IMHO…..I believe that the reason Christianity lived on and became so powerful is because Rome went from The Roman Empire to The Holy Roman Empire as The Roman Catholic Church. It remains incredibly powerful to this day!
The city of Rome was sacked by the Vandals, Goths and Visigoths in 500 AD. They passed by the Vatican because it was very poor at the time. The fall of Rome did result in the western empire collapsing, leaving a power vacuum in illiterate Barbarian Europe. The Romans at their peak before the collapse were Catholic (Greek katholikos) Jew-"christians", at the height of debauchery and decadence, attending the Coliseum for epic gladiator battles and the Circus Maximus for chariot races, slaves everywhere doing all the work. The Catholic Romans were not executing "christians", contrary to the Urban Myth passed around in the present day and the fact they had become Jew-"christians" had nothing to do with the collapse. It was all the slaves that made Romans weak and soft with no citizen duty to serve time in the Legion. A Roman could just use a slave to be a proxy to serve in the Legion and the Legion was contracting out the defense of Rome to the Visigoths. That was where they made their fatal mistake.
Through all the ages and cultures, leaders have realized that religion is a great way to control people and use them as a source of income. That's what it's really all about.
Sure. Religion does that...yet not The Lord Jesus Christ. He is the loving Savior who gave Himself to rescue and save us from our sins; through His suffering, death on the cross, and His burial, and resurrection. There is no greater truth that mankind can ever experience in this world.
@christophergibson7155 Thank you for helping the algorithm. Jesus IS the religion. Jesus IS the lie that is used to control people and squeeze money out of them. One day you will see the glaring holes in the doctrine. And when you do, they can not be unseen.
Hi Timmy!! Thank you for always putting out wonderful videos for all of us and all of your hard work and honesty:)) I’m so sorry you get some hate comments from upset believers. Don’t ever let the haters get to you. You’re just exposing the truth about religion and they do not like that. Thank you for what you do!
In my experience and those I've discussed this with have all found more warm and loving fulfillment without religion and the like than we ever did with it. Nuff said.
It doesn't matter if jesus existed or not. Because i matter and the world in the current moment matters. And so far, there's ZERO evidence of jesus' involvement in any current world affairs at all!
The one reason I care is that I am so tired of people starting by saying "well, I just think there was a man . . ." and then they add "who was a preacher" and then "who was crucified" and so on and so, until the next thing, it is back to a claim the NT is correct up and down the line. I actually heard an apologist start with Bart Ehrman's conclusion of just that there was such a guy, and actually claim Ehrman agreed with his whole christian view. Or as some atheists say "we know so little about Jesus, we don't even know if he existed." We are also at the point where we know the patriarchs of the OT never existed as most of the whole thing is pure fiction. Are there natual explanations for the Exodus? No, it simply didn't happen whatsoever. Just add Jesus to the pile of discarded religious heroes (as David does in his wonderful new book, Playing God).
@johnnehrich9601 you don't have to entertain anything if you are tired of them, really. Out of sight out of mind. If you can't see it, it may as well doesn't exist. Keep it simple and your life will be happier.
Great interview!😊 You said you like movies about time travel, I do too! If you haven’t already seen it there’s a mini-series called 11.22.63 with James Franco’s character time traveling back to the Kennedy assassination. Another series called Man in the High castle about if the outcome of WWII turned out differently. Highly recommend both!
I don’t think it matters. Like Johnny Appleseed. There was a real guy who planted apple trees. But what really matters to posterity is the legend. Same with Jesus. There may have been a guy, but, what really matters are the stories. The “real” Jesus-who knows? Who cares? What difference does it make? We have no real evidence one way or the other. It’s mythic. I think evangelicals get obsessed with this because it’s such a huge mindshift. The Jesuses of the gospels are all legendary. And when it comes to legend, it’s more the story that matters. The history is immaterial.
i hear this argument from a-theists all the time, and i get it. the miraculous jesus of the bible obviously never existed. what you often hear from an a-theists is this - "there's no god so this jesus must have just been a regular dude. the a-theist default, i call it. but heres the thing - when you actually look extensively at all the evidence, it sees that this jesus person was a mythical angelic figure from the very beginning. only later euhemerised and portrayed as a human figure as a vehicle for religious moral tales. why does it matter ? because the truth always matters.
@@haydenwalton2766Darlin’, there is no historical evidence. And you are the one on the wrong side of historicity. I know you’re scared about the idea that your faith in a historical savior is hollow. I can sympathize with how scary this is for you. I know you really, really believe it. But I can really, really believe in a lot of things that are 100% not based in evidence and have no historical reality to them at all. But I understand, there is a lot of scary feelings associated with walking away from Christianity.
Also what you need to know that the gospels have a deep meaning go spell that is something people need to look and yes that should matters for a reason
What I learned from the book Hero is, he fed one time a group of people by bread and fish, sometime cured the sick, and resurrected few dead ones. I wonder, IF could’ve done such spectacular miracle once upon a time WHY just left earth and decided to do nothing or say stopped doing miracles😅
Love this lively upbeat enthusiastic conversation with real talk ❤🎉. Awesome job gents. Personally had 47 and a half years within Christian world view. Long slow healing ❤️🩹 journey made so much sweeter with discussions like this! 😅❤🎉
Timmy, this is my first time commenting (I think) and David Fitzgerald is a very capable guy in understanding the mythos of Christianity but you ought to have Dr. Richard Carrier and Dr. Ammon Hillman on your program. I would prefer both of them together on the same podcast and see how they interact!
Jesus is an observable monomyth. It’s conceptual. I wish it was easier to see. Theists and atheists can’t make progress without it. They debate, but I can demonstrate. The four gospels are four variants just like Jason and the Argonauts have various versions. This one just became an idol to worship for the masses. Thanks for never looking deep. That was sarcasm, It’s freaking myth.
Moses died, and buried himself in a valley in the land of Moab (water-father = Aquarius = Moses), "but no man knoweth of his sepulcher unto this day" (Deut. 34.6). Although one hundred and twenty years old, " his eyes," it is said, " were not dim (his stars shine as brightly now as they did then), nor his natural force abated (the rainy season still comes on every year) " However, the people wept thirty days, i.e., during the passage of the Sun through Aquarius, the Wash-pot (Ps 60.8), or the rainy month of Janus/Reuben/Ganymedes.
Life time temporal spans now ya all gome back now ya hear? Ecclesiastes 3:15: “That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away.” The “natural man” cannot grasp that, for to him reality is based only on the evidence of the senses. The man of reason could justify the verse’s end, saying if it has any meaning then the writer must mean recurrence. The sun comes every day and the moon completes its cycle and the seasons come and go. If we took a picture of the universe today, the scientists can compute how long it will take to return to this point in the picture. So the intellectual man could justify the verse; but that is not what is meant, for it is addressed not to the man of reason or the man of sense, but to the man of Imagination. What is it all about? “That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been, and God seeks what has been driven away.”
Have you also read in detail all extra-biblical apocryphal Christian and Gnostic texts? Or do you judge the existence of Christ only from the New Testament?
Thank you thank you thank you!!! I can’t stand being around the righteous religious people I hope the world catches up. I’m also a vegan too. The truth will set you free is not true because most people want to live in a fantasy
The person to talk to on this topic is Dr. Richard Carrier. Fitzgerald always sounds like someone who has read Carrier's work but doesn't quite have the comprehensive knowledge that he does.
@@christophergibson7155 it means i said exactly what i meant. It’s self explanatory. “I didn’t stutter”. What country are you from? That’s a very common saying in mine.
@@kennybachman35 Well, if you desire to communicate you will have to use language that I can understand. "I didn't stutter" is not applicable in the country I live in. Never once heard anyone use that expression. Do you have another one of saying it, then?
The Old Testament laws were "essentialized", and since hand washing before a meal was a thing which created a whole situation in the story of Jesus, it's quite possible that some of the ritualistic hygiene laws in the OT were understood to also mean to wash before eating, giving birth, etc. Additionally, you have laws about quarantining sick people, etc. To the degree that hygiene laws might not have been revealed, maybe this was divine punishment for humanity's evil? Regarding David's arguments, I fail to see the strength in them. For example, he says that it doesn't make sense why the Romans would care enough about Jesus to crucify him? What do you mean? It makes perfect sense. The Jews wanted him dead, and they used the fact that he called himself a king to involve Pontius Pilate. Pilate didn't want to kill him, so then they threatened that they might appeal to the emperor, which might put Pilate in trouble, so he was in a sense coerced into complying.
I think that it is more likely than not that there was a preacher named Jesus, who preached and was killed by the authorities, on which the myth was based. There were a lot of itinerant preachers at the time and Jesus was a pretty common name. Also the Romans were apt to have trouble making preachers killed. It is therefore quite plausible that some core of the story refers to an actual person. The story however has become so mythologized that we cannot have any certainty about what Jesus preached or how he died or anything else. Usually, folk tales and myths about heros start with a person who was considered in some way exceptional by their peers. Nearly everything about the original person however gets subsumed in the myth.
The "J" was not invented until the 1500's AD so there was nobody named "Jesus" in 0 AD. The word "jesus" is the Romanized version of Joshua, which was Yeshua in Hebrew. Were there lots of Yeshua's? Probably but the Romans never documented any specific Jewish (Yuden) rebel named Yeshua.
I wonder how Jesus is watching about his stories produced from many Christian sect or denominations video studios! Which production does he prefers? The Christian org I’m in will need a big new studio and is asking donations for it😅
Its sharing the journey ...its a very important decision to base your entire life and all important decisions on any belief these men have experience in life and faith and made decisions to move away from there original choice of being a church leader and in tims case a penticostal preacher. People with a similar journey need to hear that there are many moving forward with their lives A friend recently said when he left his church " i realised i was in bible jail " ... He said the pastors house kept getting bigger while many struggled...there where no updates on missions work no support for local homeless shelters or food banks no organised visits to children's cancer hospitals no visits to local lonely eldery.....nothing ... Most go to church have a happy, clappy time a social chat nothing more... like a golf club .. Believers yes .... Followers of the jesus they believe in ? No...
They say we have evolved and are so intelligent! But at the same time people still honestly believe in these mythical gods!!! What in our brains causes us to think this way? It's, for no better word, Stupid!!! It doesn't make any sense!!!
What about the Gnostic texts and the lost books of the Bible?? Books that were written before the Canonical gospels?? Those books mention Jesus. I’m at a schism if Jesus existed or not
No "gnostic" writings we have can be reliably dated to earlier than our earliest cannonical gospel, Mark, that as far as we can tell, was the first. Before the gospels, we have the epistels, and some extrabiblical texts that argue for a heavenly figure that came to people in revelation and interpretating "hidden meanings" in Hebrew Bible texts.
It's funny to hear you say agnostic. The word Gnostic means knowledge and it's not ag it's a. But yes gnosticism is also a religion who does believe in a Jesus at least one part of it does. The thing I liked about gnosticism is that it finally explained the god of the Old testament. It doesn't mean I believe in Christianity or gnosticism it just explained things.
there seems to be more evidence to the contrary, that Jesus did exist as a person. Bart Ehrman, an atheist and best selling New Testament scholar, lays out all the arguments in his book. “DId Jesus exist “
That book is so bad reading it makes you misinformed more than informed. No, really. We have absolutely no good evidence to believe the Jesus of the Bible to be based on an actual historical figure. The evidence we do have, suggest a heavenly figure, who got allegorized into the gospel stories that were later believed as literal history.
Jesus restored the loss of faith in Yahweh after the Jewish god's Temple was destroyed by the invading Roman Army in 66 AD. The surviving Jewish followers of Jesus wrote stories of a miracle worker which eventually became the foundation of the new branch of Judaism called Christianity.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
was there an actual person doing the things described in the bible, NO! was there some guy named Jesus born in Bethlehem or Nazareth, between 4bce and 6ce, sure, why not?
Timmy, in the 48 years you were in the "ministry", did you EVER READ THESE VERSES ?? It is Written: Jesus said, "No one can come to me UNLESS the Father which has sent me, DRAW HIM....therefore, whosoever has HEARD & LEARNED FROM THE FATHER, comes unto ME" (John 6:44,45). ??
@@gracedagostino5231 - Hahahahahahaaa !! Another "ignorant" lost soul !! How is GOD "drawing" you to Himself a "violation" of Free Will ?? Did God MAKE MOSES go over to the "Burning Bush" ?? NO...Moses had free Will either to go over and check it out, or not.... WAKE UP !!
Also speaking if that is true why has the father of Jesus have not produced him a woman how can this father says it has to go thru him but won't have no space for him for a woman thru this father
@MikeTMike Asking me to prove that Jesus exists is like you asking me to prove that you exist. Jesus is a confirmed historical figure, and that's a fact. Jesus mythicists are a modern phenomena.
IMHO…..I believe that the reason Christianity lived on and became so powerful is because Rome went from The Roman Empire to The Holy Roman Empire as The Roman Catholic Church. It remains incredibly powerful to this day!
Indeed. State support from the Roman Empire in the 4th century onward helped institutionalize the church and the faith.
The city of Rome was sacked by the Vandals, Goths and Visigoths in 500 AD. They passed by the Vatican because it was very poor at the time. The fall of Rome did result in the western empire collapsing, leaving a power vacuum in illiterate Barbarian Europe. The Romans at their peak before the collapse were Catholic (Greek katholikos) Jew-"christians", at the height of debauchery and decadence, attending the Coliseum for epic gladiator battles and the Circus Maximus for chariot races, slaves everywhere doing all the work. The Catholic Romans were not executing "christians", contrary to the Urban Myth passed around in the present day and the fact they had become Jew-"christians" had nothing to do with the collapse. It was all the slaves that made Romans weak and soft with no citizen duty to serve time in the Legion. A Roman could just use a slave to be a proxy to serve in the Legion and the Legion was contracting out the defense of Rome to the Visigoths. That was where they made their fatal mistake.
Don't forget about how Russia also became a major influence as well
And....drugs. connecting with some entheogens can change your life!!! People don't just follow ghost stories...they had a reason.
HRE was established 800s long after the Western RE "fell".
You two are on fire! Bouncing off each other. Great hosting, Timmy
I really enjoyed this interview!! Thank you!!😊
You are a great host, Timmy! Well done!
Awesome! 👍 I was really hoping you would do more interviews on your channel, Timmy. This is going to be so interesting. Can't wait to watch it later.
I really REALLY enjoyed this one!!!! Simple the best!
Thank u Timmy and Dave.
I really enjoyed the conversation that you two had together.😊
Through all the ages and cultures, leaders have realized that religion is a great way to control people and use them as a source of income.
That's what it's really all about.
Sure. Religion does that...yet not The Lord Jesus Christ. He is the loving Savior who gave Himself to rescue and save us from our sins; through His suffering, death on the cross, and His burial, and resurrection. There is no greater truth that mankind can ever experience in this world.
@christophergibson7155 Thank you for helping the algorithm.
Jesus IS the religion. Jesus IS the lie that is used to control people and squeeze money out of them. One day you will see the glaring holes in the doctrine. And when you do, they can not be unseen.
This was great! I love the banter between you guys. I needed this, there is so much learning between the laughter. Thank you both!
I’ve always been fascinated by how little understanding fundamentalist Christians have about where their belief system came from.
Exactly and they don’t want to know. When u try to educate them they don’t care.
Hi Timmy!! Thank you for always putting out wonderful videos for all of us and all of your hard work and honesty:)) I’m so sorry you get some hate comments from upset believers. Don’t ever let the haters get to you. You’re just exposing the truth about religion and they do not like that. Thank you for what you do!
Thank you Timmy and David for this fun, informative conversation! 😃😃
In my experience and those I've discussed this with have all found more warm and loving fulfillment without religion and the like than we ever did with it. Nuff said.
Thank you so much!! I appreciate your support and kindness!
It doesn't matter if jesus existed or not. Because i matter and the world in the current moment matters. And so far, there's ZERO evidence of jesus' involvement in any current world affairs at all!
The one reason I care is that I am so tired of people starting by saying "well, I just think there was a man . . ." and then they add "who was a preacher" and then "who was crucified" and so on and so, until the next thing, it is back to a claim the NT is correct up and down the line. I actually heard an apologist start with Bart Ehrman's conclusion of just that there was such a guy, and actually claim Ehrman agreed with his whole christian view.
Or as some atheists say "we know so little about Jesus, we don't even know if he existed."
We are also at the point where we know the patriarchs of the OT never existed as most of the whole thing is pure fiction. Are there natual explanations for the Exodus? No, it simply didn't happen whatsoever. Just add Jesus to the pile of discarded religious heroes (as David does in his wonderful new book, Playing God).
@johnnehrich9601 you don't have to entertain anything if you are tired of them, really. Out of sight out of mind. If you can't see it, it may as well doesn't exist. Keep it simple and your life will be happier.
Great interview!😊 You said you like movies about time travel, I do too! If you haven’t already seen it there’s a mini-series called 11.22.63 with James Franco’s character time traveling back to the Kennedy assassination. Another series called Man in the High castle about if the outcome of WWII turned out differently. Highly recommend both!
11-22-63 is one of my all-time favorites!!!! ❤
@@timmygibsonkcMe too!
Back to the Future starring Michael J. Fox is my favorite time travel movie.
I don’t think it matters. Like Johnny Appleseed. There was a real guy who planted apple trees. But what really matters to posterity is the legend. Same with Jesus. There may have been a guy, but, what really matters are the stories. The “real” Jesus-who knows? Who cares? What difference does it make? We have no real evidence one way or the other. It’s mythic. I think evangelicals get obsessed with this because it’s such a huge mindshift. The Jesuses of the gospels are all legendary. And when it comes to legend, it’s more the story that matters. The history is immaterial.
i hear this argument from a-theists all the time, and i get it. the miraculous jesus of the bible obviously never existed.
what you often hear from an a-theists is this - "there's no god so this jesus must have just been a regular dude. the a-theist default, i call it.
but heres the thing - when you actually look extensively at all the evidence, it sees that this jesus person was a mythical angelic figure from the very beginning. only later euhemerised and portrayed as a human figure as a vehicle for religious moral tales.
why does it matter ? because the truth always matters.
@@haydenwalton2766Darlin’, there is no historical evidence. And you are the one on the wrong side of historicity. I know you’re scared about the idea that your faith in a historical savior is hollow. I can sympathize with how scary this is for you. I know you really, really believe it. But I can really, really believe in a lot of things that are 100% not based in evidence and have no historical reality to them at all. But I understand, there is a lot of scary feelings associated with walking away from Christianity.
Also what you need to know that the gospels have a deep meaning go spell that is something people need to look and yes that should matters for a reason
What I learned from the book Hero is, he fed one time a group of people by bread and fish, sometime cured the sick, and resurrected few dead ones. I wonder, IF could’ve done such spectacular miracle once upon a time WHY just left earth and decided to do nothing or say stopped doing miracles😅
All resurrections from the dead, lame, blind, etc., takes place at the spring equinox when light (day) overtakes darkness (night).
Love this lively upbeat enthusiastic conversation with real talk ❤🎉.
Awesome job gents. Personally had 47 and a half years within Christian world view. Long slow healing ❤️🩹 journey made so much sweeter with discussions like this! 😅❤🎉
“ It’s like virginity“ i felt that
Excellent! Thank you!
You are welcome!
Timmy, this is my first time commenting (I think) and David Fitzgerald is a very capable guy in understanding the mythos of Christianity but you ought to have Dr. Richard Carrier and Dr. Ammon Hillman on your program. I would prefer both of them together on the same podcast and see how they interact!
Always love hearing David Fitzgerald!!!!!!
Great interview! I love David Fitzgerald! His books are outstanding! Thank you Timmy.
Yes yes yes!!!!! More of this!!!!!
Caesars Messiah is an eye opener! In the political aims of the Flavians in Rome.
Great -Interview/Discussion ❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
It's the old joke of a bunch of Napoleons coming together in the mad house and easily recognizing all the others as frauds.
Tim, Are you Jesus? You look like Him!!! Ahahahha😂
This is awesome 🔥🔥🔥
Would have been nice if God told us the sun was at the center of the universe and the earth rotates around the sun .
But it's not. Our solar system is not the universe.
maybe Shakespeare wrote the Bible as a collection of screen plays 🤣🤣 jk 😂 kinda
Jesus is an observable monomyth. It’s conceptual. I wish it was easier to see. Theists and atheists can’t make progress without it. They debate, but I can demonstrate. The four gospels are four variants just like Jason and the Argonauts have various versions. This one just became an idol to worship for the masses.
Thanks for never looking deep.
That was sarcasm,
It’s freaking myth.
Love interviews!
Moses died, and buried himself in a valley in the land of Moab (water-father = Aquarius = Moses), "but no man knoweth of his sepulcher unto this day" (Deut. 34.6). Although one hundred and twenty years old, " his eyes," it is said, " were not dim (his stars shine as brightly now as they did then), nor his natural force abated (the rainy season still comes on every year) " However, the people wept thirty days, i.e., during the passage of the Sun through Aquarius, the Wash-pot (Ps 60.8), or the rainy month of Janus/Reuben/Ganymedes.
@@harveywabbit9541 ??
Life time temporal spans now ya all gome back now ya hear? Ecclesiastes 3:15: “That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away.” The “natural man” cannot grasp that, for to him reality is based only on the evidence of the senses. The man of reason could justify the verse’s end, saying if it has any meaning then the writer must mean recurrence. The sun comes every day and the moon completes its cycle and the seasons come and go. If we took a picture of the universe today, the scientists can compute how long it will take to return to this point in the picture. So the intellectual man could justify the verse; but that is not what is meant, for it is addressed not to the man of reason or the man of sense, but to the man of Imagination. What is it all about? “That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been, and God seeks what has been driven away.”
Pete Hegseth apparently doesn’t wash his hands either. 😂😂
This was great!
Have you also read in detail all extra-biblical apocryphal Christian and Gnostic texts? Or do you judge the existence of Christ only from the New Testament?
If you are able to think critically, no matter what you read about Jesus, you know he couldn't have existed.
@@MikeTMike One single piece of evidence?
Evidence is subjective. Also, there's no evidence for any of the miracles and magic tricks Jesus supposedly performed.
Thank you thank you thank you!!! I can’t stand being around the righteous religious people I hope the world catches up. I’m also a vegan too. The truth will set you free is not true because most people want to live in a fantasy
If he came to save the world, why didn't Jesus (or Joshua - apparently his real name) write anything down???
The person to talk to on this topic is Dr. Richard Carrier.
Fitzgerald always sounds like someone who has read Carrier's work but doesn't quite have the comprehensive knowledge that he does.
Richard knows more about the details, but David knows tons, and his delivery is superb.
You've gotta have a chat with Dr Ammon Hillman, i want to see your face as he's blowing your mind. ☺️
David is hilarious 👍🏻
Jesus is mythology not history
Clearly fictional, and plagiarized. Next question.
What do you mean by that? And how did you come to that conclusion?
@ i didn’t stutter. And that is what ALL of the evidence indicates.
@@kennybachman35 "i didn’t stutter."?? What is that suppose to mean?
@@christophergibson7155 it means i said exactly what i meant. It’s self explanatory. “I didn’t stutter”. What country are you from? That’s a very common saying in mine.
@@kennybachman35 Well, if you desire to communicate you will have to use language that I can understand.
"I didn't stutter" is not applicable in the country I live in. Never once heard anyone use that expression.
Do you have another one of saying it, then?
The Old Testament laws were "essentialized", and since hand washing before a meal was a thing which created a whole situation in the story of Jesus, it's quite possible that some of the ritualistic hygiene laws in the OT were understood to also mean to wash before eating, giving birth, etc. Additionally, you have laws about quarantining sick people, etc.
To the degree that hygiene laws might not have been revealed, maybe this was divine punishment for humanity's evil?
Regarding David's arguments, I fail to see the strength in them. For example, he says that it doesn't make sense why the Romans would care enough about Jesus to crucify him? What do you mean? It makes perfect sense. The Jews wanted him dead, and they used the fact that he called himself a king to involve Pontius Pilate. Pilate didn't want to kill him, so then they threatened that they might appeal to the emperor, which might put Pilate in trouble, so he was in a sense coerced into complying.
I think that it is more likely than not that there was a preacher named Jesus, who preached and was killed by the authorities, on which the myth was based. There were a lot of itinerant preachers at the time and Jesus was a pretty common name. Also the Romans were apt to have trouble making preachers killed. It is therefore quite plausible that some core of the story refers to an actual person. The story however has become so mythologized that we cannot have any certainty about what Jesus preached or how he died or anything else. Usually, folk tales and myths about heros start with a person who was considered in some way exceptional by their peers. Nearly everything about the original person however gets subsumed in the myth.
The "J" was not invented until the 1500's AD so there was nobody named "Jesus" in 0 AD. The word "jesus" is the Romanized version of Joshua, which was Yeshua in Hebrew. Were there lots of Yeshua's? Probably but the Romans never documented any specific Jewish (Yuden) rebel named Yeshua.
Some random dude isn't worth belief in.
If someone would go exactly by what the bible says, without skipping any versus, and make a TRUE story of the bible
I wonder how Jesus is watching about his stories produced from many Christian sect or denominations video studios! Which production does he prefers? The Christian org I’m in will need a big new studio and is asking donations for it😅
Jesus had no merch what kinda teacher/preacher was he?
If it doesn't matter to you if Jesus exists or not, why are you commenting about it on this channel?
I think he’s referring to that in relation to Christianity being true. As in, even if he did exist, it’s still not true.
Because it has to be talked about
Its sharing the journey ...its a very important decision to base your entire life and all important decisions on any belief these men have experience in life and faith and made decisions to move away from there original choice of being a church leader and in tims case a penticostal preacher.
People with a similar journey need to hear that there are many moving forward with their lives
A friend recently said when he left his church " i realised i was in bible jail " ...
He said the pastors house kept getting bigger while many struggled...there where no updates on missions work no support for local homeless shelters or food banks no organised visits to children's cancer hospitals no visits to local lonely eldery.....nothing ...
Most go to church have a happy, clappy time a social chat nothing more... like a golf club ..
Believers yes ....
Followers of the jesus they believe in ?
They say we have evolved and are so intelligent! But at the same time people still honestly believe in these mythical gods!!! What in our brains causes us to think this way? It's, for no better word, Stupid!!! It doesn't make any sense!!!
Please please look up Ralph Ellis
For many people, reality sucks and religion offers hope for something better. You cannot get rid of it.
So you do know the hope is dangerous
What about the Gnostic texts and the lost books of the Bible?? Books that were written before the Canonical gospels?? Those books mention Jesus. I’m at a schism if Jesus existed or not
No "gnostic" writings we have can be reliably dated to earlier than our earliest cannonical gospel, Mark, that as far as we can tell, was the first.
Before the gospels, we have the epistels, and some extrabiblical texts that argue for a heavenly figure that came to people in revelation and interpretating "hidden meanings" in Hebrew Bible texts.
What???? Harry potter's a MYTH?
It's funny to hear you say agnostic. The word Gnostic means knowledge and it's not ag it's a. But yes gnosticism is also a religion who does believe in a Jesus at least one part of it does. The thing I liked about gnosticism is that it finally explained the god of the Old testament. It doesn't mean I believe in Christianity or gnosticism it just explained things.
there seems to be more evidence to the contrary, that Jesus did exist as a person. Bart Ehrman, an atheist and best selling New Testament scholar, lays out all the arguments in his book. “DId Jesus exist “
That book is so bad reading it makes you misinformed more than informed. No, really.
We have absolutely no good evidence to believe the Jesus of the Bible to be based on an actual historical figure. The evidence we do have, suggest a heavenly figure, who got allegorized into the gospel stories that were later believed as literal history.
Is Jesus' ministry hard to recognize?
Jesus restored the loss of faith in Yahweh after the Jewish god's Temple was destroyed by the invading Roman Army in 66 AD.
The surviving Jewish followers of Jesus wrote stories of a miracle worker which eventually became the foundation of the new branch of Judaism called Christianity.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
Why should anyone care what the bible says?
was there an actual person doing the things described in the bible, NO! was there some guy named Jesus born in Bethlehem or Nazareth, between 4bce and 6ce, sure, why not?
The Jewish preacher Yeshua could have existed but the miracle working godman "Jesus" did not.
I'm going to Kansas City, Kansas city here I come. They got some crazy little woman there, and I'm gonna get me one.
Timmy, in the 48 years you were in the "ministry", did you EVER READ THESE VERSES ??
It is Written: Jesus said, "No one can come to me UNLESS the Father which has sent me, DRAW HIM....therefore, whosoever has HEARD & LEARNED FROM THE FATHER, comes unto ME" (John 6:44,45). ??
Yes those verses sort of make a contradiction of Free Will. But the whole bible is one big contradiction. So go ahead and cherry pick the scriptures.
@@gracedagostino5231 - Hahahahahahaaa !! Another "ignorant" lost soul !!
How is GOD "drawing" you to Himself a "violation" of Free Will ?? Did God MAKE MOSES go over to the "Burning Bush" ?? NO...Moses had free Will either to go over and check it out, or not.... WAKE UP !!
Also speaking if that is true why has the father of Jesus have not produced him a woman how can this father says it has to go thru him but won't have no space for him for a woman thru this father
Man made propaganda.
@@menmustchangebeforekingdomsYou're the one asleep.
Yes, He did - and still does - exist, and that's the view most mainstream historians and millions of His Holy Spirit-filled believers hold.
Argumentum ad populum.
You can assert he does, like a child, or you can be an adult and demonstrate he does. Can you?
@MikeTMike Overemotional heathens, like yourself, are prime proof.
@MikeTMike Asking me to prove that Jesus exists is like you asking me to prove that you exist.
Jesus is a confirmed historical figure, and that's a fact.
Jesus mythicists are a modern phenomena.
Just say you can't. It's obvious you can't.
Just because you say something's a fact doesn't mean it is. You need to demonstrate it's a fact.
@@AP-di6gu Paul and all the early apostles would laugh at you. It's ironic.