It's the government's fault. If they want to increase the Korean birthrate then they should enact legislation to protect women employees who have children from (job) discrimination.
That won’t change anything. We have all that legislation in America and it hasn’t had any effect on our declining birth rate. Korea has way more societal issues than that.
@@Indigo565 feminism used to be about equal rights but now it's all about thrashing men and glorifying career, materialism, egoism, singleness and childlessness.
@@RickySpanish-In the US there’s no paid maternity leave, no help w/ day care cost, no healthcare coverage, etc… so protection from work place discrimination isn’t enough. The US needs to do more, we are very behind regarding supporting family w/ raising kids.
Meanwhile here in Lithuania a mother gets 2 years PAID maternity leave. Of course some find it a bit challenging to get back to the job market, but still, they get accepted.
That is generous both financially but also allowing the mother and child to bond during the crucial developmental years. Good for you guys for being socially conscious and reasonable!
Meanwhile if the child care and stuff like that is woman's work then technically it's a man's job to take care of the women but then the women are at the will of the men either way.
Parenting is a two person job. Typically, it was the man that was responsible for financing the family’s lives whereas the woman was responsible for maintaining the household and their children. This dynamic works and has worked for years. What compromises this system however is when neither parent wants to fulfill their respective role, either concentrating too much on their work or not enough on the household. Women can try to be single parents in their own but it is immensely difficult and ill advised.
@@saltycalmonds totally agree with you but if a mother wants to work why is it not expected of a man to take some responsibility of their children why is it always the woman who's made to quit working when they need to focus on their children And since it is a two person's job why is it that mostly men leave their pregnant partners to be forced single mothers and also it is men who don't want relationships with single mothers most of the time and in extreme cases when mothers can't take care of the child by themselves and are forced by situations to leave their children outside some orphanage or church or temple they become the "bad parents". If men just try to be responsible for the family rather than making a family or just giving them money, a family might become a better place for some people
in korea, uunless you are marrying a CEO, it is impossible to be a single income household an live comfortably. That's why women work because they also need to feed their parents too sometimes because ther husband also need to feed his parents too. money is why😊
Very untrue, it is a very possible to live on a single income especially in South Korea due to the amazing infrastructure. The women in South Korea are little princesses who spends so much money on useless stuff because Instagram and other social medias have poisoned their minds. They complain and complain so Korean men are tired of this and many are looking for women in other countries like Vietnam, Russia, Philippeans, Japan, etc. It is extremely hilarious seeing these Korean men with foreign wives because their women are barely contributing to their financial needs as they need to learn Korean or they take of kids (full time mom). And no, I'm not talking about super high income earners, these are people who makes around 50-60k a year which isn't uncommon for an average 30 year olds or higher.
Makes sense to me. If you are penalised for having children, in a society that still thinks it’s ok for the father to do noting in the rearing of that child, because it’s though of “women’s work”, then don’t have kids. It’s takes two make a child and should take two to raise that child
Of course, I don't know all the details, how this country regulates the pregnancy/birth/afterbirth, what is the financial support.. But, I wouldn't care for job more than for a child. A child is not forever little. As soon as a child goes to the kindergarten, I just restart my job, I don't care about career, job is just for financial support of a family. It's only about the first 3 years of a child. Means I fall out from a job for at least 1,5 years or for the full 3 tears. So what? It not 5-10 years.. I don't care, who takes my job away, don't care if it will break my career.. there is always a restart, there is always a possibility fo find a better job. Why are all living in such a fear? As if a job is the only thing in life, almost their identity.. set free you mind, no penalty should sound as the end of your life or the end of your babies life before his/her birth... plan your 2-3 years with baby beforehand, save money for these 2-3 years and enjoy being a mother, then return to your job or to another job...
@@lenaor6364 That would work if you have support system around you tho, not for the women who's stuck raising a child alone, R victims denied abortions, or widows who lost their husband and now need to fulfill the role of the breadwinner from A to Z. They are under obligation to work to provide for their kids, naturally. Which a penalty as such cost them greatly and hold them back from moving forward to provide a better lifestyle for their kids just because they gave birth.
@EverydayASunday yes, I am talking about women, who are married, have a support system and still decide against children.. it's literally about 1-3 years of time out! And they sacrifice having a child in order to bow down in front of their employer as if they are gods, as if there are no 20-30 years after 3 years of staying with a child for job and carrear.. it's such a fear and submission based life.. it doesn't change the misogyny and men dominance, if women are forced to live like they are men. It's a denial of women... how can it be seen as emancipation? It's even more humiliation and supression of a woman than allowing her to be out of a job for a couple of years due to her motherhood... And women participate in their own humiliation, believing they are only cool when they are doing their job like men... such a delusion.. it's not feminism even.. it's making men's cruel dominance stronger. And feminism is also a lie, real feminism shouldn't make men out of women, but protect the femininity! Having a child should be finally seen as the highest contribution to the country and society in generall, should be highly supported and never have negative impact on the woman's return into the job after 3 years of childcare.. it should be highly praised and written in the CV! It's another level of skills, coming with parenting, which people without children don't have.. without women's resistance Korea's (not only Korea's) tradition/system will never change.
@@lenaor6364 first, there's this societal pressure on women in Korea that they should prioritize caring for children, home, husband, in laws. Wives are expected to give full care towards children far more than 3 years. Second, you won't go far in company because you're held back by house responsibilities, your boss won't give you promotion because they think you can't give full time and focus on the company. Many women can only do part time low paying job after they have children, their work opportunities are small.
@myname8419 are there any trade (labour) unions/women in government? It's high time to step forward for feminine rights. With 3 y.o. child is in the kindergarten.. But this kind of treatment is in corporate world only or in other occupations too? (Like for teachers, artists, entrepreneurs ?). Actually in Europe many women work voluntarily parttime, while having children. It's ok. I would rather live for my kid(s), than for my boss.. he doesn't care even if I would be in high position, he would see me as a tool for his business, not as a human being.. especially knowing, how "full time job" in Asia looks like.. not only 8 hours per day, not 2 days of weekend and not 28 days vacation like in Europe and no paid sick leaves... Would never sacrifice my life for exploitation.. better to live humbly on a budget, then this hamster wheel... better move out from such country, if there is no possibility to change it.. they just profit from silence and obedience - from people's fear...
In the end, every society has to understand that when a woman has a child, it is for continuation of society and humankind... It cant be treated as her PROBLEM to deal with. 🤷🏻♀️
To be honest, I don't think most people truly care if human society continue to exist, at least if doesn't happen in their life time. A problem that don't exist in their life time is not truly a problem.
A child is always more important than a job.. why is it so hard to decide, why has job become more important??? Is it hard in Korea to save money for 1-2 years "afterbirth time out"? Are there no childcare/motherhood financial support? If yes, for how long? Countries, which don't give a woman at least 2 first years time out for a child, covered financially are cutting a brunch, on which they will sit in the future. Plus, rushed into the job young mothers, means too early institutionalized babies - it's a huge number of future adults with a childhood trauma, because they didn't spend the first 2-3 years with their mother...
@jisookruzat yes, they speak about motherhood as if a child is always a baby.... after 2-3 years you are free to restart your job. What are 2-3 years in comparison to 30 years of employment??? And knowing how high consumerism is in Korea, of course they have no idea about budgeting, saving money for 3 years of job break... they need to think out of a box!
@@Luuhpan True. But they do usually care if their family name is continued... Atleast in most Asian countries, it definitely is a reason elders want their children to have children...
As much as Korean is a developed country these days, their cultural beliefs are very traditional and patriachy practices are deep rooted in their society. Women aside, for men working in offices, managers shouting at lower ranked staff are not that uncommon. It is a very toxic society
Korean workplaces are no more toxic than many other countries. All countries have bad bosses, who treat underlings badly in many different ways. Korea is no better or worse in that regard than any other country - in fact, Korea might be better than many western countries. Western countries are notorious for treating employees badly too!! Western companies ONLY care about money - not the people who work for them. BUT the patriarchy in Korea is REALLY bad. Woman in general work MUCH, MUCH harder than men in the same position. Men tend to waste a lot of time on their phone and idling while women tend to run around busily doing most of the work. THAT happens a lot. Women in South Korea have it pretty bad compared to women generally in the west. Not only at work, but at home where they STILL do most of the housework and child-raring. Chusok for example is a 4 day holiday for children and men - for women it's months of extra housework and cleaning and preparation beforehand, then during the holiday serving the HUSBAND's family hand and foot like a slave for the whole holiday, then coming back to work exhausted, glad to be back at work where they can rest a bit. That's a married women's lot in Korea. When I first came to Korea, I used to ask women how their Chusok holiday was. I stopped asking that question a long time ago. I asked a LOT of women that question. I never got a SINGLE positive answer. ALWAYS a negative, "Thank goodness it's over" answer. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Korean women seem to hate Chusok. They hate all the work it involves that THEY have to do and they HATE that they have to work so subserviently for the MAN'S family all the time. I don't blame them. The holiday is a lovely family thing, similar to Thanks Giving in America. It SHOULD be a lovely holiday for EVERYONE, but the tradition that says women have to be slaves to the husband's family during that holiday is disgusting - it has to change!! ...I wonder why Korean women don't want to get married and have kids...
Wow! I guess we are somewhat blessed in the US. We may not have the 2 years off for maternity leave but as a woman giving birth it never stopped my career growth nor anyone I know. I have 5 children and was able to return to work and be promoted during my career. This type of discrimination needs to be addressed by all employers and the Korean government in order for something to change.
Part of the reason you get to experience that career growth is because you don’t get those 2 years off. It’s quite the investment for a company to put time and resources into developing individuals when they go off for 2 years x amount of times in a 10 year period. Congrats on your promotions btw.
@@zeroturn7091 Employers are ruthless towards everyone. Everything is profit margins, which leaves little room for anything else. It all comes back to that age old proverb, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Something has to give. You want to be a mother, fantastic, stay home and be the awesome mother you can be. Or, be a mother and go back to work and have your partner take the time off. There is still quite the stigma that prevents men from taking time off for parental leave in the workplace in the first place. However, from obviously anecdotal experience (it would be interesting to see a study on this), I rarely see women offering to go back to work to build their professional portfolio and let their partner take the leave.
It's also about fixing the social and work structure... I worked in Europe before and some male employees took a day off or missed a gathering because of childcare. The dads in South Korea should really start to contribute to childcare. So when the woman gets asked, "You need to take care of your kid, don't you?" The woman can answer, "It's okay, my husband can cover me".
I kinda think they’d rather be able to say “no, my husband is taking care of it this time. I got it next time”. That would mean both understand they’re equally responsible for whatever comes up with the child; not “it’s the mom’s job, but the dad “covers” for her sometimes”.
That’s not even the case. Having children should not have any correlation with your work after maternity leave. I know many people with kids and they show up to work everyday on time and get their job done. It’s a misogynistic culture and it needs to be broken down completely
On top of that, despite still working full time outside the home, women are also expected to take on the majority of childrearing. Until there's equality in the workforce and equality of parental responsibilities, more women will continue not having children.
No sir. For the vast majority of history women did the the childbearing while men worked away from home. Nothing has changed other than the cancer known as feminism
@@DB20204 How about some equality in mandatory military service and being eligible for the draft in time of war. How about some equality in the manual labor workforce. Women only want equality when it benefits them. As soon as it is dangerous or dirty or physically demanding, women suddenly don’t want anything to do with equality. That is when they suddenly become traditionalists and want a man to do “what a man is supposed to so.” Yet, women want to refuse to “do what a woman is supposed to do.” Funny how that works. Women want it to be a one-way street.
@@Kyra-qn3nh no company want a loss but as many profit as possible! I bet you will be the same if you own a business! Maybe you should change the system and bear some loss in the process.
If you're unwilling to make systemic changes to support women, then don't complain about declining birth rates, women opting out of marriage, or not wanting children. The argument 'maybe you should change the system and accept some loss' mirrors what women have started saying to men about recognizing men's mental health struggles and addressing male loneliness. By the way, your point doesn't hold much weight, considering many companies now offer paternal leave equal to maternal leave. If we’re going to view women as potential 'profit losses' because of maternity leave, then the same logic would apply to men who take paternal leave .
@snikkers3707 But the average time they leve is not comparable and that fine. But I see no benefit in making it a comparison. I mean what about woman who leave because of depression? That's a fair comparison to men leaving for the same reason, so on that note they have that and parental leave. So overall it's not the same and it unfair to think it is.
As a Korean, I feel like what she says is like what used to happen to my parents’ generations.. around 1970-80. I have not personally seen those penalties. It’s actually the opposite. And it’s more like both men and women don’t want kids.. because it’s already hard enought to take care of themselves.
Here in the US, I personally would not want to have kids. All the weird stuff schools expose them to, plus the fact that it's expensive. Most marriages here end up in divorce and all my kids and much of my income can be taken away. So why even try? I would love to have a beautiful loving wife but it seems impossible to find that.
@@LordDementus1987 The divorce rate (at least in the US) has actually been going down for the last 20 years, and will likely continue to decrease. Also, if you do get married, sign a prenuptial. It's not impossible to find a beautiful loving wife, it's simply very complex to actually accomplish. Regardless, I hope more people are entering relationships with better communication and understanding, so that all parties involved are happy. Personally, I don't think you should get married unless you deem it *absolutely* crucial, but hey that's just me.
Men build the Civilisation. Women produce the men. If a woman refuses to have kids they shouldn't have access to the benefits provided by the Civilisation.
Child and home care are responsibility for both father and mother.
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Stop fighting over who is responsible and just choose NOT to have the children. The society has evolved to a point to where the children are inconvenient. So dont bring them into the world.
I used to work full time until my 30s up until I had a child. It's impossible to raise a child and have a career at the same time as a woman. And before someone says "daycare exists", a week of daycare is as expensive as my salary, so I'm not going to work just to have strangers raise my kid and I'm also penniless in the end.
"So they're either hypocrites or horrible parents. Their poor children" That's one of the reasons a lot of men don't want kids. They remember how horrible it was for their mother to raise them and would rather not deal with kids at all.
The main reason for Koreas low birthrate is, quite simply, sexism and misogyny. Of course there are many othe rproblems too but I think this really is the biggest issue.
Neh I think it’s because it’s too expensive to live and to buy a house. Young people feel it’s not worth the hassle to be a slave to a job when you can’t even own an apartment after working all their lives and if you have a kid, it’s even more expensive.
The fact not talked about much is Korean society is very superficial where one gets judged based on looks/socal status/money and usually very detached from their spiritual life
@user-ye3ds5jn6g I disagree. When half the population that have the uterus is actively being discriminated against, that's a bigger factor than just money.
As a Korean, I am convinced that this is a significant part of the problem. Along with the rising entry age, overcrowding in the metropolitan area, and the country's tax and welfare systems that are far more favorable to single-person households, etc.
This!! I've been seeing so many videos focusing on the low birth rate and the negative impact on the economy. But this is why there's a low birth rate. It's nearly impossible to exist in this economy and job market as a woman with a child.
And there's the knock on effect of the cost of raising the child on one person's income. I feel sorry for the entire generation of Koreans of child bearing age. SMH
El feminismo en Corea del Sur, promueve el aborto, como en todo el mundo, en vez de enfocarse en este tipo de problemas, pero no, ellas quieren abortos. Pero que van a abortar si ninguna mujer quiere tener hijos.. Ironico..
The fact not talked about much is Korean society is very superficial where one gets judged based on looks/socal status/money and usually very detached from their spiritual life
Most capitalistic corporations: "Money money money! Who cares about the cost of living?!" Governments watching the current birthrate: " why aren't people having children???"
They're making you choose between career and motherhood. But then if you choose motherhpod how do you feed yourself or your children especially if marriages breakdown or men are stuck in work all day trying to earn a living on one income per household, with impossible inflation and unemployment.... THE SITUATION IS COMPLETELY HELPLESS AND INHUMANE THEN THEY WONDER WHY BIRTHRATE IS LOW.
@@natashadickson4819 Korean is an expensive countries and heavenly competitive education where they have to spend alot of money on school, tution so child can go university and have a decent job
i remember when i saw the kdrama 18again it was so crazy to me how the mom’s company treated her for being a mom with this exact line “You’re a mom you need to focus on your kids, how can you work here when you have kids” like basically shaming her for being a mom and wanting to work
You want to get free benefit for your own personal happiness at the cost of company.. How it is justified... You want to be mom then save money for that ask husband to increase his salary but why company should give you free salary?
@hawahtijani-amin135 it's your personal decision why company take the burden.. They have gave you employment to work.. Do your work took salary and go home.. Why to get full 2 years maternity leave.. Is it not a buden on company and it's investor...
Typical female response. They want it all and they want everyone else to bear the burden. They want the entire society to restructure itself so that they can do whatever they want. No. If you're going to have kids, just be a full-time mother. It's what the *_kids need._* Or have your husband be a full-time father if he is fine with that. But it's ridiculous to expect a company to cater to your desire to have the best of all things while giving unfocused efforts.
The same happens in the US. I was shamed repeatedly for going on maternity leave (zero pay), and was constantly verbally berated for needing to go home after work hours. So many stories
Us puts money and profits above their citizens. It's falling apart due to that lack or morals and ethics. I hope to see a turnaround somehow no matter what. Despite them voting wrong like the Germans did once. Only then will America indeed be great again.
I was passed over for the department I wanted because of the department boss' religious beliefs. This was a Union job. I paid my dues. Now I'm owed an' a lot of back pay. A Huge amount. A giant amount IN FACT. Isle be increasing the amount for my pay all de time in till my killer Holiday pay shows up. Don't mess with me. EVER. I get standby pay while waiting for my back pay and it is causing much emotional stress just waiting around for my pay day. It's a beautiful thing. Can yah wainscoting and ruby kitty that fact? Den is stew an' I ha' ate yo momma four setting the towel on fire. Make me want to vomit. Bough limbs cut fall geee nah thankful I not note see him hit me no more. I no stay with abusems. Ross Ahh le' Make it snappley.
(USA) i am greatful to work in a company that is a majority of women, good chunk moms or grandmothers. So they are more understanding but i have seen and worked at places that were not. But even then its a corporation so we have sooo many unnecessary rules and regulations and unpaid leave.
@amandaferrareli2632 it's not a thing in East Asia. Lots of children are abandoned by their fathers. You consider yourself lucky if you grow up in a family with both parents because it's on the rare side. The majority are raised by single moms.
@Balance-Mind101 that's so sad. Here in Brazil many children are abandoned by their fathers too... but even at distance they have to pay Child support to not go to jail. The mom who abandon her children need to pay Child support too. A friend of mine raise her grandchildren. Her daughter and the kids father pay Child support to her. In some cases people don't go after the Child rights within the law... so in a continental country there are kids in bad situations... but It's against the law.
It is not about insecurity. It is just productivity. How about men working so hard to provide family and wife taking care of family. Because it doesn't matter how much you wine for ideal society man run main part of society and can't do well in family like women. Women can give birth not man and man can't give emotional connection to children like moms. You are guys just ignoring and rejecting natural functions....
Italy is also like this no wonder the low birth rate, even in interview they ask- do you have a bf? You plan on getting pregnant? You married? They know it's not legal but abuse their position of powe and the desperation of the applicants to make them oblige by answering.
Precisely the same happens in the Czech republic! They know it's illegal and they do it anyway. Especially in professions when you can't work from home like doctors. We have 70% of graduates who are female, yet, hospitals don't want to hire them and they are making obsticles when they are pregnant/having a child.
My korean husband also said that men over 40 are treated the same way as korean women having children. They all get rejected for promotions and projects and forced into quitting. As modern as South Korea is, externally, the government and greedy corporations will be the end of them.
It happens in uk , despite there being laws in place they are difficult to implement , nobody can prove discrimination against age , unless evidence is there
THANK YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT THIS!! I've commented twice in other vids about this cause it's so important what the mother thinks and what women are going through in Korea.
People need to also be realistic. If you do have children, most likely something will get neglected. At my place of employment women with children complain about being overlooked for certain positions because they require longer hours at work. When they do get these positions, they then complain about working longer hours and constantly try to make arrangements to get off earlier for their children. I see all the time.
"Parenting" which is the essential core practice of renewing society being targeted by corporations. The society suffers for the sake of corporate profits, this is pure dystopia, modern day slavery.
@TheFlowMind Choices of Individuals shouldn't be influenced by Corporations, that's what I'm saying. Don't try to be a smartass and try to read before you comment.
Countries like this will eventually face their own demise unless a change in their policies is made somehow. The thing is, with the cost of housing and education, it's not just women who are trying to avoid having a family. Even more and more men avoid it because of the financial demands. If women can't get a job in this economy, the financial weight will all be put on the man once they have kids, especially because their government doesn't provide any support or subsidies. The sad part is that it's not just SK facing this issue. There are several countries like this, too. It's like the people running the governments don't have brains.
I had an assistant manager who is engaged and his fiance has mental health problems. they have been in a long term relationship and he doesn't want her to suffer. he got a vasectomy because she couldn't take off from work and doesn't care enough to have kids.
The people in the government are just working their own jobs but the ones that control the government on top have an agenda. They want to decrease the worlds population this is just 1 way.
Ya. When subsidizing a family in order for them to afford having a child or children comes up, I always want to ask if I could have the tax payer subsidize that new car I want, and the slightly larger home I have been yearning for. Either we can afford to have a child or we can not. It is not up to our neighbors to subsidize our income so that someone can fulfill a desire to have a family. From where I sit you are responsible and have personal integrity.
@@spencerroberts4940 so some things i can agree with you on that. However they are asking us to ensure the population of our species when we cannot afford to live on this planet ourselves. If they want to give us incentives to reproduce help with raising the child or giving us job wedges that allow for such childcare is the best ways to go. Instead of all this silly bullying, blackmailing, gaslighting, and punishments Unless you are asking each individual on this planet to be sole food/entertainment/educational provider, it really does take a village to raise kids.
@@Cantmakeupmymindonaname "ensure the population of our species" The human species are in no danger when you consider there are 8 Billion 234 million (give or take a few hundred thousand) humans already. Also we are adding to the world population at a rate of 130+/- million each year which will make this decade the first time humans have added another Billion people in less than ten years. Essentially governments, businesses, and humans that are more interested in their own gain, are the one's that are pushing really hard for more humans. It's all about expanding markets, another words, profits. This planet is out of balance, fish stock plummeting, fresh water being pumped out faster than replenishment, quickly warming sea and air, acidification of the sea, loss of the rain forest, giant monsoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, huge yearly die off and extinction of the insect world and mammals etc. We do not seem to be able to connect with the masses on how serious our present situation is, so I am in favor of lower than replacement numbers concerning the human population. Essentially, the very opposite perception that we need to help families with subsidies. This would hopefully stop the burgeoning population explosion that is occurring right now and especially in the next decade (2030).☯
@@spencerroberts4940 the gov should absolutely subsidize having kids they are the ones asking people to have more kids don't you get this clip Korean race might cease to exist it's that bad! But they punish women for having them instead of offering incentives and protections.
@@spencerroberts4940 You're very shortsighted. Investing our shared money - our taxes - to encourage and sustain a new generation is in no way comparable to buying you a new car. Have you always been so shallow? What's your play here? You act as if children are a commodity that only wealthy people deserve to have. I assert that in our wildly unequal society, where solid middle-class jobs are few and far between, hardworking people often don't make enough to have a place to live, much less the "luxury" of children. How long are you going to ride the plane crash that is late-stage vulture capitalism as it falls towards the ground? Must it corkscrew into a cornfield killing all on board before you see the problem?
Wanting to have a career doesn't mean she doesn't care for her child. No one blame the man. A child is both man's and woman's responsibility. So stop blaming and making her guilty to trap her financially.
Actually, it is happening around the world and almost everyone blames this issue to the women who choose carrier and being independent. Toxic society and government itself.
That's messed up because a child has two parents TWO! If one parent has to constantly think of the kid... the other parent should be as well. It's like saying the father shouldn't care about their kids. If everyone split work and child rearing 50/50 it would be easier on everyone.
Splitting the child rearing in 50/50 would impact two jobs and two companies. The companies would still need someone to replace those two employees during their absence. It's not really sexism, it's economics. It sucks, but it's not like we're going to solve the problem by ignoring why it happens. If it's an economic issue, it should be solved like one.
@@CottidaeSEA Except it is sexism. You think the man isn't impacted at all naturally by childbirth? lol. Have you literally never heard the phrase "many hands make light work"? It's a cliche, but it holds up to scrutiny. Sharing responsibilities makes those responsibilities lighter overall. Babies aren't an assembly line. They take communal effort to raise. You don't even know the costs necessary to raise a kid in the Korean economy. This is patently ridiculous. 500 insipid comments like yours pop up whenever women and low birth rates in Korea are mentioned, but you have no idea what you're talking about.
@@CottidaeSEA that's the reason they told that if both the parents take the responsibilty then they would be able to slove this issue to some extent...... it should not just be always about women taking care of their, they need job and money as well.. splitting the responsibility pf tge kid is something which shouldn't be needed to be told that's common sense as u both r the parents ....
Same here in the U.S. Women who are career-oriented choose not to have children because most companies are not kind to women with children. Then we get people complaining that the birth rate is dropping. If you want women to have babies, either start paying them to give birth or facilitate a pathway for working moms to do well at their jobs and be there for their children because it takes money to survive and right now there is no money to be made having kids.
It is indeed. We're going to be treated as birthing appliances rather than people. The forced-birth crowd is going to kill a lot of us, and maim many more.
Yes. This is the real reason why Republicans have been so anti-abortion. Not for sanctity of life, but they fear the low birthrates. No future soldiers, no future workers to exploit, no future consumers. Voters really think they've voted for pro-life politicians, more like pro future wage slaves.
@@becca1189it’s never going to get better - because ✨ m e n ✨ Men are gonna men. They’re always have, are currently - and always will - ruin everything for everyone around them (including themselves).
@@becca1189Maybe if the democrats weren't treating men like trash you wouldn't have to fight in the first place. This is the bed you women made for yourselves with your toxic feminism and misandry.
The way the economy goes its almost impossible to live on a one income family. At the same time goverments urge people to have children because of low birth rates. Incentives and laws need to be introduced but most important: MENTALITIES NEED TO CHANGE. It is easy to blame women all the time. It is crucial to support them.
The fact not talked about much is Korean society is very superficial where one gets judged based on looks/socal status/money and usually very detached from their spiritual life
@@kangaroo2191LOL you know that america has endless ways to peotect women? Family court, job quotas, softer punishment for the same crime etc. Men get regularly get their existence destroyed by divorce court. see, women are like children, you cant put your emotions aside. When its good for women, its good, when the same thing is good for men, its bad. Yall are rotten to the core
This also perpetuates cultures of fathers not being involved in child rearing and not having healthy, loving relationships with their children. It holds women back in their successful career, and it holds men back from having meaningful emotional experiences.
Why would a woman have trouble having a kid if the husband is taking care of the bills. Once a woman has a child it’s no longer about themselves it’s about the child and raising them. Raise the child enjoy the company and joy the child gives you and then once the child is older get back to the work force.
Here's the problem, not all women want's to be a career women I'd argue it's very few who has a future in a career oriented fields, also sure let's assume all women are boss babes, how many will actually have success? now let's go to the men, it's also true that not all men are driven and not many will succeed but you know what's the difference, men have to work whether they like it or not, it's our duty to provide it's not a choice men who failed are bums.
@@robertnoble6661I can guarantee you a lot of women would be successful and I mean a loooooot of them Women are unfortunately raised unlike men to put their feeling and dreams aside for other people in their lives parents, husbands, grandparents, children, MIL/FIL But once they learn to put themselves first, decenter theses people and set their goals they can get successful
@@Ap_twsh what are you yapping about? They don't want to have children because it doesn't benefit them. Weren't you listening? They even get into trouble with their companies. It's not that they don't want to Also Women who earn less shouldn't have to worry about bills when they do most of the household chores that they don't even get paid for 50/50 doesn’t work when one person earns less and works more labor But why do you act like women don’t pay any bills
@@Ap_twshthat’s an issue especially here in America. The men keep running from responsibilities especially remaining loyal to their family (I.e. wives and children). It’s a growing epidemic w/ OF and cheating online always thinking the grass is greener on the other side. That’s why older women are giving advice about not getting into relationships here bc the job becomes the only reliable, dependable option in most cases vs. having children but still being abandoned by the child(ren)’s father.
Love how this woman speak out and share about birth situation and qomen's work life environment that shows insights on what government needs to address for change.
Government don't need to change anything Companies doing Right thing Be a mom or corporate slave Working women's kids became Criminals and thugs in future so don't give birth
@ShahabuddinKhan-w8p who told u that? That's literally not true at all. Also in poor countries w a large population ppl need to work regardless of gender to grow economy which will also help w inflation. Yes, Korea is developed but many countries around the world aren't. In third world countries women are forced to get married. Later they face many mistreatments from their husband's family for many reasons. It's not that easy.
@@Lilac_liha i agree that both men and women have to work in this inflation time But it doesn't mean that only men take all the responsibility and pressure Women have to take care Child it's more womens job to take care family and kids Women get mistreatment because there own faults Women always try to escape from responsibility and accountability and it's our job to make women accountable for everything when women make mistakes Why do you expect only living in your comfort zone ? If you don't work hard enough don't put efforts no one treat you better That's fact it's only excuses getting mistreated I don't care women get mistreatment women deserve every consequence
@@ShahabuddinKhan-w8p okay my mom works a lot hard but still gets mistreatments. Idk what r u even talking abt they usually have very high standards and idk what ur talking abt ur saying women don't work hard at all? From what I've seen what type of things my mom has gone through for no reason I would definitely earn money for myself to least have financial freedom. Also taking care of the child is both men n women's jobs.
@@Lilac_liha i have 8 years experience working with women And 9/10 they are all lazy brats Women never work hard like men no extra time no working in holidays 10 minutes break become 30 minutes Gossiping So don't believe you During work every women take help from men took help from me even it was not hard enough to get help But women ☕ Financial freedom is ok But that freedom became curse when you turn 40 years old after that no coming back And taking care child is mainly women's job Don't try to forcefully change the natural law
In Israel, almost all the women work and we have more kids than any other developed country. Your country needs to make some laws to protect working mothers and encourage ppl to have more children or in a few decades you won't have a country.
It flips the other way too. When I was working I had to work much more OT to pick up the slack bc of women who had families. I get it the idea behind it but I became resentful bc I was expected to work night after night bc I was one of the few single women with no children. It gets really old after a while. I put my foot down when they started insisting I should work on holidays too bc I don’t have children.
The problem here seems to be on the management's side. They can't afford to hire extra help/part timers to cover for the workload, especially on holidays, so they pick workers whom they believe is "socially acceptable" to be bullied 💀 You should try filing a complaint to your Department of Labor (or which government agency supports workers rights in your country).
@@vqbl795 You’re right about it being a management issue and it got better after I put my foot down. The place went down during the ‘08 crash so that was a long time ago. I just wanted to point out that this happens too.
For real! I’m a single woman too and I’m told I should do more OT to make up for the hours the mom coworkers did not put in. It’s not fair! I might not have kids but I also have other responsibilities too like my elderly parents and a second job I need to go to. It makes me feel punished. I see how this situation is unfair for women, but it’s also unfair for the coworkers and the company.
@TigerTummy23 I know that this sounds patronising but, all of you who are shouting " we have to pick up the slack for the parents with extra hours " are F*CKING STUPID! Congratulations you fell into the manager's trap of blaming your colleagues instead of the mismanagement who is putting you in a very much illegal situation *clap**clap*.
This is the same in india too, so many women are working rn yet so few are in leadership positions not because they don't want to be but because many bosses (not all) tell women that they just had a kid and shouldn't worry about this now. It's guised as care but is far from it
So The Wife worked for a newspaper when the Daughter was born -- the Employer provided a building + grounds + maintenance labor to subsidize a daycare + Preschool, close enough for mid-day breastfeeding or payground visit, depending on the age
@@carultch they could be paid, you idiot. But instead of looking elsewhere, usually far away and with limited hours, an on-site daycare would be perfect and I am willing to bet a lot of mothers and fathers would be very happy to pay for it.
Children are the most important thing You MUST stay home and raise your children No woman should work if she has a child You can't do both The children will be disfunctional if the mother works
That's why women not having kids because they called gold digger if she stays at home on husbands money and according to husband she is not doing anything at staying home instead of it company should make better environment at workplace for new borns mother's......’s good 👍 women giving birth is not appreciated in some families…so smart women stop doing it, why bother to ruin my shape and career to keep community that don’t even care 😅 also many men don’t want kids, let them play video games till the last day! 👌
"Mem dont want kids, let them play video games till rhe last day" funny how its always directed against men without any reason. Feminism really f*cks your head
So men make women's lives crappier and then *shocked Pikachu face* when women don't want anything to do with them.... and they're confused about it.... 😂
@@oshanmalaka8448 Lol, no. They go to countries that they "think" have cheaper lifestyle so they can get women who speak a different language and expect little to nothing from them aside from a roof over their heads. They want a breeding slave who doesn't expect anything out of them and who can't complain about their behavior... It's a well-known fact that even most Korean gay men agree with: SK men are not exactly the most pleasant and respectful people in the dating scene.
Because women from these countries (after seeing all these korean shows, etc) are marrying korean men thinking their lives will be awesome. Only to realise they are vulnerable in a country where they lack support if they want to leave their situation.
The corporate world has destroyed the family and, myopically, risks destroying their very cultures and populations with severely low birthrates. As a father, no "project" or company could ever be more important than my child.
My wife got fired when she announced to her boss she was going to be a mother, yet my boss didn't bat an eye when I announced I was going to be a father. Yet we have the right to the same paternity leave (4 months in Spain, paid 100% by the government), we spend the same time with our kids, etc. Her boss who fired her is a woman and mine who kept me is a man. Coincidence? We don't think so.
Yes 💯!!! This should be top comment. The traditional way of life where the woman doesn't even have to work has been getting destroyed for decades, by corporations and feminists too. Sh*tty family dynamics and low reproduction rates are the consequences.
Why women don't go to corporate , yeah money take a part for life but not all life by money , work as your life enjoy it not overdo it . And also enjoy your life as it is, as a women your part cannot be changed , i mean your part is needed for our race to go developt new generation to go work and new evolution of our civilization .
There are rules against it but, its just rules a lot of the companies dont follow those rules even the bigger ones dont follow it so why would smaller companies follow them. Also, some dont even pay overtime. There are rules last few years they made it better so you now get over time pay after working 12 hours but still a lot of the Korean companies ignore that rule. Thank god my dad's company pays overtime after 12 hours of working and child leave as well... my dad's company is mid size company not a big one. He said "Korean companies need to change with the time and rules are there to be followed as long as the rules makes sense." Also, when the workers go home they arrive around 8-9PM and you think they'll want a baby? when they dont even have time for themselves?
Here in the US you get 12 weeks maternity leave and I think maybe 4 weeks for the Father's. After that if you extend your maternity leave you may lose your job or be demoted. I chose to tie my tubes at a young age of 28 right when I had my 2nd child and the hospital billed me for $28k even though at the time I had Medicaid. Meanwhile my friend paid only $9k out of pocket. Why is doing the correct thing under my circumstances more expensive that keep birthing children I wouldn't be able to support?
This is true worldwide at different rates and in different forms but the result is the same. Having children for women is a bad thing for her career and life after the fact.
Same things are happening in Japan. They complain about the declining birthrate, but fail to realize the toxic work culture and work-life balance is the main reason why couples refused to have kids.
After what they go through in Korea to get a good job, no wonder women don’t want to lose it all for having kids while men won’t have similar consequences, it’s just unfair
When Koreans disappear the women will also suffer..women are harming …who do you think will replace Koreans…there will be no more Korea…they need to focus on changing workplace policies and governmental policies and regulations
@@KangTheDigitalNomadGlobeTreker Women know exactly what to do to counteract that "remedy." It's extreme and radical, and there's no turning back (and you can't even imagine what it is). Actions have consequences and the XY will learn this int the hard HARD way.
@@KangTheDigitalNomadGlobeTreker Women know exactly what to do to counteract that "remedy." It's extreme and radical, and there's no turning back (and you can't even imagine what it's). Actions have consequences and you will learn this in the hard HARD way.
@@no_more_spamplease5121A South Korean feminist movement that is ‘four nos’ in English it is No dating men, no marrying men, no having children with men, and no sex with men. It’s getting popular over here in America especially after the election.
One of the reasons I kept my job original Job but live in SK. Because where I come from. You get paid to have children. I have 2 years of leave where I get 70% of my original pay (my employee must pay this) + several other benefits. If i were still in my home country I would also get about 250 child support from the state (per child per month for 25 YEARS! > total of 75k per child) my husband would also be allowed 6 month off where hes paid 70% of his pay. After I come back I'm allowed to work parttime (if I want to but tbh I earn more then my husband does in SK so he might work less and I a little more) and I will be put back into the same job/position I was in before (if it was a project even in the same project if its still running but they give me a choice) If you work in an government position/are a civil servant (ppl like tax collectors are eg) you will even get a lot more benefits (my mum could stay home for 8 years at 50% pay)
Why is Japan and Korea like that? I mean, India is going in that route too; I see a lot of my classmates in private sector jobs who are NOT LIVING but BARELY EXISTING! I consider myself lucky to have found a government job, and now I can't help my friends out! Why are companies so selfish?? Is human capital just a joke to them?? I think people should just stop applying for private jobs, start finding their unique talent and monetize that instead! Life is meant to be lived, not slaved!! I feel so bad for Korean women especially at this moment.
I am glad she is speaking on this topic. Unfortunately, changes in the law rarely result in actual change. Much of the U.S. supposedly has protective laws, but I have worked for multiple companies that had ways of firing women, once they gave notice of their pregnancy, or gave birth. It's very common, and no level of professionalism, education, work-ethic, or company dedication/contribution can protect you. You only have legal rights here, if you can afford a lawyer to defend those rights. I don't understand the constant complaints about a lack of workers and people who want to work, and declining birthrates's like they can't connect the painfully obvious dots.
Feminism caused this issue. What do you think happened when women joined the workforce? When you double the size of the workforce companies can get away with paying each individual a lot less. Now both gender have to work to make ends meet instead of just having the men work. Congrats single ladies, you managed to make everyone's life miserable.
That's such a good and deserving move by the korean women. I appreciate it.🙏. If people are gonna stop and hinder their dreams and need of money then this is bound to happen.
That's a really good point. If a mom won't be supported and be pushed over for having a kid and losing opportunity to support her child, why would she want that future for her kid? That set up or mindset towards moms won't encourage any woman to have a kid or raise her child. It takes a village to raise a child they say, but this village is not supporting the moms 😢
Why the village support the mom ? Why everyone take mom's responsibility It's womens responsibility to take care herself and children Companies doing right why they waste money on those women who Don't work properly And take care child
Then the birth rate declines you stupid ass. And when that happen society crumbles. Those companies need humans to work for them too. If there is no human being made because women were punished for having children. The future of theese companies crumbles too. As well as the society at large. @@ShahabuddinKhan-w8p
@@ShahabuddinKhan-w8p How are children naturally created? A sperm cell and an egg cell. Where do the sperm cells come from? The man, yes? Then the man should also help out to take care of the children. A woman should have the right to go back to work and earn a salary to help out with the expenses in the household because the average salary of a working man can no longer support a family with multiple children in today's economy and increasing costs of education. You sound so out of touch with reality.
@vqbl795 The reality is Working Women always cheat and break families Women who work outside and earning money 8/10 of them are all cheaters It's better never allow women work
This makes me realize that my country, Nigeria, is doing a better job in protecting womens’ right to have kids and still have a career at the same time
You’re not serious. Women in Nigeria doing better? Thank goodness the women can speak for themselves and the sentiments they share rivals your comment.
You are a liar! You could be fired from a bank job if you get pregnant or employment could withheld from you if you intend to get pregnant during the period of hiring. Nigeria has dismal policy on women’s rights. Please go away with your delusion.
Really? Nigerian-American here, haven't been back to Nigeria in some years and . Going to be honest with you, some of the stories I hear about marriage are disheartening. I know you're probably not an expert and I should do my own research, but how would you say the sexism is over there?
The way the men treat the woman, Way the men’s families treat the woman, Expectations of her after marriage, are More reasons as to why they do not want to.
Its just sad that no matter where u go in this world. Women still have so much struggle and discrimination to face. Even in this modern era, women are not getting treated as rightly as we think.
i think this not only happens in koreans.. it is also happening in other countries. younger ppl now sont rush to get married or have a family of their own, they want to travel with friends, have fun with friends.. and work.. they just want to enjoy their life.. without big responsibilities (yet)..
Id travel in my 20 and this was the best time of my life. I was free and even meet my partner on a vacation. We still travel, but its diffrent. Now we need commfort, good food and peace.
@@samsseri7735 There is no rule to how to live life. You just "live it". Societies rules are forever changing so traveling and taking it easy sounds good to me.
What do you expect when you penalise motherhood...on one hand you want people for your economy and society but at the same time punishes pregnant women for wasting resources of company ...that doesn't add up right ...
@@carultch my rights shouldn't also a employers problems then... .if you think that economic forces naturally occurs , then It suggest that you have wasted my tax money spent on your education
This is what would happen in the US if abortion becomes illegal everywhere. Companies will do a risk assessment for females vs males and it will never be in females' favor, therefore they will be hired less and/or promoted less
Abortion is not legal in Korea. Women would be treated like a social pariah even more. There is no health care for those seeking abortions so why compare with the U.S. Each state will determine if abortions can be illegal or not. It's not going to be a federal issue anymore. Your statement is irrelevant for Korean women.
except that if it is legalized there are 2 huge drawbacks... it will be used as a form of birth control, leading some women to be more promiscuous... and also abortions are shown to lower a woman's chances to have a child later... so some women will become less desirable because of higher body counts and a lower chance to have a family...
@@unholysaint1987 "some women will become less desirable" that's the wildest thought I saw in this comment. Guess what man I bet they wouldn't care at all about that. If the woman or man can't get a partner that aligns with them then there's obviously no reason to get them. It's not an epidemic as you are mentioning
@@wantblack2133 have you seen dating and marraige stats in the last 5 years... let's see, in america over 50% of marriages end in divorce, with 80% of those being initiated by women... on average, women "swipe right" on dating apps only about 5% of the time, men are around 45%... we have the overabundance of single moms in their 30's and 40's making videos asking "where are all the good men"... the list goes on and on
The women are penalized in the labor force for having children, while their government insists on them having more children due to low birth rates. Meanwhile the men work the same length regardless of being husbands or bachelors. Men aren’t punished by their jobs for getting a woman pregnant, nor are they incentivized to do so by the government the way the women are. Pragmatically, it’s not wise for either Korean men or women to have children in Korea since neither the women men or government want to deal with paying for child care. It’s a real catch-22 issue on reproductive rights. Birth rates are low because no one wants to sacrifice what they have to take care of having children at all.
In the Czech republic, a mother is entitled to 3 years of paid maternity leave (paid by social security), if she has another child in the meantime, the maternity leave extends. The employer has to keep the place for the woman.
Imagine companies and corporations being so shortsighted in their greed that they literally kill off their future labor force.
Companies doing right thing
It's womens fault choosing wrong things
They'll have the excuse to bring in immigrants for cheap labor, or betting on automation
Capitalism 😂
Their future labour force would be a self-checkout register, or an AI run programme, or an automatised warehouse.
They are going to care when they realize they prevented their future consumers to be born.
It's the government's fault. If they want to increase the Korean birthrate then they should enact legislation to protect women employees who have children from (job) discrimination.
That won’t change anything. We have all that legislation in America and it hasn’t had any effect on our declining birth rate. Korea has way more societal issues than that.
@@RickySpanish- in the USA there is a very strong dose of feminism that is influencing American women from motherhood.
@@asiankitchen5294right because women asking to be treated equally rather than just depend on a man and be a baby maker is a bad thing
@@Indigo565 feminism used to be about equal rights but now it's all about thrashing men and glorifying career, materialism, egoism, singleness and childlessness.
@@RickySpanish-In the US there’s no paid maternity leave, no help w/ day care cost, no healthcare coverage, etc… so protection from work place discrimination isn’t enough. The US needs to do more, we are very behind regarding supporting family w/ raising kids.
Then they whine about the declining birthrates and how women don't want to get married anymore.
Because it’s easy to put the blame on women. Korean society is male dominated.
It's womens fault choosing career money
Over family
@@ShahabuddinKhan-w8pnobody wants a toxic family
@ lol… it’s men’s fault who can’t provide a woman well. Hence she has to earn money to maintain standard of living. What a disgusting comment.
@@massalleh5255 Women is The problem who make family toxic
Without a Women A Single Father family is like perfect Peaceful place only Fun no Chaos
Korean: Oh you got a baby now? Ok you’re out of this project
Also Korean: Why young people nowadays don’t want to have kids?
B'coz they are incapable of handling kids lmao 😂
Baby is gonna make more difference than some project
Its not the same koreans asking those questions though, they're totally different groups.
Who else read this in a Korean accent? 😅
@@DrCalviny but they still korean right?
if you penalize women as if it's their fault to have kids, it should not be surprising that women choose not to have kids.
Women want the kids.
@Ytorisv sorry not sorry, NOT ALL women want children. You are short sighted.
@@Xeyne098Many interviews and statistics show
that many men want kids while many women don't.
@@Xeyne098yes and? Society needs children, we should applaud the women who have children and not shame them for that.
@@skyla2258 But is it a lie?
Meanwhile here in Lithuania a mother gets 2 years PAID maternity leave. Of course some find it a bit challenging to get back to the job market, but still, they get accepted.
Im american. Thats interesting.
That is generous both financially but also allowing the mother and child to bond during the crucial developmental years. Good for you guys for being socially conscious and reasonable!
Who is paying for that?
@@MrAwombat social security department
And then they blame it ALL on the women "they're not fulfilling their responsibilities" when they just want to be an independent individual
so true
Meanwhile if the child care and stuff like that is woman's work then technically it's a man's job to take care of the women but then the women are at the will of the men either way.
Women weren’t built to be independent
Parenting is a two person job. Typically, it was the man that was responsible for financing the family’s lives whereas the woman was responsible for maintaining the household and their children. This dynamic works and has worked for years. What compromises this system however is when neither parent wants to fulfill their respective role, either concentrating too much on their work or not enough on the household. Women can try to be single parents in their own but it is immensely difficult and ill advised.
@@saltycalmonds totally agree with you but if a mother wants to work why is it not expected of a man to take some responsibility of their children why is it always the woman who's made to quit working when they need to focus on their children
And since it is a two person's job why is it that mostly men leave their pregnant partners to be forced single mothers and also it is men who don't want relationships with single mothers most of the time and in extreme cases when mothers can't take care of the child by themselves and are forced by situations to leave their children outside some orphanage or church or temple they become the "bad parents".
If men just try to be responsible for the family rather than making a family or just giving them money, a family might become a better place for some people
in korea, uunless you are marrying a CEO, it is impossible to be a single income household an live comfortably. That's why women work because they also need to feed their parents too sometimes because ther husband also need to feed his parents too. money is why😊
Very untrue, it is a very possible to live on a single income especially in South Korea due to the amazing infrastructure. The women in South Korea are little princesses who spends so much money on useless stuff because Instagram and other social medias have poisoned their minds. They complain and complain so Korean men are tired of this and many are looking for women in other countries like Vietnam, Russia, Philippeans, Japan, etc. It is extremely hilarious seeing these Korean men with foreign wives because their women are barely contributing to their financial needs as they need to learn Korean or they take of kids (full time mom). And no, I'm not talking about super high income earners, these are people who makes around 50-60k a year which isn't uncommon for an average 30 year olds or higher.
That's a central bank issue
@ which they cannot handle therefore it has been everyone’s issue
Makes sense to me. If you are penalised for having children, in a society that still thinks it’s ok for the father to do noting in the rearing of that child, because it’s though of “women’s work”, then don’t have kids. It’s takes two make a child and should take two to raise that child
Of course, I don't know all the details, how this country regulates the pregnancy/birth/afterbirth, what is the financial support.. But, I wouldn't care for job more than for a child. A child is not forever little. As soon as a child goes to the kindergarten, I just restart my job, I don't care about career, job is just for financial support of a family. It's only about the first 3 years of a child. Means I fall out from a job for at least 1,5 years or for the full 3 tears. So what? It not 5-10 years.. I don't care, who takes my job away, don't care if it will break my career.. there is always a restart, there is always a possibility fo find a better job. Why are all living in such a fear? As if a job is the only thing in life, almost their identity.. set free you mind, no penalty should sound as the end of your life or the end of your babies life before his/her birth... plan your 2-3 years with baby beforehand, save money for these 2-3 years and enjoy being a mother, then return to your job or to another job...
@@lenaor6364 That would work if you have support system around you tho, not for the women who's stuck raising a child alone, R victims denied abortions, or widows who lost their husband and now need to fulfill the role of the breadwinner from A to Z. They are under obligation to work to provide for their kids, naturally. Which a penalty as such cost them greatly and hold them back from moving forward to provide a better lifestyle for their kids just because they gave birth.
@EverydayASunday yes, I am talking about women, who are married, have a support system and still decide against children.. it's literally about 1-3 years of time out! And they sacrifice having a child in order to bow down in front of their employer as if they are gods, as if there are no 20-30 years after 3 years of staying with a child for job and carrear.. it's such a fear and submission based life.. it doesn't change the misogyny and men dominance, if women are forced to live like they are men. It's a denial of women... how can it be seen as emancipation? It's even more humiliation and supression of a woman than allowing her to be out of a job for a couple of years due to her motherhood... And women participate in their own humiliation, believing they are only cool when they are doing their job like men... such a delusion.. it's not feminism even.. it's making men's cruel dominance stronger. And feminism is also a lie, real feminism shouldn't make men out of women, but protect the femininity! Having a child should be finally seen as the highest contribution to the country and society in generall, should be highly supported and never have negative impact on the woman's return into the job after 3 years of childcare.. it should be highly praised and written in the CV! It's another level of skills, coming with parenting, which people without children don't have.. without women's resistance Korea's (not only Korea's) tradition/system will never change.
@@lenaor6364 first, there's this societal pressure on women in Korea that they should prioritize caring for children, home, husband, in laws. Wives are expected to give full care towards children far more than 3 years.
Second, you won't go far in company because you're held back by house responsibilities, your boss won't give you promotion because they think you can't give full time and focus on the company. Many women can only do part time low paying job after they have children, their work opportunities are small.
@myname8419 are there any trade (labour) unions/women in government? It's high time to step forward for feminine rights. With 3 y.o. child is in the kindergarten.. But this kind of treatment is in corporate world only or in other occupations too? (Like for teachers, artists, entrepreneurs ?). Actually in Europe many women work voluntarily parttime, while having children. It's ok. I would rather live for my kid(s), than for my boss.. he doesn't care even if I would be in high position, he would see me as a tool for his business, not as a human being.. especially knowing, how "full time job" in Asia looks like.. not only 8 hours per day, not 2 days of weekend and not 28 days vacation like in Europe and no paid sick leaves... Would never sacrifice my life for exploitation.. better to live humbly on a budget, then this hamster wheel... better move out from such country, if there is no possibility to change it.. they just profit from silence and obedience - from people's fear...
In the end, every society has to understand that when a woman has a child, it is for continuation of society and humankind... It cant be treated as her PROBLEM to deal with. 🤷🏻♀️
To be honest, I don't think most people truly care if human society continue to exist, at least if doesn't happen in their life time. A problem that don't exist in their life time is not truly a problem.
A child is always more important than a job.. why is it so hard to decide, why has job become more important??? Is it hard in Korea to save money for 1-2 years "afterbirth time out"? Are there no childcare/motherhood financial support? If yes, for how long? Countries, which don't give a woman at least 2 first years time out for a child, covered financially are cutting a brunch, on which they will sit in the future. Plus, rushed into the job young mothers, means too early institutionalized babies - it's a huge number of future adults with a childhood trauma, because they didn't spend the first 2-3 years with their mother...
@@lenaor6364 exactly.. we are working for convinience and now it becomes the goal
@jisookruzat yes, they speak about motherhood as if a child is always a baby.... after 2-3 years you are free to restart your job. What are 2-3 years in comparison to 30 years of employment??? And knowing how high consumerism is in Korea, of course they have no idea about budgeting, saving money for 3 years of job break... they need to think out of a box!
@@Luuhpan True. But they do usually care if their family name is continued... Atleast in most Asian countries, it definitely is a reason elders want their children to have children...
As much as Korean is a developed country these days, their cultural beliefs are very traditional and patriachy practices are deep rooted in their society. Women aside, for men working in offices, managers shouting at lower ranked staff are not that uncommon. It is a very toxic society
No, it is some workplaces that are toxic. Korean society is much better.
100 percent I agree
Korean workplaces are no more toxic than many other countries. All countries have bad bosses, who treat underlings badly in many different ways. Korea is no better or worse in that regard than any other country - in fact, Korea might be better than many western countries. Western countries are notorious for treating employees badly too!! Western companies ONLY care about money - not the people who work for them.
BUT the patriarchy in Korea is REALLY bad. Woman in general work MUCH, MUCH harder than men in the same position. Men tend to waste a lot of time on their phone and idling while women tend to run around busily doing most of the work. THAT happens a lot. Women in South Korea have it pretty bad compared to women generally in the west. Not only at work, but at home where they STILL do most of the housework and child-raring.
Chusok for example is a 4 day holiday for children and men - for women it's months of extra housework and cleaning and preparation beforehand, then during the holiday serving the HUSBAND's family hand and foot like a slave for the whole holiday, then coming back to work exhausted, glad to be back at work where they can rest a bit. That's a married women's lot in Korea. When I first came to Korea, I used to ask women how their Chusok holiday was. I stopped asking that question a long time ago. I asked a LOT of women that question. I never got a SINGLE positive answer. ALWAYS a negative, "Thank goodness it's over" answer. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Korean women seem to hate Chusok. They hate all the work it involves that THEY have to do and they HATE that they have to work so subserviently for the MAN'S family all the time. I don't blame them. The holiday is a lovely family thing, similar to Thanks Giving in America. It SHOULD be a lovely holiday for EVERYONE, but the tradition that says women have to be slaves to the husband's family during that holiday is disgusting - it has to change!!
...I wonder why Korean women don't want to get married and have kids...
It's not korean culture, it's business thinking
@@yasminemine6512 It's Korean culture inside business, in the same way that western greed and selfishness permeates western business.
Wow! I guess we are somewhat blessed in the US. We may not have the 2 years off for maternity leave but as a woman giving birth it never stopped my career growth nor anyone I know. I have 5 children and was able to return to work and be promoted during my career. This type of discrimination needs to be addressed by all employers and the Korean government in order for something to change.
Part of the reason you get to experience that career growth is because you don’t get those 2 years off. It’s quite the investment for a company to put time and resources into developing individuals when they go off for 2 years x amount of times in a 10 year period.
Congrats on your promotions btw.
You’re the exception, there’s thousands of women working entry level jobs finding out how ruthless employers can be to new mothers.
@@zeroturn7091 Employers are ruthless towards everyone. Everything is profit margins, which leaves little room for anything else.
It all comes back to that age old proverb, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Something has to give. You want to be a mother, fantastic, stay home and be the awesome mother you can be. Or, be a mother and go back to work and have your partner take the time off. There is still quite the stigma that prevents men from taking time off for parental leave in the workplace in the first place.
However, from obviously anecdotal experience (it would be interesting to see a study on this), I rarely see women offering to go back to work to build their professional portfolio and let their partner take the leave.
Im in the US and my friends have had issues.
@@thehousingvlog7034 What kind of issues have your friends experienced?
It's also about fixing the social and work structure... I worked in Europe before and some male employees took a day off or missed a gathering because of childcare. The dads in South Korea should really start to contribute to childcare. So when the woman gets asked, "You need to take care of your kid, don't you?" The woman can answer, "It's okay, my husband can cover me".
they actually do you don't know anything about korea
I kinda think they’d rather be able to say “no, my husband is taking care of it this time. I got it next time”. That would mean both understand they’re equally responsible for whatever comes up with the child; not “it’s the mom’s job, but the dad “covers” for her sometimes”.
To get there they would have to stop being so sexist, so hierarchical and so toxic
That’s not even the case. Having children should not have any correlation with your work after maternity leave. I know many people with kids and they show up to work everyday on time and get their job done. It’s a misogynistic culture and it needs to be broken down completely
@@propertymanager9149they obviously don’t, otherwise they would be making babies
On top of that, despite still working full time outside the home, women are also expected to take on the majority of childrearing. Until there's equality in the workforce and equality of parental responsibilities, more women will continue not having children.
No sir. For the vast majority of history women did the the childbearing while men worked away from home. Nothing has changed other than the cancer known as feminism
@@DB20204 How about some equality in mandatory military service and being eligible for the draft in time of war. How about some equality in the manual labor workforce. Women only want equality when it benefits them. As soon as it is dangerous or dirty or physically demanding, women suddenly don’t want anything to do with equality. That is when they suddenly become traditionalists and want a man to do “what a man is supposed to so.” Yet, women want to refuse to “do what a woman is supposed to do.” Funny how that works. Women want it to be a one-way street.
Women have it far easier than men
"If you have children, we'll punish you financially."
"Ok. I won't have kids."
"What?! Why?!"
@@Kyra-qn3nh no company want a loss but as many profit as possible! I bet you will be the same if you own a business!
Maybe you should change the system and bear some loss in the process.
@@Chavang127As if we don't know what capitalists prize most. Thanks, captain ignorance and poor-education.
If you're unwilling to make systemic changes to support women, then don't complain about declining birth rates, women opting out of marriage, or not wanting children. The argument 'maybe you should change the system and accept some loss' mirrors what women have started saying to men about recognizing men's mental health struggles and addressing male loneliness.
By the way, your point doesn't hold much weight, considering many companies now offer paternal leave equal to maternal leave. If we’re going to view women as potential 'profit losses' because of maternity leave, then the same logic would apply to men who take paternal leave .
I mean, on erither side of this, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
@snikkers3707 But the average time they leve is not comparable and that fine. But I see no benefit in making it a comparison. I mean what about woman who leave because of depression? That's a fair comparison to men leaving for the same reason, so on that note they have that and parental leave. So overall it's not the same and it unfair to think it is.
As a Korean, I feel like what she says is like what used to happen to my parents’ generations.. around 1970-80. I have not personally seen those penalties. It’s actually the opposite. And it’s more like both men and women don’t want kids.. because it’s already hard enought to take care of themselves.
Here in the US, I personally would not want to have kids. All the weird stuff schools expose them to, plus the fact that it's expensive. Most marriages here end up in divorce and all my kids and much of my income can be taken away. So why even try? I would love to have a beautiful loving wife but it seems impossible to find that.
@@LordDementus1987 The divorce rate (at least in the US) has actually been going down for the last 20 years, and will likely continue to decrease. Also, if you do get married, sign a prenuptial. It's not impossible to find a beautiful loving wife, it's simply very complex to actually accomplish. Regardless, I hope more people are entering relationships with better communication and understanding, so that all parties involved are happy. Personally, I don't think you should get married unless you deem it *absolutely* crucial, but hey that's just me.
직장에서 꼽주는거 맞는데요,,,;;;생각보다 그런회사 많은데
@@LordDementus1987what weird stuff do schools expose also public schools are free
Men build the Civilisation.
Women produce the men.
If a woman refuses to have kids they shouldn't have access to the benefits provided by the Civilisation.
Child and home care are responsibility for both father and mother.
Stop fighting over who is responsible and just choose NOT to have the children. The society has evolved to a point to where the children are inconvenient. So dont bring them into the world.
No thanks I’d rather be hopeful, and its not this bad in every country
I used to work full time until my 30s up until I had a child. It's impossible to raise a child and have a career at the same time as a woman. And before someone says "daycare exists", a week of daycare is as expensive as my salary, so I'm not going to work just to have strangers raise my kid and I'm also penniless in the end.
Yeah that's exactly what they are doing genius
Specially for mom only
How much you wanna bet that the men who made up these rules have kids. So they're either hypocrites or horrible parents. Their poor children
"So they're either hypocrites or horrible parents. Their poor children"
That's one of the reasons a lot of men don't want kids. They remember how horrible it was for their mother to raise them and would rather not deal with kids at all.
Probably both
@@BrotherAlpha So you're saying all men who have kids are bad, absent fathers? Interesting.
Men don't get pregnant and give birth and have the same responsibilities as women. Its hypocrisy only if it's the same situation which is not
The main reason for Koreas low birthrate is, quite simply, sexism and misogyny. Of course there are many othe rproblems too but I think this really is the biggest issue.
Neh I think it’s because it’s too expensive to live and to buy a house. Young people feel it’s not worth the hassle to be a slave to a job when you can’t even own an apartment after working all their lives and if you have a kid, it’s even more expensive.
Patriarchal behavior and misogony too....
The fact not talked about much is Korean society is very superficial where one gets judged based on looks/socal status/money and usually very detached from their spiritual life
That's exactly the problem
@user-ye3ds5jn6g I disagree. When half the population that have the uterus is actively being discriminated against, that's a bigger factor than just money.
I live in korea and seen first hand several colleagues being fired or demoted for being pregnant. Its unfair and wrong
As a Korean, I am convinced that this is a significant part of the problem. Along with the rising entry age, overcrowding in the metropolitan area, and the country's tax and welfare systems that are far more favorable to single-person households, etc.
This!! I've been seeing so many videos focusing on the low birth rate and the negative impact on the economy. But this is why there's a low birth rate. It's nearly impossible to exist in this economy and job market as a woman with a child.
Then they need to find a man to take care of them when they're younger.
@@ekanatadisgusting attitude. Yeah, keep em barefoot and pregnant, make sure they can’t advance themselves and be reliant on a man, shame on you
@@ekanataKorean society is already patriarchal. Pretty sure that selling off child brides has already been considered and rejected.
And there's the knock on effect of the cost of raising the child on one person's income. I feel sorry for the entire generation of Koreans of child bearing age. SMH
Not only. Even in countries with a lot of space(like Baltics) birth rates are still low. The main issue are anti-traditional laws
And you know, the hatred of feminism in the country too, that’s probably a factor.
El feminismo en Corea del Sur, promueve el aborto, como en todo el mundo, en vez de enfocarse en este tipo de problemas, pero no, ellas quieren abortos. Pero que van a abortar si ninguna mujer quiere tener hijos.. Ironico..
They just doing right
@@ShahabuddinKhan-w8pyep doing right that's why their population is dying out. 😅
The fact not talked about much is Korean society is very superficial where one gets judged based on looks/socal status/money and usually very detached from their spiritual life
@@beberlycalleja5920 El aborto es cuidado medico que es necesario.
Hacerlo Un tabu no es necesario.
Most capitalistic corporations: "Money money money! Who cares about the cost of living?!"
Governments watching the current birthrate: " why aren't people having children???"
They're making you choose between career and motherhood. But then if you choose motherhpod how do you feed yourself or your children especially if marriages breakdown or men are stuck in work all day trying to earn a living on one income per household, with impossible inflation and unemployment....
Before marriage, the men must earn and save money to have a wife and children. This is because the wife will lose her career after childbirth.
@@natashadickson4819 Korean is an expensive countries and heavenly competitive education where they have to spend alot of money on school, tution so child can go university and have a decent job
@natashadickson4819 being a mother is a career.
@@ekanata Being a mother is an unpaid role in a family, it's not a career. I'm a mother, I know the difference.
i remember when i saw the kdrama 18again it was so crazy to me how the mom’s company treated her for being a mom with this exact line “You’re a mom you need to focus on your kids, how can you work here when you have kids” like basically shaming her for being a mom and wanting to work
You want to get free benefit for your own personal happiness at the cost of company.. How it is justified...
You want to be mom then save money for that ask husband to increase his salary but why company should give you free salary?
@ literally what the hell are you talking abt
@@N7_YES its for support of your child and you. what do u mean by 'personal happiness'
@hawahtijani-amin135 it's your personal decision why company take the burden.. They have gave you employment to work.. Do your work took salary and go home.. Why to get full 2 years maternity leave.. Is it not a buden on company and it's investor...
Typical female response.
They want it all and they want everyone else to bear the burden.
They want the entire society to restructure itself so that they can do whatever they want.
If you're going to have kids, just be a full-time mother. It's what the *_kids need._* Or have your husband be a full-time father if he is fine with that.
But it's ridiculous to expect a company to cater to your desire to have the best of all things while giving unfocused efforts.
The same happens in the US. I was shamed repeatedly for going on maternity leave (zero pay), and was constantly verbally berated for needing to go home after work hours. So many stories
Just posted the same. I see you! ✊🏻
Us puts money and profits above their citizens. It's falling apart due to that lack or morals and ethics. I hope to see a turnaround somehow no matter what. Despite them voting wrong like the Germans did once. Only then will America indeed be great again.
I was passed over for the department I wanted because of the department boss' religious beliefs. This was a Union job. I paid my dues. Now I'm owed an' a lot of back pay. A Huge amount. A giant amount IN FACT. Isle be increasing the amount for my pay all de time in till my killer Holiday pay shows up. Don't mess with me. EVER. I get standby pay while waiting for my back pay and it is causing much emotional stress just waiting around for my pay day. It's a beautiful thing. Can yah wainscoting and ruby kitty that fact? Den is stew an' I ha' ate yo momma four setting the towel on fire. Make me want to vomit. Bough limbs cut fall geee nah thankful I not note see him hit me no more. I no stay with abusems. Ross Ahh le'
Make it snappley.
(USA) i am greatful to work in a company that is a majority of women, good chunk moms or grandmothers. So they are more understanding but i have seen and worked at places that were not. But even then its a corporation so we have sooo many unnecessary rules and regulations and unpaid leave.
trust me its much more worse in korea
Then, those companies starts complaining there are no more young generations.
Plus, the fathers don't do child support. How will she provide for herself if she is unemployed. I understand why they choose not to have children.
How the fathers don't do Child support?
What Kind of rules are these?
How a civilized country can not have Child support?
@amandaferrareli2632 it's not a thing in East Asia. Lots of children are abandoned by their fathers. You consider yourself lucky if you grow up in a family with both parents because it's on the rare side. The majority are raised by single moms.
@Balance-Mind101 that's so sad. Here in Brazil many children are abandoned by their fathers too... but even at distance they have to pay Child support to not go to jail. The mom who abandon her children need to pay Child support too. A friend of mine raise her grandchildren. Her daughter and the kids father pay Child support to her.
In some cases people don't go after the Child rights within the law... so in a continental country there are kids in bad situations... but It's against the law.
@amandaferrareli2632 atleast you'll have laws. I laws aren't taken that seriously in East Asia. I'm not sure if the is a law like that here.
@@Balance-Mind101 Have your own money before getting pregnant and becoming a wife. You being poor and unemployed while pregnant is a personal problem.
It's called parenting not mothering
Some insecure man ,like to act that's not the case
It is not about insecurity. It is just productivity. How about men working so hard to provide family and wife taking care of family. Because it doesn't matter how much you wine for ideal society man run main part of society and can't do well in family like women. Women can give birth not man and man can't give emotional connection to children like moms. You are guys just ignoring and rejecting natural functions....
that's not the point of this video though
Both are nouns, not verbs.
It’s called “constructive dismissal” when somebody makes it so impossible for you to stay that you have to quit
'Career disruption ' cannot be tolerated because of children? WOW. 🤣🤣🤣
Italy is also like this no wonder the low birth rate, even in interview they ask- do you have a bf? You plan on getting pregnant? You married? They know it's not legal but abuse their position of powe and the desperation of the applicants to make them oblige by answering.
Sickening 😡😡
@knib864 true but in the end, as we are seeing everything comes back
Don't have children
Precisely the same happens in the Czech republic! They know it's illegal and they do it anyway. Especially in professions when you can't work from home like doctors. We have 70% of graduates who are female, yet, hospitals don't want to hire them and they are making obsticles when they are pregnant/having a child.
@@Anastazka00 is it happening there as well about the declining birth rate ?
My korean husband also said that men over 40 are treated the same way as korean women having children. They all get rejected for promotions and projects and forced into quitting. As modern as South Korea is, externally, the government and greedy corporations will be the end of them.
Those who don't know how to become self employed are destined for misery
its not like the companies prosper because of it either. They are basically in a recession but without the housing market crashing.
But you don't see the men crying about it on social media.
It happens in uk , despite there being laws in place they are difficult to implement , nobody can prove discrimination against age , unless evidence is there
@@diligenceeke3023You're an absolute retard.
THANK YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT THIS!! I've commented twice in other vids about this cause it's so important what the mother thinks and what women are going through in Korea.
People need to also be realistic. If you do have children, most likely something will get neglected. At my place of employment women with children complain about being overlooked for certain positions because they require longer hours at work. When they do get these positions, they then complain about working longer hours and constantly try to make arrangements to get off earlier for their children. I see all the time.
"Parenting" which is the essential core practice of renewing society being targeted by corporations. The society suffers for the sake of corporate profits, this is pure dystopia, modern day slavery.
Are you aware of the concept of being childfree?
@TheFlowMind Choices of Individuals shouldn't be influenced by Corporations, that's what I'm saying. Don't try to be a smartass and try to read before you comment.
@@TheFlowMind yeah smart ass
Often, it is not just male bosses who react this way. It is often other women co-workers and bosses.
Countries like this will eventually face their own demise unless a change in their policies is made somehow. The thing is, with the cost of housing and education, it's not just women who are trying to avoid having a family. Even more and more men avoid it because of the financial demands. If women can't get a job in this economy, the financial weight will all be put on the man once they have kids, especially because their government doesn't provide any support or subsidies. The sad part is that it's not just SK facing this issue. There are several countries like this, too. It's like the people running the governments don't have brains.
I had an assistant manager who is engaged and his fiance has mental health problems. they have been in a long term relationship and he doesn't want her to suffer. he got a vasectomy because she couldn't take off from work and doesn't care enough to have kids.
The people in the government are just working their own jobs but the ones that control the government on top have an agenda. They want to decrease the worlds population this is just 1 way.
Correct. We can see the obvious but the people in charge never can.
Free daycare and education for kids, less taxes for 2-3 kids family, and only then I might consider having kids.
Ya. When subsidizing a family in order for them to afford having a child or children comes up, I always want to ask if I could have the tax payer subsidize that new car I want, and the slightly larger home I have been yearning for.
Either we can afford to have a child or we can not. It is not up to our neighbors to subsidize our income so that someone can fulfill a desire to have a family.
From where I sit you are responsible and have personal integrity.
@@spencerroberts4940 so some things i can agree with you on that. However they are asking us to ensure the population of our species when we cannot afford to live on this planet ourselves. If they want to give us incentives to reproduce help with raising the child or giving us job wedges that allow for such childcare is the best ways to go.
Instead of all this silly bullying, blackmailing, gaslighting, and punishments
Unless you are asking each individual on this planet to be sole food/entertainment/educational provider, it really does take a village to raise kids.
@@Cantmakeupmymindonaname "ensure the population of our species" The human species are in no danger when you consider there are 8 Billion 234 million (give or take a few hundred thousand) humans already. Also we are adding to the world population at a rate of 130+/- million each year which will make this decade the first time humans have added another Billion people in less than ten years.
Essentially governments, businesses, and humans that are more interested in their own gain, are the one's that are pushing really hard for more humans. It's all about expanding markets, another words, profits.
This planet is out of balance, fish stock plummeting, fresh water being pumped out faster than replenishment, quickly warming sea and air, acidification of the sea, loss of the rain forest, giant monsoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, huge yearly die off and extinction of the insect world and mammals etc.
We do not seem to be able to connect with the masses on how serious our present situation is, so I am in favor of lower than replacement numbers concerning the human population. Essentially, the very opposite perception that we need to help families with subsidies. This would hopefully stop the burgeoning population explosion that is occurring right now and especially in the next decade (2030).☯
@@spencerroberts4940 the gov should absolutely subsidize having kids they are the ones asking people to have more kids don't you get this clip Korean race might cease to exist it's that bad! But they punish women for having them instead of offering incentives and protections.
@@spencerroberts4940 You're very shortsighted. Investing our shared money - our taxes - to encourage and sustain a new generation is in no way comparable to buying you a new car. Have you always been so shallow?
What's your play here? You act as if children are a commodity that only wealthy people deserve to have. I assert that in our wildly unequal society, where solid middle-class jobs are few and far between, hardworking people often don't make enough to have a place to live, much less the "luxury" of children.
How long are you going to ride the plane crash that is late-stage vulture capitalism as it falls towards the ground? Must it corkscrew into a cornfield killing all on board before you see the problem?
Such a tight and expressive performace. Even after all this time, this is one of my favorite recordings of this piece
God bless this woman for speaking out.
Prioritizing work over kids
Wanting to have a career doesn't mean she doesn't care for her child. No one blame the man. A child is both man's and woman's responsibility. So stop blaming and making her guilty to trap her financially.
@@sb853547blame the corpos making this an issue to begin with, not the common worker or citizen
Yes, thanks to her for speaking out on how to ruin society economically and the ones with less resources.
@@CalidadVita Ignorant.
The birthrate in the US has decreased for career women experiencing the same discrimination.
Actually, it is happening around the world and almost everyone blames this issue to the women who choose carrier and being independent. Toxic society and government itself.
Will become even worse with Trump
@ Trump is the GOAT
Career women should not have kids if they're going to choose to work
Guess what....they can do whatever they want.
That's messed up because a child has two parents TWO! If one parent has to constantly think of the kid... the other parent should be as well.
It's like saying the father shouldn't care about their kids. If everyone split work and child rearing 50/50 it would be easier on everyone.
Yeah they should but they don’t so
Splitting the child rearing in 50/50 would impact two jobs and two companies. The companies would still need someone to replace those two employees during their absence.
It's not really sexism, it's economics. It sucks, but it's not like we're going to solve the problem by ignoring why it happens. If it's an economic issue, it should be solved like one.
@@CottidaeSEA Except it is sexism. You think the man isn't impacted at all naturally by childbirth? lol. Have you literally never heard the phrase "many hands make light work"? It's a cliche, but it holds up to scrutiny. Sharing responsibilities makes those responsibilities lighter overall. Babies aren't an assembly line. They take communal effort to raise. You don't even know the costs necessary to raise a kid in the Korean economy. This is patently ridiculous. 500 insipid comments like yours pop up whenever women and low birth rates in Korea are mentioned, but you have no idea what you're talking about.
@@CottidaeSEA that's the reason they told that if both the parents take the responsibilty then they would be able to slove this issue to some extent...... it should not just be always about women taking care of their, they need job and money as well.. splitting the responsibility pf tge kid is something which shouldn't be needed to be told that's common sense as u both r the parents ....
Yes this is great when Korea stops being Korean their companies will surely continue to exist.
Same here in the U.S. Women who are career-oriented choose not to have children because most companies are not kind to women with children. Then we get people complaining that the birth rate is dropping. If you want women to have babies, either start paying them to give birth or facilitate a pathway for working moms to do well at their jobs and be there for their children because it takes money to survive and right now there is no money to be made having kids.
It sounds pretty clear why there is a low birth rate. Draconian social culture.
Or in U.S. we refer to it as "The Handmaids Tale."
...and we're in for a fight... I'm afraid it's going to get worse before it gets better
It is indeed. We're going to be treated as birthing appliances rather than people. The forced-birth crowd is going to kill a lot of us, and maim many more.
Yes. This is the real reason why Republicans have been so anti-abortion. Not for sanctity of life, but they fear the low birthrates. No future soldiers, no future workers to exploit, no future consumers. Voters really think they've voted for pro-life politicians, more like pro future wage slaves.
@@becca1189it’s never going to get better - because ✨ m e n ✨
Men are gonna men. They’re always have, are currently - and always will - ruin everything for everyone around them (including themselves).
@@becca1189Maybe if the democrats weren't treating men like trash you wouldn't have to fight in the first place. This is the bed you women made for yourselves with your toxic feminism and misandry.
The way the economy goes its almost impossible to live on a one income family. At the same time goverments urge people to have children because of low birth rates. Incentives and laws need to be introduced but most important: MENTALITIES NEED TO CHANGE. It is easy to blame women all the time. It is crucial to support them.
learning about sk has mostly surprised me in a bad way because of constant social pressure in different ways even for idols
Sk has always kinda hate women
@@kangaroo2191That's disgusting!
The fact not talked about much is Korean society is very superficial where one gets judged based on looks/socal status/money and usually very detached from their spiritual life
@@kangaroo2191LOL you know that america has endless ways to peotect women? Family court, job quotas, softer punishment for the same crime etc. Men get regularly get their existence destroyed by divorce court. see, women are like children, you cant put your emotions aside. When its good for women, its good, when the same thing is good for men, its bad. Yall are rotten to the core
Every society that deprioritizes families is DOOMED.
This also perpetuates cultures of fathers not being involved in child rearing and not having healthy, loving relationships with their children. It holds women back in their successful career, and it holds men back from having meaningful emotional experiences.
Why would a woman have trouble having a kid if the husband is taking care of the bills. Once a woman has a child it’s no longer about themselves it’s about the child and raising them. Raise the child enjoy the company and joy the child gives you and then once the child is older get back to the work force.
Here's the problem, not all women want's to be a career women I'd argue it's very few who has a future in a career oriented fields, also sure let's assume all women are boss babes, how many will actually have success? now let's go to the men, it's also true that not all men are driven and not many will succeed but you know what's the difference, men have to work whether they like it or not, it's our duty to provide it's not a choice men who failed are bums.
@@robertnoble6661I can guarantee you a lot of women would be successful and I mean a loooooot of them
Women are unfortunately raised unlike men to put their feeling and dreams aside for other people in their lives parents, husbands, grandparents, children, MIL/FIL
But once they learn to put themselves first, decenter theses people and set their goals they can get successful
@@Ap_twsh what are you yapping about?
They don't want to have children because it doesn't benefit them. Weren't you listening? They even get into trouble with their companies. It's not that they don't want to
Also Women who earn less shouldn't have to worry about bills when they do most of the household chores that they don't even get paid for
50/50 doesn’t work when one person earns less and works more labor
But why do you act like women don’t pay any bills
@@Ap_twshthat’s an issue especially here in America. The men keep running from responsibilities especially remaining loyal to their family (I.e. wives and children). It’s a growing epidemic w/ OF and cheating online always thinking the grass is greener on the other side. That’s why older women are giving advice about not getting into relationships here bc the job becomes the only reliable, dependable option in most cases vs. having children but still being abandoned by the child(ren)’s father.
Love how this woman speak out and share about birth situation and qomen's work life environment that shows insights on what government needs to address for change.
Government don't need to change anything
Companies doing
Right thing
Be a mom or corporate slave
Working women's kids became Criminals and thugs in future so don't give birth
@ShahabuddinKhan-w8p who told u that? That's literally not true at all. Also in poor countries w a large population ppl need to work regardless of gender to grow economy which will also help w inflation. Yes, Korea is developed but many countries around the world aren't. In third world countries women are forced to get married. Later they face many mistreatments from their husband's family for many reasons. It's not that easy.
@@Lilac_liha i agree that both men and women have to work in this inflation time
But it doesn't mean that only men take all the responsibility and pressure Women have to take care Child it's more womens job to take care family and kids
Women get mistreatment because there own faults
Women always try to escape from responsibility and accountability and it's our job to make women accountable for everything when women make mistakes
Why do you expect only living in your comfort zone ?
If you don't work hard enough don't put efforts no one treat you better That's fact it's only excuses getting mistreated
I don't care women get mistreatment women deserve every consequence
@@ShahabuddinKhan-w8p okay my mom works a lot hard but still gets mistreatments. Idk what r u even talking abt they usually have very high standards and idk what ur talking abt ur saying women don't work hard at all? From what I've seen what type of things my mom has gone through for no reason I would definitely earn money for myself to least have financial freedom. Also taking care of the child is both men n women's jobs.
@@Lilac_liha i have 8 years experience working with women
And 9/10 they are all lazy brats
Women never work hard like men no extra time no working in holidays 10 minutes break become 30 minutes Gossiping
So don't believe you
During work every women take help from men took help from me even it was not hard enough to get help
But women ☕
Financial freedom is ok
But that freedom became curse when you turn 40 years old after that no coming back
And taking care child is mainly women's job
Don't try to forcefully change the natural law
But then they complain that there's not enough young people in the work place
The irony
In Israel, almost all the women work and we have more kids than any other developed country. Your country needs to make some laws to protect working mothers and encourage ppl to have more children or in a few decades you won't have a country.
It flips the other way too. When I was working I had to work much more OT to pick up the slack bc of women who had families. I get it the idea behind it but I became resentful bc I was expected to work night after night bc I was one of the few single women with no children. It gets really old after a while. I put my foot down when they started insisting I should work on holidays too bc I don’t have children.
The problem here seems to be on the management's side. They can't afford to hire extra help/part timers to cover for the workload, especially on holidays, so they pick workers whom they believe is "socially acceptable" to be bullied 💀 You should try filing a complaint to your Department of Labor (or which government agency supports workers rights in your country).
@@vqbl795 You’re right about it being a management issue and it got better after I put my foot down. The place went down during the ‘08 crash so that was a long time ago. I just wanted to point out that this happens too.
For real! I’m a single woman too and I’m told I should do more OT to make up for the hours the mom coworkers did not put in. It’s not fair! I might not have kids but I also have other responsibilities too like my elderly parents and a second job I need to go to. It makes me feel punished.
I see how this situation is unfair for women, but it’s also unfair for the coworkers and the company.
@TigerTummy23 I know that this sounds patronising but, all of you who are shouting " we have to pick up the slack for the parents with extra hours " are F*CKING STUPID! Congratulations you fell into the manager's trap of blaming your colleagues instead of the mismanagement who is putting you in a very much illegal situation *clap**clap*.
@@TigerTummy23single women are women too. I agree that the problem is with the management's mindset.
This is the same in india too, so many women are working rn yet so few are in leadership positions not because they don't want to be but because many bosses (not all) tell women that they just had a kid and shouldn't worry about this now. It's guised as care but is far from it
@@debangana9964 It makes sense though. It is logical.
@@Xeyne098Sure. And hence the declining birthrates. Soon it'll be a global phenomenon. That's what you all wanted isn't it? 😀
I'll never understand why huge companies don't have on-site daycares.
Because the expenses you incur in your personal life are not your employer's problem.
@@carultch #troll
So The Wife worked for a newspaper when the Daughter was born -- the Employer provided a building + grounds + maintenance labor to subsidize a daycare + Preschool, close enough for mid-day breastfeeding or payground visit, depending on the age
@@carultch they could be paid, you idiot. But instead of looking elsewhere, usually far away and with limited hours, an on-site daycare would be perfect and I am willing to bet a lot of mothers and fathers would be very happy to pay for it.
@@carultch that sounds like a very short sighted view of a vast issue affecting over half the population 😂😂😂
Children are the most important thing
You MUST stay home and raise your children
No woman should work if she has a child
You can't do both
The children will be disfunctional if the mother works
That's why women not having kids because they called gold digger if she stays at home on husbands money and according to husband she is not doing anything at staying home instead of it company should make better environment at workplace for new borns mother's......
nonsense, in many developing countries women work and raise children, and the children grow up to be normal people
i can’t forget when my dad told me companies would choose men over me simply because of the POSSIBILITY of having children. 😢’s good 👍 women giving birth is not appreciated in some families…so smart women stop doing it, why bother to ruin my shape and career to keep community that don’t even care 😅 also many men don’t want kids, let them play video games till the last day! 👌
Amen sister!
Best words fr you killed it!
"Mem dont want kids, let them play video games till rhe last day" funny how its always directed against men without any reason.
Feminism really f*cks your head
@@jimmcneal5292 whats your problem?
So men make women's lives crappier and then *shocked Pikachu face* when women don't want anything to do with them.... and they're confused about it.... 😂
Why women are choosing the just stay single movement and never having kids I honestly don't blame them
I want to build a ch!ldfr33 community for wom3n, but where are the serious wom3n looking to build together?
I want to build a ch!ldfr33 community for wom3n, but where are the serious wom3n looking to build together?
I want to build a ch!ldfr33 community for wom3n, but where are the serious wom3n looking to build together?
Get your western white mindset out of here! Unlike you they have real problems.
Society needs to change or face the consequences of declining birth rates
What do you think men situation is same too that way most Korean mens going to Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia find woman and start family.
@@oshanmalaka8448 Lol, no. They go to countries that they "think" have cheaper lifestyle so they can get women who speak a different language and expect little to nothing from them aside from a roof over their heads. They want a breeding slave who doesn't expect anything out of them and who can't complain about their behavior... It's a well-known fact that even most Korean gay men agree with: SK men are not exactly the most pleasant and respectful people in the dating scene.
Because women from these countries (after seeing all these korean shows, etc) are marrying korean men thinking their lives will be awesome. Only to realise they are vulnerable in a country where they lack support if they want to leave their situation.
@@oshanmalaka8448Guess what happened to women most of the time the Korean man will take the children form the mothers
@@oshanmalaka8448go where you are treated best. Feminism is the problem
Way to go girls. For understanding your worth.❤
The corporate world has destroyed the family and, myopically, risks destroying their very cultures and populations with severely low birthrates. As a father, no "project" or company could ever be more important than my child.
My wife got fired when she announced to her boss she was going to be a mother, yet my boss didn't bat an eye when I announced I was going to be a father.
Yet we have the right to the same paternity leave (4 months in Spain, paid 100% by the government), we spend the same time with our kids, etc.
Her boss who fired her is a woman and mine who kept me is a man. Coincidence? We don't think so.
Yes 💯!!! This should be top comment. The traditional way of life where the woman doesn't even have to work has been getting destroyed for decades, by corporations and feminists too. Sh*tty family dynamics and low reproduction rates are the consequences.
We need far fewer people on Earth in order to sustain our modern lifestyle, so I would say this is all done on purpose.
Depopulation will do a lot of good to sustain our modern lifestyle, so I would say this is all done on purpose.
Why women don't go to corporate , yeah money take a part for life but not all life by money , work as your life enjoy it not overdo it .
And also enjoy your life as it is, as a women your part cannot be changed , i mean your part is needed for our race to go developt new generation to go work and new evolution of our civilization .
There are rules against it but, its just rules a lot of the companies dont follow those rules even the bigger ones dont follow it so why would smaller companies follow them.
Also, some dont even pay overtime. There are rules last few years they made it better so you now get over time pay after working 12 hours but still a lot of the Korean companies ignore that rule.
Thank god my dad's company pays overtime after 12 hours of working and child leave as well... my dad's company is mid size company not a big one. He said "Korean companies need to change with the time and rules are there to be followed as long as the rules makes sense."
Also, when the workers go home they arrive around 8-9PM and you think they'll want a baby? when they dont even have time for themselves?
Sounds like human rights violation
Definitely that is discrimination against women! Pass a law to have equality for women.
Another one?
@@johnmccracken3473 They have not one there.
As if the government wouldnt benefit from keeping the women of the country under their foot...
The corporate world has this mindset of "Profit is first, therefore anti-family is a must to keep high profits"
That's good... keep it up..👏🙌
Here in the US you get 12 weeks maternity leave and I think maybe 4 weeks for the Father's. After that if you extend your maternity leave you may lose your job or be demoted. I chose to tie my tubes at a young age of 28 right when I had my 2nd child and the hospital billed me for $28k even though at the time I had Medicaid. Meanwhile my friend paid only $9k out of pocket. Why is doing the correct thing under my circumstances more expensive that keep birthing children I wouldn't be able to support?
I find those figures utterly shocking.
12 weeks maternity? You must on delusional or on drugs to think thats the norm in the US. Especially the part of 4 weeks for fathers.
Is it 12 weeks now? In 2005, I got 6 weeks maternity leave.
It was best for you to go to Canada way much cheaper and in some cases you can get them done for free your tubes tied in Canada 3 of my friend's did .
@@natashadickson4819 at least the company I work for now
I can't blame the Korean women who don't wish to have kids!😮😢
This is true worldwide at different rates and in different forms but the result is the same. Having children for women is a bad thing for her career and life after the fact.
Guess we shouldn't ask their opinion then
Personal life is more important than work
Same things are happening in Japan. They complain about the declining birthrate, but fail to realize the toxic work culture and work-life balance is the main reason why couples refused to have kids.
It's not the reason, like of early marriages is
After what they go through in Korea to get a good job, no wonder women don’t want to lose it all for having kids while men won’t have similar consequences, it’s just unfair
4B! These men are gonna learn the hard way!
When Koreans disappear the women will also suffer..women are harming …who do you think will replace Koreans…there will be no more Korea…they need to focus on changing workplace policies and governmental policies and regulations
There's a remedy coming on it's way soon. So that "movement" won't be around for long
The comment that responded to you is the reason why women are choosing the bear.
@@KangTheDigitalNomadGlobeTreker Women know exactly what to do to counteract that "remedy." It's extreme and radical, and there's no turning back (and you can't even imagine what it is). Actions have consequences and the XY will learn this int the hard HARD way.
@@KangTheDigitalNomadGlobeTreker Women know exactly what to do to counteract that "remedy." It's extreme and radical, and there's no turning back (and you can't even imagine what it's).
Actions have consequences and you will learn this in the hard HARD way.
Wow... and very informative!
Damn the more I learn about the Korean culture and their society, the more get to understand how much Kpop and their drama is a façad!!!
Men not standing up for women also are at fault! Not just the government! Im very proud of the 4b movement. 😊
I want to build a ch!ldfr33 community for wom3n, but where are the serious wom3n looking to build together?
I want to build a ch!ldfr33 community for wom3n, but where are the serious wom3n looking to build together?
I want to build a ch!ldfr33 community for wom3n, but where are the serious wom3n looking to build together?
What's 4B? I don't live in an English-speaking country, so I'm not aware of the context.
@@no_more_spamplease5121A South Korean feminist movement that is ‘four nos’ in English it is No dating men, no marrying men, no having children with men, and no sex with men. It’s getting popular over here in America especially after the election.
One of the reasons I kept my job original Job but live in SK.
Because where I come from. You get paid to have children.
I have 2 years of leave where I get 70% of my original pay (my employee must pay this) + several other benefits.
If i were still in my home country I would also get about 250 child support from the state (per child per month for 25 YEARS! > total of 75k per child) my husband would also be allowed 6 month off where hes paid 70% of his pay. After I come back I'm allowed to work parttime (if I want to but tbh I earn more then my husband does in SK so he might work less and I a little more) and I will be put back into the same job/position I was in before (if it was a project even in the same project if its still running but they give me a choice)
If you work in an government position/are a civil servant (ppl like tax collectors are eg) you will even get a lot more benefits (my mum could stay home for 8 years at 50% pay)
where are you from?
Please tell us where you are from because I need to move there immediately
Sounds like Latvia
Where are you from ?
Why is Japan and Korea like that? I mean, India is going in that route too; I see a lot of my classmates in private sector jobs who are NOT LIVING but BARELY EXISTING! I consider myself lucky to have found a government job, and now I can't help my friends out!
Why are companies so selfish?? Is human capital just a joke to them??
I think people should just stop applying for private jobs, start finding their unique talent and monetize that instead! Life is meant to be lived, not slaved!!
I feel so bad for Korean women especially at this moment.
Oh, my! It is very sad and i think it is so unfair to Korean career women.
I am glad she is speaking on this topic. Unfortunately, changes in the law rarely result in actual change. Much of the U.S. supposedly has protective laws, but I have worked for multiple companies that had ways of firing women, once they gave notice of their pregnancy, or gave birth. It's very common, and no level of professionalism, education, work-ethic, or company dedication/contribution can protect you. You only have legal rights here, if you can afford a lawyer to defend those rights. I don't understand the constant complaints about a lack of workers and people who want to work, and declining birthrates's like they can't connect the painfully obvious dots.
This is so patriarchal and then people hate on feminism and have the audacity to complain about birth rates declining
This is not patriarchal at all its just greed.
Feminism caused this issue. What do you think happened when women joined the workforce? When you double the size of the workforce companies can get away with paying each individual a lot less. Now both gender have to work to make ends meet instead of just having the men work. Congrats single ladies, you managed to make everyone's life miserable.
@@tropik5724 No, it's pure patriarchy and toxic masculinity.
"patriarchal" countries have higher birth rates
@@jimmcneal5292 And contribute to overpopulation.
That's such a good and deserving move by the korean women. I appreciate it.🙏. If people are gonna stop and hinder their dreams and need of money then this is bound to happen.
That's a really good point. If a mom won't be supported and be pushed over for having a kid and losing opportunity to support her child, why would she want that future for her kid? That set up or mindset towards moms won't encourage any woman to have a kid or raise her child. It takes a village to raise a child they say, but this village is not supporting the moms 😢
Why the village support the mom ?
Why everyone take mom's responsibility
It's womens responsibility to take care herself and children
Companies doing right why they waste money on those women who
Don't work properly
And take care child
Then the birth rate declines you stupid ass. And when that happen society crumbles. Those companies need humans to work for them too. If there is no human being made because women were punished for having children. The future of theese companies crumbles too. As well as the society at large. @@ShahabuddinKhan-w8p
@@ShahabuddinKhan-w8p you have a modern nuclear family brainrot
@@ShahabuddinKhan-w8p How are children naturally created? A sperm cell and an egg cell. Where do the sperm cells come from? The man, yes? Then the man should also help out to take care of the children. A woman should have the right to go back to work and earn a salary to help out with the expenses in the household because the average salary of a working man can no longer support a family with multiple children in today's economy and increasing costs of education. You sound so out of touch with reality.
@vqbl795 The reality is Working Women always cheat and break families
Women who work outside and earning money 8/10 of them are all cheaters
It's better never allow women work
This makes me realize that my country, Nigeria, is doing a better job in protecting womens’ right to have kids and still have a career at the same time
You’re not serious. Women in Nigeria doing better? Thank goodness the women can speak for themselves and the sentiments they share rivals your comment.
@ I’m also a woman. Thank you🙂
You are a liar! You could be fired from a bank job if you get pregnant or employment could withheld from you if you intend to get pregnant during the period of hiring. Nigeria has dismal policy on women’s rights. Please go away with your delusion.
Really? Nigerian-American here, haven't been back to Nigeria in some years and . Going to be honest with you, some of the stories I hear about marriage are disheartening. I know you're probably not an expert and I should do my own research, but how would you say the sexism is over there?
Nice bait, troll.
Some women were not considered for promotions to handle higher position because she is a mother.
@@zarinaantonino1406 Mothers have to tend to their children and everything that comes with it.
@@Xeyne098So do fathers.
@@spookycat8556Fathers don't breastfeed!
@@diligenceeke3023 We have external breastfeed now. You don't need a woman to feed a baby anymore.
That's because children are not your employer's problem.
I can certainly understand why women would not want kids in South Korea nowadays based on this.
Same issue is happening in Japan. Can’t blame the women.
The way the men treat the woman, Way the men’s families treat the woman, Expectations of her after marriage, are More reasons as to why they do not want to.
Its just sad that no matter where u go in this world. Women still have so much struggle and discrimination to face. Even in this modern era, women are not getting treated as rightly as we think.
Women burnt out from a hard 8 hours work arent going to want to deal with a screaming baby at the end of the day.
i think this not only happens in koreans.. it is also happening in other countries. younger ppl now sont rush to get married or have a family of their own, they want to travel with friends, have fun with friends.. and work.. they just want to enjoy their life.. without big responsibilities (yet)..
Id travel in my 20 and this was the best time of my life. I was free and even meet my partner on a vacation. We still travel, but its diffrent. Now we need commfort, good food and peace.
literal billions of people suffer from or are at risk of burnout
@@samsseri7735 There is no rule to how to live life. You just "live it". Societies rules are forever changing so traveling and taking it easy sounds good to me.
What do you expect when you penalise motherhood...on one hand you want people for your economy and society but at the same time punishes pregnant women for wasting resources of company ...that doesn't add up right ...
Nobody is penalizing motherhood other than economic forces that naturally occur. Your children are not your employer's problem.
@@carultch my rights shouldn't also a employers problems then... .if you think that economic forces naturally occurs , then It suggest that you have wasted my tax money spent on your education
Sad reality I think it's not only in Korea but here also in our country.If you are married they refuse to hire u .
And then some people dare to say that it's women's fault that they don't want to have kids...
Thanks for letting us know what women go through.
This is what would happen in the US if abortion becomes illegal everywhere. Companies will do a risk assessment for females vs males and it will never be in females' favor, therefore they will be hired less and/or promoted less
Abortion is not legal in Korea. Women would be treated like a social pariah even more. There is no health care for those seeking abortions so why compare with the U.S. Each state will determine if abortions can be illegal or not. It's not going to be a federal issue anymore. Your statement is irrelevant for Korean women.
This is a feature, not a bug
except that if it is legalized there are 2 huge drawbacks... it will be used as a form of birth control, leading some women to be more promiscuous... and also abortions are shown to lower a woman's chances to have a child later... so some women will become less desirable because of higher body counts and a lower chance to have a family...
@@unholysaint1987 "some women will become less desirable" that's the wildest thought I saw in this comment. Guess what man I bet they wouldn't care at all about that. If the woman or man can't get a partner that aligns with them then there's obviously no reason to get them. It's not an epidemic as you are mentioning
@@wantblack2133 have you seen dating and marraige stats in the last 5 years... let's see, in america over 50% of marriages end in divorce, with 80% of those being initiated by women... on average, women "swipe right" on dating apps only about 5% of the time, men are around 45%... we have the overabundance of single moms in their 30's and 40's making videos asking "where are all the good men"... the list goes on and on
The women are penalized in the labor force for having children, while their government insists on them having more children due to low birth rates. Meanwhile the men work the same length regardless of being husbands or bachelors. Men aren’t punished by their jobs for getting a woman pregnant, nor are they incentivized to do so by the government the way the women are. Pragmatically, it’s not wise for either Korean men or women to have children in Korea since neither the women men or government want to deal with paying for child care.
It’s a real catch-22 issue on reproductive rights. Birth rates are low because no one wants to sacrifice what they have to take care of having children at all.
In the Czech republic, a mother is entitled to 3 years of paid maternity leave (paid by social security), if she has another child in the meantime, the maternity leave extends. The employer has to keep the place for the woman.