I wish he did it as well, but honestly speaking, from his perspective, it could be that he didn't think it was worth it to sacrifice his career to fight for the world. I don't know if we should blame him for it, unless you believe every single person in the world has that responsibility. Also, we can't be certain that not apologizing would change anything, so at that point he would've just lost everything.
Why is it so difficult for some to understand that people are more complicated than they can seem? Every single day people say things they don’t mean. This PC America is so toxic for our country.
Thad Stevens no, getting your ass beat keeps you from calling him that. No laws prevent me from screaming f** out my window. Someone calls the cops on me. “Officer I said ‘watch it.’” Oh the “wrong side of history.” That’s hilarious considering that history books are written by men with biases and lies are repeated by the people who believe some of them. Isn’t that a T-shirt slogan now? Because I don’t worry about what’s said about me when Dead. Save your mantras for you morning mirror speech.
I stopped reading when u said Kevin is far from that cause you threw your own argument out the door. I’m talking about this specific person is this specific situation.
I wouldn't have apologized. If you didn't find the joke funny move on. His comedy isn't made for every person and comedy will never be that way. If you don't like it move on and stop crying like a bitch
Kevin, them digging through your old jobs and calling you out for them was not in good faith. They take your apology and club you further. They want to ruin you, not make you better.
he's not funny. the end. if you think he is then that's your prob. He's insecure about everything in his life b/c he knows he makes 5x the money that other comics 2x as funny as him make. He's in a K Hart bubble. no one cares about LGBTQ community when it comes to comedy. he did atleast say that "he shouldn't be feeding the twitter mob" but your boring and fake as hell, even Rogan can't make you seem relate able.
@Tyler Mikos:He can be funny, the end. Nobody is consistently %100 funny. Everyone I think is funny has told a shit joke. Have you ever succeeded at something? Do you know what happens when you do? You get excited and want to spread that feeling around, and most people do exactly what he is doing, talking and sharing the experience with us. And I'll be the first to say this, the LGBTQ community does a lot of things that are funny! You don't get a free pass when it comes to being made fun of! Nobody does! You need to grow up and learn some humility and join in with the rest of us who don't even really hate anyone! we see something funny, we're going to laugh.
Honestly, who’s is more hateful? The person who said they’re sorry and tried to move on or the person who just does not want to let it go? I say the person holding on is waaay more hateful.
Ralphie Wiggum sorry, but I don’t have a narrative. I’m not married to an idea. If you can offer up a compelling opposing view, I’m up for listening to it. Have at it.
He should've, but people should've also accepted it. If you gonna punish someone for doing the right thing, they're naturally gonna stop doing the right thing.
He should never of ‘apologised’ to these extremist’s. Never apologise for a f’n joke you made years ago. These people are deranged, they will only want more from you if you do. Stop apologising to these lunatics
@MIND BLOWN You comment everywhere....why apologise for a fuckin 'JOKE'...as joke is just that....a joke. everyone wants to be offended. cry me a river
@MIND BLOWN He didn't say anything offensive at all. Just because some self-centered people express faux outrage doesn't oblige ANYONE to apologize to them.
MIND BLOWN mate I’m Bi, and no he doesn’t owe us an apology , are you even gay or anything mate, because I honestly reckon if you are not than you should just stop commenting and a jokes not offensive, I watch old 1990 comedies and they use fag in their jokes, now I do not like being called a fag that fucks me off and I will get in your fucking face, should I, no I should say fuck ya self and walk off. But even when I hear them using fag in their jokes I don’t stop the comedy and go fuck him, I normally piss myself laughing cause their funny
Exactly. Its disappointing when great comedians give in to peer pressure harassment because then these kind of people feel justified in throwing their temper tantrum.
Honestly... I don't think there's anything wrong with not wanting your son to be gay. That doesn't mean you hate your son. I'm sure Kevin's dad didn't want his son to be 5 ft tall, but life's life. Or left handed. I wish my future son is going to be right-handed because the world is going to be somewhat easier for him if he's right-handed. Nothing wrong with having preferences.
So if someone joked about raping you’re kids you’d be cool and not offended? Btw I don’t think he should have apologized but I’m just saying their are things you don’t joke about
@@maciek8159 As long as you don't do it or don't incite someone else to do it, you are welcome to make ANY JOOOOOOOOOOOOKE you want to me and my family. Once you incite violence or commit violence, then it's no longer a joke and illegal. #LaughAtALLJokes
@Timothy My statement is true now. Do not apologize to the mob. Further, the mob isn't made of black people from the Civil Rights era lol - it's mostly wealthy extremely left leaning WHITE people who get offended at the literal sight of a red MAGA hat. You don't even know the enemy bro. Watch some Tim Pool.
The whole idea that you can disagree with someone and simultaneously still respect them or even love them fell apart the moment the Christian tradition of forgiveness and loving your neighbour fell apart. I speak about Christians because I am one, and Christianity has influenced these issues majorly--- it's the culture. I think it perhaps broke down because Christians forgot that they cannot politicize our God without doing irreparable damage to our core belief system paired with the idea that the "cure" for the former's thinking is liberal---or worse, leftist---ideology that believes in trials by mob. What a great mess we've gotten ourselves into.
How is saying "One of my greatest fears is my son growing up and being gay" a joke? The oscar thing is ridiculous but clearly the guy was a homophobe in some capacity back then.
Rogan must feel really awkward in front of real comedians. Especially when he isn’t the richest guy in the room. He seems much more comfortable around people like Schaub.
The fact that he publicly apologized TWICE....his detractors will call that a “win” and think they “got’em”. Pathetic people go out of their way to tear someone down like that.
The Double Nickel this is what happens because of victim mentality, people think they’ll never be good at stuff because they’re “held down” so they try to damage successful careers of others
Kevin's only sin is that he apologized for the joke. Edward Norton is not a nazi just because he played one in a movie. Kevin Hart doesn't hate gay people just because he made a joke. And I think he's trying to find another way out after profusely apologizing even though he didn't really do anything bad. He is basically feeding the LGBTQ trolls. And yes, there's trolls on the right AND the left.
I hate how we are somehow living in a world where people can’t be forgiven for their past, that’s what life is all about, being reborn constantly into a newer better version of yourself, our flaws are what make us
They are not. It was the DNC using the LGTBQI++++ for the Nth time. Kevin Hart tiptoed around the truth. He did not want to say it out straigt, sorry, I know this is DNCers using this political, and the oscars is in cahoots, so I did not want to do the gig for them, when they politicized it. I want to do standup, I want both sides as audience, I will not become an activist to keep a small sidegid, wrecking my entire catolog of jokes forever.
Drip Bayless Why do you choose to think that because people are defending a group that they represent that whole groups opinion on something? I bet the majority of the LGBT community don’t really give a shit. It’s just the left constantly trying to push their pathetic agenda into society
Not a huge fan of his comedy but makes me sad this his career was hurt over this. No man deserves to have his life ruined over small things that people take too seriously
Marie Hornung he is part of the cult making millions, why would you ever feel sorry? Dude is in hollyweird. Only thing you should feel sorry is that he sold his soul for fame
Digital Capital Punishment. The reason they won't really ever accept an apology is the reason there is no path to redemption: they want digital capital punishment.
Damn right. Forgiving and forgetting is no fun. They have to make him SUFFER because that's more fun to watch. Too bad they can't tar-and-feather or draw-and-quarter him anymore, so "digital capital punishment" is the next best thing.
I love Kevin Hart so so much. Such a great man and the damn "cancel culture" going on right now is absolutely ridiculous. Kevin is 100% correct in everything hes saying.
"This is a time when people are looking to be upset about things". They're not necessarily looking to be "upset"- they are looking for excuses to PUNISH whoever they can.
Sure, as long as they don't say it in public. Otherwise it's wrong and offensive and should rightfully be bashed by the LGBQTP community. Freedom of speech should be banned.
Exactly, we just have to be aware of how our opinions or the words or actions or the things we do or say or sadly, tweet, can have consequences whether we intended them that way or not. I'm all for letting people be white nationalists, if that makes them feel like they belong, great. But they will have to deal with the repercussions of what living and being that would entail. So go on and say the N word all you want, it's free speech, just know that there are social and cultural consequences for those words and actions whether you or I like it or not. Just as people of any marginalized community or race or creed or religion has or have dealt with for hundreds and thousands of years have had to deal or face the consequences of what those things may have meant in that time or era in history. The only constant we have is change, and those who seek truth and wisdom (Wisdom, classically being 'I Know that I Don't Know') = allowing one to be open to evolve and adapt and grow and strengthen themselves to the New, be it information or the changes in say a culture or society over the course of it's history Be the change you want to see in the world, pointing the finger and placing blame is so lazy, and that goes for all fronts, the reactionary fear-and-threat-centric worldview to the over-compensating outrage-culture of what many deem "the SWJ"s or whatever. There's a lot of room to grow on all things, the first being, in the event of a proverbial plane going down, make sure you put your oxygen mask on first, then you can help the person near you if you like. I don't even have to tell you, you already know! Much love to all who read this, and enjoy your day, be present, and to quote an Abe Lincoln "be excellent to each other, AND.... PARTY-On, dudes!"
Gagan Dhaliwal Canada just passed legislation stating that citizens must talk to and refer to people with their “preferred pronouns”. That is a direct deference of free speech, especially when the individual is not the sex to which he claims membership.
I thought the same thing from seeing him in shitty Hollywood movie trailers. But then I watched his stand up and was blown away, dudes actually really funny if he scripts his own words. Otherwise he’s filler for a bad flick, no offence to him, get that money lol
I do not think he is funny at all either. But I respect his integrity on this issue. Comics should not apologize. And comics should not become activists, it kills comics. Stephen Colbert was allways shit and could not become more unfunny, but others got destroyed by politics, like Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, etc. Very sad. Jimmy Kimmel was also occationally funny. The most sad thing, is that the DNC destroyed the daily show, that is a tragedy beyond belief. Thank God Maher keeps his show instead of giving it away to a total pandering sosiopath who panders to the left, like Noah and Jim Jeffries.
@@_baller I love Stern because he gets people to open up about things they wouldn't usually talk about. Then sprinkle that with just enough childish humor that seems to bring people's inner child out. Then knows how to get dead serious when it needs to be. He's SO GOOD
So true, and Eddie Murphy. See how quiet he is these days. Keeping his head down. His sets over 30 years ago were full of so called today, homophobia, misogyny, even racism.
Hmmm I’m trying to remember the last time Christians or conservatives demanded an apology from family guy, George Carlin, Ricky gervais or any of the other comedy outlets that have made jokes about them hmmmm
Remember when everybody thought Christians were crazy warning about the slippery slope of gay marriage and now we have 9-year-old drag queen kids performing at gay bars, legal bestiality in Canada and people getting arrested for saying that you can't change your gender?
There was a time where I really cared NOT to be offensive as much as I could be. But seeing I can't even crack a knuckle without someone screaming "Offensive" so now, I am less caring about being PC than ever before. And I think, others feel the same now. I ain't gonna go out on the street and yell and scream racism or hate. But I sure as shit will not mince words in my conversations anymore. If YOU wanna take offence, then that shit is on you. If words hurt you, you are more fragile than glass and I am not gonna go near you or support you, least you break in my hands and I got more issues than my life needs. Every man for themselves. Your problem, is your problem.
Same here, there's no pleasing them and the most minute shit sets them off so I just sit back and let their tantrums entertain me. But this attitude is getting pretty widespread now. Right up until the last maybe 5 years, evoking Hitler's name would cause universally negative responses. Now most people laugh it off, like "lol who got called a nazi this time?". The name Hitler evokes smiles in 2019 ffs, they're rendering words meaningless.
Cuz that's how society works, right? No. Social responsibility is a THING. You don't live alone on a deserted island. Your actions affect the greater good.
gutz1981 dam that’s deep man lol I guess I would agree for some of the things you had mentioned.. I do walk around not caring anymore, I use to be so fkin careful.. but now I’m like whatever, if you don’t like me for the skin color that I am, that’s your problem not me, I am still going to walk into places where I want to go even though people always give me looks. I just smile, grab a seat, and enjoy the moment. I still do stay humble to those who show the same, but for the others who takes offensive of who I am as a person, I stand tall and walk with pride to let them know I don’t give 2 fks.
@@thewave3560 What greater good is that? The greater good where we have Feminists constantly scream for "Equality" yet remain silent when that equality means something THEY have to give up? Or what about the greater good of religion that basically preaches "Peace" but constantly points a finger at those who are not "part" of that group? Or the greater good of Vegans who complain about the animals dying and all the pollution they inject into the air and the cruelty of getting the food we he, yet ignore the fact that the new trend of Vegans has led to an increase in health issues and crime in 3rd world countries where more herbicides and pesticides get injected into the air, soil and water causing more health issues such as cancer for locals and the cartels in south America who are using poor kids to harvest these plants and fruits that go to first world Vegans for cents of the dollar to live this "Affordable guilt free" lifestyle and kill the competition to fight for the right of distribution? SJW's and PC people speak of the greater good. But that greater good means they get to ignore the nasty shit THEY contribute. And the worse part is, they think they are the worlds gift to a better place. Yeah right, that greater good.
The thing is, if you were apologizing then you were admitting a crime. A joke is nothing you need to be sorry for and if people can’t handle your humor it’s THEIR problem. but with apologizing you are admitting that it’s YOUR fault and that YOU did harm. So people, especially on Twitter are pushing you even further in that role of someone who does harm. Then you apologize AGAIN and you end up in a vicious circle
Why do other people scrutinize you for having different beliefs and try to force their ideologies on you? I don’t condone any hate but I hate how people keep bullshitting
They are not people, they are beings. They left the humanrace a long time ago. The fact that they have ideology, makes them non-human. That is not normal, that is insanity. Being controlled by an ideology is a mental disorder, and we have deprogramming centers for that sort of thing. Doctors making millions a year help people like this, they help amish, scientologists, etc. 90% of the tech CEOs need to be sentenced to pay and attend theese programs.
You are making the same stupid ass mistake the people coming after Kevin did. You are reading too much into it. This are not his believes he was making a joke....
GED Gert this is the worlds most popular and listened to podcast. It’s not surprising to see anybody on here. Having Kim jong Un on wouldn’t surprise me
Miss communication is the key word for sure. Because if ANYONE doesn't know that Kevin Hart is an amazing, kind-hearted, good person at heart then obviously they aren't paying attention.
Went to the comments to say "You should never apologize, it only makes things worse". Only to see that everyone else has already said it. You all make me proud.
Stop apologizing Kevin, every time you apologize for something you've already apologized for, they take a piece of you. If you let them, they will take it all.
I just love these short guys, I can just picture Kevin asking Joe to help him get something down from the shoe rack and Joe gladly then roundhouse kicks it down.
@@OSI32100 If a celeb does that the other side will call you a SJW or whatever and now you got hate on the other side. If I were a celeb, I would share no opinions on anything, ever (which STILL would aggravate people, but that's the best solution I can think of)
Thank God for Ricky Gervais! (I'm sure he'd appreciate the irony of that statement). Ricky would never be bullied by this sort of thing and if anything would turn the tables on the accusers. Love how he threw his hat into the ring to host in Kevin's place whilst at the same time showing the hypocrisy of how the Oscars nominated Mel Gibson the year before.
Rules to live by: 1.) Never apologize to SJWs. 2.) Run far away from people who want you to be an "ally". Friends stick with you for life, "allies" use and dispose of you whenever it suits them.
Exactly. "Ally" really means "we own you." It's hegemony in it's purest form. Even the Lee Daniels call, who I've noticed is a deplorable guy as part of the Hollywood cabal, was quite dubious. If I were Hart I'd watch myself around guys like Daniels and Hollywood. SJW's control these folks.
Never apologize to the twitter mob
When you apologize, you let them win. The leftist mob just wants to beat people like Kevin Hart into submission.
He did :(
It's not just the Twitter mob. Never apologize to SJWs.
Kevin harts mistake was apologizing to the twitter mob
I wish he did it as well, but honestly speaking, from his perspective, it could be that he didn't think it was worth it to sacrifice his career to fight for the world. I don't know if we should blame him for it, unless you believe every single person in the world has that responsibility. Also, we can't be certain that not apologizing would change anything, so at that point he would've just lost everything.
Twitter is a snowflake paradise.
I agree. Bill Burr ignores the mob and keeps it moving. Kev needs to do the same.
You're exactly right. Once they smell blood, you can't give them an inch because once they get it, they'll want a mile.
Why is it so difficult for some to understand that people are more complicated than they can seem? Every single day people say things they don’t mean. This PC America is so toxic for our country.
Paul Vermette were all going to f***king die tell joe to talk about CANDIDA AURIS
Social media is ruining everything.
Thad Stevens no, getting your ass beat keeps you from calling him that. No laws prevent me from screaming f** out my window. Someone calls the cops on me. “Officer I said ‘watch it.’” Oh the “wrong side of history.” That’s hilarious considering that history books are written by men with biases and lies are repeated by the people who believe some of them. Isn’t that a T-shirt slogan now? Because I don’t worry about what’s said about me when Dead. Save your mantras for you morning mirror speech.
@Tyler Molly take your butt hurt feelings the fuck outta here. Freedom of speech bitch.
Because they gave people who have no idea how life works or how communication works too much power.
Rule #1. NEVER apologies to SJWs. It only makes things worse.
I think he should apologise for the apologies of the apology with the apologetic apology.
And say sorry.
That would transition him into a Canadian
Ahahahaha that's the type of shit we say at work, the same shit you just wrote. But with other stuff
He must have the world record for apologies on this issue.
Finally, a guest shorter than Joe.
Is he short? Lolol
@Too many munsters He said divisive you absolute moron
Rogan is 5'10". Statistically taller than you.
Comedian Brad Williams wins that award but Kevin Hart is second
Uriah faber, cody ,tj
Man could you imagine if George Carlin was still alive, all up on Twitter just raising hell.
George Carlin would not be on Twitter he would subject himself to it
I actually think George would be a lot nicer than in his stand up comedy
Probably pictures of his dogs and wife etc
George would would destroy and told us how this was gonna happen
Now I'm a bit sad that we will never see him on Joe Rogans podcast
jacks as then we’d have Fortnite playing kids and thots quoting his tweets acting like they’re in on the joke, when in actuality they are the joke.
He should not have apologised so many times. They tried to bully him
yup. The funny thing is theyre probably gonna want an apology again when Kevin gets some accolade in the future.
Just One Time you can say that again
The thing is... he never apologized not even once, I don’t think he should have but saying that he did is a lie
@@justonetime6179 your bigotry is showing.
Kev you shouldn't apologize to Gay Mafia bruh. You said nothing wrong.
"Gay mafia" dude do you realize straight white women are the ones outraged and offended on other people's behalf
@@lickit8096 that's true
All the names on this thread are hilarious.
Oh.... wait, fuck
Shamey Amy he did keep them out of his brain. He kept them in a comment section.
White saviors.
Bruh we really live in the day and age where a comedian has to apologize about saying something offensive lmfao
I stopped reading when u said Kevin is far from that cause you threw your own argument out the door. I’m talking about this specific person is this specific situation.
No-one has to do anything.
@d newkirt This reads like a blue check mark bio
...years ago. It's so dumb it hurts.
I wouldn't have apologized. If you didn't find the joke funny move on. His comedy isn't made for every person and comedy will never be that way. If you don't like it move on and stop crying like a bitch
Kevin, them digging through your old jobs and calling you out for them was not in good faith. They take your apology and club you further. They want to ruin you, not make you better.
Tom Sawyer exactly.
Pono bro
he's not funny. the end. if you think he is then that's your prob. He's insecure about everything in his life b/c he knows he makes 5x the money that other comics 2x as funny as him make. He's in a K Hart bubble. no one cares about LGBTQ community when it comes to comedy. he did atleast say that "he shouldn't be feeding the twitter mob" but your boring and fake as hell, even Rogan can't make you seem relate able.
@@tylerm0089 cool story bro
@Tyler Mikos:He can be funny, the end.
Nobody is consistently %100 funny. Everyone I think is funny has told a shit joke.
Have you ever succeeded at something? Do you know what happens when you do? You get excited and want to spread that feeling around, and most people do exactly what he is doing, talking and sharing the experience with us.
And I'll be the first to say this, the LGBTQ community does a lot of things that are funny! You don't get a free pass when it comes to being made fun of! Nobody does! You need to grow up and learn some humility and join in with the rest of us who don't even really hate anyone! we see something funny, we're going to laugh.
People have forgotten to forgive people who are sorry.
Maybe people shouldn't be so sensitive and accept the fact that it was just a fucking joke.
Honestly, who’s is more hateful? The person who said they’re sorry and tried to move on or the person who just does not want to let it go? I say the person holding on is waaay more hateful.
@@just_jeff4839 and one could say you're only saying that because it fits your narrative
So true. Not only with celebrities, but people everywhere.
Ralphie Wiggum sorry, but I don’t have a narrative. I’m not married to an idea. If you can offer up a compelling opposing view, I’m up for listening to it. Have at it.
Shoulda never apologized
He did.... He shouldn't have to do it every hour on the hour for the rest of his life
He said he would beat his kids if they were gay. He should have apologized but he didn't need to do it more than once.
Harry D'Amour lmao bruh I cant tell if you’re being fr or not but this was funny to read either way
@@sergiomendoza4040 truth hurts. Screw holding back my ignorant opinion. This is America. Woo
He should've, but people should've also accepted it. If you gonna punish someone for doing the right thing, they're naturally gonna stop doing the right thing.
Comedy is dead.
Trying to please everyone is impossible, while making them laugh is almost illegal.
As long as we have Dave Chapelle comedy will never die
He should never of ‘apologised’ to these extremist’s.
Never apologise for a f’n joke you made years ago.
These people are deranged, they will only want more from you if you do.
Stop apologising to these lunatics
@MIND BLOWN You comment everywhere....why apologise for a fuckin 'JOKE'...as joke is just that....a joke. everyone wants to be offended. cry me a river
@MIND BLOWN He didn't say anything offensive at all. Just because some self-centered people express faux outrage doesn't oblige ANYONE to apologize to them.
MIND BLOWN speech police bitch ass. You are the type of person that will turn the world into 1984.
Saying sorry and being submissive to the ppl with that ideology just encourages them and makes it worse
MIND BLOWN mate I’m Bi, and no he doesn’t owe us an apology , are you even gay or anything mate, because I honestly reckon if you are not than you should just stop commenting and a jokes not offensive, I watch old 1990 comedies and they use fag in their jokes, now I do not like being called a fag that fucks me off and I will get in your fucking face, should I, no I should say fuck ya self and walk off. But even when I hear them using fag in their jokes I don’t stop the comedy and go fuck him, I normally piss myself laughing cause their funny
Kevin Your only mistake was to apologize, you giving wood to fire for these kind of people
Exactly. Its disappointing when great comedians give in to peer pressure harassment because then these kind of people feel justified in throwing their temper tantrum.
Never apologize to these people. They aren’t actually upset they just want to control you or destroy you.
Right, never admit you were wrong or once wrong.
Never apologize to the mob. That's exactly what they want. A JOOOOOOOOKE should never be taken seriously... OBVIOUSLY..........
Honestly... I don't think there's anything wrong with not wanting your son to be gay. That doesn't mean you hate your son. I'm sure Kevin's dad didn't want his son to be 5 ft tall, but life's life. Or left handed. I wish my future son is going to be right-handed because the world is going to be somewhat easier for him if he's right-handed. Nothing wrong with having preferences.
So if someone joked about raping you’re kids you’d be cool and not offended? Btw I don’t think he should have apologized but I’m just saying their are things you don’t joke about
@@maciek8159 As long as you don't do it or don't incite someone else to do it, you are welcome to make ANY JOOOOOOOOOOOOKE you want to me and my family. Once you incite violence or commit violence, then it's no longer a joke and illegal. #LaughAtALLJokes
@@maciek8159 if it was a comedian or someone I know I would have no problem with that
@Timothy My statement is true now. Do not apologize to the mob. Further, the mob isn't made of black people from the Civil Rights era lol - it's mostly wealthy extremely left leaning WHITE people who get offended at the literal sight of a red MAGA hat. You don't even know the enemy bro. Watch some Tim Pool.
Never apologize to SJW's. It only makes it worse.
@MIND BLOWN no cause he already apologised
@MIND BLOWN to sjws not gays
MIND BLOWN for what......telling jokes?
Gihaal fun fact
Made me like KH more this interview, he’s a good dude!
he is on the never Trump side, which picking any side in politics is a bad idea. made himself look foolish like
@@londondhal1301 i think he meant that he doesn't make jokes about it because he doesn't know enough about it
I don't know he came out very submissive bowing down to the crowd he did nothing wrong he should not have apologized for he's a comedian
So it's wrong to disagree with the LGBT community? Ofc he apologized and doesnt hate people. But disagreeing isnt condoning hate..
The whole idea that you can disagree with someone and simultaneously still respect them or even love them fell apart the moment the Christian tradition of forgiveness and loving your neighbour fell apart. I speak about Christians because I am one, and Christianity has influenced these issues majorly--- it's the culture. I think it perhaps broke down because Christians forgot that they cannot politicize our God without doing irreparable damage to our core belief system paired with the idea that the "cure" for the former's thinking is liberal---or worse, leftist---ideology that believes in trials by mob.
What a great mess we've gotten ourselves into.
Where are you even getting this idea
Alex Arias From my braaaaain
@@tristanpropertyofmoose7963 lol nice
@@morenitomoreno1282 uhm disagreeing meaning the whole community is essentially anti-religion
They're just jokes. I miss the days when society could handle good and offensive humour. Toughen up people.
It never existed. People have always been getting offended even over shit we think is fine now.
That’s easy to say when you’re not the butt of the joke asshole
@@Pocoloco415 Everyone gets made fun of in comedy grow up.
How is saying "One of my greatest fears is my son growing up and being gay" a joke? The oscar thing is ridiculous but clearly the guy was a homophobe in some capacity back then.
mechtech256 so you wouldnt mind your son to be gay
Respect to Kevin Hart standing his ground and growing.
Heh. 'growing'.
Handsome Jack lol everything but his height.
E- Trayde did he really stand his ground? He was backtracking and apologising.
Rogan must feel really awkward in front of real comedians. Especially when he isn’t the richest guy in the room. He seems much more comfortable around people like Schaub.
He may not have grown in heigh since the age of 7 but at least he can grow metaphorically.
The fact that he publicly apologized TWICE....his detractors will call that a “win” and think they “got’em”. Pathetic people go out of their way to tear someone down like that.
The Double Nickel this is what happens because of victim mentality, people think they’ll never be good at stuff because they’re “held down” so they try to damage successful careers of others
Kevin's only sin is that he apologized for the joke. Edward Norton is not a nazi just because he played one in a movie. Kevin Hart doesn't hate gay people just because he made a joke. And I think he's trying to find another way out after profusely apologizing even though he didn't really do anything bad.
He is basically feeding the LGBTQ trolls. And yes, there's trolls on the right AND the left.
Never apologize to SJW's. It will never be enough. They'll never forgive you and they'll never forget.
SJW? What is that?
Why on earth do they DESERVE anything? Because of a joke?
@@tsich3226 cancer that's what
Cause it's a spell or they are just evil or both
@@tsich3226 some jew wizardry
That mic has never been that low down
The other mic has
I'm convinced Kevin's actually standing
Kinda like ur jokes u fool
naveed2809 😂
Legend has it the LGBT community and annoying leftists are still pissed about Kevin joke he made 9 years ago, despite already apologizing
They are Bc their feelings are fact!!!
I hate how we are somehow living in a world where people can’t be forgiven for their past, that’s what life is all about, being reborn constantly into a newer better version of yourself, our flaws are what make us
They are not. It was the DNC using the LGTBQI++++ for the Nth time. Kevin Hart tiptoed around the truth. He did not want to say it out straigt, sorry, I know this is DNCers using this political, and the oscars is in cahoots, so I did not want to do the gig for them, when they politicized it. I want to do standup, I want both sides as audience, I will not become an activist to keep a small sidegid, wrecking my entire catolog of jokes forever.
Drip Bayless Why do you choose to think that because people are defending a group that they represent that whole groups opinion on something?
I bet the majority of the LGBT community don’t really give a shit. It’s just the left constantly trying to push their pathetic agenda into society
He addressed it but he actually never apologized.
Not a huge fan of his comedy but makes me sad this his career was hurt over this. No man deserves to have his life ruined over small things that people take too seriously
Marie Hornung he is part of the cult making millions, why would you ever feel sorry? Dude is in hollyweird. Only thing you should feel sorry is that he sold his soul for fame
@@zymosan123 he worked hard
@@zymosan123 Sold his soul? Lmao ur one of those eh? Foh
// Chris Exactly. And you can feel bad for anyone. Just because he has money doesn’t mean he’s not flesh and blood
zymosan123 Sold his soul? In what way? By telling jokes?
Digital Capital Punishment.
The reason they won't really ever accept an apology is the reason there is no path to redemption: they want digital capital punishment.
Damn right. Forgiving and forgetting is no fun. They have to make him SUFFER because that's more fun to watch. Too bad they can't tar-and-feather or draw-and-quarter him anymore, so "digital capital punishment" is the next best thing.
I love Kevin Hart so so much. Such a great man and the damn "cancel culture" going on right now is absolutely ridiculous. Kevin is 100% correct in everything hes saying.
This statement 2 years old...now cancel culture is much more prevalent
Kevin was smart not to listen to Lee Daniels, this is how they get you.
I wonder if Lee gave the same pep talk to Jussie Smollet.
What you mean?
"This is a time when people are looking to be upset about things". They're not necessarily looking to be "upset"- they are looking for excuses to PUNISH whoever they can.
MIND BLOWN people like you are fucking losers lmao
@nicolas guzman as long as you don't have a loved one who has or has died from HIV or AIDS.
The same people who attacked Kevin Hart for his one tweet 10 years ago are the same people who defend James Gunn’s 50 tweets 10 years ago
@MIND BLOWN nobody cares.
@mind blown, really no one cares.
Everybody is allowed to have thier own opinions
Sure, as long as they don't say it in public. Otherwise it's wrong and offensive and should rightfully be bashed by the LGBQTP community. Freedom of speech should be banned.
iaskosam go to Canada or Venezuela then. Us Americans don’t want you here if that is what you believe.
John C Canada is just like states when it comes to freedom of speech you dumb inbred fuck.
Exactly, we just have to be aware of how our opinions or the words or actions or the things we do or say or sadly, tweet, can have consequences whether we intended them that way or not. I'm all for letting people be white nationalists, if that makes them feel like they belong, great. But they will have to deal with the repercussions of what living and being that would entail. So go on and say the N word all you want, it's free speech, just know that there are social and cultural consequences for those words and actions whether you or I like it or not.
Just as people of any marginalized community or race or creed or religion has or have dealt with for hundreds and thousands of years have had to deal or face the consequences of what those things may have meant in that time or era in history. The only constant we have is change, and those who seek truth and wisdom (Wisdom, classically being 'I Know that I Don't Know') = allowing one to be open to evolve and adapt and grow and strengthen themselves to the New, be it information or the changes in say a culture or society over the course of it's history Be the change you want to see in the world, pointing the finger and placing blame is so lazy, and that goes for all fronts, the reactionary fear-and-threat-centric worldview to the over-compensating outrage-culture of what many deem "the SWJ"s or whatever. There's a lot of room to grow on all things, the first being, in the event of a proverbial plane going down, make sure you put your oxygen mask on first, then you can help the person near you if you like. I don't even have to tell you, you already know!
Much love to all who read this, and enjoy your day, be present, and to quote an Abe Lincoln "be excellent to each other, AND.... PARTY-On, dudes!"
Gagan Dhaliwal Canada just passed legislation stating that citizens must talk to and refer to people with their “preferred pronouns”. That is a direct deference of free speech, especially when the individual is not the sex to which he claims membership.
Literly NO-ONE reasonable was ever mad at him.
This is why Kevin Hart is one of my favorite people
A really funny guy yet really down-to-earth
I thought the same thing from seeing him in shitty Hollywood movie trailers. But then I watched his stand up and was blown away, dudes actually really funny if he scripts his own words. Otherwise he’s filler for a bad flick, no offence to him, get that money lol
I don't think he is really funny. But, he made a big move by standing up for himself.
I do not think he is funny at all either. But I respect his integrity on this issue. Comics should not apologize. And comics should not become activists, it kills comics. Stephen Colbert was allways shit and could not become more unfunny, but others got destroyed by politics, like Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, etc. Very sad. Jimmy Kimmel was also occationally funny. The most sad thing, is that the DNC destroyed the daily show, that is a tragedy beyond belief. Thank God Maher keeps his show instead of giving it away to a total pandering sosiopath who panders to the left, like Noah and Jim Jeffries.
DNC ISKKK he was quite funny in Central Intelligence
kevin hart is a great story teller
Theres already clips and the podcast is still live lmao
They work pretty fast with the clips on this channel
You must be new here
@@Dinnizzel97 I've been watching for like a year never noticed that
@@xrmighty yeah youre new...
mighty migs Jamies been doing it for at least the 2.5 years Ive been watching. 😀. Its kool to be new bro Np. 😀.
Stupid controversies.
I feel like Rogan is one of the greatest interviewers who makes the guests feel comfortable
Alongside Howard Stern
Depending on who the other person is sometimes he gets way to aggressive or complacent........
Howard Stern is a god compared to Rogan, Rogan just moans, asks odd questions, brings up weed and giggles, Stern is so much more than that
@@_baller I love Stern because he gets people to open up about things they wouldn't usually talk about. Then sprinkle that with just enough childish humor that seems to bring people's inner child out. Then knows how to get dead serious when it needs to be. He's SO GOOD
He's not as good as Stern.
I was surprised at how good of an interviewer Lars Ulrich was. Do check him out when you find the time.
Khart got the last laugh--the Oscars were awful this year without him.
Wait, there was a time when they weren’t awful?
Pryor, Foxx, Carlin, Clay could not be comedians in this ultra feminist mee too movement PC world. 😒
Formally known as Rex X totally agree. Just don’t put dice with those 3 greats lol
They would be inmates.
There whole act would be about people being so sensitive.....
Carlin would do fine and I’m pretty sure Pryor is a member of the LGBT community himself
So true, and Eddie Murphy. See how quiet he is these days. Keeping his head down. His sets over 30 years ago were full of so called today, homophobia, misogyny, even racism.
Hmmm I’m trying to remember the last time Christians or conservatives demanded an apology from family guy, George Carlin, Ricky gervais or any of the other comedy outlets that have made jokes about them hmmmm
Remember when everybody thought Christians were crazy warning about the slippery slope of gay marriage and now we have 9-year-old drag queen kids performing at gay bars, legal bestiality in Canada and people getting arrested for saying that you can't change your gender?
atonewiththedust a guy just got fined in Ontario 55k for misgendering someone lol
Don’t change the subject. You know what he said is true
I 100% agree with this. More people like us are gonna have to stand up
So true. I support gay marriage but I now see what happens when liberals are given an inch. They take the whole foot.
There was a time where I really cared NOT to be offensive as much as I could be. But seeing I can't even crack a knuckle without someone screaming "Offensive" so now, I am less caring about being PC than ever before. And I think, others feel the same now. I ain't gonna go out on the street and yell and scream racism or hate. But I sure as shit will not mince words in my conversations anymore. If YOU wanna take offence, then that shit is on you. If words hurt you, you are more fragile than glass and I am not gonna go near you or support you, least you break in my hands and I got more issues than my life needs. Every man for themselves. Your problem, is your problem.
Same here, there's no pleasing them and the most minute shit sets them off so I just sit back and let their tantrums entertain me.
But this attitude is getting pretty widespread now. Right up until the last maybe 5 years, evoking Hitler's name would cause universally negative responses. Now most people laugh it off, like "lol who got called a nazi this time?". The name Hitler evokes smiles in 2019 ffs, they're rendering words meaningless.
Cuz that's how society works, right?
No. Social responsibility is a THING. You don't live alone on a deserted island. Your actions affect the greater good.
gutz1981 dam that’s deep man lol I guess I would agree for some of the things you had mentioned.. I do walk around not caring anymore, I use to be so fkin careful.. but now I’m like whatever, if you don’t like me for the skin color that I am, that’s your problem not me, I am still going to walk into places where I want to go even though people always give me looks. I just smile, grab a seat, and enjoy the moment. I still do stay humble to those who show the same, but for the others who takes offensive of who I am as a person, I stand tall and walk with pride to let them know I don’t give 2 fks.
@@thewave3560 What greater good is that? The greater good where we have Feminists constantly scream for "Equality" yet remain silent when that equality means something THEY have to give up? Or what about the greater good of religion that basically preaches "Peace" but constantly points a finger at those who are not "part" of that group? Or the greater good of Vegans who complain about the animals dying and all the pollution they inject into the air and the cruelty of getting the food we he, yet ignore the fact that the new trend of Vegans has led to an increase in health issues and crime in 3rd world countries where more herbicides and pesticides get injected into the air, soil and water causing more health issues such as cancer for locals and the cartels in south America who are using poor kids to harvest these plants and fruits that go to first world Vegans for cents of the dollar to live this "Affordable guilt free" lifestyle and kill the competition to fight for the right of distribution? SJW's and PC people speak of the greater good. But that greater good means they get to ignore the nasty shit THEY contribute. And the worse part is, they think they are the worlds gift to a better place. Yeah right, that greater good.
@Mike Hunt If that's a compliment, I'll take it.
Joe can have conversation about a very complicated issues yet with ease.
The thing is, if you were apologizing then you were admitting a crime. A joke is nothing you need to be sorry for and if people can’t handle your humor it’s THEIR problem. but with apologizing you are admitting that it’s YOUR fault and that YOU did harm. So people, especially on Twitter are pushing you even further in that role of someone who does harm. Then you apologize AGAIN and you end up in a vicious circle
Why do other people scrutinize you for having different beliefs and try to force their ideologies on you? I don’t condone any hate but I hate how people keep bullshitting
I believe it's a plan to undermine opposition by any means so they have complete political control. They are true authoritarians and fascists
They are not people, they are beings. They left the humanrace a long time ago. The fact that they have ideology, makes them non-human. That is not normal, that is insanity. Being controlled by an ideology is a mental disorder, and we have deprogramming centers for that sort of thing. Doctors making millions a year help people like this, they help amish, scientologists, etc. 90% of the tech CEOs need to be sentenced to pay and attend theese programs.
@@sonicthehedgehog5047 hey bitch if you want to see what fascism is just look at the people in charge
You are making the same stupid ass mistake the people coming after Kevin did. You are reading too much into it. This are not his believes he was making a joke....
@@dnciskkk9037 take your meds bitch
Damn Kevin on the podcast how wild. Get the rock next
GED Gert this is the worlds most popular and listened to podcast. It’s not surprising to see anybody on here. Having Kim jong Un on wouldn’t surprise me
GED Gert nah that dude just pats himself on the back it’d be like listening to goggins. “You fuckin suck if you don’t work out as much as me”
Then Brett the hit man hart
Rogan finally getting the big comedians on here
I’m glad Kevin Hart stays away from politics, one of the few Comedians remaining that don’t divide people
He's still talking about it?
Joe Rogans podcast are by far the greatest of all time like his guest are the best
Any given sunday is pretty good as well.
stern sucks “blah blah blah I have sunglasses on blah blah blah” literally the worst
Kevin Hart is a good guy.
People need to pull the log out of their own eye before pulling the splinter out of someone else’s.
This talk show is soooooo good. So much wisdom with this kind of dialogs.
These dialogue's are Real tlk!😉
Sorry is never good enough... it just feeds it.
Roe Jogan: I'll never sell out a stadium like Kevin Hart, I'm out!
Steven Diaz Don’t go wait! Ah, fuck!
cause he aint funny
@person below me is gay it's a video you should search it, it's really funny
@@steven209 r/wooosh
When did Kevin Hart become a motivational speaker?
Lol at joe rogan in the background like " good for you"
I dont' know Kevin Hart in any way, I seriously doubt we will ever meet but he seems like a good guy :)
Miss communication is the key word for sure. Because if ANYONE doesn't know that Kevin Hart is an amazing, kind-hearted, good person at heart then obviously they aren't paying attention.
First thing... never apologize. Second thing... never apologize especially if you're a comedian.
Went to the comments to say "You should never apologize, it only makes things worse".
Only to see that everyone else has already said it.
You all make me proud.
Stay strong KEVIN!
This podcast is still live
Kevin in the upside was ridiculously GOOD! The director really brought out his dramatic chops. Can't wait for more kevin hart.
Stop apologizing Kevin, every time you apologize for something you've already apologized for, they take a piece of you. If you let them, they will take it all.
Kevin's the funniest guy did I seen on TV and seems really down-to-earth I think everyone should give him a break
I just love these short guys, I can just picture Kevin asking Joe to help him get something down from the shoe rack and Joe gladly then roundhouse kicks it down.
trongborg the fuck. Hahahahahahahahaa
@M J Grasscutter thank you
Kevin hart is so well spoken
he apologized, he gave in
“I’m not talkin about it again” as I bring it up and talk about it
Get Kathy Griffin and the Covington kid on JRE
Kathy Griffin: Lol Nope! HARD PASS!!
Kathy Griffin is the wrong type of political activist for Joe and his new base.
@@ejaganjac7085 Kathy Griffin is the Mr. Magoo of political activists lol
Kevin needs to stop apologizing to the void
MIND BLOWN you’re so easy to dislike
It became a conversation because there's a culture war going on
How did Eddie Murphy put it, Boo whooo,Boo whooo puh ovah,puh ovah... LMAO!
You can tell he is choosing his words so carefully
Never apologize threaten to do more gay jokes if they keep it up!!!
Kudos to Kevin for coming on the show! We need to see more celebrities like him normal and grounded
Joe Rogan is the only white guy who is always invited to the barbecue
@@marcusstoudemire100 Nevermind ya'll i had no idea lool
See? Having dialogues can work :)
The same people who think murderers deserve second chances, won't give anybody else a second chance..
You can't apologize to these people, you have to stand your ground because sorry is never enough.
For a short guy he talks about his growth a lot.
Mohamed Mawji are you being shortist??? Can someone call the offence police please????? This guy hates on shorties
Shut up😂
I'm happy for Joe Rogan podcast show. Also has interesting guests on the show, congratulations Mr. Rogan. I am happy for you.
Sometimes straight people over react way more then gay people when it come to gay jokes.
Moses which ironically is kinda gay...
An apology to a professional offence taker is like blood to a shark.
If they have the audacity to go after a good guy like Kevin Hart, none of us stand a chance
sensationalism is at it's peak in today's time. It's getting ridiculous. Hart did the right thing
He's an adult. It's actually refreshing.
This day and age it’s almost forbidden to speak your mind especially if your a celeb !
Nyc Native as a celeb you can speak your mind, as long as you speak about what the far left agrees with
@@OSI32100 If a celeb does that the other side will call you a SJW or whatever and now you got hate on the other side. If I were a celeb, I would share no opinions on anything, ever (which STILL would aggravate people, but that's the best solution I can think of)
Sngl Rdy2Tngle but the other side wouldn’t ruin you it’s the so call sjw that are the mob that will ruin you.
Like they ruin Kevin dream come true
Thank God for Ricky Gervais! (I'm sure he'd appreciate the irony of that statement).
Ricky would never be bullied by this sort of thing and if anything would turn the tables on the accusers.
Love how he threw his hat into the ring to host in Kevin's place whilst at the same time showing the hypocrisy of how the Oscars nominated Mel Gibson the year before.
And Jimmy Carr, Bill burr, Jeselnik, Andrew schulz.....
Comedy should never be censored. People just need to learn how to toughen up.
Hearing Kevin Heart repeatedly saying “ I’m sorry” truly made him look and sound sorry. Never apologize to the mob.
One of the few best comedians we have left
But did you ever tried DMT
To Kai did you ever try*
Did you ever tried English?
Rules to live by:
1.) Never apologize to SJWs.
2.) Run far away from people who want you to be an "ally". Friends stick with you for life, "allies" use and dispose of you whenever it suits them.
Exactly. "Ally" really means "we own you." It's hegemony in it's purest form. Even the Lee Daniels call, who I've noticed is a deplorable guy as part of the Hollywood cabal, was quite dubious. If I were Hart I'd watch myself around guys like Daniels and Hollywood. SJW's control these folks.
Lesson number one: NEVER APOLOGIZE. It's not your fault that there offended by mere words.
Them headphones look like they bout to swallow Kevin Harts whole head 😂😂😂
This should have been done along time ago Kevin been dragged too long bruh he a great dude respect
You know Kevin Hart is a legend when people are still triggered about some jokes he said 9 years ago 😂
Kevin is surprisingly a really good deep conversationalist, it’s cool to see this more serious side of him
imagine patrice o neal in the room and in the middle of kevins convo he just says "nigga shut the hell up" and overtakes the convo hahahaha
Where's Rogan/Randy Marsh after that Wheel of Fortune mishap? LOL!