures With culture nutrients of glucose , oxygen binary fission cause exponential growth of bacteria ... With rapid onset of disease Turbidity Measure with spectrophotometer Pathways Ingestion Injection In the decline phase the toxins build up Microscopic views of total bacteria Scatter plots Plotted MPN Most probable number gives the number present in the media. Telescopic views
hi . i wanna say thats still legendary as much s u are
Osm explanation mam
Thanks soooo much for your explanation, helps me a lot!
Issues : meningitis
Small dark purple spear shaped , spiral shaped
Innoculating cultures in laboratory with MacConkey agar which can ferment lactose ....
Four stages of growth
Lag phase
Logarithmic phase
Stationary phase
Decline phase
Bacteria growth by fission of cells in viable temperatures
With culture nutrients of glucose , oxygen binary fission cause exponential growth of bacteria ...
With rapid onset of disease
Measure with spectrophotometer
In the decline phase the toxins build up
Microscopic views of total bacteria
Scatter plots
Most probable number gives the number present in the media.
Telescopic views