There is a fundamental difference in outlook in life between different people, if you expect to be entertained in order not be bored, you are always going to be relying upon others to keep you from being bored. Find yourself something that interests you to keep yourself busy. Your agent’s request is standard, I have been in the rental business for 20 years, in fact with no credit score, no employment records etc, I personally will not consider the application. I do rent to students as long as the parent act as guarantor and offer to pay at least 6 months rent up front. So you are lucky a landlord accepts you. Now that you have a home, your first priority is to be fluent in English, you need it to get a decent job.
@@conniecheung5800非常同意,港大畢業生都尚且如此,其它的真不敢想象,不過希望他盡快投入新生活,頭一兩年是非常困難,每天都有新的challenge, 但一定要有positive attitude ,不要樣樣都同香港比,記著你是要adapt to the new environment ,而不是要人家去就你, be open minded,去認識不同國籍的人及其文化,不要只在中國人圈子生活,這兒大部分人都很nice,迷失了路或需要幫忙,開口問人,很多人都會樂於幫忙,英文要多聽多講多看書才會進步
Welcome to TO, Eric! You’re doing great navigating in a new country. I left HK was I was a kid, hence I pretty much grew up here. I don’t find living in TO boring to be honest with you. I hope you’ll gradually grow accustomed to life in Canada and learn to enjoy the slower pace of living here. 😊
Wow congratulations on finding a place so fast! I hope you have found a job since it is more than a month already since the date in your video. Entry jobs do not pay much in Canada, hopefully you got lucky!
有信心你可以融入, at least you prepare meals by yourself, some HK people just eat out or order home delivery all the time, and then complain about high living costs and cannot afford living in Canada
Pls make sure your money has deposited to the agent's trust account, otherwise the agent may able use your money without you knowing it. Then you may not able to get it back. Pls make sure you have an email to prove that you have requested the agent to transfer your money from their own account to trust account. This is a proof when anything happened.
He is just a new comer. It is understandable he pronounces the road name, bank name not right. Please be nice to him. Young man, welcome to Canada. Wish you luck in seeking your job, God bless you 😊
If you are single person or couple no kids, you can consider share house first. Some share house qualities are acceptable. Settle down for temporarily first, then you can keep looking apartment and job. Share house is cheaper then apartment a lot! add oil! all the best!
Yonge and Finch is much better! But also TTC can be a free ride back or same direction if you take within 2 hours, remember to check that. In the future if you continue to live in North York, or better yet, I suggest downtown which will have a lot more entertainment and nightlife. You can consider Bay and Bloor/College/Lakeshore. Waterfront area is very lively, walking distance to everything and never need a car!
once u settle down, it is imperative to strengthen your spoken English and communications skills - u get to be as good as a native English speaker if not better. not only will it help you land a decent job but also advance to a leadership role eventually
how can Eric speak as good as native speaker at his age. He never says he aims so high of becoming a leader of the company. Don't project your own self to Eric please.
you cant expect an adult to be able to speak English as native or grew up here with no or less accent. Your tongue as an adult is not that flexible anymore to be able to say A-Z. Also your hearing and listening will not be able to capture that precise tone.
@@FC-be5ub apparently, u mix up fluency with accent. fluency both speaking and listening can be improved through daily practice. if u encounter any problems in listening and speaking, let me know. Why do most Hkers struggle with speaking/listening? Bcos they learn classroom English plus lacking an English speaking environment. How often do u tune into an English radio station or listen to Ed Sheeran, Olivia Rodrigo, etc.... Look for a solution instead of finding an excuse. There is an old saying " Losers always have excuses" Gear up!
Your agent is doing the standard procedure and if you have been long in Canada, you should have much more channels to opt for the right fit condo. I have some extra furniture and kitchen utensils which may suit for your daily use. They are FREE, dm for more details. Good luck !!
If you have all inclusive TD account. You will have bank draft or money order free, free cheque,free small safety deposit box,free for first class visa or aeroplane plan Visa card free . But you need to maintain $5000 balance in your account
在多倫多不會悶的.講英文,講得多便成功.毋須担心.凡事要给自己預留更多的空間.好似要你換房,你給自己處事時間太短了。應該回應對方晚上才可回家換房。之後即趕返家中。對方是好人或壞人便立即顯形。一定要懂得如何保護自己。安定居所,展開在加的生活。你會得到美滿人生旅程. 🍁
人哋初嚟步到,讀錯銀行、Yonge 發音唔多出奇啫,遲下Eric 就知讀錯會矯正,你哋自己若果曾經係新移民,未到過加拿大,英文發音又如何?標準度有100%? 只係六日啫,請唔好咁”mean”對個年輕人,要多多鼓勵,我哋要靠班年輕人做工交稅去供養我哋㗎! Oops! 忘記恭喜Eric 咁快租到心儀condo, 預祝搵工成功,女朋友平安到步,大家共同努力,希望你能適應多倫多生活!
Eric, 恭喜你咁快租到樓!其實你係幸運,因為你未有工作而如你所講帶來的資金不多,有啲業主唔會租!
祝你找工作同樣幸運,不過唔好期望過高,因為你無本地經驗,而且目前失業率正上升!All the best! 努力💪加油!
加油呀,萬事起頭難,但兩人一齊對面就好好多,互相支持和鼓勵,祝福你們 ❤
加拿大人做嘢公認效率低過香港, 亦唔多識轉彎。所以,無論做乜都好,都要 double 甚至 triple check。事後先去改絕對會係一個痛苦的經歷。就以 bank draft 的抬頭人做例子,最壞情況唔係要返去 TD 做過一張,而係畢錢入咗經紀行個 Operating account 之後過唔倒數俾業主。跟住就要同經紀行嘅會計部解釋一論,分分鐘要三五七日先至解決倒。因此,凡事要唚氣問多兩句,甚至要求白紙黑字寫低你下步應該去做乜同點做。
要英文進步一個方法,係在YT 睇 CBC, Globalnews, Citynews 的新聞報導。不但知本地有乜嘢發生緊,仲會學識本地人怎樣叫啲地名、人名及公司名(如 Scotiabank)。
地方名字和路的名字要多啲聽本地人怎麼樣發音,一定聽多講多,記住 處處留心是學問💪💪💪
There is a fundamental difference in outlook in life between different people, if you expect to be entertained in order not be bored, you are always going to be relying upon others to keep you from being bored. Find yourself something that interests you to keep yourself busy.
Your agent’s request is standard, I have been in the rental business for 20 years, in fact with no credit score, no employment records etc, I personally will not consider the application. I do rent to students as long as the parent act as guarantor and offer to pay at least 6 months rent up front. So you are lucky a landlord accepts you.
Now that you have a home, your first priority is to be fluent in English, you need it to get a decent job.
@@conniecheung5800非常同意,港大畢業生都尚且如此,其它的真不敢想象,不過希望他盡快投入新生活,頭一兩年是非常困難,每天都有新的challenge, 但一定要有positive attitude ,不要樣樣都同香港比,記著你是要adapt to the new environment ,而不是要人家去就你, be open minded,去認識不同國籍的人及其文化,不要只在中國人圈子生活,這兒大部分人都很nice,迷失了路或需要幫忙,開口問人,很多人都會樂於幫忙,英文要多聽多講多看書才會進步
恭喜你已經搵到樓, 希望你早日搵到工同埋攞到車牌, 我初初來美國嘅時候都覺得悶,但係只不過係未適應同埋未有呢邊嘅生活, 當搵到工穩定後,我冇後悔留低, 反而寧願喺呢邊做嘢生活. 真心比較穩定!
慢慢就適應, 你可以叫agent 車你去㗎。
加油, Eric 仔, 一步一步黎💪
我哥哥移民英國, 初初都是踩單車, 搵工又剛好在家咐近(踩單車到), 過了一年左右先開始考車牌...
回想自己初初搬出來(在香港), 就試過一個好差的業主和經紀, 間屋有野壞要我出錢, 半夜又會有收數佬來追業主的數...
Lakeshore west GO train to Union is faster and more relaxed than the TTC Bloor line. Glad that you already know about this option. 😂
萬事起頭難。you’re not alone. 💪🏻
另一香港後生仔TH-camr Brandy Chau 也是多年前落腳多倫多。
我之前exactly 住你個到,小心露台有白鴿問題,我地個露台同隔離個露台係痴住(有啲唔係),隔離條友完全無清理,成個露台都係白鴿屎,重點係啲白鴿每朝早清晨都會叫,係連續叫2,3個鐘,趕完佢哋走轉頭又會飛返嚟,極嚴重影響睡眠,瞓得好差,管理處又處理得慢,隔離又唔配合,足足忍受咗成年,所以祝你好運。
Welcome to TO, Eric! You’re doing great navigating in a new country. I left HK was I was a kid, hence I pretty much grew up here. I don’t find living in TO boring to be honest with you. I hope you’ll gradually grow accustomed to life in Canada and learn to enjoy the slower pace of living here. 😊
老實講,喺香港用港紙萬三四未必租到咁大個單位,仲要包水電,不過,多倫多 & 温哥華啲租金,對比幾年前的確上升咗唔少係真。
Most banks don’t charge for bank draft the money is taken from the chequing account. They charge if you take it out of the savings account
Wow congratulations on finding a place so fast! I hope you have found a job since it is more than a month already since the date in your video. Entry jobs do not pay much in Canada, hopefully you got lucky!
$2400. a month seems 貴. 請問你找到的building 地埗在那?Yonge and Finch (N of Finch E of Yonge)有好多高壓電䌫 嚴重影響健康. Be careful
有信心你可以融入, at least you prepare meals by yourself, some HK people just eat out or order home delivery all the time, and then complain about high living costs and cannot afford living in Canada
銀行有多種戶口,可在網上睇和改變選擇,有些戶口收月費,包銀行 cheque - bank draft, 免費。 如果是學生,有更多優惠 (有些銀行買車保有折扣)
看看 presto card 適不適合你用
你咁 positive, 應該冇問題
恭喜你租到樓住,睇落似North York市中心,交通方便,冇車揸都得,等巴士轉車要預多D時間 ,唔去得遠,去超市賈餸菜就拎到手軟,如果快趣考到車牌兼有車揸,就會天空海濶任你闖,自由好多,又可搬到平租一D地區。
Pls make sure your money has deposited to the agent's trust account, otherwise the agent may able use your money without you knowing it. Then you may not able to get it back.
Pls make sure you have an email to prove that you have requested the agent to transfer your money from their own account to trust account. This is a proof when anything happened.
Eric, 你都加油,Keep fighting!
一方一廳係貴嘅、尤其2023年尾係最高峯。我個女同朋友在那個時候在North York合租二房一廳、要CAD3200. 今年renew個業主自動減租到CAD2800、因租價已回落。
Eric, 你叫你個agent 車你去TDBank 個度, 唔使自己搭車.
He is just a new comer. It is understandable he pronounces the road name, bank name not right. Please be nice to him. Young man, welcome to Canada. Wish you luck in seeking your job, God bless you 😊
If you are single person or couple no kids, you can consider share house first. Some share house qualities are acceptable. Settle down for temporarily first, then you can keep looking apartment and job. Share house is cheaper then apartment a lot! add oil! all the best!
多倫多一出門可以騎著單車周圍走。爽爆啦。 香港好多地方都唔比踩呀。電動單車又ban
Add oil. By the way, why not you use interac e-transfer to transfer money to your agent's bank account ?
曾經有個多倫多藍鳥 (棒球隊) 球手叫川崎宗則,佢由日本黎到加拿大冇帶翻譯。照樣做訪問,大家都好鍾意佢因為佢好敢講! (雖然大部份都係亂up) 呢都d人就係鍾意人肯講同埋融入西方社會文化!
好欣賞你咁正面, 不過真係要快D 租樓~ 但如果租咁遠, 搵工會否難/少?
尤其遠離downtown嘅North York,最好都係快啲考筆試 (因為G2要等幾個月之後先考得)
租到樓, 又多一個成功的基礎, 加油
你冇工作經驗 前後兩個月都搵到已經好好彩 通常都要畀起碼半年至一個年 租金
Yonge and Finch is much better! But also TTC can be a free ride back or same direction if you take within 2 hours, remember to check that.
In the future if you continue to live in North York, or better yet, I suggest downtown which will have a lot more entertainment and nightlife. You can consider Bay and Bloor/College/Lakeshore. Waterfront area is very lively, walking distance to everything and never need a car!
依家Toronto有好多機構有program係幫助新移民適應,例如搵工學英文等等。其中例子係 CICS Canada(中文叫華諮處)希望幫到你。Good luck and have fun in Toronto!
建議你亦可以join多啲本地港人圈子,例如 hkecc(香港人協會 Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce),擴闊d人脈,搵工都會容易d!
Congrats 😂 haha see you one day in North York
其實你可以叫你個agent pickup 你張本票幫你拿去俾對方地產公司
Wish you all the best in your new home and new job
Good luck with your search!
慢慢來, 冇畀自己太辛苦,己經好叻👍💪
絕不可以的,在 Scarborough 區有很多大陸人在行人道行單車,也不戴頭規,質素差(所以也見議不要買或租那區,尤其有小孩),不用容入外國語言社會了,說國語成了。馬路踩單車可以,但要跟足安全手則,及交通手則。
Hi Eric, good on you. You are doing well. keep it up. One day at a time. Love from Sydney.
once u settle down, it is imperative to strengthen your spoken English and communications skills - u get to be as good as a native English speaker if not better. not only will it help you land a decent job but also advance to a leadership role eventually
how can Eric speak as good as native speaker at his age. He never says he aims so high of becoming a leader of the company. Don't project your own self to Eric please.
@@ganbatte1920 practice
you cant expect an adult to be able to speak English as native or grew up here with no or less accent. Your tongue as an adult is not that flexible anymore to be able to say A-Z. Also your hearing and listening will not be able to capture that precise tone.
@@FC-be5ub apparently, u mix up fluency with accent. fluency both speaking and listening can be improved through daily practice. if u encounter any problems in listening and speaking, let me know. Why do most Hkers struggle with speaking/listening? Bcos they learn classroom English plus lacking an English speaking environment. How often do u tune into an English radio station or listen to Ed Sheeran, Olivia Rodrigo, etc.... Look for a solution instead of finding an excuse. There is an old saying " Losers always have excuses" Gear up!
I lived here in 2007.... rent was $1250
olive right? :)
唔明白你來咗Toronto幾日就話悶、照計去到一個新地方、應該好有新鮮感。香港都係行街食飯睇戲啫、Toronto 都同樣可以喇。Toronto has a lot to explore.
Good luck, all the best to you. ❤
我地都在North york找 緊屋,今過星期剛看第一次有五間,兩房兩厕要$32OO
點解銀行之間過數唔可以網上攪? 感覺有啲落後
最近租金应该跌了啊,不过刚到多伦多 ,最好住地铁沿线,东面或北面更方便。
Yonge and Finch 交通買野都超方便。大多市住近subway 站。出左Toronto 住近Go train 站。
如果要幫手 出聲... 落地唔容...
7:40 bankdraft 貴左咁多?
我哋都係兩個月前到,都係住North York,打個招呼😊😊😊😊
呢邊自己可以上Facebook 穩租盤,便D, 無甘麻煩!
睇左段片第一個單位就熄機。香港而家呢d size同新淨情況,起碼17,8 k啦,多倫多13,4k真心平
可以考慮轉All Inclusive account, 每月保持至少有$5000, 就可以免每月Admin fee, 仲可以免Bank draft fee. ‘Scotia’ Bank 音譯 :屎高沙, 唔係‘so tea 呀’。 😂
你個經紀唔得啦,應該親身去搵你攞bank draft 然後自己去drop off.
贊成你帶出一個 point,就係要睇唔同的 account level,睇吓邊個啱自己的情況。
不過要留意嘅係,如果一個月內最少有一日的 balance 低過銀行要求,嗰個月就要俾月費。(註:銀行係逐個月去計收唔收月費。)
Scotiabank 係讀Scotland 個scot 然係chia 唔係sodia
Your agent is doing the standard procedure and if you have been long in Canada, you should have much more channels to opt for the right fit condo.
I have some extra furniture and kitchen utensils which may suit for your daily use. They are FREE, dm for more details. Good luck !!
說實在我有點驚訝,一直有偶然看你的片。原本仲預期待你畢業後,能和你在行內見面呢。我很驚訝你有著港大社工畢業的身份,卻選擇放下香港的一切去到一個陌生的環境,我心中是有點失落,不過我也祝福你會找到你的夢想之地 !
揾到工的話,記得問你個傭主寫番封信去證明正在工作,申請ontario health card。開埋個CRA户口準備出年報稅。
If you have all inclusive TD account.
You will have bank draft or money order free, free cheque,free small safety deposit box,free for first class visa or aeroplane plan Visa card free .
But you need to maintain $5000 balance in your account
你係downtown 租?咁肯定貴啦。點解唔係markham or scarborough 上面租呢?
加油啊 好明啱啱黎到會有啲迷惘🫂 我黎左幾個月啲英文都仲係好廢 不過呢度英文唔需要太好 溝通到就得👻
加油,我岩黎都唔識讀Scotia. 十分正常。如果有朋友仔需要可以話我知,我屋企人有個condo 係downtown 放緊租,1+1😊
加油呀, 你咁後生, 大把機會
唔怕,有穀種補貼。打工都冇月入2.4K 加元。
$2400 too expensive. most of time $1600-$1850 apartment. Basement $600- $800 for a room
Please go do some research. $2400 is avg for a 1 bedroom condo in North York. $1600 was the price in year 2000.
Agree, $2,400 is good rent, especially the landlord only asked for first and last month's rent
如果一個人 , 大部份人都係同人一齊租shareflat , 宜家已經係搶到1200 左右一個月
Canada 咁好吾洗比一年rental, 你未有credit history同未有工, 英國就要你比一年租先得啦