Oh no it's not an emulator - It's a famiclone that plays NES games natively but with smoothness ruined by the TFT's refresh rate. Also, a suggestion. Maybe the camera angle on the handheld isn't so hot - you don't want the screen to look blurry and half tilted away from the camera right?
Bro i thought u were famous because of the good editing
You look like retro future
you need to boost up your audio volume
Oh no it's not an emulator - It's a famiclone that plays NES games natively but with smoothness ruined by the TFT's refresh rate.
Also, a suggestion. Maybe the camera angle on the handheld isn't so hot - you don't want the screen to look blurry and half tilted away from the camera right?
That d pad infuriates me
No? This is the worst emulator console you can get. Spend the extra $5-10 on an rg36s
Adams Estate
Considering you could by Super Monkey Ball Jr. three times for this price, its certainly a pass.
There's stuff for 20 bucks that'll load roms from an sd card and do more than nes so I don't see how this is a good deal
Yep! When you watch the video we don't end up recommending it 😂