Facing the Void

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ต.ค. 2023
  • By practicing the 4D's philosophy you can clearly understand your true self. The Void is the gate to your true nature. The quality of your step back allows you to deal with the ultimate lures and face the Void.
    Based on the book by Alain Forget: "How to get out of this world alive"
    Now available on Audible and iTunes:
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ความคิดเห็น • 13

  • @TheSoteriologist
    @TheSoteriologist 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    On the verge, the void itself is not what really makes me afraid so much in itself. The fear centers on the question: _"Then what is going to take care of this body ?"_

    • @AlainforgetAuthor
      @AlainforgetAuthor  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Your question is most interesting as it reveals a lot..
      First .. it is not the void which will create fear it is the decoys fired by the ego to stop the process
      In other words to recreate an identification because the void for the ego is death so to maintain itself it will press on the fear button , or it can be a vision of your idea of god.
      Whatever as long as there is an object
      Secondly … of course the body in a way or an other will take care of itself ..
      The intellect is not your friend it is there to serve the logic you have develop to survive with your traumas it bind you most of the time but in a little part of itself it can free you if you fire the right question at the right time

    • @TheSoteriologist
      @TheSoteriologist 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@MaryGwenDungan I know the theory, I just wanted to mention in the OP that it is not the void itself which generates that fear. "Decoys", the term Alain uses, is probably a good term since that false sense of self argues that it is the seat of the coping strategies when it really might no longer perform any helpful function. It seems to go along with an excessive value on the body and its fate, something that was useful when young and traumatized and unsure of the territory but at my age shouldn't really be of such concern. Yet it goes further and suggests that being overwhelmed by truth could result in a loss of the proper sense of priorites, resulting in a life on the street or some such, conjuring up examples of extreme dispassion like Ramana Maharshi. Needless to say, realization rarely results in tapas to such degree, but the "safety program" suggests that you never know in advance, hehe.
      Point being that I know the theoretical replies, but a traumatized ego with a strong sense of existential insecurity from out of the first 8 months of this biography is not easily placated when you come to the cusp. I guess _a lot_ of simplification of my life situation and shamata practice might help to take the leap. Then again, the leap is allowed rather than taken, I guess.

  • @thatcatboab
    @thatcatboab 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Im wondering if your friend Dr Fenwick is keeping alright? Lots of us are worried because he hasnt uploaded for quite some time now.? X

    • @AlainforgetAuthor
      @AlainforgetAuthor  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Unfortunately , Peter Fenwick is not very well… as for all of us ,time for him is now limited , but he is in a good spirit ..

    • @thatcatboab
      @thatcatboab 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@AlainforgetAuthor im so sorry to be hearing this, had been wondering for a while if he was maybe ill.What a shame. X

  • @NeshDet
    @NeshDet 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I once held onto many philosophies and zealously defended them. But now this is what I proclaim -> Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved - Acts 16:31
    I threw away philosophies created by human wisdom. Many people consider God's philosophy as foolish and folly.
    Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” - Mark 12:30-31

    • @carolynbridgeman5981
      @carolynbridgeman5981 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ummmmmm okay
      apparently you've given up on any kind of real personal responsibility and have chosen instead to feel free and clear by blindly and thoughtlessly following a dogmatic stance. I'm sorry you've become so tired and beaten down.

    • @TheSoteriologist
      @TheSoteriologist 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@carolynbridgeman5981 Besides, he is spreading Paulinism and its atonement soteriology which is in direct contradiction with what Jesus taught, as you can read in Matthew 25 verse 31 to the end.

    • @NeshDet
      @NeshDet 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@carolynbridgeman5981 Before I came to Christ, I was someone who was sexually addicted to humanoid dolls and machines. I had no peace even for a single day! So, I am not beaten down.

    • @NeshDet
      @NeshDet 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TheSoteriologist Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this? - John 11:25
      These are the words of Jesus Christ not of Apostle Paul. I am not here to argue about the Gospel of Matthew but to proclaim about Jesus Christ. Because people who truly believe in Jesus will repent of their ways.

    • @TheSoteriologist
      @TheSoteriologist 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@NeshDet Yeah, that's the gospel of John with all the obviously ahistorical _"I am"_ proclamations, with a theology that reflects the fact that by the time of its writing, the apocalyptic predictions of Jesus return clearly hadn't come about, so they needed a re-interpretation of Jesus. I think the gospel of John is a great work, but it contains proclamations that the historical Jesus didn't make. *Plus* the _"I AM"_ of that gospel cannot be Jesus but pertains to the transtemporal Logos _(according to itself ! See the first parapgraph of that gospel - because Jesus, having been born only decades earlier was NOT "before Abraham")_ . Therefore, you can *TRUST* that Logos _(as the word really goes, it's not about belief in the sense of "holding to be true")_ , even without knowing anything about the man Jesus.
      In the synoptic gospels you can find a little more realistic version of what the man Jesus really taught, and my quote above is completely sufficient to refute both your quotation as well as the "Paulinism" today's christianity generally really is.
      It's good for you if the only path to the Logos _(under any other name, such as "Mahat" for instance)_ you could find is through the man Jesus, but his own mother found that way _before_ and therefore without Jesus because she was _already_ following god.
      Please grow up. The christianity you follow was invented roughly 200 years ago, maybe. Please study Bernadette Roberts and/or the church fathers _before_ all the councils. You will be amazed. Good luck !