I’ve got my controller connected with a USB and it works, but when I choose to do the revert it says it isn’t plugged in? Like how, I’m using the controller to confirm it
@@STLhumanity314 through a homebrew app called Mission Control. It doesn’t support Bluetooth LE, which is the type the Xbox controllers were updated to lmao.
I'mma revert, update and then revert my controller again to make sure it still works (it worked when I made the video) cuz you're the 3rd person to say it's not working anymore.. 😩 😣
Does NOT work on x/s controllers !!!!!
This is exactly what I needed! A video that was more up to date. Thanks brother!
@@Hung-sn3zv in glad it worked for ya boss 😎
Just get error something went wrong
Did it give you an error code?
@@STLhumanity314 no just there was a problem updating your controller...try again
Is it plugged in via a wire or is it Bluetooth?
@@STLhumanity314 have tried both says the same.if I move 1ft away from xbox it disconnects which it didn't before update.
@@mrmarcd5100 can you update it again? or revert it back to before the update?
exactly the video i was looking for MLB!! thank you
your controller was acting crappy on mlb the show 24?
@@STLhumanity314 yes very until i downgraded it
You cant revert series S and X controllers, only xbox one and one S
😢 😢 😔.. 😩 😣
Click Bait title.. Only works for Xbox One S/ One X Controllers..
Maybe they changed it? Cuz it just worked on my next Gen controller like 4 months ago 😩 😣
I’ve got my controller connected with a USB and it works, but when I choose to do the revert it says it isn’t plugged in? Like how, I’m using the controller to confirm it
Idk, I'll Def try to look into it /help ya out tho
@@STLhumanity314 thanks dude, it’s just my B button doesn’t work sometimes, it’ll work occasionally but majority it doesn’t register it
Dude now I can use my Xbox controller on my switch finally
😂 😂 😂 I didn't even know that WA possible 😎
@@STLhumanity314 through a homebrew app called Mission Control. It doesn’t support Bluetooth LE, which is the type the Xbox controllers were updated to lmao.
@@STLhumanity314 on modded switches it is
No me Funciono para control Series S
There was a problem updating your controller can you help?
I'mma revert, update and then revert my controller again to make sure it still works (it worked when I made the video) cuz you're the 3rd person to say it's not working anymore.. 😩 😣
Sale error 😢
Thank man
No problem /I'm glad it worked out for ya 😎
@@STLhumanity314 yessirrr
😂 😂 😂 So this is how it's done
Glad I was able to help 😎
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Let's goo 😎