2004, the year Destiny aired also Gundam's 25th anniversary. Tbh, Zaku Warrior, Gouf Ignited and Dom Trooper would've make a good anniversary UC gunpla kit and let the GuAIZ R becomes ZAFT's mainstay in GSD.
2004 was Gundam's 25th anniversary. ZAKU Warrior & Phantom, GOUF Ignited and DOM Trooper sound much more appropriate in a UC side story to celebrate the anniversary. The GINN and CGUE already fill the Zaku and Gouf role respectively. What Lunamaria should be piloting is the GuAIZ R. That suit is underutilized and one of the most underrated grunt suit IMO. IMO, GSD should have aired in late 2005.
the zaku warrior was one of my favorite mobile suits especially when athrun zala was using one. it became a beast in the battle when he uses it
2004, the year Destiny aired also Gundam's 25th anniversary. Tbh, Zaku Warrior, Gouf Ignited and Dom Trooper would've make a good anniversary UC gunpla kit and let the GuAIZ R becomes ZAFT's mainstay in GSD.
ミスターブシドー : 彼女はミーア・キャンベル?!
What a cool and unique ddsign!
0:45 is that the zaku warrior live concert? Just asking....
Awesome. The next can be zaku phantom?
It's here:
The next will be tieren?
자쿠 몸통 뒤로 빔 쏘는 씬 멋있다고 생각했었음
Would be cool if this mobile suit was in Gundam Evolution along with the Dom trooper.
오 한국어 자막!
I saved the Korean subtitle from the video before it was removed 😁✌🏻️
One of lazy design in gundam seed destiny
2004 was Gundam's 25th anniversary. ZAKU Warrior & Phantom, GOUF Ignited and DOM Trooper sound much more appropriate in a UC side story to celebrate the anniversary. The GINN and CGUE already fill the Zaku and Gouf role respectively. What Lunamaria should be piloting is the GuAIZ R. That suit is underutilized and one of the most underrated grunt suit IMO. IMO, GSD should have aired in late 2005.