"Wing Commander" (1999) The movie didn't build on the world created by the game, which led to it's "footnote status." "Virus" (1999) "Soldier" (1998) "No Escape" (1994) "Fire in the Sky" (1993) I heard of this movie, but didn't see it until recently. It was...forgettable. "Robot Jox" (1990) "Space Truckers" (1996)
No escape is very underrated
"Wing Commander" (1999) The movie didn't build on the world created by the game, which led to it's "footnote status."
"Virus" (1999)
"Soldier" (1998)
"No Escape" (1994)
"Fire in the Sky" (1993) I heard of this movie, but didn't see it until recently. It was...forgettable.
"Robot Jox" (1990)
"Space Truckers" (1996)