I started watching this podcast a couple years ago to get help dealing with anxiety… I stayed because of Forrest’s and Rick’s beautiful father/son relationship
I’m Rick’s age and my lifetime spiritual path has faced this issue head on. I was a TM teacher for 35 years, worked with Saniel Bonder and the Waking Down perspective, was a team member with the Human Awareness Institute for 6 years. At one point in my journey, I found myself in a deep depression. I did take an anti-depressant and had a therapist through all of this. But one thing that I found was extremely helpful in pulling me out of depression was the Abraham-Hicks movement, which really was the center of the manifestation movement. After that crucial period where I learned to use my thoughts to recreate a different reality for myself-at a certain point it just didn’t make any sense to me. It felt like make believe, and listening to all these people reinforcing these beliefs in “creating your own reality”, I began to be turned off by all of it. Nevertheless, it was an important step in pulling me out of a depression that was kind of the opposite of that. In addition, in my 20’s, coming out of a traumatic childhood, following a guru who was thought to be infallible, well, it led me to betray my own clear judgment in many cases, and figuring all that out and stepping into my own choices away from his influence was a huge step of bravery. Nevertheless, those early days of long hours of meditation and yoga and spiritual work, well it created a depth and deep silence that is the person I am today. So these are the pros and cons.
Literal cons. It just takes so much times to be able to see through the con part. It's the value of experience but it has very negative larger effects and you are kindly downplaying the difficulty you went through by appreciating the valuable parts. The pain is authentic too.
I had a similar experience with Abraham Hicks on the way out of a depressive time in my life, then after I was feeling better, seeing it for the crutch it was and letting it go. I still return to it every once in awhile. I think sometimes it's just good to hear an injection of hopeful energy, as long as you don't become overly dependent on it. It was just useful to retrain my brain away from some negative habits it'd built up.
So in the brand of Christianity i was raised in, this was just called faith. Theres a bible verse for this but basically it says you have to live as if there is already evidence that the thing is real even if you dont see in physically yet. (In Christianity terms the evidence is either in the bible or based on gods promises or just the existence of Jesus) Its about "knowing it in your soul". So it comes down to how you feel. They used to make a strong distinction between hope and faith. Youre not hoping for it. You already know its true, it just hasnt shown itself yet. Im not Christian anymore, but this teaching was real and true and the most poweful thing i learned in life. You end up living in the direction of your goal much more effectively. If your behavior doesnt change, you dont have faith you have hope. Faith requires you to LIVE toward it with courage.
I believe in some new age thinking and resonate with so much of what you said here. When I tried to apply "Law of Attraction" principles when my mental health was in shambles it was an absolute disaster that left me worse off than before, and took a bit of work to undo some of the mental cages I had found myself in. However once I found the right therapy, right coach, and right medication for me, I found that understanding and applying certain teachings about manifesting became quite comfortable. It's a lot more fun from this place because you can play with it, your life doesn't depend on it. And when you find play, you find flow, and are therefore tapping into an energy akin to the universe. The ideas aspoused by The Secret are watered-down so heavily that it loses essence to the core teaching. These teachings aren't new and have been written down for over a hundred years, and we can draw parallels in the bible. It's just that when something is badly translated to appeal to the masses like in The Secret, the core teaching is missed and has less of a deeply moving impact. Great video!
Loved this. Growing up in Africa, faith is everything we sit in and this has a lot to do with systemic challenges. In my life I find balance works best. Remaining practical and having unconditional positive regard in life
I’ve been a secular Buddhist most of my life and trans and I had to actually put physical effort into my life to bring upon change. The Buddha called his followers “Kama-vedins” the Doers of Actions. I LOVED this one!!!!!
Ooo cool this episode is right on time! I recently watched Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Netflix doc, and he spoke about his “seeing clearly” his success in winning Mr. Olympia as a young man. He didn’t talk about it in a New Age way, just simply he believed enough and saw it in his mind. I’ve been doing the same thing and meditating somewhat regularly (Zen) with my skills as a musician (drummer). And in the last couples of months, I’ve been practicing better, meeting other great musicians, taking classes, and receiving opportunities to play live with others. It almost feels like chips falling into place and/or stars aligning. Similar to you Forrest, I’m not above a tarot card reading but for me, it’s acknowledging the Universe noticing my efforts. Sometimes the magical thinking is just fun, especially if you’re actually doing actions to make those manifestations or “clear seeing” happen in real time. I also know that this is the best I’ve ever felt about myself in my life. I still have my insecurities but the volume level is dialed down compared to other points in my life. When you feel good about who you are, you believe you deserve good things, then you naturally work towards them. We can easily recognize the opposite in self-sabotage behavior I.e. you feel bad about yourself, you think you don’t deserve anything, you refuse opportunities for good things to happen.
Yes, but I'll bet he also tied up his camel. I was determined, at age 17, to win a trip to Germany by having the highest score in the state on a test. I visualized winning, but I also studied my @$$ off.
Remember, just because we offer to try on another person's view does not mean we'll instantly forget our own. Being able to hold two opposing thoughts (without freaking out) at the same time is a sure sign of intelligence.
I really appreciate the distinction between fantasy and wishful thinking vs action and realistic visualization. I hesitate to look to the future because i can easily fall into wishful thinking. Love the steps you gave for “how to” move forward.
Thank you for this. I found your discussion both thoughtful and rich, and especially appreciated the point that popular (and meme-able) manifestation ideas omit a commitment to action. Likewise, your drawing out the need for accepting and embracing "the need to just grind it out" - deliver consistent efforts, in reasonably sized chunks, over time - and the ways that manifestation ideas can engender inhibition towards that...those ideas were very helpful to me. I also appreciated the respectful room you held for the things we don't yet understand, while also standing against the use of the not-yet-understood in the exploitation of vulnerable people. This (and others like it) is a tricky balance to strike, and I think you did so thoughtfully, compassionately, clearly, and well. Then, the many concrete and practical applications / steps were invaluable. I took many notes, and expect to be coming back to this video, as I put these ideas into practice. Thank you again.
Great discussion. My understanding is it's the feeling that is important. If we can get into the feeling of how it would feel having our goal, we are 'more likely ' to attract what we want. In other words we change our vibration. I hasten to add I'm no expert just adding another perspective. Feedback most welcome 🙏🏻💫
I agree with you. I have also found that it matters what I choose to focus on. Focussing on the positive most of the time brings about good energy, vibration. It is not denying the negative, that's there too, just choosing my focus. I notice a big difference in how my day goes when I do this. I am not trying to sell anyone on this. But it's a cool experiment for anyone to try.
My goodness how funny in this episode that in the wrap up Forest hit my particular issue- manifesting my master degree! I have finally started the process. 😊
One reason I really appreciate one of Dr. Rick's major points is that Jungian dream analysis cured me of a lifelong very crippling complex, and it did so seemingly overnight. There is not yet a laboratory provable way of explaining how this works, and yet I am living proof that it worked. But I also really appreciate Forrest's concern for all the people being duped by folks looking to exploit others by adding drops of the uncertainty principle, etc., into their snake oil.
Forrest and Rick Rick, I love that you did this Podcast in the face of so much pressure on TH-cam to adopt the type of unadmitted values of popular "Manifesting". Without attacking anyone, you have gently dislodged the unadmitted Ethos that" the Secret" secretly espouses. I have never understood how we are under so much pressure to Increase the feelings of alienation and separateness that popular Manifesting memes reinforce.... And by default our self-absorption, and also selfishness. Modern post industrial culture is in turmoil worldwide, and popular Manifesting is as much in danger of being a Movement of Denial , as any other escape route the does ,or does not, require imagination. Thank you both for modelling genuine dialogue, trust,honest risk, respect, courage, and regard in the way that you both compassionately clarified practical steps that what we need for Manifesting Changes that emerge from our individual and collective Real lives .❤ Effie, Queensland,Australia.
I watched this last night while struggling to sleep and it really helped understanding the different prespectives, I for a while was very spiritual and was constantly "wishing" for things I wanted to attract and felt the illusion I came to realise in order to manifest you need to take action so it's more like setting goals and working towards them. After listening I had a dream and to give a backstory I have been living with a parent but have a desire to get my own place and have thinking about viewing properties but I can't really afford it. In the dream my dad had bought a new house where it had a room for me my brother amd him and the room was filled with random things like they were previously owned by someone else or they belonged the the person that lived there before. I woke up feeling like I was really there like I was watching a movie unfold while watching and while being there and I kept on saying I need to go to work and then my alarm goes off. What I would find interesting is if you and your dad could do a video about dreams and conscious and unconscious mind if there is any insight in that topic. Thank you as always 😊
The comprehensive framework here with the various bullet points of doable action towards a desired direction warrants greater content exploration in various practical real world contexts for behavior change: there's a gold mine of potential here for a way to strategize and visualize a map for a "plan for attack" so to speak. Very cool conversation, and again much gratitude to you both!
I appreciate that Dr. Rick broke down manifesting as a step by step process for obtaining a specific objective. Oftentimes, the subject of manifesting can sound ethereal, but he provided a practical explanation for implementation in real life, thanks Dr. Rick!! As always, the dynamic between the Hansons' flowed like gooey caramel and the delivery was silky sweet. Much love to you both for all you do!! 💓
Also worth saying, as a woman of color, things that cant be studied (or just arent) shouldnt be ignored. Theres SO much bias in all scientific spaces. There are many things that are real and that help/harm certain people but are ignored bc it doesnt fit the mainstream (read: majority) framing.
I've been thinking a lot about this. I need to manifest my Master degree & a new job! Not a big CBT fan here, but certainly think your energy is felt by others, so changing attitude can change how you feel to others.
I haven't finished listening yet, but really happy you two are discussing this topic. It's easy to fall into the rabbit hole even on TH-cam with people making all kinds of claims which blurs these lines of reality and la la land.
I love how you linked in to a phrase I read one time "the law of action" not attraction! We can't always get what we want, but we can recognise and know what's going on, we can be fully aware of how we work - and we can set ourselves on the path towards that - and be open to all the ways around that is going on. Also, I love that both of you talk in a way people can understand - the biggest thing I always say about some of this is "can the person make it understandable to normal people in a way that they can understand" - because that person - that's someone who truly cares for others, not their pocket I've found with some of those flying around the internet :) x
Thank you for calling out the magical, mystical "secret" of "manifesting"...quantum flapdoodle is exactly what it is. I appreciate your reality-based description of how thinking becomes action and, with consistent discipline and commitment, can move us in the direction of our goals. No magic...just consistent effort and grit.
We already know that thoughts affect our physical expression directly. It isn't much of a stretch to hypothesize the power of thought in other areas. Everything exists on the tip of a wish. Approaching the whole idea of cause (or thought) and effect with a wider view and the acceptance that the outcome we're aiming for may not be revealed in my single human lifetime, takes the pressure off and allows for more humility. I am not That. Except I am. 🤭 Allowing more liminal space between an event and a response, exercising my bandwidth to make it more elastic, has given me the ability to have a greater impact on the orientation of my life. And it's been brutally painful because it was not my initial genetic expression. Can you imagine anyone 20 years ago telling you that you could change the way your DNA behave? Total magic.
I'm only at the 20-minute mark but I have questions. 1st I love the podcast and this discussion and exploration. Ive been trying to make sense of these phenomena (or mechanisms) for a minute. You refer to Quantum physics, to me the 2 slit experiment throws a monkey wrench in the exploration of the attraction theory. And I also believe the RAS is involved somehow. AND doesn't the placebo effect rely on faith (belief) essentially which under strict scientific scrutiny has shown to be effective in the healing of many diseases?. All so complex and hard to pin down. Ok now Im gonna keep watching (and maybe you already answer these questions).
Hilarious irony: while watching this episode, an ad interruption was about precisely what you are challenging, ' manifesting wealth'. Ooo made me laugh how badly algorithms can judge things!
“the law of attraction” actually came from Jerry & Esther Hicks. The author of “The Secret” modified their teachings & published that book. I don’t see Esther using this framework in the ways you are concerned about, and I think the law of attraction goes way deeper than thinking happy thoughts without making effort.
Thank you for this episode, I have to grapple with it a bit. May I please suggest that you host Dr Assael Romanelli. He is all about shadow work to reduce anxiety and owning our sh!t. Please check his channel the potential state and see if he is suitable for your show.
Studies say it doesn't work. My take is that the dangerous part is to think that you don't need to act to make it work. Thinking that you're gonna be lucky by default is dangerous. Building an understanding of what you want in live is good, but you need to make a plan and stick to it. If people think they manifested something but then something bad happens, they are gonna be very dissappointed and sad.
Absolutely, this is the very practical side of things that we emphasized. That movement from thought to real-life action is the crux of the whole thing.
I love your podcast, I love the conversations, the topics, and the balanced and practical way(s) in which to understand them. That being said, I think you've jumped to some false conclusions on this topic. There are indeed more charlatans in the field of manifesting than you can shake a stick at. As there is in medicine, technology, and even psychology. But the concept of manifesting, or prayer for that matter (to kind of address bucket 4 of mechanisms of action) does not include simply wishing for it and doing something else while you wait. The podcasts and books I've consumed all talk about lining up what you want, yoru beliefs that its attainable, and getting to work. Within prayer as I was raised with is very much the same. Pondering on what it is you want which is good, asking and believing you will receive it (that its possible) and getting to work to achieve it. So its incorrect to suggest manifesting is about thought alone. As far as psudo scientificy sounding words to explain it, there's of course plenty to criticize. And yet serious scientists do ascribe many of these potential features to quantum mechanics. Which is irrelevant. For example, we experience gravity, yet even still struggle to explain its mechanism of action. Initially we simply didn't know, only that it was real. Then it was explained by the attraction of the mass between objects, and even included mathematical proofs which held up (until they didn't). Then it was mass bending the fabric of space-time; which absolutely sounds woo woo, except again there's plenty of accumulating evidence. In earlier history we knew the sun got dark at a certain point, but one could believe after some time it would rise up again. And even ascribe seasons and weather such that crops could be grown. Is the fact that they couldn't explain it except through completely incorrect woo woo (today) sounding myths negate the reality? Then we thought the sun revolved around the earth, which explained at least the daily cycle. Also wrong. In all of these cases, there was a reality of experience. The lack of a clear understanding of the mechanisms of action mean nothing about their realities. In dream manifesting anything you want real? Uhhh, I'm with you on that one. And yet, people have very real experiences, where they believe and do, and accomplish things others think fanciful. There's an element of luck for certain, but people who think those accomplishments fanciful don't accomplish them. For certain I'd say psychological explanations cover the vast majority of it. Yet sometimes it extends beyond those explanations in the same way that simply calculating mass eventually didn't really explain gravity completely. I just think your logic is flawed on this. Something to think about. But please keep the content coming! Its one of the best resources I have to really impact my life in a positive way. I've also expanded into Rick's books as well, and again a real positive influence in my life, so thanks!
“Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2 HCSB You do not have to discredit God and or spirituality in order to acknowledge the importance of the mind. At the same time, it would be wrong to exalt the mind over God. It is a part of us made in His image but it is not above Him or superior to His word. Can we manifest good things? Not in the way the New Age type religiosity tells us we can,but the reason it rings true to so many people is because we do have some power through the way we think and what we sow into this life but that IS where our power ends. We have been given free will and thus choice. Ultimately God is sovereign over all. Thank God He is good so we can trust His goodness and His sovereignty. We do our part which is to conform our thoughts and then our lives to be more and more like the goodness of God. The sowing of good thoughts and good works will manifest many good things.
Not every foundation is capable of "bearing the weight". The reason some of us are much more vulnerable is so all of us can practice our humanity. Are well-healed ancient broken bones indicative of the first signs of civilization?
Had to stop listening because I'm one of those "shrill atheists". This topic is like nails on a chalkboard. Also, I was raised in a well known "high demand religion" (aka, cult) and manifesting was a something the adults in my life glommed onto and added to their spiritual practice, which trickled down to me as a kid. These beliefs truly harmed my mental wellbeing and also -not surprisingly - my ability to gain sound financial footing as a young adult. Long story short: The Secret, manifesting, the law of attraction, and belief in the supernatural in general absolutley harmed me. I'm 40 and working to recover and raise my kids with a healthier and more grounded-in-reality mindset. Please don't just pooh-pooh how harmful this stuff can be. Recognize your privilege that you weren't raised with this stuff in your formative years.
I started watching this podcast a couple years ago to get help dealing with anxiety… I stayed because of Forrest’s and Rick’s beautiful father/son relationship
same xx
ikr. it's ;like ... surreal ... lol, sadly, I guess, but really reassuring, good to see.
The mystic and the architect discuss the soft science of the supersensery.
"Absence of evidence isnt evidence of absence" love it!
I’m Rick’s age and my lifetime spiritual path has faced this issue head on. I was a TM teacher for 35 years, worked with Saniel Bonder and the Waking Down perspective, was a team member with the Human Awareness Institute for 6 years. At one point in my journey, I found myself in a deep depression. I did take an anti-depressant and had a therapist through all of this. But one thing that I found was extremely helpful in pulling me out of depression was the Abraham-Hicks movement, which really was the center of the manifestation movement. After that crucial period where I learned to use my thoughts to recreate a different reality for myself-at a certain point it just didn’t make any sense to me. It felt like make believe, and listening to all these people reinforcing these beliefs in “creating your own reality”, I began to be turned off by all of it. Nevertheless, it was an important step in pulling me out of a depression that was kind of the opposite of that. In addition, in my 20’s, coming out of a traumatic childhood, following a guru who was thought to be infallible, well, it led me to betray my own clear judgment in many cases, and figuring all that out and stepping into my own choices away from his influence was a huge step of bravery. Nevertheless, those early days of long hours of meditation and yoga and spiritual work, well it created a depth and deep silence that is the person I am today. So these are the pros and cons.
Literal cons. It just takes so much times to be able to see through the con part. It's the value of experience but it has very negative larger effects and you are kindly downplaying the difficulty you went through by appreciating the valuable parts. The pain is authentic too.
I had a similar experience with Abraham Hicks on the way out of a depressive time in my life, then after I was feeling better, seeing it for the crutch it was and letting it go. I still return to it every once in awhile. I think sometimes it's just good to hear an injection of hopeful energy, as long as you don't become overly dependent on it. It was just useful to retrain my brain away from some negative habits it'd built up.
So in the brand of Christianity i was raised in, this was just called faith. Theres a bible verse for this but basically it says you have to live as if there is already evidence that the thing is real even if you dont see in physically yet. (In Christianity terms the evidence is either in the bible or based on gods promises or just the existence of Jesus) Its about "knowing it in your soul". So it comes down to how you feel. They used to make a strong distinction between hope and faith. Youre not hoping for it. You already know its true, it just hasnt shown itself yet. Im not Christian anymore, but this teaching was real and true and the most poweful thing i learned in life. You end up living in the direction of your goal much more effectively. If your behavior doesnt change, you dont have faith you have hope. Faith requires you to LIVE toward it with courage.
Thank you for this. I never understood the Christian idea of Faith before your explanation!
I believe in some new age thinking and resonate with so much of what you said here. When I tried to apply "Law of Attraction" principles when my mental health was in shambles it was an absolute disaster that left me worse off than before, and took a bit of work to undo some of the mental cages I had found myself in. However once I found the right therapy, right coach, and right medication for me, I found that understanding and applying certain teachings about manifesting became quite comfortable. It's a lot more fun from this place because you can play with it, your life doesn't depend on it. And when you find play, you find flow, and are therefore tapping into an energy akin to the universe. The ideas aspoused by The Secret are watered-down so heavily that it loses essence to the core teaching. These teachings aren't new and have been written down for over a hundred years, and we can draw parallels in the bible. It's just that when something is badly translated to appeal to the masses like in The Secret, the core teaching is missed and has less of a deeply moving impact.
Great video!
Loved this. Growing up in Africa, faith is everything we sit in and this has a lot to do with systemic challenges. In my life I find balance works best. Remaining practical and having unconditional positive regard in life
I’ve been a secular Buddhist most of my life and trans and I had to actually put physical effort into my life to bring upon change. The Buddha called his followers “Kama-vedins” the Doers of Actions.
I LOVED this one!!!!!
Ooo cool this episode is right on time! I recently watched Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Netflix doc, and he spoke about his “seeing clearly” his success in winning Mr. Olympia as a young man.
He didn’t talk about it in a New Age way, just simply he believed enough and saw it in his mind.
I’ve been doing the same thing and meditating somewhat regularly (Zen) with my skills as a musician (drummer). And in the last couples of months, I’ve been practicing better, meeting other great musicians, taking classes, and receiving opportunities to play live with others. It almost feels like chips falling into place and/or stars aligning.
Similar to you Forrest, I’m not above a tarot card reading but for me, it’s acknowledging the Universe noticing my efforts. Sometimes the magical thinking is just fun, especially if you’re actually doing actions to make those manifestations or “clear seeing” happen in real time.
I also know that this is the best I’ve ever felt about myself in my life. I still have my insecurities but the volume level is dialed down compared to other points in my life. When you feel good about who you are, you believe you deserve good things, then you naturally work towards them. We can easily recognize the opposite in self-sabotage behavior I.e. you feel bad about yourself, you think you don’t deserve anything, you refuse opportunities for good things to happen.
You manifested this podcast
Yes, but I'll bet he also tied up his camel. I was determined, at age 17, to win a trip to Germany by having the highest score in the state on a test. I visualized winning, but I also studied my @$$ off.
@@Kikipotamus did u win the trip?
@@ro5588 I certainly did!
Remember, just because we offer to try on another person's view does not mean we'll instantly forget our own.
Being able to hold two opposing thoughts (without freaking out) at the same time is a sure sign of intelligence.
I really appreciate the distinction between fantasy and wishful thinking vs action and realistic visualization. I hesitate to look to the future because i can easily fall into wishful thinking. Love the steps you gave for “how to” move forward.
Thank you for this. I found your discussion both thoughtful and rich, and especially appreciated the point that popular (and meme-able) manifestation ideas omit a commitment to action. Likewise, your drawing out the need for accepting and embracing "the need to just grind it out" - deliver consistent efforts, in reasonably sized chunks, over time - and the ways that manifestation ideas can engender inhibition towards that...those ideas were very helpful to me.
I also appreciated the respectful room you held for the things we don't yet understand, while also standing against the use of the not-yet-understood in the exploitation of vulnerable people. This (and others like it) is a tricky balance to strike, and I think you did so thoughtfully, compassionately, clearly, and well.
Then, the many concrete and practical applications / steps were invaluable. I took many notes, and expect to be coming back to this video, as I put these ideas into practice.
Thank you again.
Thank you so much for addressing this. This conversation pretty much mirrors the argument that goes on in my head around manifestation😂
Thank you for the phrase "largely disconnected from reality", I'm going to use it 🤣
Great discussion. My understanding is it's the feeling that is important. If we can get into the feeling of how it would feel having our goal, we are 'more likely ' to attract what we want. In other words we change our vibration. I hasten to add I'm no expert just adding another perspective. Feedback most welcome 🙏🏻💫
I agree with you. I have also found that it matters what I choose to focus on. Focussing on the positive most of the time brings about good energy, vibration. It is not denying the negative, that's there too, just choosing my focus. I notice a big difference in how my day goes when I do this.
I am not trying to sell anyone on this. But it's a cool experiment for anyone to try.
Rick was so funny in this one, I really appreciated both perspectives 😊
My goodness how funny in this episode that in the wrap up Forest hit my particular issue- manifesting my master degree! I have finally started the process. 😊
Fantastic! Thanks for the guidance on the positive action steps we can take. Super helpful. 👊
One reason I really appreciate one of Dr. Rick's major points is that Jungian dream analysis cured me of a lifelong very crippling complex, and it did so seemingly overnight. There is not yet a laboratory provable way of explaining how this works, and yet I am living proof that it worked. But I also really appreciate Forrest's concern for all the people being duped by folks looking to exploit others by adding drops of the uncertainty principle, etc., into their snake oil.
Forrest and Rick Rick,
I love that you did this Podcast in the face of so much pressure on TH-cam to adopt the type of unadmitted values of popular "Manifesting".
Without attacking anyone, you have gently dislodged the unadmitted Ethos that" the Secret" secretly espouses.
I have never understood how we are under so much pressure to Increase the feelings of alienation and separateness that popular Manifesting memes reinforce.... And by default our self-absorption, and also selfishness.
Modern post industrial culture is in turmoil worldwide, and popular Manifesting is as much in danger of being a Movement of Denial , as any other escape route the does ,or does not, require imagination.
Thank you both for modelling genuine dialogue, trust,honest risk, respect, courage, and regard in the way that you both compassionately clarified practical steps that what we need for Manifesting Changes that emerge from our individual and collective Real lives .❤
Effie, Queensland,Australia.
OMG Thank you
I watched this last night while struggling to sleep and it really helped understanding the different prespectives, I for a while was very spiritual and was constantly "wishing" for things I wanted to attract and felt the illusion I came to realise in order to manifest you need to take action so it's more like setting goals and working towards them. After listening I had a dream and to give a backstory I have been living with a parent but have a desire to get my own place and have thinking about viewing properties but I can't really afford it. In the dream my dad had bought a new house where it had a room for me my brother amd him and the room was filled with random things like they were previously owned by someone else or they belonged the the person that lived there before. I woke up feeling like I was really there like I was watching a movie unfold while watching and while being there and I kept on saying I need to go to work and then my alarm goes off. What I would find interesting is if you and your dad could do a video about dreams and conscious and unconscious mind if there is any insight in that topic. Thank you as always 😊
A clipped video of changing the belief process would be really helpful so we could go back to it as needed.
The comprehensive framework here with the various bullet points of doable action towards a desired direction warrants greater content exploration in various practical real world contexts for behavior change: there's a gold mine of potential here for a way to strategize and visualize a map for a "plan for attack" so to speak. Very cool conversation, and again much gratitude to you both!
Phenomenal presentation as always. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.!!
You guys keep on slaying with great content. Thanks for your work!
I appreciate that Dr. Rick broke down manifesting as a step by step process for obtaining a specific objective. Oftentimes, the subject of manifesting can sound ethereal, but he provided a practical explanation for implementation in real life, thanks Dr. Rick!! As always, the dynamic between the Hansons' flowed like gooey caramel and the delivery was silky sweet. Much love to you both for all you do!! 💓
4 minutes in .. I already love this podcast! 4 = $ (on a regular keyboard) ... omg!! :)))) 22 minutes in, still love it!
Buddy was trying not to laugh while describing The Secret. Didn't crack tho. Good job!
YES!!!! Somebody finally said it! Great video 😊
Best information I've ever heard on manifesting, and I've put a lot of effort into studying it.
Also worth saying, as a woman of color, things that cant be studied (or just arent) shouldnt be ignored. Theres SO much bias in all scientific spaces. There are many things that are real and that help/harm certain people but are ignored bc it doesnt fit the mainstream (read: majority) framing.
I've been thinking a lot about this. I need to manifest my Master degree & a new job! Not a big CBT fan here, but certainly think your energy is felt by others, so changing attitude can change how you feel to others.
I love your podcast. It’s brilliantly open minded and wise❤
I haven't finished listening yet, but really happy you two are discussing this topic. It's easy to fall into the rabbit hole even on TH-cam with people making all kinds of claims which blurs these lines of reality and la la land.
Thank you for that context timestamp - I made good use of it :-D
Amazing conversation especially with all the tones you explored in it. ✨
i don’t care highly for the term “toxic positivity” but “manifesting” religions are absolutely the definition thereof
I love how you linked in to a phrase I read one time "the law of action" not attraction!
We can't always get what we want, but we can recognise and know what's going on, we can be fully aware of how we work - and we can set ourselves on the path towards that - and be open to all the ways around that is going on.
Also, I love that both of you talk in a way people can understand - the biggest thing I always say about some of this is "can the person make it understandable to normal people in a way that they can understand" - because that person - that's someone who truly cares for others, not their pocket I've found with some of those flying around the internet :) x
Law of Attraction is the Prosperity Gospel of Spirituality
Knocked it out of the ballpark with this one.
Thank you for calling out the magical, mystical "secret" of "manifesting"...quantum flapdoodle is exactly what it is. I appreciate your reality-based description of how thinking becomes action and, with consistent discipline and commitment, can move us in the direction of our goals. No magic...just consistent effort and grit.
I listened for the overall message as sometimes it was challenging to follow all of the “steps” that were suggested.
I have been into spirituality and manifestation but now I know it is not real, but I believe they help, and that's my approach to it.
We already know that thoughts affect our physical expression directly. It isn't much of a stretch to hypothesize the power of thought in other areas. Everything exists on the tip of a wish.
Approaching the whole idea of cause (or thought) and effect with a wider view and the acceptance that the outcome we're aiming for may not be revealed in my single human lifetime, takes the pressure off and allows for more humility.
I am not That.
Except I am.
Allowing more liminal space between an event and a response, exercising my bandwidth to make it more elastic, has given me the ability to have a greater impact on the orientation of my life.
And it's been brutally painful because it was not my initial genetic expression. Can you imagine anyone 20 years ago telling you that you could change the way your DNA behave?
Total magic.
I'm only at the 20-minute mark but I have questions. 1st I love the podcast and this discussion and exploration. Ive been trying to make sense of these phenomena (or mechanisms) for a minute.
You refer to Quantum physics, to me the 2 slit experiment throws a monkey wrench in the exploration of the attraction theory.
And I also believe the RAS is involved somehow. AND doesn't the placebo effect rely on faith (belief) essentially which under strict scientific scrutiny has shown to be effective in the healing of many diseases?. All so complex and hard to pin down. Ok now Im gonna keep watching (and maybe you already answer these questions).
I appreciate this one so much.
Hilarious irony: while watching this episode, an ad interruption was about precisely what you are challenging, ' manifesting wealth'. Ooo made me laugh how badly algorithms can judge things!
The abundance comes from healing.
Can we have an episode about friendships in this politically fractured age?
“the law of attraction” actually came from Jerry & Esther Hicks. The author of “The Secret” modified their teachings & published that book. I don’t see Esther using this framework in the ways you are concerned about, and I think the law of attraction goes way deeper than thinking happy thoughts without making effort.
Thank you for this episode, I have to grapple with it a bit.
May I please suggest that you host Dr Assael Romanelli. He is all about shadow work to reduce anxiety and owning our sh!t.
Please check his channel the potential state and see if he is suitable for your show.
Studies say it doesn't work. My take is that the dangerous part is to think that you don't need to act to make it work. Thinking that you're gonna be lucky by default is dangerous. Building an understanding of what you want in live is good, but you need to make a plan and stick to it. If people think they manifested something but then something bad happens, they are gonna be very dissappointed and sad.
Absolutely, this is the very practical side of things that we emphasized. That movement from thought to real-life action is the crux of the whole thing.
1:13:03 I can’t stand when the word “quantum” is used describing spiritual aspects and practices
I love your podcast, I love the conversations, the topics, and the balanced and practical way(s) in which to understand them. That being said, I think you've jumped to some false conclusions on this topic. There are indeed more charlatans in the field of manifesting than you can shake a stick at. As there is in medicine, technology, and even psychology. But the concept of manifesting, or prayer for that matter (to kind of address bucket 4 of mechanisms of action) does not include simply wishing for it and doing something else while you wait. The podcasts and books I've consumed all talk about lining up what you want, yoru beliefs that its attainable, and getting to work. Within prayer as I was raised with is very much the same. Pondering on what it is you want which is good, asking and believing you will receive it (that its possible) and getting to work to achieve it. So its incorrect to suggest manifesting is about thought alone. As far as psudo scientificy sounding words to explain it, there's of course plenty to criticize. And yet serious scientists do ascribe many of these potential features to quantum mechanics. Which is irrelevant. For example, we experience gravity, yet even still struggle to explain its mechanism of action. Initially we simply didn't know, only that it was real. Then it was explained by the attraction of the mass between objects, and even included mathematical proofs which held up (until they didn't). Then it was mass bending the fabric of space-time; which absolutely sounds woo woo, except again there's plenty of accumulating evidence. In earlier history we knew the sun got dark at a certain point, but one could believe after some time it would rise up again. And even ascribe seasons and weather such that crops could be grown. Is the fact that they couldn't explain it except through completely incorrect woo woo (today) sounding myths negate the reality? Then we thought the sun revolved around the earth, which explained at least the daily cycle. Also wrong. In all of these cases, there was a reality of experience. The lack of a clear understanding of the mechanisms of action mean nothing about their realities. In dream manifesting anything you want real? Uhhh, I'm with you on that one. And yet, people have very real experiences, where they believe and do, and accomplish things others think fanciful. There's an element of luck for certain, but people who think those accomplishments fanciful don't accomplish them. For certain I'd say psychological explanations cover the vast majority of it. Yet sometimes it extends beyond those explanations in the same way that simply calculating mass eventually didn't really explain gravity completely. I just think your logic is flawed on this. Something to think about. But please keep the content coming! Its one of the best resources I have to really impact my life in a positive way. I've also expanded into Rick's books as well, and again a real positive influence in my life, so thanks!
“God helps those who help themselves.”
He sounds like a psychopath
“Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.”
Romans 12:2 HCSB
You do not have to discredit God and or spirituality in order to acknowledge the importance of the mind. At the same time, it would be wrong to exalt the mind over God. It is a part of us made in His image but it is not above Him or superior to His word. Can we manifest good things? Not in the way the New Age type religiosity tells us we can,but the reason it rings true to so many people is because we do have some power through the way we think and what we sow into this life but that IS where our power ends. We have been given free will and thus choice. Ultimately God is sovereign over all. Thank God He is good so we can trust His goodness and His sovereignty. We do our part which is to conform our thoughts and then our lives to be more and more like the goodness of God. The sowing of good thoughts and good works will manifest many good things.
Not every foundation is capable of "bearing the weight".
The reason some of us are much more vulnerable is so all of us can practice our humanity.
Are well-healed ancient broken bones indicative of the first signs of civilization?
Perhaps it takes for granted that as your thoughts change so do your behaviors...
Had to stop listening because I'm one of those "shrill atheists". This topic is like nails on a chalkboard. Also, I was raised in a well known "high demand religion" (aka, cult) and manifesting was a something the adults in my life glommed onto and added to their spiritual practice, which trickled down to me as a kid. These beliefs truly harmed my mental wellbeing and also -not surprisingly - my ability to gain sound financial footing as a young adult.
Long story short: The Secret, manifesting, the law of attraction, and belief in the supernatural in general absolutley harmed me. I'm 40 and working to recover and raise my kids with a healthier and more grounded-in-reality mindset.
Please don't just pooh-pooh how harmful this stuff can be. Recognize your privilege that you weren't raised with this stuff in your formative years.
24:00 “dressing up survivorship bias” that’s exactly what this manifestation garbage is. It’s complete nonsense and primes people for victim blaming.
Everyone of them are narcissists lol, like every single one.