Eastern Yellow Jackets, is what they look like to me. They're some of the smallest, but the most, fiercely aggressive type of Yellow Jackets that there are! Might I suggest that, if you have to tackle one of these types of Yellow Jacket nests again, that you go buy and use some sting-proof suits? Believe me -You need those, when tackling these guys and gals! As I said, they can be very fiercely aggressive, and a nest that size can hold hundreds of those little monsters....and maybe even thousands of them, if the nest is big enough, These Yellow Jackets mean business! They can gang up on you, and let you have it, before you even have enough time to respond, and get to safety!
Eastern Yellow Jackets, is what they look like to me. They're some of the smallest, but the most, fiercely aggressive type of Yellow Jackets that there are!
Might I suggest that, if you have to tackle one of these types of Yellow Jacket nests again, that you go buy and use some sting-proof suits? Believe me -You need those, when tackling these guys and gals! As I said, they can be very fiercely aggressive, and a nest that size can hold hundreds of those little monsters....and maybe even thousands of them, if the nest is big enough, These Yellow Jackets mean business! They can gang up on you, and let you have it, before you even have enough time to respond, and get to safety!
Ya it was one hell of a fight this is the 3rd time in the same place, we might have to use your suggestion next time