Guys, this is NOT a video demonstrating what languages the crusaders speak. This video shows what language they would be realistically speaking IN THAT SITUATION. Polnareff would not speak French to people who don't speak French. Avdol would not speak Arabic to people who don't speak Arabic. They would all speak English to each other, apart from maybe Jotaro and Kakyoin, who would ONLY speak Japanese to EACH OTHER.
Always loved this discourse cause it always rubs off like some westerners really can’t fathom the idea of someone just knowing 2 languages. Literally 2 members of the team were employed by Dio, not only has he been around for decades (it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s learned more languages since his Europe days) he’s literally employing people from all over the world to help him with his goals. With English being his first language, is it really that crazy to think a guy like dio WOULDN’T just hire people who knew a language or two to make coordinating and conversations easier? Ntm on the heroes side Joseph and Avdol came together and Holly’s bilingual herself so it’s not too crazy to imagine everyone might just be either speaking English or Japanese to each other most of the time. Considering how much of this is just orchestrated and organized by dio and spw/joseph, i don’t think it’s too crazy that everyone is on the same page language wise. Like it’s literally just one French guy, 2 Japanese guys, an American and Egyptian dude. Is it really that insane to think this small group of people may just happen to know more than one language?
"We're here to get you out of that cell." "No, I'm possessed by an evil spirit." "What you call an evil spirit is actually a Stand! A resonance of one's soul and fighting spirit!" "Get lost, all of you." "I'm going to use my Stand's fire abilities to make you leave that jail cell." "I said, get lost, chickenface." Man, if only we could understand what the hell they were saying. HOLY SHIT IS THAT GUY SUMMONING FIRE?!
@@StarlitWitchyalthough it was just a gag for the first episode. The sub version has two characters switch to English because the other doesn’t know Japanese. And then the subtitles say that everyone is speaking English to each other
I never understood why he was so upset during 2:05 bcuz I was watching in dub but honestly if I was forced to listen to about 10 girls in fake high pitched voices calling my name like seagulls every single day I’d be in a mental hospital
It is really annoying in the sub. More than dub. The other time I saw that happen was initial d with that girl Keisuke went on a date with. The sub voice annoyed me
@@PaintSplashProductions Joseph has stated he is capable in Kanji. This means his level of Japanese is very high. Which would make sense as would come to Asia often for his job. Also like when he had his affair with Tomoko, which was intimate enough to be more than just physical, as Tomoko stated she loved Joseph. Also Holy refuses to even be referred to as "Holy," and prefers Joseph call her "Seiko." I doubt that in her stout decision to do things in the Japanese way in Japan she would coddle Joseph by speaking to him in English. She even demanded he use a futon.
@@PaintSplashProductions If the English dub is better in that case, why would Dio speak Japanese ("MUDA MUDA!") during time stop? That makes even less sense.
I swear i remember some video with gag like that, where jotaro speaks to dio in japanese, and dio just replies with "wth are you saying, i dont speak chinese"
6:49 Jotaro is so cool in this scene. He calmly reassures his grandma that her husband will be alright because he's there with him. And he continues to speak in a calm and collected manner even while alarms blare and water rushes through the breached hull of the submarine. What a badass.
It's cute that he's so nice to his grandma. I headcanonned that she would visit them often since Joseph was busy as a real estate mogul. So, he got a soft spot for Grandma Suzy.
It was always my headcanon that Dio spoke in Japanese to Jotaro just to taunt him, and because I want the "Muda Muda" in Japanese to be canon, instead of the "Useless Useless". Dio travelled to Japan, after all. I also think the "Muda Muda" in Japanese would be canon for Giorno. He'd speak Italian most of the time, but would revert back to his mother's language when he's angry, as he did during Ciccolata's beatdown.
English dub Polnareff not even trying to do a French accent is such a letdown. I'd love to see a multilingual dub of Part 3 by fans, or at least an attempt to use bilingual/non-native English speaking voice actors for the major roles so each character sounds appropriate.
The french Polnareff VA for the old stardust crusader OVA is excellent, and appreciated by pretty much all french jojo fans (the whole french dub is excellent and very campy)
Holly switching to Japanese while ignoring Joseph is so funny and I wish that's how the scene originally went Really Stardust Crusaders should have constantly had different languages on display considering how diverse the cast was
I cried when Kakyoin died because I feel like I relate to him the most and he’s one of my favorite characters of the whole Jojo series. It’s just hard for me to open up to people.
I love that Joseph does not waste a single moment to troll even in the worst possible situations, but the minute Polnareff and Kakyoin become comedic relief he becomes the voice of reason 😭
Joseph would definitely know how to speak Japanese as for one he states he is capable in Kanji, which means his level of Japanese his very high. Plus he had an affair with Tomoko, in which she stated that she loved him. This would make sense that he can communicate with her on an intimate level.
In conclusion, all of the crusaders (except Iggy and maybe Joseph) are fluent in at least two languages Be like the Stardust Crusaders, become fluent in a foreign language Best add for duolingo ever
Joseph probably knows conversational Japanese. He had an affair with Josuke's mom and he said he could read basic kanji. Moreover, in Part 4, Joseph could understand and converse with high school students who probably don't know how to speak English.
Holly: American that speaks both English and Japanesse Jotaro: Half American, half japanesse that speaks English and Japanesse Joseph: American that speaks English and Japanesse somehow Avdol: Egyptian that speaks Japanesse and English Kakyoin: Japanesse that speaks Japanesse and English Polnareff: A French dude who speaks English Dio: A Bri ish gay vampire who speaks English Yup, languages are cool even in JJBA
Nope just completely wrong and ignorant. It’s because they were massively criticized for it. I personally loved it but people hated. Stop being ignorant and saying things if you don’t even know any basic things.
Nah that’s Leon Kennedy (Matthew Mercer). Chris woulda been Roger Craig Smith around Matt’s time which he’s probably best known for Sonic the Hedgehog and Ezio Auditore da Firenze
I think Avdol, Kakyoin, and Polnareff would speak Arabic to each other. Avdol comes from egypt, polnareff isn't directly stated but he directly worked under DIO, and Kakyoin was on a trip to Egypt when DIO got him, so it makes sense Kakyoin would know Arabic.
TEKKEN gave out that pretty great vibe with Characters speaking in their Native Language, this goes the same with JoJo since everyone we know from Part 1 - Part 3, Part 5 are fluent in their Language, Part 1 and 2 have people speaking in British Accents even though some ot them are Italians, Mexicans (if you count the Pillar Men Mexicans) and Na- *[GERMAN SOLDIERS]* during the whole events, Part 3 gave us a Team that came out of TEKKEN TTT with Jean Pierre Polnareff Franch Man, Muhammed Avdol an Egyptian Fortune Teller, Iggy with the Streets of New York accent, Part 4 isn't Mentioned cuz Morioh just lost the creativity and only get at least one Italian Guy, same goes with Part 6 with Ermes Costello being the first Mexican Female Character I've never knew who existed and can bring inspiration to my cousin cuz we're both Mexican Heritage in the Family, Part 5 is what feels great cuz everyone Speaks Italian and both English and Japanese Dub did pretty well with the speaking in Italian with the combination of both Dubs, even after Ghiaccio's Meltdown felt great to hear in Full English
I feel like Kakyoin wouldn't know any other languages besides his native, unlike Jotaro who would realistically know English cause of his English speaking family side, but Kakyoin being just japanese and also pretty young would most likely just know a very rough basic English Here's what I think the characters languages knowledge would be Holy: fluent in English cause native language and in japanese cause of canonically living 20 years in Japan Jotaro: fluent in both since technically both are his native languages but would speak japanese better than English Avdol: native arabic, probably good enough at English since he's in his late 20's, old enough to have learnt it but not too old to refuse to Joseph: native English, not good japanese cause he's old and would've probably refused to fully commit to it Kakyoin: native japanese, probably pretty rough basic English that he knows because he had to learn in school Polnareff: native french, extremely rough and thick-accented English because he's french and french people are known to refuse to speak other languages correctly Also Joseph and Holy may know some level of italian cause of Suzie Q
Apparently Joseph actually stated he is fluent in Kanji, which would make him actually very fluent. Makes some sense as he also his affair with Tomoko.
Part 1: purely in English with British accent (except for Chinese drug dealer and Zeppeli) Part 2: mostly in English, a little bit of Italian, German +Pillar men talking to each other in their own language Part 3: mostly English, language of people changing depending on region (Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic etc) Everyone having inner thought, talking alone in their native language. Pretty sure Jotaro mutters "yare yare" to himself from time to time. Maybe Avdol talking to locals in Arabic. Part 4: purely in Japanese Part 5: purely in Italian (Jotaro and Koichi talking to each other in JP) Part 6: purely in American English Part 7: purely in American English (maybe Gyro's memories in Italian +minorities like Sandman speaking their native lang) Part 8: purely in Japanese Part 9: purely in English (Havent read that yet but I heard it's set in Hawaii)
EVA actually did this in the anime, It adds an extra layer of realism if you have certain nationalities speaking their languages and have subtitles than all Japanese or all English.
"I've seen a lot of people do this, and every time they have Jotaro not being able to speak a word of english. I highly doubt that, especially with an american mother. You think Holly wouldn't speak english to Jotaro at all?" As someone who grew up with a lot of second/third generation immigrants: yes I really do think that. It's actually extremely common. Even if he did speak English he'd probably have a thick accent.
Guys, this is NOT a video demonstrating what languages the crusaders speak. This video shows what language they would be realistically speaking IN THAT SITUATION. Polnareff would not speak French to people who don't speak French. Avdol would not speak Arabic to people who don't speak Arabic. They would all speak English to each other, apart from maybe Jotaro and Kakyoin, who would ONLY speak Japanese to EACH OTHER.
I mean, we COULD do what Tekken did and have them speak their native language
Their stand speak, so in a way he would be speaking drench
Always loved this discourse cause it always rubs off like some westerners really can’t fathom the idea of someone just knowing 2 languages.
Literally 2 members of the team were employed by Dio, not only has he been around for decades (it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s learned more languages since his Europe days) he’s literally employing people from all over the world to help him with his goals. With English being his first language, is it really that crazy to think a guy like dio WOULDN’T just hire people who knew a language or two to make coordinating and conversations easier?
Ntm on the heroes side Joseph and Avdol came together and Holly’s bilingual herself so it’s not too crazy to imagine everyone might just be either speaking English or Japanese to each other most of the time.
Considering how much of this is just orchestrated and organized by dio and spw/joseph, i don’t think it’s too crazy that everyone is on the same page language wise.
Like it’s literally just one French guy, 2 Japanese guys, an American and Egyptian dude.
Is it really that insane to think this small group of people may just happen to know more than one language?
Also jotaro is half American if his father was American so he would know some English and Japanese
@@robertlafrance9974 His father was Japanese, that's the whole reason why Joseph "hates" the Japanese
The scene of Holly switching to Japanese was very well made
I know rightt? Sh*t was smoother than oil and water mixed together
@joaquinlinsangan6583 so not smooth?😭
@@beebs56 its smoother. Idk maybe I was high on something yesterday.
@@joaquinlinsangan6583 lathe coolant
this shit is lathe coolant
jotaro and joseph: *arguing in english*
the guards and rest of the prisoners: *confused internal screaming*
Guards: (if only we understood this alien language called "English")
"We're here to get you out of that cell."
"No, I'm possessed by an evil spirit."
"What you call an evil spirit is actually a Stand! A resonance of one's soul and fighting spirit!"
"Get lost, all of you."
"I'm going to use my Stand's fire abilities to make you leave that jail cell."
"I said, get lost, chickenface."
Man, if only we could understand what the hell they were saying. HOLY SHIT IS THAT GUY SUMMONING FIRE?!
@@thebiolibrary5572 actually the fire would be invisible really it would be
Hey is it me or it's getting really hot now?
@@genesismultiverse4896Pretty sure English is a common thing to be taught in schools
@@doodlehates_uttp no its a joke of confusion
I was honestly expecting jotaro to talk to Joseph in Japanese while Joseph continued speaking in English out of spite.
Well Joseph can speak japanese
@@Yo-dz2ss I said out of spite.
@@BlueBerry20071that’s fucking hilarious ngl
He would
Jotaro’s voice completely changing when he switches languages is funny
I do that
being bilingual does that i tend to pitch my voice when i speak english and not my native
When I speak english my voice is way deeper than when I speak spanish (my native)
jotaro having mccree va feels roughly accurate
When I speak spanish my voice is deep. However, when speak english it sounds like the one of any random person.
Idk why that happens
I want more multilingual anime just like what Great Pretender did
I must Admit The english in The Great pretender was Fantastic
Ooooohh what did the great pretender do?
@@StarlitWitchy It had the Japanese characters speak Japanese and the English characters speak English
@@StarlitWitchyalthough it was just a gag for the first episode. The sub version has two characters switch to English because the other doesn’t know Japanese. And then the subtitles say that everyone is speaking English to each other
I expected Polnareff to speak French while he's on his own
Theres actually a VF and as a french speaker it makes the anime hilarous
Fun fact: In the OVA when they were in Egypt, the Egyptians spoke Arabic
As an arab ngl I was surprised when I watched it for the first time, didnt expect them to add THAT much detail
@@slm20408nor that much
@ it’s on TH-cam
@@smashbloobird yes that much
I never understood why he was so upset during 2:05 bcuz I was watching in dub but honestly if I was forced to listen to about 10 girls in fake high pitched voices calling my name like seagulls every single day I’d be in a mental hospital
And grabbing his arm without even asking first!! Smh!!!!
It is really annoying in the sub. More than dub. The other time I saw that happen was initial d with that girl Keisuke went on a date with. The sub voice annoyed me
I swear they reused the same line to annoy us and jotaro
@@StarlitWitchy kakyoin: (stare) (menacingly and whispering) he will be mine
I just realized that koichi wears the same school uniform as kayoin. maybe that's why jotaro likes him so much
its confirmed kakyoin is from morioh
plus the fact he has the same hair color and shape as Polnareff
@@Nakedsnake36 wdym no? Its literally been confirmed
@@zukitamo fr?
5:03 this is such a nice detail, love Holly switching languages bc most likely Joseph doesn’t know Japanese that well
That’s why I prefer the English dub because why would an English man who hates Japan so much know fluent Japanese?
@@PaintSplashProductionsbecause the series is from Japan
Because he did Josuke's Momma
@@PaintSplashProductions Joseph has stated he is capable in Kanji. This means his level of Japanese is very high. Which would make sense as would come to Asia often for his job. Also like when he had his affair with Tomoko, which was intimate enough to be more than just physical, as Tomoko stated she loved Joseph.
Also Holy refuses to even be referred to as "Holy," and prefers Joseph call her "Seiko." I doubt that in her stout decision to do things in the Japanese way in Japan she would coddle Joseph by speaking to him in English. She even demanded he use a futon.
@@PaintSplashProductions If the English dub is better in that case, why would Dio speak Japanese ("MUDA MUDA!") during time stop? That makes even less sense.
Jotaro: スタープラチナ
Joseph: Hermit Purple
Polnareff: Chariot d'argent
Avdol: الساحر الاحمر
Iggy: The Fool
@@fabriciodacosta7700 Woof woof
@@fabriciodacosta7700It's actually gonna be *barks*
@@Zulkak1357 ☝️🤓
@@fabriciodacosta7700 More like ☝️🐶
Dio: Sorry, I don’t fucking speak Chinese, Jotaro
Made me chuckle thinking of Dio saying that
I swear i remember some video with gag like that, where jotaro speaks to dio in japanese, and dio just replies with "wth are you saying, i dont speak chinese"
Except about beautiful Duwangs.
@@pacipathyepur not tripping, it is real
6:49 Jotaro is so cool in this scene. He calmly reassures his grandma that her husband will be alright because he's there with him. And he continues to speak in a calm and collected manner even while alarms blare and water rushes through the breached hull of the submarine. What a badass.
Bro that scene really brings the emotion up, I get really hype for the incoming beatdown
It's cute that he's so nice to his grandma. I headcanonned that she would visit them often since Joseph was busy as a real estate mogul. So, he got a soft spot for Grandma Suzy.
I feel like Jotaro would speak Japanese to Dio just to taunt him
"Tf you're yapping about. Speak English damnit" - DIO
Dio is a very learned man. He might understand Japanese.
@@Chickadee777 isnt he technically speaking, a lawyer
It was always my headcanon that Dio spoke in Japanese to Jotaro just to taunt him, and because I want the "Muda Muda" in Japanese to be canon, instead of the "Useless Useless". Dio travelled to Japan, after all. I also think the "Muda Muda" in Japanese would be canon for Giorno. He'd speak Italian most of the time, but would revert back to his mother's language when he's angry, as he did during Ciccolata's beatdown.
DIO: "huh, sorry I don't speak Chinese"
4:46 Hol... Sorry Seiko destroys Joseph verbally
She learned from the best!
English dub Polnareff not even trying to do a French accent is such a letdown. I'd love to see a multilingual dub of Part 3 by fans, or at least an attempt to use bilingual/non-native English speaking voice actors for the major roles so each character sounds appropriate.
The french Polnareff VA for the old stardust crusader OVA is excellent, and appreciated by pretty much all french jojo fans (the whole french dub is excellent and very campy)
His voice fits fine, Jotaro doesn’t have a Japanese accent, nor did avdol have an Arabic accent. Get over it
If it had sounded anything like the accents in part 1 and 2 I’m glad he didn’t do one.
I'm pretty sure they dropped the accents after part 1 and 2 dubs were criticized for being cheesy and dumb
@@menacetosociety471still better because its accurate
switching to japanese to ignore josef is genius
Holly switching to Japanese while ignoring Joseph is so funny and I wish that's how the scene originally went
Really Stardust Crusaders should have constantly had different languages on display considering how diverse the cast was
I cried when Kakyoin died because I feel like I relate to him the most and he’s one of my favorite characters of the whole Jojo series. It’s just hard for me to open up to people.
I feel the same way. I have a far easier time opening up on the Internet for some reason
Well, he sure did open up during his death.
@@Broddstein-r7i THAT IS SO DARK LMAO
@@Broddstein-r7iwow…that one really blew me away
@@cryptdpepsi5989Not only you that was blown away.
What the heck omg now this is better than the original 😂
Polnareff joke have meaning in japanese only so him and kakyoin speaking english at that moment is weird
Polnareff Otaku confirmed
I love that Joseph does not waste a single moment to troll even in the worst possible situations, but the minute Polnareff and Kakyoin become comedic relief he becomes the voice of reason 😭
I hope we will get Jojo's bizarre adventure multinational edition
4:48 Man that “WHAAAT?!” was so well voice acted I couldn’t stop laughing 😂
"What do you mean I have to learn Japanese, English, Egyptian, French and Dog to watch part three?"
Holly trolling Joseph and then proceeding to only speak Japanese to Kakyoin is really funny
Joseph would definitely know how to speak Japanese as for one he states he is capable in Kanji, which means his level of Japanese his very high. Plus he had an affair with Tomoko, in which she stated that she loved him. This would make sense that he can communicate with her on an intimate level.
That is true, but in these specific situations in the video it's unlikely Joseph would *want* to speak Japanese.
He has a deep seethed distaste for Japan and all things Japanese that can only be acquired by someone so dedicated as to master the language XD
2:32 i like to imagine this is foreshadowing for stand clashes
In conclusion, all of the crusaders (except Iggy and maybe Joseph) are fluent in at least two languages
Be like the Stardust Crusaders, become fluent in a foreign language
Best add for duolingo ever
Joseph probably knows conversational Japanese. He had an affair with Josuke's mom and he said he could read basic kanji. Moreover, in Part 4, Joseph could understand and converse with high school students who probably don't know how to speak English.
I like to think that Jotaro and Kakyoin are always close to each other because they both prefer to speak in Japanese
*I T S H I G H N O O N*
"Where did everybody go? Bingo?"
Holly hablando en inglés en esa parte se siente como lo hiciera a propósito me encanta JAJAJAJAJAJA
6:37 HEY!!! 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
Flipping between languages is something tekken used to do and I loved it. More media should do it.
This would be the ideal way to watch jojo ngl
If I was Jotaro that house would have blown up as I left.
Holly: American that speaks both English and Japanesse
Jotaro: Half American, half japanesse that speaks English and Japanesse
Joseph: American that speaks English and Japanesse somehow
Avdol: Egyptian that speaks Japanesse and English
Kakyoin: Japanesse that speaks Japanesse and English
Polnareff: A French dude who speaks English
Dio: A Bri ish gay vampire who speaks English
Yup, languages are cool even in JJBA
This is great! The dynamics that the language switching adds to the scene ahout Holly's name are so good.
If there is sub and dub. This is Combindub
Parts 1 and 2 were great for the accents and change of costume. After that they just stopped caring.
Nope just completely wrong and ignorant. It’s because they were massively criticized for it. I personally loved it but people hated. Stop being ignorant and saying things if you don’t even know any basic things.
@@silentclaw6439 K.
@@silentclaw6439 Dude, they were just stating their opinion. We're all entitled to our own opinions, so chill.
did not inquire
1:35 Chris Redfield ?
Nah that’s Leon Kennedy (Matthew Mercer). Chris woulda been Roger Craig Smith around Matt’s time which he’s probably best known for Sonic the Hedgehog and Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Levi Ackermann reincarnate
I think Avdol, Kakyoin, and Polnareff would speak Arabic to each other. Avdol comes from egypt, polnareff isn't directly stated but he directly worked under DIO, and Kakyoin was on a trip to Egypt when DIO got him, so it makes sense Kakyoin would know Arabic.
Kaykyoin speaking Arabic merely because of one simple trip feels off
but there are plenty of French speaking Arabs, and vice versa
Sometimes I forget how dumbly funny stardust crusaders is.
Before everyone starts hating check the first comment where he specified everything
0:22 good work for what
For learning Japanese well
another officer passes by, its for them
@Professional_Haterr wouldn't be for holly if so he would have said otsukaresama
good work
He was talking to the officer on the left that just finished his shift
6:40 League of legends player worst nightmare
this is an underrated video
TEKKEN gave out that pretty great vibe with Characters speaking in their Native Language, this goes the same with JoJo since everyone we know from Part 1 - Part 3, Part 5 are fluent in their Language, Part 1 and 2 have people speaking in British Accents even though some ot them are Italians, Mexicans (if you count the Pillar Men Mexicans) and Na- *[GERMAN SOLDIERS]* during the whole events, Part 3 gave us a Team that came out of TEKKEN TTT with Jean Pierre Polnareff Franch Man, Muhammed Avdol an Egyptian Fortune Teller, Iggy with the Streets of New York accent, Part 4 isn't Mentioned cuz Morioh just lost the creativity and only get at least one Italian Guy, same goes with Part 6 with Ermes Costello being the first Mexican Female Character I've never knew who existed and can bring inspiration to my cousin cuz we're both Mexican Heritage in the Family, Part 5 is what feels great cuz everyone Speaks Italian and both English and Japanese Dub did pretty well with the speaking in Italian with the combination of both Dubs, even after Ghiaccio's Meltdown felt great to hear in Full English
It’s the best video about joio characters speaking their native language
i jst realized jotaros first two scenes's first words are telling women to shut up
Why does Jotaro sound so hot in japanese
His Japanese VA is Daisuke Ono, that's why.
Because it's Daisuke Ono...
*2:36* kakyoin in the backround: (stupid girls he'll be mine and mine alone)
I feel like Kakyoin wouldn't know any other languages besides his native, unlike Jotaro who would realistically know English cause of his English speaking family side, but Kakyoin being just japanese and also pretty young would most likely just know a very rough basic English
Here's what I think the characters languages knowledge would be
Holy: fluent in English cause native language and in japanese cause of canonically living 20 years in Japan
Jotaro: fluent in both since technically both are his native languages but would speak japanese better than English
Avdol: native arabic, probably good enough at English since he's in his late 20's, old enough to have learnt it but not too old to refuse to
Joseph: native English, not good japanese cause he's old and would've probably refused to fully commit to it
Kakyoin: native japanese, probably pretty rough basic English that he knows because he had to learn in school
Polnareff: native french, extremely rough and thick-accented English because he's french and french people are known to refuse to speak other languages correctly
Also Joseph and Holy may know some level of italian cause of Suzie Q
Apparently Joseph actually stated he is fluent in Kanji, which would make him actually very fluent.
Makes some sense as he also his affair with Tomoko.
Kakyoin is very smart lad. I can imagine him learning online and easily understand others speaking English.
But his fluent speech is suprising, yeah
jeez i havent watched this in a while, i forgot how insanely buff they all were
Jotaro, mira a los flamingos! Vuelen flaminguitos!
2:32 Those girls foreshadowing stand combat chants.
I also watched Jojo part 3 at Netflix like this. Although changing subtitles many times. 😅
THE CASSIDY REFERENCE 😭😭 matthew ik its you
1:45 my truly honest reaction:
Mf he beat someone that can't die so shut up
Part 1: purely in English with British accent (except for Chinese drug dealer and Zeppeli)
Part 2: mostly in English, a little bit of Italian, German +Pillar men talking to each other in their own language
Part 3: mostly English, language of people changing depending on region (Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic etc)
Everyone having inner thought, talking alone in their native language. Pretty sure Jotaro mutters "yare yare" to himself from time to time.
Maybe Avdol talking to locals in Arabic.
Part 4: purely in Japanese
Part 5: purely in Italian (Jotaro and Koichi talking to each other in JP)
Part 6: purely in American English
Part 7: purely in American English (maybe Gyro's memories in Italian +minorities like Sandman speaking their native lang)
Part 8: purely in Japanese
Part 9: purely in English
(Havent read that yet but I heard it's set in Hawaii)
His character development is amazing. He turns out to be a lovely guy.
I was expecting this to be like tekken where everyone speaks thejr native language and magically understand eachother but this makes more sense lmao
If JoJo was Tekken
so basically this is jojos in english
“Beja bi”
Yo ts might be unrelated asf, but lowkey jotaros belt looks like Caesar's headband, not same colouration but still worth mentioning
Grandma suzie didn't even speak italian.
Well, her Nationality was Italian, but then why is Abdul speaking English when he's Egyptian?
You don't get it, do you?
@@Trickster645 because the crusaders don't understand arabic
@@Trickster645 cause people can learn another language and he learned English
I feel like there would be multiple scenes that could be way better but it’s not a bad video
im ur 10th sub!!
This video implies that Jotaro respects Holly so much that he speaks Japanese in front of her and you know what I’m all here for that.
They should have differents accent. Like Jotaro and Kakyoin, a japanese one. Polnareff a french one, abdul an arabic one and Dio a british one.
Wtf are you even talking about
EVA actually did this in the anime, It adds an extra layer of realism if you have certain nationalities speaking their languages and have subtitles than all Japanese or all English.
Ayo is that Alessi?
I thought he is Tamami
Could be his younger relative… or something IDK.
Joseph being frsutrated lol
Imagine how much money this would've taken
1:05 that guy looks like alessi
Low key yeah
It makes sense that Jotaro would sound like Matt Mercer when speaking English since he probably learned it from the westerns he’s watched lol
Good video, nails the fact that English would definitely be the common language between the crusaders.
I miss how buff they used to be, bros.
How Jotaro fast changes into Mettew Merser
They should normalize speaking in different languages in animes
Stardust Crusaders but it's a dlc of Tekken
I think Jotaro likes koichi because he looks like Kakoyin a bit.
The subtitles and the words feel so different for the anger Joseph is conveying
if only it was shown like this 🙏🙏
damn thay phone call was not in the manga from what i remember but it fits pretty well ngl
I love how kakoyin didnt used his notebook at enemies but only at jojo
"I've seen a lot of people do this, and every time they have Jotaro not being able to speak a word of english. I highly doubt that, especially with an american mother. You think Holly wouldn't speak english to Jotaro at all?"
As someone who grew up with a lot of second/third generation immigrants: yes I really do think that. It's actually extremely common. Even if he did speak English he'd probably have a thick accent.
Kakoyin the best written character
Joseph shouting holy is sending me💀
Yes yes yes! It’s high noon baby!
"Where's everyone? Bingo?"
4:48 WHAT?!
This is so good
Abdul supposed to talking Arabic
Holly probably wouldnt be thinking in Japanese
True. I'm learning Japanese right now, and my thoughts are primarily I'm english.
Depends on how long you've learned the language, when I'm speaking/typing English I think in English, if I'm watching anime I think in japanese etc.
Meh, it could be both, i think both in english and in spanish, so it's an in between
And I think both in english and french as a native french speaker, so it's plausible
Honestly she’s spent 20 years in Japan there’s a good chance she would.
is jotaro... voiced by the same actor who voiced Cassidy (previously McCree) from Overwatch..????
5:00 this part was smooth