15:30 Ben: MA: I Believe in a God But I Don’t Know Anything About It, “Spiritual” Experiences 34:40 Marcus: OH: Philosophical Thought Experiments, I Experience God So It’s Real to Me 47:40 Mark: OH: I Have a Nuanced Version of Slavery in the Bible 57:30 Spencer: Austin, TX: Dealing with Depression About Afterlife After Leaving Religion 1:19:45 Jerry: CO: Genesis Story, I Believe in a Deceiver God, Paradoxes, Ultimate Mystery 1:36:55 Rob: Quebec, Canada: Noah’s Ark, 35 Foot Giant Skeletons, Internet Hoaxes 1:39:25 Monique: FL: Arranging Non Religious Funeral with Religious Family
@Beyond Faith You’re too easily butthurt. Jenna doesn’t owe you or me a “loving tone.” Apathy and complacency - which are common First World afflictions - often need a kick in the ass to stir people and governments into action. Would women have gotten the vote if they had been worried about hurting men’s feelings?
Beyond Faith Thank you for completely subverting your argument (such as it was) by personally attacking me - the logical fallacy of argumentum ad hominem, and all that. Consider this - you see a speeding bus about to hit a group of people. Do you say in a calm tone, “Please step aside, fellow citizens. You’re about to be struck by a large vehicle?” No, you scream, “Move! Bus coming!” If this analogy is above your head, the bus is climate change, the people are the human race.
@Beyond Faith I still say you're a snowflake. She struck me as passionate, not unstable. I wasn't the least bit threatened or offended by anything she said or how she said it. You, on the other hand, got so disturbed by a stranger's address to a mass audience - not you, in particular - that you're now bloviating and attacking people all over the place. Seek therapy, junior.
@Ryan Lee Sure, nothing like changing the burden of proof to show that you are the more rational person... It wouldn't matter if I have answers or not, what he's doing is not being open minded, is reaching unwarranted conclusions...
@Ryan Lee LOL. Jesus Christ! My name literally is Duke. My last name literally is Davidson. Not David Duke. You really do like painting with a broad brush, don't you buddy.
Most people watching the show have never learned how to think critically and somehow assume that just because they agree with Matt on alot of points, Matt will agree with them on theirs. Honestly, there should be a skepticism and critical thinking class in school that teaches you to avoid fallacious thinking. It's as important as language or math, as it dictates how we think and come to conclusions about everything.
I don't get it, can you only be a fan of someone if you agree with someone 100 percent? I'm a fan of Peterson, doesn't mean I agree with everything. He says some very logical and also illogical things lol but he's countless people, and most of the videos I've seen is him using logic to help, not religion.
@@Benedict00_MankoMuncher Who said that? The reason Matt asked that is because the caller was using the same kind of semantic acrobatics Peterson uses when it comes to the topic of god.
@@attaxiaffxi7033 I guess it was more directed to Matt saying he's sorry the caller is still a fan lol, and something someone else said.. you were just the person I chose to write a comment under.
"If frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their ass a'hoppin'" --Matt Dillahunty, September 2019, time stamp 1:24:07 I laughed so hard I nearly had an asthma attack. 🤣Thanks Matt.
@@Screencappedhats --I'll trust you that he said it at some point. It was more Matt's delivery of the line in response to all that "if'n" that got me!🤣🤣🤣 Besides, I have a feeling it is an idiom ( in one variation or another) that is older than Matt and Warren Beatty combined. Funny, whoever said it first!
Jerry: "I believe in a deceiving god because the other alternative is mystery." Matt: "what else do you believe without evidence?" Jerry: "I believe in mystery"
That's exactly how the show works though. Someone comes on, says they can prove God, they fail completely and provide zero evidence then matt puts the phone down. Lol
@@shoogazlemonscake221 I can prove God, I had a dream, in this dream was God he said read the bible, so I did and the Bible told me it was true, it also told me that God would come to me in a dream and tell me to read the Bible so there was prophecy too. So, debunk that matt!! Also my Friends saw me sleeping so that adds extra evidence.😊
TheJohnnyonthespot1 my favorite part about this comment is knowing that Christians fought on both sides... that word “Christian” covers an endless spectrum of meanings these days.
As to what Jenna was talking about around min 12/13; About 12 years ago my best friend was riding with me and he threw his cigarette butt out the window and I said, "You do realize I believe it should be the death penalty for people who throw cigarettes into the environment, right?" He (thinking I was joking) laughed and asked if I'd really have him killed for throwing a cigarette butt out the car window if it was in my power. I told him that even though he's my best friend, I would after one warning because I felt that strongly about it. He got more serious and said he didn't want to dirty up my clean ash tray (I'm a non-smoker) and I said, "I can clean my ash tray, I can't clean the world." And he said he'd never do it again. (and he hasn't any time he's been with me).
The opening is a fascinating exercise showing how easily we all fall into appeal to emotions. This is not to say "and a girl is wrong," but rather how quickly the topic of what can (and cannot) be reasonably done about our changing climate. And religion has taught me to doubt anyone who tries to manipulate emotions (like protecting children) has questionable motives. And if you are not willing to examine the message provided by 16yr old girls "because you are on a monster," well, that is how we got our first priests.
Matt talking about the nonzero chance that he might die on Air made me think about life after he passes and it brought a single tear to my eye I got to see Matt speak when he came to Buffalo to speak at the center for inquiry, they say don't meet your heroes or put them up on pedestals but Matt was as humble and wise in person as he is on the show, it was cool im glad i did it and life moves on I think I became an atheist around 13 but I didn't become in touch with my beliefs and that of my reasons for believing them until after I found The Atheist Experience Much love y'all
The sheer amount of privilege shown by saying there needs to be a waiting period to end your own life is appalling. I have a pain condition, so I advocate for people having a right to end their pain when they, and only they, decide they can'ta deal with that pain anymore. The idea that I then have to wait an arbitrary period of time so Jenna can be assured I really can't handle it anymore shows she doesn't wake up every single day in excruciating pain.
I don't think she was saying that people should be _required_ to wait for x amount of time, but rather that if you are considering euthanasia, depending on your circumstances you should consider giving it time to think it over.
Lol, when people say "spiritual" they just assume that their conception of "spiritual" is the same as for everyone. When someone says spiritual to me I always ask, "what do you mean by that? what exactly is spiritual?" And they always either refuse to answer or claim, indigently, that I actually know what "spiritual" means and I'm just bullshitting. It's very frustrating. Even if I really did know what this word means, why still are they unable to say for themselves what it means, just to prove they actually know? Spirits and anything having to do with them don't exist as far as I'm concerned, so they can't be talking about what I think of when I hear the word spiritual. Feeling intense euphoria isn't supernatural or even extraordinary, which is what most people actually mean by spiritual.
Ben talking about his heart attack would not be correctly diagnosed. That's quite right, we didn't even know what a heart was then , let alone have a name for it .Thankyou Matt and Jenna x These are now my favourite comedy shows, just behind "The Fast Show" & "Shooting Stars" PEANUTS!
I love the show but I can't take much at a sitting...the callers remind me how far gone humanity is. I'm not sure how you guys keep your cool sometimes. Keep doing what you do, guys!
A point stands or falls on its own merits. The intensity and type of emotion, or lack thereof, apparent in the person making the point is neither here nor there. Either a person is talking bollocks, or they aren't.
This show is great!!!!....that Spencer call helped me out more then going to church and believing for 30 years. Im going to have to plan my next vacation to visit Austin soon....
Are you sure these aren't "YOUR" imaginary friends? "popular main stream educational secular origin ideas" = "something coming from nothing out of nowhere with no reason or cause"(BIG BANG as explained in textbooks), "life coming from non life"(Abiogenesis) with no help or cause, "brand new original body parts/ organs forming on an organism in any amount of time and steps" by themselves, and "all living organisms on Earth being generationally related" to each other. As well as the fact that you believe you and I are ancestrally related to a flea!?!"(DARWINS EVOLUTION) What compels you to label yourself an atheist?
@@j0hncon5tantine Ahh... the same old used strawmans...Is funny that your belief in god depends on how your misconceptions of science reflects the flaws on the baibul - somehting from nothing (god did it) - life from non life (god did it) - you and I are ancestrally related to an incestous couple (god did it)
@Kelly Bults Has a God So are you saying that at one point, no one or nothing required a god? Because if that's what you mean, then wow: Not only are you fucking stupid, you're outright blasphemous towards your cancer of a religion. At least be fucking consistent with your beliefs.
It's funny to follow Matt's eyes when the caller goes to some area that makes him consider hanging up. His eyes wander around the room a bit and then end up on the hangup button. 😂
I get so frustrated with people that claim "I have an undergraduate degree in X so I'm a scientist" and then proceed to demonstrate that not only have they not spent any time studying their religious beliefs, they appear not to have spent any time studying the degree they spuriously claim gives them "authority" to talk about religion. Jerry, just because you took a few introductory courses in geology does not make you an authority in religion or geology. Having only a BS in a subject doesn't mean you are unqualified to speak on it, but if you are going mention it when talking about another subject, it would be nice if you could connect the two. It became apparent you didn't bother to do much thinking or study on either subject when you went to "ultimate mystery" without defining what you meant by it or mentioning that there are paradoxes. Pretty much everyone that has thought about time travel has bumped up against the "what if I traveled back in time and killed one of my parents" paradox - big deal. I don't see how a paradox shows anything deepens your point about theology or geology or a linkage between them. I would advise you to put a little thought into the subjects you want to discuss before calling. That's just me though.
Your caller reminds me of my own dealings with the possibility of dying. What helps me is this: 1) I lived longer now than most others (being at 47, I got to live longer than so many other younger people who died) 2) Whenever I fly, I have this brief thought what if I die here? What comforts me is looking around and seeing everyone with me on the same boat. Each time I do this, I am comforted that these are fine people to die with. Old folks, young folks... children... 3) This last is important. We are on the cusp of overcoming aging through genetics. The best we can do is advocate or even support the technology financially. This is crowdfunding. Anything that gets funded, ups the chances that it gets made. Support the technology. In a few more years, these weird experimental drugs rich people take will be available to us like cheaper cell phones versus the suitcase telephone in the 80's costing $100,000. Support it and make it happen for OUR generation. We know it will happen. The best we can do is accelerate this development TO REACH US! :) GOOD LUCK.
@@zgs12212012 Well, i wanted to get the troll-food out befor it goes bad and then you get angry trolls and it smells funny in the kitchen, you know. My Mom is a believing JW and i get all the prints on creation and i've laughing them off for 20 years, because my mom does not want to hear me debunking them, she probably tries to bury me under them to fix me.
The best version of a god I've ever heard of was more or less a joke. 'God is a child who build a whole universe, got bored, and forgot about it, entirely.'
@RebelFred and lukus black Did you ever read all the "Constantine/ hellblazer" comics? Did you ever read the one where Jesus helps him out and gives him advice? Do you want to know what Gods real intention is with creating life and the universe?
Jenna, we're not killing the planet. The planet has and always will survive regardless of human activity. We're killing ourselves or at least our way of life.
Religious extremists can kill out a group of people and we can justify it with "that's just nature". Authoritarian nations can keep their people starving in grinding poverty and morbid fear, and we might as well say it's just part of the "nature" of human beings. Yet we know better than to justify these things or because when it comes to human tragedies we're well aware of the individual experiences as well as the survival of a people. But when it's about non-human life, especially animals, we seem to only talk about population counts, not about the experiences of animals who died with plastics in their system, or the bones-thin polar bear wandering its melting habitat. We are killing the planet (as in, other life than just humans), we see the consequences of our impact, and just because the planet as we currently know it has been here during your lifespan doesn't mean it always will be. We disregard our impact on all other life, waving it off as the other species will "survive", or that some other will replace them - but we'll quickly acknowledge how we kill ourselves, even merely the change to our "way of life".
@@RickReasonnz I have heard the term new atheist used kind if derogatorily a few times and I was actually interested in hearing what people mean by it. So I did some research. It was apparently coined in a book in 2006....."This modern-day atheism is advanced by a group of thinkers and writers who advocate the view that superstition, religion and irrationalism should not simply be tolerated but should be countered, criticized, and exposed by rational argument wherever their influence arises in government, education, and politics." So it has this elitist, smart guy underpinning that some people rebel against. I mean, who would want to be a smart, rational person, right?
Noooo, Jenna, don't do it. Don't feed into the frame of climate change as an individual problem. It CANNOT POSSIBLY be solved or mitigated by the few percent of people privileged enough to do something about their personal carbon footprint. It NEEDS to be solved at a system level. If you are concerned about climate change, AS WE ALL SHOULD BE, the best you can do is campaign for Bernie Sanders. I'd be for Bernie if I disagreed with half his policies, because he's the only candidate with integrity, and a demonstrated will to fight for what needs to be done. And on the brink of climate apocalypse, g'damn it we need fucking fighter with integrity.
To be fair, the single individual thing we can do is not consume animal products. We don’t need legislation to control that necessarily. It would help no doubt but we can actually control what we eat and don’t eat. It’s supply and demand for animal products vs legislation that can control corporations.
@@troyhenry6111 Why? I'm quite confident I can demonstrate why we should all be campaigning for Bernie. We could even talk about it on discord if you like.
@@Drew399 Nah dude. 70%+ of climate change is done by 100 companies. Individual action can NEVER POSSIBLY make any dent. If you wanna vote with your dollars go for it, but shaming people for their choices from privilege is a recipe for disaster.
@deadend We are. That is the expert scientific consensus. Literally billions of people WILL DIE if we don't take immediate dramatic action. It's fairly simple to demonstrate too. We talked about it a lot and had sources and an ironclad argument in my last stream.
For anyone coming across weird photos like the 30 foot giant skeletons etc. There is a website called ‘Tineye.com” it is a reverse imaging search engine. You can upload a photo from a phone or computer and it will search the internet for matches to that photo, and list them by dates. So if you go to the oldest date, this is often the first time it was uploaded to the internet. Things like this tend to originate from photoshopping competitions. Sometimes a reverse image search will find the original photo, before the skeleton was photoshopped to look giant.
I sometimes make the mistake of trying to "help" people posting ridiculous photoshops (in the name of COUNTERING GLOBALIST DECEPTION) by doing this and looking for original pictures and stuff. What often happens is a complete diversion (now what about this other image I found), complete ignoring or an accusation that because I'm not buying into it I'm a shill. It's really frustrating, but the times people realise they're spreading garbage make up for it. Mostly.
Caller 1: Makes outrageous claims and misbehaves Caller 2: "Don't worry I'ma do better than that last caller..." proceeds to make outrageous claims and misbehave Caller 3: "Don't worry I'ma do better than that last caller..." proceeds to make outrageous claims and misbehave Caller 4: "Don't worry I'ma do better than that last caller..." proceeds to make outrageous claims and misbehave
The first episode Jenna was on I was actually quite impressed with her, and thought she might be a good addition to the show. I've totally changed my mind. What was that lifestylism preach? 'I still buy water bottles and eat meat, but you people should sort your lives out!', not to mention individuals changing their lifestyles slightly will make zero difference: the problem is in industry. She tries to be like Matt, by interjecting and asking a lateral question, but she isn't clever - or informed - enough to pull it off. The episode where she hosted with Vi the entire time was just spent telling people to go look something up/research, and question more. Like... That's a big part of why people call in. I've formed my opinion, I don't like her, bring back Tracy.
IDK if matt and her are lovers or what but this episode crossed "default till proven" to don't eat meat and cut people off who are trying to explain a phenomena. This episode tacs on positive belief at every aspect to me.
You took the words right out my mouth my friend. You can see where she tries to mirror Matt but she cant pull it off and it's hard to watch. Her answers are what you get from your local bartender and I wish the real "Jen" was still on the show!
I recall a scene in Mad Men where Don Draper took his family on a picnic at the park. When they were done, they just left all their trash there and Don threw his beer can on the ground. That's how we rolled in the 70s!
@@astrosci8864 -- newer cars (a lot of ones that I've been in) actually don't have ashtrays anymore. However, that isn't license to just throw your cigarette butt out the window, in the same way that my car doesn't have a trash can in it and yet when I have any trash, paper bag, leftovers, or anything else in my car that I want to get rid of, I also don't just throw it out the window because "well there's no trash can in this darn car."
@@Mossingen-kq6go -- then people in the 70s sucked and were self-centered. Did you all just assume back then that someone else would clean up after you constantly? Jeez.
Unfortunately I completely understood where ben was coming from, he believes the bible more than aesop because he has been told that the Bible is true all his life, no one has ever told anyone that aesops fables are a religious text.
And you can almost hear it in his voice as he realises mid-sentence how unreasonable he is. But that's part of the process of disabusing yourself of faith.
Absolutely. I have no idea why people think Jordan is so amazing. He speaks so much wank. I think if you're articulate enough, you can convince the generic (not-so-bright) Layman about almost anything. That is why we have so many religions. And that is why Jordan seems to impress so many silly 'gooses' out there.
I really thought Jenna was going to be good. But she NEVER listens to callers. I think she is trying to be aggressive like matt but without purpose. Like without the underlying reasons. She asks Ben "if you didn't know what happened..." But he didn't say he didn't know what happened. He tried to tell her that but she cut him off accusing him of saying he didn't know what happened. She does that every show. She hears something that they say then cuts them off without letting them finish and makes them answer for something she misinterprets. They try to explain how she heard them wrong. Then makes them answer something that doesn't make sense. Last time a guy was saying no one knows god, including himself. Then she cut him off and made him prove how he knows god. He tried to say that he doesn't know god, but she cut him off accusing him of not answering 3 more times then hung up on him. He doesn't know god so he can't answer how he knows god. She's aggressive just to be aggressive. Matt is aggressive but with purpose
the problem of taking little steps individually against climate change is that whilst it has zero effect BUT shifts the burden/guilt onto us, which is a game the mega corporates and governments already play, which lets them get away with more of the same whilst we blame ourselves. that doesnt mean take no responsibility but, fighting against each other is not the way forward.
Context... :) I imagine Matt would be happy to debate (or at least discuss) art when not busy already doing an entirely unrelated show. If art is a subject which interests him. Not everyone wants to debate art.
Praying is kosher when you believe in a God to save the world. Atheism requires that you get off your knees to save the world. Be Involved,. Support “E pluribus Unum", Out of many one, as our National Motto. "Unite Us don't divide us." Thank you.
You can tell she high on the "save the planet" fumes those documentaries put off and can't quite get a grasp of what's reasonable. She literally admits to being convinced by a kid yelling "ash tray! ash tray!" And wouldn't have understood littering tar soaked plastic foam was wrong if he'd just cussed at her for doing it. Sorry hun, that's a no-brainer. I turn off lights when I'm not using them, I cook 97% of my meals, hell, I don't leave the water running in the shower when I soap up. The last time I bought a bottle of water was to get the sealed bottle past security into a baseball stadium. There's only so much that people can do on their own and berating an audience that is probably more tuned in than most got to be insulting after a couple minutes.
@@RubixB0y She was irrational regarding the use of animal products as well, suggesting that it wasn't for her, I would say she could easily find a diet plan, where it would work. The majority of us can - it just takes persistence & discipline & really isn't that hard to do. The more we buy into that industry, at whatever level, is essentially immoral. Those poor animals have suffered enough at our hands, it is indefensible, giving what we now know.
@@RubixB0y If you're already doing all these things, I doubt she was talking to you. I do believe she ranted for too long, but there was truth in her words.
@@mischarowe I also agree she wasn't directing it at me and that's why I object to her delivery, as you do. There are valid points in her message, however, I believe the impact of her message was squandered by the way she chose to express it. Maybe it's the religious shame upbringing showing through, but *shaming* polluters and yelling "just f**king _______" only closes minds. It doesn't motivate anyone, she puts herself up on a high horse and in a bad light in the name of a good cause. Always seek to open minds and encourage compassion.
@@RubixB0y I mostly mentioned how it wasn't directed at you because you talked about the things you do to help the environment. I'm not sure what the reasoning for pointing that out would be if you knew she wasn't directing it at you. Just saying.
It seems that there are two types of people commenting on this video. Smart people, and religious people (stupid) Now if all the stupid people would just phone in and talk to Matt, He can straighten them all out. But maybe they are afraid to phone in, because he will show them how wrong their reasoning is, and they will look stupid.
Really disappointed to hear Jenna espouse ‘lifestylism’ when it comes to climate change. No number of individuals reducing their carbon footprint will ever come close to the impact of the big industries which are responsible for 70% of carbon emissions.
‘Big industries’ don’t support any bodies lifestyle, but instead they create it. Our societal institutions only exist in regards to our material relations. That is to say that our culture or lifestyle depends on the nature of what we produce, how we produce it, where and how we exchange it, why we produce and this way and not the other, and we adjust ourselves to it.
It’s not even a matter of shifting blame to one world superpower or another. It is literally an easily compilable list of a few hundred names that make the decisions which ultimately lead to 70% of total carbon emissions.
Ungläubiger!!! No, to the contrary! I simply think the both the decisions of what, how, why we provide and exchange should be democratized rather than given to the whims of private interests.
To the atheist caller who was struggling one of my firmly held beliefs is that once you find out that nothing really matters you find out what really matters to YOU. At first life can seem really hopeless but for me it's really liberating to think about how even though I'm not a doctor that will save a million people or a scientist who will discover something to improve a million lives Ultimately the dumb little things that bring me happiness will ultimately have the same impact. I try not to do anything that harms myself or other people everything else is optional.
if you think science and reason is cold, the atoms in your body have travelled billions of years and billions of miles and find themselves in you, they existed since the beginning of time and science says they probably went through at least three supernovae to get to fly around the sun and then coalesce into the planet, and then make you. and when you die those atoms merge back into the eco system, float around again for billions of years, pass through more super novae and either they go to make up bits of millions of aliens, or by chance get together (in the infinity of time) and you actually do get born again, and if nothing else they will be around until the end of time. who needs god.
@@MichaelHallbsmbahamas They are taught the Bible, and made to believe it is truth - which is abuse. No one should be taught something without it being demonstrated to be true.
@@j0hncon5tantine No. And nothing. Compel is the wrong word. Its a decision made after years of simply being non-religious and a smh realisation that I just simply don't believe. Which is the definition of atheism, so, why not? Btw, my "no" answer is based on the fact that I've read the whole thing. Why would I care what you have to say about it?
@@TshaajThomas Ok here's the thing, if you're interested in a debate, then I'm in. If you're only interested in attacking me then I'm not interested. Your call.
for serious. waaaay too preachy and that arrogance... straight-up disgusting. we'll be long gone before the planet notices we were ever here. no one on this channel tells anyone what to believe, as it should be... but we'll be shamed for our eating habits? lawl i will eat f*cking steak and Cap'n f*cking Crunch at every f*cking meal if i damn f*cking please.
Jenna was ok in the beginning but now she starts to be more and more grating. I wish she could just be a little bit more relaxed and actually listening, instead of constantly interrupting and asking these random standard questions. It's like she's working from a script and tries to fit in as many of these standard questions as possible instead of listening and having an actual conversation.
@@laserbuddha It's not a strawman if it's a question. You DID notice the question mark, didn't you? Oh look, another question mark. Seriously though, people are who they are. Jenna is - mostly - cheerful. Matt knows how to be patient AND rude. They balance each other out. Like Michael Greif said: what's the deal with you?
@@mischarowe How clear can it be? You wrote: "You wish she'd mould her personality the way you like it, you mean?" In the question, you're implying that I stated something I didn't. I know this is the internet but a simple sorry would have been ok and we could just move along. But instead, you're trying some dumb sophistry. Just be honest.
The ultimate mystery: Why do theists continue to believe in any god that provides such piss-poor evidence for its existence and still uses text to inform us of its word?
Because they were often conditioned, from a very young age, to believe that it's true. Their entire world view rests on this belief. Their identity does. People are creatures of habit and have a hard time changing habits, let alone opening their mind to the possibility that they've been believing things (sometimes for decades) that may not even be true. It's like they've built an elaborate house of cards in their brain, and they're scared that if they start to pull out some of the cards the entire structure will collapse.
@David Anewman no he just shouldn't use a text because ink and paper will deteriorate over time. In addition, whatever message he wants to give will be lost in a two thousand-year-old game of telephone. That's why there are a shitload of Christian denominations who all believe something different. The sun on the other hand communicates its existence very well over large periods of time and doesn't risk a game of telephone. So either the Christian God is an idiot, or doesn't exist. Learn how to evaluate evidence. Try the scientific method.
@David Anewman Well, you would think that an all-powerful being would not use such a limited form of communication that can be lost in translation, can be easily destroyed, misinterpreted, etc. Telepathy might have a been a better message delivery system.
@@abuamanah9176 Atoms and molecules were not "invented", nor did they appear fully formed at the moment the Big Bang occurred. To form atoms, you would first require quarks, electrons, neutrons and protons and have the strong nuclear force to bind the atomic nuclei against the electrostatic forces which are trying to split them apart. I don't really care what your opinion is about this. I just wanted to see if your head melts or a veins pop. There are some who in the 21st century still believe that the entire Universe and everything in it was a spontaneous invention of an always existent, brain-dead and horribly unethical sky-daddy who was a proponent of slavery, incest and gang rape of women and children about 6,000 to 10,000 years ago, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary. These are theistic fairytales of an even higher order than those of the atheists!
@@kevinkinal9557 except she didnt say that and this show isnt "only" about talking about not believing in a god. Maybe try actually listening instead of screeching when an idea that offends you is brought up. And yes it is 100% relevant to the show since many people refuse to accept science based on religious reasons or similarly bad reasons.
@@michaelr5606 maybe if you'd grow up and educate yourself on basic climatology that every single scientific organization on earth agree on then you wouldn't sound like a dipshit.
I was lucky enough to find Peterson before he became a superstar. It was a painful experience to watch him going through the vicious attacks and yet I can't even imagine the emotions he had to face during the process. Being a life-long atheist I truly value the process Peterson is a part of - very much like I have learned to value Martin Luther. No, I don't believe in their God but for the time being their God is way better that the rotten and corrupted corpse that other people desperately try to save and turn into a god of war again. Watching this show and especially the American politics I am almost as definite as Peterson that Americans are not ready for the death of God - the common moral agreement that keeps the society together. In Finland we have been pretty lucky. The way God has been slowly faded out and replaced with scientific facts and common sense in our education system has been a really successful operation. The nihilism that has taken over America is the very same beast that made Germany happen in the thirties and if the people don't get their act together now - well, I guess Peterson is not that wrong after all. Thoughts and prayers, from Finland.
6:18. ok. it´s all good, and awesome. Love the Atheist Experience. ...but cant handle hearing trough 1:47:23 of an emotional unhinched person yeling. Keep up the great work! see you on a nother episode :D
Monique's situation: It may help to have the dad write what he wants so that there's no issue regarding his wishes after his death. With regards to the thoughts that it really doesn't matter what happens because he's no longer alive, I would say that it would matter to me how I was represented to others. For myself, if there was to be a ceremony of remembrance, I would want who I was when alive represented truthfully, with either no acknowledgement of religion or my actual view of it. If I was misrepresented, to appear in favor of it, that would be a really crappy thing to do in my remembrance.
i think to compare our non existence pre-conception to non existence after we die, in order to eleviate the fear of death, is an unhelpful and false comparison. i believe that when we die, we do indeed cease to exist. but pre-conception, we couldn't know that we would become living. there was no way to BE fearful, or anything else. now that we are alive we know exactly what we are going to LOSE (enter religion). we are now CONSCIOUS of the transition BACK to non-existence. it is understandable to be fearful precisely because we exist.
I did a short gratitude list at one time. There were truly some wonderful times, although those times were short and few. Instead it is difficult to be mistreated because I have had chronic PTSD. anxiety, depression, ADHD, some OCD and I am isolative as a result. I have not relatives to talk to or friends to spend time with.
Marcus, the human eye (as well as the eyes of animals, birds, insects, reptiles) have a certain number of cones in the eye that picks up the various wave lengths of the light spectrum. The human eye has less cones than most insects and more than dogs, so there are differences in what colors are detected by the cones in different types of eyes. Bascially we are seeing light waves in a spectrum.
Just a thought, does anyone else see the extremely negotiate attitude with the new Co host, I was embarrassed for Matt at the beginning of the show when the new Co host was cursing about global warming, waste and what not? I curse all the time but I think she did it all wrong.
Did you mean to say "negative" when you said "negotiate"? If you were using a phone to access youtube, then it might have auto corrected what you were typing, unless you meant to use that word.
Hmm maybe try refreshing the browser window or TH-cam app and give the video another shot... I've been watching the video for the last hour and it is perfectly in sync for me.
1:47:20 once there was a news item on television about a young woman, fell down from a cliff. She was a well known athlete in rock climbing. My first thought where. Dying when you do what you love doing the most. I would love that. Of course she was too young and it is terrible for the people that stay behind.
Ben hung up because he realized that Matt and Jenna weren't going to accept his lie. For him to go from 'knowing' everyone in the room was sober and mentally healthy...to then not having details about the event...that is a perfect example of a deceptive story. Unnecessary details followed by overly vague info about most important parts.
@@mikkelfraskui RIght?! He couldn't even say, "books started flying around." or "papers, pencils, toys, our shoes"....nothing but 'things'. Especially after being confronted, he couldn't come up with any detail. Also, all the talk about how sober and mentally healthy everyone was. He did that because he was "setting the stage"....for his 'story'. That's the beauty of the AXP. It's not so much about god or religion....it's about seeking the truth and learning to be skeptical. Using logic, reason and fine tuning epistemology; not for convincing you of what you already accept....but to learn, to grow and to obtain TRUE knowledge. LOVE IT!!!!!
@@curtbressler3127 And the best thing is that the stories fall apart at the seams at the hand of pretty simple questions. There's no magic involved, just pretty basic stuff.
12:47 - I stopped littering my cig butts about 5 years ago. I always find some kind of receptacle otherwise hang onto to it til I can properly dispose of it.
Renée Descartes did not believe in some deciever god. He believed a devil could have been deceiving him, but he said that's not possible because he believes in the Christian God who would never deciever him. He was very Christian
When my husband died I told the mortician and the coroner that he was severely afraid of coffins and enclosed spaces, he was cremated but before then they both promised to keep his face uncovered for the time they had him
15:30 Ben: MA: I Believe in a God But I Don’t Know Anything About It, “Spiritual” Experiences
34:40 Marcus: OH: Philosophical Thought Experiments, I Experience God So It’s Real to Me
47:40 Mark: OH: I Have a Nuanced Version of Slavery in the Bible
57:30 Spencer: Austin, TX: Dealing with Depression About Afterlife After Leaving Religion
1:19:45 Jerry: CO: Genesis Story, I Believe in a Deceiver God, Paradoxes, Ultimate Mystery
1:36:55 Rob: Quebec, Canada: Noah’s Ark, 35 Foot Giant Skeletons, Internet Hoaxes
1:39:25 Monique: FL: Arranging Non Religious Funeral with Religious Family
this is awesome
Beyond Faith I’d say Jenna’s degree of alarm is commensurate with the threat level of climate change.
@Beyond Faith You’re too easily butthurt. Jenna doesn’t owe you or me a “loving tone.” Apathy and complacency - which are common First World afflictions - often need a kick in the ass to stir people and governments into action. Would women have gotten the vote if they had been worried about hurting men’s feelings?
Beyond Faith Thank you for completely subverting your argument (such as it was) by personally attacking me - the logical fallacy of argumentum ad hominem, and all that. Consider this - you see a speeding bus about to hit a group of people. Do you say in a calm tone, “Please step aside, fellow citizens. You’re about to be struck by a large vehicle?” No, you scream, “Move! Bus coming!” If this analogy is above your head, the bus is climate change, the people are the human race.
@Beyond Faith I still say you're a snowflake. She struck me as passionate, not unstable. I wasn't the least bit threatened or offended by anything she said or how she said it. You, on the other hand, got so disturbed by a stranger's address to a mass audience - not you, in particular - that you're now bloviating and attacking people all over the place. Seek therapy, junior.
The first caller had me literally laughing out loud at the "things were flying around the room" part
@Ryan Lee Like in "Getting to conclusions on insuficient evidence?" openmindess
@Ryan Lee Sure, nothing like changing the burden of proof to show that you are the more rational person...
It wouldn't matter if I have answers or not, what he's doing is not being open minded, is reaching unwarranted conclusions...
@Ryan Lee Pretell. What beliefs?
@Ryan Lee It's not a fucking contest Bro, you make a claim you bear the burden of proof, if you don't then don't easy as that...
@Ryan Lee LOL. Jesus Christ! My name literally is Duke. My last name literally is Davidson. Not David Duke.
You really do like painting with a broad brush, don't you buddy.
BEN: "I'm actually a huge fan of the show!" Then he proceeds to be frustrated and hang up when Matt presses him. Clearly you haven't seen the show.
I guess he was trying to disarm Matt lol
he's a bowl of confused word salad
Gino Purple what's uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Most people watching the show have never learned how to think critically and somehow assume that just because they agree with Matt on alot of points, Matt will agree with them on theirs. Honestly, there should be a skepticism and critical thinking class in school that teaches you to avoid fallacious thinking. It's as important as language or math, as it dictates how we think and come to conclusions about everything.
@@Luftgitarrenprofi That's definitely a class I would take...
“Are you a Jordan Peterson fan” haha exactly what I was thinking at that moment
I don't get it, can you only be a fan of someone if you agree with someone 100 percent? I'm a fan of Peterson, doesn't mean I agree with everything. He says some very logical and also illogical things lol but he's countless people, and most of the videos I've seen is him using logic to help, not religion.
@@Benedict00_MankoMuncher Who said that?
The reason Matt asked that is because the caller was using the same kind of semantic acrobatics Peterson uses when it comes to the topic of god.
@@attaxiaffxi7033 I guess it was more directed to Matt saying he's sorry the caller is still a fan lol, and something someone else said.. you were just the person I chose to write a comment under.
And when the answer flowed... dozens of words. None of them yes or no...
Like in life of Brian. "Are you a virgin?"
"She is."
And once again, not one theist called in with convincing evidence for a God.
"I am jack's complete lack of Surprise." -Narrator, Fight Club
That is how I feel too.
What would convince you?
@@keithherring7677 Evidence, as in scientifically, repeatable, peer reviewed proof.
Fuckin spoiler alert
Everything you believe has been demonstrated, repeatable, and peer reviewed?
"If frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their ass a'hoppin'" --Matt Dillahunty, September 2019, time stamp 1:24:07
I laughed so hard I nearly had an asthma attack. 🤣Thanks Matt.
He stole it from Warren Beatty.
@@Screencappedhats --I'll trust you that he said it at some point. It was more Matt's delivery of the line in response to all that "if'n" that got me!🤣🤣🤣
Besides, I have a feeling it is an idiom ( in one variation or another) that is older than Matt and Warren Beatty combined. Funny, whoever said it first!
The modern version being, “If my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle”.
No need to time stamp. He has said it many times over the years
@@downwinder3 Gotcha--unfortunately for me, it's the the first time I've heard him say it and I laughed entirely too hard.
straight up - Ben is a word salad machine
@Kelly Bults Has a God why do you think there is a conspiracy to hide a flat earth?
@Kelly Bults Has a God Prove it or fuck off.
@Kelly Bults Has a God is you are a joke to us all a clown at best.
@@seanbirch9663 that guy is so butthurt he steals your name if you beat him.
Peterson influenced.
Jerry: "I believe in a deceiving god because the other alternative is mystery."
Matt: "what else do you believe without evidence?"
Jerry: "I believe in mystery"
Jerry’s favourite song lyric must be ‘Lord I was born a ramblin’ man....’
Ben: I'm a big fan of the show
Also Ben: I believe in God but I cant prove it😂😒🙃🙃
Does he not know how this show works? 😂😂
"I'm a Christian, but I believe in no part of Christianity, and I believe in God, but I don't believe in anything." Geez.
That's exactly how the show works though. Someone comes on, says they can prove God, they fail completely and provide zero evidence then matt puts the phone down. Lol
@@deanmoncaster that's exactly my point lol, him being a "fan" of the show, then saying all that was a bit entertaining 😂
@@shoogazlemonscake221 I can prove God, I had a dream, in this dream was God he said read the bible, so I did and the Bible told me it was true, it also told me that God would come to me in a dream and tell me to read the Bible so there was prophecy too. So, debunk that matt!! Also my Friends saw me sleeping so that adds extra evidence.😊
A lot of people call in just to talk and hear their own voice. He took so long to get to the fucking point
At this point, I think more Christians have died on this show trying to defend slavery than died trying to defend it during the actual Civil War.
TheJohnnyonthespot1 my favorite part about this comment is knowing that Christians fought on both sides... that word “Christian” covers an endless spectrum of meanings these days.
@@cornonthecobbob5617 At least it wasn't "No true Scotsman" fallacy. Doesn't justify the actions taken and justifications given.
hegyak yes! It is and issue of intellectual awareness and laziness.
I love and appreciate Matt so so much.
"The planet is fine. The people are fucked."
The whole does blue exist made me think of a scene from Blackadder . " Could it be that I hold in my hand a lump of purest Green " lol
"Indeed you do, Percy. Except it's not really a nugget, is it? It's more of a splat."
As to what Jenna was talking about around min 12/13; About 12 years ago my best friend was riding with me and he threw his cigarette butt out the window and I said, "You do realize I believe it should be the death penalty for people who throw cigarettes into the environment, right?" He (thinking I was joking) laughed and asked if I'd really have him killed for throwing a cigarette butt out the car window if it was in my power. I told him that even though he's my best friend, I would after one warning because I felt that strongly about it. He got more serious and said he didn't want to dirty up my clean ash tray (I'm a non-smoker) and I said, "I can clean my ash tray, I can't clean the world." And he said he'd never do it again. (and he hasn't any time he's been with me).
The opening is a fascinating exercise showing how easily we all fall into appeal to emotions. This is not to say "and a girl is wrong," but rather how quickly the topic of what can (and cannot) be reasonably done about our changing climate. And religion has taught me to doubt anyone who tries to manipulate emotions (like protecting children) has questionable motives. And if you are not willing to examine the message provided by 16yr old girls "because you are on a monster," well, that is how we got our first priests.
Yeah, I was a bit taken aback, I was here to see discussion on religion and not on climate politics.
Matt talking about the nonzero chance that he might die on Air made me think about life after he passes and it brought a single tear to my eye
I got to see Matt speak when he came to Buffalo to speak at the center for inquiry, they say don't meet your heroes or put them up on pedestals but Matt was as humble and wise in person as he is on the show, it was cool im glad i did it and life moves on
I think I became an atheist around 13 but I didn't become in touch with my beliefs and that of my reasons for believing them until after I found The Atheist Experience
Much love y'all
I like to think that when Matt dies he'll meet the Universe Creating Pixies and they'll tell him that he was the only one who passed their test
So, you traded one savior for another and still don't think for yourself?
@@thatguy5837 I love how stupid your reply is.
That Guy
Why aren’t they thinking for themselves?
@Truth Matters And how would you characterize yourself?
The sheer amount of privilege shown by saying there needs to be a waiting period to end your own life is appalling.
I have a pain condition, so I advocate for people having a right to end their pain when they, and only they, decide they can'ta deal with that pain anymore. The idea that I then have to wait an arbitrary period of time so Jenna can be assured I really can't handle it anymore shows she doesn't wake up every single day in excruciating pain.
I don't think she was saying that people should be _required_ to wait for x amount of time, but rather that if you are considering euthanasia, depending on your circumstances you should consider giving it time to think it over.
Lol, when people say "spiritual" they just assume that their conception of "spiritual" is the same as for everyone. When someone says spiritual to me I always ask, "what do you mean by that? what exactly is spiritual?" And they always either refuse to answer or claim, indigently, that I actually know what "spiritual" means and I'm just bullshitting. It's very frustrating. Even if I really did know what this word means, why still are they unable to say for themselves what it means, just to prove they actually know?
Spirits and anything having to do with them don't exist as far as I'm concerned, so they can't be talking about what I think of when I hear the word spiritual. Feeling intense euphoria isn't supernatural or even extraordinary, which is what most people actually mean by spiritual.
@Kelly Bults Has a God oh the irony
@@kellybults8248 that's the one who goes under Calvin Harrison.
@@DJ-73 after all these years all these fundies start looking the same to me.
@@kellybults8248 😂😂😂😂👍
Kelly Bults Has a God
Am I am He. Kneel before me.
8 minutes in and I’ve already heard “fuck” three times....
It’s going to be a good episode.
Ben talking about his heart attack would not be correctly diagnosed. That's quite right, we didn't even know what a heart was then , let alone have a name for it .Thankyou Matt and Jenna x
These are now my favourite comedy shows, just behind "The Fast Show" & "Shooting Stars"
I love the show but I can't take much at a sitting...the callers remind me how far gone humanity is. I'm not sure how you guys keep your cool sometimes.
Keep doing what you do, guys!
I just try to keep in mind that this is the subset of people that would call into an atheist radio talkshow
It’s eye opening stuff, isn’t it?!
Just because you show your anger doesn’t make your point more acceptable.
Often we dont show anger to prove a point but make a point because of it.
And just because someone showed their anger doesn't make their point less acceptable either.
A point stands or falls on its own merits. The intensity and type of emotion, or lack thereof, apparent in the person making the point is neither here nor there. Either a person is talking bollocks, or they aren't.
Just because someone hides it doesn’t make their point less acceptable.
But none of that matters a fuck.
This show is great!!!!....that Spencer call helped me out more then going to church and believing for 30 years. Im going to have to plan my next vacation to visit Austin soon....
Gratitude list is a big thing
Fifteen minutes of "Can you answer "? "Sure!
Thank you, Jenna, for publicly stating your allegiance to the less-waste clan.
i talk to GOD everyday!!! GOD REASSURES ME i will get out of this mental hospital along with everyone's imaginary friends.
Are you sure these aren't "YOUR" imaginary friends?
"popular main stream educational secular origin ideas" =
"something coming from nothing out of nowhere with no reason or cause"(BIG BANG as explained in textbooks), "life coming from non life"(Abiogenesis) with no help or cause, "brand new original body parts/ organs forming on an organism in any amount of time and steps" by themselves, and "all living organisms on Earth being generationally related" to each other. As well as the fact that you believe you and I are ancestrally related to a flea!?!"(DARWINS EVOLUTION)
What compels you to label yourself an atheist?
@@j0hncon5tantine Ahh... the same old used strawmans...Is funny that your belief in god depends on how your misconceptions of science reflects the flaws on the baibul
- somehting from nothing (god did it)
- life from non life (god did it)
- you and I are ancestrally related to an incestous couple (god did it)
Calls start at 15:30
@Kelly Bults Has a God So are you saying that at one point, no one or nothing required a god? Because if that's what you mean, then wow: Not only are you fucking stupid, you're outright blasphemous towards your cancer of a religion. At least be fucking consistent with your beliefs.
@Kelly Bults Has a God fart noises
@Kelly Bults Has a God you require a brain.
It's funny to follow Matt's eyes when the caller goes to some area that makes him consider hanging up. His eyes wander around the room a bit and then end up on the hangup button. 😂
I get so frustrated with people that claim "I have an undergraduate degree in X so I'm a scientist" and then proceed to demonstrate that not only have they not spent any time studying their religious beliefs, they appear not to have spent any time studying the degree they spuriously claim gives them "authority" to talk about religion. Jerry, just because you took a few introductory courses in geology does not make you an authority in religion or geology. Having only a BS in a subject doesn't mean you are unqualified to speak on it, but if you are going mention it when talking about another subject, it would be nice if you could connect the two. It became apparent you didn't bother to do much thinking or study on either subject when you went to "ultimate mystery" without defining what you meant by it or mentioning that there are paradoxes. Pretty much everyone that has thought about time travel has bumped up against the "what if I traveled back in time and killed one of my parents" paradox - big deal. I don't see how a paradox shows anything deepens your point about theology or geology or a linkage between them. I would advise you to put a little thought into the subjects you want to discuss before calling. That's just me though.
Your caller reminds me of my own dealings with the possibility of dying.
What helps me is this:
1) I lived longer now than most others (being at 47, I got to live longer than so many other younger people who died)
2) Whenever I fly, I have this brief thought what if I die here? What comforts me is looking around and seeing everyone with me on the same boat. Each time I do this, I am comforted that these are fine people to die with. Old folks, young folks... children...
3) This last is important. We are on the cusp of overcoming aging through genetics. The best we can do is advocate or even support the technology financially. This is crowdfunding. Anything that gets funded, ups the chances that it gets made. Support the technology. In a few more years, these weird experimental drugs rich people take will be available to us like cheaper cell phones versus the suitcase telephone in the 80's costing $100,000. Support it and make it happen for OUR generation. We know it will happen. The best we can do is accelerate this development TO REACH US! :)
Not possibility. Inevitability.
Face reality without dulling euphemism.
First caller desperately trying to _yadda yadda_ through his supernatural experience.
An amusing episode. People that aren't very smart --at all--trying to sound like they are smart. Each believer on this show was like this.
@David Anewman Well, science shows that humans are a species of apes.
Caligo Please don’t feed the trolls. David A New Man is silly and woefully uninformed.
And almost each of them laughing at the previous callers, thinking they would do much better.
@@zgs12212012 Well, i wanted to get the troll-food out befor it goes bad and then you get angry trolls and it smells funny in the kitchen, you know.
My Mom is a believing JW and i get all the prints on creation and i've laughing them off for 20 years, because my mom does not want to hear me debunking them, she probably tries to bury me under them to fix me.
Caligo You made my morning. Thank you.
The best version of a god I've ever heard of was more or less a joke.
'God is a child who build a whole universe, got bored, and forgot about it, entirely.'
The Deist motto.
@RebelFred Never read the comics but I love the movie.
@RebelFred and lukus black
Did you ever read all the "Constantine/ hellblazer" comics? Did you ever read the one where Jesus helps him out and gives him advice?
Do you want to know what Gods real intention is with creating life and the universe?
This was a great episode, enjoyed it a lot! Thanks Jenna & Matt!
Emotional manipulation disgusts me even if it's done with good intentions. I'm sorry I just can't help it.
Right?! It’s mind rape. It’s the Santa Claus isn’t real for the adult mind.
Like comedians trying to make people laugh?
Oggy Oggy no, comedians typically will talk about truth.
Hahaha, Jenna's stifled laughing at 31:53 was very cute and it cracked me up!
Jenna, we're not killing the planet. The planet has and always will survive regardless of human activity. We're killing ourselves or at least our way of life.
I concur.
@Dirk Knight I for one, welcome our new robot overlords.
Religious extremists can kill out a group of people and we can justify it with "that's just nature". Authoritarian nations can keep their people starving in grinding poverty and morbid fear, and we might as well say it's just part of the "nature" of human beings. Yet we know better than to justify these things or because when it comes to human tragedies we're well aware of the individual experiences as well as the survival of a people. But when it's about non-human life, especially animals, we seem to only talk about population counts, not about the experiences of animals who died with plastics in their system, or the bones-thin polar bear wandering its melting habitat.
We are killing the planet (as in, other life than just humans), we see the consequences of our impact, and just because the planet as we currently know it has been here during your lifespan doesn't mean it always will be. We disregard our impact on all other life, waving it off as the other species will "survive", or that some other will replace them - but we'll quickly acknowledge how we kill ourselves, even merely the change to our "way of life".
Damn, Matt, you cut him off! I wanted to hear the definition of a "new atheist."
You know
The definition is simple. It is a person who has recently realised what crock of shit believing in a God is.
@@RickReasonnz If I realized a year ago do I still qualify?
Old atheists kept their mouths shut about their lack of belief or were executed.
@@RickReasonnz I have heard the term new atheist used kind if derogatorily a few times and I was actually interested in hearing what people mean by it. So I did some research. It was apparently coined in a book in 2006....."This modern-day atheism is advanced by a group of thinkers and writers who advocate the view that superstition, religion and irrationalism should not simply be tolerated but should be countered, criticized, and exposed by rational argument wherever their influence arises in government, education, and politics."
So it has this elitist, smart guy underpinning that some people rebel against. I mean, who would want to be a smart, rational person, right?
Noooo, Jenna, don't do it. Don't feed into the frame of climate change as an individual problem. It CANNOT POSSIBLY be solved or mitigated by the few percent of people privileged enough to do something about their personal carbon footprint.
It NEEDS to be solved at a system level. If you are concerned about climate change, AS WE ALL SHOULD BE, the best you can do is campaign for Bernie Sanders.
I'd be for Bernie if I disagreed with half his policies, because he's the only candidate with integrity, and a demonstrated will to fight for what needs to be done.
And on the brink of climate apocalypse, g'damn it we need fucking fighter with integrity.
I was onboard until you said campaign for bernie.
To be fair, the single individual thing we can do is not consume animal products. We don’t need legislation to control that necessarily. It would help no doubt but we can actually control what we eat and don’t eat. It’s supply and demand for animal products vs legislation that can control corporations.
@@troyhenry6111 Why? I'm quite confident I can demonstrate why we should all be campaigning for Bernie. We could even talk about it on discord if you like.
@@Drew399 Nah dude. 70%+ of climate change is done by 100 companies. Individual action can NEVER POSSIBLY make any dent.
If you wanna vote with your dollars go for it, but shaming people for their choices from privilege is a recipe for disaster.
@deadend We are. That is the expert scientific consensus. Literally billions of people WILL DIE if we don't take immediate dramatic action.
It's fairly simple to demonstrate too. We talked about it a lot and had sources and an ironclad argument in my last stream.
For anyone coming across weird photos like the 30 foot giant skeletons etc. There is a website called ‘Tineye.com” it is a reverse imaging search engine. You can upload a photo from a phone or computer and it will search the internet for matches to that photo, and list them by dates. So if you go to the oldest date, this is often the first time it was uploaded to the internet. Things like this tend to originate from photoshopping competitions. Sometimes a reverse image search will find the original photo, before the skeleton was photoshopped to look giant.
I sometimes make the mistake of trying to "help" people posting ridiculous photoshops (in the name of COUNTERING GLOBALIST DECEPTION) by doing this and looking for original pictures and stuff. What often happens is a complete diversion (now what about this other image I found), complete ignoring or an accusation that because I'm not buying into it I'm a shill.
It's really frustrating, but the times people realise they're spreading garbage make up for it. Mostly.
Caller 1: Makes outrageous claims and misbehaves
Caller 2: "Don't worry I'ma do better than that last caller..." proceeds to make outrageous claims and misbehave
Caller 3: "Don't worry I'ma do better than that last caller..." proceeds to make outrageous claims and misbehave
Caller 4: "Don't worry I'ma do better than that last caller..." proceeds to make outrageous claims and misbehave
I noticed only 2 min in and theyre the same if not worse than the predecessor
Related: the blooming schism bush that is Xnity.
The first episode Jenna was on I was actually quite impressed with her, and thought she might be a good addition to the show. I've totally changed my mind. What was that lifestylism preach? 'I still buy water bottles and eat meat, but you people should sort your lives out!', not to mention individuals changing their lifestyles slightly will make zero difference: the problem is in industry. She tries to be like Matt, by interjecting and asking a lateral question, but she isn't clever - or informed - enough to pull it off. The episode where she hosted with Vi the entire time was just spent telling people to go look something up/research, and question more. Like... That's a big part of why people call in. I've formed my opinion, I don't like her, bring back Tracy.
IDK if matt and her are lovers or what but this episode crossed "default till proven" to don't eat meat and cut people off who are trying to explain a phenomena. This episode tacs on positive belief at every aspect to me.
@Beyond Faith I mean, fair enough but 2 wrongs, ya know?
I agree entirely. I felt embarrassed for her.
Totally agree. I've been trying go give her a chance because I'm sure it isn't easy but this was hard to watch.
You took the words right out my mouth my friend. You can see where she tries to mirror Matt but she cant pull it off and it's hard to watch. Her answers are what you get from your local bartender and I wish the real "Jen" was still on the show!
Mid-town Sacramento, CA represent'en ! :)
Happy Godless Sunday, ya'll
15:17 Ben
34:40 Marcus
47:41 Mark
57:30 Spencer
12:45 what gets my blood boiling is when I see someone empty their car ashtray onto the street
No, because he knows how to use complete sentences and words.
Cars still have ashtrays?
I recall a scene in Mad Men where Don Draper took his family on a picnic at the park. When they were done, they just left all their trash there and Don threw his beer can on the ground. That's how we rolled in the 70s!
@@astrosci8864 -- newer cars (a lot of ones that I've been in) actually don't have ashtrays anymore. However, that isn't license to just throw your cigarette butt out the window, in the same way that my car doesn't have a trash can in it and yet when I have any trash, paper bag, leftovers, or anything else in my car that I want to get rid of, I also don't just throw it out the window because "well there's no trash can in this darn car."
@@Mossingen-kq6go -- then people in the 70s sucked and were self-centered. Did you all just assume back then that someone else would clean up after you constantly? Jeez.
I wonder how many times callers have said, “because of my own experiences”.
@Truth Matters nope
@Truth Matters Maybe he has a word salad allergy. Anaphylaxis is nasty.
@@abuamanah9176 Fuck allah.
@@abuamanah9176 What do you use to determine that your God & it's teachings are good?
@Truth Matters That's a nice glimpse into your mental imagery ....
Unfortunately I completely understood where ben was coming from, he believes the bible more than aesop because he has been told that the Bible is true all his life, no one has ever told anyone that aesops fables are a religious text.
Yeah it looks like Ben is not convinced in the Christian God but just doesn't want to admit it
And you can almost hear it in his voice as he realises mid-sentence how unreasonable he is.
But that's part of the process of disabusing yourself of faith.
Spencer sounds an awful lot like Billy the theist
with jordan peterson's woo woo word soup, I lose faith in humanity that he actually has fans
Ay, at least he's not as bad a gman
@Ben Jones : He = Jordan Peterson hasn't reinvented the Wheel, because he's not saying anything new. :-)
have you seen the hand waving he does, there aren't fans, it's an experiment in mass hypnosis.
Absolutely. I have no idea why people think Jordan is so amazing. He speaks so much wank. I think if you're articulate enough, you can convince the generic (not-so-bright) Layman about almost anything. That is why we have so many religions. And that is why Jordan seems to impress so many silly 'gooses' out there.
JP suffers from the usual a person suffers when they wander from their area(s) of expertise - they end up sounding like nitwits
Ben really really likes to speak a lot, and say little.
Jordan Peterson fan after all...
Truth Matters
Ben, is that you?
@@larjkok1184 Truth Matters is an usual troll
@@larjkok1184 Nop, he is failus maximus, he just changed its name when his old nickname became a joke for his usual trolling.
Matt's talk about life and death was fabulous. Thanks, very uplifting!
Great job on quiting smoking, Jenna!
Its "The Peterson Word Salad Episode"
astronation and just like Matt did to the man, so he dismantled the ideas inherited by his followers calling in.
Lol I came here to say the same thing
tbh it's like iirc literally I mean imo I cannot like literally tbh imo?
I really thought Jenna was going to be good. But she NEVER listens to callers. I think she is trying to be aggressive like matt but without purpose. Like without the underlying reasons.
She asks Ben "if you didn't know what happened..." But he didn't say he didn't know what happened. He tried to tell her that but she cut him off accusing him of saying he didn't know what happened.
She does that every show. She hears something that they say then cuts them off without letting them finish and makes them answer for something she misinterprets. They try to explain how she heard them wrong. Then makes them answer something that doesn't make sense.
Last time a guy was saying no one knows god, including himself. Then she cut him off and made him prove how he knows god. He tried to say that he doesn't know god, but she cut him off accusing him of not answering 3 more times then hung up on him. He doesn't know god so he can't answer how he knows god.
She's aggressive just to be aggressive. Matt is aggressive but with purpose
the problem of taking little steps individually against climate change is that whilst it has zero effect BUT shifts the burden/guilt onto us, which is a game the mega corporates and governments already play, which lets them get away with more of the same whilst we blame ourselves.
that doesnt mean take no responsibility but, fighting against each other is not the way forward.
"I DON'T HAVE TIME TO DEBATE ART" -Matt (29 September 2019)
Context... :)
I imagine Matt would be happy to debate (or at least discuss) art when not busy already doing an entirely unrelated show.
If art is a subject which interests him. Not everyone wants to debate art.
6 months later...plenty of time available to debate whatever.
Praying is kosher when you believe in a God to save the world.
Atheism requires that you get off your knees to save the world.
Be Involved,.
Support “E pluribus Unum", Out of many one, as our National Motto.
"Unite Us don't divide us."
Thank you.
Jenna is the perfect co-Pilot for Matt, in my opinion! Always a great combo!
Man, I just don't care for her. I can't pinpoint it.
15:20 End of rant.
I appreciate the rant. I'm already doing the things I need to do. But 15 minutes of that is a bit much.
You can tell she high on the "save the planet" fumes those documentaries put off and can't quite get a grasp of what's reasonable. She literally admits to being convinced by a kid yelling "ash tray! ash tray!" And wouldn't have understood littering tar soaked plastic foam was wrong if he'd just cussed at her for doing it. Sorry hun, that's a no-brainer.
I turn off lights when I'm not using them, I cook 97% of my meals, hell, I don't leave the water running in the shower when I soap up. The last time I bought a bottle of water was to get the sealed bottle past security into a baseball stadium.
There's only so much that people can do on their own and berating an audience that is probably more tuned in than most got to be insulting after a couple minutes.
She was irrational regarding the use of animal products as well, suggesting that it wasn't for her, I would say she could easily find a diet plan, where it would work.
The majority of us can - it just takes persistence & discipline & really isn't that hard to do.
The more we buy into that industry, at whatever level, is essentially immoral.
Those poor animals have suffered enough at our hands, it is indefensible, giving what we now know.
@@RubixB0y If you're already doing all these things, I doubt she was talking to you.
I do believe she ranted for too long, but there was truth in her words.
@@mischarowe I also agree she wasn't directing it at me and that's why I object to her delivery, as you do. There are valid points in her message, however, I believe the impact of her message was squandered by the way she chose to express it. Maybe it's the religious shame upbringing showing through, but *shaming* polluters and yelling "just f**king _______" only closes minds. It doesn't motivate anyone, she puts herself up on a high horse and in a bad light in the name of a good cause.
Always seek to open minds and encourage compassion.
@@RubixB0y I mostly mentioned how it wasn't directed at you because you talked about the things you do to help the environment.
I'm not sure what the reasoning for pointing that out would be if you knew she wasn't directing it at you.
Just saying.
It seems that there are two types of people commenting on this video. Smart people, and religious people (stupid) Now if all the stupid people would just phone in and talk to Matt, He can straighten them all out. But maybe they are afraid to phone in, because he will show them how wrong their reasoning is, and they will look stupid.
Really disappointed to hear Jenna espouse ‘lifestylism’ when it comes to climate change. No number of individuals reducing their carbon footprint will ever come close to the impact of the big industries which are responsible for 70% of carbon emissions.
China being the worst
So you want to live without products from this industry, like the device you use to watch the show and write these words?
‘Big industries’ don’t support any bodies lifestyle, but instead they create it. Our societal institutions only exist in regards to our material relations. That is to say that our culture or lifestyle depends on the nature of what we produce, how we produce it, where and how we exchange it, why we produce and this way and not the other, and we adjust ourselves to it.
It’s not even a matter of shifting blame to one world superpower or another. It is literally an easily compilable list of a few hundred names that make the decisions which ultimately lead to 70% of total carbon emissions.
Ungläubiger!!! No, to the contrary! I simply think the both the decisions of what, how, why we provide and exchange should be democratized rather than given to the whims of private interests.
To the atheist caller who was struggling one of my firmly held beliefs is that once you find out that nothing really matters you find out what really matters to YOU. At first life can seem really hopeless but for me it's really liberating to think about how even though I'm not a doctor that will save a million people or a scientist who will discover something to improve a million lives Ultimately the dumb little things that bring me happiness will ultimately have the same impact. I try not to do anything that harms myself or other people everything else is optional.
if you think science and reason is cold, the atoms in your body have travelled billions of years and
billions of miles and find themselves in you, they existed since the beginning of time and science says they probably went through
at least three supernovae to get to fly around the sun and then coalesce into the planet, and then make you. and when you die those
atoms merge back into the eco system, float around again for billions of years, pass through more super novae and either they go to
make up bits of millions of aliens, or by chance get together (in the infinity of time) and you actually do get born again, and if
nothing else they will be around until the end of time.
who needs god.
I have a hard time believing that theists who say "if you read the testaments" (or scripture/whatever) actually KNOW how to read.
Religious texts are made to be believed in, but never demonstrated to be true.
they only read the parts taught in church, most don't read the whole bible and many only read while at church
They are taught the Bible, and made to believe it is truth - which is abuse.
No one should be taught something without it being demonstrated to be true.
@Mk. Rowe
Would you like to ask me a question about scripture?
What compels you to label yourself an atheist?
@@j0hncon5tantine No. And nothing. Compel is the wrong word. Its a decision made after years of simply being non-religious and a smh realisation that I just simply don't believe. Which is the definition of atheism, so, why not?
Btw, my "no" answer is based on the fact that I've read the whole thing. Why would I care what you have to say about it?
And again, not one theist with any proof. Come on people, the most important being in the universe and not one scrap of evidence.
But Jesus.
@@TshaajThomas who are you referring to?
@@TshaajThomas Considering I'm diabetic, yes I do need meds.
@@TshaajThomas Ok here's the thing, if you're interested in a debate, then I'm in. If you're only interested in attacking me then I'm not interested. Your call.
@@TshaajThomas I haven't insulted you and I don't intend to, but if you continue I'll just block you, your call. Have a nice day anyway.
She got too preachy for my Liking, it might be due to the fact that I already do that stuff and I never smoked.
She preached perfectly, she said nothing wrong and there’s reason for passion in her comments. And her name is Jenna.
for serious. waaaay too preachy
and that arrogance... straight-up disgusting.
we'll be long gone before the planet notices we were ever here.
no one on this channel tells anyone what to believe, as it should be...
but we'll be shamed for our eating habits? lawl
i will eat f*cking steak and Cap'n f*cking Crunch at every f*cking meal if i damn f*cking please.
@@CVshorey thank you for your pointless post and for typing out her name which is visible on the screen.
Maybe it was her higher power
deanmoncaster you’re welcome
Jenna was ok in the beginning but now she starts to be more and more grating. I wish she could just be a little bit more relaxed and actually listening, instead of constantly interrupting and asking these random standard questions. It's like she's working from a script and tries to fit in as many of these standard questions as possible instead of listening and having an actual conversation.
You wish she'd mould her personality the way you like it, you mean?
@@mischarowe So, Mr Strawman where did I state that?
@@laserbuddha It's not a strawman if it's a question. You DID notice the question mark, didn't you?
Oh look, another question mark.
Seriously though, people are who they are. Jenna is - mostly - cheerful. Matt knows how to be patient AND rude. They balance each other out.
Like Michael Greif said: what's the deal with you?
@@mischarowe How clear can it be? You wrote: "You wish she'd mould her personality the way you like it, you mean?"
In the question, you're implying that I stated something I didn't.
I know this is the internet but a simple sorry would have been ok and we could just move along. But instead, you're trying some dumb sophistry. Just be honest.
ehhhh the environmental perching at the start of the show was little much. Our ozone is actually healing
Fast forward to 15:10 to avoid off topic discussion
The ultimate mystery: Why do theists continue to believe in any god that provides such piss-poor evidence for its existence and still uses text to inform us of its word?
Because they were often conditioned, from a very young age, to believe that it's true. Their entire world view rests on this belief. Their identity does. People are creatures of habit and have a hard time changing habits, let alone opening their mind to the possibility that they've been believing things (sometimes for decades) that may not even be true. It's like they've built an elaborate house of cards in their brain, and they're scared that if they start to pull out some of the cards the entire structure will collapse.
David Anewman
He couldn’t do shit if he tried.
@David Anewman no he just shouldn't use a text because ink and paper will deteriorate over time. In addition, whatever message he wants to give will be lost in a two thousand-year-old game of telephone. That's why there are a shitload of Christian denominations who all believe something different.
The sun on the other hand communicates its existence very well over large periods of time and doesn't risk a game of telephone.
So either the Christian God is an idiot, or doesn't exist.
Learn how to evaluate evidence. Try the scientific method.
@David Anewman Well, you would think that an all-powerful being would not use such a limited form of communication that can be lost in translation, can be easily destroyed, misinterpreted, etc. Telepathy might have a been a better message delivery system.
@@abuamanah9176 Atoms and molecules were not "invented", nor did they appear fully formed at the moment the Big Bang occurred. To form atoms, you would first require quarks, electrons, neutrons and protons and have the strong nuclear force to bind the atomic nuclei against the electrostatic forces which are trying to split them apart.
I don't really care what your opinion is about this. I just wanted to see if your head melts or a veins pop.
There are some who in the 21st century still believe that the entire Universe and everything in it was a spontaneous invention of an always existent, brain-dead and horribly unethical sky-daddy who was a proponent of slavery, incest and gang rape of women and children about 6,000 to 10,000 years ago, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary. These are theistic fairytales of an even higher order than those of the atheists!
Why the dislikes here?
It's sad how climate change is being ignored over Idiots who want to harass a young girl
Cuz it supposed to be an atheist show, not the "You shouldn't eat more meat than I do show"
@@kevinkinal9557 except she didnt say that and this show isnt "only" about talking about not believing in a god. Maybe try actually listening instead of screeching when an idea that offends you is brought up. And yes it is 100% relevant to the show since many people refuse to accept science based on religious reasons or similarly bad reasons.
Perhaps if Matt applied half of his level of of skepticism that he gives to religion to the climate change claims there’d be less dislikes.
@@michaelr5606 maybe if you'd grow up and educate yourself on basic climatology that every single scientific organization on earth agree on then you wouldn't sound like a dipshit.
Almost welled up with Spencer's call. I hope he can learn to love his life and be fearless of death.
57:30 talk was very helpful. thankyou!
In the Jordan Peterson Vs Matt Dillahunty debate Matt didnt just stand with him he Towered over him Marcus(caller). Lol
Peterson is smart, but he is no genius.
He's certainly good at sounding smart. I haven't been convinced of anything but his narcissism.
I was lucky enough to find Peterson before he became a superstar. It was a painful experience to watch him going through the vicious attacks and yet I can't even imagine the emotions he had to face during the process.
Being a life-long atheist I truly value the process Peterson is a part of - very much like I have learned to value Martin Luther. No, I don't believe in their God but for the time being their God is way better that the rotten and corrupted corpse that other people desperately try to save and turn into a god of war again.
Watching this show and especially the American politics I am almost as definite as Peterson that Americans are not ready for the death of God - the common moral agreement that keeps the society together.
In Finland we have been pretty lucky. The way God has been slowly faded out and replaced with scientific facts and common sense in our education system has been a really successful operation.
The nihilism that has taken over America is the very same beast that made Germany happen in the thirties and if the people don't get their act together now - well, I guess Peterson is not that wrong after all.
Thoughts and prayers, from Finland.
@@jukkaollikainen peterson is a joke a dishonest clown.
6:18. ok. it´s all good, and awesome. Love the Atheist Experience. ...but cant handle hearing trough 1:47:23 of an emotional unhinched person yeling.
Keep up the great work! see you on a nother episode :D
I think Jerry was drunk. He slurred his words a bit and was almost completely unintelligible.
Monique's situation: It may help to have the dad write what he wants so that there's no issue regarding his wishes after his death. With regards to the thoughts that it really doesn't matter what happens because he's no longer alive, I would say that it would matter to me how I was represented to others. For myself, if there was to be a ceremony of remembrance, I would want who I was when alive represented truthfully, with either no acknowledgement of religion or my actual view of it. If I was misrepresented, to appear in favor of it, that would be a really crappy thing to do in my remembrance.
I was at my house and things happened, that could not happen. Let me explain, on my television ....
TheRealMrMcCoy I mean, I’m convinced. Lol
i think to compare our non existence pre-conception to non existence after we die, in order to eleviate the fear of death, is an unhelpful and false comparison. i believe that when we die, we do indeed cease to exist. but pre-conception, we couldn't know that we would become living. there was no way to BE fearful, or anything else. now that we are alive we know exactly what we are going to LOSE (enter religion). we are now CONSCIOUS of the transition BACK to non-existence. it is understandable to be fearful precisely because we exist.
God that first caller - it's amazing how some one can be speaking all the time, and literally not say anything. It should be coined as a skill.
It already is a skill: theism.
I did a short gratitude list at one time. There were truly some wonderful times, although those times were short and few. Instead it is difficult to be mistreated because I have had chronic PTSD. anxiety, depression, ADHD, some OCD and I am isolative as a result. I have not relatives to talk to or friends to spend time with.
Marcus, the human eye (as well as the eyes of animals, birds, insects, reptiles) have a certain number of cones in the eye that picks up the various wave lengths of the light spectrum. The human eye has less cones than most insects and more than dogs, so there are differences in what colors are detected by the cones in different types of eyes. Bascially we are seeing light waves in a spectrum.
42:34 I was the first person to think of that!.......Well......😂😂😂😂😂
Perhaps first person in his spear of influence....
53:08 applause 👏 to that church.
I love Jenna. She really is adding to the show.
Is she? I feel like half the time she says something, Matt has to correct her.
yea, the Athiest Experience was really suffering without a resident diet-elitest.
Mads Feierskov
he surely does....
and if this wasn't on video,
he'd be covering the mic each time.
Another great show Matt & Jenna.👍👍😃❤
Just a thought, does anyone else see the extremely negotiate attitude with the new Co host, I was embarrassed for Matt at the beginning of the show when the new Co host was cursing about global warming, waste and what not? I curse all the time but I think she did it all wrong.
Did you mean to say "negative" when you said "negotiate"? If you were using a phone to access youtube, then it might have auto corrected what you were typing, unless you meant to use that word.
Were they desparate for a new host? Lol
I'm a big fan of the show, they are fucking awesome!!!
The audio is so out of sync it's unwatchable. :(
Right I was like ugh!!!🤦♂️
Hmm maybe try refreshing the browser window or TH-cam app and give the video another shot... I've been watching the video for the last hour and it is perfectly in sync for me.
@@mistym0rning nope still doesnt work for me smh..
That is why I read comments or do other things while listening. No need to watch.
@@aurorafrost288 but it's more enjoyable watching their facial expressions etc...
So basically Spencer's call can be summed: FOMO, fear of missing out. I experience it too, this caller greatly helped me as well
yawned for 15 mins
jason antigua
what i was doing could have been considered yawning...
if not for the deluge of vomit.
1:47:20 once there was a news item on television about a young woman, fell down from a cliff. She was a well known athlete in rock climbing. My first thought where. Dying when you do what you love doing the most. I would love that. Of course she was too young and it is terrible for the people that stay behind.
I know Art, and he's a stand up guy. He always speaks the truth. Why does Matt have to talk such trash about Art?
Ben hung up because he realized that Matt and Jenna weren't going to accept his lie.
For him to go from 'knowing' everyone in the room was sober and mentally healthy...to then not having details about the event...that is a perfect example of a deceptive story.
Unnecessary details followed by overly vague info about most important parts.
I often wonder about these stories. I think some of them are straight up in the moment fabrications, and he couldn't keep it up.
He couldn't even say, "books started flying around." or "papers, pencils, toys, our shoes"....nothing but 'things'.
Especially after being confronted, he couldn't come up with any detail.
Also, all the talk about how sober and mentally healthy everyone was. He did that because he was "setting the stage"....for his 'story'.
That's the beauty of the AXP. It's not so much about god or religion....it's about seeking the truth and learning to be skeptical. Using logic, reason and fine tuning epistemology; not for convincing you of what you already accept....but to learn, to grow and to obtain TRUE knowledge.
LOVE IT!!!!!
@@curtbressler3127 And the best thing is that the stories fall apart at the seams at the hand of pretty simple questions. There's no magic involved, just pretty basic stuff.
If only I could uproot myself from Singapore to Austin and particularly the Atheist community. Sign.
Rohani..our communities in spore n msia hv a long long way to go..i share ur concerns although I'm still a Muslim..
This has turned from "let go of religion" to "try our new religion" more quickly than I would've guessed
What the fuck are you talking about?
Try what new religion?
"Bring my dinner to me" Matt Dillahunty in a nutshell
12:47 - I stopped littering my cig butts about 5 years ago. I always find some kind of receptacle otherwise hang onto to it til I can properly dispose of it.
JERRY - Colorado
Please smoke nothing bad before you call next time!
Renée Descartes did not believe in some deciever god. He believed a devil could have been deceiving him, but he said that's not possible because he believes in the Christian God who would never deciever him. He was very Christian
If there were a god it would have warned me that this was the call in and ramble on without saying AN F'ING THING episode
When my husband died I told the mortician and the coroner that he was severely afraid of coffins and enclosed spaces, he was cremated but before then they both promised to keep his face uncovered for the time they had him