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It’s great that you mention “at least 4” of the same gun because in a few days we’re getting our 5TH Punisher shotgun. When that comes out give the Punisher family a whack
Not only do they not have the same classification (It's the SG-20, not the SG-8H) they're not even the same type of shotgun! The punisher is a barely modified UTS-15 while the Halt is more of a classic trench-gun with a single tube. They honestly don't even look alike to me.
@@mystery_exe the Cookout is the “SG-451” and no one debates that it’s a punisher variant. The Halt is gonna have two magazine tubes like every other punisher variant and be pump action. The Halt has no vertical foregrip but it has a weird heat shield shroud thing on top of it instead. It’s still a punisher lol
Come on, let's not pretend Plasma Punisher is actually a punisher. It's an entirely diferent weapon they couldn't be bothered to model as its own thing, so they made it a Punisher with plasma bits. It's not even a load-per-shot weapon which is the Punisher's whole thing. Realistically there's 3 Punishers - the base Punisher, Slugger and Cookout. Halt can probably be classed as a Punisher unless it's mag-loaded.
"From this basic gun, there have arisen three variations, each one more unnecessary than the last." I've never heard a more accurate synopsis of all the liberator side grades in my entire life.
The liberator penetrator is literally just the base liberator from before the major buffdiver patch that gave the base liberator an extra mag and 10 extra dmg 60 dmg, 45 round mag with 7 spares but with medium pen (and slightly higher recoil)
LiberatorP does have 1-2 downsides compared to base Liberator and Liberator Carbine, it can take 2 shots to kill a scavenger, if you don't headshot, and I think it takes 1 extra bullet to kill a Warrior but might not. So really, if you want better trash-clearing and you have a reliable support weapon like Autocannon, HMG or AMR to deal with bigger bois, I'd still say base Liberator/LibC are better choices.
On 10, I'll take the penetrator over any of the others. You don't always have time to sit down and snipe weak spots. It takes care of Rocket Striders really quickly, and in a pinch you can spray devastators.
@@sivel7493 But you don't really use primaries for trash clearing. The cooldown buffs to stratagems makes spamming orbitals way more effective at that. Airburst, Gatling, Gas, maybe even prescision. Eagles also get 3-5 charges each with Napalm, Strafe, Airstrike and Cluster and are made even more effective with the recall upgrade. The Penetrator's upside is being able to penetrate Hiveguard shields, Bile Spewer heads and doing full damage to anything with light armor. Also if you can't hit a headshot on a Scav, whose head is pretty much half of their body, then I'm sorry, but you may be better off using shotguns.
Love the Liberators! When talking about the Liberator Penetrator, we must not forget how armor works: it deals half damage if hitting a spot with the same level of armor it has for penetration., and full damage if the penetration is above the armor level. The Lib Pen medium armor penetration, so it deals full damage to all light armor targets and is capable of damaging medium armor targets - although it seems to have less damage than the normal Liberator, in practice it does not!
Almost all light armoured units have AV1 which is completely defeated by standard light penetration (AP2). There are exceptions (most notably Brood Commander heads) where what you said is true (except you deal 65% damage, not half), but it's absolutely not generally applicable.
@@mystery_exe I think the point though is that there isn't much of a difference between the two at the end of the day, but the Lib pen lets you take down a few enemies quicker and pen more armor options at the cost of a breakpoint here and there.
@@Clogmonger You are not spending 20 bucks for the gun. You pay to support the devs. Also stratagem hero is pretty good for increasing input speed. The gun is just a fun feature on top. And for that it's gas.
Honestly the thing I love about the vanilla Liberator is that you can use it as a one-size-fits-all in terms of scoping and select fire. Tweak some of the settings on the fly and now your auto rifle's a half-decent marksman rifle. In the wide open spaces where engagements happen at any range, I think there's something to appreciate about that.
Shield = Pussy Diver Jump Pack = Meme Diver Resupply = Chad Diver Laser Drone = I can't look around for bugs Diver. Drone = I headshot things I do not look at.
The liberators trade damage for flexibility. Want to spray down hordes? Full auto has you covered. Want to dps down larger targets at range? Burst fire is there for that. Want to snipe some base defenders? Semi auto and scope zooms have you covered. Its not flashy, but it can basically do anything. I normally use the liberator concussive because I actually prefer to play support so yes we exist. The Liberator carbine is best in small relatively close skirmishes. Its higher rate of fire gives it better kill times than the other liberators, but its recoil and ammo consumption rate make the gun difficult to use over longer ranges and longer battles.
You would think so, but in practice, I have found that this supposed flexibility is not actually that special or remarkable. For example, everything you named here can be done with about the same or better effectiveness by using a Diligence. You just have to tap quickly instead of holding down the button to spray - That's it.
For the longest time, since the game basically dropped, I've been using the Liberator almost exclusively. It's like a cold bottle of water. It does everything it needs to do and honestly I love the fact that it's just. Consistent. Bugs or Bots, hard or easy, the Liberator and the Carbine just do what it's mean to do. The stone foundation to the house of the potiential houses that you can build ontop of it.
Also on the topic of the Knight. I originally thought it was only gonna be good against bugs; but after the recent head/skull weakspot buff that came with the 60-days patch, you're bound to chew through a few Berserkers if you aim in the general direction of their skulls while they're marching at you. You'll need an actually good Secondary/Tertiary to compensate the fact that you chew through ammo with it like it's nothing, but its a fun mix-up to the usual stuff that folks run.
Liberator carbine is surprisingly fun to use with three round bursts. The burst fire helps offset the recoil and ammo economy and the fast fire rate makes the three round burst feel less clunky than on the normal liberator
Honestly, yeah, was looking for this comment. Liberator Carbine with burst is a terrifying thing. Recovery time between bursts isn't all too bad, so especially at close ranges you can just pump out burst after burst in such a small time window, shredding lots of little targets or a couple big ones.
Concussive is good for stopping things from hitting you. Sure you can kill a Stalker or a heavy devastator faster but that’s implying you’re not missing your shots or if you can kill it fast enough as it closes in or shoots back while you’re trying to hit the weak spots. Concussive stops them dead in their tracks and allows for easier weak spot shots or sustained fire on a sitting target.
I think the main issue I have with this defense for the gun is that there are way better weapons to do that exact thing though. I don't want to use a worse liberator when I can just bring a punisher, slugger, pummeler, dominator, etc, if I want to stagger and or stun the enemy. It kind of has the issue the Lib Pen had on release where its a weapon that delves into a niche where there are better options. I feel like this is even further intensified now since devastators flinch, so one of the only enemies where it might be better due to its ability to stop them from aiming at you doesn't really matter anymore. It always just comes down to it being better to kill an enemy than to concuss them while others push forward.
It work okay-ish on "hunter extravaganza" missions, you know the ones where scavengers are replaced by little jumpy guys, and sucks everywhere else. You just dont usually need this much stagger with such low damage.
The thing is, you can concuss more enemies at once than you can kill with other guns. The cocussive is an amazing horde management gun. But I wouldn't bring it for bots@@TheDapperSaint
Counter point on the Liberator Penetrator being a crutch: the unarmored sections of Bugs are not actually "weak points", as in take extra damage. They usually actually take less damage there. So, being able to brain a bugs medium armored head can be quicker. Further, many enemies have light armor 2 body parts that effectively take 35% less damage from the AP-2 Liberator (high angle hits against an Armor class 1 area, Berzerker chests, Brood commander heads, spewer heads, most exposed weak points on bugs from their armor getting blown off) but take full damage from the AP-3 Liberator Penetrator, offsetting the damage reduction. Hence why I prefer it (and most AP-3 weapons) to the base AP-2 model.
Bear in mind that medium armor pen weapons do full damage through light armour while light armour pen weapons deal half. The difference between white and red hitmarker
Not even sure why people think the current Liberators are bad, if anything, I think they're AMAZING if you build your loadout to round things out. The base and carbine Liberators are able to one-shot scavengers, 2-3 shot hunters and 3-5 shot Warriors, and with a total round count of 405, you have a pretty damn nice trash-clearing primary, that's 405 dead scavengers, will pair very well with stuff like AMR, Autocannon, MG206 or sth which can fill in for what the Liberator can't do well at. I run Liberator/Tenderizer a lot with my MG206 on both bots and bugs on diff10 and they round each other out very well, especially now that MG206, AMR, Autocannon and stuff can handle Behemoth Chargers and stuff pretty damn well now. Yes, I am aware of stuff like Breakers, Xbow, Scorcher, Purifier and what not...but sometimes you just really want a reliable, purely trash-killing primary that has a lot of ammo to quickly deal with those trash swarms, while your support weapon deals with most of the bigger stuff. And tbh, now that you deal 65% dmg to enemies with same armor value instead of 50%, base Liberator is actually not at all bad to deal with Alpha Commanders, takes like 14 shots to the head.
You answered your own question in the first sentence. An actually good weapon doesn't require 'rounding out', it's what does the rounding out for you. Liberators suffer against a lot of the common kill threats - rocket striders, spewers, alpha commanders and hulks. They do succeed in killing devastators and hunters, but that is often just not good enough to be 'good'. A truly good weapon stands almost enitrely on its own, letting you take a more specialized support weapon or to have the freedom to swap between them in any situation
@@ExValeFor You are making it sound like something so alien, it ain't even that bad...most of the weapons we have in this game are AP2, and to an extent they're all gonna need to have their little blanks filled a bit, cuz primaries ain't ever gonna be able to do everything. Even AP3 weapons need to be rounded out somewhat too because despite the fact that they of course can deal with some other enemies more effectively, they are usually lacking in some other departments (like ammo). I'd only ever truly think it's 100% better to bring AP3 weapons whenever I bring a VERY specialized support weapon like Quasar or Recoilless, but that's not all there is to support weapons you know...but most of the times, they do offer much less chaff-killing capabilties. Even the more picked weapons like...crossbow, breakerIE, cookout, purifier, Sickle, etc...need to have the loadout built to be rounded out to some most people running crossbow or purifier/scorcher I've seen usually bring a support weapon or secondary that give them a bit extra safer trash-clear or something to fall to if they get swarmed and don't want to explode themselves. Even people running stuff like...BreakerIE or Blitzer need to build their loadout to compensate for their own specific lackings, BreakerIE for ammo, Blitzer for range. So on and so on. I've seen people screw themselves by bringing xbow and scorcher while having Recoilless/Quasar or even to a lesser extent Autocannon or Grenade Launcher...because sometimes, they just end up swarmed by Pouncers or Alpha Warriors, with no way to deal with them without dying from self-dmg AoE. So idk about you, depending on what support wepaon you're bringing, I'd MUCH rather have a nice, reliable Liberator or Tenderizer to take care of a lot of little guys. Yeah Blitzer or Adjudicator are cool and all...but I like being able to do with Shriekers and Alpha Warriors from afar, and having nice recoil and ergonomics. And whether this means anything or not, I am lvl 150 with 1.4k hours in this game.
Now now now we most definitely get ANOTHER liberator INTRODUCING Liberator SAW a heavier longer barrel for continuous fire a larger magazine most definitely a DRUM magazine it has more recoil because reasons Edit: source is I made it the fuck up aka it’s generally based on the L86A2
@@Folly_Inds Another Helldivers 1 Vet very cool indeed, Sadly they didn't bring back the old Stallwart as a primary hell instead of making it a strategem in 2 they could have brought back the old MGX-42 for that purpose which for anyone else who does not know the MGX-42 was a disposable machine gun with like 400 rounds emptying in 14 seconds which if my math is right should be something like 1680 rounds a minute id imagine its cool down would be on the same lines as the EAT if not slightly more it was awesome
Liberator is the definition of a jack of all trades weapon, master of none, but it puts in the work if you let it and is flexible to almost every playstyle and faction "This is my Rifle, there are many like it but this one is mine"
Talking about the Liberator reminds me of talking about the Everest in Lancer. It's standard issue for a reason. It's the 'worst' not because it's bad, but because if it was worse than the Everest, it wasn't worth making. The Liberator isn't sub-par, it's *the* par.
Another cool thing about the Liberator Penetrator is that you can destroy both a Factory Strider's machine guns with just one mag for each. And the main part that helps with that is the low recoil it has.
The Liberator AP also went through multiple versions of itself. When it first dropped, it only had burst or semi auto modes, and less ammo than the default version. It was essentially a small dmr. The concussion also started with a normal mag, instead of a drum mag.
Weird thing about the penetrater, while it has lower base damage, that armor 3 pen actually makes it to where you don’t suffer the 35% damage penalty when shooting something with class 2 armor like the other liberators do. So, depending on what you’re hitting exactly, it actually out-damages weapons with higher damage. Now, generally speaking, I’d rather use the adjudicator if I’m hitting armor, but the penetrator fits that niche with more range.
The concussive is actually really nice against bugs for that higher durable damage. Also despite not visually staggering, it's fantastic against spewers because one bullet causes an interrupt to their spew, even if they started the animation for the attack. Real handy on those nursing spewer missions.
That carbine is going to be my Illuminate gun. It was through the first Galactic War, and it will continue to serve in this one. I just want my bayonet back
I like liberator pen for bugs for its performance against brood/alpha commanders. When using the regular liberator, because the commanders have light armour on their heads you only do 45 damage to them per shot (65% of 70 base damage) whereas since the penetrator overmatches armour pen you do the full 60 damage, it shreds. I still love the regular liberator tho, it's unremarkable but it _feels_ so good to use
Keep in mind, that the heads are also 60-70% durable, which makes it even lower damage: 21,385 vs 28.5 damage. That's 12 shots to pop an Alpha's head on the Lib and 9 on the Pen.
The knight is actually pretty good after they buffed it. very accurate with super high fire rate. But its damage per bullet still keeps it in line. switching to burst fire is where its best. but going full auto on the hulks backside makes them blow up real fast.
Rocking the default servo assisted armor with a default helmet, unembellished allegiance cape, and liberator, makes for a perfect battle hardened default diver fit.
Penetrator is very nice on high difficulty missions where there's more armoured enemies than not. You ain't easily taking out spewers or reinforced scout striders with light ap
Assault rifles provide is accuracy by volume. Say you wanna headshot a devastator but find it hard to. Firing your rounds in bursts make it so you have multiple chances to land it on their heads. The scope on all libs are all pretty great for that regard. That being said ARs are good at is clearing chaff enemies, though now they do compete with the best bug chaff clearer of them all, the arc blitzer.
Firing in a burst also gives you multiple chances to miss. I often find it better to just shoot the torso, which has a way bigger hitbox and only requires 5 hits from the standard Liberator. Or if you have enough time, buff your accuracy by crouching and going scoped (yes that reduces recoil).
Hot damn I had the expectations amount 0 when I clicked this video and waited for another monotonous boring HD2 tuber piling their opinions onto the datapile we already have but you actually have a personality and made me laugh at certain points. Kudos!
I feel like unironically running liberator should come with monetary compensation at the end of the mission. Like you are sponsored by the arms company or something.
I play with each warbond I get as die hard as I physically can for a long time, so I’ve gotten used to the recoil on the Liberator Carbine, and once you get that down, it’s a solid gun to use, just the fact it has a burst fire mode that helps you get used to the recoil is great
playing default armor with a liberator, air strike, turret, orbital strike and recoilless is the closest you can get to "mook" in this game and being the mvp of a squad with this loadout feels incredible i love my liberator, default is default for a reason
Your content and voice fit perfectly. Reminds me of what the voice for one of those gangster dogs playing poker… or a bad guy from the Dick Tracy world. Gives off 1920’s-40’s vibes from Chicago. Please make more content! Also, Happy Liberty Day
The Concussive may not be a good primary in terms of being a real gun, but you can just get a guard dog and suddenly you're the support for a flying auto aim drone.
I actually do think you should make an SMG review similar to this, because you're totally right, no SMG in this game actually feels like an SMG except for the MP-98 Knight. Which I own because I'm a Helldivers addict BUT that's besides the point. The Knight has a stupidly high fire rate with 50-round mags, but is actually pretty effective when you fire in short bursts. Or you can just mag dump to get that sweet, sweet BRRRRT, no support weapon needed.
Liberator concussive. Burn the ground with a grenade or flame weapon, wait for enemies to go near you. Oh they made it out? Push them back in. Minimum effort killing, bane of hunters and stalkers. To support allies, have said ally bring something that would benefit the team that you can cover its weakness with. HMG or AT placement? EMS orbital to create a wall of stun against chargers, concussive to push enemies that are getting too close behind the shooter, bring AT to cover the HMG placement against bile titans and factory striders, shield placement against harvesters. Bring anti crowd to cover AT placements. Cover your reloading backpack user with the same tactics. Orbital gas is also a nice support bombardment to bring along with the liberator concussive. Same tactics with the fire but you can also CC enemies like the EMS (does not stop charging enemies of course). Also works with area denial turrets and sentries like the tesla, flame sentry, and rocket sentry. Push the enemy in for the first two and push the enemy out with the rocket sentry All weapons in this game have a purpose and a specific playstyle to support, you just have to find that playstyle. I love how you covered the liberator P as a good weapon if you don't want to aim at weak points but still be able to kill them or the incredible firepower of the carbine. The same logic can be applied to all other weapons. For example, in shotguns Breaker: immense firepower, limited ammo -> same as the carbine Slugger: immense firepower with stun -> low rate of fire weakness Incendiary: good for hit and run, best for highly mobile gameplay Spray and pray: maximum power for clearing hordes -> terrible at dealing with armored enemies. Opposite of the slugger Punisher: I honestly am not a fan of this. I have yet to find someone with an incredible playstyle with this weapon
The normal liberator feels like the stock Scattergun in TF2. Sure it has no perks like its contemporaries, but when used right it can deal some seriously consistent damage as long as its user is consistently skilled.
The liberator carbine has a little quirk from its fire rate, it keeps the regular stagger force from the stock liberator. So the extra 300~ rpm allows it to actually push back medium enemies to some degree
I would love the carbine variant if it had a larger magazine size. Imagine it having 75 bullets per mag to truly fill that Pray&Spray role but for ARs. Wet dream, for sure.
I wish they'll add a 'ceremonial' liberator variant. No scope and just iron sights, no lasers or any flashy attachments, just the gun, 45 round mags, and a bayonet.
Two things I think this game needs to have better usage for the most "underwhelming" variants of weapons: 1- Intel on what kinds of enemies we are dropping into. For example, whether a planet is a pouncer swarm variant (requiring more ammo capacity and less armor penetration), or bile spewer variant (where medium pen is king and ammo capacity is not that big of a deal). It could even be sometimes absent, as a negative planet modifier, so the enemy's element of surprise would still be retained sometimes. 2- An enemy faction that uses little to no armor, relying instead on numbers for smaller enemies and large health pools for the bigger ones. That would give all light-pen weapons and strats more relevance.
Fun factoid about the Concussive though, it's got higher than average durable damage. It's funnily enough one of the more efficient ARs for killing bugs due to their high durable percentage heads on higher difficulties, and just slightly better at going to town on weak points like the Charger butt. It is by far my favorite bug weapon because of this, though I wish the RPM was slightly higher as 320 feels a bit too slow. Something rad and cool like 420 would feel much better.
I've using the Lib penetrator a lot lately and it's actually excellent. It's a bit less optimal against swarms of hunters, but it makes up for that in being able to take out two alpha commanders in one mag. Requires more accuracy and choosing your targets compared to the sickle which I was using before, but like I said it's medium armor pen makes it worth using.
I like the Liberator Concussive, but I pair it with the Gundog and I take it with orbital napalm, gas grenades and orbital gas strike (with quasar support) and what I do is I use the LibCon to push enemies BACK INTO the napalm and gas hazards I set down. and the Libcon just shuts down stalkers in their places. another fun pairing is the Libcon with orbital gas and minefields. you can use the Libcon to push enemies into minefields, or us gas to confuse enemies and in their confusion walk into and set off minefields. turning the game into a rube goldberg machine of death. when you have 1,150 hours in the game, you make your own fun and experiments with weapons and stratagem combos.
I mean if todd howard can release the same game like 7 times... On the liberator concussive, I find it good for the terminid front because you wont be killing 4 brood commanders barreling towards you with the other variants but you can stop them all in their tracks wit the concussive, bonus tip: hitting spewers after they have started their vomit attack stops it immediately.
I miss the Liberator Explosive. I understand that it used to be objectively the strongest liberator and not even by a small margin with the explosive property, but the liberator concussive is such a different gun compared to its former glory that it makes me sad.
Dubious, but funny advice. The Concussive is great against bugs, the push back is immediate, while death might not be (cough headless warriors cough) and it interrupts animations like hunter jumps or commander charges. Honestly really like it, good bullet economy and will keep you alive. Penetrator can kill R-striders, that makes it a little more reliable, opens up the loadout options.
Deluxe edition owner here. The Knight basically functions as a slightly faster Liberator Carbine you can one hand. But it has less recoil control, so it's far better in bursts.
on bugs i run mostly flame thrower and piss dog aka laser drone backpack. i always run the concussive liberator, u can stun spewers out of puking and run, you can push enemies back into the fire on the ground, it still as a good enough fire rate to deal with hunters. honestly my favorite primary
Once in a while i'll try a new gun, but the base liberator to me is perfect. can damage bigger enemies with precision or can cull hordes with decent fire rate, and doesn't sacrifice too much capacity for it. Liberator my beloved
big fan of the Penetrator myself because, while it trades off a slight bit of damage, the medium armor penetration can come in handy in a hectic gunfight
I discovered the carbine this last week and it's super! I *have* the Knight SMG and it is unusable. They both work the same, except the Knight fires EVEN FASTER and has less bullets. I can use the carbine to pull 2-3 shot bursts and absolutely DELETE chaff, leaving the bigger stuff for my HMG. This works for bots and illuminate.
Liberators are fun at being guns with no significant downsides. No significant upsides, either. But hey, we'd all be proud to be called human beings who at least aren't crackheads, too, even if we're never known for having any positive qualities.
i think the Carbine has better ammo economy than other Liberators if you put it on burst fire. It has such a high RoF that you are almost practically shooting 1 big bullet each burst. if you count your 15 bursts well enough you can reload with 1 bullet left in the chamber to shorten the reload time. 45/3=15 reloading early gets you 45+1 rounds in the gun. Also i like the concussive for keeping my turrets(and teammates) safe from a longer range than other stun/stagger weapons but only if i pack other weapons that have synergy with it.
Liberator Penetrator is my pick against bugs because when you're running from a big swarm, you really don't have time to aim for weak points. Just send as many armor piercing bullets in that direction as you can and make a good faith effort to direct them generally towards the head. For bots, there is no gun but the Diligence Counter-Sniper. None. When it's toaster time I don't even acknowledge that other primaries exist.
The Penetrator was not done justice. Against bots, sure it's the subpar option as the standard variant has superior TTK. But Against Bugs it really shines. The main reason is being able to penetrate Hiveguard shields, which are annoying as hell to kill while being swarmed. But it is also able to pen the heads of Bile spewers and does full damage to Alpha Commander heads, which only take partial damage from light pen due to their 2 Armor.
The StA 52 is pretty much the liberator with a reasonable increase in rate of fire, more ammo, and slight increase in recoil. Cant rember if it comes with 6 or 7 extra drums
I have a different opinion on the Lib Pen. It's not so you don't have to aim. It's a gun you can down medium armor enemies and gunships with. It's a little less neccesary with the enemy armor nerf but it's still a nice counterpoint to weapons like the Stalwart of Flamethrower. It's lets you pop enemies the Stalwart can't easily, like Bile Spewers. Or at all, like Bot Gunships. Lastly, in the case of the flamethrower, it lets you pop enemies that are too dangerous to let in flamethrower range, again like the Bile Spewers. I usually use the Dominator or Countersniper for that but there are certain loadouts where having a primary that is both rapid fire and medium pen, and where your need the grenade pistol. It's a small niche but it exists.
As a viper commando Warbond specialist I use the liberator carbine and only the liberator carbine as my primary. And I would love to see a video on the viper commando Warbond as a whole and how well armor and weapons synergize with each other.
@@Frenchtoastedfruitloops elaborate then, because right now it's far from one of the best guns in the game, and you could even make a solid case that it's not even the best SMG
@@jon.meister I said it's better than the liberator not one of the best guns Mr straw man. It's very small trade offs of 1 recoil and 5 DMG are not enough to make up for more ammo and double the fire rate plus one handed use of the knight. That extra 5 DMG is not hitting any new break points.
Imagine paying that much just for one gun, a mid armor set, for the engineers on the super destroyer to flick the on switch on that dumbass arcade game, and a title card that says "I'm Special"
Subscribed. I think we should wait for the new warbond to do a video on the three (ignoring the Knight) SMGs, as the third SMG is coming in the new warbond.
Liberator Carbine my beloved. Ammo economy is for cowards and accuracy by volume of fire is the best type of accuracy.
Carbine/Knight + HMG + Supply Pack is my dakka build
Carbine is so underrated. Love running it on missions with a lot of pouncers and hunters.
How do you know in advance what type of enemy will spawn more often?
@@BakedSkeleton420 My guess is they just run it all the time on bugs, and love when there happens to be jumpy bois
I was hoping they would give it the drum mag but the concussion got it but it still fun
It’s great that you mention “at least 4” of the same gun because in a few days we’re getting our 5TH Punisher shotgun. When that comes out give the Punisher family a whack
hey hey hey now, while it is also a dual tube pump action bullpup, its atleast a different gun
Not only do they not have the same classification (It's the SG-20, not the SG-8H) they're not even the same type of shotgun! The punisher is a barely modified UTS-15 while the Halt is more of a classic trench-gun with a single tube. They honestly don't even look alike to me.
@@mystery_exe the Cookout is the “SG-451” and no one debates that it’s a punisher variant. The Halt is gonna have two magazine tubes like every other punisher variant and be pump action. The Halt has no vertical foregrip but it has a weird heat shield shroud thing on top of it instead. It’s still a punisher lol
@@Aegxs looking at the models side by side doesnt show a single shared part between the two, so i feel like its definitely a different gun
Come on, let's not pretend Plasma Punisher is actually a punisher. It's an entirely diferent weapon they couldn't be bothered to model as its own thing, so they made it a Punisher with plasma bits. It's not even a load-per-shot weapon which is the Punisher's whole thing.
Realistically there's 3 Punishers - the base Punisher, Slugger and Cookout. Halt can probably be classed as a Punisher unless it's mag-loaded.
I used the Liberator Penetrator yesterday. And my favorite thing about all the liberators is that it's a Gun that feels like a Gun.
"From this basic gun, there have arisen three variations, each one more unnecessary than the last."
I've never heard a more accurate synopsis of all the liberator side grades in my entire life.
I thought the Commando was a rocket launcher and this is the Liberator Carbine
Viper cammando warbond
You're right, I can see why he got them mixed up
In helldivers 1 it was called the Commando.
If you pak a punch it, you can get a fast mag attachment and 40 rounds instead of 30 rounds in the magazine
lmao I always end up calling it the commando carbine by accident so I get it tbh
The liberator penetrator is literally just the base liberator from before the major buffdiver patch that gave the base liberator an extra mag and 10 extra dmg
60 dmg, 45 round mag with 7 spares but with medium pen (and slightly higher recoil)
LiberatorP does have 1-2 downsides compared to base Liberator and Liberator Carbine, it can take 2 shots to kill a scavenger, if you don't headshot, and I think it takes 1 extra bullet to kill a Warrior but might not. So really, if you want better trash-clearing and you have a reliable support weapon like Autocannon, HMG or AMR to deal with bigger bois, I'd still say base Liberator/LibC are better choices.
Way less ammo
@@arieson7715 it has 45 now. Same amount of ammo.
On 10, I'll take the penetrator over any of the others. You don't always have time to sit down and snipe weak spots.
It takes care of Rocket Striders really quickly, and in a pinch you can spray devastators.
@@sivel7493 But you don't really use primaries for trash clearing. The cooldown buffs to stratagems makes spamming orbitals way more effective at that. Airburst, Gatling, Gas, maybe even prescision. Eagles also get 3-5 charges each with Napalm, Strafe, Airstrike and Cluster and are made even more effective with the recall upgrade.
The Penetrator's upside is being able to penetrate Hiveguard shields, Bile Spewer heads and doing full damage to anything with light armor.
Also if you can't hit a headshot on a Scav, whose head is pretty much half of their body, then I'm sorry, but you may be better off using shotguns.
Comment to boost our favorite Liberator.
The basic Liberator has the best primary SFX in the game
Liberator Carbine, it's just over the top.
@@samson0wns Over the top useless
@@zer0her048 Ur useless❤
@@samson0wns my useless? My useless what?
Love the Liberators! When talking about the Liberator Penetrator, we must not forget how armor works: it deals half damage if hitting a spot with the same level of armor it has for penetration., and full damage if the penetration is above the armor level. The Lib Pen medium armor penetration, so it deals full damage to all light armor targets and is capable of damaging medium armor targets - although it seems to have less damage than the normal Liberator, in practice it does not!
Almost all light armoured units have AV1 which is completely defeated by standard light penetration (AP2). There are exceptions (most notably Brood Commander heads) where what you said is true (except you deal 65% damage, not half), but it's absolutely not generally applicable.
@@mystery_exe I think the point though is that there isn't much of a difference between the two at the end of the day, but the Lib pen lets you take down a few enemies quicker and pen more armor options at the cost of a breakpoint here and there.
The Knight slander is fucking treason. Democracy officer, this guy right here!
Spending $20 on that shit is treason
I used it once. Nope
Base SMG still better than all other SMGs in the game
Keep it real, fellow Super Citizen. The poors will always be mad over pocket change.
@@Clogmonger You are not spending 20 bucks for the gun. You pay to support the devs. Also stratagem hero is pretty good for increasing input speed. The gun is just a fun feature on top. And for that it's gas.
Honestly the thing I love about the vanilla Liberator is that you can use it as a one-size-fits-all in terms of scoping and select fire. Tweak some of the settings on the fly and now your auto rifle's a half-decent marksman rifle.
In the wide open spaces where engagements happen at any range, I think there's something to appreciate about that.
Brutally Honest Backpack Guide
Shield = Pussy Diver
Jump Pack = Meme Diver
Resupply = Chad Diver
Laser Drone = I can't look around for bugs Diver.
Drone = I headshot things I do not look at.
"but at least it gives multiple play styles the opportunity to be bad" truer words have never been spoken
"The Default Liberator is a gun you give a movie extra you know is gonna die in the next scene anyways." 😂😂😂
man nothing like getting on helldivers with some mates and doing a defult guns and armour run with the liberator.
I do that with the constitution and redeemer
The liberators trade damage for flexibility. Want to spray down hordes? Full auto has you covered. Want to dps down larger targets at range? Burst fire is there for that. Want to snipe some base defenders? Semi auto and scope zooms have you covered. Its not flashy, but it can basically do anything. I normally use the liberator concussive because I actually prefer to play support so yes we exist. The Liberator carbine is best in small relatively close skirmishes. Its higher rate of fire gives it better kill times than the other liberators, but its recoil and ammo consumption rate make the gun difficult to use over longer ranges and longer battles.
You would think so, but in practice, I have found that this supposed flexibility is not actually that special or remarkable. For example, everything you named here can be done with about the same or better effectiveness by using a Diligence. You just have to tap quickly instead of holding down the button to spray - That's it.
It’s a jack of all trades, master of none.
Purifier has entered the chat*
For the longest time, since the game basically dropped, I've been using the Liberator almost exclusively. It's like a cold bottle of water. It does everything it needs to do and honestly I love the fact that it's just. Consistent. Bugs or Bots, hard or easy, the Liberator and the Carbine just do what it's mean to do. The stone foundation to the house of the potiential houses that you can build ontop of it.
I think I heard a strange noise over in that dark tunnel can you go check it out?
Also on the topic of the Knight. I originally thought it was only gonna be good against bugs; but after the recent head/skull weakspot buff that came with the 60-days patch, you're bound to chew through a few Berserkers if you aim in the general direction of their skulls while they're marching at you. You'll need an actually good Secondary/Tertiary to compensate the fact that you chew through ammo with it like it's nothing, but its a fun mix-up to the usual stuff that folks run.
@@BigothyArchibaldBusinessthe headpops on bot heads are always juicy with the liberator
Yes sir, this is the guy that really loves the "last reload" voiceline
@@chilled_kitten I've got my liberator 8/10 I'll be fine. Other 2 is a Hulk or Charger in which case it's been nice knowing you
Liberator carbine is surprisingly fun to use with three round bursts. The burst fire helps offset the recoil and ammo economy and the fast fire rate makes the three round burst feel less clunky than on the normal liberator
Honestly, yeah, was looking for this comment. Liberator Carbine with burst is a terrifying thing. Recovery time between bursts isn't all too bad, so especially at close ranges you can just pump out burst after burst in such a small time window, shredding lots of little targets or a couple big ones.
Just popped my arm out of its socket for this one
Try popping a stim instead
The liberator is beautiful for being so perfectly just okay
I love the base Liberator, it really is a workhorse.
Concussive is good for stopping things from hitting you. Sure you can kill a Stalker or a heavy devastator faster but that’s implying you’re not missing your shots or if you can kill it fast enough as it closes in or shoots back while you’re trying to hit the weak spots. Concussive stops them dead in their tracks and allows for easier weak spot shots or sustained fire on a sitting target.
pummeler is better because they get stunned in spot, letting you head shot things easier and save ammo
I think the main issue I have with this defense for the gun is that there are way better weapons to do that exact thing though. I don't want to use a worse liberator when I can just bring a punisher, slugger, pummeler, dominator, etc, if I want to stagger and or stun the enemy.
It kind of has the issue the Lib Pen had on release where its a weapon that delves into a niche where there are better options. I feel like this is even further intensified now since devastators flinch, so one of the only enemies where it might be better due to its ability to stop them from aiming at you doesn't really matter anymore.
It always just comes down to it being better to kill an enemy than to concuss them while others push forward.
It work okay-ish on "hunter extravaganza" missions, you know the ones where scavengers are replaced by little jumpy guys, and sucks everywhere else. You just dont usually need this much stagger with such low damage.
The thing is, you can concuss more enemies at once than you can kill with other guns. The cocussive is an amazing horde management gun. But I wouldn't bring it for bots@@TheDapperSaint
Counter point on the Liberator Penetrator being a crutch: the unarmored sections of Bugs are not actually "weak points", as in take extra damage. They usually actually take less damage there. So, being able to brain a bugs medium armored head can be quicker. Further, many enemies have light armor 2 body parts that effectively take 35% less damage from the AP-2 Liberator (high angle hits against an Armor class 1 area, Berzerker chests, Brood commander heads, spewer heads, most exposed weak points on bugs from their armor getting blown off) but take full damage from the AP-3 Liberator Penetrator, offsetting the damage reduction. Hence why I prefer it (and most AP-3 weapons) to the base AP-2 model.
Bear in mind that medium armor pen weapons do full damage through light armour while light armour pen weapons deal half. The difference between white and red hitmarker
Not even sure why people think the current Liberators are bad, if anything, I think they're AMAZING if you build your loadout to round things out. The base and carbine Liberators are able to one-shot scavengers, 2-3 shot hunters and 3-5 shot Warriors, and with a total round count of 405, you have a pretty damn nice trash-clearing primary, that's 405 dead scavengers, will pair very well with stuff like AMR, Autocannon, MG206 or sth which can fill in for what the Liberator can't do well at. I run Liberator/Tenderizer a lot with my MG206 on both bots and bugs on diff10 and they round each other out very well, especially now that MG206, AMR, Autocannon and stuff can handle Behemoth Chargers and stuff pretty damn well now.
Yes, I am aware of stuff like Breakers, Xbow, Scorcher, Purifier and what not...but sometimes you just really want a reliable, purely trash-killing primary that has a lot of ammo to quickly deal with those trash swarms, while your support weapon deals with most of the bigger stuff. And tbh, now that you deal 65% dmg to enemies with same armor value instead of 50%, base Liberator is actually not at all bad to deal with Alpha Commanders, takes like 14 shots to the head.
Liberator has never let me down, when I say jump, Liberator says how high, it's a little workhorse
You answered your own question in the first sentence. An actually good weapon doesn't require 'rounding out', it's what does the rounding out for you. Liberators suffer against a lot of the common kill threats - rocket striders, spewers, alpha commanders and hulks. They do succeed in killing devastators and hunters, but that is often just not good enough to be 'good'. A truly good weapon stands almost enitrely on its own, letting you take a more specialized support weapon or to have the freedom to swap between them in any situation
@@ExValeFor You are making it sound like something so alien, it ain't even that bad...most of the weapons we have in this game are AP2, and to an extent they're all gonna need to have their little blanks filled a bit, cuz primaries ain't ever gonna be able to do everything. Even AP3 weapons need to be rounded out somewhat too because despite the fact that they of course can deal with some other enemies more effectively, they are usually lacking in some other departments (like ammo). I'd only ever truly think it's 100% better to bring AP3 weapons whenever I bring a VERY specialized support weapon like Quasar or Recoilless, but that's not all there is to support weapons you know...but most of the times, they do offer much less chaff-killing capabilties.
Even the more picked weapons like...crossbow, breakerIE, cookout, purifier, Sickle, etc...need to have the loadout built to be rounded out to some most people running crossbow or purifier/scorcher I've seen usually bring a support weapon or secondary that give them a bit extra safer trash-clear or something to fall to if they get swarmed and don't want to explode themselves. Even people running stuff like...BreakerIE or Blitzer need to build their loadout to compensate for their own specific lackings, BreakerIE for ammo, Blitzer for range. So on and so on.
I've seen people screw themselves by bringing xbow and scorcher while having Recoilless/Quasar or even to a lesser extent Autocannon or Grenade Launcher...because sometimes, they just end up swarmed by Pouncers or Alpha Warriors, with no way to deal with them without dying from self-dmg AoE. So idk about you, depending on what support wepaon you're bringing, I'd MUCH rather have a nice, reliable Liberator or Tenderizer to take care of a lot of little guys. Yeah Blitzer or Adjudicator are cool and all...but I like being able to do with Shriekers and Alpha Warriors from afar, and having nice recoil and ergonomics.
And whether this means anything or not, I am lvl 150 with 1.4k hours in this game.
@@sivel7493 average liberator defender
@@umbrallegacy5135 your mom
One advantage of the default is that it's scope kicks ass, very good for actually hitting bot weakpoints
Now now now we most definitely get ANOTHER liberator
Liberator SAW a heavier longer barrel for continuous fire a larger magazine most definitely a DRUM magazine it has more recoil because reasons
Edit: source is I made it the fuck up aka it’s generally based on the L86A2
... it was in the first game. it was called the stallwart. a really neat and well balanced primary.
@@Folly_Inds Another Helldivers 1 Vet very cool indeed, Sadly they didn't bring back the old Stallwart as a primary hell instead of making it a strategem in 2 they could have brought back the old MGX-42 for that purpose
which for anyone else who does not know the MGX-42 was a disposable machine gun with like 400 rounds emptying in 14 seconds which if my math is right should be something like 1680 rounds a minute id imagine its cool down would be on the same lines as the EAT if not slightly more it was awesome
Yeah idk why they think the stalwart can fly as a support weapon
Liberator is the definition of a jack of all trades weapon, master of none, but it puts in the work if you let it and is flexible to almost every playstyle and faction
"This is my Rifle, there are many like it but this one is mine"
Talking about the Liberator reminds me of talking about the Everest in Lancer. It's standard issue for a reason. It's the 'worst' not because it's bad, but because if it was worse than the Everest, it wasn't worth making. The Liberator isn't sub-par, it's *the* par.
As a Knight SMG owner and proud user, at 3:30 is this a slow Liberator Carbine joke I have to fast of a fire rate to understand?
Lol. Same here. Slow rpm is for peasants.
@@sparetheearthlings laughs in Reprimand
@@elliotnemeth lol. I gotta get that warbond and try it out.
@@sparetheearthlings highly recommend! It’s only really good for up close combat, but it makes berserkers feel like paper
Yeah your "rounds hit" percentage is too small to get it
The sheer number of puns in this video, omg! Subscribed
Love the handling on the Carbine. Feels so smooth to snap to enemies
2:24 erm actually it's called a mag 🤓
Another cool thing about the Liberator Penetrator is that you can destroy both a Factory Strider's machine guns with just one mag for each. And the main part that helps with that is the low recoil it has.
This was the best under 10k youtube video ive ever watched. I laughed audibly at 5am while everyone else was sleeping. Funny asf
The Liberator AP also went through multiple versions of itself. When it first dropped, it only had burst or semi auto modes, and less ammo than the default version. It was essentially a small dmr. The concussion also started with a normal mag, instead of a drum mag.
Weird thing about the penetrater, while it has lower base damage, that armor 3 pen actually makes it to where you don’t suffer the 35% damage penalty when shooting something with class 2 armor like the other liberators do. So, depending on what you’re hitting exactly, it actually out-damages weapons with higher damage. Now, generally speaking, I’d rather use the adjudicator if I’m hitting armor, but the penetrator fits that niche with more range.
The concussive is actually really nice against bugs for that higher durable damage. Also despite not visually staggering, it's fantastic against spewers because one bullet causes an interrupt to their spew, even if they started the animation for the attack. Real handy on those nursing spewer missions.
It’s not about the death of the enemy, but the amount of small spikes of pain you can inflict before giving it the sweet release of death.
That carbine is going to be my Illuminate gun. It was through the first Galactic War, and it will continue to serve in this one. I just want my bayonet back
I love how you mentioned that they are all your favorite.
I like liberator pen for bugs for its performance against brood/alpha commanders. When using the regular liberator, because the commanders have light armour on their heads you only do 45 damage to them per shot (65% of 70 base damage) whereas since the penetrator overmatches armour pen you do the full 60 damage, it shreds.
I still love the regular liberator tho, it's unremarkable but it _feels_ so good to use
Keep in mind, that the heads are also 60-70% durable, which makes it even lower damage: 21,385 vs 28.5 damage. That's 12 shots to pop an Alpha's head on the Lib and 9 on the Pen.
The knight is actually pretty good after they buffed it. very accurate with super high fire rate.
But its damage per bullet still keeps it in line.
switching to burst fire is where its best. but going full auto on the hulks backside makes them blow up real fast.
I like how you talked about every single one being you favorite of the bunch
Rocking the default servo assisted armor with a default helmet, unembellished allegiance cape, and liberator, makes for a perfect battle hardened default diver fit.
Penetrator is very nice on high difficulty missions where there's more armoured enemies than not. You ain't easily taking out spewers or reinforced scout striders with light ap
Assault rifles provide is accuracy by volume. Say you wanna headshot a devastator but find it hard to.
Firing your rounds in bursts make it so you have multiple chances to land it on their heads. The scope on all libs are all pretty great for that regard.
That being said ARs are good at is clearing chaff enemies, though now they do compete with the best bug chaff clearer of them all, the arc blitzer.
Firing in a burst also gives you multiple chances to miss. I often find it better to just shoot the torso, which has a way bigger hitbox and only requires 5 hits from the standard Liberator. Or if you have enough time, buff your accuracy by crouching and going scoped (yes that reduces recoil).
Love using the concussive when running a flame oriented build, watching the bugs be stunlocked inside of flames is satisfying like no other
You say "another liberator video" like we don't want another Liberator video.
Hot damn I had the expectations amount 0 when I clicked this video and waited for another monotonous boring HD2 tuber piling their opinions onto the datapile we already have but you actually have a personality and made me laugh at certain points. Kudos!
lol notice how he said. "This one is my favourite." for each of them 🤣
I feel like unironically running liberator should come with monetary compensation at the end of the mission. Like you are sponsored by the arms company or something.
I play with each warbond I get as die hard as I physically can for a long time, so I’ve gotten used to the recoil on the Liberator Carbine, and once you get that down, it’s a solid gun to use, just the fact it has a burst fire mode that helps you get used to the recoil is great
playing default armor with a liberator, air strike, turret, orbital strike and recoilless is the closest you can get to "mook" in this game and being the mvp of a squad with this loadout feels incredible
i love my liberator, default is default for a reason
Your content and voice fit perfectly. Reminds me of what the voice for one of those gangster dogs playing poker… or a bad guy from the Dick Tracy world. Gives off 1920’s-40’s vibes from Chicago. Please make more content!
Also, Happy Liberty Day
Broooo! this is some A+ content! Hilarious, subbed.
The Concussive may not be a good primary in terms of being a real gun, but you can just get a guard dog and suddenly you're the support for a flying auto aim drone.
I actually do think you should make an SMG review similar to this, because you're totally right, no SMG in this game actually feels like an SMG except for the MP-98 Knight. Which I own because I'm a Helldivers addict BUT that's besides the point.
The Knight has a stupidly high fire rate with 50-round mags, but is actually pretty effective when you fire in short bursts. Or you can just mag dump to get that sweet, sweet BRRRRT, no support weapon needed.
can confirm this was worth missing 6 stream or however many!
Liberator concussive. Burn the ground with a grenade or flame weapon, wait for enemies to go near you. Oh they made it out? Push them back in. Minimum effort killing, bane of hunters and stalkers.
To support allies, have said ally bring something that would benefit the team that you can cover its weakness with.
HMG or AT placement? EMS orbital to create a wall of stun against chargers, concussive to push enemies that are getting too close behind the shooter, bring AT to cover the HMG placement against bile titans and factory striders, shield placement against harvesters.
Bring anti crowd to cover AT placements.
Cover your reloading backpack user with the same tactics. Orbital gas is also a nice support bombardment to bring along with the liberator concussive. Same tactics with the fire but you can also CC enemies like the EMS (does not stop charging enemies of course).
Also works with area denial turrets and sentries like the tesla, flame sentry, and rocket sentry. Push the enemy in for the first two and push the enemy out with the rocket sentry
All weapons in this game have a purpose and a specific playstyle to support, you just have to find that playstyle. I love how you covered the liberator P as a good weapon if you don't want to aim at weak points but still be able to kill them or the incredible firepower of the carbine.
The same logic can be applied to all other weapons.
For example, in shotguns
Breaker: immense firepower, limited ammo -> same as the carbine
Slugger: immense firepower with stun -> low rate of fire weakness
Incendiary: good for hit and run, best for highly mobile gameplay
Spray and pray: maximum power for clearing hordes -> terrible at dealing with armored enemies. Opposite of the slugger
Punisher: I honestly am not a fan of this. I have yet to find someone with an incredible playstyle with this weapon
The Assault Rifle block (read: the Liberator Selector) is proof that Arrowhead should've focused on weapon customization and loadouts.
The liberator-penetrator but with aiming is a machine.
I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite variant of this video on the Internet.
The normal liberator feels like the stock Scattergun in TF2.
Sure it has no perks like its contemporaries, but when used right it can deal some seriously consistent damage as long as its user is consistently skilled.
The liberator carbine has a little quirk from its fire rate, it keeps the regular stagger force from the stock liberator. So the extra 300~ rpm allows it to actually push back medium enemies to some degree
I would love the carbine variant if it had a larger magazine size. Imagine it having 75 bullets per mag to truly fill that Pray&Spray role but for ARs. Wet dream, for sure.
Best analysis of the Liberator weapons I've seen. On the point!
helldivers 2
a game where they could add the most unnecessary weapon and everyone is just going to laugh and enjoy the chaos
A video on the improved purifier plasma.
I wish they'll add a 'ceremonial' liberator variant. No scope and just iron sights, no lasers or any flashy attachments, just the gun, 45 round mags, and a bayonet.
Two things I think this game needs to have better usage for the most "underwhelming" variants of weapons:
1- Intel on what kinds of enemies we are dropping into. For example, whether a planet is a pouncer swarm variant (requiring more ammo capacity and less armor penetration), or bile spewer variant (where medium pen is king and ammo capacity is not that big of a deal). It could even be sometimes absent, as a negative planet modifier, so the enemy's element of surprise would still be retained sometimes.
2- An enemy faction that uses little to no armor, relying instead on numbers for smaller enemies and large health pools for the bigger ones. That would give all light-pen weapons and strats more relevance.
Fun factoid about the Concussive though, it's got higher than average durable damage. It's funnily enough one of the more efficient ARs for killing bugs due to their high durable percentage heads on higher difficulties, and just slightly better at going to town on weak points like the Charger butt. It is by far my favorite bug weapon because of this, though I wish the RPM was slightly higher as 320 feels a bit too slow. Something rad and cool like 420 would feel much better.
Of all the helldivers 2 videos ive seen. This one is my favourite. 😎
The Knight is essentially a P-90. Only advantage over commando is that you can one-hand it with shield and objectives.
Its barely "okay"
Wave Race my beloved
I've using the Lib penetrator a lot lately and it's actually excellent. It's a bit less optimal against swarms of hunters, but it makes up for that in being able to take out two alpha commanders in one mag. Requires more accuracy and choosing your targets compared to the sickle which I was using before, but like I said it's medium armor pen makes it worth using.
Based video
I like the Liberator Concussive, but I pair it with the Gundog and I take it with orbital napalm, gas grenades and orbital gas strike (with quasar support) and what I do is I use the LibCon to push enemies BACK INTO the napalm and gas hazards I set down. and the Libcon just shuts down stalkers in their places.
another fun pairing is the Libcon with orbital gas and minefields. you can use the Libcon to push enemies into minefields, or us gas to confuse enemies and in their confusion walk into and set off minefields. turning the game into a rube goldberg machine of death.
when you have 1,150 hours in the game, you make your own fun and experiments with weapons and stratagem combos.
I mean if todd howard can release the same game like 7 times...
On the liberator concussive, I find it good for the terminid front because you wont be killing 4 brood commanders barreling towards you with the other variants but you can stop them all in their tracks wit the concussive, bonus tip: hitting spewers after they have started their vomit attack stops it immediately.
I miss the Liberator Explosive. I understand that it used to be objectively the strongest liberator and not even by a small margin with the explosive property, but the liberator concussive is such a different gun compared to its former glory that it makes me sad.
Dubious, but funny advice.
The Concussive is great against bugs, the push back is immediate, while death might not be (cough headless warriors cough) and it interrupts animations like hunter jumps or commander charges. Honestly really like it, good bullet economy and will keep you alive.
Penetrator can kill R-striders, that makes it a little more reliable, opens up the loadout options.
Deluxe edition owner here. The Knight basically functions as a slightly faster Liberator Carbine you can one hand. But it has less recoil control, so it's far better in bursts.
5-7 shot bursts yield the best results in my experience. You can go higher against bugs.
on bugs i run mostly flame thrower and piss dog aka laser drone backpack. i always run the concussive liberator, u can stun spewers out of puking and run, you can push enemies back into the fire on the ground, it still as a good enough fire rate to deal with hunters. honestly my favorite primary
Concussive is pretty great paired with the Flamethrower, pushing bugs back to give you a little more space to not burn yourself alive.
Once in a while i'll try a new gun, but the base liberator to me is perfect. can damage bigger enemies with precision or can cull hordes with decent fire rate, and doesn't sacrifice too much capacity for it. Liberator my beloved
big fan of the Penetrator myself because, while it trades off a slight bit of damage, the medium armor penetration can come in handy in a hectic gunfight
I discovered the carbine this last week and it's super! I *have* the Knight SMG and it is unusable. They both work the same, except the Knight fires EVEN FASTER and has less bullets. I can use the carbine to pull 2-3 shot bursts and absolutely DELETE chaff, leaving the bigger stuff for my HMG. This works for bots and illuminate.
Ever since the Illuminate returned I have dropped every other primary for my standard liberator, that thing is so good even on lvl 10s
this guy has 4 favorite liberator carbines lmao
Liberators are fun at being guns with no significant downsides. No significant upsides, either. But hey, we'd all be proud to be called human beings who at least aren't crackheads, too, even if we're never known for having any positive qualities.
Fun fact you can still buy the deluxe edition via random steam links in the hd2 subreddit
i think the Carbine has better ammo economy than other Liberators if you put it on burst fire. It has such a high RoF that you are almost practically shooting 1 big bullet each burst. if you count your 15 bursts well enough you can reload with 1 bullet left in the chamber to shorten the reload time. 45/3=15 reloading early gets you 45+1 rounds in the gun.
Also i like the concussive for keeping my turrets(and teammates) safe from a longer range than other stun/stagger weapons but only if i pack other weapons that have synergy with it.
Liberator Penetrator is my pick against bugs because when you're running from a big swarm, you really don't have time to aim for weak points. Just send as many armor piercing bullets in that direction as you can and make a good faith effort to direct them generally towards the head.
For bots, there is no gun but the Diligence Counter-Sniper. None. When it's toaster time I don't even acknowledge that other primaries exist.
The Penetrator was not done justice. Against bots, sure it's the subpar option as the standard variant has superior TTK. But Against Bugs it really shines.
The main reason is being able to penetrate Hiveguard shields, which are annoying as hell to kill while being swarmed.
But it is also able to pen the heads of Bile spewers and does full damage to Alpha Commander heads, which only take partial damage from light pen due to their 2 Armor.
Liberator concussive + flamethrower absolutely bullies terminids
The StA 52 is pretty much the liberator with a reasonable increase in rate of fire, more ammo, and slight increase in recoil. Cant rember if it comes with 6 or 7 extra drums
I have a different opinion on the Lib Pen. It's not so you don't have to aim. It's a gun you can down medium armor enemies and gunships with. It's a little less neccesary with the enemy armor nerf but it's still a nice counterpoint to weapons like the Stalwart of Flamethrower. It's lets you pop enemies the Stalwart can't easily, like Bile Spewers. Or at all, like Bot Gunships. Lastly, in the case of the flamethrower, it lets you pop enemies that are too dangerous to let in flamethrower range, again like the Bile Spewers. I usually use the Dominator or Countersniper for that but there are certain loadouts where having a primary that is both rapid fire and medium pen, and where your need the grenade pistol. It's a small niche but it exists.
As a viper commando Warbond specialist I use the liberator carbine and only the liberator carbine as my primary.
And I would love to see a video on the viper commando Warbond as a whole and how well armor and weapons synergize with each other.
Ah yes the liberator, the poor mans knight.
liberator is infinitely better and more versatile than the knight
@@jon.meister not*
@@Frenchtoastedfruitloops elaborate then, because right now it's far from one of the best guns in the game, and you could even make a solid case that it's not even the best SMG
@@jon.meister I said it's better than the liberator not one of the best guns Mr straw man. It's very small trade offs of 1 recoil and 5 DMG are not enough to make up for more ammo and double the fire rate plus one handed use of the knight. That extra 5 DMG is not hitting any new break points.
Imagine paying that much just for one gun, a mid armor set, for the engineers on the super destroyer to flick the on switch on that dumbass arcade game, and a title card that says "I'm Special"
I think we should wait for the new warbond to do a video on the three (ignoring the Knight) SMGs, as the third SMG is coming in the new warbond.
Before i watch this video i will disregard everything said about my beloved liberator concussive