Solar Eclipse From a Cats Perspective

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 เม.ย. 2024
  • You can see reflection of moon on lense

ความคิดเห็น • 5

  • @mothermcready4417

    Otis knew. Cats (& other animals know). I didn't have those special glasses, but live in the 95 percent totality wandered my yard just enjoying how the darkness progressed. Several (8 out of 10) of my outdoor, formerly feral CATS woke from their usual, midday naps, came out from the small barn to check out the strangeness that was happening! They acted like Otis; they were super alert. Everything, including the air got still and quiet except for the birds who started singing & calling like they do just after sundown; and it was an electrifying time we had together! Three of the very young Cats hung close to me while I sat through the darkest part of the eclipse, like it comforted them or something.

  • @angelaatwood46

    Oh cool! You probably also know that animals can predict natural disasters too, before people can. I wonder if that was a robins egg, aren't they blue?

  • @starsister4420

    What in the world has happened to the English language!?!?