This entire show is an insult to Galadriel, a character who, in Peter Jackson's Trilogies, was damn near perfect, and never needed any false character-building to make her more appealing. "Galadri-fraud" is a fanfiction-writer's fantasy come to life. I hate her, almost as much as I hate this entire show.
My favorite part of the season was when Galadriel told Sauron “if you liked it, you should have put a ring on it”, then started twerking. Truly a moment of the show.
@@claymanson2665 hmm, that's a sign that you've been emotionally programmed by someone. You usually see this in politics when either side cant even say the other candidates name, you'll never find them watching content from the other candidate ect. Someone got you to surrender the critical thinking part of your mind on this subject, the part that allows you to take in opposing views (or new views) and parse through them to determine your own unique logical conclusions for yourself. pity.
@@jacobburns3515 Yep. ‘twas my granny who taught me at her knee “child,” she said, “if someone is just flinging crap at you, you don't owe anyone to just stand there and endure it. You just go right ahead and walk away, this world is a big place and most in it ain't crap.” Fine woman to whom I owe a generally good life with much joy and few regrets. Thank you for your gift of pity though, I’ve no need of it but it speaks well of you trying to be a generous soul.
The season 2 finale was the first and last episode I bothered to watch. The funny thing is that it's not terrible if you don't know the source material but once I found out how it couldn't stay true to even its own previous continuity, I permanently wrote off the show.
In a private letter, Tolkien describes orcs as: “squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes; in fact, degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types.” O'Hehir describes orcs as "a subhuman race bred by Morgoth and/or Sauron (although not created by them) that is morally irredeemable and deserves only death. They are dark-skinned and slant-eyed, and although they possess reason, speech, social organization, and, as Shippey notes, a sort of moral sensibility, they are inherently evil." 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 What was so hard to understand for the writers of The Rings of Power? Are they unable to grasp what a monster truly is? This is the biggest difference compared to Peter Jackson's trilogy. Jackson was a master of horror; he crafted characters that were pure nightmare fuel, with no redemption or “soft” side-just evil, plain and simple. Honestly, seeing orcs with kids and mothers is the most absurd idea I’ve seen in this show.
As someone else said, the showrunners heard all that and their post modern brains immediately went "ooooh, so they're black." It's really... What's the word I'm looking for?... Oh yes... RACIST.
They don't like the good vs evil narrative. It looks very much like Christianity, I heard people accuse Tolkien of being a bad person cause he was a religious Catholic and also for drawing inspiration from Christianity. And if you are a Christian, you are inherently bad to the woke braindead they/them people. I don't think the people who made this show even like Tolkien or his work.
In The Silmarillion Tolkien wrote that the orcs were originally the Elves whom, iirc, then Melkor (i.e. not yet named Morgoth) captured and turned /corrupted into this new form of life /race; Eru Ilúvatar regarded this deed of Melkor as utterly evil, and the most reprehensible and vile out of all his other wrongdoings. In P.J.'s trilogy (in The Fellowship of the Ring) they even had Saruman explain this piece of lore to his newly hatched Uruk-hai commander (the one that later slays Boromir).
According to tolkien orcs was once elves. Also, while peter jackson makes awesome movies, if you honestly had nightmares from any of them you are weak af 😂 They arent scary and jackson was no ”master of horror”.
Yeah, their lines are blurred asf. I want to feel scared when Souron or someone following him comes on the screen. Like how the Witch-King makes me feel from The Return of The King. My major problem with the show is that it doesn’t grip onto any of my emotions. I’m majorly nonchalant when anyone dies.
@@CarlosVilltoro You’re right. Evil cannot created. Evil can only twist the creation of good to further its own agenda. I wouldn’t be surprised if Souron himself is creating this show to try to manipulate us to sympathizing with his mediocre tears.
The orcs are humanized because the writers think of them as being black. Let that sink in. They watched Lord of the Rings and thought "Those orcs remind me of the blacks!"
Yea that’s that reactionary ra.cism of those who don’t know anyone outside their own culture. Always fascinates me. Especially for people who live in America cause if you grow up in a city here, you grew up around many different people, of many different cultures. And if you actually respect people you’d recognize, at a young age, that people are the same. Some the overcompensation of the birth signaling 🍆heads is always funny to me cause the people they try to cater to would not like them at all if they behaved that way in person. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. It’s weird. Get off your knees and show actual respect for someone. Not begging them for forgiveness for your lack of understand of reality. Donkeys.
I didn't even like the idea of any film being made for LOTR and when Peter Jackson made the trilogy I refused to watch it for years until I had been reassured by my friends that he had remained respectful as he could be with the source material. So you can imagine what I think of this tripe, thankfully I have not had to watch a second of ROP as others like the drinker and friends acted like canaries in the coal mine. F*&k Amazon and Bezos for this disgusting abuse of the greatest fiction author of all time, at least he was not alive to see this.
A critical factor at depicting Sauron is capturing the relationship he, as the lieutenant to Morgoth, had with his commander, enslaver and ruler. Morgoth is a Valar, he is the singer of his own songs of creation and is perhaps responsible for all the dark, unnamed things that lurk deep in the heart of Middle Earth. Morgoth created dragons, Balrog--corrupted Maia--and other monstrous things while allying himself with primordial, alien beings like Ungoliant. Knowing all of this, any servants Morgoth had would be terrified by his power while simultaneously lusting for that same power itself. Tolkien purposefully created diminishing cycles in his work to portray how not only does good diminish in the world, but so to does the stature and monstrosity of evil, or perhaps more accurately, each dissipates and spreads so that each are made manifest in congregations rather than individuals. Fingolfin duels Morgoth. Elendil, Isildur and Elrond duel Sauron. Eowyn and Merry duel the Witch King. Each instantiation, the aspects of good and evil are smaller, reduced mirrors of the epic confrontations that took place in ages before. For the Rings of Power--a show I had zero interest in watching as I don't trust Amazon and its DEI teams to handle something as venerated as Tolkien's IP--for it to be successful, it would have needed to establish Morgoth first. Establish how as a Maiar, Sauron was constantly plotting to seize power and what it would mean for him to replace the initial dark lord himself. Since this is never established, the psychology of evil in these stories is muddled and confused. It's meaningless to the rest of the setting and therefore bears little to no verisimilitude for the viewers to immerse themselves within. No, Sauron would have no love for Galadriel, for he only lusted for dominion over the world, subjugation of Man, and eradication of Elves. Amazon is too busy promoting their modern world's desired narrative rather than the actual narrative of the Lord of the Rings, a narrative that is universal, rich with archetypes, and immortal within the Human story due to its warnings and what it celebrates--self sacrifice, friendship, patriotism, veneration of the divine. Amazon's ideas are spiritual, and physical dead ends that promote chaos in civilization rather than its prosperity because "it wants to explore the gray areas of morality".
very good second paragraph. Morgoth Bauglir becomes lesser and lesser as time goes and he spreads his power, in a sort of diffusion, to remain a king visible on Middle Earth. His power no longer reaches widely despite being in the foundations of Arda, except for a few people he focuses on like children of Hurin in later First Age. His power now lies in his armies and multitude of creatures he corrupted. There is almost a mathematics of conservation laws to Tolkien's worlds both for the equations of power and the repeating epic narrative. Way above the level of these people who bought some "rights" to vomit out this travesty.
Except Sauron wasn’t plotting to other throw Morgoth. Tolkien has been asked about this and said Sauron was loyal to the end. Now that doesn’t mean he didn’t have misgivings or grievances. Simply he didn’t seek a coup d’etat
@@AliciatheCho no maia or Vala alone could overthrow Melkor, and Sauron would know this as fact. He had some contingencies for his master's downfall though as we see in later ages :)
Great analysis, one thing though: Morgoth couldn't truly make anything, only corrupt what was already there. But otherwise, yes, Sauron should be seen as attempting to fill the shoes of something so much greater than him after Morgoth's defeat but we get... that.
The storyline chaos, the poor character development, and the obvious missteps from the source material have created a show that is far from what Tolkien fans expected. It's frustrating to see the lack of coherent world-building and respect for the original work.
Actually, orcs can go in sunlight. They might be reluctant, but they are no trolls that turn to stone. They just fear the light like humans fear the dark.
A problem with any prequel is that we know which characters literally MUST survive, and that eliminates any real concern for their safety even when they take a volcano to the face.
Yet it can be done well. I know I've seen scenes where I knew without a shadow of a doubt who would live and who would die, but the tension was immense because I could not see how and I knew the writers weren't just going to deus ex machina the story along.
In the original trilogy, all the book readers knew Gandalf didn't really die, yet the emotional impact is still there. Even rewatch after rewatch we still cry. And we genuinely worry for the people barricaded in Helm's Deep. So, yes it can be done well. Another example is Celebrimbor, readers knew he would be killed, and yet the emotion wasn't nearly as strong. It comes down to the acting, writing and directing.
Kind of like the whole “let’s do a Black Widow movie after we know she sacrificed herself for the Soul Stone!” If they had released that movie in the middle of all the avengers stuff, it probably would have had more of an audience but no one cared about BW anymore because she was dead……and not to mention the movie just flat out sucked too.
It can be a good premise. Ignoring the actual movies. A trilogoy covering HOW Anakin became Darth Vader is a great concept we are interested in watching the how. If rings of power was basically Saurons breaking bad. (How he managed to manipulate and take over most of middle earth leading up to the alliance) It would have got me very interested.
@@frankspeakmore7104 he didn't make them, they were already principally written and cast but the original director noped the fuck out, so the studio begged him to come on board and try to salvage it, then the studio mandated that it be made into a movie trilogy trying to capture the lightning that had made the original trilogy such a storming success (pun intended), so while the story was hamfisted and was more fanfiction than source material, I don't really hold him too much to blame for the state of it instead I lay the blame squarely at the feet of the greedy abject morons who mandated much of what those films should be in their eyes, and not what they should have been to the fans. contrast that with the current turd sandwich on offer, and frankly there's very few people that are part of this project who are without blame for portions of it, there's a big difference so don't go slinging around generalities without the full context.
I could feel the seething frustration and anger at the ravaging of Tolkien's work there, Drinker. And I and anyone with a spark of intelligence concur. "Feck Of, Show !" Well put.
I think it would have been better if he'd been Saruman. You see him start off as an innocent person who hangs around with Hobbits, only to see him corrupted and killed in LotR.
I was genuinely surprised that he was. It was so blatantly obvious that he was Gandalf that I was sure it was a red herring and he was going to be someone else like Saruman or one of the Blue Wizards. I suppose I overestimated the writers - they actually just didn't have a clue
They also most likely went to some California based shit college and got brainwashed like the rest of them. Notice the usual Marxist drivel about uplifting the so called marginalised group (orcs) and portraying them as human-like.....filled with compassion etc, while downplaying the humans and elves into greedy corrupt morons. Not to mention the extreme race quota going on in EVERY single location. I laughed out loud when they panned over a group of elves consisting of 1 asian, 1 black, 1 redhead, 1 white etc. They are not even TRYING to hide it anymore. So diverse, so brave!
Yep, like the Drinker once lamented, The Hobbit was written by a dude who was fighting in the bloody Battle of Somme, while ROP was written and directed by Gamergate veterans 😂
CD: "It's likely to go down as the most expensive flop in entertainment history" Homer, talking to Bart: "Most expensive flop in entertainment history SO FAR."
The problem they have isn't down to the writers being conflicted about which side to root for, or a misunderstanding of what is good/evil, nor that they inhabit a place of moral ambiguity. It's that they are treating Middle-Earth like it is a real place, populated by complex individuals. Tolkien was not interested in this, which is why he wrote the material as a mythological piece. He was interested in depicting a creation myth and a description of good and evil in the purest sense that exists in religion, not in reality. Therefore, the big "evils" in Middle-Earth are all non-human, whereas almost all the "goods" are natural, living beings. Arguably the most flawed of all the "good" races happen to be the Dwarves, who are not part of Eru's (God's) plan, but creations of Aule, who is of a lesser order (a Vala/Archangel). When humans (Men) behave in an evil fashion (the Easterlings, Haradrim, Dunlendings) it is always because they are influenced by a malevolent being of higher power (Morgoth, Sauron, Saruman), or due to some evil presence (the Ring(s), the Oath of Feanor etc). The Orcs and Trolls are warped creations of Morgoth (a being of the same order as Aule, but with the addition of an aberrant persona, a need for domination) and entirely lack the positive characteristics of Aule's dwarves. Add in that when Eru discovers Aule's creations, he allows them to become part of the world, though delays their entry into it as a rejig of the creation plan. The Orcs/Trolls are never meant to be in Middle-Earth, or retrofitted into it, hence their anti-life, hateful nature. In this Tolkien delves obliquely into the nature of good and evil, and he's postulating that God's creatures (in the real world, humans, in Midde-Earth - Men, Elves) are invariably good and when evil appears then it likely comes from an otherworldly source. That's just my theory, anyway. So, if you are going to make a TV/film version of Tolkien's tales, you have to tackle it as a myth, rather than creating new personal narratives, motivations and characterisations that rarely occur in the source material. LotR/The Silmarillion is NOT GoT. The characters are mostly templates to tell a greater story, and genuine human wants/needs/desires rarely intrude. Even Boromir/Denethor in LotR, who evidence some human wants/desires, it's from a warped sense of doing the right thing, never genuinely personal. In the Second Age which Rings of Power details, what exists of the material is written similarly to the Silmarillion, so as a fable. There's almost no characterisation described, of the people involved, as they exist merely to serve a continuing narrative What exists is a mere framework - much less than the First Age, actually - which is why I'd always thought it would be very hard to do anything with it, in terms of filming, even if a decision would be made to compress the events from a few thousand years to something manageable. They've tried to attempt a GoT approach, understandably I guess, but Tolkien isn't GRR Martin. That's where they've gone wrong.
@@goprochef6352 It had a personal meaning to him, or he wouldn't have spent almost his whole life writing about Middle Earth. His Christian morality shines through everywhere, it's tough to miss it.
@@johnniea4684 In the "personal narratives, motivations and characterisations" vs Myth approach sense. I concur that, for instance, The Silmarillion is mythological and reads as mythology, but The Children of Húrin (and possibly Beren and Lúthien, but I haven't read it, so it's surmise on my part) is a fantasy novel with personal motivations and characterisations.
@@TheVagolfer I double-checked and you are correct. Their son Tad Lincoln was watching 'Aladdin' at Grover’s Theater at the time with his nanny, but his wife Mary Todd was with him. Thank you for straightening me out on that.
I think the biggest problem is they don’t care about what motivated Tolkien. He was a devout Catholic and admitted “The Lord of Rings” had underlying Christian themes. The writers for Rings of power reject that and so keep changing things that are incompatible with Tolkien’s philosophy.
It's one of the funniest things about Christian moms freaking out over DnD. Like it's so obviously and borderline infringingly based on LotR which has so many Christian themes baked in.
It does and if you think of The Hobbit movies as kids movies than they weren't bad to begin with. Except the love triangle. That was awful anyway you look at it
If you take the Hobbit Trilogy and edit out everything that isn't in the book, it's a pretty good 3-4 hour movie. I've sampled some of the fan edits out there and they're vast improvements on what Peter Jackson released.
The bigest catastrophe is galadriel, I absolutely love the movie's galadriel. ethereal, majestic mysterious. That scene where she stare down boromir was awesome. Here we have what? Apparently she can leave his men in a storm to seek out her revenge, but is willing to hand over the most powerful artifacts in the world to the enemy just to save a few women. She spent a thousand years to aveng his brother, but failed to look for her missing husband.
Well, a writer can say their character is as smart as they want. What is limited by the intelligence of the writer is the *demonstration* of that intelligence.
Well, they can be smarter, if writer really tries. For example: character makes some brilliant cunning plan in several minutes, while their writer has to spend a whole week on it.
I hope they make more. Haven't wacthed a single episode or care to, but these videos and memes all over the net have been very entertaining lol I'm loving these.
Ruining one of the best franchises ever is a hell of a price for just memes. I'd rather have good movies and shows with few but golden memes than trash movies and shows with loads of memes.
@mckitchenstudios Do you seriously have that little faith in the source material that you think this will "ruin" it? If a bad adaptation ruined a piece of literature then all Shakespeare's works, Dracula, Frankenstein, Sherlock Holmes and many others would be completely unreadable, so many bad adaptations have been made of them over the centuries. A bad adaptation tarnishes itself and nothing else, the originals will be as good as ever
The lives of elves were never meant to be explored in detail. In Tolkien’s universe the elves were written as plot devices to invoke feelings of nostalgia. We’re not supposed to be able to relate to them as people, and their magic is diminished when they become protagonists.
The parts where orcs talk with each other in LOTR are quite interesting. It shows that they are not just pawns but have their own motivations, but also that those motivations are really twisted and evil. They don't want to fight for Sauron and do it out of fear, they'd much rather just pillage and murder for themselves.
They also despise each other as their racial hatred is so deep it applies to other kinds of orcs just as fiercely as it does to humans and elves. An entire tower of orcs killed each other fighting over a shiny shirt. They didnt know it was valuable, it couldnt fit any of them. But one of the Mordor orcs took a swing at a Minas Morgul orc over it so race war it is.
Orcs make a lot of sense if you just invert the normal Christian moral compass, which I imagine is what Morgoth did to them. If you assume that people have a functioning moral compass, and as Tolkien was Catholic he would, and then invert that normally functioning compass, you get orc attitudes. Purely selfish and violent then you stoke a constant simmering hatred in there and presto! A perfect slave race.
I remember reading that for PJ's LotR movies, they had to rewrite the AI directing the orc hordes, because as the elves tore into them they started to flee... but orcs never flee; they are too afraid of Sauron and rather be killed dead.
The biggest mistake they made was trying to morph it into a Game of Thrones type show. It's so obvious they wanted to try to replicate Game of Thrones when LOTR can easily stand on its own.
The fact this got a second season yet The Expanse, a fantastic Sci-Fi show was more or less rushed in the last season and had enough source material for atleast 3 more seasons, was cancelled is just sad.
Once characters can survive a pyroclastic flow to the face there are basically no stakes or tension remaining... albeit that would require said characters to be worth investing in emotionally in the first place.
Yeah he’s literally one of the only characters they CAN kill off because he’s not in the lore, and yet next episode he just there. And fine. No limping or bleeding or anything. After massive gut/torso wounds that would have left him bleeding out.
Same! I had to check to make sure I hadn't skipped an episode or something. But nope - he's just there, no explanation. I mean, no one - not a single person involved in this production pointed out that they might want to show how this guy just survived being knifed in the gut and is now at full strength? No? Ok.
A little note: Sauron was for sure the greatest danger to Free Peoples and subsequently the greatest evil in the third age, even in the second for that matter. But he may not be the most terrifying. That title could go to Durin's Bane or to even some of the evil pantheon in the abyss of Moria, about which Gandalf didn't even dare to speak about. By the way, this is also an example of the writers' sheer incompetence and consequence of mindlessly fanservicing - reducing one of the greatest enigmas of Middle-earth to a swamp monster, which somehow is known to almost everybody.
Sauron was supposed to be a pseudo Promethean figure generating religious engineering in Harad and Rhûn with the metallurgical revolution he made in the east and south. He was like Mephistopheles from Goethe's Faust or Azazel from the book of Enoch. Galadriel was supposed to be a sage and a political opponent of Annatar's reformist ideas. She could be like a philosopher-queen archetype. She was such a fierce enemy that Annatar instigate Celebrimbor and the Jewelers to stage a coup d'etat on Galadriel and Celeborn in Eregion. Númenor is a moral and theological story about life vs death vs immortality vs human nature.
Very well said. And the writers of this show actually understood NOTHING of that. Nothing of the mythology/theology and philosophy in Tolkien's works. Good vs Evil, basically what made these stories so great because they just are that simple in their core. No need for several layers etc. The general simplicity in the overall complexity is what made his works resonate with so many people
Explaining this to the deluded, mentally arrested degenerates that pose as "writers" and "showrunners" with RoP would be like trying to teach quantrum physics to roadkill.
If I recall correctly… In the Silmarillion the elves trusted Annatar (Sauron) because they could sense his divinity as a Maiar. As they had never been to the undying lands, they falsely believed he had been sent to aid and guide them. Most did not perceive the truth of his nature as Sauron, as he did (for a time) feel he had done wrong serving under Morgoth. Tolkien here seems to suggest, or think, that this repentance wasn’t genuine- not sorry he did it, sorry he got caught kind of thing. Regardless, he was able to pass the vibe check. I think only Galadriel felt something was off, and even then that was about it. None of the elves- including Galadriel- knew Sauron was the new Big Bad until after the One had been crafted and worn. It’s also established that Sauron craved order and structure, but he falsely assumed that he was the best fit to accomplish this, and that his methods were the most suited. He did have good intentions for Middle Earth, but the need he had for control is what twisted him and pulled him into darkness. The path to hell is paved with good intentions. Of course this is far too nuanced and complicated for any modern writer, who despite their cries for “morally gray” villains are wholly incapable of writing believable ones.
Sauron may very well have genuinely regretted helping Morgoth. After all, their motivations and intentions for the world ultimately became quite antagonistic when Morgoth's will to create eventually was supplanted by a bitter desire to destroy.
In the source material Celebrimbor and the elves of Eregion pretty much alone trusted him, The rest either actively mistrusted him or kept him at arms length. And then Sauron spent 3 centuries playing on Celebrimbor's pride and ambition as a craftsman before even attempting to forge the One Ring. basically the story makes a hell of a lot more sense when you 1) not everyone is an idiot and 2) it all happens in more than a week and a half....
I feel like I'm almost lucky that I don't have a personal connection to Tolkien's works, since I didn't grow up reading the books, but loved the movies. The works that mean the most to me are Alien and Indiana Jones. My mom and dad saw Alien together in the cinema before I was born and I have fond memories of watching my favorite Alien movie: Aliens with my dad on the tv as a kid. The same with the first 3 Indiana Jones movies. The most vivid memories I have is of watching Tempel of Doom with him, which is why it's my favorite of the 3. My dad has been dead for over 20 years and my mom died earlier this year. I just know that I am so much better off never watching Alien: Romulus and Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. My mental health isn't the greatest and I know watching them would make it worse. I appreciate you and EFAP for watching them and telling us the truth about them. Thank You.
Fun fact for those wondering about Gandalfs name, he got it from the people in the North of Middle Earth. He literally says this during the Two Towers. "Many are my names in many countries. Mithrandir among the Elves, Tharkûn to the Dwarves; Olórin I was in my youth in the West that is forgotten, in the South Incánus, in the North Gandalf; to the East I go not. " So yeah they even fumble that, along with him not being around on Arda for another Age, and well everything else they have done with this BS show.
He is literally in Rhun from what I understand (haven't seen a minute of the show), the most eastern region of mapped Middle Earth lmao. "to the East I go not" but somehow they gave me my name used by the Northern peoples...
@@gumle2003 Seems on brand for those hacks. Mindlessly ape scene without understanding what made the scenes they ape so impactful, memorable or emotional.
@@takuidYeah pretty sure he is in the east now. Also gets his northern name from a species whose earliest recorded appearance was during the beginning of the Third Age, during the Second Age...somehow Also don't those fake hobbits live away from every other species in Middle Earth? How the heck do they even know Elves exist? Yes I know one of those dumbasses confuses the hobo wizard for a 'grand elf' so clearly they don't know what one looks like, but that still makes clear they heard of elves.
There seems to be a trend in entertainment and art these days to not just reevaluate our ideas of good and evil, beauty and ugliness, of right and wrong, but to completely _reverse_ them.
It makes sense after you listen to them go on and on about "representation" and "seeing themselves" in the show. They put themselves into this slop, so any criticism to the show is viewed as a criticism to themselves. They can't separate themselves from their work.
I remember John Rhys Davis was asked if he would show up as Gimli in rings of power and he said absolutely not the show is going to downgrade LOTR lore forever and will total disrespect to Tolkien. He is proven Correct unfortunately
I wouldn't be shocked if the writers of this show wanted to put Gimli in this despite the fact that he was supposed to be 62 and too young a dwarf for major action in The Hobbit.
How would they have even done that? Gimli wasn't born until near the end of the 3rd age.... thousands of years later. I know they don't respect the canon at all and truncate timelines, but three thousand years off? Yeesh.
You can see “Sauron’s” real hair at the neckline under the wig. Especially when he reaches over trying to keep “Galadriel” from jumping off the cliff. 😂
I’m a support worker; I work with people with learning disabilities and neurological disorders. One of the clients I support enjoys this show and I mean no offence to anyone with a disability but he is the ideal and ONLY audience for the show; someone who simply lacks the capacity to know better. I’m glad he enjoys it and I’d never be so cruel as to correct him but oh boy, realising he likes it was a hilarious moment for me and made total sense.
I read all the books, including the Silmarilion multiple times, thanks to your videos you saved me the suffering of watching this monstrosity, thank you for your sacrifice Drinker!
There'll never in my mind be a more succinct epitome of the heart of this thing than the supposed cliffhanger at the end of Episode 4, when the tense face-off between Adar and Galadriel - instead of intensifying with a brooding and sinister instrumental - segues straight into Rufus Wainwright with a full string section singing about the colour of Tom Bombadil's boots.
"The Orcs are not supposed to be a metaphor for any racial or cultural group in the modern world." Right, I had the same feeling. What were they thinking while writing this? Definitely some weird and creepy stuff.
Orcs are just the Amazon employee Elves deprived of sunlight, access to drinking water, toilets, beatings from their supervisors and union representation in the workplace
My grandma said so. Stories from an ignorant grandma is always used as eternal truths. Because “HOW DARE YOU SPEAK AGAINST MY GRANDMA!!!!” Uhhh… because she’s not mine?
I can tell from the first few seconds the Drinker must have enjoyed this respectful adaptation of Tolkien's world. Truly one of the shows that ever happened!
The Rings of Power series is like a train wreck in slow motion. You just can't look away no matter how much you want to. Unfortunately, the showrunners are continuing to miss the mark with this adaptation.
Gandalf is supposed to be a mentor archetype, and he is sent by the Valar to aide the free people of Middle Earth. Instead in this show, they give him a heroes journey, he has to discover his name, his powers, his purpose. So Tom B becomes his mentor... It would be like adapting The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and having young Aslan learning to run with the other lions, but he feels hurt when they pick on him for having a soft mane and he has to learn to find his real voice so he can roar like a big lion one day. This is why you need people schooled in narratology, characterisation and, of course, an understanding of the canon.
Ironically and unintentionally, the writers of ROP warmed up the old cliche that the depiction of the orcs in the books was "racist". As Tolkien pointed out, the orcish race has no equivalent or antetype in the real world, as neither has any of the other races in his works. In the appendices to LOTR, Tolkien wrote: "The Orcs were first bred by the Dark Power of the North in the Elder Days", and that´s it. (That´s why the absurdity of the scene when Sauron was arguing with his own creatures like he is running for mayor of Orcburg made me throw up a little.) It is absurd to assume that the orcs follow some kind of "pursuit of happiness" of their own and put them in the contexts of ethics and morality. By doing so, their depiction in ROP is borderline racist itself.
Even Tolkien in his letters surmised that Morgoth's original orcs were elves and men who'd been taken prisoner and twisted and perverted into what became orcs. And since those elves and men would have been White.... But this is what happens when people don't understand the source material. They never read the books, just saw the movie and lost weight jumping to conclusions and flying off the handle.
You are wrong. Tolkien wrote orcs poorly. He could not make his mind are they corrupted elves and men (thus having females and children), or simply automatons bread out of "heats and slimes of the earth".
"[...] No two species are identical. All must be judged on their own merits. Treating every species like one's own is racist. Even benign anthropomorphism." - Legion (from Mass Effect 2)
8:31 This is the Loki effect. Loki was sorta kinda sympathetic in Thor and possessed by pure mind-controlling evil in the first Avengers so there was a modicum of sympathy for him. But more importantly: Loki is hot and the studios saw thousands of female fans simping for him and coming to comic-book movies. So now we have to 1) make the villains hot and 2) make them sympathetic and 3) give them the “bad boy that will totally change for the right girl” vibe to get the female simps to watch this tripe.
@@hollylucianta6711 The guy in _Pride and Prejudice_ isn't evil. He's just a snob with no social skills. When the heroine rejects him, he realizes what a jerk he's become and FIXES HIMSELF, so he can live with himself and be there for his kid sister and his friends. He still loves the heroine but doubts she would ever give him a second chance. She changes her mind about him when she realizes, after not seeing him at all for several months, that he has truly changed for the better. This story has absolutely nothing in common with the "bad boy" romance novels and shipping popular now. It's actually quite wholesome, with good role models for both boys and girls. It's also very funny if you like British humor.
I understood Saurons behaviour in RoP as malicious gaslighting (you know, one that he is famous for) to enchant and thus enslave powerful Galadriel to be his willing slave and his tool. Also, to have an Elf, most fair (sic!) and most powerful, as a destroyer of Elves. However, all we got is muh queeen. God damnit Jon Snow.
My grandfather is a big Tolkein fan. He has worked as a humble janitor for prestigious schools, fortune 500 companies, famous celebrities, and even in the White House. His dream job was to turn trash into modern art, but he spent much of his later years working at a recycling plant sorting garbage. Needless to say, he likes trash. When i asked him if he would watch Rings of Power, he said to me “Grandson, i’ve spent my whole life collecting rubbish, and let me tell you, even if i saw Rings of Power in Tolkien’s own trash can, i would’ve left it there”
Think about how many lives could’ve been saved or changed with that billion dollars. Instead, Amazon decided to spend it on nearly destroying one of the most iconic, beloved authors of all time’s legacy.
These people calling everyone bigots for not watching their shows or playing their games, is like a crazy homeless man arguing by himself. Everyone else just kinda goes on with their day.
GOD DAMNIT! You HAD to remind me that Pedro Pascal has been cast as Reed Richards. I was trying to keep ignoring that, so I didn't have to think about just how much of a train wreck the Fantastic Four will be.
God damnit. I didn't know that. He's a good actor but Reed Richards? Seriously? He'd be better in almost any other role. He'd make a better doom than Richard's. Fuck.
I loved it when the entire army of numenor made it back to the coast, sailed back to numenor, and had a funeral for the king in the same amount of time it took for isildur to wake up and escape a spider cave that we have no idea how he got there.
Now Bezos will spend another fortune on season 3 so the writers can express how much they hate us and how their product is incredible, because everyone loves it ( everyone being only the creators of this madness).
Celebrimbors death has always been imagined as a brutally dark and disturbing scene. Ffs Sauron literally uses his corpse as a banner. His death in ROP was like a cartoon.
This show does have two things which hearken back to the classic TV of the good old days: Amnesia and quicksand, which both scared hell out of me as a child.
@@chasehedges6775 never been a fan of it but industrywise the Care Bear franchise is a good example of knowing what consumers demand, giving that to them and have them willingly throw their money in your direction. Good old days.
Tolkien fan here. Haven't watched 1 single minute of this show and will never do. I only watch Drinker's reviews and have a laugh. 'Look not too far ahead! But go now with good hearts! Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you. May the stars shine upon your faces!'
The 'enemies to lovers' trope doesn't really work when one of them is basically evil incarnate with zero redeeming qualities. And the other is Sauron.
Had me in the first half. I'm not gonna lie lol
This entire show is an insult to Galadriel, a character who, in Peter Jackson's Trilogies, was damn near perfect, and never needed any false character-building to make her more appealing.
"Galadri-fraud" is a fanfiction-writer's fantasy come to life. I hate her, almost as much as I hate this entire show.
ROFL that did make me laugh out loud!
Well played, sir. Well played.
I wish the Rings of Power had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
So do all who live to see such times...
Your words are wise...thank you @@PrincipalButtsavage
...But that is not for them to decide.
@Sableye666 You 100% win the comments section.
Same except for woke ideology.
My favorite part of the season was when Galadriel told Sauron “if you liked it, you should have put a ring on it”, then started twerking. Truly a moment of the show.
Before the big dance finale with Shrek dancing to Footloose.
Don't give them ideas.
@@danabnormal5988- They already stole the idea of the musical numbers for Joker 2. 🥶
I lost that...!😂
Thank you, Drinker for the only 10 minutes I will ever spend on the show.
I also refuse to give Amazon my views. Feels like I’m helping
@@claymanson2665 hmm, that's a sign that you've been emotionally programmed by someone. You usually see this in politics when either side cant even say the other candidates name, you'll never find them watching content from the other candidate ect.
Someone got you to surrender the critical thinking part of your mind on this subject, the part that allows you to take in opposing views (or new views) and parse through them to determine your own unique logical conclusions for yourself. pity.
good riddance to you
@@jacobburns3515 Yep.
‘twas my granny who taught me at her knee
“child,” she said, “if someone is just flinging crap at you, you don't owe anyone to just stand there and endure it. You just go right ahead and walk away, this world is a big place and most in it ain't crap.”
Fine woman to whom I owe a generally good life with much joy and few regrets. Thank you for your gift of pity though, I’ve no need of it but it speaks well of you trying to be a generous soul.
"What's your name?"
"And who are your people?"
"I am alone"
"Ok, so Gandalf Solo"
I said the same on a podcast last week lol.
GAN Solo! 😂😂😂😂
still waiting for nori to come out as a Skywalker
As Gary/Nerdrotic said, billions of dollars and hundreds of people can’t make something half as good as one man in his spare time.
It really is something. Not good in anyway, but something.
During this series there's been several thermonuclear detonations in Oxford. Wonder why?
That man has something they don't
The love and passion for his stories
@@somebrokefella5522Also a brain
I commend you, Drinker, for watching so I don't have to. Such a sacrifice doesn't go unnoticed. Cheers.
At this point, they should lean into it like a Blazing Saddles...
Just admit it's a parody
I actually watched what felt like 10 hours of the first half of the first episode of the first season...
The season 2 finale was the first and last episode I bothered to watch. The funny thing is that it's not terrible if you don't know the source material but once I found out how it couldn't stay true to even its own previous continuity, I permanently wrote off the show.
Took one for the team😅
In a private letter, Tolkien describes orcs as:
“squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes; in fact, degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types.”
O'Hehir describes orcs as "a subhuman race bred by Morgoth and/or Sauron (although not created by them) that is morally irredeemable and deserves only death. They are dark-skinned and slant-eyed, and although they possess reason, speech, social organization, and, as Shippey notes, a sort of moral sensibility, they are inherently evil."
What was so hard to understand for the writers of The Rings of Power? Are they unable to grasp what a monster truly is? This is the biggest difference compared to Peter Jackson's trilogy. Jackson was a master of horror; he crafted characters that were pure nightmare fuel, with no redemption or “soft” side-just evil, plain and simple. Honestly, seeing orcs with kids and mothers is the most absurd idea I’ve seen in this show.
That big mofo who killed Boromir in Fellowship gave me nightmare fuel for months.
As someone else said, the showrunners heard all that and their post modern brains immediately went "ooooh, so they're black." It's really... What's the word I'm looking for?... Oh yes... RACIST.
They don't like the good vs evil narrative. It looks very much like Christianity, I heard people accuse Tolkien of being a bad person cause he was a religious Catholic and also for drawing inspiration from Christianity. And if you are a Christian, you are inherently bad to the woke braindead they/them people. I don't think the people who made this show even like Tolkien or his work.
In The Silmarillion Tolkien wrote that the orcs were originally the Elves whom, iirc, then Melkor (i.e. not yet named Morgoth) captured and turned /corrupted into this new form of life /race; Eru Ilúvatar regarded this deed of Melkor as utterly evil, and the most reprehensible and vile out of all his other wrongdoings.
In P.J.'s trilogy (in The Fellowship of the Ring) they even had Saruman explain this piece of lore to his newly hatched Uruk-hai commander (the one that later slays Boromir).
According to tolkien orcs was once elves.
Also, while peter jackson makes awesome movies, if you honestly had nightmares from any of them you are weak af 😂
They arent scary and jackson was no ”master of horror”.
Tolkiens spinning so fast in his grave, he could legally be classified as a particle accelerator
And Peter Jackson is in pain
Tolkien is basically a black hole after this non-sense.
@@chasehedges6775 Jackson should be in pain for what he did with the Hobbit
Simon Tolkien spends most of his free time pissing on the grave so hopefully he'll experience a short circuit. 😂
@@Hildigis Hobbit Trilogy was decent/watchable
These people can’t write good vs evil because they don’t know the difference.
Probably because they're the class of evil that believes their cause is good.
Yeah, their lines are blurred asf. I want to feel scared when Souron or someone following him comes on the screen. Like how the Witch-King makes me feel from The Return of The King.
My major problem with the show is that it doesn’t grip onto any of my emotions. I’m majorly nonchalant when anyone dies.
These people are the bad guys, they resonate with them
@@CarlosVilltoro You’re right. Evil cannot created. Evil can only twist the creation of good to further its own agenda. I wouldn’t be surprised if Souron himself is creating this show to try to manipulate us to sympathizing with his mediocre tears.
Star Wars was the same thing. Blur the lines between good vs evil.
Wow I’m so shocked that the old Stranger turned out to be Gandalf!
what are you saying? he is Grand Elf!
it was David Guetta
Shhhh, spoilers, it's a secret mystery box that no one is supposed to guess.
@@chilip8758 Miss Reindeer if you're an elf.
Almost as mind blowing as Daemon Targaryen being Sauron
The orcs are humanized because the writers think of them as being black.
Let that sink in. They watched Lord of the Rings and thought "Those orcs remind me of the blacks!"
Which makes it extra weird that these Rings of Power orcs are a lot paler than the ones from the movies
And they didn't even have the decency to give them some kind of medieval thrash metal.
Yea that’s that reactionary ra.cism of those who don’t know anyone outside their own culture. Always fascinates me. Especially for people who live in America cause if you grow up in a city here, you grew up around many different people, of many different cultures. And if you actually respect people you’d recognize, at a young age, that people are the same. Some the overcompensation of the birth signaling 🍆heads is always funny to me cause the people they try to cater to would not like them at all if they behaved that way in person. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. It’s weird. Get off your knees and show actual respect for someone. Not begging them for forgiveness for your lack of understand of reality. Donkeys.
Middle earth doesn’t have KFC so they have to settle with human flesh
"One shitshow to rule them all
In the land of Amazon where the shadows lie"
I think I got that right
You absolutely did. 👏🏼
You are absolutely right friend
@@oscarholloway4443 Well said bro.
And in the shitpits bind them.
In the land of Amazon where good franchises die*
This show is beyond disrespectful to Tolkien’s legacy
They might as well be using Tolkien's grave as a toilet.
It's not only that, it's probably the worst show ever written. It's a delirium of non sensical pseudo random scenes put togheter
It's bad fan fiction.
@conradaster3764 What happens in S3 E7? Lol
I didn't even like the idea of any film being made for LOTR and when Peter Jackson made the trilogy I refused to watch it for years until I had been reassured by my friends that he had remained respectful as he could be with the source material. So you can imagine what I think of this tripe, thankfully I have not had to watch a second of ROP as others like the drinker and friends acted like canaries in the coal mine. F*&k Amazon and Bezos for this disgusting abuse of the greatest fiction author of all time, at least he was not alive to see this.
A critical factor at depicting Sauron is capturing the relationship he, as the lieutenant to Morgoth, had with his commander, enslaver and ruler. Morgoth is a Valar, he is the singer of his own songs of creation and is perhaps responsible for all the dark, unnamed things that lurk deep in the heart of Middle Earth. Morgoth created dragons, Balrog--corrupted Maia--and other monstrous things while allying himself with primordial, alien beings like Ungoliant.
Knowing all of this, any servants Morgoth had would be terrified by his power while simultaneously lusting for that same power itself. Tolkien purposefully created diminishing cycles in his work to portray how not only does good diminish in the world, but so to does the stature and monstrosity of evil, or perhaps more accurately, each dissipates and spreads so that each are made manifest in congregations rather than individuals. Fingolfin duels Morgoth. Elendil, Isildur and Elrond duel Sauron. Eowyn and Merry duel the Witch King. Each instantiation, the aspects of good and evil are smaller, reduced mirrors of the epic confrontations that took place in ages before.
For the Rings of Power--a show I had zero interest in watching as I don't trust Amazon and its DEI teams to handle something as venerated as Tolkien's IP--for it to be successful, it would have needed to establish Morgoth first. Establish how as a Maiar, Sauron was constantly plotting to seize power and what it would mean for him to replace the initial dark lord himself. Since this is never established, the psychology of evil in these stories is muddled and confused. It's meaningless to the rest of the setting and therefore bears little to no verisimilitude for the viewers to immerse themselves within.
No, Sauron would have no love for Galadriel, for he only lusted for dominion over the world, subjugation of Man, and eradication of Elves.
Amazon is too busy promoting their modern world's desired narrative rather than the actual narrative of the Lord of the Rings, a narrative that is universal, rich with archetypes, and immortal within the Human story due to its warnings and what it celebrates--self sacrifice, friendship, patriotism, veneration of the divine. Amazon's ideas are spiritual, and physical dead ends that promote chaos in civilization rather than its prosperity because "it wants to explore the gray areas of morality".
very good second paragraph. Morgoth Bauglir becomes lesser and lesser as time goes and he spreads his power, in a sort of diffusion, to remain a king visible on Middle Earth. His power no longer reaches widely despite being in the foundations of Arda, except for a few people he focuses on like children of Hurin in later First Age. His power now lies in his armies and multitude of creatures he corrupted.
There is almost a mathematics of conservation laws to Tolkien's worlds both for the equations of power and the repeating epic narrative.
Way above the level of these people who bought some "rights" to vomit out this travesty.
Except Sauron wasn’t plotting to other throw Morgoth. Tolkien has been asked about this and said Sauron was loyal to the end. Now that doesn’t mean he didn’t have misgivings or grievances. Simply he didn’t seek a coup d’etat
@@AliciatheCho no maia or Vala alone could overthrow Melkor, and Sauron would know this as fact. He had some contingencies for his master's downfall though as we see in later ages :)
Great analysis, one thing though: Morgoth couldn't truly make anything, only corrupt what was already there. But otherwise, yes, Sauron should be seen as attempting to fill the shoes of something so much greater than him after Morgoth's defeat but we get... that.
Vala - singular
The storyline chaos, the poor character development, and the obvious missteps from the source material have created a show that is far from what Tolkien fans expected. It's frustrating to see the lack of coherent world-building and respect for the original work.
Wow a whole 62 likes
AI comment
Remember when the orcs couldn’t go in sunlight…yeah the show-runners kind of forgot too…feels just like Danny forgetting the iron fleet
Neo: Upgrades!!!!
I thought that was trolls tho?
Actually, orcs can go in sunlight. They might be reluctant, but they are no trolls that turn to stone. They just fear the light like humans fear the dark.
@@joshjo9405 orcs were created before the sun, they hate the sun.
@@joshjo9405 All evil detests the sunlight. Orcs can go into the sunlight, but at a very great cost.
A problem with any prequel is that we know which characters literally MUST survive, and that eliminates any real concern for their safety even when they take a volcano to the face.
Yet it can be done well. I know I've seen scenes where I knew without a shadow of a doubt who would live and who would die, but the tension was immense because I could not see how and I knew the writers weren't just going to deus ex machina the story along.
In the original trilogy, all the book readers knew Gandalf didn't really die, yet the emotional impact is still there. Even rewatch after rewatch we still cry. And we genuinely worry for the people barricaded in Helm's Deep. So, yes it can be done well.
Another example is Celebrimbor, readers knew he would be killed, and yet the emotion wasn't nearly as strong. It comes down to the acting, writing and directing.
Kind of like the whole “let’s do a Black Widow movie after we know she sacrificed herself for the Soul Stone!” If they had released that movie in the middle of all the avengers stuff, it probably would have had more of an audience but no one cared about BW anymore because she was dead……and not to mention the movie just flat out sucked too.
It can be a good premise. Ignoring the actual movies. A trilogoy covering HOW Anakin became Darth Vader is a great concept we are interested in watching the how. If rings of power was basically Saurons breaking bad. (How he managed to manipulate and take over most of middle earth leading up to the alliance) It would have got me very interested.
@@robertlewis6915 Rogue One comes to mind, too
When you realize that Jackson’s trilogy is over 20 years old and had a fraction of the budget, yet it’s a million times better than this show.
Maybe because Jackson's core goal involving the trilogy was following the core material instead of casually violating it at every turn.
@@daynechastant But he did make The Hobbit trilogy, and they were bad, couldn't believe he made those three because TLOTR are brilliant.
The *whole* of Babylon 5 (110 episodes) was created for less than the average cost of *one* episode of RoP thus far.
@@frankspeakmore7104 Hobbit Trilogy is and always decent
@@frankspeakmore7104 he didn't make them, they were already principally written and cast but the original director noped the fuck out, so the studio begged him to come on board and try to salvage it, then the studio mandated that it be made into a movie trilogy trying to capture the lightning that had made the original trilogy such a storming success (pun intended), so while the story was hamfisted and was more fanfiction than source material, I don't really hold him too much to blame for the state of it instead I lay the blame squarely at the feet of the greedy abject morons who mandated much of what those films should be in their eyes, and not what they should have been to the fans.
contrast that with the current turd sandwich on offer, and frankly there's very few people that are part of this project who are without blame for portions of it, there's a big difference so don't go slinging around generalities without the full context.
I could feel the seething frustration and anger at the ravaging of Tolkien's work there, Drinker. And I and anyone with a spark of intelligence concur. "Feck Of, Show !" Well put.
Everyone: "Yeah that guy is totally Gandalf..."
(15 Episodes later)
Amazon: "Surprise! It was actually Gandalf all along!"
I think it would have been better if he'd been Saruman. You see him start off as an innocent person who hangs around with Hobbits, only to see him corrupted and killed in LotR.
@@amsgame7148 ikr, literally anyone other than Gandalf would've been the better choice lmao
I was genuinely surprised that he was. It was so blatantly obvious that he was Gandalf that I was sure it was a red herring and he was going to be someone else like Saruman or one of the Blue Wizards. I suppose I overestimated the writers - they actually just didn't have a clue
It was just like season 1's "Halbrand". Oh, he's totally not Sauron!! Surprise, he IS Sauron!
It was Agatha all along
These writers have no life experience, never had any hardship to draw from, and have no understanding or appreciation for the craft of writing.
They have witnessed mean comments on twitter. That is worse than seeing your best friend get blown up at Goose Green
They also most likely went to some California based shit college and got brainwashed like the rest of them. Notice the usual Marxist drivel about uplifting the so called marginalised group (orcs) and portraying them as human-like.....filled with compassion etc, while downplaying the humans and elves into greedy corrupt morons. Not to mention the extreme race quota going on in EVERY single location. I laughed out loud when they panned over a group of elves consisting of 1 asian, 1 black, 1 redhead, 1 white etc. They are not even TRYING to hide it anymore. So diverse, so brave!
Did you watch the series?
Yep, like the Drinker once lamented, The Hobbit was written by a dude who was fighting in the bloody Battle of Somme, while ROP was written and directed by Gamergate veterans 😂
Hey they once had the wrong coffee served to them at Starbucks. You have not seen what they have seen!
CD: "It's likely to go down as the most expensive flop in entertainment history" Homer, talking to Bart: "Most expensive flop in entertainment history SO FAR."
"Saurrrrrron... It's pronounced Saurrrrrron, Lisa."
Seems like that record gets broken every year now, its hilarious
Rachel Ziegler Snow White: hold my beer
Complain all you want. The show is a success financially and will continue.
I'll come back to this video when he crys about Season 4,5 and 6
The problem they have isn't down to the writers being conflicted about which side to root for, or a misunderstanding of what is good/evil, nor that they inhabit a place of moral ambiguity. It's that they are treating Middle-Earth like it is a real place, populated by complex individuals. Tolkien was not interested in this, which is why he wrote the material as a mythological piece. He was interested in depicting a creation myth and a description of good and evil in the purest sense that exists in religion, not in reality. Therefore, the big "evils" in Middle-Earth are all non-human, whereas almost all the "goods" are natural, living beings.
Arguably the most flawed of all the "good" races happen to be the Dwarves, who are not part of Eru's (God's) plan, but creations of Aule, who is of a lesser order (a Vala/Archangel). When humans (Men) behave in an evil fashion (the Easterlings, Haradrim, Dunlendings) it is always because they are influenced by a malevolent being of higher power (Morgoth, Sauron, Saruman), or due to some evil presence (the Ring(s), the Oath of Feanor etc). The Orcs and Trolls are warped creations of Morgoth (a being of the same order as Aule, but with the addition of an aberrant persona, a need for domination) and entirely lack the positive characteristics of Aule's dwarves. Add in that when Eru discovers Aule's creations, he allows them to become part of the world, though delays their entry into it as a rejig of the creation plan. The Orcs/Trolls are never meant to be in Middle-Earth, or retrofitted into it, hence their anti-life, hateful nature.
In this Tolkien delves obliquely into the nature of good and evil, and he's postulating that God's creatures (in the real world, humans, in Midde-Earth - Men, Elves) are invariably good and when evil appears then it likely comes from an otherworldly source. That's just my theory, anyway.
So, if you are going to make a TV/film version of Tolkien's tales, you have to tackle it as a myth, rather than creating new personal narratives, motivations and characterisations that rarely occur in the source material. LotR/The Silmarillion is NOT GoT. The characters are mostly templates to tell a greater story, and genuine human wants/needs/desires rarely intrude. Even Boromir/Denethor in LotR, who evidence some human wants/desires, it's from a warped sense of doing the right thing, never genuinely personal. In the Second Age which Rings of Power details, what exists of the material is written similarly to the Silmarillion, so as a fable. There's almost no characterisation described, of the people involved, as they exist merely to serve a continuing narrative
What exists is a mere framework - much less than the First Age, actually - which is why I'd always thought it would be very hard to do anything with it, in terms of filming, even if a decision would be made to compress the events from a few thousand years to something manageable. They've tried to attempt a GoT approach, understandably I guess, but Tolkien isn't GRR Martin. That's where they've gone wrong.
What about Tolkien saying that he despises allegory and the story isn’t meant to have a Greater meaning?
Ah, but what of The Children of Húrin ?
@@goprochef6352 It had a personal meaning to him, or he wouldn't have spent almost his whole life writing about Middle Earth. His Christian morality shines through everywhere, it's tough to miss it.
@@Darth.Iradikus4829 In what sense?
@@johnniea4684 In the "personal narratives, motivations and characterisations" vs Myth approach sense. I concur that, for instance, The Silmarillion is mythological and reads as mythology, but The Children of Húrin (and possibly Beren and Lúthien, but I haven't read it, so it's surmise on my part) is a fantasy novel with personal motivations and characterisations.
I spoke to a friend yesterday who was telling me how much he's enjoying this series. I was forced to question his sanity, his taste & our friendship.
Yea he doesn’t need someone like you as a friend to be honest. What an insane reason to unfriend someone IRL for.
Is he really a friend, tho?
Ha ha!!
same thing happened to me in the gym today, oh man the show was so good and the ending. JESUS FKING CHRIST
Fair enough!
"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, what did you think of the play?"
Fun fact: Mrs Lincoln and the kids went to see a different play. They thought the play Lincoln wanted was a bit too exciting. True story.
She was upset that there was no trigger warning about Sauron crying.
Mary Todd Lincoln was sitting beside Abraham Lincoln when he was shot in the balcony of Ford's theater by John Wilkes Booth.
@@TheVagolfer I double-checked and you are correct. Their son Tad Lincoln was watching 'Aladdin' at Grover’s Theater at the time with his nanny, but his wife Mary Todd was with him. Thank you for straightening me out on that.
@@Mereologist Was it the Robin Williams version or the Will Smith version?
I think the biggest problem is they don’t care about what motivated Tolkien. He was a devout Catholic and admitted “The Lord of Rings” had underlying Christian themes. The writers for Rings of power reject that and so keep changing things that are incompatible with Tolkien’s philosophy.
Oh, Hi there!
Exactly, like trying to humanize the orcs which just clutters the whole idea have “absolute good vs absolute evil”…
Of all the people, i kever thought id see Inspiring Philosophy comment on a Drinker video 😂
@@InspiringPhilosophy Not expecting to see you here.. huh.. 👋🏻😆
It's one of the funniest things about Christian moms freaking out over DnD.
Like it's so obviously and borderline infringingly based on LotR which has so many Christian themes baked in.
Your hard work has saved me the pain of watching any of it. Thank you
I know I'm not the only one to say this, but The Rings of Power series makes The Hobbit Trilogy look like a masterpiece.
It does and if you think of The Hobbit movies as kids movies than they weren't bad to begin with. Except the love triangle. That was awful anyway you look at it
If you take the Hobbit Trilogy and edit out everything that isn't in the book, it's a pretty good 3-4 hour movie. I've sampled some of the fan edits out there and they're vast improvements on what Peter Jackson released.
@@danbance5799 ooo i never thought of that. TBH the first movie is solid. i rewatch it from time to time, mostly because of the songs
Tauriel >>> Guyladriel
and i hate Tauriel
Check out the M4 Edit, it's really good
The newly widowed Mrs Glug and her gluggles will now have to rely on benefits from Sauron's government to survive
it is hard to raise a torturing, serial murdering, flesh eating orclet these days smh...
this should not have made me laugh as hard as it did
That would imply the baby daddy married her before getting slaughtered trying to rob men.
Nah, they'll claim asylum in Rivendell whilst telling the elves they're a racist patriarchy.
The Mordor Child Protection Services are gonna have to step in.
The bigest catastrophe is galadriel, I absolutely love the movie's galadriel. ethereal, majestic mysterious. That scene where she stare down boromir was awesome.
Here we have what? Apparently she can leave his men in a storm to seek out her revenge, but is willing to hand over the most powerful artifacts in the world to the enemy just to save a few women.
She spent a thousand years to aveng his brother, but failed to look for her missing husband.
Do you even know the books or are you just a move buff. I do enjoy watching people giving amazon their money how they love to hats. 😂😊
His, her... get a grip, man!
@@ultor__ guessing the original commenter speaks French, they use male pronomens to refer to gramatticaly male nouns
the real title of this series is "Lord of Rings: Rings of Parody"
"I wouldn't want to put my finger in this girls ring" must be one of your best quotes ever
Problem number 3: "A character can only be as smart as their writer."
Well, a writer can say their character is as smart as they want. What is limited by the intelligence of the writer is the *demonstration* of that intelligence.
Well, they can be smarter, if writer really tries. For example: character makes some brilliant cunning plan in several minutes, while their writer has to spend a whole week on it.
and when evil people set out to write good characters, it’s gonna be different from what Tolkien wrote.
Few things are as frustrating as "smart" characters written by stupid writers.
"Fuck off show."
Ah yes, I missed hearing it.
I hope they make more. Haven't wacthed a single episode or care to, but these videos and memes all over the net have been very entertaining lol I'm loving these.
The more money the waste, the better
You’re right, but at least stop calling it anything related to Tolkien 😂
Ruining one of the best franchises ever is a hell of a price for just memes. I'd rather have good movies and shows with few but golden memes than trash movies and shows with loads of memes.
I don’t think Hollywood has ever been more entertaining than this year of slop.
@mckitchenstudios Do you seriously have that little faith in the source material that you think this will "ruin" it? If a bad adaptation ruined a piece of literature then all Shakespeare's works, Dracula, Frankenstein, Sherlock Holmes and many others would be completely unreadable, so many bad adaptations have been made of them over the centuries. A bad adaptation tarnishes itself and nothing else, the originals will be as good as ever
The lives of elves were never meant to be explored in detail. In Tolkien’s universe the elves were written as plot devices to invoke feelings of nostalgia. We’re not supposed to be able to relate to them as people, and their magic is diminished when they become protagonists.
The parts where orcs talk with each other in LOTR are quite interesting. It shows that they are not just pawns but have their own motivations, but also that those motivations are really twisted and evil. They don't want to fight for Sauron and do it out of fear, they'd much rather just pillage and murder for themselves.
If hating orcs in the context of the original Source Material makes me an evil racist
Then call me hitler
Adolf hitler
They also despise each other as their racial hatred is so deep it applies to other kinds of orcs just as fiercely as it does to humans and elves. An entire tower of orcs killed each other fighting over a shiny shirt. They didnt know it was valuable, it couldnt fit any of them. But one of the Mordor orcs took a swing at a Minas Morgul orc over it so race war it is.
Orcs make a lot of sense if you just invert the normal Christian moral compass, which I imagine is what Morgoth did to them. If you assume that people have a functioning moral compass, and as Tolkien was Catholic he would, and then invert that normally functioning compass, you get orc attitudes. Purely selfish and violent then you stoke a constant simmering hatred in there and presto! A perfect slave race.
Don't you know the Orcs are victims now. They are oppressed and can do no wrong.🤣
I remember reading that for PJ's LotR movies, they had to rewrite the AI directing the orc hordes, because as the elves tore into them they started to flee... but orcs never flee; they are too afraid of Sauron and rather be killed dead.
The biggest mistake they made was trying to morph it into a Game of Thrones type show. It's so obvious they wanted to try to replicate Game of Thrones when LOTR can easily stand on its own.
If they really want to create the show into GoT type show, they could just adapt something like Children of Hurin's story instead :)
@@Test-mq8ihhaha cause that one has incest
I don't see that comparison at all. I would say its closer to Gilmore Girls.
That’s literally what Bezos said he wanted. And that right there was the first big fat red flag.🚩
I see absolutely no similarity to GoT in absolutely any respect. Where, if you don't mind my asking, do you see it?
I am beyond happy they didn’t get the Silmarillion. Can you imagine how destructive that would be?
A silmarillion is a ridiculously high number.
If so I think I’d actually send Amazon a package full of anthrax.
The fact this got a second season yet The Expanse, a fantastic Sci-Fi show was more or less rushed in the last season and had enough source material for atleast 3 more seasons, was cancelled is just sad.
Thanos to The Hobbit trilogy: “Perhaps I treated you too harshly.”
We sure did at the time. I'd watch that 1000x more than a single episode of ROP, unless I want to go to sleep that is.
Nah fuck that, The Hobbit trilogy is good and for what it's worth it absolutely wipes it's ass with whatever trop tries to be
I love the hobbit tilogy
Not as good as LOTR, but it's still very good
How the standards have fallen.
I maintain that the hobbit trilogy was OK. Nothing more.
The bizarre resurrection of Don Lemonlas really threw me. I just assumed I'd fallen asleep and missed something.
Once characters can survive a pyroclastic flow to the face there are basically no stakes or tension remaining... albeit that would require said characters to be worth investing in emotionally in the first place.
Call him negrolas.
Yeah he’s literally one of the only characters they CAN kill off because he’s not in the lore, and yet next episode he just there. And fine. No limping or bleeding or anything. After massive gut/torso wounds that would have left him bleeding out.
Same! I had to check to make sure I hadn't skipped an episode or something. But nope - he's just there, no explanation. I mean, no one - not a single person involved in this production pointed out that they might want to show how this guy just survived being knifed in the gut and is now at full strength? No? Ok.
Even his costume has healed.
The Rings of Power is basically Tolkien ordered from Temu.
Well, maybe that's where a lot of the costuming cane from.
Even Temu wasn't this bad tbfh
Maybe "shop like a billionaire" came from this show then
the ears definitely did...
“Mom, can we have the Silmarilion?”
“We already have it at home.”
The Silmarilion at home: **the rings of power**
A little note: Sauron was for sure the greatest danger to Free Peoples and subsequently the greatest evil in the third age, even in the second for that matter. But he may not be the most terrifying.
That title could go to Durin's Bane or to even some of the evil pantheon in the abyss of Moria, about which Gandalf didn't even dare to speak about.
By the way, this is also an example of the writers' sheer incompetence and consequence of mindlessly fanservicing - reducing one of the greatest enigmas of Middle-earth to a swamp monster, which somehow is known to almost everybody.
Thank you, Drinker! Thank you! Finally, someone recognizes "Pedro Pascal" problem!
"Don't fuck with the source material" words for the joker movies and The batman movie.
Sauron was supposed to be a pseudo Promethean figure generating religious engineering in Harad and Rhûn with the metallurgical revolution he made in the east and south. He was like Mephistopheles from Goethe's Faust or Azazel from the book of Enoch.
Galadriel was supposed to be a sage and a political opponent of Annatar's reformist ideas. She could be like a philosopher-queen archetype. She was such a fierce enemy that Annatar instigate Celebrimbor and the Jewelers to stage a coup d'etat on Galadriel and Celeborn in Eregion.
Númenor is a moral and theological story about life vs death vs immortality vs human nature.
Very well said. And the writers of this show actually understood NOTHING of that.
Nothing of the mythology/theology and philosophy in Tolkien's works.
Good vs Evil, basically what made these stories so great because they just are that simple in their core. No need for several layers etc.
The general simplicity in the overall complexity is what made his works resonate with so many people
Explaining this to the deluded, mentally arrested degenerates that pose as "writers" and "showrunners" with RoP would be like trying to teach quantrum physics to roadkill.
too artsy-fartsy for these showrunners
Well said
The woke hacks don't like that. They're here to ruin.
this whole show is basically feeding us member berries trying to tuck at our nostalgia. Member the swamp of sorrows? member ents?
Still studying the use of mountains to remove an entire river and instantly being able to fight on the river bed.
Yeah, my version of The Art of War definitely left that out!!
You aren't surprised, though, right? They took a pyroclastic cloud to the face last season.
If I recall correctly… In the Silmarillion the elves trusted Annatar (Sauron) because they could sense his divinity as a Maiar. As they had never been to the undying lands, they falsely believed he had been sent to aid and guide them. Most did not perceive the truth of his nature as Sauron, as he did (for a time) feel he had done wrong serving under Morgoth. Tolkien here seems to suggest, or think, that this repentance wasn’t genuine- not sorry he did it, sorry he got caught kind of thing. Regardless, he was able to pass the vibe check. I think only Galadriel felt something was off, and even then that was about it. None of the elves- including Galadriel- knew Sauron was the new Big Bad until after the One had been crafted and worn. It’s also established that Sauron craved order and structure, but he falsely assumed that he was the best fit to accomplish this, and that his methods were the most suited. He did have good intentions for Middle Earth, but the need he had for control is what twisted him and pulled him into darkness. The path to hell is paved with good intentions.
Of course this is far too nuanced and complicated for any modern writer, who despite their cries for “morally gray” villains are wholly incapable of writing believable ones.
And he also spent a looot of time gaining their trust, he didn't just show up one day and bam, he's in.
Sauron may very well have genuinely regretted helping Morgoth. After all, their motivations and intentions for the world ultimately became quite antagonistic when Morgoth's will to create eventually was supplanted by a bitter desire to destroy.
@@davorzdralo8000I saw in a video today that Sauron spent 300 years with the elves in Eregion. From the show, I thought it was a few weeks.
It was Elrond and Gil-Galad that rejected Annatar and refused him entry into Lindon.
In the source material Celebrimbor and the elves of Eregion pretty much alone trusted him, The rest either actively mistrusted him or kept him at arms length. And then Sauron spent 3 centuries playing on Celebrimbor's pride and ambition as a craftsman before even attempting to forge the One Ring.
basically the story makes a hell of a lot more sense when you 1) not everyone is an idiot and 2) it all happens in more than a week and a half....
Thank you, Drinker.
For going where I can’t follow.
I feel like I'm almost lucky that I don't have a personal connection to Tolkien's works, since I didn't grow up reading the books, but loved the movies. The works that mean the most to me are Alien and Indiana Jones. My mom and dad saw Alien together in the cinema before I was born and I have fond memories of watching my favorite Alien movie: Aliens with my dad on the tv as a kid. The same with the first 3 Indiana Jones movies. The most vivid memories I have is of watching Tempel of Doom with him, which is why it's my favorite of the 3. My dad has been dead for over 20 years and my mom died earlier this year. I just know that I am so much better off never watching Alien: Romulus and Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. My mental health isn't the greatest and I know watching them would make it worse. I appreciate you and EFAP for watching them and telling us the truth about them. Thank You.
This show makes as much sense as a ginger with cornrows
as Eminem once said, "as pointless as rapunzel with cornrows"
You got a cool alcoholic in your screen name
Dutch braids make perfect sense with gingers and, for that matter, any caucasians.
Gingers can do whatever they want don’t bring us into this mess
That was racist or sexist or something. Where’s my safe space?!?
I don't even watch TV or movies anymore; I just watch Critical Drinker.
Yeh bud, prefer watching RoP reviews now, instead of the actual show .... i bailed halfway season 1 ... too boring
And this is why Hollywood is terrified of him
And pitch meetings)))
Not even the Penguin or Strange Darling? You really are missing out.
Or Disparu!!
Fun fact for those wondering about Gandalfs name, he got it from the people in the North of Middle Earth.
He literally says this during the Two Towers.
"Many are my names in many countries. Mithrandir among the Elves, Tharkûn to the Dwarves; Olórin I was in my youth in the West that is forgotten, in the South Incánus, in the North Gandalf; to the East I go not. "
So yeah they even fumble that, along with him not being around on Arda for another Age, and well everything else they have done with this BS show.
They did a "Hodor" to his name. Just without the self-sacrifice and time-twisting implications
He is literally in Rhun from what I understand (haven't seen a minute of the show), the most eastern region of mapped Middle Earth lmao. "to the East I go not" but somehow they gave me my name used by the Northern peoples...
@@gumle2003 Seems on brand for those hacks.
Mindlessly ape scene without understanding what made the scenes they ape so impactful, memorable or emotional.
@@takuidYeah pretty sure he is in the east now.
Also gets his northern name from a species whose earliest recorded appearance was during the beginning of the Third Age, during the Second Age...somehow
Also don't those fake hobbits live away from every other species in Middle Earth?
How the heck do they even know Elves exist?
Yes I know one of those dumbasses confuses the hobo wizard for a 'grand elf' so clearly they don't know what one looks like, but that still makes clear they heard of elves.
@@visitingforgefather5997 wtf knows at this point. I am not trying to make sense of it lmao
There seems to be a trend in entertainment and art these days to not just reevaluate our ideas of good and evil, beauty and ugliness, of right and wrong, but to completely _reverse_ them.
Your comment is problematic for its racist undertones.
The one thing we can count on is that the type of people that make a show like this will never ever take any criticism seriously
"hAtErs gONnA haTe"
Would be their response.
@HonsHon or call us "talentless freaks" as an "insult" or their attempt at it.
It makes sense after you listen to them go on and on about "representation" and "seeing themselves" in the show. They put themselves into this slop, so any criticism to the show is viewed as a criticism to themselves. They can't separate themselves from their work.
I remember John Rhys Davis was asked if he would show up as Gimli in rings of power and he said absolutely not the show is going to downgrade LOTR lore forever and will total disrespect to Tolkien. He is proven Correct unfortunately
I wouldn't be shocked if the writers of this show wanted to put Gimli in this despite the fact that he was supposed to be 62 and too young a dwarf for major action in The Hobbit.
John Rhys Davis actually said that? Man that is a champ for sticking up for Tolkien!
How would they have even done that? Gimli wasn't born until near the end of the 3rd age.... thousands of years later. I know they don't respect the canon at all and truncate timelines, but three thousand years off? Yeesh.
He said that? Fucking based.
@@sidwhiting665He probably didn't say that at all.
You can see “Sauron’s” real hair at the neckline under the wig. Especially when he reaches over trying to keep “Galadriel” from jumping off the cliff. 😂
And this Shit costs 1 billion.Thats a fucking scam
That proves it. Sauron didn't use magical powers to turn into Annatar, he just put on a wig.
@@Nokaret Just wait for the googly eyeglasses in the next season....legit wouldn't surprise me.
Oh my lord. Even theatre productions are more thorough 🤯
@@Nokaret 😂😂😂
I’m a support worker; I work with people with learning disabilities and neurological disorders.
One of the clients I support enjoys this show and I mean no offence to anyone with a disability but he is the ideal and ONLY audience for the show; someone who simply lacks the capacity to know better.
I’m glad he enjoys it and I’d never be so cruel as to correct him but oh boy, realising he likes it was a hilarious moment for me and made total sense.
I read all the books, including the Silmarilion multiple times, thanks to your videos you saved me the suffering of watching this monstrosity, thank you for your sacrifice Drinker!
I never had any plans or interest to watch this show, but I NEVER miss your reviews as they make my day and are always a great laugh 😂
Cheers, sir.
There'll never in my mind be a more succinct epitome of the heart of this thing than the supposed cliffhanger at the end of Episode 4, when the tense face-off between Adar and Galadriel - instead of intensifying with a brooding and sinister instrumental - segues straight into Rufus Wainwright with a full string section singing about the colour of Tom Bombadil's boots.
bruh what? LOL gdi, you're gonna make me watch one episode of this shit show, huh? XD
"The Orcs are not supposed to be a metaphor for any racial or cultural group in the modern world." Right, I had the same feeling. What were they thinking while writing this? Definitely some weird and creepy stuff.
The Rings Of Poverty
Not for the actors, crew, or showrunners. 🤑
The Power of *Maaaaaaaany* Rings of Power
Circular perfection according to Disney.
Rings of Travesty
My grandma told me that no matter what they say Numenor was always ruled by Wakandan Cleopatra.
In conclusion, ORC LIVES MATTER
Orcs are just the Amazon employee Elves deprived of sunlight, access to drinking water, toilets, beatings from their supervisors and union representation in the workplace
The writers of Rings of Power may have confused Orcs from Lord of the Rings to the Orcs of Warcraft.
Look, I'm not a racist, but those orcs should go back to where they've come from!!
My grandma said so.
Stories from an ignorant grandma is always used as eternal truths.
Uhhh… because she’s not mine?
I can tell from the first few seconds the Drinker must have enjoyed this respectful adaptation of Tolkien's world.
Truly one of the shows that ever happened!
The Rings of Power series is like a train wreck in slow motion. You just can't look away no matter how much you want to. Unfortunately, the showrunners are continuing to miss the mark with this adaptation.
Except much of the audience from season 1 managed to look away from season 2.
Haven’t even watched 5 minutes of this trash.
I never thought the day would come when I'd enjoy movie reviews over actual movies 😢😢😢😢
Well said. I discovered Critical Drinker, Mauler and friends this year. They are the new Fellowship of the Rings.
Gandalf is supposed to be a mentor archetype, and he is sent by the Valar to aide the free people of Middle Earth. Instead in this show, they give him a heroes journey, he has to discover his name, his powers, his purpose. So Tom B becomes his mentor... It would be like adapting The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and having young Aslan learning to run with the other lions, but he feels hurt when they pick on him for having a soft mane and he has to learn to find his real voice so he can roar like a big lion one day. This is why you need people schooled in narratology, characterisation and, of course, an understanding of the canon.
You're giving them ideas...
Ironically and unintentionally, the writers of ROP warmed up the old cliche that the depiction of the orcs in the books was "racist". As Tolkien pointed out, the orcish race has no equivalent or antetype in the real world, as neither has any of the other races in his works. In the appendices to LOTR, Tolkien wrote: "The Orcs were first bred by the Dark Power of the North in the Elder Days", and that´s it. (That´s why the absurdity of the scene when Sauron was arguing with his own creatures like he is running for mayor of Orcburg made me throw up a little.) It is absurd to assume that the orcs follow some kind of "pursuit of happiness" of their own and put them in the contexts of ethics and morality. By doing so, their depiction in ROP is borderline racist itself.
Even Tolkien in his letters surmised that Morgoth's original orcs were elves and men who'd been taken prisoner and twisted and perverted into what became orcs. And since those elves and men would have been White.... But this is what happens when people don't understand the source material. They never read the books, just saw the movie and lost weight jumping to conclusions and flying off the handle.
You are wrong. Tolkien wrote orcs poorly. He could not make his mind are they corrupted elves and men (thus having females and children), or simply automatons bread out of "heats and slimes of the earth".
"[...] No two species are identical. All must be judged on their own merits. Treating every species like one's own is racist. Even benign anthropomorphism."
- Legion (from Mass Effect 2)
They really missed out on an opportunity to make a bearded baby Gandalf dancing and going everywhere with Galadriel.
Tolkien fans: Cast Rings of power into the fire! Destroy it!
Amazon: “no…”
Tolkien fans: “Amazzzooooon!”
Hope is slightly restored knowing people gravitate towards the Drinker more than the Billion Dollar turd soup disguised as Middle Earth.
People are finally waking up after being Fed worthless slop for a while
Season 3 viewers will be comprised solely of TH-cam video creators that watch the show simply to let the rest of us know how terrible it is.
You stole my thunder! 🎉
Thanks Critical Drinker, for putting the thoughts of most Tolkien fans into this concise and well scripted analysis. You are spot on.
i expected this season to be absolutely awful, turns out i was being epically optimistic.
10:10 LOL, that guy jumped off his horse unarmed to tackle two armed orcs. This show is hilarious.
😂 Thank you. Your reviews are more entertaining than all the crappy episodes strung together. The sacrifices you make are appreciated.
And saved again many hours of valuable life time for my dear Tanja. Thanks for this, Drinker!
8:31 This is the Loki effect. Loki was sorta kinda sympathetic in Thor and possessed by pure mind-controlling evil in the first Avengers so there was a modicum of sympathy for him. But more importantly: Loki is hot and the studios saw thousands of female fans simping for him and coming to comic-book movies. So now we have to 1) make the villains hot and 2) make them sympathetic and 3) give them the “bad boy that will totally change for the right girl” vibe to get the female simps to watch this tripe.
In other words, women's presence ruins yet another hobby space. Gotcha.
It’s spelled Trope, and it started with Twilight.
It's all the millennial women reading fantasy romance porn novels.
@@hollylucianta6711 The guy in _Pride and Prejudice_ isn't evil. He's just a snob with no social skills. When the heroine rejects him, he realizes what a jerk he's become and FIXES HIMSELF, so he can live with himself and be there for his kid sister and his friends. He still loves the heroine but doubts she would ever give him a second chance. She changes her mind about him when she realizes, after not seeing him at all for several months, that he has truly changed for the better. This story has absolutely nothing in common with the "bad boy" romance novels and shipping popular now. It's actually quite wholesome, with good role models for both boys and girls. It's also very funny if you like British humor.
I understood Saurons behaviour in RoP as malicious gaslighting (you know, one that he is famous for) to enchant and thus enslave powerful Galadriel to be his willing slave and his tool. Also, to have an Elf, most fair (sic!) and most powerful, as a destroyer of Elves. However, all we got is muh queeen. God damnit Jon Snow.
8:33 They did the same thing with Acolyte trying find a Morally gray area for everyone.
My grandfather is a big Tolkein fan. He has worked as a humble janitor for prestigious schools, fortune 500 companies, famous celebrities, and even in the White House. His dream job was to turn trash into modern art, but he spent much of his later years working at a recycling plant sorting garbage. Needless to say, he likes trash. When i asked him if he would watch Rings of Power, he said to me “Grandson, i’ve spent my whole life collecting rubbish, and let me tell you, even if i saw Rings of Power in Tolkien’s own trash can, i would’ve left it there”
A wise man indeed.
He is the embodiment of "a man's trash is another man's treasure". But he's right. ROP is poop.
Think about how many lives could’ve been saved or changed with that billion dollars. Instead, Amazon decided to spend it on nearly destroying one of the most iconic, beloved authors of all time’s legacy.
"There is no Rings of Power in Ba Sing Se." - Jodee
💯💯💯 It means nothing to me.
Avatar The Last Airbender>>>>>>>>Rings Of Power.
There are four lights!!!!
ATLA 😂😂😂
"We have always been at war with Ba Sing Se."
Geor Jei Or Weil of the Fire Nation.
These people calling everyone bigots for not watching their shows or playing their games, is like a crazy homeless man arguing by himself. Everyone else just kinda goes on with their day.
GOD DAMNIT! You HAD to remind me that Pedro Pascal has been cast as Reed Richards. I was trying to keep ignoring that, so I didn't have to think about just how much of a train wreck the Fantastic Four will be.
God damnit. I didn't know that. He's a good actor but Reed Richards? Seriously? He'd be better in almost any other role. He'd make a better doom than Richard's. Fuck.
I think we're all trying to forget.
@kendallhudak I thought they were gonna get the guy from the office? Why are they casting Pedro for everything lol.
I loved it when the entire army of numenor made it back to the coast, sailed back to numenor, and had a funeral for the king in the same amount of time it took for isildur to wake up and escape a spider cave that we have no idea how he got there.
Now Bezos will spend another fortune on season 3 so the writers can express how much they hate us and how their product is incredible, because everyone loves it ( everyone being only the creators of this madness).
Same reason he bought WaPo. Keeps the Lefties at bay so he can ride around in his yachts.
YES! And then he will send out another letter saying he needs even more money to bring us such quality programs.
Actually Bezos will just crank up the ads for Amazon Prime for 2025 like they are planning on doing to cover the cost of this shit show.
Time to watch 3 LotR movies again to never forget how its done! Cya in 12 hours^^
I like that you addressed the nihilistic, post modernism that seems to be everywhere in big mainstream entertainment projects
Celebrimbors death has always been imagined as a brutally dark and disturbing scene. Ffs Sauron literally uses his corpse as a banner. His death in ROP was like a cartoon.
"I don't know, man. If I was Sauron, I certainly wouldn't wanna put my finger in this girl's ring."
This show does have two things which hearken back to the classic TV of the good old days: Amnesia and quicksand, which both scared hell out of me as a child.
Thank you Drinker, for the selfless sacrifice of watching and reviewing this thing so people around the world wouldnt have to.
Quote: "if I was Sauron I wouldn't wanna put my finger in this girl's ring"... Omg 😅😂😂😂 I can't 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂
"A Fantasy story lives or dies by the believability of its world".
Well put, you brilliantly inhebriated sir.
It was so bad that's even Sauron was crying.
*I'm not joking*
9:49 Most Expensive Flop In Entertainment History So Far...
💯💯💯💯. Soooo true.
Disney once said that about Black Cauldron 😂
@@phreakazoith2237 A film that did so badly, it was considered one of Disney’s greatest failures. And lost to The Care Bears movie.
@@chasehedges6775 never been a fan of it but industrywise the Care Bear franchise is a good example of knowing what consumers demand, giving that to them and have them willingly throw their money in your direction. Good old days.
Sony has that crown now ever since Concord released
Tolkien fan here. Haven't watched 1 single minute of this show and will never do. I only watch Drinker's reviews and have a laugh.
'Look not too far ahead! But go now with good hearts! Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you. May the stars shine upon your faces!'