Doctors that recommend that you do research, have my full support. My husband had a stroke several years ago. Unfortunately he now struggles with what is referred to as phantom pain. The doctor that performed his thrombectomy suggested that I continue to research this subject because there are always new medications and treatments. He then told me to call him if I found anything that I wanted him to look into to help my husband. I so appreciate these doctors that obviously don’t think they are God.
The problem is R-CPD is such a new discovery that there aren't any studies or long-term experiences on what works (besides botox, which comes from the normal CPD). That's why Dr. Bastian asks to report back to him if something works.
Another symptom can be a high heart rate. This usually called Roemheld Syndrome, where a stomach issue affects the cardiovascular system. What do I do that helps me? Here's my standard and personally curated protocol developed over the past 12 years: 1. Drink 1-2 glasses of cold water. 2. use gravity. -Bend over and touch the toes (or as close as you can get to that) for around 30 seconds to 1 minute. - Lie down on the stomach or back for a few minutes. When you stand up or straighten up again a burp will very often just come pouring out. I have triggered many Homer Simpson style belches this way. 3. Antacid helps sometimes. 4. Focused relaxation. Just pausing to try and just feel the esophagus and imagine and visualize relaxation. These are my go to, in the moment helps.
I have this and I found a way to get some mild relief when i’m having lots of gurgling and throat pressure. So I inhale as much as possible, filling 100%. Hold for two seconds and then inhale again (yes this kind of hurts but if you stress tf out of your diaphragm it works). Now flex your diaphragm and push against the pressure you just made. When you feel like your going to pass out, exhale and flex your abs and chest as much as possible to expel excess air. This works best when laying down, but can also be done standing or sitting. It doesn’t fix it completely in one go, but it helps the pressure lessen pretty significantly.
A common misconception is that tight muscles are tight because they are overactive and need relaxing or massaged. Weak muscles CAUSE tightness. When someone trains a weak muscle that has shortened and become tight, the muscle becomes more flexible and thus less tight and bothersome. This might explain why shaker exercises work.
I don't think that's how it works. Weak muscles don't shorten. What you feel as a "shortened muscle" is a muscle that is stechend to its limits due to a muscular imbalance. For example a lot of people would say they have a "short" biceps femoris. Which means if you would want to tie your shoes with straight legs it would work because of the stretch in the back of your legs. Yes, the biceps femoris is weak in those people and that's one if not the reason of the issue, but again, the muscle isn't shortened, it's quite the opposite. Due to the imbalance the pelvis is tilted forward (the frontside muscles (quadriceps, abs etc.) are stronger than the backside muscles -> more tension -> shorter muscle) and thus the biceps femoris is stretched LONGER because one of its origins is the pelvis. But as Dr. Bastian already explained this doesn't really apply to R-CPD, because the issues aren't muscles you can control.
A very large proportion of people with R-CPD also have, or at one point had emetophobia (a fear of vomiting) so there is a theory that some of us have subconsciously tightened up the valves responsible for vomiting, which also causes difficulty burping. Or maybe it's the other way around and the extra discomfort from vomiting due to R-CPD is what causes the emetophobia. Hard to say, but there seems to be a strong link one way or the other. Anecdotally I haven't vomited in 20 years and the few times I've got close have been very uncomfortable.
@@InfiniteMooseVomit I think is related but in my case I used to vomit a lot when I was a kid bc if anxiety and stomach sensitivity. Even now when Ihave a feelin of throwin up Icant help but to do it however its traumazing bc its like projectile vomit. So I think the body is so scared of opening that part and thats why its not lettin us burp
Hi! R-CPD sufferer with a comorbidity of gastroparesis among others here. I find the easiest way to get the gas out is to walk around a few minutes or go from a sitting to standing position then sitting again(repeated a few times), and THEN either leaning to the left or laying on the left side generates a burp or two. If it only produces more gurgling and nausea, put as much pressure on your breastbone as you can while maintaining the left lean and rub hard circles along the sternum. If nothing comes out still, give fast, firm pats along the breastbone while, again, leaning or laying to the left. Try again in a few minutes if nothing happens still. In my experience, these techniques produce a burp anywhere from immediately after to an hour after. I will be getting Botox or a dilation soon for treatment! Best of luck fellow no-burpers!
I’m 4 days into my Botox treatment. The first few days I could burp and talk freely. Today it’s weird. It’s like I’m burping in both directions. I’m doing all the exercises. No voice today. I guess the muscle really needs hard training.
Given you mention the correlation v causation bias.. and also given people continue to be able to burp after botox has worn off.. do you have any plans to do a control trial of the botox treatment?
Dr.Please help me..I am from india..I'm suffering from 2 years..Going through gastric issues..Nd now I can't burp properly..I can't vomit..I lose my weight almost 13 kgs..Please tell me what to do..I am helpless..I can't live with this gas
So sorry to hear that. Dr. Bastian gave a presentation with several Indian doctors a few months back, but hasn’t heard of anyone in the country who offers the procedure. The only doctor we are aware of in Asia is Dr. Rodel Velasquez, who practices in Manila, Phillippines. He recently treated a patient who flew in from Japan.
Hello Doctor, thanks for all this freely available informative content! I read that in the UK the botox injection for RCPD is offered by some doctors (e.g. Lucy Hicklin) without anaesthesia, just from outside the throat, and it seems to be effective as well (and definitely much less invasive and cheaper). Any comment on the differences in the two procedures? Do you think it could be effective as the procedure you offer?
Thank you for your kind comments. EMG has been offered by us from the beginning. Our original publication of the EMG approach I believe suggested a lower rate of success but not by much…The problem for us was that with people traveling hundreds of miles to our clinical practice (Bastian Voice Institute), so far from 50 states and 13 countries, we felt it necessary to use the most accurate method. We still feel that way, but offer whichever method each patient requests. Cost is less: ballpark US $1200 for EMG vs. about US $2500 for the OR. For greater certainty and somewhat greater chance of “once and done,” not to mention avoiding the discomfort and needle phobia of the EMG office procedure, most of our ~1100 patients have chosen the OR.
Dear Sir, I have an issue with my vocal cords. One of my vocal cords on the right side is partially damaged due to stomach acidity reflex. However, when the cords move/vibrate the damaged one won’t latch in order to produce a clear voice. Is there a remedy or exercise to cure the impacted/damaged cord? Your support is highly appreciated. Regards
Hey, I've been dealing with similar symptoms since the end of 2020. I'm a 28 year old guy, and at the end of 2019 I had a set of GI issues that covered everything you could probably imagine except vomitting thankfully. After being told it was anxiety and put on medication I just dealt with the issues for a year until one day I ate a meal that really bothered me, I mean heart palpitations for hours and I thought the only thing that I could do to fix it was force myself to vomit which I'd never had to do. I tried really hard to force myself to vomit but it just didn't work, anyways got check by paramedics later on and I noticed after a few weeks I could no longer burp properly and then all the symptoms I've seen with people suffering RCPD came up. I've only found out about RCPD a few months ago, but between the end of 2020 and now I've learned my coping mechanisms including sipping on some water to "open" that part of my stomach and let out a burp as well as air-vomitting which I've been doing for years prior without knowing that was a thing people did, I did it extensively while I was dealing with my issues. WHICH after a year of dealing with no-burping, I finally got treated seriously by another specialist and they discovered I had a severe case of H. Pylori causing all the issues. I treated it and everything went away except I still can't burp "properly". I'm wondering is that a thing for RCPD sufferers? Because when I say I can't burp I just really mean, not without effort.
oh my god i've literally been diagnosed with h pylori as well and completed the 2 week antibiotic treatment. the inability to burp and lump in my throat persists though and i just stumbled upon rcpd today after googling why i can't seem to burp! do you have anything that's helped you out post h-pylori? all tips and suggestions welcome
@@fhjasak Well once I treated H pylori, my indigestion levels began to subside really quick, less indigestion meant less gas and needing to burp. I occasionally get tightness in my abdomen but for me "air-vomiting" is what handles burping issues 99% of the time. The 1% of the time I have to avoid having a totally empty stomach as that brings all the issues right away, can't burp on an empty stomach and the gases that occur while being properly hungry cause a lot of discomfort. Also just be mindful of what irritates your gut and limit it somewhat, I'm back to eating spicy food almost all the time now so I've found my balance thankfully. Learning to live with it and realising it's not going to kill me; getting out and exercising as much as I can feels like it helps a tonne. I think my anxiety 100% makes it worse than it really is, and your mental health is closely linked to your stomach so it makes sense. Take care of your self, exercise, adopt some of the techniques RCPD people use like air-vomiting and maybe trying what I mentioned such as taking a small sip of water, then trying to air-vomit (gulp a lump of air and try to fold it into your stomach) and then squeeze a burp out from your abdomen, don't try to force it (you might regurgitate) and you also might want to do it while not moving around. Most importantly if you're feeling stressed out and anxious about it, try your best to be calm and do your normal activities as best as you can. Good luck, feel free to ask me any more questions I can even give you a means to contact me further if you want to chat properly.
@VasOnTheSpot Your comments almost felt like i was the one who wrote them. similar dates, similar age. could you please tell me which antibiotics cured your H pylori?
I’m miserable. I’ve had R-CPD my entire life. However, after my gastric bypass surgery I’m suffering. I can’t take it anymore. Nausea, mouth watering, SOB, flatulence, diarrhea, pain in the esophagus. 😢I can’t take it anymore.
So sorry! Educate yourself with this post on Laryngopedia. Tremendous resources all in one place. You can be free of this!
hello! I am trying to find out where I sit around this issue because I am able to burp but my problem is I can't fully burp like ever. it always feels like there is more and like there is an air bubble stuck in my throat. I'm wondering if my esophagus is just tight enough to block some of the gas from getting out fully? I am not sure but it is persistent and always has been and it always present. sometimes it is worse and more noticeable than other times. if anyone has any info on this or can relate please let me know I can't find anything on not being able to completely burp.
Thanks for your comment. I just made a YT short explaining that R-CPD (no-burp) can mean NEVER burped; have burped rarely; or burp significantly but always microburps, un-harnessable, and non-relieving. It sounds like you could be in the third category.
I rarely burp but not when I want to. It's involuntary. It is very rare for this to happen. This occurs when I'm distracted and playing on the phone with my head down looking at the phone and.. I hear a noise in my throat and I feel that bad taste with gas. But when I really want to burp and I'm full of gas in my stomach I can't do it at all. I'm from Brazil. I think I'm the only one with this problem here.
So sorry to hear of your symptoms. I am certain there are more than just you. When the word "gets out" in Brazil, you will find you are not alone. And eventually there will be doctors there who treat this. Call nearby ENT groups and ask: "Does anyone in your group help people who can't burp?"
Hi Pedro! I’m from Brazil, too! But I’m currently living in Japan. I hope some day we have doctors in Brazil to treat R-CPD… I could find some Brazilians on Reddit, but no one seems to find a doctor who listen and take R-CPD serious… unfortunately…
Existem alguns brasileiros com o mesmo problema, inclusive eu. Conversei com algumas pessoas no reddit, mas infelizmente ngm conhece um médico que poderia tratar.
Hello again, was just made aware of a “Brazilian” duplicate of our R-CPD resource page from Not sure if this means there is a doctor in Brazil that treats R-CPD, but maybe it can help you along your path of finding relief:
Doctor i hear they do the botox thing for other condition in the same muscle in which there is swallowing problem.. Is the botox treatment the same in both cases regarding location of injection for example
Yes, the same muscle is injected for both antegrade and retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction. Antegrade occurs mostly in older people who can’t swallow solids in particular. Retrograde is for people who can’t burp and on average a younger group. Botox works great for R-CPD and in my opinion not as good a treatment for A-CPD; laser myotomy is more definitive for A-CPD.
i can't burp...I'm facing this problem since 1 year..i thought i was the only one..can you please tell me that treatment of this is available in bahrain or not?
Hello, we have heard from the R-CPD community of a doctor in Suadi Arabia that may offer treatment:
Aren’t you nice. This diagnosis is finally catching on. I’d suggest you contact Dr. Richard Hewitt, pediatric otolaryngologist at GOSH. He is aware of this disorder and might help you find a source of treatment for adults. Also, Mr. Richard Barr is on the Reddit subgroup no burp and is an advocate…
Doctors that recommend that you do research, have my full support. My husband had a stroke several years ago. Unfortunately he now struggles with what is referred to as phantom pain. The doctor that performed his thrombectomy suggested that I continue to research this subject because there are always new medications and treatments. He then told me to call him if I found anything that I wanted him to look into to help my husband. I so appreciate these doctors that obviously don’t think they are God.
The problem is R-CPD is such a new discovery that there aren't any studies or long-term experiences on what works (besides botox, which comes from the normal CPD). That's why Dr. Bastian asks to report back to him if something works.
Another symptom can be a high heart rate. This usually called Roemheld Syndrome, where a stomach issue affects the cardiovascular system. What do I do that helps me? Here's my standard and personally curated protocol developed over the past 12 years:
1. Drink 1-2 glasses of cold water.
2. use gravity.
-Bend over and touch the toes (or as close as you can get to that) for around 30 seconds to 1 minute.
- Lie down on the stomach or back for a few minutes.
When you stand up or straighten up again a burp will very often just come pouring out. I have triggered many Homer Simpson style belches this way.
3. Antacid helps sometimes.
4. Focused relaxation. Just pausing to try and just feel the esophagus and imagine and visualize relaxation.
These are my go to, in the moment helps.
This is exactly what I have...
Will look into this. Does this stomach issue sometimes cause a numb like feeling around the top of the arm/shoulder?
@@chriscollins3744 I do and my hand will tingle
I have this and I found a way to get some mild relief when i’m having lots of gurgling and throat pressure. So I inhale as much as possible, filling 100%. Hold for two seconds and then inhale again (yes this kind of hurts but if you stress tf out of your diaphragm it works). Now flex your diaphragm and push against the pressure you just made. When you feel like your going to pass out, exhale and flex your abs and chest as much as possible to expel excess air. This works best when laying down, but can also be done standing or sitting. It doesn’t fix it completely in one go, but it helps the pressure lessen pretty significantly.
A common misconception is that tight muscles are tight because they are overactive and need relaxing or massaged. Weak muscles CAUSE tightness. When someone trains a weak muscle that has shortened and become tight, the muscle becomes more flexible and thus less tight and bothersome. This might explain why shaker exercises work.
I don't think that's how it works. Weak muscles don't shorten.
What you feel as a "shortened muscle" is a muscle that is stechend to its limits due to a muscular imbalance.
For example a lot of people would say they have a "short" biceps femoris. Which means if you would want to tie your shoes with straight legs it would work because of the stretch in the back of your legs. Yes, the biceps femoris is weak in those people and that's one if not the reason of the issue, but again, the muscle isn't shortened, it's quite the opposite. Due to the imbalance the pelvis is tilted forward (the frontside muscles (quadriceps, abs etc.) are stronger than the backside muscles -> more tension -> shorter muscle) and thus the biceps femoris is stretched LONGER because one of its origins is the pelvis.
But as Dr. Bastian already explained this doesn't really apply to R-CPD, because the issues aren't muscles you can control.
I'm wondering what triggers this condition? Why would our brain send a signal to the nervous system to shut the sphincter tight when the air comes up?
I always think about that question! The only thing I could say makes sense is vitamin deficiency.
A very large proportion of people with R-CPD also have, or at one point had emetophobia (a fear of vomiting) so there is a theory that some of us have subconsciously tightened up the valves responsible for vomiting, which also causes difficulty burping.
Or maybe it's the other way around and the extra discomfort from vomiting due to R-CPD is what causes the emetophobia. Hard to say, but there seems to be a strong link one way or the other.
Anecdotally I haven't vomited in 20 years and the few times I've got close have been very uncomfortable.
@@InfiniteMooseVomit I think is related but in my case I used to vomit a lot when I was a kid bc if anxiety and stomach sensitivity. Even now when Ihave a feelin of throwin up Icant help but to do it however its traumazing bc its like projectile vomit. So I think the body is so scared of opening that part and thats why its not lettin us burp
even the steam from a shower makes me feel like i cant breath because of the increased intake and no exhaust
I've burped like 10 times in my life I'm 32
💀 me probably 5 times and Im 19
Hi! R-CPD sufferer with a comorbidity of gastroparesis among others here. I find the easiest way to get the gas out is to walk around a few minutes or go from a sitting to standing position then sitting again(repeated a few times), and THEN either leaning to the left or laying on the left side generates a burp or two. If it only produces more gurgling and nausea, put as much pressure on your breastbone as you can while maintaining the left lean and rub hard circles along the sternum. If nothing comes out still, give fast, firm pats along the breastbone while, again, leaning or laying to the left. Try again in a few minutes if nothing happens still. In my experience, these techniques produce a burp anywhere from immediately after to an hour after. I will be getting Botox or a dilation soon for treatment! Best of luck fellow no-burpers!
Did you get the Botox treatment? And if yes, did it work
I’m 4 days into my Botox treatment. The first few days I could burp and talk freely. Today it’s weird. It’s like I’m burping in both directions. I’m doing all the exercises. No voice today. I guess the muscle really needs hard training.
Given you mention the correlation v causation bias.. and also given people continue to be able to burp after botox has worn off.. do you have any plans to do a control trial of the botox treatment?
Dr.Please help me..I am from india..I'm suffering from 2 years..Going through gastric issues..Nd now I can't burp properly..I can't vomit..I lose my weight almost 13 kgs..Please tell me what to do..I am helpless..I can't live with this gas
Do you try to bend over and touch your toes for a minute? Maybe it will help?
We're on the same boat. It's too hard
I'm also from india same problem I'm suffering
So sorry to hear that. Dr. Bastian gave a presentation with several Indian doctors a few months back, but hasn’t heard of anyone in the country who offers the procedure. The only doctor we are aware of in Asia is Dr. Rodel Velasquez, who practices in Manila, Phillippines. He recently treated a patient who flew in from Japan.
@@praveenbcm3549did you find any doctor??
I have really bad chest pain when I have trapped air and can only release air when I lean over.
Doesn’t anyone else have this?
Exactly the same
@@2500deano Ilmy upper abdomen hurts now from crunching all the time. Nothing appears to help so think I’ll have to get the Botox treatment
@@chriscollins3744if you do go for. It will you let me know how it goes please. Seriously thinking of it myself. Hope it works for you
Hello Doctor, thanks for all this freely available informative content! I read that in the UK the botox injection for RCPD is offered by some doctors (e.g. Lucy Hicklin) without anaesthesia, just from outside the throat, and it seems to be effective as well (and definitely much less invasive and cheaper). Any comment on the differences in the two procedures? Do you think it could be effective as the procedure you offer?
Thank you for your kind comments. EMG has been offered by us from the beginning. Our original publication of the EMG approach I believe suggested a lower rate of success but not by much…The problem for us was that with people traveling hundreds of miles to our clinical practice (Bastian Voice Institute), so far from 50 states and 13 countries, we felt it necessary to use the most accurate method. We still feel that way, but offer whichever method each patient requests. Cost is less: ballpark US $1200 for EMG vs. about US $2500 for the OR. For greater certainty and somewhat greater chance of “once and done,” not to mention avoiding the discomfort and needle phobia of the EMG office procedure, most of our ~1100 patients have chosen the OR.
Dear Sir,
I have an issue with my vocal cords.
One of my vocal cords on the right side is partially damaged due to stomach acidity reflex.
However, when the cords move/vibrate the damaged one won’t latch in order to produce a clear voice.
Is there a remedy or exercise to cure the impacted/damaged cord?
Your support is highly appreciated.
Hey, I've been dealing with similar symptoms since the end of 2020. I'm a 28 year old guy, and at the end of 2019 I had a set of GI issues that covered everything you could probably imagine except vomitting thankfully. After being told it was anxiety and put on medication I just dealt with the issues for a year until one day I ate a meal that really bothered me, I mean heart palpitations for hours and I thought the only thing that I could do to fix it was force myself to vomit which I'd never had to do. I tried really hard to force myself to vomit but it just didn't work, anyways got check by paramedics later on and I noticed after a few weeks I could no longer burp properly and then all the symptoms I've seen with people suffering RCPD came up.
I've only found out about RCPD a few months ago, but between the end of 2020 and now I've learned my coping mechanisms including sipping on some water to "open" that part of my stomach and let out a burp as well as air-vomitting which I've been doing for years prior without knowing that was a thing people did, I did it extensively while I was dealing with my issues. WHICH after a year of dealing with no-burping, I finally got treated seriously by another specialist and they discovered I had a severe case of H. Pylori causing all the issues. I treated it and everything went away except I still can't burp "properly". I'm wondering is that a thing for RCPD sufferers? Because when I say I can't burp I just really mean, not without effort.
oh my god i've literally been diagnosed with h pylori as well and completed the 2 week antibiotic treatment. the inability to burp and lump in my throat persists though and i just stumbled upon rcpd today after googling why i can't seem to burp! do you have anything that's helped you out post h-pylori? all tips and suggestions welcome
@@fhjasak Well once I treated H pylori, my indigestion levels began to subside really quick, less indigestion meant less gas and needing to burp.
I occasionally get tightness in my abdomen but for me "air-vomiting" is what handles burping issues 99% of the time.
The 1% of the time I have to avoid having a totally empty stomach as that brings all the issues right away, can't burp on an empty stomach and the gases that occur while being properly hungry cause a lot of discomfort. Also just be mindful of what irritates your gut and limit it somewhat, I'm back to eating spicy food almost all the time now so I've found my balance thankfully.
Learning to live with it and realising it's not going to kill me; getting out and exercising as much as I can feels like it helps a tonne. I think my anxiety 100% makes it worse than it really is, and your mental health is closely linked to your stomach so it makes sense.
Take care of your self, exercise, adopt some of the techniques RCPD people use like air-vomiting and maybe trying what I mentioned such as taking a small sip of water, then trying to air-vomit (gulp a lump of air and try to fold it into your stomach) and then squeeze a burp out from your abdomen, don't try to force it (you might regurgitate) and you also might want to do it while not moving around. Most importantly if you're feeling stressed out and anxious about it, try your best to be calm and do your normal activities as best as you can.
Good luck, feel free to ask me any more questions I can even give you a means to contact me further if you want to chat properly.
@@VasOnTheSpot thanks so much! I’d love to know how to contact you for a chat, this has literally been consuming me 🥲
@@fhjasak Do you use things like Discord? If you have any suggestions I can try to work around those too.
@VasOnTheSpot Your comments almost felt like i was the one who wrote them. similar dates, similar age. could you please tell me which antibiotics cured your H pylori?
I’m miserable. I’ve had R-CPD my entire life. However, after my gastric bypass surgery I’m suffering. I can’t take it anymore. Nausea, mouth watering, SOB, flatulence, diarrhea, pain in the esophagus. 😢I can’t take it anymore.
So sorry! Educate yourself with this post on Laryngopedia. Tremendous resources all in one place. You can be free of this!
How are u now??
hello! I am trying to find out where I sit around this issue because I am able to burp but my problem is I can't fully burp like ever. it always feels like there is more and like there is an air bubble stuck in my throat. I'm wondering if my esophagus is just tight enough to block some of the gas from getting out fully? I am not sure but it is persistent and always has been and it always present. sometimes it is worse and more noticeable than other times. if anyone has any info on this or can relate please let me know I can't find anything on not being able to completely burp.
Thanks for your comment. I just made a YT short explaining that R-CPD (no-burp) can mean NEVER burped; have burped rarely; or burp significantly but always microburps, un-harnessable, and non-relieving. It sounds like you could be in the third category.
I rarely burp but not when I want to. It's involuntary. It is very rare for this to happen. This occurs when I'm distracted and playing on the phone with my head down looking at the phone and.. I hear a noise in my throat and I feel that bad taste with gas. But when I really want to burp and I'm full of gas in my stomach I can't do it at all. I'm from Brazil. I think I'm the only one with this problem here.
So sorry to hear of your symptoms. I am certain there are more than just you. When the word "gets out" in Brazil, you will find you are not alone. And eventually there will be doctors there who treat this. Call nearby ENT groups and ask: "Does anyone in your group help people who can't burp?"
Hi Pedro!
I’m from Brazil, too!
But I’m currently living in Japan.
I hope some day we have doctors in Brazil to treat R-CPD…
I could find some Brazilians on Reddit, but no one seems to find a doctor who listen and take R-CPD serious… unfortunately…
Existem alguns brasileiros com o mesmo problema, inclusive eu. Conversei com algumas pessoas no reddit, mas infelizmente ngm conhece um médico que poderia tratar.
Are you sat upright when this happens or are you 'scrunched up' on a sofa? curious about the position you're in when you manage to burp. Thanks!
Hello again, was just made aware of a “Brazilian” duplicate of our R-CPD resource page from Not sure if this means there is a doctor in Brazil that treats R-CPD, but maybe it can help you along your path of finding relief:
Doctor i hear they do the botox thing for other condition in the same muscle in which there is swallowing problem..
Is the botox treatment the same in both cases regarding location of injection for example
Yes, the same muscle is injected for both antegrade and retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction. Antegrade occurs mostly in older people who can’t swallow solids in particular. Retrograde is for people who can’t burp and on average a younger group. Botox works great for R-CPD and in my opinion not as good a treatment for A-CPD; laser myotomy is more definitive for A-CPD.
Are there any doctors in Romania that can solve this problem?
Sadly, none that we are aware of. =( Closest doctor that we have heard about (through internet users) is in Turkey.
i can't burp...I'm facing this problem since 1 year..i thought i was the only one..can you please tell me that treatment of this is available in bahrain or not?
Hello, we have heard from the R-CPD community of a doctor in Suadi Arabia that may offer treatment:
What are these exercises?What do I do?
@@misterbowers5995 I posted the link. Can you not see it?
@@trusound170 No,I don't see a link.
@@misterbowers5995 I am going to share it with you again right now in a separate comment. Let me know if you see it this time.
@@trusound170 I'm sorry,I don't see it
Please come to the UK 😅 it's so difficult for the NHS to understand it seems
Aren’t you nice. This diagnosis is finally catching on. I’d suggest you contact Dr. Richard Hewitt, pediatric otolaryngologist at GOSH. He is aware of this disorder and might help you find a source of treatment for adults. Also, Mr. Richard Barr is on the Reddit subgroup no burp and is an advocate…