So internally it only has a + and - conenction? This means I can use an L18650 battery? Of course I'd need to adjust the casing but I could 3d print that
No, it's just the physical battery size that makes them different. For example, you can hack a 2000/3000 battery to fit in a 1000, though it's gonna be a bit rattly. Same goes the other way around except you won't be able to pop the cover on the 1000 battery on a 2000/3000 due to the thickness.
I have puffed up battery, and replacements aren't available. Is it okay if I open it up? What do I look for when finding a cell to replace the one inside it? do old mobile phone batteries work?
Yes old mobiles batteries Will do the job. Just be carefull not to puncture the puffed battery when opening it and respect polarity when soldering New battery. If you found à battery semilar in capacity to the original it would be great if not anything above 1000 miliampere is OK.
I brought a new battery and the light says it's charging but it's not and my psp said the powersource was external idk what to do now, thanks for the help though.
@@Nighttt0228 Try doing the battery Mod i did. Because, psp batteries tend to die with time. If it didn't work know that there is an issue with the charging circuit inside your psp.
Cheers just what I was looking for thanks
thanks bro 👍
Are there any alternatives to that battery? What power specs does the battery need to have?
So internally it only has a + and - conenction? This means I can use an L18650 battery? Of course I'd need to adjust the casing but I could 3d print that
E il video che cercavo👍
La battetia della DS è la migliore in assoluto
Yes it works but it has only 1000 miliamps, it can get you 3 hors of play. You can put a battry with bigger capacity for more play hours.
battery for a 1000 I assume the 200/300 is similar except it has a smaller charging board?
No, it's just the physical battery size that makes them different. For example, you can hack a 2000/3000 battery to fit in a 1000, though it's gonna be a bit rattly. Same goes the other way around except you won't be able to pop the cover on the 1000 battery on a 2000/3000 due to the thickness.
I have puffed up battery, and replacements aren't available. Is it okay if I open it up? What do I look for when finding a cell to replace the one inside it? do old mobile phone batteries work?
Yes old mobiles batteries Will do the job. Just be carefull not to puncture the puffed battery when opening it and respect polarity when soldering New battery. If you found à battery semilar in capacity to the original it would be great if not anything above 1000 miliampere is OK.
Is it a slim? And what are the dimensions of the ds battery cell?
It's a 2000 model. Battry dimensions are 3 cm by 4,6 cm.
Well, how did you get the battery casing open?
By using a little bit of paint thinner where the plastique is joined together. Then open it carefull with a thin knife.
Wow, how did you get the battery compartment open without destroying it? I've never succeeded.
I used thinner for paint to disolve the glue that is holding the plastique together.
thanks for sharing, i will wait more videos that you will share
Thank you very much my friend. Consider to subscribe there will be more ideas and repairs in the future.
@@diysandhacksforyou2924 wish you more success dont give up
@@creativelife4453 thanks. I appreciate it!
Nice broo keep it up 👍 and
thanks my friend
Thanks. I learned something new
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If the battery looks swollen or damaged, do not open it. Dispose of it safetly.
Yes the battery is bad. I throw it in the garbadge. But this one i used worked for me. The important thing is the pcb.
Throwing in the garbage is the irresponsible thing you can do with a LiPo battery .-.
How do you open the battery
With a knife. But be carefull not to puncture the battery.
what if it doesnt open but the charging light is on??
Try to turn it on while the charger is inserted in charging Jack.
Is it dangerous if I try at home?
No. But you have to make sure to solder into thé right polarity.
My psp 3000 won't charge but it's running when plugged in with its charger. i dont know what's the problem that i need to fix pls help thanks 🙏
Probably the battery is dead.
Just change the battery with a New one, or do what i did in the video.
@@diysandhacksforyou2924 I'll do that, thanks!!!
I brought a new battery and the light says it's charging but it's not and my psp said the powersource was external idk what to do now, thanks for the help though.
@@Nighttt0228 Try doing the battery Mod i did. Because, psp batteries tend to die with time. If it didn't work know that there is an issue with the charging circuit inside your psp.
Thanks bro
merci 👍
Nice working
thank you my friend
Dc 4.0 sqaure
dimensions nintendo bateri
Chinese battery what do you expect