i mean can you imagine the fucking nerve of these people who CHOOSE TO COME to a secular christian counrty and then act outraged by the way the country expresses itself. - get out before we throw them out
That’s the simple truth. And the truth doesn’t lie. Great straight to the point comment. Plus they breed up like rabbits. 🖕🏽to them. They offend all western women. If you’ve got to cover up your modesty, do like the Indian ladies do & I did in India. Wear a pretty sari, simples 🙏🕉Om But I do understand that a lot of western women, especially the younger ones, dress like gungy hookers. With fake lips & eyelashes & hair & teeth & the list goes on…maybe put no brain into mix?
In Australia a cop stopped a woman for traffic violation. It was dark, she got out of the van!The woman was screaming the cop was racist! She was screaming he only stopped her because, she was wearing the burqa! She kept saying tbe cop was a racist. She was screaming that she was going to have the cop fired! The cop had his car camera on. When she went to court, the judge found her guilty of lying. She them said, it was not her, it was somebody else who was using her license! Liars and deceivers! She got 6 months in jail!
I am in France, a few months after the ban came into force, I was at a supermarket & a woman came in wearing one, security stopped her, she kicked off & started hurling abuse, police Nationale were called, they escorted her away, living in another country, you abide by their rules & laws !
@@No-timeforimbeciles Teach this to India too please. In my country they wear black tent and roam around which creates fear among native indians, many times terrorists have been caught wearing black tent to disguise themselves.
This is not a religious issue. Covering your face in public is disconcerting and makes people uneasy when they can't see who they are dealing with. It is a basic form of civility to reveal yourself to people you interact with.
First of all: catholic nuns do NOT hide their face.... and their dress is not like the muslim dress.... (there are similarities but it is NOT the same...)
I totally agree with Jason LaSalle that it is basic form of civility to reveal yourself to ppl u interact with.... It is common sense..... (it should not be even an issue to discuss...)
And I am NOT against muslims (been with them half my life ..) but.. to hide the FACE ... twihat seems not correct..... and do not feel correct for ppl who sees it... well I personally do not have extrem difficulties with that... but anyway I do think it is nice and good to see a persons face and face expressions....
Yes just yesterday a woman aproached me, I live in a arab country, she said you can't show your skin because you are in a country where everyone is covered,so you should respect the covered women and I said ok I will not show my skin here, but if you come to my country, will you take away your hijab to respect my culture, and she said never if I take my hijab I am no more muslim,so they used religion to justify their dress code,its not in their mentality it doesn't exist in their mentality to respect onether country point of view.
elsa photography If you are out with your usual dress code that means the country allow you,this is just a women who represent herself. The non muslims countries like UK,USA,France are not religious and they claim to be the guardians of freedom but muslims countries are muslims countries and they have their rules and It’s not like everything is allowed in the western countries too, there is multiple niqab bans.
@@episodestories4024 you want to wear a burka you go to your own country and wear it. France is for the French Spain is for the Spanish Iraq is for the iraqi Muslims Iran is for the Iranian Muslims Saudi Arabia is for the Saudi Arabian Muslims and on and on in their own sect leave everybody else alone live by your own rules don't expect us to swallow your stuff the laws we have in our countries are for the people who live there if you choose to live in our country you go by our laws. You come to America to the Americans not change America into a Muslim country.I think it's you who knows nothing...you can see it all over Europe, the people want to throw off the globalist shackels each country wants their freedom from the globalist and be free nationalists in their own country and free from Outsiders who would come in and steal their safety and their treasure why should we have to work and toil to give money to people who come into our country and want to change it to theirs this is our country this is America if I was a Frenchman I would say I'm a Frenchman and this is my country this is my France and the Spaniards the English and so on the Germans. Go back to your own country Don't force your ways and your laws down our throats cuz I will spew you out of my country
If I saw women or men wearing the burka heading to a train my first thought is they are planning a terrorist attack by blowing up the plane or standing in an airport covered.
In western society, it is seen as a lack of respect and manners wearing sun glasses while greeting/talking to someone because you are hiding your eyes and stop the other reading your face gestures. Imagine having the whole face covered, how that affects communication?!
These women SHOULD not communicate with anyone at all, except their husbands. Almost all Muslims are pathologically jealous of other Muslims - they are like roosters.
Years ago in Canada. An awful man came to the marina to fish, he had a chair. He fished for hours in the hot sun. His poor wife all covered in the black total bag, stood behind him. I gave her a bottle of ice cold water, I gave him nothing. My heart broke for her she was so young and in the land of the free Canada. Why is Canada allowing this treatment of women? No country should allow it.
Because the Canadian authorities are stupid who still believe in the stupid version of "Multiculturalism." Eating couscous is fine and drinking mint tea and many more cultural and even religious things. Allow female oppression NO. There is a reason why Kemal Ataturk banned the hijab in Turkey, the vast majority of women (young people especially) wear it due to family and community imposition. Something that a democracy should never tolerate.
But you understand the point, the girls are sick to the teeth of men's unwanted attention and lewd behaviour, don't you? It's a security issue, though.
The way it works is immigrants move to another country and must assimilate to that culture, not the other way around. France has the right to ban the burka and it should, in fact, for security reasons.
Did jews integrate into British Mandate for Palestine? No, they just colonized it and made it into Israel. So why should immigrants integrate into the French culture? The reason why I am saying is, is that the far-right party tend to support Israel's agenda, which for me seems very paradoxically because they are against immigration, but Israel was built by immigrants who did not want to integrate into Palestinian culture and did not want to be part of Palestinian citizens.
You go to a place, you respect the local norm. If non-Muslim women have to cover themselves in Saudi Arabia, Muslim should follow French law when in France. When I visited Thailand as a child, I wore shorts on a warm day, and the site we went to, a temple, stated that I have to put a large scarf (sari?) around me like a long skirt, to cover my legs before enter, I did.
@@sunandmoon73 That's not true because your holy book prohibits all muslims to live in countries governed by non muslims. On the other side, all your admired mullahs always say that the holy book can only be read and understood in Arabic, meaning that all other languages are inferior and thus all non-Arabs.
The French woman who converted to Islam and wears the full niqab says men don't accost her any more, but it's Islamic men who accost French women and have no respect for any woman not dressed like a ghoul. What hypocrisy!!!
@brendahannaford4111 correct. We have our values. 20 years ago first time in London. I nearly died. I didn't know what a burqa was. Looked like Dar theta. I was frightened. I am from Australia 🇦🇺 Now they swim at La Persouse Sydney. My god. Unbelievable
I don’t think they see it as an islamophobic thing, just a security measure. Even when you walk into an ATM kiosk, it literally says you must NOT cover your face with a mask or wear a helmet or even a baseball cap. I agree with this. For public security it’s necessary to be able to identify people by their faces.
Absolutely. If you want to go live in another country; don't expect the country to change for you. If you do not like a counties ways, don't move there.
@@Damon-p9usince I was a child I feared Islam. To me it is an satanic cult. Nothing in the Quran or Torah that says absolutely nothing that says they have to cover up.
You are so right! But the problem with these people is that wherever they go, they want to take their religion with them ( with all demands etc).Even if they were ( because of Islam) oppressed in their country of origin. I'm so surprised how easily these people are getting things done ie mosque after mosque is being build in European countries. Meanwhile you should DARE to build a church or a temple in one of these Arabic countries. Honestly I think Europe gave these people to much freedom in expressing their religion.
I can understand this ban. I'm from North East England and i get absolutely terrified when collecting my child from school as there are many women who cover their full head. It does bring along certain fears and also, how the hell is a teacher really to know who is collecting a small child?! It is rediculous!! If i went to a Muslim country i would be expected to wear and act the part. Coming to a western country should mean the same to. Why should western countries snap their backs for Muslims when the Muslim community won't even bend a little!!
Becouse free of religion lady,you and i have the right and my religion is modesty part and so its in cristianity but unfortunetly peoples follow the sins of theyr religions nowdays..its like "becouse its more suitable for me ,becouse i dont like see someone scarf head so i dont want it" becouse becouse.. its like "i dont want see sellulite legs and sausages hips so they should cover up" do muslim say that no.I dont care what other wears i care how they act upon others,look is not saying is the person good or bad person .. Marriges would last nowdays if the persons would focus theyr own partners eyes not others and come home and change collage pants on end of the days😅 But all should respect others culturals outlooks and westerns cultural is have been covering up also (same look as muslim womens) iam european from Finland and my granmother looked like muslim women ,modesty.there is only saudi where u need wear abaya and cant wear tank tops but u dont need cover hair so why the needs to show boobs shapes everyone🤷🏻♀️
@@Mo-he8rl why show your face sometimes then you wouldn't show your face for sometimes. Are you people mad or what? I understand covering the hair... but the burqa is rubbish 🗑. Just stay in your country than scaring other people away!!
Your statement falls on dead ears, Islamist. The Turkish Islamic leader said the men without beards “excite” him. ?Homophobe? Two can play the shame game.
@@Damon-p9u Islamophobia is a very well-founded fear. And what the Muslim woman said in the video: "Islamic women are very pretty, but they only show it to their husband" is complete nonsense. Most of these women are fat and bloated. In reality, they are ashamed of their unattractiveness. No man with the slightest self-respect would give her a second glance. So the burkha is as unnecessary as a goiter - unless they want to HIDE FROM ISLAMIC MEN who hunt everything that isn't in the trees at 3.
@Rehaan Aamir nah just stop, every religion has shitty rules and regualtions, the quran is full of hateful and very agressive texts, so is the bible and so is almost every religion. In the west they seperated state and religion. You cant just expect not to receive criticism on your beliefs lmao
"We come to your country, you must honor our customs." No. Assimilate or leave, thank you. Liberty and freedom, collective and individual, has limits defined by law. Western countries have separated religious principles from civil law. When civil law conflicts with religious principles, civil law prevails. Which allows a more tolerant and diverse society.
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Muhammad: A summary to understand the man behind the "Religion of Peace". Stoned women for adultery. (Muslim 4206) "I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah" (Muslim 1:33) Permitted stealing from unbelievers. (Bukhari 44:668, Ibn Ishaq 764) Permitted lying. (Sahih Muslim 6303, Bukhari 49:857) Owned and traded slaves. (Sahih Muslim 3901) Beheaded 800 Jewish men and boys. (Abu Dawud 4390) Murdered those who insulted him. (Bukhari 56:369, 4:241) "If then anyone transgresses the prohibition against you, Transgress ye likewise against him" (Quran 2:194) Jihad in the way of Allah elevates one's position in Paradise by a hundred fold. (Muslim 4645) Married 13 wives and kept sex slaves. (Bukhari 5:268, Quran 33:50) Raped a 9-year-old child. (Sahih Muslim 3309, Bukhari 58:236) Ordered the murder of women. (Ibn Ishaq 819, 995) "O you who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness." (Quran 9:123) Ordered 65 military campaigns and raids in his last 10 years. (Ibn Ishaq )
Killed captives taken in battle. (Ibn Ishaq 451) Encouraged his men to rape enslaved women. (Abu Dawood 2150, Quran 4:24) Demanded captured slaves and a fifth of all other loot taken in war. (Quran 8:41) Was never tortured, but tortured others. (Muslim 4131, Ibn Ishaq 436, 595, 734, 764) "And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Allah" (Quran 8:39) Blessed the brutal murder of a half-blind man (al-Tabari 1440) Ordered a slave to build the very pulpit from which he preached Islam. (Bukhari 47:743)
"Belief in Allah and Jihad in His cause" (Muslim 1:149) Demanded the protection of armed bodyguards, even in a house of worship (Quran 4:102) Advocated crucifying others. (Quran 5:33, Muslim 16:4131) Had others give their lives for him. (Sahih Muslim 4413) Said that women are deficient in the head (Stupid) Sahih al-Bukhari 2658 Died from poisoning by a woman. Sunan Abu Dawud 4498, Sunan Abu Dawud 4449, Sunan Ibn Majah 1622, Ibn Ishaq, p. 516, Ibn Sa’d, Volume 2, pp. 251-252 If the prophet Mohamed would be accused of rape, murder and hate speech today in a court of law, would he be found guilty or innocent? What is your verdict? Please explain your answer. 10 points for the correct answer.
@ have you tried seeing the full message befire making assumptian
4 ปีที่แล้ว
@@nabilaashour9785 What assumption are speaking of? The assumption that the prophet said woman are deficient in the head? The assumption that woman are treated badly, not being equal to a man? What are you speaking? She has to, not by her own choice, walk around in a black bag and he wears western clothing and smiles while his wife, probably one of four, is a walking and talking black bag. Equality in the 21st century? Is this woman brain washed?
Yes. France is 100% right. #1 is security. What are you hiding from and who are you from? If you don't people to see you, stay indoor or go back to your place of origin.
Bro how does wearing a mask or niqab cause unsafety, its literally a peice of cloth thats fashional when kim kardashian wears it. France is a western afghanisthan where the women have to dress as the government pleases or else theyre no allowed to exit houses
@BoldTruth That wasn't the question. You WANT* to see our face, a woman shouldn't be forced to wear or remove niqab just because an entitled intolerant person feels like it. In Muslim countries (except Afghanisthan, Iran and previously Saudi, whose own people condemn the govt. And you cant compare military and democratic govt.) Westerners arent forced to dress different (Westerners project their intolerance on us to validate their own, but if you come to Qatar kuwait bahrain oman Egypt lebanon UAE etc. even muslims wear shorts and bikinis and no one cares, whuch is how itshoul be i live here) and women cover yet our crime rates are wayyy lower so the reasoning doesnt make sense. Again, please don't deflect and answer the question I asked.
@BoldTruth 1) Everyone's wearing face masks right now. I don't wear a niqab but all niqabis remove their niqabs for security and identity reasons 100% even in military countries. If you go around asking strangers to remove their covid masks cuz you need to make sure they say who they are (even if you don't know them) then kindly meet a psychiatrist. 2) That's a stupid argument. "Yall can't insult Islam in your country therefore we can tell you what not to wear" So if we can't insult Christianity in America that justifies people forcing to covering in Afghanisthan? It's 2022, look away if you don't like what a woman is wearing instead of forcing them to dress the way you like. Just admit the West, unlike Muslim countries (except terrorist run areas of afghanisthan and military countries) is intolerant of how women of other cultures dress (unless its for western fashion ofcourse, then veils and scarves are allowed). As for me, I'm chill in UAE glad we're from a country where a woman can wear niqab or bikini without intolerant white people/terrorists making them change for their colonialist/terror entitled mindset. We also have farrr lower crime rates, racist/hate crime rates and as a woman i can walk/drive alone 3 in the night without fearing for my life, can't imagine how women in the west live with those sexual assault and rape rates.
@BoldTruth And I'd suggest you compare America and UAE/Kuwait/Qatar etc. Crime rates if Niqab, despites its removal for security reason, is a security issue. Why is your crime rate on steroids and not ours?
Assimilate, Or .. Go away.... It is just that simple... If you do not want to live according to the host countries culture, Laws, And way of life... Go back to your own country... OR go to a country that culture, laws, and way of life already lines up with your own.. Meaning if you want to live according to Muslim culture... Move to a muslin majority country where sharia law is already the base way of life.... JUST BECAUSE i ALLOWED YOU TO VISIT MY HOUSE.... DOES NOT MEAN YOU GET TO CHANGE THE FURNITURE, RULES OF MY HOME, NOR CHANGE THE MENU.... MY HOUSE, MY RULES !!!! THIS IS NOT UP FOR DEBATE !!!
Immigrants have to integrate! I'm an immigrant and I did it. If u want to leave in this country you have to respect the culture. When in France do like french when in Italy do like Italiens.
You mean love being raped and enjoy paedophilia? France are 4th on the list on the UNITED NATIONS CHARTER, USA have a rape every 15 seconds, mind you their president is a rapist.. Does that make it right for others?
@OZ King, you think theres no women being raped in your muslim countries lol? They’re just not reported. And its not a culture, raping is not welcome or promoted here and they are condemned, do you see a lot of men being condemned for raping women there (like publicly condemned on news, probably not that often) Whereas in muslim countries women cant report for being raped (not common). So stay in your country and use your own websites cause youtube is a web that’s invented by a western company and since you dont like western culture, dont use it! Period
OZ KING You comment have nothing with Mrs Irene comment. This is how every normal person in this world should behave. Respect and integrate, follow the rules and regulations any country when you coming as a guest, full respect for the host.
@@ozking842 the fact that you connect raping people with immigrating is just sad, negative things like rape, murder, racism, clothing isn't part if immigrating obviously but something we want to stop
@@zykel621 that's great, but the west like france,uk,italy and america colonised half of the arab countries and stil to this day steal oil from us, so just leave us and we will leave u ;)
There is a increasing muslim population or rather already increased one in England. White Brits have one or no child whereas Muslim couples have 3 to 5 children. One of my english friend told me jokingly once 'Imagine if i went to pick up my kid from school and if i shouted Muhammad 50 kids will come running to you INCLUDING the teacher'
In India there's a saying "Jaisa desh, waisa besh". It means you have to dress according to the culture of the place you live in. You live in middle East, respect their tradition. You live in France, obey their law.
They don’t have a concept of ‘nation’ in Islam, it’s not a culture but a doctrine. They can wilfully deny any nation’s law while living on their land as immigrants, earning their money, having all advantages and rights but defying all responsibilities and laws.
@@someoneortwo5290 completely false. Read the chapter 4 of Quran that clearly denies your statement. As a Muslim myself I think it's wrong to expect non Muslims to make Islamic laws. Be respectful that's enough.
@@IDontCare39 I don’t know what statement you’re questioning but let me ask you this. As a Muslim yourself, do you or do you not believe that Allah is the only god worthy of worship and no other god exists? Would you say nation comes before God? My statement clearly was on the ideology of Islam and not the belief system. Beliefs vary in people but the ideology and doctrine remains the same.
andy k Talk about Israel they have their Zionist shills promoting hatred in order to ruin and destroy Christian countries! Why have they enacted a law that it is ok to teach our children about antisemitism? They will be teaching a whole lot more. Ruin the family and ruin the country as Stalin/Jew stated!
Yes.... Anyway if not an insult but at least a bit uncomfortable... Anyway I want to see their eyes and face expressions.. It's nice to see if a person is smiling or not... Or whatever mind they have...
You are taking one extreme and going to the next they are saying a person's face not their whole body I agree women should not have to cover our faces our hair men who hate women created this non sense.
Personally, I tried hard to convince myself that the burqa is just like any other outfit and to wear it is a matter of one's personal choice. But so far, I was able to see it only as a mobile prison and a symbol of repression that should have no place in the civilized world.
@Richard Hoffman That's a bold, and entirely stupid statement. Everyone? You mean white anglo-saxons from either Europe or the USA? What about 1.6b+ of the population? What about those who are fine with people wearing whatever THEY THEMSELVES choose to? Foolish words from a foolish, one-way minded person.
@Richard Hoffman i care about bingus"s argument. Now you & the looks of you, go and do something useful except whining all over about women wearing what they believe in cuz you can't reach them, freaking erotic losers.
I don't think that in Australia, there is much in the way of welfare programs for new immigrants unless they are refugees, in which case they sponge off the Australian taxpayer for many years and many of the adults will never be employed. A better idea is to increase the family payments for the first two children born in Australia and don't provide assistance for any extra children.
I agree and they're probably doing so to compensate for the fact that they have been so marginalized as if you almost literally invisible and therefore desperately try to find some type of superiority over anybody because people down inside they know that they're worthless
Sharia law does not belong in Civilized developed free countries.... It is not fair to a child to be raised in a free country that allows you freedom of choice... Freedom to be able to choose your mate and marry who you love of your own free will.. And expect them to live like they are in a Islamic country having to behave like they are the property of someone other than themselves... Rather than living free .
They want to hide their beauty but only for their husbands .they have more honor than your sisters and daughters but you guys trying hide this truth 😂 Your sisters get naked in the beach and wear tight skirts and show their materials and twerking on social media but Islamic women don’t .this is the FACT but you act the reason is something else .ENVY 😂
@@alkingabod185 if any one claim that secularism is accepted in islam? As far as I know muslims should fight to any non muslim government and they call it taghot طاغوت
I like how they say “women who choose to coverup”. It right up there with the women who choose to be beaten, stoned, lashed, disinherited, and subjected.
Obviously some women do choose to be dominated as do some men , look at the 3 teenage girls from Bethnal Green who couldn't wait for that way of life ! , and they knew exactly what sort of life in the West they were giving up !
I once went to a meeting with a group of women near Paris. There were five or six of us and our children, the oldest was about ten years old. It was a diverse and accepting group. One of the women arrived in a burka, with only her eyes showing a bit. We were all uncomfortable because first of all, there were no men in the house and so the burka seemed superfluous (she had been told there were no men) but she decided to keep it anyway. And secondly, none of us felt we could involve her in the conversation. She was cut off by her shield of fabric. If she spoke, we listened but I found it very difficult to communicate with her. It was as if she wasn't really there. I was surprised. Up until that point, I had no problem with women wearing burkas - I'm of the opinion that we should all wear what makes us comfortable - but after that encounter, I think of a burka as a way of hiding or blanking out a person, not just their appearance, but who they are. It totally isolates a person from society and from friendships. None of us in that meeting managed to get acquainted with the woman and that is sad. She never came back. Also, it was very warm in the room where we were (summertime) and throughout I felt sorry for her being under all that fabric. I cannot imagine how uncomfortable she must have been.
so youre willing to violate youre own people shloud wear what ever they want rule ? i bet you still have the same naive thinking - just this one exception and only because of how YOU FEEL about it. this is whats wrong with liberals the most fascist of all
I agree with France’s decision to ban the burqa. Every Nation has a right to defend its secular framework in law and while there may be freedom to practice religion, but religious belief is subordinate to the Law of the Land and the Constitution of the Nation.
So wearing a burka is an attack on the secular framework of France and Switzerland? But wearing a Sikh turban isn’t, or a Christian cross chain, or Buddhist robes, or even a Jewish hat? Seems like just like a load of bigotry against Islam.
Era Of Dissolution it doesn’t make you look smart either to criticize someone for their comment when you can’t even proof read your own before making it public for all to read!!!
You cant practice Islam without sharia, genius. Sharia is the legal basis of Islam and covers every aspect of a muslims life. Just like how 1 cannot practice orthodox Judaism without Halakhah or be a devout traditional Catholic without Canon Law. There is nothing wrong with Islam or sharia, let muslims live according to their beliefs
If a woman goes to their country, and goes outside without a man to “watch over her” she’ll face very HEAVY punishment. Yet they complain about following rules in the country that took them in and protected them from their country.
Deport Deport Deport! When in a host country do as they do or leave! You do not want to? Too bad, get the hell out n go back to your sand infested lands.🤔
That is not true. I have lived in Saudi Arabia and there are no such laws. Saudi women do go out with family members but it is out of choice. They only recommend that you dress modestly but it is for your own protection. There are a lot of foreign workers in Saudi Arabia who live there for many years without female companionship (family, wives etc.) Who get exited if they see women not dressed modestly and things happen. There have been instances of rapes and the penalties are dire like public beheading. Foreign women are not forced to wear the burka and I have even seen foreign women strutting around in tight jeans and small blouses especially in Jeddah. They are taking a risk and that is why the Saudi government recommend that you dress modestly. To protect yourself. But no laws or punishments. If you go to Rome, tourists will not be allowed inside churches dressed immodestly. If you go on an organized tour that will visit churches, they won't let you on the tour bus if you are not dressed modestly. When going out shopping in Jeddah, my wife always dressed with beautiful long flowing dresses and a scarf on her head, very modest and the fashion is actually very beautiful. The Saudis were always appreciative of the way she respected their traditions and were always extremely nice to us and respectful.
Correct. The worst part is: their holy book itself prohibits all muslims to live in countries governed by non-muslims! They are going to hell anyway. Or they are invading the West for a future, very bloody jihad with genocides and endless rapes.
J OneLife I appreciate what you say .Im not saying all white people .Im talking about the most specially their decision makers . Even Canada does promote the Indecency.it accepted the sexual relationships outside marriage (adultery),they legalize strip clubs,sex stores on public where you can easily see the toys from outside.legalize homosexuality and made their annual celebration in a street called (Church Street).If you read the Bible and exactly what Jesus was saying by (his tongue) and his actions and what he did,you will realize that Muslims are the closest people to the Christ peace Ben upon him
Did jews integrate into British Mandate for Palestine? No, they just colonized it and made it into Israel. So why should immigrants integrate into the French culture? The reason why I am saying is, is that the far-right party tend to support Israel's agenda, which for me seems very paradoxically because they are against immigration, but Israel was built by immigrants who did not want to integrate into Palestinian culture and did not want to be part of Palestinian citizens.
@@user-oc5gh9lr4f *What about all of those Muslim porn stars I've seen on pornhub and all of those stories about Mohammad PBUH sucking little boys cocks he was a dirty pedo after all.*
YES, "when in Rome behave like the Romans" as the saying goes, if a French woman went to a Arab country they are told to cover-up in France we don't cover.... Furthermore we don't want surprises
False. In Saudi Arabia, foreigners aren't encouraged or forced to wear anything. They don't have to wear an Abaya, Hijab or Burqa. You should really read the Saudi Arabian dress code for foreigners.
@Leonardo moreira We dont care what saudi Arabia says or does to you but what Allah has commanded is real justice and takes precedence over all man made ideologies . Veil is comandment of Allah the L-rd of worlds . Veil is essential and must be adhered to . Any one forcing us to remove should be fought with . Its declaration of war on islam .
A D, a slut is woman that behaves like a man. Please explain me why a man can have sexual experience and a woman can't. How do you do in your country? If the woman are all pure and chast I suppose the man are having sex with each others... 🤔 Or have lots of sex alone with porno magazines. How can a man respect a woman like that you asked? Guess what? she doesn't need your respect. She need air, food, cloth, money, a few good friend. And maybe, in the future, a man that loves her. And if he doesn't love her, he is no good.
A D how can any man respect a woman who has been done by many man? The same way a woman respect a man that have done many women. So Simple. I'm not jealous of your women. Somewhere in the past I was a virgin. I know the feeling. OK I'm not married yet, but that didn't stop me of having kids and having a happy life of companionship with their father. Who, by the way, never judged me, because himself wasn't a virgin. If my man thought like you, you can bet I wouldn't be with him.
Why do Muslims always change the ISSUE, they NEVER give an HONEST or straight foreword answer... NO ONE Believes anything they say anyway... They ALWAYS blame others for their FAILURES .
im sorry for what has become of the once proud and great nation of Iran - perhaps someday the oppressed people of that rogue nation will rise up and overthrow their tyranical masters and iran can breathe freely once more
As a Muslim myself I'm in agreement with the governments on losing the barka because it can be threatening to ppl not able to see the face of whoever they're speaking with. Hijab is enough for modesty....
@@Margalit10656 How so? I've had many people in my life who don't wear a hijab and no one calls them whores. And that "Islam takes humanity away." Is an entirely baseless claim.
@@trishayamada807 no one is calling anyone where for not wearing hijab in the Quran anyways...it should emphasis on should be an extra step of a woman showing deviousness and humbleness. Man shouldnt have the power to tell a woman she has to make that choice nor should man have the power to tell a woman she CANT make that choice as what us happening here. First it's the burqa then hijab then clothes. Careful what power we give or take away.
ALLAH thePIMP If you can see the difference between christians and the KKK, I’m pretty sure you know the difference between muslims and ISIS. Each religion has its group of extremists, but for you to classify that over the whole faith/ religion... Maybe, become more aware? Become open minded?
no one is forced to go by the saudi and iran culture. I have been there many times without hijab and guess what? they didnt give a shit. also you europeans come to dubai, a muslim country wearing bikinis on the beaches so grow the fuck up
The most horrifying thing she said was...now she's covered up an men don't accost her...which is wildly wrong. Teach the men in Muslim culture to have respect and keep their hands to themselves...
In Quran it tells men to lower their gaze to respect women. But it also tells man and women to be modest. There’s a difference between Muslim culture and Islam. Muslim culture/Muslim individuals don’t always properly align with Islam. This same thing is applied to Christians in the west.
The University in our town in the USA had to explain that. Explain that they could not walk the street and grab women's breast as they walk about . The police had posted the sketch of a Muslim man that did so. So the University responded by having a course for Muslim men coming to study at the university and they had to be law abiding..
@@Raspberries9372 Not what we observe. They have no problem to shove older white women to move forward when exiting the plane. They do not know that in civilized countries, you wait for your row to exit and that shoving and older person is assault. You will be released the next day, but you will have a criminal record. I am old, it happened to me 2 months ago, i saw it done again on the next flight in Europe.two seventy something American women. i will not forget this.
@@Raspberries9372 say what you want...Muslim men are not held responsible for their actions and Muslim women are...haven't you heard of honor killing...it's twisted...
@Raspberries9372 Am sorry, but why should women in the West dress modestly because Muslim men can't control themselves because in the Islamic religion and culture, women are second class citizens women in the west fought for there wright's Muslims coming to west need get a grip of themselves we are not changing who we are and what we do to bend down to a foreign religion and culture you Muslims came to stop in our country's we didn't go to Islamic countries.
Ask for Shelter --> Rights to practice ---> Impose their law to other ----> Violence to impose that Dear French people Save France and its culture Afghanistan is Example of how things get worse once they arrive.
I completely agree with you. These woman won't wake up dear. I just stopped becoming friends with one woman. She born in USA but going to Pakistan to marry her cousin , she don't want but has zero gutts. I dropped her now. Shes not welcome in my world. She can't stand up for herself, well I don't want to be surrounded by that.
@@fashioncreator5119 what if she is comfortable and WANTS to cover up? If she is ok with who she is don't you think the problem is you and your definition of 'woke'? Only the shoe wearer knows where it pinches as the saying goes
@@user-ev4lq5fr1o That's her man's choice. She has no real choice except to say that it's her own choice, just to save herself from being beaten up or worse.
@@armes4189 My life is absolutely fine. And that's why I don't want other populations to invade our countries and transform our lives according to their own rules.
Support to the fullest. In Islamic country, it a symbol of abuse against women. Men does't want other men to orgal at their woman. In the west they turn it into an Islamic political movement = Islamic symbol of superiority against the infidels.
@@OpiumBride To quote the 1960' s woman 'Well she would say that wouldn't she'? He's sitting right beside her and would probably beat her if she doesn't obey him. Imagine her poor children never seeing a mother's loving face.
@@tankman7347 Ok, let me explain it to you her husband, sons, father, brothers, nephews, uncles, grandpas, granduncles, and all her forefathers can see her hair. And all the girls can see it anyway. If you don't want to believe me, then its up to you. But atleast i have explained it.
@@sweetiepie4328 You don't seem to realize the implications of Western society, we are nations that have always cherished freedom for everyone male or female everyone is born the same and equal be you male or female and communication of both sexes has always been cherished that includes, and this is important the recognition of facial expressions when we are speaking to each other. We have had terrible wars and disputes I don't deny that, but always all of us in the western world have cherished those basic laws of freedom.
So you're saying the democracy is false, the right to do or wear what do you want the laws are above you and oppresing you, not disagree, this is why I'm a socialist.
@@preparenowseekshelter7568 Exactly. This is why host countries should not accept immigrants forcing laws on others. For example in Denmark removing pork from schools. It's ironic when immigrants want the host country to change into the country that they are fleeing.
Actually, their holy book itself prohibits them to live in countries governed by non-muslims. Either they are all going to hell or they are knowingly invading the West for a future, very very bloody jihad full of rapes.
Sarojini Naidu Hindu, Ideals of Islam, speeches and Writings, Madras, 1918, P.169 "It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy for, in the mosque, when the call for prayers is sounded and worshipers are gathered together, the democracy of Islam is embodied five times a day when the peasant and king kneel side by and side and proclaim: "God Alone is Great" I have never been struck over and over again by this indivisible unity of Islam that makes man instinctively a brother."
John William Draper, M.D., L.L.D., A History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, London 1875, Vol. 1, pp. 329-330 Is written, Four years after the death of Justinian, A.D. 569, was born at Mecca, in Arabia the man who, of all men exercised the greatest influence upon the human race . . . Mohammed . .
AlienMagi You need to learn your history, most of what you see today is because of Islamic rulings.. Your Bible has blood & wars galore, is there one place any rules are placed? WHERE DO YOU THINK THE GENEVA CONVENTION RULES CAME FROM? Until 1940 women in Europe had NO Right to property that Muslim women had for centuries.. I can find 100 000 cases of white men raping women and children, but do I say "this is a European thing." We are more intelligent than to swallow what the media tell us.. The UNITED NATIONS CHARTER must be telling lies when it tells us USA have a rape every 15 seconds?
U.S TERRORISM AFTER BUTCHERING 100 MILLION NATIVES 1840 - invasion of Fiji. 1841 - genocide on the island of Upolu (Drummond). 1843 - invasion of China. 1846-1848 war with Mexico. 1846 - aggression against the New Granada (Colombia). 1849 - shelling of Indochina. 1852 - invasion of Argentina. 1853-1856 - invasion of China. 1853 - invasion of Argentina and Nicaragua. 1854 - the destruction of the Nicaraguan city of San Juan del Norte. 1854 - an attempt to capture the Hawaiian Islands. 1855 - invasion and coup in Nicaragua. 1855 - invasion of Fiji and Uruguay. 1856 - invasion of Panama. 1858 - intervention in Fiji, genocide. 1858 - invasion of Uruguay. 1859 - attack on the Japanese fort of Taku. 1859 - invasion of Angola. 1860 - invasion of Panama. 1863 - punitive expedition to Shimonoseki (Japan). 1864 - military expedition to Japan. 1865 - invasion of Paraguay, genocide, 85% of the population destroyed. 1865 - intervention of Panama, coup d'état. 1866 - an attack on Mexico. 1866 - punitive expedition to China. 1867 - attack on the Midway Islands. 1868 - repeated invasion of Japan. 1868 - invasion of Uruguay and Colombia. 1874 - the entry of troops into China and Hawaii. 1876 - invasion of Mexico. 1878 - attack on Samoa. 1882 - the entry of troops into Egypt. 1888 - an attack on Korea. 1889 - punitive expedition to Hawaii. 1890 - the introduction of troops in Haiti. 1890 - the introduction of troops into Argentina. 1891 - intervention in Chile. 1891 - punitive expedition to Haiti. 1893 - the introduction of troops into Hawaii, the invasion of China. 1894 - intervention in Nicaragua. 1894-1896 - invasion of Korea. 1894-1895 - the war in China. 1895 - invasion of Panama. 1896 - the invasion of Nicaragua. 1898 - the capture of the Philippines, genocide (600,000 Filipinos). 1898 - invasion of the port of San Juan del Sur (Nicaragua). 1898 - the capture of the Hawaiian Islands. 1899-1901 - war with the Philippines. 1899 - invasion of the Nicaraguan port of Bluefields. 1901 - the entry of troops into Colombia. 1902 - invasion of Panama. 1903 - the entry of troops into Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Syria. 1904 - the entry of troops into Korea, Morocco. 1904-1905 - intervention in the Russo-Japanese War. 1905 - intervention in the revolution in Honduras. 1905 - the entry of troops to Mexico. 1905 - the entry of troops into Korea. 1906 - invasion of the Philippines. 1906-1909 - invasion of Cuba. 1907 - operations in Nicaragua. 1907 - intervention in the revolution in the Dominican Republic. 1907 - participation in the war of Honduras with Nicaragua. 1908 - invasion of Panama. 1910 - invasion of Bluefields and Corintho (Nicaragua). 1911 - intervention in Honduras. 1911 - genocide in the Philippines. 1911 - the introduction of troops into China. 1912 - the capture of Havana (Cuba). 1912 - intervention in Panama during the elections. 1912 - invasion of Honduras. 1912-1933 - the occupation of Nicaragua. 1914 - intervention in the Dominican Republic. 1914-1918 - a series of incursions into Mexico. 1914-1934 - the occupation of Haiti. 1916-1924 - occupation of the Dominican Republic. 1917-1933 - the occupation of Cuba. 1918-1922 - occupation of the Russian Far East. 1918-1920 - the introduction of troops into Panama. 1919 - landing of troops in Costa Rica. 1919 - war against the Serbs in Dolmatia on the side of Italy. 1919 - intervention in Honduras during the elections. 1920 - intervention in Guatemala. 1922 - intervention in Turkey. 1922-1927 - intervention in China. 1924-1925 - invasion of Honduras. 1925 - military operations in Panama. 1926 - the invasion of Nicaragua. 1927-1934 - the occupation of China. 1932 - the invasion of El Salvador. 1936 - intervention in Spain. 1937 - won with Japan. 1937 - intervention in Nicaragua, state coup. 1939 - the introduction of troops in China. 1941-1945 - the genocide of the civilian population of Germany (Dresden, Hamburg). 1945 - nuclear attack on Japan. 1945-1991 - sabotage activity against the USSR. (Invasion of the airspace - more than 5000, parachute assaults - 1940, direct diversions, the total budget - 13 trillion dollars). 1946 - punitive operations in Yugoslavia. 1946-1949 - the bombing of China. 1947-1948 - Reconciliation of Vietnam, genocide. 1947-1949 - military operations in Greece. 1948-1953 - military operations in the Philippines. 1948 - military coup in Peru. 1948 - military coup in Nicaragua. 1948 - military coup in Costa Rica. 1949-1953 - attempts to overthrow the government in Albania. 1950 - punitive operations in Puerto Rico. 1950-1953 - intervention in Korea. 1951 - military assistance to Chinese rebels. 1953-1964 - security operations in British Guyana. 1953 - the overthrow of Mossadegh, who received 99.9% of the vote in the referendum. 1953 - Forcible deportation of the Inuit (Greenland). 1954 - Overthrow of the government in Guatemala. 1956 - the beginning of military assistance to Tibetan insurgents in the fight against China. 1957-1958 - an attempt to overthrow the government in Indonesia. 1958 - the occupation of Lebanon. 1958 - bombing of Indonesia. 1959 - the entry of troops into Laos. 1959 - punitive operations in Haiti. 1960 - military operations in Ecuador. 1960 - invasion of Guatemala. 1960 - Support for a military coup in El Salvador. 1960-1965 - interference in the internal affairs of the Congo. Support Mobutu. 1961-1964 - a military coup in Brazil. 1961 - a terrorist war against Cuba using bacteriological weapons. 1962 - punitive operations in Guatemala. 1963-1966 - coup d'état and punitive operations in the Dominican Republic. 1964 - punitive operation in Panama. 1964 - support for the coup in Brazil. 1964-1974 - interference in the internal affairs of Greece. 1965 - a coup d'état in Indonesia, genocide. 1965-1973 - aggression & Orange Gas against Vietnam. 1966 - intervention in Guatemala. 1967 - Support for the coup and subsequent fascist regime in Greece. 1968 - hunting for Che Guevara in Bolivia. 1971-1973 - the bombing of Laos. 1971 - American military assistance in the coup in Bolivia. 1972 - the entry of troops into Nicaragua. 1973 - coup in Chile. 1973 - terror in Uruguay. 1974 - Support for the regime of Moboth in Zaire. 1974 - preparation of aggression in Portugal. 1974 - attempted coup in Cyprus. 1975 - the occupation of Western Sahara, the introduction of troops in Morocco. 1975 - interference in the internal affairs of Australia. 1975 - an attack on Cambodia. 1975-1989 - Support for the genocide in East Timor. 1978 - military assistance to the dictator, financing of the genocide. 1979 - Support for the cannibal Bocas. 1979 - military assistance to the rebels of Yemen. 1980-1992 - military presence in El Salvador, special operations, genocide. 1980-1990 - military assistance to Iraq. A million dead in ten years. 1980 - support and funding of the Khmer Rouge. 1980 - operation "Gladio" in Italy, 86 victims. 1980 - punitive operation in South Korea. 1981 - attempted coup in Zambia. 1981 - military pressure on Libya, downed two Libyan aircraft. 1981-1990 - Contra support, terrorism, genocide. 1982 - interference in the internal affairs of Suriname. 1982-1983 - attack on Lebanon. 1982 - Support for the genocide in Guatemala. 1983 - intervention in Grenada. 1983 - interference in the internal affairs of Angola. 1984 - two Iranian planes were shot down. 1984 - mining of the bays of Nicaragua. 1985 - financing of the genocide in Chad. 1986 - an attack on Libya. 1986-1987 - attack on an Iranian ship in international waters, the destruction of the Iranian oil platform. 1986 - financing and military support of social terror, seizure of natural resources. 1987-1988 - participation in the Iraq war against Iran, the use of chemical weapons. 1988 - financing of terror and genocide in Turkey. 1988 - the explosion of a passenger plane "Pan American" over Scotland. The wine was recognized in 2003. 1988 - invasion of Honduras. 1988 - the destruction of the Iranian passenger aircraft. 1989 - intervention in Panama. 1989 - two Libyan planes were shot down. 1989 - bombing in the Philippines. 1989 - punitive operation on the Virgin Islands. 1990 - the genocide in Guatemala. 1990 - Iraq's naval blockade. 1990 - financing of the Bulgarian opposition ($ 1.5 million) 1991 - aggression against Iraq. 1991 - the bombing of Kuwait. 1992-1994 - the occupation of Somalia. 1992 - genocide and terror in the capture of the natural resources of Angola (destroyed 650,000 people). 1993-1995 - the bombing of Bosnia. 1994-1996 - terror against Iraq. 1994 - genocide in Rwanda (about 800,000 people). 1995 - the bombing of Croatia. 1998 - the destruction of a missile strike by a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan. 1998 - the bombing of Iraq. 1999 - aggression against Yugoslavia. 2001 - invasion of Afghanistan. 2002 - the entry of troops into the Philippines. 2003 - actions in Liberia. 2003 - clashes with Syrian border guards. 2004 - the entry of troops into Haiti. 2004 - Attempted coup in Equatorial Guinea. 2008 - the invasion of Pakistan. 2008 - The war in South Ossetia 2011 - The war in Libya 2013 - The war in Syria 2014 - The War in Ukraine
OZ KING when you don't swallow what media tells you then how did you find out about the every 15 second rape, more interesting how do you know who did it, or do you think it's only white people in the USA. Be careful with so much intelligence, your head might become to heavy for your small shoulders.
THIS. Why is this such a difficult thing to understand??? They don't deserve the freedoms they've been allowed; go to the countries where the only acceptable religion is Islamic if they don't like it.
For decades mainstreams has artificially build sense of guilt in European people to facilitate the acceptance of hordes of barbarians that nothing had to do with European values. For decades govs have facilitated migrants to come and thrive with welfare programs exclusively dedicated to them. Now they have taken over and I dunno if there is way back. I am scared it is too late.
I am proud of France. Finally a country that is not afraid to say the truth. If you are French, you should feel proud. I wish the USA and the rest of Europe would be as honest.
After EVERYTHING that the French "patriots" did to their own people with Madame de Guillotine & then just a few years later, went all in on EMPEROR Napoleon, methinks u should take SEVERAL SEATS! 😂
The USA IS honest. They don’t have a closed mindset like Europe. That’s why people in America have freedom, unlike Europe. I’m glad to live in such a free country where they’re not offended by a piece of cloth.
their house their rules in the middle east they have rules which for others are ridiculously concerning. so if france have that rule they have to abide, if it they disapprove by the rule they are free to leave.
This always makes me angry, even though I'm an atheist, that they fund the building of mosques in Western countries to the tune of billions of dollars but just try to build a single Christian church in Saudi Arabia. They use our tolerance against us and from their point of view it makes us an easy target. They have a much longer view of history than we do. They remember the goals of the Caliphs to conquer Europe. They remember when they owned Eastern Europe up to the gates of Vienna Austria and nearly all of Spain up to the Cantabrian Mountains in the far north. They remember sacking every City, Town, and Village from Ireland to modern Ukraine and when any European living within 10 miles of the sea was subject to enslavement and death at their hands. WE DON'T. They know how far they've fallen in terms of relative power and they want it back. We have no idea and the way we think and act is as if we were always in charge of everything. They're playing a game where the goal is our destruction and we're not playing at all. Most people don't even know the game is being played.
Did the Middle east ever claim to be a secular state? no? did Switzerland and France ever claim to be strict Christian or Jewish states? no? Case closed.
@@michaelstjohn.8873 Are you really that stupid? If a country claims to be secular, then it means that the country allows for free practise of religion regardless of it's "extremist" beliefs. These countries are banning the practise of our beliefs so they don't remain secular anymore now do they? But the Arabian countries you guys always mention while trying to come up with a comeback have never even claimed to be secular, not in the history of their existence, because they are holy lands for Muslims, but look at other Muslim countries that are NOT considered to be holy lands, like Turkey, UAE and Pakistan, they are secular Muslim countries that allow freely for non Muslims to live there.
@@retrogamer2503 In UAE, Pakistan there are many restrictive laws for non muslims, like blasphemy law, or How non muslims can never be head of state, and also islamic religion included in every scene of public life like schooling, hospitals etc.. France and Switzerland are secular countries in the sense of that the governments of those countries are seperate from religion. They must ban every extremist, and damaging aspects of all religions. Burqa wearing is extremism. the veil system/ burqa has been used as a patriarchal way of negating the male gaze and sexual desire toward female bodies. men forcing other women to wear a burqa represents his possessive ownership of her.. It's a misogynist symbol and takes from a women her dignity as a human. And again, they banned the face covering stuff. Not the hijab. How's the burqa a basic aspect of your religion? Are you wahabbi? I'm an ex muslim and I've been to Umrah..Even around the kaaba women Don't cover their faces, they show it and just cover hair and body.
Pity we don't do the same in the UK..a woman knocked on our door wearing a Burqa so I just opened our letterbox looked through it and said how do you like it !
Of course, it's their country. When you have the privilege to immigrate to a different country you can't be disrespectful and force your own culture on your host, instead you must adapt into their culture. If you don't like it then you can just leave. It's as simple as that.
I’m confused. If they want to live by Eastern World standards why don’t they live in the Eastern world? Oh yeah that’s right. If you choose to live in the Western world you must follow our rules. Period.
@ the West needs a ban on Islam, why? Any ideology that would see the death penalty for inherently non-violent acts e.g. blasphemy, apostasy, homosexuality, adultery has no place in any society aspiring to become civilized.
@ *"Stop the hating muslims"* I do not hate any human, in fact I love all life, human & non-human, but I make no apologizes for being critical of any religious ideology that is the impetus for adherents to cause others(human & non-human) to suffer unnecessarily.
I feel very uncomfortable around women who have their faces covered...we don't know if is not a man instead of a woman underneath...when I see them I have the feeling that something bad may happen. I can't take seriously and I can't trust a person who has the face covered.
Saudi is a country under Muslim rule. France on the other hand aren’t under any religious rules. Like how England used to be Protestant and catholic during the 1500s, so your statement makes no sense.
Billy B UK is sick, the politicians are sickos, they will soon reap the sickness of such grave mistake. They can easily disguise explosive in it and do precision bombing.
Yes. Everyone has to show face for proper identification same like no one can walk into a bank with a ski mask on. if someone wants to go that extreme and completely cover their face then why go to a country that is opposite that? You can’t force that on a society that doesn’t want that.
Nii Cole if the woman is going to the bank or airport she has to show her fact. However, who in the hell are you to tell them what to wear? Is being half naked better than fully covered? Not ONE terrorist attack since the beginning of humanity was from a woman wearing a burka or even a hijab. So, you don’t have an excuse to force them not to wear it. But of course, you’re just like every other racist.
@@Elpistolero9 I have no right, in fact. But people while in the country (France here) need to follow the rules of the country. Covering your face, unless it's need (like covid), is forbidden. And there is a good reason for that : preventing felonies.
@@jamesjeffri9604 Estimates of the number of Christians in Saudi Arabia are between 1.5 and 3 million (mostly foreign workers) you ignorant dolt. Seriously, guys like you like to complain about the so called intolerance of countries Like France, while the majority of muslim majority countries are FAR more intolerant than France
Same reason why there isn't any mosque in Vatican City. It's considered a holy land since Mecca and Madina are in SA. But, you can easily find churches in other Muslim countries like UAE, Kuwait, Egypt, etc.
For security reasons, there should be no burqa. It covers the face that identifies you as an individual. Additionally, the burqa is a symbolic gesture that prevents you from integrating with society. Wearing a hijab with conservative or discreet clothing may just be alright, but a burqa is really another thing.
But tyrannical abusive oppressive behavior by women is OK you're as nuts as the people you're criticizing you really are I mean what the **** is wrong with you don't you realize you goofball that any human being whether they have a penis or a vagina is capable of doing some really atrocious things and has done and is doing really atrocious things I so **** sick of people like you
Hijab (face visible) is acceptable, but Burka and Nikab are full veils and a definite NO GO. Both Burka and Nikab are a security risk. I have seen armed militants in Kashmir wearing Burkas and slipping into the crowd to evade the security forces.
That is not being allowed to live free in a free country... Sharia law should be banned in all non Muslim based countries... If you want to travel for vacation cool... But NO!!! You can not implement your birth countries way of life in someone else's country... No!!! you will not be allowed to build mini versions of your birth country on foreign soil.... If you miss you home countries way of life... THEN GO HOME!!!!
Wish they'd bloody ban it in the UK, it's becoming very disconcerting to see it more and more. Can't help think there's a more sinister reason for the sudden popularity in wearing the covering.
The Sarai woman is oxymoronic, saying that she is free with her husband constantly over her shoulder oppressing any true opinions she could have. Women have the right to not live in fear from their husband or the men in their society! From a proud husband that does not keep tabs on or oppress his wife. Good job France to ban this terrible practice.
it's not a terrible practice though. it's not even compulsory. sad that many people in the world force their daughters to wear it when it's her choice.
@@somesovietcat1548 I agree, but in a society where the man is essentially "god" (has full control over everything) and the woman is a second class citizen without choice she has no true freedom. Therefore the burka is not a choice but a requirement forced by society/religion/men on women. Why else would a woman hide her face, because she is scared of retribution by misogynistic men who think it is okay to sexually assault women who they can see. This is an affront to rights for women. It is the same for Christian and Jewish fundamentalists that cloister women away as a control mechanism, stripping them of their liberties. Therefore I think France is correct in trying to take away religious fundamentalist practices that conflict with progress. Vive la France vive la Liberte!
Yes they were right and all western countries should do the same! When I worked in Saudi Arabia I had to follow certain dress rules when I was outside. I was stopped many times while I worked there. walking the streets and drinking a bottle of coke. The police would ask to taste it. This was done many times has all they were doing was checking to make sure it was just coke in the bottle. I had no problem with any of this. I was a guest in their country to work and I respected their rules. People coming to a western country should abide by our rules. If they don't like it they can go back to their's!
Well.. As long as they get free handout from our goverment, from the system WE've created, they will remain. Our own citizens vote for the parties who give the taxpayer's money to cater to these newcomers. *They have no reason to change.* At this point, it's their own choice. All they have to do is speak the local language. So u can't really blame these newcomers, can u? They can do as they please... as long as they leave me be offcorse. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
In Australia, both of the major political parties want more immigration and are dead scared of being labelled racist, so the voters don't really have much of a choice. I am thankful for COVID 19. It is giving us a little respite from the perpetual population growth.
I disagree. If the rules infringe upon the western countries constitution, then the rules are wrong. In my country, I am allowed freedom of religion, although I am unsure if France has a good consitution, but a law like this would not be allowed in my country.
That one imam who's actually talking sense is being threatened by his very own people! Shows the kind of hypocrisy and danger associated with this religion!
@@mentos93 If Islam was a cult how come Salahaddin Al ayubi was known as "representation of Islam"? Women cover their faces because they have value in Islam, Islam praises mothers alot more than fathers. And tell me, why do you hide your money?
It’s sad that because of sexual abuse this woman chooses to entirely ‘disappear’. I understand she feels safer this way but it shows how we as a society have failed that once little girl so badly.
She went form one form of abuse to another and the secret is in the pudding.. she said these sweet things in front of her ‘abuser’.. so very sad… and notice arrogant ..wouldn’t surprise me if she taught her children the full Quran ,to kill the unbelievers.
I agree with the ban. When you meet a friend somewhere,you look for the face. It can be very scary, you don’t know who is under the veil, and being surrounded by them can be terrifying.
So you support the ban because the burka looks scary? Then all Halloween costumes should be banned as well! And Buddhist robes and Sikh turbans must be banned as well because they could be hiding a bomb underneath their clothes! But Arab and Muslim countries are forbidden from banning western clothes because personal liberty and freedoms is important!!!!
These comments are disgusting. The veil is part of our faith and we have every right to wear it. If you don’t like it then that’s your problem. We all know what y’all mean. It’s not a “safety issue”, you just don’t like the way we look bc it’s different from what you usually see.
I'm Muslim and I live in the UK it pisses me off when I see fellow Muslims come to these countries and have no respect for the land, traditions and people. They (NOT ALL) act like they don't have to respect the land but if they are truly Muslim they'd know we are taught to always remember you're a foreigner in their land as much as they are in yours.
@@asilaslapt1510 and who do you think to be for deciding what to ban? What knowledge or responsibility do you hold over the entire muslim community? Are you our Governor? Shut up.
Being that she is freely walking around looking like a ISIL bride says a lot about how nice the french people are. It's disturbing that she is even speaking up for such a representation and should be watched closely
You cannot dictate what a woman wears, if you can call a covering woman an ISIL bride, know that your kind are no different from hookers and prostitutes. Keep the same energy!
Nope, same way women in afghanisthan want to wear what they want, same here. Both taliban and french govt force women to dress how they want them to dress. Its 2022, if youre not comfortable with a woman wearing a burqa or bikini, look away instead of taking away theyre right to dress as theyre comfortable. Forcing a woman to take off her burqa os just a evil as forcing a woman to wear one, why are you so backwards? Let women wear what they want to wear.
@@nayyarasiddiqua1809 Well you are incorrect mate. French dovt DID NOT tell what to wear for woman. The talibans Do exactly that. Lets dont pretend they are the same. There are no woman rights in taliban countries, if you feel like afghanistan is " just as evil" as paris why dont you just go there with your family then? Farewell. Stop the demagog bullshit.
@@nayyarasiddiqua1809 Exactly, people get so mad when they see a burka because it reminds of ISIS or whatever and they ban it in western countries, but they also get equally as mad if Muslims say western clothes reminds them of immortality and sexualisation or if the Taliban bans western clothing. It’s just double standards
She has a choice stay in France and follow French rules or go somewhere where the burqa is worn. End of story.
i mean can you imagine the fucking nerve of these people who CHOOSE TO COME to a secular christian counrty and then act outraged by the way the country expresses itself. - get out before we throw them out
That’s the simple truth. And the truth doesn’t lie. Great straight to the point comment. Plus they breed up like rabbits. 🖕🏽to them. They offend all western women. If you’ve got to cover up your modesty, do like the Indian ladies do & I did in India. Wear a pretty sari, simples 🙏🕉Om
But I do understand that a lot of western women, especially the younger ones, dress like gungy hookers. With fake lips & eyelashes & hair & teeth & the list goes on…maybe put no brain into mix?
Doesn't french support freedom. Or it's just hypocrasy
@@samiaakhrif7468yeah freedom from their nation
@@samiaakhrif7468 Does your holy book say that women have to hide their face? No? Then who's the liar and hypocrite then, hm?
In Australia a cop stopped a woman for traffic violation. It was dark, she got out of the van!The woman was screaming the cop was racist! She was screaming he only stopped her because, she was wearing the burqa! She kept saying tbe cop was a racist. She was screaming that she was going to have the cop fired! The cop had his car camera on. When she went to court, the judge found her guilty of lying. She them said, it was not her, it was somebody else who was using her license! Liars and deceivers! She got 6 months in jail!
What kind of morally corrupt ideology permits lying? At least it's a sin, against the ten commandments in christianity/ Judaism
Typical concealment. The Islamic excuse for the Burqa. Primative and dangerous. Viva la Suisse for banning this. It shoud be banned world wide.
Taqiyya is prudence they said
I am in France, a few months after the ban came into force, I was at a supermarket & a woman came in wearing one, security stopped her, she kicked off & started hurling abuse, police Nationale were called, they escorted her away, living in another country, you abide by their rules & laws !
Why did she do that?
@@sophiaquintana256 because she thought she had some sort of religious priveledge, France is a secular country, religion doesn't bypass law
@@No-timeforimbeciles Teach this to India too please. In my country they wear black tent and roam around which creates fear among native indians, many times terrorists have been caught wearing black tent to disguise themselves.
Break the rules in Saudi Arabia or Dubai and see how fun things are. It's such hypocrisy.
Luckily I wasn't there she would of had a piece of my mind
I knew an American teacher who taught in Saudi Arabia. He said you never really knew who was taking a test because of the burqa.
Exactly. Anyone can pretend to be someone else.
Omg, really? That’s fcked up 🤷🏻♀️
Recently Saudi Arabia has banned burqa from examination halls.
Thank God there has been progress.
@@SeanJohnIoannesGiovanni I'm glad to hear that! I know a lady from Saudi Arabia who is an MD. She is a kind and bright person.
This is not a religious issue. Covering your face in public is disconcerting and makes people uneasy when they can't see who they are dealing with. It is a basic form of civility to reveal yourself to people you interact with.
So you support policemen snatching the headscarf worn by Catholic nuns?
First of all: catholic nuns do NOT hide their face.... and their dress is not like the muslim dress.... (there are similarities but it is NOT the same...)
I totally agree with Jason LaSalle that it is basic form of civility to reveal yourself to ppl u interact with.... It is common sense..... (it should not be even an issue to discuss...)
And I am NOT against muslims (been with them half my life ..) but.. to hide the FACE ... twihat seems not correct..... and do not feel correct for ppl who sees it... well I personally do not have extrem difficulties with that... but anyway I do think it is nice and good to see a persons face and face expressions....
when we visit their countries they make no exception of our culture. we must follow the laws of their land. so why shouldn't they do the same here?
Muyambo Sinjala Really ? You clearly didn’t travel a lot...
Yes just yesterday a woman aproached me, I live in a arab country, she said you can't show your skin because you are in a country where everyone is covered,so you should respect the covered women and I said ok I will not show my skin here, but if you come to my country, will you take away your hijab to respect my culture, and she said never if I take my hijab I am no more muslim,so they used religion to justify their dress code,its not in their mentality it doesn't exist in their mentality to respect onether country point of view.
elsa photography If you are out with your usual dress code that means the country allow you,this is just a women who represent herself. The non muslims countries like UK,USA,France are not religious and they claim to be the guardians of freedom but muslims countries are muslims countries and they have their rules and It’s not like everything is allowed in the western countries too, there is multiple niqab bans.
Vrtd Srt well these are religious countries they are Christian countries well there meant to be
Emel Gül Totally wrong,a country is define by its law,understand the concept of secularism.
They absolutely have the right to make the burqa illegal. It's France not Iran.
@@episodestories4024 you want to wear a burka you go to your own country and wear it. France is for the French Spain is for the Spanish Iraq is for the iraqi Muslims Iran is for the Iranian Muslims Saudi Arabia is for the Saudi Arabian Muslims and on and on in their own sect leave everybody else alone live by your own rules don't expect us to swallow your stuff the laws we have in our countries are for the people who live there if you choose to live in our country you go by our laws. You come to America to the Americans not change America into a Muslim country.I think it's you who knows nothing...you can see it all over Europe, the people want to throw off the globalist shackels each country wants their freedom from the globalist and be free nationalists in their own country and free from Outsiders who would come in and steal their safety and their treasure why should we have to work and toil to give money to people who come into our country and want to change it to theirs this is our country this is America if I was a Frenchman I would say I'm a Frenchman and this is my country this is my France and the Spaniards the English and so on the Germans. Go back to your own country Don't force your ways and your laws down our throats cuz I will spew you out of my country
@@karenriggle5435 bruh imagine if every tourist is forced to follow saudi culture, all you europeans will erupt with anger
China is handeling them in the right way
In Europe By the year 2025 there population will increase by 50%
If I saw women or men wearing the burka heading to a train my first thought is they are planning a terrorist attack by blowing up the plane or standing in an airport covered.
Actually it is very unusual and strange in Iran to see people who cover their faces
In western society, it is seen as a lack of respect and manners wearing sun glasses while greeting/talking to someone because you are hiding your eyes and stop the other reading your face gestures. Imagine having the whole face covered, how that affects communication?!
I don't like when ppl wear sunglasses while taking pictures
They don't respect Western norms and values. These are facts. If they did, they would not be wearing a headscarf or burqa in a place like France.
These women SHOULD not communicate with anyone at all, except their husbands.
Almost all Muslims are pathologically jealous of other Muslims - they are like roosters.
Its ok don’t want to communicate with people hiding behind a black sack.
Years ago in Canada. An awful man came to the marina to fish, he had a chair. He fished for hours in the hot sun. His poor wife all covered in the black total bag, stood behind him. I gave her a bottle of ice cold water, I gave him nothing. My heart broke for her she was so young and in the land of the free Canada. Why is Canada allowing this treatment of women? No country should allow it.
Because the Canadian authorities are stupid who still believe in the stupid version of "Multiculturalism." Eating couscous is fine and drinking mint tea and many more cultural and even religious things. Allow female oppression NO. There is a reason why Kemal Ataturk banned the hijab in Turkey, the vast majority of women (young people especially) wear it due to family and community imposition. Something that a democracy should never tolerate.
But you understand the point, the girls are sick to the teeth of men's unwanted attention and lewd behaviour, don't you?
It's a security issue, though.
Wow! Really? Could you elaborate more on that?
Canada land of the free? Don't make me laugh, it's on it's way to becoming a Woke dictatorship.
The way it works is immigrants move to another country and must assimilate to that culture, not the other way around. France has the right to ban the burka and it should, in fact, for security reasons.
Agree. But not only for security reasons, but for our culture, where we can see each others. Try wearing a balaklava in the city...
Did jews integrate into British Mandate for Palestine? No, they just colonized it and made it into Israel. So why should immigrants integrate into the French culture? The reason why I am saying is, is that the far-right party tend to support Israel's agenda, which for me seems very paradoxically because they are against immigration, but Israel was built by immigrants who did not want to integrate into Palestinian culture and did not want to be part of Palestinian citizens.
So true
@J OneLife this is so true. When I say to my friends that immigrants should assimilate to canadian culture they think I'm weird/a bigot...
@@lizevingamos7063 The Jews were there first. 3000 years of written history. It is the Palestinians who are the most recent immigrants.
You go to a place, you respect the local norm. If non-Muslim women have to cover themselves in Saudi Arabia, Muslim should follow French law when in France. When I visited Thailand as a child, I wore shorts on a warm day, and the site we went to, a temple, stated that I have to put a large scarf (sari?) around me like a long skirt, to cover my legs before enter, I did.
*sarang ;)
Not European culture. Not the European way of life. Not European values.
Obey European laws.
Islam is not dedicated to a country or culture, islam is a way of life and could be applied everywhere, it has no specific place.
@@sunandmoon73 That's not true because your holy book prohibits all muslims to live in countries governed by non muslims. On the other side, all your admired mullahs always say that the holy book can only be read and understood in Arabic, meaning that all other languages are inferior and thus all non-Arabs.
@sunandmoon73no.its europe not Saudi arabia
desert countries need no sharia law too, deserts need trees
The French woman who converted to Islam and wears the full niqab says men don't accost her any more, but it's Islamic men who accost French women and have no respect for any woman not dressed like a ghoul. What hypocrisy!!!
I agree with you. We have our values I’m not sure why in our western world and out of the countries they hate. But want to bring Burkahs.🤪
@brendahannaford4111 correct. We have our values. 20 years ago first time in London. I nearly died. I didn't know what a burqa was. Looked like Dar theta. I was frightened. I am from Australia 🇦🇺 Now they swim at La Persouse Sydney. My god. Unbelievable
Islam is a ridiculous religion anyway.
I don’t think they see it as an islamophobic thing, just a security measure. Even when you walk into an ATM kiosk, it literally says you must NOT cover your face with a mask or wear a helmet or even a baseball cap.
I agree with this. For public security it’s necessary to be able to identify people by their faces.
@@johnmcgregor8962 My mate did you just say Islamophobia was new? 😂
Ok bit why hijab ban too?
@RetroGamingFreNzY🏳️🌈⃠ If you can't wear a hat how are you going to wear a hijab?
@@sharonmoran9379 exactly, good question
True but I still don’t see why a hijab ban since you can see their face regardless with it or without
Absolutely. If you want to go live in another country; don't expect the country to change for you. If you do not like a counties ways, don't move there.
@bubble tea put on as many cloths as you like. The point is one of choice.
If one is threatened with death for otherwise, it's called slavery.
@97RAVINEAVE 100% true; because true religion is an issue of faith.
@bubble tea Have you even been to Dubai airport.....? Foreign women have to were a scarf around their heads. My grandmother had too.
@bubble tea Same reason why woman can't wear tank tops in muslim countries; Culture determine law.
@bubble tea you are RIGHT
During First night of your parents
Your mom may WEAR BURKHA
Benefit : whom to whom ...= Confusion
The UK should ban it too
And America. After all they have done to America? Those countries were never American colomies as Fance had!
Agree ....
@@Damon-p9usince I was a child I feared Islam. To me it is an satanic cult. Nothing in the Quran or Torah that says absolutely nothing that says they have to cover up.
When they are in another country, they have to respect their culture, not the opposite, not trying to change the country they're in.
You are so right! But the problem with these people is that wherever they go, they want to take their religion with them ( with all demands etc).Even if they were ( because of Islam) oppressed in their country of origin. I'm so surprised how easily these people are getting things done ie mosque after mosque is being build in European countries. Meanwhile you should DARE to build a church or a temple in one of these Arabic countries. Honestly I think Europe gave these people to much freedom in expressing their religion.
@@Namjaonline eventually nationalism will raise and backfire. Similar to WWII
They're trying to do the same thing in India now.
@@SW-li7gd it already is but it's clearly failing
Who is changing your secular farnce. If this french woman decided to wear burqa why you can't accept her choice
I can understand this ban. I'm from North East England and i get absolutely terrified when collecting my child from school as there are many women who cover their full head. It does bring along certain fears and also, how the hell is a teacher really to know who is collecting a small child?! It is rediculous!! If i went to a Muslim country i would be expected to wear and act the part. Coming to a western country should mean the same to. Why should western countries snap their backs for Muslims when the Muslim community won't even bend a little!!
Cos the religious people believe wrongly that god tells them to dress like this
Exactly - we have to cover for respect so I don’t go - if they come to the west - the same respect must be given.
Becouse free of religion lady,you and i have the right and my religion is modesty part and so its in cristianity but unfortunetly peoples follow the sins of theyr religions nowdays..its like "becouse its more suitable for me ,becouse i dont like see someone scarf head so i dont want it" becouse becouse.. its like "i dont want see sellulite legs and sausages hips so they should cover up" do muslim say that no.I dont care what other wears i care how they act upon others,look is not saying is the person good or bad person ..
Marriges would last nowdays if the persons would focus theyr own partners eyes not others and come home and change collage pants on end of the days😅
But all should respect others culturals outlooks and westerns cultural is have been covering up also (same look as muslim womens) iam european from Finland and my granmother looked like muslim women ,modesty.there is only saudi where u need wear abaya and cant wear tank tops but u dont need cover hair so why the needs to show boobs shapes everyone🤷🏻♀️
@@tahjanjoki2940 looking at your words , i think the west should stop taking you muslims as immigrants
How is she taking a passport picture? How is she going for a job interview? How do the teachers know it is her to pick up the kids and not a stranger?
My exact thought how do you know who it actually is. We are the victim because we don’t know who it is
@@Mo-he8rl why show your face sometimes then you wouldn't show your face for sometimes. Are you people mad or what? I understand covering the hair... but the burqa is rubbish 🗑. Just stay in your country than scaring other people away!!
If a woman talking interviews her it ok to take of infront of any woman
Is she concealing a weapon under the garb.?
Children who are not used to it. Has to frightened them. Its not right.
In Muslim countries people can wear what they want but in our Western countries burqas do not belong.
@@Damon-p9uit's not Islamophobia. When they come here, either they respect us or they go back to their countries.
Your statement falls on dead ears, Islamist. The Turkish Islamic leader said the men without beards “excite” him. ?Homophobe? Two can play the shame game.
@@Damon-p9u Islamophobia is a very well-founded fear. And what the Muslim woman said in the video: "Islamic women are very pretty, but they only show it to their husband" is complete nonsense. Most of these women are fat and bloated. In reality, they are ashamed of their unattractiveness. No man with the slightest self-respect would give her a second glance. So the burkha is as unnecessary as a goiter - unless they want to HIDE FROM ISLAMIC MEN who hunt everything that isn't in the trees at 3.
@@Damon-p9u chronically online
Muslim men can't control themselves if they see womens' hair? Weird.
@@RealSupaHotFireVEVO lmao migrants love french women more than their own women
... but French can dictate they can't...
just imagine the overload when they see 14:55
RealSupaHotFireVEVO ugly n ROTTON
doubleAAbatteries689 they love no one
They only seek a body for own pleasure
Instead of wearing full-body coverings, people should instead raise their boys to respect women. It's that simple.
@Rehaan Aamir you are living under a rock. You need to broaden your views.
@Rehaan Aamir HaHa that's funny
@Rehaan Aamir nah just stop, every religion has shitty rules and regualtions, the quran is full of hateful and very agressive texts, so is the bible and so is almost every religion. In the west they seperated state and religion. You cant just expect not to receive criticism on your beliefs lmao
@@martijnijzerman2309 _We were told religion and politics were not compatible so Christians would not rise up and take their countries back._
Gilly Mac yeah cuz they arent smh, the bible is full of shit
Without a shadow of tiniest doubt they were absolutely right to ban...
Shut your hole you bastard
@@OpiumBride she shouldnt cover her face, its a security concern.
@@Adolf0is0winner why are you so mad? Your on most of these threads abusing people, it true what he said, fit in or ship out simples.
Nobody twists the arm of a woman to wear very skimpy clothing. The burqa is too extreme.
"We come to your country, you must honor our customs." No.
Assimilate or leave, thank you.
Liberty and freedom, collective and individual, has limits defined by law. Western countries have separated religious principles from civil law. When civil law conflicts with religious principles, civil law prevails. Which allows a more tolerant and diverse society.
Muhammad: A summary to understand the man behind the "Religion of Peace".
Stoned women for adultery.
(Muslim 4206)
"I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad
is the messenger of Allah"
(Muslim 1:33)
Permitted stealing from unbelievers.
(Bukhari 44:668, Ibn Ishaq 764)
Permitted lying.
(Sahih Muslim 6303, Bukhari 49:857)
Owned and traded slaves.
(Sahih Muslim 3901)
Beheaded 800 Jewish men and boys.
(Abu Dawud 4390)
Murdered those who insulted him.
(Bukhari 56:369, 4:241)
"If then anyone transgresses
the prohibition against you, Transgress ye likewise against him"
(Quran 2:194)
Jihad in the way of Allah elevates one's position in Paradise by a hundred fold.
(Muslim 4645)
Married 13 wives and kept sex slaves.
(Bukhari 5:268, Quran 33:50)
Raped a 9-year-old child.
(Sahih Muslim 3309, Bukhari 58:236)
Ordered the murder of women.
(Ibn Ishaq 819, 995)
"O you who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."
(Quran 9:123)
Ordered 65 military campaigns
and raids in his last 10 years.
(Ibn Ishaq )
Killed captives taken in battle.
(Ibn Ishaq 451)
Encouraged his men to rape enslaved women.
(Abu Dawood 2150, Quran 4:24)
Demanded captured slaves and
a fifth of all other loot taken in war.
(Quran 8:41)
Was never tortured, but tortured others.
(Muslim 4131, Ibn Ishaq 436, 595, 734, 764)
"And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Allah"
(Quran 8:39)
Blessed the brutal murder of a half-blind man
(al-Tabari 1440)
Ordered a slave to build the very pulpit
from which he preached Islam.
(Bukhari 47:743)
"Belief in Allah and Jihad in His cause"
(Muslim 1:149)
Demanded the protection of armed bodyguards, even in a house of worship
(Quran 4:102)
Advocated crucifying others.
(Quran 5:33, Muslim 16:4131)
Had others give their lives for him.
(Sahih Muslim 4413)
Said that women are deficient in the head (Stupid)
Sahih al-Bukhari 2658
Died from poisoning by a woman.
Sunan Abu Dawud 4498, Sunan Abu Dawud 4449, Sunan Ibn Majah 1622, Ibn Ishaq, p. 516, Ibn Sa’d, Volume 2, pp. 251-252
If the prophet Mohamed would be accused of rape, murder and hate speech today in a court of law, would he be found guilty or innocent?
What is your verdict?
Please explain your answer.
10 points for the correct answer.
@ context bro it's all about the context
@subhashishbanerjee he asked for your verdict r u dumb lmao
@ have you tried seeing the full message befire making assumptian
@@nabilaashour9785 What assumption are speaking of?
The assumption that the prophet said woman are deficient in the head?
The assumption that woman are treated badly, not being equal to a man?
What are you speaking? She has to, not by her own choice, walk around in a black bag and he wears western clothing and smiles while his wife, probably one of four, is a walking and talking black bag. Equality in the 21st century?
Is this woman brain washed?
Yes. France is 100% right. #1 is security. What are you hiding from and who are you from? If you don't people to see you, stay indoor or go back to your place of origin.
How's that gonna maintain security?
If they ban burqad and niqabs, One can just as easily don hoodies and raincoats.
Do you want to ban those as well?
FD S If a dude walks into a gas station with sun glasses and a hoodie up he will probably get the cops called on him
it should be also band in the US.
You wanna arrest people who wear sunglasses and hoodies now?
What year is it, 1936?
Charles Ezigbo I concur.
It's a safety issue. I totally agree with these laws. You need to be able to see whoever is around you.
Bro how does wearing a mask or niqab cause unsafety, its literally a peice of cloth thats fashional when kim kardashian wears it. France is a western afghanisthan where the women have to dress as the government pleases or else theyre no allowed to exit houses
@BoldTruth That wasn't the question. You WANT* to see our face, a woman shouldn't be forced to wear or remove niqab just because an entitled intolerant person feels like it. In Muslim countries (except Afghanisthan, Iran and previously Saudi, whose own people condemn the govt. And you cant compare military and democratic govt.) Westerners arent forced to dress different (Westerners project their intolerance on us to validate their own, but if you come to Qatar kuwait bahrain oman Egypt lebanon UAE etc. even muslims wear shorts and bikinis and no one cares, whuch is how itshoul be i live here) and women cover yet our crime rates are wayyy lower so the reasoning doesnt make sense. Again, please don't deflect and answer the question I asked.
@BoldTruth Now after reading that do tell me how is it fair? And "because I want it to be/said so" isn't a logical answer.
@BoldTruth 1) Everyone's wearing face masks right now. I don't wear a niqab but all niqabis remove their niqabs for security and identity reasons 100% even in military countries. If you go around asking strangers to remove their covid masks cuz you need to make sure they say who they are (even if you don't know them) then kindly meet a psychiatrist. 2) That's a stupid argument. "Yall can't insult Islam in your country therefore we can tell you what not to wear" So if we can't insult Christianity in America that justifies people forcing to covering in Afghanisthan? It's 2022, look away if you don't like what a woman is wearing instead of forcing them to dress the way you like. Just admit the West, unlike Muslim countries (except terrorist run areas of afghanisthan and military countries) is intolerant of how women of other cultures dress (unless its for western fashion ofcourse, then veils and scarves are allowed). As for me, I'm chill in UAE glad we're from a country where a woman can wear niqab or bikini without intolerant white people/terrorists making them change for their colonialist/terror entitled mindset. We also have farrr lower crime rates, racist/hate crime rates and as a woman i can walk/drive alone 3 in the night without fearing for my life, can't imagine how women in the west live with those sexual assault and rape rates.
@BoldTruth And I'd suggest you compare America and UAE/Kuwait/Qatar etc. Crime rates if Niqab, despites its removal for security reason, is a security issue. Why is your crime rate on steroids and not ours?
if you saw men in publiccovering their head/face you'd be scared. No one should be allowed to hide like that.
Point is men could be hiding under the tent.. And have done in the past.
ANTIFA covers up. 😳
@@lindabowman2868 Exactly, but islamofascists will never admit that.
Absolutely YES.when you decide to live in a foreign country, learn to adapt their culture and follow their LAW
Stick your rubbish in your hole . It's Allah's land every where .
Adolf0is0winner No its not. only in middle east. But not in europe.
@@happythinkingishealthy4358 we took the Europe before and we shall take it again very soon . Whatever is in heavens or in earth is Allah's.
@@happythinkingishealthy4358 learn the history . We didn't change our religion nor were we propelled by an empire
Or .. Go away....
It is just that simple...
If you do not want to live according to the host countries culture, Laws, And way of life...
Go back to your own country...
OR go to a country that culture, laws, and way of life already lines up with your own..
Meaning if you want to live according to Muslim culture...
Move to a muslin majority country where sharia law is already the base way of life....
Immigrants have to integrate! I'm an immigrant and I did it.
If u want to leave in this country you have to respect the culture. When in France do like french when in Italy do like Italiens.
You mean love being raped and enjoy paedophilia? France are 4th on the list on the UNITED NATIONS CHARTER, USA have a rape every 15 seconds, mind you their president is a rapist.. Does that make it right for others?
@OZ King, you think theres no women being raped in your muslim countries lol? They’re just not reported. And its not a culture, raping is not welcome or promoted here and they are condemned, do you see a lot of men being condemned for raping women there (like publicly condemned on news, probably not that often) Whereas in muslim countries women cant report for being raped (not common). So stay in your country and use your own websites cause youtube is a web that’s invented by a western company and since you dont like western culture, dont use it! Period
Well said... As a immigrant from EU to North America I have full respect for country and people.
You comment have nothing with Mrs Irene comment. This is how every normal person in this world should behave. Respect and integrate, follow the rules and regulations any country when you coming as a guest, full respect for the host.
@@ozking842 the fact that you connect raping people with immigrating is just sad, negative things like rape, murder, racism, clothing isn't part if immigrating obviously but something we want to stop
Let France be France...
let muslims be muslims
@@passerby4278 Let france be france in france. Let muslims be muslims in muslim countrys.
@@zykel621 that's great, but the west like france,uk,italy and america colonised half of the arab countries and stil to this day steal oil from us, so just leave us and we will leave u ;)
@@passerby4278 and muslim colonized spain and portugal for years, go live like you like in your country
@@passerby4278 and muslims colonised all of the arabs countries long before them !
There is a increasing muslim population or rather already increased one in England. White Brits have one or no child whereas Muslim couples have 3 to 5 children. One of my english friend told me jokingly once 'Imagine if i went to pick up my kid from school and if i shouted Muhammad 50 kids will come running to you INCLUDING the teacher'
@@Damon-p9uIf Islamophobia is the fear of Islam, then yes
How can they name their children after that evil pervert who married a six-year-old who he had full sex with when she was nine! All those poor Aishas!
That is true.
@@Damon-p9u Your statement is Christophobia.
In India there's a saying "Jaisa desh, waisa besh". It means you have to dress according to the culture of the place you live in.
You live in middle East, respect their tradition. You live in France, obey their law.
They don’t have a concept of ‘nation’ in Islam, it’s not a culture but a doctrine. They can wilfully deny any nation’s law while living on their land as immigrants, earning their money, having all advantages and rights but defying all responsibilities and laws.
@@someoneortwo5290 true that
And then comes our great nation that basically accepts every single culture existing on mother earth
@@someoneortwo5290 completely false. Read the chapter 4 of Quran that clearly denies your statement. As a Muslim myself I think it's wrong to expect non Muslims to make Islamic laws. Be respectful that's enough.
@@IDontCare39 I don’t know what statement you’re questioning but let me ask you this. As a Muslim yourself, do you or do you not believe that Allah is the only god worthy of worship and no other god exists? Would you say nation comes before God? My statement clearly was on the ideology of Islam and not the belief system. Beliefs vary in people but the ideology and doctrine remains the same.
We want European culture to preserve and flourish, please rescue it from medieval culture and lunatic culture.
@@mcnooby383 You have a problem with Indians? You sound like the stupid here.
andy k Talk about Israel they have their Zionist shills promoting hatred in order to ruin and destroy Christian countries! Why have they enacted a law that it is ok to teach our children about antisemitism? They will be teaching a whole lot more. Ruin the family and ruin the country as Stalin/Jew stated!
Yes how about you Europeans keep worshiping a human (Jesus). Jesus is nothing more than a human, he was not divine at all
The female body is beautiful .
@@sarahbrittney7299 we will.
"after 2 days with us, she feels comfortable enough to reveal he eyes"..............does nobody realize how ridiculouzs this is?
It's obvious that she is a sociopath and needs treatment, not an interview.
Its a INSULT, To have to talk to someone where you cannot see there FACE..
Yes.... Anyway if not an insult but at least a bit uncomfortable... Anyway I want to see their eyes and face expressions.. It's nice to see if a person is smiling or not... Or whatever mind they have...
It's useful also
It's not an I sult to be able to see their indecent exposure
You are taking one extreme and going to the next they are saying a person's face not their whole body I agree women should not have to cover our faces our hair men who hate women created this non sense.
@@tracyabernathy4591 Educate yourself, please try to find the reason instead of making up presumptions
Personally, I tried hard to convince myself that the burqa is just like any other outfit and to wear it is a matter of one's personal choice. But so far, I was able to see it only as a mobile prison and a symbol of repression that should have no place in the civilized world.
And who asks for your conviction? Are you wearing it?
Well that is my opinion..now, does anybody care about my conviction?..I dont care
@@sakbhu001 I could say the same about half naked women and you'd have a problem with it
@Richard Hoffman That's a bold, and entirely stupid statement. Everyone? You mean white anglo-saxons from either Europe or the USA? What about 1.6b+ of the population? What about those who are fine with people wearing whatever THEY THEMSELVES choose to? Foolish words from a foolish, one-way minded person.
@Richard Hoffman i care about bingus"s argument. Now you & the looks of you, go and do something useful except whining all over about women wearing what they believe in cuz you can't reach them, freaking erotic losers.
Five children? This Algerian is trying to ruin France the same way Algerians ruined Algeria.
Others have more than 5 and the worst are traitors to their own people.
We would subdue you not only ruin you .
Curb welfare programs for new immigrants and the burqa ban is almost unneeded.
Why not just declare an open war ? Would it not serve your cause .
War is inevitable and you would be humiliated .
I don't think that in Australia, there is much in the way of welfare programs for new immigrants unless they are refugees, in which case they sponge off the Australian taxpayer for many years and many of the adults will never be employed.
A better idea is to increase the family payments for the first two children born in Australia and don't provide assistance for any extra children.
They think they are so elegant and modest but they are just so desperate to seem better than other women
@@Ирина-и8щ3м 🫂
I agree and they're probably doing so to compensate for the fact that they have been so marginalized as if you almost literally invisible and therefore desperately try to find some type of superiority over anybody because people down inside they know that they're worthless
To me the French idea is " freedom" A burka is an insult to this concept and should be banned.
Sharia law does not belong in Civilized developed free countries....
It is not fair to a child to be raised in a free country that allows you freedom of choice...
Freedom to be able to choose your mate and marry who you love of your own free will..
And expect them to live like they are in a Islamic country having to behave like they are the property of someone other than themselves...
Rather than living free .
She wants to feel like she belongs she does it because she most likely was not loved or was not par of big family this makes her feel like she fits in
The Burka is a sign of SIN following Lucifer the Fallen Angel..
They want to hide their beauty but only for their husbands .they have more honor than your sisters and daughters but you guys trying hide this truth 😂
Your sisters get naked in the beach and wear tight skirts and show their materials and twerking on social media but Islamic women don’t .this is the FACT but you act the reason is something else .ENVY 😂
Lol like france has ideas
Love the comments I’m reading here. When you move to another country you respect their culture and you assimilate not the other way around.
We americans have been saying it for years
I'm sure the western media will start crying and shouting if UAE (Dubai) force the westerners to wear the Islamic veil
@@alkingabod185 you are doing in iran
did anyone claim that Iran is a secular state ?
@@alkingabod185 if any one claim that secularism is accepted in islam? As far as I know muslims should fight to any non muslim government and they call it taghot طاغوت
I like how they say “women who choose to coverup”. It right up there with the women who choose to be beaten, stoned, lashed, disinherited, and subjected.
Yet you choose to shame them- hurt them- attack them? Genius right here
well said
Well it’s not like as you r thinking .you need to do some research
Only 10 women cover up in my town. And that is very low percent. Others chose not to wear it and nobody forces them.
Obviously some women do choose to be dominated as do some men , look at the 3 teenage girls from Bethnal Green who couldn't wait for that way of life ! , and they knew exactly what sort of life in the West they were giving up !
I once went to a meeting with a group of women near Paris. There were five or six of us and our children, the oldest was about ten years old. It was a diverse and accepting group. One of the women arrived in a burka, with only her eyes showing a bit. We were all uncomfortable because first of all, there were no men in the house and so the burka seemed superfluous (she had been told there were no men) but she decided to keep it anyway. And secondly, none of us felt we could involve her in the conversation. She was cut off by her shield of fabric. If she spoke, we listened but I found it very difficult to communicate with her. It was as if she wasn't really there. I was surprised. Up until that point, I had no problem with women wearing burkas - I'm of the opinion that we should all wear what makes us comfortable - but after that encounter, I think of a burka as a way of hiding or blanking out a person, not just their appearance, but who they are. It totally isolates a person from society and from friendships. None of us in that meeting managed to get acquainted with the woman and that is sad. She never came back. Also, it was very warm in the room where we were (summertime) and throughout I felt sorry for her being under all that fabric. I cannot imagine how uncomfortable she must have been.
so youre willing to violate youre own people shloud wear what ever they want rule ? i bet you still have the same naive thinking - just this one exception and only because of how YOU FEEL about it. this is whats wrong with liberals the most fascist of all
I agree with France’s decision to ban the burqa. Every Nation has a right to defend its secular framework in law and while there may be freedom to practice religion, but religious belief is subordinate to the Law of the Land and the Constitution of the Nation.
Its true you want to see how pretty our women are. Unfortunately for you your own women are becoming muslim and covering.
So wearing a burka is an attack on the secular framework of France and Switzerland? But wearing a Sikh turban isn’t, or a Christian cross chain, or Buddhist robes, or even a Jewish hat? Seems like just like a load of bigotry against Islam.
Your moms gay
Constitution is not divine revelation, it's the lawmakers who make based on general principles and change whenever necessary.
@@dave84111 ay fu©king mu$lim! $hut the fu©k up! Get out of france!
When in France, do as the French do, anotherwords, live by Frances laws, not Sharia law.
@@Rain_21 what does 'don't it doesn't it make you look smart' means? Anyway, when in France, abide French laws 😉
Era Of Dissolution it doesn’t make you look smart either to criticize someone for their comment when you can’t even proof read your own before making it public for all to read!!!
You cant practice Islam without sharia, genius. Sharia is the legal basis of Islam and covers every aspect of a muslims life. Just like how 1 cannot practice orthodox Judaism without Halakhah or be a devout traditional Catholic without Canon Law. There is nothing wrong with Islam or sharia, let muslims live according to their beliefs
If a woman goes to their country, and goes outside without a man to “watch over her” she’ll face very HEAVY punishment.
Yet they complain about following rules in the country that took them in and protected them from their country.
I would never want my nieces to come to a country that treats women/girls horribly.
Deport Deport Deport! When in a host country do as they do or leave! You do not want to? Too bad, get the hell out n go back to your sand infested lands.🤔
That is not true. I have lived in Saudi Arabia and there are no such laws. Saudi women do go out with family members but it is out of choice. They only recommend that you dress modestly but it is for your own protection. There are a lot of foreign workers in Saudi Arabia who live there for many years without female companionship (family, wives etc.) Who get exited if they see women not dressed modestly and things happen. There have been instances of rapes and the penalties are dire like public beheading. Foreign women are not forced to wear the burka and I have even seen foreign women strutting around in tight jeans and small blouses especially in Jeddah. They are taking a risk and that is why the Saudi government recommend that you dress modestly. To protect yourself. But no laws or punishments. If you go to Rome, tourists will not be allowed inside churches dressed immodestly. If you go on an organized tour that will visit churches, they won't let you on the tour bus if you are not dressed modestly. When going out shopping in Jeddah, my wife always dressed with beautiful long flowing dresses and a scarf on her head, very modest and the fashion is actually very beautiful. The Saudis were always appreciative of the way she respected their traditions and were always extremely nice to us and respectful.
If u not willing to embrace a country’s traditions and culture,then stay in your country.Go Switzerland……from Mauritius!!!!
Correct. The worst part is: their holy book itself prohibits all muslims to live in countries governed by non-muslims! They are going to hell anyway. Or they are invading the West for a future, very bloody jihad with genocides and endless rapes.
And if anyone don't like it I suggest you move to a country that does like it.
Funny how no one said that to Europeans when they were colonising these people's countries.
@That Thing a lot of people like to blurt out and live in the 1300s,
And they like to use colonise instead of educate and teach.
J OneLife
I appreciate what you say .Im not saying all white people .Im talking about the most specially their decision makers . Even Canada does promote the Indecency.it accepted the sexual relationships outside marriage (adultery),they legalize strip clubs,sex stores on public where you can easily see the toys from outside.legalize homosexuality and made their annual celebration in a street called (Church Street).If you read the Bible and exactly what Jesus was saying by (his tongue) and his actions and what he did,you will realize that Muslims are the closest people to the Christ peace Ben upon him
Did jews integrate into British Mandate for Palestine? No, they just colonized it and made it into Israel. So why should immigrants integrate into the French culture? The reason why I am saying is, is that the far-right party tend to support Israel's agenda, which for me seems very paradoxically because they are against immigration, but Israel was built by immigrants who did not want to integrate into Palestinian culture and did not want to be part of Palestinian citizens.
@@user-oc5gh9lr4f *What about all of those Muslim porn stars I've seen on pornhub and all of those stories about Mohammad PBUH sucking little boys cocks he was a dirty pedo after all.*
YES, "when in Rome behave like the Romans" as the saying goes, if a French woman went to a Arab country they are told to cover-up in France we don't cover.... Furthermore we don't want surprises
False. In Saudi Arabia, foreigners aren't encouraged or forced to wear anything. They don't have to wear an Abaya, Hijab or Burqa. You should really read the Saudi Arabian dress code for foreigners.
We would decimate the rome . The black flag shall be flying very high on every mountain top . We await but the command of Allah .
+Adolf0is0winner Bro, you just said in another comment that you were French and that you will conquer us Arabs. What are you on about?
@Leonardo moreira
We dont care what saudi Arabia says or does to you but what Allah has commanded is real justice and takes precedence over all man made ideologies .
Veil is comandment of Allah the L-rd of worlds . Veil is essential and must be adhered to . Any one forcing us to remove should be fought with . Its declaration of war on islam .
@@Adolf0is0winnerI will fight you!
YES !!!!! We are a WESTERN COUNTRY we identify by FACES !!!
A D, a slut is woman that behaves like a man.
Please explain me why a man can have sexual experience and a woman can't. How do you do in your country? If the woman are all pure and chast I suppose the man are having sex with each others... 🤔 Or have lots of sex alone with porno magazines.
How can a man respect a woman like that you asked? Guess what? she doesn't need your respect. She need air, food, cloth, money, a few good friend. And maybe, in the future, a man that loves her. And if he doesn't love her, he is no good.
A D how can any man respect a woman who has been done by many man? The same way a woman respect a man that have done many women. So Simple.
I'm not jealous of your women. Somewhere in the past I was a virgin. I know the feeling. OK I'm not married yet, but that didn't stop me of having kids and having a happy life of companionship with their father. Who, by the way, never judged me, because himself wasn't a virgin. If my man thought like you, you can bet I wouldn't be with him.
I dont want to know about your sexual past, it would make me sick and i am just about to have my evening meal so i would throw up!
And on all the football fans too!
Why do Muslims always change the ISSUE, they NEVER give an HONEST or straight foreword answer... NO ONE Believes anything they say anyway... They ALWAYS blame others for their FAILURES .
Please take lesson from what these creatures did to beautiful Iran . Never allow this in your country under any excuses .
im sorry for what has become of the once proud and great nation of Iran - perhaps someday the oppressed people of that rogue nation will rise up and overthrow their tyranical masters and iran can breathe freely once more
That's the reason why true Persians hate Arabs, because the latter destroyed everything.
As a Muslim myself I'm in agreement with the governments on losing the barka because it can be threatening to ppl not able to see the face of whoever they're speaking with. Hijab is enough for modesty....
@@trishayamada807 If anything is pathetic here, it's you.
F10 No, she’s right.
@@Margalit10656 How so? I've had many people in my life who don't wear a hijab and no one calls them whores. And that "Islam takes humanity away." Is an entirely baseless claim.
She speaks the truth....women are people, not property...or to be hidden away
@@trishayamada807 no one is calling anyone where for not wearing hijab in the Quran anyways...it should emphasis on should be an extra step of a woman showing deviousness and humbleness. Man shouldnt have the power to tell a woman she has to make that choice nor should man have the power to tell a woman she CANT make that choice as what us happening here. First it's the burqa then hijab then clothes. Careful what power we give or take away.
"YES" France was right to ban the burka, and now its also right to ban it in Britain too.
ALLAH thePIMP If you can see the difference between christians and the KKK, I’m pretty sure you know the difference between muslims and ISIS. Each religion has its group of extremists, but for you to classify that over the whole faith/ religion... Maybe, become more aware? Become open minded?
surojeet chatterjee But, Europe isn’t just filled with a few religions, it’s diverse. While mos Arabic countries don’t have “big minority” groups
@surojeet chatterjee that is not true. go to uae, indonisia, saudi arabia, pakistan
@surojeet chatterjee choosing is slavery
no one is forced to go by the saudi and iran culture. I have been there many times without hijab and guess what? they didnt give a shit. also you europeans come to dubai, a muslim country wearing bikinis on the beaches so grow the fuck up
Consider it a very small price to pay to live in a better country....leave behind your religious attire!
HipHop Anonymous ; leave behind Islam as well
You think France is a good country?
I'm agree with u. Leave ur culture back. All immigrant are welcome but a pice
Freedom doesn't come cheap. Gotta give something to get something
Islam being the most barbaric 👍🏼
The most horrifying thing she said was...now she's covered up an men don't accost her...which is wildly wrong. Teach the men in Muslim culture to have respect and keep their hands to themselves...
In Quran it tells men to lower their gaze to respect women. But it also tells man and women to be modest. There’s a difference between Muslim culture and Islam. Muslim culture/Muslim individuals don’t always properly align with Islam. This same thing is applied to Christians in the west.
The University in our town in the USA had to explain that. Explain that they could not walk the street and grab women's breast as they walk about . The police had posted the sketch of a Muslim man that did so. So the University responded by having a course for Muslim men coming to study at the university and they had to be law abiding..
@@Raspberries9372 Not what we observe. They have no problem to shove older white women to move forward when exiting the plane. They do not know that in civilized countries, you wait for your row to exit and that shoving and older person is assault. You will be released the next day, but you will have a criminal record. I am old, it happened to me 2 months ago, i saw it done again on the next flight in Europe.two seventy something American women. i will not forget this.
@@Raspberries9372 say what you want...Muslim men are not held responsible for their actions and Muslim women are...haven't you heard of honor killing...it's twisted...
@Raspberries9372 Am sorry, but why should women in the West dress modestly because Muslim men can't control themselves because in the Islamic religion and culture, women are second class citizens women in the west fought for there wright's Muslims coming to west need get a grip of themselves we are not changing who we are and what we do to bend down to a foreign religion and culture you Muslims came to stop in our country's we didn't go to Islamic countries.
Ask for Shelter --> Rights to practice ---> Impose their law to other ----> Violence to impose that
Dear French people
Save France and its culture
Afghanistan is Example of how things get worse once they arrive.
The Afghani culture has been Muslim for hundreds of years. The westerners were the arrivistes.
Lol.....Linduuuuuu....getttt losttt frommm hereeee
@@aryanhassan4659 ?
@@bonaaq86 I was talking about the paganssss hindooos.....
Thats why japan germany getting impotent and getting extinct despite their technology their fertility rate dropping every yr wintetr is coming 🤣😅😅😅
It's abuse for women to walk around like ghosts
They look like Darth Vader's Royal Guard 🤭🤣🤣🤣🤣
That's the WHOLE POINT. stop being NOSY
It's more abusive for someone to dictate what the women wear voluntary.
It's stupid deciding what is abusive or not.
I completely agree with you. These woman won't wake up dear. I just stopped becoming friends with one woman. She born in USA but going to Pakistan to marry her cousin , she don't want but has zero gutts. I dropped her now. Shes not welcome in my world. She can't stand up for herself, well I don't want to be surrounded by that.
@@fashioncreator5119 what if she is comfortable and WANTS to cover up? If she is ok with who she is don't you think the problem is you and your definition of 'woke'?
Only the shoe wearer knows where it pinches as the saying goes
They can hide all types of weapons under that black tent. Adapt or Disappear
It’s the gloves that really get me.
Wow! She felt comfortable enough to show her eyes to us! I’m honored!
I hope that's serious and not a joke
@@user-ev4lq5fr1o That's her man's choice. She has no real choice except to say that it's her own choice, just to save herself from being beaten up or worse.
@@dinovolla9999You're talking about yourself and it's sad to hear you have a horrible life. Are you all right?
@@armes4189 My life is absolutely fine. And that's why I don't want other populations to invade our countries and transform our lives according to their own rules.
@@dinovolla9999 Relax, nobody wants to change your life. It shouldn't bother you what women want to wear; that's should be her choice.
yes and it should be banned everywhere.
Palladia aa
Support to the fullest. In Islamic country, it a symbol of abuse against women. Men does't want other men to orgal at their woman. In the west they turn it into an Islamic political movement = Islamic symbol of superiority against the infidels.
Where is justice,equality and freedom in france.
I think no rule in france only dictatorship use against muslim minority .
Palladia why dont you ban nun’s clothes coz they are similar to hijab
That dude totally does not let his wife do what she wants.
@@OpiumBride To quote the 1960' s woman 'Well she would say that wouldn't she'? He's sitting right beside her and would probably beat her if she doesn't obey him.
Imagine her poor children never seeing a mother's loving face.
@@stellaormes1844 Well her children can see her face thought
@@Sara-jm8hz no they can't
@@tankman7347 Ok, let me explain it to you her husband, sons, father, brothers, nephews, uncles, grandpas, granduncles, and all her forefathers can see her hair. And all the girls can see it anyway. If you don't want to believe me, then its up to
you. But atleast i have explained it.
My first thought and I bet he’s abusive to her.
We don’t care, this is France not Islamic countries
If you choose to live in Europe then you must abide by our laws. about time France, Marchons, Marchons. Bravo.
but why have a law implemented to uncover a modest woman
@@sweetiepie4328 You don't seem to realize the implications of Western society, we are nations that have always cherished freedom for everyone male or female everyone is born the same and equal be you male or female and communication of both sexes has always been cherished that includes, and this is important the recognition of facial expressions when we are speaking to each other. We have had terrible wars and disputes I don't deny that, but always all of us in the western world have cherished those basic laws of freedom.
Expect, colonialism is the true color of France not freedom.
keira 31 Yes freedom of expression, but you cannot have that if one party is hidden in a shroud of secrecy.
So you're saying the democracy is false, the right to do or wear what do you want the laws are above you and oppresing you, not disagree, this is why I'm a socialist.
I don’t get it did they let them all immigrating into France without seeing their faces ?
That's stupid
Yeah right
If you don't like the die . It is Allah's earth
Grace K
Yes, ijiit.
It's a visable sign of their determination to not integrate.
Good! We must embrace diversity and respect everyone’s right to choose how they identify.
@@preparenowseekshelter7568 Exactly. This is why host countries should not accept immigrants forcing laws on others. For example in Denmark removing pork from schools. It's ironic when immigrants want the host country to change into the country that they are fleeing.
They must live like french live. "Living in Rome like the romans".
It is a sign of dedication to their faith and their God.
@@preparenowseekshelter7568 Spoken like a true robot.
If they don't like the culture and refuse to adapt why did they come?
To take over that's the fkin craic
For the benefits.
Because they are colonizers that's Why
Actually, their holy book itself prohibits them to live in countries governed by non-muslims. Either they are all going to hell or they are knowingly invading the West for a future, very very bloody jihad full of rapes.
Should be banned everywhere.
@Punit MODI will do that
Srilanka also
Shut up toiletless pieces of shits
Stannis Baratheon No we wont.
yeah you are right, and then it sucks worshipping many Gods who have weird appereances and not allowed to eat meat.
I’m glad so many people agree that burqa should be banned
@@Frank289100 Use CapsLock.
@@George-iv1hi USE BURKA.
@@Frank289100 Use brain.
Yes, It is uncivilized and has no place in the modern world. This is not a case of racism but a case of being civilized
Sarojini Naidu Hindu, Ideals of Islam, speeches and Writings, Madras, 1918, P.169 "It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy for, in the mosque, when the call for prayers is sounded and worshipers are gathered together, the democracy of Islam is embodied five times a day when the peasant and king kneel side by and side and proclaim: "God Alone is Great" I have never been struck over and over again by this indivisible unity of Islam that makes man instinctively a brother."
John William Draper, M.D., L.L.D., A History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, London 1875, Vol. 1, pp. 329-330 Is written, Four years after the death of Justinian, A.D. 569, was born at Mecca, in Arabia the man who, of all men exercised the greatest influence upon the human race . . . Mohammed . .
AlienMagi You need to learn your history, most of what you see today is because of Islamic rulings.. Your Bible has blood & wars galore, is there one place any rules are placed? WHERE DO YOU THINK THE GENEVA CONVENTION RULES CAME FROM? Until 1940 women in Europe had NO Right to property that Muslim women had for centuries..
I can find 100 000 cases of white men raping women and children, but do I say "this is a European thing." We are more intelligent than to swallow what the media tell us.. The UNITED NATIONS CHARTER must be telling lies when it tells us USA have a rape every 15 seconds?
1840 - invasion of Fiji.
1841 - genocide on the island of Upolu (Drummond).
1843 - invasion of China.
1846-1848 war with Mexico.
1846 - aggression against the New Granada (Colombia).
1849 - shelling of Indochina.
1852 - invasion of Argentina.
1853-1856 - invasion of China.
1853 - invasion of Argentina and Nicaragua.
1854 - the destruction of the Nicaraguan city of San Juan del Norte.
1854 - an attempt to capture the Hawaiian Islands.
1855 - invasion and coup in Nicaragua.
1855 - invasion of Fiji and Uruguay.
1856 - invasion of Panama.
1858 - intervention in Fiji, genocide.
1858 - invasion of Uruguay.
1859 - attack on the Japanese fort of Taku.
1859 - invasion of Angola.
1860 - invasion of Panama.
1863 - punitive expedition to Shimonoseki (Japan).
1864 - military expedition to Japan.
1865 - invasion of Paraguay, genocide, 85% of the population destroyed.
1865 - intervention of Panama, coup d'état.
1866 - an attack on Mexico.
1866 - punitive expedition to China.
1867 - attack on the Midway Islands.
1868 - repeated invasion of Japan.
1868 - invasion of Uruguay and Colombia.
1874 - the entry of troops into China and Hawaii.
1876 - invasion of Mexico.
1878 - attack on Samoa.
1882 - the entry of troops into Egypt.
1888 - an attack on Korea.
1889 - punitive expedition to Hawaii.
1890 - the introduction of troops in Haiti.
1890 - the introduction of troops into Argentina.
1891 - intervention in Chile.
1891 - punitive expedition to Haiti.
1893 - the introduction of troops into Hawaii, the invasion of China.
1894 - intervention in Nicaragua.
1894-1896 - invasion of Korea.
1894-1895 - the war in China.
1895 - invasion of Panama.
1896 - the invasion of Nicaragua.
1898 - the capture of the Philippines, genocide (600,000 Filipinos).
1898 - invasion of the port of San Juan del Sur (Nicaragua).
1898 - the capture of the Hawaiian Islands.
1899-1901 - war with the Philippines.
1899 - invasion of the Nicaraguan port of Bluefields.
1901 - the entry of troops into Colombia.
1902 - invasion of Panama.
1903 - the entry of troops into Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Syria.
1904 - the entry of troops into Korea, Morocco.
1904-1905 - intervention in the Russo-Japanese War.
1905 - intervention in the revolution in Honduras.
1905 - the entry of troops to Mexico.
1905 - the entry of troops into Korea.
1906 - invasion of the Philippines.
1906-1909 - invasion of Cuba.
1907 - operations in Nicaragua.
1907 - intervention in the revolution in the Dominican Republic.
1907 - participation in the war of Honduras with Nicaragua.
1908 - invasion of Panama.
1910 - invasion of Bluefields and Corintho (Nicaragua).
1911 - intervention in Honduras.
1911 - genocide in the Philippines.
1911 - the introduction of troops into China.
1912 - the capture of Havana (Cuba).
1912 - intervention in Panama during the elections.
1912 - invasion of Honduras.
1912-1933 - the occupation of Nicaragua.
1914 - intervention in the Dominican Republic.
1914-1918 - a series of incursions into Mexico.
1914-1934 - the occupation of Haiti.
1916-1924 - occupation of the Dominican Republic.
1917-1933 - the occupation of Cuba.
1918-1922 - occupation of the Russian Far East.
1918-1920 - the introduction of troops into Panama.
1919 - landing of troops in Costa Rica.
1919 - war against the Serbs in Dolmatia on the side of Italy.
1919 - intervention in Honduras during the elections.
1920 - intervention in Guatemala.
1922 - intervention in Turkey.
1922-1927 - intervention in China.
1924-1925 - invasion of Honduras.
1925 - military operations in Panama.
1926 - the invasion of Nicaragua.
1927-1934 - the occupation of China.
1932 - the invasion of El Salvador.
1936 - intervention in Spain.
1937 - won with Japan.
1937 - intervention in Nicaragua, state coup.
1939 - the introduction of troops in China.
1941-1945 - the genocide of the civilian population of Germany (Dresden, Hamburg).
1945 - nuclear attack on Japan.
1945-1991 - sabotage activity against the USSR. (Invasion of the airspace - more than 5000, parachute assaults -
1940, direct diversions, the total budget - 13 trillion dollars).
1946 - punitive operations in Yugoslavia.
1946-1949 - the bombing of China.
1947-1948 - Reconciliation of Vietnam, genocide.
1947-1949 - military operations in Greece.
1948-1953 - military operations in the Philippines.
1948 - military coup in Peru.
1948 - military coup in Nicaragua.
1948 - military coup in Costa Rica.
1949-1953 - attempts to overthrow the government in Albania.
1950 - punitive operations in Puerto Rico.
1950-1953 - intervention in Korea.
1951 - military assistance to Chinese rebels.
1953-1964 - security operations in British Guyana.
1953 - the overthrow of Mossadegh, who received 99.9% of the vote in the referendum.
1953 - Forcible deportation of the Inuit (Greenland).
1954 - Overthrow of the government in Guatemala.
1956 - the beginning of military assistance to Tibetan insurgents in the fight against China.
1957-1958 - an attempt to overthrow the government in Indonesia.
1958 - the occupation of Lebanon.
1958 - bombing of Indonesia.
1959 - the entry of troops into Laos.
1959 - punitive operations in Haiti.
1960 - military operations in Ecuador.
1960 - invasion of Guatemala.
1960 - Support for a military coup in El Salvador.
1960-1965 - interference in the internal affairs of the Congo. Support Mobutu.
1961-1964 - a military coup in Brazil.
1961 - a terrorist war against Cuba using bacteriological weapons.
1962 - punitive operations in Guatemala.
1963-1966 - coup d'état and punitive operations in the Dominican Republic.
1964 - punitive operation in Panama.
1964 - support for the coup in Brazil.
1964-1974 - interference in the internal affairs of Greece.
1965 - a coup d'état in Indonesia, genocide.
1965-1973 - aggression & Orange Gas against Vietnam.
1966 - intervention in Guatemala.
1967 - Support for the coup and subsequent fascist regime in Greece.
1968 - hunting for Che Guevara in Bolivia.
1971-1973 - the bombing of Laos.
1971 - American military assistance in the coup in Bolivia.
1972 - the entry of troops into Nicaragua.
1973 - coup in Chile.
1973 - terror in Uruguay.
1974 - Support for the regime of Moboth in Zaire.
1974 - preparation of aggression in Portugal.
1974 - attempted coup in Cyprus.
1975 - the occupation of Western Sahara, the introduction of troops in Morocco.
1975 - interference in the internal affairs of Australia.
1975 - an attack on Cambodia.
1975-1989 - Support for the genocide in East Timor.
1978 - military assistance to the dictator, financing of the genocide.
1979 - Support for the cannibal Bocas.
1979 - military assistance to the rebels of Yemen.
1980-1992 - military presence in El Salvador, special operations, genocide.
1980-1990 - military assistance to Iraq. A million dead in ten years.
1980 - support and funding of the Khmer Rouge.
1980 - operation "Gladio" in Italy, 86 victims.
1980 - punitive operation in South Korea.
1981 - attempted coup in Zambia.
1981 - military pressure on Libya, downed two Libyan aircraft.
1981-1990 - Contra support, terrorism, genocide.
1982 - interference in the internal affairs of Suriname.
1982-1983 - attack on Lebanon.
1982 - Support for the genocide in Guatemala.
1983 - intervention in Grenada.
1983 - interference in the internal affairs of Angola.
1984 - two Iranian planes were shot down.
1984 - mining of the bays of Nicaragua.
1985 - financing of the genocide in Chad.
1986 - an attack on Libya.
1986-1987 - attack on an Iranian ship in international waters, the destruction of the Iranian oil platform.
1986 - financing and military support of social terror, seizure of natural resources.
1987-1988 - participation in the Iraq war against Iran, the use of chemical weapons.
1988 - financing of terror and genocide in Turkey.
1988 - the explosion of a passenger plane "Pan American" over Scotland. The wine was recognized in 2003.
1988 - invasion of Honduras.
1988 - the destruction of the Iranian passenger aircraft.
1989 - intervention in Panama.
1989 - two Libyan planes were shot down.
1989 - bombing in the Philippines.
1989 - punitive operation on the Virgin Islands.
1990 - the genocide in Guatemala.
1990 - Iraq's naval blockade.
1990 - financing of the Bulgarian opposition ($ 1.5 million)
1991 - aggression against Iraq.
1991 - the bombing of Kuwait.
1992-1994 - the occupation of Somalia.
1992 - genocide and terror in the capture of the natural resources of Angola (destroyed 650,000 people).
1993-1995 - the bombing of Bosnia.
1994-1996 - terror against Iraq.
1994 - genocide in Rwanda (about 800,000 people).
1995 - the bombing of Croatia.
1998 - the destruction of a missile strike by a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan.
1998 - the bombing of Iraq.
1999 - aggression against Yugoslavia.
2001 - invasion of Afghanistan.
2002 - the entry of troops into the Philippines.
2003 - actions in Liberia.
2003 - clashes with Syrian border guards.
2004 - the entry of troops into Haiti.
2004 - Attempted coup in Equatorial Guinea.
2008 - the invasion of Pakistan.
2008 - The war in South Ossetia
2011 - The war in Libya
2013 - The war in Syria
2014 - The War in Ukraine
OZ KING when you don't swallow what media tells you then how did you find out about the every 15 second rape, more interesting how do you know who did it, or do you think it's only white people in the USA.
Be careful with so much intelligence, your head might become to heavy for your small shoulders.
They talk about the freedom to practice Islam but they absolutely do not accept any other religions!
THIS. Why is this such a difficult thing to understand???
They don't deserve the freedoms they've been allowed; go to the countries where the only acceptable religion is Islamic if they don't like it.
They actually do, non-Muslims just have to pay an "Infidel tax"......that's all.
Muslims can practice their ideology/religion in their homeland.
Islam is a evil religion. Their purpose is to destroy all other religions by force. A bombing religion
For decades mainstreams has artificially build sense of guilt in European people to facilitate the acceptance of hordes of barbarians that nothing had to do with European values. For decades govs have facilitated migrants to come and thrive with welfare programs exclusively dedicated to them. Now they have taken over and I dunno if there is way back. I am scared it is too late.
I am proud of France. Finally a country that is not afraid to say the truth. If you are French, you should feel proud. I wish the USA and the rest of Europe would be as honest.
Such an honest bunch, excepting Rainbow Warrior, oh, and French Indo China. Colonisation was really helpful for those people.
@@andybrown6981 not to mention they still colonize many African nations with currency traps.
Americans don't need to tolerate Muslim bs. They are strong enough to deal with Muslims just like they did in Middle East.
After EVERYTHING that the French "patriots" did to their own people with Madame de Guillotine & then just a few years later, went all in on EMPEROR Napoleon, methinks u should take SEVERAL SEATS! 😂
The USA IS honest. They don’t have a closed mindset like Europe. That’s why people in America have freedom, unlike Europe. I’m glad to live in such a free country where they’re not offended by a piece of cloth.
If she believes she can’t show herself to the world for her husband, then why is he able to do so
their house their rules
in the middle east they have rules which for others are ridiculously concerning. so if france have that rule they have to abide, if it they disapprove by the rule they are free to leave.
This always makes me angry, even though I'm an atheist, that they fund the building of mosques in Western countries to the tune of billions of dollars but just try to build a single Christian church in Saudi Arabia. They use our tolerance against us and from their point of view it makes us an easy target. They have a much longer view of history than we do. They remember the goals of the Caliphs to conquer Europe. They remember when they owned Eastern Europe up to the gates of Vienna Austria and nearly all of Spain up to the Cantabrian Mountains in the far north. They remember sacking every City, Town, and Village from Ireland to modern Ukraine and when any European living within 10 miles of the sea was subject to enslavement and death at their hands. WE DON'T. They know how far they've fallen in terms of relative power and they want it back. We have no idea and the way we think and act is as if we were always in charge of everything. They're playing a game where the goal is our destruction and we're not playing at all. Most people don't even know the game is being played.
Did the Middle east ever claim to be a secular state? no? did Switzerland and France ever claim to be strict Christian or Jewish states? no? Case closed.
Your point?
@@michaelstjohn.8873 Are you really that stupid? If a country claims to be secular, then it means that the country allows for free practise of religion regardless of it's "extremist" beliefs. These countries are banning the practise of our beliefs so they don't remain secular anymore now do they? But the Arabian countries you guys always mention while trying to come up with a comeback have never even claimed to be secular, not in the history of their existence, because they are holy lands for Muslims, but look at other Muslim countries that are NOT considered to be holy lands, like Turkey, UAE and Pakistan, they are secular Muslim countries that allow freely for non Muslims to live there.
@@retrogamer2503 In UAE, Pakistan there are many restrictive laws for non muslims, like blasphemy law, or How non muslims can never be head of state, and also islamic religion included in every scene of public life like schooling, hospitals etc.. France and Switzerland are secular countries in the sense of that the governments of those countries are seperate from religion. They must ban every extremist, and damaging aspects of all religions. Burqa wearing is extremism. the veil system/ burqa has been used as a patriarchal way of negating the male gaze and sexual desire toward female bodies. men forcing other women to wear a burqa represents his possessive ownership of her.. It's a misogynist symbol and takes from a women her dignity as a human. And again, they banned the face covering stuff. Not the hijab. How's the burqa a basic aspect of your religion? Are you wahabbi? I'm an ex muslim and I've been to Umrah..Even around the kaaba women Don't cover their faces, they show it and just cover hair and body.
Pity we don't do the same in the UK..a woman knocked on our door wearing a Burqa so I just opened our letterbox looked through it and said how do you like it !
Big man, you are.
Man! I laughed so hard! I'm in America & that reaction is gold everywhere.
OMG not the civilized Europeans being totally civilized 😍
Of course, it's their country. When you have the privilege to immigrate to a different country you can't be disrespectful and force your own culture on your host, instead you must adapt into their culture. If you don't like it then you can just leave. It's as simple as that.
Totally agreed.
Your perfectly right.
I am a women, not a european but I totally agree to you !
How tf is wearing what you want to wear “forcing your culture”. Its literally a dress it’s not affecting anyone.
when in Rome be a Roman a simple way to keep peace
@quiss piss yup got ya. Like the way you just go in and out the toilet as if water is nothing
It looks like the roman are covering their faces so it’s legal to wear a burqa now
Thank you COVID-19
hmmss, this is not american way
@@Elpistolero9 prophet Muhammad sucks my dick.
You have so much time to reply to every comment.
@@rajnek3671 he is unemployed and living in his parents basement
I’m confused. If they want to live by Eastern World standards why don’t they live in the Eastern world? Oh yeah that’s right. If you choose to live in the Western world you must follow our rules. Period.
You racist bitch
@ Islam is not a race...
@ the West needs a ban on Islam, why? Any ideology that would see the death penalty for inherently non-violent acts e.g. blasphemy, apostasy, homosexuality, adultery has no place in any society aspiring to become civilized.
@ *"Stop the hating muslims"* I do not hate any human, in fact I love all life, human & non-human, but I make no apologizes for being critical of any religious ideology that is the impetus for adherents to cause others(human & non-human) to suffer unnecessarily.
Bitch learn some history . The eastern world was living until it was invaded . Now it needs to invade
I feel very uncomfortable around women who have their faces covered...we don't know if is not a man instead of a woman underneath...when I see them I have the feeling that something bad may happen. I can't take seriously and I can't trust a person who has the face covered.
The French have the right to ban this as the Saudis are free to enforce dressing "modestly" to non-muslims plain and simple.
My dude, neither are right
@@enyafeckenham5730 ikr finally someone say it
@@enyafeckenham5730 sadly you do not decide what is right or wrong for other people
Saudi is a country under Muslim rule. France on the other hand aren’t under any religious rules. Like how England used to be Protestant and catholic during the 1500s, so your statement makes no sense.
Ashty anyone can go to vatican LOL. Christians aint bigots like yall.
Yes they were right, uk should ban it also
Billy B UK is sick, the politicians are sickos, they will soon reap the sickness of such grave mistake. They can easily disguise explosive in it and do precision bombing.
Should ban the whole thing.
UK have no balls on this issue.
They should Ban Burqa, There should UK uniform for women. Heheheh
COVID-19 : Let me introduce myself
Yes. Everyone has to show face for proper identification
same like no one can walk into a bank with a ski mask on. if someone wants to go that extreme and completely cover their face then why go to a country that is opposite that? You can’t force that on a society that doesn’t want that.
Nii Cole if the woman is going to the bank or airport she has to show her fact. However, who in the hell are you to tell them what to wear? Is being half naked better than fully covered? Not ONE terrorist attack since the beginning of humanity was from a woman wearing a burka or even a hijab. So, you don’t have an excuse to force them not to wear it. But of course, you’re just like every other racist.
oh honey she didnt go to the country she was born there and grew up in france. you little knowledge of anything makes you look stupid.
@@kingakuma1990 what part of the body's the fact?.
No niquabi I know is unwilling to show their face for medical and ID purposes.
Sorry covid decides if you should cover or not. Or should i say The Lord himself the lord of mother MARY!
I wish government in UK ban this ghastly burka.
And Australia give us back our own cultures.
And the USA
don't just get riid of burqas but get rid of the wearers also.
Tell them to sign a paper if they want to wear it and then you put them on a plane4😂😂😂
Yes absolutely. It is an affront to the whole Western way of life....
Cover your face COVID-19 incoming
@@Elpistolero9 we still can have our hairs out though. And wearing dresses, or skirts. And necklines. Cry me a river now.
Alice fait des carabistouilles
I don’t care what you wear in your country, but you don’t have the right to tell us what to wear or how to live
@@Elpistolero9 I have no right, in fact. But people while in the country (France here) need to follow the rules of the country. Covering your face, unless it's need (like covid), is forbidden. And there is a good reason for that : preventing felonies.
Why dont media project in saudi Arabia a church cant be built?
mamtha kim they. Know the killed immediately
mamtha kim are you dumb if there is no Christian citizen why would you built a church?
@@jamesjeffri9604 Estimates of the number of Christians in Saudi Arabia are between 1.5 and 3 million (mostly foreign workers) you ignorant dolt.
Seriously, guys like you like to complain about the so called intolerance of countries Like France, while the majority of muslim majority countries are FAR more intolerant than France
Same reason why there isn't any mosque in Vatican City. It's considered a holy land since Mecca and Madina are in SA. But, you can easily find churches in other Muslim countries like UAE, Kuwait, Egypt, etc.
Because no mosque in Vatican.
For security reasons, there should be no burqa. It covers the face that identifies you as an individual. Additionally, the burqa is a symbolic gesture that prevents you from integrating with society. Wearing a hijab with conservative or discreet clothing may just be alright, but a burqa is really another thing.
About time should happen here in England we believe in equality and freedom from oppression from men
But tyrannical abusive oppressive behavior by women is OK you're as nuts as the people you're criticizing you really are I mean what the **** is wrong with you don't you realize you goofball that any human being whether they have a penis or a vagina is capable of doing some really atrocious things and has done and is doing really atrocious things I so **** sick of people like you
How many children have been abused at the hands of an abusive mother marjorie
Hijab (face visible) is acceptable, but Burka and Nikab are full veils and a definite NO GO. Both Burka and Nikab are a security risk. I have seen armed militants in Kashmir wearing Burkas and slipping into the crowd to evade the security forces.
That woman is a danger to her family for raising them in such an environment that it will make it much harder to adapt to their Country.
They dont want to adapt it s the contrary
Notice how she couldn't talk unless her husband was there
That is not being allowed to live free in a free country...
Sharia law should be banned in all non Muslim based countries...
If you want to travel for vacation cool...
But NO!!!
You can not implement your birth countries way of life in someone else's country...
you will not be allowed to build mini versions of your birth country on foreign soil....
If you miss you home countries way of life...
First of all in Islam women are not allowed to talk or raise their voice that's what Mohammed said
It's called gaslighting.
Wish they'd bloody ban it in the UK, it's becoming very disconcerting to see it more and more. Can't help think there's a more sinister reason for the sudden popularity in wearing the covering.
The Sarai woman is oxymoronic, saying that she is free with her husband constantly over her shoulder oppressing any true opinions she could have. Women have the right to not live in fear from their husband or the men in their society! From a proud husband that does not keep tabs on or oppress his wife. Good job France to ban this terrible practice.
it's not a terrible practice though. it's not even compulsory. sad that many people in the world force their daughters to wear it when it's her choice.
@@somesovietcat1548 I agree, but in a society where the man is essentially "god" (has full control over everything) and the woman is a second class citizen without choice she has no true freedom. Therefore the burka is not a choice but a requirement forced by society/religion/men on women. Why else would a woman hide her face, because she is scared of retribution by misogynistic men who think it is okay to sexually assault women who they can see. This is an affront to rights for women. It is the same for Christian and Jewish fundamentalists that cloister women away as a control mechanism, stripping them of their liberties. Therefore I think France is correct in trying to take away religious fundamentalist practices that conflict with progress. Vive la France vive la Liberte!
@@yusrahashim1112 But it is compulsory by their husbands/men/religion/society (see my other response).
scholars, especially those belonging to the Salafi movement, view it as obligatory for women in the presence of non-related (mahram) males.
you sound like a moran... women have rights in islam if you only knew..
Yes they were right and all western countries should do the same! When I worked in Saudi Arabia I had to follow certain dress rules when I was outside. I was stopped many times while I worked there. walking the streets and drinking a bottle of coke. The police would ask to taste it. This was done many times has all they were doing was checking to make sure it was just coke in the bottle. I had no problem with any of this. I was a guest in their country to work and I respected their rules. People coming to a western country should abide by our rules. If they don't like it they can go back to their's!
What life and wealth? Migrants come to get the benefit of the civilization that their own countries don't have.
Well.. As long as they get free handout from our goverment, from the system WE've created, they will remain. Our own citizens vote for the parties who give the taxpayer's money to cater to these newcomers. *They have no reason to change.* At this point, it's their own choice. All they have to do is speak the local language. So u can't really blame these newcomers, can u? They can do as they please... as long as they leave me be offcorse. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
In Australia, both of the major political parties want more immigration and are dead scared of being labelled racist, so the voters don't really have much of a choice. I am thankful for COVID 19. It is giving us a little respite from the perpetual population growth.
Not All muslim countries have a dress code , only saudi arabia and iran
I disagree. If the rules infringe upon the western countries constitution, then the rules are wrong. In my country, I am allowed freedom of religion, although I am unsure if France has a good consitution, but a law like this would not be allowed in my country.
That one imam who's actually talking sense is being threatened by his very own people! Shows the kind of hypocrisy and danger associated with this religion!
Thats islam for u
@@Lionelmachtvideos islam is a cult. When you join you are not allowed to leave without violence & death threats.
Oh yeah of course he is being threatened. LIER
Stop making up lies about us and Muslims, it's you who enforces terrorism not us
@@AAreign69 its us yeah? Lets not talk abt the Jihadis and stuff right?🥴
@@mentos93 If Islam was a cult how come Salahaddin Al ayubi was known as "representation of Islam"?
Women cover their faces because they have value in Islam, Islam praises mothers alot more than fathers.
And tell me, why do you hide your money?
It’s sad that because of sexual abuse this woman chooses to entirely ‘disappear’. I understand she feels safer this way but it shows how we as a society have failed that once little girl so badly.
It means She didn't embrace Islam spiritually but due to PTSD.
Vote voix speaks of lack of education
It is heartbreaking.
If she simply wanted to cover up, she could do it in other ways. Her extreme dress is just a different way to get attention.
She went form one form of abuse to another and the secret is in the pudding.. she said these sweet things in front of her ‘abuser’.. so very sad… and notice arrogant ..wouldn’t surprise me if she taught her children the full Quran ,to kill the unbelievers.
I agree with the ban. When you meet a friend somewhere,you look for the face. It can be very scary, you don’t know who is under the veil, and being surrounded by them can be terrifying.
So you support the ban because the burka looks scary? Then all Halloween costumes should be banned as well! And Buddhist robes and Sikh turbans must be banned as well because they could be hiding a bomb underneath their clothes! But Arab and Muslim countries are forbidden from banning western clothes because personal liberty and freedoms is important!!!!
These comments are disgusting. The veil is part of our faith and we have every right to wear it. If you don’t like it then that’s your problem.
We all know what y’all mean. It’s not a “safety issue”, you just don’t like the way we look bc it’s different from what you usually see.
@@Olivia-wq6xq fr bro like they ain't the ones wearing it lol
Don't be so foolish! lol!
100% should ban burqa.
I'm Muslim and I live in the UK it pisses me off when I see fellow Muslims come to these countries and have no respect for the land, traditions and people. They (NOT ALL) act like they don't have to respect the land but if they are truly Muslim they'd know we are taught to always remember you're a foreigner in their land as much as they are in yours.
Me as a muslim l have no problem on banning burqa but hijab should not be banned
@PNJ PNJ are you from France l feel sad on what happened to your contry and l hope every refugees are not like that
@@asilaslapt1510 and who do you think to be for deciding what to ban? What knowledge or responsibility do you hold over the entire muslim community? Are you our Governor? Shut up.
As a Muslim I so much agree
What respect you expect and Muslims are not respecting?
I refuse to talk to letter boxes
Being that she is freely walking around looking like a ISIL bride says a lot about how nice the french people are. It's disturbing that she is even speaking up for such a representation and should be watched closely
You cannot dictate what a woman wears, if you can call a covering woman an ISIL bride, know that your kind are no different from hookers and prostitutes. Keep the same energy!
Nope, same way women in afghanisthan want to wear what they want, same here. Both taliban and french govt force women to dress how they want them to dress. Its 2022, if youre not comfortable with a woman wearing a burqa or bikini, look away instead of taking away theyre right to dress as theyre comfortable. Forcing a woman to take off her burqa os just a evil as forcing a woman to wear one, why are you so backwards? Let women wear what they want to wear.
she's deranged and brainwashed .... just hear her logic that she's wearing the veil because in "paradise" she would get rich. flowing hair .....
@@nayyarasiddiqua1809 Well you are incorrect mate. French dovt DID NOT tell what to wear for woman. The talibans Do exactly that. Lets dont pretend they are the same. There are no woman rights in taliban countries, if you feel like afghanistan is " just as evil" as paris why dont you just go there with your family then? Farewell. Stop the demagog bullshit.
@@nayyarasiddiqua1809 Exactly, people get so mad when they see a burka because it reminds of ISIS or whatever and they ban it in western countries, but they also get equally as mad if Muslims say western clothes reminds them of immortality and sexualisation or if the Taliban bans western clothing. It’s just double standards