Tried to upload this a long time ago. I was delayed by copyright claims. Feel free to leave questions and comments pertaining to your favorite lightsaber designs.
***** Me too, although I'd carry around a shoto in case I needed it. Id also prefer my dual phase to have a curved hilt, although construction wise, that'd prove to be difficult. Edit: But if I focused more on Force usage, I'd probably use two shoto blades, one white and one black, as a symbol of harmony between both sides of the Force (I'd be using both sides of the Force, mind you)
The Double-Bladed lightsaber does have that impracticality of being able to be cut in half in a fight. However, so long as it's made of a lightsaber-resistant substances such as, say, mandorian iron, it could work to parry a blade with proper training.
The difference between them and the lightsabers in the New Canon is that toys benefited from the lightsabers in Legends, while in Canon, those lightsabers were made specifically to sell toys. It's a pretty easy way to tell when a franchise is owned by a corporation.
+Dreamer Dawn I was just thinking that! it's basically a knight's greatsword, but I imagine it doesn't weigh nearly as much, so you're less likely to leave yourself exposed while swinging.
The images and videos you chose were perfect and goes along with what you are saying very well. I think realistically paired lightsabers would be by far the best option, but to be honest, I think I would also choose a standard single bladed lightsaber. I don't know, there's just something about that attracts me to it. But yeah, this video is very informative, and very nicely done. Great job!
Since the seven traditional forms of lightsaber combat were designed by standard single and curved hilted lightsabers, it would make sense to be equipped with such weaponry. For me, personally, I would construct my lightsaber in the standard single bladed hilt style. Reason being is because, when I have completed my construction of my weapon, I would follow the path of the Jedi Guardian, meaning I would use my Force sensitivity in guiding my blade wherever it needs to be; as well as enhancing my strength with it. For my method of combat, I would use the Darth Vader approach. By this, I mean I would use Form V as the backbone to my fighting style, and have Forms I-IV as a way of providing myself versatility and variety.
The Joker 10259 Probably because of the danger they present to the wielder and the more aggressive combat-style that's required to use them. Kind of like the saber-staff in that regard... A weapon that's more well-suited for offensive uses than defensive.
anyone else like Ezra's lightsaber? cause it's a lightsaber.........and he had the thought "Yo Dawg, i heard you like Blasters, so i put a blaster in your lightsaber, so you can shoot while you cut." and then thought "Who am i thinking this at?" it's pragmatic.
+ShadowWolfRising Well I've grown to like it for sure. Thought it was weird at first, but then saw how useful it was in the fight where Kanan used the blaster part to keep the Inquisitor off guard and thought, "man, that's actually smart as all hell!"
I would choose the saberstaff, which also would have the ability to separate into two standard size lightsabers. It would be built with lightsaber resistant material, which would make it hard for my opponents to break it. I also like the saberstaff, because it's traditionally favored by the Sith and I would be a Jedi. As it's said: "good guys dress in black."
+batmanfanforever08 Looks like about what I'd do as well; although I would make both blades triple-phase; capable of assuming shoto (or gladius), longsword, or hand-and-a-half sword (katana) length. I'd also make the grips for each exactly long enough to allow both one and two-handed use comfortably and add a lightsaber-resistant crossguard for each weapon's business end (no need for side blades though), bearing in mind that total hilt length doubles when joined together. Having multiple blade lengths available would be useful for both confined-space combat and open-space situations. If one wanted to really get wicked (and perhaps a bit too flexible...), include multiple crystals of different colors, possibly with some altered by the Jedi or Sith's use of the Force to allow the option of a red blade if desired.
+batmanfanforever08 I would also most likely be a Jedi (probably a Force Adept who later became a jedi), although I would study Force Lightning intensively. This would be for several reasons: 1. Dependence on a tool runs counter to the ways of the Force. I would rather not be defenseless even if deprived of a lightsaber. Learning this skill would probably also enable blocking blaster bolts without a lightsaber. 2. This knowledge would also enable more effective defense against Force Lightning. 3. Low-intensity Force Lightning could be used as a stun weapon. Better to take a prisoner than to kill. The original user of this power (referred to as the Electric Judgement) was a Jedi and not a Sith. 4. Force Lightning can also be used as a blaster substitute.
I don't know if anyone will see this, but if anyone else watches Star Wars rebels on Disney, Ezr built his saber by hand, not using the Force. So, yeah, he pretty much started a revolution. Not to mention he made the first ever *recorded* saber that is both a light saber and a blaster.
+maggie mac you are correct however they are not part of the timeline at all technically do not exist in the star wars you see in the movies or read in the official comics. they never interact with said characters and therefore would not be on this list
+maggie mac you are correct however they are not part of the timeline at all technically do not exist in the star wars you see in the movies or read in the official comics. they never interact with said characters and therefore would not be on this list
Awesome video Just Fantastic and it Is more Difficult to use Curved LightSabers my Badaxx is much Different in Hand than any of my other LightSabers Great video Man✨👊✨
Interesting... as a HEMA practitioner (Historical European Martial Artist) I thought that the light pike was the best design and the double bladed one was the worst. Well in real life having a pole weapon gives you way more leverage and reach and also lets you control the point better(more maneuverability). In fact if you have a sword and you go against a pike or a pole weapon (in real life) the only situation that you could win is if you somehow you manage to grab your opponents weapon. Specially if lightsabers have no mass having leverage just makes it twice as effective.
Yes, thank you. Someone who understands the true potential of such weapons. ...That didn't sound this nerdy in my head... Anyway... Yes, in real life glaives (aka sword on a stick) were.../are more than effective against swords. Not only being able to thrust (which is effective in itself) but being able to swing that thing, cutting opponents... Yeah. + more control. This weapon is really underestimated by the masses, both in real life and in Star Wars as well. Though in my opinion dual blade isn't really that bad when it comes to lightsabers. Attacking with left, right, left, right, against a single, casual lightsaber it can be a real pain.
Björn Mätal Well dual wielding depends.. You can use it to your advantage, if you only use one to defend, let's say you catch the blade with one and then attack with the other. But both to attack is not really that great idea. Mainly because you make yourself a bigger target, and expose your vital organs. If you use one sword you place yourself sideways making yourself an smaller target and protecting most of you vital organs with your sword and if you extend yourself to thrust then you have longer reach... If you use both to attack you place yourself looking to the front exposing all your vital organs and having to move your sword to the middle of you body to protect them. Also you will have now an extra leg and arm exposed, so you will have to focus on protecting two more parts of your body. And if you want more reach you will have to extend your self sideways adding more steps to that move, making it slower. If you dual wield sideways then there is no point of having the second sword since you won't have any reach with it. Also using the sword with one hand makes you lose leverage, if you dual wield you will never have the option of using both hands for an stronger blow, and your defense becomes weaker, since you have less leverage to stop an attack. The only advantage might be unpredictability. The best option is to have a normal lightsaber to attack and a short lightsaber to parry. Just like the rapier and dagger combination. But well I do not mind dual wielding because it looks cool, and ultimately Star Wars is intended to entertain.
farrex0 I was not talking about dual wielding 2 lightsabers, I was talking about this double bladed "saberstaff", a lightsaber with dual blades. But yes, when it comes to wielding 2 lightsabers defend+attack combination would be better. Still, since we are talking about superhumans blessed with space magic, I think wielding 2 normal sabers and changing the rotation for more unpredictability (instead of always using one shorter blade for defending) would be better.
Björn Mätal My bad then I thought you were talking of dual wielding. Well the saber staff is impractical for the simple reason that one blade is always pointing the opposite way of the other, meaning that you cannot thrust most of the time, since extending the blade to thrust you will have the other blade pointing at you. So you will have to rely on only cutting. So you have two blades to attack, right? well not really since while you bring one blade to front, you will have the other one on the back. meaning that you can only use one at the time, and bringing the second one is slower than using dual wielding. You have now more leverage, but you cannot make direct attacks you only attack from the sides making you way more predictable. The only way you can make a full strong cut is by spinning around, but there is a big reason why no serious martial arts uses spins, basically you lose sight of your opponent and it is easier to throw you off balance. The way staffs were used was by using them as a spear and blocking with the mid part of the staff, and then hitting with side. The saber staff you see, blocking with the half part of the sword is a bad idea(as you saw in the movie) you cannot also extend your reach as a spear for obvious reasons. The only advantages you have is more leverage, and you can defend your back(as you saw in the movie) but the only reason Darth Maul could take both jedis at the same time, was because they were attacking each blade. If Obi-Wan joined Qui-Gon and both made a frontal attack Darth Maul would not stand a chance. But again it is fantasy, what works in real life does not work in their world.
farrex0 No problem, reading it again I did not made myself too clear. I partly disagree. Just partly. ^^ Aside from more leverage, (against an opponent with only one lightsaber) the attack speed is also higher because of the two blades. Though I do agree two sabers would be even better. Thrust is also possible but not as effective and more dangerous. But then again space magic comes into the picture, which gives the ability to glimpse into the future and strength and what-not, which helps (including taking your eyes off your opponent). In reality with normal human beings, it wouldn't work out. One more upside is the rarity of the users, it's not really obvious how to fight against someone wielding a saberstaff if you've not seen one in your life, let alone practise with/against one. The Darth Maul fight was kinda ridiculous, much like all 'more versus one' fights in the majority of movies. As you said they could've take him out real quick, but then it wouldn't have been very interesting, right? In the end, when it comes to Star Wars, I do see the upsides of the said weapon, at least I think it's somewhat better than a sole saber in situations including lightsaber waving opponents, but I (too) think that a glaive or two sabers would be a better choice.
One error I see is your classification of light-pikes and long-handled lightsabers as one and the same, when in fact the light pike is a staff-like weapon with a shorter blade, while the long handle lightsaber is a blade with a handle length longer than the standard, and is designed to give more leverage and allow for more options with hand placement, such is the case with Kyle Katarn.
The only thing I know I'd do when constructing my lightsaber is that when presented with a blue crystal I would shrug my shoulders, say "Nah", walk past the instructor and snatch up a green crystal. Instructor: "But you are a Jedi Guardian not a Consular" My Response: "Well green is my favorite color, you can find them almost anywhere you find blue crystals, they are common, they look cooler in my opinion, AND in the off chance I am fighting a Sith with a lightsaber maybe I can throw him off with him thinking I am not as reliant on my saber skills when really I am." I'd probably practice Niman with a strong emphasis on Shien, Djem So, Makashi, and Shii-cho. I'd back that up with heavy force augmentation and telekinetic abilities like massive waves, pushes, and grips.
Equoise hey I got love for the Sentinels too, I just find a really big appeal in being a Jedi Weapons Master. I'd build and customize a Temple's worth of Lightsabers just for display, sparring, and demonstration purposes. lol. I am a passive aggressive fighter, Soresu and Shii-Cho for me with a hint of Djem So. I'd be forced to use a Pike Saber because spears are actually a weapon I am already good with. I'd make it out of cortosis weave so I could still use the whole thing for blocking. :)
Darth Malak I'm personally more of a philosophical, passive person, but I'm not afraid to use force when required. I value Justice highly I think my main form would be Niman, but with certain aspects of Ataru in there, such as the ability to use the Force to heavily influence your attacks beyond your normal physical abilities. Conventional, single lightsaber for me, nothing too fancy. I'd probably end up being a Jedi Investigator, or a Jedi Diplomat.
light pike without a doubt. There's a reason that, throughout history, spears and pike weapons have always been the most popular choice. Its also the same reason that western swords became longer and thinner and specialised in thrusting; Reach is one of the biggest advantages in blade combat. spears are maneuverable, light, incredibly easy to use, very difficult to defend against and lightning quick in the thrust. the general complaint of "just get past the point" can usually be countered with "try doing that and see what happens" (this assumes that the blades of lightsabres somehow have mass *as they appear to* otherwise they would be weightless and the lightpike would be the slowest heaviest sabre variant because the extra long handle would be the only bit that weighs anything.) context can be an issue i.e. difficult to use in a corridor etc, but then so are most swords, carry a back up dagger or something. second choice would be single handed sabre, preferably with some sort of beam-proof buckler shield in the off-hand. dual wielding holds no real appeal for me, far better to have some protection which is easy to manouvre and defend your hands with.
I also have a problem with the complete lack of hand protection offered by all the sabre variants. this is a particular problem for the light whip. most of the sabre styles would involve at least leading with the blade, meaning that your hands were minimally protected by the blade being in front of them. However, using the whip would involve literally punching your exposed hand towards your enemy and waiting for the blade to catch up with it, good luck keeping those fingers! i'm not asking for a full basket hilt, but a simple sabre-proof cross-guard would be awesome. I'd say the worst design was the double-blader maul carried. Staff weapons are great because they have great reach, and are very versatile because of how easy it is to move your hands up and down the shaft (giggedy) if you create a weapon you can only hold in the middle, you lose all of the advantages of the weapon. The light whip is pretty ridiculous too. I know the force will help the user control where the blade goes, so it doesn't just flail around randomly, but you have to say at some point; "if the force is helping you out that much, why bother with a sabre at all? just dispatch your enemies with cutlery like Carrie."
Spears and pikes were most popular in those times because they were cheaper to make, easier to mass produce and were extremely effective in a group. It was also much easier to quickly train someone who had no combat experience to be semi effective with a spear, where-as a sword takes a lot more skill and training. However in the hectic environment of medieval melee I would almost always want to have a sword. A spear would quickly lose its effectiveness. I think most regular soldier (not militias or peasants) probably had a spear and a sword in some respect because the effectiveness of both is really on the opposite end of the spectrum. theres a pretty big debate one who would win between two people who are equally skilled in their respective weapon. Also you cant put as much emphasis on the thrust because the reasons thrusting weapons became so popular and effective was because a thrust more easily penetrated things like armor or leather, with lightsabers and people with extra-human reflexes that isn't an issue. Id say realistically the double bladed lightsaber is the least effective. However in the star wars universe where jedi have almost super human dexterity and reflexes the double bladed lightsaber would be super effective. Not to mention lightsabers are almost weightless.
in the cartoon, general krell duel wields them. look it up. its an amazing episode where he lies to clones, making them fight eachother. the clones set out to kill him for an amazing fight with fantastic light-saber sound effects
Well, if it was a double shoto it would be easier as it would be the size of a normal saber and much smaller than a normal double, if you don't get what I mean just imagine a shorter double.
I would say the.lightpike, much less of a chance to cut myself and and more leverage in a clash, there's a reason empires with the longest spears lived the longest in our timeline.
+Amiibo Aaron i'd rather have the one with a blade that can become longer or shorter. Mostly because i prefer the idea of a European Longsword, rather than a shortsword.
Phylippe Zimmermann Paquin And that you don't die the first time you try and be fast and nimble cx Play Chivalry on the Xbox and pc. You would think melee weapon's have these advantages over one another because "Oh well fuck I can just swing fast and use a 360 blah blah blah" most of the time these are dumb ideas and the person with the most practical weapon wins
LockedGT yeah stupid broadswords and war hammers always getting in the way on my archers short sword and bolts ruining all the kills and no deaths I built up :,(
I would mainly use duel blades that can connect. My idea is using two blades for non sabered opponents or crowd control. Connected as a weapon for duels against melee heavy opponents. And opt for single when confronting stronger force users to counter with my freed hand. 10/10 Video though I wished you'd go into how duel blades only could leave you weak to force attack since you can't have a free hand unlike other variants
You can just use one side of the lightsaber staff. The light pike is FAR superior than the other, it's not that heavy, has more leverage, range, a good defensive ability and a superior offense. It's just like a polearm in reality, the king of the ancient and medieval battlefield.
Very well thought out. I too would agree with your overall analysis of the sabers presented here, although I would lean towards a dual-bladed saber only if I could build it with the stability/durability of a curved saber.
I myself would enjoy having a light pike, but rather than it being one contiguous mass, have the tip be seperable into a shoto, or even a standard saber. Perhaps even a dual-phase saber would be effective. Unorthodox options will give you an extreme edge, as your enemy will have no knowledge on how to combat them when used well. I highly doubt that a saber with a paired pike handle would be an everyday encounter to most opponents, and I myself am a fan of fighting styles of both blades and polearms.
Nep Nep me too i wpuld probably use a light whip with 3 whips from myleft hand one and another one that is a curved handel with 2 diffrebt blade lengthd a half meter and a meter setting
+Daemon Gaming are you aware of the meaning of the blue lightsaber or the other colors. if you are that is cool but know what is out there. (i am not that nerdy i know it is a movie)
Honestly, I have to disagree with you on the Light Pike being the most impractical... I know you were saying it's just your opinion, but bring this hand in hand with historical weapons.. A spear was a great defensive tool, and if shortened could make a very intimidating offensive weapon. The Light Pike is essentially the same. A sort of Phalanx with the Light Pike would be the greatest defense in the Star Wars Universe most likely, and a short spear modeled Light Pike would make for a great offensive if you know how to maneuver with it. This is just my opinion, based on real historical weapons, but I think it could potentially be the best if you are well trained.
+Venom Snake Actually, the author tagged the Light Whip as being the least practical varient, with the Light Pike ranking at least marginally higher. I would tend to support that view with the following observations: -- Yes, elite soldiers using a spear did exist historically; with two being the Swiss Pikeman with his namesake weapon (a pike being a really long spear), and the Roman Legionnaire with his pilum (a short spear with a partially iron shank). However most any kind of spear used in war is a weapon of mass combat alongside one's similarly armed comrades. This image does not fit well with the Jedi Knight or the Sith Lord; both being elite (perhaps) heroic lone warriors who fought their inferiors in the one-against-many mode, and their equals in the one-on-one mode. -- The size of a Light Pike would make it a very practical weapon when faced with a much larger opponent; neutralizing said opponent's greater reach and providing additional leverage. However its larger size also would make it slower on the recovery; a bad situation when being swarmed by multiple lesser foes without one's fellows using similar weapons in formation, or when fighting a single elite opponent with a much faster weapon who was able to get inside a Light Pike's energy blade. The Light Pike's sacrifice of speed would also cause problems with blaster bolt deflection (Form 3 or Form 5); another Jedi staple. -- The size of a Light Pike also makes it significantly less concealable than the much shorter straight or curved-handle lightsaber, and the somewhat shorter lightsaber staff, when the blade(s) are not out. This would be a problem for any sort of mission requiring stealth; of which both Jedi and Sith have many. -- With this genre of weapon, length of the hilt/haft portion increases vulnerability unless said hilt/haft is made of lightsaber-resistant material. To make a Light Pike work/work better, I would suggest the following: -- Keep the haft (pole) portion down to a length between two-thirds the wielder's height and equal to the wielder's height with the primary blade length being about as long as a shortsword would be for that wielder. This would correspond to about the length of a Roman pilum (a darned effective spear!) when the blade is on, and allow for a balance between reach and speed. -- Absolutely construct the haft out of lightsaber-resistant material. Otherwise the wielder has no business facing a lightsaber-armed opponent of any kind. The haft of this weapon is one big target. It would also be a very good idea if the materials were blaster-resistant enough to allow for blaster-bolt deflection (blaster bolts did ricochet in all the Star Wars movies). This would actually work much like a bo or jo stick, which is quite effective for missile deflection (arrow-cutter). -- Dual/multi-Crystal design would be very important. This would allow a short length blade (described above) for most combat, and a longer length blade (say, up to about ten feet) for battles against much larger foes with much longer reach (this is a pike rather than a spear). Intermediate blade lengths might have other uses. -- It would probably be a smart idea to possess a second lightsaber of standard or shoto length for situations demanding close combat. A backup weapon is a good idea in any case. -- A cross-hilted design made of lightsaber-resistant material would actually be very practical for a Light Pike. The hilt blades are far enough away from the body to not be especially dangerous to the wielder, but would allow more options when facing opponents that get inside the radius covered by the wielder's blade. This would be especially effective if the weapon was equipped with an on/off toggle switch for the side blades. -- Admittedly, I would cheat a bit on this design and put a second set of crystals in the butt end of the Light Pike; giving it the capacity to function as a Lightsaber Staff, although with more pole than blade. This would be more like a double-bladed spear, decidedly a martial artist's weapon and more able to counter multiple opponents/be useful to attack and defend simultaneously. I would also put a cross hilt on the butt end as well, if it had a separate on/off toggle switch. -- Concealment is still a problem. The best I could come up with for a rigid-hafted Light Pike would be some kind of innocent-looking covering to make it appear to be some kind of walking stick. The other (better) option would be a collapsible haft (something like a Mimbari Fighting Stick in the Babylon 5 universe). Ideally this weapon would allow use as a standard lightsaber, or even as a lightsaber staff if equipped with a second blade. Again, my opinion; however I felt the need to respect yours, and see if I could offer some thoughts.
+GI Joe your argument is sound however, do not forget historically the sword was not the weapon of choice for most combatents. dont forget the samurai use of the naginata.
+Rodney Barbee, II Point well taken, however most ELITE combatants in pre-fireams settings favored the sword as the weapon of choice. Also, historically the naginata (and the shorter nagamaki) were minority choices as primary weapons among the Samurai; being used primarily by women of the Samurai class (most of whom were not primary combatants unless forced to be so by situation), Sohei (warrior-monks who fought for the causes of their temples; some of these were Samurai retired to the religious life), and Ronin (essentially masterless Samurai). The Ronin types tended to drift from army to army in feudal Japan; mostly mercenaries with little more wealth than the clothes on their backs and their weapons, and they tended to gravitate towards swords when they could get one (or two). Pardon me for being Euro-centric; but with that aside, the Jedi fit the elite Samurai model better than any other (although the Sohei model would be a close second), and most of the elite Samurai tended to use the naginata or nagamaki as a secondary weapon for combat situations requiring reach rather than for one-on-one combat against fellow Samurai. I actually had some training in use of the naginata while in Japan, and was usually the only male in the class. I respect that weapon and my instructors. Also, what Yoda uses is not really a lightsaber shoto, for him at least. Given his size and the size of his weapon, he wields his own weapon like it was a katana. In defense of a light pike, this might be (if properly sized) a very practical weapon for someone Yoda's size who had to regularly deal with much larger opponents. For an elder like Yoda, a properly disguised light pike could also serve as an openly carried concealed weapon if it also looked like a walking stick.
+GI Joe well light pikes (with "normal" sized blades) are actually a bit more versetile than staffs (as long as they are made of resistent materials) since you can use it as 1) a pike (long reach very good in narrow hallways) 2) a longgriped sword (more leverage than normal thus able to overpower opponents of equal strength) 3) in close combat you can basicly use it as a staff with one short "blade" (by using the long hilt as a bludgening weapon or to block attacks ) to optimize the conzept one could add functionalety to the lower end of the blade. options are: 1) a shorter light blade 2) a magna guard style shock emmiter 3) a blaster
+Venom Snake , what you forgot is that pike does not require much palm work to manipulate. Which is a benefit for species with a limited freedom in that area. Yes, I'm speaking of the species originally invented them. Rakata. With their claw-like limbs, they would have big issues "handling" the sword-like sabers, but a pike is driven by both "hands", which negates the grip issue.
The saber pike has its advantages elsewhere, the ability to kill an enemy before they can get close is very valuable. I have done a lot of LARP events and bladed weapons with greater range have always worked best for me. Opponents getting in close is somewhat of a problem but like you said about the saber staff it depends on the skill of the user, and also the butt of the pike (which shouldn't be too far below the lowest hand) is also a weapon you can use in close range to at least buy you the time to step back.
I have a question that maybe one of the hardcore SW fans out there can answer: In the video GreyJedi91 mentions some sabres having longer hilts offering "more leverage for power attacks." Why would a Jedi ever want to make a power attack? A lightsabre's blade presumably has no significant mass and can cut through practically anything, so really, it'll do as much damage with a flick of the wrist as with a wide, powerful swing - which takes longer and easier to see coming. Furthermore, if a Jedi actually did want to make a "power attack" you'd think that that additional power would come from the force, not leverage or "crude muscle". So realistically, wouldn't a Jedi try maintain a strong defensive guard (given the considerable threat a lightsabre presents) and use mostly quick, subtle attacks? Wide sweeping swings, leaps and spinning maneuvers where they expose their back are impressive choreographically, but seem to me like an opportunity to get killed.
I think the point is the fight SABER vs. SABER. Lightsabers cut technically through anything except some materials, including other lightsabers blades - if you fight against another jedi you may find that it is a big advantage putting pressure on your hits to weaken their defense or even breaking their defense to place a hit. :)
Jedi would like to utilize power attacks to off balance an opponent. Longer hilts afford more hand placements which, if both hands were apart enough, could afford the user the opportunity to deliver heavy power blows.
chuck123emma Josef Hirsch Caleb Hubbard Yes that all makes sense within the context of conventional weapons. I'm saying that any "power attacks" from a Jedi are being driven by their mastery of the Force. Next to that, hand placements, leverage, and "hard strikes" would be insignificant. Victory would almost certainly go the one who was stronger with the Force. That IS generally what seems to be the case in the movies.
The Jedi Githany who turned to the Dark side during Darth Banes time studying in Korriban used a light whip to great advantage over many other rival Sith and Jedi
I disagree completely on your opinion on the most efficient light saber. If you really think about it the Light Whip would be the most efficient and most practical and even more so if equipped with a shoto(?). This is because if you master the ability to manipulate the the blade of the whip you could make it do whatever you wanted in the heat of battle. You could even, theoretically make the blade stiff through force manipulation. Also theoretically, you could twist the whip into a spiral and make yourself a shield while you fight with the shoto as your main weapon while you combat opponents who like to fight closer to you. This light sabre/combo would, in my opinion, be the most versatile, because of the ability to use the force to adapt the blade to your needs.
+Eragon Silvr I'll meet you halfway and say that a light whip COULD be effective/viable if the user devotes enough Force ability to telekinesis and/or energy control related powers, AND the ability to use either or both of these Force powers in combat. However this could be costly in terms of time and effort. It might also be possible to make this weapon practical to use via a cybernetic interface between the weapon and the user's central nervous system (this would be the equivalent to Dr. Octopus in the Marvel universe). This would probably be several orders of magnitude more difficult than cybernating Darth Vader. I also think that the Jedi Order would frown on this, and even most of the Sith would object to combining science with the Force as being unreliable.
I don't know why you'd want to shorten the blade length for a light-spear. A full sized blade with extended handle would give you the flexibility of a standard saber but also the extra leverage of further separating your hands. I wouldn't go as far as making it all handle, as is implied and as we see in some games and comics, but the extra leverage of a longer handle gives you a lot of flexibility while not running the risk of cutting your own leg off that a double-bladed sword (Darth Maul) would have.
If I get my hands on a Light Saber. I'd take a Dual Phase, and modify the crap out of it until I can extended the blade to absurd lengths. Like 49 feet or some shit so I can slice fighters in two.
I think it would be cool if there was a vodo siask baskesque character who used a light pike and force weapon Also in my opinion a light pike done right is a terrifying weapon
if lightsabres were more realistic, the 'blade' could be as far as you could stretch the beam. Light and heat beams diffuse rapidly, which means the possibilities would be endless. Truly, i could make a 'blade' that was over 100 feet long, and many meters in diameter, like a gigantic cone, and wave it around just as effectively, as the beam is weightless. Attenuation would be the only factor, but i'd keep the beam still within lethal parameters, still hot enough to cut effectively. Of course, such a said lightsabre would be vastly overpowered, not making for interesting choreographed fight scenes. One can only fantasize though, entering the star wars universe and owning every duel with a gigantic beam.
Longer blades on light sabers also increase the gyroscopic effect normal length sabers already possess. It seems like a 100 foot saber would be pretty unwieldy, not to mention that no one is going to fight alongside you for fear of getting chopped in half
^thats my point, since sabres emit electromagnetic fields as their blades, the only weight would be on the handle. Thus changing the length of the 'blade' does not effect the leverage.
But if there is someone pushing down on a weightless stick from 100 yds away, that would be the same as gravity pushing down on a weighted stick from 100 yds away.
I would have several lightsabers on me, each one a different type, so I can throw my opponent off, and with how often I see sabers being broke that in my opinion is the reason to have multiple.
Mattphillips 0516 Good point, but I could steal my opponents weapon just as easily, another reason to have multiple weapons. Plus my extra weapons would be kept in secret areas, hence keeping them surprised.
+ponyrellabellasara Do you mean like Darth Traya? Also you can't steal your opponents weapon just as easily because they would actually be holding and there force wall would prevent it. And your force wall wouldn't be surrounding your backpack.
Mattphillips 0516 another good point, but as I said they wouldn't know where I would have my extra weapons or if I did any extra. I would have them too focused on my attacks before they figured out where the weapons were hidden.
*Legends* : We have made a bunch of different types of sabers, most of them (looking at you, guard photo) retaining the simple base design, while making changes that might radically alter the use of the weapon *Disney* : I'm about to end this man's whole carrier (This is a jab at the new thing in the Rise of Skywalker trailer, not the crossguard)
why dont jedi use handheld shields? i mean it would be a little slower but you could just charge headlong at an opponent instead of having a personal acrobatic rave light show any time an opponent has a gun. hell, the gungans were smart enough to invent lightweight handheld laser shields, i bet the jedi order could do it too. it could seriously be like 4 light shotos on an armored fan motor.
actually a shield is a perfect solution to the problem of a lightsaber because if made of an energy absorbing material(i.e. cortosis) the saber would wink out and then its user dies to his enemy's blade.
I'm not sure. But I know that the Jedi are based off of the Samurai. And the Samurai believed that the Shield was a tool of weakness as its design was to protect the user all the Samurai have a philosophy that going in to battle expecting to die and you will live, but going in to battle hoping to live and you will surely not.
It really wouldn't make the user less agile. When turned off, it's roughly the size of a light saber, right? When on, it might slightly hinder speed, but media will still be crazy agile. Like seriously, they can make like 50 ft jumps.
Tic Noel again, it's a standard lightsaber when it comes down to it. Codify ring he didn't include a lightsaber such as the one wielded by Exar Kun, it would be unfair to include the darksaber. Not only that, but it's differences are minor in comparison to other designs. By your logic, he should have included Obi-Wan's lightsaber because it was blue and designed differently from other lightsabers.
+MiguellaGorilla There are a number of reasons why that would not be practical. A: Masters of that martial art use ALL sections on the staff (holding by the ends increases range, and the middle more control) by limiting yourself to only one section you'll loose another benefit B: You need to build and maintain momentum to use them effectively C: Momentum is better suited towards blunt weapons like the flail, so I have no idea how this would benefit a cutting weapon D. It cant parry A cool idea, I just don't think it'd work too well
+OdysseyZZGaming It's from a trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic. The MMO that got released a few years ago. For this particular clip search "star wars: the old republic 'return' "
Or lightsaber resistant armour. I don't know how rare the lightsaber resistant materials are but surely you could craft something like gauntlets and a chest plate. That's what I would try to do anyway because then you have more protection and you have both hands free.
+TheGamesforreal It exists. In the first Force Unleashed Game you encouter a Sith with a Lightsaber/Cortosis-Shield-Combo. (even if the Game is not Canon you can see it is at least possible)
+Madave96 actually ther is. its called mandalorian armour ^^ besker (or mandalorian iron) is highly resistent and can be nade into armour (they are relatively heavy but can withstand blasterfire and lightsabres) the problems are: 1) its very expensive (especialy for non mandos) 2) the knowlege on how to make and shape it is well cept (thus only the mandos can craft with it) 3) as with every "hard" material you cant cover your entire body with it so there allways are open areas (like the joints or the neck)
LIVE A LITTLE. Enjoying fantasy and using the imagination is no alien concept to the human race and is pretty psychologically necessary to sanity, moreso for some than others.
if you're searching for light sabre info on TH-cam, you've pretty much crossed over to nerd world buddy. don't be afraid or ashamed, is nice in here...
Your knowledge about the many various lightsabers is to be admired a single blade lightsaber is my preference but I do vary between a blue and purple crystals hard to pick just one still keep up the good work
Hello, new subscriber here. Just found your channel through this video and binge watched a bunch of your videos. Great work! You have a fantastic voice and your videos are well written and edited. Keep it up!
I highly agree with your opinion of using dual sabers as an ideal choice for combat allowing you to merge the 2 sabers together to wield a double blade saber staff if occasion permits. In addition, I can always carry 2 sabers with me but if I predict I'm going to be fighting in tight spaces, I can just whip out one saber and fight. And I'll always have the other saber by my side if I need it later in the fight and again, if occasion permits, I can wield a double blade saber if needed.
The shoto + regular lightsaber would be my choice by a long shot. Two regular sabers can easily get caught up together. But having one shorter than the other (like why they use the main gauche in fencing rather than two rapiers) would prevent that. Using two longer/regular bladed swords has been shown, in history, to be a very very bad idea. Also, I wouldn't have to use the shoto, or I could go only with the shoto in very close quarters.
I know this a late response but I figured I may as well share my choice for which lightsaber I would want to use. My primary choice would definitely be a standard lightsaber paired off with a lightsaber shoto, since I'm someone who likes to keep my options open and be prepared for whatever comes my way. However, I would not make this pair a conjoining set of lightsabers since I personally consider the limitations of a saberstaff - namely the fact that the elongated hilt makes some attacks near-impossible to perform, and also makes for an easy target for an opponent - to be too much of a liability. That being said, I would give both of my lightsabers the dual-phase mechanic in order to further surprise an opponent. Aside from their versatility, the main reason why I would choose a dual-phase standard lightsaber and dual-phase lightsaber shoto has to do with my choices of which forms of lightsaber combat I would use. While I would take the route of a Jedi Battlemaster and attempt to master all seven of the lightsaber forms, I would particularly want to use a combination of Form I: Shii-Cho, Form III: Soresu, Form IV: Ataru, Form V: Shien/Djem So, and Form VI: Niman as the basis of my personal style, mixed in with advanced applications of the supplemental arts of Trakata, Jar'kai, and Sokan. I ultimately believe that the twin set of lightsabers would allow me to apply whatever combination of forms and applications best suits the moment, be it using a two-handed grip on the standard lightsaber to employ the stalwart defenses of Soresu and power attacks of Djem So, using a one-handed grip on the standard lightsaber to allow me to make better use of Ataru's unarmed combat and/or Niman's integrated force attacks, or dual wielding both sabers to take full advantage of Shii-Cho's crowd control methods, Shien's reverse-gripped parries, and the dual saber applications of Ataru, Niman, and Jar'kai. And to top it all off, I would regularly make use of Sokan to take advantage of the terrain, Trakata to confuse and surprise opponents with abrupt deactivations and reactivations of either saber, and unarmed combat whenever I can. Furthermore, the dual-phase function of the sabers could allow to me perform acts such as keeping my opponent at a greater distance or slip past their guard. Anyways, that is just my assessment on which type of lightsabers I would like to use and why. For anyone who took the time to read this entire comment, feel free to respond and share your choice for which lightsaber you'd prefer to wield (and even which lightsaber forms if you'd like) and why. All I ask is for you to please keep things civil.
choosing your favorite light saber is like picking a main in a fighting game top-tiers that require a lot of practice would be the light whip, since they're hard to fend off mid-tiers that are good at almost every skill level would be the standard styles (the best one for your size) trap-based/setup styles would be the staffs and maybe pikes? probably pikes. Similar to frame traps I'd guess, and cornering your opponent and limiting options if I had to choose one lightsaber for my whole life it would be the whip, I see it having a lot of potential. My style would revolve around using the force on the whip part to make tentacle-like traps btw since we're on the subject of lightsabers, you said that the Jedi use the force to find the right materials and crystals, but what if a Jedi ended up on a red crystal after meditating on it? It'd be a cool foreshadowing if there was a Jedi that ended up doing it, then chose a different crystal to hide it, then they had trouble controlling their lightsaber in battle. Then after some time they end up doing something reallllllly bad, probably killing a sith like Anakin did, then they run away and become a hermit holy crap I just wrote a fanfiction didn't I
If you think of the way real pikes are used historically on, i imagine the same would apply to the light-pike -it would be most effective in massed formation, or against mounted/vehicled opponents, especially in conjunction with a couple of flank guards. I just can't imagine it being useful in duels at all. For duels you want something based off the rapier -which at the end of the day is much closer to the traditional light-saber. But i must admit... i really liked the curved handled saber as well. If i were a Jedi methinks i would choose it! Very interesting video, because i am a very nominal almost non-Star Wars fan, but still found it very entertainingly educational. :)
I would use a dual-phase lightsaber in combat to surprise my opponents and defend against multiple enemies. As a secondary I would use a curved-hilt for better maneuverability against an opponent. Both handles would be composed of a Mandalorian Iron alloy, making it resistant to other lightsabers. By the way, your voice is hauntingly soothing. You should be a narrator for something.
till now i'm still amazed oh how beautiful and awesome it is to watch 2-3 Jedies or Siths with lightsabers fighting on how each saber clash and each person dodge from being killed
It's fuckin insane how many views this video has. It's the most comprehensive video I've ever seen on this subject. It is as if you're speaking from a lifetime of knowledge on an actual weapon system; it's almost scary. I can almost see this being a real thing after watching this video.
The curved hilt supposedly making some maneuvers more difficult, while making others more efficient. during my admittedly short time experimenting with the concept of light sabers as a weapon, I have discovered that most of those moves are blocks meaning that it could also be advantageous for a practicer of Form 4 and form 7 I personally favor the idea of a modular light saber but if I had to have my own I'd go for a light pike, made from bescar, with rings of Cortosis around the emitter guard, and around the pommel, perhaps a mushroom shaped protrusion from the pommel to "catch" light saber blades during a duel. The idea being to make a weapon that when deactivated is just as viable defensively as it is active
Hey. My name is Kevin. I enjoyed your video on the light sabers. I have given much thought to your question as to which I would choose. I couldn't decide so I designed my own. With much thought I came up with a duel blade saber axe. Yeah it took a lot of thought and trying to stay true to the physics of the existing designs but the end result was a beautiful and very yet intimidating design. I also decided on the color of a metallic black cherry. Sorry no pics but if you can picture in your mind almost that of a midevil Jedi Viking battle axe then you get the idea. Make it personal make it an extension of you and your capabilities and your limitations. Thanks for the challenge.
My personal favourite style of lightsaber is the crossguard saber. It's probably most popularlly used by Kylo Ren in The Force Awakens. The style of saber originated when the design and build of Lightsabers was a lot less efficient, and nowhere near as refined as we see them in the movies, or in most Star Wars Pop Culture. The crossguard blade adds a slight intimidation value to it, and it can be a practical use. Either as another blade to try and inflict damage upon your oponent while having your primary blades crossed, to protect the wielder's forearms from attack or as energy vents. Kylo's lightsaber actually needs these crossguard vents, as he is using a cracked crystal which causes his blade to appear much more unstable than a standard blade. But also, more power than what should be is sent to the blade, which would mean, that if there weren't a way to exhaust the extra power, the saber could likely just explode in the weilder's hands. So, the crossguard blades use up this additional power, and prevent this from happenig.
Sweeping the net I once again come upon this quite enjoyable video. It's very clear and concise. But one thing that I remember taking note of the first couple times watching this was the gripe with the lightpike. This time around I do feel like I have to make a small comment on this. The lightpike (single bladed one) would be quite the viable weapon and has advantages in both defence and offence, over all other variants of lightsaber. This might seem strange considering its rarity, but all we have to look at to find the truth of it all, is at our own historical facts. SPEARS have been much more prevalent, and efficient than SWORDS throughout all of pre-firearm history. REACH is the most important factor when it comes to both battlefield situations and duel situations. (Of course you can't run around with just a long stick. All factors that make a weapon, a weapon, are important.) Combine this with the inherent nature of the lightsaber (burning through things like butter) and we have the scythe of the grim reaper. But don't take my word for it, go search for comparisons of spears vs swords on YT and decide for yourselves. (just don't go into any of those american tv-shows for info, I implore you) Nota Bene: I know our friend here clearly stated that this was an opinion. I have nothing against that opinion, I just wanted to share some thoughts myself :)
What would I go for? Twin curved hilt lightsabers made from lightsaber-proof alloy, with a second vent on each hilt under the curved end. I'd design the hilts and vents so the blade vents would work when the hilts were apart, but when the hilts connected the second vents activated and created a light shortbow. I'd have a matching gauntlet of lightsaber-proof alloy to let me pull back the "string" without burning my hand off, of course. What can I say? I was a huge fan of Hank's bow in that 80s "Dungeons and Dragons" cartoon.
still a great video. keep 'em coming. the forgotten soldiers stories have been truly epic in seeing thru the hidden leaves. canon or not can only be the truth until Disney tells a better story. (that's gonna cost a lot, too)
My favorite is Maris brood's variant. For those who aren't familiar with her she essentially wields police baton light sabers with a short length like yoda's and if you think about it also offer a no lethal alternative.
My second choice would be duel-wielded tonfa-style shoto crafted so that they could link together with both blades pointing in the same direction, which would be great for trapping and disarming opponents. Perhaps they might even link at the end of thee handles, forming a sort of modified lightstaff? That might be interesting as well.
In my eyes, I'd go for the curved grip lightsaber, but my other most appealing option would be the lightpike/ pikesaber for means of such a reach advantage. It would actually be quite hard to close distance keeping the ideas of saber-clashing in mind, and so if one attempts to rush, you could still pull back into a well-thought defensive technique. As it would appear, the lightpike also has the sharpest, and most clear-cut difference between the stance and form you must commit to when attacking compared to defending. Of coarse maybe a lightsaber with a slightly longer grip with a shoto lightsaber attached could be a more prevalent option as well.
Star Wars lore goes on forever, that’s why people love it
The Universe is inifinite & having some restrictions of what's not possible, lifted. Gives the Star Wars Universe Inifnite Potential.
Tried to upload this a long time ago. I was delayed by copyright claims. Feel free to leave questions and comments pertaining to your favorite lightsaber designs.
Good video. Good to know you're still out there.
I would use the dual phase lightsaber
Awesome video.
***** Me too, although I'd carry around a shoto in case I needed it. Id also prefer my dual phase to have a curved hilt, although construction wise, that'd prove to be difficult.
Edit: But if I focused more on Force usage, I'd probably use two shoto blades, one white and one black, as a symbol of harmony between both sides of the Force (I'd be using both sides of the Force, mind you)
***** Would you be called...a JEDINJA? lol I'm sorry I couldn't resist
I have insomnia, and your soothing voice is the only thing that helps me sleep. Thank you for making these videos:)
Palpatine's lightsaber looks particularly phallic.
That's one of the benefits of joining the Dark Side!
+SilentTree and one of the good things with his lightsaber is that he can hide one in his sleeve, which he actually did in episode 3
I was just thinking that
+SilentTree Admittedly, he was a bit of a dick. LOL
+KHLthe2nd nice
Imagine some kind of Wolverine-Laser-Claws, i would want that.
+Lukas Dehmer ok that i would like to see. imagine Freddy Kruger with a pair of those.
you know come to think of it, i believe the Phantasy Star games have laser claws. my memory is not the best though so i could be wrong.
+Lukas Dehmer or a hidden blade
+Lukas Dehmer you think when people get their hair cut, the stylist uses light scissors? or would it just set your hair on fire? lol
The Double-Bladed lightsaber does have that impracticality of being able to be cut in half in a fight. However, so long as it's made of a lightsaber-resistant substances such as, say, mandorian iron, it could work to parry a blade with proper training.
The real reason for different types of lightsabers: The toys sold like crazy.
Not one legends lightsaber got made into a toy...
The revan lightsaber now says hello. Still way to few lightsabers from the EU tbh
The difference between them and the lightsabers in the New Canon is that toys benefited from the lightsabers in Legends, while in Canon, those lightsabers were made specifically to sell toys.
It's a pretty easy way to tell when a franchise is owned by a corporation.
Instead of calling them Lightclubs I prefer to use the term Greatsaber since it is basically similar to the greatswords.
+Dreamer Dawn I was just thinking that! it's basically a knight's greatsword, but I imagine it doesn't weigh nearly as much, so you're less likely to leave yourself exposed while swinging.
How about "big lightsaber"?
An Atom.
Not catchy enough
+Dreamer about Grandsaber?
Robert Sills
To pompous sounding
The images and videos you chose were perfect and goes along with what you are saying very well. I think realistically paired lightsabers would be by far the best option, but to be honest, I think I would also choose a standard single bladed lightsaber. I don't know, there's just something about that attracts me to it. But yeah, this video is very informative, and very nicely done. Great job!
Thanks. I tried to pick relevant images. Glad that it shows.
Since the seven traditional forms of lightsaber combat were designed by standard single and curved hilted lightsabers, it would make sense to be equipped with such weaponry. For me, personally, I would construct my lightsaber in the standard single bladed hilt style. Reason being is because, when I have completed my construction of my weapon, I would follow the path of the Jedi Guardian, meaning I would use my Force sensitivity in guiding my blade wherever it needs to be; as well as enhancing my strength with it. For my method of combat, I would use the Darth Vader approach. By this, I mean I would use Form V as the backbone to my fighting style, and have Forms I-IV as a way of providing myself versatility and variety.
GreyJedi91 Quick question. Do you know why some battle masters disapproved of the use of guard shotos?
I agree. But, because of Disney, we may never if there will be a novel that will contain such teachings, to enhance the expanded universe.
The Joker 10259 Probably because of the danger they present to the wielder and the more aggressive combat-style that's required to use them. Kind of like the saber-staff in that regard... A weapon that's more well-suited for offensive uses than defensive.
anyone else like Ezra's lightsaber?
cause it's a lightsaber.........and he had the thought "Yo Dawg, i heard you like Blasters, so i put a blaster in your lightsaber, so you can shoot while you cut." and then thought "Who am i thinking this at?"
it's pragmatic.
+ShadowWolfRising Well I've grown to like it for sure. Thought it was weird at first, but then saw how useful it was in the fight where Kanan used the blaster part to keep the Inquisitor off guard and thought, "man, that's actually smart as all hell!"
+Kevin N And the fact it can't be deflected is a plus
Kevin N
yeah, for as boring as i find Ezra, his lightsaber Design is ingenious.
+ShadowWolfRising it has less mobility
he can't use it like a normal blade as the blaster gets in the way
Psycotic Panda
could definitely use some refinement, but the idea has potential.
I would choose the saberstaff, which also would have the ability to separate into two standard size lightsabers. It would be built with lightsaber resistant material, which would make it hard for my opponents to break it. I also like the saberstaff, because it's traditionally favored by the Sith and I would be a Jedi. As it's said: "good guys dress in black."
True, it seems from what I've seen, having your double bladed lightsaber cut in half seems to be a reoccurring proble.
***** exactly why I chose to make it resistant to that.
Looks like about what I'd do as well; although I would make both blades triple-phase; capable of assuming shoto (or gladius), longsword, or hand-and-a-half sword (katana) length. I'd also make the grips for each exactly long enough to allow both one and two-handed use comfortably and add a lightsaber-resistant crossguard for each weapon's business end (no need for side blades though), bearing in mind that total hilt length doubles when joined together. Having multiple blade lengths available would be useful for both confined-space combat and open-space situations.
If one wanted to really get wicked (and perhaps a bit too flexible...), include multiple crystals of different colors, possibly with some altered by the Jedi or Sith's use of the Force to allow the option of a red blade if desired.
GI Joe cool. I like it.
I would also most likely be a Jedi (probably a Force Adept who later became a jedi), although I would study Force Lightning intensively. This would be for several reasons:
1. Dependence on a tool runs counter to the ways of the Force. I would rather not be defenseless even if deprived of a lightsaber. Learning this skill would probably also enable blocking blaster bolts without a lightsaber.
2. This knowledge would also enable more effective defense against Force Lightning.
3. Low-intensity Force Lightning could be used as a stun weapon. Better to take a prisoner than to kill. The original user of this power (referred to as the Electric Judgement) was a Jedi and not a Sith.
4. Force Lightning can also be used as a blaster substitute.
This is the best video describing lightsabers.....
I agree, didn't know the benefits and the like till I saw this, the two of u are on youtube
can you accept my request on skype evan?
I don't know if anyone will see this, but if anyone else watches Star Wars rebels on Disney, Ezr built his saber by hand, not using the Force. So, yeah, he pretty much started a revolution. Not to mention he made the first ever *recorded* saber that is both a light saber and a blaster.
+maggie mac you are correct however they are not part of the timeline at all technically do not exist in the star wars you see in the movies or read in the official comics. they never interact with said characters and therefore would not be on this list
+maggie mac you are correct however they are not part of the timeline at all technically do not exist in the star wars you see in the movies or read in the official comics. they never interact with said characters and therefore would not be on this list
Ezra built his lightsaber but not by hand he used the force as he went into his room for peace while still doing it so no he never actually
+Gabriel Salinas (gogogabe9000) Star Wars Rebels is canon ^^ The comics aren't anymore though
the curved hilt is my favorite too. A pair of them if i ever get the coordination to use 2.
Can we have a second to appreciate how freaking epic Count Dooku is? \m/
Awesome video Just Fantastic and it Is more Difficult to use Curved LightSabers my Badaxx is much Different in Hand than any of my other LightSabers Great video Man✨👊✨
What an incredibly indepth and interesting video! Youve made me want to go make a lightsaber! Great job!
As for my fave lightsaber? Hmmm gotta go with palpatines red lightsaber. Indestructable AND cool looking? Yep please!
Interesting... as a HEMA practitioner (Historical European Martial Artist) I thought that the light pike was the best design and the double bladed one was the worst. Well in real life having a pole weapon gives you way more leverage and reach and also lets you control the point better(more maneuverability). In fact if you have a sword and you go against a pike or a pole weapon (in real life) the only situation that you could win is if you somehow you manage to grab your opponents weapon. Specially if lightsabers have no mass having leverage just makes it twice as effective.
Yes, thank you. Someone who understands the true potential of such weapons.
...That didn't sound this nerdy in my head...
Yes, in real life glaives (aka sword on a stick) were.../are more than effective against swords. Not only being able to thrust (which is effective in itself) but being able to swing that thing, cutting opponents... Yeah. + more control.
This weapon is really underestimated by the masses, both in real life and in Star Wars as well.
Though in my opinion dual blade isn't really that bad when it comes to lightsabers. Attacking with left, right, left, right, against a single, casual lightsaber it can be a real pain.
Björn Mätal Well dual wielding depends.. You can use it to your advantage, if you only use one to defend, let's say you catch the blade with one and then attack with the other. But both to attack is not really that great idea. Mainly because you make yourself a bigger target, and expose your vital organs. If you use one sword you place yourself sideways making yourself an smaller target and protecting most of you vital organs with your sword and if you extend yourself to thrust then you have longer reach... If you use both to attack you place yourself looking to the front exposing all your vital organs and having to move your sword to the middle of you body to protect them. Also you will have now an extra leg and arm exposed, so you will have to focus on protecting two more parts of your body. And if you want more reach you will have to extend your self sideways adding more steps to that move, making it slower. If you dual wield sideways then there is no point of having the second sword since you won't have any reach with it. Also using the sword with one hand makes you lose leverage, if you dual wield you will never have the option of using both hands for an stronger blow, and your defense becomes weaker, since you have less leverage to stop an attack. The only advantage might be unpredictability.
The best option is to have a normal lightsaber to attack and a short lightsaber to parry. Just like the rapier and dagger combination.
But well I do not mind dual wielding because it looks cool, and ultimately Star Wars is intended to entertain.
I was not talking about dual wielding 2 lightsabers, I was talking about this double bladed "saberstaff", a lightsaber with dual blades.
But yes, when it comes to wielding 2 lightsabers defend+attack combination would be better.
Still, since we are talking about superhumans blessed with space magic, I think wielding 2 normal sabers and changing the rotation for more unpredictability (instead of always using one shorter blade for defending) would be better.
Björn Mätal My bad then I thought you were talking of dual wielding. Well the saber staff is impractical for the simple reason that one blade is always pointing the opposite way of the other, meaning that you cannot thrust most of the time, since extending the blade to thrust you will have the other blade pointing at you. So you will have to rely on only cutting. So you have two blades to attack, right? well not really since while you bring one blade to front, you will have the other one on the back. meaning that you can only use one at the time, and bringing the second one is slower than using dual wielding. You have now more leverage, but you cannot make direct attacks you only attack from the sides making you way more predictable. The only way you can make a full strong cut is by spinning around, but there is a big reason why no serious martial arts uses spins, basically you lose sight of your opponent and it is easier to throw you off balance. The way staffs were used was by using them as a spear and blocking with the mid part of the staff, and then hitting with side. The saber staff you see, blocking with the half part of the sword is a bad idea(as you saw in the movie) you cannot also extend your reach as a spear for obvious reasons.
The only advantages you have is more leverage, and you can defend your back(as you saw in the movie) but the only reason Darth Maul could take both jedis at the same time, was because they were attacking each blade. If Obi-Wan joined Qui-Gon and both made a frontal attack Darth Maul would not stand a chance.
But again it is fantasy, what works in real life does not work in their world.
farrex0 No problem, reading it again I did not made myself too clear.
I partly disagree. Just partly. ^^
Aside from more leverage, (against an opponent with only one lightsaber) the attack speed is also higher because of the two blades.
Though I do agree two sabers would be even better.
Thrust is also possible but not as effective and more dangerous.
But then again space magic comes into the picture, which gives the ability to glimpse into the future and strength and what-not, which helps (including taking your eyes off your opponent). In reality with normal human beings, it wouldn't work out.
One more upside is the rarity of the users, it's not really obvious how to fight against someone wielding a saberstaff if you've not seen one in your life, let alone practise with/against one.
The Darth Maul fight was kinda ridiculous, much like all 'more versus one' fights in the majority of movies. As you said they could've take him out real quick, but then it wouldn't have been very interesting, right?
In the end, when it comes to Star Wars, I do see the upsides of the said weapon, at least I think it's somewhat better than a sole saber in situations including lightsaber waving opponents, but I (too) think that a glaive or two sabers would be a better choice.
this video was truly informative and well paced. thank you for your hard work and research
One error I see is your classification of light-pikes and long-handled lightsabers as one and the same, when in fact the light pike is a staff-like weapon with a shorter blade, while the long handle lightsaber is a blade with a handle length longer than the standard, and is designed to give more leverage and allow for more options with hand placement, such is the case with Kyle Katarn.
The only thing I know I'd do when constructing my lightsaber is that when presented with a blue crystal I would shrug my shoulders, say "Nah", walk past the instructor and snatch up a green crystal. Instructor: "But you are a Jedi Guardian not a Consular" My Response: "Well green is my favorite color, you can find them almost anywhere you find blue crystals, they are common, they look cooler in my opinion, AND in the off chance I am fighting a Sith with a lightsaber maybe I can throw him off with him thinking I am not as reliant on my saber skills when really I am." I'd probably practice Niman with a strong emphasis on Shien, Djem So, Makashi, and Shii-cho. I'd back that up with heavy force augmentation and telekinetic abilities like massive waves, pushes, and grips.
but your a sith so you get da red!but i agree the blue is a little to common
It'd be a yellow blade for me. Sentinel all the way!
Equoise hey I got love for the Sentinels too, I just find a really big appeal in being a Jedi Weapons Master. I'd build and customize a Temple's worth of Lightsabers just for display, sparring, and demonstration purposes. lol. I am a passive aggressive fighter, Soresu and Shii-Cho for me with a hint of Djem So. I'd be forced to use a Pike Saber because spears are actually a weapon I am already good with. I'd make it out of cortosis weave so I could still use the whole thing for blocking. :)
Darth Malak I'm personally more of a philosophical, passive person, but I'm not afraid to use force when required. I value Justice highly I think my main form would be Niman, but with certain aspects of Ataru in there, such as the ability to use the Force to heavily influence your attacks beyond your normal physical abilities. Conventional, single lightsaber for me, nothing too fancy. I'd probably end up being a Jedi Investigator, or a Jedi Diplomat.
Zion kurosaki oh you know, Sith happens.
So many knowledge (nerdnes) in these kind of videos and there comments :D I just love it :D very informative and entertaining :D thank you :D
No problem. Thanks for watching!
yes it is a compliment :D and I can understand how it may be misunderstood :D
Igor Bajic its all in the books man, youd be amazed how much youll learn if you read a few of the books.
Count Dookus Lightsaber is so awesome and his Style kicks ass =)
Looks like Rapierfencing
I am totally in love with Dooku's lightsaber and fighting style ^///^
Its elegant and deadly as hell.
Rudolf M Its basically a rapier
light pike without a doubt.
There's a reason that, throughout history, spears and pike weapons have always been the most popular choice.
Its also the same reason that western swords became longer and thinner and specialised in thrusting; Reach is one of the biggest advantages in blade combat. spears are maneuverable, light, incredibly easy to use, very difficult to defend against and lightning quick in the thrust. the general complaint of "just get past the point" can usually be countered with "try doing that and see what happens"
(this assumes that the blades of lightsabres somehow have mass *as they appear to* otherwise they would be weightless and the lightpike would be the slowest heaviest sabre variant because the extra long handle would be the only bit that weighs anything.)
context can be an issue i.e. difficult to use in a corridor etc, but then so are most swords, carry a back up dagger or something.
second choice would be single handed sabre, preferably with some sort of beam-proof buckler shield in the off-hand. dual wielding holds no real appeal for me, far better to have some protection which is easy to manouvre and defend your hands with.
excellent video though :)
I also have a problem with the complete lack of hand protection offered by all the sabre variants. this is a particular problem for the light whip. most of the sabre styles would involve at least leading with the blade, meaning that your hands were minimally protected by the blade being in front of them. However, using the whip would involve literally punching your exposed hand towards your enemy and waiting for the blade to catch up with it, good luck keeping those fingers! i'm not asking for a full basket hilt, but a simple sabre-proof cross-guard would be awesome.
I'd say the worst design was the double-blader maul carried. Staff weapons are great because they have great reach, and are very versatile because of how easy it is to move your hands up and down the shaft (giggedy) if you create a weapon you can only hold in the middle, you lose all of the advantages of the weapon.
The light whip is pretty ridiculous too. I know the force will help the user control where the blade goes, so it doesn't just flail around randomly, but you have to say at some point; "if the force is helping you out that much, why bother with a sabre at all? just dispatch your enemies with cutlery like Carrie."
Spears and pikes were most popular in those times because they were cheaper to make, easier to mass produce and were extremely effective in a group. It was also much easier to quickly train someone who had no combat experience to be semi effective with a spear, where-as a sword takes a lot more skill and training. However in the hectic environment of medieval melee I would almost always want to have a sword. A spear would quickly lose its effectiveness. I think most regular soldier (not militias or peasants) probably had a spear and a sword in some respect because the effectiveness of both is really on the opposite end of the spectrum. theres a pretty big debate one who would win between two people who are equally skilled in their respective weapon.
Also you cant put as much emphasis on the thrust because the reasons thrusting weapons became so popular and effective was because a thrust more easily penetrated things like armor or leather, with lightsabers and people with extra-human reflexes that isn't an issue.
Id say realistically the double bladed lightsaber is the least effective. However in the star wars universe where jedi have almost super human dexterity and reflexes the double bladed lightsaber would be super effective. Not to mention lightsabers are almost weightless.
Has someone ever dual-wielded double bladed lightsabers?
exactly what I thinking though I imagine it to be no easy feat
in the cartoon, general krell duel wields them. look it up. its an amazing episode where he lies to clones, making them fight eachother. the clones set out to kill him for an amazing fight with fantastic light-saber sound effects
In a star wars the old republic cinematic Satele Shan's master wields her saber staff and his own standard saber at the same time.
I actually have Mauls dual saber with me right now.
Well, if it was a double shoto it would be easier as it would be the size of a normal saber and much smaller than a normal double, if you don't get what I mean just imagine a shorter double.
This is the first video of I've seen that referenced the Jedi path and the original clone wars! Thank you!!!
5:35 when your head is on point
I would say the.lightpike, much less of a chance to cut myself and and more leverage in a clash, there's a reason empires with the longest spears lived the longest in our timeline.
+Amiibo Aaron You. I like your way of thinking.
***** I can flex my brain, it hurts but it helps.
+Amiibo Aaron i'd rather have the one with a blade that can become longer or shorter. Mostly because i prefer the idea of a European Longsword, rather than a shortsword.
+Amiibo Aaron A lightpike would be good for form VII, as form VII dont need no mobility but it sure needs power
Sebastian Sage uppers, leverage is everything IRL
If I were a Jedi, I would use two purple shotos (or however you spell it). They would be fast, accurate, and devastating if used right.
hope youre fast and nimble then
Phylippe Zimmermann Paquin And that you don't die the first time you try and be fast and nimble cx Play Chivalry on the Xbox and pc. You would think melee weapon's have these advantages over one another because "Oh well fuck I can just swing fast and use a 360 blah blah blah" most of the time these are dumb ideas and the person with the most practical weapon wins
LockedGT yeah stupid broadswords and war hammers always getting in the way on my archers short sword and bolts ruining all the kills and no deaths I built up :,(
well that fucking game lags too much to hit anything with an arrow period
Great video, dude. Awesome level of detail about each weapon. Keep em comin
You must be fun at parties
Very fun
Implying he goes to parties?
Life of the party
I'd love to talk to this dude.
I would mainly use duel blades that can connect.
My idea is using two blades for non sabered opponents or crowd control.
Connected as a weapon for duels against melee heavy opponents.
And opt for single when confronting stronger force users to counter with my freed hand.
Video though I wished you'd go into how duel blades only could leave you weak to force attack since you can't have a free hand unlike other variants
***** redirecting lightning and holding back force pushes
sounds like yours would be simillar to mine except mines blades can shrink to shoto size for maneuvering in really tight spaces
You can just use one side of the lightsaber staff. The light pike is FAR superior than the other, it's not that heavy, has more leverage, range, a good defensive ability and a superior offense. It's just like a polearm in reality, the king of the ancient and medieval battlefield.
Very well thought out. I too would agree with your overall analysis of the sabers presented here, although I would lean towards a dual-bladed saber only if I could build it with the stability/durability of a curved saber.
i like the double lightsaber, Because it is simply awesome.
Now we just need a Curved Lightsaber...Curved.Lightsaber.
Oh, and we have the Claymore Saber, too.
Dildo lightsaber
two kinds of people XD ehueh
***** grate gamer tag cant wait for season 4 to come out on natflix
I myself would enjoy having a light pike, but rather than it being one contiguous mass, have the tip be seperable into a shoto, or even a standard saber. Perhaps even a dual-phase saber would be effective.
Unorthodox options will give you an extreme edge, as your enemy will have no knowledge on how to combat them when used well. I highly doubt that a saber with a paired pike handle would be an everyday encounter to most opponents, and I myself am a fan of fighting styles of both blades and polearms.
Nep Nep me too i wpuld probably use a light whip with 3 whips from myleft hand one and another one that is a curved handel with 2 diffrebt blade lengthd a half meter and a meter setting
Definitely a fan of the curved hilt lightsaber, but yes I do love the standard hilt as well. But my first choice obviously would be a curved hilt
Single-bladed blue lightsaber > all other lightsabers, sorry folks.
+Daemon Gaming Why must it be blue?
+Daemon Gaming are you aware of the meaning of the blue lightsaber or the other colors. if you are that is cool but know what is out there. (i am not that nerdy i know it is a movie)
Why don't they just make a crossbow that shoots lightsabers? That would be hilarious and effective.
no... because they would waste a lightsaber every shot
Cant they just use the force to bring it back?
well what if you use the force to bring it back and it cuts off your hand?
When has that ever happened?
Honestly, I have to disagree with you on the Light Pike being the most impractical... I know you were saying it's just your opinion, but bring this hand in hand with historical weapons.. A spear was a great defensive tool, and if shortened could make a very intimidating offensive weapon. The Light Pike is essentially the same. A sort of Phalanx with the Light Pike would be the greatest defense in the Star Wars Universe most likely, and a short spear modeled Light Pike would make for a great offensive if you know how to maneuver with it.
This is just my opinion, based on real historical weapons, but I think it could potentially be the best if you are well trained.
+Venom Snake
Actually, the author tagged the Light Whip as being the least practical varient, with the Light Pike ranking at least marginally higher. I would tend to support that view with the following observations:
-- Yes, elite soldiers using a spear did exist historically; with two being the Swiss Pikeman with his namesake weapon (a pike being a really long spear), and the Roman Legionnaire with his pilum (a short spear with a partially iron shank). However most any kind of spear used in war is a weapon of mass combat alongside one's similarly armed comrades. This image does not fit well with the Jedi Knight or the Sith Lord; both being elite (perhaps) heroic lone warriors who fought their inferiors in the one-against-many mode, and their equals in the one-on-one mode.
-- The size of a Light Pike would make it a very practical weapon when faced with a much larger opponent; neutralizing said opponent's greater reach and providing additional leverage. However its larger size also would make it slower on the recovery; a bad situation when being swarmed by multiple lesser foes without one's fellows using similar weapons in formation, or when fighting a single elite opponent with a much faster weapon who was able to get inside a Light Pike's energy blade. The Light Pike's sacrifice of speed would also cause problems with blaster bolt deflection (Form 3 or Form 5); another Jedi staple.
-- The size of a Light Pike also makes it significantly less concealable than the much shorter straight or curved-handle lightsaber, and the somewhat shorter lightsaber staff, when the blade(s) are not out. This would be a problem for any sort of mission requiring stealth; of which both Jedi and Sith have many.
-- With this genre of weapon, length of the hilt/haft portion increases vulnerability unless said hilt/haft is made of lightsaber-resistant material.
To make a Light Pike work/work better, I would suggest the following:
-- Keep the haft (pole) portion down to a length between two-thirds the wielder's height and equal to the wielder's height with the primary blade length being about as long as a shortsword would be for that wielder. This would correspond to about the length of a Roman pilum (a darned effective spear!) when the blade is on, and allow for a balance between reach and speed.
-- Absolutely construct the haft out of lightsaber-resistant material. Otherwise the wielder has no business facing a lightsaber-armed opponent of any kind. The haft of this weapon is one big target. It would also be a very good idea if the materials were blaster-resistant enough to allow for blaster-bolt deflection (blaster bolts did ricochet in all the Star Wars movies). This would actually work much like a bo or jo stick, which is quite effective for missile deflection (arrow-cutter).
-- Dual/multi-Crystal design would be very important. This would allow a short length blade (described above) for most combat, and a longer length blade (say, up to about ten feet) for battles against much larger foes with much longer reach (this is a pike rather than a spear). Intermediate blade lengths might have other uses.
-- It would probably be a smart idea to possess a second lightsaber of standard or shoto length for situations demanding close combat. A backup weapon is a good idea in any case.
-- A cross-hilted design made of lightsaber-resistant material would actually be very practical for a Light Pike. The hilt blades are far enough away from the body to not be especially dangerous to the wielder, but would allow more options when facing opponents that get inside the radius covered by the wielder's blade. This would be especially effective if the weapon was equipped with an on/off toggle switch for the side blades.
-- Admittedly, I would cheat a bit on this design and put a second set of crystals in the butt end of the Light Pike; giving it the capacity to function as a Lightsaber Staff, although with more pole than blade. This would be more like a double-bladed spear, decidedly a martial artist's weapon and more able to counter multiple opponents/be useful to attack and defend simultaneously. I would also put a cross hilt on the butt end as well, if it had a separate on/off toggle switch.
-- Concealment is still a problem. The best I could come up with for a rigid-hafted Light Pike would be some kind of innocent-looking covering to make it appear to be some kind of walking stick. The other (better) option would be a collapsible haft (something like a Mimbari Fighting Stick in the Babylon 5 universe). Ideally this weapon would allow use as a standard lightsaber, or even as a lightsaber staff if equipped with a second blade.
Again, my opinion; however I felt the need to respect yours, and see if I could offer some thoughts.
+GI Joe your argument is sound however, do not forget historically the sword was not the weapon of choice for most combatents. dont forget the samurai use of the naginata.
+Rodney Barbee, II
Point well taken, however most ELITE combatants in pre-fireams settings favored the sword as the weapon of choice. Also, historically the naginata (and the shorter nagamaki) were minority choices as primary weapons among the Samurai; being used primarily by women of the Samurai class (most of whom were not primary combatants unless forced to be so by situation), Sohei (warrior-monks who fought for the causes of their temples; some of these were Samurai retired to the religious life), and Ronin (essentially masterless Samurai). The Ronin types tended to drift from army to army in feudal Japan; mostly mercenaries with little more wealth than the clothes on their backs and their weapons, and they tended to gravitate towards swords when they could get one (or two).
Pardon me for being Euro-centric; but with that aside, the Jedi fit the elite Samurai model better than any other (although the Sohei model would be a close second), and most of the elite Samurai tended to use the naginata or nagamaki as a secondary weapon for combat situations requiring reach rather than for one-on-one combat against fellow Samurai. I actually had some training in use of the naginata while in Japan, and was usually the only male in the class. I respect that weapon and my instructors.
Also, what Yoda uses is not really a lightsaber shoto, for him at least. Given his size and the size of his weapon, he wields his own weapon like it was a katana. In defense of a light pike, this might be (if properly sized) a very practical weapon for someone Yoda's size who had to regularly deal with much larger opponents. For an elder like Yoda, a properly disguised light pike could also serve as an openly carried concealed weapon if it also looked like a walking stick.
+GI Joe
well light pikes (with "normal" sized blades) are actually a bit more versetile than staffs (as long as they are made of resistent materials) since you can use it as
1) a pike (long reach very good in narrow hallways)
2) a longgriped sword (more leverage than normal thus able to overpower opponents of equal strength)
3) in close combat you can basicly use it as a staff with one short "blade" (by using the long hilt as a bludgening weapon or to block attacks )
to optimize the conzept one could add functionalety to the lower end of the blade. options are:
1) a shorter light blade
2) a magna guard style shock emmiter
3) a blaster
+Venom Snake , what you forgot is that pike does not require much palm work to manipulate. Which is a benefit for species with a limited freedom in that area. Yes, I'm speaking of the species originally invented them. Rakata. With their claw-like limbs, they would have big issues "handling" the sword-like sabers, but a pike is driven by both "hands", which negates the grip issue.
The saber pike has its advantages elsewhere, the ability to kill an enemy before they can get close is very valuable. I have done a lot of LARP events and bladed weapons with greater range have always worked best for me. Opponents getting in close is somewhat of a problem but like you said about the saber staff it depends on the skill of the user, and also the butt of the pike (which shouldn't be too far below the lowest hand) is also a weapon you can use in close range to at least buy you the time to step back.
I have a question that maybe one of the hardcore SW fans out there can answer: In the video GreyJedi91 mentions some sabres having longer hilts offering "more leverage for power attacks." Why would a Jedi ever want to make a power attack?
A lightsabre's blade presumably has no significant mass and can cut through practically anything, so really, it'll do as much damage with a flick of the wrist as with a wide, powerful swing - which takes longer and easier to see coming. Furthermore, if a Jedi actually did want to make a "power attack" you'd think that that additional power would come from the force, not leverage or "crude muscle".
So realistically, wouldn't a Jedi try maintain a strong defensive guard (given the considerable threat a lightsabre presents) and use mostly quick, subtle attacks? Wide sweeping swings, leaps and spinning maneuvers where they expose their back are impressive choreographically, but seem to me like an opportunity to get killed.
I think the point is the fight SABER vs. SABER. Lightsabers cut technically through anything except some materials, including other lightsabers blades - if you fight against another jedi you may find that it is a big advantage putting pressure on your hits to weaken their defense or even breaking their defense to place a hit. :)
If you hit it hard the other might lose grip on there lightsaber thus rendering them vulnerable
Jedi would like to utilize power attacks to off balance an opponent. Longer hilts afford more hand placements which, if both hands were apart enough, could afford the user the opportunity to deliver heavy power blows.
chuck123emma Josef Hirsch Caleb Hubbard Yes that all makes sense within the context of conventional weapons.
I'm saying that any "power attacks" from a Jedi are being driven by their mastery of the Force. Next to that, hand placements, leverage, and "hard strikes" would be insignificant. Victory would almost certainly go the one who was stronger with the Force. That IS generally what seems to be the case in the movies.
Right, but are you saying that physical strength and power have no effect then?
The light whip is stupid.
The Jedi Githany who turned to the Dark side during Darth Banes time studying in Korriban used a light whip to great advantage over many other rival Sith and Jedi
in the hands of a master, no weapon is stupid
the whip is not stupid! I agree it's wierd, but it's also extremely deadly!
And makes no sense, even in the Star Wars universe. It would be burning through everything left and right.
Not exactly how it works though man. the light user guides it with the force so it doesnt "burn through everything"
I disagree completely on your opinion on the most efficient light saber. If you really think about it the Light Whip would be the most efficient and most practical and even more so if equipped with a shoto(?). This is because if you master the ability to manipulate the the blade of the whip you could make it do whatever you wanted in the heat of battle. You could even, theoretically make the blade stiff through force manipulation. Also theoretically, you could twist the whip into a spiral and make yourself a shield while you fight with the shoto as your main weapon while you combat opponents who like to fight closer to you. This light sabre/combo would, in my opinion, be the most versatile, because of the ability to use the force to adapt the blade to your needs.
The light hip I weak and will hurt but not kill, it's used for slavary and can only kill quickly if you can choke your victim
Ryan Brewer
Well that makes no sense. Anyways, a long flexible blade would still the most versatile.
+Eragon Silvr you definitely have a point there. Lightwhips can usually be adjusted in power to kill not just injure.
+Eragon Silvr I'll meet you halfway and say that a light whip COULD be effective/viable if the user devotes enough Force ability to telekinesis and/or energy control related powers, AND the ability to use either or both of these Force powers in combat. However this could be costly in terms of time and effort.
It might also be possible to make this weapon practical to use via a cybernetic interface between the weapon and the user's central nervous system (this would be the equivalent to Dr. Octopus in the Marvel universe). This would probably be several orders of magnitude more difficult than cybernating Darth Vader. I also think that the Jedi Order would frown on this, and even most of the Sith would object to combining science with the Force as being unreliable.
+GI Joe yea but it's not as cool as a normal one, it's just kinky
I don't know why you'd want to shorten the blade length for a light-spear. A full sized blade with extended handle would give you the flexibility of a standard saber but also the extra leverage of further separating your hands. I wouldn't go as far as making it all handle, as is implied and as we see in some games and comics, but the extra leverage of a longer handle gives you a lot of flexibility while not running the risk of cutting your own leg off that a double-bladed sword (Darth Maul) would have.
I would wield a yellow standard and an orange shoto, both with curved handles.
@2:54 - Buzz Lightsaber
If I get my hands on a Light Saber. I'd take a Dual Phase, and modify the crap out of it until I can extended the blade to absurd lengths. Like 49 feet or some shit so I can slice fighters in two.
Nathan Torres Then start doing pushups...that thing will weigh at least a couple hundred pounds due to the large crystal it would need xD
I think it would be cool if there was a vodo siask baskesque character who used a light pike and force weapon
Also in my opinion a light pike done right is a terrifying weapon
if lightsabres were more realistic, the 'blade' could be as far as you could stretch the beam. Light and heat beams diffuse rapidly, which means the possibilities would be endless. Truly, i could make a 'blade' that was over 100 feet long, and many meters in diameter, like a gigantic cone, and wave it around just as effectively, as the beam is weightless. Attenuation would be the only factor, but i'd keep the beam still within lethal parameters, still hot enough to cut effectively. Of course, such a said lightsabre would be vastly overpowered, not making for interesting choreographed fight scenes. One can only fantasize though, entering the star wars universe and owning every duel with a gigantic beam.
Longer blades on light sabers also increase the gyroscopic effect normal length sabers already possess. It seems like a 100 foot saber would be pretty unwieldy, not to mention that no one is going to fight alongside you for fear of getting chopped in half
that is alright, i will force control multiple of these 100 ft sabres and i will be my own army! haha
What about the leverage issues?
^thats my point, since sabres emit electromagnetic fields as their blades, the only weight would be on the handle. Thus changing the length of the 'blade' does not effect the leverage.
But if there is someone pushing down on a weightless stick from 100 yds away, that would be the same as gravity pushing down on a weighted stick from 100 yds away.
what about kylo ren's lightsaber
Look at the date of this video
+xSwiftx he was in vid, but not with his light saber
It's a cross guard sabur
+Blake Bones Roesler It's shit impractical
Kylo ren? The guy who killed his father han solo in the new star wars?
I would have several lightsabers on me, each one a different type, so I can throw my opponent off, and with how often I see sabers being broke that in my opinion is the reason to have multiple.
+ponyrellabellasara Your opponent could easily use the force to steal one or multiple. And would you use a backpack or something to hold them?
Mattphillips 0516 Good point, but I could steal my opponents weapon just as easily, another reason to have multiple weapons. Plus my extra weapons would be kept in secret areas, hence keeping them surprised.
+ponyrellabellasara Do you mean like Darth Traya? Also you can't steal your opponents weapon just as easily because they would actually be holding and there force wall would prevent it. And your force wall wouldn't be surrounding your backpack.
Mattphillips 0516 another good point, but as I said they wouldn't know where I would have my extra weapons or if I did any extra. I would have them too focused on my attacks before they figured out where the weapons were hidden.
*Legends* : We have made a bunch of different types of sabers, most of them (looking at you, guard photo) retaining the simple base design, while making changes that might radically alter the use of the weapon
*Disney* : I'm about to end this man's whole carrier
(This is a jab at the new thing in the Rise of Skywalker trailer, not the crossguard)
why dont jedi use handheld shields? i mean it would be a little slower but you could just charge headlong at an opponent instead of having a personal acrobatic rave light show any time an opponent has a gun. hell, the gungans were smart enough to invent lightweight handheld laser shields, i bet the jedi order could do it too. it could seriously be like 4 light shotos on an armored fan motor.
actually a shield is a perfect solution to the problem of a lightsaber because if made of an energy absorbing material(i.e. cortosis) the saber would wink out and then its user dies to his enemy's blade.
I'm not sure. But I know that the Jedi are based off of the Samurai. And the Samurai believed that the Shield was a tool of weakness as its design was to protect the user all the Samurai have a philosophy that going in to battle expecting to die and you will live, but going in to battle hoping to live and you will surely not.
It really wouldn't make the user less agile. When turned off, it's roughly the size of a light saber, right? When on, it might slightly hinder speed, but media will still be crazy agile. Like seriously, they can make like 50 ft jumps.
Legalas Elf yeah. Jedi's opinion of the shield would probably be similar to the Samurai ( which they are based off of)
there was a Sith who did just that am blanking on the name...
You forgot to say in the video about the darksaber.
Tic Noel the dark saber other than having a unique blade and color, is simply a standard lightsaber when it comes down to it.
+C t g s l a y e r plus the hilt is different from the standard lightsaber
It means that the darksaber is different from the others lightsabers.
Kennedy plays not really, all there is on it is a hand guard like a traditional sword, but there have been other sabers like that.
Tic Noel again, it's a standard lightsaber when it comes down to it. Codify ring he didn't include a lightsaber such as the one wielded by Exar Kun, it would be unfair to include the darksaber. Not only that, but it's differences are minor in comparison to other designs. By your logic, he should have included Obi-Wan's lightsaber because it was blue and designed differently from other lightsabers.
light 3 section staff or light nunchaku
+Vajhar ummm..
look up vids on swords vs 3 section staffs...
a similar theory with light sabers would be dope...they have a light whip...
MiguellaGorilla i just tried and only found choreographed fights in which you could make anything happen so yeah
+MiguellaGorilla how would you hold it?
+rileysilva centery gloves made of a Saber resistant metal
+MiguellaGorilla There are a number of reasons why that would not be practical.
A: Masters of that martial art use ALL sections on the staff (holding by the ends increases range, and the middle more control) by limiting yourself to only one section you'll loose another benefit
B: You need to build and maintain momentum to use them effectively
C: Momentum is better suited towards blunt weapons like the flail, so I have no idea how this would benefit a cutting weapon
D. It cant parry
A cool idea, I just don't think it'd work too well
subbed three seconds in.
A voice THIS soothing talking about lightsabers and star wars?
Dude, I could fuckin' fall asleep to you reading.
I really really want to know where the clip from 6:21 is from. Thanks in advance
+OdysseyZZGaming I would love to know this as well!
+OdysseyZZGaming It's from a trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic. The MMO that got released a few years ago.
For this particular clip search "star wars: the old republic 'return' "
Star Wars the Old Republic. it's a MMO free to play
The old republic
I'm surprised there's no such thing as a lightshield... i would heavily prefer lightsabre-lightshield combo.
Or lightsaber resistant armour. I don't know how rare the lightsaber resistant materials are but surely you could craft something like gauntlets and a chest plate. That's what I would try to do anyway because then you have more protection and you have both hands free.
+TheGamesforreal It exists. In the first Force Unleashed Game you encouter a Sith with a Lightsaber/Cortosis-Shield-Combo. (even if the Game is not Canon you can see it is at least possible)
+Madave96 there is resistant armor. i believe the Shadow Gaurd use it.
dont quote me on that
+TheGamesforreal in swtor kotfe they use metallic shields of some sort normally tied with a light-pike
+Madave96 actually ther is.
its called mandalorian armour ^^
besker (or mandalorian iron) is highly resistent and can be nade into armour (they are relatively heavy but can withstand blasterfire and lightsabres)
the problems are:
1) its very expensive (especialy for non mandos)
2) the knowlege on how to make and shape it is well cept (thus only the mandos can craft with it)
3) as with every "hard" material you cant cover your entire body with it so there allways are open areas (like the joints or the neck)
What about that new light saber in the new movie?
Look at the date of the video
VST yeah I know I'm just saying is that an official canon type now? What's it called?
SilverSlave101 yeah I've heard the crossguards are actually exhausts. But yeah I guess
+Jack Johnson Its an Ancient Sith design. It could be used for Defense or for injuring opponents at close range.
P.L.E.B Gaming oh k
I personally prefer the light pike. Allows a lot of freedom in fighting style
Lightsabers? Like the one used to kill han solo in the new star wars???
Yeah pretty much.
Kill Me What new Star Wars?!
This guy sounds so depressed
So what?
I love Star Wars but god damn you're taking this too far. Making it almost creepy with that voice
Welcome to the realm of hardcore nerds. I hope you enjoy your stay, and I hope that you don't go insane.
that's what I was thinking
LIVE A LITTLE. Enjoying fantasy and using the imagination is no alien concept to the human race and is pretty psychologically necessary to sanity, moreso for some than others.
if you're searching for light sabre info on TH-cam, you've pretty much crossed over to nerd world buddy. don't be afraid or ashamed, is nice in here...
Very informative. I love it! I never knew Star Wars lore was this deep!
Your knowledge about the many various lightsabers is to be admired a single blade lightsaber is my preference but I do vary between a blue and purple crystals hard to pick just one still keep up the good work
Your voice is the best thing about this video
It's almost amsr.
This was really really good man great job
My favorite top 3 saber designs are these.
1) Crossguard saber
2) Dual sided lightsaber staff
3) Lightsaber pike
Hello, new subscriber here. Just found your channel through this video and binge watched a bunch of your videos. Great work! You have a fantastic voice and your videos are well written and edited. Keep it up!
This was very informative and very well done! Keep up the great work!
PS: I'd have dual Lightsabers that would connect to make a saber staff. :)
10:03 what movie is that where luke skywalker is dual wielding lightsabers against a light-whip? or is it just a picture?
I highly agree with your opinion of using dual sabers as an ideal choice for combat allowing you to merge the 2 sabers together to wield a double blade saber staff if occasion permits. In addition, I can always carry 2 sabers with me but if I predict I'm going to be fighting in tight spaces, I can just whip out one saber and fight. And I'll always have the other saber by my side if I need it later in the fight and again, if occasion permits, I can wield a double blade saber if needed.
The shoto + regular lightsaber would be my choice by a long shot. Two regular sabers can easily get caught up together. But having one shorter than the other (like why they use the main gauche in fencing rather than two rapiers) would prevent that. Using two longer/regular bladed swords has been shown, in history, to be a very very bad idea.
Also, I wouldn't have to use the shoto, or I could go only with the shoto in very close quarters.
I know this a late response but I figured I may as well share my choice for which lightsaber I would want to use.
My primary choice would definitely be a standard lightsaber paired off with a lightsaber shoto, since I'm someone who likes to keep my options open and be prepared for whatever comes my way. However, I would not make this pair a conjoining set of lightsabers since I personally consider the limitations of a saberstaff - namely the fact that the elongated hilt makes some attacks near-impossible to perform, and also makes for an easy target for an opponent - to be too much of a liability. That being said, I would give both of my lightsabers the dual-phase mechanic in order to further surprise an opponent.
Aside from their versatility, the main reason why I would choose a dual-phase standard lightsaber and dual-phase lightsaber shoto has to do with my choices of which forms of lightsaber combat I would use. While I would take the route of a Jedi Battlemaster and attempt to master all seven of the lightsaber forms, I would particularly want to use a combination of Form I: Shii-Cho, Form III: Soresu, Form IV: Ataru, Form V: Shien/Djem So, and Form VI: Niman as the basis of my personal style, mixed in with advanced applications of the supplemental arts of Trakata, Jar'kai, and Sokan.
I ultimately believe that the twin set of lightsabers would allow me to apply whatever combination of forms and applications best suits the moment, be it using a two-handed grip on the standard lightsaber to employ the stalwart defenses of Soresu and power attacks of Djem So, using a one-handed grip on the standard lightsaber to allow me to make better use of Ataru's unarmed combat and/or Niman's integrated force attacks, or dual wielding both sabers to take full advantage of Shii-Cho's crowd control methods, Shien's reverse-gripped parries, and the dual saber applications of Ataru, Niman, and Jar'kai. And to top it all off, I would regularly make use of Sokan to take advantage of the terrain, Trakata to confuse and surprise opponents with abrupt deactivations and reactivations of either saber, and unarmed combat whenever I can. Furthermore, the dual-phase function of the sabers could allow to me perform acts such as keeping my opponent at a greater distance or slip past their guard.
Anyways, that is just my assessment on which type of lightsabers I would like to use and why. For anyone who took the time to read this entire comment, feel free to respond and share your choice for which lightsaber you'd prefer to wield (and even which lightsaber forms if you'd like) and why. All I ask is for you to please keep things civil.
And now featuring the tri-saber!
choosing your favorite light saber is like picking a main in a fighting game
top-tiers that require a lot of practice would be the light whip, since they're hard to fend off
mid-tiers that are good at almost every skill level would be the standard styles (the best one for your size)
trap-based/setup styles would be the staffs and maybe pikes? probably pikes. Similar to frame traps I'd guess, and cornering your opponent and limiting options
if I had to choose one lightsaber for my whole life it would be the whip, I see it having a lot of potential. My style would revolve around using the force on the whip part to make tentacle-like traps
btw since we're on the subject of lightsabers, you said that the Jedi use the force to find the right materials and crystals, but what if a Jedi ended up on a red crystal after meditating on it? It'd be a cool foreshadowing if there was a Jedi that ended up doing it, then chose a different crystal to hide it, then they had trouble controlling their lightsaber in battle. Then after some time they end up doing something reallllllly bad, probably killing a sith like Anakin did, then they run away and become a hermit
holy crap I just wrote a fanfiction didn't I
Gr8 vid man and btw. damn you voice is so smooth.
Great video man, really enjoyed it. Thanks
love this video would love to see more like it
We miss you bro.
If you think of the way real pikes are used historically on, i imagine the same would apply to the light-pike -it would be most effective in massed formation, or against mounted/vehicled opponents, especially in conjunction with a couple of flank guards. I just can't imagine it being useful in duels at all. For duels you want something based off the rapier -which at the end of the day is much closer to the traditional light-saber. But i must admit... i really liked the curved handled saber as well. If i were a Jedi methinks i would choose it! Very interesting video, because i am a very nominal almost non-Star Wars fan, but still found it very entertainingly educational. :)
I would use a dual-phase lightsaber in combat to surprise my opponents and defend against multiple enemies. As a secondary I would use a curved-hilt for better maneuverability against an opponent. Both handles would be composed of a Mandalorian Iron alloy, making it resistant to other lightsabers. By the way, your voice is hauntingly soothing. You should be a narrator for something.
till now i'm still amazed oh how beautiful and awesome it is to watch 2-3 Jedies or Siths with lightsabers fighting
on how each saber clash and each person dodge from being killed
It's fuckin insane how many views this video has. It's the most comprehensive video I've ever seen on this subject. It is as if you're speaking from a lifetime of knowledge on an actual weapon system; it's almost scary. I can almost see this being a real thing after watching this video.
The curved hilt supposedly making some maneuvers more difficult, while making others more efficient. during my admittedly short time experimenting with the concept of light sabers as a weapon, I have discovered that most of those moves are blocks meaning that it could also be advantageous for a practicer of Form 4 and form 7
I personally favor the idea of a modular light saber but if I had to have my own I'd go for a light pike, made from bescar, with rings of Cortosis around the emitter guard, and around the pommel, perhaps a mushroom shaped protrusion from the pommel to "catch" light saber blades during a duel. The idea being to make a weapon that when deactivated is just as viable defensively as it is active
Hey. My name is Kevin. I enjoyed your video on the light sabers. I have given much thought to your question as to which I would choose. I couldn't decide so I designed my own. With much thought I came up with a duel blade saber axe. Yeah it took a lot of thought and trying to stay true to the physics of the existing designs but the end result was a beautiful and very yet intimidating design. I also decided on the color of a metallic black cherry. Sorry no pics but if you can picture in your mind almost that of a midevil Jedi Viking battle axe then you get the idea. Make it personal make it an extension of you and your capabilities and your limitations. Thanks for the challenge.
My personal favourite style of lightsaber is the crossguard saber. It's probably most popularlly used by Kylo Ren in The Force Awakens. The style of saber originated when the design and build of Lightsabers was a lot less efficient, and nowhere near as refined as we see them in the movies, or in most Star Wars Pop Culture. The crossguard blade adds a slight intimidation value to it, and it can be a practical use. Either as another blade to try and inflict damage upon your oponent while having your primary blades crossed, to protect the wielder's forearms from attack or as energy vents.
Kylo's lightsaber actually needs these crossguard vents, as he is using a cracked crystal which causes his blade to appear much more unstable than a standard blade. But also, more power than what should be is sent to the blade, which would mean, that if there weren't a way to exhaust the extra power, the saber could likely just explode in the weilder's hands. So, the crossguard blades use up this additional power, and prevent this from happenig.
Sweeping the net I once again come upon this quite enjoyable video. It's very clear and concise. But one thing that I remember taking note of the first couple times watching this was the gripe with the lightpike. This time around I do feel like I have to make a small comment on this. The lightpike (single bladed one) would be quite the viable weapon and has advantages in both defence and offence, over all other variants of lightsaber. This might seem strange considering its rarity, but all we have to look at to find the truth of it all, is at our own historical facts. SPEARS have been much more prevalent, and efficient than SWORDS throughout all of pre-firearm history. REACH is the most important factor when it comes to both battlefield situations and duel situations. (Of course you can't run around with just a long stick. All factors that make a weapon, a weapon, are important.)
Combine this with the inherent nature of the lightsaber (burning through things like butter) and we have the scythe of the grim reaper. But don't take my word for it, go search for comparisons of spears vs swords on YT and decide for yourselves. (just don't go into any of those american tv-shows for info, I implore you)
Nota Bene: I know our friend here clearly stated that this was an opinion. I have nothing against that opinion, I just wanted to share some thoughts myself :)
Oh, I forgot. There is a glaring downside to the lightpike. Blaster deflection.
What would I go for? Twin curved hilt lightsabers made from lightsaber-proof alloy, with a second vent on each hilt under the curved end. I'd design the hilts and vents so the blade vents would work when the hilts were apart, but when the hilts connected the second vents activated and created a light shortbow. I'd have a matching gauntlet of lightsaber-proof alloy to let me pull back the "string" without burning my hand off, of course. What can I say? I was a huge fan of Hank's bow in that 80s "Dungeons and Dragons" cartoon.
still a great video. keep 'em coming. the forgotten soldiers stories have been truly epic in seeing thru the hidden leaves. canon or not can only be the truth until Disney tells a better story. (that's gonna cost a lot, too)
I like the light whip most because it moves fast without much training and its flexible and large which allows it can overwhelm most opponents
A long & short bladed combo , straight handled .
My favorite is Maris brood's variant.
For those who aren't familiar with her she essentially wields police baton light sabers with a short length like yoda's and if you think about it also offer a no lethal alternative.
My second choice would be duel-wielded tonfa-style shoto crafted so that they could link together with both blades pointing in the same direction, which would be great for trapping and disarming opponents. Perhaps they might even link at the end of thee handles, forming a sort of modified lightstaff? That might be interesting as well.
In my eyes, I'd go for the curved grip lightsaber, but my other most appealing option would be the lightpike/ pikesaber for means of such a reach advantage. It would actually be quite hard to close distance keeping the ideas of saber-clashing in mind, and so if one attempts to rush, you could still pull back into a well-thought defensive technique. As it would appear, the lightpike also has the sharpest, and most clear-cut difference between the stance and form you must commit to when attacking compared to defending. Of coarse maybe a lightsaber with a slightly longer grip with a shoto lightsaber attached could be a more prevalent option as well.
Awesome video!
i like the duel bladed because the hilt has a lot more room to slide your hands across