Eric,你好。Welcome to Toronto 你首先盡快找一個Condo ,必須附近有巴士站及近Supermarket.有了固定地址,去儘快考車牌。先考G1是筆試,之後排期考G2,到你G2路試合格,考最後一期是考Highway, G Class 同時,去找工作做 溫馨提示,你必須申請OHIP。 祝福你事事順利,千萬不要放棄
Hi Eric! Welcome to Toronto! 第一次睇你的片。欣賞你的勇氣!初嚟陌生地方有一定的挑戰,但也可當是有趣的冒險。不要盡信Google Map,如你住Kipling ,其實不用轉streetcar 同GO train,由Kipling 搭Subway在Bloor轉Yonge線上Finch總站,再免費轉巴士已可在CentrePoint對面落車,只係一個價錢!不用步行幾哩路!😅 車牌一定要考,因可當ID用。另外,in case you don’t know, you can put Presto card in your Apple wallet ,方便好多。😊 祝你一切順利!
If English speaking and listening is an issue, this definitely will affect you being a social worker in Canada. To be a qualified social worker in Canada or other countries, I believe you need to enrol in a few classes, get to know the systems etc. It is not easy at all !
You can take the bus from Finch Station to Centre Point. Make good use of your ticket fare. If you want to become a Registered Social Worker (RSW), you need to go through the credential assessment process with the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) and the registration process with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW). This process takes around one year. Consider pursuing a different job, rather than social work, especially since you only have a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) and limited Canadian and clinical experience. It is not easy to get a job offer in social work right now. Markham/ RH is a remote area. It is suitable for a family, not single person. Before that, psychological safety is more important. Find a place where you feel safe to live before securing a job.
You are doing well. It might help to get familiar with the TTC system. For instance, you can transfer to bus 60 or 53 to reach Centrepoint Mall, and the fare is already covered.
First time watching your channel with the vlog that you left HK, Congrats to your graduation and Welcome to the other side of the World 🎊🎉 It's very hard to walk on the road😅 I agreed that you can only walk dead lol Hurry up to get a driver's license and get into the life and I'm sure you would be fine and love it !! Add Oil ~ and I have just subscribed you and looking forward to your onward clips 😉
Hello, welcome to Canada. Repeat to yourself every morning when you wake up: the official language in Canada is English and French. You need to be fluent in either languages if you want a good job. Don’t blame the bank for not having Cantonese speaking staff. Also look at the world map everyday, compare the size of Canada and the map of Hong Kong, get into your head that Canada is a very big country, don’t compare everything with Hong Kong all the time, see what there is around you instead of Hong Kong this and that. Most of Canada is quiet, most people start work at 7am in the morning, a lot of people go to bed by 9pm. If you want a live in a place remotely as crowded and busy as Hong Kong, you need to live in the downtown core of Toronto. If you are going to stay in the GTA, you need to drive, winter is coming, waiting for buses in subzero temperatures is not fun. Oh yes, there are homeless people around, especially around and in subway stations because it’s a kind of free shelter, they on the whole don’t mean you any harm. By the way, the UV factor in Canada is high because the sky is clear (not much air pollution) wear sun glasses and use sun cream when you are out. Hope you settle and get a job soon. In the meantime time, enjoy the clean air, enjoy the nature around you, Canada is famous for its nature, not its shopping malls.
我係三十幾年前移民嚟到呢度,你而家嚟加拿大真係好勇敢,cost of living 而家真係越嚟越離譜。 未搵到工之前可能好難搵到地方租。我女朋友話畀我知好多地方要求有就業證明先會租俾你。你租一間房同其他人住可能會容易啲。 就業證明嘅意思係你唔可以做現金工。依家會比較難,你要同成千上萬嘅印度移民競爭。我諗而家青年失業率接近14%。希望你有啲人脈可以幫你搵到第一份工,會好辛苦,但我祝你一切順利。
Welcome to Canada! Autumn is around the corner! Make sure you wear sunglass when it’s sunny outside! Also bring a jacket along! Morning & Evening will be cooler
Hello from a 港大佬! I guess you are staying in Etopicoke which is a bit far from most of new HKers who reside in GTA (Greater Toronto Area), but I think it's just a temporary residence only. Btw, I won't repeat the kind words and advice given by other people here, but I wanna tell you I know the reason why you don't buy coffee from HK's SB. Add oil, and don't give up easily despite the many challenges ahead (cos living in Canada isn't easy these days). But I have faith in you, and you'll make it to the end as you are young and as long as you hold on to your values. 加油,希望到我幾年後來加時你已well settled 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Eric,你好。Welcome to Toronto
你首先盡快找一個Condo ,必須附近有巴士站及近Supermarket.有了固定地址,去儘快考車牌。先考G1是筆試,之後排期考G2,到你G2路試合格,考最後一期是考Highway, G Class
勇敢的孩子!👍👍👍 因為你,我訂閱了。
Hi Eric! Welcome to Toronto! 第一次睇你的片。欣賞你的勇氣!初嚟陌生地方有一定的挑戰,但也可當是有趣的冒險。不要盡信Google Map,如你住Kipling ,其實不用轉streetcar 同GO train,由Kipling 搭Subway在Bloor轉Yonge線上Finch總站,再免費轉巴士已可在CentrePoint對面落車,只係一個價錢!不用步行幾哩路!😅 車牌一定要考,因可當ID用。另外,in case you don’t know, you can put Presto card in your Apple wallet ,方便好多。😊 祝你一切順利!
Welcome!! 我都係黎左加拿大3個月,好多野都係慢慢黎,有朋友係呢邊就住近朋友,可以有個照應呀!
hi 歡迎來到加拿大多倫多,就快入冬,要買好雪褸雪靴,如果不適就要去超市買定啲藥,因為小病唔會睇醫生呢度,一個人生活真唔容易,如果可以的話去下教會,會識到人,但當然都要小心,教會都有壞人😅,anyway 祝一齊順利😊
@@mathieu8083 唔通臨喝先來掘井?🤣🤣🤣
選擇住Finch and Yonge 扡鐵站近,方便好多。
沒有咁誇張! 冬天不能在街行? 我冬天時時都在戶外行成二十分鐘,我已70歲,只要戴帽,有一件好的jacket (不一定要買Canada Goose ), 帶頸巾
帶,手套,有一雙好的防滑boots 便沒有問題, 而且越行越熱,所以衣服要穿layers,可以隨時徐衫
你搵這間Airbnb 太遠啦,應該係Scarborough 或North York找
If English speaking and listening is an issue, this definitely will affect you being a social worker in Canada.
To be a qualified social worker in Canada or other countries, I believe you need to enrol in a few classes, get to know the systems etc. It is not easy at all !
如果有master degree 可能會好些
You can take the bus from Finch Station to Centre Point. Make good use of your ticket fare.
If you want to become a Registered Social Worker (RSW), you need to go through the credential assessment process with the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) and the registration process with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW). This process takes around one year.
Consider pursuing a different job, rather than social work, especially since you only have a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) and limited Canadian and clinical experience. It is not easy to get a job offer in social work right now.
Markham/ RH is a remote area. It is suitable for a family, not single person.
Before that, psychological safety is more important. Find a place where you feel safe to live before securing a job.
支持😊 叻仔
想講廣東話要住Marhkam or Richmond Hill, 但一定要有車。如果開頭冇車就住North York 或 Downtown 會好d😊見到homeless 唔好有eye contact... 一般都唔會理你
若你去坐 TTC street car/ bus ,揀窗口位,一來睇吓街境,二來可先認識道路使用規則 e.g. TTC street car 停車上落客 或 黃色校巴停車讓學童上落時,尾隨/附近嘅車都要緊記停車,令你加深認識,幫助你日後考路試。
我個女兩年前去咗多倫多,喺香港讀social works,但只係做年青人義工服務。去多倫多入咗間華人機構都係做年青人服務,已經成功登記為social worker。已經申請咗PR大半年,等緊最終結果。近排加拿大經濟稍差,失業率高,好多香港人失業都好難再搵到工。但係香港人好處就係肯做,我個女男朋友做過幾份工,現時做汽車保險,亦已儲夠時數申請PR。年青人只要有理想,肯做喺加拿大唔怕搵唔到工。
當你閣下安定下來的時候,伊桃碧谷係一個非常好住的地方,當然如果你懐念香港的生活方式就唔啱你·可能我係老華僑嘅關係,搬到Etobicoke 17年多比較過去31年這裡最好,不能夠叫人唔好搬嚟這社區·祝願你能夠適應加拿大的生活,一切順利,神祝福你!
從你條片見到嘅兩條街名去Google 就顯示你住嘅Airbnb響Etobicoke喎,我響多倫多住咗幾十年就好少去Etobicoke, 乜行去downtown只需要半個鐘頭咩? 我又真係唔知, 可能Etobicoke嘅房租會比downtown平所以先考慮租呢區? 都見到有人留言建議你租north York, 其實租Yonge 地鐵線沿線一般交通會方便少少, 但係自然就貴翻少少, 個人認為如果行路去地鐵站10分鐘路程範圍都可以接受。 介紹翻, 加拿大搭TTC, 考慮買張Presto卡, 由第一次拍卡嘅兩小時內係免費轉車, 所以如果你響Finch車站落地鐵, 然後應該響地鐵站轉巴士去Centrepoint mall, 唔使行啦, Finch到Steeles, 行起碼半個鐘頭, 下次用Google Map幫你規劃行程, 都信得過嘅。 希望你之後一切順利啦, 加油
在外國係咁嘅沒有問題。不要每次消費都對回港幣,這樣會影響自己。試吓找看看有冇apartment 出租.有埋公家的的laundry room 又可以在地鐵站出入,冬天落雪都不用担心,因全蓋通道可以回到所居的apartment 大堂。而且大堂又有supermarket 存在,買東西極之方便。我搬了很多次屋才找到。你選對了地方居住.North York 有friend 便Okay. Kennedy 區域我沒有選擇。因我很喜歡去downtown 市中心,很旺,和市民特別有禮貌。區域沒瓦遮頭,怕熱要戴帽和太陽鏡。要保護眼睛,防紫外光。有雲,你嫌少而己。又係食Wendy, 小心熱氣。買中國人的凉茶及其他用品最好就是去Scarborough. 係Finch 轉火車,再轉輕鐵,住到咁遠.入夜是萬事都要小心。無家者無處不在,處處都在。晚上坐地鈇,火車,輕鈇,巴士etc.,記得要接近司机範圍以策安全。你考慮轉去North York, 或Middletown 租屋. 如找工,方便很多。住house是很僻静。街燈暗是必然,是常規。在 + 字路口,過馬路或自駕,亦要額外小心,很多[失魂魚].
😱真嫁? 唔慣帶太陽眼鏡出街, 淨係帶帽
那是真的。無論 夏天有太陽 或是冬天有雪都一定要有太陽眼鏡。隨身帶備
@@kakaka4340不是,接觸紫外線對眼睛有益,晚間的退黑色素會正常,如果你帶眼鏡block 左紫外線,你反而會影響荷爾蒙,你的眼睛再看電子產品,你瞳孔反而會更敏感,你會傷到你眼睛 更易有流眼水和白內障
credit check也不是一定要用SIN的
You are doing well. It might help to get familiar with the TTC system. For instance, you can transfer to bus 60 or 53 to reach Centrepoint Mall, and the fare is already covered.
祝你好運連連! 加拿大不是容易呀! < 耕難大 >! 多結交些朋友👫對你有幫助!
Thank you for your sharing. Take care. New challenge for you. Take your time one day at a time. Enjoy your stay. Your future is bright and free.
Kipling係好遠㗎, North York係好旺, 多倫多市中心嘅正中點,點會似上水粉嶺啊?
Eric 你如果未揾到屋,可以來我度暫住,我同個仔2個人,我地住係Scarborough 去華人超市行路10分鐘,Walmart 20,所以我地踏單車就快好多。附近有RBC ,及Td ,職員都係講廣東話。
@@Kep12323 大家出來,冇人冇物,能幫就幫,我就好彩,有人幫咗我先。
而且我住Agincourt 呢邊好方便的物價又平,food court 的飯都係10以內。
@@sccuy6457 加油!慢慢適應,祝生活各方面平安順利。👍🎉💖
Welcome to Toronto.㊗️ Hope you will get used to communicating with fellow Canadians with ease very soon🙌🏻
一齊加油💪🏻 努力適應新生活
如果想容易找到社工工作,提議可申請做一些social worker的義工,本地很多華人非牟利組織都需要,上網找啦,有機會由義工轉做casual,跟住part-time 至 full-time。一邊做一邊進修
Toronto 飲咖啡奶茶,suggest Macdonald 或Tim Horton,品質較好,價錢較平
support u , good luck and happy life in Canada.
First time watching your channel with the vlog that you left HK, Congrats to your graduation and Welcome to the other side of the World 🎊🎉 It's very hard to walk on the road😅 I agreed that you can only walk dead lol Hurry up to get a driver's license and get into the life and I'm sure you would be fine and love it !! Add Oil ~ and I have just subscribed you and looking forward to your onward clips 😉
看你這條片, 令我回憶三十年前的自己, 繼續努力吧!我建議你可在Yonge and Finch 這一帶找屋, 因為生活配套可能方便些!
Yonge & Finch附近的房子不會便宜。
Hello, welcome to Canada. Repeat to yourself every morning when you wake up: the official language in Canada is English and French. You need to be fluent in either languages if you want a good job. Don’t blame the bank for not having Cantonese speaking staff.
Also look at the world map everyday, compare the size of Canada and the map of Hong Kong, get into your head that Canada is a very big country, don’t compare everything with Hong Kong all the time, see what there is around you instead of Hong Kong this and that. Most of Canada is quiet, most people start work at 7am in the morning, a lot of people go to bed by 9pm.
If you want a live in a place remotely as crowded and busy as Hong Kong, you need to live in the downtown core of Toronto. If you are going to stay in the GTA, you need to drive, winter is coming, waiting for buses in subzero temperatures is not fun.
Oh yes, there are homeless people around, especially around and in subway stations because it’s a kind of free shelter, they on the whole don’t mean you any harm.
By the way, the UV factor in Canada is high because the sky is clear (not much air pollution) wear sun glasses and use sun cream when you are out.
Hope you settle and get a job soon. In the meantime time, enjoy the clean air, enjoy the nature around you, Canada is famous for its nature, not its shopping malls.
慢慢會適應,年輕人應該 放眼世界,多方面 嘗試體驗,你很勇敢,加油
Tried to rent near public transit. It will be very cold in winter to walk long distance to work or shopping !
我係三十幾年前移民嚟到呢度,你而家嚟加拿大真係好勇敢,cost of living 而家真係越嚟越離譜。
Eric 你千祈唔好去紐約搭地鐵😱 ,多倫多已經算好乾淨.😁
Great. Another one of those in Toronto
我朋友來時到服務中心做義工,有了加拿大經驗便容易的。她現在係在多市最大華人機向頣康中心做,不是做社工。我也是社工,在加做了卅二年,是服務中心的房屋部做助理。你可考慮入non profit housing field. 現在四元下的食物都是吾用付省稅。希望你快些適適應。
non-profit housing field 係咩NGO有搞🤔未熟呢邊社褔個運作,我見網上唔多請SW/Program Worker果D,仲煩緊點樣入翻個Field🫠
萬物都一定要去做 唔清楚的事 一定會🈶️好多人幫你 不用愁。我移民,從香港來已經有卅多年 住在西邊 比較清靜 但是肯多中國人居住 ㊗️一路順風 身體健康❤❤❤
north york 頂多係旺角九龍塘,Markham/Richmond Hill大約係沙田大埔,去到Newmarket/Aurora 就係粉领上水差唔多😅
To be exact大約等於係西環上大埔。
Mid town先係旺角(From google map distance)
Yes, it is legal to drive right turn at red light when it is safe in US too.
Except New York City and Island of Montreal.
@@tungtung8378 要留意一下,有些街口注明紅燈不能右轉的!要注意路牌😜
Take Care , Eric 😅
有巴士可由Finch subway 搭去Centre Point Mall. 凡向北行都可搭.
TTC 入閘計,兩個鐘內任坐,可以坐巴士去CenterPoint Mall.
Wendy's 可以食chili instead of french fries, 唔駛加$
Welcome to Toronto . 我回流這邊都發現不少香港群活動,包括打下波,boardgame. 時差一定有😄。你都各方面幾有準備。north York 好多hk 人
你搭TTC,可以轉巴士到Centre Point😂
多倫多地鐵係好落後,但近幾年已經好左d。如果要improve可能又要加收費,到時有好多人比唔起。同埋住西區過馬路真係要睇車! 有好多司機紅燈轉右唔停車o架! Or some drivers turning left also don't check if there're pedestrians.
最討厭香港人講多倫多地鐵落後。人地六十年代已經建造好,( 你香港六十年坐乜啊?哈哈) 一直運行到而今,當然也需改善和更新,十幾年亦擴建唔少。
建議你在士嘉堡窩頓同Steeles 附近租住 因為這個地方多唐人超市,餐館港式茶餐廳,價錢便宜適合你初到步,而且交通方便
Welcome to Canada!
Autumn is around the corner! Make sure you wear sunglass when it’s sunny outside! Also bring a jacket along! Morning & Evening will be cooler
Welcome to Toronto
點解你會住到咁遠,因爲一般香港人過來都係住North York新手村
Welcome to Canada! 外出一定要小心,尤其多倫多犯罪率不斷上升,行街時不要太顧住睇手機,要留意身邊既人呀!
我廿幾年前自己一個人去加拿大探親,都係試下自己去搭車搵路,非常明白你嘅心情 😅
You can get presto card free of charge at toronto public library.
Eric,当地人买汽水,都是去一般的超市,一箱箱。。。在Greater多伦多,超市: Loblaws, Nofills(便宜价)
你住Kipling那边? 不用担心
去Centre Point 有巴士去㗎?使乜行呀?Finch station 上樓上搭巴士啦, 好似60 A同53都得,邊有人行㗎?😂
我夢中的生活 希望有一天都可以移民
想問這是天氣沒涼呢? 晚上有涼嗎? 早上至下午熱嗎?
@@iam_eric_852 呢2日係有少少凍
早晚都較涼,午後有時會很熱,有時氣溫可以差很遠,所以出門前一定要check 天氣, Toronto 的天氣報告大致都很準確,可以check hour by hour
@@chrism7070 最好check cp24因為電話裡面個天氣報告唔係好準
所有Service Ontario Service Canada都可以網上make appointment …..申請Sin Number網上做就可以啦,唔使去排隊我剛剛幫我的兒子都登記Sin Number兩個禮拜就收做到啦,喺網上做快捷方便
2小時內 容許 同一方向轉車。回頭才需要另買車票
Hello from a 港大佬! I guess you are staying in Etopicoke which is a bit far from most of new HKers who reside in GTA (Greater Toronto Area), but I think it's just a temporary residence only. Btw, I won't repeat the kind words and advice given by other people here, but I wanna tell you I know the reason why you don't buy coffee from HK's SB. Add oil, and don't give up easily despite the many challenges ahead (cos living in Canada isn't easy these days). But I have faith in you, and you'll make it to the end as you are young and as long as you hold on to your values. 加油,希望到我幾年後來加時你已well settled 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Thank you😁😁
me 2, l don't buy anything at SB
多倫多係一個有無車都痛苦嘅地方。有車方便但係養車成本貴,新手保險費會貴到攞你命。無車坐地鐵等巴士嘥時間,天冷落雪,freezing rain 更加慘。我住 Thornhill 曾經有大半年 downtown Bay Street 返工泊車太貴有車唔揸,日日三個鐘往返幾乎搞到抑鬱症懷疑人生咁辛苦做咩。
你由 Finch 行去 Steeles 真係幾遠😅
係香港唔飲Starbucks 對你都無影響架 呢到Starbucks都係得個幾間 最多先係Tim hortons
考到車牌後千祈不要急於自己開車 因為在這裏開車有很多潛規則 一定要清楚這些規則才可以安全地開車
小心右𨍭同左轉D車,𠳔哋掛睇oncoming 車,唔睇行人㗎,有行人被右𨍭T TC巴士撞倒再拖,當然瓜咗啦!
歡迎來到多倫多 不過晚上自己出街亦要小心