Well, from what I am to understand, the myth that people can be born gay... or even just more likely to become gay... Was the result of a songwriter and popular singer, implying that homosexuality was something fixed in the womb. So if anything, a doctor of theology is a step up from the usual celebrity endorsement. As an aside, it amuses me to think of the parallels with Richard Dawkins, a expert on biology... Who thinks that he's being clever when he promotes his Theological thinking about Christianity.
@@sebastianbancroft7184 exactly; it shouldn't matter, therefore there's no need for it to be mentioned. we can either assume the creators are incompetent by adding the fact that he is a doctor in theology by putting doctor before his name, which is irrelevant info, or we can assume they are ill intentioned and tried to misguide the viewer. either way, it's bad
I have to say I'm really impressed with this comment section. I have read about 50 of the top ones and there is a nice blend of progressive and conservative people here. It's so cool to see so many deserve opinions on here. Most of these videos are an echo chamber for whoever supports this viewpoint.
The problem is that no study has yet detected a Nature cause for Homosexuality, instead of Heterosexuality. Even identical sibling studies, have resulted in a conclusion that Environmental factors are NECESSARY, for homosexuality in post pubescent people. Indeed, the closest thing to Nature... Was a series of minor physical features in present in men, that occurred statistically more often in gay men than straight men. None of which are guaranteed to be present in gay men. And they can all be present in straight men. Literally nothing else present at birth or during adolescence... Can be said to physically determine homosexuality post puberty. Leading to the conclusion of either Freudian Environmental Factors determining homosexuality in its entirety... Or there being a choice ( _consciously made or not_ ) during puberty, that is subsequently made semi permanent by the same factors reinforcing Heterosexuality.
@@Paulthored It is clear to me that it is not cut and dry. I've seen many people with similar childhoods ending up being homosexual and heterosexual; however, it does depend on how someone will go about their own sexuality. Some people will suppress their own sexuality for their lifetime. Whereas, others are more open, and expressive about their sexuality. i.e. if someone was bisexual and gets married to the opposite gender early in life, they might not find it necessary to come out as bisexual. Also, we see homosexuality a lot in the animal kingdom. It is most commonly seen in penguins, and porpoises, and well humans. All of which, live in communities, have a single litter number of one with a long gestional period, and have homosexual couples adopt and care for orphans. It is very common for homosexual couples in the animal kingdom to adopt orphaned young of their species (or even other animals), and homosexuality seems to be more common for animals with long gestational periods, and smaller litters. It seems to me that homosexuality is either an adaption or simply a consequence of having that live in groups. Yes, environmental factors do play a role on how that person goes about with their sexuality. Our expirences form our character. But, from what we see in biology; homosexuality is more nature rather than nurture
@@Paulthored well it is found to be genetically linked as twins are more likely to have the same sexuality it's not set in stone but genetics is involved
@@donnykafkaesquianis7518 Do we have evidence of Homosexuality in animals... Or, is it the animal equivalent of a Heterosexual Human hitting on someone in Drag? Even if someone is able to show animals that have supposed homosexual behaviors... it's not like that matters for humanity, even if through some miracle they could show intentionality in the animals actions. _I mean, just because you have genetic influences for Alcoholism doesn't really mean that we should indulge ourselves in Alcoholism, now does it??_
@@arianagrandaremix8858 Even if that were true, it wouldn't convince me about genetics having any sort of sufficient influence to matter for purposes of the LGB individuals giving up responsibility for themselves in this matter. Which is the main reason why LGBTQ advocates want there to be a genetic reasons for their desires. _(Obstinately because of the reasoning behind Race being considered a protected class. It wouldn't matter whether it's healthy/moral or not for people to act on homosexual desires..._ _if you were to be considered akin to racist, for objecting to those homosexual actions._ _I know that's why certain groups have justified teaching sexuality, & other woke/LGBTQ, stuff to prepubescent and younger children.)_ I would also point out that just because they're twins, doesn't mean that it's truly the genetics that influences their sexuality post puberty. Just off the top of my head, since twins are most likely Raised together... It would reinforce the Expert's conclusions about how environment works to influence sexuality. Especially when the alternative would preclude any real deviation in sexuality. But I still doubt whatever you've sourced that bit about twins from. Though I don't believe that I denied any genetic influences on sexuality. Just that no one can claim to have been conceived, born, or grown up with a particular sexuality guaranteed by their bodies. By that logic Heterosexuality would be considered the Norm. Because most people end up Heterosexual by nature then. (By at least 95%) Which would be a piss poor reason for regulation of sexuality regardless. And not one I would be convinced by. Peace!✌👨🏫
You've made your choice, and you choose to continue in this choice. Admittedly, changing your choice gets right hard after the choice is first made in puberty... And that's ignoring those who actually do oppress the 3.9% of the population who have homosexual feelings. But nothing says that there isn't a choice involved. [There's certainly nothing science can detect that indicates homosexuality is resulting from being born different. (Excepting certain extreme birth defects... thing's on the level of hermaphrodites) ] So you're not born gay. And unless you're insisting that you're gay because of Freudian environmental factors, nothing you encounter growing up guarantees that you will exit puberty gay. So the only logical option seems to be that homosexuality results from a choice ( _consciously made or not_ ), made during puberty... And then the usual processes of puberty, make it difficult to subsequently change that decision.
@@SuperkittyPlays All available evidence suggests that it is a choice of some kind. Happy Christmas & Merry New Year's Celebration!! Edit: a choice, or the Freudian result of various environmental factors encountered growing up. Edit: Edit; Who's Karen?
As a bisexual, I just want to say that genetics aren't the cause of being gay or straight or anything else. However, it seems to be something in the brain. I didn't choose to be this way, and the way anyone acts doesn't determine how they are. Also, the one part of the video that said something like "Being gay isn't a choice, but acting on it is" and "Just because you desire it doesn't mean you should act on it" really made me angry. The person who made this either didn't think before he said or he is homophobic. Thanks for reading this far, I just had to say some things.
Yeah I've read its in the brain. Apparently a brain scan was done on cis straight men, cis gay men and trans mtf and discovered a gay man's brain is closer to the way a female brain is and a trans mtf brain is seriously close to the brain of a cis female. I haven't actually looked up on that experiment in a long time mind...
@@VilaVendetta if that's true, it's either a minority or something that happens after puberty. Multiple studies have concluded that aside from a single indicator, that is statistically more often found in gay men than straight men... Nothing present at/before birth, is a guarantee of homosexual behavior in people post puberty. Physically at least. Though this page draws doubts on even purely learned behavior... www.comprehensivesexualityeducation.org/ Edit: Was the Trans guy taking Hormones, or similar transitioning drugs?
@Nick Garrison even if it makes you happy, I wouldn't stay silent about your decision to chop off your arm. Same principle. Similarly, homosexuals are deeply involved in affecting heterosexual lifestyles. To the point where LGBTQ advocates are trying to say how people can raise their children. To claim that the 3.9% of the population that is LGB, doesn't affect the remaining +95% of population... Is at best wishful thinking.
Every action you take is in fact a choice. Even if you believe in every way you only have one option that's never actually the truth. And desire literally does not mean you should act on it. How much better would the world be if people with ill intent chose not to act on their desires? Both of those statements are fact and in no way homophobic.
Youve done the research and bring up good points. I think the majority of people will just see the title and express their view without even watching the video objectively.
Not at all. There are plenty of gay fathers and lesbian mothers out there, biologically speaking. What the species really needs is the encounter of the gametes. It doesn't matter if the father and the mother was being pleased, experiencing, were really attracted to each other, were married by financial interests or had sex once with the opposite sex and after that, they've chosen to sleep with same-sex people. In the absence of feromonical heat, of course heterosexuality plays a role as a facilitator to this process. But heterosexuality is not essential. If the whole humanity was gay and lesbian... It wouldn't disappear. They'd find a way to provide the "gamete encountering".
Because that’s another thing science has been so very wrong about. The majority of bees in a hive will never procreate. Are they useless? Of course not. They serve a purpose and it’s not always procreation. Homosexual people are less likely to procreate. They help balance a species population. They can procreate if they want to. They have all their sex organs. But they are less likely to. For example, 80% of bottlenose dolphins are exclusively homosexual. They have lifelong pair bonds, full on sex, everything. But if they were all heterosexual, there would be way too many of them in the ocean. God, nature, whatever you believe, controls all of this. Homosexuals are put here on purpose.
Heterosexuals are essential. In theory humans could maintain a race without sexual attraction and reproduction but in practice it would be very difficult to carry this out effectively on a mass scale. Even moderate declines in birth rates can have devastating impacts on societies
@@scottm1594 That was not tested to be affirmed. We only know how is to be a species in which there is sexual attraction, and heterosexuality is majority. Considering this situation, heterosexuality is a facilitator, not essential. And we do have gay and lesbian parents. So, yeah, we can supposed that, if in this situation, there are gay men and lesbians who were able to reproduce without "need", they'd probably do if they need. HOW they'd do it, we don't know, because we don't know how is to be a species like that, that was never tested and we don't have any empirical evidence as we have with gay parents.
Well all the current scientific studies suggest, is that there is no evidence of a way to determine if someone will have homosexuality after puberty... At any point prior to puberty. At least, no way that is determined by someone's body, baring some kind of birth defect or similar. ie: No one is born gay, or guaranteed to become Gay. The above scientific findings, coupled with the multiple accounts of formerly gay individuals changing their sexual orientation... Accounts of a autobiographical nature. Basically means that either homosexuality can be a choice made during puberty, and then enforced by the same thing that enforces heterosexuality... (not saying that it's necessarily a conscious choice, just that it happens) Or, like the scientific studies suggest, that homosexuality is a result of mostly environmental factors. Factors that could be controlled, in theory. I prefer the option where it's a choice, not simply a result of Freudian Factors. Aside from that, just because it's a choice, doesn't mean that it's any kind of easy to change that choice.
Even if that's the case, environmental influence is not a choice but it's an influence, and like the study finds there is still a small genetic role that is taking place here.
There are a lot of people saying that being gay is a choice. I have said this once and I will say it again. If you are not gay you have no right to say whether it is or is not a choice. You have not gone through the experience of being gay. You do not understand the struggles of it. You are not gay, and therefore cannot state something that only a gay person would know.
@Pedro Fernandes Whenever I say "right to say it" I mean that they dont have the authority to say it. For example, I am not black so I cannot definitively say something about being black. However, a black person can tell me something and I can be a messanger. The difference between those two is that in the second one I am getting the information from somebody who has actually experienced it. Also in your first comment I wasn't talking about the man in the video. There are lots of people in the comments saying that being gay is a choice.
@Pedro Fernandes you can say whatever you want but it doesn't hold any weight. It's not possible to have any kind of personal understanding of something you have not experienced. That's like a man trying to explain to you how it feels to be pregnant. He can reiterate things hes heard or seen but he we never be able to tell you how it feels cuz he will never know.
Had an interesting thought a few months back: How do LGBT activitists explain gay men and lesbian women who enter traditional marriages and produce offspring? The capacity to reproduce is much more important than one's "personal preferences." Sexual orientation doesn't reign supreme. Edit: If your best comeback is to bring up clerical celibacy or regurgitate lefty opinions, you're just wasting everyone's time.
"The capacity to reproduce is much more important than one's personal preferences." Really? What about monks? People have the freedom to marry and have their children. Even for heterosexual couples. Homosexual couples can have their (one-sided) biological children if they want to.
If you are a man who is uncomfortable being with a man, why would you be with a man? Same goes for if you are a man and you are uncomfortable being with a woman. Why would you be with someone you aren’t comfortable with or can’t connect to in that way? Not everyone wants to have kids. And I believe truly loving your partner and being comfortable in your identity and who you are is more important than being able to reproduce with your partner. Not every Hetero couple can reproduce either. There are other ways to have kids and still live a happy life :)
So if you put is simply, a person’s sexuality is comparable to a person’s personality. Neither can be scientifically predicted by genetics, and both could be a result of a person’s environment? Can someone help me out and tell me if im right or wrong?
Kinda, as a pansexual person I would liken it to your emotions. Can you control your emotions? Sure, with some difficulty but why bother. We can control whether or not we are angry or sad but its hard and shouldn't be expected of people expect when necessary. Also personality is basically choice
Man up, Moonviolet, and accept reality. Dr. Yuan is planting the seeds of redemption in your soul so you won't have to spend eternity apart from God. What's that I smell burning?
@@fatman2727 And what about Ducks? Scientists did observe that they take part in homosexual behaviours. So Gods creation is actually questionable? So The ducks actually are doomed to go to hell as they forever are apart from God?
@@xethrion4758 I hope that duck that soiled my car is "apart form GOD! Seriously, We are not animals. Humans operate on a higher moral, spiritual and intellectual level and so should act accordingly. Look at the smartest animals- gorillas, elephants, dolphins, whales. How many hospitals have they created? How many rescue missions have they organized to help their fellow species? do they have feeling and for the sick, the needy, the impoverished? Humans alone have empathy, care and compassion for those we don't personally know. This line of reasoning is unsustainable. If seemingly “homosexual” acts among animals are in accordance with animal nature, then parental killing of offspring and intra-species devouring are also in accordance with animal nature. Bringing man into the equation complicates things further. Are we to conclude that filicide and cannibalism are according to human nature? animal cognition is purely sensorial, limited to sound, odor, touch, taste and image. Thus, animals lack the precision and clarity of human intellectual perception. Therefore, animals frequently confuse one sensation with another or one object with another. Since animals lack reason, their means of expressing their affective states (fear, pleasure, pain, desire, etc.) are limited. Animals lack the rich resources at man’s disposal to express his sentiments. Man can adapt his way of talking, writing, gazing, gesturing in untold ways. Animals cannot. Even National Geographic cites that animal sexuality is not the same as human sexuality and not all is known about the matter. I think the term "baffling" is the term used in this article: www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/homosexual-animals-debate Bonobos are a typical example of this “borrowing.” These primates from the chimpanzee family engage in seemingly sexual behavior to express acceptance and other affective states. There are two reasons to believe sexual activity is the bonobo’s answer to avoiding conflict. First, anything, not just food, that arouses the interest of more than one bonobo at a time tends to result in sexual contact. If two bonobos approach a cardboard box thrown into their enclosure, they will briefly mount each other before playing with the box. Such situations lead to squabbles in most other species. But bonobos are quite tolerant, perhaps because they use sex to divert attention and to diffuse tension. Second, bonobo sex often occurs in aggressive contexts totally unrelated to food. A jealous male might chase another away from a female, after which the two males reunite and engage in scrotal rubbing. Or after a female hits a juvenile, the latter’s mother may lunge at the aggressor, an action that is immediately followed by genital rubbing between the two adults.7 Like bonobos, other animals will mount another of the same sex and engage in seemingly “homosexual” behavior, although their motivation may differ. Dogs, for example, usually do so to express dominance. When two males mate, what is present is a demonstration of power, not sex. an un-neutered male dog will mount another male dog as a display of social dominance-in other words, as a way of letting the other dog know who’s boss. While not as frequent, a female dog may mount for the same reason. Other animals engage in seemingly “homosexual” behavior because they fail to identify the other sex properly. The lower the species in the animal kingdom, the more tenuous and difficult to detect are the differences between sexes, leading to more frequent confusion. Despite the “homosexual” appearances of some animal behavior, this behavior does not stem from a “homosexual” instinct that is part of animal nature. Dr. Antonio Pardo, Professor of Bioethics at the University of Navarre, Spain, explains: Properly speaking, homosexuality does not exist among animals…. For reasons of survival, the reproductive instinct among animals is always directed towards an individual of the opposite sex. Therefore, an animal can never be homosexual as such. Nevertheless, the interaction of other instincts (particularly dominance) can result in behavior that appears to be homosexual. Such behavior cannot be equated with an “animal homosexuality”. All it means is that animal sexual behavior encompasses aspects beyond that of reproduction. I.E, these acts do not have the same meaning for animals. I can understand your confusion so I hope you'll delve into a deeper look at this matter. Another myth destroyed.
As someone who is bisexual, I just want to say that it is not a choice. I struggled with my attraction to women for a long time and it made me extremely depressed. I was rejected by my family, who denied my identity and some of whom are homophobic. I prayed for God to make me Straight. I had always liked women I just didn’t really understand my feelings because I didn’t have the language to describe it. It is hard to be told by the ones closest to you that they don’t believe you or that they don’t support you. I pleaded for God to make me straight but I still like women. Being straight would make things a lot easier, who would choose to be discriminated against, hated, and persecuted? We just want to be happy and to experience love, whoever that may come from
Exactly. And I’m not sure it’s so “fluid” either, like they claim here. I’ve never known a man that magically turned gay or straight as an adult. Maybe they finally acted on it. But they were repression those feelings their whole life.
Praying to remove attractions (make straight) is not what christianity teaches but to accept our reality,offer it to God and choosing not to act upon our attractions.Removing homosexual attraction might not be possible,but choosing not to act upon it is.Not easy but possible😊, there's christianity.
Im pansexual and I agree with Jeff. I had a sexual awakening, I used to be straight and basically chose different. Choosing your sexuality is like choosing to be happy. Everyone say's if it was a choice they would choose the easy one but we make choices that make us angry or sad all the time. We can make choices that make us gay and we can make choices that make us the other kind of gay lol.
@@miloslavmasar Bullshit, sexual awakenings are a thing. Your sexuality can change. Can you please not tell me what I was or wasn't. I know what I was back then and I was genuinely straight. I know this because I tried to see if I was attracted to men and it didn't work. Sexuality is not a fixed thing.
@@adenjones1802 lol you're so dumb, sexual awakening means discovering your sexuality. As a multisexual person you were blinded by your attraction to the opposite sex. As a gay man, I was never attracted to women therefore I was never straight.
I read I study that a part of the brain seems to be larger on homosexual females and heterosexual men and smaller in heterosexual women and homosexual men
@@keiraademovic7392 I don't know those studies. I do know that recent decades long studies have determined that there is no physical evidence of homosexuality prior to puberty. So maybe it's a result of homosexual behavior? Otherwise it sounds like Richard Dawkins talking about Christianity. (ie: someone talking out there donkey)
3:37 “Dr. Lisa Diamond... has provided EXTENSIVE research demonstrating that sexual orientation is fairly fluid, not fixed, especially in women.” You are more than welcome to look up her research if you’d like 👍
What would i say? There is no gay or straight gene, there are ex homosexuals & ex straights, even ex trans people, being gay bi etc isnt permanent for anyone in reality they just dont see the meaning in changing
We know for fact already many traits are genetic but are so complex that there are multiple gene loci are involved in the phenotypic expression of the trait in question. Further, not all traits are genetic in nature or at least not genetic alone. Many things happen to an embryo over the course of nine months before before that have long term effects, especially those that occur in the first trimester, such as from hormonal influences. Further, just because an answer has not been found, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Meaning, you aren't necessarily right or wrong in your statements. So an open mind is warranted here, from both sides. But you do a lot of damage because of the beliefs you espouse.
@@blakeemel3819 yep. There are no actually a gay gene. We also have studied that in college. There are no people who born gay, they always follow their nature like male always attracted to women vice versa. People being gay 80% because of the trauma for example a man loves a women and that women cheated on him. Man trying to move on, have another women, and again... That women left him. So that man feel so desparate and then here comes another men that makes him feel better.. well they in love at the end 🤷🏽♂️
@@pakdeinfocopied text you all just have s3x with men as unhealthy way to identify with men unconsciously...you feel that you are different from other men and don't feel like you belong to them or you are similar probably you had problem identifying with your father and was more attached and identifying more with ur mother and other women as a kid that's why you grow up feeling curious about men and not interested in women and because this happened at very younge age probably first five years when you were developing your gender identity and s3xuality specially at age 3 so all think you were born this way and have always been gai but this isn't the truth. you all don't need to have s3x with men what you all need is having platonic relationships with men and indentfying with them again stop seeing men s3xually and start making friendships with men and do men activities then gradually this attraction to men would vanish and you will find yourself attracted to women without even trying when you start to feel that you are also a man like them and no difference between u two and will start to realize that the real difference you have with and the real interesting gender is women and not men. Yes gai people can change there are many cases you proof it you all might think they are lying to themselves but they were honest they couldn't believe it too that they start to feel genuine attraction to women and are now happily married to their wife I'm not talking about conversion therapy this s*t is so bad all they do is just telling you that you are a sinner and you will go to hell and torture you making you h ate yourself more because they don't know the problem that's why they always fail I'm talking about something you should do urself without any help of conversion therapy but seeing a therapist would help this in case you want to change and aren't comfortable with gai lifestyle which majority of you I believe are it might be hard and it won't happen in one night it might take months or even years but it's not impossible and st the end you will get the result you also have during this time to stay away from gais and p0rn videos better to not have s3x with anyone at this time you will find yourself hate s3x with both and women and will turn to be as3xual for a while but then you would start to realize the change that you doesn't crave men like you did before and start to focus more on women but you shouldn't force yourself to do that it should happen naturally you don't have to feel bad and h are yourself and convince urself you will go to hell it's not about that it's about ur relationship with men and u have to be really patient and understand that you are a man and your true self isn't gai but straight and you burried ur true identity for years living the gai lifestyle think about it like that u put a seed in the soil to grow a plant(being straight) but the seed didn't grow and instead a harmful weed took it's place( being gai and attracted to men) it would all make sense
What is everyone bickering about dude? No one said this video proves it's a choice. I'm not entirely sure anyone would CHOOSE to be lesbian, gay, etc. What he's saying is that you're not BORN with it in your genes. Environmental and psychological factors play a big role in how we develop (including sexually) and genes play a very very small percentage in that. No one CHOOSES to have trauma either (not saying being gay is traumatic so don't @ me) but people still do. Does this change anything? Not really, but I think it's important to know more about yourself and why you are the way you are whether it be straight, gay, or a fucking dragon ig. Personally "I was born with it, it's in my genes" wouldn't sit right with me if I were gay.
Maybe because God is... Indisputable. I encourage you to start asking yourself a different question.. Maybe something like, "If I cant find any content that doesn't circle back to 'God's Creation', they what is that I don't understand about God?" Just a friendly recommendation. :)
Your telling me you can't find a single video about science where religion isn't involved? Or do you just have a problem with religious people talking about science? Are they not allowed?
How can this be a completely scientific, unbiased video if the end goal is a personally drived motivation? Who wanted this video to be about whether attraction is wrong/right? Biased information is flawed information. If this is all properly sourced, please leave it up to the viewers to decide what to believe, and please don't try to control the social politics of the sexual minority with how they're allowed to express their identities and feelings. I can't help but feel like a lot of this is meant to equip people with ways to police an already harassed group of people. Opinions are okay, ones that are different from mine are okay, but education that holds the intent to persuade an audience towards a specific and biased opinion, especially one that sets out to equip people with 'what would you say' points on how to invalidate other people alongside the implication that an unharmful human behavior is wrong by virtue, is unscientific.
This is the first I have heard that genetics had anything to do with being gay. I can only speak of my life. I have been attracted to the same sex since I was a young child, not later in life. I grew up in church, my father was a pastor. Most of you will disagree, based on the comments I have read today. To my knowledge, no one in my family's lineage was gay. I have never queried about it. Again, I can only speak for myself. Gay as a choice? I did what I was taught and what society expected every young man to do and married a woman and have an adult child whom I love and adore. I have now been married to my husband 4 years and we've been together for 20 years. Conversations about this can go on forever, but I can only speak about my life of 63 years and counting.
Science and scientist have little to do with one another apart from etymology. The desperate need to confine the 'being' in to a vat of cause and effect, 'human', vacating all sense of willful accountability. Psychology is a religion built on that end goal. We are beings (noun) in human (adjective) form. 'Will' is the singular best characteristic to exemplify our state.
@@Ignasimp Sex is sex and love is love. A mother love her child. A pedophile wants to have sex with that child. Have you the ability to recognize the difference? You confuse love with sex once more. Huge difference.
@@ΟριζόντιοςΚατακόρυφος i can clearly see the difference. Do you? Because you know heterosexual people can love and can have sex? Homosexuals can do both things too. Or do you think homosexuals can't be in love?
Dr, Yuan is a theologian, not a scientist. It becomes evident rather quickly that he is making an argument that homosexuality is a choice, because it's not "ontological." It doesn't matter how you feel, your choice is still immoral. That is the point of the video. Christian Polemics passing itself off as science.
@@wearehere13 but didn't the new testament said that gay is wrong. Love doesn't require approval, you can love a person and not approve what they say or do.
Well, there's no other good explanation for this difference in sexuality. They've already ruled out any Physical component, that is present prior to puberty. And what is present afterwards, can to the best of my knowledge, only be the result of the lifestyle. Not a cause, as the best case is only a statistical increase of a couple of percentage points. And is also present in heterosexuals. So the best explanation is that it's something chosen during puberty, that thereafter becomes rather difficult to change... Especially if you don't want to. But there's ample evidence that it's not impossible to change it. (Though by no means easy, or quick. ) After all, I keep hearing about people who were heterosexual, right up until they "came out". Why would the reverse, be so impossible?
@Pedro Fernandes this is homophobia, being gay is part of my identity, I understand it may not be genetic, but I'm pretty sure there's a genetic predisposition that increases the chances, but not directly case homosexuality. It may not be the same for every gay or bi male. And I'm pretty sure this researches are endorsed by Religious fanatic.
But if im allowed to ask According to many religions Homosexuality started in one city called sadom And they were the first one to do it While there was many civilizations at that time but none record the act Does that mean that throughout the human evolution the gene who is responsible for homosexuality started in that city before any other !? Because what are the chances that one city with all its citizens do this act before any one else !!? İ am talking here that this could be a religious proof that there is a gene responsible for homosexuality Sadom and amora go back to 3000 bc and the first documented homosexual relationship go back to 2000 years bc and its close to those two cities İ think religion can offer a huge contribution on this topic And we shouldn't fight the fact that genes are a huge factor in every aspect of our lives Like many mental illness and many cancers and even many parts of the character İ am not homosexual and i don't understand what they go through or feel but i know many of them suffer to live a normal life and dont act on their feelings tword the same sex But we know that god accept the humbles and guide them to him
First recorded act doesn’t mean only act. Still don’t believe it’s genetic though. But it’s also not a choice or something you can change at least past puberty.
The digestive tract was never designed for sex that is why soerm mixed with feces can't procreate a baby. Anal fissures, loss of anal sphincter Tone, fecal incontinence, personal abscesses, tears, bleeding, gay bowel syndrome and oral throat cancers from genital HPV occurs with use of the digestive system for sex. Gay is a BEHAVIOR. Gay is not genetic at all because 2 gay men, 2gay women. 2 sperm and 2 eggs, 2 transgender people with SRS, and transkids who never gone through puberty (used puberty blockers) can not make a baby or procreate with each. If you don't go through puverty, the REPRODUCTIVE system never develops, grows or matures to sexual functioning. Therefore, it is ABSOLUTELY impossible for GAY to be genetic. Transgender is just conversion therapy for gay people. They would rather a transdaughter with neovagina than a gay son who uses his anus for sex.
This was actually really nice, I don't think it is trying to say that being gay is a choice but it's just actually trying to explain terms that are often misused. Because it is true that you can't control who you like, that's a fact, and yes it is *my* choice to be with that person, but in the end I'm not choosing to be with someone I don't like
@@juanmanuelmoramontes3883 Sadly this is choice because love or definition of love is extreme obsession or infatuation with an individual by choice. These can be made due to social interaction/stigma, connection or relationship with individuals, and also up bringing/environment. The population of gay people to heterosexual has always been very low and has only blown up more in recent years which is perfectly fine. However even if we where to say it is 100% genetic what purpose does it surve? From a biological stand point men are attracted to women because they can reproduce children the only function of the male genatalia hence the shape is literally to penetrate and impregnate women and surves literally no other function outside of being pleasurable. So it is counter intuitive to physical biology to be attracted to a man if your a man unless this new genetic evolution is a dysfunction or it is a choice based on upbringing and social norms or constructs of society. Pluss you cant attest to other animals breeding habbits because we are a completely different species and we really have little understanding of the reasonings they have for doing similar acts. Im not hating just not cool with oh its genetics no its luxury and now socially acceptable choice.
@annie villegas : Yes, I agree that the video is saying that even if you can't control who you like, you can still choose who to be with. However, it seems there's a subtle message saying "just because you are gay, doesn't mean you should act on it." I think it's fine if people who do feel same sex attraction choose to love someone of the opposite gender. But if it's telling gay people that you shouldn't choose to be with a person of the same gender that you like, then there's a problem. @D K : There's some theories of the evolutionary purpose that being gay serves. One theory is the Gay Uncle theory. It suggests that having a gay relative, like an uncle or an aunt, can help increase the survivability of children in the family. Instead of needing to provide for their own families, a gay relative can help take care and babysit their nieces and nephews.
@@angelanavarro9961 Men and women can fill those same roles and not be homosexual just saying the theory doesn't make sense especially in women dominated cultures like some in Africa. From a science stand point it is a useless evaluation that doesn't provide any benefit. Don't get me wrong if that's what you choose cool but its kinda hard to prove its purpose from a scientific standpoint.
One month after my original post and reading through all the comments today, it seems most people are more concerned about the act of sex than a same sex relationship. There is one long comment here that went into a study of sheep. While I understand the study, I did find it a very comical comparison to humans. After all, how long has the farmer and the sheep joke been around? :-)
If being gay is a choice then choose to like the opposite sex right now. As a Christian cisgender man, I know being gay is not a choice. Why is this such a debate? there is nothing wrong with being gay because God loves everyone.
As he said, same-sex attraction is not a choice, nor is it a sin, but acting on it is. LGBT activists try to conflate the two saying that if same-sex attraction is not a choice, then acting on it isn't either. But that is not the case. We all have desires that we must resist throughout our life. A poor man might have a desire to steal from the wealthy but whether they act on that desire is still a choice.
@@bendowson3124 ofcourse God doesn't condone human behavior but he neither hates the sinner for their behavior our God is a God of mercy and compassion our jobs as Christians is to spread the word not force our own beliefs onto people to be completely honest in my personal opinion it real is not our business what the lgbtq+ community does we should let them live their lives in peace and we should spread more love God bless you bro have a good day
My identical twin brother and I are attracted to men. We are not attracted to women. We have known this since we were like four years old back in the 80s. I remember talking with him about it when no one was around. We were so confused cause the world suggested men were attracted to women and we were like… ummm, no lol. Interesting, every identical twins that I’ve met in the last 20 years have all been the same sexuality. Both heterosexual or homosexual. I’ll also mention, i said i was straight for many years after my brother came out. This is typical with twins. One seems to always come out much later. Also, I’m kinda glad they haven’t figured a biological or genetic component. Otherwise they would probably try to find a “cure” for homosexuality. Which is ridiculous since it’s completely natural. But I’ll bet plenty of crazy scientists would love to get rid of us. Just sayin.
The digestive tract was never designed for sex that is why soerm mixed with feces can't procreate a baby. Anal fissures, loss of anal sphincter Tone, fecal incontinence, personal abscesses, tears, bleeding, gay bowel syndrome and oral throat cancers from genital HPV occurs with use of the digestive system for sex. Gay is a BEHAVIOR. Gay is not genetic at all because 2 gay men, 2gay women. 2 sperm and 2 eggs, 2 transgender people with SRS, and transkids who never gone through puberty (used puberty blockers) can not make a baby or procreate with each. If you don't go through puverty, the REPRODUCTIVE system never develops, grows or matures to sexual functioning. Therefore, it is ABSOLUTELY impossible for GAY to be genetic. Transgender is just conversion therapy for gay people. They would rather a transdaughter with neovagina than a gay son who uses his anus for sex.
I think it would have been nice to have a longer discussion about epigenetics, though i dont know what kind of research on epigenetics there is in this topic.
who are you to speak for our community? You are not LGBTQIA are u? No...I don't thank so.u are no one to speak for our group! U can't prove what makes someone gay, because the fact is, "attraction " is diverse vast and dynamic! Why do I love watermelon and hate celery? Did I have a bad experience with celery? No! Why do other people think it's odd people that think watermelon is gross but they love celery.... Are they the normal ones and I'm the odd one? Why do I like the color green and I can't stand the color red? Why am I attracted to husky guys, with broad shoulders, caramel color skin, Mexicans, guys from India, dark hair, dark eyebrows, dark eyes. Why don't I like skinny blonde guys who are white? Why do I turn my head when I see a husky Mexican guy go by, but don't even notice the female? Again attraction cannot be summed up so easily. Why do I like EDM what other people like country or rap? Attraction no body decides on. I didn't decide to hate celery I just do I think it tastes nasty! Why do I love watermelon so much that I could drink the juice everyday? These are not choices!
Not a very good argument. Notice your choices are not as fluid as you think. Whether your choice is a white or mexican man, your still choosing between men. Same with red or green, your still choosing between colors and emd or rap is still between music. Can't get around it buddy your choices are still categorical.
Anyone can speak the truth. The digestive tract was never designed for sex that is why soerm mixed with feces can't procreate a baby. Anal fissures, loss of anal sphincter Tone, fecal incontinence, personal abscesses, tears, bleeding, gay bowel syndrome and oral throat cancers from genital HPV occurs with use of the digestive system for sex. Gay is a BEHAVIOR. Gay is not genetic at all because 2 gay men, 2gay women. 2 sperm and 2 eggs, 2 transgender people with SRS, and transkids who never gone through puberty (used puberty blockers) can not make a baby or procreate with each. If you don't go through puverty, the REPRODUCTIVE system never develops, grows or matures to sexual functioning. Therefore, it is ABSOLUTELY impossible for GAY to be genetic. Transgender is just conversion therapy for gay people. They would rather a transdaughter with neovagina than a gay son who uses his anus for sex.
@@lasirius1 how is i a choice? if liked liked women my life would be better in a homophobic hateful world...but i never choice so like men esp husky masculin men.
So this would mean you rather then being born gay, you actually were born being sexually attracted to the same gender- thus not making you gay but choosing then to act on that attraction makes you gay? So not born “gay” born sexually attracted to the same gender? Attraction and sexual attraction being different things.
No one said “we don’t understand how the genetics work.” Maybe you don’t, but genetics is actually one of the most researched scientific fields. Instead, the video says “genes just aren’t as clear cut as MANY think.” 2:23
@@sebastianbancroft7184 There is so much to discover on genetics yet, we are only scraping the surface. We can't even predict with 100% accuracy the hair or eyes color with a given genetic code, it is not like a buiding manual or a software code, it is so much more complex, we know very little yet compare to what is left to discover.
Did you not watch the video? Genetics play a small role in sexual orientation in general. You cannot simply predict who will be gay/straight based simply on dna. Why cant you just accept the data instead of hold bias? Being gay is not a choice in terms of attraction but its not innate in a person either. This then leads to the fact that sexual attraction is *existential* rather than ontological like many claim(basically to claim that you were innately born to be gay which cannot be true) The only thing that is a choice is the choice to act on that attraction in the act of sex, the same choice heterosexuals have.
@@ricoparadiso the lack of predictability on DNA for sexual attraction may just be limited by our own understanding of genetics instead of genetics itself being insufficient in explaining sexual attraction. You can't say either explanation is proven or disproven, it's all still conjectural. The video is more of a point of view based on evidence than a scientifically proven series of facts. There's a lot of leeway to hypothesize over this theme
Um, that was the entire argument for homosexuals being considered like Race is. It's the idea that you can be born Gay/non-heterosexual, and since there's nothing you can do about that, you should be allowed to trample over any objections to exercising said sexual desires. There've been studies looking for this gene, specifically because of said myth. Though nothing has been found that physically indicates sexuality in any age group that hasn't been practicing homosexuality for years.
I'd rather have a bigot think I'm gay than have someone who is gay think I'm a bigot. Whether sexual attention is a choice or not, whether it's determined or influenced genetically, there's nothing wrong with being straight, gay, bi, pan, ace, or any other choice. There is also nothing wrong with responsibly acting on those desires.
"nothing wrong with responsibly acting on those desires" - keyword "responsibly". This conversation is usually mired in judgments about people's behavior. Christians call it "love the sinner, hate the sin". Normal people just call it judging people for their actions, not identity. Gay culture in the West has a history of celebrating irresponsible actions. This does color public perception of individual gay people through stereotypes.
@@TriggeredJelly - Yes, I agree, keyword, "responsibly." I think it's entirely appropriate to judge irresponsible actions of any kind, whether sexual or not.
@@NotGoodAtNamingThings Thank you! You're the first person in a while to not call me names for trying to have a rational judgement on a gender/sexuality issue. Not subscribing to tribal beliefs, be they left- or right-wing, is effing painful. People get defensive of their cherished identities really fast, even if you're polite.
As a gay man who has an autism diagnosis and as a traditional Catholic myself, if being gay was genetic like autism or any other physical or mental health condition, it would ethically and morally be very problematic for both gay people and autistic people alike, because with certain “advances” in science and technology, potentially such genes could be “edited out” before a child is even conceived, let alone born, where I believe that all human life begins from the moment of conception, not from the moment of birth - I am totally opposed to such “advances” in science and technology, as I believe that these seek to ursurp and replace the role of God in the story of creation, as per traditional Catholic Social Teaching
Folks, I have a problem that I need help with. Dr Yuan explains that sexuality is not an ontological concern, but I struggle to understand why sexual attraction is not a core-part of a person's identity. Is it not a component of their sense of personhood / self? Appreciate any clarifications I can get on this please :)
Well yes your gender can be used as a identity like whene someone calls u "he" or "she" (I don't know ur gender) but it's not the core-part; as a matter of fact I bet ur friends don't call u she or he they say Joseph (which is my name in English [because my actual name is José]) or whatever is ur name so u can say that ur name is the core-part of ur identity.
The question of "who am I?" is far from trivial. Any coherent worldview must account for four things that all feed in to answering that question: (1) origin [where did I come from], (2) destination [what happens when/after I die], (3) meaning [what is my purpose], and (4) morality [how should I act]. Since Dr. Yuan appears to be a Christian, he'd likely give the Christian answers to those questions: (1) God created you either directly or indirectly, (2) God will meet you on the other side of death and judge your life, (3) God wants you to love and honor Himself, and (4) God has given instructions and handed them down to us through his servants over the years in the form of what we now call the Bible. If any of that isn't what you believe, then that's really where the discussion is, not sexuality. However, if you believe all that, then the sexuality discussion gets clearer. A person who violates God's rules is called a sinner, and unholy sexual indulgence of any kind is one example of sin. And so, such a person's identity is, at least partially, "sinner". All of us have sinful desires of one kind or another, and we've all acted on at least some of those desires. The gift of Christianity is to cleanse sin, to wipe away the bad labels (this is called Salvation), and give life and righteousness in its place through a process called Sanctification that usually takes many years. A new identity is given: a son or daughter of God. If we abandon the clarity of Christianity in defining identity, then which, if any, of our desires are a core part of identity is a tricky thing to determine. In some sense you are what you think, but a person's thoughts and desires can and do change over time, especially with exertion applied (either internally or externally).
@@seng6552 Humans have more than 5 sense. We are still learning how mate selection workls obviiously but we do in fact have an aditional structiure similar tomany many animals and it is like smaell but more directly conects molecules with the brain and it is about intersexual competion and mate selection, If you have ever scene your fog sort of smell another dog and his lower lip sort of quivers and he looks far off that is this aditional oderant or chemical ddetecting structure at work and it produces physiological responces that point to the fact that when we are talking repproduction and mate selection the stakes are just too high to have this be about a passing preference. People kill and die in this pursuite of a mate and in the animal kingdom there are creatures taht will have ne shot at mating beforee the female klills them and still they pursue it , Homosexuality is likely a concometant occurance that comes about with a fair amount of regularity as a result of the forces of sexual selection and some reproductive advantage that is effective enouggh it continues to be selected for without the fact of sometimes homosexual out comes being enough, So perhapws a set of traits taht correspond with higher rates of female fecundity amd interest in sex which will ocasionally emerge in the phenotype of a male with those genes in his dna who for some reason doesn't have some other workable alternatives on his one x chromosome so interest in male sexual parrners ataht usually shows up to give women a boost in chances to mate p-resentys in a male but since it is 1 in 100 males say the traits will continue to be conserved beecause they are so much more beneficial than the hit of a few whomosexdual s are and there could also be ways in whcih homosexuality is either irrelevent like when marriage is compu;sary or where the other assets that result from a homosexual or two or therr in the familly mean taht those traits are maintined though a weel selection method.
I think it's better and even SAFER for homosexual people to believe that it's 'genetic makeup' since then, at least, people will not be able to attack you for your homosexuality if they believe that it is who you naturally are versus it being a choice. If people (especially "Christians") believe that you're choosing to be gay or going against what is usual with most people being heterosexual, they'll act as though you're choosing to do something wrong instead of accepting you as a person who was born this way and acknowledging that it wasn't your fault. You're moreso likely to be accepted if people believe that you were gay by genetic makeup. However, it is what it is, if science cannot prove that you were born this way or 'genetic makeup'.
NO. It is impossible for gay couples to pass on their "GAY GENES" , "Gay Chromosomes' , "Gay DNA",or "gay genetic markers" because 2 sperm, 2 men, 2 women, or 2 eggs can't procreate, make a baby or pass DNA to offspring. Only OPPOSITE SEX can procreate and make babies. Not Gay Vouples. Therefore, being gay is definitely not genetic at all. NO GAY IS NOT GENETIC. If being gay was genetic, gay people would have ceased to exist a long time ago BECAUSE TWO GAY PEOPLE CAN'T PROCREATE.
Why is it that Christian arguments always boil down to you don't know everything. Genetics is complicated and we are just beginning to understand how complicated. Casual conversations aren't couched in language that acknowledges this because it annoys people. Congratulations Dr now were back to petty bickering over words instead of dealing with the issue at hand. It has never mattered to me if it's genetic or not. It's not my or anyone else's choice who someone loves or has sex with... it's certainly not yours.
Get up to date. We know now that sexual orientation is largely determined in the brain before birth. And also, our understanding of genetics is at its beginning. That is why we cannot determine sexual orientation with genetics yet. We cannot determine with 100% accuracy hair color or eye color or skin color either. It does'nt mean it is not genetic, or genetic can't predict that. It just mean we don't understand all the parameters yet.
@E B academic.oup.com/endo/article/152/8/2937/2457178?login=true "There is thus substantial evidence suggesting that sexual orientation, and homosexuality in particular, is influenced before birth by a set of biological mechanisms. " Not exactly the same words I used, but the idea is the same. Take in factor that on the contrary, the Hypotheses for the impact of the post-natal social environment on sexual orientation are weak, many studies show no influence of parenting and stuff on sexual orienration.
You only think that because you are straight, maybe you shouldn't listen to the people so far away from the actual issue and listen to the people directly involved telling you that it is most certainly not a choice. You wouldn't understand because you have never had to go through it but as someone who has I can promise you that who you are attracted to isn't just decided. Its like a guy having a crush on a girl that they don't want to like. They can't control that they like that person. And I can't control that I like the same gender as well as the opposite.
@teacupcabaret it depends on the way that you are saying it is a choice. In your case I believe that your feelings are entirely valid and that, that may be a choice for you. In the case of the original comment just saying "being straight is a choice" they are trying to invalidate other people's emotions with that statement. For the majority of people it is not a choice so saying it is, is saying that their emotions are not real. I believe that your emotions are real and you deserve to feel however you do but the issue is this person invalidating other people by saying everyone can just choose to be straight. Even if some people can. I and many other people I know can not. And nobody deserves to feel invalid.
I think these videos would be better if they included more creditable sources and they made issues not on how to debate someone on these issues but on how to better understand them. There is a reason why so many gay people believe they are born that way and don’t have a choice. I think it would be better to discuss why that is and how we can better love them even if we have a different opinion.
I'm gay, I'm too lazy to leave the resources I read to get my "verdict" but my personal conclusion, is a mix of everything, homosexuality is at least in some cases affected by genes but not 100% determined by it, just like with the transexual topic, the brain development in the womb might be also a factor here, when our brain developes in the womb through the exposure to certain hormones is when we might acquire certain things, I think that is somehow related, then it comes the social and environmental part, whatever it is it might differ from case to case, I don't see any point in judging from there, the feeling itself is independent of what you want, can't be changed consciously, and there should only be respect.
@@juanmanuelmoramontes3883 agreed. People just want to drag their barbaric religions into it and ruin the uncertainties of life with terrible ideas of gods backed by fallacies and no sufficient evidence whatsoever. I'm gay too, and i nearly threw up when this dude mentioned God.
@@someguy7644 95% if you adopt a new born boy or 2 too 3 year old boy he will be gay since his only example of being a man is from you. So he will act as you do. Just like the gay hid your wife hide your kids guy stated he was molested as a boy and with him growing up with just a mom and 3 older sisters as examples to follow how to carry himself he was easily became gay. He had no real man show him how to be a man.
Im Pansexual but I used to be straight. My experience of sexuality was such that choice was kinda involved. The experience didn't feel deterministic to me. I certainly wasn't born pansexual.
@@juanmanuelmoramontes3883 sorry but just because you read a few studies, doesnt mean their conclusions are the scientific consensus. in addition to being peer reviewed and facing scrutiny from the scientific community, they have to be checked for biases. i notice that ppl will cite studies but not check their methodology or the ppl conducting the study. and who is funding it. and they dont even check if it was replicated. it is not enough to say that smth was studied and therefore it is the absolute truth. im saying this because i come from a science background so yeah
This is true. But I think it is important to realize that most gay people didn’t choose to be gay. They just feel those things and it seems natural. Gays can choose to fight their attractions it may be incredibly hard because they didn’t choose to be gay in the first place.
🚨The study was led by a homosexual professor in conjunction with the LGBT which is why this study isn’t refuted by any Christian around the world. It was the LGBT who proved themselves wrong‼️
Sexual attraction is not accentual to our existence? I suppose on a strictly personal and literal way no but as a species it is absolutely critical and aside from the motivation to eat and sleep the drive to have sex is about the most defining human motivation. The predominance of people who are atracted exclusively to members of the opposite sex reflects what we see throughout nature and is unlikely to be simply a social construct. I do not believe that the author of this video truly understands sexuality to be a thought or impression or feeling like any other feeling. People risk their lives and sometimes loos their life impress a mate and will often sacrifice themselves for the sake of that mate. But my biggest issue is the miss representation of Lisa Diamonds findings. Granted she herself contributes to this misrepresentation. All her work demonstrated is that women in the united states who have at a given point in time self identified as lesbian when asked about how they identify in terms of their sexuality or sexual orientation are very likely to express that odentity differently over time and those who started out claiming a lesbian orientation will often later identify as a bisexual or those who said they where bisexual might later say they are straight. These shifts in self identification where largely contextually influenced so a woman who has identified as bisexual but exclusively dated women in her adult and collage life so far has a bad break up and finds a class mate and friend starts to play a bigger part in her life and they eventually start dating and wind up moving in together. She may now tend to identify as straight because that reflects the composition of her current relationship.. Though she doesn't draw a strong emphais on this point at teh end of the day her research continues to support the idea that when it comes to our sexual desiers and the sex we fantasize about seems to remain fairly constant for most individuals. And at the end of the day as much as you might want to reframe the discussion to one of behavior rather than identity or sexual drive related to sexual mater preference most people have a sense of who they think of as gay and it isnt based on who they have sex with so much as who they want to have sex with. Of course this is a problem with the Genetic study you cited and one that was self consciously accepted by the researchers and that is that the genome wide study in 2019 looked for associations that correlated with sexual behavior and we know from studies many religious conservatioves often raise in these sorts of discussions as many as a third of men who identify their sexual orientation related to sexual desire and fantasy as homosexual or bisexual as many as a third reported that they had had sex with a woman in the month before being surveyed. Of these men a significant number of them had only ever had sex with women and where married. Meaning feelings at least when it comes to sex do in fact seem to have a strong and enduring nature that persists form many people veven though they feel intense pressure to feel a different drive and attraction pattern so strong that they will lie, repress, or hide their feelings and perfered sexual behaviors and claim to be heterosexual which illustrates the profound difference between arousal and desire for a given sex ed partner which seems persist without significant change dispite sometimes seriously strong social presures to not experience those atractions while how we self label and the way we behave and the mate we actually sselect these ae all clearly subject tto influence from social context parenting style, ones religious tradition and what is teaches about sex and marriage and what we feel is expected of us by our social circle and of course according to the identification that enables us to reproduce and have a child of ones own. We also know that thyere are structures of the human brain that correlate exceptionally strongly to the sex a person is atracted to. There are associations with structures that could very well be a reflection of brain plasticity and reflect ones social constext and experiences like the association of more grey matter between the hemespheres with being a straight woman or gay man. But that could be simply a structural developmet that was activated post natally and it couold also have nothing to do with actual sexual arousal p[petter but meerly be the consequence of other similar corralates like brain volume and symety of the brain which show correlation with sex. Then there are others sturcttures we have fairly good reason to believe have been ordered and formed in a way that corresponds to ones eventual patern of sexual atraction in adulthood. And while it is a very small bundal of nerves in this intanace that bundal of nerves seems to align with orientation but is almost invisable in an infants brain and is something we have no technology that makes it visible aside from using stains on thinly sliced brain matter. Luckily we are highlly limited in the number of healthy undamaged infant brains to cut up and put under a microscope. Luckily an almost identical structure exists in the only species besides ourselves that we can establish that there does in fact apear to be a regular disturibution of males in which a small minority of males exhibit not only same sex behaviro but same sex desire and arousal exclosively for males and that this remains constant throughout life and is not a matter of limited access to females. The homosexual stucture charachteristics correlate to the distinguishing features in humans and we can cut up klamb brains and have and amoung domestecui sheep this part of the brain is established early on in gestation right whenh the brain setm first forms. However in wild sheep that have been studied similarly this structure is not observed untillseveral weeks after birth but even so is highly unlikely to be the result of socialization influences . Wild or domestic sheep have a much higher percentage of same sex atracte d males than humans by about 6% more frequently seen in the sheep than the 1-3 percentage of homosexual males amoung humans. So while there is no gay gene it is almost certainly reflected in discrete differences in our biological traits and that these physiological charachteristics seem to be estyablished before or shortly after birth And of course there is evidence that elevated levels of certain sexual hormones or synthetic hormones in later stages of prgnancy can increase the likelihood of a natal female to present as more masculanized in terms of the apeaence of her genetalia finger length ratio uo and liklihood to exprese atraction for other women at or after going through puberty, An effect not as well established as having a comprable patern of interactions such as to influencerqates of homosexuality amoung males.
I doubt any homosexuals would choose to be what they are if indeed given a choice. It’s hard enough to live life with all that discriminations never mind the constant fear of being branded as sick, abnormal etc for those in the closet being discovered.
Apparently on the left, identity is behavior. It's all in the mind I guess. I don't a agree with this message by the way. If they have a hard time finding a gay, how would you be able to find the trans gene too if it's all in the mind?
@@LIJerseyBrooklyn umm... Actually, your attraction relates to your expirences, which shape your character, so that's kind of apart of your identity. Another case, would be like being married; being married to someone introduces unique and different expirences, which shape your character, and is apart of your identity. Thats why a lot of people will talk about their spouse when meeting you.
@@donnykafkaesquianis7518 You need experience to develop attraction not the other way around, you don't know what you'll be drawn to without an experience
@@bayonettaslover .... and you live in one of the countries that does not sanction gay marriage? What ever happened to being being respectful and tolerant of other cultures? Even if we disagree with another culture (and that's understandable), we have to accept the diversity of thought of other folks if they a not actively trying to persecute you.
@teacupcabaret sorry you had go through that. Those people often referred to as "Gold-star lesbians" because they think they're so much better by being "100% gay" and "untouched by a man". Everybody hates them because they're intolerant bigots
Don't try to make sense of it Dr. Yuan it will forever be a mystery...it only provokes more backlash and troubles for yourself. Nobody from the gay community will ever digest anything that disagrees with how they feel no matter how much it makes sense or not. GOD or science it dont matter. All we can do is love everybody and avoid situations that breach your own morals or religious beliefs. I truly believe u can love, like and work with anyone without compromising your beliefs. As a str8 man with similar beliefs I keep everything that I disagree with at a distance. Meaning I worked with and had gay friend/ associates but never engage in sexual topics and avoid spending social leisure time. This controls my environment. If everyone with different beliefs did this we all would be in perfect harmony.
@@thoughtsbyhope6973 if u couldn't achieve perfect harmony in this manner then u just don't want to. Surface level agreement as u put it could be key in a better society...Doesn't matter what his story is.
That would mean that people cant discuss opinions anymore, i dont care about harmony first off bc its impossible but that would mean we would all live in our own circles of ignorance without acknowledging the other side Btw what would you say to your gay friend that might trigger him? That just sounds like you were gonna say something homophobic bc none of what was said in this video would trigger anyone
@@joaoballan2080 lost me on the trigger part...but what's the matter with living in your own social circles? And discussing opinions on certain topics like this between certain people who stand on what they believe is a waste of time. I'm sure no matter how many opinions u hear nothing will change how u feel.
@@outsideyourbox7505 first off, i dont care about feelings, like ben shapiro once said facts dont care about feelings and i can assure you that me and my friends have changed opionions multiple times and even if i dont change opinions its very important to acknowledge the other side of the argument
People like Yuan are adding to the Scriptures (Matthew 15:9). The Bible condemns sodomy (for both men and women), not homosexuality. Most people do not know that they are not the same thing.
"experiencing same sex attraction is not a choice, but acting on it is." makes me really uncomfortable. you're allowed to have sex with the people you're attracted to (given they're consenting adults) so why deny queer people this privilege? sex is a natural desire that needs to be acted upon occasionally, lest you want to risk mental harm. so saying gay people aren't allowed to have sex, or another similar debate i don't like, that nobody is allowed to masturbate *rubs* me the wrong way.
The digestive tract was never designed for sex that is why soerm mixed with feces can't procreate a baby. Anal fissures, loss of anal sphincter Tone, fecal incontinence, personal abscesses, tears, bleeding, gay bowel syndrome and oral throat cancers from genital HPV occurs with use of the digestive system for sex. Gay is a BEHAVIOR. Gay is not genetic at all because 2 gay men, 2gay women. 2 sperm and 2 eggs, 2 transgender people with SRS, and transkids who never gone through puberty (used puberty blockers) can not make a baby or procreate with each. If you don't go through puverty, the REPRODUCTIVE system never develops, grows or matures to sexual functioning. Therefore, it is ABSOLUTELY impossible for GAY to be genetic. Transgender is just conversion therapy for gay people. They would rather a transdaughter with neovagina than a gay son who uses his anus for sex.
Why exactly would it be a problem to act upon homosexual desires? Can't think of a single reason that is not religious. And as we all know, this channel is about science and facts, right?
The only rational problem would be not with acting on one's desires in general, but with fulfilling them in specific ways. Specific behaviors that statistically lead to higher risks of STDs. They aren't intrinsic to being gay, but seem to be a vital part of the current LGBT culture/community. Edit: this refers to men only, of course, lesbians don't face this.
@@juanmanuelmoramontes3883 "They aren't intrinsic to being gay". I agree it's not a homosexuality problem. It's an LGBT culture problem. Natural and cultural identities are often mixed up, unfortunately, and activists constantly play motte-and-bailey with them. What would be the proper name for "those things" in your opinion?
Its just like being heterosexual. I am heterosexual, but I personally do not act on that urge because doing so would be unwise for me personally. I live a more impactful and joyful life by behaving asexually.
@@RiverogueLander and simply my bf makes me happier as a genderfluid person and We’d definitely fuck a girl to Somtimes bdsm, sex and just wanting a s/o can be beneficial but still try be gay for a year and see how you feel about it
@@giraffewhiskers2045 I dont date anyone. Its a waste of my time and emotional energy. I'm not saying that being gay or gender fluid is inherently bad in and of itself, but you do have a choice in how you behave and how you cope, regardless of moral opinion on the matter.
I dont have a specific gene to be gay. I am a lesbian because i could not hide it anymore. Ever since ive been little i have allways felt wiers when all my best friends talk about their boy crushes. I was also worried on how girls would react if i sai di liked them. This is not something i chose. I would say to whoever brought up this conversation genetics arent what made me gay but i have allways been gay.
@@rangersbulls1855 most people can't remember that shit. It just happens, subconsciously. We don't really think about it unless we grow up in a religious household or have an overly conservative environment growing up.
@@imsavor Many people who had homosexual attractions in teenage became heterosexual eventually. Similarly, many changed the other way around. An objective look at the evidence suggests that homosexuality is a reinforced behavioral pattern, as is heterosexuality or any other kind of sexuality. However, since all sexuality is repeatedly reinforced to the point that it drills into your subconscious desires, none of them can be changed on a moment’s whim once set. It takes a monstrous and relentless amount of time away from previous sexual outlets to develop new sexual outlets. And for every one day that you experience a new outlet, the old outlet will try to draw you back for probably months. Effectively, it is impossible to change sexuality once it is set. Theoretically, it is possible but it will literally take like a decade of highly miserable/sex-deprived retraining, as many years as you may have spent training your mind on your existing sexuality. For example, being straight and going out to voyage with only men on board for say 7 years will, no doubt, bring in a homosexual element at the end of the trip. Could happen to girls too. For the first few years of existing outlet deprivation, you will have wet dreams through that outlet, but that will change, once you attach yourself to the new outlet emotionally more and more. Anyway, moral of the story is you cannot change your sexuality once it is set, not unless you go through extremely deprivational circumstances for your existing outlet. And no matter how you attempt it, it will make life hell for you. If you retrain perfectly then that hell will end in a decade or so, but if you can’t retrain perfectly which is more likely to be the case (you know how relapse is), then you will just be subjecting yourself to prolonged, possibly lifelong hell, for something so subconsciously ingrained that you will never find the strength to change it.
“Experiencing any attraction, or any desire, doesn’t justify a decision to act on it.” Actually, if it’s not hurting anyone then, yes, it does. I like a girl. I ask her out. Me liking that girl justifies me asking her out. It’s not I just to ask a girl out.
Jesus is the only way to be saved! He is the way the truth and the life. Truth can't contradict and if he rose from the dead all other beleifs are false
@BoogeyPerson the Quran denies the fact that Jesus died. BY crucifixion. There's no historical evidence he was replaced or was sent to heaven before he died. If you deny basic facts of history your following a lie
@Pedro Fernandes I've known I'm a lesbian since I was like 3 so no one influenced me, I was born this way and a straight cis man is not gonna tell me otherwise
Does it matter who it is if they are citing scientific sources?
Well, from what I am to understand, the myth that people can be born gay... or even just more likely to become gay...
Was the result of a songwriter and popular singer, implying that homosexuality was something fixed in the womb.
So if anything, a doctor of theology is a step up from the usual celebrity endorsement.
As an aside, it amuses me to think of the parallels with Richard Dawkins, a expert on biology...
Who thinks that he's being clever when he promotes his Theological thinking about Christianity.
@@sebastianbancroft7184 exactly; it shouldn't matter, therefore there's no need for it to be mentioned. we can either assume the creators are incompetent by adding the fact that he is a doctor in theology by putting doctor before his name, which is irrelevant info, or we can assume they are ill intentioned and tried to misguide the viewer. either way, it's bad
@@Paulthored you're saying lady gaga invented the born this way narrative? lmao amazing
I’m curious as to why that makes them incompetent and/or guilty of misguiding the viewer?
I think you’re lying.
I have to say I'm really impressed with this comment section. I have read about 50 of the top ones and there is a nice blend of progressive and conservative people here. It's so cool to see so many deserve opinions on here. Most of these videos are an echo chamber for whoever supports this viewpoint.
so deserve
You meant diverse
spoiler: any trait is *both* nature and nurture
phenotype is resultant a genotype interacting w/ environment and subsequent feedback
The problem is that no study has yet detected a Nature cause for Homosexuality, instead of Heterosexuality.
Even identical sibling studies, have resulted in a conclusion that Environmental factors are NECESSARY, for homosexuality in post pubescent people.
Indeed, the closest thing to Nature...
Was a series of minor physical features in present in men, that occurred statistically more often in gay men than straight men.
None of which are guaranteed to be present in gay men. And they can all be present in straight men.
Literally nothing else present at birth or during adolescence...
Can be said to physically determine homosexuality post puberty.
Leading to the conclusion of either Freudian Environmental Factors determining homosexuality in its entirety...
Or there being a choice ( _consciously made or not_ ) during puberty, that is subsequently made semi permanent by the same factors reinforcing Heterosexuality.
@@Paulthored It is clear to me that it is not cut and dry. I've seen many people with similar childhoods ending up being homosexual and heterosexual; however, it does depend on how someone will go about their own sexuality. Some people will suppress their own sexuality for their lifetime. Whereas, others are more open, and expressive about their sexuality. i.e. if someone was bisexual and gets married to the opposite gender early in life, they might not find it necessary to come out as bisexual.
Also, we see homosexuality a lot in the animal kingdom. It is most commonly seen in penguins, and porpoises, and well humans. All of which, live in communities, have a single litter number of one with a long gestional period, and have homosexual couples adopt and care for orphans. It is very common for homosexual couples in the animal kingdom to adopt orphaned young of their species (or even other animals), and homosexuality seems to be more common for animals with long gestational periods, and smaller litters. It seems to me that homosexuality is either an adaption or simply a consequence of having that live in groups. Yes, environmental factors do play a role on how that person goes about with their sexuality. Our expirences form our character. But, from what we see in biology; homosexuality is more nature rather than nurture
@@Paulthored well it is found to be genetically linked as twins are more likely to have the same sexuality
it's not set in stone but genetics is involved
@@donnykafkaesquianis7518 Do we have evidence of Homosexuality in animals...
Or, is it the animal equivalent of a Heterosexual Human hitting on someone in Drag?
Even if someone is able to show animals that have supposed homosexual behaviors... it's not like that matters for humanity, even if through some miracle they could show intentionality in the animals actions.
_I mean, just because you have genetic influences for Alcoholism doesn't really mean that we should indulge ourselves in Alcoholism, now does it??_
@@arianagrandaremix8858 Even if that were true, it wouldn't convince me about genetics having any sort of sufficient influence to matter for purposes of the LGB individuals giving up responsibility for themselves in this matter.
Which is the main reason why LGBTQ advocates want there to be a genetic reasons for their desires. _(Obstinately because of the reasoning behind Race being considered a protected class. It wouldn't matter whether it's healthy/moral or not for people to act on homosexual desires..._ _if you were to be considered akin to racist, for objecting to those homosexual actions._ _I know that's why certain groups have justified teaching sexuality, & other woke/LGBTQ, stuff to prepubescent and younger children.)_
I would also point out that just because they're twins, doesn't mean that it's truly the genetics that influences their sexuality post puberty.
Just off the top of my head, since twins are most likely Raised together...
It would reinforce the Expert's conclusions about how environment works to influence sexuality. Especially when the alternative would preclude any real deviation in sexuality.
But I still doubt whatever you've sourced that bit about twins from.
Though I don't believe that I denied any genetic influences on sexuality.
Just that no one can claim to have been conceived, born, or grown up with a particular sexuality guaranteed by their bodies.
By that logic Heterosexuality would be considered the Norm. Because most people end up Heterosexual by nature then. (By at least 95%)
Which would be a piss poor reason for regulation of sexuality regardless.
And not one I would be convinced by. Peace!✌👨🏫
oh yes being gay is a choice and i choose to be oppressed and harassed for the gender i love ugh makes so much sense
You've made your choice, and you choose to continue in this choice. Admittedly, changing your choice gets right hard after the choice is first made in puberty...
And that's ignoring those who actually do oppress the 3.9% of the population who have homosexual feelings.
But nothing says that there isn't a choice involved. [There's certainly nothing science can detect that indicates homosexuality is resulting from being born different. (Excepting certain extreme birth defects... thing's on the level of hermaphrodites) ]
So you're not born gay.
And unless you're insisting that you're gay because of Freudian environmental factors, nothing you encounter growing up guarantees that you will exit puberty gay.
So the only logical option seems to be that homosexuality results from a choice ( _consciously made or not_ ), made during puberty...
And then the usual processes of puberty, make it difficult to subsequently change that decision.
@@Paulthored it’s not a choice Karen
@@SuperkittyPlays it is tho
@@SuperkittyPlays All available evidence suggests that it is a choice of some kind.
Happy Christmas & Merry New Year's Celebration!!
Edit: a choice, or the Freudian result of various environmental factors encountered growing up.
Edit: Edit; Who's Karen?
@@Paulthored it's a feeling it's not a choice -_-
As a bisexual, I just want to say that genetics aren't the cause of being gay or straight or anything else. However, it seems to be something in the brain. I didn't choose to be this way, and the way anyone acts doesn't determine how they are. Also, the one part of the video that said something like "Being gay isn't a choice, but acting on it is" and "Just because you desire it doesn't mean you should act on it" really made me angry. The person who made this either didn't think before he said or he is homophobic. Thanks for reading this far, I just had to say some things.
Yeah I've read its in the brain.
Apparently a brain scan was done on cis straight men, cis gay men and trans mtf and discovered a gay man's brain is closer to the way a female brain is and a trans mtf brain is seriously close to the brain of a cis female.
I haven't actually looked up on that experiment in a long time mind...
@@VilaVendetta if that's true, it's either a minority or something that happens after puberty.
Multiple studies have concluded that aside from a single indicator, that is statistically more often found in gay men than straight men...
Nothing present at/before birth, is a guarantee of homosexual behavior in people post puberty.
Physically at least. Though this page draws doubts on even purely learned behavior...
Edit: Was the Trans guy taking Hormones, or similar transitioning drugs?
@Nick Garrison even if it makes you happy, I wouldn't stay silent about your decision to chop off your arm.
Same principle.
Similarly, homosexuals are deeply involved in affecting heterosexual lifestyles. To the point where LGBTQ advocates are trying to say how people can raise their children.
To claim that the 3.9% of the population that is LGB, doesn't affect the remaining +95% of population...
Is at best wishful thinking.
Every action you take is in fact a choice. Even if you believe in every way you only have one option that's never actually the truth. And desire literally does not mean you should act on it. How much better would the world be if people with ill intent chose not to act on their desires? Both of those statements are fact and in no way homophobic.
If a person desires to steal something, even if it’s something small, should they act on it?
You tell me🤷🏻♂️
Youve done the research and bring up good points.
I think the majority of people will just see the title and express their view without even watching the video objectively.
How is sexual attraction not essential to our existence? That is literally the only way to pass on your genes and survive as a species.
Not at all. There are plenty of gay fathers and lesbian mothers out there, biologically speaking.
What the species really needs is the encounter of the gametes. It doesn't matter if the father and the mother was being pleased, experiencing, were really attracted to each other, were married by financial interests or had sex once with the opposite sex and after that, they've chosen to sleep with same-sex people.
In the absence of feromonical heat, of course heterosexuality plays a role as a facilitator to this process.
But heterosexuality is not essential.
If the whole humanity was gay and lesbian... It wouldn't disappear. They'd find a way to provide the "gamete encountering".
Because that’s another thing science has been so very wrong about. The majority of bees in a hive will never procreate. Are they useless? Of course not. They serve a purpose and it’s not always procreation. Homosexual people are less likely to procreate. They help balance a species population. They can procreate if they want to. They have all their sex organs. But they are less likely to. For example, 80% of bottlenose dolphins are exclusively homosexual. They have lifelong pair bonds, full on sex, everything. But if they were all heterosexual, there would be way too many of them in the ocean. God, nature, whatever you believe, controls all of this. Homosexuals are put here on purpose.
Heterosexuals are essential. In theory humans could maintain a race without sexual attraction and reproduction but in practice it would be very difficult to carry this out effectively on a mass scale. Even moderate declines in birth rates can have devastating impacts on societies
@@scottm1594 That was not tested to be affirmed. We only know how is to be a species in which there is sexual attraction, and heterosexuality is majority. Considering this situation, heterosexuality is a facilitator, not essential. And we do have gay and lesbian parents. So, yeah, we can supposed that, if in this situation, there are gay men and lesbians who were able to reproduce without "need", they'd probably do if they need. HOW they'd do it, we don't know, because we don't know how is to be a species like that, that was never tested and we don't have any empirical evidence as we have with gay parents.
Lets talk about oxygen then
Or water
Or gravity
İts there but for us and its important but not why we are here
I hope this video isn't trying to "prove" that being gay is a choice.
unless you're forced to have sex with someone then its a choice
@@mynameisgreg4179 so rape then
@@mynameisgreg4179 Ur a Choice🙄 and i say hell nah
I hope you’re not trying to “prove” that being gay isn’t a choice...
Well all the current scientific studies suggest, is that there is no evidence of a way to determine if someone will have homosexuality after puberty...
At any point prior to puberty.
At least, no way that is determined by someone's body, baring some kind of birth defect or similar.
ie: No one is born gay, or guaranteed to become Gay.
The above scientific findings, coupled with the multiple accounts of formerly gay individuals changing their sexual orientation...
Accounts of a autobiographical nature.
Basically means that either homosexuality can be a choice made during puberty, and then enforced by the same thing that enforces heterosexuality... (not saying that it's necessarily a conscious choice, just that it happens)
Or, like the scientific studies suggest, that homosexuality is a result of mostly environmental factors. Factors that could be controlled, in theory.
I prefer the option where it's a choice, not simply a result of Freudian Factors.
Aside from that, just because it's a choice, doesn't mean that it's any kind of easy to change that choice.
Even if that's the case, environmental influence is not a choice but it's an influence, and like the study finds there is still a small genetic role that is taking place here.
Yeah, is like...And *unconscious* choice?
We can make choices which change our environment can't we?
@@adenjones1802 No, brainwashing is different.
@@mjvictor4083 What did I say that had to do with brain washing?
@@adenjones1802 It is brainwashing
There are a lot of people saying that being gay is a choice. I have said this once and I will say it again. If you are not gay you have no right to say whether it is or is not a choice. You have not gone through the experience of being gay. You do not understand the struggles of it. You are not gay, and therefore cannot state something that only a gay person would know.
@Pedro Fernandes Whenever I say "right to say it" I mean that they dont have the authority to say it. For example, I am not black so I cannot definitively say something about being black. However, a black person can tell me something and I can be a messanger. The difference between those two is that in the second one I am getting the information from somebody who has actually experienced it. Also in your first comment I wasn't talking about the man in the video. There are lots of people in the comments saying that being gay is a choice.
@Mister xXx just let people express their love in peace, will you?
@Pedro Fernandes you can say whatever you want but it doesn't hold any weight. It's not possible to have any kind of personal understanding of something you have not experienced. That's like a man trying to explain to you how it feels to be pregnant. He can reiterate things hes heard or seen but he we never be able to tell you how it feels cuz he will never know.
It's not WHO you are it is how you are ....WELL SAID ✌️
People aren't slaves to predispositions. How you are doesn't dictate who you are. Sexuality isn't essential to ontology. Great points.
Had an interesting thought a few months back: How do LGBT activitists explain gay men and lesbian women who enter traditional marriages and produce offspring? The capacity to reproduce is much more important than one's "personal preferences." Sexual orientation doesn't reign supreme.
Edit: If your best comeback is to bring up clerical celibacy or regurgitate lefty opinions, you're just wasting everyone's time.
"The capacity to reproduce is much more important than one's personal preferences." Really? What about monks?
People have the freedom to marry and have their children. Even for heterosexual couples. Homosexual couples can have their (one-sided) biological children if they want to.
Everyone can reproduce and were in a time where reproducing is not that important and above that its the people choice of reproducing or not
If you are a man who is uncomfortable being with a man, why would you be with a man? Same goes for if you are a man and you are uncomfortable being with a woman. Why would you be with someone you aren’t comfortable with or can’t connect to in that way?
Not everyone wants to have kids. And I believe truly loving your partner and being comfortable in your identity and who you are is more important than being able to reproduce with your partner. Not every Hetero couple can reproduce either. There are other ways to have kids and still live a happy life :)
poulation control
@@braedondavies9592 it’s been happening for centuries and they lived an empty and vacuous existence. Choose that if you want but it’s not for me
So if you put is simply, a person’s sexuality is comparable to a person’s personality. Neither can be scientifically predicted by genetics, and both could be a result of a person’s environment? Can someone help me out and tell me if im right or wrong?
Kinda, as a pansexual person I would liken it to your emotions. Can you control your emotions? Sure, with some difficulty but why bother. We can control whether or not we are angry or sad but its hard and shouldn't be expected of people expect when necessary.
Also personality is basically choice
May I subtitle this in Portuguese? If "yes", would you publish it or may I published it in my channel?
I feel bad for you
@@sony-.-7642 I am fine. Great actually. No need for your pity. Thanks.
@@CBVIDEIRAi hope you’ve grown to be a more intelligent person.
How sex-obsessed does a society have to be to make sexual attraction their identity?
Bigots, homophobes, transphobes and just plain haters. Answer your question?
It’s shitty Christians like you that convinced me that being gay was important. Once I got away for influence, I learned that it has no importance.
@@bohemianvegan it has nothing to do with sex. Open a history book on homosexuality.
@@Rage_Harder_Then_RelaxThe original poster isn't even hating on anything.
Being gay is not affecting anybody so better mind your own business even if it's a choice( which btw is not)
Man up, Moonviolet, and accept reality. Dr. Yuan is planting the seeds of redemption in your soul so you won't have to spend eternity apart from God.
What's that I smell burning?
@@fatman2727 And what about Ducks? Scientists did observe that they take part in homosexual behaviours. So Gods creation is actually questionable? So The ducks actually are doomed to go to hell as they forever are apart from God?
I hope that duck that soiled my car is "apart form GOD!
Seriously, We are not animals. Humans operate on a higher moral, spiritual and intellectual level and so should act accordingly. Look at the smartest animals- gorillas, elephants, dolphins, whales. How many hospitals have they created? How many rescue missions have they organized to help their fellow species? do they have feeling and for the sick, the needy, the impoverished? Humans alone have empathy, care and compassion for those we don't personally know.
This line of reasoning is unsustainable. If seemingly “homosexual” acts among animals are in accordance with animal nature, then parental killing of offspring and intra-species devouring are also in accordance with animal nature. Bringing man into the equation complicates things further. Are we to conclude that filicide and cannibalism are according to human nature?
animal cognition is purely sensorial, limited to sound, odor, touch, taste and image. Thus, animals lack the precision and clarity of human intellectual perception. Therefore, animals frequently confuse one sensation with another or one object with another.
Since animals lack reason, their means of expressing their affective states (fear, pleasure, pain, desire, etc.) are limited. Animals lack the rich resources at man’s disposal to express his sentiments. Man can adapt his way of talking, writing, gazing, gesturing in untold ways. Animals cannot.
Even National Geographic cites that animal sexuality is not the same as human sexuality and not all is known about the matter. I think the term "baffling" is the term used in this article:
Bonobos are a typical example of this “borrowing.” These primates from the chimpanzee family engage in seemingly sexual behavior to express acceptance and other affective states.
There are two reasons to believe sexual activity is the bonobo’s answer to avoiding conflict.
First, anything, not just food, that arouses the interest of more than one bonobo at a time tends to result in sexual contact. If two bonobos approach a cardboard box thrown into their enclosure, they will briefly mount each other before playing with the box. Such situations lead to squabbles in most other species. But bonobos are quite tolerant, perhaps because they use sex to divert attention and to diffuse tension.
Second, bonobo sex often occurs in aggressive contexts totally unrelated to food. A jealous male might chase another away from a female, after which the two males reunite and engage in scrotal rubbing. Or after a female hits a juvenile, the latter’s mother may lunge at the aggressor, an action that is immediately followed by genital rubbing between the two adults.7 Like bonobos, other animals will mount another of the same sex and engage in seemingly “homosexual” behavior, although their motivation may differ. Dogs, for example, usually do so to express dominance. When two males mate, what is present is a demonstration of power, not sex.
an un-neutered male dog will mount another male dog as a display of social dominance-in other words, as a way of letting the other dog know who’s boss. While not as frequent, a female dog may mount for the same reason.
Other animals engage in seemingly “homosexual” behavior because they fail to identify the other sex properly. The lower the species in the animal kingdom, the more tenuous and difficult to detect are the differences between sexes, leading to more frequent confusion.
Despite the “homosexual” appearances of some animal behavior, this behavior does not stem from a “homosexual” instinct that is part of animal nature. Dr. Antonio Pardo, Professor of Bioethics at the University of Navarre, Spain, explains:
Properly speaking, homosexuality does not exist among animals…. For reasons of survival, the reproductive instinct among animals is always directed towards an individual of the opposite sex. Therefore, an animal can never be homosexual as such. Nevertheless, the interaction of other instincts (particularly dominance) can result in behavior that appears to be homosexual. Such behavior cannot be equated with an “animal homosexuality”. All it means is that animal sexual behavior encompasses aspects beyond that of reproduction.
I.E, these acts do not have the same meaning for animals. I can understand your confusion so I hope you'll delve into a deeper look at this matter. Another myth destroyed.
@@fatman2727 dang you just destroyed that kid lol🤣 you're right tho
@@fatman2727 your robes are burning. You ignited them when you ignited the cross.
As someone who is bisexual, I just want to say that it is not a choice. I struggled with my attraction to women for a long time and it made me extremely depressed. I was rejected by my family, who denied my identity and some of whom are homophobic. I prayed for God to make me Straight. I had always liked women I just didn’t really understand my feelings because I didn’t have the language to describe it. It is hard to be told by the ones closest to you that they don’t believe you or that they don’t support you. I pleaded for God to make me straight but I still like women. Being straight would make things a lot easier, who would choose to be discriminated against, hated, and persecuted? We just want to be happy and to experience love, whoever that may come from
Exactly. And I’m not sure it’s so “fluid” either, like they claim here. I’ve never known a man that magically turned gay or straight as an adult. Maybe they finally acted on it. But they were repression those feelings their whole life.
Praying to remove attractions (make straight) is not what christianity teaches but to accept our reality,offer it to God and choosing not to act upon our attractions.Removing homosexual attraction might not be possible,but choosing not to act upon it is.Not easy but possible😊, there's christianity.
@@zoekrueger720 God made you this way and to deny him is the true sin
It's not a choice, if it was a choice I would choose to be straight and have an easier life
@@jeffneedham6875 I'm guessing you're straight
Im pansexual and I agree with Jeff. I had a sexual awakening, I used to be straight and basically chose different. Choosing your sexuality is like choosing to be happy. Everyone say's if it was a choice they would choose the easy one but we make choices that make us angry or sad all the time. We can make choices that make us gay and we can make choices that make us the other kind of gay lol.
@@adenjones1802 correction: you used to think you were straight. Then you discovered you were pansexual. You were never straight.
@@miloslavmasar Bullshit, sexual awakenings are a thing. Your sexuality can change. Can you please not tell me what I was or wasn't. I know what I was back then and I was genuinely straight. I know this because I tried to see if I was attracted to men and it didn't work. Sexuality is not a fixed thing.
@@adenjones1802 lol you're so dumb, sexual awakening means discovering your sexuality. As a multisexual person you were blinded by your attraction to the opposite sex. As a gay man, I was never attracted to women therefore I was never straight.
Being gay isn’t genetic but that doesn’t mean it’s a choice either.
Yes! I totally agree with you 👏
I read I study that a part of the brain seems to be larger on homosexual females and heterosexual men and smaller in heterosexual women and homosexual men
@@keiraademovic7392 I don't know those studies.
I do know that recent decades long studies have determined that there is no physical evidence of homosexuality prior to puberty.
So maybe it's a result of homosexual behavior?
Otherwise it sounds like Richard Dawkins talking about Christianity. (ie: someone talking out there donkey)
Well, if it's not a choice, then it's the result of Freudian Environmental Factors.
Which I am uncomfortable ascribing to anyone.
that's literally what he conveyed. u didnt watch the whole video i guess
Thanks for not linking any actual study at 3:50. Your "sources" is a single article.
3:37 “Dr. Lisa Diamond... has provided EXTENSIVE research demonstrating that sexual orientation is fairly fluid, not fixed, especially in women.”
You are more than welcome to look up her research if you’d like 👍
Women are more socially susceptible to behaviors
What would i say? There is no gay or straight gene, there are ex homosexuals & ex straights, even ex trans people, being gay bi etc isnt permanent for anyone in reality they just dont see the meaning in changing
Actually everyone is born straight
If this video wasn't going to explain things this way I was prepared to comment it here. Alas, I have nothing more to say. Great video!!
We know for fact already many traits are genetic but are so complex that there are multiple gene loci are involved in the phenotypic expression of the trait in question. Further, not all traits are genetic in nature or at least not genetic alone. Many things happen to an embryo over the course of nine months before before that have long term effects, especially those that occur in the first trimester, such as from hormonal influences. Further, just because an answer has not been found, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Meaning, you aren't necessarily right or wrong in your statements. So an open mind is warranted here, from both sides. But you do a lot of damage because of the beliefs you espouse.
For me I believe it’s a combination of genetics, early development and social influences. So I totally love with this video :D
How u get a gay gene from two not gay parents….
That’s like being black when ur parents are both Asian
@@blakeemel3819 yep. There are no actually a gay gene. We also have studied that in college.
There are no people who born gay, they always follow their nature like male always attracted to women vice versa.
People being gay 80% because of the trauma for example a man loves a women and that women cheated on him. Man trying to move on, have another women, and again... That women left him. So that man feel so desparate and then here comes another men that makes him feel better.. well they in love at the end 🤷🏽♂️
@@pakdeinfo no I think it's much more deeper and complex than this
@@pakdeinfocopied text
you all just have s3x with men as unhealthy way to identify with men unconsciously...you feel that you are different from other men and don't feel like you belong to them or you are similar probably you had problem identifying with your father and was more attached and identifying more with ur mother and other women as a kid that's why you grow up feeling curious about men and not interested in women and because this happened at very younge age probably first five years when you were developing your gender identity and s3xuality specially at age 3 so all think you were born this way and have always been gai but this isn't the truth. you all don't need to have s3x with men what you all need is having platonic relationships with men and indentfying with them again stop seeing men s3xually and start making friendships with men and do men activities then gradually this attraction to men would vanish and you will find yourself attracted to women without even trying when you start to feel that you are also a man like them and no difference between u two and will start to realize that the real difference you have with and the real interesting gender is women and not men. Yes gai people can change there are many cases you proof it you all might think they are lying to themselves but they were honest they couldn't believe it too that they start to feel genuine attraction to women and are now happily married to their wife I'm not talking about conversion therapy this s*t is so bad all they do is just telling you that you are a sinner and you will go to hell and torture you making you h ate yourself more because they don't know the problem that's why they always fail I'm talking about something you should do urself without any help of conversion therapy but seeing a therapist would help this in case you want to change and aren't comfortable with gai lifestyle which majority of you I believe are it might be hard and it won't happen in one night it might take months or even years but it's not impossible and st the end you will get the result you also have during this time to stay away from gais and p0rn videos better to not have s3x with anyone at this time you will find yourself hate s3x with both and women and will turn to be as3xual for a while but then you would start to realize the change that you doesn't crave men like you did before and start to focus more on women but you shouldn't force yourself to do that it should happen naturally you don't have to feel bad and h are yourself and convince urself you will go to hell it's not about that it's about ur relationship with men and u have to be really patient and understand that you are a man and your true self isn't gai but straight and you burried ur true identity for years living the gai lifestyle think about it like that u put a seed in the soil to grow a plant(being straight) but the seed didn't grow and instead a harmful weed took it's place( being gai and attracted to men) it would all make sense
What is everyone bickering about dude? No one said this video proves it's a choice. I'm not entirely sure anyone would CHOOSE to be lesbian, gay, etc. What he's saying is that you're not BORN with it in your genes. Environmental and psychological factors play a big role in how we develop (including sexually) and genes play a very very small percentage in that. No one CHOOSES to have trauma either (not saying being gay is traumatic so don't @ me) but people still do.
Does this change anything? Not really, but I think it's important to know more about yourself and why you are the way you are whether it be straight, gay, or a fucking dragon ig. Personally "I was born with it, it's in my genes" wouldn't sit right with me if I were gay.
Why can’t I just watch a scientific video without getting religion involved
That's an amazing and logical question, shit turns me on
@@stepper6643 b… bro what?
Maybe because God is... Indisputable. I encourage you to start asking yourself a different question.. Maybe something like, "If I cant find any content that doesn't circle back to 'God's Creation', they what is that I don't understand about God?" Just a friendly recommendation. :)
Your telling me you can't find a single video about science where religion isn't involved? Or do you just have a problem with religious people talking about science? Are they not allowed?
Not sure what you mean cause I’ve seen science videos where religion is literally out of the question and non existent
How can this be a completely scientific, unbiased video if the end goal is a personally drived motivation?
Who wanted this video to be about whether attraction is wrong/right?
Biased information is flawed information. If this is all properly sourced, please leave it up to the viewers to decide what to believe, and please don't try to control the social politics of the sexual minority with how they're allowed to express their identities and feelings.
I can't help but feel like a lot of this is meant to equip people with ways to police an already harassed group of people.
Opinions are okay, ones that are different from mine are okay, but education that holds the intent to persuade an audience towards a specific and biased opinion, especially one that sets out to equip people with 'what would you say' points on how to invalidate other people alongside the implication that an unharmful human behavior is wrong by virtue, is unscientific.
I want him to be like “remember these three things” and go on the explanation again and get stuck in a loop
What is predisposition?
This is the first I have heard that genetics had anything to do with being gay. I can only speak of my life. I have been attracted to the same sex since I was a young child, not later in life. I grew up in church, my father was a pastor. Most of you will disagree, based on the comments I have read today. To my knowledge, no one in my family's lineage was gay. I have never queried about it. Again, I can only speak for myself. Gay as a choice? I did what I was taught and what society expected every young man to do and married a woman and have an adult child whom I love and adore. I have now been married to my husband 4 years and we've been together for 20 years. Conversations about this can go on forever, but I can only speak about my life of 63 years and counting.
lol u gae
❤️🏳️🌈proud of you
@@roninbayacal7857 it's spelt GAY. And yeah, he is gay. What of it?
I have never really met anyone who is your age and gay I'm proud of you thank you for paving the way to future happy marriages
So if i experience a desire to write with my left hand, i'm not justified to act on it?!
Science and scientist have little to do with one another apart from etymology. The desperate need to confine the 'being' in to a vat of cause and effect, 'human', vacating all sense of willful accountability. Psychology is a religion built on that end goal. We are beings (noun) in human (adjective) form. 'Will' is the singular best characteristic to exemplify our state.
Impulses are one thing... actions are another. One you may just have, the other you are responsible for choosing.
"Experiencing same-sex sexual attraction is not a choice; but acting on it is."
This summarizes the video for me.
Ok. So should gays just be miserable and not have a love interest because of this?
@@Ignasimp It's not a matter of love. It's a matter of sex pleasure. Huge difference..
@@ΟριζόντιοςΚατακόρυφος so gay people can't be in love? They just want to have sex, that's it?
@@Ignasimp Sex is sex and love is love. A mother love her child. A pedophile wants to have sex with that child. Have you the ability to recognize the difference? You confuse love with sex once more. Huge difference.
@@ΟριζόντιοςΚατακόρυφος i can clearly see the difference. Do you? Because you know heterosexual people can love and can have sex? Homosexuals can do both things too. Or do you think homosexuals can't be in love?
Dr, Yuan is a theologian, not a scientist. It becomes evident rather quickly that he is making an argument that homosexuality is a choice, because it's not "ontological." It doesn't matter how you feel, your choice is still immoral. That is the point of the video. Christian Polemics passing itself off as science.
Ah yes, because I chose to live lifestyle that is constantly under attack of discrimination and hate. That makes sense.
Yep I would totally chose to be treated badly
Im so sorry about that. Im christian but i'll always support my lgbtq+ freinds
@@wearehere13 but didn't the new testament said that gay is wrong. Love doesn't require approval, you can love a person and not approve what they say or do.
Well, there's no other good explanation for this difference in sexuality.
They've already ruled out any Physical component, that is present prior to puberty.
And what is present afterwards, can to the best of my knowledge, only be the result of the lifestyle. Not a cause, as the best case is only a statistical increase of a couple of percentage points. And is also present in heterosexuals.
So the best explanation is that it's something chosen during puberty, that thereafter becomes rather difficult to change... Especially if you don't want to.
But there's ample evidence that it's not impossible to change it. (Though by no means easy, or quick. )
After all, I keep hearing about people who were heterosexual, right up until they "came out". Why would the reverse, be so impossible?
@@Paulthored I agree, if I understood right, people can change that desire the same way they got it on the first place
Can you pas me the pappes where you are obtain this information?.... thanks
* papers
Thank me later
Wtf , I was born gay, stop this nonsense
Stop this hate
@Pedro Fernandes this is homophobia, being gay is part of my identity, I understand it may not be genetic, but I'm pretty sure there's a genetic predisposition that increases the chances, but not directly case homosexuality.
It may not be the same for every gay or bi male.
And I'm pretty sure this researches are endorsed by Religious fanatic.
But if im allowed to ask
According to many religions
Homosexuality started in one city called sadom
And they were the first one to do it
While there was many civilizations at that time but none record the act
Does that mean that throughout the human evolution the gene who is responsible for homosexuality started in that city before any other !?
Because what are the chances that one city with all its citizens do this act before any one else !!?
İ am talking here that this could be a religious proof that there is a gene responsible for homosexuality
Sadom and amora go back to 3000 bc and the first documented homosexual relationship go back to 2000 years bc and its close to those two cities
İ think religion can offer a huge contribution on this topic
And we shouldn't fight the fact that genes are a huge factor in every aspect of our lives
Like many mental illness and many cancers and even many parts of the character
İ am not homosexual and i don't understand what they go through or feel but i know many of them suffer to live a normal life and dont act on their feelings tword the same sex
But we know that god accept the humbles and guide them to him
First recorded act doesn’t mean only act. Still don’t believe it’s genetic though. But it’s also not a choice or something you can change at least past puberty.
The digestive tract was never designed for sex that is why soerm mixed with feces can't procreate a baby. Anal fissures, loss of anal sphincter Tone, fecal incontinence, personal abscesses, tears, bleeding, gay bowel syndrome and oral throat cancers from genital HPV occurs with use of the digestive system for sex.
Gay is a BEHAVIOR. Gay is not genetic at all because 2 gay men, 2gay women. 2 sperm and 2 eggs, 2 transgender people with SRS, and transkids who never gone through puberty (used puberty blockers) can not make a baby or procreate with each. If you don't go through puverty, the REPRODUCTIVE system never develops, grows or matures to sexual functioning. Therefore, it is ABSOLUTELY impossible for GAY to be genetic. Transgender is just conversion therapy for gay people. They would rather a transdaughter with neovagina than a gay son who uses his anus for sex.
This was actually really nice, I don't think it is trying to say that being gay is a choice but it's just actually trying to explain terms that are often misused. Because it is true that you can't control who you like, that's a fact, and yes it is *my* choice to be with that person, but in the end I'm not choosing to be with someone I don't like
Exactly, your actions are a choice, your feelings are not.
@@juanmanuelmoramontes3883 Sadly this is choice because love or definition of love is extreme obsession or infatuation with an individual by choice. These can be made due to social interaction/stigma, connection or relationship with individuals, and also up bringing/environment. The population of gay people to heterosexual has always been very low and has only blown up more in recent years which is perfectly fine. However even if we where to say it is 100% genetic what purpose does it surve? From a biological stand point men are attracted to women because they can reproduce children the only function of the male genatalia hence the shape is literally to penetrate and impregnate women and surves literally no other function outside of being pleasurable. So it is counter intuitive to physical biology to be attracted to a man if your a man unless this new genetic evolution is a dysfunction or it is a choice based on upbringing and social norms or constructs of society. Pluss you cant attest to other animals breeding habbits because we are a completely different species and we really have little understanding of the reasonings they have for doing similar acts. Im not hating just not cool with oh its genetics no its luxury and now socially acceptable choice.
@annie villegas : Yes, I agree that the video is saying that even if you can't control who you like, you can still choose who to be with. However, it seems there's a subtle message saying "just because you are gay, doesn't mean you should act on it." I think it's fine if people who do feel same sex attraction choose to love someone of the opposite gender. But if it's telling gay people that you shouldn't choose to be with a person of the same gender that you like, then there's a problem.
@D K : There's some theories of the evolutionary purpose that being gay serves. One theory is the Gay Uncle theory. It suggests that having a gay relative, like an uncle or an aunt, can help increase the survivability of children in the family. Instead of needing to provide for their own families, a gay relative can help take care and babysit their nieces and nephews.
@@angelanavarro9961 Men and women can fill those same roles and not be homosexual just saying the theory doesn't make sense especially in women dominated cultures like some in Africa. From a science stand point it is a useless evaluation that doesn't provide any benefit. Don't get me wrong if that's what you choose cool but its kinda hard to prove its purpose from a scientific standpoint.
@@Donky_Kongs_Baby i mean gay genes are there and it did survived so it must have an evolutionary benifit
One month after my original post and reading through all the comments today, it seems most people are more concerned about the act of sex than a same sex relationship. There is one long comment here that went into a study of sheep. While I understand the study, I did find it a very comical comparison to humans. After all, how long has the farmer and the sheep joke been around? :-)
If being gay is a choice then choose to like the opposite sex right now. As a Christian cisgender man, I know being gay is not a choice. Why is this such a debate? there is nothing wrong with being gay because God loves everyone.
As he said, same-sex attraction is not a choice, nor is it a sin, but acting on it is. LGBT activists try to conflate the two saying that if same-sex attraction is not a choice, then acting on it isn't either. But that is not the case. We all have desires that we must resist throughout our life. A poor man might have a desire to steal from the wealthy but whether they act on that desire is still a choice.
You're right God loves everyone but that doesn't mean he condones all human behavior.
@E B I respect your opinion on my views and me as a person even though you've never met me Have a good day bro
@@bendowson3124 ofcourse God doesn't condone human behavior but he neither hates the sinner for their behavior our God is a God of mercy and compassion our jobs as Christians is to spread the word not force our own beliefs onto people to be completely honest in my personal opinion it real is not our business what the lgbtq+ community does we should let them live their lives in peace and we should spread more love God bless you bro have a good day
@@bendowson3124 Also we have the same name lol
My identical twin brother and I are attracted to men. We are not attracted to women. We have known this since we were like four years old back in the 80s. I remember talking with him about it when no one was around. We were so confused cause the world suggested men were attracted to women and we were like… ummm, no lol. Interesting, every identical twins that I’ve met in the last 20 years have all been the same sexuality. Both heterosexual or homosexual. I’ll also mention, i said i was straight for many years after my brother came out. This is typical with twins. One seems to always come out much later.
Also, I’m kinda glad they haven’t figured a biological or genetic component. Otherwise they would probably try to find a “cure” for homosexuality. Which is ridiculous since it’s completely natural. But I’ll bet plenty of crazy scientists would love to get rid of us. Just sayin.
“Completely natural”
So are alot of other horrendous activities.
"a lot of scientists would like to get rid of us"
Most effective way of saying the swing of your sexuality is the focal point of your existence
Did your father raise you?
@@VoxelMusic no, but to a person that wants us gone, yes. Does that make sense? ;)
The digestive tract was never designed for sex that is why soerm mixed with feces can't procreate a baby. Anal fissures, loss of anal sphincter Tone, fecal incontinence, personal abscesses, tears, bleeding, gay bowel syndrome and oral throat cancers from genital HPV occurs with use of the digestive system for sex.
Gay is a BEHAVIOR. Gay is not genetic at all because 2 gay men, 2gay women. 2 sperm and 2 eggs, 2 transgender people with SRS, and transkids who never gone through puberty (used puberty blockers) can not make a baby or procreate with each. If you don't go through puverty, the REPRODUCTIVE system never develops, grows or matures to sexual functioning. Therefore, it is ABSOLUTELY impossible for GAY to be genetic. Transgender is just conversion therapy for gay people. They would rather a transdaughter with neovagina than a gay son who uses his anus for sex.
I think it would have been nice to have a longer discussion about epigenetics, though i dont know what kind of research on epigenetics there is in this topic.
At present in a debate on homosexuality will share this
who are you to speak for our community? You are not LGBTQIA are u? No...I don't thank so.u are no one to speak for our group! U can't prove what makes someone gay, because the fact is, "attraction " is diverse vast and dynamic! Why do I love watermelon and hate celery? Did I have a bad experience with celery? No! Why do other people think it's odd people that think watermelon is gross but they love celery.... Are they the normal ones and I'm the odd one? Why do I like the color green and I can't stand the color red? Why am I attracted to husky guys, with broad shoulders, caramel color skin, Mexicans, guys from India, dark hair, dark eyebrows, dark eyes.
Why don't I like skinny blonde guys who are white?
Why do I turn my head when I see a husky Mexican guy go by, but don't even notice the female?
Again attraction cannot be summed up so easily.
Why do I like EDM what other people like country or rap?
Attraction no body decides on. I didn't decide to hate celery I just do I think it tastes nasty!
Why do I love watermelon so much that I could drink the juice everyday?
These are not choices!
Finally a smart person in the comments. Thank you
@@liliyapatterson thank u 👍 a little education and common sense is all I have and Sadly so many people don't who choice HATE. Have a awesome day 😃
Not a very good argument. Notice your choices are not as fluid as you think. Whether your choice is a white or mexican man, your still choosing between men. Same with red or green, your still choosing between colors and emd or rap is still between music. Can't get around it buddy your choices are still categorical.
Anyone can speak the truth.
The digestive tract was never designed for sex that is why soerm mixed with feces can't procreate a baby. Anal fissures, loss of anal sphincter Tone, fecal incontinence, personal abscesses, tears, bleeding, gay bowel syndrome and oral throat cancers from genital HPV occurs with use of the digestive system for sex.
Gay is a BEHAVIOR. Gay is not genetic at all because 2 gay men, 2gay women. 2 sperm and 2 eggs, 2 transgender people with SRS, and transkids who never gone through puberty (used puberty blockers) can not make a baby or procreate with each. If you don't go through puverty, the REPRODUCTIVE system never develops, grows or matures to sexual functioning. Therefore, it is ABSOLUTELY impossible for GAY to be genetic. Transgender is just conversion therapy for gay people. They would rather a transdaughter with neovagina than a gay son who uses his anus for sex.
@@lasirius1 how is i a choice? if liked liked women my life would be better in a homophobic hateful world...but i never choice so like men esp husky masculin men.
So this would mean you rather then being born gay, you actually were born being sexually attracted to the same gender- thus not making you gay but choosing then to act on that attraction makes you gay?
So not born “gay” born sexually attracted to the same gender?
Attraction and sexual attraction being different things.
Just because we don't understand how the genetics work does not mean they don't play a role. Also, what you are talking about later on is epigenetics.
No one said “we don’t understand how the genetics work.” Maybe you don’t, but genetics is actually one of the most researched scientific fields.
Instead, the video says “genes just aren’t as clear cut as MANY think.” 2:23
@@sebastianbancroft7184 There is so much to discover on genetics yet, we are only scraping the surface. We can't even predict with 100% accuracy the hair or eyes color with a given genetic code, it is not like a buiding manual or a software code, it is so much more complex, we know very little yet compare to what is left to discover.
@@etistone yes so we agree
Did you not watch the video? Genetics play a small role in sexual orientation in general. You cannot simply predict who will be gay/straight based simply on dna. Why cant you just accept the data instead of hold bias? Being gay is not a choice in terms of attraction but its not innate in a person either. This then leads to the fact that sexual attraction is *existential* rather than ontological like many claim(basically to claim that you were innately born to be gay which cannot be true) The only thing that is a choice is the choice to act on that attraction in the act of sex, the same choice heterosexuals have.
@@ricoparadiso the lack of predictability on DNA for sexual attraction may just be limited by our own understanding of genetics instead of genetics itself being insufficient in explaining sexual attraction. You can't say either explanation is proven or disproven, it's all still conjectural. The video is more of a point of view based on evidence than a scientifically proven series of facts. There's a lot of leeway to hypothesize over this theme
Why can’t I act on being gay? Like, it seems a bit mean that God would make me gay and then not let me do gay stuff.
Nobody said it’s genetic, like gender it is psychology.
Um, that was the entire argument for homosexuals being considered like Race is.
It's the idea that you can be born Gay/non-heterosexual, and since there's nothing you can do about that, you should be allowed to trample over any objections to exercising said sexual desires.
There've been studies looking for this gene, specifically because of said myth.
Though nothing has been found that physically indicates sexuality in any age group that hasn't been practicing homosexuality for years.
I'd rather have a bigot think I'm gay than have someone who is gay think I'm a bigot.
Whether sexual attention is a choice or not, whether it's determined or influenced genetically, there's nothing wrong with being straight, gay, bi, pan, ace, or any other choice. There is also nothing wrong with responsibly acting on those desires.
"nothing wrong with responsibly acting on those desires" - keyword "responsibly". This conversation is usually mired in judgments about people's behavior. Christians call it "love the sinner, hate the sin". Normal people just call it judging people for their actions, not identity. Gay culture in the West has a history of celebrating irresponsible actions. This does color public perception of individual gay people through stereotypes.
@@TriggeredJelly - Yes, I agree, keyword, "responsibly." I think it's entirely appropriate to judge irresponsible actions of any kind, whether sexual or not.
@@NotGoodAtNamingThings Thank you! You're the first person in a while to not call me names for trying to have a rational judgement on a gender/sexuality issue. Not subscribing to tribal beliefs, be they left- or right-wing, is effing painful. People get defensive of their cherished identities really fast, even if you're polite.
@@TriggeredJelly Yeah I agree with you to, As a Gay myself I think we all should do Things responsibly
Thank you for your comment 🙂
I’ve literally never met anyone who’s argued that being gay is genetic
@E B
No one's born gay
@@LIJerseyBrooklyn Not sure on that I didn’t choose to be Gay
You chose to sleep with the same sex, did you not
@@LIJerseyBrooklyn he didn't choose to love same sex though? And people in a loving relationship, who sleep together; is nothing but wholesome
No one "loves" everyone they have sex with, you're talking about a physical attraction, attractions are fleeting
As a gay man who has an autism diagnosis and as a traditional Catholic myself, if being gay was genetic like autism or any other physical or mental health condition, it would ethically and morally be very problematic for both gay people and autistic people alike, because with certain “advances” in science and technology, potentially such genes could be “edited out” before a child is even conceived, let alone born, where I believe that all human life begins from the moment of conception, not from the moment of birth - I am totally opposed to such “advances” in science and technology, as I believe that these seek to ursurp and replace the role of God in the story of creation, as per traditional Catholic Social Teaching
It’s better to not take science lessons from anyone alleging that everyone was created in the image of god.
OK, well science still has the same data lining up with the Bible. Catch up.
Can confirm as someone with a christian science teacher
It's good to know that even Christians understand that sexuality is on a spectrum.
Folks, I have a problem that I need help with.
Dr Yuan explains that sexuality is not an ontological concern, but I struggle to understand why sexual attraction is not a core-part of a person's identity. Is it not a component of their sense of personhood / self?
Appreciate any clarifications I can get on this please :)
Well yes your gender can be used as a identity like whene someone calls u "he" or "she" (I don't know ur gender) but it's not the core-part; as a matter of fact I bet ur friends don't call u she or he they say Joseph (which is my name in English [because my actual name is José]) or whatever is ur name so u can say that ur name is the core-part of ur identity.
The question of "who am I?" is far from trivial. Any coherent worldview must account for four things that all feed in to answering that question: (1) origin [where did I come from], (2) destination [what happens when/after I die], (3) meaning [what is my purpose], and (4) morality [how should I act]. Since Dr. Yuan appears to be a Christian, he'd likely give the Christian answers to those questions: (1) God created you either directly or indirectly, (2) God will meet you on the other side of death and judge your life, (3) God wants you to love and honor Himself, and (4) God has given instructions and handed them down to us through his servants over the years in the form of what we now call the Bible. If any of that isn't what you believe, then that's really where the discussion is, not sexuality. However, if you believe all that, then the sexuality discussion gets clearer. A person who violates God's rules is called a sinner, and unholy sexual indulgence of any kind is one example of sin. And so, such a person's identity is, at least partially, "sinner". All of us have sinful desires of one kind or another, and we've all acted on at least some of those desires. The gift of Christianity is to cleanse sin, to wipe away the bad labels (this is called Salvation), and give life and righteousness in its place through a process called Sanctification that usually takes many years. A new identity is given: a son or daughter of God.
If we abandon the clarity of Christianity in defining identity, then which, if any, of our desires are a core part of identity is a tricky thing to determine. In some sense you are what you think, but a person's thoughts and desires can and do change over time, especially with exertion applied (either internally or externally).
When I were young, I like chicken. I don't eat beef because of its smell. Later I tried it. Now, I want to have both.
sexuality isn’t comparable to beef or chicken
@@Hyype Five senses(scene, voice, touch, smell, flavor), they similarly react/stimulate human brain.
@@seng6552 Humans have more than 5 sense. We are still learning how mate selection workls obviiously but we do in fact have an aditional structiure similar tomany many animals and it is like smaell but more directly conects molecules with the brain and it is about intersexual competion and mate selection, If you have ever scene your fog sort of smell another dog and his lower lip sort of quivers and he looks far off that is this aditional oderant or chemical ddetecting structure at work and it produces physiological responces that point to the fact that when we are talking repproduction and mate selection the stakes are just too high to have this be about a passing preference. People kill and die in this pursuite of a mate and in the animal kingdom there are creatures taht will have ne shot at mating beforee the female klills them and still they pursue it , Homosexuality is likely a concometant occurance that comes about with a fair amount of regularity as a result of the forces of sexual selection and some reproductive advantage that is effective enouggh it continues to be selected for without the fact of sometimes homosexual out comes being enough, So perhapws a set of traits taht correspond with higher rates of female fecundity amd interest in sex which will ocasionally emerge in the phenotype of a male with those genes in his dna who for some reason doesn't have some other workable alternatives on his one x chromosome so interest in male sexual parrners ataht usually shows up to give women a boost in chances to mate p-resentys in a male but since it is 1 in 100 males say the traits will continue to be conserved beecause they are so much more beneficial than the hit of a few whomosexdual s are and there could also be ways in whcih homosexuality is either irrelevent like when marriage is compu;sary or where the other assets that result from a homosexual or two or therr in the familly mean taht those traits are maintined though a weel selection method.
@@ryr1974 nobody is reading that🤣
A lot of hate comments here.
So because someone disagrees with you it's hate that's absolutely ridiculous
I think it's better and even SAFER for homosexual people to believe that it's 'genetic makeup' since then, at least, people will not be able to attack you for your homosexuality if they believe that it is who you naturally are versus it being a choice. If people (especially "Christians") believe that you're choosing to be gay or going against what is usual with most people being heterosexual, they'll act as though you're choosing to do something wrong instead of accepting you as a person who was born this way and acknowledging that it wasn't your fault. You're moreso likely to be accepted if people believe that you were gay by genetic makeup. However, it is what it is, if science cannot prove that you were born this way or 'genetic makeup'.
NO. It is impossible for gay couples to pass on their "GAY GENES" , "Gay Chromosomes' , "Gay DNA",or "gay genetic markers" because 2 sperm, 2 men, 2 women, or 2 eggs can't procreate, make a baby or pass DNA to offspring. Only OPPOSITE SEX can procreate and make babies. Not Gay Vouples. Therefore, being gay is definitely not genetic at all.
NO GAY IS NOT GENETIC. If being gay was genetic, gay people would have ceased to exist a long time ago BECAUSE TWO GAY PEOPLE CAN'T PROCREATE.
Why is it that Christian arguments always boil down to you don't know everything. Genetics is complicated and we are just beginning to understand how complicated. Casual conversations aren't couched in language that acknowledges this because it annoys people. Congratulations Dr now were back to petty bickering over words instead of dealing with the issue at hand. It has never mattered to me if it's genetic or not. It's not my or anyone else's choice who someone loves or has sex with... it's certainly not yours.
Its not a choice, but even if it was, shouldnt people have that choice for themselves?
Get up to date.
We know now that sexual orientation is largely determined in the brain before birth.
And also, our understanding of genetics is at its beginning. That is why we cannot determine sexual orientation with genetics yet. We cannot determine with 100% accuracy hair color or eye color or skin color either. It does'nt mean it is not genetic, or genetic can't predict that. It just mean we don't understand all the parameters yet.
@E B academic.oup.com/endo/article/152/8/2937/2457178?login=true
"There is thus substantial evidence suggesting that sexual orientation, and homosexuality in particular, is influenced before birth by a set of biological mechanisms. "
Not exactly the same words I used, but the idea is the same. Take in factor that on the contrary, the Hypotheses for the impact of the post-natal social environment on sexual orientation are weak, many studies show no influence of parenting and stuff on sexual orienration.
Why isn't this channel more popular
Being straight is a choice
I agree. The right choice.
You only think that because you are straight, maybe you shouldn't listen to the people so far away from the actual issue and listen to the people directly involved telling you that it is most certainly not a choice. You wouldn't understand because you have never had to go through it but as someone who has I can promise you that who you are attracted to isn't just decided. Its like a guy having a crush on a girl that they don't want to like. They can't control that they like that person. And I can't control that I like the same gender as well as the opposite.
@teacupcabaret it depends on the way that you are saying it is a choice. In your case I believe that your feelings are entirely valid and that, that may be a choice for you. In the case of the original comment just saying "being straight is a choice" they are trying to invalidate other people's emotions with that statement. For the majority of people it is not a choice so saying it is, is saying that their emotions are not real. I believe that your emotions are real and you deserve to feel however you do but the issue is this person invalidating other people by saying everyone can just choose to be straight. Even if some people can. I and many other people I know can not. And nobody deserves to feel invalid.
@@abbyjohnson1201 I think they said “Being straight is a choice”, meaning it to be satire.
@teacupcabaret Forget who you dated or not. Did you choose to not be attracted to them?
Woman is the best thing on earth
Who ur attracted isn't influenced by genetics or family
Of course it is silly . What else would it be .
@@jimmymags6516 u would, attracted to somebody by person
Or who they r
@@_mahi_7107_ before you know who someone is , there's an attraction .
@@jimmymags6516 wtf are u saying
I think these videos would be better if they included more creditable sources and they made issues not on how to debate someone on these issues but on how to better understand them. There is a reason why so many gay people believe they are born that way and don’t have a choice. I think it would be better to discuss why that is and how we can better love them even if we have a different opinion.
I'm gay, I'm too lazy to leave the resources I read to get my "verdict" but my personal conclusion, is a mix of everything, homosexuality is at least in some cases affected by genes but not 100% determined by it, just like with the transexual topic, the brain development in the womb might be also a factor here, when our brain developes in the womb through the exposure to certain hormones is when we might acquire certain things, I think that is somehow related, then it comes the social and environmental part, whatever it is it might differ from case to case, I don't see any point in judging from there, the feeling itself is independent of what you want, can't be changed consciously, and there should only be respect.
@@juanmanuelmoramontes3883 agreed. People just want to drag their barbaric religions into it and ruin the uncertainties of life with terrible ideas of gods backed by fallacies and no sufficient evidence whatsoever.
I'm gay too, and i nearly threw up when this dude mentioned God.
@@someguy7644 95% if you adopt a new born boy or 2 too 3 year old boy he will be gay since his only example of being a man is from you. So he will act as you do. Just like the gay hid your wife hide your kids guy stated he was molested as a boy and with him growing up with just a mom and 3 older sisters as examples to follow how to carry himself he was easily became gay. He had no real man show him how to be a man.
Im Pansexual but I used to be straight. My experience of sexuality was such that choice was kinda involved. The experience didn't feel deterministic to me. I certainly wasn't born pansexual.
@@juanmanuelmoramontes3883 sorry but just because you read a few studies, doesnt mean their conclusions are the scientific consensus. in addition to being peer reviewed and facing scrutiny from the scientific community, they have to be checked for biases. i notice that ppl will cite studies but not check their methodology or the ppl conducting the study. and who is funding it. and they dont even check if it was replicated. it is not enough to say that smth was studied and therefore it is the absolute truth. im saying this because i come from a science background so yeah
This is true. But I think it is important to realize that most gay people didn’t choose to be gay. They just feel those things and it seems natural. Gays can choose to fight their attractions it may be incredibly hard because they didn’t choose to be gay in the first place.
Finally someone with some Logical Thinking
🚨The study was led by a homosexual professor in conjunction with the LGBT which is why this study isn’t refuted by any Christian around the world. It was the LGBT who proved themselves wrong‼️
Sexual attraction is not accentual to our existence? I suppose on a strictly personal and literal way no but as a species it is absolutely critical and aside from the motivation to eat and sleep the drive to have sex is about the most defining human motivation. The predominance of people who are atracted exclusively to members of the opposite sex reflects what we see throughout nature and is unlikely to be simply a social construct. I do not believe that the author of this video truly understands sexuality to be a thought or impression or feeling like any other feeling. People risk their lives and sometimes loos their life impress a mate and will often sacrifice themselves for the sake of that mate.
But my biggest issue is the miss representation of Lisa Diamonds findings. Granted she herself contributes to this misrepresentation. All her work demonstrated is that women in the united states who have at a given point in time self identified as lesbian when asked about how they identify in terms of their sexuality or sexual orientation are very likely to express that odentity differently over time and those who started out claiming a lesbian orientation will often later identify as a bisexual or those who said they where bisexual might later say they are straight. These shifts in self identification where largely contextually influenced so a woman who has identified as bisexual but exclusively dated women in her adult and collage life so far has a bad break up and finds a class mate and friend starts to play a bigger part in her life and they eventually start dating and wind up moving in together. She may now tend to identify as straight because that reflects the composition of her current relationship.. Though she doesn't draw a strong emphais on this point at teh end of the day her research continues to support the idea that when it comes to our sexual desiers and the sex we fantasize about seems to remain fairly constant for most individuals. And at the end of the day as much as you might want to reframe the discussion to one of behavior rather than identity or sexual drive related to sexual mater preference most people have a sense of who they think of as gay and it isnt based on who they have sex with so much as who they want to have sex with.
Of course this is a problem with the Genetic study you cited and one that was self consciously accepted by the researchers and that is that the genome wide study in 2019 looked for associations that correlated with sexual behavior and we know from studies many religious conservatioves often raise in these sorts of discussions as many as a third of men who identify their sexual orientation related to sexual desire and fantasy as homosexual or bisexual as many as a third reported that they had had sex with a woman in the month before being surveyed. Of these men a significant number of them had only ever had sex with women and where married. Meaning feelings at least when it comes to sex do in fact seem to have a strong and enduring nature that persists form many people veven though they feel intense pressure to feel a different drive and attraction pattern so strong that they will lie, repress, or hide their feelings and perfered sexual behaviors and claim to be heterosexual which illustrates the profound difference between arousal and desire for a given sex ed partner which seems persist without significant change dispite sometimes seriously strong social presures to not experience those atractions while how we self label and the way we behave and the mate we actually sselect these ae all clearly subject tto influence from social context parenting style, ones religious tradition and what is teaches about sex and marriage and what we feel is expected of us by our social circle and of course according to the identification that enables us to reproduce and have a child of ones own.
We also know that thyere are structures of the human brain that correlate exceptionally strongly to the sex a person is atracted to. There are associations with structures that could very well be a reflection of brain plasticity and reflect ones social constext and experiences like the association of more grey matter between the hemespheres with being a straight woman or gay man. But that could be simply a structural developmet that was activated post natally and it couold also have nothing to do with actual sexual arousal p[petter but meerly be the consequence of other similar corralates like brain volume and symety of the brain which show correlation with sex. Then there are others sturcttures we have fairly good reason to believe have been ordered and formed in a way that corresponds to ones eventual patern of sexual atraction in adulthood. And while it is a very small bundal of nerves in this intanace that bundal of nerves seems to align with orientation but is almost invisable in an infants brain and is something we have no technology that makes it visible aside from using stains on thinly sliced brain matter. Luckily we are highlly limited in the number of healthy undamaged infant brains to cut up and put under a microscope. Luckily an almost identical structure exists in the only species besides ourselves that we can establish that there does in fact apear to be a regular disturibution of males in which a small minority of males exhibit not only same sex behaviro but same sex desire and arousal exclosively for males and that this remains constant throughout life and is not a matter of limited access to females. The homosexual stucture charachteristics correlate to the distinguishing features in humans and we can cut up klamb brains and have and amoung domestecui sheep this part of the brain is established early on in gestation right whenh the brain setm first forms. However in wild sheep that have been studied similarly this structure is not observed untillseveral weeks after birth but even so is highly unlikely to be the result of socialization influences . Wild or domestic sheep have a much higher percentage of same sex atracte d males than humans by about 6% more frequently seen in the sheep than the 1-3 percentage of homosexual males amoung humans. So while there is no gay gene it is almost certainly reflected in discrete differences in our biological traits and that these physiological charachteristics seem to be estyablished before or shortly after birth And of course there is evidence that elevated levels of certain sexual hormones or synthetic hormones in later stages of prgnancy can increase the likelihood of a natal female to present as more masculanized in terms of the apeaence of her genetalia finger length ratio
uo and liklihood to exprese atraction for other women at or after going through puberty, An effect not as well established as having a comprable patern of interactions such as to influencerqates of homosexuality amoung males.
I doubt any homosexuals would choose to be what they are if indeed given a choice. It’s hard enough to live life with all that discriminations never mind the constant fear of being branded as sick, abnormal etc for those in the closet being discovered.
Yeah a lot of us would love to be straight and make everything easy. Some wouldn’t change it for anything cause It’s who they are.
Behavior is not identity.
Apparently on the left, identity is behavior. It's all in the mind I guess. I don't a agree with this message by the way. If they have a hard time finding a gay, how would you be able to find the trans gene too if it's all in the mind?
Sure. But, a gay person chooses to celebrate their attraction to the same -sex. That attraction makes a part of their identity
Attraction and fellings aren't a part of identity
@@LIJerseyBrooklyn umm... Actually, your attraction relates to your expirences, which shape your character, so that's kind of apart of your identity. Another case, would be like being married; being married to someone introduces unique and different expirences, which shape your character, and is apart of your identity. Thats why a lot of people will talk about their spouse when meeting you.
You need experience to develop attraction not the other way around, you don't know what you'll be drawn to without an experience
why are you bringing god into this lmaooooo
Oh yes cuz I very much wanted to be hated and discriminated against 24/7. Makes sense 😌
Really? In what century are you living in?
@@bayonettaslover What do you think the purpose of marriage is?
@@bayonettaslover .... and you live in one of the countries that does not sanction gay marriage?
What ever happened to being being respectful and tolerant of other cultures? Even if we disagree with another culture (and that's understandable), we have to accept the diversity of thought of other folks if they a not actively trying to persecute you.
@@fatman2727 "HoMoPhObIa Is JuSt ApArT oF mY CuLtUrE, iF yOu MaDe GiVe CoMmOn PeOpLe RiGhTs, YoU'd InToLeRaNt Of My CuLtUrE!"
@teacupcabaret sorry you had go through that. Those people often referred to as "Gold-star lesbians" because they think they're so much better by being "100% gay" and "untouched by a man". Everybody hates them because they're intolerant bigots
The thrust of this video is totally unconvincing, but to be fair, I’m just not going to believe there’s no strong genetic component, but whatever.
Don't try to make sense of it Dr. Yuan it will forever be a mystery...it only provokes more backlash and troubles for yourself. Nobody from the gay community will ever digest anything that disagrees with how they feel no matter how much it makes sense or not. GOD or science it dont matter. All we can do is love everybody and avoid situations that breach your own morals or religious beliefs. I truly believe u can love, like and work with anyone without compromising your beliefs. As a str8 man with similar beliefs I keep everything that I disagree with at a distance. Meaning I worked with and had gay friend/ associates but never engage in sexual topics and avoid spending social leisure time. This controls my environment. If everyone with different beliefs did this we all would be in perfect harmony.
Not perfect harmony. Surface level agreement. I encourage you to check out his story.
@@thoughtsbyhope6973 if u couldn't achieve perfect harmony in this manner then u just don't want to. Surface level agreement as u put it could be key in a better society...Doesn't matter what his story is.
That would mean that people cant discuss opinions anymore, i dont care about harmony first off bc its impossible but that would mean we would all live in our own circles of ignorance without acknowledging the other side
Btw what would you say to your gay friend that might trigger him? That just sounds like you were gonna say something homophobic bc none of what was said in this video would trigger anyone
@@joaoballan2080 lost me on the trigger part...but what's the matter with living in your own social circles? And discussing opinions on certain topics like this between certain people who stand on what they believe is a waste of time. I'm sure no matter how many opinions u hear nothing will change how u feel.
@@outsideyourbox7505 first off, i dont care about feelings, like ben shapiro once said facts dont care about feelings and i can assure you that me and my friends have changed opionions multiple times and even if i dont change opinions its very important to acknowledge the other side of the argument
People like Yuan are adding to the Scriptures (Matthew 15:9). The Bible condemns sodomy (for both men and women), not homosexuality. Most people do not know that they are not the same thing.
I'm gay and happy
Awesome bro 😊
"experiencing same sex attraction is not a choice, but acting on it is." makes me really uncomfortable. you're allowed to have sex with the people you're attracted to (given they're consenting adults) so why deny queer people this privilege? sex is a natural desire that needs to be acted upon occasionally, lest you want to risk mental harm. so saying gay people aren't allowed to have sex, or another similar debate i don't like, that nobody is allowed to masturbate *rubs* me the wrong way.
The digestive tract was never designed for sex that is why soerm mixed with feces can't procreate a baby. Anal fissures, loss of anal sphincter Tone, fecal incontinence, personal abscesses, tears, bleeding, gay bowel syndrome and oral throat cancers from genital HPV occurs with use of the digestive system for sex.
Gay is a BEHAVIOR. Gay is not genetic at all because 2 gay men, 2gay women. 2 sperm and 2 eggs, 2 transgender people with SRS, and transkids who never gone through puberty (used puberty blockers) can not make a baby or procreate with each. If you don't go through puverty, the REPRODUCTIVE system never develops, grows or matures to sexual functioning. Therefore, it is ABSOLUTELY impossible for GAY to be genetic. Transgender is just conversion therapy for gay people. They would rather a transdaughter with neovagina than a gay son who uses his anus for sex.
Why exactly would it be a problem to act upon homosexual desires? Can't think of a single reason that is not religious. And as we all know, this channel is about science and facts, right?
The only rational problem would be not with acting on one's desires in general, but with fulfilling them in specific ways. Specific behaviors that statistically lead to higher risks of STDs. They aren't intrinsic to being gay, but seem to be a vital part of the current LGBT culture/community.
Edit: this refers to men only, of course, lesbians don't face this.
@@TriggeredJelly But that's not a homosexuality problem, those things have their own name.
@@juanmanuelmoramontes3883 "They aren't intrinsic to being gay". I agree it's not a homosexuality problem. It's an LGBT culture problem. Natural and cultural identities are often mixed up, unfortunately, and activists constantly play motte-and-bailey with them.
What would be the proper name for "those things" in your opinion?
I didn’t like when we mentioned being gay isn’t a choice but you have a choice to act on it
Try being gay for a year or so and come talk to me
Its just like being heterosexual. I am heterosexual, but I personally do not act on that urge because doing so would be unwise for me personally. I live a more impactful and joyful life by behaving asexually.
@@RiverogueLander yeah but for us it’s either be who we are or don’t date anyone ( but I’m bi)
@@RiverogueLander and simply my bf makes me happier as a genderfluid person and We’d definitely fuck a girl to Somtimes bdsm, sex and just wanting a s/o can be beneficial but still try be gay for a year and see how you feel about it
@@giraffewhiskers2045 I dont date anyone. Its a waste of my time and emotional energy. I'm not saying that being gay or gender fluid is inherently bad in and of itself, but you do have a choice in how you behave and how you cope, regardless of moral opinion on the matter.
Im pan myself and yeah it can be hard but it can be done. I was originally straight and look at me now. Pan as fuck boi
I dont have a specific gene to be gay. I am a lesbian because i could not hide it anymore. Ever since ive been little i have allways felt wiers when all my best friends talk about their boy crushes. I was also worried on how girls would react if i sai di liked them. This is not something i chose. I would say to whoever brought up this conversation genetics arent what made me gay but i have allways been gay.
Can you tell me one when thing was the first time you were attracted to same sex?
@@rangersbulls1855 most people can't remember that shit.
It just happens, subconsciously. We don't really think about it unless we grow up in a religious household or have an overly conservative environment growing up.
There is a genetic component. AND something else. With Identical Twins, if one is Gay, the other is around 50% likely to be Gay. BUT not 100%. So...
Hello there, I'm from California 34 yrs old single gay,, are you???
@Sassy Slarfy Gacha I'm sorry you're girl, would you like me to refer you to a lesbian single girl?
What I'd say is BS. I've known too many other women that switched after being long married heterosexually & having their marriage blow up.
they were just secretly bi the whole time
@@imsavor Many people who had homosexual attractions in teenage became heterosexual eventually. Similarly, many changed the other way around.
An objective look at the evidence suggests that homosexuality is a reinforced behavioral pattern, as is heterosexuality or any other kind of sexuality. However, since all sexuality is repeatedly reinforced to the point that it drills into your subconscious desires, none of them can be changed on a moment’s whim once set.
It takes a monstrous and relentless amount of time away from previous sexual outlets to develop new sexual outlets. And for every one day that you experience a new outlet, the old outlet will try to draw you back for probably months. Effectively, it is impossible to change sexuality once it is set. Theoretically, it is possible but it will literally take like a decade of highly miserable/sex-deprived retraining, as many years as you may have spent training your mind on your existing sexuality.
For example, being straight and going out to voyage with only men on board for say 7 years will, no doubt, bring in a homosexual element at the end of the trip. Could happen to girls too. For the first few years of existing outlet deprivation, you will have wet dreams through that outlet, but that will change, once you attach yourself to the new outlet emotionally more and more.
Anyway, moral of the story is you cannot change your sexuality once it is set, not unless you go through extremely deprivational circumstances for your existing outlet. And no matter how you attempt it, it will make life hell for you. If you retrain perfectly then that hell will end in a decade or so, but if you can’t retrain perfectly which is more likely to be the case (you know how relapse is), then you will just be subjecting yourself to prolonged, possibly lifelong hell, for something so subconsciously ingrained that you will never find the strength to change it.
Being genetic or not, it's not something you can conciously control. That's the main point people should make.
no use arguing with conservative propaganda
@@kingwiccan9743 I think any kind of directed propaganda is disposable bias.
Of course not how could it be? When all men’s sperm cells look for an egg.
I’d love to see the studies you cited in this. Oh wait. There are non
Something is still incomplete
“Experiencing any attraction, or any desire, doesn’t justify a decision to act on it.” Actually, if it’s not hurting anyone then, yes, it does.
I like a girl. I ask her out. Me liking that girl justifies me asking her out. It’s not I just to ask a girl out.
Harmless action: asking someone out.
You do realize pedophiles can pose as minors on the internet, right?
@@sebastianbancroft7184 did you saw the word “harmless” or are you too blind to read you’re literally comparing A crime to someone harmless...grow up
You mean the word I originally mentioned LOL
And is it still harmless when an adult guised as a minor asks another minor out?
@@sebastianbancroft7184 are you comparing a pedophile to a homosexual, they are completely different thank you.
Jesus is the only way to be saved! He is the way the truth and the life. Truth can't contradict and if he rose from the dead all other beleifs are false
Please tell me this is satire
@@xoackxo750 this is the only comment he ever made so I think so
@BoogeyPerson the Quran denies the fact that Jesus died. BY crucifixion. There's no historical evidence he was replaced or was sent to heaven before he died. If you deny basic facts of history your following a lie
Very clear detailed and informative. 👍🏽
Some poor kid is being forced to watch these while their parents scold them :(
Ok, you sound like my grandma
Why did you remove a piece of my DNA from the helix?
I was born this way. so fight me
@Pedro Fernandes I've known I'm a lesbian since I was like 3 so no one influenced me, I was born this way and a straight cis man is not gonna tell me otherwise
@Pedro Fernandes I’m Gay myself And I don’t think it hurts anybody. It’s not like you’re gonna get cancer after talking to one
@@marlowefayard4139 wow so advanced, you knew about like and love at the age of 3....thats too much.
Why did cnn make Dr Ben Carson look stupid?
I cannot control who you are attracted too, neither can you
Really? 🤨
Because the Ad companies have been doing so for decades.
@@Paulthored I’m sorry what?
@@Paulthored ads have nothing to do with attraction...
@@Annashelton24601 don’t worry ma’am he’s just confused
It stems from intercourse with the fallen angels. It cant be undone. The rest is probably caused by bad experiences/rejection.