Malphite having the worst matchups is hilarious because he also happens to have some of the most one sided ones for himself too. Being the go-to champ to shut down any champs that rely heavily on auto attacks. Tryndamere vs Malphite is pain, Jax vs Malphite is pain, even ranged tops suffer vs him.
Renekton into malphite is SUFFERING. You have no hope in that matchup and you get outscaled so hard. Jax and Trynd can at least farm to be late game monsters.
And then the dude "counterpicking" jax with malphite takes grasp and levels E cause he's thinking of stacking armor and gets absolutely destroyed. Not as free as u think.
They are played in 3+ roles. Sylas is a good mid/top/jg Malph I see as top/mid/sup/jg This worst matchup is sylas vs malph in all 3 roles top mid and jg Unless your lack of proper grammer is making me misunderstand you, I hope this clears it up
@@Hinami2000 Not really. There's plenty of Malphite mains throughout the world that are D2+ and do all 3 roles. I play fill 100% of the time since I am not interested to be a challenger and usually peak around D1. And I can tell you that if you gonna pick Zed mid do not expect me to play anything else than malphite
It's so cool how this makes so much sense. The 2 armor oriented tanks getting so hard countered by the most durable and sustain ap bruisers. Bonus points to Sylas for being able to steal one of the best ults in the game too
@@LuckyGnom not for the one who got the sylas tho. sylas support is strong depending of the enemy ultimates. in this case, the only fact that malphite is in the game is enough to sylas support to be valiable
@@LuckyGnom Not really? If lee sin support can work it sure as hell will for sylas. Malphite also used to be a support and can still be played in that role. He literally just rushes heart and tanks the enemy adcs attack speed to zero.
i mean, i imagine every time someone picks malphite first they are probably aware that if anyone picks an ap lane vs them they dont get to play the game. Thats why mal has an inflated winrate, cause its only good (and picked) vs ad laners.
I'd specify the ap opponent has to have either resilience or sustain as well. With no resilience, you can still afford a trade every time your shield is up, whittling them down, bc malph excels in short, statcheck trades. With no sustain, you can opt into Q max malph and poke them. For both, you want to hit them into the sweet spot - high HP enough where they aren't forced to recall, but low enough that they can't risk to all in bc of a good chance of them dying. Once you get there, you can freely farm for the most part; an early mercs often suffices to keep them at bay until you get your core items without investing much into mr. Had my fair share of kennen and akali matchups won that way, but this is generally more applicable to midlane which has a lot of no-sustain, fragile mages.
@@StarStew Well, somehow he is top tier top laner in challenger elo, so its not really true, he is really safe on lane and flipping half of teamfights, mainly picked as counter to top hypercarries
Problem with a lot of toplane champions is that picking anything that isn't a stable meta bruiser in blind (meta tanks as well, but malphite suffers due to his kit) is a death sentence to getting counterpicked and heavily outscaled.
That's why I stopped playing top lane unless you blind pick the most gogabroken meta character you'll have to face a counterpick bcs the support player wouldn't give you last pick
Unless you are in really high elo. No one knows how to actually counter and to keep the pressure on. If you follow basic fundamentals like wave manipulation, level up timers, and trading around cooldowns, you can win nearly any matchup and neutralize the rest. Countering is not brainless. The enemy has to follow a gameplan and not everybody knows what it is.
@@zat1245 "match up make no sense in low elo, i know someone that is bullying everyone with renatta top" what you are saying is wrong, match up do happen in lane at any elo, and even in silver player will kill pressure you with darius level one. Its easy to pick a range champ top, not trade, and claim "look, i can manage my wave easily without having to engage into the match up" no shit sherlock? you are playing range champion even a bronze would have the wave control in a range vs melee match up.
@@Ebpeeba Or he’ll play passive too often because he doesn’t know his strength. Or he’ll overcommit at the wrong time. Or he’ll focus too hard on you and neglect the wave state. Or he’ll use a cooldown on a wave then walk too close. Or you’ll bait out a cooldown and he’ll get punished. Or… Yeah this list can honestly keep going. There are a million things that can go wrong and this is just when focusing on the laning phase (in low elo leads matter way less because no one knows how to win games and throws leads). Some may know what to do in the beginning, hell, some may know what to do often. But they aren’t perfect at it otherwise they wouldn’t be as low as you. If you see no windows, you’re just not good at finding them yet or you’re not good at creating them. I also never said anything about ranged champs. You don’t need a ranged champ to do this. You just need good fundamentals that are better than the other guys and lemme tell you, that’s a low bar to climb.
A reletivly fresh one is Naafiri vs Mordekaiser. I don't know which patch exactly changed it, but one of the more recent ones made it so Naafiri's hounds CANNOT enter the death realm. When they could Naafiri had a decent chance in the 1v1, now she can't deal damage, and without a miraculous wall it's barely worth trying to escape.
Naafiri versus Irelia in midlane is unplayable from Naafiri, Irelia oneshots dogs with Q, and Naafiri ult just provides Irelia with full Q stacks+healing
@@SupportKing1 Diana is also quite good into Naafiri, the burst and slight tankiness makes it a hard matchup for her I also think Dianas QW kills the dogs quite easily.
my favourite naafiri counter is malz, his e consistently one shots her dogs and will then either infect naafiri herself or another dog. In practise that means malz e has about 100+ effective range vs naafiri it's so dumb. Also malz into any squishy dive assassin is going to be rough.
Naafiri is prone to bad matchups. Ziggs actually can throw his bombs of her dogs. It just means she has literally no way of dodging his poke, which is designed to be highly dodgeable, if her dogs are spawned. It also means she has no way of having her dogs either since they get one shot pretty much. Then she loses in terms of push, and in terms of scaling... ziggs gets a global ult too meanwhile naafiri is stuck in lane. Even if naafiri gets on ziggs her engage is so telegraphed you can just put a W at your feet and knock her away.
I think the most brutal slaughter I've ever witnessed was when a friend of mine had a Lillia obsession, so he picked her in top lane and wound up fighting a Mordekaiser. To think the king of the Death Realm would be absolutely defenseless against a deer lady. It reached the point where Mordekaiser just gave up the moment Lillia was spotted heading in his general direction because there was no way for him to fight back or run away.
because lillia is broken lol she has everything max hp damage, burn, true damage, movespeed (a lot), AoE hard CC, dash over walls and pretty much every damage is splash + AP champion
No really. What about pure support vs damage dealers? Do you think that Braum/Ali/Soraka can beat any damage dealers their own? Braum vs Rumble will just burn..
@@michalhrbek3541 They are only considering realistic mathups, that happen a decent amount. Of course you could say that Yuumi top is bad against Riven or smth when there was only 10 troll games of Yuumi vs Riven and Yuumi lost 90% of them. But thats useless data
For rammus yes. For malph no. the reason why he sucks vs. him is because he just steals his ult which is what matters. He also deals burst damage rather than poke so it's just a double whammy. You can take malphite mid and not have any issues at all against other APs so I'm not really sure why you'd say that.
What about yorick vs irelia? It's like irelia was tailor-made to counter yorick. She just q's the four ghouls (which she always one-shots btw) and boom, she has full stacked passive.
I played it a lot, even when supersafe always full hp she suddenly can one shot you with R even if u dodge E. (Even if she starts 0/2 coz your jg helped u still lose
Isn’t his interpretation incorrect since confidence interval isn’t a statement of the probability of this specific event occurring. The correct interpretation would be “we are 95% confident the true malphite vs sylas wr falls between .3899 & .4467.
I don't think his calculation of the confidence interval was correct either. A +/- 2.85% error on 41.83 is not 38.99 to 44.67, it's 40.64 to 43.02. He added the margin of error instead of multiplying it.
@@ellienyahThe CI is just the observation +/- MOE. It's the margin not standard error, he has already chosen the z-score (if that's the multplication you are thinking of).
@@kingol4801 aatrox also has constant knockups, causing Mundo to take extra current HP% every time his passive is up This bonus dmg is factored into aatrox healing, basically letting aatrox heal off Mundo passive
@@tencive5749 true im a master mundo otp and i get vietnam flashbacks when they pick aatrox into me, he deals too much base damage + always procing your passive + new buffs with magic damage on w and passive just destroy mundo
Fun fact, the sample size is also lower because many Malphite mains do ban Sylas. As a result you get a negatively skewed win rate on top of the already bad win rate. A higher percentage of Malphites playing against Sylas are not well experienced with Malphite.
Sylas stealing your ult is the biggest problem. Even if he isn't laning against you if he yoinks your ult at any point in the game your teammates are completely boned.
Playing Cho'Gath into Sylas might not be as much of a counter, but it comes with extra emotional damage because you besides getting destroyed in lane by Sylas, you know you are also giving him permanent hp for and a strong execute for free.
Oh hey, that is my Reddit post lol. I didn't even realize it got people talking so much. Cool though, to see it spark a conversation the community could engage with.
The hardest matchup i have ever played : pick Galio against 4 AP, then the ennemy midlaners picks Vayne. I had play safe as i can, but there is nothing to do
Maybe not as immediate of an issue early, but I feel like Nasus just presses W on an enemy Yasuo or Yone who won their lane and suddenly they're useless.
@@Yokai_YuriMaybe Poppy but definitely not Rammus. You are actually stronger vs Rammus before getting berserker boots. The more attack speed you get the harder he counters you. Yasuo will only outscale rammus when he gets mr items like mercs or qss
Sorry, but I dont believe you on the Teemo annivia part. I have an idea, why one might consider it a bad matchup, but I dont see how it could be so bad, that you would include it in the worst matchups in the game. Especially because Teemo will always have his ult to play around later in the game. In my opinion matchups like Morde vs Vayne and Briar vs Jax are much tougher.
@@gergelyritter4412 In what world is teemo beating anivia? You also say "teemo has his ult" with what items will his ult do damage? You're getting perma zoned/stunned and the lane is LITERALLY unplayable. Post 6 you might as well just go roam but she'll be level 9 before you even hit 6. You will need jungler ganks but she has a whole ass wall and stun to prevent that from occurring. She can also just choose to not build glass cannon since anivia doesn't need raw AP to be useful.
0:16 yo that's invaderxive, I loved that dude! Very chill content, he mained morgana mid which I started playing because of him and she's probably still my most played champ
I think the worst matchup is Cho gath vs Lillia in toplane. Cho become just a slow HP bag that Lillia can harass endlessly without any risk with her speed.
That's 1. Subjective and 2. Wholly depends on Lilia's performance. As much as she can use her movespeed to kite around, one q and she's pretty much dead due to how squishy she actually is if you can get a hold on her. Good Cho's would use that fact and start with everfrost to gain enough dominance on the lane until they either get more dmg (going full AP) or more tankiness
@@midknightcrisis8612isnt what you just said subjective as hell? And your second point defeats the first one. Then you also go on about what a good cho would do, which makes you a hypocrite based on what you said earlier
@@tommyfanzfloppydiskim pretty sure she is out of range of your E thats why its cancer to deal with for cho you effectively can only land w and a sort of reliable Manner
Basically any time i'm support (as a Janna) and the enemy bot is lux + someone else with long range. Samira, Cait, Jinx, or Trist for example. Lux catches a freeze and you basically instantly get deleted. And she harasses with that orb ball constantly. Then by the time you're roaming you gotta constantly deal with her R in team fights. Also Urgot top versus Mundo felt horrible. I was Urgot and lost terribly. Can't really dodge the axes or advance at all.
Malphite is an anti ad champion. Sylas is AP heavy. +1 Sylas Malphite has 0 health sustain with only a shield, Sylas passive hits in an Aoe around him for magic damage + 1 Sylas. Malphite Q is 8 seconds rank 1 and costs 1/5th of his mana bar, Sylas has an 8 second q that hits 2 times costing 1/8th of his mana bar + 1 Sylas Malphite W hits really hard and scales with increased armor, Sylas W heals him deals magic damage and gets higher the less health he has + 1 Sylas Malphite E lowers attack speed and hits in an area, Sylas E has a dash and a stun/ Knockup + 1 Sylas Malphite Ults a targeted location knocking up All enemies in that area, Sylas can steal that ult and use it against Malphite + 1 Sylas. Conclusion there is nothing Malphite has on Sylas anywhere in his kit.
btw jax has a 43% winrate vs garen, but winrate isn't the right stat to check, atleast not on it's own, you need to see what was the average winrate before, so you need to see the delta (change from avg to this specific matchup), for jax vs garen matchup jax "only" loses ~7% more often vs garen (down from 50% avg), while malphite vs sylas has a bigger change of ~9% from 52.5% avg to 43.5%.
playing vs jax as garen is hilarious because hes constantly trying to predict your q with his e, just do a little bait and switch and the kill is free. att. DEMACIA
Super rare match up but Urgot vs Rammus top is VERY one sided unless you're an Urgot main who never engages, disengage with E whenever Rammus charges at you, and just farm till BC. Watched an Urgot instantly kill himself with W at lvl 2 against a Rammus with just W on, then TP in and dying to a 100 health Rammus again. I saw it a few times as a direct counter pick, lane was always lost immediately by lvl 2 most of the time. Only one GM tier Urgot won lane, he did not do anything and waited for Rammus to get impatient, it was a real top gap and show of knowledge.
I recently read on reddit that playing kalista into vex is miserable. Iirc there was a commenter who would lane swap with the adc to pick vex into kalista bot.
I think the reason the winrate is so high for sylas when playing against a malphite (no matter the lane) is the ult of malphite on syles. One of the strongest ults in the game if you go full ap and sylas can use in tf and decide the game
@@MrRyuasdid you watch the video? Even With comet malp has a 40% winrate against sylas. On 1.7k matches 5:16 What type of sylas your playing against 💀
@@kek_9866 Riot has stated before those sites arnt very good at judging match ups. Sylas hard HARD loses to a comet malphite who knows what they are doing, you just get poked out pre 6. Post 6 you still win but you have to respect his burst.
@@MrRyuas "riot has stated before" this doesn't work on this context because the one who revealed the top 4 worse match ups is a riot employee, so your statement is already contradicted Galaxy smash same with Phreak is a riot employee, at this point you are high on copium with malp comet Did you even watch the same video? I'm seriously baffled 💀
@@MrRyuas How could Malp even outrun Sylas trades & all in lol. Sylas EW reach him as soon as Malp Q done his cast time. And then wave zoning the rest of encounters.
I can say for certain the worst matchup is Kassadin vs Tristana mid. As Kassa you literally can't farm, not in the lane and rather difficult under the tower. The moment you hit lvl 6 you are already out of the race because Tristana's gold advantage is too huge for you to fight her, even with your jungler the best scenario is to trade kills. Picking Tristana vs Kassa is such a d1ck move, it's like removing a whole enemy teammember. If someone knows how to deal with that as Kassa (aside from switching lanes since that Tristana will always follow you) please tell me.
The difficulty with "worst matchups" is where you draw the line of "what counts as a valid matchup?" Because, Yuumi has a 0% winrate against many top and jungle matchups, but most people don't consider Yuumi to be a valid solo lane or jungle. If we go for larger sample size: Plat+ Naafiri vs. Briar in the last 30 days is a 37% winrate for Naafiri, with over 2100 games of sample, that's more than the Malphite Sylas mid matchup sample! I guess Riot doesn't consider that a "valid" matchup since they only consider Naafiri a midlaner, but 9% of plat+ naafiri games are jungle. So I'd like to know what matchups Riot considered "Valid" for this list because you have to arbitrarily decide which matchups "count".
Gwen vs sion. You can dodge q with e, you can dodge q with w, you can do guaranteed full q when he qs. You slap him early game, you eat him as ap fiora in late game
I always wondered how Bel'Veth Vs Briar was before Bel'Veth Nerfs but after Briar buffs. I don't think I ever lost to her, and she could never out duel me. You could effectively hit all 4-5 Bel'Veth Qs on her since she had a self taunt, you had a free W since she can't side step it, and if you knew her E was not on cd you could save 1 Q and could dodge her E and she could never stun you/push you away, and you could use your E to predict her W bite to reduce the damage.
A good briar would not engage you until you used at least one direction q and w. After that it's mostly a matter of DPS - she'd usually also hold her E to when you're using yours, mitigating a good chunk of your E burst while forcing you to cancel early and dash to dodge or to eat the (sum of knockback, knockup and stun) 2.5s hard cc. If the briars you face didn't do that at least, they're prob just not good briar players.
@@midknightcrisis8612 yeah but as a bel'veth if it's gotten to the point where Briar is the one invading you instead of you invading Briar, then something really bad has happened early game. So engaging doesn't matter if suddenly Bel'Veth appears in your jungle and you either don't have W or your W makes her run to her.(I am talking about pre-Bel'veth nerf btw, as I have not had this matchup on new patch)
@@gergelyritter4412 I'm not sure why you would want to lane with briar. She has no ability to really control herself and I could see you running head first into towers 24/7.
Yorick vs Morde is arguably just as bad. If you have Maiden summoned already, he can ult you away from her, and if you hold it until he ults you, your Maiden + Ghouls get left behind in his ult when you come out of it. Same with Yorick's wall. So cancer.
@@jackiebicboichan1674 ngl, it is a trick matchup but also 100% solved. You go QWE and if they have fight winning CC other than morde just build QSS first. It is unfun but you are actually favoured heavily once you learn the matchup.
I have played Quinn vs Garen. Poor Garens can not do A SINGLE thing. Their lives become extremely miserable. I have been playing for 7 years and I have never played a more one-sided matchup in this whole time
Is not bad, I stomp so many Irelias because they end up being way too aggressive(gold 2) and q into my tower and take a tower shot. Can't count how many times that has happened. Just gotta be patient, when you get a kill or two you are too far ahead. Never fight her early and always know when she's about to hit lvl 2 and e and q you
Probably because most people don‘t play Irelia to her full potential, and she has to actually fight him directly. Kinda hard to mess up stealing and going in with Malph R.
It's very skewed due to Irelia's difficulty. Yes, Irelia hard counters Yorick, _when played well._ I'm a Yorick main, trust me when I tell you that the difference in lane between an Irelia that actually knows what they're doing vs a clueless one is huge. Every time I've beat Irelias it's because they really suck at the champion. Otherwise I can't beat them. It's pretty much the same with other champions. You'll almost always win against bad Irelias.
I was expecting Yorick vs Irelia. For non Yorick players, Yorick today is pretty much 90% dependant on his ghouls to do any damage. He does insane damage when he gets 3 items. Unfortunately for Yorick, Irelia's Q oneshots his ghouls. She can safely deny Yorick of playing the game. Even if she is first timing Irelia
the thing i don't understand riot logic is like why give a summoned unit a lots of HP just to get 1 shotted by a freakin auto attack Yorick ghoul can tank a full charged sion Q but died to 1 auto attack from weakest champion
Yorick vs Irelia is godawful. Irelia invalidates 80% of Yorick's kit. Oh, you spawn ghouls? Let me instagib them with Q, healing me, fully stacking my passive and giving me free engage on you immediately after I have gutted your entire damage source.
not to be that guy but 95% chance isn't the proper wording here, because confidence interval doesn't reflect chance. better said is that we are 95% confident that this interval covers the true wintrate. meaning if we repeated these said 4000 matchup a 100 times we are confident that 95 of those has the true matchup percentage. while chance in the other hand is the probability of it being in that interval and that's not how this statistic work. =D
First of all, 95% is nowhere close to 100%. It's 1/20 away from 100%. That means there's a fairly significant chance that the winrate would be outside the range when further games are recorded. 1000 games is simply too small of a sample pool. One single person could have 500 of those games honestly. I would say there's next to no confidence that the winrate would be in that specific range when 100,000 games are played. It's honestly just a toss up. At the end of the day a win comes down to the many variables of a 5 vs 5 experience, and has way more weight than your lane match up as a variable.
@@Kyle-nm1kh i was implying to his interpretation of the confidence interval and not the method itself that's the first thing. Secondly there is never 100% in anything in this world that's why we use these intervals. also 1/20 from a 100% is the dumbest way of explaining significance that I ever heard. its 5/100 away from 100. you changing the magnitude doesn't change the narrative. thirdly we have already the average weight of the matchups as a winrate and he identified the other factors as biases and there might be effect modification that we need to account like itemization and what not. However the central limit theory probably hold since the matches follow a normal distribution and that needs to be tested. so its fairly safe to calculate a margin of error with that sample size. Now sit the fuck down
You’re correct with the confidence interval interpretation. But there isn’t even a reason to conduct a confidence interval. 1193 isn’t our sample size, it’s our population size. 1193 represent every single occurrence of this particular event in patch 13.20. We already have the population mean wr which is 41.83%. There’s no greater data set or occurrences of this match up than those 1193 matches unless he’s using 13.20 as the sample to make an inferences on every patch before that which just wouldn’t make sense either.
@@snarf5128 You're absolutley right. However, Judging on the video he is making reference to a hypothetical population which has far greater matches to refer to the true wr of the matchup given there is less biases and random error. the current sample although it is the population but the true wr might be somewhere else if the matchup was instead played 10,000 times or something
generally speaking sylas works like that in many match ups. i remember a time in pro play when they first picked kennen a lot. they would always counterpick sylas because sylas with kennen ult is esentially kennen but just better. same here hes malphite but with better qwe abilities. sylas is also good into tf. sylas is esentially a great counter against any champ that relies heavily on his ult , while the rest of the kit isnt that powerful. so he gets to have the same powerful ult, but with better basic abilities.
And the maiden is trash on sylas because he doesn t have yorick's E...but i would t rate it sutch a Bad matchup. At least sylas Can dash above the cage and should roam anyway to get R elsewhere(yorick gonna get a higway very quickly when sylas roams tho). It s a Bad matchup but i don t beleave it s among the 10 worst ones
@@debilusm8297 I mean I've won it from roams or ganks but mid to late game Yorick with his r up just dumpsters you since your passive is technically an AOE ability and not an aa so you do 0 DMG to his ghouls and maiden and you just get smashed, it's the same reason you can't build nashors on sylas because your passive won't proc the nashors DMG
Im guessing sylas already does well vs malphite, dont think its the worst match up just based on this alone though. My guess is that not only sylas disable malphite from the enemy team but also steals his r to then disable the rest of the team lol. Also sylas can use malphite r better than malphite.
Both Malphite and Sylas can be played in all roles so I'm surprised it's not top five worst match ups. Edit before anyone says anything I take back the five and stick it at four because given the state of the last few patches, I forgot ADC was a thing.
Late game yi's true damage will shred through rammus. It's up to your team to take him out while you give a couple second distraction as rammus, but we all know that coordination in league is rare.
The worst matchup I encountered was Briar vs Qiyana. You can't literally fight her because of her invisiblity. Even worse: You will target something else.
@@germanpotatoe8527just plain wrong. It 's because of a well timed displacement immunity which literally a ton of champs have. Yone E, k'sante W and R, Warwick Q, Ornn W and corki buffed W. For ults it's Briar, camille, malphite, viego, vi, vex, tahm, shyvana, sett, reksai, nocturne, kalista, hecarim, illaoi, jarvan. Although some of these are harder to time well it's possible with all of those to mitigate the Zoe sleep.
What the worst matchup would be depends on your rank, in anything lower than something like diamond 2 ish you can play a bad matchup and still go even/win because your opponent isnt abusing the reasons why they can beat you to their fullest potential, in tf vs yasuo matchup which is completely impossible vs a decent yasuo, if the yasuo is bad he will use his windwall at random times and let you fight back
4th worst matchup : comparing toplaner vs jungler 0:44 on both jungle and top at once 3rd 2nd and 1st worst matchup : comparing the same champions on 3 different lanes due to the same difference (AP based vs armor based champ & ult diff)
Except -you'll never see Annie or ivern as Sion -sion loses most matchups anyway -heimer just won't place his Ult target vs an enemy who can effectively nullify it (syndra being another example)
@@midknightcrisis8612 teamfighting sion builds will often see Annie/Ivern (might become more common next patch too because of hullbreaker nerf), but tbh the most common scenario is yorick’s maiden. And yeah I honestly thought sion vs fiora/vayne was going to be on the video
Hello there! I am one of the first human beings in this comment section! Yea i know it is not important for only 99,9% of you, but still i wanted to comment something I hope you have a good day or a night and keep it going! Don't stop chasing your dreams! (i just wanted to comment something didn't think it was gonna be inspirational lol)
Yorick vs Kalista Yorick vs Zeri Yorick vs Irelia Rammus vs Trundle Sylas vs Yorick Yes, i am Yorick main, how could u tell? But im still banning Jax because Irelia players have no hands and Zeri and Kalista arent popular on Top lane. Sylas passive is bugged so he deals almost negative dmg to ghouls with AAs.
found a bug in pbe you might already know about, if you buy sell then undo twice with an experimental hexplate you can get any ult cooldown down to like 20 seconds
As a Teemo main I'd have to say one of his worst match ups is Malphite whether it be in mid or top. You either just dont do enough damage to him to matter and his jungler comes up and he engages with ult to kill you 2v1 or he's full ap and one shots you no matter what.
Playing malphite vs sylas is doable if u play the tank setup with grasp, double mr runes, dorans shield second wind, etc etc, u might even kill him when he goes over aggressive, issue is when he steals ur ult after lane and is a much better malphite than u are.
I'm a velkoz one trick who plays mid and Fizz is a mandatory ban every single game but I consider the Naafiri matchup to be much much worse. Currently the sample size is low but Naafiri has a 60.83% win ratio mid with Fizz only a point or so behind which is wild. Champions that are reliant on skillshots get absolutely fucked by Naafiri who can simply block them all with the pack then gapclose over terrain to oneshot you, the matchup is truly unwinnable unless Naafiri is lobotomised irl.
A horrible matchup is yorick vs irelia, she doesnt care about your wall, and can dash on your 4 goulhs, oneshooting them, and getting full passive, this matchup is so unfun
That was only true back in previous seasons before people learnt to master Riven. Overall, it's a matchup that Riven dictates and controls when to pick fights, since her kit has so much mobility and cc, so in order for Garen to win, he has to play smart. Tank Garen is no longer the best way to win anymore.
I dont know if this is mentioned in the video, but ezreal vs nillah is absolute chaos. Ezreal is slower than nillah, nillah also gets a movement speed buff, she has 2 dashes both being longer and quicker than ezreal's dash, her ult is longer than ezreals dash so tou cant e out of it, her w stops you from landing q or autos which is all your damage since you cant really proc w. Its consistently had like a 70%+ win rate into ezreal
Worst matchups I remember were 2 Old Quinn vs Trynda as she could poke him all day and when he jumped onto her she could Q to blind him for some time then use her E to get distance, Trynda couldn't do anything. After Trynda was forced to use R she could R to kill him as Valor pretty easy. Old Galio vs Cassio, just the way his old W used to work completely destroyed her and made landing her extremely easy as she was a healing pot for him.
rammus has a free win jungle-wise if he goes against any mainly auto attack or heal reliant jungler. Btw you lose to brair and warwick before you get any items (besides jungle pet which doesn’t really count). Brair permanently loses after you have a cloth armor and both level 3+, this goes on until the rest of the match even if you are full build. Warwick has a winning matchup until you get Bramble Vest (first buy once you full clear so basically before 4 minutes he wins), same situation as brair. Yi loses at all stages of the game, it’s not fair. Your able to 1v1 all of those (his easiest matchups) even if you are 2 levels below but even in items. btw diamond rammus that perma band lillia and dodges all nunu matchups lmao
Also Zac is a really easy matchup if he decides to go the tank route because you cut off all of his healing, can’t escape because you save q for when he charges leap, e is a good lockdown and to retarget ultimate, and lastly he can’t escape even with passive
Other really bad matchup: Garen vs Quinn. Just can't reach her without ghost, constantly getting poked and her E or Q can easily prevent Garen from last hitting cannon minions (the dash interrupts autos, it even triggers Mundo's passive).
irelia vs yorick cuz she stack her passive instantly while removing 50% of yorick dmg but in lategame you can 1v1 her if you are at bit more fed then she is
Renekton VS Illaoi is just a teamwide death sentence if your comp can't deal with her. Once she gets an item there is no hope of ever beating her 1v1. You could argue once she gets her ult. You have to space so well to barely go even.
I won it too a couple times but it wasn't because of any outstanding play on my part. Illaoi missed a pull and I punished early, I knew I had a window before she hit 6 where I could probably kill her again and I did. I still couldn't do anything to expand that lead after she hit 6 and thankfully my bot lane won. In most cases it is a brutal matchup@@MAX_DJM
its not that hard to win XD, you legit go for short trades and avoid her E, i play illaoi, its hard to deal with that shit, yeah i can win if i hit my E but you can dodge it with yours and your burst is better than mine, E in, W, fury Q and E out, but it gets harder as time goes on and after a few items you don t really win anymore, however you can get a decent lead from early alone.
Have you ever played Vayne vs Malphite? I'm surprised that wasn't there because Malphite brutally stomps Vayne. You can't trade, you can't sustain, he just pokes and slows you because you're such short range, and then he can almost 1 combo you at level 6. But in my opinion, the worst matchup is low ELO mental vs an enemy Master Yi with first blood. I can't be the only one that feels like Yi getting first blood and one of your teammates typing "gg" at 4 minutes is basically synonymous.
Malphite having the worst matchups is hilarious because he also happens to have some of the most one sided ones for himself too. Being the go-to champ to shut down any champs that rely heavily on auto attacks. Tryndamere vs Malphite is pain, Jax vs Malphite is pain, even ranged tops suffer vs him.
Renekton into malphite is SUFFERING. You have no hope in that matchup and you get outscaled so hard. Jax and Trynd can at least farm to be late game monsters.
Karma top go brrrr
That's why I don't like Malphite
Legit just a counter pick champ
It's super unfair primarily because his point and click slow, that also speeds him up. It works as engage, and disengage and poke. Which is fuuuuun.
And then the dude "counterpicking" jax with malphite takes grasp and levels E cause he's thinking of stacking armor and gets absolutely destroyed. Not as free as u think.
Truly a good example of riots statistics being that the same matchup 3 times is the worst matchups.
They are played in 3+ roles.
Sylas is a good mid/top/jg
Malph I see as top/mid/sup/jg
This worst matchup is sylas vs malph in all 3 roles top mid and jg
Unless your lack of proper grammer is making me misunderstand you, I hope this clears it up
@@cryochick9044 youre stuck in s9
@@Hinami2000 Not really. There's plenty of Malphite mains throughout the world that are D2+ and do all 3 roles. I play fill 100% of the time since I am not interested to be a challenger and usually peak around D1. And I can tell you that if you gonna pick Zed mid do not expect me to play anything else than malphite
@@cryochick9044 Man if you want to roast somebody about grammar, then at least have proper grammar yourself before you write anything.
Malphite Vs Sylas is what came to mind when I thought of terrible matchups. Didn't think I would be right 3 times...
Funny how that Malphite gets super countered while my enemies malphite is 20/0/0 with 900 armor and we only have ad.
malphite players are just degenerates
Enemt Malphite be like: "Stop hitting yourself, Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself!"
I’m happy we have champs that punish poor drafting
Anti Carries suck asssssss
20% of that is your fault.
It's so cool how this makes so much sense. The 2 armor oriented tanks getting so hard countered by the most durable and sustain ap bruisers. Bonus points to Sylas for being able to steal one of the best ults in the game too
Sylas vs Malphite is just Sylas being a better Malphite
So true
Lmao lies
mega maybe
You missed one matchup: Malphite vs Sylas in the support role.
Yeah it's terrible for both ADCs 😢
The ADC's: ( 0_o). (0_o )
@@LuckyGnom not for the one who got the sylas tho. sylas support is strong depending of the enemy ultimates. in this case, the only fact that malphite is in the game is enough to sylas support to be valiable
Not really? If lee sin support can work it sure as hell will for sylas. Malphite also used to be a support and can still be played in that role. He literally just rushes heart and tanks the enemy adcs attack speed to zero.
@@LuckyGnomI'd love and prefer to get sylas support that knows how to play than malp
i mean, i imagine every time someone picks malphite first they are probably aware that if anyone picks an ap lane vs them they dont get to play the game. Thats why mal has an inflated winrate, cause its only good (and picked) vs ad laners.
I'd specify the ap opponent has to have either resilience or sustain as well. With no resilience, you can still afford a trade every time your shield is up, whittling them down, bc malph excels in short, statcheck trades. With no sustain, you can opt into Q max malph and poke them. For both, you want to hit them into the sweet spot - high HP enough where they aren't forced to recall, but low enough that they can't risk to all in bc of a good chance of them dying. Once you get there, you can freely farm for the most part; an early mercs often suffices to keep them at bay until you get your core items without investing much into mr. Had my fair share of kennen and akali matchups won that way, but this is generally more applicable to midlane which has a lot of no-sustain, fragile mages.
malphite is not good vs anyone with a functioning brain
@@StarStew Well, somehow he is top tier top laner in challenger elo, so its not really true, he is really safe on lane and flipping half of teamfights, mainly picked as counter to top hypercarries
@@StarStewahh so 369 adam and other pros who demolish on bruisers are just bad players. Good to know
@@StarStewso the best toplaners in the world dont have a brain?
I'm not surprised at number 1. The combos you can get are CRAZY when you play well.
Same with number 2
and number 3
@@averonisgaming9023 Personally I think number 2 is a bit more surprising than number 1 and number 3, but it does depend on your point of view.
Problem with a lot of toplane champions is that picking anything that isn't a stable meta bruiser in blind (meta tanks as well, but malphite suffers due to his kit) is a death sentence to getting counterpicked and heavily outscaled.
That's why I stopped playing top lane unless you blind pick the most gogabroken meta character you'll have to face a counterpick bcs the support player wouldn't give you last pick
Unless you are in really high elo. No one knows how to actually counter and to keep the pressure on. If you follow basic fundamentals like wave manipulation, level up timers, and trading around cooldowns, you can win nearly any matchup and neutralize the rest. Countering is not brainless. The enemy has to follow a gameplan and not everybody knows what it is.
@@zat1245 "match up make no sense in low elo, i know someone that is bullying everyone with renatta top" what you are saying is wrong, match up do happen in lane at any elo, and even in silver player will kill pressure you with darius level one. Its easy to pick a range champ top, not trade, and claim "look, i can manage my wave easily without having to engage into the match up" no shit sherlock? you are playing range champion even a bronze would have the wave control in a range vs melee match up.
@@Ebpeeba Or he’ll play passive too often because he doesn’t know his strength. Or he’ll overcommit at the wrong time. Or he’ll focus too hard on you and neglect the wave state. Or he’ll use a cooldown on a wave then walk too close. Or you’ll bait out a cooldown and he’ll get punished. Or…
Yeah this list can honestly keep going. There are a million things that can go wrong and this is just when focusing on the laning phase (in low elo leads matter way less because no one knows how to win games and throws leads).
Some may know what to do in the beginning, hell, some may know what to do often. But they aren’t perfect at it otherwise they wouldn’t be as low as you. If you see no windows, you’re just not good at finding them yet or you’re not good at creating them.
I also never said anything about ranged champs. You don’t need a ranged champ to do this. You just need good fundamentals that are better than the other guys and lemme tell you, that’s a low bar to climb.
Mathematically speaking Azir Top into yuumi is a rough match up too 🥺
The cat simply just eats the bird even if he is full of sand
A reletivly fresh one is Naafiri vs Mordekaiser. I don't know which patch exactly changed it, but one of the more recent ones made it so Naafiri's hounds CANNOT enter the death realm. When they could Naafiri had a decent chance in the 1v1, now she can't deal damage, and without a miraculous wall it's barely worth trying to escape.
try playing kaisa into naafiri mid, pure pain
Naafiri versus Irelia in midlane is unplayable from Naafiri, Irelia oneshots dogs with Q, and Naafiri ult just provides Irelia with full Q stacks+healing
@@SupportKing1 Diana is also quite good into Naafiri, the burst and slight tankiness makes it a hard matchup for her I also think Dianas QW kills the dogs quite easily.
my favourite naafiri counter is malz, his e consistently one shots her dogs and will then either infect naafiri herself or another dog. In practise that means malz e has about 100+ effective range vs naafiri it's so dumb. Also malz into any squishy dive assassin is going to be rough.
Naafiri is prone to bad matchups.
Ziggs actually can throw his bombs of her dogs. It just means she has literally no way of dodging his poke, which is designed to be highly dodgeable, if her dogs are spawned. It also means she has no way of having her dogs either since they get one shot pretty much.
Then she loses in terms of push, and in terms of scaling... ziggs gets a global ult too meanwhile naafiri is stuck in lane. Even if naafiri gets on ziggs her engage is so telegraphed you can just put a W at your feet and knock her away.
I think the most brutal slaughter I've ever witnessed was when a friend of mine had a Lillia obsession, so he picked her in top lane and wound up fighting a Mordekaiser.
To think the king of the Death Realm would be absolutely defenseless against a deer lady. It reached the point where Mordekaiser just gave up the moment Lillia was spotted heading in his general direction because there was no way for him to fight back or run away.
dumbs is terrified
because lillia is broken lol she has everything
max hp damage, burn, true damage, movespeed (a lot), AoE hard CC, dash over walls and pretty much every damage is splash + AP champion
@@its_xen0nnwait, she doesn't have a dash over walls
Lillia just completely dumpsters a fuck ton of top laners to be fair. The big meaty ones in particular, like Cho and Ornn
W can@@eduard8466
Thank you very much for the information but that doesn't matter because my bot lane goes 3/21 every single game.
hey hey hey i take offense to that, ill have you know i went 4/21 last game
It makes sense that the worst matchups in the game would be champions designed vs AD champs, playing against AP champs.
No really. What about pure support vs damage dealers?
Do you think that Braum/Ali/Soraka can beat any damage dealers their own?
Braum vs Rumble will just burn..
@@michalhrbek3541 They are only considering realistic mathups, that happen a decent amount. Of course you could say that Yuumi top is bad against Riven or smth when there was only 10 troll games of Yuumi vs Riven and Yuumi lost 90% of them. But thats useless data
@@gustaaavo Yeah sure, but premise - Worst matchup =/= realistic matchup. :)
For rammus yes. For malph no. the reason why he sucks vs. him is because he just steals his ult which is what matters. He also deals burst damage rather than poke so it's just a double whammy. You can take malphite mid and not have any issues at all against other APs so I'm not really sure why you'd say that.
What about yorick vs irelia? It's like irelia was tailor-made to counter yorick. She just q's the four ghouls (which she always one-shots btw) and boom, she has full stacked passive.
good fuck yorick
Same with Naafiri, Irelia can easily Q her dogs and stack passive
Yorick is still worse than naafiri since he relies more on his ghouls than nafiri on the dogs@@meninoserio3128
Ya until I miss judge a q and dont kills a minion OR i misclick it cause of all the minions
I played it a lot, even when supersafe always full hp she suddenly can one shot you with R even if u dodge E. (Even if she starts 0/2 coz your jg helped u still lose
Vandril actually nailed the meaning of a confidence interval. I'm impressed
Isn’t his interpretation incorrect since confidence interval isn’t a statement of the probability of this specific event occurring. The correct interpretation would be “we are 95% confident the true malphite vs sylas wr falls between .3899 & .4467.
I don't think his calculation of the confidence interval was correct either. A +/- 2.85% error on 41.83 is not 38.99 to 44.67, it's 40.64 to 43.02. He added the margin of error instead of multiplying it.
@@ellienyahThe CI is just the observation +/- MOE. It's the margin not standard error, he has already chosen the z-score (if that's the multplication you are thinking of).
6:56 my man you have balls for still adding this to the video
Aatrox vs Mundo right after rework
Literally one of the only matchups where your own passive works against you.
Not the absolute worst but pretty hard
how ur passive will work against you explain please
@@icesugar1616 Mundo has to pick up the canister, which Aatrox can dent with his sweet spots
@@kingol4801 aatrox also has constant knockups, causing Mundo to take extra current HP% every time his passive is up
This bonus dmg is factored into aatrox healing, basically letting aatrox heal off Mundo passive
@@tencive5749 true im a master mundo otp and i get vietnam flashbacks when they pick aatrox into me, he deals too much base damage + always procing your passive + new buffs with magic damage on w and passive just destroy mundo
Naafiri into irelia. Naafiri R is basically stacks for irelia Q
malphite is a counter champ, if hes being first pick hes being picked wrong, so having a counter pick into your counter pick is HUGE makes 100% sense
Fun fact, the sample size is also lower because many Malphite mains do ban Sylas. As a result you get a negatively skewed win rate on top of the already bad win rate. A higher percentage of Malphites playing against Sylas are not well experienced with Malphite.
you could say the opposite: player pick sylas into malphite because they know its free, get 10/0 but still lose because they are bad with the champ.
Sylas stealing your ult is the biggest problem. Even if he isn't laning against you if he yoinks your ult at any point in the game your teammates are completely boned.
Playing Cho'Gath into Sylas might not be as much of a counter, but it comes with extra emotional damage because you besides getting destroyed in lane by Sylas, you know you are also giving him permanent hp for and a strong execute for free.
Oh hey, that is my Reddit post lol. I didn't even realize it got people talking so much. Cool though, to see it spark a conversation the community could engage with.
The hardest matchup i have ever played : pick Galio against 4 AP, then the ennemy midlaners picks Vayne. I had play safe as i can, but there is nothing to do
Possible to lane swap? Maybe into Galio sp or top?
@@Rncko if your supp is good enough for a swap? yes, if it's like nami or pyke or whatever "supp-only" champ, then you're screwed.
@@oxob3333midlane pyke was still being picked on the regular in high elo last time I checked :^)
Just spam q on wave out of her range and you chill
Chain of anathema second buy, you will see a dead vayne everytime there is a skrimish has more than 2 people
Not lane specific, but playing yasuo vs an enemy poppy or rammus is absolute pain.
How? You outscale them the moment you get your first Mythic + AS boots.
Maybe not as immediate of an issue early, but I feel like Nasus just presses W on an enemy Yasuo or Yone who won their lane and suddenly they're useless.
@@Yokai_YuriMaybe Poppy but definitely not Rammus. You are actually stronger vs Rammus before getting berserker boots. The more attack speed you get the harder he counters you. Yasuo will only outscale rammus when he gets mr items like mercs or qss
R kills them easily
0:37 "Time to reveal number four." then shows Jhin xd
Ad neeko vs gp is like "why i cant have funny game once"
Teemo vs Anivia, Cho vs Illaoi. These are not only very hard in lane, but it gets even harder in mid/late game
Sorry, but I dont believe you on the Teemo annivia part. I have an idea, why one might consider it a bad matchup, but I dont see how it could be so bad, that you would include it in the worst matchups in the game. Especially because Teemo will always have his ult to play around later in the game.
In my opinion matchups like Morde vs Vayne and Briar vs Jax are much tougher.
In what world is teemo beating anivia? You also say "teemo has his ult" with what items will his ult do damage? You're getting perma zoned/stunned and the lane is LITERALLY unplayable. Post 6 you might as well just go roam but she'll be level 9 before you even hit 6. You will need jungler ganks but she has a whole ass wall and stun to prevent that from occurring. She can also just choose to not build glass cannon since anivia doesn't need raw AP to be useful.
0:16 yo that's invaderxive, I loved that dude! Very chill content, he mained morgana mid which I started playing because of him and she's probably still my most played champ
I think the worst matchup is Cho gath vs Lillia in toplane.
Cho become just a slow HP bag that Lillia can harass endlessly without any risk with her speed.
I would perma ban her if it was played even 1% more. Just impossible to land q on her.
That's 1. Subjective and 2. Wholly depends on Lilia's performance. As much as she can use her movespeed to kite around, one q and she's pretty much dead due to how squishy she actually is if you can get a hold on her. Good Cho's would use that fact and start with everfrost to gain enough dominance on the lane until they either get more dmg (going full AP) or more tankiness
@@midknightcrisis8612isnt what you just said subjective as hell? And your second point defeats the first one. Then you also go on about what a good cho would do, which makes you a hypocrite based on what you said earlier
its not that hard, just go ap cho and spam q, or e+q when she comes near.
@@tommyfanzfloppydiskim pretty sure she is out of range of your E thats why its cancer to deal with for cho you effectively can only land w and a sort of reliable Manner
you can check counters on lolalytics, just scroll down and click delta to see champion winrates compared to how they do against their regular winrate
The yorick irelia matchup is pretty awful too since she just Q all ghouls and stack passive while removing all of yoricks damage
Basically any time i'm support (as a Janna) and the enemy bot is lux + someone else with long range. Samira, Cait, Jinx, or Trist for example. Lux catches a freeze and you basically instantly get deleted. And she harasses with that orb ball constantly. Then by the time you're roaming you gotta constantly deal with her R in team fights.
Also Urgot top versus Mundo felt horrible. I was Urgot and lost terribly. Can't really dodge the axes or advance at all.
Yorick vs irellia is actual agony
Malphite is an anti ad champion. Sylas is AP heavy. +1 Sylas
Malphite has 0 health sustain with only a shield, Sylas passive hits in an Aoe around him for magic damage + 1 Sylas.
Malphite Q is 8 seconds rank 1 and costs 1/5th of his mana bar, Sylas has an 8 second q that hits 2 times costing 1/8th of his mana bar + 1 Sylas
Malphite W hits really hard and scales with increased armor, Sylas W heals him deals magic damage and gets higher the less health he has + 1 Sylas
Malphite E lowers attack speed and hits in an area, Sylas E has a dash and a stun/ Knockup + 1 Sylas
Malphite Ults a targeted location knocking up All enemies in that area, Sylas can steal that ult and use it against Malphite + 1 Sylas.
Conclusion there is nothing Malphite has on Sylas anywhere in his kit.
btw jax has a 43% winrate vs garen, but winrate isn't the right stat to check, atleast not on it's own, you need to see what was the average winrate before, so you need to see the delta (change from avg to this specific matchup), for jax vs garen matchup jax "only" loses ~7% more often vs garen (down from 50% avg), while malphite vs sylas has a bigger change of ~9% from 52.5% avg to 43.5%.
playing vs jax as garen is hilarious because hes constantly trying to predict your q with his e, just do a little bait and switch and the kill is free.
Super rare match up but Urgot vs Rammus top is VERY one sided unless you're an Urgot main who never engages, disengage with E whenever Rammus charges at you, and just farm till BC. Watched an Urgot instantly kill himself with W at lvl 2 against a Rammus with just W on, then TP in and dying to a 100 health Rammus again. I saw it a few times as a direct counter pick, lane was always lost immediately by lvl 2 most of the time. Only one GM tier Urgot won lane, he did not do anything and waited for Rammus to get impatient, it was a real top gap and show of knowledge.
I recently read on reddit that playing kalista into vex is miserable. Iirc there was a commenter who would lane swap with the adc to pick vex into kalista bot.
Interesting. Probably because of vex W being a dash cancel and her fear?
@@gergelyritter4412Vex gains Gloom *every* time Kalista uses her passive dash for bonus damage on her next auto
What an original and refreshing video! Thanks Van :)
I think the reason the winrate is so high for sylas when playing against a malphite (no matter the lane) is the ult of malphite on syles. One of the strongest ults in the game if you go full ap and sylas can use in tf and decide the game
this malphite obliterates sylas in lane if you go comet
@@MrRyuasdid you watch the video? Even With comet malp has a 40% winrate against sylas. On 1.7k matches 5:16
What type of sylas your playing against 💀
@@kek_9866 Riot has stated before those sites arnt very good at judging match ups. Sylas hard HARD loses to a comet malphite who knows what they are doing, you just get poked out pre 6. Post 6 you still win but you have to respect his burst.
@@MrRyuas "riot has stated before" this doesn't work on this context because the one who revealed the top 4 worse match ups is a riot employee, so your statement is already contradicted
Galaxy smash same with Phreak is a riot employee, at this point you are high on copium with malp comet
Did you even watch the same video? I'm seriously baffled 💀
@@MrRyuas How could Malp even outrun Sylas trades & all in lol. Sylas EW reach him as soon as Malp Q done his cast time. And then wave zoning the rest of encounters.
I can say for certain the worst matchup is Kassadin vs Tristana mid.
As Kassa you literally can't farm, not in the lane and rather difficult under the tower.
The moment you hit lvl 6 you are already out of the race because Tristana's gold advantage is too huge for you to fight her, even with your jungler the best scenario is to trade kills.
Picking Tristana vs Kassa is such a d1ck move, it's like removing a whole enemy teammember.
If someone knows how to deal with that as Kassa (aside from switching lanes since that Tristana will always follow you) please tell me.
What's with the 1 frame of Jhin at 0:39?
because he says 4
The difficulty with "worst matchups" is where you draw the line of "what counts as a valid matchup?" Because, Yuumi has a 0% winrate against many top and jungle matchups, but most people don't consider Yuumi to be a valid solo lane or jungle.
If we go for larger sample size: Plat+ Naafiri vs. Briar in the last 30 days is a 37% winrate for Naafiri, with over 2100 games of sample, that's more than the Malphite Sylas mid matchup sample! I guess Riot doesn't consider that a "valid" matchup since they only consider Naafiri a midlaner, but 9% of plat+ naafiri games are jungle. So I'd like to know what matchups Riot considered "Valid" for this list because you have to arbitrarily decide which matchups "count".
I think they exclude new champs for longer time
Gwen vs sion. You can dodge q with e, you can dodge q with w, you can do guaranteed full q when he qs. You slap him early game, you eat him as ap fiora in late game
I always wondered how Bel'Veth Vs Briar was before Bel'Veth Nerfs but after Briar buffs. I don't think I ever lost to her, and she could never out duel me. You could effectively hit all 4-5 Bel'Veth Qs on her since she had a self taunt, you had a free W since she can't side step it, and if you knew her E was not on cd you could save 1 Q and could dodge her E and she could never stun you/push you away, and you could use your E to predict her W bite to reduce the damage.
A good briar would not engage you until you used at least one direction q and w. After that it's mostly a matter of DPS - she'd usually also hold her E to when you're using yours, mitigating a good chunk of your E burst while forcing you to cancel early and dash to dodge or to eat the (sum of knockback, knockup and stun) 2.5s hard cc. If the briars you face didn't do that at least, they're prob just not good briar players.
@@midknightcrisis8612 A good Briar will always try to catch someone else out of position
Have you seen what Briar vs Jax top is like?
@@midknightcrisis8612 yeah but as a bel'veth if it's gotten to the point where Briar is the one invading you instead of you invading Briar, then something really bad has happened early game. So engaging doesn't matter if suddenly Bel'Veth appears in your jungle and you either don't have W or your W makes her run to her.(I am talking about pre-Bel'veth nerf btw, as I have not had this matchup on new patch)
I'm not sure why you would want to lane with briar. She has no ability to really control herself and I could see you running head first into towers 24/7.
I am surprised yorick vs irelia didnt make the list. Unwinnable doesnt even begin to cover how brutal it is.
Yorick vs Morde is arguably just as bad. If you have Maiden summoned already, he can ult you away from her, and if you hold it until he ults you, your Maiden + Ghouls get left behind in his ult when you come out of it. Same with Yorick's wall. So cancer.
@@jackiebicboichan1674 ngl, it is a trick matchup but also 100% solved. You go QWE and if they have fight winning CC other than morde just build QSS first. It is unfun but you are actually favoured heavily once you learn the matchup.
@@centor111 I play AP Yorick, so don't think that really applies.
Briar into morganna is pretty brutal. She can counter pretty much everything you need to do. And with besererk you have limited room to dodge cc etc.
Yes because briar needs to stick to her targets to be effective with q and morgana has e and q.
I have played Quinn vs Garen. Poor Garens can not do A SINGLE thing. Their lives become extremely miserable. I have been playing for 7 years and I have never played a more one-sided matchup in this whole time
What about Yorick Vs Irelia. Playing yorick your ghould literaly help irelia (your main source of dmg)
Welcome to Zyra Mid vs Irelia
@@maxor2277zyra have root atleast
Is not bad, I stomp so many Irelias because they end up being way too aggressive(gold 2) and q into my tower and take a tower shot. Can't count how many times that has happened. Just gotta be patient, when you get a kill or two you are too far ahead. Never fight her early and always know when she's about to hit lvl 2 and e and q you
Probably because most people don‘t play Irelia to her full potential, and she has to actually fight him directly. Kinda hard to mess up stealing and going in with Malph R.
It's very skewed due to Irelia's difficulty. Yes, Irelia hard counters Yorick, _when played well._ I'm a Yorick main, trust me when I tell you that the difference in lane between an Irelia that actually knows what they're doing vs a clueless one is huge. Every time I've beat Irelias it's because they really suck at the champion. Otherwise I can't beat them.
It's pretty much the same with other champions. You'll almost always win against bad Irelias.
I think playing Rammus Top into Urgot has to be the most hilarious nightmare for Urgot
The Jhin frame at 0:38 is just hilarious.
It's crazy to me that they have this data, and don't tone down the AP ratio on Malphite R for Sylas.
I was expecting Yorick vs Irelia.
For non Yorick players, Yorick today is pretty much 90% dependant on his ghouls to do any damage. He does insane damage when he gets 3 items.
Unfortunately for Yorick, Irelia's Q oneshots his ghouls. She can safely deny Yorick of playing the game. Even if she is first timing Irelia
the thing i don't understand riot logic is like why give a summoned unit a lots of HP just to get 1 shotted by a freakin auto attack
Yorick ghoul can tank a full charged sion Q but died to 1 auto attack from weakest champion
@imanjx2914 yorick ghouls have AOE damage reduction, they're supposed to die to basic attacks
Yorick vs Irelia is godawful.
Irelia invalidates 80% of Yorick's kit.
Oh, you spawn ghouls? Let me instagib them with Q, healing me, fully stacking my passive and giving me free engage on you immediately after I have gutted your entire damage source.
not to be that guy but 95% chance isn't the proper wording here, because confidence interval doesn't reflect chance. better said is that we are 95% confident that this interval covers the true wintrate. meaning if we repeated these said 4000 matchup a 100 times we are confident that 95 of those has the true matchup percentage. while chance in the other hand is the probability of it being in that interval and that's not how this statistic work. =D
First of all, 95% is nowhere close to 100%. It's 1/20 away from 100%. That means there's a fairly significant chance that the winrate would be outside the range when further games are recorded. 1000 games is simply too small of a sample pool. One single person could have 500 of those games honestly. I would say there's next to no confidence that the winrate would be in that specific range when 100,000 games are played. It's honestly just a toss up. At the end of the day a win comes down to the many variables of a 5 vs 5 experience, and has way more weight than your lane match up as a variable.
@@Kyle-nm1kh i was implying to his interpretation of the confidence interval and not the method itself that's the first thing. Secondly there is never 100% in anything in this world that's why we use these intervals. also 1/20 from a 100% is the dumbest way of explaining significance that I ever heard. its 5/100 away from 100. you changing the magnitude doesn't change the narrative. thirdly we have already the average weight of the matchups as a winrate and he identified the other factors as biases and there might be effect modification that we need to account like itemization and what not. However the central limit theory probably hold since the matches follow a normal distribution and that needs to be tested. so its fairly safe to calculate a margin of error with that sample size. Now sit the fuck down
You’re correct with the confidence interval interpretation. But there isn’t even a reason to conduct a confidence interval. 1193 isn’t our sample size, it’s our population size. 1193 represent every single occurrence of this particular event in patch 13.20. We already have the population mean wr which is 41.83%. There’s no greater data set or occurrences of this match up than those 1193 matches unless he’s using 13.20 as the sample to make an inferences on every patch before that which just wouldn’t make sense either.
@@snarf5128 You're absolutley right. However, Judging on the video he is making reference to a hypothetical population which has far greater matches to refer to the true wr of the matchup given there is less biases and random error. the current sample although it is the population but the true wr might be somewhere else if the matchup was instead played 10,000 times or something
generally speaking sylas works like that in many match ups. i remember a time in pro play when they first picked kennen a lot. they would always counterpick sylas because sylas with kennen ult is esentially kennen but just better. same here hes malphite but with better qwe abilities. sylas is also good into tf. sylas is esentially a great counter against any champ that relies heavily on his ult , while the rest of the kit isnt that powerful. so he gets to have the same powerful ult, but with better basic abilities.
Sylas into Yorick, if you use any abilities you can't kill his ghouls
And the maiden is trash on sylas because he doesn t have yorick's E...but i would t rate it sutch a Bad matchup. At least sylas Can dash above the cage and should roam anyway to get R elsewhere(yorick gonna get a higway very quickly when sylas roams tho). It s a Bad matchup but i don t beleave it s among the 10 worst ones
@@debilusm8297 I mean I've won it from roams or ganks but mid to late game Yorick with his r up just dumpsters you since your passive is technically an AOE ability and not an aa so you do 0 DMG to his ghouls and maiden and you just get smashed, it's the same reason you can't build nashors on sylas because your passive won't proc the nashors DMG
THANK YOU for using percentage points and using them correctly!
Try qiyana vs Vex. Fun as hell
0:38 jhin jumpscare
Im guessing sylas already does well vs malphite, dont think its the worst match up just based on this alone though. My guess is that not only sylas disable malphite from the enemy team but also steals his r to then disable the rest of the team lol.
Also sylas can use malphite r better than malphite.
Both Malphite and Sylas can be played in all roles so I'm surprised it's not top five worst match ups.
Edit before anyone says anything I take back the five and stick it at four because given the state of the last few patches, I forgot ADC was a thing.
I’m actually VERY surprised that number 1 wasn’t Rammus vs Yi.
That matchup has actually been winning for yi at some points in the past couple years
It's not that bad before they buffed rammus and introduced jaksho.
Yi has so much true damage he just shreds through rammus W in late game
Late game yi's true damage will shred through rammus. It's up to your team to take him out while you give a couple second distraction as rammus, but we all know that coordination in league is rare.
The worst matchup I encountered was Briar vs Qiyana. You can't literally fight her because of her invisiblity. Even worse: You will target something else.
I thought the worst one would be Zoe vs Naafiri
The matchup is just straight up unfair cause its nearly impossible for Zoe to hit anything on Naafiri
skill issue tbh
zoe into yone too. for some reason yone has a cleanse on his e. yep yep
I assume it's because her doggos block her e and q if Naafiri turns around @@AnToZKrul
@@germanpotatoe8527just plain wrong. It 's because of a well timed displacement immunity which literally a ton of champs have. Yone E, k'sante W and R, Warwick Q, Ornn W and corki buffed W. For ults it's Briar, camille, malphite, viego, vi, vex, tahm, shyvana, sett, reksai, nocturne, kalista, hecarim, illaoi, jarvan.
Although some of these are harder to time well it's possible with all of those to mitigate the Zoe sleep.
What the worst matchup would be depends on your rank, in anything lower than something like diamond 2 ish you can play a bad matchup and still go even/win because your opponent isnt abusing the reasons why they can beat you to their fullest potential, in tf vs yasuo matchup which is completely impossible vs a decent yasuo, if the yasuo is bad he will use his windwall at random times and let you fight back
Clearly you have never played yorick vs Irelia
And with "you" you mean the stats? So nobody in the world ever played that match up? 🤪
4th worst matchup : comparing toplaner vs jungler 0:44 on both jungle and top at once
3rd 2nd and 1st worst matchup : comparing the same champions on 3 different lanes due to the same difference (AP based vs armor based champ & ult diff)
Sion into Ivern/Annie/Heim is really funny because if they use their r sion can just go ‘fuck outta here’ with his e and completey shut them down 💀
-you'll never see Annie or ivern as Sion
-sion loses most matchups anyway
-heimer just won't place his Ult target vs an enemy who can effectively nullify it (syndra being another example)
@@midknightcrisis8612 teamfighting sion builds will often see Annie/Ivern (might become more common next patch too because of hullbreaker nerf), but tbh the most common scenario is yorick’s maiden. And yeah I honestly thought sion vs fiora/vayne was going to be on the video
Love the 2 Frames of Jhin when you said lets look at number 4.
You know all of Riot as a whole is truly lazy when they come out with “5 worst matchups” and 3 of them are the same match up.
POV: Illaoi vs mordekaiser exists:
Vandiril: Sylas vs Malphite
Karthus gets countered by 160 champs ❤
Sona gets countered by breathing
Surprised kayle into nasus didn't make the list. From level 2 onward nasus has a "counter target kayles kit" key.
Hello there!
I am one of the first human beings in this comment section!
Yea i know it is not important for only 99,9% of you, but still i wanted to comment something
I hope you have a good day or a night and keep it going!
Don't stop chasing your dreams!
(i just wanted to comment something didn't think it was gonna be inspirational lol)
This positivity makes me think you are a bot, good sir. 🧐
@@kimberlymoriarity honestly its not lol i wanted to comment something and havent watched the video yet so i commented something random
Yorick vs Kalista
Yorick vs Zeri
Yorick vs Irelia
Rammus vs Trundle
Sylas vs Yorick
Yes, i am Yorick main, how could u tell?
But im still banning Jax because Irelia players have no hands and Zeri and Kalista arent popular on Top lane.
Sylas passive is bugged so he deals almost negative dmg to ghouls with AAs.
found a bug in pbe you might already know about, if you buy sell then undo twice with an experimental hexplate you can get any ult cooldown down to like 20 seconds
As a Teemo main I'd have to say one of his worst match ups is Malphite whether it be in mid or top. You either just dont do enough damage to him to matter and his jungler comes up and he engages with ult to kill you 2v1 or he's full ap and one shots you no matter what.
Playing malphite vs sylas is doable if u play the tank setup with grasp, double mr runes, dorans shield second wind, etc etc, u might even kill him when he goes over aggressive, issue is when he steals ur ult after lane and is a much better malphite than u are.
congrats on a mill subs!
I'm a velkoz one trick who plays mid and Fizz is a mandatory ban every single game but I consider the Naafiri matchup to be much much worse. Currently the sample size is low but Naafiri has a 60.83% win ratio mid with Fizz only a point or so behind which is wild. Champions that are reliant on skillshots get absolutely fucked by Naafiri who can simply block them all with the pack then gapclose over terrain to oneshot you, the matchup is truly unwinnable unless Naafiri is lobotomised irl.
A horrible matchup is yorick vs irelia, she doesnt care about your wall, and can dash on your 4 goulhs, oneshooting them, and getting full passive, this matchup is so unfun
I remember back in the day going malzahar into vlad was a freebie, but I guess vlads rework and malzahars nerfs made it playable over the years.
Had a poppy and a veigar counter almost the entire enemy team with 2 spells (lee, rakan, akali, riven, lucian)
I love the jhin that popped out of nowhere when you said number 4
Alistar against Mor. If they had some sense of distancing, black shield invalid you as a champion.
Traditionally Garen was a Riven counter pick and both Annie and Morgana were a Leblanc counter pick. I don’t know how true that is anymore
Doesn t mean it became one of the worst matchups
That was only true back in previous seasons before people learnt to master Riven. Overall, it's a matchup that Riven dictates and controls when to pick fights, since her kit has so much mobility and cc, so in order for Garen to win, he has to play smart. Tank Garen is no longer the best way to win anymore.
I dont know if this is mentioned in the video, but ezreal vs nillah is absolute chaos. Ezreal is slower than nillah, nillah also gets a movement speed buff, she has 2 dashes both being longer and quicker than ezreal's dash, her ult is longer than ezreals dash so tou cant e out of it, her w stops you from landing q or autos which is all your damage since you cant really proc w. Its consistently had like a 70%+ win rate into ezreal
People get to forget the old pantheon vs the old gankplank matchup
riot games vs summoners
Worst matchups I remember were 2
Old Quinn vs Trynda as she could poke him all day and when he jumped onto her she could Q to blind him for some time then use her E to get distance, Trynda couldn't do anything. After Trynda was forced to use R she could R to kill him as Valor pretty easy.
Old Galio vs Cassio, just the way his old W used to work completely destroyed her and made landing her extremely easy as she was a healing pot for him.
i miss the old quinn :(
Ahh yes, killing myself by pressing r and taunting the enemy ad were good times with ap galio.
Rammus vs Briar. This is the first matchup I can bully someone in their jungle as Rammus.
Or Yi. Did that earlier today and I don't play Rammus. First time outside of aram. But poor Yi died before my e ran out late game
rammus has a free win jungle-wise if he goes against any mainly auto attack or heal reliant jungler. Btw you lose to brair and warwick before you get any items (besides jungle pet which doesn’t really count). Brair permanently loses after you have a cloth armor and both level 3+, this goes on until the rest of the match even if you are full build. Warwick has a winning matchup until you get Bramble Vest (first buy once you full clear so basically before 4 minutes he wins), same situation as brair. Yi loses at all stages of the game, it’s not fair. Your able to 1v1 all of those (his easiest matchups) even if you are 2 levels below but even in items.
btw diamond rammus that perma band lillia and dodges all nunu matchups lmao
Also Zac is a really easy matchup if he decides to go the tank route because you cut off all of his healing, can’t escape because you save q for when he charges leap, e is a good lockdown and to retarget ultimate, and lastly he can’t escape even with passive
Other really bad matchup: Garen vs Quinn. Just can't reach her without ghost, constantly getting poked and her E or Q can easily prevent Garen from last hitting cannon minions (the dash interrupts autos, it even triggers Mundo's passive).
I mean Quinn counters most ad bruisers.
I don't think Darius cares tbh 😂
irelia vs yorick cuz she stack her passive instantly while removing 50% of yorick dmg but in lategame you can 1v1 her if you are at bit more fed then she is
Yeah I used to onetrick Yorick for a couple seasons and I would have guessed the exact same
In my experience the worst thing I ever witnessed was Kalista into poppy support. That poor Kalista went 0/5 really fast
Renekton VS Illaoi is just a teamwide death sentence if your comp can't deal with her. Once she gets an item there is no hope of ever beating her 1v1. You could argue once she gets her ult. You have to space so well to barely go even.
I won it Zeus won it broken blade did it
I won it too a couple times but it wasn't because of any outstanding play on my part. Illaoi missed a pull and I punished early, I knew I had a window before she hit 6 where I could probably kill her again and I did. I still couldn't do anything to expand that lead after she hit 6 and thankfully my bot lane won. In most cases it is a brutal matchup@@MAX_DJM
its not that hard to win XD, you legit go for short trades and avoid her E, i play illaoi, its hard to deal with that shit, yeah i can win if i hit my E but you can dodge it with yours and your burst is better than mine, E in, W, fury Q and E out, but it gets harder as time goes on and after a few items you don t really win anymore, however you can get a decent lead from early alone.
What in the actual hell is a "Short trade" I main morde and darius all I know is how to all in.@@crymaker9628
Makes sense. Scales with armor and Sylas just takes his ult to rub it in
Have you ever played Vayne vs Malphite? I'm surprised that wasn't there because Malphite brutally stomps Vayne. You can't trade, you can't sustain, he just pokes and slows you because you're such short range, and then he can almost 1 combo you at level 6.
But in my opinion, the worst matchup is low ELO mental vs an enemy Master Yi with first blood. I can't be the only one that feels like Yi getting first blood and one of your teammates typing "gg" at 4 minutes is basically synonymous.
Diana (Pre ER Swaps) vs Katarina was such a free match back in the days too