For the BEST picture quality don’t forget to change your RESOLUTION SETTINGS! Head to the SETTINGS WHEEL on the right and put it at the highest resolution possible. 💚🏰
Not so: Dominic Mancini an Italian visitor to England in 1483 provides an eyewitness account of events and mentions men weeping at the fate of the princes in the Tower. He had witnessed a coup d'etat by a ruthless and ambitious prince who had learned the politics of violennce during the Wars of the Roses.
Thomas More is innocent. He never finished the book "about Richard III.", it wasn´t published during his life time. Only 13 years later by his son-in-law with many changes to make it more interesting. From the first sentence it´ s absolutely clear that it is not a biography.
Moore worked on hearsay as at the time of King III he was only 3 years old ! Read The Daughter of Time ! Written in 1939 by Josephine Tay or bouts it’s a story of Police inspector in hospital and how he gets involved with finding out the culprit of the Princes in the tower Worked as a police investigation ! Really opens ones eyes as other than the hospitalized inspector the book is historical facts Taken from manuscript etc at the time !
Absolutely wonderful, Evelyn! Such drama associated with these families, all for power. It's so interesting that so many years have passed and yet there's so much speculation over this history. Thank you for the great footage from the Tower!
One thing that has always puzzled me is if Perkin really was a Flemish commoner why was he buried by Henry VII in Austin Pryor's which was reserved for the high nobility. It makes no sense.
It just really makes you wonder how things would have played out had the boys not been killed. Would life have been worse or better than it was with henry viii and bloody mary. Things that make you go "hmmm" Wonderful video, as always.
We'll never know because they refuse to do a DNA test, the only way to determine their heritage conclusively. Princes are dead now we know that at least lollllll
Alison Weir wrote a tome in 1992 about The Princes In The Tower, a fairly definitive study of their brief lives. It's amazing their legend, mystery and conspiracy continue to fascinate. This is a very good video with the perfect tone of wonder and suspicion - a great complement to their history.
@@r.j.powers381 ohhhhh fairly definitive?Well….You better not tell Phillipa Langley that, or the newest “evidence” that just came out This month. 😉😉😉 so glad you enjoyed the video!
@@l.plantagenet That’s very true. While it may identify them there were at least two people who wanted them gone. Richard the III for obvious reasons and Henry VII because they were a threat to his legitimacy as king of England. After all Henry VII was descended from the House of Plantagenet from both his Mother (Margaret Beaufort via her father who was a grandson of John of Gaunt) and his father (Owen Tudor via his grandmother Margerd ferch Tomos who was a descendant of Llywelyn the Great and an illegitimate daughter of King John, who incidentally was also an ancestor of the Princes of the Tower via their father being a descendant of the Mortimer family). So while Richard and Henry VII both had royal blood from both sides of their respective families Henry’s was illegitimate (the Beaumont only being legitimated after the marriage of Katherine Swynford to John of Gaunt as well as decrees passed by Richard II and Pope Boniface IX but even then their descendants weren’t in the line of succession and Joan of Wales being an illegitimate child).
@@mirandagoldstine8548 I agree with most of it, but why would Richard III want to get rid of them considering that Parliament had already declared them illegitimate? Is it because of uprisings for the Princes or because Parliament could change their minds on it then why not kill Edward of Warwick? He was removed from the line of succession after his father, George, had committed treason for the third time and executed. However, as we know with Parliament they could have just as easily put him back into the line of succession. Richard looked after him and his sister, Margaret, provided them with a comfortable life, education, etc. Like I said, I agree with everything you wrote, but wanted to bring that out. Take care. 🙂
@@l.plantagenet I know and that’s the problem. People who believe Richard III was behind their disappearances always say it was because they were threats to his legitimacy to the crown but the same could be said of Henry VII. The only reason why he was able to become king in the end is because he married Elizabeth of York, the princes’ sister, who gave him legitimacy to the throne despite the fact his bloodline connection was full of illegitimate children of the Plantagenet family thus he would have no legal right to the throne. Honestly if the princes weren’t murdered I suspect the reason they vanished is because both died from disease. According to what I read Edward (the older of the two princes) was suffering from an infection of the jaw at the time but if that didn’t kill him then I suspect it was the still enigmatic and still unidentified sweating sickness that did Edward and Prince Richard in. Unfortunately the only way to positively know if any of the bones are from the late 15th century and are thus the bones of the princes is for genetic genealogy to be done. For all I know those bones found in the 17th century were from reliquaries left over from when the tower was a royal residence and were thought to have been destroyed when Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries in England.
Henry the VII did not seem to know exactly what had happened to the princes. My top suspect would be the Duke of Buckingham or perhaps Margaret Beaufort, Henry's mother. Both were in London at the alleged time. Margaret Beaufort.
Having trouble posting the rest of my above reply. If the princes were indeed murdered as alleged, better suspects than Richard would be the Duke of Buckingham and Margaret Beaufort, Henry's mother, who were both in London at the time.
@@deborahjesser2028Philippa Gregory's books and the TV series made from them: White Queen, White Princess, Spanish Princess = they all imply that it was Margaret Beaufort who had them killed. (I know that the books & series are fictionalised.) The series also say that Elizabeth Woodville put a curse on the male line of whoever killed her two boys. So if going by history (that the male Tudor line ended with Edward VI, then her curse worked. (if one believes in curses, lol. But then during those days, people were very superstitious.)
A mystery I would love to see solved, but i know most likely never will. IMO, it's hard to have an opinion as to what happened to them and at who's hand
I think they were either smuggled out and sent abroad or died of one of the common ailments that were prevalent then. It's well documented that their doctor suddenly started visiting the boys alot more after they stopped being seen in public.
Wieso gehst du davon aus, daß es tragisch war, daß sie ihrem Onkel vertraut haben? Der Mord an den Prinzen ist eine Geschichte von Thomas Morus. Nichts weiter. Glaubst du nicht, daß die Mutter der Prinzen Krach geschlagen hätte? Oder der Leibarzt, der täglich nach ihnen gesehen hat? Dr. Argentine war auch Leibarzt von Arthur Tudor. Der Arzt hat die Prinzen am nächsten Tag nicht vermisst und gefragt wo sie abgeblieben sein könnten? Dann hätte man zumindest ein Datum wann sie verschwunden/ermordet sein könnten. Glaubst du nicht auch?
@@EvelynEdwardsdoch, man weiß es schon! Es interessiert nur niemanden! Weil die alte Geschichte immer noch viel Geld einbringt. Deswegen wird das traurige Bild immer wieder in die Kamera gehalten. Teilweise aus Unkenntnis der Geschichte, teilweise aus Dummheit und der Rest will damit Geld verdienen! Der Tower war kein Gefängnis, ein Parlament konnte ohne gekrönten König nicht einberufen werden und der Onkel war auch nicht der nächste Thronfolger. Das war Edward Warwick, der Sohn des George of Clarence, älterer Bruder des bösen, bösen Onkels. Zumindest wird erwähnt, daß die Geschichte über den Mord von Thomas Morus stammt. Und wird sehr gut erklärt. Auch der Fund der Gebeine. Allerdings fand man die Gebeine NICHT einfach unter einer Treppe sondern im Treppenhaus eines Wachturms der am White Tower angebaut war auf den Grundmauern der Treppe und es ist völlig ausgeschlossen, daß sie 1483 dort bestattet worden sind. Da hätte der unglaubliche Hulk die Treppe entweder abbauen oder abstützen müssen, damit zwei Männer völlig unauffällig in einer Nacht UNTER der Treppe einen Schacht graben können, der bis auf die Grundmauern reicht. Die Gebeine müssen dort schon gelegen haben als Wachturm und Treppe darüber gebaut worden sind. Ganz davon abgesehen, daß sich die Erde über einen so tiefen Schacht senkt und das hätte die Treppe darüber aus der Verankerung gerissen. Man hätte den White Tower nicht mehr betreten können und das hätte Heinrich VII Tudor erfahren und graben lassen. Das weiß König Charles III, und das weiß auch die Abtei und deswegen wird es keine Untersuchung der Gebeine geben. Bis heute wird mit der Geschichte Geld verdient. Mittlerweile gibt es genügend Dokumente die auf den Verbleib der Prinzen hinweisen. Aber wie gesagt: eine Reliquie wird nicht überprüft und auch alle konservativen Historiker lassen sich ungern als Lügner bezeichnen und König Richard III wäre rehabilitiert! Das ist völlig ausgeschlossen! Tradition geht vor Wahrheit.
Most likely they didn´t have each other. Most of their lives they lived separately. Edward at Ludlow, Richard in London. In 1483 they were sent to different places from obvious reasons.
Why were the bones of so many children found? 😢 I feel like crimes against children has taken place here over the centuries. Is there anyway to determine the causes of their deaths? Have we tried to do DNA analysis to see if there are any living matches?
There were many children that went to the Tower of London. Sometimes they went with their parents when they were imprisoned there. Many died of illness while inside. As for testing of any bones that are believed to be the princes - no. Permission must be granted from the monarch and the archbishop of Cantebury. And that has not been given.
Interessant ist, daß Heinrich VII Tudor König Richard III nicht als Mörder der Prinzen bezeichnet hat. Hätte Tudor die Brüder beseitigt, hätte er Richard öffentlich beschuldigt. Das hätte sogar im Nachhinein funktioniert und hätte Tudor zwei Prätendenten erspart. Laut Croyland Chronik kam ein erneuter Verdacht über den Mord kurz vor der Buckingham Rebellion auf. Das ist eine rätselhafte Angelegenheit. Buckingham hat Richard trotz des "Gerüchts die Prinzen wären eines gewaltsamen Todes gestorben aber man konnte nicht sagen von wem oder auf welche Weise" nicht beschuldigt. Richard wäre vernichtet gewesen. Andererseits hat Richard Buckingham nicht beschuldigt. Richard hätte einen Sündenbock gehabt, der im Auftrag Tudors oder Margarete Beauforts gehandelt hat. Tudor hätte keinen Fuß auf die Insel setzen können.
Surely DNA can now be used to establish who these bones belong to? After all, DNA was used to establish that the bones found in a car park were those of Richard III himself.
It’s the surely part…first permission must be given by the King and the Archbishop of Canterbury. That’s not going to happen…they don’t want to set a precedent for opening Royal tombs. And which bones are we testing!? I mention several sets.
Los principes estaban bajo la influencia de los Woodville,que odiaban al Protector e intentaron desplazarlo. Si Richard no se hubiera deshecho de ellos (del modo que fuese),en tres años mas,con Edward V ejerciendo el poder,estaba muerto. La situación de Richard,apenas muerto Edward IV,era sin salida. Durante años había luchado por colocar y mantener a su hermano en el trono,para perderlo todo a manos de los mismos a los que había vencido.
Sure. But which set of bones? And the big BUT is that the king and the Archbishop of Canterbury have to say that can be done. And they haven’t done that and probably won’t.
Anyone really interested in King Richard lll should read The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tay written in 1939 or about This book gets more fascinating as one reads the different angles twists and turns like in a court case ! And who possibly was the real culprit of the missing princes !!!
@@EvelynEdwardsdie Prinzen sind nicht bestattet. Es gibt nur eine Urne mit Gebeinen von denen man annimmt, es handelt sich um die Gebeine der Prinzen, was Prof Wright 1933 nicht bestätigen konnte. Mittlerweile ist aus dieser Urne eine Reliquie geworden und Reliquien werden nicht untersucht. Die Behauptung, es handele sich um die Gebeine der Prinzen stammt von König Charles II Stuart 1674. Und obwohl er sich in der Inschrift auf der Urne lobend verherrlicht, die edlen Prinzen als Opfer des bösartigen Tyrannen bedauert, hat er die Gebeine mit dem gesamten Müll, auf dem er sie hat einsammeln lassen, in die Urne gesteckt.
were the children illegitimate? every one claims this was the reason Richard went on to claim the throne for himself. they may have been, and maybe R was right?
Woow great video! So evil Richard decided to come up with a loophole and mentioned his brother was ment to marry another women? And for that reason he should be king!!! I don’t understand how anyone can think that would have been valid reason considering he didn’t marry the “other” women and had 2 sons with his current wife. Amazing how parliament worked in those days.
@@EvelynEdwardsdas stimmt so nicht. Die Urne wurde 1933 bereits von Prof Wright geöffnet, der davon überzeugt war, daß es sich um die Gebeine der Prinzen handelt. Er konnte es nicht bestätigen und nur feststellen, daß es sich um Kinder "im entsprechenden Alter" handelt. Er konnte nicht sagen, ob es Jungen oder Mädchen sind. Die Größenangaben aber weisen eher nicht auf Edward hin, der 12 1/2 Jahre alt war. Das ältere Kind soll nur 1,25 m groß gewesen sein. Es gibt ein Protokoll von Lawrence Tanner, Archivar der Westminster Abtei, in dem steht, daß außer den Gebeinen auch Rinderknochen, Hühnerbeine Fischgräten und drei rostige Nägel in der Urne waren. Das bestätigt den Bericht von 1674, in dem beschrieben wird, daß die Gebeine nach ihrem Fund auf dem Mist geworfen worden sind. Es wird nie geschildert, wo genau die Gebeine gefunden wurden. Das weiß man nur, wenn das Protokoll von 1674 kennt. Der Tower sah seinerzeit anders aus. Eine Zeichnung kannst du im Internet sehen. Im Protokoll steht, "König Charles II habe den Tower von den angrenzenden Gebäuden säubern lassen." Das ist der Punkt. Er hat den gesamten "Inner Ward " abreißen lassen.Vor dem Eingang zum White Tower war ein Wachturm angebaut und daneben der Juwelenturm. Als man den Wachturm abgerissen hat fand man unter der Treppe im Treppenhaus in drei Meter Tiefe UNTER der Treppe eine Kiste mit Gebeinen, die auf den Mist geworfen wurden. Es ist ausgeschlossen, daß diese Kiste in einer Nacht völlig unauffällig von zwei/drei Männern drei Meter tief UNTER einer Treppe bestattet werden konnten. Außer der unglaubliche Hulk war dabei und hat die Treppe abgestützt. König Charles III hat die Urne bereits im November 2022 freigegeben aber die Abtei verweigert eine Herausgabe. Sie werden wissen warum. Ein DNA Test ist eher ausgeschlossen, weil die Gebeine kontaminiert sind. Es würde vollkommen ausreichen, das Alter der Gebeine zu bestimmen. Die Kiste muss da schon bestattet gewesen sein, als Turm und Treppe darauf gebaut worden sind.
Word has it all over the world that the Royal Family sitting on the throne today shouldn't be. The true Royal Bloodline that should be sitting on today's Throne lives a modest life in Australia.
For the BEST picture quality don’t forget to change your RESOLUTION SETTINGS! Head to the SETTINGS WHEEL on the right and put it at the highest resolution possible. 💚🏰
This is one of my favorite and fascinating historical stories. Well done, I like the narration.
Thank you so much!! So glad you enjoyed! There are certain moments and stories in history that endure time. This is definitely one of them!
This was so incredibly presented. I never knew that it was More who shaped our beliefs on this event. Tudor propaganda at its finest!
More and Shakespeare! Yes!
Not so: Dominic Mancini an Italian visitor to England in 1483 provides an eyewitness account of events and mentions men weeping at the fate of the princes in the Tower. He had witnessed a coup d'etat by a ruthless and ambitious prince who had learned the politics of violennce during the Wars of the Roses.
Thomas More is innocent. He never finished the book "about Richard III.", it wasn´t published during his life time. Only 13 years later by his son-in-law with many changes to make it more interesting. From the first sentence it´ s absolutely clear that it is not a biography.
Moore worked on hearsay as at the time of King III he was only 3 years old ! Read The Daughter of Time ! Written in 1939 by Josephine Tay or bouts it’s a story of Police inspector in hospital and how he gets involved with finding out the culprit of the Princes in the tower
Worked as a police investigation ! Really opens ones eyes as other than the hospitalized inspector the book is historical facts
Taken from manuscript etc at the time !
Moore didn’t write as an eye witness as he wad only 3 years old when king Richard lll became King !
Absolutely wonderful, Evelyn! Such drama associated with these families, all for power. It's so interesting that so many years have passed and yet there's so much speculation over this history. Thank you for the great footage from the Tower!
Thank you Cynthia! It’s true- so many children were caught in the pursuit of power of the adults around them. 💚💚
Can I just think that someone helped them escaped and they lived their life out peacefully? This story is so interesting but sad!
There are many that DO think that! So yes you are totally allowed! 💚
I believe that Richard III (with help) had them sent away to save them.
Not likely as surely they would've come to light as adults at some stage, wouldn't you think?
@@juliejenkins2376 I believe Perkin Warbeck was Richard, Duke of York.
One thing that has always puzzled me is if Perkin really was a Flemish commoner why was he buried by Henry VII in Austin Pryor's which was reserved for the high nobility. It makes no sense.
Wow, your a great videographer and story teller Evelyn.
Ohhh thank you friend! 🥰🥰🥰💚🏰
May both boy's no matter where they're buried.. Rest in Peace.
It just really makes you wonder how things would have played out had the boys not been killed. Would life have been worse or better than it was with henry viii and bloody mary. Things that make you go "hmmm"
Wonderful video, as always.
There are so many of these what if moments in history! No Tudor dynasty if they princes had lived!
@@EvelynEdwards it would be fun if someone made a series of these "what ifs" I would watch that show.
@@melindalopez3978 that would be a GREAT series!
@@EvelynEdwards someone needs to pitch that to BBC (but a bbc channel i can see here in the US)
There's no proof that they were even killed while in the Tower. I think that they were sent away for safety reasons.
We'll never know because they refuse to do a DNA test, the only way to determine their heritage conclusively. Princes are dead now we know that at least lollllll
Really interesting, nice video ❤!
Thank you so much Jonas! So glad you enjoyed! 🏰💚
Such an interesting mystery!! If only the bones could talk! Thank you so much for sharing this incredible tale. 👍🏼♥️
Agree! I think if some of the bones could talk they’d tell us they aren’t the princes! 😉
Yep, also agree… it’s amazing how lives were simply thrown away back then…. Or even today 😢
It would be very interesting indeed since those bones are from Roman times.
I love this story - and here, as always, is Evelyn Edwards presenting it so beautifully! ❤
@@jennifergreiner7057 🥰🥰🥰🥰thank you Jennifer!!! 💚🏰
Alison Weir wrote a tome in 1992 about The Princes In The Tower, a fairly definitive study of their brief lives. It's amazing their legend, mystery and conspiracy continue to fascinate. This is a very good video with the perfect tone of wonder and suspicion - a great complement to their history.
@@r.j.powers381 ohhhhh fairly definitive?Well….You better not tell Phillipa Langley that, or the newest “evidence” that just came out
This month. 😉😉😉 so glad you enjoyed the video!
@EvelynEdwards 'a fairly definitive study of their brief lives' is what I said. And, yes, it is
Until dna is done, it will remain unsolved
Absolutely true!
Even if they are the two Princes it won't tell us who killed them and why.
@@l.plantagenet That’s very true. While it may identify them there were at least two people who wanted them gone. Richard the III for obvious reasons and Henry VII because they were a threat to his legitimacy as king of England. After all Henry VII was descended from the House of Plantagenet from both his Mother (Margaret Beaufort via her father who was a grandson of John of Gaunt) and his father (Owen Tudor via his grandmother Margerd ferch Tomos who was a descendant of Llywelyn the Great and an illegitimate daughter of King John, who incidentally was also an ancestor of the Princes of the Tower via their father being a descendant of the Mortimer family). So while Richard and Henry VII both had royal blood from both sides of their respective families Henry’s was illegitimate (the Beaumont only being legitimated after the marriage of Katherine Swynford to John of Gaunt as well as decrees passed by Richard II and Pope Boniface IX but even then their descendants weren’t in the line of succession and Joan of Wales being an illegitimate child).
@@mirandagoldstine8548 I agree with most of it, but why would Richard III want to get rid of them considering that Parliament had already declared them illegitimate?
Is it because of uprisings for the Princes or because Parliament could change their minds on it then why not kill Edward of Warwick? He was removed from the line of succession after his father, George, had committed treason for the third time and executed. However, as we know with Parliament they could have just as easily put him back into the line of succession. Richard looked after him and his sister, Margaret, provided them with a comfortable life, education, etc. Like I said, I agree with everything you wrote, but wanted to bring that out.
Take care. 🙂
@@l.plantagenet I know and that’s the problem. People who believe Richard III was behind their disappearances always say it was because they were threats to his legitimacy to the crown but the same could be said of Henry VII. The only reason why he was able to become king in the end is because he married Elizabeth of York, the princes’ sister, who gave him legitimacy to the throne despite the fact his bloodline connection was full of illegitimate children of the Plantagenet family thus he would have no legal right to the throne. Honestly if the princes weren’t murdered I suspect the reason they vanished is because both died from disease. According to what I read Edward (the older of the two princes) was suffering from an infection of the jaw at the time but if that didn’t kill him then I suspect it was the still enigmatic and still unidentified sweating sickness that did Edward and Prince Richard in. Unfortunately the only way to positively know if any of the bones are from the late 15th century and are thus the bones of the princes is for genetic genealogy to be done. For all I know those bones found in the 17th century were from reliquaries left over from when the tower was a royal residence and were thought to have been destroyed when Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries in England.
This was so fascinating. You're a great storyteller.😊
Thank you so much!! So glad you enjoyed!
Henry the seventh could also be a suspect for the murders of the prince's. Also the Duke of Buckingham, he was also in the line of succession.
Those are all possible suspects yes. Henry VII is a hard sell for me personally. But 🤷🏼♀️.
Henry the VII did not seem to know exactly what had happened to the princes. My top suspect would be the Duke of Buckingham or perhaps Margaret Beaufort, Henry's mother. Both were in London at the alleged time.
Margaret Beaufort.
Having trouble posting the rest of my above reply. If the princes were indeed murdered as alleged, better suspects than Richard would be the Duke of Buckingham and Margaret Beaufort, Henry's mother, who were both in London at the time.
@@deborahjesser2028Philippa Gregory's books and the TV series made from them: White Queen, White Princess, Spanish Princess = they all imply that it was Margaret Beaufort who had them killed. (I know that the books & series are fictionalised.)
The series also say that Elizabeth Woodville put a curse on the male line of whoever killed her two boys. So if going by history (that the male Tudor line ended with Edward VI, then her curse worked. (if one believes in curses, lol. But then during those days, people were very superstitious.)
Oh friend you are so wonderful! THANK YOU! 💚🏰💚
A mystery I would love to see solved, but i know most likely never will. IMO, it's hard to have an opinion as to what happened to them and at who's hand
Agree and agree!
It´s not so hard to have an opinion if you are studying the subject.
cool channel. subscribed for interesting historical anecdotes like these. love it!
@@levitateme yay! So glad you found me! Welcome!
Do you think the boys escaped like the woman who found Richard does?
Ohhhh well! I think there is a very good possibility one died of illness in the tower …the second could possibly have been taken somewhere.
Some people think that Edward V died due to some dental problems and that Richard, Duke of York, survived. I think he was Perkin Warbeck.
I think they were either smuggled out and sent abroad or died of one of the common ailments that were prevalent then. It's well documented that their doctor suddenly started visiting the boys alot more after they stopped being seen in public.
@@JanetTruelove totally agree. I actually highly side on that one died in the tower of disease or illness.
@@l.plantagenet ohhhh I think Perkin was legitimately a pretender personally.
This is heartbreaking. These poor children trusted their Uncle. Tragic
Wieso gehst du davon aus, daß es tragisch war, daß sie ihrem Onkel vertraut haben? Der Mord an den Prinzen ist eine Geschichte von Thomas Morus. Nichts weiter. Glaubst du nicht, daß die Mutter der Prinzen Krach geschlagen hätte? Oder der Leibarzt, der täglich nach ihnen gesehen hat? Dr. Argentine war auch Leibarzt von Arthur Tudor. Der Arzt hat die Prinzen am nächsten Tag nicht vermisst und gefragt wo sie abgeblieben sein könnten? Dann hätte man zumindest ein Datum wann sie verschwunden/ermordet sein könnten. Glaubst du nicht auch?
Did their uncle do anything to them? We don’t know.
@@EvelynEdwardsdoch, man weiß es schon! Es interessiert nur niemanden! Weil die alte Geschichte immer noch viel Geld einbringt. Deswegen wird das traurige Bild immer wieder in die Kamera gehalten. Teilweise aus Unkenntnis der Geschichte, teilweise aus Dummheit und der Rest will damit Geld verdienen!
Der Tower war kein Gefängnis, ein Parlament konnte ohne gekrönten König nicht einberufen werden und der Onkel war auch nicht der nächste Thronfolger. Das war Edward Warwick, der Sohn des George of Clarence, älterer Bruder des bösen, bösen Onkels.
Zumindest wird erwähnt, daß die Geschichte über den Mord von Thomas Morus stammt. Und wird sehr gut erklärt. Auch der Fund der Gebeine. Allerdings fand man die Gebeine NICHT einfach unter einer Treppe sondern im Treppenhaus eines Wachturms der am White Tower angebaut war auf den Grundmauern der Treppe und es ist völlig ausgeschlossen, daß sie 1483 dort bestattet worden sind. Da hätte der unglaubliche Hulk die Treppe entweder abbauen oder abstützen müssen, damit zwei Männer völlig unauffällig in einer Nacht UNTER der Treppe einen Schacht graben können, der bis auf die Grundmauern reicht. Die Gebeine müssen dort schon gelegen haben als Wachturm und Treppe darüber gebaut worden sind. Ganz davon abgesehen, daß sich die Erde über einen so tiefen Schacht senkt und das hätte die Treppe darüber aus der Verankerung gerissen. Man hätte den White Tower nicht mehr betreten können und das hätte Heinrich VII Tudor erfahren und graben lassen. Das weiß König Charles III, und das weiß auch die Abtei und deswegen wird es keine Untersuchung der Gebeine geben. Bis heute wird mit der Geschichte Geld verdient. Mittlerweile gibt es genügend Dokumente die auf den Verbleib der Prinzen hinweisen. Aber wie gesagt: eine Reliquie wird nicht überprüft und auch alle konservativen Historiker lassen sich ungern als Lügner bezeichnen und König Richard III wäre rehabilitiert! Das ist völlig ausgeschlossen! Tradition geht vor Wahrheit.
@@EvelynEdwardsif they died of illness it would have been told to the public.
Wow, what a story laced with mystery.
Wonderful video. ❤
Thank you so much! 💚🏰
That was an amazing video!!!
Thank you so much! So appreciated!!
Again, a cruel tale. I am thankful they had one another 🙏
Most likely they didn´t have each other. Most of their lives they lived separately. Edward at Ludlow, Richard in London. In 1483 they were sent to different places from obvious reasons.
A regular historical mystery! So much speculation and hearsay who to believe!? 😢
Exaaaaaaactly! When someone says they know exactly who did it I go 🧐
Maybe Henry the seventh murdered the children😢Wonderful video . Greetings from Spain.
There are people that believe his people are suspects. I don’t personally find that evidence compelling… but you never know!! 💚🏰💚
i always thought it was Margaret Beaufort , Henry Tudors mother who orchestrated the murder of the princes as she wanted her son on the throne
@@jeanglendinning1860 that theory is a hard no for me. But in the end the truth is we just really don’t know!
Speculation without an iotta of evidence.
Why were the bones of so many children found? 😢 I feel like crimes against children has taken place here over the centuries. Is there anyway to determine the causes of their deaths? Have we tried to do DNA analysis to see if there are any living matches?
There were many children that went to the Tower of London. Sometimes they went with their parents when they were imprisoned there. Many died of illness while inside.
As for testing of any bones that are believed to be the princes - no. Permission must be granted from the monarch and the archbishop of Cantebury. And that has not been given.
Very interesting thank you
My absolute pleasure! So glad you enjoyed!
Henry VII had a much greater motive than Richard III.
My personal thoughts are why go through all the trouble of delegitimization if you’re going to off them? But 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
Interessant ist, daß Heinrich VII Tudor König Richard III nicht als Mörder der Prinzen bezeichnet hat.
Hätte Tudor die Brüder beseitigt, hätte er Richard öffentlich beschuldigt. Das hätte sogar im Nachhinein funktioniert und hätte Tudor zwei Prätendenten erspart.
Laut Croyland Chronik kam ein erneuter Verdacht über den Mord kurz vor der Buckingham Rebellion auf. Das ist eine rätselhafte Angelegenheit. Buckingham hat Richard trotz des "Gerüchts die Prinzen wären eines gewaltsamen Todes gestorben aber man konnte nicht sagen von wem oder auf welche Weise" nicht beschuldigt. Richard wäre vernichtet gewesen.
Andererseits hat Richard Buckingham nicht beschuldigt. Richard hätte einen Sündenbock gehabt, der im Auftrag Tudors oder Margarete Beauforts gehandelt hat. Tudor hätte keinen Fuß auf die Insel setzen können.
Surely DNA can now be used to establish who these bones belong to? After all, DNA was used to establish that the bones found in a car park were those of Richard III himself.
It’s the surely part…first permission must be given by the King and the Archbishop of Canterbury. That’s not going to happen…they don’t want to set a precedent for opening Royal tombs. And which bones are we testing!? I mention several sets.
Someone wanted the Norman side gone.
Los principes estaban bajo la influencia de los Woodville,que odiaban al Protector e intentaron desplazarlo. Si Richard no se hubiera deshecho de ellos (del modo que fuese),en tres años mas,con Edward V ejerciendo el poder,estaba muerto. La situación de Richard,apenas muerto Edward IV,era sin salida. Durante años había luchado por colocar y mantener a su hermano en el trono,para perderlo todo a manos de los mismos a los que había vencido.
This is true. The Woodvilles and Richard DID NOT get along! This is what set up the situation. Both sides were afraid of the other being in power.
Wasn't it More's son-n-law who finished the story, and edited the book?
More’s son in law published the writings. Yes.
Yes, 13 years after Thomas More´s death.
They should exume the remains again. With today's technology they may find the real answers.
They could. But would have to get permission from the King and the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Can they not be DNA tested now?
Sure. But which set of bones? And the big BUT is that the king and the Archbishop of Canterbury have to say that can be done. And they haven’t done that and probably won’t.
Welp, thanks a lot Evelyn just fell down another rabbit hole 🤌🤌
😁😁😁😁 we like history rabbit holes!!!
Anyone really interested in King Richard lll should read The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tay written in 1939 or about
This book gets more fascinating as one reads the different angles twists and turns like in a court case !
And who possibly was the real culprit of the missing princes !!!
One of the topics written about most! Napoleon, the Tudor era and this!
Could they do a dna test on all these bones??? They did one on Richatd the 3rd.
Sure. But they would have to get permission from Charles III and the Archbishop of Canterbury.
If only they were aloud to test the DNA
Don’t think that will ever happen. There isn’t an appetite to set a precedent of opening Royal tombs.
@@EvelynEdwardsdie Prinzen sind nicht bestattet. Es gibt nur eine Urne mit Gebeinen von denen man annimmt, es handelt sich um die Gebeine der Prinzen, was Prof Wright 1933 nicht bestätigen konnte.
Mittlerweile ist aus dieser Urne eine Reliquie geworden und Reliquien werden nicht untersucht.
Die Behauptung, es handele sich um die Gebeine der Prinzen stammt von König Charles II Stuart 1674. Und obwohl er sich in der Inschrift auf der Urne lobend verherrlicht, die edlen Prinzen als Opfer des bösartigen Tyrannen bedauert, hat er die Gebeine mit dem gesamten Müll, auf dem er sie hat einsammeln lassen, in die Urne gesteckt.
😮😮😮😮 So so sad
were the children illegitimate? every one claims this was the reason Richard went on to claim the throne for himself. they may have been, and maybe R was right?
@@judyw5584 video about this on the feed. Head to the England Playlist and look for the ELEANOR TALBOT Sudeley Castle Video.
I wonder all the time what happened to these two boys.
Me too friend. Me too.
Excelent . Only god knows the truth 🥹
Of course they were
Of course they were what?
@@EvelynEdwards of course it was them
@@AshleyMartin-f3x of course it was them what? I don’t know what this means.
@@EvelynEdwards he killed the princes and put them on the stairs
@@AshleyMartin-f3x if that’s what all the information available leads you to believe…to each their own!
Thanks Evelyn. Edgar Allan Poe was probably inspired.
Woow great video! So evil Richard decided to come up with a loophole and mentioned his brother was ment to marry another women? And for that reason he should be king!!! I don’t understand how anyone can think that would have been valid reason considering he didn’t marry the “other” women and had 2 sons with his current wife. Amazing how parliament worked in those days.
The Woodville was maaaaaaaaaaaaajorly disliked. I have a video about that woman who Edward IV was betrothed to coming out soon!
Really looking forward to that video.
Amazing how Parliament works now!!!
We should bind King Richards powers and principalities. Child crimes aren't healthy for adults
I don’t understand what this comment means? Bind?
IMO they died of sickness. Or at least that’s what I like to think. But, I guess no one knows.
Middle Ages 1154-1485.
The context of this comment? Or are you just putting the dates so people know?
@@robnewman6101 also the Middle Ages (depending on who you re talking to) 476-1450(1500)
This story had always been fishy to me. Pretty sure the Uncle murked the young princes and covered it up.
Did you watch the video 🤔 🧐
God knows
They are long dead so it matters not.
@@RalphHeron-d6w it might not matter to you…but there are many many people who it matters to quite a lot. 😉
@EvelynEdwards and how would that be ?
@ ask all the people who write books about it every single year, ask the current historians doing a television special about finding new information 😉
DNA test can help resolve to find out if it was them or not. Time to resolve it once and for all.
Won’t happen. There is a huge reluctance to set a precedent to open Royal tombs.
@@EvelynEdwardsdas stimmt so nicht. Die Urne wurde 1933 bereits von Prof Wright geöffnet, der davon überzeugt war, daß es sich um die Gebeine der Prinzen handelt.
Er konnte es nicht bestätigen und nur feststellen, daß es sich um Kinder "im entsprechenden Alter" handelt. Er konnte nicht sagen, ob es Jungen oder Mädchen sind.
Die Größenangaben aber weisen eher nicht auf Edward hin, der 12 1/2 Jahre alt war. Das ältere Kind soll nur 1,25 m groß gewesen sein.
Es gibt ein Protokoll von Lawrence Tanner, Archivar der Westminster Abtei, in dem steht, daß außer den Gebeinen auch Rinderknochen, Hühnerbeine Fischgräten und drei rostige Nägel in der Urne waren.
Das bestätigt den Bericht von 1674, in dem beschrieben wird, daß die Gebeine nach ihrem Fund auf dem Mist geworfen worden sind.
Es wird nie geschildert, wo genau die Gebeine gefunden wurden. Das weiß man nur, wenn das Protokoll von 1674 kennt. Der Tower sah seinerzeit anders aus. Eine Zeichnung kannst du im Internet sehen.
Im Protokoll steht, "König Charles II habe den Tower von den angrenzenden Gebäuden säubern lassen." Das ist der Punkt. Er hat den gesamten "Inner Ward " abreißen lassen.Vor dem Eingang zum White Tower war ein Wachturm angebaut und daneben der Juwelenturm. Als man den Wachturm abgerissen hat fand man unter der Treppe im Treppenhaus in drei Meter Tiefe UNTER der Treppe eine Kiste mit Gebeinen, die auf den Mist geworfen wurden.
Es ist ausgeschlossen, daß diese Kiste in einer Nacht völlig unauffällig von zwei/drei Männern drei Meter tief UNTER einer Treppe bestattet werden konnten. Außer der unglaubliche Hulk war dabei und hat die Treppe abgestützt.
König Charles III hat die Urne bereits im November 2022 freigegeben aber die Abtei verweigert eine Herausgabe. Sie werden wissen warum.
Ein DNA Test ist eher ausgeschlossen, weil die Gebeine kontaminiert sind.
Es würde vollkommen ausreichen, das Alter der Gebeine zu bestimmen. Die Kiste muss da schon bestattet gewesen sein, als Turm und Treppe darauf gebaut worden sind.
Word has it all over the world that the Royal Family sitting on the throne today shouldn't be. The true Royal Bloodline that should be sitting on today's Throne lives a modest life in Australia.
Thank you so so much Dianne! 💚💚🙏🏻🏰
Merci merci beaucoup!
Thank you so much!! 💚🏰💚🏰💚